



‎‎‎‎离婚公证书‎英文篇一‎:‎离婚公证书‎英文翻译模‎版 Not‎a riza‎t ion ‎o f Di‎v orce‎[20X‎X] XX‎X Zhe‎n g Zi‎No.X‎X Thi‎s is ‎t o ce‎r tify‎that‎XXX[‎男方姓名]‎(male‎, bor‎n on ‎X XX,1‎9XX[出‎生日期])‎and ‎X XX[女‎方姓名](‎f emal‎e, bo‎r n on‎XXX,‎19XX[‎出生日期]‎) reg‎i ster‎e d de‎v orce‎onX‎X X XX‎,20XX‎[离婚日期‎] at ‎t he C‎i vil ‎A ffai‎r s Bu‎r eau ‎o f XX‎X XX[县‎名], X‎X XX[省‎名] Pr‎o vinc‎e. No‎t ary:‎XXX ‎N otar‎y Pub‎l ic O‎f fice‎XXX ‎P rovi‎n ce T‎h e Pe‎o ple’‎s Rep‎u blic‎ofC‎h ina ‎X XXX ‎X X,20‎X X[公证‎日期]篇二‎:‎英语模板‎离婚协议书‎公证书 N‎O TARI‎A L CE‎R TIFI‎C ATE ‎(***)‎*** ‎Z heng‎Zi, ‎N o.**‎* App‎l ican‎t: **‎*, fe‎m ale,‎born‎on *‎**, c‎i tize‎n’s i‎d enti‎t y ca‎r d No‎.: **‎*, li‎v ing ‎a t **‎* Vil‎l age,‎***T‎o wnsh‎i p, *‎** Co‎u nty,‎*** ‎P rovi‎n ce I‎s sue ‎u nder‎nota‎r izat‎i on: ‎D IVOR‎C E AG‎R EEME‎N T Th‎i s is‎to c‎e rtif‎y tha‎t the‎fore‎g oing‎copy‎ofD‎I VORC‎E AGR‎E EMEN‎T iss‎u ed t‎o ***‎by M‎a rria‎g e Re‎g istr‎y of ‎P eopl‎e’sG‎o vern‎m ent ‎o f **‎* on‎*** ‎c onfo‎r ms t‎o the‎orig‎i nal,‎and ‎t hat ‎t he o‎r igin‎a l do‎c umen‎tis ‎a uthe‎n tic.‎Nota‎r y Pu‎b lic ‎O ffic‎e, **‎* Cou‎n ty, ‎*** P‎r ovin‎c e Th‎e Peo‎p le’s‎Repu‎b lic ‎o f Ch‎i na N‎o tary‎Publ‎i c: *‎** **‎*篇三:‎公证‎书离婚协议‎书样板公‎证书‎(2017‎)×证字第‎××号申‎请人:‎ ×××‎,男,一九‎××年××‎月××日出‎生,现住×‎×省×××‎县××乡×‎×××××‎宿舍,公民‎身份号码:‎×‎×××××‎×××。



英文离婚合同范本English Divorce Contract TemplateThis Divorce Contract is made and entered into by and between [Husband's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Husband") and [Wife's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Wife") on [date].WHEREAS, the Husband and the Wife have decided to end their marriage through divorce;NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:1. Marital Status: The parties acknowledge that their marriage is dissolved as of the date of this contract.2. Division of Assets: The parties shall agree on the division of all marital assets, including but not limited to real estate, personal property, bank accounts, and investments, in a manner to be mutually determined and set forth in a separate written agreement.3. Child Custody and Visitation (if applicable): If there are children of the marriage, the parties shall determine and agree upon custody and visitation arrangements in the best interests of the children. Details of such arrangements shall be specified in a separate child custody agreement.4. Spousal Support (if applicable): The issue of spousal support, if any, shall be determined and agreed upon by the parties and shall be set forth in a separate written agreement.5. Debts and Liabilities: The parties shall divide and assume responsibility for all marital debts and liabilities in a manner to be mutually determined and set forth in a separate written agreement.6. Confidentiality: The parties agree to keep the terms and details of this Divorce Contract and all related negotiations and agreements confidential.7. Legal Representation: Each party has had the opportunity to obtain independent legal advice and represents that they have done so or waived such right.8. Governing Law: This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [applicable jurisdiction].9. Entire Agreement: This Divorce Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, oral or written, with respect to the subject matter hereof.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Divorce Contract as of the date first written above.Husband: [Husband's Signature]Wife: [Wife's Signature]Please note that this is a basic template and should be customized and adapted to meet the specific circumstances and legal requirements of each individual case. It is advisable to consult with a qualified attorney to ensure that all aspects of the divorce are properly addressed and legally enforceable.。



This Divorce Settlement Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into on [Date], by and between [Husband's Full Name], of [Husband's Address], hereinafter referred to as "Husband," and [Wife's Full Name], of [Wife's Address], hereinafter referred to as "Wife," collectively referred to as the "Parties."WHEREAS, the Parties were married on [Date of Marriage], and have mutually decided to dissolve their marriage due to [Reason for Divorce], which is hereby irrevocably terminated.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:1. Property DivisionReal Property: The Parties agree to divide the following real property as follows:The [Address of Property] shall be sold within [Number of Days] from the date of this Agreement. The net proceeds from the sale shall be divided equally between the Parties.Any debts or liabilities associated with the above property shall be paid by the Party who is responsible for its maintenance or sale.Personal Property: The Parties agree to divide their personal property as follows:All personal property owned by either Party, excluding those items specifically listed below, shall be divided equally between the Parties.The following items are excluded from the division of personal property:[List of Excluded Items]Business Interests: The Parties agree to the following terms regarding any business interests:[Husband/Wife] shall retain sole ownership of [Business Name], subject to any outstanding debts or liabilities.The Parties shall work together to ensure a smooth transition of any employees or contracts associated with the business.2. Debt DivisionThe Parties agree to divide their joint debts as follows:[List of Joint Debts] shall be divided equally between the Parties.[Husband/Wife] shall be solely responsible for [List of Individual Debts].Any new debts incurred after the date of this Agreement shall be the sole responsibility of the Party who incurs them.3. AlimonyThe Parties agree that [Husband/Wife] shall pay [Husband/Wife] alimonyin the amount of [Monthly Amount] per month for a period of [Number of Years/Months] from the date of this Agreement. The alimony shall be paid by [Method of Payment] on or before the [Date of Payment] each month.4. Child Custody and SupportCustody: The Parties agree to joint legal custody of their minor children, [Children's Full Names], born on [Date of Birth], and [Date of Birth], respectively.Physical Custody: [Husband/Wife] shall have primary physical custody of the children, with [Husband/Wife] having [Number of Nights/Weeks] of custody per week.Visitation: [Husband/Wife] shall have reasonable visitation rights, which shall be arranged in a manner that is in the best interests of the children.Support: [Husband/Wife] shall pay child support in the amount of [Monthly Amount] per month, which shall be paid by [Method of Payment] on or before the [Date of Payment] each month.5. ConfidentialityThe Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall not disclose any such information to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party.6. General ProvisionsThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions, whether oral or written, of the Parties.Any amendment or modification。



美国法院判决离婚协议书英文模板Divorce Settlement AgreementThis Agreement is entered into between [Name of Husband], hereinafter referred to as "Husband", and [Name of Wife], hereinafter referred to as "Wife", on [Date], with regard to their divorce.1. Property DivisionThe parties agree to divide their assets and liabilities as follows:- The Husband shall retain the vehicle with the VIN [Number].- The Wife shall retain the real estate property located at [Address].- The parties shall divide the bank accounts as follows: [List of Accounts and Amounts].2. Child Custody and SupportThe parties have [Number of Children] children together, named [Names of Children]. The parties agree to share joint legal custody and [Husband/Wife] shall have physical custody. TheHusband shall pay child support in the amount of $[Amount] per month, due on the first of each month.3. Spousal SupportThe parties agree that [Husband/Wife] shall pay spousal support in the amount of $[Amount] per month for a period of [Number of Months], beginning on [Date].4. Retirement AccountsThe parties agree to divide the retirement accounts as follows:- The Husband shall retain the 401(k) account with [Company].- The Wife shall retain the IRA account with [Institution].5. Health InsuranceThe parties agree that [Husband/Wife] shall be responsible for maintaining health insurance coverage for the children.6. Tax ReturnsThe parties agree to file separate tax returns for the current tax year and to divide any refunds or liabilities accordingly.7. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved through mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful, the parties agree to submit to binding arbitration.8. Full and Final AgreementThe parties acknowledge that this Agreement represents the full and final agreement between them and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.[Husband's Signature] [Wife's Signature][Print Name of Husband] [Print Name of Wife]Date: [Date]。



本人同意离异协议书范文英文回答:Divorce Agreement.I, [Your Name], agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this divorce agreement. After careful consideration and discussion, we have come to a mutual understanding and have decided to separate and dissolve our marriage.1. Division of Assets and Debts.We have agreed to divide our assets and debts fairlyand equitably. This includes our house, cars, bank accounts, investments, and any other properties that we jointly own. We will consult with a financial advisor to ensure a fair division of our assets and debts. For example, if we have a joint bank account with $10,000, we will each receive$5,000.中文回答:离婚协议书。



1. 资产和债务的分割。







离婚协议中英范本Divorce AgreementThis Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into on this _____ day of ____________, 20_____, by and between ____________________ (the "Husband") and ____________________ (the "Wife") (collectively referred to as the "Parties").BACKGROUND:The Parties were legally married on ____________ and have resided together as husband and wife since that time. Due to reasons such as the incompatibility of character between the Parties, the breakdown of the marital relationship, and the absence of any possibility of reconciliation, the Parties have agreed to terminate their marriage.AGREEMENT:1. Voluntary DivorceThe Parties mutually agree to dissolve their marriage in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.2. Custody and Support of ChildThe Parties have a child named ____________________, born on____________. The Parties agree that ____________________ (Husband/Wife) shall have the custody of the child. The other Party(____________________) shall pay a monthly support fee of ____________ RMB to the Party with custody until the child reaches the age of 18 or completes college education, whichever is later. The support fee shall be paid every ____________ (e.g., month, quarter, etc.).3. Division of PropertyThe Parties agree to divide their property in the following manner:(a) Real EstateThe Parties own a residential property located at ____________, which is valued at ____________ RMB. The property shall be transferred to____________________ (Husband/Wife) and the other Party shall receive a cash payment of ____________ RMB as compensation. The payment shall be made within ____________ days after the signing of this Agreement.(b) Furniture and AppliancesThe furniture and appliances located in the property shall be owned by ____________________ (Husband/Wife). A detailed list of the furniture and appliances shall be attached as an annex to this Agreement.(c) Other AssetsThe Parties shall negotiate and agree on the division of other assets, such as stocks, shares, and vehicles, in a fair and reasonable manner.4. Debt HandlingThe Parties shall divide their debts in the following manner:(a) Joint DebtsThe Parties agree to clarify which debts are joint debts and which are individual debts. Joint debts shall be repaid by the Parties in accordance with their respective obligations.(b) Hidden AssetsIf either Party hides any assets, the other Party shall be entitled to seek compensation from the hiding Party.5. Visitation RightsThe Parties agree that ____________________ (Husband/Wife) shall have the right to visit the child at reasonable times and intervals. The Party with custody shall provide reasonable notice to the other Party in advance of each visitation.6. Other ProvisionsThe Parties may include any other provisions they deem necessary or appropriate in this Agreement, such as the handling of the child's name change, etc.This Agreement shall be effective upon the signature of the Parties and the completion of the necessary legal procedures for the dissolution of the marriage.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.____________________ ____________________Husband Wife____________________ ____________________Date Date。



离婚协议英文版范本英文版离婚协议范本Divorce AgreementThis Divorce Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is entered into by and between (Party A) and (Party B) on the date of (date).I. Basic Information of Both Parties1. (Party A): (Full name, gender, date of birth, ID number, occupation, address, telephone number, etc.)2. (Party B): (Full name, gender, date of birth, ID number, occupation, address, telephone number, etc.)II. Identity, Rights, Obligations, Performance, Term, Breach of Duty1. Identity(1) Both parties are legally married and have obtain consent from legal authorities to have a divorce;(2) Party A is the (husband/wife) of Party B.2. Rights(1) Both parties have the right of individual freedom and the right to choose their own way of life;(2) Both parties have the right to request that the other party should not interfere in their personal lives.3. Obligations(1) Both parties shall perform their own obligations, take care of their children, and avoid causing harm to the other party;(2) Both parties shall cooperate with each other in the process of divorce and not do anything to impede the proceedings.4. Performance(1) Both parties shall cooperate with and assist each other in the division of property and custody of children, and shall not interfere with the other party's interests.(2) If one party unilaterally breaches this agreement, the other party has the right to demand compensation for damages.5. Period(1) This agreement shall take effect from the date it is signed by both parties until the completion of the specified terms.(2) Any terms that do not have a specified period will be in effect until both parties agree or until either party brings a legal action.6. Breach of Duty(1) If either party breaches this agreement, the other party has the right to request compensation and other legal actions.(2) If one party causes harm to the other party dueto a breach of this agreement, the party at-fault must take full responsibility.III. Compliance with Relevant Chinese Laws and Regulations(1) Both parties shall comply with the relevant provisions of Chinese laws and regulations on divorce;(2) The parties shall respect each other during the divorce proceedings and may notengage in illegal activities that hinder the proper operation of the proceedings.IV. The Rights and Obligations of Each Party(1) Both parties have the right to pursue their own happiness, to assume the responsibility for their personal development, and to take the necessary measures to ensure a satisfying life;(2) Both parties shall have the joint duty to care for their children, to support their livelihood and education, and to provide a stable and good environment for their growth.V. Legal Effect and Enforceability(1) This agreement shall be legally binding on the parties who sign it;(2) This agreement is enforceable in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chinese law;(3) The parties shall take due care when signing and shall not be coerced or misled into signing the agreement.VI. Other(1) This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party taking one copy;(2) All disputes arising from the implementation of this agreement shall be settled through negotiation, and if negotiations fail, they may be submitted to the relevant court for settlement in accordance with the law;(3) This agreement is drafted in both Chinese and English. In case of any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.Party A:Signature:Date:Identity Card Number:Party B:Signature:Date:Identity Card Number:。



notarization of divorce [20xx] xxx zheng zi no.xx this is to certify that xxx[男方姓名](male, bornon xxx,19xx[出生日期]) and xxx[女方姓名](female, born on xxx,19xx[出生日期])registered devorce on xxx xx,20xx[离婚日期] at the civil affairs bureau of xxxxx[县名], xxxx[省名] province. notary:xxx notary public officexxx provincethe people’s republic of china xxxx xx,20xx[公证日期]篇二:英语模板离婚协议书公证书notarial certificate (***) *** zheng zi, no.*** applicant: ***, female, born on ***, citizen’s identity card no.: ***, livingat *** village, ***township, *** county, *** province issue under notarization: divorce agreement this is to certify that the foregoing copy of divorce agreement issued to ***by marriage registry of people’s government of ** * on *** conforms to the original,and that the original document is authentic. notary public office, *** county, *** province the people’s republic of china notary public: ******篇三:离婚公证书离婚公证书离婚公证书()××字第××号兹证明×××(男,×年×月×日出生)与×××(女,×年×月×日出生)于×年×月×日在×××(地点)登记结婚,于×年×月×日在×××(原婚姻登记机关名称,或者经人民法院判决)离婚。

离婚协议书 英文版范本

离婚协议书 英文版范本

离婚协议书英文版范本Divorce AgreementThis Divorce Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into on [Date] by and between [Party A] and [Party B] (collectively referred to herein as "Parties").1. Basic Information of the Parties[Party A]Fullname:Gender:Date of Birth:ID number:Residence:Contact number:[Party B]Full name:Gender:Date of Birth:IDnumber:Residence:Contact number:2. Identification, Rights, and Obligations of the PartiesA. [Party A]a. Identification: [Party A] is the [husband/wife] of [Party B].b. Rights:i. Custody of children: [Party A] shall have [full/ joint] custody of the children.ii. Property division: [Party A] shall [retain/ give up] the following [property/assets]:[describeproperty/assets]c. Obligations:i. Child support: [Party A] shall pay [X] amount of child support per month until the child reaches the age of 18.ii. Alimony: [Party A] shall pay [X] amount of alimony per month until the death or remarriage of [Party B].iii. Debts: [Party A] shall be responsible for the following debts: [list debts]B. [Party B]a. Identification: [Party B] is the [wife/husband] of [Party A].b. Rights:i. Custody of children: [Party B] shall have [full/ joint] custody of the children.ii. Property division: [Party B] shall[retain/give up] the following [property/assets]:[describe property/assets]c. Obligations:i. Child support: [Party B] shall pay [X] amount of child support per month until the child reaches the age of 18.ii. Alimony: [Party B] shall pay [X] amount of alimony per month until the death or remarriage of [Party A].iii. Debts: [Party B] shall be responsible for the following debts: [list debts]3. Compliance with Chinese Laws and RegulationsAll Parties agree to comply fully with all relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.4. Clarification of the Rights and Obligations of Each PartyThe Parties have carefully considered and discussed all aspects of their rights and obligations and have included all relevant provisions in this Agreement. Each Party acknowledges that they fully understand the terms and provisions of this Agreement and willingly accepts the same.5. Legal Effectiveness and EnforceabilityThis Agreement shall be binding on all Parties and shall have full legal effect. Any breach of any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed a breach of contract and subject to legal action.6. MiscellaneousA. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof.B. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.C. Any modificationor amendment of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by all Parties.D. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and each counterpart shall have the same force and effect as an original.[Party A]Signature:Date:[Party B]Signature:Date:。



第1篇This Divorce Settlement Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], by and between [Husband's Full Name], of [Husband's Address], (hereinafter referred to as "Husband"), and [Wife's Full Name], of [Wife's Address], (hereinafter referred to as "Wife"), collectively referred to as the "Parties."WHEREAS, the Parties were legally married on [Marriage Date], and thereafter, the Parties entered into a valid marriage contract;WHEREAS, the Parties have mutually decided to dissolve their marriage by divorce;WHEREAS, the Parties desire to resolve all issues arising out of their marriage and divorce by entering into this Agreement;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:1. Termination of MarriageThe marriage between the Parties is hereby terminated, and the Parties agree to proceed with the divorce process as outlined by the laws of [Jurisdiction].2. Division of PropertyA. Real Property:- The Parties agree to divide the following real property as follows:- [Property Description 1] shall be awarded to [Husband/Wife].- [Property Description 2] shall be awarded to [Husband/Wife].- The Parties agree to execute all necessary deeds and documents to transfer title and ownership of the awarded properties to the respective Party.B. Personal Property:- The Parties agree to divide all personal property acquired during the marriage, except as otherwise agreed upon, as follows:- [Personal Property Description 1] shall be awarded to [Husband/Wife].- [Personal Property Description 2] shall be awarded to [Husband/Wife].- The Parties shall make a complete inventory of all personal property, including but not limited to furniture, vehicles, jewelry, and bank accounts, and shall attempt to divide the property equitably.C. Debt Division:- The Parties agree to divide the following debts as follows:- [Debt Description 1] shall be assumed by [Husband/Wife].- [Debt Description 2] shall be assumed by [Husband/Wife].- The Parties shall make a complete inventory of all debts and liabilities, including but not limited to credit card debts, loans, and mortgages, and shall attempt to divide the debts equitably.3. AlimonyA. Payment of Alimony:- [Wife/Husband] shall pay alimony to [Husband/Wife] in the amount of [Amount] per month, payable on the first day of each month, beginning on [Start Date] and continuing until [End Date] or until the remarriage of the recipient, whichever occurs first.- The payment of alimony shall be subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in this Agreement.B. Modification of Alimony:- The Parties agree that the alimony payments may be modified upon a showing of a substantial change in circumstances, including but not limited to a change in income, health, or employment status.4. Child Custody and SupportA. Legal Custody:- The Parties agree that [Wife/Husband] shall have legal custody of the minor children of the marriage, and [Wife/Husband] shall make all decisions regarding the children's education, health, and welfare.B. Physical Custody:- The Parties agree to a shared physical custody arrangement as follows:- [Wife/Husband] shall have [Percentage]% custody of the children, with [Wife/Husband] having the children on [Specific Days and Times].- [Wife/Husband] shall have [Percentage]% custody of the children, with [Wife/Husband] having the children on [Specific Days and Times].C. Child Support:- [Wife/Husband] shall pay child support to [Husband/Wife] in the amount of [Amount] per month, payable on the first day of each month, beginning on [Start Date] and continuing until the children reach the age of [Age].- The child support payments shall be subject to the terms and conditions as outlined in this Agreement.5. ConfidentialityThe Parties agree to keep the terms of this Agreement confidential and not to disclose any of the provisions of this Agreement to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party.6. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved in the courts of [Jurisdiction].7. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, and understandings,whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Agreement.8. Binding EffectThis Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns.9. SignaturesIN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Divorce Settlement Agreement as of the date first above written.[Husband's Full Name]_________________________Date: ____________________[Wife's Full Name]_________________________Date: ____________________NOTARY PUBLIC:I, [Notary's Full Name], a Notary Public of [Jurisdiction], do hereby certify that the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument has executed the same in my presence, and that by his or her own act and deed._________________________Date: ____________________AFFIDAVIT OF EXECUTIONI, [Affiant's Full Name], being duly sworn, depose and state as follows:1. I am the [Husband/Wife] whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Divorce Settlement Agreement.2. I am over the age of eighteen (18) years and am of sound mind and disposing memory.3. I executed the Divorce Settlement Agreement as my own free act and deed.4. I executed the Divorce Settlement Agreement with full knowledge ofits contents and with full understanding of the terms and provisions thereof.5. I have read and understood the Divorce Settlement Agreement._________________________Date: ____________________AFFIDAVIT OF WAIVERI, [Waiver Party's Full Name], hereby waive any and all claims, actions, or causes of action against [Waiver Party's Spouse's Full Name] or against the other Parties to this Divorce Settlement Agreement arising out of or in any way connected with the marriage of the Parties or the divorce proceeding._________________________Date: ____________________[End of Document]Please note that this is a general template for a Divorce Settlement Agreement and should be customized to fit the specific circumstances and legal requirements of the Parties and the jurisdiction in which the divorce is being filed. It is highly recommended that both Parties consult with legal counsel before finalizing any divorce-related agreements.第2篇This Divorce Settlement Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into as of [Date], by and between [Husband's Full Name], of [Husband's Address],("Husband") and [Wife's Full Name], of [Wife's Address], ("Wife"), collectively referred to as the "Parties".1. PreambleThe Parties, having been legally married on [Marriage Date], hereby mutually agree to dissolve their marriage by divorce. The Parties acknowledge that they have reached a full and final agreement regarding the terms and conditions of their divorce, including, but not limited to, property division, spousal support, custody and visitation of minor children, and any other matters arising from the dissolution of their marriage.2. Property DivisionA. Real PropertyThe Parties agree to the following division of real property:1. The Parties own the following real property as joint tenants: [Listof Property]. Each Party shall have a one-half (1/2) undivided interest in said property.2. The Parties agree that [Husband/Wife] shall retain full ownership and possession of the following property: [List of Property]. The otherParty hereby waives any and all claims to said property.3. The Parties agree to sell the following property: [List of Property] and to divide the proceeds from the sale equally between them.B. Personal PropertyThe Parties agree to the following division of personal property:1. The Parties agree to divide all personal property, including, but not limited to, furniture, furnishings, electronics, jewelry, and vehicles, equally between them.2. If any personal property cannot be divided equally, the Parties agree to resolve the issue through arbitration.C. DebtsThe Parties agree to the following division of debts:1. The Parties agree to pay their respective debts independently of each other.2. The Parties agree to pay the following debts in full: [List of Debts]. The other Party hereby waives any and all claims to said debts.3. The Parties agree to divide the remaining debts equally between them.3. Spousal SupportThe Parties agree that [Husband/Wife] shall pay [Wife/Husband] spousal support in the amount of [Amount] per month, payable on the first day of each month, beginning [Start Date] and continuing for a period of [Number of Years/Months]. The spousal support shall be subject to modification upon a showing of a substantial change in circumstances.4. Custody and VisitationA. Legal CustodyThe Parties agree that they shall share legal custody of their minor children, [Child's Full Name] and [Child's Full Name], born on [Date]and [Date], respectively.B. Physical Custody1. The Parties agree that [Husband/Wife] shall have primary physical custody of the children, with the children residing with [Husband/Wife] for [Number of Nights/Weeks] per month.2. The Parties agree that the other Party shall have visitation rightsas follows: [Describe Visitation Schedule].5. Medical and Educational ExpensesThe Parties agree to share equally the reasonable medical, dental, and educational expenses of their minor children. The Parties shall provide each other with copies of all medical and educational bills and invoices related to the children and shall make payments directly to the service providers.6. Legal Fees and CostsThe Parties agree to pay their respective legal fees and costs associated with the divorce proceedings. Each Party shall be responsible for paying their own attorney's fees and any other legal expenses incurred.7. General ProvisionsA. Non-DisparagementThe Parties agree to refrain from making disparaging remarks about each other to friends, family, or anyone else.B. ConfidentialityThe Parties agree to keep all terms of this Agreement confidential and not to disclose any of the terms to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party.C. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof.D. ModificationsAny modification to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both Parties.E. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [State/Country].8. ExecutionThis Divorce Settlement Agreement is executed in two copies, each Party retaining one original for their records.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Divorce Settlement Agreement as of the date first above written.[Signature of Husband] ___________________________[Husband's Full Name][Date][Signature of Wife] ___________________________[Wife's Full Name][Date]Witnesses:_________________________ ______________________[Full Name] [Full Name][Date] [Date][Addresses of Witnesses]---Please note that this is a sample Divorce Settlement Agreement and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice. Each divorce caseis unique, and it is essential to consult with a qualified attorney to ensure that all legal requirements are met and that the Agreement reflects the specific needs and circumstances of the Parties involved.第3篇This Divorce Settlement Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Date], 20[Year] (the "Effective Date"), by and between [Husband's Full Name], of [Husband's Address], (hereinafter referred to as "Husband"), and [Wife's Full Name], of [Wife's Address], (hereinafter referred to as "Wife"), collectively referred to as the "Parties").RECITALSWHEREAS, the Parties were married on [Marriage Date] in [City,State/Country] and have been legally married since that date;WHEREAS, the Parties have mutually decided to dissolve their marriage and have reached an amicable agreement regarding the terms of their divorce;WHEREAS, the Parties desire to formalize their agreement in writing to avoid future disputes and misunderstandings;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, the Parties agree as follows:1. Termination of MarriageThe Parties hereby agree to terminate their marriage as of the date of the final divorce decree.2. Division of PropertyA. Real PropertyThe Parties agree to the following division of their real property:1. The residential property located at [Address] (the "Residence") shall be conveyed to [Husband/Wife] as follows:- [Husband/Wife] shall receive full ownership of the Residence, free and clear of any claims or liens.- [Husband/Wife] shall assume full responsibility for the mortgage, taxes, insurance, and maintenance of the Residence.2. Any other real property owned by the Parties, including but not limited to investment properties, shall be sold, and the net proceeds shall be divided equally between the Parties.B. Personal PropertyThe Parties agree to the following division of their personal property:1. All furniture, appliances, and household goods located in the Residence shall be divided equally between the Parties.2. Any other personal property owned by the Parties, including but not limited to vehicles, jewelry, and financial accounts, shall be dividedas follows:- [Husband/Wife] shall retain [Description of Property].- [Husband/Wife] shall retain [Description of Property].3. The Parties agree to a fair and equitable valuation of any property not specifically addressed in this Agreement and to resolve any disputes regarding valuation through mediation or arbitration.3. AlimonyThe Parties agree that [Husband/Wife] shall pay alimony to [Husband/Wife] in the amount of [Monthly Amount] per month for a period of [Number of Years] years, commencing on the first day of the month following thedate of the final divorce decree.The alimony payments shall be made directly to [Husband/Wife] and shall be tax-deductible for [Husband/Wife] and taxable income for[Husband/Wife]. The Parties agree that the alimony payments may be modified upon a showing of a substantial change in circumstances.4. Child Custody and SupportA. CustodyThe Parties agree to the following custody arrangement for their minor child/children (the "Child/Children"):1. [Husband/Wife] shall have legal custody of the Child/Children, with [Husband/Wife] having physical custody of the Child/Children during the following periods:- [Specific Time Periods].2. [Husband/Wife] shall have visitation rights with the Child/Children during the following periods:- [Specific Time Periods].B. Child SupportThe Parties agree that [Husband/Wife] shall pay child support to [Husband/Wife] in the amount of [Monthly Amount] per month, commencing on the first day of the month following the date of the final divorce decree.The child support payments shall be made directly to [Husband/Wife] and shall be payable on the first day of each month. The Parties agree that the child support payments may be modified upon a showing of a substantial change in circumstances.5. Medical ExpensesThe Parties agree to the following provisions regarding medical expenses for the Child/Children:1. Both Parties shall provide health insurance coverage for theChild/Children, and the cost of such insurance shall be shared equally between the Parties.2. Any medical expenses not covered by insurance shall be shared equally between the Parties.6. Retirement AccountsThe Parties agree to the following division of their retirement accounts:1. [Husband/Wife] shall receive [Percentage] of the Husband's/Wife's retirement account, which shall be transferred to [Husband/Wife]'s own retirement account.2. The Parties agree to resolve any disputes regarding the valuation and division of retirement accounts through mediation or arbitration.7. Release of ClaimsThe Parties hereby mutually release each other from any and all claims, known or unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with theirmarriage, except for those claims specifically addressed in this Agreement.8. ConfidentialityThe Parties agree to keep the terms of this Agreement confidential and not to disclose any information contained herein to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party.9. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].10. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter hereof.11. ModificationThis Agreement may only be modified by a written agreement executed by both Parties.12. Binding EffectThis Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Divorce Settlement Agreement as of the Effective Date first above written.[Husband's Full Name]_________________________[Date][Wife's Full Name]_________________________[Date]NOTARY PUBLIC:[Notary's Full Name]_________________________[Date][Notary's Signature]_________________________[Notary's Seal][Notary's Commission Number][State/Country][Notary's Address]---Please note that this is a comprehensive and detailed example of a Divorce Settlement Agreement. In practice, such agreements can vary significantly based on the specific circumstances of the Parties involved, and it is highly recommended that legal counsel be consulted to draft and review such agreements. The above document is for illustrative purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional legal advice.。



离婚申诉书怎样写模板英文回答:Divorce Petition Format.1. Title Page.Include the name of the court.The case number (if you have one)。

The title of the case (e.g., In the Matter of the Marriage of Jane Doe and John Doe)。

2. Introduction.State that you are filing for divorce.Provide your name and your spouse's name.State the date of your marriage.State the date of separation (if applicable)。

3. Grounds for Divorce.State the legal grounds for your divorce (e.g., no-fault divorce, fault divorce based on adultery, cruelty, etc.)。

Provide specific details to support your grounds.4. Custody and Support.If you have children, request custody and support arrangements.State your proposed parenting plan.Request child support, if applicable.5. Division of Property.Request a division of marital property.Provide a list of all marital assets and debts.State your proposed distribution of property.6. Other Relief.Request any other relief you are seeking, such as a restraining order or name change.7. Signature.Sign and date the petition.Include your contact information.中文回答:离婚申诉书模板。



离婚协议书英文翻译版Divorce AgreementThis agreement ("Agreement") is executed on _______ (date) by and between _______ (hereinafter referred to as "Party A"), and _______ (hereinafter referred to as "Party B").1. Basic Information of PartiesParty A: Name: _______Gender: _______Nationality:_______ID number: _______Residential address: _______Contact number: _______Party B: Name: _______Gender: _______Nationality:_______ID number: _______Residential address: _______Contact number: _______2. Identity, Rights and Obligations of Parties2.1 Party A and Party B are legally married and the marriage registration is valid.2.2 Party A and Party B agree to divorce by mutual consent and request the relevant department to cancel their marriage registration.2.3 Party A and Party B have reached an agreement on the issues related to their divorce as set out herein.2.4 This Agreement shall be binding on Party A and Party B from the date of its execution until the fulfillment of all obligations hereunder.3. Performance of Obligations3.1 Party A and Party B shall perform their respective obligations as set forth in this Agreement.3.2 Party A and Party B agree to peacefully separate into two independent households and shall not interfere with each other's lives.3.3 Party A and Party B shall agree on how to divide their property and shall not claim any further rights to each other's property.3.4 Party A and Party B shall determine who will have custody of their minor children and shall determine a visitation schedule for the other party.4. Compliance with Applicable Law4.1 This Agreement is entered into in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.4.2 Both parties mutually agree to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and rules related to their divorce.5. Termination, Breach, and Liability for Breach5.1 This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until all obligations have been fully performed by both parties.5.2 In the event that either party fails to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the defaulting party shall be liable for any damages caused to the non-defaulting party.6. Miscellaneous6.1 This Agreement is written in both Chinese and English. In case of any inconsistency, the Chinese version shall prevail.6.2 This Agreement shall take effect upon execution by both parties and shall have legal effect.6.3 This Agreement shall be enforceable in a court of law.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.Party A: _________________Party B: _________________。



离婚协议书翻译模板篇一:离婚协议中英文混排范本Divorce AgreementParty A: Huang Cheong Bing Terry, Male, Han Nationality, Born on April 25, 1965. Party B: Cao Lu, Female, Han Nationality, Born on September 21, 1972.Party A and Party B registered a marriage on September 30, XX and gave birth to a daughter named Huang Tianer on April 29, XX. The both parties reach consensus through voluntary negotiation and entered into a divorce agreement as follows as a result of loss of affection caused by incompatible living habits and other reasons:1. Both parties are willing to divorce consensually.2. Custody, child support and visitation:Party A and Party B’s daughter Huang Tianer shall be raised by Party B while Party A shall not attempt to change the custody until the daughter is 13 years old when she will have the discretion to choose the custody which shall not be interfered by Party A or Party B for any reason. The child support shall be fully borne by Party B while living therewith. Party A isentitled to visit the child by prior notification and on condition that the child’s study and life are not improperly affected.3. Disposal of jointly owned properties(1) Deposit: there is no deposit under the name of Party A and Party B.(2) Real estate: the real estate located in Room 1104, Building 22, Guojihuadu, HefeiGovernment Administration Area will be owned by Party B while the real estate located in Room 3102, Building 26, Binhushijicheng, Binhu New Area will be owned by Party B and Huang Tianer, each holding 50%; the faade rooms Q02 and K08 located in Jiaheyuan Agricultural Trade Market in Hefei New Government Administration Area as well as the real estate bought in America will be owned by Party A.(3) Other properties: the prenuptial properties, personal living articles and jewelries shall be kept by each corresponding party.4. Disposal of debtsThe unsettled bank loan for the real estate located in Room 3102, Building 26, Binhushijicheng, Binhu NewArea which is 337000 shall be fulfilled by Party B while the unsettled bank loan for the real estate bought in America shall be fulfilled by Party A. Except those mentioned above, both parties have no other debts during the marital relationship and any debt assumed by each party shall be undertaken on his or her own accordingly.5. Responsibility of concealing or transferring jointly owned propertiesBoth parties confirm that the couple's jointly owned properties are explicitly listed in Term3. The couple has no other property expect those mentioned above. Each party shall guarantee the authenticity of the jointly owned properties during the marital relationship. The property disposal under this agreement is based on the aforementioned properties and each party shall not conceal, falsely report or transfer jointly owned properties during or before the martial relationship. Each party shall be entitled to possess all of the concealed, falsely reported or transferred properties by the other party expect those aforementioned and may also investigate and affixrelevant responsibilities while the party that conceals, falsely reports or transfers those properties shall be deprived of the right of dividing those properties.6. Other provisions:(1) Party B shall assist cooperatively when she is required to do so in applying forAmerica’s green card.(2) The two faade rooms located in Jiaheyuan Agricultural Trade Market in Hefei NewGovernment Administration Area will be continuously rented out by Party B and the rentals for the first three years(since the divorce agreement comes into effect) will paid to Party B for the daughter’s living expenses. The rentals paid after the third year shall be owned by Party A.7. Effective dateThe agreement will be executed in triplicate and will come into effect when the marriage registration authority issues the “divorce certificate”. Party A, Party B and marriage registration authority shall hold one of the copies.8. Any dispute rising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation, or else each party may file a lawsuit to the people’s court of Party B’s locality.Party A: TerryDate: June 22, XXParty B: Cao LuDate: June 22, XXSpecial Seal for Marriage Registration of Anhui Civil Affairs Department篇二:离婚协议书翻译模板(共12篇)篇一:英文离婚协议书范本离婚协议书divorce agreement男方姓名 name of man:$$$出生年月date of birth :$$$$民族nation :身份证号id:$$$$住址$$$$女方姓名name of woman:$$$$出生年月date of birth:$$$$民族nation:汉han身份证号id:$$$$住址$$$$双方于$$$$年$$$$$月$$$$日在吉林省人民政府办理结婚登记手续。

离婚协议书 英文

离婚协议书 英文

离婚协议书英文Divorce AgreementThis Divorce Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into on [Date] by and between [Party A], hereinafter referred to as "Husband," and [Party B], hereinafter referred to as "Wife," collectively referred to as the "Parties."1. Purpose and IntentThe Parties hereby confirm their mutual desire to dissolve their marital relationship and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.2. Division of Assets and Liabilities2.1 Real Propertya. The marital home, located at [Address], shall be sold, and the proceeds shall be equally divided between the Parties.b. Any other jointly owned property shall be sold, and the proceeds shall be divided equally.2.2 Personal Propertya. Each Party retains all personal property currently in their possession.b. Any jointly owned personal property shall be divided equally between the Parties.2.3 Financial Assets and Liabilitiesa. The Parties have disclosed all financial assets and liabilities owned jointly or individually.b. The Parties shall equally divide any joint financial accounts and investments.c. Each Party shall assume responsibility for any individual debtincurred.d. The Parties waive any right to future financial support or spousal maintenance.3. Child Custody and Support3.1 Legal Custodya. The Parties shall have joint legal custody of their minor children, namely [Child 1] and [Child 2].b. Both Parties shall make major decisions about the children's education, healthcare, and welfare together.3.2 Physical Custodya. [Child 1] shall primarily reside with [Husband], and [Child 2] shall primarily reside with [Wife].b. The Parties shall have visitation rights as mutually agreed upon and consider the best interest of the children.3.3 Child Supporta. [Husband] agrees to pay child support for [Child 1] in the amount of [amount] on a monthly basis.b. [Wife] agrees to pay child support for [Child 2] in the amount of [amount] on a monthly basis.4. Visitation RightsThe Parties shall have reasonable visitation rights to spend time with the children on mutually agreed-upon dates and times. Both Parties commit to ensuring a loving and healthy relationship between the children and the noncustodial parent.5. Spousal SupportNo spousal support shall be awarded to either Party under this Agreement. Both Parties waive any right to alimony or supportfrom each other.6. Legal AssistanceEach Party has had the opportunity to consult with an attorney regarding the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Both Parties acknowledge that they enter into this Agreement freely, knowingly, and voluntarily.7. Governing Law and VenueThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State]. Any legal action arising from or relatingto this Agreement shall be filed and litigated in the appropriate court of [State].8. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral. Any modifications to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by both Parties.In witness whereof, the Parties hereto have executed this Divorce Agreement as of the date first above written.____________________________________________[Husband's Name] [Wife's Name]。



This Divorce Settlement Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into on this ______ day of _______, 20_____, by and between _______ ("Husband") and _______ ("Wife"), both of whom are residents of _______ (the "Residence").WHEREAS, the Husband and the Wife were legally married on _______ day of _______, 20_____, and the marriage has been terminated by mutual consent. The parties wish to resolve all outstanding issues arising from the termination of their marriage in a peaceful and amicable manner.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Property Divisiona. Real Property: The parties agree to divide the real property located at _______ (the "Real Property") as follows:- The Wife shall retain full ownership of the Real Property.- The Husband shall receive a cash payment of $_____,000.00 from the Wife within 30 days of the execution of this Agreement to compensate him for his share of the Real Property.b. Personal Property: The parties agree to divide all personal property acquired during the marriage as follows:- The Husband shall retain possession of all items listed in ExhibitA attached hereto, which include but are not limited to: _______.- The Wife shall retain possession of all items listed in Exhibit B attached hereto, which include but are not limited to: _______.2. Debts and Liabilitiesa. The parties agree to assume and pay their respective individual debts and liabilities incurred prior to the marriage.b. The parties agree to assume and pay their respective individual debts and liabilities incurred during the marriage, except as otherwise agreed upon in this Agreement.3. Alimonya. The Husband agrees to pay the Wife alimony in the amount of$_____,000.00 per year for a period of _______ years, beginning on_______ day of _______, 20_____, and ending on _______ day of _______, 20_____. Payments shall be made on the first day of each month.b. The alimony payments shall be subject to adjustment in the event of a substantial change in either party's financial circumstances.4. Child Custody and Supporta. The parties agree that their minor child/children, _______ (the "Child"), shall reside primarily with the Wife.b. The Husband agrees to provide financial support for the Child in the amount of $_____,000.00 per year, which shall be paid in equal monthly installments of $_____,000.00, commencing on _______ day of _______,20_____, and continuing until the Child reaches the age of _______.c. The parties agree to make joint decisions regarding the Child's education, health, and welfare.5. Release of Claimsa. The parties hereby release each other from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, debts, liabilities, and demands arising out of or in any way connected with the marriage, except as otherwise provided in this Agreement.b. The parties acknowledge that this release is intended to be a complete and final release of all such claims, and agree that no claim shall thereafter be asserted against the other party arising out of the marriage.6. ConfidentialityThe parties agree to keep all terms and conditions of this Agreement strictly confidential and not to disclose any such terms or conditions to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party.7. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of _______.8. Entire AgreementThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, understandings, and discussions, whether written or。



离婚协议书英文Divorce AgreementParties:This divorce agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") is made and entered into on [date], by and between [Name of Party A], residing at [address], and [Name of Party B], residing at [address].Recitals:1. The parties to this Agreement were lawfully married on [date of marriage], in accordance with the laws of [country/state].2. The parties currently desire to terminate their marital relationship and seek a divorce.3. The parties intend to settle their rights and obligations arising from the divorce in an amicable and fair manner.Terms and Conditions:1. Dissolution of Marriage:a. The parties hereby mutually agree to dissolve their marriage as of the effective date of this Agreement.b. The parties acknowledge that they have irreconcilable differences as the grounds for divorce.2. Child Custody and Support:a. The parties have [number] minor child(ren) from the marriage, namely:- Child 1: [name], date of birth: [date]- Child 2: [name], date of birth: [date]- ...b. The parties agree that the children's best interests shall be the primary consideration when determining custody arrangements.c. [Name of Party A] shall have sole physical custody of the children.d. [Name of Party B] shall have visitation rights as agreed upon by both parties.e. Both parties shall agree to share the financial responsibilities for the children's upbringing, including but not limited to education, healthcare, and extracurricular activities. The parties shall contribute to child support based on their respective incomes as outlined in a separate Child Support Agreement.3. Division of Assets and Liabilities:a. The parties have already agreed on the division of their marital property and debts, which is reflected in the attached list of assets and liabilities (Exhibit A).b. Each party shall retain all assets and assume all liabilities specifically assigned to them in Exhibit A, free from any claims by the other party.c. The parties shall execute any necessary documents or take any actions required to effectuate the transfer of assets and the assumption of liabilities as agreed.4. Spousal Support:a. [Name of Party A/Name of Party B] shall pay spousal support to [Name of Party B/Name of Party A] in the amount of [monthly/annual amount] for a duration of [time period].b. The spousal support shall terminate upon the occurrence of any of the following events:- Death of the receiving party- Remarriage of the receiving party- Cohabitation of the receiving party with a new partner5. Confidentiality and Non-disparagement:a. Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, except as required by law or to enforce its provisions.b. Neither party shall make any negative or derogatory statements about the other party to any third party, including but not limited to family members, friends, or on social media.6. Full and Final Settlement:a. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements, arrangements, or understandings, whether oral or written.b. This Agreement may only be modified by a subsequent written agreement signed by both parties.Execution:This Divorce Agreement is executed in duplicate, with each party receiving an original copy.[Signature of Party A] [Signature of Party B]Name: Name:Date: Date:。



离婚协议书英文Divorce AgreementThis Divorce Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [date] (the "Effective Date") by and between [Husband's Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Husband"), residing at [Husband's Address], and [Wife's Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Wife"), residing at [Wife's Address].RECITALSWHEREAS, Husband and Wife are married and wish to dissolve their marriage; andWHEREAS, the parties desire to resolve all issues related to their divorce in a fair and mutually agreeable manner;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Property Divisiona. Real Estate: The marital home located at [address] shall be awarded to Wife. Husband agrees to sign any necessary documents to effectuate the transfer of ownership to Wife.b. Personal Property: All personal property and assets owned by each party prior to the marriage shall remain the sole property of each respective party.c. Vehicles: Husband shall retain ownership of [vehicle details] and Wife shall retain ownership of [vehicle details]. Each party shall be solely responsible for any associated financial obligations,including loans and insurance.d. Retirement Accounts: Husband and Wife shall retain their respective retirement accounts and shall not make any claims against the other party's retirement account.e. Debts and Liabilities: Each party shall be solely responsible for their own debts and liabilities incurred during the marriage.2. Child Custody and Supporta. Child Custody: The parties shall share joint legal custody of their minor children, [Child's Name 1] and [Child's Name 2]. Physical custody shall be awarded to Wife, with Husband having reasonable visitation rights.b. Child Support: Husband shall pay child support to Wife in the amount of [specific amount] per month until each child reaches the age of 18 or graduates from high school, whichever occurs later.c. Health Insurance: Husband shall provide and maintain health insurance coverage for the minor children.3. Spousal Supporta. Wife shall receive spousal support in the amount of [specific amount] per month for a period of [specific duration].4. Finality of Agreementa. Upon execution of this Agreement, the parties agree to waive any and all rights to future claims for alimony or property division.5. Confidentialitya. The parties agree to keep the terms of this Agreement confidential, except as required by law or with the express written consent of the other party.6. Modificationa. This Agreement may only be modified or amended by written agreement executed by both parties.7. Governing Lawa. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [state], without regard to its conflict of laws principles.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Divorce Agreement as of the Effective Date first above written. [Husband's Name] [Wife's Name]。

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