人教八上 Unit6 SectionB reading 课件
Para 2 To discuss the different kinds of resolutions
There are different kinds of resolutions. Some are about physical health. For example, some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food. Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. A_._T_h__e_se__a_re__a_b_o_u_t_m__a_k_in_g__y_o_u_r_se_l_f_a_b__e_tt_e_r_p_e_r_s_o_n_.__ Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos, or learn to play the guitar. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork. _B_. _F_o_r_e_x_a_m_p_l_e_,_a_s_t_u_d_e_n_t_m__a_y_h_a_v_e__to__f_in_d__m_o_r_e_t_i_m_e__to__s_tu_d__y.
D begin, resolution…
… … … … … … … … ___________________________ … …… … … … … …
• 《浣溪沙》/晏殊 • 《采桑子》/欧阳修 • 《相见欢》/朱敦儒 • 《如梦令》/李清照
晏殊(991-1055),字同叔,北宁临 川人(今江西杭州)。景德初年,报刚十四 岁,就以 “神童”的才名应殿试考中进士。 在西溪任上常讲学,后人建有晏溪书院, 故西溪又称“晏溪”。 晏殊是一名著名的文学家,擅长词令 (长短句),尤擅小令。风格婉转,历有 “此宗令词之专精者,首推晏殊”的评价。 他的名作《浣溪沙》。
• 3.“中原乱,簪缨散,几时收”一句中 “簪缨”用了什么修辞手法?指什么?此 句抒发了作者什么样的思想感情? • 借代; 代指达官贵人(注:簪和缨,古时 达官贵人的冠饰,用来把冠固在头上)。 “中原乱,簪缨散,几时收?”,作者忆 及中原沦陷,士族南逃往事,抒发了沉痛 之情; 抒发了对收复河山的渴望与一时又 难以收复的无奈(或担忧)之情。
六一居士初谪滁 山,自号醉翁。既 老而衰且病,将退 休于颍水之上,则 又更号六一居士。
六“一”: 一万卷书、一千 卷金石文、一张 琴、一局棋、一 壶酒,再加上他 本人一老翁。
采 桑 子
欧 阳 修
轻舟短棹西湖好,绿水逶迤,芳草长堤, 隐隐笙歌处处随。 无风水面琉璃滑,不觉船移,微动涟漪, 惊起沙禽掠岸飞。
无风水面琉璃滑,不觉船移,微动涟 漪,惊起沙禽掠岸飞。
无风的水面,光滑得好似琉璃一样,不觉得 船儿在前进,只见微微的细浪在船边荡漾。看, 被船儿惊起的水鸟,正掠过湖岸在飞翔。
说说作者在下阕中所创造的意境在写法上 有什么特点?请结合诗句具体赏析。 • 静中有动,动中显静,动静互衬。前三句 以静写动,写风平浪静时水面晶莹澄澈, 如同琉璃 ,平滑似镜,游人不觉船移,只 是看到船浆轻划,水上形成细小的波纹时, 方感船身滑动。结句以动衬静,写涟漪微 动难免惊动沙滩上的水鸟,使之掠过湖岸 飞去 ,而西湖却愈显其幽静 。
• 《浣溪沙》/晏殊 • 《采桑子》/欧阳修 • 《相见欢》/朱敦儒 • 《如梦令》/李清照
晏殊(991-1055),字同叔,北宁临 川人(今江西杭州)。景德初年,报刚十四 岁,就以 “神童”的才名应殿试考中进士。 在西溪任上常讲学,后人建有晏溪书院, 故西溪又称“晏溪”。 晏殊是一名著名的文学家,擅长词令 (长短句),尤擅小令。风格婉转,历有 “此宗令词之专精者,首推晏殊”的评价。 他的名作《浣溪沙》。
• 3.“中原乱,簪缨散,几时收”一句中 “簪缨”用了什么修辞手法?指什么?此 句抒发了作者什么样的思想感情? • 借代; 代指达官贵人(注:簪和缨,古时 达官贵人的冠饰,用来把冠固在头上)。 “中原乱,簪缨散,几时收?”,作者忆 及中原沦陷,士族南逃往事,抒发了沉痛 之情; 抒发了对收复河山的渴望与一时又 难以收复的无奈(或担忧)之情。
六一居士初谪滁 山,自号醉翁。既 老而衰且病,将退 休于颍水之上,则 又更号六一居士。
六“一”: 一万卷书、一千 卷金石文、一张 琴、一局棋、一 壶酒,再加上他 本人一老翁。
采 桑 子
欧 阳 修
轻舟短棹西湖好,绿水逶迤,芳草长堤, 隐隐笙歌处处随。 无风水面琉璃滑,不觉船移,微动涟漪, 惊起沙禽掠岸飞。
无风水面琉璃滑,不觉船移,微动涟 漪,惊起沙禽掠岸飞。
无风的水面,光滑得好似琉璃一样,不觉得 船儿在前进,只见微微的细浪在船边荡漾。看, 被船儿惊起的水鸟,正掠过湖岸在飞翔。
说说作者在下阕中所创造的意境在写法上 有什么特点?请结合诗句具体赏析。 • 静中有动,动中显静,动静互衬。前三句 以静写动,写风平浪静时水面晶莹澄澈, 如同琉璃 ,平滑似镜,游人不觉船移,只 是看到船浆轻划,水上形成细小的波纹时, 方感船身滑动。结句以动衬静,写涟漪微 动难免惊动沙滩上的水鸟,使之掠过湖岸 飞去 ,而西湖却愈显其幽静 。
人教八上 Unit6 SectionB reading 课件 (1)
A. These are about making yourself a better person.
B. For example, a student may have to find more time to study.
C. There are good reasons for this.
D. The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions.
There are different kinds of resolutions. There are different kinds of resolutions. Some are about physical health. For
example, some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food. Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. __________ Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos, or learn to play the guitar. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork. ____________
D from school.”) However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions, and the
八年级上学期 英语人教版课件Unit6_SectionB_Reading_阅读优质课课件
Tip 4: Ways of guessing (猜) the
meaning of the new words and phrases.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Context (上下文) Sentence structure (句子结构) Word-making (构词法) Linking words (连接词) ……
Para 2: There are different kinds of
resolutsay the best
resolution is to have no resolutions! How about you — will you make any next year?
Tip 2: Find key sentences Key sentences (中心句)-- help you get the main idea quickly.
Para 1: Do you know what a resolution
is? It’s a kind of promise.
(Para. 2) Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos, or learn to play the guitar.
take up (sth.): become interested in (sth.) and spend time doing (sth.)
…. People hardly ever keep them! ____ Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. Sometimes …
人教版八年级英语上册课件:Unit 6 单元话题阅读与写作课件 (共14张PPT)
2. 蒂娜长大了想当一名老师,她打算努力学习并且上大学,
她希望当一名像Mrs Brown这样的老师。
____________________________________________ _T_i_n_a_w_a_n_t_s_t_o_b_e__a_t_e_a_c_h_er__w_h_e_n__sh_e__g_r_ow__s_u_p_._S_h_e__is_ _g_o_i_n_g_t_o_s_t_u_d_y_h_a_r_d__a_n_d_g_o__to__c_o_ll_eg_e_._S_h_e__h_o_p_e_s_to__b_e a teacher like Mrs Brown.
_______________________________________________ Mike wants to be a writer when he grows up. He is going to write more articles and send them to magazines.
自我展示 My Dream
____I_h_a_v_e__a__d_r_e_a_m__. _I_'m___g_o_in_g__t_o__b_e__a__sc_i_e_n_ti_s_t_w__h_e_n__I _g_r_o_w__u_p_,__b_e_c_a_u_s_e__I__lo_v_e__s_c_ie_n_c_e__v_e_r_y__m__u_c_h_._W__h__en___I _h_e_a_r_d_T__u_Y__o_u_y_o_u__w_o_n__t_h_e_N__o_b_e_l _P_r_i_z_e_i_n__P_h_y_s_io_l_o_g_y__o_r _M__ed__ic_i_n_e_, _I_f_el_t_e_x_c_it_e_d__a_b_o_u_t_i_t.______________________ ____H_o_w__a_m___I_g_o_i_n_g__to__d_o__th__a_t?__F_i_r_st_,_I_'_m__g_o_in__g_t_o__re_a_d_ _m_o_r_e__fa_m__o_u_s_b_o_o_k__s _a_b_o_u_t_s_c_ie_n_c_e_,__a_n_d__le_a_r_n__f_r_o_m___th_e__
…, and the most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. ____ When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year… …. Many resolutions have to do with selfimprovement. ____ Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby … Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork. ____
resolution is to have no resolutions! How about you — will you make any next year?
Task 2: Read and put the sentences (A~D) in the correct places. Underline the words and phrases that helped you decide.(2’)
Sentence structure
(Para. 2) Some are about physical health. … Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. … Some resolutions have to do with better planning, … have to do with: be about
Do you think the best resolution is to have no resolutions? W an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活中没有目标就如航海 时没有罗盘。
resolution is to have no resolutions! How about you — will you make any next year?
Task 2: Read and put the sentences (A~D) in the correct places. Underline the words and phrases that helped you decide.(2’)
Sentence structure
(Para. 2) Some are about physical health. … Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. … Some resolutions have to do with better planning, … have to do with: be about
Do you think the best resolution is to have no resolutions? W an aim is like sailing without a compass. 生活中没有目标就如航海 时没有罗盘。
人教版英语八年级上册Unit6 SectionB Reading 阅读优质课课件
Unit 6
I’m going to study computer science.
(Section B Reading)
What’s a resolution?
It’s a kind of promise (承诺) you make to yourself.
My resolutions are about physical health.身体健康 I want to improve my health.
Para 2: There are different kinds of
Para 3: Some people say the best
resolution is to have no resolutions! How about you — will you make any next year?
Task 2: Read and put the sentences (A~D) in the correct places. Underline the words and phrases that helped you decide.(2’)
…, and the most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. ____ When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year…
…. People hardly ever keep them! ____ Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. Sometimes …
I’m going to study computer science.
(Section B Reading)
What’s a resolution?
It’s a kind of promise (承诺) you make to yourself.
My resolutions are about physical health.身体健康 I want to improve my health.
Para 2: There are different kinds of
Para 3: Some people say the best
resolution is to have no resolutions! How about you — will you make any next year?
Task 2: Read and put the sentences (A~D) in the correct places. Underline the words and phrases that helped you decide.(2’)
…, and the most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. ____ When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year…
…. People hardly ever keep them! ____ Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. Sometimes …
人教八上 Unit6 SectionB reading 课件 (2)
D from school.”) However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions, and the
most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. ____________ When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives. Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year. Others tell their family and friends about their wishes and plans.
D. TheP__as_rta__.r_2t_oTfothdeiscyuesasrthiesdoiffteernenat ktiimndes ofof remsoaluktiionngs resolutions.
Do you know what a resolution is? It’s a kind of promise. Most of the time, we make promises to other people. (“Mom, I’m going to tidy my room when I get back
There are different kinds of resolutions. Some are about physical health. For example, some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise
most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. ____________ When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives. Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year. Others tell their family and friends about their wishes and plans.
D. TheP__as_rta__.r_2t_oTfothdeiscyuesasrthiesdoiffteernenat ktiimndes ofof remsoaluktiionngs resolutions.
Do you know what a resolution is? It’s a kind of promise. Most of the time, we make promises to other people. (“Mom, I’m going to tidy my room when I get back
There are different kinds of resolutions. Some are about physical health. For example, some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise
人教版八年级英语上册Unit6 SectionB Reading 阅读优质课课件 (共19张PPT)
Unit 6
I’m going to study computer science.
(Section B Reading)
What’s a resolution?
It’s a kind of promise (承诺) you make to yourself.
Tip 1: Find key words
…. Many resolutions have to do with selfimprovement. ____ Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby … Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork. ____
have to do with: be about
Task 4: Read and underline the answers.(3’)
…. People hardly ever keep them! ____ Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. Sometimes …
Tip 3: Care about context (关注上下文)
Listen and check the answers. …, and the most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. D__T_h_e__s_ta_r_t__of__t_h_e_y_e_a_r_i_s_o_f_t_e_n _a__ti_m_e__f_or__m_a_k_in_g__re_s_o_lu_t_io_n_s_. When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year … …. Many resolutions have to do with selfimprovement. _A__T_h_e_se__a_r_e_a_b_o_u_t_m_a_k_i_n_g_ _y_o_u_rs_e_l_f_a__b_et_t_e_r_p_e_r_s_on_._ … Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork. __B_F_o_r__ _e_x_am__p_le_,_a__s_tu_d_e_n_t_m__ay__h_a_v_e_t_o__fi_n_d_m_o_r_e_ _t_im_e__t_o_s_t_ud_y_.__ …. People hardly ever keep them! _C__T_h_e_r_e_a_r_e_ _g_o_o_d_r_e_a_s_on_s__f_or__t_h_is_._ Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. Sometimes people just forget about them. …
I’m going to study computer science.
(Section B Reading)
What’s a resolution?
It’s a kind of promise (承诺) you make to yourself.
Tip 1: Find key words
…. Many resolutions have to do with selfimprovement. ____ Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby … Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork. ____
have to do with: be about
Task 4: Read and underline the answers.(3’)
…. People hardly ever keep them! ____ Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. Sometimes …
Tip 3: Care about context (关注上下文)
Listen and check the answers. …, and the most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. D__T_h_e__s_ta_r_t__of__t_h_e_y_e_a_r_i_s_o_f_t_e_n _a__ti_m_e__f_or__m_a_k_in_g__re_s_o_lu_t_io_n_s_. When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year … …. Many resolutions have to do with selfimprovement. _A__T_h_e_se__a_r_e_a_b_o_u_t_m_a_k_i_n_g_ _y_o_u_rs_e_l_f_a__b_et_t_e_r_p_e_r_s_on_._ … Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork. __B_F_o_r__ _e_x_am__p_le_,_a__s_tu_d_e_n_t_m__ay__h_a_v_e_t_o__fi_n_d_m_o_r_e_ _t_im_e__t_o_s_t_ud_y_.__ …. People hardly ever keep them! _C__T_h_e_r_e_a_r_e_ _g_o_o_d_r_e_a_s_on_s__f_or__t_h_is_._ Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. Sometimes people just forget about them. …
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Write the letters [A-D] in the correct places in the passage.
A. These are about making yourself a better person.
B. For example, a student may have to find more time to study.
Para1 1. Do you know what a resolution is ?
2. It’s a kind of promise.
3. Most of the time, we make promises to other people.
(“Mom, I promise I’m going to tidy my room when I get back
Topic sentense : TMopoisct rsesnotleuntsieon:s have one thing in commom.
People hardly ever keep them.
Which paragraph in the passage do
2b you think each sentence goes in?
Paragraph 2
Main purpose(主要目的):
To discuss the different kinds of resolutions. Topic sentense : There are different kinds of resolutions.
Paragraph 33
MMainainpuprpuorspeo(s主e(要主目要的目)的:): To question the idea of making resolutions
8. This helps them to remember their resolutions. Others tell their family and friends about their wishes and plans.
Pa are different kinds of resolutions. 2.Some are about physical health.
from school.” )
4. However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions, and the
most common kind is New Year’s resolutions.
5. D. The start of a year is often a time for making resolutions.
physical adj. 身体的 physical health 身体健康
3. For example, some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food.
improve their lives
Before reading
Did you make any resolution last year? No , I didn’t.
Were you able to keep them? Why or why not? No , I wasn’t. Because I forgot them.
2c Read the passage and match each
paragraph with its main purpose.
1. To question the idea of making resolutions 2. To give the meaning of resolution 3. To discuss the different kinds of resolutions
C. There are good reasons for this. D. The start of the year is often a time for
making resolutions.
指导: 1. 首先,阅读这四个句子,掌握其意思。 2. 然后,再次阅读每个段落,重点阅读
每个空格前后句子的意思。 3. 根据上下文意来确定空格处应填的句
Unit 6
I’m going to study computer
Different people make different resolutions
do more exercise/ lose weight
get good grades
6. When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives.
7. Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year.
I was able to speak English when I was two years old.
be able to… 会;能够
While reading
What is the passage about?
指导: 先读这三个主题的意思,带着问题去
读短文。 通读每个段落,理解这个段落所讲的
主要意思。 在相关段落中划出相关的依据,根据
Paragraph 1
Main purpose(主要目的): To give the meaning of resolution.
Topic sentense (中心句): Do you know what a resolution is ?
A. These are about making yourself a better person.
B. For example, a student may have to find more time to study.
Para1 1. Do you know what a resolution is ?
2. It’s a kind of promise.
3. Most of the time, we make promises to other people.
(“Mom, I promise I’m going to tidy my room when I get back
Topic sentense : TMopoisct rsesnotleuntsieon:s have one thing in commom.
People hardly ever keep them.
Which paragraph in the passage do
2b you think each sentence goes in?
Paragraph 2
Main purpose(主要目的):
To discuss the different kinds of resolutions. Topic sentense : There are different kinds of resolutions.
Paragraph 33
MMainainpuprpuorspeo(s主e(要主目要的目)的:): To question the idea of making resolutions
8. This helps them to remember their resolutions. Others tell their family and friends about their wishes and plans.
Pa are different kinds of resolutions. 2.Some are about physical health.
from school.” )
4. However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions, and the
most common kind is New Year’s resolutions.
5. D. The start of a year is often a time for making resolutions.
physical adj. 身体的 physical health 身体健康
3. For example, some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food.
improve their lives
Before reading
Did you make any resolution last year? No , I didn’t.
Were you able to keep them? Why or why not? No , I wasn’t. Because I forgot them.
2c Read the passage and match each
paragraph with its main purpose.
1. To question the idea of making resolutions 2. To give the meaning of resolution 3. To discuss the different kinds of resolutions
C. There are good reasons for this. D. The start of the year is often a time for
making resolutions.
指导: 1. 首先,阅读这四个句子,掌握其意思。 2. 然后,再次阅读每个段落,重点阅读
每个空格前后句子的意思。 3. 根据上下文意来确定空格处应填的句
Unit 6
I’m going to study computer
Different people make different resolutions
do more exercise/ lose weight
get good grades
6. When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives.
7. Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year.
I was able to speak English when I was two years old.
be able to… 会;能够
While reading
What is the passage about?
指导: 先读这三个主题的意思,带着问题去
读短文。 通读每个段落,理解这个段落所讲的
主要意思。 在相关段落中划出相关的依据,根据
Paragraph 1
Main purpose(主要目的): To give the meaning of resolution.
Topic sentense (中心句): Do you know what a resolution is ?