超全 英文缩写
![超全 英文缩写](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1bed4381dd3383c4bb4cd2ba.png)
超全英文缩写asl是Age,sex and location的所写,年龄,性别和地址(国籍)lol是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑,笑的很开心的样子ppl=people bbs=be back soon=很快回来thx=thanks ur=your asap=as soon as possibleg2g=got to go ttyl=talk to you later brb=be right back bbl=be back later bio brb=上个厕所就回afk=away from keyboard(away)u=youplz=please y=why w8=wait l8er=later cya=see ya(later)nvm=nevermindnm=not much gl=good luck gf=girlfriend bf=boyfriend luv=love RUOK=are you ok?sp=support cu=see ucul8er=see you later ft=faint ic=i seesoho=small office home officer btw=by the way gn=gn8=gnight=goodnight=晚安nn=nite=晚安说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。
hiho=hola=yo=hi=hey=hellow=ello你好,大家好wuz up=sup=what's up=(原意:怎么样你?/有什么事儿嘛?)也可作为问好用(当然是比较熟的两个人之间的问候),回答时有事说事,没事用"nothing/nothin much/not much/nm等回答就可以。
OMG=oh my god=我的天;我靠!OMFG=oh my fucking god=我的老天;我靠靠;wtf=what the fuck=怎么会事!?;我日!;OMGWTFBBQSOURCE!表震惊到了极致.n1=nice 1=nice one=漂亮pwnz=ownz=牛比!(例句:pwnz demo!;lefuzee ownz all the others!)rullz=强!(例句:lefuzee rullz!;you guyz rull!)you rock!=你牛比!lmao=laughing my ass off=笑的屁股尿流rofl=roll on floor laughing=笑翻天了roflmao=rofl+lmao=笑到爆了!语气强度排序:hehe haha lol muwahaha lmao rofl roflmao---其他简写---1,FU=f uck you=*你;滚2,STFU=Shut the fuck up!=他妈的给我闭嘴!3,k=ok=okay=okie=好的,恩4,sux=suck的第3人称单数形势(例句:that sux)=sb;滥5,gimme=give me=给我6,xfer=transfer=传输7,em=them=他们的宾格8,thx=thanks=谢谢9,happy bday=happy b-day=happy birthday!=生日快乐10,dunno=dont know=不知道11,kinda=a little bit=有点(例句:The game is kinda hard for me.i kinda think ishould get it done as soonas possible.)12,tho=though=虽然尽管(例句:That demo was verynice,kinda old tho.那个demo很不错,虽然有点老)13,plz=please=请14,cmon=c'mon=come on 15,suka=s ucker suck(吮吸),er(表"人"),吮吸的人.没天真到无邪的人都能明白了。
以下是一些常用英文字母缩写的含义大全及其翻译:A•AI: 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)•ASCII: 美国信息交换标准代码(American Standard Code for Information Interchange)•ATM: 自动取款机(Automated Teller Machine)•AWOL: 无故缺席(Absent Without Leave)B•BBC: 英国广播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation)•CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)•CPF: 中央提款薄(Central Provident Fund)•DIY: 自行动手(Do It Yourself)C•CD: 光盘(Compact Disc)•CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)•COO: 首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer)•CCTV: 闭路电视(Closed-Circuit Television)D•DVD: 数字视频光盘(Digital Versatile Disc)•DIY: 自行动手(Do It Yourself)•DNA: 脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)•DOA: 送达时已死亡(Dead on Arrival)E•EOD: 每日收市(End of Day)•EOD: 爆炸物除去(Explosive Ordnance Disposal)•EIN: 雇主识别号(Employer Identification Number)•ETA: 预计抵达时间(Estimated Time of Arrival)F•FAQ: 常见问题解答(Frequently Asked Questions)•FYI: 供您参考(For Your Information)•FDA: 美国食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration)•FTC: 联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)G•GPU: 图形处理器(Graphics Processing Unit)•GPS: 全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)•GDP: 国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)•GMT: 格林尼治标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time)H•HTML: 超文本标记语言(Hypertext Markup Language)•HR: 人力资源(Human Resources)•HQ: 总部(Headquarters)•HIV: 艾滋病病毒(Human Immunodeficiency Virus)I•IT: 信息技术(Information Technology)•ISP: 互联网服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)•ID: 身份证(Identification)•IQ: 智商(Intelligence Quotient)J•JPEG: 联合照片专家小组(Joint Photographic Experts Group)•JPG: 联合照片专家小组(Joint Photographic Group)•JIT: 及时制造(Just-in-Time)•JUICE: 欧洲太空局的JUpiter ICy moons ExplorerK•KFC: 肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken)•KPI: 关键绩效指标(Key Performance Indicator)•KKK: 康奈尔克拉克森(Ku Klux Klan)•KGB: 苏联国家安全委员会(Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti)L•LCD: 液晶显示器(Liquid Crystal Display)•CEO: 严格执行官(Law and Corporate Executive Officer)•LNG: 液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas)•LOL: 大笑(Laughing Out Loud)M•MB: 兆字节(Megabyte)•CEO: 基础设施经理(Manufacturing and Corporate Executive Officer)•MBA: 工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)•MRI: 核磁共振成像(Magnetic Resonance Imaging)N•NBA: 美国国家篮球协会(National Basketball Association)•CEO: 年度回顾官(News and Corporate Executive Officer)•NASA: 美国国家航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)•NATO: 北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)O•OEM: 原始设备制造商(Original Equipment Manufacturer)•OTC: 地方交易(Over the Counter)•OSHA: 职业安全与健康管理局(Occupational Safety and Health Administration)•OPEC: 石油输出国家组织(Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)P•PDF: 便携式文档格式(Portable Document Format)•CEO: 项目经理(Project and Corporate Executive Officer)•CEO: 资产和产品经理(Product and Corporate Executive Officer)•PVC: 聚氯乙烯(Polyvinyl Chloride)Q•Q&A: 问答(Question and Answer)•QED: 此乃所证明之事(Quod Erat Demonstrandum)•QVC: 品质、价值、方便(Quality, Value, Convenience)•QMR: 质量管理代表(Quality Management Representative)R•RAM: 随机存取存储器(Random Access Memory)•CEO: 风险管理(Risk and Corporate Executive Officer)•CEO: 市场营销及销售执行官(Sales and Corporate Executive Officer)•RFID: 射频识别(Radio-Frequency Identification)S•SUV: 运动型多功能车(Sport Utility Vehicle)•CEO: 安全和合规执行官(Security and Corporate Executive Officer)•CEO: 高级执行官(Senior Executive Officer)•CEO: 服务技术员(Service Executive Officer)T•TBA: (to be announced)尚未公布的事项•CEO: 税务和法律执行官(Tax and Corporate Executive Officer)•TLC: 嘻哈RB组合(Tender Loving Care)•TNT: 三硝基甲苯(Trinitrotoluene)U•USB: 通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)•Un: 联合国(United Nations)•CEO: 管理单元(Unit Executive Officer)•UFO: 不明飞行物(Unidentified Flying Object)V•VIP: 很重要的人物(Very Important Person)•VPN: 虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network)•CEO: 数字供应链运营人员(Virtual Supply Chain Executive Officer)•VR: 虚拟现实(Virtual Reality)W•WWW: 万维网(World Wide Web)•WTO: 世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)•WIFI: 无线网络(Wireless Fidelity)•WHO: 世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)X•XML: 可扩展标记语言(eXtensible Markup Language)•CEO: 正式及执行人员(Executive and Formal Executive Officer)•CEO: 外部和法规执行官(External and Regulation Executive Officer)•CEO: 现场维修人员(Field Executive Officer)Y•YTD: 本年至今(Year to Date)•CEO: 青年及灵活性责任(Youth and Elasticity Officer)•YOLO: 只活一次(You Only Live Once)•CEO: 青年及机会行政官(Youth and Opportunity Executive Officer)Z•ZIP: 邮政编码(Zone Improvement Plan)•CEO: 零售成本和价值执行官(Zero cost and Value Executive Officer)以上是常见英文字母缩写的含义大全及翻译,希望本文能为您带来帮助和启发。
1. 通用缩写
2. 商业缩写
3. 科技缩写
4. 医疗缩写
5. 教育缩写
as soon as possible asp for you 4uand 'nare you yabecause 'cause/cuz could have coulda could not have couldna did you didyadon't know dunno give ne gimmegoing to gonna goodbye g'byegot to gottahad better bettahave to haftaher 'erhim 'imhis 'ishow did you how 'dya how do you howdya how does how'sin front of infrontof -ing -in'is that s'thatjust jus'leave me leemelet me lemmeof a/o'old ol'out of outtaprobably prob'lyshould not have shoulena them 'm/'emto tawant to wannawhat wud/whutwhat are you whachyawaht did you whadyawhat do you what chawhat does what'swhat is the what's awould not have wudn'a/wouldna you ya/y'why did you whyd'yawhy do you why'dy'awhen's ---- when is; he's ---- he is/ he has;kinda ---- kind of; it's been ---- it has been;what're ---- what are; what'll ---- what will;that'll ---- that will; I'd ---- I would/ I had;It'd (be) ---- It would (be); wanna ---- want to;gonna ---- going to; I've gotta ---- I have got to;C'mon ---- Come on; shoulda ---- should have;'cause ---- because; a lotta ---- a lot of;ain't=am/is/are/have/has notbut the sentence I ain't got nothing=I have not got nothing means I have nothing!gonna=going towanna=want towonna=will to(English dialect)gotta , hafta=got to,have tohasta,oughta=has to,ought towanna ,wannabe=want to , want to be kinda, kindsa=kind of kinds oflotta ,losta=lot of ,lots ofgimme, lemme=give me, let mecoulda, shoulda=could have, should havewoulda mighta=would have, might havemusta=must havegetcha ,gotcha =get you, got you betcha ,doncha=bet you, don't you(1)Gonna= going toe.g. What are you gonna do this afternoon?I'm gonna play football.I'm gonna go home.(2)Wanna=want to or want ae.g. You wanna ask her to see the movie?You wanna dance tonight?No, I've gotta stay at home doing my exercises.No, I wanna take care of my little sister.(3)Gotta=got toe.g. Are you free tonight?I've gotta study tonight. Why she came back so late? She's gotta work over time.(4)Ya=youe.g. Would ya do me a favor? My pleasure.How are you?Fine, thanks, and ya?I hope to see ya againMIT 麻省理工大学VCLA 加利福尼亚州立大学C/D customs declaration 报关单C&F cost&freight 成本加运费价C.O certificate of origin 一般原产地证D/A document against acceptance 承兑交单D/P document against payment 付款交单DL/DLS dollar/dollars 美元DOZ/DZ dozen 一打儿EA each 每个,各FAC facsimile 传真G.S.P. generalized system of preferences 普惠制G.W. gross weight 毛重IMP import 进口N.W. net weight 净重PCE/PCS piece/pieces 只、个、支等PKG package 一包、一捆、一扎、一件等T/T telegraphic transfer 电汇W with 具有w/o without 没有WT weight 重量WWW----万维网(World Wide Wdb);Http---超文本传输协议(Hypertext transfer protocol);FTP----文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol);TCP----传输控制协议(Transmission Control Protocol);IP-----网际协议(Internet Protocol);ISP----网络服务提供商(Internet Service Provider);DNS----域名服务器(Domain Name Server);IE-----网络浏览器(Internet Explorer);OE-----邮件收发软件(Outlook Express);BBS----电子布告栏系统;OICQ---网上聊天工具;LAN----局域网(Local Area Network);MAN----城域网(Metropolitan Area Network);WAN----广域网(Wide Area Network);回答者:cgy91711 - 见习魔法师三级8-31 15:54have gotta doLOL(laught out loud)中文就是呵呵的意思回答者:wigiiiii - 助理二级8-31 15:58网络聊天常用英语ASAPAs soon as possible尽快BFBoyfriend 男朋友BTWBy the way 随便说一下BBLBe back later 稍后回来BRBBe right back 很快回来CUSee you 再见CULSee you later 下次再会DSDunce smiley 笨伯FEFor example 举例FTFFace to face 面对面FYIFor your information 供参考GFgirlfriend 女朋友IAEIn any event无论如何ICI see 我明白ILYI love you 我爱你IMHOIn my humble opinion 依愚人之见IMOIn my opinion 依我所见IOWIn other words 换句话说LOLlaughing out loudly 大声笑NRNNo reply necessary 不必回信OICOh, I see 哦,我知道PEMPrivacy enhanced mail 保密邮件RSVPReply if you please 请答复TIAThanks in advance 十分感谢TTULTalk to you later 以后再讲TYThank you 谢谢VGvery good 很好WRTWith respect to 关于WYMMWill you marry me 愿意嫁给我吗看了点常用缩写,方便交流省时省力,也分享给大家,wish is help for you.1.asl=age sex location 英文聊天开场最常用的对白,三个字母相应的代替了三句话,分别是how old are you? male or female? and where are you from? 一句话,我们的原则是越简单越好。
超全国际流行缩写!【现在不用也留着,以后会用上的】来源:陳庆馨﹏mUsIC´♣的日志超全国际流行缩写asl是Age, sex and location 的所写,年龄,性别和地址(国籍)lol是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑,笑的很开心的样子ppl=peoplebbs=be back soon=很快回来thx=thanksur=yourasap=as soon as possibleg2g = got to gottyl = talk to you laterbrb = be right backbbl = be back laterbio brb=上个厕所就回afk = away from keyboard (away)u = youplz = pleasey = whyw8 = waitl8er = latercya = see ya (later)nvm = nevermindnm = not muchgl = good luckgf = girlfriendbf = boyfriendluv=loveRUOK=are you ok?各位热爱英语,热爱生活的童鞋好~楼主最近参加了一个环保公益活动,暂时在这里拉个票~/corp/csr/delightedimage/environment/greenvolunteer/201 1/team.html?teamid=396点击网址进入页面就是我们队伍的界面,不需要输入验证码,只需点击投票的红色按钮就可以了。
所以,可以的话给我们 \EOS Repick/ 队多一些鼓励吧!我们的目标是30000票!任务有点艰巨!所以希望你能支持!如果你认识平时经常上网的好友,麻烦帮我转发一下吧!!再次谢谢!!!(投票活动结束后楼主会自动删除以上文字,谢谢大家的支持与理解)sp=supportcu=see ucul8er= see you laterft=faintic=i seesoho=small office home officerbtw=by the waygn=gn8=gnight=good night=晚安nn=nite=晚安说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。
企业各职位英文缩写:GM(General Manager)总经理VP(Vice President)副总裁FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁AVP(Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官,类似总经理、总裁,是企业的法人代表。
COO(Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官,类似常务总经理CFO(Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官,类似财务总经理CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官,主管企业信息的收集和发布CTO(Chief technology officer)首席技术官类似总工程师HRD(Human Resource Director)人力资源总监OD(Operations Director)运营总监MD(Marketing Director)市场总监OM(Operations Manager)运作经理PM(Production Manager)生产经理(Product Manager)产品经理其他:CAO: Art 艺术总监CBO: Business 商务总监CCO: Content 内容总监CDO: Development 开发总监CGO: Gonverment 政府关系CHO: Human resource 人事总监CJO: Jet 把营运指标都加一个或多个零使公司市值像火箭般上升的人CKO: Knowledge 知识总监CLO: Labour 工会主席CMO: Marketing 市场总监O: Negotiation 首席谈判代表CPO: Public relation 公关总监CQO: Quality control 质控总监CRO: Research 研究总监CSO: Sales 销售总监CUO: User 客户总监CVO: Valuation 评估总监CWO: Women 妇联主席CXO: 什么都可以管的不管部部长CYO: Yes 什么都点头的老好人CZO: 现在排最后,等待接班的太子常用聊天英语缩写at=and=&two,too,to=2for=4before=b4 because=coz see=cgoing to=gonna pictures=pics/pix please=plzare=r girlfriend=g/f yes=yep thanks=thanx people=ppl about=abtam not=ain't password=p/w example=e.g. with=w/ without=w/o want to=wanna your=uri see=i cbye for now=bfnaway from keyboard=afkjust kidding=jkkeep in touch=kitin my opinion=IMOsee you=c yamee too=m 2oh my god=omgwhat's up=supwhat the hell=WTHfor you information=FYIby the way=BTWas soon as possible=ASAP以上是外国人网聊时会用到的火星语常用英文缩写大全1. AAA :1〕. American Accounting Association 美国会计协会2〕. American Advertising Association 美国广告协会3〕. American Arbitration Association 美国商务仲裁协会2. AAL:American Airlines 美国航空公司3. A.B.C.C.:Association of British Chambers of merce 英国商会联合会4. ABS:American Bureau of Shipping 美国船运局5. AC:Air Canada 加拿大航空公司6. ACC:American Chamber of merce 美国商会〔又简称Amcham〕7. A.E.A:American Economic Association 美国经济协会8. AF:Air France 法国航空公司9. AFEB:authorized foreign exchange bank 指定外汇银行10. AFRASEC:Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation 亚非经济合作组织11. AGM:annual general meeting〔公司股东〕年度大会12. AID:Agency for International Development〔美国〕国际开发署13. AMA:American Management Association 美国管理协会14. ASA:American Standards Association 美国标准协会15. Amex:American Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所16. ADB:Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行17. APEC: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织〔2001年10月将在中国XX召开部长级会议和非正式首脑CEO是什么意思?CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即首席执行官,源自美国20世纪60年代进展公司治理构造改革创新时IT是什么意思?IT是指信息技术,即英文Information Technology 的缩写.bt是什么意思?BT是一种P2P共享软件,全名叫"BitTorrent",中文全称:"比特流"又名"变态下载"diy是什么意思?DIY是每个电脑爱好者熟悉的新名词,是英文Do It Yourself的首字母缩写,自己动手制作的意思,硬件爱好者也被俗称DIYer.oem是什么意思?OEM是英文Original Equipment Manufacturer的缩写,意思是原设备制造商。
很全的英文缩略语,与老外聊天不愁看不懂了和老外聊天、发邮件常用英语缩写邮件里常用的四个英文缩写CC,FYI,ASAP,RESEND1. CC=Carbon copy 抄送2. FYI=for your reference 供你参考3. ASAP=as soon as possible 尽快4. RESEND! 重传数字:2 = to/too2B or not 2B = To be or not to be4 = for4ever = foreverA:ASL = Age/Sex/LocationAFAIC = As Far As I’m ConcernedAFAIK = As Far As I KnowAMBW = All My Best Wi shesAOTS = All Of The SuddenASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" PossibleASAP = As Soon As PossibleATST = At The Same TimeB:B4 = BeforeB4N = Bye For NowBBIAB = Be Back In A BitBBIAF = Be Back In A FewBBL = Be Back LaterBBN = Bye Bye NowBF = Boy friendBFD = Big Fing DealBFN = Bye For NowBHOF = Bald Headed Old FartBIF = Basis In FactBITD = Back In The DayBiz = BusinessBM = Byte MeBMOTA = Byte Me On The AssBNF = Big Name FanBOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again BOM=bill of material 材料清单BR = Best regardsBRB = Be Right BackBRT = Be Right ThereBS = Big SmileBT = Byte ThisBTDT = Been There Done ThatBTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of MeBTW = By The WayBTWBO = Be There With Bells OnBWDIK = But What Do I Know?BWO = Black, White or OtherC:Cam = Web CameraCIAO = Goodbye (in Italian)CID = Consider It DoneCIS = CompuServe Information ServiceCMF = Count My FingersCof$ = Church of ScientologyCRAFT = Can’t Remember A Fing Thing CRAWS = Can’t Remember Anything Worth A ShCSL = Can’t Stop Laughi ngCTC = Choaking The ChickenCU = See YouCUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You LaterCWYL = Chat With You LaterCYA = Cover Your AssD:DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You ReadDD = Due DiligenceDDD = Direct Distance DialDETI = Don’t Even Think ItDGT = Don’t Go ThereDHYB = Don’t Hold Your BreathDIIK = Damned If I KnownDILLIGAD = Do I Look Like I Give A d\\amn DILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A ShDKDC = Don’t Know Don’t CareDL = DownloadDLTM = Don’t Lie To MeDQYDJ = Don’t Quit You’re Day JobDRIB = Don’t Read If BusyDS = Dunce SmileyDYSTSOTT = Did You See The Size Of That ThingE:EG = Evil GrinEOM = End Of MessageESO = Equipment Smarter than OperatorF:F2F/FTF = Face To FaceFAQ = Frequently Asked QuestionFBKS = Failure Between Keyboard and SeatFE = For Example/Fatal ErrorFF&PN = Fresh Fields And Pastures NewFOAF = Friend Of A FriendFTASB = Faster Than A Speeding BulletFT = FaintFTL = Faster Than LightFTTB = For The Time BeingFUBAR = Fed Up Beyond All RecognitionFUBB = Fed Up Beyond BeliefFUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWIW = For What It’s WorthFYA = For Your AmusementFYI = For Your InformationFYM = For Your MisinformationG:G2G = Got To GoG8T/GR8 = GreatGAL = Get A LifeGDGD = Good,GoodGF = girlfriendGG = Good Game/Gotta GoGIGO = Garbage In, Garbage OutGIWIST = Gee, I Wish I’d Said ThatGL = Good LuckGLYASDI = God Loves You And So Do IGMTA = Great Minds Think AlikeGNBLFY = Got Nothing But Love For YouGR&D = Grinning Running And DuckingGRRRR = "Growling"GSOAS = Go Sit On A SnakeGTG = Got To GoGTGB = Got To Go, ByeGTGP = Got To Go PeeGTH = Go To HellGTSY = Glad To See YaGYPO = Get Your Pants OffBE A QUEEN.H:HAGO = Have A Good OneHAK = Hugs And KissesHB = Hurry BackHD = HoldHHO1/2K = Ha Ha, Only Half Kidding HHOK = Ha Ha, Only KiddingHIOOC = Help! I’m Out Of CoffeeHowz = How isHTH = Hope Thi s (That) HelpsHUA = Heads Up AceHUYA = Head Up Your AI:IAC = In Any CaseIAE = In Any EventIANAC = I Am Not A CrookIANAL = I Am Not A LawyerIBT = In Between TechnologyIBTD = I Beg To DifferIC = I See/In CharacterIDGAF = I Don’t Give A FIDGI = I Don’t Get ItIDK = I Don’t KnowIDKY = I Don’t Know YouIDST = I Didn’t Say ThatIDTS = I Don’t Thi nk SoIFAB = I Found A BugIFU = I Fed UpIGGP = I Gotta Go PeeIIIO = Intel Inside, Idiot OutsideIIMAD = If It Makes An(y) DifferenceIIRC = If I Remember CorrectlyIIWM = If It Were MeILICISCOMK = I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke On My Keyboard ILY = I Love YouIMHO = In My Humble OpinionIMNSHO = In My Not So Humble OpinionIMO = In My Opini onINMP = It’s Not My ProblemINPO = In No Particular OrderIOH = I’m Outta HereIOW = In Other WordsIRL = In Real LifeISS = I Said SoITM = In The MoneyIYKWIM = If You Know What I MeanIYSS = If You Say SoJ:J/C = Just CheckingJ/K = Just Kidding!J/W = Just WonderingJAFO = Just Another Fing OnlookerK:K/KK = OK/OK, OKKFY = Kiss For YouKISS = Keep It Simple StupidKIT = Keep In TouchKMA = Kiss My AssKWIM = Know What I MeanKX = kissKYPO = Keep Your Pants OnL:L8R = LaterLD = Long DistanceLDTTWA = Let’s Do The Time Warp Again LLTA = Lots And Lots Of Thunderous Applause LMAO = Laughi ng My Ass OffLMK = Let Me KnowLOL = Laughing Out Loud/Lots Of Luck(Love) LTIC = Laughing ’Til I CryLTNS = Long Time No SeeLYL = Love Ya LotsLYLAS = Love You Like A SisterM:M8T = MateMHOTY = My Hat’s Off To YouMM = Market MakerMorF = Male or Female?MOTD = Message Of The DayMOTSS = Members Of The Same SexMTFB WY = May The Force Be With You MWBRL = More Will Be Revealed Later MYOB = Mind Your Own BusinessN:N = And/Know/NowNAK = Nursing At KeyboardNAZ = Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq) NBD = No Big DealNBIF = No Basis In FactNFI = No Fing IdeaNFW = No Fing WayNIFOC = Nude In Front Of The ComputerNM = Never MindNMP = Not My ProblemNMU = Nothing Much YouNOYB = None Of Your BusinessNP = No ProblemNQOCD = Not Quite Our Class DearNRG = EnergyNRN = No Reply NecessaryNYCFS = New York City Finger SaluetO:OAUS = On An Unrelated SubjectOBTW = Oh, By The WayOIC = Oh, I SeeOICU = Oh, I See YouOMDB = Over My Dead BodyOMG = Oh My God/Oh My GoshOMIK = Open Mouth, Insert KeyboardONNA = Oh No, Not AgainOOC = Out Of CharacterOOTB = Out Of The Box/Out Of The BlueOT = Off TopicOTOH = On The Other HandOWTTE = Or Words To That EffectOZ = stands for "Australia"P:PEBCAK = Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard PEM = Privacy Enhanced MailPic = PicturePIMP = Peeing In My PantsPITA = Pain In The AssPLS/PLZ = PleasePMFJI = Pardon Me For Jumping InPO = Piss Off/product order/purchase orderPOS = Parents Over ShoulderPOV = Point Of ViewPPL = PeoplePro = ProfessionalPS = By The Way/PhotoshopS:SS:spring/summerT:TAH = Take A HikeTANSTAAFL = There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TARFU = Things Are Really Fed UpTDTM = Talk Dirty To MeTEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know It TFN = Thanks For Nothin’THX/TX/THKS = ThanksTIA = Thanks In AdvanceTIAIL = Think I Am In LoveTIC = Tongue In CheekTKS/TKX=ThanksTLA = Three Letter AcronymTLGO = The List Goes OnTM = Trust MeTMI = Too Much InformationTMTOWTDI = There’s More Than One Way To Do It TPTB = The Powers That BeTSR = Totally Stuck in RAMTTFN = Ta Ta For NowTTT = That’s The Ticket/To The TopTTUL/TTYL = Talk To You LaterTWHAB = This Won’t Hurt A BitTY = Thank YouTYVM = Thank You Very MuchU:U = YouUR = YourU R = You areunPC = unPolitically CorrectURYY4M = You Are Too Wi se For MeV:VFM = Values For MoneyVG = Very GoodW:WAG = Wild Ass GuessWAI = What An IdiotWB = Welcome BackWCA = Who Cares AnywayWDYS = What Did You Say?WDYT = What Do You Think?WE = WhateverWEG = Wicked Evil GrinWG = Wicked GrinWGAFF = Who Gives A Flying FWIIFM = What’s In It For Me?WIT = Wordsmith In Trai ningWITFITS = What in the F is thi s ShWOG = Wise Old GuyWot/Wut = WhatWRT = With Respect To/With Regard To WTF = What The FWTG = Way To Go!WTSDS = Where The Sun Don’t Shine WYMM = Will You Marry MeWYP = What’s Your Problem?WYRN = What’s Your Real Name?WYS = Whatever You SayWYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get WYT = Whatever You ThinkX:X U = Kiss YouY:Y = WhyYa = YouYA = Yet AnotherYAFIYGI = You Asked For It You Got It YDKM = You Don’t Know MeYep/Yup = YesYGBK = You Gotta Be Kiddin’YMMV = Your Mileage May VaryYNK = You Never KnowYOYO = You’re On Your OwnYR = Yeah, RightYSYD = Yeah, Sure You DoYTTT = You Telling The Truth? YYSSW = Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever。
as soon as possible aspfor you 4uand 'nare you yabecause 'cause/cuzcould have couldacould not have couldnadid you didyadon't know dunnogive ne gimmegoing to gonnagoodbye g'byegot to gottahad better bettahave to haftaher 'erhim 'imhis 'ishow did you how 'dyahow do you howdyahow does how'sin front of infrontof-ing -in'is that s'thatjust jus'leave me leemelet me lemmeof a/o'old ol'out of outtaprobably prob'lyshould not have shoulenathem 'm/'emto tawant to wannawhat wud/whutwhat are you whachyawaht did you whadyawhat do you what chawhat does what'swhat is the what's awould not have wudn'a/wouldna you ya/y'why did you whyd'yawhy do you why'dy'awhen's ---- when is; he's ---- he is/ he has;kinda ---- kind of; it's been ---- it has been;what're ---- what are; what'll ---- what will;that'll ---- that will; I'd ---- I would/ I had;It'd (be) ---- It would (be); wanna ---- want to;gonna ---- going to; I've gotta ---- I have got to;C'mon ---- Come on; shoulda ---- should have;'cause ---- because; a lotta ---- a lot of;ain't=am/is/are/have/has notbut the sentence I ain't got nothing=I have not got nothing means I have nothing!gonna=going towanna=want towonna=will to(English dialect)gotta , hafta=got to,have tohasta,oughta=has to,ought towanna ,wannabe=want to , want to be kinda, kindsa=kind of kinds oflotta ,losta=lot of ,lots ofgimme, lemme=give me, let mecoulda, shoulda=could have, should have woulda mighta=would have, might have musta=must havegetcha ,gotcha =get you, got youbetcha ,doncha=bet you, don't you(1)Gonna= going toe.g. What are you gonna do this afternoon? I'm gonna play football.I'm gonna go home.(2)Wanna=want to or want ae.g. You wanna ask her to see the movie? You wanna dance tonight?No, I've gotta stay at home doing my exercises.No, I wanna take care of my little sister.(3)Gotta=got toe.g. Are you free tonight?I've gotta study tonight.Why she came back so late?She's gotta work over time.(4)Ya=youe.g. Would ya do me a favor?My pleasure.How are you?Fine, thanks, and ya?I hope to see ya againMIT 麻省理工大学VCLA 加利福尼亚州立大学C/D customs declaration 报关单C&F cost&freight 成本加运费价C.O certificate of origin 一般原产地证D/A document against acceptance 承兑交单D/P document against payment 付款交单DL/DLS dollar/dollars 美元DOZ/DZ dozen 一打儿EA each 每个,各FAC facsimile 传真G.S.P. generalized system of preferences 普惠制G.W. gross weight 毛重IMP import 进口N.W. net weight 净重PCE/PCS piece/pieces 只、个、支等PKG package 一包、一捆、一扎、一件等T/T telegraphic transfer 电汇W with 具有w/o without 没有WT weight 重量WWW----万维网(World Wide Wdb);Http---超文本传输协议(Hypertext transfer protocol);FTP----文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol);TCP----传输控制协议(Transmission Control Protocol);IP-----网际协议(Internet Protocol);ISP----网络服务提供商(Internet Service Provider);DNS----域名服务器(Domain Name Server);IE-----网络浏览器(Internet Explorer);OE-----邮件收发软件(Outlook Express);BBS----电子布告栏系统;OICQ---网上聊天工具;LAN----局域网(Local Area Network);MAN----城域网(Metropolitan Area Network);WAN----广域网(Wide Area Network);回答者:cgy91711 - 见习魔法师三级8-31 15:54have gotta doLOL(laught out loud)中文就是呵呵的意思回答者:wigiiiii - 助理二级8-31 15:58网络聊天常用英语ASAPAs soon as possible尽快BFBoyfriend 男朋友BTWBy the way 随便说一下BBLBe back later 稍后回来BRBBe right back 很快回来CUSee you 再见CULSee you later 下次再会DSDunce smiley 笨伯FEFor example 举例FTFFace to face 面对面FYIFor your information 供参考GFgirlfriend 女朋友IAEIn any event无论如何ICI see 我明白ILYI love you 我爱你IMHOIn my humble opinion 依愚人之见IMOIn my opinion 依我所见IOWIn other words 换句话说LOLlaughing out loudly 大声笑NRNNo reply necessary 不必回信OICOh, I see 哦,我知道PEMPrivacy enhanced mail 保密邮件RSVPReply if you please 请答复TIAThanks in advance 十分感谢TTULTalk to you later 以后再讲TYThank you 谢谢VGvery good 很好WRTWith respect to 关于WYMMWill you marry me 愿意嫁给我吗看了点常用缩写,方便交流省时省力,也分享给大家,wish is help for you.1.asl=age sex location 英文聊天开场最常用的对白,三个字母相应的代替了三句话,分别是how old are you? male or female? and where are you from? 一句话,我们的原则是越简单越好。
超全国际流行英文缩写超全国际流行英文缩写asl 是Age, sex and location 的所写,年龄,性别和地址(国籍)lol 是laugh out loud 的缩写,意思是大声笑,笑的很开心的样子ppl=people bbs=be back soon= 很快回来thx=thanksur=yourasap=as soon as possible g2g = got to go ttyl = talk to you later brb = be right back bbl = be back later bio brb= 上个厕所就回afk = away from keyboard (away) u = you plz = pleasey = whyw8 = waitI8er = latercya = see ya (later) nvm = nevermind nm = not much gl = good luck gf = girlfriend bf = boyfriend luv=loveRUOK=are you ok?sp=support cu=see u cul8er= see you later ft=faint ic=i seesoho=small office home officer btw=by the way gn=gn8=gnight=good night= 晚安nn=nite= 晚安说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8, 然后第二个人用nite, 后面的用nn 什么的都可以了。
hiho=hola=yo=hi=hey=hellow=ello 你好,大家好wuz up=sup=what's up=(原意:怎么样你?/有什么事儿嘛?)也可作为问好用(当然是比较熟的两个人之间的问候),回答时有事说事,没事用"nothing/nothin much/not much/nm 等回答就可以。
1. 缩写介绍
2. 常见英文缩写
•ASAP:As Soon As Possible,尽快
•DIY:Do It Yourself,自己动手
•FAQ:Frequently Asked Questions,常见问题
•GPS:Global Positioning System,全球定位系统
•CEO:Chief Executive Officer,首席执行官
•ETC:Et Cetera,等等
•VIP:Very Important Person,重要人物
•HTML:HyperText Markup Language,超文本标记语言
•UFO:Unidentified Flying Object,不明飞行物
•AI:Artificial Intelligence,人工智能
3. 使用建议
4. 总结
OMG=oh my god
OIC=oh i see
OTOH=on the other hand
ORLY=oh really?
PEM=privacy enhanced mail(保密邮件)
RSN=real soon now(马上)
TM=trust me
WB=welcome back
5,pffffff=whatever=随便;爱咋咋地; ("f"的多少和"pffffffff"的长短代表你的感情激烈程度)
3,sup=wuz up=what‘s up=(原意:怎么样你?/有什么事儿嘛?)也可作为问好用(一般是比
较熟的两个人之间的问候,黑人除外),回答时有事说事,没事用"nothing/nothin much/
not much/nm等回答就可以。
1,cya=cu=see ya=see you=再见
cu=see u
cul8er= see you later
ic=i see
soho=small office home officer
btw=by the way
gn=gn8=gnight=good night=晚安
u = you
plz = please
y = why
w8 = wait
l8er = later
WORD ABBREVIATION Abandon ABANAbandoned ABDAbbreviate ABBRAbbreviated ABR Abbreviation ABRAbility ABLAbundance ABUNDAccelerate ACLRAccelerated ACLR Acceleration ACLRAccept ACPTAcceptability ACPT Acceptance ACPTAccepted ACPTAccess ACSAccessibility ACS Accomplish ACMP Accomplishment ACMPAccount ACCTAccountable ACCTAccounting ACCTAccrual ACRUAccrue ACCRAccrued ACRUAccumulate ACCUM Accumulated ACUM Accumulator ACUMAcquire ACQAcquired ACQAcquisition ACQAcre ACREAcreage ACREAcreage ACRGAcronym ACROActing ACTAction ACTNActivation ACTVActive ACTVActivity ACTVActual ACTLAdded ADDAddendum ADDM Additional ADTL WORD ABBREVIATION Address ADR Adequate ADQ Adjacent AJCNAdjoin ADJN Adjoining ADJN Adjust ADJAdjusted ADJ Adjustment ADJ Administrate ADM Administration ADM Administrative ADM Advance ADVAdverse ADVRS Advertised AD Advertisement AD Advisor ADVSAerial ARLAffect AFCTAffected AFCT Affiliate AFFIL Affiliate AFL Affiliation AFL African AFRAfter AFTAgency AGCYAgency AGNAgent AGNT Aggregate AGGRAging AGEAgreement AGR Agreement AGREE Agriculture AG Ahead AHDAirport ARPRTAlaska AKAlfalfa ALFAlien ALNAlignment ALIGN Alimony ALMY Allelopathic ALEPTH Alley ALYAllocate ALLOC Allocated ALOC WORD ABBREVIATION Allocation ALOC Allotment ALLOT Allotment ALOT Allowable ALLOW Allowance ALLOW Allowance ALOW Allowed ALLOW Allowed ALOW Alongside ALSDAlpha ALPAlpha ALPAlphabetic ALBT Alphanumeric ALNUM Already ALRDY Altered ALTAlternate ALT Alternative ALT Amended AMEND Amendment AMEND American AMER Amortization AMTZ Amortize AMTZ Amount AMT Anaerobic ANERB Analysis ANLS Analyst ANLSAngle ANGAnimal ANIMAnniversary ANNV Announce ANNC Announced ANNC Announcement ANNC Annual ANLAnnual ANNAnnuity ANTYAnswer ANSR Anticipate ANTCP Anticipated ANTCP Apartment APT Apparent APRTAppeal APL Appealability APL Apple APLEWORD ABBREVIATION Appliance APLNC Applicability APPL Applicant APP Applicant APPLNT Application APP Application APPLN Applied APPApply APPApply APPLApplying APP Appointment APNT Appointment APPNT Apportionment APRN Appraisal APRS Appraised APRS Appraiser APRS Appreciation APRC Appropriation APPRO Appropriation APRO Approval APVL Approve APPR Approved APRV Approving APRVArchival ARCVLArea ARAromatic AROMArray ARAYArrears ARERArrival ARRArrive ARRArtificial ARTFL Asbestos ASBST Ascending ASCAside ASD Assessment ASMT Asset ASETAssigned ASGN Assignee ASGN Assignment ASGN Assist ASST Assistance ASST Assistant ASST Associate ASSC WORD ABBREVIATION Associate ASSOC Association ASSN Association ASSOC Assumed ASUM Assumption ASUM Assurance ASUR Attach ATCH Attachment ATCH Attempt ATMPAttend ATNDAttended ATND Attention ATTN Attorney ATTY Attorney ATY Attribute ATRB Attribute ATTRIB Attribution ATRB Audit AUDAuthority AUTH Authorization AUTH Authorized AUTH Automate AUTO Automated AUTO Automatic AUTO Auxiliary AUX Availability AVL Available AVAIL Available AVL Average AVGAward AWRDAwarded AWRDBackup BKUPBagging BAGBalance BAL Bankruptcy BKPT Barcode BRCDBargain BRGN Bargaining BRGN Barge BARGBarge BRGBarley BABarred BARBasic BASWORD ABBREVIATION Basis BASBatch BATBatch BTCHBefore BEFBegin BEGBeginning BEGBegun BEGBelow BLWBeneficiary BEN Benefit BENEBenefit BNFT Between BTWN Bicolored BIBilateral BLTRL Billing BILLBinder BNDRBirth BRTHBiweekly BIWEEK Black BLKBlank BLNKBleached BLCH Blended BLNDBlind BLNDBloat BLOATBlock BLKBlocked BLKBloom BLOOMBonus BNSBooked BOOK Borrower BORR Borrower BRWR Botannical BOT Bottom BTMBranch BRCHBranch BRNCHBrand BRNDBreakline BRKLN Breed BRDBroken BRKBrought BRGTBrown BRNBrowsed BRSBudget BDGTWORD ABBREVIATION Budgetary BDGTBuild BLDBuilding BLDBulblets BULBBundle BNDLBureau BURBurley BRLYBushel BUBusiness BUSButton BTNBuyback BYBK Buydown BYDNBuyer BUYBuying BUYBuyout BYOTCable CBLCalculated CALC Calculation CALC Calendar CAL Canadian CANCancel CANCCancel CNCL Canceled CNCL Cancellation CNCL Canola CNLACanopy CNPY Capability CPBL Capable CAPBL Capacity CAPCCapital CPTL Cardborad CDBD Career CRERCargo CRGCarrier CARR Carrying CARR Carryover CRVR Carryover CRYOVR Cartridge CART Catalog CTLG Catastrophic CAT Category CAT Caucasian CCSN Cause CSEWORD ABBREVIATION Ceiling CEILCenter CTRCentral CTRCertificate CERT Certificate CERTIF Certification CERT Certified CERT Certify CERTChain CHNChair CHRChalky CHKYChalky CHLKChange CHG Changed CHG Channel CHNL Character CHAR Characteristic CHAR Charge CHRG Charged CHRGChart CHRTCharter CHTR Chattel CHTLCheck CKCheck CKChild CHLDChoice CHC Christmas XMAS Cigar Binder CB Cigar CGRCircuit CRCT Circumference CRCF Circumference CRCM Circumstances CRCM Citizenship CTZN Civil CVLClaim CLMClass CLS Classification CLS Classifier CLS Classing CLS Clause CLClean CLNWORD ABBREVIATION Clearance CLRClerk CLRKClient CLNTClimatic CLMTClosed CLSEClosing CLSECluster CLSTRCo-applicant CAPP Coarse CRSCoast CSTCoastal CSTCode CDCoded CDCoding CDCohort CHRT Collateral CLTRL Collect COLL Collected COLL Collection COLL Collocated CLOC Color COLORColor COLRColumn COL Combination CMB Combine CMBCombine COMB Combined Yield CYLD Combined CMBComfort CMFT Command CMD Comment CMNT Comment COM Commercial CMCL Commercial COMRCL Commission CMSN Commit CMT Commitment CMT Commitment COMMITCommittee COMTE Committing CMT Commodity CMDY Commodity COMM Common CMNWORD ABBREVIATION Common COMN Communicate COM Communication COMM Community CMNY Community COMUN Company CO Comparative COMPR Compare CMPR Compared CMPR Comparison CMPR Compensation COMP Compensation COMPE Compensatory COMP Complete CMPLT Complete CPLT Completion CPLT Complexity CPLX Compliance CMPL Compliance COMPL Comply CMPL Component CMPOENT Component CPNT Compress COMPRS Compression CMPRS Compromise COMPRM Compromise CPRM Compromised CPRM Computation CMPT Computed CMPT Computer CMPT Comsumed CNSM Comsumption CNSM Concatenate CNCTConcentration CONCTRN Concept CNCPT Concern CNCRN Concession CNSN Conclude CONCL Concluded CONCL Conclusion CONCL Concurred CNCR Concurs CNCRWORD ABBREVIATION Condition COND Conditional COND Conducted CDCT Conference CNFR Configuration CNFG Configuration CONFIG Confirmation CNFRM Congress CONGR Congressional CONG Congressional CONGR Connect CNCT Connection CNCT Consecutive CNSC Conservation CNSV Conserve CONSV Conserving CNSV Conserving CONSV Consideration CSDN Considered CSDN Consignee CNSGN Consolidated CONS Consolidated CSLD Consolidation CONS Consolidation CSLD Conspicuous CSPC Constant CNST Constituent CNSTNT Constituent CSTNContact CNTCT Container CTNR Contaminant CNTM Content CNTNT Contingent CTGT Continue CONT Continued CONT Continuous CONT Contract CNTRCT Contract CTR Contractor CNTRCT Contractor CTR Contrasting CTRST Contribute CONTRB WORD ABBREVIATION Contributed CTRB Contribution CTRB Control CTL Controlled CTL Controversial CTRV Controvert CTRV Conversation CVRS Conversion CNVRSN Conversion CVSN Convert CNVRSN Convert CVRT Converted CVRT Convertible CVRT Convey CNVYConvict CVCT Conviction CVCT Cooperate COOP Cooperative COOP Coordinate CNCopier COPYCopies COPYCoppice COPPICE Corporate CORPCorrect CORCorrect CORR Corrected COR Correction COR Corrective COR Correspond CRSP Cosign CSGNCosigner CSGNCost CSTCotton CNCotton CTNCount CNTCount CTCounter CNTCounter CTCountry CTRYCounty CNTYCounty CTYCourse CRSECourt CTWORD ABBREVIATION Cover CVRCoverage CVR Covered CVRCrambe CRMBCreate CRECreated CRECreation CRECredit CRCreditor CRCriteria CRITCritical CRIT Cropland CPLD Cropland CRPLND Cropped CROPCross CRSCrosswalk CRSWK Crush CRSHCrystal CRYSTCubic CUCultivar CLTVR Cumulate CUML Cumulative CUML Cured CURECurrency CRCY Current CURCurrent CURR Custodian CSTD Customer CUSTCutoff CTOFCycle CYCCycle CYCLCyclical CYCLDaily DLYDairy DRYDamage DAMGDamage DMGDamaged DMG Database DBDate DTDaylight DYLT Deactivation DACTV Dealer DLR Debarrment DBRMT WORD ABBREVIATION Debit DBDebit DRDebtor DEBTDebtor DEBTR Deceased DECSED Deceased DSD December DEC Decision DCSN Declaration DCLR Declared DCLR Decombination DCMB Decombination DECOMB Decrease DCRDeduction DEDTN Default DFLTDefect DEFDefect DFCTDeferral DFRL Deferred DFR Deficiency DEFIC Deficiency DFCY Defined DEF Definition DEF Definition DEFN Defraud DFRD Dehulled DHLDelay DLYDelegate DLGT Delegated DLGT Delegator DLGT Delete DELDeleted DELDeletion DEL Delinquent DELQ Deliver DELVR Delivery DELVR Delivery DLVR Demand DMND Demarcation DMRC Demerge DMRG Demonstrate DEMO WORD ABBREVIATION Demurrage DMUR Denied DENY Denominator DNMTR Density DEN Deobligate DOBL Deobligation DOBL Depart DPT Department DEPTDependent DPND Deposit DEP Depositor DEPSTR Depreciation DPRC Depth DPTHDerivation DRV Descending DSC Describe DESC Described DESC Description DESC Descriptive DESC Design DSGNDesign DSGN Designate DESIG Designated DSGT Designation DSGT Desire DSRDesired DSRDesired DSRD Destination DEST Destroy DESTRY Destroy DSTR Destroyed DSTRDetail DETDetailed DET Determination DTER Determine DTER Determined DTER Detriment DTRM Development DVLP Deviation DVTDevice DVCDiagram DGMWORD ABBREVIATION Diameter DIAM Diameter DIAM Difference DIFDifferential DIFF Digit DGTDigital DGT Dimension DIM Direct DIRDirection DIR Director DIR Disability DSBL Disabled DSBL Disadvantage DADVG Disadvantaged DADVG Disapproval DISAPPR Disapproved DAPRV Disassociate DASSC Disaster DISA Disaster DSTR Disburse DISB Disbursement DISB Discharge DCHG Disclaimer DSCL Discolor DISCOLR Discolored DCLR Discontinue DCONT Discount DISC Discovery DCVR Discrepancy DCRP Discrepancy DSCRPY Disk DSKTDiskette DSKT Diskette DSKT Displace DISP Display DISP Display DPLY Disposal DISP Disposed DISP Disposed DISPO Disposition DISP Dispute DSPTWORD ABBREVIATION Distance DIST Distributed DISTD Distributed DSTR Distributing DSTR Distribution DSTR Distributor DISTD District DIST Diversion DIVRN Diversion DVRSDivert DVRTDiverted DVRT Division DIV Dockage DOCK Document DOC Documentation DOC Dollar DLRDomain DMNDomestic DOM Dominant DMNT Donated DNTDonation DNTDouble DBLDownload DNLD Downloaded DOWNLD Downpayment DPYMT Draft DRFTDraft DRFTDrive DRVDrought DRGHT Duplicate DUP Duplication DUP Duration DRTNDurum DUDwelling DWLGEarly ERLYEarmark ERMKEarned EARN Easement ESMTEducation EDUEffect EFFEffective EFF Efficiency EFCY Efficiency EFF WORD ABBREVIATION Effort EFRTEight EGTElapse ELAPElapse ELPSElapsed ELPSElderly ELDRElect ELCTElected ELCTElection ELCT Electronic ELEC Element ELEEleven ELVNEligibility ELG Eligibility ELIG Eligible ELG Embassy EMBSY Emergency EMER Emergency EMERG Eminent EMNT Employee EMP Employment EMP Enable ENBL Enclosure ENCL Encrypt ENCRP Encrypted ENCRP Encryption ENCRP Endanger ENDGRD Endangered ENDGR Ending END Endorsement ENDRS Enduring ENDR Engaged ENG Engineering ENGEnhancement ENHC Enhancement ENHNC Enrolled ENROLL Enrollment ENRL Enroute ENRTEnter ENTREntered ENTR Enterprise ENTP Entitlement ENTL Entity ENTYWORD ABBREVIATION Entry ENTEntry ENTREnvelope ENVLP Environment ENVLP Environment ENVR Environmental ENVR Equal EQEquation EQTN Equipment EQPEquity EQTY Equivalent EQUIV Equivalent EQVErgot ERGTErgoty ERGOT Erodibility EROD Erodible EROD Erosion ERSNError ERRErucic ERUCEscrow ESCR Essential ESNL Establish ESTB Established ESTB Establishment ESTB Estate ESTEstimate ESTI Estimated EST Ethnicity ETHNCEvent EVNTEvict EVCTEvicted EVCTEviction EVCT Evidence EVD Evidence EVID Examination EXAM Examine EXAM Examiner EXAM Exceed EXCD Exceeded EXCD Exceeds EXCDExcept XCPT Exception EXCP Exception EXCPTN WORD ABBREVIATION Excess EXCSExcess EXS Excessive EXCS Exchange EXCHExcise EXCISExcise XCSEExclude EXCL Executable EXE Execute EXEC Executing EXE Execution EXE Executor EXE Executor EXEC Exempt EXMPExempt XMPT Exhausted EXHST Exhibit EXBTExist EXSTExistence EXST Existing EXST Expandable EXPAN Expansion EXPAN Expect EXPExpected EXPD Expended EXPN Expenditure EXP Expense EXP Experience EXPRC Experiment EXPRMNT Experimental EXPRM Expiration EXPR Expire EXPIRExpire EXPRExpired EXPR Expiring EXPR Explain EXPL Explanation EXPL Export EXPTExported EXPT Exporter XPT Exposure EXP Expression EXPS Extend EXTDWORD ABBREVIATION Extended EXT Extension EXT Extension EXTN Extent EXTExtent EXTNExternal EXTLExtra XTRAExtract XTRC Extraneous XTRA Fabricate FABFacility FACIL Facility FCLYFactor FCTRFactored FCTRFailed FAILFailure FAILFaith FTHFamily FAMFarmer FARMFarming FARM Farmland FMLDFatty FATFeasibility FEAS Feature FEATFeature FETR February FEBFederal FED Feedback FDBK Feeder FDRFeet FTFertility FERTFiber FBRFiduciary FDRYField FLDFifteen FTNFifth FTHFigure FIGFiled FILEFilename FLNMFiling FILEFiller FILFilter FLTRFinal FINLWORD ABBREVIATION Final FNLFinance FINCFinance FNCFinancial FINC Financial FNCL Financing FNC Finding FINDFinish FNSHFinished FNSHFirst FSTFiscal FISCFiscal FSCLFixed FIXFlaxseed FLXS Flexibility FLX Flexible FLEX Flexible FLXFlood FLDFloor FLRFloral FLRLFlower FLWR Fluctuation FLCT Focal FCLFodder FODDRFoliage FOLG Followup FLWUP Follow—up FLWUP Footnote FTNT Forage FRGForbear FRBR Forbearance FRBR Force FRCForced FORCE Forecast FRCST Forecasting FRCST Foreclose FRCLS Foreclosure FRCLS Foreign FGNForeman FORMNForest FRSTForest FST Forestland FORSTLND Forestland FSLD WORD ABBREVIATION Forestry FSTForfeit FFTForfeit FORFT Forfeited FFT Forfeiture FFT Forgive FRGV Forgiven FRGV Forgiveness FRGVFormat FORMT Formattted FMT Former FRMRFormula FMLA Forward FRWRD Forward FWD Forwarded FWD Forwarder FWD Forwarding FWD Found FND Foundation FNDTN Fourteen FRTNFourth FRTHFraction FRCTN Fragile FRGL Fragment FRGMT Frame FRMFranchise FRNC Freeze FREZFreeze FRZFreezer FRZFreight FRGTFreight FRT Frequency FREQ Frequency FRQFrost FROSTFruit FRUTFruit/Vegetable FAV Fully FULL Fumigation FUMGTN Function FCTN Function FUNC Functional FUNC Funding FUNDFungus FNGSWORD ABBREVIATION Furnish FURNSFuture FTRFuture FUTGarlic GARLGarlic GRLC Garnish GRNS Garnished GRNS Garnishment GRNS Gender GNDR General GEN Generate GNRT Generated GEN Generated GNRT Genus GENUS Geographic GEO Global GLBL Glucosinolate GLCO Government GOVT Government GVT Grade GRDGradual GRAD Graduated GRAD Graduation GRAD Grain GRN Grandparent GPRNT Granted GRANT Graph GRPHGrass GRAS Grayness GRAY Graze GRZGrazed GRZGrazing GRAZ Grazing GRZGreat GREAT Greater GRTGreen GRN Gregorian GREG Gross GRGroup GRP Grouping GRP Growth GRW Guarantee GUARWORD ABBREVIATION Guarantor GUAR Guardian GRDN Guardian GUARDN Habit HABITHabital HABIT Habitat HBT Handbook HDBK Handicap HANDCP Handicap HCP Handicapped HCP Handle HNDLHandled HNDL Handling HNDL Handoff HDOF Hardware HWHarvest HARVHarvest HVST Harvested HVST Hazard HZRDHeader HDRHeader HEAD Headquarters HDQ Headquarters HQ Hearing HEARHeater HEATHedging HEDGHeight HGTHeight HTHighest HIGHHighly HIGHHispanic HSPC Hispanic HSPNC Historical HIST History HISTHolder HLDRHoliday HLDYHoliday HOLHoney HNYHopper HOPRHours HRSHousehold HSHL Household HSHLD Housing HSGWORD ABBREVIATION Hubzone HBZNHuman HUMANHumidity HUMID Hundredweight CWT Hybrid HYBRD Hydrologic HYDRO Hydrological HYDRO Hydrology HYDRO Identification ID Identified IDIdentifier IDIdentity IDImage IMGImmediate IMDT Immediate IMMED Imminent IMNTImpact IMPCImplement IMPL Implement IMPLMNT Implementation IMPL Implementation IMPLMNT Implemented IMPL Import IMPT Importance IMPT Importer IMPTImporter IMPT Improved IPRV Inaccurate INAC Inactive IACTV Inbound INBDIncentive INCTV Included INCLInclusive INCLIncompetent ICMP Incompetent INCOMP Incomplete ICPLT Inconspicuous ICSPC Inconspicuous INCNSPC Incorrect ICOR Increase INCR Increase INCR Increment INCMT Increment INCRMT WORD ABBREVIATION Incumbency ICMB Incurred INCUR Indebted INDEBT Indebtedness INDEBT Indemnity IDMTY Independent INDP Index IDXIndex INDXIndian INDIndicator INDIndirect IDIR Individual INDIV Individual INDV Industrial IDST Industrial INDUST Industry IDST Ineligible IELG Ineligible INELIG Infested INFS Information INFO Inherited INHRT Inhouse IHSInitial INIT Initialization INIT Initials INITInitiate INITInitiate INIInitiation INIT Initiator INITInland INLDInlieu INLUInput IPInput IPUTInquiry INQInsect ISCTInsert INSRT Inserted INSRTInside INSDInspect INSP Inspection INSP Inspector INSPInstall INSTAL Installation INSTAL Installation ISTL WORD ABBREVIATION Installed ISTL Installment INSTAL Installment ISTL Instance INSTC Institution INST Instore ISTR Instruction ISTR Instrument INSTR Insufficient ISFC Insurable INSB Insurance INS Insurance INS Insured INSInteger INT Integrated INTG Intended INTN Intention INTN Intercom ITCM Interest INT Interface INTFC Interface IRFInterim INTRMInterim ITRM Intermediate INTMDIntermodal INTMD Internal INTL Interrupt INTRPT Interval INTRVL Interval INTVL Intervene ITVN Intervening ITVN Intitiated INIT Invalid INVLDInvalid IVLD Inventory INV Inventory INVN Investment INVST Invitation INVT Invite INVTInvoice INVInvoice INVC Involuntary INVOLUNT Involve INVL Involved INVL WORD ABBREVIATION Involvement INVL Iodine IIrrevocable IRVC Irrigated IRR Irrigation IRR Islander ISL Issuance ISUIssue ISSIssue ISUIssued ISSIterate ITRT Iteration ITRT January JANJoint JNTJournal JRNL Judgement JDG Judgement JGMNT Julian JULJulian JULNJuly JULJunction JCTJune JUNJustification JUST Justify JUSTKernel KRNL Keystroke KSTRK Kilobyte KBKilogram KG Kilosegment KSGMT Knowledge KNWLG Label LBLLabor LBRLandlord LLRD Language LANGLarge LRGLateral LTRLLatino LTNLatitude LATD Lawyer LWYRLayout LYOTLeach LCHLease LSELeave LVLedger LDGRWORD ABBREVIATION Legacy LGCYLegal LGLLegislation LEGIS Lender LNDRLength LGTHLessee LSEELessor LSORLetter LTRLevel LVLLiability LIA Liability LIBLTY Library LIBLicense LICLicensed LICLienholder LHLDR Lifespan LFSPLimit LMTLimitation LMT Limited LTDLinkage LNKLiquid LIQLiquidate LIQ Liquidated LQD Liquidation LQDList LSTListing LISTLitigate LTGT Litigated LTGT Litigation LTGT Livestock LVSTK Livestock LVSTOCK Liveweight LIVEWT Liveweight LVWT Loaded LOADLoading LOAD Loadout LDOTLoaned LOANLocal LCLLocation LOCLocator LOCLocked LOCKLodging LDGLogical LOGLogical LOGCL WORD ABBREVIATION Login LOGINLogon LOGON Longitude LGTD Losses LOSSLower LOWLowest LOWLumber LMBRMachine MACHMacro MACMagnetic MAGMailed MAILMailing MAIL Mainframe MFRM Maintenance MAINT Maintenance MNT Major MAJMaker MAKEMalting MALT Managed MNG Management MGMT Management MGT Manager MGR Mandatory MAND Mandatory MND Manual MNL Manufacture MFR Manufacturer MFR March MARMargin MRGNMarginal MARGN Marginal MRGNMarital MRTLMarket MKTMarketing MKT Maryland MDMass MSMaster MSTMatch MTCHMaterial MTRLMatter MTRMature MATRMature MTRMaturity MTRTY WORD ABBREVIATION Maximum MAXMay MAYMeasure MEAS Measured MEAS Measurement MEASMechanism MECH Media MEDIAMedian MDNMediation MDT Medium MEDMeeting MTG Megabyte MBMember MBRMember MEMBMemory MEMMerge MERGMerger MRGMerit MRTMessage MSGMeter MTRMethod MTHDMetric MTRC Microcode MICRO Micronaire MCRN Middle MIDMidterm MTERM Migrated MIGR Migration MIGR Mileage MLGMilitary MILMinimal MIN Minimum MIN Minimum MINIMinor MNRMinority MINRTY Minority MNRMinute MINMinute MNMisaction MACTN Miscellaneous MISC Missed MISSMissing MISSMissing MSNG Mitigation MITG WORD ABBREVIATIONMixed MIX Mixture MIX Model MDL Modem MDM Modification MOD Modified MOD Modifier MOD Modify MOD Module MDL Module MOD Mohair MOHR Moisture MST Monetize MNTZ Money MNYMoney MNYMonth MOMonthly MO Mortal MRTL Mortgage MORT Motor MTRMount MTMove MOVEMoved MOVE Moving MOVE Mudslide MSLD Multiple MULT Multiplier MULT Mustard MSTRD Musty MSTY Nafec NAFName NMName NMENation NAT National NAT National NTL Nationwide NAT Native NTV Natural NTRL Nearest NEAR Negative NEGNegotiable NGT Negotiate NGT Negotiation NGT Network NTWKWORD ABBREVIATION Next NXTNickname NKNMNight NGHTNightly NGHTNitrogen NNoise NOISENon Operational NOPER Nonaction NACTN Nonagricultural NAG Nonallocated NALOC Noncapitalized NCPTL Noncash NCASH Noncompliance NCMPL Nonconcurrence NCNCR Nonessential NESNL Nonestablished NESTB Nongrazing NGRZ Nonguaranteed NGUAR Nonharvested NHARV Noninspected NINSP Nonirrigated NI Nonirrigation NI Nonoil NOIL Nonoperational NOPER Nonparticipating NP Nonpayment NPYMT Nonpossession NPSN Nonprocurement NPCMT Nonprofit NPRFT Nonprogram NPGM Nonproven NPRV Nonquota NQTA Nonresident NRES Nonsovereign NSVRN Nonstandard NSTDNormal NORMNotation NOTENotice NTCE Notification NOTIFY Notification NTFY Notified NTFYNotify NTFY November NOV Noxious NOXWORD ABBREVIATION Nuclear NUCLR Number NBRNumber NUM Numerator NMRTR Numeric NUMNursery NURSObject OBJ Objectionable OBJ Objectionable OBJBLE Objective OBJ Obligate OBL Obligated OBL Obligation OBL Obligor OBLGR Observation OBS Obsolete OBSLT Occupancy OCPY Occupation OCC Occupation OCCP Occupational OCCP Occur OCC Occurrence OCC Occurrence OCR Ocean OCNOctober OCTOffer OFROfferor OFROffice OFCOfficer OFCOfficial OFCLOffset OFSTOilseed OILOnboard ONBRD Onhand OHNDOpen OPNOpened OPENOpening OPEN Operate OPOperating OPER Operation OP Operation OPER Operator OPER Operator OPR WORD ABBREVIATION Oppose OPOS Opposing OPOS Optimum OPTMOption OPTOptional OPT Orchard ORCHOrder ORDOrdered ORDOrdering ORD Organization ORG Organizational ORG Organized ORGOrient ORNT Orientation ORNT Oriented ORNTOrigin ORGNOriginal ORGN Originating ORGN Origination ORGN Originator ORGN Other OTOutage OUTG Outbound OTBD Outcome OTCMOutput OPUTOutside OSID Outstanding OTSD Outstanding OUTSTD Over OVROverall OVRL Overdisbursement OVDB Overdue OVRDOverflow OFLW Overflow OVROverlay OVLY Overmarket OVRMKT Overmarketed OMKT Overpaid OVPD Overpayment OPYMT Overpayment OVRPYMT Override OVRIDE Override OVRRD WORD ABBREVIATION Overstate OVRST Overstated OVST Overtime OVRTIME Overtime OVTM Overweight OVWT Overwrite OVWRT Owned OWNOwner OWNROwnership OWNR Ownership OWNSHP Owning OWNPackage PKG Packaging PKGPacked PACKPacked PKDPacket PKTPairing PAIR Palatability PALAT Panel PNLParagraph PARA Parameter PARM Parcel PRCLParent PRNTParity PRTYPartial PARTLPartial PTLPartially PTL Participant PARTIC Participant PTCP Participated PTCP Participating PARTIC Participating PTCP Participation PTCP Partner PARTN Partner PTNR Partnership PARTN Partnership PTNR Party PRTYParty PTYPassword PSWRD Password PWDPasture PSTR Pastureland PASTRLND WORD ABBREVIATION Pastureland PSLD Patch PTCHPattern PATRN Pattern PTRN Payable PYPayable PYBLPayee PYEPayer PYRPayment PYMTPayoff PYOFPayroll PAYRPayroll PYRLPeanut PNUTPecan PCNPending PENDPercent PCT Percentage PCT Perennial PRNL Perfected PFCT Perforate PERF Perform PERF Performance PERF Performance PRFM Performed PRFM Period PERIPeriod PRD Permanent PERM Permission PMSN Permit PMIT Permitted PERM Permitted PMIT Perpetual PRPT Person PERSPerson PRSNPersonal PERS Personal PRSN Personnel PERS Personnel PRSN Phase PHSEPhone PHN Photograph PHOTO Photograph PHTO WORD ABBREVIATION Physical PHYPicture PICPilot PLTPlace PLPlane PLNEPlanned PLNPlanning PLNPlant PLNTPlanted PLNTPlatform PFRMPledge PLDGPlump PLMPPlump PLMPPlywood PLYWDPoint PNTPoint PTPointer PTPolicy PLCYPolicy POLCY Pollution PLTN Pollution POLUTN Polyline PLYLN Pooling POOL Population POP Population POPLTN Portfolio PTFLO Portion PRTNPosition POSPosition PSTN Positive POS Possession PSN Postage PSTGPostal POSTPosting POST Postmark PSMK Potential POT Potential POTNT Poultry PLTPoultry PULTPound LBPounds LBPower PWRWORD ABBREVIATION Powered PWRPractice PRAC Preapplication PRAPP Precipitation PRECIPPredecessor PRDCSR Predicted PRED Predominant PDMNT Preference PREF Preference PREFD Preferred PREFD Prefix PFXPrefix PRE Prehearing PHEAR Preliminary PRELIM Preliminary PRLM Premium PREM Prepaid PPD Preparation PREP Preparation PRPARTN Prepare PREP Prepare PRPRD Preposition PPSTN Preprocess PPROC Prerequisite PRQS Present PRES Preserve PSRV Preserved PRSV Press PRSPrevent PRVNT Prevented PVNT Preventive PVNT Preview PRVW Previous PREV Previous PRVPrice PRCPricing PRCPrimary PRIMPrime PRIMPrincipal PRIN Principal PRN Principle PNPL Principle PRINPrint PRNTPrinting PRNTPrior PRPriority PRTY Private PVT Privilege PVLG Probation PBTN Probation PROB Problem PROB Procedure PROC Procedure PROCD Proceed PRCD Proceed PROCD Process PROC Processed PROC Processing PROC Procurement PCMT Produce PRODR Producer PRDR Producer PRODR Product PROD Product PRODT Production PROD Production PRODT Productivity PRODT Profile PRFLProfit PRFT Program PGM Progress PROG Project PRJ Projected PRJ Projected PROJ Projection PRJ Promissory PRMS Promote PROM Promotion PRMT Prompt PRMPT Prompt PRMTProrated PRRT Proration PRRT WORD ABBREVIATION Protected PRTC Protection PROTECT Protection PRTC Protein PROTProtein PRTN Protocol PRTCLProve PRVProven PRVProven PRVProvide PRVD Provided PRVD Provider PRVD Province PROV Provision PROVSN Provision PVSN Provisional PVSN Pseudo PSUDPublic PUB Publication PUB Publish PUB Pulpwood PLPWD Purchase PRCH Purchase PURCH Purchased PRCH Purchaser PRCH Purchaser PURCH Purge PRGPurge PURGPurity PUREPurpose PRPS Purpose PURP Quadruple QUAD Qualification QUAL Qualifying QUALQuality QUALQuantity QTYQuarter QTRQuarterly QTRQuery QRYQuestion QSTN Question QUESTQueue QUEQueued QUEWORD ABBREVIATION Quota QTAQuotient QTNTRainfall RNFL Random RNDM Randomizer RNDM Range RNGRange RNGERanking RANK Rapseed RPSDRate RTRating RTRatio RATIO Reactivate RACTV Reactivated RACTV Ready RDYReallocate REALLOC Reallocated RALC Reallocation RALC Reamortization RMTZ Reamortize RMTZ Reapportion RAPRN Reapportioned RAPRN Reapportionment RAPRN Reason REASReason RSNRebate RBTRebuild RBLD Recalculate RECALC Recalculation RCALC。
For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use史上最全的英语缩写大全任何语言都有它独特的缩写,熟练掌握一些常用、地道的英文缩写会让你对英文的识别力更敏锐,让你在听别人讲话或自己进行口头表达时更方便、更容易。
【一】常见的口语缩写在口语中我们经常碰到一些缩写,诸如wanna, gonna 之类,那么他们到底是怎么来的呢? 又是什么意思呢?1.wanna (= want to) 【美国口语】wanna 是"want to" 的缩写,意为“想要”“希望”eg:Wanna grab a drink tonight?今晚喝一杯如何?wanna的使用范围极广,从日常口语到歌曲名称都有它的影子,有一首传唱度很高的歌想必大家都听过,歌名就是"B What U Wanna B"2.gonna(= going to)gonna 是"going to" 的缩写,用在将来时中,一般与be 动词连用成“be gonna”结构,但在口语中也有省略be 的情况出现。
【美国口语】eg:Who's gonna believe you?谁会信你呢?3.kinda (= kind of)kinda 是"kind of"的缩写,意为“有点”“有几分”eg:I'm kinda freaking out!我快疯了!4.sorta (=sort of)【美国口语】sorta 是"sort of" 的缩写,意为“有几分”“可以说是”eg:I'm sorta excited.我有点小兴奋!5.gotta (=got to)【美国口语】gotta是"got to"的缩写,意为“不得不”“必须”eg:I gotta go now.我现在得走了。
CEO CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即首席执行官,IT信息技术,即英文Information Technology 的缩写.BT 一种P2P共享软件,全名叫"BitTorrent",中文全称:"比特流"又名"变态下载"diy是什么意思?DIY是每一个电脑爱好者熟悉的新名词,是英文Do It Yourself的首字母缩写,自己动手制作的意思,硬件爱好者也被俗称DIYer.oem是什么意思?OEM是英文Original Equipment Manufacturer的缩写,意思是原设备制造商。
bbs是什么意思?BBS是英文Bulletin Board System的缩写,中文意思是电子公告板系统,此刻国内统称做论坛。
xp是什么意思?XP,是英文Experience(体验)的缩写, 自从微软发布Office XP后,成为软件流行命名概念.ZT是什么意思?论坛上常见文章标有zt字样,新手不知所云,其实只是是"转帖"的拼音缩写罢了.ps是什么意思?在网上,经常使用软件一样都用缩写代替photoshop简称ps,DreamWeaver简称dw.ID是什么意思?ID是英文IDentity的缩写,ID是身份标识号码的意思.IP是什么意思?为了使Internet上的众多电脑主机在通信时能够彼此识别,Internet上的每一台主机都分派有一个唯一的32位地址,该地址称为IP地址,也称作网际地址。
IP地址由4个数组成,每一个数可取值0~255,各数之间用一个点号“.”msn是什么意思?MSN 即MICROSOFT NETWORK, 是微软公司的一个门户站点. MSN作为互联网上最受欢迎的一个门户, 具有了为用户提供了在线调查、阅读和购买各类产品和效劳的能力.DJ是什么意思?DJ是DISCO JOCIKEY(唱片骑士)的英文缩写,以DISCO为主,DJ这两个字此刻已经代表了最新、最劲、最毒、最HIGH的Muisc。
大家应该知道英语缩写最常见的有ASAP、THX、OMG、Biz、FT 等,下面这个英语缩写表收集的相对比较全,如果和老外聊天有啥不认识的缩写词,可以备用查询。
数字:2 = to/too2B or not 2B = To be or not to be4 = for4ever = foreverA:ASL = Age/Sex/LocationAFAIC = As Far As I’m ConcernedAFAIK = As Far As I KnowAFK = Away From KeyboardAIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s UncleAISI = As I See ItAKA = Also Known AsAMBW = All My Best WishesANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web SponsorAOTS = All Of The SuddenASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" PossibleASAP = As Soon As PossibleATST = At The Same TimeAWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh AgainAYSOS = Are You Stupid Or SomethingB:B4 = BeforeB4N = Bye For NowBBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by MattelBBIAB = Be Back In A BitBBIAF = Be Back In A FewBBL = Be Back LaterBBN = Bye Bye NowBCNU = Be Seein’ YouBF = BoyfriendBFD = Big Fing DealBFN = Bye For NowBHOF = Bald Headed Old FartBIF = Basis In FactBITD = Back In The DayBiz = BusinessBM = Byte MeBMOTA = Byte Me On The AssBNF = Big Name FanBOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes AgainBR = BathroomBRB = Be Right BackBRT = Be Right ThereBS = Big SmileBT = Byte ThisBTDT = Been There Done ThatBTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of MeBTW = By The WayBTWBO = Be There With Bells OnBWDIK = But What Do I Know?BWO = Black, White or OtherC:Cam = Web CameraCIAO = Goodbye (in Italian)CID = Consider It DoneCIO = Check It OutCIS = CompuServe Information ServiceCMF = Count My FingersCof$ = Church of ScientologyCRAFT = Can’t Remember A Fing Thing CRAWS = Can’t Remember Anything Worth A Sh CSL = Can’t Stop LaughingCTC = Choaking The ChickenCU = See YouCUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You LaterCWYL = Chat With You LaterCYA = Cover Your AssD:DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You Read DD = Due DiligenceDDD = Direct Distance DialDETI = Don’t Even Think ItDGT = Don’t Go ThereDHYB = Don’t Hold Your BreathDIIK = Damned If I KnownDILLIGAD = Do I Look Like I Give A d\\amn DILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A ShDKDC = Don’t Know Don’t CareDL = DownloadDLTM = Don’t Lie To MeDQYDJ = Don’t Quit You’re Day JobDRIB = Don’t Read If BusyDS = Dunce SmileyDYSTSOTT = Did You See The Size Of That ThingE:EG = Evil GrinEOM = End Of MessageESO = Equipment Smarter than OperatorF:F2F/FTF = Face To FaceFAQ = Frequently Asked QuestionFBKS = Failure Between Keyboard and SeatFE = For Example/Fatal ErrorFF&PN = Fresh Fields And Pastures NewFOAF = Friend Of A FriendFOB = FREE ON BOARD DoFobFTASB = Faster Than A Speeding BulletFT = FaintFTL = Faster Than LightFTTB = For The Time BeingFUBAR = Fed Up Beyond All RecognitionFUBB = Fed Up Beyond BeliefFUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWIW = For What It’s WorthFYA = For Your AmusementFYI = For Your InformationFYM = For Your MisinformationG:G2G = Got To GoG8T/GR8 = GreatGAL = Get A LifeGDGD = Good,GoodGF = girlfriendGG = Good Game/Gotta GoGIGO = Garbage In, Garbage OutGIWIST = Gee, I Wish I’d Said ThatGL = Good LuckGLYASDI = God Loves You And So Do IGMTA = Great Minds Think AlikeGNBLFY = Got Nothing But Love For YouGR&D = Grinning Running And DuckingGRRRR = "Growling"GSOAS = Go Sit On A SnakeGTG = Got To GoGTGB = Got To Go, ByeGTGP = Got To Go Pee给大家推荐一个英语微信群Empty Your Cup英语微信群是目前学习英语最有效的方法,群里都是说英语,没有半个中文,而且规则非常严格,是一个超级不错的英语学习环境,群里有好多英语超好的超牛逼的人,还有鬼佬和外国美眉。
1)asl 是Age, sex and location 的所写,年龄,性别和地址(国籍) lol 是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑,笑的很开心的样子PP 匸peoplebbs=be back soon^l 快回来 thx=tha nks ur=yourasa p=as soon as po ssible g2g = got to gottyl = talk to you later brb = be right back bbl = be back later bio brb=±个厕所就回 afk = away from keyboard (away) u = you plz = p lease y = why w8 = waitI8er = later cya = see ya (later) nvm = n everm ind nm = not much gl = good luck gf = girlfrie nd bf = boyfrie nd luv=love RUOK=are you ok? sp=support cu=see u cul8er= see you later ft=fai ntic=i seesoho=small office home officerbtw=by the waygn=gn 8=g ni ght=good ni ght二晚安nn=n ite=晚安说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。
hiho=hola=yo=hi=hey=hellow=ello 你好,大家好wuz up=sup=what's up=(原意:怎么样你?/有什么事儿嘛?)也可作为问好用(当然是比较熟的两个人之间的问候),回答时有事说事,没事用"nothing/nothinmuch/not much/nm等回答就可以。
如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!邮件里常用的四个英文缩写CC,FYI,ASAP,RESEND1. CC=Carbon copy 抄送2. FYI=for your reference 供你参考3. ASAP=as soon as possible 尽快4. RESEND! 重传数字:2 = to/too2B or not 2B = To be or not to be4 = for4ever = foreverA:ASL = Age/Sex/LocationAFAIC = As Far As I’m ConcernedAFAIK = As Far As I KnowAMBW = All My Best WishesAOTS = All Of The SuddenASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" PossibleASAP = As Soon As PossibleATST = At The Same TimeB:B4 = BeforeB4N = Bye For NowBBIAB = Be Back In A BitBBIAF = Be Back In A FewBBL = Be Back LaterBBN = Bye Bye NowBF = Boy friendBFD = Big Fing Deal如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!BFN = Bye For NowBHOF = Bald Headed Old FartBIF = Basis In FactBITD = Back In The DayBiz = BusinessBM = Byte MeBMOTA = Byte Me On The AssBNF = Big Name FanBOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes AgainBOM=bill of material 材料清单BR = Best regardsBRB = Be Right BackBRT = Be Right ThereBS = Big SmileBT = Byte ThisBTDT = Been There Done ThatBTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of MeBTW = By The WayBTWBO = Be There With Bells OnBWDIK = But What Do I Know?BWO = Black, White or OtherC:Cam = Web CameraCIAO = Goodbye (in Italian)CID = Consider It DoneCIS = CompuServe Information ServiceCMF = Count My FingersCof$ = Church of ScientologyCRAFT = Can’t Remember A Fing ThingCRAWS = Can’t Remember Anything Worth A ShCSL = Can’t Stop Laughing如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢!CTC = Choaking The ChickenCU = See YouCUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You LaterCWYL = Chat With You LaterCYA = Cover Your AssD:DBEYR = Don’t Believe Everything You ReadDD = Due DiligenceDDD = Direct Distance DialDETI = Don’t Even Think ItDGT = Don’t Go ThereDHYB = Don’t Hold Your BreathDIIK = Damned If I KnownDILLIGAD = Do I Look Like I Give A d\\amnDILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A ShDKDC = Don’t Know Don’t CareDL = DownloadDLTM = Don’t Lie To MeDQYDJ = Don’t Quit You’re Day JobDRIB = Don’t Read If BusyDS = Dunce SmileyDYSTSOTT = Did You See The Size Of That ThingE:EG = Evil GrinEOM = End Of MessageESO = Equipment Smarter than OperatorF:F2F/FTF = Face To FaceFAQ = Frequently Asked Question。
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很全的英文缩写和老外聊天、发邮件常用英语缩写邮件里常用的四个英文缩写CC,FYI,ASAP,RESEND抄送Literal meaning: Carbon Copy. When used in an e-mail, it means to se nd a copy of the e-mail to some one else.Hidden meaning: If you are on the CC list, you may simply read the e -mail. You're not always obligated to reply. But if an e-mail sent t o you has your boss' e-mail on the CC list, watch out. Whe n the boss is involved, you'd better take the e-mail more seriously.2.FYI供你参考Literal meaning: For your information.Hidde n mea ning: By add ing "FYI", the sen der in dicates that the e-mai1contains in formati on that may be valuable to your compa ny or job r esp on sibilities.3.ASAP / urge nt 紧急文件Literal meaning: As soon as possible.Hidde n mea ning: Whe n you see "ASAP" or "urge nt" in an e-mail or docu ment, you should quickly carry out the e-mail's orders.4.RESEND 重传Literal meaning: Please rese nd your reply to me.Hidde n meanin g: "I have n't received your reply. I don't have much time. Please hurry." You might get such a message from some one who sen t you an e-mail, to which you've yet to reply.others:数字:2= to/too2B or not 2B = To be or not to be4 = for4ever = foreverA:ASL = Age/Sex/Locatio nAFAIC = As Far As I ' m ConcernedAFAIK = As Far As I KnowAFK = Away From KeyboardAIAMU = And I ' m A Mon key' s UncleAISI = As I See ItAKA = Also Known AsAMBW = All My Best WishesANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Spo nsorAOTS = All Of The Sudde nASAFP = As Soo n As "Friggi n" PossibleASAP = As Soon As PossibleATST = At The Same TimeAWGTHTGTTA = Are We Goi ng To Have To Go Through This Aga in AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh AgainI I: AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Somethi ngI_L B:IB4 = BeforeIB4N = Bye For NowI BBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brai ns by MattelBBIAB = Be Back In A Bit_L BBIAF = Be Back In A Few_L BBL = Be Back LaterI BBN = Bye Bye NowBCNU = Be Seei n' YouI IBF = Boyfrie ndI BFD = Big Fi ng Deal————BFN = Bye For NowI I: BHOF = Bald Headed Old FartI BIF = Basis In Fact_L BITD = Back In The DayI Biz = Busin essI BM = Byte MeI BMOTA = Byte Me On The AssI BNF = Big Name FanI BOHICA = Be nd Over Here It Comes Aga inBOM=bill of material 材料清单BR = Best regardsBRB = Be Right BackBRT = Be Right ThereBS = Big SmileBT = Byte ThisBTDT = Bee n There Done ThatBTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of MeBTW = By The WayBTWBO = Be There With Bells OnBWDIK = But What Do I Know?BWO = Black, White or OtherC:Cam = Web CameraCIAO = Goodbye (in Italia n)_CID = Con sider It DoneCIS = CompuServe In formatio n Service CMF = Cou nt My Fi ngersCof$ = Church of Scie ntologyCRAFT = Can t Remember A Fing Thing CRAWS = Can t Remember Anything Worth A Sh CSL = Ca n' t Stop Laugh ingCTC = Choaking The ChickenCU = See YouCUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You LaterCWYL = Chat With You LaterCYA = Cover Your AssD:DBEYR = Don t Believe Everything You Read DD = Due Dilige neeDDD = Direct Dista nee DialDETI = Don ' t Even Think ItDGT = Don t Go ThereDHYB = Don t Hold Your BreathDIIK = Damn ed If I KnownDILLIGAD = Do I Look Like I Give A d\\amnDILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A ShDKDC = Don t Know Don ' t CareDL = Downl oadDLTM = Don t Lie To MeDQYDJ = Don t Quit You ' re Day JobDRIB = Don' t Read If BusyDS = Dunce SmileyDYSTSOTT = Did You See The Size Of That Thi ngE:EG = Evil GrinEOM = End Of MessageESO = Equipme nt Smarter tha n OperatorF:F2F/FTF = Face To FaceFAQ = Freque ntly Asked Questi on_FBKS = Failure Betwee n Keyboard and SeatFE = For Example/Fatal ErrorFF&PN = Fresh Fields And Pastures NewFOAF = Friend Of A FriendFTASB = Faster Than A Speeding BulletFT = Fai ntFTL = Faster Than LightFTTB = For The Time Bei ngFUBAR = Fed Up Bey ond All Recog nitionFUBB = Fed Up Bey ond BeliefFUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation FWIW = For What It ' s WorthFYA = For Your Amuseme ntFYI = For Your In formatio nFYM = For Your Misi nformatio nG:G2G = Got To GoG8T/GR8 = GreatGAL = Get A LifeGDGD = Good,GoodGF = girlfrie ndGG = Good Game/Gotta GoGIGO = Garbage In, Garbage OutGIWIST = Gee, I Wish I ' d Said That GL = Good LuckGLYASDI = God Loves You And So Do IGMTA = Great Mi nds Th ink AlikeGNBLFY = Got Nothi ng But Love For You GR&D = Grinning Running And Ducking GRRRR = "Growli ng"GSOAS = Go Sit On A Sn akeGTG = Got To GoGTGB = Got To Go, ByeGTGP = Got To Go PeeGTH = Go To HellGTSY = Glad To See YaGYPO = Get Your Pan ts OffBE A QUEEN.H:HAGO = Have A Good OneHAK = Hugs And KissesHB = Hurry BackHD = HoldHHO1/2K = Ha Ha, Only Half KiddingHHOK = Ha Ha, On ly Kiddi ngHIOOC = Help! I ' m Out Of Coffee_Howz = How isHTH = Hope This (That) HelpsHUA = Heads Up Ace__HUYA = Head Up Your AI :IAC = In Any CaseIAE = In Any Eve ntIANAC = I Am Not A CrookIANAL = I Am Not A LawyerIBT = In Betwee n Tech no logyIBTD = I Beg To DifferIC = I See/In CharacterIDGAF = I Don ' t Give A FIDGI = I Don ' t Get ItIDK = I Don ' t KnowIDKY = I Don ' t Know YouIDST = I Didn ' t Say ThatIDTS = I Don ' t Th ink SoIFAB = I Found A BugIFU = I Fed UpIGGP = I Gotta Go PeeIIIO = Intel In side, Idiot OutsideIIMAD = If It Makes An(y) DiffereneeIIRC = If I Remember CorrectlyIIWM = If It Were MeILICISCOMK = I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke On My KeyboardILY = I Love YouIMHO = In My Humble OpinionIMNSHO = In My Not So Humble Opi nionIMO = In My Opi nionINMP = It ' s Not My ProblemINPO = In No Particular OrderIOH = I ' m Outta HereIOW = In Other WordsIRL = In Real LifeISS = I Said SoITM = In The MoneyIYKWIM = If You Know What I Mea nIYSS = If You Say SoJ:J/C = Just Checki ngJ/K = Just Kiddi ng!J/W = Just Won deri ngJAFO = Just An other Fing On lookerK:K/KK = OK/OK, OKKFY = Kiss For YouKISS = Keep It Simple StupidKIT = Keep In TouchKMA = Kiss My AssKWIM = Know What I Mea nKX = kissKYPO = Keep Your Pants OnL:L8R = LaterLD = Long Dista neeLDTTWA = Let' s Do The Time Warp Agai n LLTA = Lots And Lots Of Thun derous Applause LMAO = Laughi ng My Ass OffLMK = Let Me KnowLOL = Laughi ng Out Loud/Lots Of Luek(Love) LTIC = Laughing ' Til I CryLTNS = Long Time No SeeLYL = Love Ya LotsLYLAS = Love You Like A SisterM8T = MateMHOTY = My Hat s Off To YouMM = Market MakerMorF = Male or Female?MOTD = Message Of The DayMOTSS = Members Of The Same SexMTFBWY = May The Force Be With YouMWBRL = More Will Be Revealed LaterMYOB = Mi nd Your Own Busi nessN:N = An d/K no w/NowNAK = Nursi ng At KeyboardNAZ = Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq) NBD = No Big DealNBIF = No Basis In FactNFI = No Fi ng IdeaNFW = No Fi ng WayNIFOC = Nude In Front Of The ComputerNM = Never MindNMP = Not My ProblemNMU = Nothi ng Much YouNOYB = None Of Your Busi nessNP = No ProblemNQOCD = Not Quite Our Class DearNRG = En ergyNRN = No Reply NecessaryNYCFS = New York City Fin ger SaluetO:OAUS = On An Un related SubjectOBTW = Oh, By The WayOIC = Oh, I SeeOICU = Oh, I See YouOMDB = Over My Dead BodyOMG = Oh My God/Oh My GoshOMIK = Ope n Mouth, I nsert KeyboardONNA = Oh No, Not Aga inOOC = Out Of CharacterOOTB = Out Of The Box/Out Of The BlueOT = Off Topic__OTOH = On The Other HandOWTTE = Or Words To That EffectOZ = stands for "Australia"P:PEBCAK = Problem Exists Betwee n Chair And Keyboard PEM = Privacy En ha need MailPic = PicturePIMP = Peei ng In My Pan tsPITA = Pai n In The AssPLS/PLZ = PleasePMFJI = Pardon Me For Jumping InPO = Piss Off/product order/purchase orderPOS = Pare nts Over ShoulderPOV = Poi nt Of ViewPPL = PeoplePro = Professi onalPS = By The Way/PhotoshopS:SS:spri ng/summerT:TAH = Take A HikeTANSTAAFL = There Ain' t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch TARFU = Thi ngs Are Really Fed UpTDTM = Talk Dirty To MeTEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know ItTFN = Tha nks For Nothi n 'THX/TX/THKS = Tha nksTIA = Thanks In Adva neeTIAIL = Think I Am In LoveTIC = Tongue In CheekTKS/TKX=Tha nksTLA = Three Letter AcronymTLGO = The List Goes OnTM = Trust MeTMI = Too Much In formationTMTOWTDI = There s More Than One Way To Do It TPTB = The Powers That BeTSR = Totally Stuck in RAMTTFN = Ta Ta For NowTTT = That ' s The Ticket/To The TopTTUL/TTYL = Talk To You LaterTWHAB = This Won t Hurt A BitTY = Tha nk YouTYVM = Thank You Very MuchU:U = YouUR = YourU R = You areunPC = un Politically CorrectURYY4M = You Are Too Wise For MeV:VFM = Values For MoneyVG = Very GoodWWAG = Wild Ass GuessWAI = What An IdiotWB = Welcome BackWCA = Who Cares Any wayWDYS = What Did You Say?WDYT = What Do You Thi nk?WE = WhateverWEG = Wicked Evil GrinWG = Wicked GrinWGAFF = Who Gives A Flyi ng FWIIFM = What' s In It For Me?WIT = Wordsmith In Trai ning WITFITS = What in the F is this Sh WOG = Wise Old GuyWot/Wut = WhatWRT = With Respect To/With Regard To WTF = What The FWTG = Way To Go!WTSDS = Where The Sun Don t Shine WYMM = Will You Marry MeWYP = What s Your Problem?WYRN = What s Your Real Name?WYS = Whatever You SayWYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get WYT = Whatever You Thi nkX:X U = Kiss YouY:Y = WhyYa = YouYA = Yet Ano therYAFIYGI = You Asked For It You Got It YDKM = You Don t Know MeYep/Yup = YesYGBK = You Gotta Be Kiddi n 'YMMV = Your Mileage May VaryYNK = You Never KnowYOYO = You re On Your OwnYR = Yeah, RightYSYD = Yeah, Sure You DoYTTT = You Telli ng The Truth? YYSSW = Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever缩略语含义说明BTW或btw 顺便说一句by the way 的首字母缩略词。