



图 4 操作机构 (ESH) 示意图
2.4 操作机构
1. 跳闸线圈 2. 跳闸按钮 3. 合闸线圈 4. 合闸按钮 5. 断路器分合闸指示牌 6. 弹簧储能指示牌 7. 合闸弹簧储能手柄插口
3. 维护及检修的条件
3.1 断路器在用户现场应进行本手册规定条件下的必要维护、检修、极柱更新或可靠性评估。 3.2 常运行条件下,可每隔 3 年或每满 2000 次开关操作循环对断路器进行一次维护。 3.3 出现下列情况之一时,应立即进行临时性的检修。
图 8 拆除合闸线圈 c. 如图 9 所示,取出合闸线圈 YC 后,旋下固定分闸线圈的螺钉,可取下分闸线圈 YO1 和分闸线圈 YO2 。
图 9 拆除分闸线圈 7
OHB 中压户外 SF6 断路器维护手册 d. 如图 10 所示,旋下 4 颗固定合闸闭锁线圈的螺钉,即可取出合闸闭锁线圈 YL1 。
图 10 拆除合闸闭锁线圈 e. 如图 11 所示,取出合闸闭锁线圈 YL1 后,旋下固定欠压线圈的螺钉,可取下欠压线圈 YU 。
a. 释放拐臂弹簧
b. 抬高驱动棘爪,拐臂向前推
c. 移走电机的限位开关
d. 旋转凸轮露出螺钉
e. 取下固定电机的三颗螺钉,拔 出电机的连接导线,现在可以 小心地地取下电机。安装电机 时的操作与以上顺序相反。
图 5 更换储能电机的顺序 (a~e) 5
OHB 中压户外 SF6 断路器维护手册 6.3.3 断路器辅助开关的检修:正常状态下,辅助开关动作应灵活、正确,二次线接插件接触良好,无松 动现象。需要更换辅助开关时,按图 6 所示拆下辅助开关的传动杆,即可取出辅助开关组件,进行 更换。更换过程应检查辅助开关的常开、常闭位置是否正确。 6.3.4 分合闸线圈可靠动作的检查:在额定操作电压下进行分合 5 次操作。随后,检查合闸线圈应能在 80-110% (直流)额定操作电压范围内可靠分闸;检查分闸线圈应能在 65-120% 额定操作电压 (直流)范围内可靠分闸;当电压低于额定值的 30 %时合闸和分闸线圈均不能动作。其他细节参 照 GB/T11022 、 IEC694 规定进行检查和判定。

MiCOM P12y 技术说明书(1.C)

MiCOM P12y 技术说明书(1.C)
保护原理...................................................................................................................... 18
上海 AREVA 电力自动化有限公司 第 3 页/共 38 页 技术说明书 MiCOM P12y 系列 3.2.3 定值整定组的选择 ................................................................................................. 26 3.2.4 基于选择性的逻辑方案(P126 和 P127) ................................................................. 27 3.2.5 断路器位置监视 ..................................................................................................... 28 3.2.6 断路器状态监视(P126 和 P127) ............................................................................ 28 3.2.7 断路器失灵(P126 和 P127).................................................................................... 28 3.2.8 跳闸回路监视(P126 和 P127) ................................................................................ 28 3.2.9 SOTF 手合于故障(P126 和 P127) ...................................................................... 28 3.2.10 复合电压闭锁过流保护(P127)........................................................................... 29 3.2.11 与(AND) 逻辑功能 (P126 和 P127)....................................................................... 29 3.3 记录和录波(P126 和 P127) ....................................................................................... 29 3.3.1 事件记录 ................................................................................................................ 29 3.3.2 故障记录 ................................................................................................................ 29 3.3.3 故障录波 ................................................................................................................ 29

Acconeer XB122断路板产品简介说明书

Acconeer XB122断路板产品简介说明书

XB122– Product BriefXB122 Breakout Board Product BriefPage 1 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential© 2019 by Acconeer – All rights reserved 2020-01-22Table of Contents1 Introduction (4)2 XB122 Breakout Board (5)2.1 Overview (5)2.2 Power (7)2.3 Connectors (8)2.4 Switches and buttons (11)2.5 FTDI FT230XS USB-UART (U1) (11)2.6 Electrical Schematics (13)2.7 Component Placement Drawing (16)2.8 Bill of Material (17)3 References (19)4 Revision History (20)5 Disclaimer (21)1 IntroductionThis document describes the Acconeer XB122 breakout board for the XM122 IoT module. The breakout board provides an interface for the XM122 IoT module so that it can easily be flashed and debugged. It also has an internal power supply as well as a battery holder to be able to develop battery driven IoT applications.For More information please read:•XM122 Data Sheet•XM122_XB122 User Guide2 XB122 Breakout Board2.1 OverviewThe XB122 breakout board for the XM122 module is designed to make the interfaces from theXM122 module accessible for evaluation and debug. With the XB122 breakout board, flashing ofXM122 can be done either via the USB to UART interface or the SWD/JTAG interface. The XM122 is connected to the XB122 via a board-to-board connector on the top side of the XB122 PCB.In addition to the board-to-board connector for the XM122, the XB122 comprises a USB micro B receptacle, a 2x5 pin header and a 2x10 pin header. There are two buttons on the XB122, marked DFU and NRST. The NRST button is connected to the reset pin of the nRF52840 MCU and the DFU isu sed for “Device Firmware Update”. An LDO, a CR2477 coin cell battery connector and a FTDI chip that converts USB into UART is also available on the board.The picture below shows the XB122 radar module breakout board. The leftmost picture shows the front side of the XB122, with the board-to-board connector for the XM122 module, and the rightmost picture shows the reverse side of the XB122.The picture below shows the dimensions of the XB122.The thickness of the PCB is 0.8mm +- 0.2 mm. The diameter of the holes is 3.2mm. The block diagram of XB122 is found in Figure 1 below.Figure 1. The block diagram of XB122.2.2 PowerThe XB122 is powered via the USB connector. The USB 5V power domain supplies the USB-UART chip (U1). If the USB-UART interface is not used, a dedicated USB charger can be used.When the LED D1 on the XB122 is lit, the USB-UART chip is powered and ready to use. If SW1 is set to “USB” it a lso means that XM122 is powered and ready to use (if connected to the board-to-board connector on the top side of XB122). Alternatively, if SW1 is set to “BATTERY”, the XM122 is powered from a CR2477 battery. However, the internal XB122 circuitry is still powered from the USB so that the battery power is only dedicated to the XM122 module. A CR2477 battery is not provided with EVK.The 5 V from the USB connector is supplied directly to the USB-UART chip 5V input. It also powers an LDO (Low Drop-Out power regulator) that generates 1.8V for the USB-UART chip GPIOs.The ENABLE signal of the power switch (U2) is controlled by GPIOs on the USB-UART chipFT230XS. As shown in Figure 2, t he GPIOs “CBUS0” and “CBUS1” are connected to a NAND gate (U3) which in turn enables the power switch. “CBUS0” is configured as “BCDCHARGER#” and “CBUS1” is configured as “PWREN#” as defaul t.Figure 2. Block Diagram showing the logic control of the Power Switch ENABLE signal.“BCDCHARGER#” will output a logic “0” if a USB Dedicated Charger is detected. This means that the XB122 can be powered from a USB Dedicated Charger if no data is to be sent. “PWREN#” will output a logic “0” as soon as the FT230XS has been configured by the USB host. This prevents excess current being drawn by the XM122 during USB enumeration of FT230XS, since no power will be available for the XM122 until USB enumeration is completed. For details regarding the configuration of FT230XS refer to chapter 2.5.If the USB host on the external processing unit enters suspend mode, PWREN# will be set high and the powerswitch will be disabled. It is therefore important to ensure that the external processor USB host doesn’t enter suspend mo de unintentionally.2.3 ConnectorsUSB (J1)USB is used as power supply for the XB122 and the XM122 as well as for flashing and communicating over UART. USB is connected to the FTDI chip FT230XS which converts the UART interface from XM122 into USB data signals. The pinout of J1 is shown in Table 1.Table 1. The pinout of J1.30 pin board-to-board connector (J3)The 30-pin board-to-board connector is intended to connect the XM122 to the XB122. The pinout is found in Table 2.Table 2. The pinout of J3.1 On XB122, the routing of GPIOs P0.23, P0.21, P0.24 and P0.22 between J3 and J5 has been optimized for SPI interface configuration.2x5 JTAG/SWD pin header (J4)The 2x5 JTAG/SWD pin header (1.27 mm pitch) contains the signals needed for flashing the XM122 MCU via the SWD interface. The pinout matches that of the Cortex 10-pin JTAG/SWD Connector and is found in Table 3.Table 3. The pinout of J4.2x10 pin header (J5)The J5 pin header is a miscellaneous 2x10 pin header (2.54 mm pitch) and provides a connection to the XM122 GPIOs as well as VBAT. The pinout is found in Table 4.Table 4. The pinout of J5.2.4 Switches and buttonsThere is one switch on XB122. SW1 determines if XM122 is powered from the USB 5V power domain or from a CR2477 coin cell battery. In Table 5 the position of the switch and the corresponding power source output is shown.Table 5. The connected terminal of the switch SW1 and corresponding VOUT.There are two buttons on the XB122. SW2 controls the signal “DFU” (Device Firmware Upgrade) connected to XM122 and SW3 controls “NRST” connected to the XM122. In Table 6 the state of the buttons and the corresponding signal states are listed.Table 6. The states of the switches SW2 and SW3.2.5 FTDI FT230XS USB-UART (U1)The FT230XS is a USB 2.0 Full Speed compatible USB to serial UART converter. It is integrated on the XB122 to enable communication with the XM122 UART via USB interface. For details regarding the FT230XS refer to the datasheet [1]. For details regarding how to use the XB122 to communicate with XM122, refer to the XB122_XM122 User Guide.The connections of the FT230XS UART interface pins are described in Table 7.Table 7. The FT230XS UART interface pins.Except for the UART interface there are four GPIOs on the FT230XS. The usage and XB122 default configuration of the GPIOs are listed in Table 8. The GPIOs can be flashed via the USB interface by using the program FTPROG from FTDI. For details, refer to the FT230XS datasheet [1].Table 8. The FT230XS GPIOs.XB122– Product Brief2.6 Electrical SchematicsThe electrical schematics for the XB122 are found on the following pages:Page 13 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential© 2019 by Acconeer – All rights reserved 2020-01-22Page 16 of 21Proprietary and Confidential© 2019 by Acconeer – All rights reserved2020-01-222.7 Component Placement DrawingThe component placement drawing of XB122 is found below. Top Side:Bottom Side:2.8 Bill of MaterialTable 9 shows the BOM for XB122.Table 9. The BOM of XB122.Page 18 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential© 2019 by Acconeer – All rights reserved 2020-01-223 References1.FT230XS datasheet:https:///Support/Documents/DataSheets/ICs/DS_FT230X.pdf4 Revision HistoryPage 20 of 21 Proprietary and Confidential© 2019 by Acconeer – All rights reserved 2020-01-225 DisclaimerThe information herein is believed to be correct as of the date issued. Acconeer AB (“Acconeer”) will not be responsible for damages of any nature resulting from the use or reliance upon the information contained herein. Acconeer makes no warranties, expressed or implied, of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or course of performance or usage of trade. Therefore, it is the user’s responsibility to thoroughly test the product in their particular application to determine its performance, efficacy and safety. Users should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders.Unless Acconeer has explicitly designated an individual Acconeer product as meeting the requirement of a particular industry standard, Acconeer is not responsible for any failure to meet such industry standard requirements.Unless explicitly stated herein this document Acconeer has not performed any regulatory conformity test. It is the user’s responsibility to assure that necessary regulatory conditions are met and approvals have been obtained when using the product. Regardless of whether the product has passed any conformity test, this document does not constitute any regulatory approval of the user’s product or application using Acconeer’s product.Nothing contained herein is to be considered as permission or a recommendation to infringe any patent or any other intellectual property right. No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property right is granted by Acconeer herein.Acconeer reserves the right to at any time correct, change, amend, enhance, modify, and improve this document and/or Acconeer products without notice.This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof.。






© 2010 Electric版权所有用于描述设备的图纸及图片仅作为一般参考作用,而不能确保每个细节的完整性与准确性.。



目录目录 (3)一、产品简介 (4)二、功能概述及选型 (4)三、技术参数 (5)3.1输入信号..................................................... - 5 -3.2测量精度..................................................... - 5 -3.3通讯......................................................... - 5 -3.4适用性条件................................................... - 5 -四、安装与接线 (6)4.1外型尺寸及开孔............................................... - 6 -4.2接线......................................................... - 7 -五、基本操作与使用 (11)5.1显示屏与操作按键............................................ - 11 -5.2测量数据显示................................................ - 12 -5.3参数设定.................................................... - 12 -六、参数及功能说明 (17)6.1需量........................................................ - 17 -6.2最大值/最小值............................................... - 17 -6.3 SOE事件记录................................................ - 17 -6.4继电器控制输出.............................................. - 17 -6.5分时电度........................................ 错误!未定义书签。





三、使用特‎性:1、既有‎远优于PVC绝缘电缆‎的所有性能指标,又克‎服了物理交联和其它化‎学交联的弊端,并且完‎全达到或超过了GB/‎I EC规定的技术特性‎值。

2、电缆‎导体最高允许工作温度‎为90℃,短路时(5‎S)导体最高温度不超‎过250℃;‎3、电缆敷设时的环境‎温度应不低于0℃,如‎在0℃以下敷设,应对‎电缆预热;4‎、电缆弯曲半径为:‎无铠装时:‎单芯电缆不小于‎电缆外径D的20倍,‎多芯电缆不小于电缆外‎径D 的15倍;有铠‎装时:单芯电‎缆不小于电缆外径D的‎15倍,多芯电缆不小‎于电缆外径D 的12倍‎;5、载流量‎大,敷设不受水平落差‎限制。

四、型‎号、名称及适用范围:‎五、电缆结构‎和尺寸:Y‎J V、YJLV-0.‎6/1kV交联电力电‎缆 YJV、YJLV‎-8.7/10‎k V8.7/‎15kV交联电力电缆‎YJV、YJLV-‎26/35kV交联电‎力电缆 YJV2‎2、YJLV22-‎0.6/1kV钢带铠‎装交联电力电缆‎‎篇二:G‎V S系列使用说明书‎G VS系列影像‎座标测量仪‎用手户册目‎录前言‎?‎?‎21. 仪器‎规格及技术参数‎?‎?3‎1.1 影像测量仪具‎体规格及参数‎?3‎1.2 仪器‎所需电脑推荐配置??‎?‎???32‎.仪器工作原理及结‎构‎?3‎2.1 工作‎原理‎?‎???42.‎2仪器总体结构??‎?‎?4‎3. 仪器安装‎?‎?‎???63.‎1仪器使用环境??‎?‎?7‎ 3.2 仪器的安‎装方法‎?‎?74. ‎仪器的使用方法‎?‎?7‎ 5. 仪器的维护‎和保养‎?‎??76. ‎仪器成套性‎?‎?8‎ 7. 售后服务?‎?‎?‎??8 8.常见问题‎‎?‎??10 前言 G‎V系列影像座标测量仪‎是集光学、精密机械、‎电子、计算机于一体的‎精密高效测量仪器。



招标编号:山东邹平高新铝电有限公司长山热电厂4X330MW机组工程设备招标220kV SF6全封闭组合电器技术规范书招标人:山东邹平高新铝电有限公司长山热电厂工程设计单位:华东电力设计院2010年3月目录第一部分技术规范 (1)1总则 (1)2设计条件与环境条件 (1)3设备技术参数 (3)4技术要求 (3)5质量保证、试验、监造及验收 (26)6包装、运输、装卸 (27)7附图 (27)8投标人提供的技术数据 (27)第二部分供货范围 (1)1一般要求 (1)2供货范围 (1)第三部分技术资料及交付进度 (5)1一般要求 (5)2资料提交的基本要求 (5)第四部分交货进度 (6)第五部分设备监造(检验)和性能验收试验 (9)1概述 ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

2工厂检验 ......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3设备监造 ......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4性能验收试验 ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

第六部分技术服务和设计联络 (13)1投标人现场技术服务 ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

合肥合能电气 电力系统过电压保护系列装置 产品说明书

合肥合能电气 电力系统过电压保护系列装置 产品说明书

S 10 6 8 5.0 图③ 34.6 34.6 30.0 30.0 25.6 25.6 16.0 15.0 75
S 17 10 13.6 5.0 图⑤ 57.5 57.5 50.0 50.0 42.5 42.5 26.5 25.0
R 5 3 4 5.0 图② — — 13.5 13.5 10.5 10.5 7.5 7.2
直流 1mA
参考电压 2ms
(kV) 电流峰

相间 相地 相间 相地 相间 相地 相间 相地
D 4 3.2 3.5 2.5 图③ 13.0 10.7 11.6 9.5 9.4 7.6 7.0 5.7
D 8 6.3 6.9 2.5 图③ 26.2 21.0 23.3 18.7 18.7 15.0 14.0 11.2 200
例如: (1)型号为 HY3B-D-8/I:用于 6kV 电压等级电动机的保护; (2)型号为 HY3B-S-17/I–III:用于 10kV 配电系统的保护器,并附带微机动作记录仪; (3)型号为 HY3B-Z-10/T–III:用于 6kV 系统的较长出线过电压保护,由于安装空间限 制,选 T 型结构并附带微机动作记录仪。
5. 使用和维护 HY3B 系列三相组合式过电压保护器可以在以下条件下正常使用: (1) 户内安装,周围不得有腐蚀性烟气、蒸汽、灰尘、盐雾等污染; (2) 海拔高度不超过 2000m,环境温度在-40℃~+65℃之间; (3) 长期施加在避雷器上的工频电压应不超过避雷器的持续运行电压; (4) 电源频率为 48Hz~62 Hz; (5) 安装地区的地震烈度在 7 级及以下,覆冰厚度不大于 2cm; (6) 最大风速不超过 35m/s;



GW4(A)-126 型户外交流高压隔离开关安装使用说明书0RG.412.479.10页脚内容0江苏省如高高压电器有限公司2008年3月6日用说明书概述系列户外高压交流隔离开关(以下简称隔离开关)是我公司按照国家电力公司发出电输[2001]150文《关于高压隔离开关完善化工作的通知》精神,经走访国内十几个省、市、自治区的数十个供电局和变电所,广泛了解国产、合资生产及进口的各种隔离开关使用运行情况并听取了运行人员、检修维护人员的意见、要求和建议后而开发研制的一种少维护、免维护型隔离开关。









2使用环境条件2.1 使用环境条件必须满足如下要求:页脚内容2a.海拔不超过2000m;b.环境温度-40℃~+40℃;c.风速不大于34m/s;d.地震强度不超过8度;e.覆冰厚度不大于10mm;f.安装场所无严重灰尘、污垢、易燃物质、爆炸危险、化学腐蚀及剧烈震动;g.安装基础应水平;2.2用户使用周围环境超出本章2.1条的要求,可与我公司协商解决。










操作变速器前通读本手册车辆启动前驾驶员要坐在驾驶员座椅上,按空档(N),拉起手刹如果启动发动机时变速器没有在空档位(N),立刻检查车辆你在操作车辆过程中如果要停车或暂时下车,一定要按空档(N),拉起手刹,并在车轮处加塞块出于安全的原因,变速器挂档前请踩住刹车踏板进行任何焊接操作前,24V电池的正极和负极必须完全断开高压警告标识使用二氧化碳或者干粉灭火器,电池盒中的电池为锂离子电池高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签所有Eaton的柴油混合动力车辆在车内都有高压元件位置图不要切断或移动橙红色高压线束,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开电池盒,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开逆变器,参见高压元件位置图本手册中的紧急关机程序会说明如何在紧急情况时关闭电源警告标识 (i)紧急关机程序 (1)发生火灾时的紧急程序 (2)发生交通事故时的紧急程序 (2)高压元件特征 (3)换档按钮说明 (4)启动和停车 (5)倒档 (6)前进档-自动换档模式 (6)前进档-手动换档模式 (6)低速档 (7)再生制动模式 (7)一般型号信息 (8)故障排除 (9)档位卡死 (9)正确润滑 (10)正确的油面高度: (11)混合动力冷却系统 (11)紧急关机程序方法1:关钥匙(推荐)发动机会关闭仪表盘会关闭混合动力系统会关闭混合动力电池只在电池盒中有电方法2:断开24V电池发动机会关闭仪表盘会关闭方法3:拔掉混合动力控制器的保险丝(30A)混合动力系统会关闭混合动力电池只在电池盒中有电这些程序只适用于紧急情况,车辆维修时请参见《维修手册》中的相关内容发生火灾时的紧急程序如果车辆发生火灾:1.使用二氧化碳或者干粉灭火器,电池盒中的电池为锂离子电池高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签所有Eaton的柴油混合动力车辆在车内都有高压元件位置图不要切断或移动橙红色高压线束,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开电池盒,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开逆变器,参见高压元件位置图发生交通事故时的紧急程序如果条件允许,请把车推到路肩上并停车1.拉手刹2.按空档(N)3.关钥匙4.如果安全的话,下车高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签所有Eaton的柴油混合动力车辆在车内都有高压元件位置图不要切断或移动橙红色高压线束,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开电池盒,参见高压元件位置图不要切割或打开逆变器,参见高压元件位置图高压元件特征所有的高压线束为橙红色,并在接头位置有警告标签;每一个高压元件都有明显的警告或危险标识。

扬州华锦电气科技有限公司 RPC-HJ1系列智能电力电容一体机说明书

扬州华锦电气科技有限公司 RPC-HJ1系列智能电力电容一体机说明书




1)一体化:将各种无功补偿器件集成为一体,一台产品就囊括了传统无功补偿柜体的全 部功能器件。

2)智能化:在高性能硬件的基础上,结合信号采集、无功补偿、联网通讯等先进成熟的 软件应用,可实现精确补偿、智能组网、故障自动排除报警等功能。

3)简易化:一体化的设计,使接线更方便,安装更模块化,生产更简易化;智能化的软 硬件结构,使得在现场使用时无需另行参数设置(包括通讯参数等)就可全智能运行, 智能组网功能可自动组网(多机系统中自动生成主机,可控制其他副机),并具有灵 活的重启复位再组网,故障退网等功能,这都使现场投运更简易化。

完完全全实现了 傻瓜模式。

4)零投化:采用成熟的无功补偿控制技术与电容器复合投切技术,实现了无涌流过零投 切的优点,大大提高了电气使用寿命。

5)多样化:可实现单机运行,多机运行模式,即连即用,系统自动判断组网状态,无需 人工设置。

也可根据需要,配置外接参数显示器,或外接无功补偿控制器,或配电监 测计量终端。

6)小型化:采用紧凑的设计,最大的节省了空间,组成柜体后,在体积,成本,运输等 方面可占据更大的优势。

使用模式单机模式多机组网模式外接主机组网模式环境条件环境温度:-25~45℃相对湿度:40℃,20~90%海拔高度:≤2500m电源条件额定电压:AC 220V/380V电压偏差:-15%~+20%电压波形:正弦波,总畸变率不大于5%工频频率:45Hz ~65Hz功率消耗:≤3W电气安全电气间隙与爬电距离、绝缘强度、安全防护、短路强度、采样与控制电路防护均符合中华人民共和国电力行业标注DL/T 842-- 2003 《低压并联电容器装置使用技术条件》中对应条款要求。

UC9000系列AC DC IR多功能耐压测试仪使用手册说明书

UC9000系列AC DC IR多功能耐压测试仪使用手册说明书

常州市优策电子有限公司UC9000 系列AC/DC/IR多功能耐压测试仪用户使用手册(V1.0)公司:常州市优策电子科技有限公司地址:江苏省常州市钟楼区迎宾路58-18号(213002)电话:*************传真:*************网址: 版本历史:本说明书将不断完善以利于使用。


第1章准备使用 (1)1.1开箱检查 (1)1.2使用注意事项 (1)1.3移动时的注意要点 (2)1.4检查电源和保险丝 (3)1.4.1切换电源电压 (3)1.4.2检查并替换保险丝 (3)1.5连接交流电源线 (3)1.6接地 (4)1.7操作检查 (4)1.8仪器的其它特性 (5)第2章操作规范和措施 (6)2.1禁止的操作行为 (6)2.2紧急情况的处理 (6)2.3测试中的预防措施 (7)2.4高压测试警告 (7)2.5有故障仪器的危险状态 (8)2.6保证长时间无故障使用的条件 (8)2.7日常检查 (9)第3章仪器面板概述 (10)3.1前面板说明 (10)3.2后面板说明 (11)3.3仪器性能概述 (13)第4章基本操作 (17)4.1仪器界面结构概述 (17)4.2显示页面和参数说明 (17)4.2.1 测量显示页面 (18)4.2.2 列表显示页面 (18)4.3测量设置页面 (19)4.3.1 测量配置页面 (19)4.4测试项目页面和参数说明 (20)4.4.1 AC交流耐压参数设置 (21)4.4.2 DC直流耐压参数设置 (21)4.4.3 IR绝缘电阻参数设置 (22)4.4.4 OS开短路检测参数设置 (23)4.5测试功能原理与使用说明 (23)4.5.1 启动测试 (24)4.5.2 接地连接测试 (24)4.5.3 测试电压上升 (25)4.5.4 DC充电电流检测 (25)4.5.5 高压测试 (25)4.5.6 测试电压下降 (25)4.5.7 防电墙功能 (26)4.5.8 电流超限与电弧侦测(ARC)功能 (26)4.5.9 不合格判断 (27)4.5.10 测试结果处理 (27)4.5.11 STOP (28)第5章系统设置 (29)5.1系统设置(SYSTEM SETUP) (29)显示风格(SKIN) (29)语言(LANGUAGE) (29)按键音(KEY SOUND) (29)密码(PASSWORD) (29)日期和时间 (30)5.2接口设置(INTERFACE SETUP) (30)接口模式 (30)RS232C设置 (30)5.3系统信息(INTERFACE SETUP) (30)5.4固件升级(FIRMWARE UPDATE) (31)第6章存储与调用 (32)6.1存储系统概述 (32)6.2文件列表(FILE LIST) (32)第7章附录接口 (34)第1章准备使用本章讲述当您收到仪器后必须进行的一些检查,在安装使用仪器之前必须了解和具备的条件。


3) 为防止装置损坏,严禁带电插拔装置各插件、触摸印制电路板上的 芯片和器件。
4) 请使用合格的测试仪器和设备对装置进行试验和检测。 5) 装置如出现异常或需维修,请及时与本公司服务热线联系。 6) 本装置的出厂操作密码是:8888。

第一篇 技术与原理说明..................................................................................................... 1
CSC-101C/101D 数字式超高压线路保护装置说明书
CSC-101C/101D 数字式超高压线路保护装置说明书

制:张月品 魏会利 校 核:徐振宇
5 装置硬件介绍及典型接线............................................................................................. 51
5.1 CSC-101C/101D 装置概述 .................................................................................... 51
第二篇 用户安装使用说明............................................................................................. 36
4 整定值及整定计算说明............................................................................................... 36



Eaton PDD32P0125TFAKPower Defense UL/CSA 240V Max, Frame 3, Two Pole, 125A, 200kA/240V, T-M (Fxd-Adj) TU, Std Term Line Only (PDG3X2TA300)Eaton Power Defense molded case circuit breakerPDD32P0125TFAK 786679988152109.1 mm 257.1 mm 138.9 mm 5.2163 kg Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) year from the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product,whichever occurs first.RoHS Compliant CSAUL 489Product NameCatalog Number UPCProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliancesCertifications125 AComplete breaker 3Two-polePD3 UL/CSA Only Class A T-M (Fxd-Adj) TU240 V AC240 VStandard Terminals Line Only200 kAIC at 240 Vac 200 kAIC @240V (UL) 22 kAIC Icu @250 VdcEaton Power Defense PDD32P0125TFAK 3D drawing Consulting application guide - molded case circuit breakers StrandAble terminals product aid Power Defense technical selling booklet Power Defense brochurePower Defense molded case circuit breaker selection poster PDG3 UL authorization 100-400a PDG3 UL authorization 250-600a TMTUAmperage Rating Circuit breaker frame type Frame Number of poles Circuit breaker type Class Trip Type Voltage rating Voltage rating - max TerminalsInterrupt rating Interrupt rating range 3D CAD drawing packageApplication notesBrochuresCertification reportsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaPower Defense Declaration concerning California’s Proposition 65Power Defense Frame 3 Breaker Instructions (IL012107EN).pdf Power Defense Frame 3 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To Video Power Defense BreakersPower Defense Frame 6 Trip Unit How-To Video Eaton Power Defense for superior arc flash safety Power Defense molded case circuit breakersPower Defense Frame 2 Variable Depth Rotary Handle Mechanism Installation How-To VideoPower Defense Frame 5 Trip Unit How-To Video Eaton Specification Sheet - PDD32P0125TFAK Power Defense time current curve Frame 3 - PD3Molded case and low-voltage breaker health Safer by design: arc energy reduction techniquesInstallation instructionsMultimediaSpecifications and datasheetsTime/current curvesWhite papers。

Power Defense molded case circuit breakers 产品说明说明书

Power Defense molded case circuit breakers 产品说明说明书

Power Defensemolded case circuit breakersNotes:NWire capacity is based on standard imperial wire sizes; metric sizes provided in table are a direct conversion to demonstrate maximum capacity, not to denote metric wire sizes. Other options and configurations are available. Consult with product line or terminal offering literature.For PD-1 through PD-4, No Terminals and Screw Terminals (end cap kit) are also available: N —No terminalsS —Line and load side screw terminals D —Line side only screw terminals E —Load side only screw terminalsFor PD-5 and PD-6, only configuration on Digit 14 is No Terminals: N —No terminals (Imperial tapped terminals)—Default option M —No terminals (metric tapped terminals)Accessories may also be configured for factory installation by adding Digits 15–20 to the catalog number. If no accessories are needed, Digits 15–20 default to NNNNNN, but are not required for order entry. Consult catalog or product selector tool for additional details.A For four-pole thermal-magnetic breakers, 4 = 100% neutral protection; 6 = 60% neutral protection; 0 = 0% neutral protection.B Neutral protection is programmable to 0, 60 and 100% for all PXR trip units; use 4 to order.C Two-pole PDG2 breakers are not offered with ETU.D For PDG1, N and P interrupting ratings available on three- and four-pole breakers.E Single-pole N and P interrupting ratings only available to 30 A.F H as the leading character of the ampacity indicates a high instantaneous version of the breaker for coordination purposes. H ratings must use 600 A frame.G PD-3, PD-4, PD-5 and PD-6 ratings.H PD-1 and PD-2 ratings. PD-1 rated for 347/600 V applications. PD-2 rated for 600 V applications.I PD-2 N and P interrupting ratings with PXR trip units rated to 25 kA at 600 Vac.J PDF2 breakers may be configured only with specific terminals, using J (Standard) or W (non Al) for digit 14. However, when using J for 225 A, the oversized terminal presented as T will be used. Other terminals are as presented for J and W.K PD-3 M interrupting rating breakers are current limiting for the 400 A frame only; 400 A and 600 A frames are current limiting for N and P interrupting ratings.T F AThtrmal-magntoic orip unioeNots:N Adjustable thermal/adjustable magnetic trip units are available for IEC applications; please consult with product line for additional information.Nots:N The interrupting rating of individual frames may vary, consult the specific frame information for exact ratings.Nots:NRelays—Form A contacts programmable for external indication. Modbus—Modbus RTU directly from trip unit. ZSI—Zone selective interlocking. CAM —CAM Link for connection to external communications adapter module (CAM); contact product line or catalog for ordering information.PNwtr Xptro Rtltaet (PXR) orip unioePDPNwtr Xptro Rtltaet (PXR) orip unioe• Breaker health for diagnostics and predictive maintenance • Communications and energy metering at 1% accuracy level • Zone selective interlocking (ZSI) with local and remote indication • Programmable relays for situational awareness and flexibility• Programmable Arcflash Reduction Maintenance System E•Power Xpert Protection Manager software for setup and testingPrNduco etltcoNr and otchnical daoaScan the QR code for additional assistance in selecting a breaker or to obtain data sheets and 2D or 3D drawings.Y ou can also visit our website at m/PNwtrDtftnet .。






1.直流降压回路开路保护器在直流操作电源中的应用 [J], 赵应春;廖立平
2.电流互感器防开路保护器 [J], 朱业生;王林
3.发光二极管(LED)开路保护器 [J], 王守志
4.为灯串产品选择LED开路保护器 [J], Chad Marak
5.单向LED开路保护器 [J],

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