

科隆krohne OPTISWIRL 4200 涡街流量计 说明书

科隆krohne  OPTISWIRL 4200 涡街流量计 说明书

涡街流量计电子版本: ER 2.0.0_OPTISWIRL 4200快速启动© KROHNE 08/2017 - 4004294402 - QS OPTISWIRL 4200 R03 zh内容2 08/2017 - 4004294402 - QS OPTISWIRL 4200 R03 zh1 安全须知32 安装42.1 用途.....................................................................42.2 供货范围.................................................................62.3 存储.....................................................................62.4 运输.....................................................................72.5 安装条件.. (8)2.5.1 测量液体时应严禁的安装......................................................92.5.2 测量蒸汽和气体时应严禁的安装...............................................102.5.3 带控制阀的管线.............................................................102.5.4 推荐安装位置 (11)2.6 最小进口直管段..........................................................122.7 最小出口直管段..........................................................132.8 整流器..................................................................132.9 安装.. (14)2.9.1 安装注意事项...............................................................142.9.2 夹持型仪表的安装...........................................................152.9.3 法兰型仪表的安装...........................................................162.9.4 分体型现场外壳的安装.......................................................172.10 隔热层.................................................................182.11 转动机壳...............................................................192.12 旋转显示板. (20)3 电气连接213.1 安全须知................................................................213.2 连接信号转换器..........................................................223.3 电气连接. (23)3.3.1 电源.......................................................................233.3.2 电流输出...................................................................233.3.3 电流输入...................................................................243.3.4 二进制输出.................................................................243.3.5 限位开关输出...............................................................253.3.6 脉冲输出 / 频率输出........................................................273.3.7 状态输出...................................................................283.4 分体型的接线............................................................283.5 接地连接................................................................303.6 防护等级. (31)13 08/2017 - 4004294402 - QS OPTISWIRL 4200 R03 zh 警告与符号使用操作• 此符号标注出所有的操作提示,操作人员必须按规定顺序进行操作。



©KROHNE 03/20027.02425.21.00GRElectromagneticFlowmetersVariable area flowmetersVortex flowmetersFlow controllersElectromagnetic flowmetersUltrasonic flowmetersMass flowmetersLevel measuring instrumentsCommunications technologyEngineering systems & solutionsSwitches,counters,displays and recordersHeat meteringPressure and temperatureApplicationKROHNE electromagnetic flowmeters are to be found in many industrial sectors and applications.Just a small selection:G Chemical industry G Water and wastewaterGHydraulic transport,liquid products with up to 50% solids content G Paper and woodpulp production G Pharmaceutical G Food and beveragesG Filling and dispensing processes G Highly abrasive slurriesG High-pressure industrial processes GPartially filled pipelinesand many,many other applications in other industriesFIT and FORGET !All electromagnetic flowmeters are delivered ready for operation.Install the flowmeter in the pipeline,make the electrical connection,that's it.Always one step ahead with KROHNEThis highly accurate measurement technology is available with integrally or remote mounted converter,some with measuring errors of less than 0.2% of the measured value.The primary head is installed in the pipeline,while the signal converter for signal processing is remote mounted in a field housing or 19" plug-in unit.In the integral system,the signal converter is mounted in a housing with high protection category directly on the primary head.With meter sizes of DN2.5 - 3000 / 1/10" - 120",measurements can be carried out from 2l/h to 300 000m3/hand more.Most of the devices are approved for use in hazardous locations.Various materials are available for the measuring tube,liner and electrodes of the flowmeters for most applications. Electromagnetic flowmetersProduction and calibrationAll electromagnetic flowmeters from KROHNE meet the requirements of CE directives and EMC guidelines.Fabrication and production shops are certified to ISO 9001.At KROHNE,all electromagnetic flowmeters are calibrated by direct comparison of volumes,the most accurate calibration method of all.The KROHNE calibration rigs are the world's biggest and most accurate,and are accredited to EN17 025.Measurement uncertainty is less than 0.013% of themeasured value for meter sizes up to DN 3000 / 120" and above.7Electromagnetic flowmeters >0.05 µS /c m >5 µS /c m >20 µS /c m >50 µS /c mD N 2.5,4,6 1/10”,1/6”,1/4”D N 10 3/8”D N 32 11/2”Signal converterDatenblätterF l a n g e c o n n e c t i o n s F l a n g e l e s s ‘s a n d w i c h ’d e s i g n C h e m i c a l s W a t e r a n d s e w a g e P a r t i a l l y f i l l e d p i p e s P h a r m a c e u t i c a l s ,s a n i t a r y B a t c h i n g (1-10s )V e r y a b r a s i v e s l u r r i e s H i g h p r e s s u r e 2- o r 2 x 2-w i r e s y s t e mG e n e r a l p u r p o s e S a n i t a r y c o n n e c t i o n s H A R T ®/R S 485 (s t a n d a r d )P r o f i b u s P A H A R T ®/R S 485 (o p t i o n )H A R T ® (o p t i o n )O t h e r s o n r e q u e s t m Ao u t p u t ,2 w i r e c o n n e c t i o n ≤3 W ≤5 V A / ≤4.5 W ≤10 V A / ≤8 W ≤15 V A / ≤15 W ≤50 V A 2o r 2 x 2-w i r e s y s t e m 24,48,100 – 240 V A C ,48– 63 H z 24 V D C 24 V A C / D C 100 – 230 V A C ,48 –63 H z L i q u i d s ,p a s t e s S l u d g e a n d s l u r r i e s % s o l i d s /v o l u m e ≤3%S l u d g e a n d s l u r r i e s % s o l i d s /v o l u m e ≤5%S l u d g e a n d s l u r r i e s % s o l i d s /v o l u m e ≤30%P u l s a t i n g f l o w ,< 200 p u l s e s /m i n B a t c h i n g p r o c e s s > 1.5 s P a p e r a n d p u l p H y d r a u l i c t r a n s p o r t (o r e d r e s s i n g )o n l y I F C 090 K -C A P C a p a c i t i v e s i g n a l p i c k u p F ou n d a t i o n F i e l d B u s F A D N 251”D N 40 11/2”D N 502”D N 803”D N 1004”D N 1255”D N 1506”D N 2008”D N 25010”D N 30012”≤D N 1800≤72”≤D N 3000≤120”I S O f i t t i n g l e n g t h o n l y I F C 110 P F a n d I F C 210 E -P F P a r t i a l l y f i l l e d p i p e s ,AQUAFLUXECOFLUX 1000ALTOFLUX 2000ALTOFLUX 4000PROFIFLUX 5000VARIFLUX 6000ALTOFLUX 2W 2 wireBATCHFLUXCAPAFLUXTIDALFLUX partially filledALTOFLUX IFS 2005 FALTOFLUX IFS 4005 FALTOFLUX M 900IFC 010 K,FIFC 020 K,F ,EIFC 040 K 2 wireIFC 090 K,F IFC 090 K-CAP IFC 110 F IFC 110 PFIFC 210 E IFC 210 E-PFSC 150 FBatchflux IFC 012 KElectrical conductivitySizesConnectionsApplications (examples)Flow measurements (examples)Power supply Power consuptionInterfacesIFM 1080 KG Flangeless versionG Rugged measuring tube withstainless steel reinforced 080 KG Flanged connectionsG Steel housingµP-signal converter in plasticsIFM 4080 KG Flanged connectionsG Steel housingTeflon® PFA liner,reinforced withIFM 5080 KG Flangeless versionG Stainless steel housing The only precision flowmeter IFM 6080 KG Various sanitary/flangedconnectionsStainless steel housingG Precision flowmeterG With capacitive signal pickup(electrodes not in contact withG Flangeless versionG Rugged measuring tube withstainless steel reinforced G Flanged connectionsG Steel housingG Liner of Polypropylene,NSF-G Flanged connectionsG Steel housingG Teflon® PFA liner,reinforced withG Flangeless (sandwich) designG Stainless steel housingG The only precision flowmeter with G Flanged connectionsG Steel housingG Measuring tube made of Al2O3G Various sanitary/flanged connec-tions,stainless steel housingG FDA approved Teflon® PFA liner,G Designed for partially filled pipelinesG Excellent measuring accuracy,for low levels,through the integratedG IFC 010 K/IFC 020 K of integral design G IFC 010 F/IFC 020 F in field housing G IFC 020 E 19”plug-in version.G IFC 090 K of integral designG IFC 090 F in field housingG Signal processing by microprocessor,G Signal converter in field housingG Signal processing by microprocessor,outstanding interference rejection,G Signal converter in field housing for wall mounting G Signal processing by microprocessor,outstanding interference rejection,T o w e r h e i g h t 43 m e q u i v a l e n t t o 141 f t / n e t v o l u m e 350000 l i t r e s e q u i v a l e n t t o 95000 U S G a lPrecisionLM28 precision level switches control the flow volume and various computer-aided volume totalizersQmInlet run ≥10 ×DN (DN = meter size)©G The world’s largest and most accurate calibration rigGCalibration of flowmeters up to DN 3000 / 120”GCalibration by direct comparison of volumes,altogether the most accurate method GComparison measurements with so-called master meters are much less accurate and cannot be verifiedGThe volume measurement standards ofKROHNE calibration rigs have been calibrated by NMI,the Netherlands Standards Institute.Measurement uncertainty is less than 0.013% of the measured value.GKROHNE Altometer calibration rigs are accredited in conformity with EN 17 025.GCalibration accuracy is better than 99.97% of the measured value.GThe error of measurement of the calibration rigs is better by a factor of 10 than theaccuracy data of the flowmeter being tested.GAll flowmeters are calibrated underreference conditions,similar to EN 29 104.GAll calibration data are genuine and verifiable; documented in writing in the calibration reports,which are supplied together with each KROHNE flowmeter.An example is shown on the right.E r r o r o f m e a s u r e m e n t [% o f m e a s u r e d v a l u e ]Flow rate [m 3/h]0,50,402000400060008000100000,30,20,10,0-0,1-0,2-0,3-0,4-0,5+ 0.03%Accuracy inspires confidenceAt this flowrate,a typical public swimming-pool can be filled in less than 1 minute.Inaccuracy is less than 0.013% in terms of volume and less than 0.26 mm in terms of filling level (equal to the thickness of a single hair),based on an average pool depth of 2 metres.Flowmeters up to DN 3000/120”creates theKROHNE standardOutlet run ≥2 ×DN (DN =meter size)Volume flow rate Q max = 40 000 m 3/h= 11 m 3/sMeasuring Principle 3.1The induced voltage signal is picked up either by two measuring elec-trodes in conductive contact with the medium or indirectly bycapacitive coupling.A signal converter amplifies the signal and convertsit into a standard analog signal (e.g.4 to 20 mA) and a frequencysignal (e.g.1 pulse for every US gallon or cubic metre of mediumflowing through the measuring tube).To ensure that the voltage is not short-circuited by the pipe wall,themeasuring tube is made of an electrically insulating material or fittedwith an insulating liner.Measurement is largely independent of the flow profile and other prop-erties of the medium,such as pressure,temperature,viscosity,density,consistency,electrical conductivity,and electrode contamination.Measuring systemsThe electromagnetic flowmeter consists of a primary head,that isinstalled in the pipeline,and a signal converter.The compact design has the signal converter mounted directly on theprimary head.For systems with pulsed d.c.field the primary head field coils whichgenerate the magnetic field are energized by a pulsed direct currentfrom the signal converter.The measuring signal is a squarewave voltage of the same frequency.These systems feature extremely small measuring errors. Electromagnetic flowmeters measure the volume flow of electricallyconductive liquids and slurries.Measuring principleAn electric conductor,in this case the electrically conductive medium,passes through a magnetic field.The voltage U induced in this mediumis directly proportional to the mean flow velocity v.Magnetic inductionB (magnetic field strength) and the distance between electrodes D(nominal pipe diameter) are constant.K instrument constantB magnetic field strengthv mean flow velocityD electrode spacingThe volumetric flow rate qv can be calculated according toTherefore:q v=U x D xπ(4)K x B4The reducing angle (α) should not exceed 8°(equivalent to α/2 = 4°),otherwise measuring accuracy may be affected.If the reducing angle is greater,a straight inlet section must be fitted between reducing socket and primary head.Expanding sectionPressure Loss CalculationFor the expanding section,the optimum angle of expansion is α= 8°.ζat α= 8°d1/d2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0ζ10.0180.0230.02550.0280.030.03080.03150.03230.0332Recommendations for installationSelection of meter sizeThe size of primary head should if possible be selected to provide a velocity of 2 to 3m/s or 6 to 9ft/sec.for the full-scale range. Minimum full-scale range is 0.5m/s or 1.5ft/sec.,maximum is 10 or 11m/s or 30 or 33ft/sec.,depending on flowmeter type.For fluids with a solids content,the velocity should be between 3 and 5m/s or 9 and 15ft/s to prevent deposits and minimize abrasion.Exact determination of flow velocityFor range setting purposes,the exact flow velocity can be determined using the flow table for each nominal pipe width.Example: v in m/sNominal pipe diameter DN150Desired measuring range200m3/hFrom the table we obtain for the flow velocity of 1m/sa flow rate of 63.617m3/h at DN150; for 200m3/hthe flow velocity v is:Example: v in ft/sNominal pipe diameter6”Desired measuring range1000 US GPMFrom the table we obtain for the flow velocity of 1ft/sa flow rate of 88.128 US GPM at 6”meter size;for 1000 US GPM the flow velocity v is:Flow tablesv = 1m/sMeter size Flow rate Meter size Flow rate DN mm m3/h DN mm m3/h2.50.017671250176.71 40.0452********.47 60.10179350346.36 100.28274400452.39 150.63617500706.86 20 1.131********.9 25 1.76717001385.4 32 2.89538001809.6 40 4.52399002209.2 507.068610002827.4 6511.94612004071.5 8018.09614005541.8 10028.27416007238.2 12544.17918009160.9 15063.617200011310 200113.10v = 1ft/sMeter size Flow rate Meter size Flow rate inch US GMP inch US GMP1/100.024********.801/80.03825012352.511/40.1530014479.813/80.3442516626.69 1/20.6120020979.21 3/4 1.3770241410.1 1 2.4480281919.211/4 3.8250322506.8 11/2 5.5080363172.6 29.7921403916.8 21/215.300485640.2 322.032567677.0 439.1686410027 561.2007212691 688.1288015667 8156.67Protection classes to IEC 529/EN 60529。



金属管浮子流量计H250U介质自上而下流通 H250H介质水平流通1:简述H250HU是全金属结构,可带无磁滞后、无任何传动机构变送器,可现场安装气阻尼装置的模块化金属管水平安装垂直上进下出式浮子流量计。





RR1 1Cr18Ni9Ti不锈钢测量管RR 316L不锈钢测量管M9,M10指示器ESK 4-20mA二线制变送器ESK-Z 4-20mA二线制变送器带现场累计显示ESK3-PA Profibus PA变送器K 开关信号传感器德国KROHNE公司80多年的设计与应用经验数据蕴藏在产品结构中。

2:优点z坚固、简洁、可靠设计z模块化、智能化指示器设计z一次成型测量锥管z X-射线探伤z短行程、小型结构、250mm高z德国KROHNE公司计算软件保证计算准确z介质粘度,密度,温度,压力多级修正z全进口流量校验装置保证产品精度z100%压力测试, 100%产品校验z多种指示器M9、M10选择z多种信号输出:4-20mA;0.02-0.1MPa;开关信号z多种技术认证保证质量3:企业与产品认证z ISO9001质量体系认证z ERP管理通过财务认证z中国石化资源市场成员单位z中国石油一级供应网络成员z计量器具制造许可证CMC:冀制08000115号z防爆认证:中国NEPSI NEPSI GYB02289z防爆认证:德国ATEX 2181 ExiaIICT6z电磁兼容性EMC 符合:EN 61326 :03/1997+A1:04/1998 +A2:03/3001z PED证书z符合NAMUR NE21/05/93用户应当严格遵照以下技术条件使用4:主要技术参数流量计型号H250H;H250U测量范围(100%值)水:20℃70-120,000 l/h;特殊按用户要求量程比10:1精度等级*(依据VDI/VDE3513版本2) 1.6级流量刻度划分实际流量刻度,根据KROHNE软件计算换算测量管与浮子材质不锈钢(详见型号说明)316一次成型锥管HC,Ti其它特殊材质参见H256水平流量计浮子形状不锈钢液体测量DIVTB,DIVT,DIVL浮子仪表口径标准型DN15-DN100特殊型DN15-DN300压力等级标准型 DN15-DN50/PN4.0 MPa;DN80-DN100/PN1.6MPa 特殊型或按照用户要求 DN15-DN25/PN42.0 MPa;DN50-DN100/PN16 MPa 法兰标准标准型DIN2501;ANSI; HG20592;SH3406;GB特殊型按照用户要求,或用户提供仪表高度标准型250 mm(3“-4“ANSI300lb时,高度:300mm)特殊型300 mm或按照用户要求夹套连接(选项)标准型DN15/PN4.0MPa 或1/2“ANSI150lb 或∮12mm套管特殊型按照用户要求注意:法兰最大允许的工作压力取决于介质温度,其压力的规定,请参照相应的法兰标准。



M40 铸铝/不锈钢机壳
M40 指示器

2. 优点
● 坚固、简洁、可靠设计 ● 模块化、智能化指示器设计 ● 与国际市场同步,选用新型ESK变送器 ● 一次成型测量锥管 ● 陶瓷气阻尼装置 ● X-射线探伤 ● 低压力损失设计 ● 短行程、小型结构、250mm高
标准型 仪表口径 食品型 特殊型 标准型 压力等级 食品型 特殊型或按照用户要求 标准型 法兰标准 食品型 特殊型 标准型 仪表高度 特殊型 夹套连接 (选项) 标准型 特殊型
DN15-DN100 DN15-DN100 DN15-DN300 DN15-DN50/PN4.0 MPa;DN80-DN100/PN1.6MPa DN15-DN25/PN4.0 MPa;DN50-DN100/PN2.5MPa DN15-DN25/PN42.0 MPa;DN50-DN100/PN16 MPa DIN2501;ANSI; HG20592;SH3406;GB SMS;DIN11851;Tri-Clamp 按照用户要求,或用户提供 250 mm(3"-4"ANSI300lb时,高度:300mm) 300 mm或按照用户要求 DN15/PN4.0MPa 或1/2“ANSI150lb 或Φ12mm套管 按照用户要求
指示器 主要功能 流量显示 累计显示 双介质刻度 开关量(数量) 脉冲输出 4-20mA信号 HART PROFIBUS-PA总线 电缆接口 防爆形式 ● ● ● M9 指针 ● ●

KROHNE FV-200系列流量计说明书

KROHNE FV-200系列流量计说明书

G-5The FV-200 Series meter utilizes vortex-shedding technology to provide a repeatable flowmeasurement accurate to 1% of full scale. The meter has nomoving parts, and any potential for fluid contamination is eliminated by the meter’s corrosion-resistant all plastic construction. The meter includes a compact 2-wire (4 to 20 mA) or 3-wire pulse transmitter (optional), contained within a conveniently replaceable plug-in electronics module. All electronics are housed in a corrosion-resistant enclosure. Unlike meters containing metal or moving parts, the FV-200 is perfect for aggressive or easily contaminated fluids. Applications range from ultra-pure water to highly corrosive chemicals and slurriesOperation of the FV-200 vortex flowmeter is based on the vortex shedding principle. As fluid moves around a body, vortices (eddies) are formed and move downstream. They form alternately, from one side to the other, causing pressure fluctuations. These are sensed by a piezoelectric crystal in the sensor tube, and are converted to a 4 to 20 mA, or pulse signal. The frequency of the vortices is directly proportional to the flow rate. This results in extremely accurate and repeatable measurements using no moving parts.Another advantage of utilizing aFV-200 vortex flowmeter is that there are no gaskets or elastomers in themeter. Therefore, one need only be concerned with the thermoplasticmaterial used in body construction.In a thermoplastic piping system, the material chosen for the flowmeter should match that of the pipe wherever possible.Many factors may affect the capability of a meter to measurethe flow of specific fluids accurately. Different solutions have varying ef-fects on meters. For instance, heavy particle suspension will wear down internal parts on some meters or cause sensing inaccuracies for non-obtrusive metering systems. For vortex flowmeters, high viscosities tend to dampen the formation of vortices and reduce the effective range. Particles and internal bubbles do not usually affect vortex meters. Slurries containing grit can wear down the bluff body over a period of time. Also, long fibers can catch and build up on the bluff,decreasing accuracy. Standard factory calibration is for tap water at32 SSU (1 CST) viscosity and ambient temperature. Viscosityabove 1 CST will raise the minimum readable flow rate, reducing SpecificationSMeasured: Liquidsconnection: 1⁄4 to 2 NPT threadWetted Material: PVC, CPVC or PVDF depending on model number turndown Ratio: 12.1 (except 1⁄4" meter size; 8.1)accuracy: ±1% of full scale, 4 to 20 mA or ±2% of full scale, frequency pulse (“-p” option)Repeatability: ±0.25% actual flow output Signal: 4 to 20 mA orfrequency pulse (source-sink driver; 1A source/ 1.5A sink; typical output resistance 10 Ω)power Supply: 13 to 30 Vdc enclosure: NEMA 4X (IP 66)Response time: 2 seconds minimum, step change in flowrangeability. The effect is linear toviscosity. No adjustments are required for specific gravities up to 2.0. Liquids with high specific gravities will adversely affect the permissible amount and duration of over range flow.Uno Moving parts U corrosion Resistant U 6 to 51 mm (1⁄4 to 2") Sizes UH igh temperature [95°c (203°f)] Models available U niSt certificatefV-211, shown smaller than actual size.ALL PLASTIC VorTex FLowMeTer For CorroSIVe LIquIdSfV-200 SeriesG-6GP O R D E R U S S E R P )r a b i l l i M (For units with a pulse output add a “-P” to the model number, no additional charge.*For high temperature CPVC or PVDF add suffix “-HT” to model number, for additional cost.Ordering Examples: FV-213, 3⁄4 NPT, PVC vortex flowmeter and DPi32, 1⁄32 DIN digital display. FV-226-P, 2 NPT, CPVC vortex with pulse output.FV-231-P-HT, 1⁄4 NPT, PVC vortex with pulse output and high temperature option.。

KROHNE 电磁流量计安装说明书

KROHNE 电磁流量计安装说明书

Variable area flowmeters Vortex flowmeters Flow controllersElectromagnetic flowmeters Ultrasonic flowmeters Mass flowmetersLevel measuring instruments Communications engineering Engineering systems & solutionsGR/PRINTO©KROHNE 04/2001 C 31 0000 01 EElectromagneticFlowmetersG Installation notes G Sizing guide G Ordering guideInstallation notes 3.1Electrical conductivity of the fluidMeasurement is independent of the conductivity of the fluid,provided itis above the limit specified for the various systems.For most primary heads,the lower limit is 5 µS/cm.Distance between primary headand signal converterThe maximum distance is limited byG conductivity of the fluidG for systems with pulsed d.c.field excitation,by the cross-sectional area of the field power cableG for systems with hazardous location approval (European Standardor Factory Mutual),by the capacitance of the signaltransmission cableIf more than one of these points apply,the shortest distance is binding.Precise information on the distance between primary head andsignal converter,connection diagrams and length of the signaltransmission cable is given in the individual signal converterspecifications.Magnetic inductive flowmeters should be installed and wired inaccordance with the information and directions given in theinstallation and operating instructions.Installation in the pipelineG Location and position as required,but electrode axis must beapproximately horizontalG Stud bolts and nuts,to install,make sure there is sufficient roomnext to the pipe flangesG Vibration,support the pipeline on both sides of the flowmeterG Large meter sizes (> DN 200 or > 8”),use adapter pipes to permit axial shifting of counterflangesto facilitate installation.G Straight inlet run minimum of 5 x DN and outlet run minimumof 2 x DN (DN = meter size),measured from electrode axis(undisturbed flow)G Vortex or corkscrew flow,increase inlet and outlet sections orinstall flow straightenersG Strong electromagnetic fields,avoid in vicinity of flowmeterG Thermally insulated pipeline,do not insulate flowmeterG Suggestions for installationTo avoid measuring errors due to air inclusion,please observe the following:Highest point of pipe run(Air bubbles collect inmeasuring tube-faultymeasurements)PreferredlocationsDownpipe“Zero”flowvelocity.Linedrained.Faultymeasurements.open dischargeHorizontal pipe runInstall in slightly ascendingpipe sectionOpen feed or dischargeInstall meter in low section of pipe.Downpipe over 5 m (16 ft) lengthInstall air valve ⊗down-stream of flowmeter (vacuum!).>5mLong pipelineAlways install control and shutoff valvesdownstream of flowmeter (vacuum!).PumpsNever install flowmeter on pump suction side(vacuum!).Background Water Wastewater Abrasive,corrosive and hot products Non-contact measurement κ≥0.05µS/cm Food,Beverage,Pharmaceutical High Pressure and special connectionsCompact and RemoteRemote Calibration /Measuring PrincipleSizing /installation guidesOrdering guide Signal converter 3Sizing Guide 3.1Sizing guide 3.1Flow tablesv = 1m/s Meter size Flow rate Meter size Flow rate DN mm m3/h DN mm m3/h 2.50.017671250176.7140.0452********.4760.10179350346.36100.28274400452.39150.63617500706.8620 1.131********.925 1.76717001385.432 2.89538001809.640 4.52399002209.2507.068610002827.46511.94612004071.58018.09614005541.810028.27416007238.212544.17918009160.915063.617200011310200113.10v = 1ft/s Meter size Flow rateMeter size Flow rate inchUS GMP inch US GMP 1/100.02448010244.801/80.03825012352.511/40.1530014479.813/80.3442516626.691/20.6120020979.213/41.3770241410.112.4480281919.211/43.8250322506.811/2 5.5080363172.629.7921403916.821/215.300485640.2322.032567677.0439.1686410027561.2007212691688.12880156678156.67Recommendations for installationSelection of meter sizeThe size of primary head should if possible be selected to provide a velocity of 2 to 3m/s or 6 to 9ft/sec.for the full-scale range.Minimum full-scale range is 0.5m/s or 1.5ft/sec.,maximum is 10 or 11m/s or 30 or 33ft/sec.,depending on flowmeter type.For fluids with a solids content,the velocity should be between 3 and 5m/s or 9 and 15ft/s to prevent deposits and minimize abrasion.Exact determination of flow velocityFor range setting purposes,the exact flow velocity can be determined using the flow table for each nominal pipe width.Example: v in m/s Nominal pipe diameter DN150Desired measuring range200m 3/hFrom the table we obtain for the flow velocity of 1m/sa flow rate of 63.617m 3/h at DN150; for 200m 3/h the flow velocity v is:Example: v in ft/s Nominal pipe diameter 6”Desired measuring range1000 US GPMFrom the table we obtain for the flow velocity of 1ft/s a flow rate of 88.128 US GPM at 6”meter size; for 1000 US GPM the flow velocity v is:v =200m 3/h x1m/s63.617m 3/hv = 3.144m/s v =1000 US GPM x 1ft /s 88.128 US GPM v = 11.35ft /sProtection classesto IEC 529/EN 60529 Sizing Guide 3.1The reducing angle (α) should not exceed 8°(equivalent to α/2 = 4°),otherwise measuring accuracy may be affected.If the reducing angle is greater,a straight inlet section must be fitted between reducing socket and primary head.For the expanding section,the optimum angle of expansion is α= 8°.ζat α= 8h d 1/d 2 1.2 1.3ζ10.0180.0230.02550.0280.030.03080.03150.03230.0332Expanding sectionPressure Loss CalculationSizing Guide 3.1Ordering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering Guide Ordering Guide 3.1Ordering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering GuideOrdering Guide 3.1Ordering GuideOrdering Guide。



KROHNE涡街流量计技术资料DWM 2000 DDWM 2000 Electromagnetic Flowmeter with LCD IndicatorOperating instructionsContents1 Display data in operating mode (3)2 Functions of the LCD indicator for the DWM 2000 D (4)2.1 Programmable parameters (4)2.1.1 Flow calibration (4)2.1.2 Current output adjustment (4)2.1.3 Time constant (4)2.2 Electronics module checks (5)2.3 Programming structure (Software n° 1.02) (5)2.3.1 User interface buttons (5)2.3.2 Menu naviagation (6)2.3.3 Summary of programming menus (8)2.4 Parameters stored in the EEPROM (menu 2.4.3) (10)2.5 Error message list (11)2 Operating Instructions DWM 2000 D1 Display data in operating modeOperating Instructions DWM 2000 D 32 Functions of the LCD indicator for the DWM 2000 Dparameters2.1 Programmable2.1.1 Flow calibrationThe G K can be modified in menu 2.1.3 in order to obtain the maximum accuracy at operating conditions. A field calibration requires an accurate reference of velocity. The meter recalibration (G K modification) is also recommended after an exchange of electronics module.The value of the new calibration constant (G K new) can be calculated as follows:GK new = GK old x VaVmwith:Va = actual velocityVm = measured velocity (reference value)2.1.2 Current output adjustmentThe minimum value (i0%) and the maximum value (i100%) of the current output at normal operating conditions can be adjusted from menus 2.2.2. and 2.2.3.The actual values of the i0% and the i100% must be measured with an accurate milliammeter in a 4...20 mA loop.i0% must be in the range 3....12 mA. The factory setting is 4 mA.i100% must be in the range 12....21 mA. The factory setting is 20 mA.2.1.3 Time constantThe time constant value can be set in menu 2.2.4. This value represents the time needed to detect 63% of a simulated flow rate instantaneously raised from 0 to 100%. Time constant range : 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50 m.4 Operating Instructions DWM 2000 D2.2 Electronics module checksVarious parameters from the electronics module can be viewed directly for troubleshooting purposes.The DWM 2000 switches to alarm mode when the current output is permanently below 3 mA. In this case the current output value indicates the type of error that occurs:Obey the instructions that follow to find faults and the corrective actions to be undertaken.Call up the error messages (menu 1.2.2.) and note the last one.Refer to the error message list. Replace the electronics module in case of fatal error, deactivate the alarm mode in menu 1.2.1. or the alarm count in menu 1.2.4 (in case of minor error).CMInAinOperating Instructions DWM 2000 D 52.3.2 Menu navigationGo through the steps given in the illustrations that follow to get to the required menu.6 Operating Instructions DWM 2000 DOperating Instructions DWM 2000 D 72.3.3 Summary of programming menusFct. n° Text Description and settings1.0.0. TEST Main menu CHECK ALL Sub menu 1.1.0. for check of electronic components 1.1.1. MAG. FEQ. Frequency of magnetic field10 Hz ≤ frequency ≤ 14.5 Hz, operating mode1.1.2. FULL SCALE Programmed full scale1 m/s ≤ full scale ≤ 8 m/s1.1.3. U REF Internal voltage referenceU Ref. = 2.5 V1.1.4. AMPLI Test value of amplifier control loopValue ≥ 40 in test modeResultof data check in EEPROM1.1.5. EEPCHECKS“XXX”: measured value = test has been successful“XXX + ALARM”: test has failed and alarm mode has beenactivated (current output value < 4 mA).Resultof data check in EEPROMCHECKS1.1.6. EPValue = 223091.1.7. ZERO KEY Result of zero calibration push button test“OK”: test has been successful; “ALARM”: The test has failedand alarm mode has been activated (current output < 4 mA).This is only a test and does not reset the instrument to zero.Refer to the installation manual to use the Zero Cal button onthe DWM 2000 electronics block correctly.1.2.0. DIAGNOSTIC Sub menu 1.2.0. Diagnostic1.2.1 ALARM MODE Deactivation of the alarm mode (current output < 4 mA) caused by test failure (see menu 1.1.2. to 1.1.7).“YES”: alarm mode is enabled“NO”: alarm mode is disabled1.2.2. REG FAIL. All the error messages that have occurred since the first power-up are listed. Maximum storage capacity: 32 messagesSee section “2.5 Error Message List” for the meaning of errormessages.1.2.3. TESTActivation of PRODUCT (factory auto-diagnostic test mode) or MODECUSTOM (field auto-diagnosis test mode = less severe).Default setting: CUSTOM (field test mode)Resetof the alarms counterCOUNT1.2.4. ALARMUP2.0.0. SETMain menu 2.0.0.PARAMETER2.1.0. DATA BASE Sub menu 2.1.0. Base data2.1.1. FULL SCALE Not available.head calibration constant 0.8 ≤ G K≤ 1.300Primary2.1.3. GKVALUESee section “1.1.1. Flow calibration” on how to recalculate G K.2.1.4. CORRECTION Activation of the low flow linearization for velocity below 3 m/s.Select “YES” or “NO”, default setting:“YES”8 Operating Instructions DWM 2000 DOperating Instructions DWM 2000 D 9Fct. n° TextDescription and settings 2.2.0. CURRENT OUT Sub menu 2.2.0. Current output 2.2.1. CURRENT? Not available 2.2.2. I 0% Calibration of the current output for i 0%Measure the exact value on a milliammeter and press the “+” or “-” key in order to obtain the wished value for i 0% 3 mA ≤ i 0% ≤ 12 mA2.2.3. I 100% Calibration of the current output for i 100%Measure the exact value on a milliammeter and press the “+” or “-” key in order to obtain the wished value for i 100% 12 mA ≤i 100% ≤ 21 mA2.2.4. TIME CONST. Time constant for output of the measured valuesRange: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50 m2.4.0. SPECIAL Sub menu 2.4.0. Special functions 2.4.1. LANGUAGE Language for display text“GB”: English “F”: French “D”: German2.4.2. PASSWORD Not available 2.4.3. EEP PARAM. Display of the different parameters memorised in theEEPROM: see section “2.4 Parameters Stored in the EEPROM”. Read only.2.4.4. FILTER Activation of an electronic filter for noisy applications(foam, solid contents).Select “YES” or “NO”, default setting “YES”.2.4.5. DISPLAY Display of the actual velocity in m/s. The velocity is displayedafter quitting the programming menu.Select “YES” or “NO”. Default setting “NO”.It must be programmed to “NO” before you disconnect the DWM 2000 D.2.4.6. DIAMETER Diameter of the pipe into which the sensor is inserted. Thisvalue is needed for calculating the flow rate. If you enter a value of “0”, this switches off flow rate on the indicator display. Refer also to the CAUTION that follows. 50 mm ≤ diameter ≤ XXXX mmC D th dIf2.4 Parameters stored in the EEPROM (menu 2.4.3)Parameter Comment Typicalvalue CHECKS 1 Check EEPROM n°1 -CHECKS 2 Check EEPROM n°2 -CHECKS BYTE 1 Check EEPROM -CHECKS BYTE 2 Check EEPROM -CPT ALARM. Counting of all the error messagessince the first power-up.-CPT ALARM.2: Counting of all the error messagessince the last reset.-TEST Indication of auto diagnostic testlevelCUSTOMCORRECTION YES/NO Indication of activation of low velocity linearization. YESEP CHECKS Result of the data check in EPROM(see menu 1.1.6.) Value = 22309 With soft V1.02FS Display of the programmed full scalevalues (see menu 1.1.2.)1 m/s ... 8 m/sGK Primary head calibration constant(see menu 2.1.3.)0.8 ... 1.3U REF Internal voltage reference(see menu 1.1.3.)2.4. ... 2.6.T CST Time constant (see menu 2.2.4.) 5 sTEST AMP Test value of the amplifier controlloop (see menu 1.1.4.)75 (95)FM Frequency of the magnetic field(see menu 1.1.1.)10 ... 14.5 HzDIAMETER Diameter of pipeline(see menu 2.4.6)≥ 50 mm10 Operating Instructions DWM 2000 D2.5 Error message listListed below are the messages which can appear in menu 1.2.2. This function stores all the faults that have occurred since the first connection to power.ErrormessagesComment ActionsMAG. FREQ No magnetic field frequency out of range10 Hz ≤ frequency ≤ 14.5 HzReplace the electronics module AMPLI Dysfunction of the amplifier loop Replace the electronics moduleF.S. Programmed full scale out of range(>8 m/s or <1 m/s).Replace the electronics module ZERO KEY Dysfunction of ZERO key (short circuit) Replace the electronics module EP CHECK Data loss in EPROM (software) Replace the electronics module EEP CHECK Data loss in EEPROM (calibration andcalculation data)Replace the electronics module U REF Amplifier voltage reference is damaged Replace the electronics module CURR. OUT Incorrect position of the internal current outputswitchReplace the electronics module FS SWIT EEP Modification of the full scale power on Program the full scale power off ZERO Velocity measurement during the zeroadjustment is more than 0.2 m/s. Deactivate the alarm mode and adjust the zero againOperating Instructions DWM 2000 D 11DWM 2000 D nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nn/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.htmlAddresses:GermanyNorthern sales officeKROHNE Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Bremer Str. 133D-21073 HamburgPhone:+49 (0)40 767 3340 Fax:+49 (0)40 767 33412 nord@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html ZIP code: 10000 - 29999, 49000 - 49999 Western and middle sales office KROHNE Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Ludwig-Krohne-Stra?e D-47058 DuisburgPhone:+49 (0)203 301 4416 Fax:+49 (0)203 301 10416 west@krohne.deZIP code: 30000 - 34999, 37000 - 48000, 50000 - 53999, 57000 - 59999, 98000 - 99999Southern sales officeKROHNE Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Landsberger Str. 392 D-81241 MunichPhone:+49 (0)89 121 5620 Fax:+49 (0)89 129 6190 sued@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html ZIP code: 0 - 9999, 80000 - 89999, 90000 - 97999Southwestern sales officeKROHNE Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Rüdesheimer Str. 40 D-65239 Hochheim/Main Phone: +49(0)6146) 827 30 Fax:+49 (0)6146 827 312 rhein-main@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.htmlZIP code: 35000 - 36999, 54000 - 56999, 60000 - 79999Instrumentation and control equipment catalogTABLAR Messtechnik GmbH Ludwig-Krohne-Stra?e 5D-47058 DuisburgPhone:+49 (0)2 03 305 880 Fax:+49 (0)2 03 305 8888kontakt@tablar.de; www.tablar.deKROHNE sales companiesInternationalAustraliaKROHNE Australia Pty LtdQuantum Business Park 10/287Victoria Rd Rydalmere NSW 2116 Phone: +61 2 8846 1700 Fax: +61 2 8846 1755krohne@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html .au AustriaKROHNE Gesellschaft m.b.H.Modecenterstra?e 14A-1030 ViennaPhone:+43 (0)1/203 45 32Fax:+43 (0)1/203 45 32 99info@krohne.atBelgiumKROHNE Belgium N.V.Brusselstraat 320B-1702 Groot Bijgaarden Phone:+32 (0)2 4 66 00 10 Fax:+32 (0)2 4 66 08 00 krohne@krohne.beBrazilKROHNE Conaut Controles Automaticos Ltda.Estrada Das águas Espraiadas, 230 C.P. 56 06835 - 080 EMBU - SP Phone:+55 (0)11-4785-2700 Fax:+55 (0)11 4785-2768 conaut@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html .brChinaKROHNE Measurement Instruments (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., (KMIC)9th Floor, Xujiahui International Building1033 Zhaojiabang Road Shanghai 200030Phone: +86 21 6487 9611Fax:+86 21 6438 7110info@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html Czech RepublicKrohne CZ, spol. s r.o.Sobìsická 15663800 BrnoPhone: +420 (0)545.242 627Fax: +420 (0)545 220 093brno@krohne.czFranceKROHNE S.A.S.Les Ors BP 98F-26103 ROMANS Cedex Phone:+33 (0)4 75 05 44 00Fax:+33 (0)4 75 05 00 48info@krohne.frGreat Britain KROHNE Ltd.Rutherford DrivePark Farm Industrial Estate Wellingborough Northants NN8 6AEPhone:+44 (0)19 33 408 500Fax:+44 (0)19 33 408 501info@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html CISKanex KROHNE Engineering AG Business-Centre Planeta Office 404 ul.Marxistskaja 3109147 Moscow/Russia Phone:+7 (0)095 911 7165Fax:+7 (0)095 742 8873krohne@dol.ruIndiaKrohne Marshall Ltd.A-34/35, M.I.D.C. Industrial Area,H-BlockPimpri Poona 411018Phone:+91 (0)202 744 2020Fax:+91 (0)202 744 2020pcu@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html IranKROHNE Liaison Office North Sohrevardi Ave. 26,Sarmad St., Apt. #9Tehran 15539Phone: +9821 8874 5973Fax: +9821 8850 1268krohne@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html Italy KROHNE Italia Srl. Via V. Monti 75I-20145 MilanPhone:+39 02 4300 661Fax:+39 02 4300 6666info@krohne.itKoreaKROHNE KoreaRoom 508 Miwon Bldg 43Yoido-Dong Youngdeungpo-Ku Seoul, KoreaPhone: 00-82-2-782-1900Fax: 00-82-2-780-1749mail@krohne.co.krNetherlandsKROHNE Nederland B.V.Kerkeplaat 14NL-3313 LC Dordrecht Phone:+31 (0)78 630 6200Fax:+31 (0)78 630 6405Service Direct: +31 (0)78 630 6222info@krohne.nlNorwayKROHNE Norway A.S. Ekholtveien 114NO-1521 MossPhone:+47 (0)69 264 860Fax:+47 (0)69 267 333postmaster@krohne.no PolandKROHNE Polska Sp.z.o.o.ul. Stary Rynek Oliwski 8a 80-324 GdanskPhone: +48 (0)58 520 9211Fax.:+48 (0)58 520 9212info@krohne.plSwitzerland KROHNE AG Uferstr. 90CH-4019 BaselPhone:+41 (0)61 638 30 30Fax:+41 (0)61 638 30 40info@krohne.chSingaporeTokyo Keiso - KROHNE (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.14, International Business Park, Jurong EastChiyoda Building, #01-01/02Singapore 609922Phone: (65) 6567 4548Fax : (65) 6567 9874tks@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.html .sg Republic of South Africa KROHNE Pty. Ltd.Bushbock CloseCorporate Park South Midrand, Gauteng P.O. Box 2069Midrand, 1685Tel.: +27 (0)11 314 1391Fax: +27 (0)11 314 1681midrand@krohne.co.zaSpainI.I. KROHNE IBERIA, S.r.l.Poligono Industrial Nilo Calle Brasil, n o. 528806 Alcalá de Henares Madrid Phone: +34 (0)91 883 2152Fax: +34 (0)91 883 4854 krohne@krohne.esUSAKROHNE, Inc.7 Dearborn Road Peabody, MA 01960Phone: +1 (800) FLOWINGPhone: +1 (978) 535 6060 (in MA)info@/doc/12550bd628ea81c758f578d0.htmlRepresentativesAlgeria Argentina Cameroon Canada Chile Columbia Croatia Denmark Ecuador Egypt Finland Gabon Ghana Greece Hong Kong Hungary Indonesia Iran Ireland IsraelIvory Coast Japan Jordan Kuwait Libya Lithuania Malaysia Mauritius Mexico Morocco New Zealand Peru Portugal Romania Saudi Arabia Senegal Slovakia Slovenia Sweden Taiwan Thailand Tunisia Turkey Venezuela YugoslaviaOther countriesKROHNE Messtechnik GmbH & Co. KG Ludwig-Krohne-Str. 5D-47058 DuisburgPhone:+49 (0)203 301 0Fax:+49 (0)203 301 389 export@krohne.deElectromagnetic flowmeters Level measuring instruments Variable area flowmeters Temperature measuring instruments ?Mass flowmeters ?Pressure measuring instruments ?Ultrasonic flowmeters ?AnalysisVortex flowmetersOil and gas industryFlow controllersKROHNE measuring technology - Product overviewK R O H N E 04/2008S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e。


法兰连接 只 对 于 H250/RR。 H250/C4/Ti 带有保温夹套 食品型连接
DN 15- DN 150
DN 15- DN 100 DN 15, DN 25 / PN 40 DN 50, DN 80, DN 100 / PN
DIN 2501 法 兰 ANSI B 16.5 法 兰 只 对 于 H250/RR。 H250/C4/Ti 保温夹套法兰 保温夹套管 DIN 11851 食 品 型 标 准 特殊类型
200 300 180 300 200 300 200 300 190(150) 200(150) 145
3″ , 4″
M9/HT/ESK-Z 270
SC 3.5-N0 (2-线 制 ) M9 SJ 3.5-E2 (3 线 制 ) M9 SC 2-N0 (2 线 制 ) M7 SJ 3.5-E2 (3 线 制 ) M7
最大数量 2 2 2 2
2- 线 制 接 线 的 限 位 开 关 符 合 DIN 19234(NAMUR)标 准 , 可 以 应 用 于 危 险 场 合 。 3线 制 连 接 的 限 位 开 关 使 用 10~30 V DC 电 压 供 电。限位开关的位置可以直接在刻度盘上设置。 二线制接线的限位开关需要连接一个 WE77/Ex,KMD 或 KFH 晶 体 管 放 大 器 才 能 工 作 。
水 : 20℃ 空 气 : 1.013 bar abs。 20℃



9 限位开关Kmin, Kmax, k2 概述.............................. 21
9.1 电气连接 ......................... 21 9.2 限位点设置....................... 22 9.3 限位开关K的确定 ............... 23 9.4 技术参数 ......................... 23 10 电信号输出ESK2A(HARTTM)
■ 磁过滤器用于含有铁磁微粒的介质。磁过滤器必须安装在流量计的上游。过滤器由螺旋排 列的磁棒组成,这样可以最大限度减少压力损失。所有磁棒表面都带有防腐的PTFE包层。 磁过滤器有两种类型:
法兰连接 长100mm
夹紧连接 长50mm
适用于所有仪表尺寸:材质为1Cr18Ni12Mo2Ti。 ■ 选择与法兰额定压力或操作压力相对应的螺栓和密封垫(用户自备)。同时还要注意它们的
电缆葛兰 1用堵头密封不用的接口 2将葛兰头拧紧 3留出滴水弯
隔爆型电缆接头的安装 EXD型指示器标准接头为直接引入电缆,如左下图示。接线完成后,必须将压紧盘3拧 紧,保证密封效果,否则可能因为泄漏造成安全事故! ■ 不能随意更换其它的密封圈,如果有损坏,应及时和我们联系。 ■ 严禁现场无压紧电缆装置供电工作! ■ 如果现场有电缆保护套管,可以选择右下图所示的电缆密封装置,同样需要拧紧压紧盘5。

1 H250流量计的安装 1.1 安装要求............................ 5 1.2 管道准备............................ 5 1.3 管道安装............................ 5 2 启动 2.1 液体的测量.......................... 8 2.2 气体的测量.......................... 8 3 流量表 3.1 H250/RR,H250/ 哈氏合金C4 ...... 9 3.2 H250/ 陶瓷 .........................10 3.3 H250 H .............................11



194 (275)
M7 / K
145 (200)
293 (392)
90 (175)
194 (347)
M7 / KD
M7 / P
注:括号内的数字只有当使用最低 100℃ 的抗热电缆时才允许。选项 ESK,K,KD,P:请参阅说明和长距 离数据传送。有关带加热装置的仪表的温度数据可与科隆公司联系查询。 * 对防爆型流量计的最高允许过程温度可与公司联系查询。
356 (392)
110 (200)
230 (392)
M7 / KD
M7 / P
25 / 50 1” / 2” M9 / ESK
130 (170)
266 (338)
M9 / ESK-Z 160
M9 /K
130 (200)
K 15.2 40 0.18 —
K 15.3 63 0.28 —
K 15.4 100 0.44 —
K 15.5 160 0.70 —
K 15.6 250 1.10 —
K 15.7 400 1.76 —

0.7 0.43 — — 26 0.38 21 0.30 — —

1.0 0.62 — — 26 0.38 21 0.30 — —
符合 Directive 89 / 336 / EEC 标准和下列欧洲标准: EN 50081-1: 1993 EN 50082-2: 1995 同时满足 NAMUR 推荐的技术标准:NE 21 / 05 / 93



IFC 300
04 / 2006
所订信号转换器的安装形式 所订信号电缆 (只用于分体型 F 和墙挂型 W) 的型式和长度
(缺省: A 型信号电缆,10m 长) 工厂内数据设定的报告 校准报告 快速启动指导, 按所订的语言提供,用于安装、电气连接、启动和对转换器的操作控制。

CE / EMC / 标准 / 认证





1 电源连接:
1.1 安装的定位和重要注意事项
1.2 将 IFC 300 C, F 和 W 型转换器连接到电源
1.3 分体型传感器的电气连接
1.3.1 A 型、B 型信号电缆和励磁电缆 C 的通用信息
您的流量计已按运行要求设定并交付,运行数据按您的订单设置。信号转换器标准配置带有显示器、操作控制 键和一个 HART® 接口。
IFC 300 C
一体型流量计 信号转换器直接安装在传感器上
IFC 300 F
信号转换器安装在现场型外壳中,分体型 通过励磁和信号电缆电气连接到传感器
IFC 300 W
信号转换器安装在墙挂型外壳中,墙挂型 通过励磁和信号电缆电气连接到传感器
此部分仅适用于 F 型(分体型)
5 盖子,连接传感器的接线端盒
6 励磁电缆接入口
7 信号电缆接入口
8 用于墙上安装或立管安装的安装板 9 连接传感器接线盒盖(5)的锁紧螺丝
IFC 300 C 和 IFC 300 F 的显示面板可以隔 90°旋转 要作这样的调整,拧开电子部分安装腔体的端盖,用螺丝刀或其它合适的工具拉开面板上左右二个金属拉手,在 二个金属拉手间可取出面板,调整到需要的位置后重新插入安装面板。在把显示面板和金属拉手推入电子部件腔 体之前应确定带状电缆带不扭绞。推入后盖上端盖并用手旋紧。 端盖的螺纹应密封并始终涂有油脂; 尤其对于在危险场合(Ex)使用的版本!


① 流量指示值由测量管内的浮子高度决定,通过磁耦合显示在刻度盘上。
② 对 ESK4 内嵌式信号转换器,流量由测量管内的浮子高度决定,并且由 S1 和 S2 磁耦合并处理成 电信号。
H250H 和 H250U 的工作原理
① H250H – 水平流向 ② H250U – 从上到下的流向
流量计工作原理基于改型浮子。可导向浮子自我调节,以使作用于其上的流体力和反向弹簧力达到 平衡。流量值依然取决于测量管内浮子的位置,并通过磁耦合显示在刻度盘上。
所有打湿部件均采用 PTFE 或陶瓷制造,因此可以 用于几乎所有酸和碱介质。根据所使用的材质不 同,仪表可以测量最高温度 70℃/ 158℉(PTFE) 或 250℃/ 482℉(陶瓷)的介质。

1 产品特点 特殊安装型号(H250H / H250U)
液体、气体和蒸汽的流量测量 变面积测量原理
浮子位置 操作和标准体积流量
测量精度 依据
H250 /RR /HC /F H250/C ( 陶 瓷 , PTFE) H250H、 H250U、 H250 (100:1)
VDI / VDE 3513, 表 2 (qG = 50%) 1.6%
操作条件 温度 最高工作温度 TS 压力 最大操作压力 PS 最大测试压力 PT 最小操作压力 防护等级 依据 EN 60529 和 NEMA 250 测量气体时建议使用浮子阻尼


测量气体时,没 有阻尼浮子抖动
l 科隆公司于世界上最先采用测量 管一次性成型技术
l 无孔板等内置结构,提高仪表灵 活可靠性
l 一体化结构:无介质泄漏 提高精度
l 改善流体形状 l 国内唯一
仪表介质参数 仪表生产控制号 仪表安装位号 仪表信息
l 防脱落设计 l 外套30DN100/150 l 高强防腐:Cl2,HCl,KOH l H2SO4,HNO3等测量 l 1.6%精度 l 电/气远传 l 哈氏合金高温介质
H250隔爆型:ExdIICT3-T6 高温型:Tmax:400 ℃
l 水平安装 l 侧侧安装 l 底进侧出 l 上进下出 l 用户提出的特殊连接方式
H250带流量调节阀 H250带流量调节阀 吹扫装置KPTH
对大口径液体流量测量 可以替代“孔板+压力变送器 ” 方便维护 低成本
l 4-20 mA 带有HARTTM l 限位开关 (min, max) l 现场累计流量
2、将ESK2A 的定位孔对准
1、先将ESK2A向右将 两个定位伸到小定位柱下
3、在向右推的同时 向下将ESK2A按下
4、拆卸:从左侧,小螺丝刀伸 到ESK2A下向上撬起即可。
l 无磁滞后耦合系统 l EPROM线性4-20mA 修正

KROHNE科隆金属管浮子流量计H250 H210

KROHNE科隆金属管浮子流量计H250 H210

科隆金属管浮子流量计H250产品特点坚固、简洁、可靠设计来电—洽~询:15 8 050 61 213,找李工模块化、智能化指示器设计与国际市场同步,选用新型ESK2A变送器一次成型测量锥管陶瓷气阻尼装置X-射线探伤低压力损失设计短行程、小型结构、250mm高德国KROHNE公司计算软件保证计算准确介质粘度,密度,温度,压力多级修正全进口流量校验装置保证产品精度100%压力测试,100%产品校验多种指示器M7、M9、M10选择多种信号输出:4-20mA;0.02-0.1MPa;开关信号多种技术认证保证质量可选附件(配件)测量直管段,H系列浮子流量计建议用户安装前五倍口径,后三倍口径的直管段以保证仪表测量精度。





KROV ACAL计算软件:安装在WIN2000或更高系统上实现HART与计算机选型、线性修正、流量累计等功能。



H250带M40指示器1921年,KROHNE即开始设计生产变面积流量计,H250 M40是勇于创新和成熟技术的完美组合。

基于独特的模块化设计,H250 M40具有广泛的应用。



因此,H250 M40能以可靠的测量满足您几乎所有的需求,并且以优异的性价比给您留下深刻的印象!满足所有防爆要求的仪表所有电子元件被设计为本质安全和无火花,可在爆炸性气体和粉尘环境场合使用。


































采用最新型的ESK Ⅱ信号转换器兼有HART协议能讯功能。


可在就地流量指示型仪表内选择安装:-带4~20mA线性输出和HART协议并无磁滞后的ESK Ⅱ信号转换器(本安型)。



可选择安装:4~20mA 线性输出ESK变送器(本安或隔爆型)。


KROHNE 11/2012
!"#$% H250/H250H/H250U !"#
!"#$% !" ! !"#$% !" !" !" !"# ! !"# ! !"#$%& ! ! !"#
H250 !"#$%&'()$*+, !"#$%&'()*+,-. !"#$%&'()*+,-. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0+123)456 !" !"#$% ! !"# 39 !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345 ! " #$%&
! H250H ! !"W
!"#$ !"#$%&
!"#$%&'()*+,-#$./ ! !"#$ !"# 1:2 !"#$ !"# 1:5 1:2 9 !" !"# #$% TIV C4
!"# $ ! DIN 2501 DN mm 15 25 50 80
!"#$%&'()*+,$-./012 !" G M9



Metal Tube Rotameter User Manual(Version21)1.Safety Instructions (1)2.Introduction (3)2.1General Description (3)2.3Features (4)2.4Drawing (5)2.5Technical Parameters (9)3.Intended Use (10)4.Wiring (12)5.Limit Switch (15)6.Flow Table (17)7.Operation (19)7.1Main Parameters (19)7.2Clear Total Flow (20)7.34mA correction (21)7.420mA Correction (22)7.5Flow Unit (23)7.6Damp (24)7.7Small Signal Cutoff (25)7.8Measuring Range (26)8.Trouble Shooting (27)1.Safety Instructions Thank you for purchasing ourproduct.Wehavewritten this guide to provide the persons responsible for the installation,operation and maintenance of your flow meter with the product specific information they will need.In order to prevent damage to instrument and make the instrument in the best performance and stable operation,please read this manual thoroughly before installation.Please have a safekeeping of this manual and together with the instrument after reading.Please pass this manual to technical department of end user to keep.This manual classifies important grade of safety attentions by Caution and Warning.Caution Error operation in case of ignoring the tips might cause the personal injury or damage to the instrument and property.WarningError operation in case of ignoring the tips might cause the personal injury or major accident.Select explosion-proof instrument for explosive environment applicationConfirm whether the nameplate of instrument has the identifiers of explosion-proof certification and temperature class,the instrument can ’t be used in explosive environment without those identifiers.The explosion-proof temperature class of instrument must meet the explosion-proof and temperature of environmental requirements on siteWhen the instrument is in used explosion-proof environment,make sure that the explosion-proof certification and temperature class of instrument meet to theThis manual contents the following icons:Indicates safety attentions which are dangerous.Indicates safety attentions which are needed to pay attention to.Indicates safety attentions which are forbidden.requirements on site.No opening while working in explosive environmentBefore wiring,please power instrument off.The protection class of instrument must meet the working conditionrequirements on siteThe requirement of protection class on site should be under or the same as the protection class of instrument to ensure that the instrument is working fine.Confirm the working environment of instrument and medium temperatureThe environment on site and the maximum medium temperature should be under the nominal value of instrument.Confirm the ambient pressure of instrument and medium pressureThe ambient pressure on site and the maximum medium pressure should be under the nominal value of instrument.If doubting that the instrument in the event of failure,please do not operate itIf there are something wrong with the instrument or it had been damaged,please contact us.ImportantBefore use,read this manual thoroughly and familiarize yourself fully with the features,operations and handling of rotameter to have the instrument deliver its full capabilities and to ensure its efficient and correct use.WarningWhen using a metal tube rotameter,the total system design must be considered to ensure safe and troublefree performance.Function,material compatibility,adequate ratings,proper installation,operation,and maintenance are the responsibilities of the system designer and user.Improper selection or misuse of the product may result in serious personal injury or property damage.InformationMetal Tube Rotameter may be used only for flow measurements of fluid and gaseous media.The manufacturer shall not be liable for damages that may result from unintended or inappropriate use.When dealing with an aggressive medium,clarify the material resistance of all wetted parts.When using the device in hazardous areas,follow the applicable national installation rules.CautionInstallation,start-up and operating personnelOnly trained specialists authorized by the system operator may carry out the installation,electrical installations,startup,maintenance and operation.They must read and understand the operating manual and follow its instructions.The required mounting,electrical installation,start-up and maintenance work may only be carried out by expert and authorized persons designated by the plant operator. Basically,follow the conditions and provisions applicable in your country.2.Introduction2.1General DescriptionLZ Series intelligent Metal tube rotameter is a variable area flow meter which is based on the float position measurement.With full-metal structure,it has the features of small size,low pressure loss,large range ratio(10~20:1),optional transmitter with HART communication function,and convenient installation&maintenance etc.It is widely used in flow measurement and process control of small flow,low flow rate, and various industries under complex and harsh environments.2.3Features 1.Robust all-metalstructure design.2.Suitable for gas and liquid measurement in various industries.3.Cone-shape measuring tube design,which has wide measuring range and good linearity.4.Wetted parts material are optional:Stainless steel,Titanium,Hastelloy,PTFE,FEP,etc.5.Adopt advanced magnetic coupling system design,improve the accuracy and stability6.The upper row displays the instantaneous flow,the lower row displays the total flowInstantaneous flow 0.000-99999Total flow 0.00-99999999Current range 3.80-21.00mA Instantaneous flow percentage 0-100%Pointer angle 0.00-90.00°Ambient temperature-40--+150℃Total flow small signal cutoff 0-10%Damping time setting range 0-10secondsVarious flow units are optional,the range is automatically converted when unit is changed.2.2Working PrincipleThe flow meter consists of a measuring tube and a float inside it.The flow pushes the float to an equilibrium point.The area obtained between the float and the tube is proportional to the flow rate.The point of equilibrium depends on:•E =Force of the fluid flow •Ff =Weight of the float •Al =Free area of flowwhere:Al=A0(calibrated orifice area)-Af (float area)7.For the digital LCD display type,the flow range of the instantaneous flow can be corrected on-site based on the different measuring medium.8.It adopts advanced six level data backup technology,data of total flow can be saved automatically when power-off,(the total flow sending period is0.3S).9.Besides AC/DC power supply,it supports battery power supply function.10.No need to open the cover,it can be operated by a magnetic pen;the key operation function is also available.11.Through the HART protocol,you can use the handheld operator or host computer software to perform partial or full configuration operations on the flowmeter.2.4Drawing·Standard Dimensions and WeightCaliber DN15DN25DN50DN80DN100DN150L (mm)250250250250250250Weight (kg) 5.0 6.51015.51735Square Convertor Round Convertor·Jacket Type Dimensions and Weight Caliber DN15DN25DN50DN80DN100DN150L (mm)250250250250250250Weight (kg)7.51013192138·FEP Liner type Dimensions and weight Caliber DN15DN25DN50DN80DN100DN150L (mm)250250250250250250Weight (kg) 5.0 6.51015.516.532Insulation Jacket typeSquare Convertor Round Convertor·FEP Liner type Dimensions and weight Caliber DN15DN25DN50DN80DN100DN150L (mm)250250250250250250Weight (kg) 5.0 6.51015.51732·Side outlet type:Dimensions,weight and pressure loss(DN15~DN25)·Bottom inlet and side outlet type:Dimensions,weight and pressure lossCaliberDN15DN25F(mm)120120L(mm)250250Weight(kg)67.2Pressure loss(kpa)2130CaliberDN15DN25F(mm)120120L(mm)250250H(mm)67.2Weight(kg)67.2Pressure loss(kpa)2130Square Convertor Round(DN15~DN25)·Horizontal mounting type:Dimensions ,weight and pressure loss Caliber 15202540506580100125150L (mm)250250250300300400400400500500(DN15~DN150Gas)Caliber 15202540506580100125150L (mm)250250250250250250250250250250(DN15~DN150Liquid)·Additional structure and installation instructionsStraight pipe type With Filter Liner FEP with Filter Liner FEP straight pipe typeDiameter DN15DN25DN50DN80DN100DN150 Front straight pipe H1≥(mm)75125250400500750 After straight pipe H2≥(mm)250250250250250250φd(mm)951151652002202852.5Technical Parameters3.Intended UseInstallation drawingEx-proof mark Flame-proof :ExdIICT4~6GbIntrinsically Safe Explosion Proof:ExialICT3-6Sensor body SS304FloatSS304,SS316,Hastelloy,FEPh1:Outlet straight pipe h2:Inlet straight pipe,5D h3:Magnetic filter1.Remote type flow meter need to be earth grounded to get good electromagnetic compatibility.2.Upstream section≥5DN and downstream≥250mm to eliminate the whirlpool effect.3.The welding slag in the pipeline must be cleaned,and there mustn't be any magnetic particles in the magnetic coupling part.4.When install anti-corrosion type flow meter,the strength should be moderately when fasten bolts of flanges to avoid damage to the sealing surface.5.Please properly handle the waterproof problem of the cable connector to prevent rainwater from entering the case.6.If there's magnetic particles in the medium,magnetic filter should be installed in the inlet.If there's non-magnetic particles,filter should be installed.If there is bubbles,exhaust should be installed.7.Control valve should be installed in the downstream of flow meter.Working pressure should be more than pressure loss to make sure flow meter can work stably.8.If medium is pulsating flow,a buffer device should be installed.9.Open the control valve slowly to avoid damaging to the flow meter.10.If pressure is unstable,especially for gas,a damping structure should be adopted.4.WiringNote1:When wiring in accordance with intrinsically safe explosion-proof requirements,please combine the wiring method of the relevant safety barrier. Note2:24VDC power supply and pulse output are not in common ground!Note3:Battery powered model,use a specific power socket,no output.Two-wires4-20mA output connection(with HART)Intrinsic safety connectionRelay output and pulse output connectionAC power supply connectionBattery powered connectionHartThe HART375handheld tool can be connected to the HART instrument in the remote control room or on-site for communication operations.The handheld tool can be connected in parallel to the HART protocol device or to its load resistance(250Ω).Don’t need to consider the polarity of the lead when connecting.In order to ensure the normal communication of the handheld tool,there must be a minimum load resistance of250Ωin the loop.The handheld tool does not directly measure the loop current.After checking that the power supply of the meter loop is normal,press the key of the handheld tool for more than one second to turn on it.After the handheld starting,it will automatically search for the HART device with the polling address zero on the 4-20mA loop.Note:The zero-trim function can correct instrument output zero deviation caused by the installation location and it generally can be conducted at the beginning of the HART devices and instruments periodic verification.The use of this feature requires the authorization of the HART instrument owner,or it may cause the error of the output of HART instrument.5.Limit SwitchOne or two limit switches can be installed in the pointer,when it reaches to the set value,the switch will send a alarm signal,the values have been set according to client’s requests before delivery,values also can be set by client.SC3.5-No limit switch is intrinsic safety explosion proof,it should be used together with transistor amplifier WE77/EX1or WE77/EX2.SC3.5-NO limit switch is direct connection type,power supply is24VDC,three wire output is23.5V electric signal to the PLCFlow Range TableSpecial specifications can be customized according to customer’s inquiry.7.1Main Parameters7.2Clear Total Flow7.5Flow Unit7.6Damp7.7Small Signal Cutoff7.8Measuring Range8.Trouble ShootingNote:Above is some normal trouble shooting.If you have any more question,please contact with manufacturer.SMERI s.r.l.Via Mario Idiomi 3/13。

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