商品名:森福罗 厂家:Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG(德国)
【森福罗药品名称】 通用名称:盐酸普拉克索片 商品名称:森福罗/Sifrol 英文名称:Pramipexole Hydrochloride
国内首家“全国连锁专科药房”,也是全国大型的专科医药连锁企业之一。 【森福罗药品名称】
通商用品名 名包称称::括盐森酸福恶普罗拉/Si克心fro索l 片、呕吐、运动能受体激动剂用药过量没有明确的解 英文名称:Pramipexole Hydrochloride Tablets
没有关于药的物过这量的种临床结经验合。 作用与帕金森氏病的相关性不明确。普拉克索
动物电生理治试验疗显 帕金森氏病示的,普确拉克切索可机通过制激活尚纹状不体与清黑质楚的多,目前认为与巴激胺受活体而纹影响纹状体
百济新特药房资深药师倾力制作千个药示品专,辑 普拉克索可通过激活纹状体与黑质的多
【森福罗药物过量】 没有关于药物过量的临床经验。
施,以及胃灌洗、静脉输液和心电监 多巴胺能受体激动剂用药过量没有明确的解毒剂。
护等措施。 动物电生理试验显
药品的适用范围 Indications
说明药品对哪些病菌、疾病有效或无效,是说明书的重点。 适应症 Indication (适应症) Uses(用途) Major indication, principal indication(主要适应症)
用法 Adminstration, direction (用法) Dosage, posology:剂量 Usage and dosage /Administration and dosage:用法与剂量 常用表达 Daily, per day, a day, every day; Every 8 hours, 8 hours apart, eight-hourly, at intervals of 8 hours; Once daily, twice daily, three times daily, every other day/every second day 50 mg per kilo of body weight daily
安替司丁 治疗过敏性病症的抗组胺剂 性质 安替司丁可减弱或抑制组胺作用,组胺在激发过敏性病症中起主要作用。本品的适应症正是根据这种实验证明的抗组胺作用来确定的。 适应症 荨麻疹、食物过敏、枯草热、血管舒缩性鼻炎;由于皮肤病症引起的搔痒包括湿疹、搔痒病和血清病。
Administration and dosage Tableis adults; 1tablet 3-4 time daily. Small children; ½ tablet 2-3 time daily. The tablets should be taken during meals and swallowed whole with a little fluid. Ampoules 1 ampoule, given by intramuscular or slow intravenous injection, 2-3 times daily. For children the doses should be correspondingly reduced服法与剂量 片剂 成人:每次1片,一日3-4次。 小儿:每次1/2片,一日1次。 本片剂应在餐间服用,以少许水整个吞服。 针剂 每次1瓶,一日2-3次,肌肉或缓慢静注射。儿童剂量应相应减少。
森福罗被用来治疗特发性帕金森病的体征和症状, 单独(无左旋多巴)或与左旋多巴联用。例如,在 疾病后期左旋多巴的疗效逐渐减弱或者出现变化和 波动时(剂末现象或"开关"波动),需要应用森福罗。
没有关于药物过量的临床经验。预期的不良事件可 能是与多巴胺能受体激动剂药效学特点相关的事件, 包括恶心、呕吐、运动机能亢进、幻觉、激动和低 血压。多巴胺能受体激动剂用药过量没有明确的解 毒剂。如果存在中枢神经系统兴奋症状,可能
状体的多巴胺受体有关。动物电生理试验显 示,普拉克索可通过激活纹状体与黑质的多
【普9食降患0低森拉物者%,其克一间福最吸索 起 血罗大收口 服 浆药血速服 用 水代浆率吸不平动浓。收会差力度普迅降异学在拉速低很】服克完普小药索全拉。后显。克示1绝索-3出对吸小线生收时性物的之动利程间力用度出学度,现特高但。点于会与, 普【 普用预如请多【没例绝【没安请普【森百普请商动神国【森商 【动神动神如与 普历请安拉森拉药期果参巴森有如对森有全参拉森福济拉参品物经内森福品百物经物经果食拉经参全克 福克 的 存 考 胺 福 关 , 生 福 关 、 考 克 福 罗 新 克 考 名 电 元 首 福 罗 名济 电 元 电 元 存 物克 十 考 、索罗 索不在百能罗于在物罗于有百索罗被特索百:生放家罗被: 药生放生放在一 索年百有显药 口良中济受药药疾利药药效济治适用药显济森理电“适用森 师理电理电中起 显,济效示代 服事枢新体物物病用物物、新疗应来房示新福试频全应来福 温试频试频枢服 示服新、出动 吸件神特激过过后度过过合特帕症治资出特罗验率国症治罗 馨验率验率神用 出务特合线力 收可经药动量量期高量量理药金疗深线药显。连疗提显。显。经不 线专药理】】厂厂性学 迅能系房剂的左于的用房森特药性房锁特示系会 性业房用】】家家动速是统网用临旋临药网氏发师动网专发统降 动,网药】 9】::0力完与兴药药床多床之药病性倾力药科性兴低力提药之%BBoo学全多奋品过经巴经品的帕力学品药帕奋普 学倡品,ee特。巴症信量验的验信确金制特信房金症拉 特合信过护最hhrrii点胺状息没。疗。息切森作点息”森状克 点理息量等大nngg,能,有效机病千,,病,索 ,用可措血eerr患受可明逐制的个患也的可吸 患药能施浆IInn者体能确渐尚体药者是体能收 者,需。浓ggee间激的减不征品间全征的 间提要度llhh血动解弱清和专血国和程 血供一示示示在eeiimm浆剂毒或楚症辑浆大症度 浆优般,,,服水药剂者,状水型状, 水质的普普普药PPhh平效。出目,平的,但 平药支拉拉拉后aarr差学现前单差专单会 差品持克克克1mm-3aa异特变认独异科独降 异。性索索索小GG很点化为(很医(低 很处需可可可需时mm小相和与无小药无其 小理要通通通要bb之HH。关波激左。连左吸 。措神过过过神间&&的动活旋锁旋收经激激激经出CC事时纹多企多速抑活活活抑现oo件(巴业巴率制纹纹纹制..。,剂)之)。类状状状类包末或一或药体体体药括现与。与物与与与物恶象左左进黑黑黑进心或旋旋行质质质行、多多治的的的治"开呕巴巴疗多多多疗状关吐联联。。体"波、用用的动运。。多)动巴,机胺需能施受要亢体,应进有以用、关及森幻。胃福觉灌罗、巴巴巴洗。激胺胺胺、动受受受静和体体体脉低而而而输血影影影液压响响响和。纹纹纹心状状状电体体体监
3.熊去氧胆酸片为白色素片,每片含50mg熊去氧胆 酸(ursodesoxycholic acid) 。 Ursosan Tablet is a white plain tablet which contains 50mg of ursodesoxycholic acid. 4.本品为白色至类白色结晶固体,难溶于水、稀酸及 大多数有机溶剂中。 It is a white to off-white, crystalline solid, poorly soluble in water, dilute acid and most organic solvents.
Catalin (卡他林) : 1-Hydroxy-5Oxo-5Hpyrido(3,2-a-)phenoxazine-3-carboxylic acid 1-羟基-5氧-5H-吡啶并(3,2-a)吩恶嗪-3-羧 酸
Hydroxy-, pyrido-, pheno-, carboxyl-,-ic
阿米卡星(Amikacin)可用于治疗革兰氏阳性敏感 菌引起的感染,也可用于治疗敏感葡萄球菌 (staphylococci)引起的感染。
1. 丙磺舒(Benemid)被推荐用于治疗痛风 及在抗感染治疗时增加并延长青霉素类 (penicillins)的血浆浓度。 Benemid is recommended for the treatment of gout, and to increase and prolong the plasma concentration of penicillins during anti-infective therapy.
药品说明书 英文
药品说明书英文Drug Information SheetIntroductionThis drug information sheet aims to provide comprehensive information about the usage, dosage, side effects, and precautions of the medication. It is essential to read this document carefully before using the medication.**Drug Name:****Generic Name:****Brand Name:**IndicationsState the conditions or diseases for which the medication is prescribed. Include any specific symptoms or signs that the medication can address.Dosage and AdministrationProvide clear instructions on the dosage and administration of the medication. Include the recommended dose, frequency of administration, and any special instructions, such as taking with food or on an empty stomach.ContraindicationsList any conditions, diseases, or situations in which the medication should not be used. Include any known allergies or sensitivities to the medication or its components.Warnings and PrecautionsHighlight any important safety information, warnings, or precautions that should be taken before or during the usage of the medication. This may include information about potential drug interactions, specific age groups or populations that require extra caution, or any other important considerations.Adverse ReactionsEnumerate the possible side effects or adverse reactions that may occur when using the medication. Include both common and rare side effects, as well as any signs or symptoms that should be reported to a healthcare professional.Drug InteractionsList any known drug interactions that may occur when the medication is used in combination with other drugs. Discuss potential effects and precautions that should be taken when using the medication with other substances.OverdosageProvide information on the signs and symptoms of overdose, as well as the recommended actions to be taken in case of an overdose. Include contact information for emergency medical assistance.Storage and HandlingHighlight any specific storage requirements for the medication, such as temperature conditions, protection from light, or any other relevant information. Also, include instructions on the proper handling and disposal of unused medication.ReferencesInclude any references or sources that were consulted when creating this drug information sheet. This may include authoritative drug databases, clinical studies, or other relevant sources.ConclusionIt is essential to follow the instructions and precautions mentioned in this drug information sheet. If there are any questions or concerns about the medication, don't hesitate to consult a healthcare professional.。
• structure 结构;
derivative 衍生物;
Folic acid is a yellowish to orange, crystalline powder;
odourless or almost odourless.
in vitro 体外 ; in vivo 体内;
level 水平,浓度;plasm lever 血浆浓度(水平);
serum concentration 血清浓度
toxicity 毒性;
例1. Mean peek serum concentrations of tobramycin occur between 30 and about 60 minutes after intramuscular administration. 肌注后约30~50分钟之间妥布毒素的平均血药浓度达到高峰。
• colo(u)r 颜色;
colo(u)rless 无色的;
• odo(u)rless 无臭的; odo(u)r 气味;
• taste 味道;
tasteless 无味的;
• crystalline 结晶的; powder 粉末;
• liquid 液体;
solid 固体;
ability 能力; activity 活性;
action 作用;
effect on 对…的作用;
distribution 分布; excretion 排泄;
南 农
structure 结构
solubility 溶解度
业 大
injection 注射剂
学 动
solution 溶液
物 tablets 片剂
医 学
derivative 衍生物
insoluble 不溶的 odo(u)r 气味 colo(u)rless 无色的 tasteless 无味的
院 liquid 液体
➢ Divided into three eight-hourly doses
• 分为三份,每八小时一次
南 ➢ Divided into doses every four hours
业 • 分为若干份,每四小时一次
药品名称(Drug name)
药品性状 (Description)
湖 南
药品的适用症 (Indications)
农 业
剂量与用法 (Dosage and Administration)
注意事项 (Note)
Since Antistine may cause temporary drowsiness(睡
意), caution is indicated when employing it, for
学 ➢ Into two or three equally divided doses
药品说明书英文Drug Instructions (English)IntroductionThe drug instructions provide important information about the medication, its usage, dosage, and potential side effects. It is important to read and understand the instructions carefully before taking the medication. This document aims to provide a detailed description of the medication and its usage in English.Drug Name- **Generic Name**: [Generic Name]- **Brand Name**: [Brand Name]DescriptionThe medication, available in the form of [tablet/capsule/liquid/injection], is prescribed for the treatment of [specific condition or disease]. It contains [active ingredient] as the main component. The medication works by [mechanism of action]. It is important to strictly follow the instructions provided to ensure safe and effective use of the medication.IndicationsThe medication is indicated for the treatment of the following conditions:- [Indication 1]- [Indication 2]- [Indication 3]Dosage and AdministrationDosageThe dosage of the medication may vary depending on factors such as the patient's age, weight, and severity of the condition being treated. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage and not exceed it unless advised by a healthcare professional.- **Adults**: The recommended dosage for adults is [dosage]. It should be administered [frequency] [route of administration].- **Children**: The dosage for children should be determined by a healthcare professional based on the child's age and weight.AdministrationThe medication should be taken as directed. It can be taken with or without food, as advised by the healthcare professional. If the medication is in the form of a tablet orcapsule, it should be swallowed with a glass of water. If it is in liquid form, the appropriate measuring device should be used to ensure accurate dosage.ContraindicationsThe medication is contraindicated in the following cases:- Allergy to any of the ingredients present in the medication- [Contraindication 2]- [Contraindication 3]It is important to inform the healthcare professional about any known allergies or medical conditions before taking the medication.PrecautionsBefore taking the medication, it is important to consider the following precautions: - [Precaution 1]- [Precaution 2]- [Precaution 3]Any concerns or questions about the medication should be discussed with a healthcare professional before starting the treatment.Side EffectsThe medication may cause certain side effects in some individuals. Common side effects include:- [Side effect 1]- [Side effect 2]- [Side effect 3]If any of these side effects persist or worsen, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. It is also important to report any other unusual or severe side effects to a healthcare professional.Drug InteractionsThe medication may interact with other drugs or substances, which can affect its effectiveness or increase the risk of side effects. It is important to inform the healthcare professional about all the medications, herbal supplements, and vitamins being taken before starting the treatment.StorageThe medication should be stored in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture. It should be kept out of reach of children and pets. Proper disposal methods should be followed after the medication is no longer needed or has expired. ConclusionThe drug instructions provide essential information about the medication, its usage, dosage, and potential side effects. It is important to read and understand the instructions carefully before taking the medication. If any doubts or concerns arise, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional for further clarification. The drug should always be taken as directed by a healthcare professional to ensure safe and effective use.。
保和丸 泻白散 肾气丸 消风散
玉女煎 桃花汤 紫雪丹 白虎汤
保和丸 泻白散 肾气丸 消风散
Digestion-promoting Pill Lung-Heat Expelling Powder
Pill for Invigorating Kidney Energy
crystalline 结晶的
injection 注射剂
insoluble 不溶的
soluble 可溶的
odo(u)r 气味ess 无色的
sterile 无菌的
solution 溶液
tablets 片剂
liquid 液体 solid 固体
2.Intralipid is a white opaque fat emulsion for intravenous injection. 本品为白色,不透明,供静脉注射用脂肪乳剂。
3.熊去氧胆酸片为白色素片,每片含50mg熊去氧胆 酸(ursodesoxycholic acid) 。 Ursosan Tablet is a white plain tablet which contains 50mg of ursodesoxycholic acid.
4.本品为白色至类白色结晶固体,难溶于水、稀酸及 大多数有机溶剂中。 It is a white to off-white, crystalline solid, poorly soluble in water, dilute acid and most organic solvents.
高中英语写作-药品使用说明及注意事项 精品课件 共13张PPT
Please take it every 8 hours after meals. You should take 2 pills at a time, but double that
when your heart attack you. 2 pills at a time is enough, but better double the
pity •WWfhraohtmaathpaeitapyrittthydaitstheyaaotsue…!are!suffering pity •It’Ifstro’asmpaihtpyeitathyrtatdthiyasoteua…saere. suffering
buy bought bought; well-prepared Chinese
用祝愿 量:饭后服用,每日三次,一次2丸,病重 Do remember to时ta加ke倍th服e 用medicine on time. I hope 副 y作ou’l用l re:co造ver成so轻on微. 嗜睡 存Best w放ish:es阴! 凉干燥处,防止小孩误服 注意事项:服药期间Y严oLu禁irsht饮urau酒ly ,严禁驾车
9.抓关键句法。关键句常常有暗示材 料中心 的作用 。所以 ,有些 新材料 作文材 料中的 关键性 语句可 以作为 选择立 意角度 的突破 口。在 新材料 作文的 材料中 ,关键 句常常 是命题 者或材 料中的 人物的 评议性 语句。
During the period you use this medicine, make sure not to drink even a bit and never drive.
英文的药品说明书Drug InstructionIf you are going to use this medicine, please read the following instructions carefully before use.1、Dosage and UsageThe recommended dosage for adults and children over 12 years of age is 100mg taken orally once a day. Children between 6 and 12 years of age should take 50mg once a day. The maximum daily dosage for all age groups should not exceed 400mg.2、Precautions and Cautionsa. This medicine is only for oral use and should be taken on an empty stomach.b. This medicine should be used within 48 hours after opening the bottle. Unused medicine should be discarded.c. This medicine is not recommended for use in children under6 years of age, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, or people with liver or kidney disease.d. If you experience any adverse reactions after taking this medicine, please stop using it immediately and consult a doctor.3、StorageThis medicine should be stored at room temperature and protected from light. Keep the medicine out of the reach of children.4、Expiration DateThe expiration date of this medicine is 24 months after production.5、Manufacturer WarrantyThis medicine is produced by ABC Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and is distributed by XYZ Pharmacy. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the manufacturer for more information and support.Please note that the above information is provided as a reference only, and should not be used as medical advice. If you have any medical questions or concerns, please consult a doctor or medical professional.英文药品说明书English Drug Instruction ManualIntroduction: This drug instruction manual is designed to provide valuable information for consumers, including usage, safety注意事项以及possible side effects of the drug. It is recommended that consumers consult a doctor or pharmacist before using any medication.Composition: The drug consists of active ingredients and excipients. The active ingredients are responsible for the therapeutic effects of the drug, while the excipients are used to maintain the drug's stability and improve its pharmacokinetic properties.Usage: The drug should be taken according to the doctor's instructions. The usual dosage is [amount] per [interval], either by mouth or via injection. Drugs should be taken with food or water to avoid gastric irritation. If the drug is taken on an empty stomach, it may cause stomach discomfort. The duration of treatment depends on the condition being treated and the doctor's recommendations.Safety Precautions: Taking this drug may cause [side effects], including [effects on the nervous system], [effects on the digestive system], [effects on the cardiovascular system], [effects on the respiratory system], [effects on the urinary system], [effects on the endocrine system], etc. These side effects are generally mild and can be alleviated after停药,but if you experience severe side effects, such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, or unexplained bleeding, please seek medical attention immediately.This drug should not be used during pregnancy or lactation unless otherwise directed by a doctor. This drug should also not be used if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Drugs should be stored at room temperature and protected from light and moisture.Conclusion: This drug instruction manual provides consumers with essential information on usage, safety注意事项以及possible side effects of the drug. It is recommended that consumers consult a doctor or pharmacist before using any medication to ensure its safety and effectiveness.英文药品说明书的英文药品说明书A typical English pharmaceutical manual contns important information that is essential for understanding how to use a medication properly. These documents are written in a formal, strghtforward language to provide accurate and unbiased information. They typically include detls about the drug’s composition, usage, side effects, and warnings.Drug CompositionThe first section of an English pharmaceutical manual is usually dedicated to providing detailed information about the drug’s composition. It lists all the ingredients found in the medication, including active ingredients and inactive ingredients. The purpose of this section is to provide users with a clear understanding of what they are taking and how it works.UsageThe usage section explains how to take the medication properly. It provides dosage instructions, whether the drug should be taken on an empty stomach or with food, and any special instructions for administration. For example, this sectionmight indicate whether the medicine should be taken with plenty of water or whether it should be avoided in the event of an allergic reaction.Side EffectsPharmaceutical manuals also include information about possible side effects that may occur as a result of taking the medication. These effects can range from mild (such as headaches or nausea) to more severe (such as life-threatening allergic reactions). The manual usually indicates the frequency and severity of these effects and provides guidelines on what to do if they occur.WarningsThe warnings section is designed to highlight any potential safety issues associated with using the medication. It provides important information about interactions with other drugs or medical conditions and cautions agnst using the drug in specific situations. For instance, this section might advise agnst using the medication while pregnant or breastfeeding or in patients with certn heart conditions.In conclusion, English pharmaceutical manuals are an essentialsource of information for patients taking medication. They provide crucial detls about drug composition, usage, side effects, and warnings, which help users understand how to use the medication properly and safely. By reading these manuals carefully and following the instructions provided, patients can ensure optimal drug efficacy and minimize the risk of adverse reactions.药品说明书英文药品说明书英文Medicine说明书英文The use of medicine is a very common way to maintain health and treat illnesses. However, it is very important to read the medicine说明书英文 before using the medicine to ensure that you are using it correctly and safely.在日常生活中,使用药品是维护健康和治疗疾病的常见方法,但在使用药品之前,阅读药品说明书英文非常重要,以确保正确、安全地使用药品。
英文药品说明书英文药品说明书1. IntroductionWelcome to the English drug instructions! In this document, we will provide you with detailed information about the usage, dosage, precautions, and possible side effects of the medication. Please read this document carefully before using the drug. If you have any questions or concerns, consult your healthcare provider.2. Drug Name and Composition- **Drug name**: [Enter drug name here]- **Composition**: [List the active ingredients and their quantities]3. IndicationsThe drug is indicated for the treatment of [mention the condition or symptom the drug is intended to treat].4. Dosage and Administration- **Dosage**: [Provide the recommended dosage for adults and children]- **Administration**: [Explain how to administer the drug, such as oral intake, injection, or topical application]- **Duration of treatment**: [Specify the recommended duration of the treatment] It is important to follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider or follow the guidelines on the packaging.5. ContraindicationsDo not use the drug if you have any of the following conditions:- Allergy to any of the ingredients- Pregnant or breastfeeding- Severe liver or kidney disease- Any other specific contraindications6. Precautions and WarningsBefore using the medication, please take note of the following precautions:- [List any specific precautions or warnings related to the drug]- [Provide guidance on what to do if any adverse reactions occur]- [Mention any potential drug interactions or precautions for specific groups, like elderly or pediatric patients]7. Possible Side EffectsSome patients may experience side effects while taking the medication. Common side effects may include:- [List the common side effects]- [Explain any severe or rare side effects that may require immediate medical attention]Contact your healthcare provider if you experience any side effects.8. Storage- [Provide storage instructions, such as temperature range, light sensitivity, and proper storage conditions]- [Advise keeping the medication out of reach of children]9. OverdoseIn case of accidental overdose, seek immediate medical attention or contact a poison control center. Provide them with the details of the drug and the quantity taken.10. ConclusionThis English drug instruction provides you with important information about the medication. Remember to follow the dosage instructions, precautions, and storage guidelines. If you have any further questions or concerns, consult your healthcare provider.。
注意事项1:药品名称:_________________________________________________ 2:药品成分:_________________________________________________ 3:药品适应症:_______________________________________________4:禁忌症:_________________________________________________ 5:使用方法:_________________________________________________ 6:用量:_____________________________________________________7:不良反应:_________________________________________________ 8:注意事项:_________________________________________________ 9:药物相互作用:_____________________________________________适应症及用法用量指导1:适应症:- 详细描述适应症一- 详细描述适应症二- 详细描述适应症三2:用法用量:- 详细描述用法用量一- 详细描述用法用量二- 详细描述用法用量三- 详细描述用法用量四禁忌症及注意事项1:禁忌症:- 详细描述禁忌症一- 详细描述禁忌症二- 详细描述禁忌症三2:注意事项:- 详细描述注意事项一- 详细描述注意事项二- 详细描述注意事项三- 详细描述注意事项四不良反应及药物相互作用1:不良反应:- 详细描述不良反应一- 详细描述不良反应二- 详细描述不良反应三2:药物相互作用:- 详细描述药物相互作用一 - 详细描述药物相互作用二- 详细描述药物相互作用三附件本文档附有以下附件供参考:1、详细药物成分列表2、用法用量图示3、不良反应统计数据报告法律名词及注释1、法律名词一、详细解释或定义2、法律名词二、详细解释或定义3、法律名词三、详细解释或定义。
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1)药物与酸形成的盐 中文名是酸在前药名在后,英文相反。
2)药物与碱金属形成的盐 中文药名在前而碱金属在后,英文相同
3)考虑化学名称重点字头,又考虑同类药名的名称的系列 化(即相同的词头、词干或词尾)
如:Ceforanide ceforxadine cefotazidime Cefotetan Pefloxacin Norfloxacin Ofloxacin
1)英文名中显示了化学 基团,对应译名又比较简短通顺的, 采用化学基团简缩命名。
如:Imidazate; cholic acid ; tetracycline; tribromidi;
2) 药品英文名称中含某种物质,用意译能比较简短明确而含 义对应的就采用意译。 如:Ketoconazole;
• soluble 可溶的; insoluble 不溶的;
• stable 稳定的;
• solution 溶液; • sterile 无菌的;
tablets 片剂;
solubility 溶解度 injection 注射剂
• molecular formular 分子式 molecular weight 分子量
indicate 表明;
inhibit 抑制;
maintain 维持; metabolize 代谢;
produce 产生;
protect (from) 保护(不变);
promote 促进;
prevent 阻止,预防;
reach 达到;
result in 导致;
show 显示,表明;
treat 治疗;
Intralipids 10% is a white opaque fat emulsion for intravenous injection, containing 10 W/V % of purified soybean oil.
脂肪乳剂(10%)是白色,不透明,供静脉注射用的脂肪乳 剂,含有10%(W/V)的精制大豆油。
6. Precautions(注意事项) 7. Warnings(警告) 8. Adverse reactions(不良反应) 9. Overdosage(用药过量) 10.Dosage and administration(剂量和用法)
1. Drug interactions(药物相互作用) 2. Storage and duration of efficacy(贮藏与失效期) 3. Package(包装) 4. References(参考文献) 5. Manufacturer(生产者)
tolerate 耐受
2. 形容词 (be) active (effective) against 对…有效的 (be) related to 与……有关的 (be) sensitive to 对……敏感的 resistant to ……有耐药性的 average 平均的 minimum 最低(小)的 maximum 最高(大)的 normal 正常的
• structure 结构;
derivative 衍生物;
Folic acid is a yellowish to orange, crystalline powder;
odourless or almost odourless.
1. 动词
absorb 吸收;
act 作用;
accumulate 积蓄; administrate 投药;
cause (be cause by) 引起(由……引起)
demonstrate 显示;
exhibit 显示;
excrete 排泄; exert (action on) 起…作用
in vials containing 10mg and 50mg of doxorubicin
hydrochloride with lactose.
It occurs as a white to off-white, crystalline solid, poorly soluble in water, dilute acid and most organic solvents.
本品(炎痛息康)为白色至类白色结晶固体,难溶于水、稀 酸及大多数有机溶剂中。
例6. Pamine, chemically known as epoxytropine tropate
methylbromide, has the empirical formula
C18H24NO4Br and the molecular weight 398.3.
常用description, introduction, composition 包括药品的: • chemical structure(化学结构) • chemical composition(化学成分) • physical and chemical properties(物理和化学性质)
哌明的化学名称为环氧莨菪碱托品酸酯溴代甲烷,分子式 为C18H24NO4Br,分子量为398.3。
Kanendomycin is a very stable antibiotic, and its activity does not decrease when the powder is placed in an airlight container and kept at room temperatures for more than 2 years.
Ursosan Tablet 50mg is a white plain tablet which contains 50mg of ursodesoxycholic acid.
例4. Sterile pyrogen-free, orange red, freeze-dried powder
英文药品说明书 Package Insert
药品说明书旧称description, instruction, direction. 今称package insert,insert,
美国FDA规定其应包括十项: 1. Drug names(药物名称) 2. Description(性状) 3. Clinical pharmacology(临床药理学) 4. Indications and usage(适应症和用法) 5. Contraindications(禁忌症)
卡内多霉素是一种很稳定的抗生素,其粉末置于密封容器中, 在室温下保存二年以上,活性不减。
例8. This product is prepared from units of human plasma
which have been tested and found nonreactive for
hepatitis associated (Australia) antigen.
ability 能力; activity 活性;
action 作用;
effect on 对…的作用;
distribution 分布; excretion 排泄;
clearance 廓清率; function 功能,作用;
half life 半衰期; kidney 肾;
mechanism 机理; tolerance 耐受性; infection 感染
2. 本项中常用的词语
• be derived from 由……衍生 • consist of 由……组成 • be obtained 制得 • contain 含有 • be prepared from 由……制备 • have (possess) 有(具有)
一、drug names(药物名称)
1. 通常每种药物有三个名字 (1) proprietary name(商品名称) (2) popular name(通用名) (3) chemical name(化学名)
2.说明书标题多用商品名 其右上角标有R者,表示registe,
药品英文名称中只有一部分显示化学 基团者采用音意合译。 如:medemycin ; Indobufen;
coumadin(coumarrin 香豆素); codein phosphas;
4.中文译名的转化现象: vitamin ; penicillin; hormone; atropine
本品由人血浆制备,此血浆业经检验,并且证明对肝炎(澳 大利亚)抗原无反应。
三、clinical pharmacology(临床药理学)
常用的名称还有: clinical data(临床数据); clinical experience(临床经验); clinical use(临床应用); clinical observation(临床观察)