



教学目标:1. 帮助学生了解跨文化交际的基本概念和重要性。

2. 培养学生在不同文化背景下进行有效沟通的能力。

3. 增强学生对不同文化差异的敏感性和适应性。

4. 提高学生的英语听说读写能力。

教学对象:大学英语本科生教学课时:2课时教学资源:多媒体课件、跨文化交际案例、小组讨论材料教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 通过提问,引导学生思考:什么是跨文化交际?为什么它对我们很重要?2. 简要介绍跨文化交际的概念和意义。

二、课堂讲解1. 讲解跨文化交际的基本原则,如尊重、理解、宽容、适应性等。

2. 分析不同文化在交际方式、价值观、习俗等方面的差异。

3. 介绍一些常见的跨文化交际问题及解决方法。

三、案例分析1. 展示一组跨文化交际案例,引导学生分析案例中存在的问题及解决策略。

2. 小组讨论:如何在实际生活中应用跨文化交际原则。

四、课堂练习1. 分组进行角色扮演,模拟跨文化交际场景,如商务谈判、文化交流等。

2. 每组分享演练过程及心得体会。

第二课时一、复习导入1. 复习上节课所学内容,检查学生对跨文化交际原则的掌握程度。

2. 引导学生分享上节课的练习心得。

二、课堂讲解1. 深入讲解跨文化交际中的非言语沟通,如肢体语言、面部表情、空间距离等。

2. 分析不同文化在非言语沟通方面的差异及应对策略。

三、案例分析1. 分析一组新的跨文化交际案例,引导学生思考如何运用所学知识解决问题。

2. 小组讨论:针对案例中的问题,提出解决方案。

四、课堂练习1. 分组进行角色扮演,模拟具有挑战性的跨文化交际场景。

2. 每组分享演练过程及心得体会。

五、总结与反馈1. 总结本节课所学内容,强调跨文化交际的重要性。

2. 鼓励学生在日常生活中积极应用所学知识,提高自己的跨文化交际能力。

教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的发言、讨论和角色扮演情况。

2. 作业完成情况:检查学生课后练习的完成质量。

3. 跨文化交际能力:通过学生在模拟场景中的表现,评估其跨文化交际能力。



中职英语拓展模块教案第一周Week 1Topic: Unit 1 - CommunitiesTotal: 1Language goals:1.Vocabulary: apartment。

air ner。

washing machine。

stove.2.Key XXX:On which floor is the apartment located?XXX apartment?How much does Jeff pay for the apartment every month? Ability goals:1.Enable students to listen to and describe communities.2.Enable students to discuss communities.XXX:1.Encourage students to share their XXX.Strategy goals:1.XXX students how to summarize n.Culture awareness goals:1.XXX.XXX:1.ListeningXXX and methods:Step 1:XXX's activities:Ask students how their week was and if they have any XXX.XXX.Have students read and XXX they have done before in Activity 1.Students' activities:XXX.XXX.Read and XXX they have done before in Activity 1.XXX: 5 minutes.How many bedrooms does the apartment have。

What can Jeff see from the apartment。

高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 5《Experiences》word教案

高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 5《Experiences》word教案

拓展模块Unit5 ExperiencesPeriod2 ReadingTeaching Aims:1)Help Ss learn some new words, such as camp/strange/be afraidof/stupid/shout/suggest etc2)Help Ss learn some useful sentences,We all felt that…We knew that…Then one of the boys suggested…We told…He doubted that…3)Help Ss understand the passage about personal experience4)Help Ss improve their reading and speaking strategies5)Let Ss cooperate with each other6)Make them share opinions with each otherTeaching Important&Difficult Points:1)How to read about a passage2)How to elicit information about personal experience3)How to talk about personal experienceTeaching Methods:Individual work, pair work, group work and task-based activities Teaching Aids:The multi-media, the tape, the BbTeaching Procedures:Step one: Lead-inShow Ss some pictures about the school trip to Shexian(歙县) last term. Ask Ss some questions:a.Do you remember the trip to Shexian?b.What do you think of the trip? Do you think it is wonderful?c.What did you do during the trip?Step Two: ReadingActivity one: Word studyHelp Ss with the new words and match the words with the meanings.ed to a. 去野营2.go camping b.愚蠢的3.once c.建议4.towards d.过去常常5.stupid e.一次6.ashamed f.想知道7.suggest g.怀疑8.creep h.羞愧的9.doubt i.慢慢的、悄悄的移动10.w onder g.对着,朝向90 Activity Two: True or false.Ask Ss to decide the following statements true or false according to thepassage.( ) 1) when I was young, I went to camping with my family every summer.( ) 2) I went camping beside a river one summer.( ) 3) One day our teacher invited a man to our camp.( ) 4) We saw a man went down to the river.( ) 5) At last we decided to find out what happened.( ) 6) We stood up and decide to find out what happened.Activity Three: Read and completeAsk Ss to complete the sentences when reading the passage.1. We all felt a. that we had seen the man2. We know b. what I saw that day.3.The one of the boys suggested c.we should go and see what theman was doing4.We told the teacher d. this man looked very strange5.He doubted e. what had happened in the evening6. I still wondered f. that he only return by passingthrough the campActivity Four: work in pairs.Let Ss work in pairs to find out the answers.1.What did we see when we were having supper?2.Why we did not say anything about the man who looked strange?3.What surprised us very much?Activity Five: Discuss and complete.Ask Ss to discuss with the partner to complete the summary of the passage.I went to camp with my teacher and classmates this summer. We met something quite strange this time and I believed I would never forget it. One afternoon, when we were having our suppe r we saw a man passingand going towards the river. Atfirst,nobody said anything aboutthis,because no one wanted to belooked as stupid.Then no one daredto walk when we had to wash thedishes in the river.At last, wedecided to find out what the manwas doing. When we walked down tothe bank, we found no one on thebank. This surprised us very much,because the man could only returnby passing our camp and no one hadseen the man leaving.Step Three: Summary and homework1.Ask Ss to describe their own experiences and share withtheir classmates.2.Preview the lesson.教学反思:今天是一堂典型的阅读课。



1. 知识目标:- 学生能够掌握本节课所学的词汇和短语。

- 学生能够理解并运用所学的语法知识。

- 学生能够提高英语听说读写的能力。

2. 能力目标:- 培养学生的自主学习能力和合作学习能力。

- 提高学生的英语实际运用能力。

- 增强学生的跨文化交际意识。

3. 情感目标:- 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养良好的学习习惯。

- 增强学生的自信心,树立正确的学习态度。

二、教学内容1. 词汇:本节课将学习以下词汇和短语:- 老词汇:like, love, happy, sad, angry, etc.- 新词汇:school, teacher, student, book, pen, etc.2. 语法:本节课将复习以下语法知识:- 现在时态:be动词的用法- 简单句结构:主语+谓语+宾语3. 听力:听一段关于学校生活的英语对话,了解学生的校园生活。

4. 口语:围绕学校生活展开对话,进行角色扮演。

5. 阅读:阅读一篇关于学校生活的英语短文,提高阅读理解能力。

6. 写作:根据所学内容,写一篇关于学校生活的英语短文。

1. 导入(5分钟)- 教师通过提问或图片展示,引导学生回顾已学过的学校生活相关词汇和短语。

- 教师简要介绍本节课的教学目标和内容。

2. 词汇教学(10分钟)- 教师通过图片、实物或情景等方式,展示新词汇的含义。

- 学生跟读、拼写新词汇,并尝试运用新词汇进行简单的句子表达。

3. 语法教学(10分钟)- 教师讲解现在时态be动词的用法,并举例说明。

- 学生进行句子练习,巩固所学语法知识。

4. 听力训练(15分钟)- 教师播放一段关于学校生活的英语对话,让学生认真聆听。

- 学生回答问题,检验听力效果。

5. 口语练习(15分钟)- 学生进行角色扮演,模拟校园生活场景。

- 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的发音和语法错误。

6. 阅读训练(20分钟)- 教师讲解阅读短文的大意,引导学生分析文章结构。

- 学生阅读短文,回答问题,检验阅读理解能力。



中职英语拓展模块授课教案ReadingTeaching aims: 理解文章的基本内容Emotional aims:享受学习英语的乐趣Teaching important points: 掌握教学目标中的Key words和useful Expressions的基本用法Teaching difficult points: 掌握教学目标中的Key words和useful Expressions的基本用法Teaching method: practicing and reading. Teaching pro cedure:StepⅠRevisionReview some words.StepⅡReading1. Read the text carefully in a few minutes.2. Answer the following questions.(1) What would you say when people say to you, "Y ou look great today!"(2) What are really good manners in communication?3. Discuss in groups and answer in turn.StepⅢKey words和Useful Expressions④Second, it is quite rude to talk with a person in your native language and leave your American frien ds standing there.其次,你用母语和一个人交谈而让美国朋友冷落一边是非常不礼貌的。

句中it作形式主语,不定式短语to talk with a person in your native language and leave your American friends standing there作真正主语。



英语拓展模块高职教案教案标题:英语拓展模块高职教案教案目标:1. 帮助学生提高英语听、说、读、写的能力。

2. 培养学生的英语交际能力和应用能力。

3. 培养学生的自主学习和合作学习能力。

4. 培养学生的跨文化交际意识和能力。

教学内容:1. 阅读理解:通过阅读各类英文文章,提高学生的阅读理解能力。

2. 听力理解:通过听取各类英文材料,提高学生的听力理解能力。

3. 口语表达:通过对话、演讲等活动,提高学生的口语表达能力。

4. 写作能力:通过写作练习,培养学生的写作能力。

5. 语法和词汇:通过系统学习和练习,提高学生的语法和词汇水平。

教学步骤:Step 1: 导入通过引入一段有关拓展英语学习的话题,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,并与学生分享一些拓展英语学习的资源和方法。

Step 2: 阅读理解选择一篇适合高职学生阅读的英文文章,提供一些预读问题,帮助学生理解文章内容,并进行相关的阅读训练和讨论。

Step 3: 听力理解选择一段与文章主题相关的英文听力材料,通过多次听取和理解,帮助学生提高听力理解能力。


Step 4: 口语表达组织学生进行小组活动,让学生在小组内进行对话练习,模拟真实情境,提高学生的口语表达能力。


Step 5: 写作能力引导学生根据所学内容,选择一个感兴趣的话题,进行写作练习。


Step 6: 语法和词汇通过系统的语法和词汇教学,帮助学生巩固和扩展所学的语法规则和词汇量。


Step 7: 总结和评价对本节课的学习进行总结和评价,鼓励学生积极参与,提出问题和建议。


教学评估:1. 通过学生的口头表达和书面作业,评估学生的听、说、读、写能力。

2. 通过课堂观察和小组活动,评估学生的合作学习和交际能力。



Unit 4 Teaching Plan of Extracurricular Module of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Vocational EnglishI. Basic InformationA. Course Name: Extracurricular Module of Vocational EnglishB. Unit Name: Unit 4C. Publisher: Foreign Language Teaching and Research PressD. Target Students: Vocational school studentsE. Teaching Objectives:1. To improve students' readingprehension and language skills2. To enhance students' understanding of English in a vocational context3. To develop students' ability tomunicate effectively in EnglishII. Analysis of Teaching MaterialA. Overview of Unit 4:The unit is focused on workplacemunication, including job application, resume writing, and interview skills. It also covers vocabulary and phrases related to employment and career development.B. Key Points and Difficulties:1. Understanding and using professional vocabulary and expressions2. Mastering job application and interview skills3. Improving readingprehension and writing ability in a vocational contextIII. Teaching StrategiesA. Task-based Learning:Engage students in role-plays, group discussions, and real-life scenarios to practice workplacemunication skills.B. Multimedia Teaching:Utilize audio and video resources to provide authentic English language input and to stimulate students' interest.C. Interactive Teaching:Encourage students to participate in class activities, ask questions, and share their thoughts and experiences.IV. Det本人led Teaching PlanA. Pre-reading Activities:1. Warm-up: Discuss students' aspirations and career goals.2. Vocabulary Preview: Introduce key terms related to employment and job interviews.B. While-reading Activities:1. Reading Comprehension: In-class reading of an authentic job advertisement or interview transcript.2. Language Practice: In-class exercises to practice using professional language and expressions.C. Post-reading Activities:1. Role-play: Perform mock job interviews or simulate workplace interactions.2. Discussion: Reflect on the reading and share personal insights on the topic.V. Evaluation and AssessmentA. Formative Assessment:1. In-class participation and engagement2. Completion of readingprehension exercisesB. Summative Assessment:1. Written assignment: Resume writing or cover letter drafting2. Oral assessment: Role-played job interviewsVI. Extension and HomeworkA. Self-study:Encourage students to explore additional reading materials on job application and career development.B. Homework Assignments:1. Vocabulary Review: Memorize and practice using new workplace-related vocabulary.2. Writing Practice: Complete a draft of a resume or cover letter for a specific job posting.VII. Reflection and FeedbackA. Class Reflection:Discuss the effectiveness of the teaching strategies and activities used in the unit.B. Student Feedback:Encourage students to provide honest feedback on the unit, including their learning experience and any challenges faced.VIII. ConclusionA. Summary of Teaching Objectives:The unit 本人ms to equip students with practical workplacemunication skills and enhance their English language proficiency in a professional context.B. Future Directions:Continuously improve and adapt teaching materials and strategies based on student feedback and the evolving needs of vocational English learners.In conclusion, the teaching plan for Unit 4 of the Extracurricular Module of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Vocational English is designed to engage students in real-life workplacemunication scenarios, improve their English language skills, and provide them with practical tools for career development. Through abination of task-based learning, multimedia teaching, and interactive classroom activities, this unit 本人ms to equip students with the necessary language proficiency and confidence to succeed in their future careers.。


Unit 1 Social Communication
1.Learn the new words and expressions.
1.Practice using the new words. 2.Learn the common practical expressions aboutgreeting. ' skill of collecting information.3.Train the students
bobodyfactorybecauseto closethethat hehad
wanted to buy the products they had made.
Remember to switch off the lights before you leave
the room.
If you can't see your own problem, you'll repeat the
1.Improve the reading ability
1.Practice using the new words. 2.Learn the common practical expressions about greeting. nformation.







教学过程:Step 1:导入 (5分钟)1.教师与学生互相问候并介绍本周教学主题:拓展模块第四周。


Step 2:词汇与短语学习 (15分钟)1.教师通过多媒体展示本周所学词汇和短语,并详细解释其意思和用法。


Step 3:语法知识学习 (20分钟)1.教师通过多媒体展示本周所学语法知识,并进行讲解。


Step 4:口语训练 (15分钟)1.教师以班级分组形式进行口语对话练习,每组选择一位组长并给予一个主题。


Step 5:阅读与写作训练 (20分钟)1.教师提供一篇关于拓展词汇和短语的短文,要求学生阅读并理解文章内容。


Step 6:小结与作业布置 (5分钟)1.教师进行本节课内容的小结,并与学生进行互动讨论。


Step 7:课堂延伸 (5分钟)1.教师安排学生进行一个小组竞赛游戏,游戏内容为拼写所学词汇和短语。


Step 8:课堂分享 (5分钟)学生坐回座位,教师将学生的作文进行汇总整理,并选取几篇优秀的作文进行课堂分享。



中职英语拓展模块授课教案Unit2 New wordsTeaching aims: Learn some news words. Emotional aims : Enjoying learning English.Teaching important points: Learn some news words. Teaching difficult points: Learn some news words. Teaching method: practicingTeaching procedure:StepⅠ: RevisionReview some words and phrases.StepⅡ:Learn some new words.1. Read after the teacher.2. Read in groups.3. Read themselves.4. Read in turn.StepⅢPracticeTranslate some new words into English or Chinese. StepⅣSummary and homeworkRecite news words.Teaching thinking: Students are active in class, and the result is good. Blackboard design: Some word formation.tired -----tirelessdepress------- depressingserious------ seriouslysuccess-------- succeedtreat--------treatmentWarming upTeaching aims: Learn some news words. Emotional aims : Making choices in life.Teaching important points: Discuss some questions. Teaching difficult points: Learn some news words. Teaching method: practicing and discussing.Teaching procedure:StepⅠRevisionReview some words.StepⅡDiscussion 谈论课文插图。

中职高三英语单元复习教案:拓展模块Sharpening Your Skills Revision

中职高三英语单元复习教案:拓展模块Sharpening Your Skills  Revision
1.attitude /ˈætɪtjuːd/ n.态度2.automobile /ˈɔːtəməbiːl/n.汽车3.colleague/ˈkɒliːɡ/n.同事mittee /kəˈmɪti/ n.委员会petition /kɒmpəˈtɪʃn/ n.比赛
6.consumer /kənˈsjuːmə(r)/ n.顾客
2.一般将来时(simple future )
will/shall+V原will/shall not+V原I will be there./I will not be there.
is/am/are going to do is/am/are not going to do
I am going to leave here/I am not going to leave here.
Ss reviewthe language points carefully and give some examples about them.

1.培训中心training center参加take part in演讲give lectures
2.美容美发Hair and Beauty
3.世界技能大赛the World Skills Contest
培训中心training center参加take part in演讲give lectures美容美发
Hair and Beauty世界技能大赛the World Skills Contest另一方面on the other hand出国旅行留学travel abroad /study abroad...
It’s the capital city of … and one of the most attractive place around the world.

高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 9《Job Hunting》word教案

高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 9《Job Hunting》word教案

Unit 9 Reading: Job HuntingTeaching Aims:1. Get Ss. to learn the important expressions of the reading.2. Let Ss. know something about Interview Experience.3. Develop Ss. reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.Teaching Important Point:Get Ss. to read the passage to know about Interview Experience.Teaching Difficult Point:Develop Ss. reading ability.Teaching Procedures:Step1. Greeting and Revision.Check the useful words and expressions of Unit 9.1. accountant 5.refuse9.recommend2.salary6. fluently10.traffic jam3.quit7.promote4.translator8.promotion(设计说明:通过考查本单元重点词汇,督促学生及时识记单词,扎实学生的基础知识。

)Step2.Warming up. (free talk)1. Do you have a dream? If you do, then what is it?2. what kind of person would you want to be?T: Well done! You have many good dreams. But society develops very quickly. It is not easy to find a good job. After graduation from University,you must interview to find a job. Today ,Let us learn the reading about author’s interview experience.(设计说明:从学生熟知的话开始,有助于学生展开话题,营造轻松愉悦的课堂氛围,自然过渡到本节课的阅读学习。



Unit 2 Fashion is a personal expression for each of usI.Teaching periods: 4 periodsII.Teaching contents:1.Essential expressions2.Two textsIII.Teaching Aims:1.Knowledge aim(知识目标):To know some words and expressions aboutfashion2.Ability aim(能力目标): To use some reading skills to understand the two texts.3.Emotional aim(情感目标): To know some knowledge about fashionIV.Teaching Importances and difficulties:1.Basic words: wear, dress, fashion, mean, involve, design2.Essential expressions and two textsV.Teaching Methods:Communication approach, audio-lingual-method, situational language teachingVI.Teaching tools:Projector, multi-mediaVII. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Revisionfashion n.时尚,时装fashionable adj 流行的、时髦的style n.方式;样式;时髦;仪表,品位stylish 时髦的、新潮的、高雅的in fashion /style 时尚的、流行的out of fashion /style 过时的come into fashion 流行起来、开始风行follow the fashion 赶时髦the latest fashions 最新式样Step 2Words and phrasesin fashion=in style时尚的/流行的latest最新的/最近的hairstyle 发型pearl necklace 珍珠项链fashionable 时尚的fashion show 时尚展/时装表演haircut 理发hairset 发型hair coloring 头发上色hair –do 发式/发型stylish 有风度的/有气派的/有格调的up to now 到现在为止at present 目前,现在a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤global 全球的elegant 优雅的fit 适合Step 3 Essential Expressionsa1. 现在流行什么/最新的式样是什么?2.请让我看看最新的发型图片/珍珠项链,好吗?3. 你喜欢什么样的发型?4. 这条裙子是今年的流行款吗?5.你认为我穿这条裙子看起来仍然很时尚吗?6. 你觉得这个时尚展怎么样?b1.我想要那件流行的夹克。



中职英语拓展模块教案第十三周教案资料Revision 1 total 27Listening and Speaking一、教材分析1. 教学内容Revision 1 Activity 3---42. 教学重点、难点⑴教学重点能够看懂描述病人病情的短文,并根据短文写出医生和病人之间的对话。


二、教学目标1. 知识目标⑴帮助学生理解并掌握以下词汇:hurt, exercise, pill, symptom, cause, treatment, clinic, prescription, etc;⑵能够看懂教材中描述三位病人病情的小短文。

2. 能力目标⑴学生能够根据病情写出病历和英文请假条;⑵学生能够在理解短文的前提下,根据所给提示词语,复述病人病情。

3. 情感目标学生能用积极的人生态度、健康的生活方式面对生活。

三、教学步骤Step One Lead-in (8 mins)1. The teacher greets the Ss with the following sentences.How are you?When did you go to bed last night?How do you feel now?It seems that you’re not yourself. Why?….2. Ask and answer.What do you often do when there is something wrong with you?What do you say to the doctor when you are in hospital?(设计意图:通过日常的师生问候让学生对一课时所学语句作简单回顾,然后借由两个提问导入本课话题——就医,并对该话题表达自己的观点,为阅读内容的学习做好准备。


拓展模块Unit 1 Word 教案

拓展模块Unit 1 Word 教案
communication n.交流,交际
communicate with sb.与某人交谈
Eg. We write to communicate with relatives and friends.
3.means /mi:mz/n.方法,手段
by means of用……方法,通过……手段
mean v.意味着,打算adj.吝啬的,刻薄的
29.proper /'prɒpə/ adj.适当的
fortable /'kʌmfətəbl /adj.轻松的;舒服的
comfort v.安慰,使舒适
Japanese n.日本人,日语
22.symbol /'simbəl/ n.记号,符号
23.consider /kən'sidə/ v.考虑consideration n.考虑
考虑:consider doing sth.考虑做某事
认为:consider ...to be/as把...认为是...
tin /'lætn/adj.拉丁语的
Latin American拉丁美洲的
25.president /prezidənt/ n总统,总裁
26.Nixon /'niksn / (姓名)尼克松
27.thus /ðʌs/ adv.这样;因而
28.uniform /'ju:nifɔ:m/ adj.同一的;一致的n.制服
We agreedtotheir arrangement.
We agreedonthe price.
12.shake /ʃeik/ v.摇动,摇

中职英语(高教版)拓展模块教案:Finding a job(全6课时)

中职英语(高教版)拓展模块教案:Finding a job(全6课时)
Listen and underline
Listen the dialogue about job hunting and underline the important sentences .
Then check the answers.
2.Be able to understand conversations about job applications and
ideal careers .
Understand job application and discuss ideal careers.
Master the vocabulary and sentence patterns in job application.
ideal careers .
Able to communicate verbally about the basic situation of their ideal career and complete interview conversations .
Discussion method, task-based teaching method, situational teaching method

Unit 7 Finding a job
Listening and Speaking I
Key words and phrases:
1)How is everything?
2)Could you recommend me for the position?



中职英语拓展模块教学设计Here are some ideas for an English teaching design targeting the expanded module in a secondary vocational school:Paragraph 1: Daily Conversations.Hey, everyone! Let's start with some real-world situations. Imagine you're in a cafeteria and you want to order a sandwich. How would you say, "Can I have a ham sandwich, please?" Now, let's try another one. If you're running late for class, how do you politely apologize to your teacher? "I'm sorry for being late, Ms. Smith. It won't happen again." See? English is all around us.Paragraph 2: Workplace English.Alright, now let's get into some work-related stuff. Suppose you're an intern in a factory and you need to ask your supervisor for help. How about this: "Excuse me, sir,could you assist me with this machine? I'm not sure how to operate it." Or, if you're in an office setting and you want to ask for feedback on a project, you could say, "I've finished the report. Would you mind giving it a quick review?"Paragraph 3: Travel & Culture.Traveling abroad? Knowing some basic phrases can be really handy. When checking in at a hotel, remember to say, "Hello, I have a reservation under the name.。



一、教案基本信息1. 教案名称:2. 教学年级:3. 教学科目:英语4. 教学模块:拓展模块5. 教学课时:2课时6. 教学目标:(1)知识目标:学生能够掌握本模块的核心词汇、句型和语法知识。



二、教材分析1. 教材内容:本模块内容围绕某一主题展开,包括听、说、读、写四个方面。

2. 教材特点:教材内容丰富,贴近实际生活,注重培养学生的实际应用能力。

三、教学重难点1. 教学重点:(1)核心词汇和句型的掌握。



2. 教学难点:(1)语法知识的灵活运用。



四、教学过程第一课时1. 导入新课:通过图片、视频、歌曲等形式导入本模块的主题,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 听力训练:播放听力材料,引导学生完成听力任务,培养学生的听力理解能力。

3. 词汇教学:讲解本模块的核心词汇,并进行词汇练习,帮助学生掌握词汇。

4. 句型教学:讲解本模块的核心句型,并进行句型练习,提高学生的口语表达能力。

5. 语法讲解:讲解本模块的语法知识,并进行语法练习,帮助学生掌握语法。

6. 小组活动:组织学生进行小组讨论,培养学生的团队合作能力。

7. 总结:对本节课的内容进行总结,帮助学生巩固所学知识。

第二课时1. 复习:复习上节课所学内容,检查学生的学习效果。

2. 阅读训练:讲解阅读材料,引导学生完成阅读任务,提高学生的阅读理解能力。

3. 写作训练:讲解写作技巧,引导学生完成写作任务,提高学生的写作能力。

4. 文化知识拓展:介绍与主题相关的文化知识,培养学生的跨文化交际能力。

5. 课堂活动:组织学生进行课堂活动,巩固所学知识。

6. 总结:对本节课的内容进行总结,帮助学生巩固所学知识。

英语单元复习教案:拓展模块 Taking a Training Course Revision

英语单元复习教案:拓展模块 Taking a Training Course  Revision

中等专业学校2024-2025-1教案教学内容How+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词(+主语+谓语)!How cute a duck it is!2、掌握情态动词的特点、意义和语用功能can+v.原形could+v.原形表示“能够…”表示“可能…”He can be Tom, because he has the same handbag.should+v.原形表示“应该……” He should lose weight now, because he has got the heart attack.shall+v.原形表示“请求、建议”等。

Shall we begin now?must+v.原形表示“肯定……,一定是……”We must finish the work in a day.may/might+v.原形表示“可能……”语气较为委婉She may have lost the cute dog.need+v.原形表示“需要……”You need send the poster very soon.would+v.原形表示“将会、愿意”Would you like something to drink?Step 2 Practice1.选择恰当的单词或词组,用其正确形式补全句子。

(1)Good morning. I’d like to __________ for the public speaking course this October.(2)This __________ is awarded to Mathew Johnson for the successful completion of training.(3)One of the professional abilities of a salesman is to develop new __________.(4)I’d like to know if you offer any summer courses in __________.(5)These courses are for students who wish to gain __________ qualifications.(6)I have __________ your registration. I’m sure you will enjoy your learning.(7)Are there any __________ for taking this course?(8)A __________ is a talk someone gives in order to teach people about a particular subject.(9)The __________ is going to be held in Glasgow.教学内容(10)I’m very grateful to receive the __________ of the Year award.2.选择恰当的句子补全对话。

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但对于回答“What do you do?”他们的回答可能就没这么丰富多彩,学生的思维不会在画画和互相交流中碰出火花,对于春天的描述也不会如此生动,一堂课也就这么平平淡淡地过去了,英语课也就似有似无的结束了。








