Synthesis and Shape Control of CuInS2 Nanoparticles
二氧化锰纳米材料水热合成及形成机理研究进展许乃才1刘宗怀2王建朝1郭承育1(1青海师范大学化学系西宁810008;2陕西师范大学化学与材料科学学院西安710062)国家自然科学基金项目(51061016)资助2011-01-21收稿,2011-05-13接受摘要不同晶型和形貌MnO 2纳米材料由于具有离子筛、分子筛、催化和电化学等许多特殊的物理和化学性质,因而在吸附材料、催化材料、锂离子二次电池的正极材料和新型磁性材料等领域显示了广阔的应用前景。
纵观合成MnO 2纳米材料的各种方法,水热合成由于简单、易于控制,并且能够有效控制其晶型、形貌和尺寸,深受研究者的青睐。
本文结合国内外的研究进展,综述了不同晶型和形貌MnO 2纳米材料的水热合成规律及形成机理。
关键词MnO 2水热合成纳米材料形成机理Progresses on Hydrothermal Synthesis and Formation Mechanismof MnO 2Nano-materialsXu Naicai 1,Liu Zonghuai 2,Wang Jianchao 1,Guo Chengyu 1(1Department of Chemistry ,Qinghai Normal University ,Xining 810008;2School of Chemistry and Materials Science ,Shaanxi Normal University ,Xi an 710062)AbstractMnO 2nano-materials with different structures and morphologies show a wide range of applications in the ion-sieve ,molecular sieve ,catalyst materials ,cathode materials for lithium ion secondary battery and new magnetic materials due to their special physical and chemical properties.In all of the synthesis methods ,hydrothermal technique is highly favored by researchers because it is simple ,controllable ,and can effectively control the crystalline ,morphology and size of MnO 2.In this paper ,the hydrothermal synthesis methods and formation mechanism of MnO 2nano-materials with different morphologies are reviewed.Keywords MnO 2,Hydrothermal synthesis ,Nano-material ,Formation mechanismMnO 2纳米材料由于其结构的特殊性而呈现许多特殊的理化性质,使其在离子筛、分子筛、催化材料、锂离子二次电池的正极材料和新型磁性材料等领域的应用中显示了广阔的前景[1 4]。
关键词:核壳;制备;应用0 引言CuInS2纳米晶是直接带隙三元半导体材料,禁带宽度为1.50 eV、吸收系数为105 cm-1;与当前的主流的半导体荧光纳米材料CdSe相比,CuInS2量子点既不含A类元素(Cd、Pb、Hg等),又不含B类元素(Se、As、P等),不会对环境和生物体造成负担,而且光谱可以覆盖更广泛的波段--近红外区,在生物医学[1],太阳能电池[2]、光电器件[3]等领域都有着广泛的应用前景。
1 CuInS2/ZnS核壳量子点的制备方法目前合成CuInS2半导体量子点的方法主要有溶剂热合成法、热注入法及共前驱体热分解法等。
1.1 溶剂热合成法溶剂热合成法依据水热法发展起来的合成方法,是指在一定温度(100-1000 ºC),一定压强(1MPa-1GPa)下,利用在溶剂中物质的化学反应进行合成的方法。
1.2 有机相热注入法有机相热注入法是最常用的一种合成胶体量子点的化学方法,其为目前最有效的合成高质量纳米粒子的方法。
1993年,Bawendi [5]研究组首次利用这种方法合成了高质量的Ⅱ-Ⅵ族半导体量子点。
Xie[7] 等人通过调节阳离子前体相对反应活性,利用绿色的热注入方法合成了尺寸可调的三元CuInS2量子点。
1.3 有机相共前驱体热分解法有机相共前驱体热分解法指将反应所需的金属前驱体、阴离子前驱体、配体以及添加物均放入反应瓶中,将温度升高到反应温度,反应适当时间即可。
DiI (细胞膜红色荧光探针)说明书
DiI (细胞膜红色荧光探针)产品编号 产品名称包装 C1036DiI (细胞膜红色荧光探针)10mg产品简介:DiI 即DiIC 18(3),全称为1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate ,是最常用的细胞膜荧光探针之一,呈现橙红色荧光。
DiI 是一种亲脂性膜染料,进入细胞膜后可以侧向扩散逐渐使整个细胞的细胞膜被染色。
DiI 在进入细胞膜之前荧光非常弱,仅当进入到细胞膜后才可以被激发出很强的荧光。
DiI 被激发后可以发出橙红色的荧光,DiI 和磷酯双层膜结合后的激发光谱和发射光谱参考下图。
其中,最大激发波长为549nm ,最大发射波长为565nm 。
DiI 的分子式为C 59H 97ClN 2O 4,分子量为933.88,CAS number 为41085-99-8。
DiI 可以溶解于无水乙醇、DMSO 和DMF ,其中在DMSO 中的溶解度大于10mg/ml 。
DiI 被广泛用于正向或逆向的,活的或固定的神经等细胞或组织的示踪剂或长期示踪剂(long-term tracer)。
DiI 通常不会影响细胞的生存力(viability)。
被DiI 标记的神经细胞在体外培养的条件下可以存活长达4周,在体内可以长达一年。
DiI 在经过固定的神经元细胞膜上的迁移速率为0.2-0.6mm/day ,在活的神经元细胞膜上的的迁移速率为6mm/day 。
DiI 除了最简单的细胞膜荧光标记外,还可以用于检测细胞的融合和粘附,检测发育或移植过程中细胞迁移,通过FRAP(Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching)检测脂在细胞膜上的扩散,检测细胞毒性和标记脂蛋白等。
用于细胞膜荧光标记时,DiI 的常用浓度为1-25µM ,最常用的浓度为5-10µM 。
S n h ss a d Lu i e c n e Pr p ris o I S n c y t i y t e i n m n s e c o e t fCu n 2 e Na o r sa s
W ANG Xi -ig,L U Xu —a u yn I ey n,Z HAO Jaln i— g o
寸减小 , 吸收和发光光谱 明显 蓝移 , 其 存在 明显 的量子尺 寸效应 。通 过在 C IS 纳米 晶表面包 覆 Z S壳层 , un : n
发现随着壳层厚度增加 , 发光量子效率明显提高 , 其 最大达到 了 4 % ; 8 继续增 加壳层厚度 , 其发光量子效率 反
而降低。进一步测量它们的荧光寿命 , 现包 覆 Z S壳层后 的 C IS 纳米 晶的荧光寿命 明显增 加 , 实表 面 发 n un 证 包覆明显减少其表面 的无辐射复合 中心 , 提高 了其 发光效 率。进一步制 备 了 C IS/ n un Z S核壳 量子点发光 二
( t e e L b a r o m ns ne n plai s C agh nI t t o O ts Fn M ca i n hs s S t K y ao t y fL i c c adApi t n , h ncu st e f pi , i e n s d yi a r o u ee c o ni c u e h ca P c
极管 , 并对其 电致发光性质 进行 了研 究。 关 键 词 :C IS ; un : 量子点 ; 纳米 晶; 光二极管 发 文献标识码 : A DOI 1 .7 8 f b0 2 3 10 0 : 0 3 8/g 2 1 30 .0 7 x
中图分类号 :0 1 . 1 64 1 1 6 3 5 ;0 1 .2
收稿日期:2006-03-09作者简介:周莉菊(1970—),女,博士研究生,工程师,研究方向:固体废物处理与资源化. 文章编号:1001-6988(2006)0420013206二恶英从头合成机理研究进展周莉菊,赵由才(同济大学环境科学与工程学院,上海200092)摘 要:介绍了二恶英的从头合成机理。
关键词:二恶英;从头合成;研究中图分类号:X 70112 文献标识码:BDe N ovo Synthesis of Dioxins FormationZH OU Li 2ju ,ZH AO Y ou 2cai(College o f Environment Science and Engineering ,Tongji Univer sity ,Shanghai 200092,China )Abstract :The de nov o synthesis of dioxins formation is introduced in this article.The in fluenced factors of de nov o synthesis of dioxins may be carbon ,chlorine ,oxygen ,water ,nature of the ash ’s surface ,tem perature ,resi 2dence time ,catalyzer and inhibitor ,etc.K ey w ords :dioxins ;de nov o synthesis ;research 二恶英(dioxins )是迄今发现的无意识合成的副产品中毒性最强的化合物[1],是由2个或1个氧原子联接2个被氯取代的苯环组成的三环芳香族有机化合物,包括多氯二苯并二恶英(PC DDs )和多氯二苯呋喃(PC DFs ),共有210种同类物,统称为二恶英[2~4]。
2 低温铁基催化剂2.1 催化剂制备方法低温铁基催化剂在制备的过程中,共沉淀法更为适用。
在混合溶液的pH 值在7左右时,停止添加热硝酸铁和硝酸铜混合溶液。
在全部的反应结束以后,将最终的沉淀物收集起来,随后使用沸腾的脱盐水反复冲洗这些沉淀物,在冲洗的同时,其中的Na +和NO 3-得以去除。
将沉淀物重新打浆以后,将其与硅酸钾溶液充分搅拌并混合,在混合溶液中添加一定量的硝酸溶液,随后将该混合溶液的pH 值加以适当调整,使得其接近于中性。
2.2 催化剂活性组分的研究催化剂的活性组分是决定催化剂活性的直接原因,为保障催化剂最佳的使用效果,在使用之前一般需进行还原活化处理,使得在经由这一处理以后可以满足费托反应的需求。
低温铁基催化剂是一类比较特殊的催化剂,其中的活性组分更多地源自催化剂产品中的α-Fe 2O 3。
催化剂的活化反应开0 引言费托合成反应最早诞生于20世纪二十年代,基于其反应原理的特殊性,有效实现了铁基催化剂向液体烃燃料的转化,有效扩宽了燃料的获取渠道,保持了燃料获取路径的多样性。
CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2017年第36卷第10期·3850·化 工 进展一种新型醌亚胺化合物的合成、表征及应用崔金海1,2,张淑芬1,张予东3(1大连理工大学精细化工国家重点实验室,辽宁 大连116012;2开封大学材料与化工学院,河南 开封475002;3河南大学化工学院,河南 开封 475002)摘要:以3-甲基二苯胺为原料,通过亲核取代、水解和氧化反应,获得了3-甲基-10-羟基-5,10-二氢磷杂吖嗪-10-氧化物。
在此基础之上,经过硝化、加氢还原和缩合反应,得到了一种新型的醌亚胺化合物(PPBQ )。
PPBQ 具有调控乙烯基单体乳液聚合反应的能力,在单体含量为4mol/L 、引发剂(K 2S 2O 8)浓度为3.7×10–3mol/L 、PPBQ 与引发剂的摩尔投料比[n (PPBQ)∶n (K 2S 2O 8)]小于0.8的条件下,能够获得平均分子量(M w )不高于65769、分子量分散度(M w /M n )不高于2.49的甲基丙烯酸乙酯乳液及平均分子量小于1000的寡聚体产品,为高固体涂料、聚丙烯酸类阻垢剂、净水剂的制备提供了一条新的思路。
运用红外、质谱和1H 和13C 核磁等检测方法,对生成的中间体和产物的结构进行了正确表征,运用红外、质谱和凝胶色谱等检测方法,对甲基丙烯酸乙酯寡聚体的结构进行了表征。
关键词:3-甲基-5,10-二氢-10-羟基-磷杂吖嗪-10-氧化物;醌亚胺化合物;乳液聚合反应;寡聚体 中图分类号:TQ42 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2017)10–3850–10 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017-0647Synthesis and characteristics of a new type of quinoneimine compoundCUI Jinhai 1,2,ZHANG Shufen 1,ZHANG Yudong 3(1State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals ,Dalian University of Technology ,Dalian 116012,Liaoning ,China ; 2 Chemical Materials and Engineering College ,Kaifeng University ,Kaifeng 475002,Henan ,China ;3ChemicalEngineering College ,Henan University ,Kaifeng 475002,Henan ,China )Abstract: Using 3-methty-diphenylamine as raw materials ,a tricyclic system of benzazaphosp-hazinephosphinic acid ,3-methyl-10-hydroxyl-5,10-dihydrophenopho-sphazine-10-oxide (1) was obtained through one-pot reactions involving nucleophilic substitution ,hydrolysis ,and oxidation. Further manipulation of compound (1) via nitration ,catalytic hydrogenation and condensation led to a novel diiminobenzoquinone compound (PPBQ ). The novel diiminobenzoquinone compound can control the emulsion free radical polymerization of vinyl monomer efficiently. The ethyl methacrylate(EMA ) latex with controllable average molecular weight (M w ≤65769)and polydispersity(M w /M n ≤2.49)and oligomer of EMA (M w <1000)could be provided when the molar concentration of monomer and initiator (K 2S 2O 8)were 4mol/L and 3.7×10–3mol/L ,respectively ,the loading of themolar ratio of PPBQ to initiator (K 2S 2O 8)was less than 0.8. A new way of preparing high solid coatings (HSC ),antisludging agent and water clarifying agent containing component of acrylic oligomer was propopsed. The structure of the synthesized intermediates and PPBQ were characterized by IR ,MS and 1H NMR analysis. The structure of EMA oligomer was characterized also by FTIR ,MS and gel chromatograph (GC )analysis.料及其中间体的合成与应用研究。
2个酰腙Schiff碱镍(Ⅱ)配合物的合成及其晶体结构研究周悦;刘宏文;卢文贯【摘要】Two Ni( Ⅱ ) complexes [Ni(HOpbh)2]·2H2O (1) (H2Opbh = 2-oxo-propionic acid benzoyl hydrazone) and [Ni(HOpsh)(py)3]·CH2Cl2 (2)(H3Opsh = 2-oxo-propionic acid salicyloyl hydrazone, py = pyridine) have been synthesized and characterized. X-ray single crystal structural analysis reveals that the complex 1 crystallized in the tetragonal space group I4122 with a = b = 1.468 6 (2) nm, c = 2.108 8 (6) nm, V= 4.548 1 (16) nm3, Z= 8, Dc = 1.475 mg/m3, R1 = 0.054 8, wR2 = 0.151 2. The complex 2 crystallized in the monoclinic space group P21/c with a = 1.527 4 (5) nm, b = 1.170 5 (4) nm, c = 1.694 6 (5) nm,β= 113.364(6)°, V= 2.781 2 (15) nm3, Z= 4, Dc = 1.436 mg/m3, R1 = 0.034 0, wR2 = 0.085 5. The Ni(Ⅱ) ions in complex 1 are octahedrally coordinated by four oxygen atoms and two nitrogen atoms from two tridentate HOpbh- ligands. The neighboring molecules of complex 1 are connected together with intermolecular hydrogen bonds, forming a one-dimensional chain structure. Th e Ni(Ⅱ) ions in complex 2 are also octahedrally coordinated by two oxygen atoms and one nitrogen atom 1 om one tridentate ligand HOpsh2-, and three nitrogen atoms from three pyridine ligands.%采用溶液合成法合成了2个酰腙Schiff碱的镍(Ⅱ)配合物[Ni(HOpbh)2]·2H2O(1)(H2Opbh=2-羰基丙酸苯甲酰腙)和[Ni(HOpsh)(py)3]·CH2Cl2(2)(H3Opsh=2-羰基丙酸水扬酰腙,py=吡啶).单晶X-射线结构分析表明,配合物1:晶体属四方晶系,I4122空间群,晶胞参数a=b=1.468 6(2)nm,,c=2.108 8(6)nm,V=4.548 l(16)nm3,z=8,Dc=1.475mg/m3,最终可靠因子R1=0.054 8,wR2=0.151 2.配合物2:晶体属单斜晶系,P21/c空间群,晶胞参数a=1.527 4(5)nm,b=1.170 5(4)nm,c=1.6946(5)nm,β=113.364(6)°,V=2.781 2(15)nm3,z=4,Dc=1.436 mg/m3,最终可靠因子R1=0.034 0,wR2=0.085 5.在配合物1中,每个镍(Ⅱ)离子由2个2-羰基丙酸苯甲酰腙负一价离子HOpbh-的4个氧原子和2个氮原子配位,形成畸变的八面体配位构型.配合物1分子间通过氢键的相互作用而形成1维链状结构.在配合物2中,每个镍(Ⅱ)离子由1个2-羰基丙酸水扬酰腙负二价离子HOpsh2-的2个氧原子和1个氮原子、3个吡啶分子中的氮原子配位,形成畸变的八面体配位构型.【期刊名称】《江西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2011(035)001【总页数】6页(P28-33)【关键词】Schiff碱;酰腙;镍(Ⅱ)配合物;晶体结构【作者】周悦;刘宏文;卢文贯【作者单位】韶关学院化学与环境工程学院,广东,韶关,512005;韶关学院化学与环境工程学院,广东,韶关,512005;韶关学院化学与环境工程学院,广东,韶关,512005【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O614.81酰腙是一类重要的 Schiff碱配体, 它是以氮和氧原子为配位原子, 与生物环境较接近, 因其与金属离子形成的配合物可抑制许多酶催化反应, 故其生物活性明显增加. 同时, 酰腙还是一类具有强配位能力及配位形式多样性(酮式、烯醇式、双齿、三齿)的配体, 因而该类化合物及其配合物已引起人们的广泛关注, 并进行了较深入的研究, 有关的结构、性质及应用已有大量的文献报道[1-19]. 研究结果[7]表明, 酰腙的配位形式主要取决于反应溶液的酸碱度, 其次是金属盐的阴离子, 再次是溶剂的影响.但对含羧酸的酰腙类金属配合物的研究报道则相对较少[3,12-13,17]. 用羧酸类酰腙作为配体, 不但增加了配位基团, 丰富了配位方式, 同时也改善了在极性溶剂水中的溶解度, 更有利于其应用. 为进一步了解反应条件的改变对酰腙配位形式的影响及其结构特征,选用 2-羰基丙酸苯甲酰腙(C10H10N2O3(H2Opbh))和 2-羰基丙酸水扬酰腙(C10H10N2O4(H3Opsh))2种酰腙Schiff碱配体, 在不同的反应条件下分别与金属镍(Ⅱ)离子反应, 得到了一种酮式配位的镍配合物[Ni(HOpbh)2]·2H2O (1)和一种烯醇式配位的镍配合物[Ni(HOpsh)(C5H5N)3]·C H2Cl2(2), 并测定了它们的晶体结构.1.1 试剂和仪器2-羰基丙酸(生化试剂)为中国医药(集团)上海化学试剂公司产品, 其余均为市售分析纯试剂, 直接使用. 2-羰基丙酸水杨酰腙Schiff 碱配体H3Opsh参照文献[12]的方法合成, 2-羰基丙酸苯甲酰腙Schiff 碱配体H2Opbh·H2O是在乙醇溶剂中由等物质的量的2-羰基丙酸和苯甲酰肼反应制得[13]. Bruker EQUINOX-55 FT-IR红外光谱仪(370~4 000 cm-1, KBr压片法).Bruker SMART 1000 CCD单晶衍射仪.1.2 配合物的合成1.2.1 [Ni(HOpbh)2]·2H2O (1) 的合成称取 0.113 g (0.50 mmol) 2-羰基丙酸苯甲酰腙H2Opbh·H2O, 加入10 mL无水乙醇溶解, 称取0.238 g (1.00 mmol)NiCl2·6H2O, 加入 10 mL 蒸馏水溶解后, 在搅拌下缓慢把它滴加到H2Opbh·H2O 的无水乙醇溶液中,室温下搅拌 2 h后过滤得蓝绿色粉末, 用蒸馏水洗涤数次, 放入硅胶干燥器中干燥保存. 微热下将少量固体粉末溶解在无水甲醇和N,N′-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)的混合溶剂(体积比为 4 : 1)中, 室温下静置,数月后在溶液中析出可供测试用的方块状蓝绿色配合物[Ni(HOpbh)2]·2H2O (1)的单晶.1.2.2 [Ni(HOpsh)(C5H5N)3]·CH2Cl2(2)的合成称取0.114 g (0.51 mmol) 2-羰基丙酸水杨酰腙Schiff碱配体H3Opsh, 加入10 mL CH2Cl2搅拌至溶解, 称取0.132 g (0.53 mmol) Ni(OAc)2·4H2O, 加入 10 mL CH2Cl2搅拌至溶解后在搅拌下把它缓慢滴加到H3Opsh的CH2Cl2溶液中, 室温下搅拌2 h后再加入2 mL 吡啶, 搅拌均匀, 变成棕红色的澄清溶液. 室温下静置, 由其缓慢挥发, 1周后在溶液中析出可供测试用的菱形状棕红色配合物Ni(HOpsh)(C5H5N)3]·CH2Cl2(2)的单晶.1.3 晶体结构的测定选取大小合适的单晶, 于 293(2)K下在带有石墨单色器的Bruker SMART 1000 CCD单晶衍射仪上进行衍射实验. 用MoKα射线(0.071 073 nm), 以ω/ 2θ扫描方式收集衍射强度数据, 对衍射数据进行了半经验吸收校正. 其中I≥2σ(I)的可观测衍射点用于结构修正. 晶体结构用SHELXS-97程序以直接法解出, 用SHELXL-97程序以全矩阵最小二乘法修正结构, 但配合物 1中的 O(1W)和(O2W)未作各向异性精修. 除配合物 1中水上的氢原子未能确定外, 其余的氢原子坐标均由理论计算加入. 表 1给出了2个配合物的晶体学数据.2.1 红外光谱在配合物 1的红外光谱中, 羧基的反对称伸缩振动吸收峰在 1 637 cm-1处, 而对称伸缩振动吸收峰在 1 377 cm-1处, 反对称伸缩振动频率和对称伸缩振动频率之差为 260 cm-1, 表明配合物中的羧酸根是以单齿形式与Ni(Ⅱ)离子配位的[3,12-13,17,20]. 同时, 酰腙Schiff 碱配体HOpbh-中的N—H在3 284 cm-1处的伸缩振动吸收峰和在1 593 cm-1处的弯曲振动吸收峰在配合物 1中仍然存在[1,3-4,8,15,17,19]. 这些都证明了在配合物1中HOpbh-是以酮式与Ni(Ⅱ)离子配位的. 在配合物2的红外光谱中, 羧基的反对称伸缩振动吸收峰在 1 642 cm-1处, 而对称伸缩振动吸收峰在1 363 cm-1处, 反对称伸缩振动频率和对称伸缩振动频率之差为279 cm-1, 表明配合物2的羧酸根也是以单齿形式与Ni(Ⅱ)离子配位的[3,12-13,17,20]. 同时, 配合物 2在 1 603 cm-1处出现共轭体系>C== N—N== C<的骨架伸缩振动吸收峰[1,13,19], 并且在 1 450 cm-1出现一尖锐的强吸收峰, 它归属于烯醇式的ν(C—O)enolic[1,3-4,8,15,17,19]. 这些都证明了在配合物 2与配合物1中2种酰腙Schiff 碱配体的配位方式不相同,配合物2的Hopsh2-是通过失去活泼氢变为烯醇式结构后与Ni(Ⅱ)离子配位的. 此外, 配合物2中的酚羟基ν(C—O)出现在 1 255 cm-1处, 配位吡啶的 C—N 环伸缩振动吸收峰则出现在1 490 cm-1处.2.2 晶体结构2.2.1 [Ni(HOpbh)2]·2H2O (1)的晶体结构配合物1的分子结构和在晶胞中的堆积图分别示于图 1和图2, 主要键长及键角列于表2. 在配合物1的分子结构中, 2个三齿HOpbh-配体中的2个羧基氧原子O(1)、O(1A), 2个酮式氧原子O(3)、O(3A)和2个亚氨基氮原子N(1)、N(1A), 与Ni(Ⅱ)离子配位, 形成了NiN2O4畸变的八面体配位构型. Ni(1)—O(1)、Ni(1)—O(3)和Ni(1)—N(1)等的键长值分别为 0.205 8 (3)、0.209 4(3)和0.199 1 (4) nm, 与类似的六配位结构的配合物[Ni(C11H12N3O3)2]·2C3H7NO[18]中相应的键长值相近.在配合物1中, C(4)—O(3)的键长为0.122 3 (5)nm, 接近正常的碳氧双键 C== O 键长(0.122 4 nm);C(4)—N(2)键长为0.138 7 (6) nm, 更接近C—N单键键长(0.147 nm); C(2)—N(1)键长为 0.126 7 (6) nm, 属于正常的C== N双键键长(0.127 nm); N(1)—N(2)键键长为0.135 9 (6) nm, 属于N—N单键键长范围[1-6,9-19].这些数据表明, 在配合物 1中, HOpbh-配体是通过酮式结构与Ni(Ⅱ)离子配位的[2,5-6,17].从配合物1的晶胞堆积图(图2)可以看出, 配合物 1的晶体堆积中存在着 3种氢键的相互作用. 首先, 由 Hopbh-配体中参与配位的羧基氧原子与另一相邻的配合物分子中Hopbh-未参与配位的肼基氮原子形成了分子间的氢键N(2)—H(2)…O(1#2)(对称操作代码#2为:x-1/2,-y+1,z+1/4), 键长和键角分别为0.283 8 (5) nm、138.0˚. 由于这种分子间氢键的存在, 使配合物1的分子沿c轴形成了一维无限延伸的链状结构(图 2左图). 其次, 结晶水分子O(1W)也与相邻链间的 2个配合物分子中未参与配位的羧基氧原子 O(2)原子形成了 2条氢键[O(1W)…O(2)键长为 0.275 6 nm]. 最后, 结晶水分子O(1W)与O(2W)之间也形成氢键[O(1W)…O(2W)键长为 0.258 8 nm]. 晶体中配合物分子间的氢键,结晶水与配合物中未参与配位的羧基氧原子之间的氢键以及结晶水分子间之间的氢键的广泛存在,使得配合物1在空间上进一步形成了复杂的3维网状结构(图2右图).2.2.2 [Ni(HOpsh)(C5H5N)3]·CH2Cl2(2)的晶体结构配合物2的分子结构绘于图3, 主要键长及键角列于表 3. 在配合物 2的分子中,Ni(Ⅱ)离子与来自于 1个三齿 HOpsh2-配体中的 1个羧基氧原子 O(1)、1个烯醇氧原子O(3)和1个亚氨基氮原子N(1), 以及3个吡啶配体中的 3个氮原子 N(3)、N(4)和 N(5)配位, 形成了 NiN4O2约有畸变的八面体配位构型.Ni(1)—O(1)、Ni(1)—O(3)、Ni(1)—N(1)、Ni(1)—N(3)、Ni(1)—N(4)和Ni(1)—N(5)等的键长值分别为0.207 19(15)、0.208 52 (14)、0.197 32 (16)、0.215 10 (19)、0.215 00 (18)和0.206 42 (18) nm, 与配合物1中相应的键长值相近. O(1)、O(3)、N(1)和N(5)位于八面体配位环境的赤道平面上, 相应的 4个键角 O(1)—Ni(1)—N(1)、O(3)—Ni(1)—N(1)、O(1)—Ni(1)—N(5)和O(3)—Ni(1)—N(5)之和为360.04°[79.29°(6)+77.37°(6) +98.92°(6) + 104.46°(6)], 4 个赤道配位原子O(1)、O(3)、N(1)和 N(5)处于同一平面上. N(3)和 N(4)分别处于八面图结构的 2个轴向位置, 轴向键角N(3)—Ni(1)—N(4)为174.15°(6). 配合物 2 的分子构型及相应的键长、键角与配合物[Ni(C11H12N3O3)·(OAc)(C5H5N)2][18]和[Ni(C15H12N2O3)(C5H5N)3][14]相一致.在配合物2中, C(7)—O(3)的键长0.127 4 (2) nm,介于正常的碳氧单键键长(0.143 0 nm)和双键键长(0.122 4 nm)之间. C(7)—N(2)键长为 0.133 9(2) nm,与 C—N 单键键长(0.147 0 nm)和 C== N双键键长(0.127 nm)相比较, C(7)—N(2)键更接近于C== N双键,C(7)—N(2)键长与 C(9)—N(1)键长[0.128 2 (2) nm]相接近,N(1)—N(2)键键长为 0.137 8 (2) nm, 属于N—N单键键长范围[1-6,9-19]. 它们与配合物1中相应的键长有明显的差别, 这些数据进一步表明, 在配合物2中, Schiff 碱配体H3Opsh是经过烯醇化脱氢后与Ni(Ⅱ)离子配位, 形成了>C== N—N==C<的大共轭体系[1,3,9-16,19]. 同时, 也进一步说明了配合物分子中Hopsh2-具有很好的共面性.文献[1-19]中的例子以及配合物 1的酮式配位模式和配合物 2的烯醇式配位模式等, 都充分体现了酰腙羧酸的配位方式及其配合物结构的多样性[7].【相关文献】[1] Wang Ji-tao, Liu Feng-guan, Zhang Yun-wen, et al. Synthesis and structure of pentacoordinate tin(IV) complexes [J]. 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Nanoscience andNanotechnology LettersV ol.5,546–551,2013 Synthesis of Multiferroic Pb(Zr0 52Ti0 48 O3–CoFe2O4 Core–Shell Nanofibers by Coaxial ElectrospinningYing Xie1,Yun Ou1 2,Feiyue Ma2,Qian Yang1,Xiaolan Tan3,and Shuhong Xie1 2 ∗1Faculty of Materials,Optoelectronics and Physics,and Key Laboratory of Low Dimensional Materials andApplication Technology of Ministry of Education,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan,Hunan411105,China2Department of Mechanical Engineering,University of Washington,Seattle,WA98195,U.S.A 3College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,North China University of Technology,Beijing,100041,ChinaMultiferroic Pb(Zr0 52Ti0 48 O3–CoFe2O4(PZT–CFO)core–shell nanofibers have been synthesizedby coaxial electrospinning.The core–shell configuration of nanofibers has been verified by scanningelectron microscope and transmission electron microscope,and the spinel structure of CFO andperovskite structure of PZT have been confirmed by X-ray diffraction,high resolution transmissionelectron microscope and selected area electron diffraction.The macroscopic ferromagnetic propertyof core–shell nanofibers has been demonstrated by magnetic hysteresis loop,while the micro-scopic magnetic domain structure of magnetized nanofiber has been revealed by magnetic forcemicroscopy.The surface potential of core–shell nanofiber has been measured by scanning Kelvinprobe microscope,and the piezoelectricity of core–shell nanofiber has been tested by piezore-sponse force microscopy using dual frequency resonance tracking technique,which confirms theferroelectricity of PZT–CFO core–shell nanofibers.Keywords:Multiferroic,Pb(Zr0 52Ti0 48 O3–CoFe2O4,Core–Shell Nanofiber,CoaxialElectrospinning.1.INTRODUCTIONConsiderable developments on nanostructured materials1–3 and their controls4–6created various range of innova-tive functions.Especially,multiferroic composite materials consisting of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic phases have attracted a great deal of attention in the last decade,7–10 wherein the magnetoelectric(ME)effect is induced through the so-call product property,11via mechanical interactions arising from magnetostrictive and piezoelec-tric effects in individual phases.The ME coupling makes it possible to manipulate the electric state of a multiferroic material through a magneticfield,or vice versa,and thus opens door for extensive potential applications,includ-ing multiple-state memory devices that can be electrically written and magnetically read,energy harvester,electri-cally controlled microwave phase shifters or ferromagnetic resonance devices,magnetically controlled electro-optic or piezoelectric devices,and broadband magneticfield sensors.9 12–14In recent years,the investigation of multiferroic materi-als focused on low dimensional hybrid materials including thinfilm,15 16superlattices,17–20and nanocomposites.21–23∗Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.These low dimensional composite materials can providetighter coupling between ferroelectric and ferromagneticphases,and offer additional degrees of freedom in con-trolling the size,interface,and epitaxial strain to enhancethe ME coupling.Indeed,recent theoretical analysis indi-cates that composite multiferroic nanofibers exhibit MEresponses higher than thinfilms of similar compositions,24due to their substantially relaxed substrate constraint,and nanofibers consisting of CoFe2O4(CFO)core andPb(Zr0 52Ti0 48 O3(PZT)shell with enhanced ME coupling has been successfully demonstrated.25This motivates us todevelop multiferroic nanofibers consisting of PZT core andCFO shell instead.Among various techniques for synthesis of one-dimensional core–shell nanostructures,such as wetetching26 27and anodized aluminum oxide(AAO)template-electrodeposition,28 29electrospinning30 31is es-pecially convenient and versatile,and has been adopted tosynthesize polymeric,32ceramic,33and metallic nanofiberswith various morphologies,including both core–shell andhollow types.34 35Here we demonstrate the synthesis ofPZT–CFO core–shell multiferroic nanofibers by coaxialelectrospinning,and examine their morphology,crystallinestructure,as well as the multiferroic properties.2.EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS2.1.Material SynthesisMultiferroic PZT–CFO core–shell nanofibers have been synthesized by sol–gel process and coaxial electrospin-ning.The preparations of PZT and CFO precursors with concentration of 0.2mol/L were described in our early work.36Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone)(PVP)with molecular weight of 1,300,000was added to PZT and CFO pre-cursors respectively,and stirred continuously to form homogeneous solutions,with the concentration of PVP controlled around 0.035g/mL.These two solutions were then electrospun using a coaxial spinneret as schemati-cally shown in Figure 1.It consists of two commercial blunt needles with different diameters and lengths assem-bled into a coaxial structure.During the electrospinning process,the syringe loaded with PZT precursor was con-nected vertically to the needle with 0.7mm outside diam-eter as solution for core,and the syringe loaded with CFO precursor was connected horizontally to the needle with 1.28mm outside diameter as solution for shell.The core solution was driven by a syringe pump (NE-500,New Era Pump Systems,Inc.)at a rate of 0.3mL/h,while the shell solution was driven at a rate of 0.48mL/h.The needle was connected to a high-voltage power supply (ES40P-5W,Gamma High V oltage,Inc.),and the distance between the needle tip and substrate was about 16cm,with the elec-tric field strength approximately 1.2kV/cm,which pro-vide enough repulsive electrostatic force to overcome the surface tension of the electrospinning solution and eject nanofiber from the tip of the Taylor cone.The electrospun nanofibers were collected to Pt/Ti/SiO 2/Si substrates,dried at 120 C for 4h,followed by heating at 400 C and then thermal annealing at 750 C for 2h in air.2.2.Material CharacterizationThe morphology of nanofibers was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM,FEI Sirion)andtransmissionFig.1.The schematic set up of coaxial electrospinning system.electron microscopy (TEM,FEI Tecnai).The crystalline structure of nanofibers was examined by selected area electron diffraction (SAED,FEI Tecnai)as well as X-ray diffraction (XRD,Bruker D8Focus)with Cu K radiation ( =0 15406nm).The macroscopic ferromagnetic prop-erty of nanofibers was measured by Lakeshore vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM).To increase the magnetic response of the core shell nanofibers,the specimen (nano-fibers with Pt/Ti/SiO 2/Si substrate)was magnetized under a large in-plane magnetic field of 7000Oe for 20minutes by using an electromagnet (GMW Electromagnet Model 3473).The magnetic domain structure of nanofibers was examined by magnetic force microscopy (MFM)using an Asylum Research MFP-3D atomic force microscope (AFM),and a 45nm CoPt/FePt alloy coated silicon tip with a coercivity higher than 5000Oe was used as the probe,which was magnetized along the tip axis using an NdFeB permanent magnet.The tapping mode set point was fixed at 0.4V with approximately 40nm distance between the tip and sample during the initial topography scan,and delta height and driving amplitude were set at 50nm and 20mV during the subsequent scan for magnetic image.To characterize the surface potential of nanofibers,scanning Kelvin probe microscopy (SKPM)was used with tip voltage set to be 3.0V .The ferroelectricity of nano-fibers was measured by piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM)using an Asylum Research MFP-3D,as described in our earlier paper.373.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe morphology of PZT–CFO core–shell nanofibers was examined by SEM,as shown in Figure 2.The typical sur-face SEM image of the nanofibers is given in Figure 2(a),and it is observed that the diameter of nanofibers is in the range of 100to 200nm.The cross-section topogra-phy of the nanofibers is shown in Figure 2(b),where the core–shell structure is evident,though some gaps exist at interfaces between the PZT core and CFO shell due to the different shrinkage of ceramic fibers during calcination.Such interface structure is not desirable for ME coupling,and we are currently working on increasing interface bond-ing by fine tuning the processing parameters.The core–shell structure of the nanofiber is further confirmed by TEM image,as seen in Figure 3(a),where it is observed that the nanofiber is composed of dense PZT grains and porous CFO grains.The interface between PZT core and CFO shell,though perturbed,is clearly visible.From the TEM image,it is estimated that the outer diameter of CFO shell is approximately 150nm,whereas the diameter of the PZT core is approximately 60nm.This is consistent with different flow rates for PZT and CFO during electro-spinning.The perovskite structure of PZT and spinel structure of CFO are confirmed by SAED pattern in Figure 3(b)show-ing that both CFO and PZT phases exist in the nanofiber,Fig.2.SEM images of PZT–CFO core shell nanofibers:(a)surface topography and (b)cross sectiontopography.Fig.3.TEM and SAED images of PZT–CFO core–shell nanofiber:(a)TEM image,(b)SAED pattern and (c)HRTEMimage.Fig.4.XRD pattern of PZT–CFO core shellnanofibers.Fig.5.VSM magnetic hysteresis loops of PZT–CFO and CFO-PZT core shell nanofibers.and it is observed the amount of CFO shell is much more than that of PZT core,consistent with the diameter distri-bution observed in Figure 3(a).The polycrystalline nature of core–shell nanofiber is also clear from the SAED ringFig.6.MFM images of PZT–CFO core shell fiber:(a)topography and (b)phase.(Scan size 0.375um ×1.5um).pattern.The crystalline structure of PZT and CFO phases are also confirmed by HRTEM as shown in the Figure 3(c),where two lattice spaces are measured to be 0.285nm and 0.253nm,corresponding (110)plane of PZT phase and (311)plane of CFO phase,respectively.The inter-face between PZT shell and CFO core is not very sharp owing to the intermiscibility of PZT and CFO electrospin-ning solution,which is consistent with previous report for PZT–CFO composite materials.38The crystalline phases of core–shell nanofibers are further examined by XRD,as shown in Figure 4,where two distinct sets ofdiffractionFig.7.Surface potential distribution of PZT–CFO core shell nanofiber:(a)topography,(b)surface potential and (c)position dependence of the surface potential along the solid line in (b).peaks are observed,corresponding to perovskite PZT and spinel CFO phases,respectively.It is also observed that the amount of CFO shell is higher than that of PZT core,consistent with the TEM result.Room temperature ferromagnetism of core–shell nano-fibers is confirmed by magnetic hysteresis loop using VSM,as shown in Figure 5.The remnant magnetization for the PZT–CFO core–shell nanofibers is measured to be 7.50emu/g,larger than 3.4emu/g that was measured from CFO-PZT core shell nanofibers.25The corresponding coercive field is measured to be 700Oe,similar to CFO-PZT core shell nanofibers,while higher than 576Oe that was measured from random hybrid PZT–CFO nanofibers.36These results are reasonable as the concentration of CFO in the PZT–CFO nanofibers is higher than that in the CFO-PZT nanofibers,as confirmed in Figures 2and 3,resulting in larger magnetization.In the core–shell nanofibers,the CFO layer is constrained by PZT layer,making it harder for magnetic domains to switch and resulting in higher coercive field,as we observed here.39The AFM topography and corresponding MFM phase images of the PZT–CFO nanofiber are shown in Figure 6.Both images show a heterogeneous microstructure.The diameter of nanofiber is around 150nm with height less than 100nm,as revealed by the topographic image in Figure 6(a).The magnetic domain pattern of magnetized PZT–CFO nanofiber is shown in Figure 6(b),and irregu-lar domains are observed,with yellow areas corresponding to a stronger magnetic field and blue areas indicating aDelivered by Publishing Technology to: Peter Derycz IP: On: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 18:07:29Copyright American Scientific Publishersweak magnetic field.40Furthermore,the AFM topographic and corresponding surface potential distribution of another PZT–CFO nanofiber is shown in Figure 7.The topogra-phy in Figure 7(a)is similar to Figure 6(a),though the diameter is larger than that of Figure 6(a),about 200nm.The mapping of surface potential is shown in Figure 7(b),and a corresponding line scan is given in 7(c).The surface potential contrast between the core–shell nanofiber and the conductive substrate is evident from Figure 7(b),due to the spontaneous polarization of the nanofiber that attracts free charges.It is interesting to observe that the fringe region of nanofiber has higher surface potential while the central region of nanofiber has lower potential,and the poten-tial difference is approximately 0.2V .This is believed to be caused by the accumulation of charges at nanofiber-substrate interface,and thus confirms the piezoelectricity of the core–shell nanofibers.The ferroelectricity of the core–shell nanofibers is fur-ther confirmed by vertical PFM with dual frequency res-onance tracking (DFRT)technique,which reduces the crosstalk due to the shift in resonance frequency by track-ing the contact resonance frequency using a feedback loop Fig.8.Piezoelectric force microscopy (PFM)images of PZT–CFO core shell nanofiber:(a)topography,(b)intrinsic amplitude and (c)phase at resonant frequency,and (d)quality factor.and allows determination of resonance frequency 0,qual-ity factor Q ,amplitude A 0and phase 0at resonance frequency simultaneously.41 42It is used for quantitative analysis,with the intrinsic vertical piezoresponse of the core–shell fiber determined by correcting the quality fac-tor Q ,37as shown in Figure 8.The topography image in Figure 8(a)reveals that two nanofibers are bond together with diameter around 400nm,and the height roughness is also less than 100nm.It is observed in Figure 8(b)that the max intrinsic amplitude in the central region of fiber is around 16pm due to the presence of PZT core,while the amplitude at the fringe region is close to 0pm owing to CFO shell.It is also obvious that the substrate has no piezoresponse.Phase contrast mapping in Figure 8(c)further exhibits the difference of polar distribution in the probed fibers,and the width of phase image is narrower than that of topography image,which confirms the ferro-electricity and core–shell structure of the nanofibers.The corresponding mapping of quality factor Q (Fig.8(d))indi-cates that the variation of quality factor Q on the fibers is large ranging from 10to 60,and this reflects difference in energy dissipation at different locations of nanofibers.374.CONCLUSIONIn summary,polycrystalline PZT–CFO core–shell nano-fibers have been synthesized by coaxial electrospin-ning in combination with sol–gel process,and their microstructures have been thoroughly examined.Multifer-roic properties of PZT–CFO core–shell nanofibers have also been verified by macroscopic magnetic hysteresis loop,microscopic MFM mapping,surface potential map-ping of SKPM and dual frequency piezoresponse force microscopy.The nanofibers thus canfind a variety of applications as a one-dimensional multiferroic materials. 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CuInS2三元量子点荧光探针测定新霉素毛永强;胡美娜;李娜【摘要】采用水热法制备了巯基乙酸修饰的CuInS2三元量子点,基于CuInS2量子点荧光强度能够被新霉素显著猝灭的特性,建立了CuInS2三元量子点荧光探针测定新霉素的方法.优化的试验条件如下:①p H 8.0的三羟甲基氨基甲烷-盐酸缓冲溶液的用量为0.5 mL;②CuInS2量子点的浓度为2.0×10-7mol·L-1;③ 反应时间为5 min.新霉素的浓度在1.0×10-8~2.0×10-7mol·L-1内与其对应的荧光猝灭强度呈线性关系,检出限(3s/k)为2.0×10-10mol·L-1.以空白样品为基体进行加标回收试验,所得回收率在98.4%~106%之间,测定值的相对标准偏差(n=5)在1.9%~2.4%之间.%The ternary CuInS2 quantum dots were prepared using thioglycolic acid as modifiers by hydrothermal synthesis method.Based on the fact of the fluorescence intensity of CuInS2 quantum dots could be quenched remarkably by neomycin,a method for determination of neomycin with ternary CuInS2 quantum dots as fluorescent probe was established.The optimized conditions found were as follows:① amount of Tris-HCl buffer solution of pH 8.0:0.5 mL;②concentration of CuInS2 quantum dots:2.0×10-7mol·L-1;③time of reaction:5 min.Linear relationship between values of the fluorescence quenching intensity and concentration of neomycin was obtained in the range of 1.0×10-8-2.0×10-7mol·L-1 ,with detection limit (3s/k)of 2.0×10-10mol·L-1 .On the base of blank sample,test for recovery was made by standard addition method;values of recovery found were in the range of 98 .4%-106%,with RSD′s (n= 5 )in the range of 1 .9%-2 .4%.【期刊名称】《理化检验-化学分册》【年(卷),期】2017(053)005【总页数】4页(P538-541)【关键词】CuInS2量子点;新霉素;荧光探针【作者】毛永强;胡美娜;李娜【作者单位】辽宁工程技术大学理学院,阜新123000;辽宁工程技术大学安全科学与工程学院,矿山热动力灾害与防治教育部重点实验室,阜新123000;辽宁工程技术大学理学院,阜新123000;辽宁工程技术大学理学院,阜新123000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.3新霉素(NEO)是一种易溶于水、性质稳定的氨基糖甙类抗生素,对很多植物病原菌具有较好的抑制作用,可有效防治大白菜软腐病、姜瘟病、柑桔溃疡病等果蔬病害[1]。
2018年第37卷第10期 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS·3879·化 工 进展三核铜配合物的合成、表征及其催化性能冷帅1,2,李云涛1,邓建国2(1西南石油大学材料科学与工程学院,四川 成都 610500;2中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所,四川 绵阳 621900)摘要:采用溶剂热法合成了以三核碘化亚铜(CuI )四面体结构为活性中心的硅氢加成反应催化剂,探讨了物料比对产物收率的影响。
通过元素分析、傅里叶红外光谱分析、X 射线光电子能谱分析、X 射线单晶体衍射分析、紫外可见光光谱分析、热失重分析对配合物的化学组成、空间结构及性能进行表征,并进一步通过甲基苯基乙烯基树脂和甲基苯基含氢硅油的硅氢加成反应进行催化固化效果验证。
结果说明了在催化剂填加量为0.04%、固化温度为150℃的优化条件下反应24h ,共混体系固化效果最佳。
关键词:配合物;催化剂;硅氢加成;碘化亚铜;晶体;合成中图分类号:TQ426.61;O643.36 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2018)10–3879–06 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017-2271Synthesis, characterization and catalytic performance of tri-nuclearcopper complexLENG Shuai 1,2, LI Yuntao 1, DENG Jianguo 2(1School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University ,Chengdu 610500,Sichuan ,China ;2Institute of Chemical Materials ,China Academy of Engineering Physics ,Mianyang 621900,Sichuan ,China)Abstract :A complex catalyst with tetrahedron structure copper(I) iodide (CuI) as active center has been synthesized by solvent-thermal method ,which is then used in hydrosilylation. The effect of the material ratios on the product yield has been discussed in depth. The results show that when the molar ratio of ligand to CuI is 1∶6,the highest yield is obtained. The chemical composition ,spatial structure and properties of the catalyst have been studied by elemental analysis ,Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis ,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis ,X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis ,UV-visible spectroscopy analysis and thermogravimetric analysis, respectively. Furthermore ,the catalytic performance has been tested by the hydrosilylation reaction of methylphenyl vinyl resin and methylphenyl hydro-silicone oil. The results indicate that the curing effect is the best when the blending system reacts for 24h under the addition of 0.04% complex at 150℃. The complex shows very good catalytic performance in hydrosilylation ,and can be synthesized with the advantages of low-cost raw materials ,simple preparation method and convenient storage. It is promising to solve the problem of the high cost of traditional precious metal catalysts in hydrosilylation.Key words :complex ;catalyst ;hydrosilylation ;copper(I) iodide ;crystal ;synthesis合材料。
Synthesis and Characterization of Alumina Nanoparticles
This article was downloaded by: [Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute] On: 01 April 2014, At: 00:59Publisher: Taylor & FrancisInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UKMaterials and Manufacturing ProcessesPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:/loi/lmmp20Synthesis and Characterization of AluminaNanoparticles by Igepal CO-520 Stabilized ReverseMicelle and Sol-Gel ProcessingJ. Chandradass a & Dong-Sik Bae aa School of Nano and Advanced Materials Enginneering , Changwon National University ,Gyeongnam, South KoreaPublished online: 21 Jun 2008.PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLEMaterials and Manufacturing Processes ,23:494–498,2008Copyright ©Taylor &Francis Group,LLC ISSN:1042-6914print/1532-2475online DOI:10.1080/10426910802104211Synthesis and Characterization of Alumina Nanoparticles by IgepalCO-520Stabilized Reverse Micelle and Sol-Gel ProcessingJ.Chandradass and Dong-Sik BaeSchool of Nano and Advanced Materials Enginneering,Changwon National University,Gyeongnam,South KoreaNanosized alumina powders have been prepared via reverse micelle and sol-gel processing.By stepwise hydrolysis using aqueous ammonia as the precipitant,hydroxide precursor was obtained from nitrate solutions dispersed in the nanosized aqueous domains of microemulsion consisting of cyclohexane as the oil phase,poly(oxyethylene)nonylphenyl ether (Igepal CO-520)as the non-ionic surfactant,and an aqueous solution containing aluminium nitrate as the water phase.The synthesized and calcined powders were characterized by thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis,transmission electron microscopy,and scanning electron microscopy.The XRD analysis showed that the complete transformation from -Al 2O 3nanocrystalline to -Al 2O 3was observed at 1100 C.The resulting alumina nanopowder exhibits particle agglomerates of 135–200nm in average diameter occur when they calcined at 1200 C.The average particle size was found to increase with increase in water to surfactant (R )molar ratio.Keywords Al 2O 3;Ceramics;Characterization methods;Crystallization;Differential thermal analysis;Microemulsion;Nanopowder;Scanning electron microscopy;Sol-gel processing;Thermogravimetric analysis;Transmission electron microscopy;X-ray diffraction.IntroductionIn recent years,there has been an increasing interest in the synthesis of nanocrystalline metal oxides [1–5].Such nanocrystals are important for a variety of applications including fabrication of metal-ceramic laminate composites and as a reinforcement phase in polymer and brittle matrix composites.Corundum ( -Al 2O 3 is one of the most important ceramics materials.Nanocrystalline -Al 2O 3powder has considerable potential for a wide range of applications including high strength materials,electronic ceramics,and catalyst [6,7].In particular high quality nanocrystals of corundum are used as electronic substrates,bearing in watches and other fine precision equipment [8]. -Al 2O 3powders prepared by conventional methods require high temperatures 1300–1600 C for solid-state thermally driven decomposition of the hydrates of alumina [7].Various methods for synthesizing -Al 2O 3include mechanical milling [9],vapor phase reaction [10],precipitation [11],sol-gel [12],hydrothermal [13],and combustion methods [14].Mechanical synthesis of -Al 2O 3requires extensive mechanical ball milling and easily introduces impurities.Vapor reaction for preparing fine -Al 2O 3powder from a gas phase precursor demands high temperature above 1200 C.The precipitation method suffers from its complexity and time consuming (long washing times and aging time).The direct formation of -Al 2O 3via the hydrothermal method needs high temperature and pressure.The combustion method has been used to yield -Al 2O 3powders,whereas the powder obtained from the process is usually hard aggregated but contains nanosized primary particles.The sol-gel method based on molecularReceived November 11,2007;Accepted March 20,2008Address correspondence to Dong-Sik Bae,School of Nano and Advanced Materials Enginneering,Changwon National University,Gyeongnam 641773,South Korea;Fax:+82-55-262-6486; usually makes use of metal alkoxides as raw materials.However,the high prices of alkoxides and long gelation periods limit the application of this method.Among all the chemical processes that were developed for the preparation of fine ceramic powder a wide array of metal and metal oxide compounds [15–17],the microemulsion process involving reverse micelles has been demonstrated as a superior method [18]in terms of being able to deliver homogeneous and nanosized grains of a variety of oxides.A microemulsion system consists of an oil phase,a surfactant,and an aqueous phase.It is thermodynamically stable isotropic dispersion of the aqueous phase in the continuous oil phase [19].The size of the aqueous droplets is in the range of 5–10nm,rendering the microemulsion systems optically transparent.Chemical reactions,such as precipitation,will take place when droplets containing the desirable reactants collide with each other.The group of these aqueous droplets involving the microemulsion system will thus be acting as a nanosized reactor yielding nanosized particles.Recently,reverse micelle and sol-gel processing [20–22]have successfully prepared several important nanosized ceramic powder systems.Many of the processing parameters such as the concentration of inorganic salts in the aqueous phase and water to surfactant ratio R in the microemulsion,affect the characteristics including the particle size,particle size distribution,agglomerate size,and phases of the resulting ceramic powders.The objective of the present study is to investigate the feasibility of preparing ultrafine alumina nanoparticles by combining reverse micelle and sol-gel processing and to study the effect of water to surfactant ratio R .Experimental procedureTypically,microemulsions of total volume 20mL were prepared at ambient temperature in a 30mL vial with rapid stirring:these consisted of 4mL of nonionic surfactant poly(oxyethylene)nonylphenyl ether (Igepal CO-520,Aldrich Chemical Co.,USA),10ml of cyclohexane,494D o w n l o a d e d b y [C o l d a n d A r i d R e g i o n sE n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d E n g i n e e r i n g R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e ] a t 00:59 01 A p r i l 2014SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ALUMINA NANOPARTICLES 4950.65–1.32mL of 5×10−1M Al(NO 3 2·9H 2O solution (Aldrich Chemical Co.,USA)and deionized water.The size of the resulting particles was controlled by the ratio R =[water]/[surfactant].The microemulsion was mixed rapidly,and after 5minutes of equilibration,one drop (∼0.05ml)of hydrazine hydrate (9M N 2H 4·xH 2O,Aldrich Chemical Co.,USA)was added as a reducing agent.After nanosized water droplets were formed while stirring,NH 4OH (28%)(Dae Jung chemicals,Korea)was injected into the microemulsion.The microemulsion was then centrifuged to extract the particles,which were subsequently washed by ethanol to remove any residual surfactant.The thermal characteristics of alumina precursors were determined by thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TA 5000/SDT 2960DSC Q10).The phase identification of calcined powders was recorded by X-ray diffractometer (Philips X’pert MPD 3040).The size and morphology of the resulting powders were examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM)and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM).Results and discussionTernary systems of cyclohexane/Igepal CO 520/water offer certain advantages:they are spheroidal and monodisperse aggregates where water is readily solublized in the polar core,forming a “water pool”characterized by the molar ratio of water to surfactant concentration R .Another important property of reverse micelle is their dynamic character;the “water pool”can exchange their contents by collision process.The aggregation and self-assembly of the alumina/surfactant/water species is complex and very little is known about the cluster growth and final nanostructure as a function of synthesis condition.The molar ratio of water to surfactant can determine the size of the micro-emulsion water core [23].Therefore,the R -value can control the diameter of the nanoparticle in the micro-emulsion.The average size of the cluster was found to depend on the micelle size,the nature of the solvent,and the concentration of reagent.During the preparation of alumina nanoparticles,the following reaction might occur.Thermal behavior of the precursor determined by TG-DTA in oxygen up to 1200 C at a heating rate of 10 C/min is shown in Figs.1and 2,respectively.NH 3·H 2O →NH +4+OH (1)OH +Al +3→Al OH 3(2)Al OH 3→Al 2O 3+H 2O(3)In the temperature region between RT-180 C,a broad endothermic peak with a weight loss of 9%is attributed to the adsorption of physisorbed water.In the temperature region between 180–600 C,three exothermic peaks were observed at 208,288,and 390 C with a weight loss of 50%corresponding to the decomposition of organic residuals from the precursor.From the TGA curve it is also observed that the precursor exhibit weight loss at <600 C,and at >600 C the weightbecomesFigure 1.—DTA curve of alumina precursor ramped at 10 C/min in air.almost constant.The peak around 1200 C is attributed totransformation of -Al 2O 3from -Al 2O 3.X-ray diffraction (XRD)analysis of precursor powder calcined at 1000,1100,and 1200 C are shown in Fig.3.Diffraction peaks corresponding to -Al 2O 3and weak peaks of -Al 2O 3have been found for samples calcined at 1000 C for 2h indicating - -Al 2O 3transformation.The difference in the crystallization temperature of -Al 2O 3as observed in DTA and XRD could be because of the difference in heating schedule for the two samples.While XRD pattern was recorded on samples which were held for 2h at 1000 C,the DTA was done without any isothermal hold.Thus the isothermal hold at 1000 C has accelerated the transformation to -Al 2O 3at lower temperature.With the increase of calcinations,temperature to 1100 C -Al 2O 3disappears;only -Al 2O 3with low intensity peaks is found indicating complete transformation to -Al 2O 3.A typical XRD pattern of the resultant -Al 2O 3powders after calcinations at 1200 C (2h)are shown in Fig. 4.The crystalline size of the calcined powders (1200 C)atFigure 2.—TGA curve of alumina precursor ramped at 10 C/min in air.D o w n l o a d e d b y [C o l d a n d A r i d R e g i o n sE n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d E n g i n e e r i n g R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e ] a t 00:59 01 A p r i l 2014496J.CHANDRADASS AND D.-S.BAEFigure 3.—XRD patterns of the alumina nanoparticles synthesized at R =4and calcined at different temperatures (a)1000 C;(b)1100 C;(c)1200 C (•- -Al 2O 3; - -Al 2O 3 .different value of R has been obtained from X-ray line broadening studies using the Scherer equation [24].Table 1shows that water/surfactant molar ratio R influenced crystallite size.The crystallite size of the alumina nanoparticles increased with increase in R -value from 4to 8.An increase in the domain size of aqueous droplets,duetoFigure 4.—XRD patterns of the as-synthesized alumina nanoparticles calcined at 1200 C and as a function of R (a)R =4;(b)R =6;(c)R =8.Table 1.—The crystallite size of -Al 2O 3at 1200 C.R =[water]/[surfactant]Crystallite size (nm)481684896Figure 5.—TEM micrographs of as-synthesized alumina nanoparticles calcined at 1200 C and as a function of R (a)R =4;(b)R =6;(c)R =8.D o w n l o a d e d b y [C o l d a n d A r i d R e g i o n sE n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d E n g i n e e r i n g R e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e ] a t 00:59 01 A p r i l 2014SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ALUMINA NANOPARTICLES497Figure 6.—SEM micrographs of as-synthesized alumina nanoparticles calcined at 1200 C and as a function of R (a)R =4;(b)R =6;(c)R increase in aqueous content in the microemulsion,will lead to an apparent increase in the size of the particle [19].The nucleation and growth of the alumina nanoparticles is likely to be a diffusion-controlled process through interaction between micelles,but it can be influenced by many other factors such as phase behavior and solubility,average occupancy of reacting species in the aqueous pool and the dynamic behavior of the microemulsion [25].The degree of agglomeration is evident in the TEM micrograph (Fig.5)showing average particle size increase from 135to 200nm as the R -value increases from 4to 8.This is also in agreement with the particle size range as observed from SEM (Fig.6).TEM micrographs (Fig.5)also show the alumina solid bridging (necking)links powder particles together between neighbouring particles.The particle size as observed from TEM is larger than that calculated from the Scherer formula.This is because the nanosized precursor particles derived from micro-emulsions have very high surface areas;thus they tend to aggregate together to form particle agglomerates in the calcined ceramic powders [26].ConclusionNanosized -Al 2O 3powders have been prepared via reverse micelle and sol-gel processing.The XRD analysis showed that the complete transformation from -Al 2O 3to -Al 2O 3was observed at 1100 C.The resulting alumina nanopowder exhibits particle agglomerates of 135–200nm in average diameter occur when they calcined at 1200 C.The average particle size was found to increase with increase in water to surfactant R molar ratio.AcknowledgmentThis study was supported by 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Synthesis of CuInSe2 nanocrystals using a continuous hot-injection microreactor
RESEARCH PAPERSynthesis of CuInSe 2nanocrystals using a continuous hot-injection microreactorHyung Dae Jin •Chih-Hung ChangReceived:20March 2012/Accepted:30August 2012/Published online:18September 2012ÓSpringer Science+Business Media B.V.2012Abstract A very rapid and simple synthesis of CuInSe 2nanocrystals (NCs)was successfully per-formed using a continuous hot-injection microreactor with a high throughput per reactor volume.It was found that copper-rich CuInSe 2with a sphalerite structure was formed initially followed by the forma-tion of more ordered CuInSe 2at longer reaction times along with the formation of Cu 2Se and In 2Se 3.Binary syntheses were performed and the results show a much faster formation rate of Cu 2Se than In 2Se 3.The rate limiting step in the formation of CuInSe 2is forming the In 2Se 3intermediate.Rapid synthesis of stoichi-ometric CuInSe 2NCs using a continuous-flow mic-roreactor was accomplished by properly adjusting the Cu/In precursor ratio.Tuning the ratio of coordinating solvents can cause size differences from 2.6to 4.1nm,bandgaps from 1.1to 1.3eV,and different production yields of NCs.The highest production yield as determined by weight was achieved up to 660mg/h using a microreactor with a small volume of 3.2cm 3.Keywords CuInSe 2ÁContinuous hot-injection microreactor ÁCu/In precursor ratioIntroductionSolar cells are one of the most promising renewable energy sources.However,the high manufacturing cost has thus far limited the widespread use of these tech-nologies (Lewis 2007).At present,Si-based photo-voltaic modules are dominant in the PV market.The thin film PV market share is growing owing to its cost efficiency.Cu(In,Ga)Se 2(CIGS)PV modules have the highest efficiency,at about 10–14%(Butler 2008),among various thin film PV technologies.CIGS mod-ules are currently being manufactured primarily using sputtering and selenization processes.Recent advances in nanocrystalline materials pro-duction are expected to impact the development of next generation low-cost and/or high-efficiency solar cells.For example,semiconductor nanocrystal (NC)inks are used to lower the fabrication cost of the absorber layers of solar cells (Panthiani et al.2008;Guo et al.2008).In addition,some quantum-confined NCs display electron–hole pair generation phenomena with greater than 100%quantum yield,called multi-ple exciton generation (MEG)(Nozik 2008).These quantum dots could potentially be used to fabricate solar cells that exceed the Shockley–Queisser limit.Several papers have reported the synthesis of CuInSe 2(CIS)quantum dots by means of small scale batchElectronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11051-012-1180-2)containssupplementary material,which is available to authorized users.H.D.Jin ÁC.-H.Chang (&)School of Chemical,Biological &Environmental Engineering,Oregon State University,Corvallis,OR 97331,USAe-mail:chih-hung.chang@J Nanopart Res (2012)14:1180DOI 10.1007/s11051-012-1180-2processes(Panthiani et al.2008;Guo et al.2008;Nozik 2008;Malik et al.1999;Castro et al.2003;Zhong et al. 2007;Lu et al.2008;Allen and Bawendi2008;Koo et al. 2009;Tang et al.2008;Pan et al.2009;Chen et al.2007). Schulz et al.(1998)synthesized CuInSe2and Cu(In-Ga)Se2nanoparticles via a metathesis reaction of CuI, InI3,and GaI3in pyridine with Na2Se in methanol under an inert environment.Agglomerated,amorphous CIGS nanoparticles were obtained.For the synthesis of size-and shape-controlled NCs,the hot-injection method is more suitable(Burda et al.2005).In a typical hot-injection synthesis,the reactants are injected into a hot coordinating solvent for rapid nucleation and controlled growth.Malik et thefirst synthesis of tri-n-octylphosphine oxide(TOPO)-capped CuInSe2NCs using a two step reaction from CuCl and InCl3in tri-n-octylphosphine (TOP),followed by injection into TOPO at100°C. TOPSe was then added to the reaction mixture at250°C. More recently,Panthani et al.and Guo et ed a direct combination of Cu and In salts and elemental Se in aflask with oleylamine(OLA)followed by heating to synthesize CuInSe2.These advances for the synthesis of high quality CuInSe2NCs rely primary on batch procedures and require long processing time(hours to days),inert conditions(Schlenk line and/or glove box),and long heating and cooling procedures.In addition,these batch processes may have problems in controlling reaction conditions resulting in poor mixing and poor temperature control after scale up(Burda et al.2005).OLA(Panthiani et al.2008;Guo et al.2008;Allen and Bawendi2008;Koo et al.2009),TOP(Burda et al.2005),TOPO(Malik et al. 1999),mixture of trioctylphosphite(TOOP)and octade-cene(ODE)(Nose et al.2009a),oleic acid(OA)(Pan et al. 2008),hexadecylamine(HDA)(Du et al.2007),and octadecylamine(ODA)(Wang et al.2008)have been used as coordinating solvents for the synthesis of CIS NCs.The majority of CIS NC syntheses use oleylamine as a coordination solvent.However,OLA can etch the NC surface over time(Koo et al.2009)and devices made by NCs capped by amine groups lose performance quickly (Koleilat et al.2008).In this paper,we report a simple,continuous,scalable, and rapid synthesis of size-controlled CuInSe2NCs using a continuous hot-injection microreactor.Continuous syntheses of the binary semiconductor CdSe NCs using microreactors have been reported by several papers (Nakamura et al.2002;Yin and Alivisatos2005;Yen et al.2003).Microreactors have several advantages over conventional batch synthesis.One of the key advantages is the drastic reduction in the reaction time,in this case, down to minutes from hours.Shorter reaction time not only provides higher throughput but also provide better particle size control by avoiding aggregation and by reducing probability of oxidizing the copper and indium precursors.A mixture of TOP and OA was used as the coordinating solvents in our synthesis.This mixture has the advantage of high solubility of metal halides, especially higher than that of OLA,which is favorable for higher production rates.Another advantage of TOP and OA is their efficient heat transfer and mass transport.A key factor in this study is the ratio of these two coordinating solvents,which affects the bonding strength and steric properties(Yu et al.2003).ExperimentalMaterialsCopper(I)chloride(ACS90?%,Alfa),indium(III) chloride anhydrous(99.99%,metal basis,Alfa),and selenium powder,-325mesh(99.5%,metal basis, Alfa)were purchased and used without further puri-fication.Trioctylphosphine(technical grade,Aldrich) and oleic acid(technical grade,Aldrich)were purged with nitrogen gas for30min to remove oxygen.Batch process TOP and OA chemistryPrecursor of Se1.4M was made with Se powder and TOP and then this mixture was stirred at around90°C for several hours to give a clear solution of TOPSe.Precursor of Cu?InPowdered CuCl and InCl3were added to TOP and OA to make a0.34M solution.This mixture was stirred at around90°C for several hours until the mixture clearly dissolved and the color turned to light yellow. Synthesis of CIS3mL of each of the Cu and In precursors were added into aflask and the temperature was held between250 and260°C.Next,1mL of Se precursor was injected into theflask using a syringe.Page2of9J Nanopart Res(2012)14:1180Synthesis of binary componentInCl3(0.34M)or CuCl(0.34M)was dissolved into a mixture of OA and TOP(1:4)at around90°C for several hours by stirring.The temperature was held between250and260°C.Next,TOPSe(1.4M)was injected into theflask using a syringe.After a reaction time of8min,theflask was rapidly removed from the silicon oil bath.Continuous process TOP and OA chemistryPrecursor of Se1.4M solution was made with Se powder and TOP and then this mixture was stirred at around90°C for several hours to give a clear solution of TOPSe.Precursor of Cu?InA mixture of0.11M of CuCl and0.34M of InCl3was made and then this mixture was stirred at around90°C for several hours until the mixture clearly dissolved in TOP and OA and the color turned to light yellow. Synthesis of CISThe Cu?In precursor(0.3mL/min)and the TOPSe precursor(0.1mL/min)were simultaneously pumped into a T-mixer.The reaction time was controlled by the length of tubing in a hot silicon oil bath,and the temperature was held between250and260°C.Purification processAfter the reaction,excess MeOH was added to wash and precipitate the NCs,followed by centrifugation at 5,000rpm for several hours.The supernatant was discarded and then the NCs were redispersed in either toluene or chloroform.Characterization of materialsTransmission electron microscopy(TEM)A low resolution image was taken on a Philips CM-12 operating at80kV and a high resolution image was taken on a FEI Tecnai G2operating at200kV. NPs were dropcast out of toluene solution on carbon-coated300-mesh copper grid.To calculate NPs size,the ImageJ program was used.X-ray diffraction(XRD)The phase and the crystallographic structure were characterized with K a radiation(Discover D8operat-ing at k=1.54nm).A glass slide was used as a substrate.Energy dispersive spectroscopy(EDS)The composition was measured(EDS built in FEI Quanta600F)after drying in a vacuum furnace at 200°C for1h to remove residual solvent.Three different spots were measured from the same sample.UV–Visible and IR analysisNCs were dispersed in chloroform and were analyzed using a JASCO V-670spectrophotometer.Thermal gravimetric analysis(TGA)NCs were placed in an aluminum pan with a heating rate of10°C/min to600°C under with a dry nitrogen purge at40mL/min.Results and discussionBatch processBatch syntheses were performed to elucidate the reaction mechanism.CuInSe2was synthesized using CuCl(copper(I)chloride)and InCl3(indium(III) chloride)as precursors in a mixture of OA and TOP as coordinating solvents at a temperature between250 and260°C.TOPSe was rapidly injected by a syringe into this reaction mixture.The NC products allowed to react for different time lengths(2,4,6,8,30,and60min)were analyzed using XRD and EDS.The XRD results shown in Figs.1,S1,and S2(simulation results)clearly indicate the formation of CuInSe2.CuInSe2could exist in several forms including sphalerite(SP),chalcopyrite (CH),and CuAu ordering(Stanbery et al.2002).For these structures,the selenium anion sublattice remains the same with different cation orderings.ChalcopyriteJ Nanopart Res(2012)14:1180Page3of9structure has peaks at 17.2°,27.7°,30.9°,35.5°,and 41.9°which correspond to the (101),(103),(200),(211),and (105)reflections,respectively.In addition,it is well known that the XRD peak positions of CuInSe 2and Cu 2Se are difficult to distinguish.The relative intensity of the peaks around 26°and 44°could be used to help resolve this issue.The ratio is around 2for CuInSe 2and 0.9for Cu 2Se.The peaks at(112for CH or 111for SP)and (204/220for CH or 220for SP)shift to larger 2h values and peaks at 2h values of 17.2and 30.9are growing.In addition,the EDS composition data indicate an overall composition that is initially more copper rich and approaches the Cu:In:Se ratio of 1:1:2at longer reaction times (Table S1).These data indicate copper-rich CuInSe 2with a sphalerite structure was formed initially.MoreorderedFig.1Experimental and reference XRD (JCPDS 40-1487)patterns ofa 60min,b 30min,c 8min,d 6min,e 4min,andf 2min by batch process andg reference XRD.The surfactant ratio OA:TOP is 4:1.Bottoms are theexpanded figures.The peak of f shifts to a larger 2h value on left figure.Peakspositions of Cu 2Se (JCPDS 04-0839)are very close to that of CIS.Peaks of In 2Se 3(JCPDS 34-1313)NCs (right figure)disappeared gradually as reaction time increased.Separations of peaks (43.7and 44.27)were clear at b 30minPage 4of 9J Nanopart Res (2012)14:1180CuInSe 2was formed at a longer reaction time along with the formation of Cu 2Se and In 2Se 3according to the following simplified reactions:2CuCl þ2InCl 3þ4Se !Cu 2Se þIn 2Se 3þ4Cl 2!2CuInSe 2The appearance and disappearance of a small peak at 31.695,which could be assigned to In 2Se 3(JCPDS 34-1313),corresponds well with the growth of the peaks of CH CuInSe 2further supports this mechanism.The EDS results showing a higher Cu/In ratio at shorter synthesis time also suggest the difference in the forma-tion rate of Cu 2Se and In 2Se 3intermediates.Syntheses of In 2Se 3and Cu 2Se were carried out to better understand the reaction kinetics of these binary compounds.In case of Cu 2Se,the solution color turns black right after the injection of TOPSe.On the other hand,the solution for In 2Se 3synthesis started to change color after 2min.These experiments clearly indicate that the reaction rate of Cu 2Se (less than seconds)formation is an order of magnitude faster than that of In 2Se 3(around 2min)with TOPSe injection.Therefore,the rate limiting step is likely to be the formation of In 2Se 3intermediate (Fig.S3).Xie et al.found the formation process of semiconductor NCs are likely to be reaction-controlled kinetics instead of nucleation-controlled kinetics R Cu 2Se ÀL /½CuCl ÀL a ½TOP ÀSe b R In 2Se 3ÀL /½InCl 3ÀL c ½TOP ÀSe d R CuInSe 2ÀL /½Cu 2Se ÀL e ½In 2Se 3ÀL fSynthesis using a lower concentration ratio of CuCl/InCl 3should speed up the formation of In 2Se 3relative to Cu 2Se,thus,speed up the formation ofstoichiometric CuInSe 2.This adjustment will render the process more adaptable to the continuous synthesis without the use of long residence time.A number of syntheses were carried out to find a suitable CuCl/InCl 3ratio for the rapid synthesis of near stoichiom-etric CuInSe 2(Fig.S4;Table S2).A suitable CuCl/InCl 3precursor ratio of 3was identified.TGA results (Fig.2)show different coordinating ligands environ-ment between In 2Se 3and Cu 2Se.The low-temperature weight loss curve (200–300°C)indicated the loss of TOP ligand and the high-temperature weight loss curve (400–450°C)indicated the loss of OA ligand.These results indicate that TOP is the main coordi-nating ligand for Cu 2Se NCs.On the other hand,both TOP and OA are present on the surface of In 2Se 3NCs.Continuous processWe used a hot-injection microreactor to transform the batch synthesis into a continuous-flow process.The microreactor,shown in Fig.3,has a simple design which uses readily available,low-cost components.It comprises an inner microtube to precisely control the injection of TOPSe into a larger diameter tube that CuCl and InCl 3mixture was pumped through.NCs were separated out from the reaction mixture by centrifugation followed by a washing process.Rapid injection plays an important role in dividing the nucleation and growth process which is crucial in getting a narrow size distribution (Yin and Alivisatos 2005).The design of this microreactor also has the advantages of alleviating sticking of NCs on the growth channel wall since NCs were formed from the center of the reactor.Figure 4shows the XRD spectrum of NCs from the continuous microreactor.This diffractogram matches the expected trace for CuInSe 2(JCPDS 40-1487).CuInSe 2could exist in several forms including sphalerite (SP),chalcopyrite (CH),and CuAu ordering (Stanbery et al.2002).The broadening of XRD peaks for smaller NCs can be seen clearly from the (112)peaks.By maintaining the reaction channel length,the reaction times for all syntheses were kept constant.Size-controlled CIS NCs were successfully synthesized simply by tuning the ratio between the two coordinating solvents OA and TOP.The TEM image shown in Fig.5shows the CuInSe 2NCs exhibit spherical shape.The TEM images and histograms clearly show that the sizes of the CuInSe 2NCs can be tailored with a goodsizeFig.2TGA results of In 2Se 3,Cu 2Se,and CuInSe 2.(The surfactant ratio OA:TOP is 4:1)J Nanopart Res (2012)14:1180Page 5of 9control.CuInSe 2NCs with a median size of 3.7nm (Fig.5a)was synthesized using an OA:TOP ratio of 4:1in CuCl and InCl 3mixture to react with TOPSe.In contrast,CuInSe 2NCs with a median size of 2.6nm (Fig.5b)were synthesized after injection of TOPSe into a CuCl and InCl 3mixture with an OA:TOP ratio of 9:1.In addition,a median value of 3.5nm (Fig.5c)CuInSe 2was synthesized using an OA:TOP ratio of 4:1in a CuCl and InCl 3mixture reacted with a mixture of OA and TOP for elemental Se as 1:3ratio.Even though the ratio OA:TOP is the same in the CuCl and InCl 3mixture,the resulting size,size distribution,and most significantly the yield of CuInSe 2NCs are quite different owing to the difference of Se coordination solvents.A median value of 4.1nm (Fig.5d)CuInSe 2was synthesized using an OA:TOP ratio of 9:1in a CuCl and InCl 3mixture reacted with a mixture of OA and TOP for elemental Se as 1:3ratio.The larger NC sizes also contributed to relatively sharper XRD peaks shown in Fig.4d.The different bonding strengths of various coordi-nating solvents offer a good opportunity to tailor the NCs (Milliron et al.2004;Jin and Chang 2011;Xie et al.2009).Nose et al.(2009b )investigated the effect of complex ligand species on the formation of CuInS 2NCs.They found the bond strength between the metallic monomers and ligand molecules and steric size of the ligand molecules influenced the growth rate.No NCs could be obtained after injection of TOPSe into a CuCl and InCl 3mixture with an OA:TOP ratio of 7:3.When a relatively high TOP concentration is used,the metal halide precursor became much less reactive in comparison to the case of low TOP concentration.TOP efficiently suppresses the NC formation rate at the initial step due to its strong bonding.The TOP concentration in case of the OA:TOP ratio of 9:1results in relatively small-sized NCs.The lattice fringes related to the (112)and(220)Fig.3Schematic illustration of a the microreactor and reactants supplying and b the continuous hot-injectionmicroreactorFig.4CuInSe 2NCs of experimental and reference XRD of a a median value of 4.1nm,b a median value of 3.5nm,c a median value of 2.6nm,d a median value of 3.7nm.References XRD are JCPDS 40-1487:CuInSe 2and JCPDS 04-0839:Cu 2SePage 6of 9J Nanopart Res (2012)14:1180planes can be visualized clearly from the HRTEM images (Fig.5e).The resulting average composition shows a stoi-chiometry close to 1:1.13:2.36,1:1.19:2.38,1:1.19:2.37,and 1:1.05:2.16according to the EDS analysis (Table 1;Fig.S6).The slightly indium-rich stoichi-ometry could be beneficial for photovoltaics.The UV–Vis–NIR absorbance spectra of the correspond-ing CuInSe 2NCs are given in Fig.6.The optical bandgaps were estimated to be 1.3,1.2,1.15,and 1.1eV for CuInSe 2NCs determined by the absorbance spectrum with a median size of 2.6,3.5,3.7,and 4.1nm,respectively.When compared to the expected value of 1.04eV for bulk CuInSe 2,this blue shift is likely due to a quantum confinement effect.TGA results (Fig.S7)describe the weight of ligands attached to the surface of the CIS NCs.Table 1sums up that different surfactant ratios results in different NCs size,production yield and even weight of ligands on the surface of CIS NCs.The production rate as determined by weight achieved up to 660mg/h using a microreactor with a small volume of 3.2cm 3.ConclusionsWe have elucidated the formation mechanism of CuInSe 2NCs for the development of a continuous-flow process for their synthesis.CuInSe 2NCs were synthesized with good size control ranging from 2.6to 4.1nm using a continuous hot-injection microreactor.The continuous-flow microreactor could overcome the drawbacks of conventional batch synthesis such as a low production rate,long heating,cooling,and reac-tion times,the need for a Schlenk line and/or a gloveTable 1Characteristics of CIS nanocrystalsa Calculated from ImageJb Obtained from TGAc Obtained from EDSdSe precursor dissolved in a mixture of TOP and OA as 3:1volume ratio usedConcentration (mmol/mL)Cu:In:Se precursor Surfactant ratio (OA:TOP)Median size (nm)a Production yield (mg/min)CIS (%)b Composition (Cu:In:Se)c 0.11:0.34:1.44:l 3.7 2.2201:1.08:2.350.11:0.34:1.49:1 2.68.9351:1.19:2.280.11:0.34:1.44:l d 3.511271:1.19:2.370.11:0.34:1.49:ld4.18.1251:1.05:2.160.11:0.34:1.47:3Not synthesize 0.11:0.34:1.24:1NotsynthesizeFig.5TEM images of CuInSe 2QDs.a Median value of 3.7nm,b median value of 2.6nm,c median value of 3.5nm,and d median value of 4.1nm.The HRTEM images of a median value of e 3.7nm and f 3.5nmJ Nanopart Res (2012)14:1180Page 7of 9box,and most importantly the challenge for scale up.It was found that copper-rich CuInSe 2with a sphalerite structure was formed initially followed by the formation of more ordered CuInSe 2at longer reaction times,along with the formation of Cu 2Se and In 2Se 3.It was found that Cu 2Se was formed at a much faster rate than In 2Se 3under the same reaction conditions.By adjusting the Cu/In precursor ratio,we were able to develop a very rapid and simple synthesis of CuInSe 2NCs.The different bonding strength and steric effect of the coordinating solvents,OA and TOP,offer a good opportunity to tailor the size,size distribution,and production yield.The metal halide precursor was less reactive when high TOP concentration used.High production rates were achieved up to 11mg/min (or 660mg/h)using a microreactor with a size of only 3.2cm 3.UV–Vis–NIR absorbance spectra showed that bandgaps of as-synthesized CuInSe 2NCs of different sizes can be adjusted between 1.1and 1.3eV simply by changing the OA to TOP ratios.The combination of this facile synthesis with the scalable continuous-flow microre-actor process could open up opportunity for the fabrication of solar cells using CuInSe 2NCs synthe-sized from this size tunable process for optimum solar energy harvesting.Acknowledgment Katherine Han’s assistance in editing this paper is highly appreciated.This work was conducted under subcontract from Pacific 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E -mail :wugangczu@ 第一作者:吴刚,男,46岁,博士,副教授;研究方向:功能配合物。
****************研究简报铜髤与2-吡啶酸、4,4′-联吡啶配合物的合成、结构和电化学性质吴刚*,1王小锋2鲜华2郭学林1(1滁州学院化学和生命科学系,滁州239012)(2晓庄学院生物化工与化境工程学院,南京211171)关键词:Cu 髤配合物;4,4′-联吡啶;晶体结构;循环伏安中图分类号:O614.121文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-4861(2010)07-1315-04Synthesis,Crystal Structure and Cyclic Voltametric Property of Cu 髤Complex with 4,4′-Bipy and α-Pyridine CarboxylateWU Gang *,1WANG Xiao -Feng 2XIAN Hua 2GUO Xue -Lin 1(1Department of Chemistry and Life Science,Chuzhou University,Chuzhou,Anhui 239012)(2Biochemistry &Environment Engineering College,Xiao Zhuang University,Nanjing 211171)Abstract:The complex [Cu(bipy)(pc)(H 2O)(ClO 4)]·H 2O (1)(bipy:4,4′-bipyridine;Hpc:α-pyridine carboxylic acid)has been synthesized and characterized by single crystal X -ray diffraction method and elemental analysis.It crysrallizes in the Monoclinic space group P 21/n .The crystal structure reveals that Cu 髤centre adopts a pseudo octahedral geometry.Ligand 4,4′-bipyridine as a bridge coordinates to two different Cu 髤center to form a one -dimensional zigzag chain.One dimensional chains are linked by C-H …O hydrogen bonding interactions to form two -dimensional yers are connected by O …H-O hydrogen bond to generate three -dimensional structure.The cyclic voltametric behavior of complex 1is also DC:743537.Key words:copper 髤complex;4,4′-bipyridine;cyclic voltametryMetallo -supramolecular species built from transi -tion metal ions and organic ligands have been rapidly developed in recent years because of their fascinating structural diversities and potential applications in the areas of catalysis,gas storage,magnetism,nonlinear optics,electrical conductivity,and molecular recogni -tion [1-4].Over the past decades,there have been various examples of the metal -organic coordination frameworks obtained by using pyridyl -based bridging ligands,inclu -ding simple 2-connecting ligand like 4,4′-bipyridine [5-7].As a rigid linear bridging ligands,is often used in the design and constructure of multi -dimensional coordination polymers.It can connect metal cations through its distal pyridyl nitrogen donor atoms into structurally intriguing solids with potentially useful properties [8-12].For example,the paratactic layered phase [Zn (isophthalate)(4,4′-bpy)2][Zn (isophthalate)-(4,4′-bpy)]·0.25H 2O exhibits blue luminescence upon ultrav -iolet irradiation [13],and the interpenetrated 3D material [Zn(terephthalate)(4,4′-bpy)0.5]can chromatographically第26卷第7期2010年7月Vol .26No .71315-1318无机化学学报CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY第26卷无机化学学报separate branched and linear hydrocarbons[12].Here,a new4,4′-bipyridine coordination[Cu(bipy)(pc)(H2O) (ClO4)]·H2O is obtained and structure is determined by means of X-ray diffraction crystal structure analysis.Its cyclic voltametric property is investigated.1Experimental1.1Reagents and physical measurementsAll reagents commercially available were of reagent grade and used without further purification. Solvents were purified according to the standard methods.C,H and N elements analyses were carried out on a Perkin-Elmer240C elemental analyzer.IR spectra were recorded on a Vector22FTIR spectro-photometer by using KBr pellet in the range of4000~ 400cm-1.The electrochemical measurements were performed using a ShangHai ChenHua CHI600electro-chemical workstation.A three electrode platinum disc of2mm diameter,the reference electrode was Ag/AgCl electrode and single-compartment electrochemical cell was used.The working electrode was a platinum disc of 2mm diameter,the reference electrode was Ag/AgCl electrode and the counter electrode was a platinum wire long enough.All the measurements were carried out in N,N-dimethylformamide(DMF)solvent with0.1mol·L-1Bu4NPF6as indifferent electrolyte and all experi-ments were carried out at room temperature.The electrolyte solutions were carefully deaerated with dry N2.The bubbling was stopped during the measurements in order to obtain semi-infinite linear conditions for diffusion process of the electroactive specie complex with5mg·mL-1concentration.Voltammograms were recorded in the range from0.6to-0.8V vs Ag/AgCl and the scan rate was100mV·s-1.1.2Synthesis of the title compound(1)KOH(0.04mmol, 2.4mg)was added to the solution ofα-pyridine carboxylic acid(0.04mmol,5.0 mg)and4,4′-bipyrindine(bipy)(0.04mmol,5.0mg)in 5mL H2O.Then Cu(ClO4)2·6H2O(0.04mmol,14.8mg) and CH3CH2OH(7mL)were added with stirring.The clear solution was allowed to stand at ambient tempera-ture for about two weeks.Rod deep blue crystals were obtained(7.3mg).Anal.Calcd.for C16H14ClN3O8Cu(%): C,40.43;H,2.97;N,8.84.Found(%):C,40.38;H, 3.05;N,8.93.IR(KBr,cm-1):3450(bm),1636(s),1603 (s),1588(m),1570(w),1477(w),1405(w),1358(s),1293 (w),1217(w),991(m),807(w),810,771(w),696(w),612(w).1.3Crystal structure determinationThe crystal collection for complex1was carried out on a Bruker Smart ApexⅡCCD at room tempera-ture,using graphite-monochromated Mo Kαradiation (λ=0.07107nm).The structure was solved by direct methods and refined on F2by full-matrix least-squares techniques with SHELXL-97.All non-hydrogen atoms and hydrogen atoms were refined anisotropically and isotropically,respectively.The crystal parameters,data collection and refinement results for the compound are listed in Table1.The selected bond lengths and bond angles are listed in Table2.CCDC:743537.Table1Crystallographic data for complex1Empirical formula C16H16ClN3O8Cu D c/(g·cm-3) 1.65Formula weight477.32μ/mm-10.1326Crystal system Monoclinic Crystal dimension/mm0.24×0.22×0.20Space group P21/nθrange/(°) 1.93~26.00a/nm0.85357(8)F(000)972b/nm 1.61058(14)Goodness of fit 1.056c/nm 1.41685(13)Reflections collected10105β/(°)99.407(2)Independent reflns.(R int)3756(0.0203)V/nm3 1.9216(3)Obsd.reflns.(I>2σ(I))3345Z4Parameters refined262Temperature/K293(2)R,wR(I>2σ(I))0.0680,0.2069Crystal color Blue R,wR(all reflections)0.0724,0.2129 1316第7期吴刚等:铜髤与2-吡啶酸、4,4′-联吡啶配合物的合成、结构和电化学性质2Results and discussion2.1Crystal structure of the complex 1Complex 1crystallizes in the Monoclinic space group P 21/n .The coordination plot of the Cu 髤with the atomic numbering is shown in Fig.1.Each Cu 髤centre adopts a pseudo octahedral geometry with N 3O 3set.Three nitrogen atoms come from one α-pyridine carbox -ylate anion,which acts as a bidentate ligand chelating with Cu 髤center,and two bipy molecules,which acts as a bidentate ligand coordinating to two different Cu 髤center to generate a one -dimensional chain structure as ahown in Fig.2.In bipy molecule,two pyrindine rings are not in the same plane.The dihedral angle between two pyrindine rings is 21.99°.In addition,it is worthy to note that the O atom of perchlorate anion also partici -pate coordination with the metal atom since the distan -ces of Cu1-O4is 0.2790nm.Similar Cu -O distance of 0.2790nm has been reported in complex Ca[Cu(OAc)4]·6H 2O (OAc =acetate)[14].Selected bond lengths and angles for complex 1are listed in Table 2.The other two oxygen atoms are from ligands α-pyridine carboxy -late,water molecule,respectively.The heavily distorted octahedral geometry about Cu1is completed by loosely -bound perchlorate (O4,Cu -O is 0.2790nm)and water (O1W,0.23303(19)nm).The oxygen atoms from perc -hlorate and water molecule are localed at axial position.The angle of O4-Cu1-O1W is 175.23°.The [4+2]coor -dination is in line with that predicted for the Jahn -Teller active d 9ion Cu 2+.Bidentate ligand bipys bridge neighbour Cu 髤center to generate a zigzag one -dimensional chain (Fig.2).The [Cu(bipy)(pc)(H 2O)(ClO 4)]has an extensive capacity to hydrogen bonds through pc,coordinated water and perchlorate.Details of hydrogen bonds within 1are contained in Table 3.Firstly,the two dimensionalTable 2Selected bond lengths (nm)and angles (°)for complex 1Cu(1)-O(2)0.19444(14)Cu(1)-O(1W)0.23303(19)Cu(1)-N(2)#10.20186(16)Cu(1)-N(1)0.20072(16)Cu(1)-N(3)0.20065(16)Cu(1)-O(4)0.2790O(2)-Cu(1)-N(3)82.61(6)N(1)-Cu(1)-O(1W)91.86(7)N(3)-Cu(1)-O(1W)95.53(7)N(3)-Cu(1)-N(1)97.56(6)O(2)-Cu(1)-N(1)174.31(7)N(2)-Cu(1)-O(1W)#191.52(7)N(3)-Cu(1)-N(2)#1168.85(7)O(2)-Cu(1)-N(2)#188.34(6)O(2)-Cu(1)-O(1W)93.78(7)N(1)-Cu(1)-N(2)#190.80(6)Symmetry codes:#1:x -1/2,-y +1/2,z -1/2.Uncoordinated water molecule and hydrogen atoms omitted for clarityFig.1Coordination environment around the Cu 髤atom with 30%probability displacementSymmetry codes:#1:1-x ,-y ,-z ;#2:1+x ,-1+y ,z ;#3:x ,-1+y ,z ;#4:1/2-x ,1/2+y ,1/2-z ;#5:2-x ,1-y ,1-z ;#6:1/2+x ,-1/2-y ,1/2+z .D-H …Ad (D -H)/nm d (H …A)/nmd (D …A)/nm ∠(DHA)/(°)O(1W)-H(1WA)…O(2)#10.0960.2190.2795(4)120O(1W)-H(1WB)…O(6)#20.0960.1830.2739(17)157C(1)-H(1)…O(4)#30.0930.2550.3170(13)124C(2)-H(2)…O(1)#40.0930.2390.3316(5)173C(4)-H(4)…O(2W)#50.0930.2580.3445(10)155C(12)-H(12)…O(1)#60.0920.2320.3162(5)151Table 3Distance and angles of hydrogen bonds for the complex 11317第26卷无机化学学报nets are linked by C-H…O(C12-H12…O1#6)hydro-gen bond from uncoordinated oxygen atoms(acceptor)of pc anion and C-H(donor)of pc resulting in two dimensional layer(Fig.2).Further,O-H…O hydrogen bonding interactions between perchlorates with coordinated water moleules connects adjacent layers forming three-dimensional structure.2.2Cyclic voltammetric study of complex1Cyclic voltammetry between0.6to-0.8V permits the study of the complex1without decomposition.The sharp oxidation peak of copper is absent in this potential range(Fig.3).The oxidation peak of the complex occurs at about0.32V,and in the reverse scan it shows no obvious reduction peaks which indicates that the oxidation process of complex1is irreversible.References:[1]Leininger S,Olenyuk B,Stang P J.Chem.Rev.,2000,100:853-908[2]Westcott A,Fisher J,Harding L P,et al.J.Am.Chem.Soc.,2008,130:2950-2951[3]Coronado E,Galán-Mascarós J R,Gómez-García C J,et 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第53卷第2期2024年2月人㊀工㊀晶㊀体㊀学㊀报JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS Vol.53㊀No.2February,2024一例锶配合物的合成、结构及表征保玉婷1,2,梁毅农1,2,孙㊀赞1,2(1.青海民族大学化学化工学院,西宁㊀810007;2.青藏高原资源化学与生态环境保护国家民委重点实验室,西宁㊀810007)摘要:在溶剂热条件下,以1,4,5,8-萘四羧酸(H 4L1)为配体,六水合氯化锶为金属源合成了一例锶配合物[Sr(L)2(H 2O)4]n (1)㊂通过元素分析(EA)㊁X 射线单晶衍射(SXRD)㊁X 射线粉末衍射(PXRD)㊁红外光谱(IR)和热重分析(TGA)进行结构表征㊂X 射线单晶衍射结果表明,1,4,5,8-萘四羧酸(H 4L1)发生原位反应生成1,3-二氧代-1H,3H-苯并[脱]异色烯-6,7-二羧酸(H 2L)㊂在配合物1中,每个锶原子位于四方反棱柱的几何构型中,配体连接金属延伸形成一维链状结构,链与链之间通过氢键与π π堆积作用形成2D 超分子结构㊂探究了配合物的固态发光行为,发现配合物在211nm 的激发波长下产生宽的发射光谱带(450~690nm),并在535nm 处出现最大发射波长,因此可知配合物是一种潜在的绿光材料㊂关键词:溶剂热合成;锶配合物;晶体结构;荧光性质;原位反应中图分类号:O641.4㊀㊀文献标志码:A ㊀㊀文章编号:1000-985X (2024)02-0293-07Synthesis ,Structure and Characterization of a Strontium ComplexBAO Yuting 1,2,LIANG Yinong 1,2,SUN Zan 1,2(1.College of Chemistry and Engineering,Qinghai Minzu University,Xining 810007,China;2.Key Laboratory of Resource Chemistry and Eco-Environmental Protection in Tibetan Plateau (Qinghai Minzu University),State Ethnic Affairs Commission,Xining 810007,China)Abstract :A Sr(II)complex [Sr(L)2(H 2O)4]n (1)was synthesized with 1,4,5,8-naphthalene tetracarboxylic acid (H 4L1)and strontium chloride hexahydrate under solvothermal conditions.The structure was characterized by elemental analysis (EA),single crystal X-ray diffraction (SXRD),powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD),infrared spectroscopy (IR)and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).The single crystal X-ray diffraction results indicate that H 4L1undergoes in-situ reaction to generate 1,3-dioxo-1H,3H-benzo[de]isomere-6,7-dicarboxylic acid (H 2L).In complex 1,each Sr(II)atom is located in the geometric configuration of a square antiprism.The L -ligands connect Sr atoms to form a one-dimensional chain structure.2D supramolecular structure is formed through hydrogen bonding and π πstacking interactions.The solid states luminescence behavior of complex 1was explored.It is found that complex 1produces a wide emission spectrum band(450~690nm)at the excitation wavelength of 211nm,and the maximum emission wavelength appears at 535nm.Therefore,it can be seen that complex 1is a potential green light material.Key words :solvent thermal synthesis;strontium complex;crystal structure;fluorescence property;in-situ reaction ㊀㊀收稿日期:2023-09-15㊀㊀基金项目:青海省自然科学基金(2020-ZJ-964Q);2022年青海民族大学研究生创新项目(12M2022014)㊀㊀作者简介:保玉婷(1997 ),女,青海省人,硕士研究生㊂E-mail:189****9423@ ㊀㊀通信作者:孙㊀赞,博士,副教授㊂E-mail:sunzan_2006@0㊀引㊀㊀言金属配合物是由金属离子/簇和有机配体通过自组装过程合成的,在气体分离㊁催化㊁传感和荧光等方面具有广阔的应用前景,受到了广泛的关注[1-3]㊂有机共轭羧酸配体由于以下原因被广泛用于配合物合成:1)配体中羧酸基团可采用多种配位模式,如单齿㊁螯合-双齿㊁桥接-双齿和桥接-多齿模式等[4-6],因此有利于生成具有新颖结构的配合物;2)由于共轭体系的存在,配合物通常会产生较强的荧光[7];3)羧基可以作为氢键的给予者或是接纳者,对超分子结构的构建非常有利[8-9]㊂294㊀研究论文人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第53卷含有共轭基团的有机羧酸配体与锶形成的配合物通常具有良好的发光行为[5,10-11]㊂2007年刘波等[10]利用醋酸锶与四苯基卟啉类配体反应,合成了四苯基卟啉锶配合物Sr(TPP)2(TPP=tetrakis(phenyl) porphyrin),荧光光谱有一个强的荧光发射峰(610nm)和一个弱的发射峰(676nm)㊂2011年李世杰等[5]用2-丙基-4,5-咪唑二甲酸配体合成了一例锶配合物[Sr(H2pimda)2(H2O)2]n(H3pimda=2-propyl-1H-imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylic acid),在490nm处有强的荧光发射峰㊂2023年Chen等[11]用4,4ᶄ-biphenyldisulfonic acid(H2BPDS)合成了锶配合物{[Sr(C40H44N24O12)(H2O)4](C12H8O6S2)}㊃26H2O,在水溶液中能选择性地检测诺氟沙星(norfloxacin,NFX)㊂含萘环羧酸配体的配合物,如[Sr10(1,4-NDC)10Br4] (1,4-H2NDC=1,4-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid)[12]㊁{[Sr(ntca)(H2O)2]㊃H2O}n(1,4-H2ntca=1,4-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid)[13],均表现出优异的发光性能[12-16]㊂基于以上研究,本文选用1,4,5,8-萘四羧酸与氯化锶在溶剂热条件下成功构筑了锶配合物[Sr(L)2(H2O)4]n(1),通过元素分析㊁X射线单晶衍射㊁X射线粉末衍射和红外光谱进行了结构表征,并研究了配合物的热稳定性和固态发光行为㊂1㊀实㊀㊀验1.1㊀试剂与仪器试剂:1,4,5,8-萘四羧酸㊁六水合氯化锶(天津市大茂化学试剂厂);DMF(天津市富宇精细化工有限公司),所用试剂皆为分析纯㊂仪器:傅里叶红外光谱仪(FTS-3000FT-IR);元素分析仪(EL-III);X射线粉末衍射仪(Rigaku Ultima Ⅳ);X射线单晶衍射仪(Rigaku Saturn);热重分析仪(NETZSCH TG209);荧光分光光度计(英国爱丁堡FLS1000)㊂1.2㊀配合物1的性能与表征方法采用X射线粉末衍射仪(Rigaku Ultima IV)以Cu Kα为射线源,电流25mA,电压35kV,扫描速率8(ʎ)/min对样品进行物相表征㊂在氮气气氛中,以升温速率为10ħ/min,温度范围为25~770ħ对样品进行热重分析㊂在室温下以氙灯作为光源,狭缝宽度为5nm,波长扫描范围为400~800nm,激发波长为211nm对样品进行荧光光谱测试㊂1.3㊀配合物1的X射线单晶衍射选取尺寸大小合适的黄色晶体于CrysAlisPro单晶衍射仪上,用经石墨单色器单色化的Mo Kα(λ=0.071073nm)射线为光源,在293K的温度下收集衍射点㊂配合物以ω-φ扫描方式收集衍射数据㊂所有衍射数据使用SADABS程序进行半经验吸收校正㊂晶胞参数用最小二乘法确定㊂数据还原和结构解析工作分别使用SAINT和SHELXS-2018程序[17]完成㊂晶体结构用直接法解出,先用差值函数法和最小二乘法确定全部非氢原子坐标,并用理论加氢法得到氢原子位置,然后用最小二乘法对晶体结构进行精修㊂O1上的H原子占有率为0.5㊂主要晶体学数据详见表1㊂配合物1的CIF数据已经保存在英国剑桥晶体结构数据中心, CCDC号为2253022,可通过网址免费获取:㊂1.4㊀配合物1的合成将六水合氯化锶(0.1mmol,26.6mg)㊁1,4,5,8-萘四羧酸(H4L1,0.05mmol,15.2mg)㊁1mL N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)和9mL H2O同时加入到25mL的烧杯内,超声10min,待分散均匀后,转移到容积为25mL 的带聚四氟乙烯内衬的不锈钢水热反应釜内,在100ħ恒温反应24h后,得到黄色晶体,晶体经过滤㊁DMF 洗涤后自然晾干㊂元素分析结果实验值(%):C,46.45;H,2.59,按照C28H16O18Sr计算的理论值(%):C, 46.19;H,2.22㊂IR(KBr,cm-1):3539(m),3074(w),1769(m),1725(m),1645(m),1592(s), 1512(m),1438(m),1381(s),1336(m),1291(m),1223(s),1155(m),1118(m),1040(s),869(m), 815(s),761(s),644(s),591(w),556(m),479(w),412(w)㊂㊀第2期保玉婷等:一例锶配合物的合成㊁结构及表征295㊀表1㊀配合物1的晶体学及结构精修参数Table1㊀Crystallographic data and structure refinement details of complex1Formula C28H16O18SrFormula weight728.03T/K293Crystal system OrthorhombicSpace-group Fddda/nm0.6909(10)b/nm 2.5264(4)c/nm 2.9512(5)α/(ʎ)90β/(ʎ)90γ/(ʎ)90V/nm3 5.15154(14)Z8D c/(g㊃cm-3) 1.877μ/mm-1 3.805θ/(ʎ)9.21~134.49Unique reflns,R int1166/0.0287GOF 1.133R1,w R2[I>2σ(I)]0.0271,0.0732R1,w R2(all data)0.0280,0.0737㊀㊀R1=Σ(||F o|-|F c||)/Σ|F o|;w R2={Σw(|F o|2-|F c|2)2/Σw(|F o|2)2}1/2.2㊀结果与讨论2.1㊀配合物1的晶体结构分析配合物1属于正交晶系Fddd空间群,晶胞参数为a=0.6909(10)nm,b=2.5264(4)nm,c=2.9512(5)nm 和α=β=γ=90ʎ㊂配合物1的分子式为C28H16O18Sr,结构式为[Sr(L)2(H2O)4]n㊂1,4,5,8-萘四甲酸在反应过程中生成了配体1,3-二氧代-1H,3H-苯并[脱]异色烯-6,7-二羧酸(H2L),如图1所示[18]㊂在配合物1中,中心金属Sr(II)离子的配位环境如图2(a)所示,Sr的八个配位原子来自于羧酸配体的四个氧原子以及四个水分子的氧原子,通过Shape软件计算(见表2)[19],发现Sr(II)离子的几何构型为四方反棱柱(见图2(b)),相关的键长键角列于表3㊂L-配体的配位模式如图2(c)所示,连接两个Sr(II)离子形成1D链结构(见图2(d))㊂在配合物1中,链与链之间通过O H O氢键(表4)和π π堆积作用(d cg㊃㊃cg=0.38683(10)㊁0.37782(10)㊁0.36046(9)nm)形成2D超分子结构(见图2(e))㊂图1㊀H4L1原位反应生成配体H2LFig.1㊀H2L ligand is derived from in situ reaction of H4L1296㊀研究论文人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第53卷图2㊀配合物1的晶体结构㊂(a)配合物1中Sr(II)离子的配位环境(对称码:#1x,-y+5/4,-z+5/4;#2-x+5/4, y,-z+5/4;#3x+5/4,-y+5/4,z);(b)配合物1中Sr(II)离子的四方反棱柱几何构型;(c)配体L-的配位模式;(d)配合物1的1D链;(e)配合物1由O H O氢键(虚线)和π π堆积作用(实线)形成的2D超分子层Fig.2㊀Crystal structure of complex1.(a)The coordination environment of Sr(II)ion in complex1(Symmetry code:#1x, -y+5/4,-z+5/4;#2-x+5/4,y,-z+5/4;#3x+5/4,-y+5/4,z);(b)square antiprism geometric configuration of Sr(II)ion in complex1;(c)coordination mode of L-ligand;(d)1D chain of complex1;(e)2D supramolecular structure was constructed by O H O hydrogen bond(dashed line)andπ πstacking interaction(solid line)of complex1表2㊀Shape软件分析配合物1中Sr(II)离子的几何构型Table2㊀Shape software analysis of the Sr(II)ion in complex1Label Shape DistortionTDD-8Triangular dodecahedron 2.366SAPR-8Square antiprism 1.699BTPR-8Biaugmented trigonal prism 3.407JBTPR-8Biaugmented trigonal prism J50 3.800JSD-8Snub diphenoid J84 6.0422.2㊀配合物1的红外光谱图3为配合物的红外光谱,其中v=3539cm-1为 OH的吸收峰,v=3074cm-1为 CH的吸收峰, v=1769㊁1725cm-1说明有酸酐,v=1645㊁1592㊁1512cm-1说明有羧基,v=1438㊁1381㊁1336㊁1291㊁1155㊁1118㊁1040㊁869㊁815㊁761㊁735㊁644㊁591㊁556㊁412cm-1说明有苯环存在㊂2.3㊀配合物1的粉末X射线衍射分析及热重分析由配合物的X射线粉末衍射图谱(见图4)可知,样品的实验测试图谱与通过单晶数据模拟得到的理论模拟谱图相符合,表明配合物有较高的相纯度㊂从配合物的热重曲线(见图5)可以看出配合物在100ħ左右开始质量损失,说明配合物失去了配位水分子,失重率为9.77%(理论值是9.88%),紧接着在120ħ左右发生结构的分解,直到590ħ左右趋于稳定,可归因于配体的分解㊂㊀第2期保玉婷等:一例锶配合物的合成㊁结构及表征297㊀表3㊀配合物1的部分键长和键角Table3㊀Selected bond lengths and angles for complex1Bond Length/nm Bond Length/nmSr(1) O(5)0.2595(14)Sr(1) O(2)0.2651(13)Sr(1) O(5)#10.2595(14)Sr(1) O(2)#10.2651(13)Sr(1) O(5)#20.2595(14)Sr(1) O(2)#20.2651(13)Sr(1) O(5)#30.2595(14)Sr(1) O(2)#30.2651(13) Bond Angle/(ʎ)Bond Angle/(ʎ)O(5)#1 Sr(1) O(5)#274.18(7)O(5)#3 Sr(1) O(2)#367.51(5)O(5)#1 Sr(1) O(5)#3109.36(7)O(5) Sr(1) O(2)#389.79(5)O(5)#2 Sr(1) O(5)#3160.22(8)O(2)#1 Sr(1) O(2)#2149.39(7) O(5)#1 Sr(1) O(5)160.22(8)O(5)#1 Sr(1) O(2)#376.29(5) O(5)#2 Sr(1) O(5)109.37(7)O(5)#2 Sr(1) O(2)#3131.15(5) O(5)#3 Sr(1) O(5)74.18(7)O(2)#1 Sr(1) O(2)#3115.20(7)O(5)#1 Sr(1) O(2)#167.51(5)O(2)#2 Sr(1) O(2)#373.36(7)O(5)#2 Sr(1) O(2)#187.79(5)O(5)#2 Sr(1) O(2)76.29(5)O(5)#3 Sr(1) O(2)#176.29(5)O(5)#3 Sr(1) O(2)87.80(5) O(5) Sr(1) O(2)#1131.15(5)O(2)#1 Sr(1) O(2)73.36(7)O(5)#1 Sr(1) O(2)#287.80(5)O(2)#2 Sr(1) O(2)115.20(7)O(5)#2 Sr(1) O(2)#267.51(5)O(2)#2 Sr(1) O(2)115.20(7)O(5)#3 Sr(1) O(2)#2131.15(5)O(5)#1 Sr(1) O(2)#376.29(5) O(5) Sr(1) O(2)#276.29(5)O(2)#3 Sr(1) O(2)149.40(7)㊀㊀Symmetry code:#1x,-y+5/4,-z+5/4;#2-x+5/4,y,-z+5/4;#3x+5/4,-y+5/4,z.表4㊀配合物1的氢键长度和角度Table4㊀Hydrogen bonds lengths and angles for complex1D H A d(D H)/nm d(H A)/nm d(D A)/nmøDHA/(ʎ) O(5) H(5A)㊃㊃O(1)#10.0850.1990.2811(2)161㊀㊀Symmetry code:#1-1+x,y,z.图3㊀配合物1的红外光谱Fig.3㊀IR spectrum of complex1图4㊀配合物1的PXRD图谱Fig.4㊀PXRD patterns of complex1图5㊀配合物1的热重曲线Fig.5㊀Thermogravimetric curve of complex1298㊀研究论文人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第53卷2.4㊀配合物1的固态荧光性能研究在室温下测定了配合物1的激发光谱和发射光谱,如图6所示,由激发光谱可知,最大激发波长为211nm㊂在211nm激发波长下测得配合物1的荧光发射光谱(见图6(b)),表现为宽的发射光谱(450~690nm),最大发射波长在535nm处,说明配合物1是一种潜在的绿光材料㊂通过分析配合物1的结构,发现相邻的配体之间存在强π π堆积相互作用,因此配合物1的发光可归因于配体π-π∗的跃迁[20]㊂图6㊀配合物1的激发(a)和发射(b)光谱Fig.6㊀Excitation(a)and emission(b)spectra of complex13㊀结㊀㊀论在溶剂热条件下,以SrCl2㊃H2O和1,4,5,8-萘四羧酸(H4L1)为原料,合成了[Sr(L)2(H2O)4]n配合物1,该配合物属于正交晶系Fddd空间群,在反应过程中,配体H2L(H2L=1,3-二氧代-1H,3H-苯并[脱]异色烯-6,7-二羧酸)由1,4,5,8-萘四甲酸(H2L1)原位生成㊂中心Sr原子位于八配位的四方反棱柱几何构型中,配位原子来自于四个羧酸配体的四个氧原子和四个配位水分子的氧原子㊂L-配体连接Sr中心形成1D链结构,链与链之间通过O H O氢键与π π堆积作用形成2D超分子结构,固态荧光研究发现配合物1最大发射波长位于535nm处,说明其是一种很好的绿光材料㊂参考文献[1]㊀SEBASTIAN S S,DICKE F P,RUSCHEWITZ U.Fluorinated linkers enable the synthesis of flexible MOFs with1D alkaline earth SBUs and atemperature-induced phase transition[J].Dalton Transactions,2023,52(18):5926-5934.[2]㊀JAFARZADEH M.Recent progress in the development of MOF-based photocatalysts for the photoreduction of Cr(VI)[J].ACS Applied Materials&Interfaces,2022,14(22):24993-25024.[3]㊀LV Y C,LIANG J S,LI D L,et al.Hydration-facilitated coordination tuning of metal-organic frameworks toward water-responsive fluorescenceand proton conduction[J].Inorganic 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CuInS2ZnS 核壳量子点的制备及其光致发光器件
科技与创新┃Science and Technology&Innovation ·32·2019年第05期文章编号:2095-6835(2019)05-0032-03CuInS2/ZnS核/壳量子点的制备及其光致发光器件*杜继红,张冰,孙明烨(牡丹江师范学院物理与电子工程学院,黑龙江牡丹江157011)摘要:采用高温热分解法大批量地合成了CuInS2裸核量子点,通过包覆ZnS壳层提高其发光量子效率;对CuInS2裸核量子点和CuInS2/ZnS核/壳量子点的形貌和光学性质进行了表征;将CuInS2/ZnS核/壳量子点与GaN蓝光二极管芯片相结合,组装了基于CuInS2/ZnS核/壳量子点的红光发射照明器件。
关键词:CuInS2量子点;ZnS壳层;高温热分解法;发光二极管中图分类号:O657.3文献标识码:A DOI:10.15913/ki.kjycx.2019.05.032量子点经过三十多年的发展,发光量子效率可以达到90%以上,经表面修饰,其稳定性也能满足实用化的要求,因此在照明领域有很大的应用潜力[1]。
Solar cells from colloidal nanocrystals Fundamentals materials devicesand economics
Solar cells from colloidal nanocrystals:Fundamentals,materials,devices,and economicsHugh W.Hillhouse a ,b ,⁎,Matthew C.Beard b ,⁎a School of Chemical Engineering and the Energy Center,Purdue University,West Lafayette IN 47906,United States bChemical and Biosciences Center,National Renewable Energy Laboratory,Golden CO 80401,United Statesa b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 13April 2009Received in revised form 5May 2009Accepted 6May 2009Available online 12May 2009Keywords:Nanocrystal SolarPhotovoltaic SinteredNanostructured Economics Quantum dot MEGMultiple exciton generation Carrier multiplication Shockley –Queisser Schottky barrier PbS PbSe CuInSe2EnergyGrand challengeRecent advances in colloidal science are having a dramatic impact on the development of next generation low-cost and/or high-ef ficiency solar cells.Simple and safe solution phase syntheses that yield monodisperse,passivated,non-aggregated semiconductor nanocrystals of high optoelectronic quality have opened the door to several routes to new photovoltaic devices which are currently being explored.In one route,colloidal semiconductor nanocrystal “inks ”are used primarily to lower the fabrication cost of the photoabsorbing layer of the solar cell.Nanocrystals are cast onto a substrate to form either an electronically coupled nanocrystal array or are sintered to form a bulk semiconductor layer such that the bandgap of either is optimized for the solar spectrum (1.0–1.6eV if the photon to carrier quantum yields less than 100%).The sintered devices (and without special efforts,the nanocrystal array devices as well)are limited to power conversion ef ficiencies less than the Shockley –Queisser limit of 33.7%but may possibly be produced at a fraction of the manufacturing cost of an equivalent process that uses vacuum-based deposition for the absorber layer.However,some quantum con fined nanocrystals display an electron-hole pair generation phenomena with greater than 100%quantum yield,called “multiple exciton generation ”(MEG)or “carrier multiplication ”(CM).These quantum dots are being used to develop solar cells that theoretically may exceed the Shockley –Queisser limit.The optimum bandgap for such photoabsorbers shifts to smaller energy (0.6–1.1eV),and thus colloidal quantum dots of low bandgap materials such as PbS and PbSe have been the focus of research efforts,although multiple exciton generation has also been observed in several other systems including InAs and Si.This review focuses on the fundamental physics and chemistry of nanocrystal solar cells and on the device development efforts to utilize colloidal nanocrystals as the key component of the absorber layer in next generation solar cells.Development efforts are put into context on a quantitative and up-to-date map of solar cell cost and ef ficiency to clarify efforts and identify potential opportunities in light of technical limitations and recent advances in existing technology.Key nanocrystal/material selection issues are discussed,and finally,we present four grand challenges that must be addressed along the path to developing low-cost high-ef ficiency nanocrystal based solar cells.Crown Copyright ©2009Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionCurrently,the cost of electricity from photovoltaic (PV)systems is too high to effectively compete with coal-generated or nuclear-generated electricity in most markets without government tax incentives.The high cost of PV is largely due to the fact that most current fabrication technology cannot easily be implemented in a high throughput or roll-to-roll fashion.As a result,the throughput from a manufacturing facility is relatively low,and thus the cost per unit produced is high.However,recent advances in colloid science are beingutilized in the development and fabrication of new types of photovoltaic devices that are amenable to solution-phase continuous coating processes that may be generalized into roll-to-roll processing technology.As a result,these advances in colloid science are poised to perhaps dramatically lower the manufacturing cost of solar cells.However,it is important to note that it is neither the manufactur-ing cost nor the module ef ficiency alone that matter in most free markets.The critical factor is the cost of the electricity that is produced,which is a function of the PV module manufacturing cost,installation costs,“balance-of-systems ”(BOS)costs (which includes frames,inverters,battery storage,etc.),the cost of borrowing capital to purchase the module upfront,the lifetime of the module,and maintenance costs throughout its lifetime.The total upfront cost and module ef ficiency can be combined into a figure-of-merit with units of dollars per peak watt ($/Wp),obtained by dividing the upfront cost inCurrent Opinion in Colloid &Interface Science 14(2009)245–259⁎Corresponding authors.School of Chemical Engineering and the Energy Center,Purdue University,West Lafayette IN 47906,United States.E-mail addresses:hugh@ (H.W.Hillhouse),matt.beard@ (M.C.Beard).1359-0294/$–see front matter.Crown Copyright ©2009Published by Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.cocis.2009.05.002Contents lists available at ScienceDirectCurrent Opinion in Colloid &Interface Sciencej o u r n a l h o me p a g e :w w w.e l sev i e r.c om /l oc a te /c o c i s$/m 2by the product of the module ef ficiency and the ASTM standard value for the “peak ”power of AM1.5Global solar insolation equal to 1000Wp/m 2.Wp has units of watts and is referred to as a peak-watt,which is simply the power that reaches Earth's surface at mid-day with no cloud cover.Based on recent industry and market analyses [1•,2•],the average manufacturing cost (MC)for crystalline silicon modules is about $2.70/Wp with module ef ficiencies ranging from 12–19%.They are available on the market at an average selling price (SP)of about $3.80/Wp.For large scale installations (500kW),the average cost to the end user is about $4.80/Wp,which includes installation,inverters,and other balance-of-systems costs to connect the modules to the electricity grid.For smaller residential scale installations (2kW)with battery storage,the total purchase cost to the end user rises to an average of about $8.80/Wp.Although,government tax incentives for residential installations typically reduce the cost to individuals by $3–$5/Wp.The resulting cost (not including any tax incentives)of electricity from these large-scale and small-scale systems are currently 21–46¢/kWh and 37–81¢/kWh,respectively,depending on the amount of sunlight the installation receives as a result of latitude and cloud cover.These price indices are compiled and tracked [2•]and are referred to as the Solar Electricity Index III (SIII)and Solar Electricity Index I (SI),respectively.The 2008retail cost of electricity in the U.S.was 9.8¢/kWh,averaged over all sectors of the economy and regions of the country [3].However,residential rates in the continental U.S.range from 9–18¢/kWh and industrial rates range from 5–13¢/kWh depending on the region.In the US State of Hawaii industrial rates are 26¢/kWh,and due to its sunny climate,large scale PV installations are already at grid parity.By any measure,the continental U.S.has inexpensive electricity,and typically,retail rates for electricity in Europe are 1.5–2times higher than the U.S.while Japan is typically 3times higher (for both residential and industrial sectors).The data above are plotted in Fig.1and used to quantitatively indicate regions corresponding to 1st,2nd,and 3rd Generation approaches to single junction solar cells that utilize unconcentratedsunlight based on their potential manufacturing cost and module ef ficiency.“1st Generation ”efforts are based on crystalline silicon and currently account for over 85%of global market share.“2nd Generation ”efforts attempt to reduce cost by using thin film absorbers (amorphous silicon,CdTe,Cu(In,Ga)Se 2)or solution-phase deposition processes (using conducting polymers,small organic molecules,dye-sensitized oxide nanoparticles,and more recently semiconductor nanocrystal inks),but typically yield lower ef ficiency modules as a result.“3rd Generation ”is reserved to categorize approaches that utilize photo-conversion physics that can potentially increase the power conversion ef ficiency beyond that of record single-junction crystalline silicon devices.A lower bound of 5%is shown for 1st and 2nd Generation approaches since below these ef ficiencies residential,commercial,or industrial scale installations are highly unlikely (although such cells may find application where only low power is needed with no penalty for large area or for niche applications requiring,for example,flexibility).“1st Generation ”does not imply out dated or unsophisticated technology.The manufacturing cost of 1st Generation solar cells continues to decrease,and the average ef ficiency continues to rise with improvements in manufacturing processes and cell design.Market analyses forecast that some manufacturers such as SunPower may soon reach $2/Wp manufacturing cost [1•].SunPower also has the highest ef ficiency single-junction modules on the market at 19.3%.Thus 2nd and 3rd Generation approaches have to be below at least $2/Wp to signi ficantly penetrate the market.Further,2nd Generation solar cells based on CdTe from First Solar are now being manufactured at a cost of $0.98/Wp with module ef ficiencies of about 10%[4],setting an even lower target for new technology to beat.An upper bound of 25%is shown for 1st and 2nd Generation technology since this is the record for the most ef ficient single-junction cells under AM1.5G light (crystalline silicon and GaAs based cells).Thus to exceed 25%(even with a lab scale device),new photoconversion physics will likely have to be utilized.If the manufacturing cost can be brought down to $0.50/Wp,then after adding a 20%pro fit margin for the manufacturer and including current large scale BOS costs of about $1/Wp,the installed cost of a PV system would be $1.60/Wp and would beat grid-parity prices for large fractions of the continental U.S.even with today's low retail cost of grid-based electricity.For a recent review of broader PV technology see Ginley et al.[5],and for a review of the feasibility of solar energy to supply large scale energy needs,see Fthenakis et al.[6].An energy balance around the solar cell illustrates that an optimum bandgap exists for a semiconductor absorber in a single-junction conventional photovoltaic device given the spectrum of photons received from the Sun.As the bandgap increases,less energy is absorbed,but less of that absorbed energy is lost as heat due to rapid intraband thermalization.Assuming that no more than one electron-hole pair per photon absorbed (quantum ef ficiency less than 100%),the upper theoretical power conversion ef ficiency limit is 33.7%(using the ASTM G-173standard AM1.5G spectrum with the cell operating at 25°C)and is referred to as the Shockley –Queisser (SQ)limit [7].This upper limit takes into account the Second Law of Thermodynamics and is most easily calculated by conducting a photon balance on the solar cell and using the generalized Planck radiation law [8]to account for emission.A particularly nice illustration emphasizing the connection with chemical potential is given by Ries and McEvoy [9•].The bandgap dependence is shown in Fig.2b (as trace M1).The optimum is relatively flat and is greater than 30%for bandgaps between about 1.0and 1.6eV.Photoconversion ef ficiencies exceeding the SQ limit are possible for single junction devices that capture energy which is typically lost as heat when "hot electrons"cool down to the energy of the Fermi –Dirac distribution for the temperature of the solid lattice [10••].One possible mechanism to harness some of this free energy is to utilize photoabsorbers with internal quantum ef ficiencies greater than 100%for the range of photon energies that are prevalent in the AM1.5G solar spectrum (3.8–0.5eV or 330–2500nm).Photons with energy equal to n times the bandgap can potentially produce n excitons attheFig.1.The cost of electrical power from photovoltaic systems is shown as a function of the total upfront cost and the module power conversion ef ficiency.MC,SP,SIII,and SI are the manufacturing cost,average selling price,installed cost for a utility scale system,and installed cost for a residential system,respectively.SIII includes BOS cost for an on-grid system,and SI includes BOS for on-and off-grid operation with battery storage.The $/Wp were converted to ¢/kWh assuming a module lifetime of 20years,a 5%cost of borrowing,a 1%yearly operating (maintenance)cost,and an average solar insolation of 200W/m 2(which is about 5h of full intensity sunlight/day).Costs are based on 2009data.The designation of 1st,2nd,or 3rd Generation is based on the manufacturing cost and potential module ef ficiency.246H.W.Hillhouse,M.C.Beard /Current Opinion in Colloid &Interface Science 14(2009)245–259bandgap,where n is an integer,in accordance with energy conserva-tion.Ef ficient multiple exciton generation (MEG)has been observed [11••,12••,13•]in semiconductor quantum dots via femtosecond pump –probe spectroscopy measurements for nanocrystals composed of II –VI cadmium chalcogenides,IV –VI lead chalcogenides,InAs,and silicon.It appears to be a general phenomenon,and may be present in other material systems.However,to utilize the incipient free energy after MEG occurs,the e –h+pairs must be separated on a time scale faster than the multiexciton lifetime and extracted before free-carrier recombination.Currently,quantum yields for exciton generation in quantum dots greater than 100%are commonly measured from visible wavelength photons,but no one has yet demonstrated a short-circuit photocurrent in a solar cell corresponding to internal quantum ef ficiency greater than 100%for photons in the AM1.5G spectrum.The theoretical ef ficiency limits for solar cells that utilize MEG have been calculated by Hanna and Nozik [14•]by a photon balance as discussed above and are shown in Fig.2.These calculations show that a power conversion ef ficiency of 44%is possible under unconcentrated AM1.5G light for solar cells based on a single junction MEG absorber with a bandgap of 0.7eV.Under full light concentration,this limit rises to 66%.For further details about MEG and the ultrafast spectroscopy observations of the phenomenon,see the recent reviews by Beard and Ellingson [15]and McGuire et al.[16•].The next Section addresses the topic of selecting nanocrystal materials for photovoltaics and their synthesis.Following that,Section 3presents our view of the fundamental physics of nanocrystal solar cells while Section 4addresses MEG and hot carrier cooling effects.Both Sections address the research community's progress towards realizing 3rd Generation devices based on nanocrystals.Section 5then focuses on how colloidal nanocrystals and our emerging understanding of their properties are affecting efforts targeted at 2nd Generation approaches to develop ultra-low cost nanocrystal solar cells.We have excluded dye-sensitized solar cells based on oxide nanoparticles and nanowires from this review,as they have been recently reviewed elsewhere [17].2.Selecting and synthesizing semiconductor nanocrystals for photovoltaic devices 2.1.Nanocrystal synthesisSemiconductor nanocrystals are typically grown in a batch reaction in an organic solvent under air-free conditions.This is achieve by using a multi-necked flask with one neck connected to a multivalved manifold that can be used to either purge the reaction chamber with an inert gas or pull vacuum to evacuate volatiles from the reaction medium (commonly called a Schlenk line).The other necks are used to monitor temperature and inject reactants once the medium is at elevated temperature.The flask itself is positioned in a heating mantle on a stir plate.Initially,the solvent (and perhaps some surface-active molecules and nanocrystal precursors)are de-gassed and heated under inert atmosphere while other precursors are later injected into the hot solvent where they quickly react.This “hot-injection ”method was used in Murray,Norris,and Bawendi's classic 1993article [18••]on the synthesis of monodisperse cadmium chalcogenide nanocrystal.However,in that initial report dimethyl cadmium was used as the cadmium source.Today,most researchers making CdTe,CdSe,or CdS nanocrystals use much safer and convenient CdO as the precursor [19••].Acetates,oleates,and halides are also commonly used and have been adapted to synthesize a very wide variety of high quality II –VI and IV –VI semiconductor nanocrystals.In general,there are fewer literature reports of syntheses of the group III –V materials (InP being an exception),although recently a solution phase synthesis of InAs was reported that yielded high-quality nanocrystals [20].However,like previous InP syntheses,it uses a pyrophoric tris(trimethylsilyl)molecule as the precursor for the group V element,and thus serious caution must be exercised during synthesis.For most syntheses,the role of temperature,solvent,surfactant ligands attached to the nanocrystal surface,precursor composition,and other experimental parameters are only partially understood and only in a qualitative manner (and in some cases are not clearly understood at all).However,with some trial and error,researchers are able to apply rational methods and reproducibly make controlled sizes and shapes of many semiconductor nanocrystals [21].For a recent and thorough review of nanocrystal syntheses,many of which are used to fabricate nanocrystal solar cells discussed below,see Reiss [22•].More recently,syntheses of the I –III –VI 2semiconductor CuInSe 2[23•]and the I 2–VI semiconductor Cu 2S [24•],have been specially developed for photo-voltaic applications and are discussed in Section 5.Also,of special note,high-quality silicon nanocrystals can be synthesized with high yield by a low-temperature plasma process [25]and then afterwards capped and dispersed in an organic solvent to form a colloidal suspension similar to those resulting from the solution phase syntheses above.However,the size distribution is not as narrow and has a standard deviation about 10–15%of the average diameter.The quality of nanocrystals is typically assessed after synthesis but before processing into a photovoltaic device.In general,sharp absorption and photoluminescence peaks indicate more monodis-perse nanocrystals (photoluminescence peak widths down to 20nm FWHM are possible with CdSe and a few other systems).Also,another key indicator of optoelectronic quality in nanocrystals is a high photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY),which indicates slow non-radiative recombination.PLQY can be greatly affected by composition,capping ligands (see the grand challenges in the conclusion section),surface passivation,or the addition of an inorganic shell layer.By using PLQY,issues with fast non-radiative recombination (which are detrimental to photovoltaic device performance)that are intrinsic to the nanocrystal/ligand pair can be identi fied and remedied prior to or in parallel with device development.PLQYs for ligandcappedFig.2.Theoretical limit of ef ficiency for solar cells that utilize MEG but otherwise obey the same physics as the Shockley –Queisser balance calculation.(a)Several possible quantum yield pro files.(b)Resulting theoretical ef ficiency.M max is the theoretical limit considering only energy conservation.M 2is the case where the absorber has 200%quantum yield for photons with an energy greater than 2Eg.M 1corresponds to the Shockley –Queisser limit.L 2and L 3are de fined by a threshold of 2Eg and 3Eg,respectively,with a linear increase in QY.Adapted and reproduced with permission from AIP from Hanna and Nozik [14•].247H.W.Hillhouse,M.C.Beard /Current Opinion in Colloid &Interface Science 14(2009)245–259nanocrystals over50%may be reached,while the PLQY for the best core/shell nanocrystals may approach100%.2.2.Nanocrystal selectionThe bandgap of the nanocrystal array or sintered nanocrystal layer is a key factor in selecting material systems for development of efficient photovoltaic devices.The bulk bandgap of just some of the semiconductor materials that may now be synthesized via simple and safe processes in the form of high-quality nanocrystals are(in units of eV):CdTe1.5,CdSe1.7,CdS2.5,PbTe0.31,PbSe0.28,PbS0.41,Cu2S 1.21,Si 1.12,CuInSe2 1.0,and Cu(In1−x Ga x)(Se1−y S y)2 1.0–2.4 (depending on Ga and S content).The bandgap of suspended colloidal nanocrystals of these materials range from roughly their bulk value for nanocrystals with sizes larger than their excitonic Bohr radii(5nm in bulk CdSe,but much larger in PbX materials such as PbSe at46nm)to highly blue-shifted bandgaps due to quantum confinement that can easily be double or triple the bulk bandgap value,depending on the size of the nanocrystal.For MEG solar cells it is apparent that CdTe,CdSe,and CdS nanocrystals have little value since their bandgap will be blue-shifted far outside the region of high theoretical efficiency(see Fig.2b). However,quantum confined PbTe,PbSe,and PbS can fall right in this region of greatest potential enhancement(0.5–1.1eV,with0.7eV being ideal)depending on their size.Other potentially ideal nanocrystal systems are III–V materials such as InAs(with bulk bandgap of0.35eV),InSb(0.23eV),and InN(0.8eV),Ge(0.66eV), and other IV–VI materials like SnTe(0.18eV).However,the development of safe and simple syntheses of high quality nanocrystals in these systems lags behind those discussed above.Group IV materials such as Si(1.12eV)are also of significant interest due to the high abundance of silicon and the large infrastructure of silicon device technology and expertise,despite the fact that the bandgap is a bit high for such devices.For non-MEG devices the range of desirable bandgaps is1.0–1.6eV. This is obtained for large nanocrystals that have only weak quantum confinement effects(or nanocrystals that are to be sintered into a semiconductor layer with bulk properties)for CdTe,Cu2S,CuInSe2,Cu (In1−x Ga x)(Se1−y S y)2and Si nanocrystals.Lower bandgap nanocrys-tals that are quantum confined such that their bandgaps are blue-shifted above1.0eV may also be used in non-MEG solar cells as well.In addition to matching the absorber bandgap to the AM1.5G spectrum and selecting syntheses with high photoluminescence quantum yield,the stability to oxidation,the stability of the junction, the material and synthesis cost,the global material availability,and potential environmental and health impacts are also important factors to consider along the road to developing nanocrystal photovoltaics that have the potential to impact the global energy economy.Some materials such as PbTe nanocrystals are very air-sensitive,and devices based on these degrade substantially within seconds outside of an oxygen-free glovebox.On the other hand devices made from CuInSe2 nanocrystals are quite stable and can be prepared without a glovebox. In fact,non-encapsulated devices exposed to humid air are stable for years.Regarding material availability and cost,a landmark study was recently performed[26••]in which9semiconductor material systems were identified that could in principle supply world-wide electricity demand via photovoltaic devices at material costs substantially lower than silicon.FeS2was the highest ranked in this regard,but Cu2S, Cu2ZnSnS4,and PbS also fair well.Toxicity has also been purported to be significant hindrance for commercialization of Cd or Pb based technology.However,it appears that this is not having a significant impact on CdTe devices,as module production of CdTe cells is approaching1GWp/year out of a total solar cell production capacity of about6GWp/year.One reason for this is that some of the chalcogenides salts of Cd and Pb are significantly more stable(and less toxic)than Cd or Pb metal.In fact,PbS naturally occurs in abundance as the mineral galena and was even used as thefirst semiconductor point contact diode in makeshift“cat-whisker”devices used to detect radio signals.However,the toxicology of nanocrystal forms of these materials is still relatively unexplored,and they should be treated as hazardous unless proven otherwise.3.Fundamental physics of nanocrystal solar cellsIn this section,we focus on the fundamental solid-state physics and photophysics of three-dimensional nanocrystal(NC)arrays composed of semiconducting NCs that retain some of their quantum confinement effects while exhibiting some degree of collective,long-range behavior characteristics of solids[27–30].As the size of a NC decreases below the Bohr exciton radius an electron-hole pair in the NC experiences strong confinement effects,due to spatial confine-ment within a potential well,and increased Coulombic interaction energy which significantly alters the allowed energy levels and results in a size-dependent and discrete electronic structure with gaps between transition energies reaching several hundred meV.Charge carrier relaxation rates and mechanisms[31–35]are modified from their bulk counterparts,and the influence of surfaces and interfaces on recombination pathways[36,37]are more important for NCs due to large surface to volume ratios.With increased Coulombic interactions, the nature and rates of Auger processes[33••,38]also become more important in NCs,leading in some cases to new Auger processes such as Auger-cooling[31•],Auger ionization[39],and multiple exciton generation(MEG)[11••,12••,40••].Crystal translational momentum which defines the energy dispersion relationship in bulk semicon-ductors and determines selection rules is relaxed.For solar energy conversion strategies,NCs present tantalizing possibilities for using simple chemistry to modify electro-optical properties such as radiative and non-radiative relaxation rates,interfacial electron-transfer kinetics,effective bandgap,carrier generation rates,effective dielectric constant,and Fermi-level positions to maximize light absorption,e–h+generation,e–h+separation,and carrier transport via a rational approach.Furthermore,there are routes to third-generation solar cells utilizing architectures that incorporate semi-conductor NCs[40••]that rely on beneficial hot carrier effects.Slowed carrier cooling[34,41]may enable a higher photovoltage if carriers generated with excess energy can be collected before they cool[10••]. Analogously,higher photocurrent could be obtained through efficient multiple exciton generation(MEG–a process where high energy photons create multiple low energy excitons)if the generation, exciton dissociation,and charge transport are simultaneously efficient [40••].Although excitons(charge neutral electrostatically bound electron-hole pairs)are formed as a key part of the MEG photo-conversion process,potential solar cells that utilize MEG do not have to be“excitonic”solar cells.After exciton dissociation,the devices may behave more similar to convention PV devices that utilize internal electricfields to collect carriers.A unifying analysis illustrating the continuity between conventional electricfield-driven PV devices and exciton diffusion based PV devices was presented by Gregg[42••].3.1.Coupling between nanocrystalsFor electro-optic applications the NCs must be coupled electro-nically to each other and to their environment in some fashion.There are different approaches[40••]for coupling the NCs(without sintering)for solar energy conversion.In general,there are several requirements that must be satisfied:(1)the NCs must be the active photoabsorbing component;(2)efficient transport of electrons and holes,or excitons,must occur over macroscopic distances;and(3)the coupling cannot be so strong as to reduce quantum confinement(or Coulomb coupling),yet must be strong enough to separate the electron-hole pairs.For the case of MEG created excitons the coupling must not be so strong as to reduce the MEG yield but strong enough to248H.W.Hillhouse,M.C.Beard/Current Opinion in Colloid&Interface Science14(2009)245–259。
第7卷第1期2010年2月Vol.7No.1February 20100引言半导体纳米材料由于其物理化学性质极大地依赖于尺寸和形状,在生物标记、催化、发光二极管和太阳能电池等领域都有广阔的应用前景。
CuInS 2是Ⅰ-Ⅱ-Ⅵ2半导体化合物材料,具有黄铜矿结构,其优点:①CuInS 2的禁带宽度为1.5eV ,接近太阳能电池的最佳禁带宽度(1.45eV ;②吸收系数大;③CuInS 2为直接能隙半导体,可以减少对少数载流子扩散的要求;④对热和电有良好的稳定性;⑤与CdTe 、PbS 、CuInSe 2等其他太阳能电池材料相比,CuInS 2不含任何有毒成分,不会对环境造成负担。
早在1998年就有研究表明,基于CuInS 2的薄膜太阳能电池的光电转换效率能够达到13%[2]。
根据Wannier-Mott 的计算公式知道,CuInS 2块体材料的激子半径为4.1nm ,因此,半径在4nm 左右的CuInS 2半导体纳米晶是优良的太阳能电池材料和生物友好的荧光材料,合成高质量的CuInS 2纳米晶显得十分重要。
由于Ⅰ-Ⅱ-Ⅵ2半导体材料的尺寸和性能更难控制,关于CuInS 2纳米晶合成的报道比较少,目前,常用方法主要有溶剂热合成[3]-[6]、单一前躯体分解法[7]-[9]、光化学分解法[10]和高温注射法[11]-[17]等。
另外,CuInS 2纳米晶的量子产率非常低,一般在5%左右,尽管最近有研究者报道了25%的结果[18][19],但相对于Ⅱ-Ⅵ的40-85%仍是很低的,因此,收稿日期:2009-08-10CuInS 2半导体纳米材料的合成研究付红红,栾伟玲(华东理工大学机械与动力工程学院,上海200237摘要:通过加热碘化亚铜、醋酸铟、十二硫醇和液体石蜡的混合体合成了CuInS 2半导体纳米晶,测试了其吸收和荧光光谱,考察了反应温度和十二硫醇添加量对纳米晶的合成及光谱性能的影响,采用毛细管微反应装置进行了CuInS 2/ZnS 的包裹实验,包裹后的荧光强度有了一定提高。
ContentsTHE ELEMENTS AND THE PERIODIC TABLE01. ......................................................- 3 -THE NONMETAL ELEMENTS02. ..................................................................................- 5 -GROUPS IB AND IIB ELEMENTS03. ............................................................................- 7 -GROUPS IIIB—VIIIB ELEMENTS04. ............................................................................- 9 -INTERHALOGEN AND NOBLE GAS COMPOUNDS05. ...........................................- 11 -06. ....................................- 13 -THE CLASSIFICATION OF INORGANIC COMPOUNDSTHE NOMENCLATURE OF INORGANIC COMPOUNDS07. ....................................- 15 -BRONSTED'S AND LEWIS' ACID-BASE CONCEPTS08. ..........................................- 19 -09. ..........................................................................- 22 -THE COORDINATION COMPLEXALKANES10. ..................................................................................................................- 25 -11. .............................................................................- 28 -UNSATURATED COMPOUNDSTHE NOMENCLATURE OF CYCLIC HYDROCARBONS12. ...................................- 30 -SUBSTITUTIVE NOMENCLATURE13. .......................................................................- 33 -14. .......................................................- 37 -THE COMPOUNDS CONTAINING OXYGENPREPARATION OF A CARBOXYLiC ACID BY THE GRIGNARD METHOD15. ..- 39 -THE STRUCTURES OF COVALENT COMPOUNDS16. ............................................- 41 -OXIDATION AND REDUCTION IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY17. ............................- 44 -SYNTHESIS OF ALCOHOLS AND DESIGN OF ORGANIC SYNTHESIS18. ..........- 47 -ORGANOMETALLICS—METAL π COMPLEXES19. ................................................- 49 -THE ROLE OF PROTECTIVE GROUPS IN ORGANIC SYNTHESIS20. ...................- 52 -ELECTROPHILIC REACTIONS OF AROMATIC COMPOUNDS21. ........................- 54 -POLYMERS22. ................................................................................................................- 57 -ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY AND PROBLEMS IN SOCIETY23. ............................- 61 -VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS24. ......................................................................................- 63 -QUALITATIVE ORGANIC ANALYSIS25. ..................................................................- 65 -VAPOR-PHASE CHROMATOGRAPHY26. .................................................................- 67 -INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY27. ..................................................................................- 70 -NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE (I)28. ..............................................................- 72 -NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE(II)29. ..............................................................- 75 -A MAP OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY30. ......................................................................- 77 -THE CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS31. ................................................................- 79 -CHEMICAL EQUILIBRIUM AND KINETICS32. ........................................................- 82 -THE RATES OF CHEMICAL REACTIONS33. ............................................................- 85 -NATURE OF THE COLLOIDAL STATE34. .................................................................- 88 -ELECTROCHEMICAL CELLS35. .................................................................................- 90 -BOILING POINTS AND DISTILLATION36. ...............................................................- 93 -EXTRACTIVE AND AZEOTROPIC DISTILLATION37. ............................................- 96 -CRYSTALLIZATION38. ................................................................................................- 98 -39. ...................................................................................- 100 -MATERIAL ACCOUNTINGTHE LITERATURE MATRIX OF CHEMISTRY40. ...................................................- 102 -01. THE ELEMENTS AND THE PERIODIC TABLEThe number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is referred to as the atomic number, or proton number, Z. The number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom is also equal to the atomic number, Z. The total mass of an atom is determined very nearly by the total number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. This total is called the mass number, A. The number of neutrons in an atom, the neutron number, is given by the quantity A-Z.The term element refers to, a pure substance with atoms all of a single kind. To the chemist the "kind" of atom is specified by its atomic number, since this is the property that determines its chemical behavior. At present all the atoms from Z = 1 to Z = 107 are known; there are 107 chemical elements. Each chemical element has been given a name and a distinctive symbol. For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of the English name consisting of one or two letters, for example:oxygen==O nitrogen ==N neon==Ne magnesium ==MgSome elements,which have been known for a long time,have symbols based on their Latin names, for example: iron==Fe(ferrum) copper==Cu(cuprum) lead==Pb(plumbum)A complete listing of the elements may be found in Table 1.Beginning in the late seventeenth century with the work of Robert Boyle, who proposed the presently accepted concept of an element, numerous investigations produced a considerable knowledge of the properties of elements and their compounds1. In 1869, D.Mendeleev and L. Meyer, working independently, proposed the periodic law. In modern form, the law states that the properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers. In other words, when the elements are listed in order of increasing atomic number, elements having closely similar properties will fall at definite intervals along the list. Thus it is possible to arrange the list of elements in tabular form with elements having similar properties placed in vertical columns2. Such an arrangement is called a periodic Each horizontal row of elements constitutes a period. It should be noted that the lengths of the periods vary. There is a very short period containing only 2 elements, followed by two short periods of 8 elements each, and then two long periods of 18 elements each. The next period includes 32 elements, and the last period is apparently incomplete. With this arrangement, elements in the same vertical column have similar characteristics. These columns constitute the chemical families or groups. The groups headed by the members of the two 8-element periods are designated as main group elements, and the members of the other groups are called transition or inner transition elements.In the periodic table, a heavy stepped line divides the elements into metals and nonmetals. Elements to the left of this line (with the exception of hydrogen) are metals, while those to the right are nonmetals. This division is for convenience only; elements bordering the line—the metalloids-have properties characteristic of - both metals and nonmetals. It may be seen that most of the elements, including all the transition and inner transition elements, are metals.Except for hydrogen, a gas, the elements of group IA make up the alkali metal family. They are very reactive metals, and they are never found in the elemental state in nature. However, their compounds are widespread. All the members of the alkali metal family, form ions having a charge of 1+ only. In contrast, the elements of group IB —copper, silver, and gold—are comparatively inert. They are similar to the alkali metals in that they exist as 1+ ions in many of their compounds. However, as is characteristic of most transition elements, they form ions having other charges as well.The elements of group IIA are known as the alkaline earth metals. Their characteristic ionic charge is 2+. These metals, particularly the last two members of the group, are almost as reactive as the alkali metals. The group IIB elements—zinc, cadmium, and mercury are less reactive than are those of group II A5, but are more reactive than the neighboring elements of group IB. The characteristic charge on their ions is also 2+.With the exception of boron, group IIIA elements are also fairly reactive metals. Aluminum appears to be inert toward reaction with air, but this behavior stems from the fact that the metal forms a thin, invisible film of aluminum oxide on the surface, which protects the bulk of the metal from further oxidation. The metals of group IIIA form ions of 3+ charge. Group IIIB consists of the metals scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, and actinium.Group IVA consists of a nonmetal, carbon, two metalloids, silicon and germanium, and two metals, tin and lead. Each of these elements forms some compounds with formulas which indicate that four other atoms are present per group IVA atom, as, for example, carbon tetrachloride, GCl4. The group IVB metals —titanium, zirconium, and hafnium —also forms compounds in which each group IVB atom is combined with four other atoms; these compounds are nonelectrolytes when pure.The elements of group V A include three nonmetals — nitrogen, phosphorus, and arsenic—and two metals — antimony and bismuth. Although compounds with the formulas N2O5, PCl5, and AsCl5 exist, none of them is ionic. These elements do form compounds-nitrides, phosphides, and arsenides — in which ions having charges of minus three occur. The elements of group VB are all metals. These elements form such a variety of different compounds that their characteristics are not easily generalized.With the exception of polonium, the elements of group VIA are typical nonmetals. They are sometimes known, as the, chalcogens, from the Greek word meaning "ash formers". In their binary compounds with metals they exist as ions having a charge of 2-. The elements of group ⅦA are all nonmetals and are known as the halogens. from the Greek term meaning "salt formers.” They are the most reactive nonmetals and are capable of reacting with practically all the metals and with most nonmetals, including each other.The elements of groups ⅥB, ⅦB, and VIIIB are all metals. They form such a wide Variety of compounds that it is not practical at this point to present any examples as being typical of the behavior of the respective groups.The periodicity of chemical behavior is illustrated by the fact that. excluding the first period, each period begins with a very reactive metal. Successive element along the period show decreasing metallic character, eventually becoming nonmetals, and finally, in group ⅦA, a very reactive nonmetal is found. Each period ends with a member of the noble gas family.02. THE NONMETAL ELEMENTSWe noted earlier. that -nonmetals exhibit properties that are greatly different from those of the metals. As a rule, the nonmetals are poor conductors of electricity (graphitic carbon is an exception) and heat; they are brittle, are often intensely colored, and show an unusually wide range of melting and boiling points. Their molecular structures, usually involving ordinary covalent bonds, vary from the simple diatomic molecules of H2, Cl2, I2, and N2 to the giant molecules of diamond, silicon and boron.The nonmetals that are gases at room temperature are the low-molecular weight diatomic molecules and the noble gases that exert very small intermolecular forces. As the molecular weight increases, we encounter a liquid (Br2) and a solid (I2) whose vapor pressures also indicate small intermolecular forces. Certain properties of a few nonmetals are listed in Table 2.Table 2- Molecular Weights and Melting Points of Certain NonmetalsDiatomic Molecules MolecularWeightMelting Point°CColorH22-239.1'NoneN228-210NoneF238-223Pale yellowO232-218Pale blueCl271-102Yellow — greenBr2160-7.3Red — brownI2254113Gray—blackSimple diatomic molecules are not formed by the heavier members of Groups V and VI at ordinary conditions. This is in direct contrast to the first members of these groups, N2 and O2. The difference arises because of the lower stability of πbonds formed from p orbitals of the third and higher main energy levels as opposed to the second main energy level2. The larger atomic radii and more dense electron clouds of elements of the third period and higher do not allow good parallel overlap of p orbitals necessary for a strong πbond. This is a general phenomenon — strong π bonds are formed only between elements of the second period. Thus, elemental nitrogen and oxygen form stable molecules with both σand π bonds, but other members of their groups form more stable structures based on σbonds only at ordinary conditions. Note3 that Group VII elements form diatomic molecules, but πbonds are not required for saturation of valence.Sulfur exhibits allotropic forms. Solid sulfur exists in two crystalline forms and in an amorphous form. Rhombic sulfur is obtained by crystallization from a suitable solution, such as CS2, and it melts at 112°C. Monoclinic sulfur is formed by cooling melted sulfur and it melts at 119°C. Both forms of crystalline sulfur melt into S-gamma, which is composed of S8 molecules. The S8 molecules are puckered rings and survive heating to about 160°C. Above 160°C, the S8 rings break open, and some of these fragments combine with each other to form a highly viscous mixture of irregularly shaped coils. At a range of higher temperatures the liquid sulfur becomes so viscous that it will not pourfrom its container. The color also changes from straw yellow at sulfur's melting point to a deep reddish-brown as it becomes more viscous.As4 the boiling point of 444 °C is approached, the large-coiled molecules of sulfur are partially degraded and the liquid sulfur decreases in viscosity. If the hot liquid sulfur is quenched by pouring it into cold water, the amorphous form of sulfur is produced. The structure of amorphous sulfur consists of large-coiled helices with eight sulfur atoms to each turn of the helix; the overall nature of amorphous sulfur is described as3 rubbery because it stretches much like ordinary rubber. In a few hours the amorphous sulfur reverts to small rhombic crystals and its rubbery property disappears.Sulfur, an important raw material in industrial chemistry, occurs as the free element, as SO2 in volcanic regions, asH2S in mineral waters, and in a variety of sulfide ores such as iron pyrite FeS2, zinc blende ZnS, galena PbS and such, and in common formations of gypsum CaSO4 • 2H2O, anhydrite CaSO4, and barytes BaSO4 • 2H2O. Sulfur, in one form or another, is used in large quantities for making sulfuric acid, fertilizers, insecticides, and paper.Sulfur in the form of SO2 obtained in the roasting of sulfide ores is recovered and converted to sulfuric acid, although in previous years much of this SO2 was discarded through exceptionally tall smokestacks. Fortunately, it is now economically favorable to recover these gases, thus greatly reducing this type of atmospheric pollution. A typical roasting reaction involves the change:2 ZnS +3 O2—2 ZnO + 2 SO2Phosphorus, below 800℃ consists of tetratomic molecules, P4. Its molecular structure provides for a covalence of three, as may be expected from the three unpaired p electrons in its atomic structure, and each atom is attached to three others6. Instead of a strictly orthogonal orientation, with the three bonds 90° to each other, the bond angles are only 60°. This supposedly strained structure is stabilized by the mutual interaction of the four atoms (each atom is bonded to the other three), but it is chemically the most active form of phosphorus. This form of phosphorus, the white modification, is spontaneously combustible in air. When heated to 260°C it changes to red phosphorus, whose structure is obscure. Red phosphorus is stable in air but, like all forms of phosphorus, it should be handled carefully because of its tendency to migrate to the bones when ingested, resulting in serious physiological damage.Elemental carbon exists in one of two crystalline structures — diamond and graphite. The diamond structure, based on tetrahedral bonding of hybridized sp3orbitals, is encountered among Group IV elements. We may expect that as the bond length increases, the hardness of the diamond-type crystal decreases. Although the tetrahedral structure persists among the elements in this group — carbon, silicon, germanium, and gray tin — the interatomic distances increase from 1.54 A for carbon to 2.80 A for gray tin. Consequently .the bond strengths among the four elements range from very strong to quite weak. In fact, gray tin is so soft that it exists in the form of microcrystals or merely as a powder. Typical of the Group IV diamond-type crystalline elements, it is a nonconductor and shows other nonmetallic properties7.03. GROUPS IB AND IIB ELEMENTSPhysical properties of Group IB and IIBThese elements have a greater bulk use as metals than in compounds, and their physical properties vary widely.Gold is the most malleable and ductile of the metals. It can be hammered into sheets of 0.00001 inch in thickness; one gram of the metal can be drawn into a wire 1.8 mi in length1. Copper and silver are also metals that are mechanically easy to work. Zinc is a little brittle at ordinary temperatures, but may be rolled into sheets at between 120° to 150℃; it becomes brittle again about 200℃-The low-melting temperatures of zinc contribute to the preparation of zinc-coated iron .galvanized iron; clean iron sheet may be dipped into vats of liquid zinc in its preparation. A different procedure is to sprinkle or air blast zinc dust onto hot iron sheeting for a zinc melt and then coating.Cadmium has specific uses because of its low-melting temperature in a number of alloys. Cadmium rods are used in nuclear reactors because the metal is a good neutron absorber.Mercury vapor and its salts are poisonous, though the free metal may be taken internally under certain conditions. Because of its relatively low boiling point and hence volatile nature, free mercury should never be allowed to stand in an open container in the laboratory. Evidence shows that inhalation of its vapors is injurious.The metal alloys readily with most of the metals (except iron and platinum) to form amalgams, the name given to any alloy of mercury.Copper sulfate, or blue vitriol (CuSO4 • 5H2O) is the most important and widely used salt of copper. On heating, the salt slowly loses water to form first the trihydrate (CuSO4 • 3H z O), then the monohydrate (CuSO4 • H2O), and finally the white anhydrous salt. The anhydrous salt is often used to test for the presence of water in organic liquids. For example, some of the anhydrous copper salt added to alcohol (which contains water) will turn blue because of the hydration of the salt.Copper sulfate is used in electroplating. Fishermen dip their nets in copper sulfate solution to inhibit the growth of organisms that would rot the fabric. Paints specifically formulated for use on the bottoms of marine craft contain copper compounds to inhibit the growth of barnacles and other organisms.When dilute ammonium hydroxide is added" to a solution of copper (I) ions, a greenish precipitate of Cu(OH)2 or a basic copper(I) salt is formed. This dissolves as more ammonium hydroxide is added. The excess ammonia forms an ammoniated complex with the copper (I) ion of the composition, Cu(NH3)42+. This ion is only slightly dissociated; hence in an ammoniacal solution very few copper (I) ions are present. Insoluble copper compounds, execpt copper sulfide, are dissolved by ammonium hydroxids. The formation of the copper (I) ammonia ion is often used as a test for Cu2+ because of its deep, intense blue color.Copper (I) ferrocyanide [Cu2Fe(CN)6] is obtained as a reddish-brown precipitate on the addition of a soluble ferrocyanide to a solution of copper ( I )ions. The formation of this salt is also used as a test for the presence of copper (I) ions.Compounds of Silver and GoldSilver nitrate, sometimes called lunar caustic, is the most important salt of silver. It melts readily and may be cast into sticks for use in cauterizing wounds. The salt is prepared by dissolving silver in nitric acid and evaporating the solution.3Ag + 4HNO3—3AgNO3 + NO + 2H2OThe salt is the starting material for most of the compounds of silver, including the halides used in photography. It is readily reduced by organic reducing agents, with the formation of a black deposit of finely divided silver; this action is responsible for black spots left on the fingers from the handling of the salt. Indelible marking inks and pencils take advantage of this property of silver nitrate.The halides of silver, except the fluoride, are very insoluble compounds and may be precipitated by the addition of a solution of silver salt to a solution containing chloride, bromide, or iodide ions.The addition of a strong base to a solution of a silver salt precipitates brown silver oxide (Ag2G). One might expect the hydroxide of silver to precipitate, but it seems likely that silver hydroxide is very unstable and breaks down into the oxide and water — if, indeed, it is ever formed at all3. However, since a solution of silver oxide js definitely basic, there must be hydroxide ions present in solution.Ag2O + H2O = 2Ag+ + 2OH-Because of its inactivity, gold forms relatively few compounds. Two series of compounds are known — monovalent and trivalent. Monovalent (aurous) compounds resemble silver compounds (aurous chloride is water insoluble and light sensitive), while the higher valence (auric) compounds tend to form complexes. Gold is resistant to the action of most chemicals —air, oxygen, and water have no effect. The common acids do not attack the metal, but a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids (aqua regia) dissolves it to form gold( I ) chloride or chloroauric acid. The action is probably due to free chlorine present in the aqua regia.3HCl + HNO3----→ NOCl+Cl2 + 2H2O2Au + 3Cl2 ----→ 2AuCl3AuCl3+HCl----→ HAuCl4chloroauric acid (HAuCl4-H2O crystallizes from solution).Compounds of ZincZinc is fairly high in the activity series. It reacts readily with acids to produce hydrogen and displaces less active metals from their salts. 1 he action of acids on impure zinc is much more rapid than on pure zinc, since bubbles of hydrogen gas collect on the surface of pure zinc and slow down the action. If another metal is present as an impurity, the hydrogen is liberated from the surface of the contaminating metal rather than from the zinc. An electric couple to facilitate the action is probably Set up between the two metals.Zn + 2H+----→ Zn2+ + H2Zinc oxide (ZnO), the most widely used zinc compound, is a white powder at ordinary temperatures, but changes to yellow on heating. When cooled, it again becomes white. Zinc oxide is obtained by burning zinc in air, by heating the basic carbonate, or by roasting the sulfide. The principal use of ZnO is as a filler in rubber manufacture, particularly in automobile tires. As a body for paints it has the advantage over white lead of not darkening on exposure to an atmosphere containing hydrogen sulfide. Its covering power, however, is inferior to that of white lead.04. GROUPS IIIB—VIIIB ELEMENTSGroup I-B includes the elements scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, and actinium1, and the two rare-earth series of fourteen elements each2 —the lanthanide and actinide series. The principal source of these elements is the high gravity river and beach sands built up by a water-sorting process during long periods of geologic time. Monazite sand, which contains a mixture of rare earth phosphates, and an yttrium silicate in a heavy sand are now commercial sources of a number of these scarce elements.Separation of the elements is a difficult chemical operation. The solubilities of their compounds are so nearly alike that a separation by fractional crystallization is laborious and time-consuming. In recent years, ion exchange resins in high columns have proved effective. When certain acids are allowed to flow down slowly through a column containing a resin to which ions of Group III B metals are adsorbed, ions are successively released from the resin3. The resulting solution is removed from the bottom of the column or tower in bands or sections. Successive sections will contain specific ions in the order of release by the resin. For example .lanthanum ion (La3+) is most tightly held to the resin and is the last to be extracted, lutetium ion (Lu3+) is less tightly held and appears in one of the first sections removed. If the solutions are recycled and the acid concentrations carefully controlled, very effective separations can be accomplished. Quantities of all the lanthanide series (except promethium, Pm, which does not exist in nature as a stable isotope) are produced for the chemical market.The predominant group oxidation number of the lanthanide series is +3, but some of the elements exhibit variable oxidation states. Cerium forms cerium( III )and cerium ( IV ) sulfates, Ce2 (SO4 )3 and Ce(SO4 )2, which are employed in certain oxidation-reduction titrations. Many rare earth compounds are colored and are paramagnetic, presumably as a result of unpaired electrons in the 4f orbitals.All actinide elements have unstable nuclei and exhibit radioactivity. Those with higher atomic numbers have been obtained only in trace amounts. Actinium (89 Ac), like lanthanum, is a regular Group IIIB element.Group IVB ElementsIn chemical properties these elements resemble silicon, but they become increasingly more metallic from titanium to hafnium. The predominant oxidation state is +4 and, as with silica (SiO2), the oxides of these elements occur naturally in small amounts. The formulas and mineral names of the oxides are TiO2, rutile; ZrO2, zirconia; HfO2, hafnia. Titanium is more abundant than is usually realized. It comprises about 0.44%of the earth's crust. It is over 5.0%in average composition of first analyzed moon rock. Zirconium and titanium oxides occur in small percentages in beach sands.Titanium and zirconium metals are prepared by heating their chlorides with magnesium metal. Both are particularly resistant to corrosion and have high melting points.Pure TiO2 is a very white substance which is taking the place of white lead in many paints. Three-fourths of the TiO2 is used in white paints, varnishes, and lacquers. It has the highest index of refraction (2.76) and the greatest hiding power of all the common white paint materials. TiO2 also is used in the paper, rubber, linoleum, leather, and textile industries.Group VB Elements: Vanadium, Niobium, and TantalumThese are transition elements of Group VB, with a predominant oxidation number of + 5. Their occurrence iscomparatively rare.These metals combine directly with oxygen, chlorine, and nitrogen to form oxides, chlorides, and nitrides, respectively. A small percentage of vanadium alloyed with steel gives a high tensile strength product which is very tough and resistant to shock and vibration. For this reason vanadium alloy steels are used in the manufacture ofhigh-speed tools and heavy machinery. Vanadium oxide is employed as a catalyst in the contact process of manufacturing sulfuric acid. Niobium is a very rare element, with limited use as an alloying element in stainless steel. Tantalum has a very high melting point (2850 C) and is resistant to corrosion by most acids and alkalies.Groups VIB and VIIB ElementsChromium, molybdenum, and tungsten are Group VIB elements. Manganese is the only chemically important element of Group VIIB. All these elements exhibit several oxidation states, acting as metallic elements in lower oxidation states and as nonmetallic elements in higher oxidation states. Both chromium and manganese are widely used in alloys, particularly in alloy steels.Group VIIIB MetalsGroup VIIIB contains the three triads of elements. These triads appear at the middle of long periods of elements in the periodic table, and are members of the transition series. The elements of any given horizontal triad have many similar properties, but there are marked differences between the properties of the triads, particularly between the first triad and the other two. Iron, cobalt, and nickel are much more active than members of the other two triads, and are also much more abundant in the earth's crust. Metals of the second and third triads, with many common properties, are usually grouped together and called the platinum metals.These elements all exhibit variable oxidation states and form numerous coordination compounds.CorrosionIron exposed to the action of moist air rusts rapidly, with the formation of a loose, crumbly deposit of the oxide. The oxide does not adhere to the surface of the metal, as does aluminum oxide and certain other metal oxides, but peelsoff .exposing a fresh surface of iron to the action of the air. As a result, a piece of iron will rust away completely in a relatively short time unless steps are taken to prevent the corrosion. The chemical steps in rusting are rather obscure, but it has been established that the rust is a hydrated oxide of iron, formed by the action of both oxygen and moisture, and is markedly speeded up by the presence of minute amounts of carbon dioxide5.Corrosion of iron is inhibited by coating it with numerous substances, such as paint, an aluminum powder gilt, tin, or organic tarry substances or by galvanizing iron with zinc. Alloying iron with metals such as nickel or chromium yields a less corrosive steel. "Cathodic protection" of iron for lessened corrosion is also practiced. For some pipelines and standpipes zinc or magnesium rods in the ground with a wire connecting them to an iron object have the following effect: with soil moisture acting as an electrolyte for a Fe — Zn couple the Fe is lessened in its tendency to become Fe2+. It acts as a cathode rather than an anode.。
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Synthesis and Shape Control of CuInS2Nanoparticles Marta Kruszynska,Holger Borchert,Ju¨rgen Parisi,and Joanna Kolny-Olesiak*Uni V ersity of Oldenburg,Department of Physics,Energy and Semiconductor ResearchLaboratory,Carl-V on-Ossietzky-Str.9-11,26129Oldenburg,GermanyReceived May5,2010;E-mail:joanna.kolny@uni-oldenburg.deAbstract:Cu2S-CuInS2hybrid nanostructures as well as pure CuInS2(CIS)nanocrystals were synthesized by methods of colloidal chemistry.The structure,the shape and the composition of these nanomaterials were investigated with transmission electron microscopy(TEM),powder X-ray diffraction(XRD)and energy dispersive X-ray analysis(EDX).By changing the reaction conditions,CuInS2nanorods with different aspect ratio,dimeric nanorods as well as hexagonal discs and P-shaped particles could be synthesized.Under our reaction conditions,CIS nanoparticles crystallize in the hexagonal wurtzite structure,as confirmed by Rietveld analysis of the X-ray diffraction patterns.The formation of Cu2S-CuInS2hybrid nanostructures turned out to be an essential intermediate step in the growth of CIS nanoparticles,the copper sulphide part of the hybrid material playing an important role in the shape control of the CIS nanocrystals.By a treatment of Cu2S-CuInS2with1,10-phenanthroline,Cu2S parts of the hybrid nanostructures could be removed,and pure CIS nanoparticles with shapes not accessible with other methods can be obtained. Our synthetic procedure turned out to be suitable to synthesize also other compounds,like CuInS2-ZnS alloys,and to modify,in this way,the optical properties of the nanocrystals.1.IntroductionSemiconductor nanoparticles attract scientific attention due to their size and shape dependent properties.1,2Because of their tunable absorption and emission in the visible and IR range of the solar spectrum,semiconductor nanocrystals are considered as an interesting absorber material for solar cells,3-6they are used in light emitting diodes7or asfluorescence marker for biomolecules.8-10However,most of the best studied materials until now,like cadmium and lead chalcogenides,have a drawback of containing highly toxic components that severely restricts their possible applications.11,12A possible alternative material,being less toxic,but having a tunable absorption in the visible range,is copper indium disulfide(CIS),being a direct bandgap semiconductor with a bandgap of∼1.5eV in the bulk material and an exciton radius of4nm.13It has high radiation stability and an extinction coefficient of∼105cm-1(at500 nm),14a value about10×higher than that for CdTe.15Therefore, CIS is already widely used in thinfilm solar cells conventionally prepared by sputtering or evaporation techniques.16-18In contrast,there are only few reports about chemical synthesis of colloidal CIS nanoparticles with a narrow size distribution and successful size or shape control.19CIS nanocrystals were synthe-sized by the reaction of copper and indium salts(chlorides,20-22 iodides,23and carboxylates13,19,23)with various sulfur sources (dithiocarbamates,24thiourea,22n-alkylthiols,13,23dithiols,25el-emental sulfur,19,26and carbon disulfide27)as well as by thermal(1)Alivisatos,A.P.J.Phys.Chem.1996,100,13226.(2)Murray,C.B.;Kagan,C.R.;Bawendi,M.G.Annu.Re V.Mater.Sci.2000,30,545.(3)Huynh,W.U.;Dittmer,J.J.;Alivisatos,A.P.Science2002,295,2425.(4)Arici, E.;Meissner, D.;Scha¨ffler, F.;Sariciftci,N.S.Int.J.Photoenergy2003,5,199.(5)Gur,I.;Fromer,N.A.;Geier,M.L.;Alivisatos,A.P.Science2005,310,462.(6)Kumar,S.;Scholes,G.D.Microchim.Acta2008,160,315.(7)Rogach,A.L.;Gaponik,N.;Lupton,J.M.;Bertoni,C.;Gallardo,D.E.;Dunn,S.;Pira,N.L.;Paderi,M.;Repetto,P.;Romanov,S.G.;O’Dwyer,C.;Torres,C.M.S.;Eychmu¨ller,A.Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.2008,47,6538.(8)Niemeyer,C.M.Angew.Chem.,Int.Ed.2001,40,4128.(9)Chan,W.C.W.;Nie,S.Science1998,281,2016.(10)Bruchez,M.J.;Moronne,M.;Gin,P.;Weiss,S.;Alivisatos,A.P.Science1998,281,2013.(11)In Europe,the use of Cd and Pb is banned in electrical componentsby the“Directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment200295/EC”. (12)Peng,X.Nano Res.2009,2,425.(13)Zhong,H.;Zhou,Y.;Ye,M.;He,Y.;Ye,J.;He,C.;Yang,C.;Li,Y.Chem.Mater.2008,20,6434.(14)Krunks,M.;Bijakina,O.;Varema,T.;Mikli,V.;Mellikov,E.ThinSolid Films1999,338,125.(15)Mitchell,K.;Fahrenbruch,A.L.;Bube,R.H.J.Appl.Phys.1977,48,829.(16)Chopra,K.L.;Paulson,P.D.;Dutta,V.Prog.Photo V olt.:Res.Appl.2004,12,69.(17)Green,M.A.J.Mater.Sci.Mater.Electron.2007,18,S15.(18)Powalla,M.;Bonnet,D.Ad V.OptoElectron.2007,2007,.article ID97454.(19)Xie,R.;Rutherford,M.;Peng,X.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2009,131,5691.(20)Qi,Y.;Liu,Q.;Tang,K.;Liang,Z.;Ren,Z.;Liu,X.J.Phys.Chem.C2009,113,3939.(21)Courtel,F.M.;Paynter,R.W.;Marsan,B.;Morin,M.Chem.Mater.2009,21,3752.(22)Koo,B.;Patel,R.N.;Korgel,B.A.Chem.Mater.2009,21,1962.(23)Li,L.;Daou,T.J.;Texier,I.;Kim Chi,T.T.;Liem,N.Q.;Reiss,P.Chem.Mater.2009,21,2422.(24)Pan,D.;An,L.;Sun,Z.;Hou,W.;Yang,Y.;Yang,Z.;Lu,Y.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2008,130,5620.(25)Norako,M.E.;Franzman,M.A.;Brutchey,R.L.Chem.Mater.2009,21,4299.(26)Panthani,M.G.;Akhavan,V.;Goodfellow,B.;Schmidtke,J.P.;Dunn,L.;Dodabalapur,A.;Barbara,P.F.;Korgel,B.A.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2008,130,16770.Published on Web10/19/201010.1021/ja103828f 2010American Chemical Society 159769J.AM.CHEM.SOC.2010,132,15976–15986decomposition28or irradiation29of single molecule precursors. However,these synthetic procedures involving Cu,In,and S do not always result in the formation of monophasic CIS particles, but also hybrid materials,e.g.,composed of Cu2S-In2S3can occur.30,31There is also one report about CIS nanorods growing on Cu2S nanodiscs,which can be converted to CIS in the end of the reaction.32To summarize,development of synthetic procedures yielding pure CIS nanoparticles with well controllable size and shape still remains a challenge.Concerning the crystal structure,it is noteworthy that bulk CIS at room temperature has the chalcopyrite crystal structure, whereas the zinc blend and wurtzite modifications are stable only at high temperatures.In contrast,nanoparticles stable at room temperature can be synthesized in all three crystal structures.33,34In the zinc blend and wurtzite structure,the indium and copper atoms are randomly distributed over the cation sites of the lattice,20which allows aflexibility of stoichiometry and,thus,tuning the Fermi energy over a wide range.The latter feature makes CIS nanoparticles particularly interesting for device fabrication.Herein,we report a colloidal synthesis of wurtzite CIS nanocrystals as well as Cu2S-CIS nanohybrids,using simple and commercially available chemicals as starting materials.Even though our synthesis is a one pot reaction,the growth mecha-nism of CIS nanocrystals involves several steps,their progres-sion being determined by the starting conditions of the reaction. As will be shown,the reaction starts by the formation of copper sulphide nanoparticles,which serve as starting points for the subsequent growth of CIS nanocrystals and play a major role in the shape control of the resulting CIS particles.Cu2S disappears in the course of the reaction,so that monophasic CIS nanoparticles are thefinal product.By stopping the reaction at an intermediate stage,Cu2S-CuInS2hybrid nanostructures can be obtained.Upon changing the reaction conditions(ratio between the precursors and reaction time),a variety of different shapes of CIS nanoparticles and Cu2S-CuInS2nanohybrid materials can be synthesized.In the present work,we describe their formation mechanism and structure,based on TEM,XRD, and EDX measurements.2.Experimental Section2.1.Materials.Copper(I)acetate(CuAc,97%),zinc acetate (ZnAc299.99%,metal basis),technical grade trioctylphosphine oxide(TOPO,90%),1-dodecanethiol(1-DDT,98+%),tert-dodecanethiol(t-DDT,98.5%,mixture of isomers)and1,10-phenanthroline(g99%)were purchased from Aldrich.Indium(III) acetate(InAc3,99.99%,metal basis)and trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO,98%)were delivered from Alfa Aesar and oleylamine (OLAM,∼C18-content80-90%)from Acros Organics.All chemicals were used directly without any further purification.2.2.Synthesis of CuInS2Nanocrystals.For a typical synthesis, CuAc(1mmol),InAc3(1mmol)and TOPO(90%)(3.5mmol)were mixed with10mL of oleylamine in a three-neckflask and stirred under vacuum at room temperature for30min.Next,the reaction was heated to240°C under nitrogenflow.When the solution color changed from turbid green to slightly yellow,the mixture of0.25mL1-DDT and 1.75mL t-DDT was rapidly injected,which resulted in an immediate color change of the reaction solution to brown.Small aliquots were taken at different time intervals between30s and1h.Finally,the reaction system was cooled to room temperature,and the particles were precipitated and washed with ethanol to remove residual thiols,acetates and TOPO.The purified precipitate was then redissolved in hexane. It is anticipated in this place that CIS nanoparticles prepared by this method can contain an attached Cu2S particle,depending on the exact reaction conditions and growth time.2.3.Synthesis of CuInS2-ZnS Nanocrystals.Thefirst step of the CuInS2-ZnS nanocrystal synthesis was performed similarly to the reaction for CIS,i.e.,indium and copper acetates and TOPO were dissolved in oleylamine and heated to240°C.Next,the mixture of thiols and,subsequently,zinc acetate(2mmol)in2 mL of OLAM were injected,and aliquots were taken at different times.Afterward,a purification procedure with ethanol was used, as described above for the CIS nanocrystals.2.4.Transformation of Biphasic Cu2S-CuInS2to Monopha-sic CuInS2Nanocrystals.In order to eliminate the Cu2S structural constituent,biphasic nanocrystals were precipitated with methanol, redispersed in a0.4M1,10-phenanthroline solution in ethanol,and stirred at room temperature for17or24h.The nanoparticles were separated from the characteristically red colored solution,proving the formation of copper-phenanthroline complex,by centrifugation, and subsequently redissolved in hexane.2.5.Characterization Methods.2.5.1.UV-vis Absorption Spectroscopy.Absorption spectra were measured on a Varian Cary100Scan spectrophotometer.2.5.2.Transmission Electron Microscopy(TEM).Nanocrystal size and morphology were studied with a Zeiss EM902A transmission electron microscope with an acceleration voltage of 80kV.High resolution transmission microscopy observations as well as energy-filtered TEM measurements were performed on a FEI Titan80/300kV microscope.Nanocrystals in hexane solution were deposited onto the carbon-coated copper or nickel grids by drop casting technique.2.5.3.Energy dispersive X-ray Analysis.The integral stoichi-ometry was obtained by the EDAX detector integrated into a FEI Quanta2003D scanning electron microscope.Stoichiometry of individual nanoparticles was analyzed with the EDX detector of the FEI Titan80/300kV microscope.2.5.4.Powder X-Ray Diffraction(XRD).Powder X-ray dif-fraction(XRD)was measured with a PANalytical X’Pert PRO MPD diffractometer operating with Cu K R radiation,Bragg-Brentano θ-2θgeometry,a goniometer radius of240mm and variable slits. The samples were measured on low background silicon sample holders and prepared for the XRD measurements as follows: Nanocrystals in hexane solution were dropped on the silicon substrate and heated to70°C for30min,in order to remove the solvent.The XRD data was analyzed using the X’Pert HighScore Plus software in conjunction with the ICDD database,version2.0902. For Rietveld refinement,the program MAUD,35version2.14,was used.In all cases,a polynomial background was used.The parameters for instrumental line broadening were not refined,but taken from the default instrument in the MAUD software.This is justified,because the line broadening is dominated by size and strain effects in the case of nanocrystalline samples.Texture effects were taken into account by the harmonic texture model36implemented into the MAUD program,using the parameter L max)4which(27)Du,W.;Qian,X.;Yin,J.;Gong,Q.Chem.s Eur.J.2007,13,8840.(28)Castro,S.L.;Bailey,S.G.;Raffaelle,R.P.;Banger,K.K.;Hepp,A.F.J.Phys.Chem.B2004,108,12429.(29)Nairn,J.J.;Shapiro,P.J.;Twamley,B.;Pounds,T.;Wandruszka,R.V.;Fletcher,T.R.;Williams,M.;Wang,C.;Norton,M.G.Nano Lett.2006,6,1218.(30)Han,W.;Yi,L.;Zhao,N.;Tang,A.;Gao,M.;Tang,Z.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2008,130,13152.(31)Choi,S.;Kim,E.;Hyeon,T.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2006,128,2520.(32)Connor,S.T.;Hsu,C.;Weil,B.D.;Aloni,S.;Cui,Y.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2009,131,4962.(33)Binsma,J.J.M.;Giling,L.J.;Bloem,J J.Cryst.Growth1980,50,429.(34)Nose,K.;Soma,Y.;Omata,T.;Otsuka-Yao-Matsuo,S.Chem.Mater.2009,21,2607.(35)Lutterotti,L.;Chateigner,D.;Ferrari,S.;Ricote,J.Thin Solid Films2004,450,34–41.J.AM.CHEM.SOC.9VOL.132,NO.45,201015977Synthesis and Shape Control of CuInS2Nanoparticles A R T I C L E Scorresponds to 2variables for refinement.Furthermore,the aniso-tropic size-strain model developed by Popa 37was used to take care of the anisotropic crystallite shape,again using L max )4.This corresponds to 3variables for the anisotropic crystallite shape and 1free variable for isotropic strain.3.Results and Discussion3.1.Colloidal Synthesis of Uniform CuInS 2Nanocrystals.Inthis section,we present a synthesis route for pure CuInS 2nanocrystals and give a detailed analysis of a typical sample.Copper indium disulfide nanocrystals were obtained by fast injection of a mixture of 1-dodecanethiol and tert -dodecanethiol to a solution of copper and indium acetates in oleylamine and TOPO.The reaction was carried out at 240°C and yielded elongated wurtzite CIS nanoparticles with a relatively narrow size distribution (Figure 1).The choice of oleylamine as solvent turned out to be essential to obtain a narrow size and shape distribution.A control experiment with 1-octadecene as solvent led to the formation of much smaller particles with a relatively broad size distribution and a higher aggregation tendency.So,OLAM not only plays the role of a solvent,but also regulates the activity of the monomers and stabilizes the particles.However,to provide a good colloidal stability of the particles and to obtain anisotropic shapes,TOPO has to be present in the reaction mixture.TOPO and phosponic acids which are present as impurities in commercially available TOPO 38,39are hard Lewis bases and react preferentially with In 3+,a hard Lewis acid.The presence of TOPO in the reaction mixture decreases and regulates the reactivity of the indium precursor.We chose tert -dodecanethiol as a sulfur source,since thiols are known to decompose at high temperatures.13,23Tert -dodecanethiol has the advantage of being liquid,soluble in organic solvents and to decompose at relatively low tempera-tures,compared to n -alkyl thiols.The presence of 1-dode-canethiol in the reaction mixture turned out to be necessary to control the reactivity of the copper monomers.Thiols are soft bases and react preferentially with soft acids like Cu +.Tert-dodecanothiol reacts with copper acetate to form copper sulphide already at about 60°C.In the presence of 1-dodecanothiol,this reaction can be suppressed,and the formation of CIS nanopar-ticles takes place.The synthesis of CIS nanoparticles can be conducted by mixing the educts at room temperature and subsequently heating them to 240°C.However,in order to improve the size distribution of the samples,we decided to start the reaction at high temperature (240°C)by the injection of the thiols.In this way,the nucleation of the nanoparticles can be controlled in a precise way.In Figure 1a,a TEM image of a typical sample obtained with our synthetic procedure is shown.The nanoparticles are uniform in size and shape,having a mean width of 19.1(1.4nm and a length of 44.8(3.8nm (Figure 1e).These values obtained from TEM images (assuming an elliptic shape of the nanopar-ticles for the computer-assisted image analysis)are in good agreement with the values calculated from the powder X-ray diffraction patterns (see below).The width of the nanoparticles is not uniform.They consist of two cones with different angles,one being truncated and their footings meeting at about the half of the particle.This general structure could be found in most of the samples obtained at different synthetic conditions and is a direct consequence of the formation mechanism of the CIS particles,as will be discussed later.High resolution TEM images reveal that the particles are single crystalline and the spacing of the lattice planes corre-sponds to the wurtzite CIS structure.In the electron diffraction image distances corresponding to (100),(002),(101),(102),(110),(103),and (112)could be identified (Figure 1b).An analysis of the high resolution TEM (HRTEM)images of single particles shows that the nanocrystals grow in the direction of the c axis.In Figure 1c,d,examples of particles with (002)lattice planes being perpendicular to the growth direction of the nanocrystals are shown.CIS is known to differ often from the exact 1:1:2stoichi-ometry.By the help of EDX measurements,we could confirm the composition of our nanoparticles being close to 1:1:2,however,with a small In excess (Cu:In ∼4:5).The EDX results show also a small excess of sulfur,the atomic ratio S/(Cu +In)being ∼1.1.This could be due to a sulfur rich surface,which is a plausible assumption when using thiols as stabilizer.Even if the particles do not have the perfect 1:1:2stoichiometry,we will refer to them as CuInS 2for the sake of simplicity.In order to exclude the possibility that our nanorods are nanocomposites of copper and indium sulphide,similar to particles described(36)Popa,N.C.J.Appl.Crystallogr.1992,25,611.(37)Popa,N.C.J.Appl.Crystallogr.1998,31,176.(38)Wang,F.;Tang,R.;Buhro,W.E.Nano Lett.2008,8,3521.Figure 1.An overview TEM image of a typical CIS sample (a),SAED pattern (b),HRTEM images of single CIS nanoparticles (c)and (d),and a histogram of the width and the length of the nanocrystals (e).15978J.AM.CHEM.SOC.9VOL.132,NO.45,2010A R T I C L E S Kruszynska et refs 30and 31,rather than monophasic CIS nanoparticles,we investigated also the composition of single particles by energy filtered scanning TEM (STEM)and EDX.Figure 2a shows a single particle.In Figure 2b,c,spatially resolved EDX measurements of this particle can be seen,revealing the uniform distribution of copper and indium within the particles.Energy filtered dark field images in Figure 2d,e show that also sulfur and copper are uniformly distributed.So,all three elements can be found throughout the particles.Figure 3a shows the powder X-ray diffraction pattern measured for the sample analyzed above by TEM.The crystal structure was identified to be hexagonal CuInS 2(see Supporting Information for details on the structure).CIS prepared by methods used in industrial processes,e.g.,sputtering techniques,typically has a tetragonal or cubic structure.16However,hexagonal structure was already observed for colloidally prepared CIS nanocrystals by several other groups.20,22,24,32In most cases,the hexagonal CIS phase was identified by compar-ing the experimental diffraction to simulated stick patterns,because there is no reference data for hexagonal CIS in the standard databases yet.22,24,32While the positions of the Bragg reflections were found to match well,less attention was usually paid to the relative intensities or line broadening.In some cases,the match of intensity patterns is relatively poor.In the present work,Rietveld refinement was used,in order to analyze also the intensity distribution and anisotropic line broadening effects.As will be shown in the following,this allows for obtaining important information on the microstructure of the samples.As obvious from the TEM images (Figure 1),the nanocrystals have an elongated shape.If the direction of preferential growth corresponds to the axis of highest symmetry,i.e.,the c -axis in the case of hexagonal structure,then the crystallite shape can be simulated by a model developed by Popa 37that uses a development into a series of symmetrized spherical harmonics.Additionally,the Popa model describes microstrain,where the coefficient <εhh >represents the relative changes of the distances between the lattice planes in a crystallographic direction denoted h .37Closely related to anisotropic crystallite shapes,one has to consider texture effects,because elongated crystallites will notbe randomly oriented,but are more likely to lie flat on the sample holder.If the crystallite shape is assumed to be a sphere and preferential orientation is neglected,then the positions of the Bragg reflections are well matched,but the intensity distribution is not (see Figure S1of the Supporting Information).The fit in Figure 3a was obtained taking into account the anisotropic microstructure and preferential orientation.Figure 3b shows the simulated crystallite shape resulting from refinement.Table 1(column “fit 1”)sums up the most important parameters and results.The analysis revealed that the nanocrystals are elongated along the c -axis,and the values found for the size along the c -axis (correlated with the broadening of the (002)reflection)and perpendicular to the c -axis (e.g.,correlated with the broadening of the (100)reflection)are in good agreement with the TEM results.Figure 3c shows reconstructed pole figures deduced from the simultaneous texture analysis.The poles of the (002)lattice planes are found preferentially in the circumfer-ence of the projection plane,meaning that the elongated nanocrystals preferentially lie flat on the sample holder.ByFigure 2.STEM image of a single CIS nanoparticle (a)together with itscopper (b)and indium (c)map obtained by spatially resolved EDX measurements.The distribution of sulfur (d)and copper (e)in the sample was measured with energy filteredSTEM.Figure 3.(a)Diffraction pattern of the sample characterized by TEM in Figures 1and 2.The experimental data (dots)is plotted together with a Rietveld fit (red line).(b)The crystallite shape resulting from refinement according to the applied size-strain model.(c)Reconstructed pole figures resulting from refinement according to the applied texture model.While the (100)planes have a high probability to be oriented parallel to the sample holder,the (002)planes are preferentially oriented perpendicular to the sample holder.J.AM.CHEM.SOC.9VOL.132,NO.45,201015979Synthesis and Shape Control of CuInS 2Nanoparticles A R T I C L E Sconsequence,the (100)planes are preferentially oriented parallel to the sample holder which results in a high density of poles in the center of the corresponding pole figure.It should be noted that parameters for size and strain were not simultaneously varied to obtain the results shown in Figure 3.First,the parameters for anisotropic crystallite size were refined neglecting strain (parameters set to zero).Afterward,size parameters were fixed,and the strain parameters were refined in addition.Refining all size and strain parameters simultaneously slightly improved the fit,but the results were rger values for the strain led to values for the crystallite size in c-direction which considerably exceeded the values found by TEM (see Table 1(column “fit 2”)and Figure S2of the Supporting Information).The size effects seem to dominate over strain effects,and fitting first the size and,in a second step,the strain parameters appears to be more reliable here.Considering both procedures,one can conclude that the length of the crystallites along the c -axis is at least ∼56nm according to XRD.Together with the TEM data which revealed a mean length of ∼45nm,this is a good proof that most nanocrystals of the ensemble are elongated along the c -axis and consist of one single crystalline domain.Otherwise,the (002)reflection would be broader.Another remark is necessary with respect to elemental composition.Pan et al.24simulated Cu -In -S compounds with various compositions in the case of cubic crystal structure.The diffraction pattern turned out to be unaffected as long as the valence stoichiometry parameter,defined as (2[S]/([Cu]+3[In]))-1,is zero.24Similar investigations were made in the present study for the case of hexagonal crystal structure.The intensities turned out to be only slightly dependent on the Cu/In ratio,while keeping the valence stoichiometry parameter at zero (see Figure S3of the Supporting Information).By consequence,XRD is not suitable to determine the exact composition of the Cu -In -S compounds.According to the EDX results,the valence stoichiometry parameter is close to zero.Therefore,analyzing the XRD data with a stoichiometric CuInS 2phase is ing the stoichiometry derived by the values of the EDX ratio and setting the occupancy of S sites to 1results only in a negligible improvement of the fits (see Table 1(column “fit 6”)).Turning now to optical properties,all particles synthesized with our method absorb light in the whole visible range (seeFigure 4)which results in a black color of the material.The absorption onset reveals a bandgap of 1.5eV.Because of the small exciton radius in CIS (4nm),no blue shift due to the size quantization effect can be expected,since our particles have sizes in the order of magnitude of tens of nanometers.Their bandgap can,however,be influenced by doping the particles with Zn,as will be discussed in the last section of the Results and Discussion part.3.2.Characterization of the Cu 2S -CuInS 2Hybrid Nanocryst-als.Cu 2S -CuInS 2hybrid nanocrystals are an important inter-mediate step in the growth of CIS nanoparticles.The formation of a hybrid material in the beginning of the reaction can be seen in the TEM images,where each particle is composed of two parts of different contrast (see Figure 5a).EDX measure-ments of these structures show a high copper excess (Cu:In ≈4:1),compared to the CIS stoichiometry.A further structural characterization was done by the analysis of the diffraction pattern of the hybrid nanoparticles.Figure 6a shows the diffraction pattern of such a composite sample.By Rietveld analysis,the diffraction pattern can be decomposed into two contributions,one of them being a hexagonal CIS phase as in the former section,the other being a hexagonal Cu 2S phase.The crystal structure of the Cu 2S phase was taken from aTable 1.Parameters and Results from Rietveld Refinement of the Diffraction Pattern of the Sample Shown in Figures 1-3fit 1fit 2fit 3fit 4fit 5fit 6curve in Figure3aS2S1,S3S3S3not shownshapeanisotropicanisotropic isotropicisotropicisotropicanisotropicsize/strain refinement size refined before strain simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously size refined before strain textureyesyesnononoyescomposition Cu 1In 1S 2Cu 1In 1S 2Cu 1In 1S 2Cu 0.5In 1.5S 2.5Cu 1.5In 0.5S 1.5Cu 0.81In 1.01S 2occupancy Cu In S 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.250.75 1.0unit cell par. 3.9062 3.9062 3.9062 3.9062 3.9062 3.9062a,b [Å](0.0002(0.0002(fixed)(fixed)(fixed)(0.0002unit cell par. 6.4251 6.4240 6.4251 6.4251 6.4251 6.4252c [Å](0.0010(0.0009(fixed)(fixed)(fixed)(0.0010atomic pos.0.37110.36990.37110.37110.37110.3656z (Cu,In)(0.0014(0.0014(fixed)(fixed)(fixed)(0.0013size along c axis [nm]56.3107.221.421.321.854.6size ⊥c -axis [nm]21.323.0921.421.321.821.1strain <εhh >,in % ,in % 4.09 4.0310.410.510.3 3.94R WP ,in % 5.51 5.3518.218.418.1 5.24Figure 4.Typical absorption spectra of pure CuInS 2and alloyedCuInS 2-ZnS nanocrystals.15980J.AM.CHEM.SOC.9VOL.132,NO.45,2010A R T I C L E SKruszynska et al.。