
下学期期中联合考试高二英语试卷本试卷共 9页,满分150分。
1. What does the man want to do?A. To book a room.B. To get a job.C. To read the advertisement.2. What time will the two speakers meet?A. 5:30.B. 6:10.C. 6:30.3. Who answered the phone?A. Tom.B.Alice.C. Susan.4. What do we know about the woman ?A. She has been caught copying a report.B. She is not free at the moment.C. She won’t leave till the last moment.5. Where did the woman stay while she was in Changbaishan?A. She stayed in her friend’s house.B. She stayed in a hotel with her friends.C. She camped near the mountains.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。

一、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ABeforetravelingaroundtheworld,takesometimeandfindoutwhatsightseeingdest inationsare.Someofthosespotsthatmostguidesmentionarethefollowingthrillingattra ctions.VictoriaFallsVictoriaFallshasalwaysbeenconsideredtobeanincredibleplaceworthtakingpict uresof.Therearealotofspotsthattouristslove.Someofthemareverydangerousforpeo ple.Yetthebravearereadytoovercometheirfearforashotoflifetime.ArcticCliffFaceAcliffdoesnotmakethemostcomfortableplaceforcamping.Campingonthegroun disfarsaferanyway.Despitealltheinconvenience,thenewtrendisrapidlygainingpopul arityamongclimbingenthusiastsandoutdooraddicts.Auckland’sSkyTowerAuckland’sSkyTowerispopularwithbungeejumpers.Somecelebrities,suchasB eyonce,havealreadytriedit,whichprovesthattheplaceisnotonlysafebutpopularaswel l.Thetoweris630feettall.Atthetopofthestructurethereisanobservationdeck.Trustus, mostofthosereadingthisarticlewouldprefertostayonthegroundratherthanclimbupthi sscarystructure.NorthYungasRoadTheRoadofDeathistherightnamegiventoaroadinBolivia.Hundredsofpeopledie hereeveryyear.Themajorcauseofallthoseaccidentsistheroad.Theproblemisthatitist oonarrowandbadlymaintainedwhileherethetrafficisheavierthananywhereelse.Nev ertheless,itseemsliketouristswillcontinuevisitingthisstrangeroaddespiteitsscarynic kname.1.WhatisVictoriaFallsfamousfor?A.ItsnarrowandbadlymaintainedroadB.ItsdangerousbutattractivespotsfortakingpicturesC.ItsscarystructureD.Itsthrillingcamping2.NorthYungasRoadiscalled“theRoadofDeath”because________..A.thetrafficistheheaviestB.itisbuiltontheedgeoftherockC.eachyearmanypeoplelosetheirlivesthereD.thereisnonecessaryprotectionequipment3.Ifyoulikebungeejumping,youcangoto________..A.VictoriaFallsB.ArcticCliffFaceC.Auckland’sSkyTowerD.NorthYungasRoad4.Whatdothefourplaceshaveincommon?A.Theyareabitlife-threatening.B.Theyallhavebeautifulscenery.C.Theyarepopularwithclimbers.D.Theyhavebeenvisitedbycelebrities.BHowdoyoungchildrenlearntohavegoodvalues?Howcanparentsteachtheirchild renabouttheimportanceofkindnessandpatience?Atatimemoreandmoreparentswor ryabouttheviolentimages(暴力形象)theirchildrenseeonTVandontheInternet.Somanyparentsareturningtofairytales.T heywanttoteachtheirchildrenhowtobehaveinsocietybythisway.Itisbelievedthatfairytaleshaveagreatinfluenceonchildrenbecausetheydescribe thetwosidesofgoodandevil(邪恶)veryclearly.Whenchildrenhearthetales,theylearntocareaboutothers’feelings.Ine achtale,theycanseethattherearemanydifferentkindsofpeopleintheworldandthatwe allhaveachoiceaboutwhatkindofpersonwewanttobe.Wecanchoosetodogoodaction s,ratherthanbadones,inourlives.Whatkindofvaluescanchildrenlearnfromfairytales?InThePrincessandthePea(《豌豆公主》),apoorlydressedgirlsayssheisaprincess.Fewpeoplebelieveher,sosheisgivena difficulttest.Whenshepassesthetest,welearnthatherdreamcomestruebecauseshestaystruetoherself.IntheLittleMermaid(《小美人鱼》),themermaid,wholivesunderthesea,wishestobewiththehumansonland.Throu ghherexperiences,welearnabouttheimportanceoflivingwithandacceptingothercultu res.Teachingvaluesisprobablythemainreasonforencouragingchildrentoreadfairyt ales.Thesetalescanteachchildrenlessonsabouthumanrelationshipsthathavebeena cceptedaroundtheworldformanycenturies.Thismightbethereasonwhytheyhavebee naroundforsolongandwillnotdisappearanytimesoon.5.Whydofairytaleshaveagreatinfluenceonchildren?A.Becausefairytalescanteachthemhowtomakeachoice.B.Becausefairytalescanhelpthemgethigherscoresatschool.C.Becausetheycanlearnhowtoavoidmostdifficultiesintheirlives.D.Becausegoodandevilareshowninawaytheycaneasilyunderstand.6.TheLittleMermaidmaybehelpfulwhenchildren________.A.aregivenadifficulttestB.makefriendswithforeignersC.wishtobeaprincessorprinceD.aregoingtolietotheirparents7.Theauthorwritesthetextmainlyto________.A.introducesomefairytalesB.talkaboutthehistoryoffairytales.C.discusshowtoimprovehumanrelationshipsD.showhowfairytaleshelpchildrenshapevaluesCMetroPocketGuideMetrorail(地铁)Eachpassengerneedsafarecardtoenterandgoout.Uptotwochildrenunderagefiv emaytravelfreewithapayingcustomer.Farecardmachinesareineverystation.Bringsmallbillsbecausetherearenochang emachinesinthestationsandfarecardmachinesonlyprovideupto$5inchange.GetonedayofunlimitedMetrorailrideswithaOneDayPass.Buyitfromafarecardm eitafter9:30a.m.untilclosingonweekdays,andalldayonwe ekendsandholidays.HoursofserviceOpen:5a.m.Monday---Friday7a.m.Saturday---SundayClose:midnightSunday---Thursday3a.m.Friday---SaturdaynightsLasttraintimesvary.Toavoidmissingthelasttrain,pleasecheckthelasttraintimesp ostedinstations.MetrobusWhenpayingwithexactchange,thefareis$1.35.WhenpayingwithaSmarTrip?car d,thefareis$1.25.Faresforsenior/disabledcustomersSeniorcitizens65andolderanddisabledcustomersmayrideforhalftheregularfare .OnMetrorailandMetrobus,useasenior/disabledfarecardorSmarTrip?card.Formorei nformationaboutbuyingsenior/disabledfarecards,SmarTrip?cardsandpasses,plea orcall202-637-7000and202-637-8000.SeniorcitizensanddisabledcustomerscangetfreeguideonhowtouseproperMetr obusandMetrorallservicesbycalling202-962-1100.TraveltipsAvoidridingduringweekdayrushperiods---before9:30a.m.andbetween4and6p. m.Ifyoulosesomethingonabusortrainorinastation,pleasecallLost&Foundat202-9 62-1195.8.Whatshouldyouknowaboutfarecardmachines?A.Theystartsellingticketsat9:30a.m.B.Theyareconnectedtochangemachines.C.Theymakechangefornomorethan$5.D.Theyofferspecialservicetotheelderly.9.AtwhattimedoesMetrorailstopserviceonSaturday?A.Atmidnight.B.At5a.m.C.At7a.m.D.At3a.m.10.WhatisgoodaboutaSmarTrip?card?A.Itsavesmoneyforitsuser.B.Itisconvenientforoldpeople.C.ItissoldontheInternet.D.Itcanbeboughtatanytime.11.WhichnumbershouldyoucallifyoulosesomethingontheMetro?A.202-637-7000B.202-637-8000C.202-962-1100D.202-962-1195DIworkwithVolunteersforWildlife,arescueandeducationorganizationatBaileyArb oretuminLocustValley.Tryingtohelpinjured,displacedorsickcreaturescanbeheartbr eaking;survivalisnevercertain.However,whenitworks,itissimplybeautiful.IgotarescuecallfromawomaninMuttontown.Shehadfoundayoungowl(猫头鹰)ontheground.WhenIarrived,Isawa2-to3-week-oldowl.Ithadalreadybeenplacedi nacarrierforsafety.Iexaminedthechick(雏鸟)anditseemedfine.IfIcouldlocatethenest,Imighthavebeenabletoputitback,butnolu ck.Mynextworkwastoconstructanestandanchor(固定)itinatree.Thehomeownerwasveryhelpful.Awirebasketwasfound.Iputsomepinebranche sintothebaskettomakethisnestsafeandcomfortable.Iplacedthechickinthenest,andit quicklycalmeddown.Nowallthatwasneededweretheparents,buttheywereabsent.Igavethehomeown erarecordingofthehungerscreamsofowlchicks.Theseadvertisethepresenceofchick stoadults;theymightalsoencourageourchicktostartcallingaswell.Igavetheowneras muchinformationaspossibleandheadedhometoseewhatnewsthenightmightbring.Anervousnighttobesure,butsometimesthespiritsofnaturesmileonusall!Thehom eownercalledtosaythattheparentshadrespondedtotherecordings.Idroveoverandsa wthechickinthenestlookinghealthyandactive.Anditwasaccompaniedinthenestbyth egreatestsightofall—LUNCH!Theparentshaddonetheirdutyandwouldprobablycontinuetodoso.12.Whatisunavoidableintheauthor’srescueworkaccordingtoparagraph1?A.Gettinginjuredinhiswork.B.Effortsmadeinvain.C.Creaturesforcedoutoftheirhomes.D.Feelinguncertainabouthisfuture.13.WhywastheauthorcalledtoMuttontown?A.Tolookatababyowl.B.Tocureayoungowl.C.Torescueawoman.D.Totakecareofawoman.14.Whatmadethechickcalmdown?A.Itsparents.B.Arecording.C.Somefood.D.Anewnest.15.Howwouldtheauthorfeelabouttheoutcomeoftheevent?A.It’sunexpected.B.It’shumorous.C.It’sbeautiful.D.It’sdiscouraging二、阅读七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
高二英语下学期期中试题高二全册英语试题11 (2)

得夺市安庆阳光实验学校五所重点学校下学期期中考试英语试题卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1.What does Tom plan to do next week?A.To make a robotB.To enter a competition.C.To surprise the woman.2.What is the woman?A.A waitress.B.A tour guide.C.A saleswoman.3.What is the woman’s problom?A.She forgot her seat number.B.She got on the wrong train.C.She lost her train ticket.4.Why has the man stopped exercising?A.He is busy moving house.B.He lives far away from the gym.C.He dislikes going to gym alone.5.How is Janet probably feeling now?A.Disappointed.B.Confused.C.Stressed.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。
6.How long is the woman going to stay at the hotel?A.Two nights.B.Three nights.C.Four nights.7.Why are the prices for the two rooms different?A.The rooms are different in size.B. The rooms have different views.C.The rooms are of different shapes.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

2022-2023学年河南省洛阳市高二(下)期中英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________AFour Excellent Museums for Kids to ExploreAn injection of knowledge,LeedsThe Thackray Museum of Medicine in Leeds is giving a huge makeover recently.It features a Victorian street full of real smells and bugs,and presents shows of the impact of some terrible infectious diseases- cholera and smallpox before vaccinations.There are talks,displays,games as well as some information about health heroes over the years.Adults:12;children aged 5-15:10;children under 5:free.Follow that train,Walthamstow,LondonA huge steam engine stands at the entrance to the small,indoor-outdoor Walthamstow Pumphouse Museum.Two 1967 Victoria Line carriages sit side by side with the cabs open to the would-be train drivers.Fireman Frank displays the fire engine featured in TV programs such as London's Burning.Free entrance.Life through a lens,EdinburghThe Camera Obscura and World of Illusions experience in Edinburgh presents a unique view of the city in the past.With over 100 interactive exhibits on five floors,it is completely kid-friendly with no "don't touch" signs.There's a perspective room where younger children can dance with their own shadow,match their face with a monkey's,serve their head on a plate and even lie on a shark.Adults:16;children aged 5 - 15:12;children under 5:free.Go back in time,Chichester,West SussexAnybody who wants to see,touch and even smell what life was like in ancient times should head to the Weald and Downland Living Museum-a museum with rural buildings ranging from early medieval England to the Victorian Age,and a multisensory,living presentation.There are also farm animals to visit,a wood and playground to burn off energy,and traditional games in one big house if it rains. Family tickel:42.1. What is on show in the Thackray Museum of Medicine recently?______A. Information of inventors.B. Some epidemics years ago.C. Streets of the Victorian period.D. Vaccinations used to treat COVID-19.2. How much does it cost a parent with a child of five to experience the perspective room?______A. 76.B. 32.C. 28.D. 16.3. What's the common theme of the four museums?______A. Protecting the rural areas.B. Raising awareness of safety.C. Inspiring children to learn engineering.D. Learning about life in the ancient times.BI worked as a bartender/waitress at a bar inside an upscale health-food grocery store (it's a real thing,I promise).Most of our customers were well-off retirees.Generally a nice group of customers,but definitely rich uptight people.Forgetting to bring salt to some might be a huge offense but automatically bringing it causes others to give you a lecture about sodium (钠)intake.It was St.Patrick's Day.Needless to say,it was an crazy evening with me rushing around serving corned beef and cabbage pouring Guinness.For some reason,the bar supervisor always liked to have food specials on display for people to see.While I got the concept,it generally just caused us to get mean looks when we told people they probably shouldn't eat it.As the night was beginning to slow down,I had an older couple sit at the only open seats -next to our food displays.I was clearing tables and leaned over to let them know I'd be right with them when a plate slid off the mountain of dishes I was carrying,dropping right into the food display.The 12-hour-old gravy and potatoes somehow still had some fluidity to them and flew up,then dropped -right into the man's lap.I was horrified and apologizing profusely (不停地)while trying to set down the mountain of dishes.The man looked up at me and said "I just have one thing to tell you."He slowly leaned in-at which point I was thinking he was about to spit in my face-and he said "I don't have to hiccup (打嗝)anymore.You scared it away."It was the laugh I needed that night and he wouldn't even let me give him a free beer as an apology.4. What's the purpose of writing Paragraph 2?______A. To tell senior citizens prefer food low in salt.B. To show the service was a hard balancing act.C. To complain the customers are difficult to deal with.D. To prove the rich retirees are particular about food.5. What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?______A. Customers might want to eat the food on show.B. The author was not working busily on that day.C. The author approved of laying out the food special.D. Waiters and waitresses were often looked down on.6. Why did the author apologize?______A. For her tolerance.B. For her ignorance.C. For her carelessness.D. For her misunderstanding.7. What idea does the author mainly convey by sharing her experience?______A. You should compromise sometimes.B. Conflicts are well-resolved by laugh.C. You should apologize when necessary.D. Forgiveness can bring pleasure in life.CIn the past months,humans have become quite familiar with the term "social distancing".But it turns out that we are not the only ones to avoid contacting our peers when our health may be at risk:Research suggests honeybees do it,too. "It's exciting to see that other animals are doing something analogous",saidDr.Alessandro Cini,co-author of the research at University College London. Scientists have found that when a hive(蜂箱)of honeybees is under threat from the mite (螨虫)called Varroa destructor,which can cause the collapse of honeybee colonies,the bees will respond by changing the way they interact with one another. By examining videos recorded inside the hives,the researchers found that when hives had mites,foraging(觅食的)bees performed important dances to indicate the direction of food sources and kept themselves away from the centre of the colony where young bees and the queen stayed.This may help to keep the infection at a level that can be controlled,limiting the amount of damage. "Foragers are one of the main entrance routes for the mites," said Cini.The team then carried out experiments in the laboratory,artificially infecting small groups of about 12 young bees with the mites and comparing them to uninfected groups.This time the team found no increase in social distancing among infected groups-which,says Cini,may reflect that it is more important for foragers and young bees to keep their distance when the mites are present and that bees rely on one another."Probably social distancing is too costly on a small scale," he said.But there were differences in grooming(梳理)behaviour:Infected bees were groomed more,inspected more,and had food shared with them more than individuals in uninfected groups.Cini said the study showed the power of natural selection in the evolution of social behavior and also dynamic change in the social behaviour to adapt to anever-changing environment.8. What does the underlined word "analogous" in Paragraph 1 probably mean?______A. Similar.B. Adventurous.C. Meaningful.D. Creative.9. Why did foraging bees keep away from the center of the colony?______A. To quickly locate the food.B. To show respect for the queen.C. To minimize the potential risk.D. To shorten the entrance route.10. When do honeybees keep social distancing?______A. When mites appear among them.B. When they're artificially infected.C. When they depend on each other.D. When they're compared with others.11. What does the text mainly talk about?______A. Honeybees are able to communicate.B. Honeybees proved to be more social.C. Honeybees also have strict social rules.D. Honeybees also use social distancing.DMany contemporary amateur athletes would have broken world records if they had taken part in the first Olympic Games.Since then,records have fallen in track and field year after year as athletic performances have continually improved.Some experts predict a ceiling for many events such as 9.5 seconds for the 100 metres.However,past predictions have nearly always been proved wrong.When we talk about breaking records,we come across the issue ofperformance-enhancing drugs.These drugs are originally developed to help people with illnesses,but in the wrong hands,they create supreme athletes making them faster and stronger than is normal for human beings.Taking these drugs is known as "doping".The sports world does not tolerate doping as it is a fundamental form ofcheating.Ben Johnson would still be the 100 metres world record holder if he hadnot been caught taking drugs in the 1988 Olympics.Other records remain doubtful,like Florence Griffith's 100 metres record back in 1988.Did she take drugs?Unfortunately,it is not easy to catch athletes using illegal drugs.It is compulsory for winners to be tested but other participants are only tested at random.However,doping is not the only thing we need to worry about.Unless we are careful,"gene-therapy" will be the next big threat.For medical purposes,scientists have already found ways to build muscle and increase strength by changing people's genes.Gene-therapy is very controversial and many people oppose further research into it.If gene-therapy were used now,it would be almost impossible to find out.In the future,athletes who have their genes changed might be able to do the 100 metres dash in just 8 seconds.However,if a generation of sports stars with enhanced genes were created,it would contradict the whole spirit of sport.The Olympic spirit-the spirit of competition which emphasizes taking part ratherthan winning-has been violated by the desire to succeed at all costs.In today's world,winners are celebrated and treated as heroes,but if doping and gene-therapy continue to affect the outcomes of major sporting events,the word "hero" will have lost all meaning.12. What has happened to track and field since the first Olympics?______A. More supreme athletes have appeared.B. Athletic performances have been recorded.C. More athletes have risked breaking the law.D. Past predictions have always proved wrong.13. What's the author's purpose of mentioning Ben Johnson and Florence Griffith?______A. To explain different forms of cheating at that time.B. To emphasize their roles in the athletic performances.C. To clarify how super athletes influence world records.D. To show how drugs affected world records in the 1980s.14. Why was "gene-therapy" found?______A. For enhanced genes.B. For health purpose.C. For medical research.D. For improving performances.15. What would be a suitable title for the passage?______A. 100 Meters in 8 Seconds?B. To Change Genes Or Not?C. Doping-A Huge Problem?D. Gene-therapy-A New Threat?A study came out just a few days ago that found people who eat healthily about 80 percent of the time have a high protection on brain health. (1)______It doesn't mean that you should just go to crazy 80% of the time.But be more aware that you are more likely to stick to a healthy lifestyle if there's some relaxation here and there.That's all part of living.My name is Mark Mailstein and I'm a brain health researcher and the author of The Age-proof Brain.(2)______For breakfast,I try to eat oatmeal(麦片粥).Usually it's the quick,the instant,but make sure that it's not the type with any added sugar. (3)______And then lunch and dinner.I pretty much try to keep really simple.I will look at my plate and have some sort of lean meat.I eat a lot of fish and chicken.And I really just try to think of mixed vegetables,like really colorful plates of fruits,vegetables you know. (4)______ There are these interesting studies that show it's the combinations of different types of vegetables,so I try to mix them in. Sometimes I think something that might be surprising is that I might have a smoothie (奶昔)for dinner as a way to get all those vegetables in.My go-to smoothie is that I take broccoli (西兰花). (5)______ And I throw carrots and all sorts of vegetables in there.A.I really like sweet potatoes.B.They scored really high on memory tests.C.I try to keep it pretty simple in terms of eating.D.Your diet can definitely improve your brain health.E.There's more evidence that you get more brain health benefit.F.People always ask what's the best fruit and vegetable for my brain.G.So,no additive because we know those additives are not beneficial for brain health.16. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G17. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G18. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G19. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G20. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. GWhen 16-year-old Grayden Brunet joined a(1)______ fire department in Sackets Harbor,New York in 2017,he was the youngest.He(2)______ two classmates,Niklas Brazie and Dalton Hardison,to(3)______ ,too.A few years later,all the older firefighters (4)______ because of COVID-19.The three teens became the (5)______ members of the (6)______ department.They had their (7)______ and started to save people's lives.They responded to heart attacks and car accidents.Also,they sped COVID-19(8)______ to hospital.As far as the teens were concerned,they couldn't quit.If they (9)______ ,the community would (10)______ the ambulance.One year later,two more teensjoined them.They were all (11)______ to serve their neighbors. "When our(12)______ call 911,they're expecting someone to help them," says Sophia DeVito,who was 16 when she joined the (13)______The job is tiring.One night,the crew (14)______ two ambulance calls and a fire.They got home at 5:30 am,just two hours before school(15)______ . "For the teens it's (16)______ hard to come back from the(17)______ and take a test," said Grayden's younger brother Gannon when (18)______ by the local newspaper.But they don't (19)______ the hard work and think the experience is(20)______21. A. bakery B. murder C. volunteer D. frontier22. A. persuaded B. stretched C. qualified D. guaranteed23. A. pull up B. bring up C. sign up D. end up24. A. follow B. submit C. investigate D. quit25. A. random B. main C. bitter D. keen26. A. sale B. clothing C. butcher D. fire27. A. adventures B. licenses C. emotions D. options28. A. patients B. participants C. soldiers D. specialists29. A. deserved B. reacted C. did D. calculated30. A. dive B. infer C. adopt D. lose31. A. buried B. wandered C. polished D. motivated32. A. lawyers B. neighbors C. physicians D. assistances33. A. team B. army C. school D. match34. A. turned to B. occurred to C. responded to D. happened to35. A. appealed B. started C. revealed D. proceeded36. A. definitely B. frequently C. immediately D. annoyingly37. A. places B. ceremonies C. blessings D. calls38. A. interviewed B. recalled C. requested D. complained39. A. justify B. mind C. abuse D. forgive40. A. permanent B. desirable C. priceless D. ashamed41. Pillows have developed gradually over the ages,from wooden and porcelain(瓷的)versions to the most comfortable goose-hair pillows available in modern-day supermarkets.In China,porcelain pillows are among(1)______ best preserved from the records of history.In ancient China,people(2)______ (wear)complicated headwear,and pillows were usually placed under the neck instead (3)______ the head.Hard pillows not only provided a cooling effect but also helped to maintain their hairstyle and prevent it from getting messy.Porcelain pillows gained popularity and were used for more diverse functions during the Tang Dynasty.They were used to cushion patients' wrists when Chinese doctors checked (4)______ (they)pulses(脉搏)before giving diagnoses(诊断),and to support the arms of those(5)______ wrote with brushes to help give them a steadier hand.(6)______ (additional),travelers started carrying small porcelain pillows as sleeping aids.Much to our(7)______ (amaze),white porcelain pillow in the shape of a baby from the Northern Song Dynasty is considered one of the representative (8)______ (work)of that period.It isentirely covered with white glaze(釉),(9)______ (give)it a slightly yellow coloring and a smooth feel.Although porcelain pillows were still being produced in North China during the 1950s and 1960s,they(10)______ (disappear)from people's daily lives in recent decades.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)42. Parents should involve them in their children's education.单句改错______43. Cleaning women in big cities usually get ______ (pay) by the hour.44. The teacher demanded that the work being finished before 4 o'clock.单句改错______45. Unhappily,the facts do not whole support the theory.单句改错______46. He was disappointed at not getting the job and he got over it very soon.单句改错______47. As no one spoke,the teacher asked a few questions to set the ball on rolling.单句改错______48. She tried to explain that had happened but he kept interrupting her.单句改错______49. We call on the people to build a community with shared future for mankind.单句改错______50. She sent the parcel to them until it can be personally received.单句改错______51. I wonder how he dared saying that to the teacher.单句改错______52. 我们需要彼此倾听,求同存异。

第二学期期中考试试卷高二英语(满分:150分;考试时间:120分钟)第一节单项选择(1*15)1. He hurried to the station only _______ that the train had left.A. to findB. findingC. foundD. to have found2. The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to ________ the change.A. adapt toB. adopt toC. apply toD. devote to3. The fire made _____ difficult to rescue the people trapped under the ruins in the earthquake.A. /B. thisC. thatD. it4. Having a walk after supper is certainly good for the old people, but it remains ______ whetherthey will enjoy it.A. to seeB. to be seenC. seeingD. seen5. Energy drinks are not allowed _______ in Australia but are brought in from New Zealand.A. to makeB. to be madeC. to have been madeD. to be making6. Tom was very angry about ________ to Mary’s birthday party.A. not invitingB. being not invitedC. not being invitedD. not to be invited7. Many applicants stood outside the manager’s office, nervously waiting _________ for the job.A. to chooseB. being chosenC. choosingD. to be chosen8. The accident happened on such an evening with strong winds __________ by heavy rain.A. appearedB. happenedC. accompaniedD. mixed9. One of the judges ________ to Gana’s film festival was a famous artist from China, Zhang Ziyi.A. invitedB. to inviteC. had been invitedD. being invited10. Most parents are not __________ the danger of their babies’eating jelly, which causes most unfortunateincidents to happen.A. well aware toB. very aware ofC. aware thatD. well aware of11. While shopping, people sometimes can’t help ________ into buying something they don’t really need.A. to persuadeB. persuadingC. being persuadedD. be persuaded12. I have to go to work by taxi because my car _____ at the garage.A. will be repairedB. is repairedC. is being repairedD. has been repaired13. Having fish at meals regularly can be of great _________ to your heart.A. benefitB. helpC. contributionD. use14. The discovery of new evidence led to ______.A. the thief having caughtB. catch the thiefC. the thief being caughtD. the thief to be caught15. _________ from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world.A. Being separatedB. Having separatedC. Having been separatedD. To be separated第二节完型填空(1.5*20)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

2024北京大兴高二(下)期中英语2024.4 本试卷共13页,共100分。
Chasing DreamsWhen I was a little girl, I had always dreamt of becoming a famous pianist. The melodies that flowed __1__ the keys spoke to me in a language that words could never capture. However, my family couldn’t afford a piano, and my dream __2__ distant and unreachable.But passion, as they say, finds its way. One day, while passing by a charity shop, I found an old keyboard on sale. It was nowhere close to a real piano, but it was a __3__. Using my savings, I bought it and hence started a journey that was filled with ups and downs.Every day after school, I would practice for hours, trying to perfect each note and each melody. My fingers would often __4__ from the strain (软组织拉伤), but the joy of creating music was unparalleled. Mrs. Peters, my school music teacher, noticed my passion and offered free lessons __5__ weekends. Under her guidance, my skills flourished.As years passed, I started participating in local competitions. Not all were victories, but each one was a learning __6__. The challenges were many, but with every setback, my resolve only grew stronger.One day, a letter arrived. It was an invitation to an interview for the National Symphony Orchestra (国家交响乐团), a chance to __7__ with the best in the country. The preparations were tiring and boring. Every evening was consumed by endless rehearsals and critiques, pushing me to my limits.The day of the audition finally came. As I walked onto the stage, the weight of my journey __8__ on my shoulders. But as I began to play, all fears disappeared. The music, as always, transported me to another world.A week later, I received the news: I was selected. My dream, once distant and unreachable, had __9__ fruits. My journey taught me that it isn’t the destination but the journey itself that shapes us. Every struggle, every hurdle was a steppingstone to my dream.Now, as I play on grand stages, I often look back. Not in regret, but in gratitude. Gratitude for every challenge, every setback, for they shaped my __10__ and made me who I am today.1. A. between B. over C. through D. beneath2. A. sounded B. seemed C. felt D. echoed3. A. mistake B. start C. fake D. end4. A. hurt B. break C. dance D. shake5. A. on B. in C. during D. under6. A. opportunity B. misery C. story D. experience7. A. compete B. argue C. discuss D. socialize8. A. danced B. swayed C. rested D. disappeared9. A. born B. become C. given D. lost10. A. fears B. successes C. path D. mistakes第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。

1 .What does the woman dislike about the sweater?A. Its material.B. its color.C. Its size.2. What does the woman want to do?A. Play tennis.B. See a film.C. Go swimming.3. What is the man now?A. A photographer.B. A reporter.C. A teacher.4. What is the man‘s attitude towards his work?A. Favorable.B. Bored.C. Worried.5.What troubles the woman?A. What to wear for a party.B. Whether to attend a party.C. How to buy a pretty dress.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

高二英语参考答案(详答)第一部分听力1—5 ABABC 6—10 BACCA11—15 ABCBC 16—20 BCCBA第二部分阅读21—23 CCA 24—27 ACBD28—31 BBDA 32—35 ADCB 36—40 BGFEC A篇主题语境:人与自我——生活与学习本文是应用文。
21. C。
根据Family Overnight部分中的Prices: Adult ($65.00) Child ($55.00) 可知,一对夫妻加一个孩子参加该活动的费用是:$65.00+$65.00+$55.00+=$185。
22. C。
四个活动中,只有Trainer Days 在下午1:00 pm—4:30 pm的活动。
23. A。
根据最后一句Top fund-raisers receive special prizes!“居首的资金募集者可获得特别奖”可知。
24. A。
由第二段中的Mr. Katz is trying to loosen up our adolescent imaginations to the point where we might appreciate figurative language可知,Mr. Katz 是在努力激发学生对诗歌的兴趣。
25. C。
由第四段中的“Poetry provides the one permissible way of saying one thing and meaning another,” Robert Frost explained可知,Robert Frost认为诗歌允许创作者表达一些隐含的意思。
26. B。
由最后一段中的when Mr. Katz carefully brought us into a new field —a moment that got me out of middle school mundanity. Even the dance on Friday and my drum lesson on Wednesday afternoon paled in comparison可知,中学时期的语言艺术课程是无与伦比的。

1. 选择题部分每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。
What is the man going to do this weekend?A. Clean his house.B. Wash his clothes.C. Drive to the beach.2. Where does the conversation take place?A. At the woman’s home.B. At the woman’s office.C. In a re staurant.3. What is wrong with her watch?A. It always gains time.B. It needs a new battery.C. It isn’t working.4. Why can’t the woman go together with her friends?A. She has to do some other things before going to the restau rant.B. The car is too crowed for her to squeeze in.C. She happens to be somewhere near the restaurant.5. What impressed the woman most about the party?A. The food was very delicious.B. There were many people there.C. The band was wonderful.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

人教新课标高二下学期英语期中考试试卷试卷满分:150分第Ⅰ卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30 分)第一节(共5 个小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5 分)听下面5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1.Whom is the man talking to?A. A customer.B. A waitress.C. A cleaner.2.How much does the pie cost today?A. $ 10B. $ 6C. $ 43.What does the man need?A.His sister to call him back.B.Something to eat and drink.C.Someone to take care of his pet.4.When will the woman's plane leave for Chicago?A.8:00.B.9:20.C.10:00.5.What happened to the woman's son?A.He didn't get the job he wanted.B.He failed an important exam.C.He was just fired by his company.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。
听第6段材料,回答第6、7 题。
6.Which place is the hotel closest to?A. A shopping mall.B. A bank.C. A railway station.7.How long will it take the man to walk to the hotel?A. About 11minutes.B. About 20minutes.C. About 30 minutes.听第7段材料,回答第8 至9 题。
上海市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试 英语含答案

5.When weighing Thomas Jefferson’s legacy, one must consider, ______, his promotion of democratic principles, despite his ownership of slaves.
A.empathy-oriented; charitableB.empathy-oriented; established
C justice-oriented; demandingD.justice-oriented; needy
10.This moment is an opportunity to build a sharper UNESCO, a UNESCO with better delivery, ______ its ambitions and in line with the needs of the 21st century.
2.The basketball coach’s course is known for its ______ training, as he pushes his players to their limits to achieve maximum performance.
A.once and for allB.in allC.after allD.above all
6.While these measures have been helpful in reducing the recent stress in financial markets, they ______ providing a lasting solution to the challenges.

得夺市安庆阳光实验学校高二年级英语学科第十一次联考卷本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)--总分:120分 / 时间:100分钟第Ⅰ卷选择题部分(70分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。
1. What are the monkeys doing?A. Riding bikesB. Lifting weightsC. Eating2. What information can the speakers get about the soldiers?A. Their birthdaysB. Their hobbiesC. Their hometowns3. How many questions does the boy need to answer tonight?A.9B. 12C. 294. Why does the woman need a new cell phone?A. She does not like her old phoneB. She lost her old phoneC. Her old phone no longer works5. What are the speakers doing now?A. Having a picnicB. Buying some tablesC. Cleaning the house第二节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。

1. How does the woman feel about the man's idea?A. Worried.B. Satisfied.C. Disappointed.2. What does the man want to be?A. A reporter.B. A lawyer.C. A designer.3. Where are probably the speakers?A. In the hotel.B. In the office.C. At the hairdresser’s.4. How much does the man charge the woman at first?A.$ 100.B.$ 1,050.C.$ 1 ,150.5. Why does Steven refuse Mandy's invitation?A. He has to prepare for a game.B. He failed to win a contest.C. He dislikes doing sports.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
高二英语下学期期中试题 11

第I卷第一局部听力〔一共两节,每一小题1.5 满分是30分〕做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。
1.What can we learn from the conversation?A. Mr. Smith will ring back later.B. The woman forgot to set down Mr. Smith’s mobile number.C. The man can manage without the mobile number.2.What will the woman have to do first?A. Read the operation handbook.B. Try the buttons one by one.C. Have the machine repaired.3. How will the man probably go downtown?A. By taxi.B. By bus.C. On foot.4.Why didn’t Jack get the book?A. He was too busy to go to the library.B. There wasn’t such a book in the library.C. He didn’t want to borrow the book.5.What did the woman want the man to do?A. To go along to meet her friend with her.B. To do the woman’s work.C. To meet Tony for her.第二节〔一共15题每一小题1.5分,满分是22.5分〕听第6段材料,答复第6~7小题。
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高二下学期英语期中考试试卷一、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1. 阅读理解Now in its 84th year, the Waste Management Phoenix Open is a multifaceted experience that combines golf music and dining in the heart of the Sonoran Desert.Hosted by the Thunderbirds, the annual tournament raises funds for youth charities and programs. As of 2019, it has raised $134 million for local non-profits including the Phoenix Children’s Hospital, St. Mary’s Food Bank, Homeward Bound and Save the Family. Last year’s tournament accumulated $12. 2 milli on. This year’s competition features 132 golfers competing for a$7.1 million purse, which comes with a$1, 278, 000 first-place check.Here’s a guide to the 84th entry.When: Monday-Sunday, Jan. 28-Feb. 3.Where: TPC Scottsdale, 17020 N. Hayde en Road.Admission: Free on Monday and Tuesday. $45 Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday; $60 Friday and Saturday. Free for attendees aged 17 and younger when accompanied by an adult.Coors Light Birds NestThe Phonenix Open’s entertainment tent gets the party started Wednesday through Saturday evenings. It is located at the corner of 82ndStreet and Bell Road. The 2019 lineup blends crowd-pleasing country, hip-hop and EDM artists; headliners are expected to take the stage at about 8:30 p. m. each night. $120 two-for-one tickets are available for purchase for Wednesday and Thursday’s country show. There’s a$400 VIP admission ticket with access to an exclusive area in front of the stage available Wednesday and Saturday.(1)What can we learn about this year’s Waste Manage ment Phoenix Open?A . Its admission reaches a peak on Sunday.B . Those aged 16 should purchase full-price tickets.C . The funds raised is used for fighting desertification.D . The first prize winner is awarded over one million dollars.(2)How much should a couple pay to watch Wednesday and Thursday’s country show?A . $400.B . $240.C . $120.D . $90.(3)In which section of a newspaper may this passage appear?A . Entertainment.B . Sport.C . Education.D . Advertisement.2. 阅读理解Imagine being handed a fakepill by your doctor to treat an illness. You would be pretty mad if you found out the pill was not a real medication, wouldn’t you? Better yet, imagine the doctor tells you the pill is fake. At that point, you’d probably question whether the doctor even know s his staff at all. But wait, there’s more to the story.Ted Kaptchuk of Harvard University conducted an experiment to helptreat irritable bowel syndromepain in 2010, in which he clearly marked the patients ‘pills as “placebo”, or fake. Unbelievably, the group that was aware that it was receiving the placebo reported significant improvement in their condition.Many of you probably know about the placebo effect. It’s the idea that giving patients an ineffective treatment -such as a sugar pill-for their condition might actually produce beneficial effects.Why does it work? We don’t really know. One theory is that the placebo causes your brain to have a response that flows down to other parts of the body. Placebos presented as stimulantstend to increase the heart rate and blood pressure, and those presented as depressants do the opposite.In fact, the placebo effect can be compared to the experience of watching a horror movie. Although you know that what you’re seeing isn’t actually real, you most likely experience some pretty real effects such as increase in the heart rate and sweating.Kaptchuk’s work differed from the traditional placebo effect, in that he told the patients that the pill they were receiving was not real medicine. When the patients have th is knowledge, the term” pen-label placebo” is used. The resulting improvement’ proved that in many cases, patients don’t need to be tricked in order for the desired effects of a placebo to take place. In fact, the fake medication helped some patients so much that they requested additional pills after the experiment was over.Of course, the natural question is: was this an extraordinary medicalphenomenon, or just plain luck? That’s why Kaptchuk and his team are attempting to do a seven-week trial before introducing the results to cancer survivors to treat severe tiredness caused by the aftereffects of the disease.(1)The first paragraph of the article implies that .A . doctors have poor medical ethicsB . fake medicines are sold in hospitalsC . patients don’t really trust doctorsD . we may have a wrong idea of fake pills(2)According to the passage, “the placebo effect” refers to the idea of .A . taking fake pills to feel much betterB . using sugar pills to treat the patientsC . benefiting patients with real medicinesD . treating patients in an ineffective way(3)What is the writer going to discuss next?A . Why does the placebo effect work in real life?B . How will they carry out the seven-week trial?C . Will a fake medication really exist in the world?D . Are patients being totally treated with fake pills?3. 阅读理解UnderOhio law, a driver can have 12 points’ worth of violations within two yearsbefore his license is automatically suspended. That is, he could be caught going30 miles over the limit three times or cause several accidents resulting incareless-driving charges before losing the right to drive. Should he commitvehicular manslaughter, his license would besuspended, but he could get it back in as little as six months. Other stateshave similarly forgiving laws. Considering that 94 percent of crashes involvesome form of driver error orinjury immediately before crashes you have towonder. Are we too tolerant of bad driving-or is the problem more basic? Are we,as humans, simply not suitable for the task?Accordingto one analysis, 4 million of the nearly 11 million crashes that occur yearlycould potentially be avoided if distractions were removed. But instead, weactively seek out distractions, like texting. Analysis of 28 studies confirmsthat typing or reading on our phones while driving badly affects reaction time,vehicle control, and, yes, collision rate. Some researchers have concluded thattexting while driving may cause more of an accident risk than driving eitherunder the influence of marijuana or at the legal alcohol limit. And,contrary to a generally accepted idea, teenagers aren’t the primary offenders: Asurvey of more than 2, 000 adults suggests that they are just as likely asteens to have texted behind the wheel, and much more likely to have talked ontheir cellphone.Thatisn’t to say we’re all equally bad in the driver’s seat. Perhaps unsurprisingly,people who report becoming angry while driving are more likely than others tobehave recklesslyon the road. So are people who drive fancy cars. In one pair of studies, researchers observedthat drivers of expensive cars were less likely than those with older, lessexpensive, or beat-up vehicles to give way to other drivers and pedestrians.Driverlesscars are looking better and better. They won’t text wi th each other, or getangry. And they won’t cut you off just for the hell of it.(1)If a driver is going 70 mph in a 40 mph zone in Ohio, how many pointsmay he lose?A . 10 points.B . 8 points.C . 6 points.D . 4 points.(2)Which of the following causes the most accidents according to Paragraph 2?A . Texting while driving.B . Driving at the legal alcohol limit.C . Talking on a cellphone while driving.D . Driving under the influence of marijuana.(3)Which of the following statements is True according to Paragraph 3?A . People driving older vehicles are more likely to behave recklessly.B . People driving fancy cars are more likely to behave recklessly.C . People driving beat-up vehicles are more likely to behave recklessly.D . People driving less expensive vehicles are more likely to behave recklessly.(4)What might be the author’s attit ude to driverless cars?A . Cautious.B . Doubtful.C . Uninterested.D . Supportive.4. 阅读理解Asprices drop and their functionality expands, you can expect to see humanoidrobots in more places, includingschools, airports, and hospitals. Will they influence human behavior?In astudy published recently, scientists found that mean robots can help peopleconcentrate. The experiment, published in Science Robotics, was based onsomething called the Stroop T ask, which is widely used in psychology anddescribed as the”gold standard” of attentional tests. It challengesparticipants to name the colors of words and ignore their meanings whilecalculating reaction time.Theresearchers put a modern twist on the task, though-this time, there was a robotin the room. The goal was to see if the presence of a robot would affectcognition, and the researchersfound it did, but only when the robot was mean.Howdo you make a robot mean? In this case, a meter-tall toy robot called aMeccanoid G15KS was made to respond to seven questions. The good robots toldjokes, spoke about friendship, and described test subjects as nice. The badrobots replied to questions with passive aggressive comebacks, such as” Ienjoy doing analysis programs but you would not understand” and statementslike” I do not value friendship. “Then the participants rated therobots.” The more participants thought the robot made them uncomfortable, thegreater the improvement of their Stroop performance was, “the researcherswrote.” Not surprisingly, the bad robot was rated a s less warm, friendlyand pleasant than the good robot. “Thestudy authors argue that robots are crossing the line in some situations frommachines to social agents. That will change how humans interact with and behave around them.“Similarto a human’s pr esence, the presence of a robot might not be neutral1n situations like schoolor in the office when you are working. “Nicolas Spatola, one of the study authorssaid in an email, “So before your boss decides to introduce a robot inyour office, 1t could be a good idea to evaluate how you feel about it and howit can positively or negatively impact your work, how comfortable you may feelwith it or if you feel it to be a threat.”Just58 students from University Clermont Auvergne in France participated in theexperiment but the researchers found an increase in the speed of correctanswers among those in the presence of a mean robot when compared to those whowere with a nice robot or alone.Inthe future, robots will almost certainly become more and more common in nursinghomes, hotel check-in desks, behind the wheel, and elsewhere. “If we wantto improve the use of robots in our daily life, there seems to be a need tofirst understand how Human Robot Interaction can impact human psychology,”Spatola said.(1)What was the finding of the new study?A . The use of robots is rising.B . Humanoid robots can be mean.C . Unkind robots can sharpen our focus.D . Robots are becoming more functional.(2)According to the passage, how did the participants judge the robots?A . By their words.B . By their actions.C . By their appearance.D . By the Stroop Task.(3)Which of the following might Nicolas Spatola agree with?A . Be careful about using robots.B . Leave the robot if it presents a threat.C . Robots will have a good impact on offices.D . Robots may replace humans in the workplace.(4)What was the drawback of the study?A . The participants were too young.B . The study method wasn’t scientific.C . There was a slight difference in speed.D . The number of the participants was too small.(5)What can we infer from the last paragraph?A . Scientists have already developed humanoid robots.B . Humanoid robots have already found its way into our daily life.C . Humanoid robots will certainly come into our daily life sooner or l ater.D . There is no difficulty we’ll meet with before humanoid robots are widely used.二、任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。