

TITANS 通讯规约服务器 说明书

TITANS 通讯规约服务器 说明书

通讯规约服务器使用说明书(Vision 1.0)泰坦科技股份有限公司二零零六年十一月项目名称:通讯规约服务器用户手册开发小组:通讯规约服务器研发小组拟制:赵伟杰日期:2006年11月审核:日期:审核意见:批准:日期:修订记录日期修订版本描述作者2006年11月20日 1.0 初始版本赵伟杰目录1 概述 (4)1.1 应用范围 (4)1.2 主要配置 (4)1.3 性能特点 (4)2 硬件原理及使用说明 (4)2.1 装置整体结构 (4)2.2 装置通讯接口 (7)3 软件使用说明 (9)3.1 建立调试环境 (9)3.2 配置各通道通讯参数文件 (10)3.3 下载配置参数 (14)4 调试方法 (16)4.1 物理通道测试 (16)4.2 报文监视 (17)5 附件 (20)5.1 CDT规约扩展 (20)5.2 泰坦电源监控终端配置表 (24)1 概述1.1 应用范围本系统主要应用于35K 伏以上变电站的远动通讯,作为变电站的通讯网关,连接继电保护、测控装置和变电站后台,以及运动系统向调度转发数据;同时用于变电站内直流电源系统监控终端的规约转发。

1.2 主要配置TA2000-TX 通讯规约服务器配置为:共13个通讯通道:其中8个 RS-485通道、4个RS-232通道、1个10/100Mbps 以太网通道。

1.3 性能特点1、 技术先进:采用基于ARM 的嵌入式开发平台;2、 可靠、稳定:采用Linux 内核作为基础平台,实现多任务开发;3、 速度高、CPU 速度可以达到203Mzh 以上;4、 低功耗;只有5w 以内的功率;5、 多种通讯方式(RS232、RS485、以太网);6、 配置方面;每个通道都可以采用不同的通讯规约;2 硬件原理及使用说明2.1 装置整体结构图2.1.1 总原理图(1) 原理说明l 上行通道采用RS-232或LAN ; l 下行通道采用RS-232\RS-485;l 变电站内作为远动装置使用下行通道采用RS-485/RS-232,连接变电站内的继电保护装置、测控装置以及支流电源系统的测控装置;上行通道采用RS-232或以太网接口上送到调度中心或集控站;图 1 变电站应用 图2 直流电源应用 (2) TA2000-TXJ-A 面板图图2.1.1TA2000-TXJ-A前面面板图2.1.2 TA2000-TXJ-A背面面板(3)TA2000-TXJ-B面板图图2.1.2 TA2000-TXJ-B背面面板2.2 装置通讯接口1)TA2000-TXJ-A通讯接口l P1到P4串口DB9公接头(RS-232)连接l P5到P12串口DB9公接头(RS-485)连接针RS-232 RS-4851 DATA+2 RXD DATA-3 TXD4 GND GND56 -789l以太网RJ45连接器针信号1 ETx+2 ETx-3 ERx+456 ERx-78图2.2.3 以太网RJ45针描述l电源连接交流:85V – 265V;直流:100V – 310V;2)TA2000-TXJ-B型通讯接口l串口RJ45连接器TA2000-TX-A 型:通道口P1到P5采用RJ45连接器;TA2000-TX-B 型:通道口P1到P8采用RJ45连接器,RJ45针的描述如下表:针RS-232 RS-442 RS-4851 DSR2 RTS TXD+3 GND GND GND4 TXD TXD-5 RXD RXD+ DATA+6 DCD RXD- DATA-7 CTS8 DTR图2.2.1 串口 RJ45针描述l 以太网RJ45连接器针 信号 1 ETx+ 2 ETx- 3 ERx+ 4 5 6 ERx- 7 8图2.2.2 以太网RJ45针描述l 电源连接端子采用12至48伏直流电源; 3 软件使用说明3.1 建立调试环境1) 将通讯管理机与调试计算机通过网络连接(对等双交线即可);正负地2) 设置调试计算机和通讯管理机的IP 地址,使其在同一个网段上;调试计算机IP : 192。


图 9 电池管理选择界面 选择与系统相符合的选项,确定充电机是否与电池管理 通讯。 BMS 指示灯说明: 当 选 择 有 电 池 管 理 且 通 讯 无 误 时 ,则 BMS 指 示 灯 亮 ;当 数据错误或无数据时指示灯灭; 若 BMS 允许充电机启动,则 BMS 指示灯常亮; 若 BMS 禁止充电机启动,则 BMS 指示灯闪烁;
图 16 充电机参数设置界面 功能设置:设置此充电机电池管理、电池反接、单体限 压、上层监控等功能是否使能,如选择允许则使能,选择忽 略则不使能。如图 17 所示。
图 17 充电机功能设置界面 校准设置:为了保证输出和显示精度,充电机需要定期 校准。校准界面如图 18 所示。
校准时,(先选择增益为 1000,零点为 0000)测得两组 数据,分别为实际值和显示值。计算出增益和零点,输入校 准设置界面保存即可。
1、 额 定 输 出 功 率 : 60kW 2、交流输入电压:AC 380V±10%; 3、最高输出电压:DC 600V; 4、最大输出电流:DC 100A; 5、 输 出 稳 压 精 度 : ≤ 1% 6、 输 出 稳 流 精 度 : ≤ 1% 7、 启 动 电 压 过 冲 : ≤ 1% 8、 软 启 动 时 间 : ≤ 10s 9、 功 率 因 数 : >0.85( 满 载 ) 10、 效 率 : >90%( 满 载 ) 11、 工 作 环 境 温 度 : -20~ 40℃ 12、控制系统供电:AC 220V,峰值功率<200W
图 18 充电机校准设置界面 充电机电池管理设置界面:如电池管理允许,则可选择 电池管理设置界面,如下图 19 所示。对电池管理的速率,协 议类型等进行设置。
图 19 充电机电池管理设置界面 (二)模块系统参数设置



珠海泰坦接口工具用户手册珠海泰坦软件系统有限公司联系电话:2009年4月目录1接口工具配置 (1)1.1环境部署(安装.NET2.0框架) (1)1.2安装数据库(以ORACLE客户端为例) (2)1.2.1 ORACLE客户端(仅当连接oracle数据库时需要) (2)1.3接口工具使用流程 (9)1.4从超越和darms产品中导出模板文件 (10)1.4.1导出超越模板 (10)1.4.2导出darms模板 (14)2主系统接收超越和darms数据流程 (16)3配置文件夹介绍 (16)3.1 Template (17)3.2 Data (17)3.3 Build (18)4接口工具使用 (19)4.1 模板工具使用 (19)1.模板源选择 (20)2.连接数据库 (22)3.选择新旧系统 (23)4.选择档案类型 (24)5.对应档案类型 (24)6.编辑字段 (25)7.删除字段 (28)8.新加字段 (29)9.选择模板路径和保存模板 (31)4.2转换工具使用 (33)1.配置路径 (34)2.处理类型 (34)3.生成XML文件 (34)4.日志 (35)1接口工具配置1.1环境部署(安装.NET2.0框架)点击.NET2.0框架安装文件夹,双击运行安装程序,系统会自动检测本机是否安装.NET Framework 2.0程序,如果没有安装会自动弹出安装该组件的协议框,如下图:点击【接受】按钮,进行程序安装,如下图:1.2安装数据库(以ORACLE客户端为例)1.2.1 ORACLE客户端(仅当连接oracle数据库时需要)安装前提:1.接口工具所连接的数据库是oracle数据库2.当工具不在数据库所在的服务器机器上运行,并且本机没有安装oracle数据库或客户端。




文件分类:使用说明书资料编号:TXJ-2/SSM文件版本:V1.0型别:S第二代通信机组态工具 使用说明书 共 43 页编制:____________________ 审核:_____________________审定:_____________________批准: ______________________珠海优特电力产品配套有限公司2001 年7月9日1 概述 通信机2组态工具是为第二代通信机量身定做的工具软件包,主要提供给第二代通信机调试人员,用于现场的调试及维护工作。


 1.1 工具的安装及启用 1.1.1 安装运行环境 l 586/200以上PC机 l 64M以上内存(建议128M以上) l 300M以上硬盘空间(建议800M以上) l 256色显示卡(建议用真16位,分辨率1024*768,小字体) l 3.5”软驱和/或光驱 l Windows95/98/2000 1.1.2 工具的安装 第二代通信机组态工具软件的安装程序发布在3.5”软盘或本公司制作的光盘上。


工具软件安装完成后,会在桌面自动生成TXJ2TOOL工具的快捷方式和开始菜单的程序的通信机组态工具的TXJ2TOOL菜单项。工具的安装步骤 运行盘上DISK1上的Setup.exe程序,按照其体示进行安装. 12第一步:安装向导,按next按钮进行下一步安装第二步:版权信息,按YES按钮进行下一步安装第三步:工具信息,按Next按钮进行下一步安装第四步:按Next按钮进行下一步安装3第五步:选择安装目录,按Next按钮进行下一步安装第六步: 按Next按钮进行下一步安装4第七步: 按Next按钮进行下一步安装第八步: 按Next按钮进行下一步安装5第九步: 文件拷贝第十步: 安装结束 1.1.3 启用工具 可以通过程序组或桌面的快捷方式,启动第二代通信机组态工具软件包的6集成环境,参见图1-1:第二代通信机组态工具主窗口。

triguard sc300e mrb01xs远程总线扩展器从设备 使用手册说明书

triguard sc300e mrb01xs远程总线扩展器从设备 使用手册说明书

Triguard SC300EMRB01XSRemote Bus Extender Slave Module(MRB01XS)Issue4October2005 INTRODUCTION AND TEC HNICAL DATAPURPOSEA Remote Bus Extender Slave Module MRB01XS(Figure1-1)is located in each of the three right-hand slots(A,B and C)of a remote extension chassis.Fibre optic cables link each MRB01XS to a corresponding master module(MRB04XM)in a local extension chassis.The master and slave modules operate together as part of an interface between the I/O modules in the remote extension chassis and the processor m odules(MPPs)in the main chassis.Figure2-2shows how the MRB01XSs are linked by fibre optic cables to the MRB04XMs and then by ribbon cables to the MPPs.This document is intended to provide a general understanding of the function of the MRB01XS suff icient to enable basic maintenance operations to be effected in the field.NOTEThe chassis that contains the MRB01XS will be referred to as the‘remote’chassis throughout this document.ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION008-51182MRB01XS October 2005–Issue 4Trigua rd SC300EFigure 1-1MRB01XS General view and front panel detailTriguard SC300E MRB01XS Remote Bus Extender Slave Module SPECIFICATIONENVIRONMENTAL SPECIF ICATIONSThe maximum ambient temperature measured at the hottest point within the Triguard system shall not be greater than60degrees centigrade.Temperature operating:+5°C to+60°CTemperature storage:-25°C to+70°CHumidity:5%to95%non-condensing at ambient<40°CCertification:General Certification:Ref.SC300E TMR Product Guide(ref008-5209)TRANSPORT AND HANDLINGThe MRB01XS must be transported and stored in its original packing material which should be retained for this purpose.MRB01XS October2005–Issue 43Trigua rd SC300ETECHNICAL DESCRIPTIO NPHYSICALThe MRB01XS Remote Bus Extender Slave Module is a9U high PCB with integral front panel.A general vie w of the main components is shown in Figure2-1.EXTERNAL CONNECTIONSThe MRB01XS is plugged into the remote chassis backplane bus system via two DIN41612 connectors J1and J2.Connections to the associated master module are via fibre-optic cables which plug into transmitter and receiver connections on the front panel.CONNECTOR SUMMARYTable2-1.Connector summaryCONFIGURATION AND INDICATORSThe MRB01XS has no user configuration.The Tx and Rx LEDS on the front panel flash to indicate that their respective fibre optic links are passing data.The single Health indicator(green LED)on the fron t panel illuminates in normal operation.4MRB01XS October2005–Issue 4MRB01XS October 2005–Issue 45Triguard SC300E MRB01XS Remote Bus Extender Slave ModuleU3 (FPGA)Fuse F1Figure 2-1MRB01XS Side viewConnector J1Connector J2Trigua rd SC300EEXPANSION BUSExpansion bus architectureThe main and any local extension chassis are interconnected by ribbon cables running between expansion bus connectors‘e’on their respective chassis backplanes as shown in Figure2-2.The expansion bus may be further extended to up to four remote chassis per master module(up to an overall maximum of15chassis per SC300E system)by means of fibre-optic cables terminated at master and slave remote bus extender modules.The maximum number of remote chassis per SC300E system is eleven—given by the combination:1x main+3x local+11x remote=15chassis total.Figure2-2Bus extension to remote chassisNOTEThe Remote Bus Extender Slave Modules will only support the chassis in which they are fitted. Additional chassis CANNOT be added to a Remote Extension Chassis.THEORY OF OPERATIONFigure2-2shows the general architecture of the system and identifies the position of the MRB01X S.The overall function of the system is to interface the I/O modules of the remote chassis with the processors in the main chassis.At a local level,the MRB01XS terminates one end of the fibre optic data link,operating as a slave to the associated maste r module at the other end of the link.6MRB01XS October2005–Issue 4Triguard SC300E MRB01XS Remote Bus Extender Slave Module Remote chassis address selection is controlled from the associated remote bus extender master module MRB04XM.Refer to the Remote Bus Extender Master Module User Manual (Ref008-5117)for details.There are no address setting links or switches on the MRB01XS itself.The chassis address setting links‘UNIT ID0to3’at the rear of the remote chassis backplane are not used.Links fitted in these positions will have no effect.The primary function of the MRB01XS is to respond to remote chassis I/O module read/write requests received via the fibre optic data link.The presence of the fibre optic data link precludes the use of a serial communications module in a remote chassis.All other types of I/O module are supported.The module provides identical timing for remote chassis I/O operations as the MPP provides for main chassis I/O operations.Although the MRB01XS is part of a triplicated system,the module itself is simplex in operation.Redundancy derives from the fact that there are three such modules in each remote chassis.The MRB01XS supports both single and dual slot hot repair.Figure2-4shows the main functional areas of the MRB01XS circuit.Buffers regulate the two-way flow of data and control signals t hrough the module,under the overall control of the control logic.Power suppliesA pair of auctioneering diodes combines the two5.4Vdc power supplies from the chassis-mounted PSUs into a single5Vdc(nominal)supply for the module.Capacitive decoupling and overcurrent protection is provided.MRB01XS October2005–Issue 47Trigua rd SC300E123 UNIT ID123UNITID123UNITIDFigure2-3MRB01XS-Related backplane connectors8MRB01XS October2005–Issue 4Triguard SC300E MRB01XS Remote Bus Extender Slave ModuleFigure2-4MRB01XS-Block diagramMRB01XS October2005–Issue 49Trigua rd SC300ESERVICINGSCOPEThe MRB01XS is not field repairable.Field servicing operations are confined to the total replacement of faulty MRB01XS.Return the faulty MRB01XS for repair.DIAGNOSISA faulty MRB01XS will be apparent by a single I/O channel failure affecting all the field devices serviced by a particular remote chassis.The Health LED may also be extinguis hed CONFIGURATIONThere are no configurable links or switches.REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENTThere are no special warm start or other removal and replacement procedures.Simply withdraw the faulty module,replace it with a good one,and check that the Health L ED illuminates.10MRB01XS October2005–Issue 4Triguard SC300E MRB01XS Remote Bus Extender Slave Module SERVICE SUPPORTSPARE PARTSSpare parts and technical advice can be obtained from your local area offices.MRB01XS October2005–Issue 411。



珠海泰坦软件系统有限公司密集架SDK V1.1密集架通信接口使用手册版本日期修正人修正内容V 1.0 2012-10-31 李振威最初定制V 1.1 2012-11-16 李振威接口修正非常感谢您使用我们公司的产品,我们将竭诚为您提供最好的服务。





1 内容简介 (4)1.1概述 (4)1.2功能 (4)1.3组件 (4)2返回码释义表 (5)3接口说明 (6)3.1初始化设备 (6)3.2打开设备连接 (6)3.3关闭设备连接 (6)3.4查询设备总数 (7)3.5移动密集架,定位至<列> (7)3.6移动密集架,定位至<单元格> (7)3.7恢复密集架 (8)3.8查询所有设备信息 (8)3.9查询单个设备信息 (9)3.10查询所有设备状态 (9)3.11查询单个设备状态 (9)3.12查询温湿度 (10)3.13设置恒定温湿度 (10)4调用流程 (11)1 内容简介1.1概述该密集架SDK仅用于由珠海泰坦软件系统有限公司研发生产的密集架设备。


1.3组件TT_MJJ.dll 动态库文件TT_MJJ_CONFIG.xml 动态库配置文件2返回码释义表序号返回码类型释义1 R000 String 无效返回2 R900 String 成功返回3 R901 String 失败返回4 R902 String 网络故障3接口说明命名空间:namespace TiTanSoft。

密集架类:class MJJ。

以下接口示例均采用静态密集架类对象进行调用,若应用于 Web应用程序中,请在添加引用后,在class Global类中添加如下属性代码:public static MJJ Mjj = new MJJ( );3.1初始化设备String InitDevice( )①功能描述:初始化密集架设备环境。

Eaton LS-Titan限位开关TD05208001E设备说明说明书

Eaton LS-Titan限位开关TD05208001E设备说明说明书

New output options with LS-Titan limit switchesLSE-AX switch body IntroductionHistorically, limit switches were electromechanical devices providing a simple “open” or “closed” output. With the introduction of LS-Titan E, Eaton introduces new output options for limit switches: analog and solid-state outputs.Analog output limit switches (LSE-AX)Traditional limit switches are either “open” or “closed,” and as such, the user is provided with only two pieces of information. The LS-Titan limit switch family features a third output option: analog. Available in either 0–10 Vdc or 4–20 mA current loop signals, analog outputs are proportional to the position of the actuator within the limit switch body.Figure 1. Analog OutputThe graph above shows the analog output as it changes proportionally to the position of the switch actuator.Eaton Corporation Electrical Sector1111 Superior Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273) © 2010 Eaton CorporationAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. TD05208001E / Z9642 March 2010PowerChain Management is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Technical Data TD05208001E Effective March 2010New output options with LS-Titan limit switchesThe widespread use of inexpensive programmable logic controllers with analog inputs makes it easy to obtain far more application information than ever before.Now it is possible to answer a wide range of application questions:• Just how close is the target, in real-time?• How quickly is the target moving?• Is the target in the acceptable position range?• Should the machine speed up or slow down to compensate?LS-XRLAAnalog switch application exampleIn a typical application, an operator may want to monitor the position of ventilation in a damper door. The damper door can either be controlled by a linear motor or a manual override. In automatic mode, the linear motor is equipped with a feedback signal that communicates the door position back to the system, but whenin manual mode, the system still needs to know the door location. The basic analog output switch body is equipped with a small plunger providing just a few millimeters of vertical travel. While it would be possible to use the switch body by itself, it would be even easier to apply the switch with the switch head model LS-XRLA, featuring an adjustable length roller lever. Now, instead of just a few millimeters of motion, the switch lever can be adjusted to over 75 millimeters long and can be rotated to over 60 degrees either clockwise or counterclockwise.To install, position the switch relative to the door such that as the door moves through its travel, the lever makes the largest change in degrees possible up to the maximum of 60. The analog output of the switch is broken into 100 steps, so it is preferred to useas much of the switch’s range as possible to provide the highest resolution. This will result in the smoothest output curve possible.Solid-state output limit switches(LSE-02 and LSE-11)The LS-Titan family also offers two switch bodies with solid-state outputs. Typically found in optical or inductive switches, solid-state provides a number of advantages over mechanical contacts—and some disadvantages as well. Understanding the differences between these device types is critical to correctly applyingthe switch.Solid-state switches provide four key advantages over typical mechanical devices: adjustable trip points, lack of “contact bounce,” the ability to switch very low currents, and betterlong-term reliability.Traditional limit switches require the user to determine the trip point through a process of trial and error, or by providing some external mechanical adjustment. The solid-state switches in the LS-Titan family provide a “learn button” that allows the user to set the trip point. This makes installation and setup much quicker than the traditional method.When mechanical switches are applied to certain applications—like a switch feeding into a high-speed counter—problems can arise due to “contact bounce,” defined as an intermittent and usually undesirable opening of mechanical contacts during closure. This phenomenon could result in a single switch actuation being counted multiple times, resulting in inaccurate data to the counter. Solid- state devices do not have the contact bounce characteristic— these switches are either open or closed during a single event. Solid-state devices are also able to switch very low currents. Mechanical switches can sometimes develop contact resistance that can inhibit the ability to switch low currents over time.Some manufacturers have designed gold-flashed or self-wiping mechanical contacts to reduce the chances of contact resistance building up over time.Since solid-state switches don’t feature a mechanical operation, they are also more reliable over long time periods. Contact wear, caused by arcing during the switching of inductive loads, is not a problem with a solid-state device.Solid-state switches are not perfect for every application. Most are not rated for switching high currents, and are limited to DC-only operation. But, in the right application, solid-state switches canprovide significant advantages over their mechanical counterparts.。

Titan-Ti 篮子伸展器用户手册说明书

Titan-Ti 篮子伸展器用户手册说明书

Model 11-0115SL …... Titan-Ti Split Regular w/ StrātLoad Model 11-0116SL…………..Titan-Ti Regular w/ StrātLoad Model 11-0118SL …………Titan-Ti Tapered w/ StrātLoad Model 11-0119SL……Titan-Ti Split Tapered w/ StrātLoadDisclaimerThis manual contains general instructions for the use, operation and care of this product. The instructions are not all-inclusive. Safe and proper use of this product is solely at the discrestion of the user. Safety information is included as a service to the user. All other measures taken by the user should be within and under consideration of applicable regulations. It is recommended that training on the proper use of this product be provided before using this product in an actual situation.Retain this manual for future reference. Include it with the product in the event of transfer to new users. Additional free copies are available upon request from Customer Care.Proprietary NoticeThe information disclosed in this manual is the property of Traverse Rescue, LLC., Mississauga, ON Canada. Traverse Rescue, LLC. reserves all patent rights, proprietary design rights, manufacturing rights, reproduction use rights, and sales use rights thereto, andto any article disclosed therein except to the extent those rights are expressly granted to others or where not applicable to vendor proprietary parts.© Copyright Traverse Rescue, LLC. All RightsReservedTraverse Rescue, LLC.2460 Tedlo StreetMississauga, OntarioCanada L5A 3V3Telephone: …………………..........................905 279 7866 Toll Free (Canada & US): .........................1 866 998 7866 Fax : .............................................................905 615 1367 Web Site: 1.Safety Information1.1WarningsThe following are warnings in this manual:Untrained operators can cause injury or be injured. Permit only trained personnel to operate this stretcher.Improper use of the stretcher can cause injury. use the stretcher only for the purpose described in this manualAn unrestrained or improperly restrained patient can suffer injuries. Always secure the patient in the stretcher with a restraint system suitable tothe situationImproper operation can cause injury. Operatethe stretcher only as described in this manualAn un-attended patient can be injured. Stay withthe patient at all timesHelpers can cause injury or be injured. Maintaincontrol of the stretcher and direct all helpersImproper maintenance can cause injury anddamage. Maintain stretcher only as described inthis manualImproper parts and service can cause injury.Use only Traverse-approved parts and serviceon the stretcherModifying the stretcher can cause injury anddamage. Use the stretcher only as-sold byTraverse.Attaching improper or inappropriate items to thestretcher can cause injury. Use only Traverse-Approved items on the stretcherWARNINGTraverse Rescue, LLC manufactures its products under a strict QualityAssurance Program. We also recognize and comply to any applicablestandards that apply to each product.The CE symbol on Traverse Rescue LLC products signifies they havebeen self certified in accordance with the European Community Coun-cil Directive 93/42/EEC. Traverse Rescue, LLC declares that productsthat bear the CE mark conform with all the provisions of this Directivethat apply to them.Basket Stretchers manufactured by Traverse Rescue, LLC have beendetermined to be Class 1 devices.Made in Canada.Ferno (UK) LimitedStubs Beck Lane, CleakheatonWest Yorkshire BD19 4TZ, United Kingdom1.2 ImportantBoxes like the one below emphasize important information.1.3 Bloodborne Disease NoticeOSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) requires employers to protect workers from workplace exposure to bloodborne diseases such as HIV-1 and hepatitus. To reduce the risk of exposure when using the stretcher, follow disinfecting and cleaning instructions in this manual.1.4 Safety LabelsLabels place important information from the Users’ Manual onthe stretchers.Read and follow label instructions. Replace worn or damages labels immediately. New labels are available from Traverse.The Load-Limit label shown is affixed to the stretcher.2. Operator Skills and Training 2.1 SkillsOperators using the stretcher need:∙ A working knowledge of emergency patient-handlingprocedures.∙ The ability to assist the patient∙ A complete understanding of the procedures described inthis manual2.2 TrainingTrainees need to:∙ Follow a training program designed or approved by theirtraining officer∙ read this manual. For additional free users’ manuals,contact Traverse Customer Care.∙ Practice with the stretcher before using it in regular service ∙ be tested on their understanding of the stretcher ∙ record their training information3. About The Stretcher3.1 General SpecificationsPolyethylene Netting...-65°F/-54°C to +200°F/+93°CRestraint Webbing Tensile Strength.......................975 lbs. / 442 kg Load Rating ............................500 lbs. / 227 kg Restraint Buckles Minimum Tensile Load.........4000 lbs. / 1814 kg Buckles meet ANSI Z359.1 and CSA Z259.1Traverse reserves the right to change specifications with out notice.4. Restraints4.1 About the RestraintsA total of four restraints are included with your purchase of this stretcher.These restraints are to supplement what you will typically use to tie-in a patient in a high-angle situation. We have made them to a suitable strength in order to complement your own system of tubular webbing, cord or the like. These restraints are only for securing the patient into the stretcher, and are not to be used for lifting or for any other purpose.Length 83.5” 212 cm Width - Non Split23” 58 cm Width - Split23.75”60 cmDepth 7” 18 cm Weight (non-split) 13 lbs 6 kg Rated Load Limit2500 lbs11 kNWeight (Split-Apart) 17 lbs8 kgUntrained Operators can cause injury or be injured. Permit only trained personnel to operate the stretcher.WARNINGAn unrestrained or improperly restrained patientcan suffer injuries. Always secure the patient in the stretcher with a restraint system suitable to the rescue operation.WARNING4.2 Fastening and Tightening the RestraintsThe strap with the three-bar buckle is constructed with a looped end that attaches to the stretcher, and a free end that that is used to tighten the restraint (figure 1).1. Pass the three-bar buckle and webbing upward throughthe opening in the two-bar buckle (fig. 2). Make sure to pull the free end of the webbing completely through the opening.2. Pull slightly on the free end of the webbing to firmly seatthe three-bar buckle on top of the two-bar buckle (fig. 3).3 Tighten the restraint by pulling on the free end of thewebbing.4.3 Loosening and unfasteningthe RestraintsTo loosen a restraint, pull the breakaway tab toward the buckle (fig. 4). Continue pulling until the restraint is as loose as desired.To unfasten the restraint, first loosen as in step number 1, then angle the three-bar buckle and pass it downward through the opening in the two-bar buckle (fig. 5).4.4 Attaching the RestraintsThe top edge of the High Density Polyethylene netting is shaped with coves to provide points where restraints can easily be fastened to the lower-rail of the stretcher (fig. 6).Select attachment points that are appropriate for effective securing of the patient, as well as for working together with your own fastening system.Attach the supplied restraints as folows:1. Unfasten the buckle to seperate the restraint straps.2. Starting outside the stretcher, pass the looped end of thestrap inward between the stretcher rail and the netting at a chosen attachment point. (Fig. 7)3.Thread the buckle through the restraint loop (Fig. 8) andpull until the loop is tight around the stretcher rail.4. Attach the remaining strap to the opposite side of thestretcher following steps 2 and 3.Three-BarBuckleWebbing, Free End Webbing, Looped End Webbing, Looped End Two-Bar Buckle Break-AwayPull-Tab Figure 1, Components Three-Bar Buckle Two-Bar Buckle Webbing,Free-End Break-AwayPull-Tab Figure 2, Fastening the Buckle Figure 3, Seating the Buckles WebbingFree-End Two-BarBuckle Three-BarBuckle Break-AwayPull-Tab Figure 4, Loosening Restraint Figure 5, Unfastening Buckle Figure 6, Restraint CoveFigure 7, Passing Looped End Through CoveFigure 8, Threading Buckle5. Using the Stretcher 5.1 Before Placing the Stretcher in Service ∙Personnel who will work with this stretcher need to read thismanual.∙ If using the supplied restraints, attach them as instructed in Attaching the Restraints.∙Confirm that the stretcher, restraints and mesh netting are in good condition. Follow instructions in Inspecting the Stretcher in this manual.5.2 General Guidelines for Use∙ Using the stretcher requires a minimum of two trained operators. In most situations, operators will want or need additional help. For information about placement and direc-tion of helpers, see Carrying the Stretcher in this manual. ∙ Follow standard emergency patient-handling procedures when using the stretcher.∙ Stay with the patient at all times.∙ Always use the patient restraints provided, as well as a supplimentary restraining system as per your training and team protocols, and the situation.∙Personnel using the stretcher in high-angle environments are responsible for learning the proper techniques involved, and for selecting the equipment and procedures best suited to the rescue situation.5.3 Carrying the StretcherCarrying the stretcher requires a minimum of two operators. Additional personnel will be helpful or even needed in most situations. Use an even number of personnel and position them to keep the stretcher as even as possible.Using Additional HelpOperators should maintain control of the stretcher and direct any helpers.5.4 Sliding the StretcherSlide the stretcher on its runners over smooth surfaces. Avoid rock, stumps, branches or other hazards that could penetrate the netting, or cause discomfort or injury to the patient.5.5 Transporting the Stretcher on a CotUse the cot restraints to secure the stretcher to the cot.5.6 Using High-Angle Rescue ProceduresHigh angle and rope-access rescue can involve anycombination of ropes, winches, pulleys, litter bridles, belaydevices and many other specialized items and devices too numerous to mention. Proper and safe use of these tools requires professional instruction and training.When using high-angle or rope-access equipment with the stretcher, ensure the equipment has an adequate load-rating, and that it is at least as great as that of the stretcher.During a high-angle rescue, the stretcher may be oriented vertically, horizontally or in other positions. Secure the patient in the stretcher so that he/she does not slip in any direction, or be able to accidentally come out of the stretcher.Tie-In PointsThe Stretcher has several Tie-In points where carabiners or ropes may be attached to the upper rail. As an option, this stretcher has incorporated into it a patent Str ātLoad™ feature which allows for dedicated attachment points when being rigged with a four-point litter-bridle for a horizontal raise or lower.Improper operation can cause injury. Operate thestretcher only as described in this manual.WARNINGAn unrestrained or improperly restrained patient can suffer injuries. Always secure the patient in the stretcher with a restraint system suitable to the rescue operation.WARNINGImportantPersonnel using the stretcher in high-angle rescue situations are responsible for knowing the techniques involved and for selecting the equipment and procedures best suited to each rescue situationAn unattended patient can be injured. Stay with the patient at all times.WARNING5.7 Using Split-Apart FeatureThe Traverse Split-Apart stretchers offer very fast assembly time, and there are no pins to place etc. Before starting, be sureto clean all parts of dirt, mud, snow etc. To assemble:1. Face the two open parts of stretcher toward each other2. Lift the open ends simultaneously to about a 30° angle, andslide the two parts together, interlocking all of the teeth ofthe Bottom Connectors.3. Lower the now-inter-locked parts to the floor4. Ensure Upper Connector parts mate5. Turn Collets onto the opposing threaded parts of the UpperConnectors. Ensure these Collets are snug, and that thereare no threads showing.To disassemble, simply reverse the above sequencePlease Note:It is imperative that throughout the operationof this stretcher during a rescue or in practice, that youcheck the integrity of the connection. If you see threads on the Upper Connector, re-tighten the collets.6. Maintaining The Stretcher6.1 Maintenance ScheduleThe stretcher requires regular maintenance. Set up and follow a maintenance schedule, such as provided by the form below. This form represents minimum maintenance, and you can modi-fy your own program based on your needs.When using maintenance products, follow the manufacturers’ directions and read the manufacturers’ material safety data sheets.6.2 Disinfecting and Cleaning theRestraints1. Remove restraints from stretcher.2. Buckle restraints before cleaning. This helps prevent dam-age to buckles or washing machine.3. Place buckled restraints inside a mesh bag (not supplied)and place in an industrial washing machine.4. Launder restraints in warm water, using a disinfectant soapand gentle agitation. Do not use bleach.5. Remove restraints from mesh bag and hang to dry. Do notput restraints into home or commercial dryer.6. Attach clean, dry restraints to stretcher as instructed inSection 4. 6.3 Disinfecting and Cleaning theStretcherWipe or spray all surfaces of stretcher and netting with disinfect-ant. Follow disinfectant manufacturers’ directions.Traverse recommends inspecting the stretcher for obvious dam-age as you disinfect it.Hand clean the stretcher and netting with a mild detergent in warm water. Rinse well, and dry with a towel.6.4 Inspecting the StretcherHave your stations/services’ maintenance personnel check the following:♦ All components should be present♦ Weld joints should be free of cracks or any other sign of breakage♦ Stretcher frame (top and lower rails, runners, ribs) should be free of dents, cracks or un-intentional bends♦ Polyethylene netting should be free of breaks and tears, and should be securely fastened to the lower rail.♦ Blue back support should be securely fastened into place♦ Warning labels should be clear and legible for all users to see and read.♦ Restraint webbing should be in good condition with no cuts or frays♦ Restraint buckles should be free of visible damage, and should operate properly.If inspection shows damage or excessive wear, remove the stretcher from service until appropriate repairs are completed (see Repair, Parts and Service, Section 7).6.5 Storing the StretcherStore the stretcher in a dry area. Make sure the stretcher is clean and dry before placing it into storage.Each Use As Needed Each MonthDisinfecting (See 6.3) •Cleaning (See 6.3) •Inspecting (See 6.4)• •ImportantDisinfectants and cleaners containing bleach,phenolics, or iodines can cause damage to therestraints and stretcher. Disinfect and cleanonly with products that do not contain thesechemicals.Lower Connector, Teeth InterlockedFully Connected Threaded Male-ColletImproper maintenance can cause injury. Maintainthe stretcher only as described in this manual.WARNINGTraverse Rescue, LLC (Traverse) Limited Warranty states that all Traverse products are warranted for a peri-od of one year after the date of invoice, to the original purchaser. This warranty is provided against any material or workmanship flaws or defects. In the event of such a flaw or defect during this warranty period, please contact Traverse Rescue immediately. Traverse Rescue, LLC agrees to repair or replace (at our choice) the defective product. Our Limited Warranty does not cover damage due to abuse, misuse, lack of care, improper use or acci-dents. It also does not cover damage due to attemptedrepair by the purchaser that was not authorized by Trav-erse Rescue, LLC. No other warranties exist or are im-plied by Traverse Rescue, LLC. This limited warranty ex-cludes, and Traverse shall not be held liable for any puni-tive, incidental, special or exemplary damages arising out of the breach of the warranty on sales by Traverse or oth-erwise, or through the performance or non-performance of any third-party part, product, service or system. This limited warranty does not limit in any way, nor alter in any way, other manufacturer’s warranties on products that are sold by Traverse Rescue, LLC.8. Limited Warranty9. Traverse Customer CareCustomer Care and product support are important aspects of each Traverse product.For assistance with this, or any other Traverse product, please contact Traverse Customer Care.Please have the serial number of your Traverse stretcher avail-able when calling Traverse Customer Care, and include this number with any written communications.Traverse Rescue, LLC.2460 Tedlo Street Mississauga, Ontario Canada L5A 3V3Telephone: …………………..........................905 279 7866 Toll Free (Canada & US): .........................1 866 998 7866 Fax : .............................................................905 615 1367Email:***********************Web site: If your stretcher is showing excessive wear or cracks (either in the material or at welds), it is time to retire it from service. Do not attempt to repair or replace any metal component or weld.If the Mesh Liner, the Back Support, Patient Restraint straps or any labels are damaged and need repair, please call your Dealer or us to have them replaced.See the table below for further descriptionAccessoriesTraverse offers a full line of accessories that are approved foruse with the Titan Series stretchers.Related ProductsPart Number Description15-0140 Stretcher Handle 11-0110 Mule Litter Wheel 04-0180 Traverse Restraint Strap 17-0105 Quick-Connect Restraint Straps 17-0110Fastrap Restraint SystemPart Number Description16-0100 540°™ Rescue Belay-Large 16-0200 540°™ Rescue Belay-Small 11-0100A Titan Tapered Stretcher, SS 11-0104A Titan Split-Tapered Stretcher, SS 42-000-000 UT2000 Series Backcountry Stretcher 19-0100Traverse Rescue StretcherPart Number Description 05-0102 Full Back Support 05-0104 Split Back Support 05-0125, TAP Mesh, Titan Tapered 05-0125, TSMesh, Titan Split Tapered04-0108 Restraint Strap 08-0102 Load-Limit Label 05-0125, REG Mesh, Titan Regular 05-0125, RSMesh, Titan Split Regular7. Repair, Parts and ServiceAlways follow the instructions packaged with accessories. Keep the instructions with this manual. Be aware of any special con-siderations (loading heights, door heights, etc.)Training ScheduleMethodDate Name TrainingMaintenance RecordPerformed By Date Maintenance。

天线 TitanXg 10G 夹头工具系列说明书

天线 TitanXg 10G 夹头工具系列说明书
• One tool does the job of two tools • Improve efficiencies by not having to change out tools in the middle of your termination • Straight action crimp achieved with minimal hand force • Compact and rugged design • Terminates to industry specified crimp heights • Gun-style lock for secure closure • Non-slip handle and finger grooves for comfortable grip and control • Not to be used on standard RJ45 modular plugs
Ordering Information
Tele-Titan XG 2.0 – Cat6A/10Gig Crimp Tool Box
Tele-Titan XG 2.0 Cat6A/10Gig Combo 10-Pack Clamshell 12517C
RJ-45 Cat6A 10Gig Shielded Connector w/Liner Bulk/100/Bag 106190
RJ45 CБайду номын сангаасt6A/10-Gig Shielded Connectors:
• Exceeds 10-Gig performance standard • UL and RoHS compliant • Max cable OD: 0.335"/8.5mm • Max conductor OD: 0.053"/1.35mm



1-543013-0Portable Crimp Tools, Commercial Crimp Tooling, Removable/Interchangeable, TEProduct Specification (108-), Manual, Die AssemblyApplication Tooling>Portable Crimp ToolsPower Type:ManualCertification:Cannot be CertifiedSpecification Type:TE Product Specification (108-)Die Sets Type:Removable/InterchangeableTool Grade:Commercial Crimp ToolingFeaturesOtherTool Grade Commercial Crimp ToolingDie Sets Type Removable/InterchangeableSpecification Type TE Product Specification (108-)Certification Cannot be CertifiedPower Type ManualTool Type Die AssemblyProduct ComplianceFor compliance documentation, visit the product page on >EU RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU CompliantEU ELV Directive 2000/53/EC Out of ScopeChina RoHS 2 Directive MIIT Order No 32, 2016No Restricted Materials Above ThresholdEU REACH Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006Current ECHA Candidate List: JUN 2020(209)Candidate List Declared Against: JAN 2020(205)Does not contain REACH SVHC Halogen Content Low Halogen - Br, Cl, F, I < 900 ppm perhomogenous material. Also BFR/CFR/PVCFree1-543013-0 ACTIVEAMPTE Internal #:1-543013-0Portable Crimp Tools, Commercial Crimp Tooling, Removable/Interchangeable, TE Product Specification (108-), Manual, DieAssemblyView on >Solder Process CapabilityNot reviewed for solder process capabilityProduct Compliance DisclaimerThis information is provided based on reasonable inquiry of our suppliers and represents our current actual knowledge based on the information they provided. This information is subject to change. The part numbers that TE has identified as EU RoHS compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, mercury, PBB, PBDE, DBP, BBP, DEHP, DIBP, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS2). Finished electrical and electronic equipment products will be CE marked as required by Directive 2011/65/EU. Components may not be CE marked. Additionally, the part numbers that TE has identified as EU ELV compliant have a maximum concentration of 0.1% by weight in homogenous materials for lead, hexavalent chromium, and mercury, and 0.01% for cadmium, or qualify for an exemption to these limits as defined in the Annexes of Directive 2000/53/EC (ELV). Regarding the REACH Regulation, the information TE provides on SVHC in articles for this part number is based on the latest European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) ‘Guidance onrequirements for substances in articles’ posted at this URL: https://echa.europa.eu/guidance-documents/guidance-on-reachTE Model / Part #YDTS20G13-35PCV001RECP ASSYTE Model / Part #7-2176246-2CRGS2512 5% 820KTE Model / Part #543013-8CRIMPER ANVIL SUBASSYTE Model / Part #181271-1MOD 2 CONTACT REC.TE Model / Part #1-1393480-9V23529B1121B225=SUB D FEDERLEITE Model / Part #1532172-2M83513/04-B02N, MCKS-N1-B-15S6G1-36.0TE Model / Part #1-2307520-2PV EDGE J BOX -PV4,JFLP,N-S,S,MTTE Model / Part #1-2307520-1PV EDGE J BOX +PV4,JFLP,N-S,S,MTTE Model / Part #4-745130-2SHLDING FERRULE,PLTD,BULK PKGTE Model / Part #7-745129-4SHLDING FERRULE,PLTD,BULK PKGCompatible PartsCustomers Also BoughtTE Model / Part #YDTS24T19-35SNC001RECP ASSYTE Model / Part #YDTS20G13-98SCV001RECP ASSYDocumentsDatasheets & Catalog PagesCERTI-CRIMPII-Premium-August-1-1773864-7EnglishAMPLIMITE Subminiature D Connectors - Cable ConnectorsEnglishCrimp Term Whitepaper-Use the Right Tool 1-1773953-1EnglishCRIMPING WHERE FORM MEETS FUNCTIONEnglishBottoming DiesEnglishInstruction SheetsInstruction Sheet (U.S.)EnglishInstruction Sheet (U.S.)。

泰坦工具 PowrLiner 4000 喷涂机说明书

泰坦工具 PowrLiner 4000 喷涂机说明书

0900 ©2000 Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved. Form No. 313-1546, REV APrinted in the U. S. A.Do not use this equipment before reading this manual!PowrLiner 4000Owner’s ManualFor professional use onlyNOTE:This manual contains important warningsand instructions. Please read and retainfor reference.Model Numbers:1 Gun 759-4002 Gun759-401•ALWAYS keep the tip guard in place while spraying. The tip guard provides some protection but is mainly a warning device.•ALWAYS remove the spray tip before flushing or clleaning the system.•The paint hose can develop leaks from wear, kinking and abuse. A leak can inject material into the skin. Inspect the hose before each use.•NEVER use a spray gun without a trigger lock and trigger guard in place and in good working order.•All accessories must be rated at or above 3300 PSI / 228BAR. This includes spray tips, guns, extensions, and hose.HAZARD:EXPLOSION OR FIRE - Solvent and paint fumescan explode or ignite. Severe injury and/or property damage can occur.PREVENTION:•Provide extensive exhaust and fresh air introduction to keep the air within the spray area free from accumulation of flammable vapors.•Avoid all ignition sources such as static electric sparks, open flames, pilot lights, and hot objects. Connecting ordisconnecting power cords or working light switches can make sparks.•Do not smoke in spray area.•Fire extinguisher must be present and in good working order.•Place paint pump in a well ventilated area. Flammable vapors are often heavier than air. Floor area must beextremely well ventilated. The paint pump contains arcing parts that emit spark and can ignite vapors.•The equipment and objects in and around the spray area must be properly grounded to prevent static sparks.•Use only conductive or grounded high pressure fluid hose.Gun must be grounded through hose connections.•Power cord must be connected to a grounded circuit (electric models only).•Always flush unit into a separate metal container, at low pump pressure, with spray tip removed. Hold gun firmly against side of container to ground container and prevent static sparks.•Follow the material and solvent manufacturer's warnings and instructions.•Use extreme caution when using materials with a flashpoint below 70°F (21°C). Flashpoint is the temperature that a fluid can produce enough vapors to ignite.•Plastic can cause static sparks. Never hang plastic toenclose a spray area. Do not use plastic drop cloths when spraying flammable materials.•Use lowest possible pressure to flush equipment.GAS ENGINE (WHERE APPLICABLE)Always place pump outside of structure in fresh air. Keep all solvents away from the engine exhaust. Never fill fuel tank with a running or hot engine. Hot surface can ignite spilled fuel.Always attach ground wire from pump unit to a grounded object,such as a metal water pipe. Refer to engine owner’s manual for complete safety information.NOTE TO PHYSICIAN:Injection into the skin is a traumatic injury. It isimportant to treat the injury as soon as possible. DO NOT delay treatment to research toxicity. Toxicity is a concern with some coatings injected directly into the blood stream. Consultation with a plastic surgeon or reconstructive hand surgeon may be advisable.HAZARD:EXPLOSION HAZARD DUE TO INCOMPATIBLEMATERIALS - Will cause severe injury or property damage.PREVENTION:•Do not use materials containing bleach or chlorine.•Do not use halogenated hydrocarbon solvents such as mildewcide, methylene chloride and 1,1,1 - trichloroethane.They are not compatible with aluminum.• Contact your coating supplier about the compatibility of material with aluminum.HAZARD:HAZARDOUS VAPORS - Paints, solvents,insecticides, and other materials can be harmful if inhaled or come in contact with the body.Vapors can cause severe nausea, fainting, or poisoning.PREVENTION:•Use a respirator or mask if vapors can be inhaled. Read all instructions supplied with the mask to be sure it will provide the necessary protection. •Wear protective eyewear.•Wear protective clothing as required by coating manufacturer.HAZARD: GENERAL - This product can cause severe injuryor property damage.PREVENTION:•Read all instructions and safety precautions before operating equipment.•Always disconnect the motor from the power supply before working on the equipment (electric models only).•Follow all appropriate local, state, and national codes governing ventilation, fire prevention, and operation.•The United States Government Safety Standards have been adopted under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). These standards, particularly part 1910 of the General Standards and part 1926 of the Construction Standards should be consulted.•Use only manufacturer authorized parts. User assumes all risks and liabilities when using parts that do not meet the minimum specifications and safety devices of the pump manufacturer.•Before each use, check all hoses for cuts, leaks, abrasion or bulging of cover. Check for damage or movement of couplings. Immediately replace the hose if any of these conditions exist. Never repair a paint hose. Replace it with another grounded high-pressure hose.•All hoses, swivels, guns, and accessories must be pressure rated at or above 3300PSI/228 BAR.•Do not spray outdoors on windy days.•Wear clothing to keep paint off skin and hair.Grounding InstructionsElectric models must be grounded. In the event of an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the risk of electric shock byproviding an escape wire for the electric current. This product is equipped with a cord having a grounding wire with an appropriate grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.DANGER — Improper installation of the grounding plug can result in a risk of electric shock. If repair or replacement of the cord or plug is necessary, do not connect the green grounding wire to either flat blade terminal. The wire with insulation having a green outer surface with or without yellow stripes is thegrounding wire and must be connected to the grounding pin.Check with a qualified electrician or serviceman if the grounding instructions are not completely understood, or if you are in doubt as to whether the product is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided. If the plug will not fit the outlet, have the proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.This product is rated more than 15 amperes and is for use on a circuit having a nominal rating of 120 volts, or the product is for use on a circuit having a nominal rating more than 120 volts, and is factory-equipped with a specific electric cord and plug to permit connection to a proper electric circuit. Make sure that theproduct is connected to an outlet having the same configuration as the plug. No adapter should be used with this product. If the product must be reconnected for use on a different type of electric circuit, the reconnection should be made by qualified service personnel.Use only a 3-wire extension cord that has a 3-bladegrounding plug and a 3-slot receptacle that will accept the plug on the product. Make sure your extension cord is in good condition. When using an extension cord, be sure to use one heavy enough to carry the current your product will draw. An undersized cord will cause a drop in line voltage resulting in loss of power and overheating. For lengths less than 50 feet, No. 12 AWG extension cords should be used. If an extension cord is to be used outdoors, it must be marked with the suffix W-A after the cord type designation. For example, a designation of SJTW-A would indicate that the cord would be appropriate for outdoor use.CAUTIONGasoline Engine SafetyThe engine exhaust from this unit contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.1.Honda engines are designed to give safe and dependable service if operated according to instructions. Read andunderstand the Honda Owner's Manual before operating the engine. Failure to do so could result in personal injury or equipment damage.2.To prevent fire hazards and to provide adequate ventilation,keep the engine at least 1 meter (3 feet) away frombuildings and other equipment during operation. Do not place flammable objects close to the engine.3.Children and pets must be kept away from the area of operation due to a possibility of burns from hot engine components or injury from any equipment the engine may be used to operate.4.Know how to stop the engine quickly, and understand the operation of all controls. Never permit anyone to operate the engine without proper instructions.5.Gasoline is extremely flammable and is explosive under certain conditions.6.Refuel in a well-ventilated area with the engine stopped. Do not smoke or allow flames or sparks in the refueling area or where gasoline is stored.7.Do not overfill the fuel tank. After refueling, make sure the tank cap is closed properly and securely.8.Be careful not to spill fuel when refueling. Fuel vapor or spilled fuel may ignite. If any fuel is spilled, make sure the area is dry before starting the engine.9.Never run the engine in an enclosed or confined area.Exhaust contains poisonous carbon monoxide gas;exposure may cause loss of consciousness and may lead to death.10.The muffler becomes very hot during operation and remainshot for a while after stopping the engine. Be careful not to touch the muffler while it is hot. To avoid severe burns or fire hazards, let the engine cool before transporting it or storing it indoors.11.Never ship/transport unit with gasoline in the tank.DO NOT use this equipment to spray water or acid.Do not lift by cart handle when loading or unloading.CAUTIONWARNINGWARNINGHOUR GLASS PATTERN EXPANDING & CONTRACTING (SURGE) ROUND PATTERN©Titan T ool Inc. All rights reserved.1112©Titan T ool Inc. All rights reserved.©Titan T ool Inc. All rights reserved.1314©Titan T ool Inc. All rights reserved.1234567108©Titan T ool Inc. All rights reserved.15One Gun Two GunsItem Part #Description 759-400759-4011335-108Motor/pump assembly....................................1....................12930-515Filter assembly, outlet manifold......................1....................13759-055Second gun assembly..........................................................14520-100Airless Gun.....................................................1....................25840-212Bleed line assembly w/ valve.........................1....................16103-828Siphon hose assembly...................................1....................17506-105Convertokit, 4 HP , Honda, gasoline...............1....................18759-001Cart assembly................................................1....................19424-620Line pointer (not shown)................................1....................110----------SC-5 striping tips (optional, see below for part numbers)645-1502645-1504645-1506645-1702645-1704645-1706645-1904645-1906645-2104645-2106Parts Lists and Service InstructionsMain Assembly — Gas Model16©Titan T ool Inc. All rights reserved.©Titan T ool Inc. All rights reserved.173218©Titan T ool Inc. All rights reserved.Cart Assembly (P/N 759-001)Item Part #Description Quantity 1424-281Caster..................................12756-157Screw...................................43866-004Washer ................................44866-210Nut.......................................45756-034Knob, clamp.........................46757-022Rod, clamp ..........................27759-025Frame, base ........................18759-017Bucket holder, domestic......19759-008Cable, caster lock................110759-020Handle.................................111756-136Lever assembly ...................112759-018Screw...................................213759-019Nut.......................................214424-271Clamp..................................115759-024Screw...................................416858-002Washer ................................617858-611Nut.......................................418424-269Brake pad............................119862-401Nut.......................................220860-004Washer ................................221757-014Bar.......................................122757-055Plastic end cap....................123862-468Screw...................................224862-001Washer ..............................1025862-410Nut.......................................826759-026Screw...................................627757-089Slide.....................................128759-110Screw...................................329756-029Block....................................130424-226Clamp..................................131862-436Screw...................................132862-002Washer ................................533424-224Arm, support........................134759-042Block radius lock .................135424-247Cable clip.............................436870-404Nut, castle............................237756-079Pin, cotter ............................238424-216Cable, gun control...............139756-130Clamp..................................240761-405Snap ring.............................241757-050Wheel ..................................242759-027Axle, cart..............................143757-128Wheel bearing .....................247757-091Pail cover.............................148757-129Cap......................................249226-001Nut.......................................250770-720Screw.. (2)©Titan T ool Inc. All rights reserved.1920©Titan T ool Inc. All rights reserved.132Second Gun Assembly Complete (P/N 759-055)NotesNotesTitan Tool Inc. warrants all equipment manufactured by it and bearing its brand names to be free from defects in material and workmanship at the time of sale by an authorized Speeflo distributor. Titan Tool Inc. will for a period of twelve months (twenty-four months on selected air powered models) from the date of sale, repair or replace any part of the equipment proven defective. Repair or replacement under this warranty shall be purchaser's sole remedy for breach of this warranty. Products furnished by but not manufactured by Titan Tool Inc. (such as hose, motors, engines, hydraulic pumps, etc.) will carry only the warranty of the manufacturer, if any. (TITAN TOOL INC. DOES NOT WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE FOR ACCESSORIES, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT,COMPONENTS AND PRODUCTS NOT MADE BY TITAN TOOL INC.)This warranty shall not apply if the product has been subject to misuse, negligence, accident or tampering or has not been operated or installed in accordance with Titan Tool Inc.'s recommendations. This warranty does not cover and Titan Tool Inc. shall not be liable for any damage, wear or malfunction caused by improper or inadequate maintenance, abrasion, corrosion or substitution of components, parts or hydraulic fluid not supplied by Titan Tool Inc. Titan Tool Inc. shall not be liable for the improper design,manufacture, installation, operation or maintenance of accessories, components or materials not supplied by Titan Tool Inc. Titan Tool Inc. shall not be liable for damage or wear caused by incompatibility with Titan Tool Inc. equipment of materials, equipment or accessories not supplied by Titan Tool Inc.This warranty applies only to the original purchaser and only when the equipment is installed, operated and maintained in accordance with Titan Tool Inc.'s written recommendations or instructions. Purchaser must, with transportation prepaid, return the equipment claimed to be defective to Titan Tool Inc. or to an authorized Warranty Service Center for verification of the claimed defect. If the alleged defect is verified, Titan Tool Inc. will, at Titan Tool Inc.'s option, repair or replace any defective parts. The equipment will be returned including prepayment of transportation charges to the original purchaser. If no defects in material and workmanship are found, repairs will be made by Titan Tool Inc. at a reasonable charge. Charges may include the cost of parts, labor and freight.No statement or recommendation made or assistance given by Titan Tool Inc. or its representatives to purchaser, lessee or user or its representatives shall constitute a warranty by Titan Tool Inc. or a waiver or modification of any of the provisions hereof to create any liability for Titan Tool Inc. No sample or model shall create an express warranty that the products shall conform to any sample or model exhibited by Titan Tool Inc.TITAN TOOL INC.DISCLAIMS TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ANY NON CONTRACTUAL LIABILITIES INCLUDING PRODUCT LIABILITY BASED ON NEGLIGENCE OR STRICT LIABILITIES. Every form of liability is expressly excluded and denied for direct, indirect, special or consequential damages or loss. This warranty shall be in lieu of any other warranty expressed or implied. The terms of this warranty constitute purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy. In no case shall Titan Tool Inc.'s liability exceed the amount of the purchase price. Any action for breach of warranty must be brought within two (2) years of the date of sale.Limited WarrantyPatents These products are covered by one or more of the following U.S. patents:5,947,3815,749,5285,660,3325,425,5064,611,7584,508,268。

TITAN 使用说明书

TITAN 使用说明书

Congratulations on your purchase of our Pager. By incorporating some of the most advanced electronic paging technologies, the is reliable and easy to use. Best of all, the is affordable and will keep you in touch with those important to you.Please carefully read this manual before using your pager in order to fully understand the functions and capabilities. Once again, congratulations on your purchase.> FEATURES > DESCRIPTION OF INDICATORS & SYMBOLS > CONTROL BUTTONS > OPERATION Ÿ Turning The Pager OnŸ Turning The Pager OffŸ Main ScreenŸ Function Menu ScreenŸ Personal Message ScreenŸ MailDrop/ Information Message ScreenŸ NoteBook Message Screen> FUNCTION MENU Ÿ Reading a Stored Message in each Message ScreenŸ Setting the Time and Date Ÿ Setting the Alarm Ÿ Setting the Paging AlertŸ Setting the Audible On/Off 5811121314151617171819202122CONTENTSŸ Enabling the Display ZoomŸ Setting the Scroll ModeŸ Enabling the Reminder Alert Ÿ Locking and Unlocking Messages Ÿ Deleting A MessageŸ Deleting All MessagesŸ Moving A Message to the NoteBook Ÿ Selecting a MailDrop Alert Type 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29CONTENTSFEATURESZoom On/Off (User Selectable)Marquee Scrolling (User Selectable)Customer Power Up Logo (Optional)Battery Status Display with 3 steps using A/DOne Alarm with Message ("ALARM TIME")Message with Time & Date StampingAutomatic Alert ResetOne Beep, Seven Different pleasing Alerts, a Chirp, Vibrate, Sleep(no alert) User-Selectable Reminder Alert (Every 2-min. by current mode)Audible ON/OFFManual ON/OFF using SoftkeyNo Message Indication (No Message)New Message indication (Flashing Icon)FEATURESUnread Message IndicationContinuous Message Indication (with Icon)Error Message Indication (with Icon)All & Selective Message ClearMessage Full Indication (with Icon)Message Slot NumberDuplicated Message Indication (with Icon)EL Back Lighting DisplayOut of Service Range Indication (with Icon) Battery BackupSelf Diagnostic1 AAA BatterySmart Unread Reminder On/Off (Optional)IndicatorsAudio AlertSilent Alert (Vibration) Enabled AlarmSleep AlertNew Page or Unread Message IndicationLock MessageUnlock Message In Range or Out Range Indication Full Battery Status2/3 Battery Status1/3 Battery StatusLow Battery StatusMessage ContinuationPower OnDESCRIPTION OF INDICATORS & SYMBOLSSymbolsPersonal Folder MailDrop Folder NoteBook EscapeSet TimeSet AlarmSet AlertPager Off ZoomSet ScrollEnable Reminder Disable Reminder Delete AllDeleteEscapeMove to NoteBook DESCRIPTION OF INDICATORS & SYMBOLSPage by PageSlow SpeedMedium SpeedHigh SpeedMailDrop Slot (Enabled Alert )Unread MailDrop Slot (Enabled Alert )Set MailDrop Alert NoteBook Slot Unread Personal Slot Read Personal Slot Read Mail Slot Unread Mail Slot Cursor (Current Slot )Set Audible ONSet Audible OFF SymbolsDESCRIPTION OF INDICATORS & SYMBOLSCONTROL BUTTONSUse to navigate through the Function menuand through your messages.Use to navigate through time, alarm, and datesetting functions.Use to enter the Function menu mode.Use to turn the Backlight off.Use to exit to current F unction mode.Use to turn the pager on and off.Use to read the received message.Use to activate your selection.Use to adjust the time, alarm, and date settingfunctions.Turning the P ager OffPress the button to display the Function menu.Press the or button to move the cursor on OFF icon.Press the button."" is displayed.Press the button again to turn the pager off.The pager is now off and the screen should be blankTURN PAGER OFF?Off ScreenOPERATIONNote: If you choose the function key ( ) while the pager is off, thepager will display Pager Off Mode and the time and date.The display disappears after eight (8) seconds or after you pressany of the pager keys.""Main ScreenPressing any of the buttons on the Standby Screen will provide access to the Main Screen. The Main Screen shows both the current status of message folders (Personal/MailDrop/Notebook) and the time and date. The MainScreen also displays any activated pager settings in the split screen.When the Main Screen is initially displayed, the Personal Folder icon isthe first icon followed by the MailDrop and Notebook icons. ThePersonal folder is also highlighted. Choosing either arrow button willhighlight the other icons.! Press or to move the cursor within the Message Folder.! Press to enter the selected Folder.Main ScreenOPERATIONFunction Menu ScreenOPERATIONAs you navigate through the Function menu, the Function Icon willflash to indicate the current location of the cursor. Press or to navigate through the Function menu.Press to enter the current menu.Press to exit the Function menu.!!!The Function Menu provides access to the many features incorporated in the .Note: Depending upon the pager and whether or not it has messages, some iconsmay not display on the pager.OPERATIONPersonal Message Screenmessages by displaying the first line of your message.(Message Preview)Personal Message ScreenNote: Previewing an unread message remains unread until readingit by choosing Read button( ).!! From each Message screen press or to move the cursor to the message you want to read. Press button to read the message.Reading Stored Message in each Message ScreenAuto Scrolling Screen by ScreenPress and hold button.Reading Previous or Next MessagePress or button.!!Note: When an unread message exists, the pager gives a periodic reminder alert until all unread messages are read. A flashing symbol on the StandBy screen indicates that there are unread messages on your pager.FUNCTION MENU!!!!!!From the Function menu, press or to move the cursorto display "".Press to display the Set Time screen.Press to move the cursor to the next digit.Press to adjust the current digit. Repeat the two previous steps to adjust all time digits.Press to activate the time and date setting.SET TIME Set Time Screen Setting the Time and DateNote: If no changes have been made, please wait for at least five(5) seconds before exiting the screen.FUNCTION MENU!!!!!! From the Function menu, press or to move the cursor to display "SET ALARM ".Press to display the Set Alarm screen. Press or to move the cursor.Press to adjust the current digit or enable daily alarm. Repeat the two previous steps to adjust all the time digits. Press button to activate the current setting.Setting the Alarm FUNCTION MENUYou can set the paging alert to an audible alert, a vibrating alert,a chirp alert, a sleep alert(completely silent), or one of eight otheralerts. From the Function menu:! Press o r t om ovet hec ursor t od isplay " SETA LERT ".! Press to display the Set-Alert screen.! Press or to move the cursor to the alert you want to set.! Press to activate the alert setting.Setting the Paging AlertNote: If no changes have been made, please wait for at least five (5) seconds before exiting the screen. You may also choose to exit from any screen.Set Alert Screen FUNCTION MENUFUNCTION MENUSetting the Audible On/OffThe alert can be set as either audible on or off.- Press to display the function menu.- Press to move the cursor to or .The symbol is displayed if the pager is in the audible off mode(prompting you to enter the audible on mode, if desired). The symbol is displayed if the pager is in the audible onmode(prompting you to enter the audible off mode, if desired).- Press to select the desired audible mode. The alert can be set as either audible or vibrate.If the Audible On function is set ( ), the pager will alert.If the Audible Off function is set ( ), the pager will be on vibrate mode. Audible Mode applies to all alerts, including reminder alert, alarm, etc.Note: If the Alert has been set for sleep(no alert), setting the Audible On/Off Function will not be activated.When this feature is enabled, the standard 4-line Display isconverted to a 2-line Display. The characters are enlarged toincrease message readability. From the Function Menu:!Press or to more the cursor to display "".! Press to display the Zoom screen.! Press or to move the cursor.! Press to activate the Zoom.ZOOM Setting Display ZoomEnable Zoom-In ScreenFUNCTION MENU! From the Function menu, press or to the cursor to display "".! Press to enter this mode.SET SCROLL Setting the Scroll ModeTo Enable Page by P age Display Mode! From t he Set Scroll Mode S creen, press o r to move the cursor todisplay "". ! Press to activate the current setting.To Enable Marquee Scrolling and Speed! From the Set Scroll Mode Screen, press o r t o mo ve the cu r sor to dis play "S LOW "or "" or "".! Press to activate the currentsetting.PAGE BY PAGE SLOW MEDIUM HIGH FUNCTION MENUTo Enable Reminder Alert ! From the Function menu, press or to move the cursor to display "".! Press to activate the current setting.To Disable Reminder Alert ! From the Function menu, press or to move the cursor to display "DISABLE REMINDER! Press to activate the current setting.ENABLE REMINDER BLE "".DISA REMINDER Enabling Reminder AlertWhen this feature is enabled and there are unread personal messages, the pager will alert the user with a short beep or vibration depending on the current personal alert type or Audible mode. The pager does not emit reminder alerts for MailDrop messages, or messages with no alert setting.FUNCTION MENUUp to 10 messages can be locked to prevent them from being deleted or from being replaced when the memory is full.To Lock/Unlock a Message! From the Personal Message Status Screen, press or to select the message you want to lock or unlock.! Press and then press or to move the cursor to show "LOCK " or "UNLOCK ".! Press to activate the setting.To lock or unlock a message while reading it, follow the last two steps above while the message is displayed.Note: MailDrop and NoteBook Messages can not be locked.Locking and Unlocking MessagesFUNCTION MENU! From the Personal Message Status Screen, press or to select the message you want to delete.! Press and then press or to move the cursor to show "DELETE ".! Press to activate the setting.To Delete a message while reading it, follow the last two steps above while the message is displayed.To Delete One Message! From the Personal/MailDrop/Notebook Message Status Screen, press or to select the message you want to delete.! Press and then press or to move the cursor to show "". ! Press to activate the setting. DELETE ALL To Delete All MessagesFUNCTION MENUNote: Neither a NEW personal message nor a LOCKED message cannot be deleted by using the Delete All function. Using Delete all with the Maildrop, will only delete those messages in the current subfolder.! From the Personal/MailDrop Message Status Screen, press or to select the message you want to move.! Press and then press or to move the cursor to show "". ! Press to activate the setting.To Move a message while reading it, follow the last two steps above while the message is displayed.NOTEBOOK Moving A Message to NoteBookFUNCTION MENU! From the Mail Message Status Screen, press or to select the message you want to set alert.! Press and then Press or to move the cursor to show "SET ALERT ".! Press . ! Press or to move the cursor to the desired alert type.! Press to activate the your setting.While reading a message, follow the last four steps.Note: When Personal Pager alert is set to SLEEP , all alerts revert to SLEEP regardless of the current mail alert type. Selecting the MailDrop Alert TypeFUNCTION MENUThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits of a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a res idential ins tallation. This equipment generates, us es, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not ins talled and us ed in accordance with the ins tructions, may caus e harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular ins tallation. If this equipment does caus e harmful interference to radio or televis ion reception (which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on), the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: Reorient/Relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different fromthat t o which t he receiver i s connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.。



目录第一章泰坦混合矩阵切换器简介 (5)1.1 机箱外观 (5)1.2 设备简介 (7)1.3 功能特点 (8)1.4 泰坦混合矩阵切换器典型应用示意图 (11)第二章泰坦混合矩阵切换器技术参数 (11)2.1 输入接口-VGA (11)2.2 输入接口-YPbPr (12)2.3 输入接口-DVI(普通) (12)2.4 输入接口-模拟视频 (12)2.5 输入接口-SDI (12)2.6 输入接口-HDMI (13)2.7 输入接口-DVI(双链路) (13)2.8 输入接口-双绞线 (13)2.9 输出接口-DVI/VGA (14)2.10 双绞线输出接口 (14)2.11 设备控制 (14)2.12 功率和尺寸 (14)2.13 安装与其他 (15)第三章泰坦混合矩阵切换器软件使用方法 (15)3.1 Titans™1000混合矩阵切换器运行和配置 (15)3.2 Titans™1000混合矩阵切换器输入输出及功能 (18)3.3 Titans™1000混合矩阵切换器窗口控制 (31)3.4 Titans™1000混合矩阵切换器场景 (34)3.5 Titans™1000混合矩阵切换器特殊功能 (35)3.6 Titans™500混合矩阵切换器运行和配置 (40)3.7 Titans™500混合矩阵切换器输入输出及功能 (42)3.8 Titans™500混合矩阵切换器切换控制 (54)3.9 Titans™500混合矩阵切换器场景 (55)3.10 Titans™500混合矩阵切换器特殊功能 (57)第四章混合矩阵切换器控制指令集 (60)4.1 混合矩阵切换器设置组合方式(窗口模式)指令 (60)4.2 混合矩阵切换器1000设置输出屏显示分辨率指令 (61)4.3 混合矩阵切换器500设置输出屏显示分辨率指令 (62)4.4 混合矩阵切换器1000输出显示屏开窗口指令 (62)4.5 混合矩阵切换器1000移动窗口指令 (63)4.6 混合矩阵切换器1000更改窗口的输入源选择指令 (63)4.7 混合矩阵切换器保存场景指令 (64)4.8 混合矩阵切换器调用保存的场景指令 (64)4.9 混合矩阵切换器1000将窗口置顶或置底指令 (65)4.10 混合矩阵切换器1000关闭窗口指令 (65)4.11 混合矩阵切换器1000关闭一个拼接屏的所有窗口指令 (65)4.12 混合矩阵切换器读取输入通道的参数指令 (65)4.13 混合矩阵切换器更改VGA输入通道参数指令 (66)4.14 混合矩阵切换器恢复VGA卡为默认参数指令 (66)4.15 混合矩阵切换器输出测试指令 (67)4.16 混合矩阵切换器1000使能和关闭拼接屏指令 (67)4.17 混合矩阵切换器查询拼接屏信息指令 (67)4.18 混合矩阵切换器查询当前输入状态指令 (67)4.19 混合矩阵切换器查询窗口信息指令 (68)4.20 混合矩阵切换器设置同步模式指令 (68)4.21 混合矩阵切换器1000设置显示屏的输出映射指令 (68)4.22 混合矩阵切换器查询IP地址信息指令 (69)4.23 混合矩阵切换器修改IP信息指令 (69)4.24 混合矩阵切换器将字符缓冲区的内容写入到相应的输入通道指令 (70)4.25 混合矩阵切换器设置时间指令 (70)4.26 混合矩阵切换器读取时间指令 (71)4.27 混合矩阵切换器1000设置底图使能指令 (71)4.28 混合矩阵切换器500切换输出通道 (71)4.29 混合矩阵切换器设置输入源类型 (71)第五章安装说明 (72)5.1 打开包装 (72)5.2 安装机器 (72)5.3 机器调试 (72)第六章常见故障分析及解决 (72)6.1 安装完软件无法运行原因 (72)6.2 输出的画面无显示 (73)6.3 画面出现偏色现象 (73)6.4 画面出现抖动或者花点 (73)6.5 画面在显示设备中显示出现黑边 (73)安全使用说明线缆不容许在电源线、信号线、通讯线等线缆上压放物品,应避免对线缆踩踏和挤压,以防止出现漏电和短路等危险情况。

泰坦工具 ADVANTAGE 400 电动活塞泵 用户手册说明书

泰坦工具 ADVANTAGE 400 电动活塞泵 用户手册说明书

0914 • © Titan Tool Inc. All Rights Reserved. Form No. 0552841HNOTE: This manual contains importantwarnings and instructions. Please read and retain for reference.Owner’s ManualDo not use this equipment before reading this manual!ADVANTAGE 400Electric Piston PumpRegister your product online at:Serial Number*_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _* See page 3 for location0552054Model 0552072Model 05520712 © Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved. 34 © Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.56 © Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.78 © Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.9© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.11ProblemA. The unit will not run.B. The unit will not prime.C. The unit will not build ormaintain pressure.D. Fluid leakage at the upper endof the fluid section.E. Excessive surge at the spraygun.F. Poor spray pattern.G. The unit lacks power.cause1. The unit is not plugged in.2. Tripped breaker.3. The pressure is set too low (pressurecontrol knob set at minimum setting doesnot supply power to unit).4. Faulty or loose wiring.5. Excessive motor temperature.1. The PRIME/SPRAY valve is in the SPRAYposition.2. Air leak in the siphon tube/suction set.3. The pump filter and/or inlet screen isclogged.4. The siphon tube/suction set is clogged.1. The spray tip is worn.2. The spray tip is too large.3. The pressure control knob is not setproperly.4. The pump filter, gun filter, or inlet screen isclogged.5. Material flows from the return hose whenthe PRIME/SPRAY valve is in the SPRAYposition.6. Air leak in the siphon tube/suction set.7. There is external fluid leak.8. There is an internal fluid section leak(packings are worn and/or dirty, valve ballsare worn).9. Worn valve seats10. Motor powers but fails to rotate1. The upper packings are worn.2. The piston rod is worn.1. Wrong type of airless spray hose.2. The spray tip worn or too large.3. Excessive pressure.1. The spray tip is too large for the materialbeing used.2. Incorrect pressure setting.3. Insufficient fluid delivery.4. The material being sprayed is too viscous.1. The pressure adjustment is too low.2. Improper voltage supply.Solution1. Plug the unit in.2. Reset the breaker.3. Turn the pressure control knob clockwise to supplypower to the unit and increase the pressure setting.4. Inspect or take to a Titan authorized service center.5. Allow motor to cool.1. Rotate the PRIME/SPRAY valve clockwise to thePRIME position.2. Check the siphon tube/suction set connection andtighten or re-tape the connection with PTFE tape.3. Remove the pump filter element and clean. Removethe inlet screen and clean.4. Remove the siphon tube/suction set and clean.1. Replace the spray tip following the instructions thatcame with the spray gun.2. Replace the spray tip with a tip that has a smallerorifice following the instructions that came with thespray gun.3. Turn the pressure control knob clockwise to increasethe pressure setting.4. Remove the pump filter element and clean. Removethe gun filter and clean. Remove the inlet screenand clean.5. Clean or replace the PRIME/SPRAY valve.6. Check the siphon tube/suction set connection andtighten or re-tape the connection with PTFE tape.7. Check for external leaks at all connections. Tightenconnections, if necessary.8. Clean the valves and service the fluid sectionfollowing the “Servicing the Fluid Section” procedurein the Maintenance section of this manual.9. Reverse or replace the valve seats following the“Servicing the Fluid Section” procedure in theMaintenance section of this manual.10. Take unit to a Titan authorized service center.1. Repack the pump following the “Servicing the FluidSection” procedure in the Maintenance section of thismanual.2. Replace the piston rod following the “Servicing theFluid Section” procedure in the Maintenance sectionof this manual.1. Replace hose with a minimum of 50’ of 1/4”grounded textile braid airless paint spray hose.2. Replace the spray tip following the instructions thatcame with the spray gun.3. Rotate the pressure control knob counterclockwise todecrease spray pressure.1. Replace the spray tip with a new or smaller spray tipfollowing the instructions that came with the spraygun.2. Rotate the pressure control knob to adjust thepressure for a proper spray pattern.3. Clean all screens and filters.4. Add solvent to the material according to themanufacturer’s recommendations.1. Rotate the pressure control knob clockwise toincrease the pressure setting.2. Reconnect the input voltage for 120V AC.Troubleshooting© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.Notes© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.13Parts ListMain Assembly17181916131415Item Part # Description Quantity1 0551540 Motor assembly (includes items 2–7and items 25, 29, and 30 in theGear Box Assembly parts list) (1)2 770-099 Tie wrap (1)3 704-206 Capacitor (1)Suction Set Assembly1234567Item Part # Description Quantity 1 0558672A Siphon tube assembly(includes items 1-7) (1)2 0558659A Return hose (1)3 0279459 Hose clip (1)4 700-805 Inlet screen (1)5 9871105 O-ring (2)6 9822526 Retaining ring (1)7 9850638 Tie wrap (2)704-109 O-ring (for hot solvents, optional)LabelsPart # Description0552720 Logo label, front0552722 Logo label, left0552722 Logo label, right0551485 Warning label, explosion/injection0295805 Shock hazard label0507856 PRIME/SPRAY labelItem Part # Description Quantity4 704-285A Fan shroud (2)5 9802891 Screw (2)6 704-250 Fan (1)7 9804916 Fan screw (1)0508645 Motor Brush Kit© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.19Gear Box Assembly© Titan Tool Inc. All rights reserved.Item Part #Description Quantity 1 700-139 Screw ........................................................4 2 0558301 Front cover ...............................................1 3 0508208 Slider assembly ........................................1 4 0508572 Crankshaft/gear assembly ........................1 5 704-174 Thrust washer ...........................................1 6 704-176 Second stage gear ...................................1 7 0509219 Screw ........................................................1 8 700-771 Pressure control knob ...............................1 9 0551522 Knob housing ............................................1 10 02712 Knob spring ..............................................1 11 9822522 Washer .....................................................1 12 806-032 Plunger .....................................................1 13 800-741 Power cord assembly (stand) ...................1 806-213 Power cord assembly (low boy and upright cart)Item Part #Description Quantity 14 9800340 Ground screw ...........................................1 15 0551112 Transducer assembly (includes o-ring) ....1 16 704-211A Circuit breaker ..........................................1 17 9850936 ON/OFF switch .........................................1 18 03662 Microswitch insulator ................................1 19 0295490 Microswitch ...............................................1 20 9800604 Screw ........................................................2 21 704-281 Port plug ...................................................1 22 700-139 Screw ........................................................4 23 0523527A Heat sink / relay assembly........................1 24 806-100A Housing assembly (includes item 17).......1 0551520 Mechanical control assembly (includes items 9–12)Stand Assembly 21354678109 Item Part # Description Quantity 1 700-761 Cord wrap .................................................1 2 9885546 Plug ..........................................................4 3 0551526 Left leg assembly(includes items 1, 2, and 7) ......................1 4 704-244 Clip assembly ...........................................1 5 0551434 Screw ........................................................1 6 700-1041 Drip cup ....................................................1 7 700-069 Screw ........................................................2 8 226-001 Nut ............................................................1 9 0551524 Right leg assembly(includes items 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10)109805230Screw (1)Upright Cart assembly (P/N 0551110)12354 Item Part # Description Quantity 1 0551660 Cart weldment (includes item 5) ...............1 2 9890104 Cap ...........................................................2 3 0294534 Spacer ......................................................4 4 0278373 Wheel .......................................................2 5 9885546 Plug . (4)Low Boy cart AssemblyElectrical Schematic91011121314151617182019123467835 Item Part # Description Quantity 1 0551608 Cart weldment (includes items6 and 14) .1 2 704-291 Roll pin ......................................................2 3 0294534 Wheel spacer ............................................4 4 0270394 Wheel .......................................................2 5 9890104 Cap ...........................................................2 6 9885546 Plug ..........................................................27 0295615 Lock nut ....................................................28 9805230 Screw ........................................................19 773-918 Screw ........................................................2 10 0551551 Mounting bracket, left ...............................1 110551552Mounting bracket, right (1)Item Part # Description Quantity 12 856-921 Screw ........................................................4 13 856-002 Washer .....................................................4 14 806-033 Plug ..........................................................2 15 590-506 Handle washer ..........................................2 16 590-508 Roll pin ......................................................2 17 9841504 Snap button ..............................................2 18 590-504 Sleeve .......................................................2 19 0551609 Handle asssembly(includes items 12, 13, and 15–18............1 20700-1041Drip cup (1)NOTE: All electrical work should be performed bya Titan authorized service center.WarrantyTitan Tool, Inc., (“Titan”) warrants that at the time of delivery to the original purchaser for use (“End User”), the equipment covered by this warranty is free from defects in material and workmanship. With the exception of any special, limited, or extended warranty published by Titan, Titan’s obligation under this warranty is limited to replacing or repairing without charge those parts which, to Titan’s reasonable satisfaction, are shown to be defective within twelve (12) months after sale to the End User. This warranty applies only when the unit is installed and operated in accordance with the recommendations and instructions of Titan.This warranty does not apply in the case of damage or wear caused by abrasion, corrosion or misuse, negligence, accident, faulty installation, substitution of non-Titan component parts, or tampering with the unit in a manner to impair normal operation.Defective parts are to be returned to an authorized Titan sales/service outlet. All transportation charges, including return to thefactory, if necessary, are to be borne and prepaid by the End User. Repaired or replaced equipment will be returned to the End User transportation prepaid.THERE IS NO OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTY. TITAN HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. THE DURATION OF ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES WHICH CANNOT BE DISCLAIMED IS LIMITED TO THE TIME PERIOD SPECIFIED IN THE EXPRESS WARRANTY. IN NO CASE SHALL TITAN LIABILITY EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE. LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES UNDER ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES IS EXCLUDED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.TITAN MAKES NO WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO ACCESSORIES, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS OR COMPONENTS SOLD BUT NOT MANUFACTURED BY TITAN. THOSE ITEMS SOLD, BUT NOT MANUFACTURED BY TITAN (SUCH AS GAS ENGINES, SWITCHES, HOSES, ETC.) ARE SUBJECT TO THE WARRANTY, IF ANY, OF THEIR MANUFACTURER. TITAN WILL PROVIDE THE PURCHASER WITH REASONABLE ASSISTANCE IN MAKING ANY CLAIM FOR BREACH OF THESE WARRANTIES.Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available on Titan’s website or by calling Customer Service.United States Sales & Service 1770 Fernbrook Lane Minneapolis, MN Phone:Fax:1-800-526-53621-800-528-48261770 Fernbrook Lane Minneapolis, MN 55447Fax:1-763-519-3509International***************************。

TE Connectivity 手动紧固工具 58078-3 说明书

TE Connectivity 手动紧固工具 58078-3 说明书

©2014 TE Connectivity family of companies All Rights Reserved1 of 5Instruction SheetTOOLING ASSISTANCE CENTER 1-800-722-1111PRODUCT INFORMATION 1-800-522-6752This controlled document is subject to change.For latest revision and Regional Customer Service,408-6976Hand Crimping ToolFrame 58078-312 JUN 14 Rev JPROPER USE GUIDELINESCumulative Trauma Disorders can result from the prolonged use of manually powered hand tools. Hand tools are intended for occasional use and low volume applications. A wide selection of powered application equipment for extended-use, production operations is available.Figure 11. INTRODUCTIONHand Crimping Tool Frame 58078-3 accepts crimping die assemblies, listed in Figure 1, designed to crimp Ultra-Fast and Ultra-Fast Plus FASTON terminals onto wire sizes No. 26 through 14 AWG. Catalogs 82042 and 82004 provide guidance for wire-to-terminal selection. For wire sizes and terminals not referenced in the catalog, contact TE Connectivity for recommendations. Read these instructions thoroughly before using the tool frame.Measurements are in metric units [with U.S.customary units in brackets]. Figures andillustrations are for reference only and are notdrawn to scale.Reasons for reissue are provided in Section 7, REVISION SUMMARY.2. DESCRIPTIONEach tool frame features a lower jaw platform, an upper jaw platform, a spring-loaded locator assemblyLower Jaw PlatformCRIMPING DIE ASSEMBLYTERMINAL TYPE WIRESIZECRIMPDOT CODEPART NUMBER INSTRUCTION SHEET COLOR DOT CODE58052-3408-9277Violet Ultra-Fast Fully Insulated FASTON*26-22358079-3408-9278RedUltra-Fast Plus Fully Insulated FASTON22-18N/A58080-3Blue16-14N/A90390-3408-9279RedUltra-Fast Fully Insulated FASTON22-18190391-3Blue16-142NOTEi O R I G I N A L I N S T R U C T I O N Swith an adjustable locator stop, and a ratchet handle with a ratchet pawl. The tool frame number is marked on the FRONT side of the tool frame. See Figure 1.The upper jaw platform has a mounting hole and the lower jaw platform has a socket head setscrew for securing the die assembly. The locator assembly aids in positioning the terminal between the crimping dies and the locator stop adjusts for the various series size of terminals. The ratchet handle assures full crimping. Once engaged, the ratchet will not release until the tool frame handles have been FULLY closed, unless the ratchet pawl is depressed to manually release the ratchet. Use the manual release only when a terminal is improperly positioned.The crimping dies bottom before the ratchetreleases. This is a design feature that assures maximum electrical and tensile performance of the crimp. Do NOT re-adjust the ratchet.3. DIE ASSEMBLY INSTALLATIONThe crimping die assembly consists of a lower die and an upper die, each marked with a color dot code that must match the color-coded terminal. The crimp dot code that will appear on the crimped terminal indicates the correct die assembly used. Refer to Figure 1. When closed, the die assembly forms two crimping chambers, each marked with the wire size range.3.1. Installing Lower Die1. Close tool frame handles until ratchet releases, then allow handles to open FULLY .2. Slide lower die onto lower jaw platform of tool frame. Make sure that the hole on the side of the lower die aligns with the socket head setscrew on the platform. See Figure 2.If lower die will not position properly, use hex wrench provided with die assembly to turnsocket head setscrew either in or out until lower die positions properly.3. Using hex wrench, turn socket head setscrew CLOCKWISE until snug. Do NOT overtighten.3.2. Installing Upper Die1. Remove die retention screw from upper die.2. Slide upper die onto upper jaw platform of tool frame. Make sure the color dot code on upper die is on the same side as the color dot code on lower die. See Figure 2.3. Insert die retention screw through mounting hole in top of tool frame and thread, but do not tighten, the screw.4. Carefully close the tool handles, making sure that the dies align properly.5. Tighten the die retention screw until secure.Figure 2CAUTION !NOTEiSetscrewPlatformFigure 34. CRIMPING PROCEDURESelect the appropriate wire size and terminal for the die assembly. The wire size and insulation diameter must be within a specified range for the terminal. Strip the wire to the appropriate length shown in Figure 3. Do NOT cut or nick the wire strands. Then, proceed as follows:1. Open crimping dies by squeezing tool frame handles together until ratchet releases.2. Hold tool frame so that the FRONT side is facing you.3. The locator stop must be adjusted toaccommodate the terminal series size, which is marked on the terminal insulation (.110, .187, or .250). Rotate the blue plastic locator stop until the series size number, appearing in the uppermost position, matches the terminal series size. Refer to Figure 3.If crimping a flag terminal, the locator stop does NOT need to be adjusted.4. Push the locator assembly away from the upper crimping die slightly and hold.5. Insert terminal mating end, flat side facing locator, in the BACK side of the tool frame; center on the appropriate crimping chamber on the lower crimping die. Allow terminal to butt against locator stop. See Figure 3.For a flag terminal, flat side of wire barrel must face outward and mating end must seat on locator.6. Holding terminal in position, release locator assembly. Insert stripped wire into wire barrel until wire bottoms.7. Hold wire in position and maintain light pressure. Then, squeeze tool frame handles together until ratchet releases.8. Allow tool frame handles to open FULLY . Holding locator assembly in position, remove crimped terminal.9. Check crimped terminal to ensure that theappropriate crimp dot code appears on the terminal (refer to Figure 1 for code listing). See Figure 4 for a properly crimped terminal with a crimp dot code.Figure 45. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION PROCEDURETE recommends that a maintenance and inspection program be performed periodically to ensure dependable and uniform terminations. Though recommendations call for at least one inspection a month, frequency of inspection depends on:1. The care, amount of use, and handling of the tool frame.2. The presence of abnormal amounts of dust and dirt.3. The degree of operator skill.4. Your own established standards.7.14 [.281]NOTE: Not to ScaleNOTEiNOTEiFlat terminals will not have a crimp dot code.NOTEiThe tool frame is inspected before being shipped; however, TE recommends that the tool frame be inspected immediately upon arrival to ensure that it has not been damaged during shipment.5.1. Daily Maintenance1. Tool frame should be immersed (handles partiallyclosed) in a reliable commercial degreasingcompound to remove accumulated dirt, grease, and foreign matter. When degreasing compound is not available, tool frame may be wiped clean with a soft, lint-free cloth. Do NOT use hard or abrasive objects that could damage the tool frame.2. Make certain that the retaining pins are in placeand that they are secured with retaining rings.3. All pins, pivot points, and bearing surfaces shouldbe protected with a THIN coat of any good SAE 20 motor oil. Do not oil excessively.4. When the tool frame is not in use, keep handlesclosed and store in a clean, dry area.5.2. Periodic InspectionA. LubricationLubricate all pins, pivot points, and bearing surfaces with SAE 20 motor oil as follows:Tool frames used in daily production-lubricate daily Tool frames used daily (occasional)-lubricate weekly Tool frames used weekly-lubricate monthlyWipe excess oil from tool frame. Oil transferred onto certain terminations may affect the electrical characteristics of an application.B. Visual Inspection1. Close tool frame handles until ratchet releasesand then allow them to open freely. If they do not open quickly and fully, the spring is defective and must be replaced. See Section 6, REPLACEMENT AND REPAIR.2. Inspect jaw platforms for worn, cracked, orbroken areas. If damage is evident, return the tool frame to TE for evaluation and repair. See Section 6, REPLACEMENT AND REPAIR.C. Ratchet InspectionThe ratchet feature on tool frames should be checked to ensure that the ratchet does not release prematurely, allowing the dies to open before they have fully bottomed.1. Squeeze tool frame handles together and countthe number of ratchet stops. Five stops, including the release position, should be indicated by themovement of the ratchet pawl and the clickingsound associated with its movement.2. If fewer positions are indicated, the ratchethandle and ratchet pawl must be replaced. Refer to Section 6, REPLACEMENT AND REPAIR.3. Recheck the ratchet. If second inspection revealsa continuing defect, return the tool frame to TE forevaluation and repair. Refer to Section 6,REPLACEMENT AND REPAIR.When tool frame passes ratchet inspection, lubricate it with a THIN coat of any good SAE 20 motor oil.6. REPLACEMENT AND REPAIRThe parts listed in Figure 5 are customer- replaceable.A complete inventory can be stocked and controlled to prevent lost time when replacement of parts is necessary. Parts other than those listed should be replaced by TE to ensure quality and reliability of the tool frame.Order replacement parts through your TE Representative, or call 1-800-526-5142, or send a facsimile of your purchase order to 717-986-7605, or write to:CUSTOMER SERVICE (038-035)TYCO ELECTRONICS CORPORATIONPO BOX 3608HARRISBURG PA 17105-3608Tools may also be returned to TE for evaluation and repair. For tool repair service, contact a TE Representative at: 1-800-526-5136.7. REVISION SUMMARY•Updated document to corporate requirements •Updated table in Figure 5ITEM PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY PER ASSY 1---FRAME, Handle12---JAW, Platform13---PIN, Toggle Link1 421061-1SETSCREW, Socket Head25---TOGGLE, Link26---PIN179-59558-0PIN, Grooved1 81583388-1PAWL, Ratchet19---HANDLE, Ratchet1 102217548-1HANDLE, Plastic1 112217549-1HANDLE, Plastic1127-59558-8PIN, Handle, Pivot1131-21116-0RING, Retaining2 14354266-1SPRING, Extension1 1518202-1E-RING, Bowed1167-59558-9PIN, Pivot1 17312388-1LOCATOR, Assembly1 18310690-1SPRING, Extension1191-21113-6E-RING, External1 2021045-1RING, Retaining2213-21028-8PIN, Slotted, .094D x .063 L1Figure 5。

Panduit MSPT-1.3 头孔打开工具说明书

Panduit MSPT-1.3 头孔打开工具说明书

MSPT-1.3 PA26214A01Rev. 01 18-Sep-09© Panduit Corp. 2009TOOL SPECIFICATIONS (1)Safety (1)PRECAUTIONS AND GENERAL GUIDELINES (2)TOOL OPERATION (3)Bushings (3)MAINTENANCE (3)SPARE PARTS LISTING (5)Website: Email:**************Panduit Corp. • USA Headquarters • Tinley Park, IL Tel: 888-506-5400, ext. 3255 • Fax: 630-759-7532The Panduit MSPT-1.3 Stud Punch tool punches a 34.1 mm (1-11/32") round holein 25 GA. min. to 20 GA max. mild steel studs.TOOL SPECIFICATIONS7.0 lbs. (3.2 kg)NOTE: In the interest of higher quality and value, Panduit products are continually beingimproved and updated. Consequently, pictures may vary from the enclosed product.SafetySafety is essential in the use and maintenance of Panduit tools and equipment. This manual and any markings on the tool provide information for avoiding hazards and unsafe practices related to the use of this tool. Observe all of the safety information provided.PRECAUTIONS AND GENERAL GUIDELINESThis symbol is used to call your attention to hazards or unsafe practices which could result in an injury or property damage. The signal word, defined below, indicates the severity of the hazard.The message after the signal word provides information for preventing or avoiding the hazard.WARNINGHazards which, if not avoided, COULD result in severe injury or death.CAUTIONHazards or unsafe practices which, if not avoided, MAY result in injury or property damage.WARNINGRead and understand all of the instructions and safety information in this manual before operating or servicing this tool.WARNINGWear eye protection when operating or servicing this tool.Failure to wear eye protection can result in serious eye injury from flying debris.WARNINGElectric Shock Hazard:This tool is not insulated. When using this unit on or near energized electrical lines, use proper personal protective equipment.CAUTIONInspect the tool prior to use. Replace worn, damaged or missing components with replacement parts. A damaged or improperly assembled tool may break. Use this tool for manufacturer’s intended use only. Use other than that which is described in this manual may result in injury or damage to the tool.CAUTIONDo not add extensions (cheaters) to the handles. Using excessive force may result in injury or damage to the tool. If excessive force is required to complete a punch, verify that the type and thickness of material do not exceed the capacity of the tool.IMPORTANT INFORMATIONDo not use on heavier than 20 gauge mild steel.TOOL OPERATIONPosition the punch on the metal stud. Squeeze the handles together. The slug will fall free when the hole is complete.BushingsBushings are available for the holes punched by the MSPT-1.3 tool. Bushings protect wire insulation from the sharp edges of the metal stud. Complies with NEC Article 300-4(b)(1).Fig. APanduit Part No.DescriptionQty.MSG-1.3-CMetal Stud Grommet for 1-11/32” hole(see Fig. A)100 pc. PackMSG-1.3-M1,000 pc. PackFig. BMSGV-1.3-CMetal Stud Grommet for 1-11/32” hole (Anti-vibration; for ½” to 1” pipe)(see Fig. B)100 pc. PackMSGV-1.3-M1,000 pc. PackMAINTENANCELubricate all moving parts with light weight oil.To replace the punch, refer to the illustration on the next page, and follow this procedure:1. Remove the locknut (A) from the pivot bolt (B),and then remove the pivot bolt from the punch holder (8).2. Remove the entire punch holder shaft and sleeve from the C-frame.3.Depress the sleeve and unscrew the punch from the punch holder.MSPT-1.3 ILLUSTRATIONNOTE: All parts shown forreference only.Consult factory for lead time andpart availability.MSPT-1.3 STUD PUNCH SPARE PARTS LISTING# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY KEY PART50212850Stud punch complete1 52027489Lever unit 12 Link (see below for service parts) 14 Locknuts 35 50213032Washer, flat .968 x 1.62 x .062 16 50215574Spring, compression 19 90513614Retaining ring, .865; Truarc #5100-93-S-PP 112 50248235Punch, conduit 113 50212974Die 114 52027490Handle, green 115 C-Frame unit 117 90507649Screw, set, 1/4–20 x .375 socket w/locking patch 118 90506170Screw, set, 1/4–20 x .250 socket w/locking patch 120 Bolts, pivot, 1/4 x 20 325 50213016Bushing 1MSPT-1.3 STUD PUNCH REPAIR KITS LISTING50060155Pin kit (includes items 4 and 20)50059327Link kit (includes items 2, 4 and 20)** 52026022Sliding mechanism service kit (includes items 7 and 8)**Use one flat washer (50213032), as shown in the illustration, when replacing the punch holders. For ordering parts, call 1-888-506-5400, ext. 3226.。

Titan XT工具推荐指南 PDF文件说明书

Titan XT工具推荐指南 PDF文件说明书

HARD SURFACE MEDIUMSURFACESOFTSURFACETitan XT Tooling Recommendation GuideEpoxy & Paint PNG 16 GritHD 1 Segment002-1415-00QTY 8PNG 16 GritHD 1 Segment002-1415-00QTY 8PNG 16 GritHD 1 Segment002-1418-00QTY 8PNG 16 GritHD 2 SegmentShark002-1426-00 QTY 16PNG 16 GritHD 2 SegmentShark002-1426-00QTY 16PNG 16 GritHD 2 SegmentShark002-1427-00QTY 16Plate Configuration450-800 PAD SPEED Speed RangeThinsetPNG 16 GritHD 2 Segment002-1422-00QTY 8PNG 16 GritHD 2 SegmentShark002-1427-00QTY 16 Plate Configuration450-800PAD SPEEDSpeed RangeExposed AggregatePNG 16 GritHD TearDrop002-1481-00QTY 24PNG 16 GritHD TearDrop002-1499-00QTY 24PNG 16 GritHD TearDrop002-1505-00QTY 24 Plate Configuration450-800PAD SPEEDSpeed RangeCSP 3 ProfilePNG 16 GritHD 1 Segment002-1487-00QTY 16PNG 16 GritHD 1 Segment002-1415-00QTY 16PNG 16 GritHD 1 Segment002-1418-00QTY 24 Plate Configuration450-800PAD SPEEDSpeed RangeGlue & MasticPNG 16 GritHD 1 Segment002-1415-00QTY 16PNG 16 GritHD 1 Segment002-1415-00QTY 16PNG 16 GritHD 1 Segment002-1418-00QTY 16PNG 16 GritHD 2 SegmentShark002-1426-00QTY 8PNG 16 GritHD 2 SegmentShark002-1426-00QTY 8PNG 16 GritHD 2 SegmentShark002-1427-00QTY 8Plate Configuration450-800PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePropaneConcrete Surface PreparationDetermine Surface Hardness using MOHS Hardness TesterMOHS 7.5-9MOHS 4.5-7.5MOHS 2-4.5HARD SURFACE MEDIUM SURFACE SOFT SURFACEPNG 16 GritHD 2 Segment002-1422-00QTY 8PNG 16 GritHD 2 SegmentShark002-1427-00QTY 16PNG 16 GritHD 2 Segment002-1422-00QTY 8PNG 16 GritHD 2 SegmentShark002-1427-00QTY 16PNG 16 GritHD 2 SegmentShark002-1493-00QTY 8PNG 16 GritHD 2 SegmentShark002-1426-00QTY 8PNG 16 GritHD 2 SegmentShark002-1427-00QTY 8TITAN XT TOOLING GUIDE REV 4Vinyl Removal Plate Configuration 450-800 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangeCure ‘n Seal Plate Configuration 450-800 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePLATES 1, 2, 3, 4 ROTATE CLOCKWISEPLATES 5, 6, 7, 8 ROTATE COUNTER-CLOCKWISEPlease see diagram below for rotation of PLUG ‘N GO Plates. Tooling labelled CW or CCW must placed on the correct plate in order to function effectivelyPNG TRI BIT PCD CW002-1163-01 QTY 12PNG TRI BIT PCD CCW002-1164-01 QTY 12PNG TRI BIT PCD CW002-1163-01 QTY 12PNG TRI BIT PCD CCW002-1164-01 QTY 12PNG TRI BIT PCD CW002-1163-01 QTY 12PNG TRI BIT PCD CCW002-1164-01 QTY 12PNG 16 Grit HD 1 Segment 002-1415-00QTY 16PNG 16 Grit HD 1 Segment 002-1415-00QTY 16PNG 16 Grit HD 1 Segment 002-1418-00QTY 16PNG 16 Grit HD 2 Segment Shark002-1426-00QTY 8PNG 16 Grit HD 2 Segment Shark002-1426-00QTY 8PNG 16 Grit HD 2 Segment Shark002-1427-00QTY 8Spalled Concrete PNG 16 Grit HD 2 Segment 002-1422-00QTY 24PNG 16 Grit HD 2 Segment 002-1422-00QTY 24PNG 16 GritHD 2 Segment 002-1422-00QTY 24Plate Configuration 450-800 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangeHeavy CoatingsPNG PCD with TCD Shark CW 002-1350-00 QTY 12PNG PCD with TCD Shark CCW 002-1349-00 QTY 12Plate Configuration*450-800 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePNG PCD with TCD Shark CW 002-1350-00 QTY 12PNG PCD with TCD Shark CCW 002-1349-00 QTY 12PNG PCD with TCD Shark CW 002-1350-00 QTY 12PNG PCD with TCD Shark CCW 002-1349-00 QTY 12* Directional ToolingStep 1 - Metal Grinding - Prepare surface to achieve desired exposureWerkMaster Polished Concrete System OverviewStep 2 - Transition Stage - Remove metal tooling marks and prepare for densifyingStep 3 - Densifying - Harden floor and prepare for polishingRead label and follow directionsEnsure your floor has been vacuumed and all tool marks have been removed prior to densifying. Densifiers also available in 1qt, 1gal, 2.5gal sizes.NOTE:ULTRAhard Lithium 006-0132-00 - 5 GallonULTRAhard Potassium 006-0129-00 - 5 Gallon ULTRAdensifil 006-0229-00 - 5 GallonStep 4 - Polishing - Bring floor to desired level of shineStep 5 - Sealing - Protect and seal polished concrete surfaceRead label and follow directionsULTRAguard Sealer 006-0130-00 5 GallonVacuum and clean floor prior to sealing. Apply 2 thin, tight coats of sealer allowing cure time of 30 mins between coats. Sealer also available in 1qt, 1gal, 2.5gal sizes.NOTE:Step 6 - Burnishing - Achieve maximum shine and polish1000-1500 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePink Nylon - 7 inch Pad 011-0077-00 QTY 8OPTIONAL STAGE:Burnish floor to achieve maximum shine and polish with either your WerkMaster Machine or Propane Burnisher.Buffing PadSpeed Range450-800 PAD SPEEDPlate Configuration PNG 30/40 Grit HD TearDrop 002-1482-00 QTY 24PNG 30/40 Grit HD TearDrop 002-1500-00QTY 24PNG 30/40 Grit HD TearDrop 002-1506-00QTY 24PNG 70/80 Grit HD TearDrop 002-1483-00 QTY 24PNG 70/80 Grit HD TearDrop 002-1501-00 QTY 24PNG 70/80 Grit HD TearDrop 002-1507-00 QTY 24Start with highest grit where possible and move to lower grit when necessary.GENERAL RULE:Matte FinishSame as Matte Add:PNG PRO Resin - 400 Grit 003-0237-00 QTY 40PNG PRO Resin - 800 Grit 003-0238-00 QTY 40PNG PRO Resin - 200 Grit 003-0236-00 QTY 40Semi-Gloss FinishSame as Semi-Gloss Add:PNG PRO Resin - 1500 Grit 003-0239-00 QTY 40High-Gloss FinishPlate Configuration 800-1200 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePlate Configuration 600-900 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangeHARDMEDIUMSOFTRemove scratches using 100 Grit Achromic or Hybrid tooling. Transitional toolingeffectively removes scratches and creates a surface ready for densifying.INSTRUCTIONS:PNG Achromic 100 Grit003-0247-00QTY 40PNG Achromic 100 Grit003-0247-00QTY 40PNG Hybrid 100 Grit003-0223-01QTY 40HARDMEDIUMSOFTStep 1 - Metal Grinding - Prepare surface to achieve desired exposureWerkMaster Polished Concrete Topping System Overview Step 2 - Transition Stage - Remove metal tooling marks and prepare for densifyingStep 3 - Densifying - Harden floor and prepare for polishingRead label and follow directionsEnsure your floor has been vacuumed and all tool marks have been removed prior to densifying. Densifiers also available in 1qt, 1gal, 2.5gal sizes.NOTE:ULTRAhard Lithium006-0132-00 5 GallonStep 4 - Polishing - Bring floor to desired level of shineStep 5 - Sealing - Protect and seal polished concrete surfaceRead label and follow directionsULTRAguard Sealer 006-0130-00 5 GallonVacuum and clean floor prior to sealing. Apply 2 thin, light coats of sealer allowing cure time of 30 mins in between coats. Sealer also available in 1qt, 1gal, 2.5gal sizes.NOTE:Step 6 - Burnishing - Achieve maximum shine and polish1000-1500 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePink Nylon - 7 inch Pad 011-0077-00 QTY 8OPTIONAL STAGE:Burnish floor to achieve maximum shine and polish with either your WerkMaster Machine or Propane Burnisher.Buffing PadSpeed Range450-800 PAD SPEEDPlate Configuration PNG 30/40 Grit HD TearDrop 002-1500-00 QTY 8PNG 70/80 Grit HD TearDrop 002-1501-00 QTY 16Use a combination of one 30/40 Grit segment and two 70/80 Grit segments per tooling plate to remove polymer cream layer and expose aggregate.INSTRUCTIONS:Matte Finish Semi-GlossFinish High-GlossFinishPlate Configuration 800-1200 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePlate Configuration 600-900 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePNG Achromic 100 Grit003-0247-00QTY 40Remove scratches using 100 Grit Achromic tooling. Achromic tooling effectivelyremoves scratches and creates a surface ready for densification.INSTRUCTIONS:Factory Endorsed System for Surface Preparation andT opping Polishing for Mapei PC & ARDEX PCT Polished T opping Flooring SystemsPNG PRO Resin - 200 Grit 003-0236-00 QTY 40Pink Nylon - 7 inch Pad 011-0077-00 QTY 8PNG Achromic - 200 Grit 003-0248-00 QTY 40PNG PRO Resin - 400 Grit 003-0237-00 QTY 40Diamond - 7 inch Pad 800 Grit 011-0060-00 QTY 8PNG Achromic - 200 Grit 003-0248-00 QTY 40PNG PRO Resin 400 -3000 Grit QTY 40Diamond - 7 inch Pad 3000 Grit 011-0062-00 QTY 8Step 1 - Light grind and prepare surfaceWerkMaster Cementitious Terrazzo Refinishing System Overview Step 2 - Transition Stage - Remove hybrid tooling marks and prepare for densifyingStep 3 - Densifiying - Harden floor and prepare for polishingRead label and follow directionsEnsure your floor has been vacuumed and all tool marks have been removed prior to densifying. Densifiers also available in 1qt, 1gal, 2.5gal sizes.NOTE:ULTRAhard Lithium006-0132-00 5 GallonStep 4 - Polishing - Bring floor to desired level of shineStep 5 - Sealing - Protect and seal polished terrazzo surfaceRead label and follow directionsULTRAguard Sealer 006-0130-00 5 GallonVacuum and clean floor prior to sealing. Apply 2 thin, light coats of sealer allowing cure time of 30 mins between coats. Sealer also available in 1qt, 1gal, 2.5gal sizes.NOTE:Step 6 - Burnishing - Achieve maximum shine and polish1000-1500 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePink Nylon - 7 inch Pad 011-0077-00 QTY 8OPTIONAL STAGE:Burnish floor to achieve maximum shine and polish with either your WerkMaster Machine or Propane Burnisher.Buffing PadRemove contaminants and sealer. Evenly affect entire floor with hybrid tooling before moving to next step.INSTRUCTIONS:Semi-Gloss FinishPNG PRO Resin - 400 Grit 003-0237-00 QTY 48PNG PRO Resin - 800 Grit 003-0238-00 QTY 48High-Gloss FinishSame as Semi-Gloss Add:PNG PRO Resin - 1500 Grit 003-0239-00 QTY 48Plate Configuration 800-1200 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePlate Configuration 600-900 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePNG Achromic 200 Grit003-0248-00QTY 48Remove scratches using 100 Grit Achromic tooling. Achromic tooling effectivelyremoves scratches and creates a surface ready for densifying.INSTRUCTIONS:Plate Configuration 500-800 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePNG 100 Grit HYBRID 003-0223-01QTY 48PNG 50 Grit HYBRID 003-0222-01QTY 48Step 1 - Light grind and prepare surfaceWerkMaster Epoxy Terrazzo Refinishing System Overview Step 3 - Polishing - Bring floor to desired level of shineStep 4 - Sealing - Protect and seal polished concrete surfaceRead label and followdirectionsULTRAguard Sealer 006-0130-00 5 GallonVacuum and clean floor prior to sealing. Apply 2 thin, light coats of sealer allowing cure time of 30 mins between coats. Sealer also available in 1qt, 1gal, 2.5gal sizes.NOTE:Step 5 - Burnishing - Achieve maximum shine and polish1000-1500 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePink Nylon - 7 inch Pad 011-0077-00 QTY 8OPTIONAL STAGE:Burnish floor to achieve maximum shine and polish with either your WerkMaster Machine or Propane Burnisher.Buffing PadRemove contaminants and sealer. Evenly affect entire floor with hybrid tooling before moving to next step.INSTRUCTIONS:Matte FinishSame as Matte Add:PNG PRO Resin - 400 Grit 003-0237-00 QTY 48PNG PRO Resin - 800 Grit 003-0238-00 QTY 48PNG PRO Resin - 200 Grit 003-0236-00 QTY 48Semi-Gloss FinishSame as Semi-Gloss Add:PNG PRO Resin - 1500 Grit 003-0239-00 QTY 48High-Gloss FinishPlate Configuration 800-1200 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePlate Configuration 500-800 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePNG 70/80 Grit HD TearDrop 002-1501-00QTY 40Remove all tooling marks using 100 Grit Achromic tooling.Plate Configuration 500-800 PAD SPEEDSpeed RangePNG 100 Grit Achromic 003-0247-00QTY 48Step 2 - Transition Stage - Remove hybrid tooling marks and prepare for densifyingINSTRUCTIONS:IMAGEDESCRIPTIONStandard 1 Segment. Available in hard, medium or soft bond.Available in 16 - 30/40 - 70/80 grit.Heavy Duty 1 Segment. Available in hard, medium or soft bond. Available in 16 - 30/40 - 70/80 grit.Heavy Duty 2 Segment. Available in hard, medium or soft bond.Available in 16 - 30/40 - 70/80 grit.Standard 2 Segment Shark.Available in hard, medium or soft bond. Available in 16 - 30/40 - 70/80 grit.Heavy Duty 2 Segment Shark. Available in hard, medium or soft bond. Available in 16 - 30/40 - 70/80 grit.Standard TearDrop Segment. Available in hard, medium or soft bond. Available in 16 - 30/40 - 70/80 grit.TearDrop HD Segment. Available in hard, medium or soft bond.Available in 16 - 30/40 - 70/80 grit.PCD w/TCD Shark. Available in CW and CCW configuration.TRI-BIT PCD. Available in CW and CCW configuration.Full Plate Turbo Shark. Available in 3 and 5 inch diameter sizes.Vacuum Brazed Discs. Available in 30 and 70 grit. Available in 3 and 5 inch diameter sizes.WerkMaster Tooling LegendPLUG ‘N GO - Metal Bond AbrasivesIMAGEDESCRIPTIONStandard Dry Resin.Available in 100 - 3000 grit.Professional Resin.Available in 100 - 3000 grit.Achromic Resin.Available in 30 - 200 grit.Hybrid Resin.Available in 50 and 100 grit.Achromic Resin 3 inch Pad.Available in 50 grit.Granite and Marble Wet Resins 3 inch Pad.Available in 30 - 3000 grit.Countertop Quartz Pro Wet Resin.3 inch Pad.Available in 30 - 3000 grit.Concrete Dry Resin. 3 inch Pad.Available in 100 - 3000 grit.PLUG ‘N GO - Resin Bond AbrasivesIMAGEDESCRIPTIONHalf Segment - Super Segment. Available in 25 Grit.S-Segment Hardwood Refinishing & Aluminum Oxide removal.PLUG ‘N GO - Specialty Tooling。



产品使用说明书(v4.0.0 GZDW微机控制高频开关直流电源系统珠海泰坦科技股份有限公司目录一、概述 (41.1关于本说明书 (41.2安全提示 (41.3正常使用条件 (41.4电源系统型号命名 (5二、TEP-M系列高频开关电源模块 (52.1产品概述 (52.2原理框图 (52.3主要特点 (62.4型号命名 (72.5主要技术指标 (82.6模块前面板说明 (82.7输入/出端子引脚说明 (92.7.1TEP-M-E系列电源模块输入/出端子 (9 2.7.2TEP-M-F系列电源模块输入/出端子 (10 2.8通讯地址 (102.9模块安装 (102.10模块调试 (112.11告警及常见故障排除 (112.11.1直流输出过/欠压或无输出告警 (11 2.11.2交流输入(或直流输入过/欠压告警 (11 2.11.3模块显示OFF (112.11.4模块通讯指示灯COM不闪烁 (11三、TEP-I系列微机监控装置 (123.1型号命名 (123.2主要功能 (123.3操作使用说明 (13.3.1按键 (13.3.2操作 (主菜单 (直流监控 (交流屏监控 (当前告警 (蓄电池巡检 (告警记录屏 (支路监测 (核对放电 (系统参数 (充电参数 (通讯参数 (通道校准 (123.4蓄电池充、放电管理 (143.5绝缘监测 (153.6蓄电池端电压检测 (15四、设备成套 (15五、包装、运输及储存 (15六、售后服务及订货须知 (16附录1:TEP-I-G微机监控装置通讯规约 (17附录1-1:0#规约:泰坦规约 (17附录1-2:1#规约:MODBUS规约 (25附件1-3:2#规约:新部颁CDT规约 (32一、概述1.1关于本说明书本说明书对GZDW微机控制高频开关直流电源系统的安装、使用、操作、维护、检查、故障与排除及技术性能等内容进行了阐述和说明,请用户在开箱后首先认真阅读理解,并妥善保管本说明书以备查阅。



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TE Connectivity 10,000 psi 电源钢丝紧固工具解说说明书

TE Connectivity 10,000 psi 电源钢丝紧固工具解说说明书

A Comprehensive Guide to TE Hydraulic Tooling SolutionsHydraulic Powered Crimp Tooling for 10,000 psiPOWER HAND TOOLINGTE Connectivity’s line of quality tooling includes industry-standard 10,000 psi [68,950 kPa] hydraulic tool systems. The basic hydraulic tool system requires a pump, hose (multiple lengths are available with all configurations), crimp head, and crimp die. There is a TE hydraulic pump to meet the demands ofany crimping application. For fixed crimping locations, you can choosebetween a 110V or 220V Electric Hydraulic Pump (with optional remote handcontrol), or manual foot and hand hydraulic pumps. For maximum portability, 10,000 psi hand-held pistol grip crimp tools with rechargeable battery are an effective solution. Or, to power a 10,000 psi crimp head at any location, order a portable battery hydraulic unit.U-dies for a 10,000 psi hydraulic system are well suited for applications requiring a crimp force of up to 14 tons [125 kN]. For wire sizes requiring up to 33 tons [294 kN], TE offers crimp heads for 10,000 psi that are compatible with shank dies.For a 10,000 psi hydraulic system, there are three medium duty and one heavy duty U-die crimp heads available. U-die crimp heads are available in two types, with 1 in [25 mm] and 1.5 in [38 mm] strokes, respectively. Two 12 ton [101 kN] crimp heads have a 1 in [25 mm] stroke. Two 14 ton [125 kN] crimp heads are for larger products that require a 1.5 in [38 mm] stroke. Four heavy duty crimp heads for shank dies are available for wire sizes requiring between 14 and 33 tons of crimp force.An integrated head/die for crimping #8 to #2 SOLISTRAND terminals is available. There are also manual hand held hydraulic tools available for both U and shank die sets.Note: 10,000 psi hydraulic pumps are not compatible with 8,200 psi crimp heads. 8,200 psi hydraulic pumps are not compatible with 10,000 crimp heads.•Industry standard 10,000 psi hydraulic system pumps and crimp heads•Electric & manual hydraulic pumps for crimping at fixed locations•10,000 psi crimp heads compatible with shankdies available for wire sizes requiring a crimp force up to 33 tons•10,000 psi crimp heads compatible with U-dies for wire sizes requiring a crimp force up to 14 tons • U-die crimp head stroke options of 1” and 1.5”•Hand-held pistol grip tools with rechargeable battery for U-dies•Portable battery operated hydraulic pump for 10,000 psi crimp heads•Integrated crimp head/die combinations for crimping #8-2 AWG SOLISTRAND terminalsPOWER HAND TOOLINGPLASTI-GRIPAMPOWERSOLISTRANDTERMINYL HYDRAULIC TOOLING SELECTION GUIDE for 10,000 psiMedium- & Heavy-Duty Crimp Heads & Hand Tools (U-Dies) SOLISTRAND (Integrated Crimp Dies)Remote Hand Control3(for Heavy-Duty pump)w/hose attachedP/N 1901775-1 (7 ft hose)P/N 1901776-1 (15 ft hose)P/N 1901777-1 (21 ft hose)Remote Foot Control3(for Heavy-Duty pump)P/N 68284-1ANDOR8 - 4/0 AWG22 ton output force16 lbsP/N 1752877-1IS 408-89568 - 4/0 AWG33 ton output force28 lbsP/N 1752787-1IS 408-891412 ton outputforce1 stroke TitaniumCompressionHeadU-Die CompatibleP/N 1490747-1IS 408-871514 ton output force1.5 stroke;Heavy-DutyCompression HeadU-Die CompatibleP/N 1976230-1IS 408-101451 stroke HandCompression ToolU-Die CompatibleP/N 1490748-1IS 408-8716Hydraulic Hoses4(not required for hand control)P/N 1583662-1 (6 ft)P/N 1583662-2 (10 ft)P/N 1583662-3 (20 ft)WITHHeavy Duty Electric Hydraulic Pump(110V)1,2, P/N 1804700-1ORHeavy Duty Electric Hydraulic Pump(220V)1,2, P/N 1804700-2CM 409-10081( > 25,000cycles )POWER HAND TOOLINGDies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 10,000 psiThe TE Connectivity hydraulic crimping tool line offers a wide array of die, hand tool, and hydraulic head configurations. Use the following tables to determine the configuration that best matches your requirements.SOLISTRAND TerminalsPOWER HAND TOOLINGDies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 10,000 psiHeavy Duty SOLISTRAND TerminalsSOLISTRAND Flag TerminalsPOWER HAND TOOLINGDies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 10,000 psiTERMINYL Terminals and SplicesPLASTI-GRIP Terminals and SplicesPOWER HAND TOOLINGDies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 10,000 psiSTRATO-THERM Terminals and SplicesPOWER HAND TOOLINGDies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 10,000 psiHydraulic Crimp Tooling 10,000 psi Operating PressurePOWER HAND TOOLING Dies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 10,000 psiPOWER HAND TOOLINGHydraulic Hand Pump, manualPN 1583661-1Pistol Grip Battery Tool KitPN 280308-1 (12 ton 1 stroke, 110V) PN 280308-2 (12 ton 1 stroke, 220V)• Complete kit with batteries and battery charger • Accepts U-Dies• Rotating head 320°• Excellent power to weight ratio •Cycle life: 10,000 cycles3-Way Multidirectional ValvePN 1901782-1 (manual)Hydraulic Foot Pump, manualPN1583659-1Hydraulic Equipment Options for 68,950 kPa / 10,000 psiDies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 10,000 psiHydraulic Powered Crimp Tooling for 8,200 psiPOWER HAND TOOLINGTE Connectivity’s line of quality tooling TE legacy 8,200 psi [56,540 kPa] hydraulic tool systems. The basichydraulic tool system requires a pump, hose (multiple lengths are available with all configurations), crimp head, and crimp die. There is a TE hydraulic pump to meet the demands of any crimping application. For fixed crimping locations, you can choose between a 110V or 220V Electric Hydraulic Pump (with optional remote hand control), or manual foot and hand hydraulic pumps.For wire sizes requiring up to 33 tons [294 kN], TE offers crimp heads for 8,200 psi pumps that are compatible with shank dies. For an 8,200 psi hydraulic system, there are eight crimp heads available. These crimp heads accept shank dies. The crimp heads are available for wire sizes requiring up to 33 tons of crimp force.For both hydraulic systems, an integrated head/die for crimping #8 to #2 SOLISTRAND terminals is available. There are also manual hand held hydraulic tools available for both U and shank die sets.Note: 10,000 psi hydraulic pumps are not compatible with 8,200 psi crimp heads. 8,200 psi hydraulic pumps are not compatible with 10,000 crimp heads.•TE legacy 8,200 psi hydraulicsystem pumps and crimp heads•Electric & manual hydraulic pumps for crimping at fixed locations•8,200 psi crimp heads compatible with shankdies available for wire sizes requiring a crimp force up to 33 tons• U-die crimp head stroke options of 1” and 1.5”•Hand-held pistol grip tools with rechargeable battery for U-dies•Integrated crimp head/die combinations for crimping #8-2 AWG SOLISTRAND terminalsPLASTI-GRIP AMPOWER AMPOWER Quick Disconnect Insulation Piercing COPALUM Sealed COPALUM Bar COPALUM SOLISTRAND STRATO-THERM 8 AWG - 2/0 AWG TERMINYL HYDRAULIC TOOLING SELECTION GUIDE for 8,200 psi Hydraulic Hand ToolsSOLISTRAND (Integrated Crimp Dies)Remote Hand Control 3(for Heavy-Duty pump)w/hose attached P/N 59907-7 (7 ft hose)P/N 1-59907-5 (15 ft hose)P/N 2-59907-1 (21 ft hose)Remote Foot Control 3(for Heavy-Duty pump)P/N 68284-1Hydraulic Hoses 4(not required for hand control)P/N 59909-3 (3 ft)P/N 59909-7 (7 ft)P/N 1-59909-5 (15 ft)P/N 2-59909-1 (21 ft)WITHANDOR250 MCM - 600 MCM 33 ton output force28 lbsP/N 58445-1 IS 408-95988 - 4/0 AWG 22 ton output force16 lbsP/N 69066 IS 408-24534/0 AWG - 1000 MCM 26 ton output force29 lbsP/N 69082 IS 408-245612-10 AWG - 350 MCM 18 ton output force13 lbs P/N 69099IS 408-24588 - 2 AWG 8 ton output force5 lbs P/N 69051 IS 408-24508 - 4/0 AWG 12 ton output force10 lbs P/N 69065 IS 408-24528 - 4/0 AWG 12 ton outputforce 10 lbs P/N 69067 IS 408-24548-2 AWG POWER HAND TOOLINGHeavy Duty Electric Hydraulic Pump(110V)1,2, P/N 69120-1ORHeavy Duty Electric Hydraulic Pump(220V)1,2, P/N 69120-2CM 409-1950POWER HAND TOOLING Dies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 8,200 psi The TE Connectivity hydraulic crimping tool line offers a wide array of die, hand tool, and hydraulic head configurations. Use the following tables to determine the configuration that best matches your requirements.SOLISTRAND TerminalsPOWER HAND TOOLINGDies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 8,200 psiHeavy Duty SOLISTRAND TerminalsSOLISTRAND Flag TerminalsPOWER HAND TOOLINGDies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 8,200 psiTERMINYL Terminals and SplicesPLASTI-GRIP Terminals and SplicesPOWER HAND TOOLINGAMPOWER Quick Disconnect TerminalsDies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 8,200 psiSTRATO-THERM Terminals and SplicesPOWER HAND TOOLING Dies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 8,200 psiPOWER HAND TOOLINGDies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 8,200 psiPOWER HAND TOOLINGHydraulic Hand Pump, manualPN 314979-13-Way Multidirectional ValvePN 59920 (manual)Hydraulic Equipment Options for 56,540 kPa / 8,200 psiDies, Hand Tools, and Hydraulic Heads — Configuration Options for 8,200 psiInsulation Piercing Crimp COPALUM Terminals and SplicesCatalog 1654519 Rev B. / 10-19 / Application T oolingDisclaimerWhile TE Connectivity has made every reasonable effort to confirm the accuracy of the information in this catalog, TE does not guarantee that it is error-free, nor does TE make any other representation, warranty or guarantee that the information is accurate, correct, reliable or current.TE reserves the right to make any adjustments to the information contained herein at any time without notice. TE expressly disclaims all implied warranties regarding the information contained herein, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.The dimensions in this catalog are for reference purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Specifications are subject to change without notice. ConsultTE for the latest dimensions and design specifications.Let’s ConnectTo learn more about our Hydraulic Hand Tool portfolio or ourcomprehensive bundle of tooling solutions please visit us at TE Technical Support CenterUSA: 1.800.522.6752Canada: 1.800.522.6752Mexi c o: +52.55.1106.0800Latin/S. America+54.11.4733.2200Germany: +49.6151.607.1999Add Power to Your Production.If your production needsrequire fast, mobile hand tools that can help eliminate the hand fatigue from performing manual crimps, consider using TE’s Lithium-Ion battery hand tools. Many of our Lithium-Ion battery powered hand tools utilize the same interchangeable U and Shank dies found in our manual hydraulic hand tools, therebyspeeding up your production capacity without the need for purchasing new die sets. For purchasing options go to .Waste Not. Want Not.W hether it’s time or scrap, in manufacturing everyone knows that waste costs money. With our on-site certification and consultation services, we can help you:• Reduce downtime • Reduce scrap• Maintain crimp quality•Improve manufacturing efficiencyConnect with us today to learn more.• E-mail:********************************• Phone: 800-722-1111 or 717-986-3434• For additional information downloadcatalog number 1-1307619-0 from .UK:+44.0800.267666Fran c e: + +31.73.624.6999China: +86.400.820.6015。

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珠海泰坦接口工具用户手册珠海泰坦软件系统有限公司联系电话:2009年4月目录1接口工具配置 (1)1.1环境部署(安装.NET2.0框架) (1)1.2安装数据库(以ORACLE客户端为例) (2)1.2.1 ORACLE客户端(仅当连接oracle数据库时需要) (2)1.3接口工具使用流程 (9)1.4从超越和darms产品中导出模板文件 (10)1.4.1导出超越模板 (10)1.4.2导出darms模板 (14)2主系统接收超越和darms数据流程 (16)3配置文件夹介绍 (16)3.1 Template (17)3.2 Data (17)3.3 Build (18)4接口工具使用 (19)4.1 模板工具使用 (19)1.模板源选择 (20)2.连接数据库 (22)3.选择新旧系统 (23)4.选择档案类型 (24)5.对应档案类型 (24)6.编辑字段 (25)7.删除字段 (28)8.新加字段 (29)9.选择模板路径和保存模板 (31)4.2转换工具使用 (33)1.配置路径 (34)2.处理类型 (34)3.生成XML文件 (34)4.日志 (35)1接口工具配置1.1环境部署(安装.NET2.0框架)点击.NET2.0框架安装文件夹,双击运行安装程序,系统会自动检测本机是否安装.NET Framework 2.0程序,如果没有安装会自动弹出安装该组件的协议框,如下图:点击【接受】按钮,进行程序安装,如下图:1.2安装数据库(以ORACLE客户端为例)1.2.1 ORACLE客户端(仅当连接oracle数据库时需要)安装前提:1.接口工具所连接的数据库是oracle数据库2.当工具不在数据库所在的服务器机器上运行,并且本机没有安装oracle数据库或客户端。










在之前指定的darms文件存放路径找到刚才转出的模板,如图:2 主系统接收超越和darms 数据流程3配置文件夹介绍在服务器上需要配置指定文件夹包括存放模板,数据和转换数据后数据包,如图:用户darms 数据和超越数据,通过ftp 传到的上图的Data 数据文件夹下对应的全宗号文件夹里。

指定配置的文件夹有三个,如图:超越系统或darms 系统模板配置工具,配置各档案分类与主系统各分类转换工具导出界面模板文件导出数据文件输出各分类对照关系文件主系统接收输出标准xml 数据包3.1 Template该文件内存放的是单位模板和公共模板文件,点击进入后显示如图:以全宗号命名的是单位模板文件夹,另外一个是公共模板文件夹。



树节点排列图:3.2 DataData文件夹内存放的是原始的数据文件,如图:以全宗号命名的文件夹用来存放各单位的原始数据记录,分为超越和darms,以“*.txt”形式存放,darms的数据必须是按导出的命名,jn.txt/aj.txt/zl.txt/wj.txt/fw.txt/sw.txt,如果导出卷内有多份数据文件,可以给txt数据文件加上级文件夹,以加区分,见下图:超越数据的存储如下:3.3 BuildBuild文件夹内存放的是经由转换工具转换成功的标准数据包,以全宗号命名的文件夹,如下图:各个单位转换后的数据会分别存放到各单位的全宗号文件夹中,双击进入如图:转换后的数据包以全宗号-年月日时分秒-最后四位随机数命名。


4接口工具使用4.1 模板工具使用双击模板工具文件夹显示内部如图:双击模板工具运行程序进入模板工具内部,如图:1.模板源选择1)选择“darms”,如图:darms模板源是“*.txt”格式的,点击上图标注红圈的按钮,选择路径:点击【打开】即可,选择后的路径如图:2)选择超越超越模板源是“*.dat”格式的,如图:点击确定后显示路径,如图:2.连接数据库数据库类型分为以上三种,现在拿oracle数据举例,点击【数据库配置】按钮,进入如图:输入数据源,用户名和密码,输入完毕后,点击显示配置,如红色显示,点击【测试连接】看是否正确连接上数据库,显示这样的图标表示连接成功;点击【保存配置】保存该配置记录,免得下次使用还要重新配置;点击【确定】即可完成此次配置。









