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Healthy Waterways Report Card:
An Effective tool for Private Public Partnerships (PPP) in South East Queensland, Australia
水域健康评估报告卡:澳大利亚昆士兰州东南部各政府 高效行驶政府职能的工具
视觉享受 生活用水 工业用水
Relevant and achievable water quality objectives, reflecting the environmental values: important
Community wants and needs Draft Environmental Values 环境价值草案 Aquatic ecosystem: seagrass in Moreton Bay 水生生态系统莫 顿湾水草
People in SEQ value their waterways
Drinking Water 饮用水
Fishing/Boating 渔业/水上运动
Research 研究
Swimming 游泳 Irrigation/Stock/Farm Water 灌溉 /畜牧 /农业用水 © SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership Ecosystem Resources 生态资源
N2 N2
of a
waterway is the aggregate of the
的对整个生态环境的影响 N2
© SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership
Environmental Values/Uses set by the community 公众对环境价值的态度
ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES 环境价值 - Aquatic ecosystem - Cultural & spiritual values - Irrigating crops - Primary recreation - Farm use - Secondary recreation - Stock watering - Visual appreciation

United States 美国
– –

Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚
– Strickland River
© SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership
Why produce a report card? 采用评估报告卡的原因
• Enable large and often complex amounts of information to be communicated to a broad audience 可以将大量复杂的信息传递给大众 • Provide a framework for monitoring and communication activities 为监控及沟通 活动提供框架 • Can provide accountability; measuring the success of a particular effort 量化活 动结果 • Identify regions or issues of concern 找出 需要解决的问题 • And others… 其他
© SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership
Increasing community awareness… 提高公众关注程度
© SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership
Ongoing improvement and expansion 不断完善、提高、拓展
水生生态系统 文化精神价值 作物灌溉 主要水上娱乐活动 水域养殖
- Raw drinking water 其他水上娱乐活动 - Human consumption 水资源储存 - Industrial use © SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership - Aquaculture
Activities in the Catchment that Threaten Ecosystem Health
urbanisation grazing 放牧
urban wastewater 城市废水
industrial wastewater 工业废水
aquaculture 水产业
© SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership
Broad Definition of Ecosystem Health 生态健康系统的广泛定义
The ecosystem health impacts of point sources and diffuse sources and its assimilative capacity 水域生态健康系统是指其系统内 点源污染、 面源污染 及其吸收能力
Supporters 支持机构
© SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership
Report cards are growing in popularity 评估报告卡受欢迎程度不断提升
• Australia 澳大利亚
– – – Moreton Bay 莫顿湾 Gippsland Lakes 吉普斯兰德湖 Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁 San Francisco Bay 圣弗朗西斯科湾 Chesapeake Bay切萨皮克湾
2001 2002 2003 2004
- Grades based on expert assessment of data - Focus on Bay region - ~7 local governments - Grading methods being developed - Expand to northern region - ~11 local governments - 80% of grades based on index - Expand to south - 11 local governments - 95 % of grades based on an index - Expanded to watershed - 20 local governments
Presented to the public by politicians and scientists… 由政府和科研人员向公众汇报
Lord Mayor of Brisbane and Chair of the Scientific Expert Panel 布里斯本市长(左)与昆士兰大学校长(右)
Pine R. Brisbane R. Logan R. Pimpama R. Coomera R. Nerang R.
© SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership
Population: 2.5 million; Area: 22,672 km2 总人口250万;总面 积2万2千672平方公里 Fastest growing region in Australia 澳大利亚发展最快的区域 Since European settlement 自从欧洲人在此定居之后: catchment significantly altered 流域结构发生显著变化 dams and weirs regulate river flows 水库河堤控制河流流通 land clearing resulted in more flows, erosion and delivery of both nutrients and sediment 土地开垦造成水土流失 decline in aquatic species diversity 水生物种多样性减少
© SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership
工业 industry
The Healthy Waterways Partnership 东南昆士兰州流域健康合作组织
Special collaboration between government, industry, researchers and community 与政府机构、行业、研究者及社区共同协作 Working towards understanding, planning for and managing the use of waterways and catchments in South East Queensland (SEQ) 共同促进东南昆 士兰州水域及流域间的相互理解、共同规划和管理 Includes 6 Queensland (State) government agencies, all 11 local governments in the region, 4 universities, 30 major industries and 38 catchment, landcare, environment and community groups 参与组织包括昆士 兰州政府机构6个、市政府11个、大学4所、30个主要行业及38个涉及流域、土地、 环境和社区的组织
在2026年,我们的流域和水域能够保持健康的生态系统;能够由社 区、政府和行业公共管理;能够为居民及游客提供良好的生活 环境、创造美好的生活方式
The Ecosystem Health Report Card 生态系统健康评估报告卡
• The most important tool for evaluating & communicating health of the regions waterways 评估地区水域健 康最重要的工具 • Directed / focused management action 目标明 确的、专注的管理行为 • Impetus for some costly (but environmentally important) intervention 部 分花费相对较高但对保护 环境而言相当重要
© SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership
The South East Queensland Catchment 昆士兰东南流域概况
Lake Caboolture R. Lake Sommerset Wivenhoe Lake Samsonvale Caboolture R.
Dr. Eva Abal International Water Centre 国际水资源中心
IWC members, partners and supporters 国际水资源中心成员、合作伙伴与支持机构
Members 中心成员
昆士兰大学 格斯菲斯大学 Partners 合作伙伴

Healthy Waterways Vision 流域合作组织愿景
Our waterways and catchments will, by 2026, be a healthy ecosystem supporting the livelihoods and lifestyles of residents and visitors and will be managed through collaboration between community, government and industry.
© SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership
Synthesises annual monitoring results into ratings for waterways (A-F) 将流域年度监测评估结果综合量化(等级从A-F)
© SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership