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1. Fallin Love with English


(Hiding)(behindthe loose d usty curtain,) ateenager packed up his overcoat(intothe suitcase.) He planned(toleave ho me )(atdusk)(though there was thunder and lightningoutdoors. )He had got to do this( because he was tiredof his parents’ nagging)( about his English study)anddid notwant (to gothrough it anylonger.)He couldn’t get alongw ell with Englishand dislike d( j oining inEnglish classes )(because he thoughthis teacherignore d him)(on pu rpose. )(As a result,) his score(in each exam )never addedup to(over60.)

Hispartnerwasconcerned about him very much. She und erstood exactly(what hewas suffering from,) but entirelydisagree d with his idea. Inord er to calm him downand settle his problem, she talked with him face toface andswapped a series oflearning tipswith him. The items(she set down)helped him find the highway(t ostudying English well.)

The teenagerwasgrate ful andgotgreat power(fromhisfriend’s words. )Now,he has recover ed(from being upset )and has fall en in love with English.





2. Different Countries Have Different Kinds of Englishes不同的国家有不同的英语

ﻩVoyage s (of people)( from E ngland)playan important part in

(spreadingthe English language.)(Atpresent, )English is fr equentlyspoken (as anoffi cial orcommon language)( inm any countries,)( suchas America,Singapore,Malaysia and someAfrican countries.) All (base d on British English),the English(spoken)(inthese countries )can be well understood (by nativeEnglishspeakers.)But actually, these Englishes have been g raduallychanging(in accents, spelling s,expression s and theusage of vocabulary. )

(Because of thisfact,) you can makeuse of the differences (totell )(whichcountry the fore igners of your block are from. )For example,(ifa bossfluently commandshis driver,)“Come

up straight(to my apartmen t)(by elevator )and takesome gas (formy trucks and cab s”),instead ofrequest ing, “Please cometomy flat(by lif t)and take somepetrol(formylorryes and taxis”,)you can recognizehisAmericanidentity,whilethe latter suggest s thatheis British.


