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Some people believe that A while others consider B more appropriate. Give advantages and disadvantages of the two positions and explain which position you support.


Some people believe that________________. Other people hold the opinion that_________. While both methods may have their advantages and disadvantages, they can be applied under different circumstances. Afterwards, I will explain my opinions about it.

For A, ___________________. But this also demonstrates that______________. Moreover, _______________________. B, on the other hand, _______________. For example, ________________.

In my opinion, the advantages of B are more than those of A because B fits me better in two ways: First, _________________. Second, ______________________.


A and

B are two totally different ideas that have caused a heated debate for a long period. Anyway, I agree with the idea of A. However, it is unfair to say which is better than the other if we do not see both sides of the story in the following paragraphs.

Some people believe B because______________. These people point out the fact that______________. They also argue that_______________________.

However, other people stand on a very different ground, they believe that____________. They firmly point out that______________________. An example can give the details of this argument: ___________________. In addition, ____________________________.

In a word, A is too temptating not to be chosen. A, as shown above, has________.




二、保证行文的规范性,尽量不缩写,段与段间空一行作为独立写作,好歹也是要求写正规的essay呢,怎么着也得尊重一下吧~建议为了保持正式文体的写作风格,尽量不要缩写,比如won t写成will not,can t写成cannot。另外,段与段之间记得空一行,不要全部粘连在一起。如果你的作文不能从内容上征服考官,那么至少也应该在篇章结构上给人舒服的感觉,让人一目了然,互利互惠~

三、主体段将细节进行到底如果说前两点还只是啰嗦的唠叨,这一点非常非常非常重要!独立写作满分评分标准里明确要求:an essay is well organized and well-developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details. 文章结构清晰/充分展开,使用恰当的解释说明,例证和/或细节。很多同学对于举例有错误的认知:举例嘛,就for example, I have an uncle. 不要一举例就搬出你的七大姑八大姨,他们也很累啊,让他们歇歇吧~这里需要注意的是,个人的例子不是说在独立写作中完全不合适不能写,如果你的personal的例子确实有很强的说服力,可以考虑以客观的方式/挑选最focus的细节进行论述,切忌又臭又长,与主旨无关,这样字数再多都只能起到反作用而已。那到底细节可以怎么加?大家在平时练习的时候可以配合不同

的论证手法,试试这里总结的两种比较好用的给细节的小技巧:上下意衍生法,尽量添加具体的name和number。一般来说任意举出一个名词都可以找到它的上意词或下意词。比如,日常实用的厨房用品电饭煲electronic cooker,它的上意词是家用电器electronic devices,在描述关于科技类话题现代科技技术改变生活,电器设备进入千家万户,带来更多便利的论点的时候,就可以试着往里面添加name,也就是电器设备的下意词,比如冰箱refrigerator,电视机television,空调air conditioner等。添加细节之后就可以写成:The development of modern technology does bring much convenience toour daily life. For example, a number of electronic devices, such as microwaveoven, refrigerator and television, have been widely used in families.使用好上下意小技巧,先在解释说明室使用上意词圈定范围,再给出下意词充分细节支持,会使层次更清晰,论证更有逻辑。大家不妨试试看。W H法,大家在写例子的时候,可以问问自己跟你想论证的点相关的4个W和1个H(when, where, who, what, how),将事情发生的时间、地点、人物、过程等各个细节充分展现在考官面前。


For example, I have a friend named Victor. He isnot rich but keeps a good habit of depositing a certain amount of money intothe bank
