

斯塔瑞欧式婴儿床 说明书

斯塔瑞欧式婴儿床 说明书















1. 安全性特点我们的婴儿床注重宝宝的安全,采用符合国家安全标准的材料,保证产品的无毒、无刺激性。


2. 舒适度特点我们的婴儿床采用专业的人体工学设计,提供给宝宝一个舒适的睡眠环境。




1. 安装说明在使用之前,请您仔细阅读并按照配套的安装说明进行安装。



2. 宝宝的安全婴儿床是为宝宝提供安全睡眠环境的重要设备,但它并不能代替成年人的监护。


3. 定期检查请您定期检查床的各个连接部位是否稳固,避免因部件疏松而导致的安全隐患。


4. 注意事项在使用婴儿床的过程中,请您注意以下几点:- 请避免在床上放置过多的玩具或枕头,防止宝宝的窒息风险。

- 请勿将婴儿床放置在高于1米的位置,以免宝宝爬出时摔伤。

- 检查床的松紧度,确保床与床垫之间没有缝隙,以免宝宝的手足受夹伤。

- 在使用过程中,如果发现任何异常现象,请立即停止使用并联系售后服务。








二、安装步骤1. 在安装之前,请确保床头和床尾的木质连接件完好无损,无裂纹或破损;2. 将床框展开,并注意床框上方的安全护栏,确保其固定可靠;3. 安装床底,将其与床框连接,并确保紧固螺丝牢固;4. 注意检查床垫和床底之间的凹槽,确保床垫稳固地放置在床底上;5. 安装完毕后,请检查床体各连接部位是否坚固,确保安全使用。

三、安全使用指南1. 婴儿床只能由成年人组装,儿童不得独自操作;2. 请确保婴儿床的床垫尺寸与床框尺寸相适应,以防止床垫滑动或夹缝产生;3. 在使用过程中,请勿将床垫沾湿,以免导致霉菌滋生;4. 请定期检查床垫和床架的稳定性,如果发现任何损坏或松动的部件,请及时更换或修理;5. 婴儿床上请务必铺设床单,以保持床垫的清洁和卫生;6. 确保床垫四周没有过多的垫子或玩具,以防止婴儿被窒息;7. 不要将床放置在靠近窗户、暖气或其他危险物品的位置;8. 在婴儿床附近不要放置任何尖锐、硬质或危险的物品,以防止宝宝受伤;9. 当婴儿学会爬行或站立时,请调整床垫的高度,以防止宝宝从床上滚落。

四、清洁与维护1. 请定期清洁婴儿床,使用干净柔软的抹布擦拭床框和床垫上的污渍;2. 切勿使用含有化学物质的清洁剂,以免对床架和床垫造成损坏;3. 床垫顶层面料可拆卸并手洗,但请勿使用热水或漂白剂。

五、注意事项1. 请勿将婴儿床用于婴儿不能自主翻身、爬行或站立的阶段;2. 当婴儿自主进入床垫翻转的能力时,请停止使用婴儿床,以免因宝宝的活跃造成意外伤害;3. 如果婴儿出现过敏或不适,请立即停止使用床垫或与医生联系。



高考某某市天基权科技股份某某婴儿保健床使用说明书一、产品介绍:2二、性能及作用:2三、清点包装配件:2四、面板控制功能介绍:31、“电源启动”(ON):32、“定时60分”功能:33、“左右启动运动”功能:34、“磁疗”:4五、工作环境需求说明:4六、规格及参数说明:4表(一)床的承受载荷与电压:5表(二)床主要尺寸及规格:6表(三)常见故障及排除方法:6 七、注意事项:6八、保修卡:7尊敬的用户:感谢您选择使用某某市天基权科技股份某某生产的“婴儿保健床”!为了方便您的使用,请仔细阅读使用说明书,并按说明书的步骤进行操作!一、产品介绍:由某某市天基权科技股份某某研究开发的“婴儿保健床”,此产品采用国际最先进磁动力驱动技术研制而成。





(专利号:ZL.2005 2 0127124.2)二、性能及作用:此床利用人体在睡眠状态下,运用磁力的作用改善人体微循环,促进人体新陈代谢,加速血液循环,净化血液,增强肌肉活力、加快细胞健康发育过程等等,由于睡觉能健身是人们最容易接受、而又最能长期坚持的锻炼方式,因此,本床可起到起到长期、稳定、有效的补磁与健身效果,增强食欲、平衡肌理、提高儿童的思维与记忆能力,促进儿童的身体的健康发育。









二、安装步骤1. 准备工具- 扳手- 螺丝刀- 钢尺- 手电筒2. 组装床架a) 将所有零件按照说明书上的标记进行分类,确保没有遗漏。

b) 按照图纸和说明书上的步骤,使用螺丝刀和扳手将床架的各个零部件进行组装。


c) 组装完成后,检查床架的稳定性和结构是否紧固完好。

3. 安装床板和垫子a) 将床板放入床架的床槽中,并确保平整。


b) 在床板上放置婴儿床垫,确保垫子与床架紧密接触。

三、使用注意事项1. 年龄限制本婴儿床适用于出生至3岁的婴幼儿使用。


2. 安全防护a) 请勿在婴儿床中放置过多的玩具或枕头,以免造成婴儿窒息的风险。

b) 请确保床头和床尾的栏杆牢固,婴儿不会从床上滑落。

c) 婴儿床应远离窗户、帘子或其他可以造成危险的物品。

d) 床单应紧贴床垫,并定期更换和清洗。

3. 安全警示a) 请勿在婴儿床附近放置易燃物品或尖锐物品,以防止火灾或刺伤等危险。

b) 当婴儿在床上翻滚或已具备爬行能力时,请将床栏升起,确保婴儿的安全。

c) 切勿将婴儿床移动到高处,以防止跌落或碰撞事故。

d) 定期检查床架和螺丝是否松动,如有问题请及时修复或更换零件。

四、保养与清洁1. 定期检查a) 每月检查床架和床板是否紧固,螺丝是否松动。

b) 如果发现损坏或松动的零件,请及时联系售后服务。

2. 清洁方法a) 使用柔软的湿布或温和的清洁剂进行清洁,避免使用刺激性或腐蚀性的清洁剂。

b) 注意避免水温过高,以免损坏婴儿床材料。




1. 产品外观:
- 友贝婴儿床采用优质的木材制造,颜色自然温和,宝宝使用舒适。

- 床的尺寸适中,能够容纳宝宝的身体并提供充足的活动空间。

- 设计简约美观,适合家庭装饰风格各异。

2. 安全性:
- 友贝婴儿床通过国家安全标准认证,无害物质,无异味,保证宝宝的安全和健康。

- 床的四个角部分设计为圆滑曲线,无锐利边角,确保宝宝在使用过程中不会受伤。

3. 调节功能:
- 友贝婴儿床配备了可调节的床底板,可以根据宝宝的成长阶段和需求,灵活调节床的高度。

- 床底板高度可以调整为两个或三个不同高度,以适应宝宝不同年龄的需求。

4. 便携性:
- 友贝婴儿床可折叠设计,便于携带和储存,方便家长在户外、旅行或外出时使用。

- 床的折叠结构牢固可靠,保证使用时的稳定性和安全性。

5. 维护和清洁:
- 在使用友贝婴儿床时,应注意保持床的干燥和清洁,避免水分和污渍对床造成损坏。

- 床垫面料可拆卸,方便清洗和更换。





1.With convenient device to fix the crib next to the parents’bed and get close to parents2.Easy for parents to feed or take care of their baby and can be used as an independent crib3.One side with breathable mesh fabric help air circulation4.Height adjustable in 6 position between 35-52 cm can match to different height of the bed5.Wheels included for easy move and special feet with antiskid also apply to bed with drawer6.Reclinable to prevent baby vomiting milk7.With steel frame, easily folded and fabric easily detached for cleaning8.With high elastic sponge mattress,well air permeability, more suitable for newborn babiesThis product complies with EN 1130-1:1996.8WARNINGS:1. BEFORE USE, REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF ALL PLASTIC BAGS AND PACKAGING MATERIALS AND KEEP THEM OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.2. The product is ready for use only when all locking mechanisms are engaged. Check carefully that these are engaged before use.3. All opening, adjusting, anchoring and positioning operations of the product must be carried out exlusively by an adult.4. The young children should not be allowed to play unsupervised in the vicinity of a crib.5. The crib should be locked in the fixed position when a child is unsupervised in it.6. Do not use the product if any part is broken, torn or missing.7.When a child is able to sit, kneel or to pull itself up, the crib shall not beused anymore for this child.8. The thickness of the mattress must be such that the vertical height (upper surface of the mattress until the upper edge of the product's sides) is at least 200mm. Do not use more than one mattress in the crib.9. The product must always be placed on a horizontal surface. Never leave the product on an inclined surface with the child inside of it.10. Be aware of the risk of fire and other sources of strong heat, such as electric bar fires, gas fires, etc. In the near vicinity of the crib11. Keep the fastening belts away from the reach of children.12. Do not leave any object inside the product that could reduce its depth.13. Do not position the crib near walls and obstacles to prevent trapping hazards.14. Do not leave small objects inside the product to prevent choking hazards.15. Do not adjust or move the product with the child inside.16. Do not use the product with more than one child at a time.17. The product must be kept away from electric cables and cords. Do not place the product near windows where cords, curtains or similar objects could pose choking or strangling hazards for the child.18.All assembly fittings should always be tightened properly and taken cared that no screws are loose,because a child could be trapped by parts of the body or clothing (e.g. strings, necklaces, ribbons for babies dummies, etc), which would pose a risk of strangulation.19. This product is intended for one child weighing up to a maximum of 9kg.20.Not to use the body of the crib without its frame.e the mattress correctly with the zipper side downwards the base of the crib and make sure the zipper head put into the sleeve at the side end completely.Care Instruction2Plastic and metal parts may be sponged lightly using warm water and a mild detergent. Dry thorougly before storing.Never clean any part of the product with abrasive, ammonia based, bleach based or spirit type cleaners.Do not twist; do not spin-dry; do not iron.WARNING! During the removal and/ or application of the mattress cover, handle the fabric carefully in order to avoid accidental damage or tears.COMPONENTSfabric bagsupport bar side frame stand a pair of strap allen wrench screwx 4Instruction for Assembly31. Insert support bar “C” to left side frame stand “A”(fig 1) and secure with 2screws (fig 2). Use the allen wrench to tighten screws in clockwise direction (fig 3).2. fig3.44. Fasten the side of the crib with the mesh window using the side zips and close them completely. Close the flap cover using the velcro to hide the ziper.Your crib is now ready to be used as a stand alone crib(fig 8).5Instruction for Wheels, Leg & Height adjustment1. There are wheels located on the front of the frame legs for easy moving.To access wheels, hold the crib rear long handrail and lift up. Simultaneously push the crib forward or backwards (fig 9). There is an anti-slipper at the bottom of leg to stop the crib moving.It can be adjusted in 2 positions.3. The crib can be adjusted to 6 different height positions. In order to adjust the height, press the adjustment lever down and adjust the crib to the desiredposition (fig 11). Repeat this operation on the opposite side. The base of the crib can be inclined slightly by adjusting the two legs to different heights (fig 12).Instruction for fixing to parents' bed4. To secure the crib to the parents’ bed, pull the straps once again to make sure the crib is properly and firmly secured to the parents’ bed (fig 19).WARNING! The maximum distance between the crib and the parent’s bed should62. Move the crib close to the parents bed and check the height of the crib compared with the mattress of the bed (fig 16).WARNING! The mattress of parent's bed shall be aligned to or over the height of the drop side in the lowest position.WARNING! In co-sleeping mode the 2 legs of the crib should always be adjusted to the same height.fig 16.。



(4)前护栏 上、 下框
(7)M6*35 旋钮螺钉
(8)M6*28旋 钮螺钉
(9)M6*35十字 平菇头螺钉
(11/12)帐杆 和帐圈
4)如图:a.将侧框上的连接套向外翻转 至水平; b.把前框向上旋转,把两端 的塑料连接件卡入连接套中;c.继续 向下扳连接套至其与地面垂直完成活 动护栏固定。
5)如图:将四只脚轮分别塞入床腿下端 的塑料套内,用力向下按床体完成脚 轮安装(带刹脚轮装在固定侧框上); 把展开好的摇篮的四只挂钩分别挂在 后框及前框上。
使用本产品前请先阅读说明书,它将告诉您正确的操作方法和安装 程序,以避免不正确的操作方法而损坏本产品或伤及您的宝宝。
(2)固定侧框 (3)后框
连接套向外 翻转至水平
3)如图:装上床板,用1只M6*35的 螺钉穿过后框中竖档,锁入床板 对应的螺钉孔中(当床板处于下档 位置不需锁螺钉),合上加长侧框, 用M6X35旋钮螺钉穿过加长侧框上 端孔锁入后框固定加长侧框。
加长床的使用: 前上框打开后,拧下加长侧 框上的旋钮螺钉,将加长侧框放 下,即可使床加长。 为保证床体的清洁,请经常擦拭。 为保证您的宝宝免受意外伤害,请经常对产品进行检查和保养。 各种部件在使用前,必须检查是否完好,安装是否到位。 进行拆装时,请仔细按使用说明书操作,以免造成不必要的损坏。

Hard Manufacturing 2020.1 家庭护理标准婴儿床说明书

Hard Manufacturing 2020.1 家庭护理标准婴儿床说明书

Revised 2020.1 6.12.2020MODELS H1942-CGP , H1952-KGP ,H1973-MGP & H1982-YGPHOME CARE STANDARD CRIBCAREGIVER INFORMATION &ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSThe nations #1 manufacturer of hospital cribsGENERAL INFORMATION FOR CAREGIVERS⏹ Never leave the person in the bed unattended when the side rail is lowered, or when the head is elevated if there is any risk they will be able to get over the side rails and fall.⏹ The mattress and/or heavy duty bumper pads should be checked regularly andreplaced if there are any tears in the fabric.⏹ Never replace the mattress that Hard Manufacturing provides with another manufacturer's product. Our mattresses are a custom size and other mattresses not supplied byHard Manufacturing may not fi t properly and could potentially cause entrapment hazards.An improper mattress will also make the bed diffi cult to operate as they will most likely be too wide, and may cause damage to the bed components over time.⏹ The weight limit of any of the cribs or beds made by Hard Manufacturing is 150lbs. If the weight limit of the bed is exceeded, the additional weight could cause damage to the bed components that could lead to expensive repairs and/or make the bed unsafe for daily usefor the patient as a result. A parent/caregiver should not get into the bed with the patient.⏹ HARD Manufacturing will support parts on our cribs and beds for up to 12 years fromthe date of manufacture as long as we still make the part or can obtain it from our vendors.⏹ HARD Manufacturing cribs and beds can be cleaned with an anti-bacterial all purpose cleaner of the parent/caregiver choice but it must be a non-abrasive cleaner. Anything containing bleach, alcohol or ammonia must be avoided. The crib should be dried thoroughly with a soft cloth immediately following the cleaning, the crib should never be allowed to air dry. Failure to follow the proper cleaning instructions can result in premature rust and corrosion of the parts on your cribs.If the crib or bed for your child needs a part, new mattress, bumper pads, etc- please contact the durable medical equipment dealer who purchased the bed on behalf of your child or the patient.Please write the info here for your reference if needed at a later date:Dealer name:______________________________________________________________ Dealer phone number_______________________________________________________ Model # of the crib or bed purchased___________________________________________ Date the crib or bed was manufactured__________________________________________ The sticker with the model # and date of manufacture is on the crib or bed and will looklike the following example:Crib rails are raised and lowered with a Johns Hopkins Handle on models H1942-CGP ,H1952-KGP and H1973-MGP . On model H1982-YPG, the rails have fi ngertip releasemechansisms.The side rail or end rails have “trigger” mechanisms that must lock into place to hold up the rail safely. The red tips of the triggers must be securely seated in the notches of the sliderods on both ends, and you should barely be able to see the red tip if at all. Grasp the railand tug to be certain the rail is in place fi rmly and properly.**If the trigger mechanism for the side rail fails to lock into placeproperly, call the durable medical equipment provider who supplied your child with the crib and ask for service.**SIDE RAIL OPERATION & SAFETYTo prolong the life of the trigger assembly in the side rail, continue to squeeze thetrigger mechansim as you lower the rail to the desired height and not release until that time. Letting the red tips of the trigger mechanism drag up and down the slide rods by releasing the trigger mechanism too early will cause the trigger assembly to wear prematurely andbreak.Johns Hopkins handleFingertip releaseCRANK HANDLE USAGEStandard Cribs are equipped with a crank handle for head elevation and it is located on the left side of the foot end. The head crank handle when not in use should be tucked in. Thishelps to avoid damage from it hitting or getting caught on other objects when the crib isbeing moved.To use the head crank handle, pull it out from its tucked position and turn clockwise toelevate the head section of the crib.The head section on the Standard Crib will articulateto approximately 30 degrees, or 14 turns of the crank handle.The Tilt Indicator pictured above shows a crib with the head raised to its maximum height position of approximately 30 degrees.NOTE: The head section of the crib will not articulate higher than the stated 30degrees. The crank handle will continue to turn after 14 revolutions, however it willbecome noticeably more di ffi cult. Continued cranking will not raise the head of thecrib any further, it will only put stress on the crank handle components andeventually cause them to break.The Head Crank HandleThe foot crank handle is located on the right side of the foot end of your crib. The footcrank handle when not in use should be tucked in. This helps to avoid damage from it hit-ting or getting caught on other objects when the crib is being moved.To use the foot crank handle, pull it out from its tucked position and turn clockwise toelevate the foot/knee section of the crib.The foot section on the Standard Cribs willarticulate to approximately 15 degrees, or 7 turns of the crank handle.The Foot Crank HandleThe Tilt Indicator pictured above shows a Standard Crib crib with the foot/knee section raised to its maximum height position of approximately 15 degrees.NOTE: The foot section of the crib will not articulate higher than the stated 15degrees. The crank handle will continue to turn after 7 revolutions, however it willbecome noticeably more di ffi cult. Continued cranking will not raise the foot/kneesection of the crib any further, it will only put stress on the crank handle components and eventually cause them to break.HARDWARE IDENTIFICATION FOR CRIB ASSEMBLYOur home care Standard Cribs come packed in 3 large boxes on a pallet. One boxcontains the mattress, a second box contains the mattress platform, and the last boxcontains the crib ends, side rails, slide rods and all hardware. If the crib is ordered withan IV Pole, it will be in the box with the ends. If the order has an under crib shelf, theshelf will come in a 4th box.Remove all the components from the boxes and inspect closely to make sure nothing wasdamaged during transport. Locate the hardware bag that is packed in the box with the cribends & sides.Suggested tools for assembly:Philips ScrewdriverRubber Mallet Qty 4Part #11750 1/2” Plastic Spacer-To be used at the bottom of the slide rod.Qty 4Part #63838 1/4-20x7/8” Screw -To be used at the top of the slide rod for the rails.Qty 4Part #11531 Washer- To be used at the top of the slide rod for the rails.Qty 4Part# 63403 Bumper Spring- To be used at the bottom of the slide rod- fi ts on slide rod adaptor.Qty 8Part# 11545 Plastic Washer- To be used at the bottom of the slide rod- fi ts around bumper springon the slide rod adaptor.Qty 4Part# 11529 Crib Eye Cover- To be used at the top of the 4 corners of the bed to cover the upper crib eyeASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS1. First, attach the mattress platform to the end assemblies by anchoring it into the cornerlocks on the ends.To fi rmly seat the mattress platform into the corner locks, tap the four corners of theplatform with the rubber mallet, being careful not to bend or damage the platform or metalpans of the mattress surface.2. Next, Insert the slide rods into the two side rails. Squeeze the Johns Hopkins handles orthe fi ngertip trigger mechanism to allow the slide rod to go down into the rail on each sideand lock it into place in the top position as shown below.Mattress Platform Corner Locks End AssemblyEnd Assembly Pegs from the mattress platform arefully seated into the corner locks asshown Corner Lock3. Take one side assembly with the slide rods inserted making sure the Johns Hopkinshandle is facing outwards, and add a plastic spacer, nylon washer, bumper spring and asecond nylon washer to the bottom of the slide rods as shown. While holding the hardwarein place, lift the side assembly and place the slide rods onto the lower crib eyes as shown.4. Push down on both ends of the side rail assembly, and position the top of the slide rods& side rail under and up into the upper crib eye. Add the nylon washer and screw at the top of the rail on both ends but do not yet tighten all the way. First, raise and lower the railseveral times to allow the slide rods to align themselves in the crib eyes. Then fasten thescrew at the top of the slide rod firmly. Repeat this process on the other crib side.Plastic SpacerBumper SpringBumper Washer Lower Crib Eye ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS CONTINUED5. Insert the crib eye covers into the top of the 4 corner posts of the crib to cover the uppercrib eye and screw. Add the mattress to the crib.Assembly iscomplete Upper Crib EyeScrewWasherThe nations #1 manufacturer of hospital cribsAll bolts and other fasteners must be securelytightened and maintained when crib is put in service.Before each usage or assembly, inspect crib for damaged hardware, loose joints, missing parts or sharp edges.CAUTION SHEETThe nations #1 manufacturer of hospital cribsHome Care WarrantyReturn PolicyAcceptance of returns on all new and unused equipment and parts is at the discretion of HARDManufacturing. The purchaser will be responsible for a restocking fee and the freight costs associated with returning the equipment or item.Replacement of any part under warranty is contingent upon the following:1. The customer is to provide the serial number of the crib or bed as well as the serial number of the defective or damaged part(s) if one exists. If the part is a mattress, the customer must supply the serial number of the mattress as well as photos of both tags on the mattress.2. The customer is to provide photos of the defective or damaged part.3. The customer must, if requested by HARD Manufacturing, return the defective or damaged item for inspection prepaid within 30 days of reporting the issue.MaintenancePlacing cribs and youth beds in cart washers and/or the use of steam spray guns for disinfecting is not recommended. Use a non-abrasive cleaning solution such as a mild detergent and thoroughly dry all components of crib or bed prior to replacing the mattress on the unit. Solvents containingalcohol, ammonia or other abrasives should be avoided. Failure to follow the suggested cleaning/dry-ing instructions could lead to premature corrosion and require replacement of the mattress.Expected Service Life of HARD Manufacturing Cribs or Beds is 9 years.Five (5) year warrantyHARD Manufacturing will replace at no cost to the purchaser any expendable component such as, but not limited, to mattresses, trigger assemblies, slide rods or slide rod components, crankhandles, Johns Hopkins handles, vinyl curtains, curtain rods, or IV components found to have a defect in materials or workmanship within one (1) year from the date of purchase at our discretion.One (1) year warrantyHARD Manufacturing will replace at no cost to the purchaser any motor, sta ff control or underbed control box found to be defective within two (2) years from the date of purchase.Electrical ComponentsTerms and Conditions of the Warranty PeriodThe warranty covers normal use of our cribs or youth beds. It does not cover damage or defects that occur due to any of the following:1. Abuse, misuse, mishandling and excessive wear by sta ff , patients or parents/caregivers.2. Modi fi cations of the equipment including the electrical equipment. The covers should never beremoved on the motors, transformers, control boxes, scale controls or sta ff controls. Doing any type of modi fi cation to our cribs or youth beds will void the warranty.E ff ective 6/1/2017Revised 2020.1 3.26.2020HARD Manufacturing will replace at no cost to the purchaser any non-expendable component such as the head and foot end assemblies, side assemblies or mattress platform found to have a defect in materials or workmanship within five (5) years from the date of purchase at our discretion.。



· · · · · (后面都
练习: 练习: 阅读以下说明书,你认为问题何在,应如何改进? 阅读以下说明书,你认为问题何在,应如何改进?
1、香皂:“如一般香皂使用” 2、某退烧药:年龄大的多吃点,年龄小的少吃点 3、某笔记本电脑:采用了先进的奔腾三处理器,拥有一颗强劲 的芯 4、某纸箱包装的电脑桌:先安装起来,然后将电脑放到桌 子上。使用时不要碰撞,不要站到桌上 · 是关于使用的一些说明)
4、不说含糊话—要防止以下情况:一是名称或概念混乱,有时产 品中涉及的同一个对象有好几种名称,说明书也未加以说明;二是 计量不明或计量单位不统一,让人无法正确使用。 5、说清楚提醒话—诸如药品、电器等与使用者的健康、安全密切 相关的产品,一定要说好提醒话,并力求详细、准确、明白。 6、说好关键话—产品的使用说明,一定要设身处地为消费者着想, 如挂衣柜、组合柜等需要安装、开启的产品,应将关键环节的操作 方法用通俗易懂的语言讲清楚,以方便消费者使用。
农机公司说明书乱“ 农机公司说明书乱“吹”输官司 赔偿原告购机 款 今年5月,汪百寅与歙县农机有限公司签订一份 今年5 买卖榨油机的协议。 买卖榨油机的协议。在汪百寅新购的机器说明书中有这 样的介绍: 比一般榨油机提高3%;节 样的介绍:本机出油率 高,比一般榨油机提高3%;节 约能耗,比一般榨油机节约电量26%。 约能耗,比一般榨油机节约电量26%。 26 然而汪试用后发现该机出油率并不高, 然而汪试用后发现该机出油率并不高,和说明书所称 存有差距, 存有差距,在与销售方联系并且调试后依然没有达到预 期效果。 期效果。最后法院判令被告返还汪百寅全部购机款并赔 偿损失3020 3020元 偿损失3020元。
因此,我们一定要为我们的产品出具说明书,并且在撰写 说明书时一定要准确,不可夸大应该实事求是!!






产品一:婴儿床1. 产品简介我们的婴儿床采用优质材料制造,安全可靠。


2. 使用方法- 在平坦稳固的地面上放置床架,并确保四角牢固。

- 将床褥铺好,以保证宝宝的舒适度和卫生。

- 按照说明书上的指引,调整床的高度,适应宝宝的生长发育。

3. 注意事项- 使用前,请检查床的结构是否完好,抽屉是否固定好,以确保安全使用。

- 使用过程中,请随时检查床垫是否磨损,如有损坏立即更换,以避免对宝宝造成不安全因素。

产品二:婴儿推车1. 产品简介我们的婴儿推车采用轻便材料制造,方便携带。


2. 使用方法- 按照说明书上的指引,将推车展开并确保锁定好各个部位。

- 调整座椅的姿势,使宝宝的背部得到良好的支持。

- 系好安全带,并检查是否固定可靠。

3. 注意事项- 使用前,请检查推车的结构是否完好,轮胎是否磨损,刹车是否灵活可靠。

- 使用过程中,请避免在不平坦的地面上行驶,以免影响宝宝的舒适感。

产品三:婴儿奶瓶1. 产品简介我们的婴儿奶瓶采用食品级材料制造,无毒无害,安全可靠。


2. 使用方法- 在使用前,请将奶瓶进行彻底的清洁消毒。

- 按照宝宝的喂养需求,选择适当的奶嘴规格。

- 制作奶粉时,请按照奶粉包装上的指引来配制,确保比例准确。

3. 注意事项- 使用后,请及时进行清洗,以免滋生细菌。

- 定期更换奶嘴,以保证其弹性和卫生。

产品四:婴儿尿布1. 产品简介我们的婴儿尿布采用柔软透气的材料制造,舒适吸湿。

Baby Way婴儿床说明书

Baby Way婴儿床说明书

MANUAL DE USO MODELO BW-611Edad Recomendada:0 a 24 meses Peso Recomendado: Hasta 18 kg.Las imágenes de este manual son ilustrativas, pueden variar en accesorios, colores y estampados.ContenidosBienvenida Advertencias Armado Desarmado Limpieza y mantención Póliza de garantía 3 4 5 7 8 93Gracias por preferir a Baby Way ®. Por favor lea atentamente este manual de instrucciones antes de usar el producto. Si usted tiene alguna duda sobre el uso de esta cuna Pack&Play para niños, por favor no dude en ponerse en contactarnos.MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES Cuna Pack&Play BW-611Para asegurarse de cómo usar el producto, por favor lea las instrucciones cuidadosamente y manténgalo seguro para futuras referencias. Si no sigue las instrucciones de cómo usar el producto, puede afectar la seguridad de los niños.· Cuna Corral.· 2 posición de altura.· Liviana, transportable y facil de armar. · Gran bolsillo porta objetos.· Ruedas trasera con sistema de freno.· Plegable tipo maleta , incluye bolso.· Doble funcion: corral y cuna.· Incluye mudador y colorido arco de juegos.· Certificación de calidad ISO 9001-2000.· Edad recomendada de 0 a 2 años aprox.· Peso recomendado de 0 a 18 Kilos.4GARANTÍA DE 3 MESESEste producto cuenta con una garantía de 3 meses en caso de cualquier falla o mal funcionamiento que sea atribuible al fabricante. Se excluyen de esta garantía, fallas ocasionadas por el mal uso que los consumidores den al producto. Recuerde conservar su boleta o póliza de garantía timbrada.AdvertenciasLea estas instrucciones cuidadosamente antes de utilizar el producto y guarde para futuras referencias. No seguir correctamente las instrucciones puede traer consecuencias de accidente para su hijo/a.El producto debe ser armado por un adulto.Los niños deben estar siempre bajo la supervisión de un adulto.1.- No exponga el producto a fuentes de calor, por ejemplo, una estufa a gas o eléctrica.2.- No utilice la cuna si es que le falta una pieza o tenga alguna parte rota.3.- No exceda el peso máximo de la cuna.4.- No utilice más de un colchón en la cuna.5.- Utilice siempre la cuna con colchón.6.- Si utiliza otro colchón, asegúrese que no exceda los 8 cm de espesor.7.- Mantenga la cuna lejos de cables eléctricos.8.- No deje nunca a su hijo/a sin la supervisión de un adulto.Armado Contenido:· Cuna· Colchoneta· Móvil· Bolso· Mudador1.- Abra el bolso y retire la cuna y elcolchón que vienen dentro.5Armado3.- Despliegue la cuna desde los laterales y asegúrese de que todos los ladosqueden rectos.4.- Empuje desde el centro y luego coloque la colchoneta y accesorios.6Desarmado1.- Retire la colchoneta y apriete elbotón hacia abajo para luego tirar lamanilla hacia arriba.2.- Presione los botones laterales que se encuentran en el centro de cada unode los laterales. Luego de presionar cada botón empuje la barra hacia abajo.· Segúrese de que todas las barras estén sueltas para poder plegar la cuna.· Si esto no ocurre presione nuevamente el botón lateral correspondiente.· Para guardar, junte las cuatro partes verticales.3.- Ponga la colchoneta en unasuperficie plana y luego coloque laestructura de la cuna sobre esta.Asegúrese de guardar todos losaccesorios dentro de ella.78DesarmadoLimpieza y mantención4.- Guarde la cuna dentro del bolso hasta un nuevo uso.· Limpiar a mano las partes textiles. Utilice un paño húmedo y detergente suave.· No utilice cloro ni detergentes abrasivos.· Fíjese que todas las partes de la cuna funcionen correctamente antes de uti-lizarla.GARANTÍA DE 3 MESESEste producto cuenta con una garantía de 3 meses en caso de cualquier falla o mal funcionamiento que sea atribuible al fabricante. Se excluyen de esta garantía, fallas ocasionadas por el mal uso que los consumidores den al producto. Recuerde conservar su boleta o póliza de garantía timbrada.915 c mm1011Ingresa a nuestra página y conoce toda la líneade productos Baby Way®www.babyway.clDespachos a todo Chile.¡Oportunidades únicas!Sillas de seguridad para auto, sillas de comer, andadores, coches, cunas, accesorios y mucho más.Producto fabricado en China Importado por Comercial Atlantic S.A. RUT: 76.605.110-3Dirección: Avenida El Roble #0615Módulo 1, Valle Grande, Lampa. Santiago de Chile. IMPORTANTEAnte cualquier eventualidad o consulta, favor contacte a nuestro Departamento de Servicio al Cliente: E-mail:*******************Sitio web: www.babyway.clMANUAL DE USOBW-611。





二、产品介绍1. 产品名称:婴儿床2. 产品型号:ABC1233. 产品材质:优质纯棉、实木等4. 适用年龄:0-3岁5. 主要功能:提供安全和舒适的睡眠环境三、产品特点1. 符合人体工程学设计,保证婴儿睡眠的舒适性。

2. 精选优质原材料,对宝宝的肌肤无刺激性。

3. 防滑底座设计,确保婴儿在睡眠中的安全。

4. 可调节高度和角度,适应宝宝不同生长阶段。

5. 可拆卸和可清洗的配件,保持产品的清洁卫生。

四、使用方法1. 使用前请检查产品是否完好无损, 避免使用破损或缺陷的产品。

2. 请将婴儿床放置于平稳的地面上,避免摇晃或不稳定的表面。

3. 根据宝宝的年龄和身高调节床的高度和角度。

4. 清洗使用的床垫时,请按照说明进行,以免损坏床垫。

5. 进行高度和角度的调整时,请避免宝宝在床上。

五、注意事项1. 请勿在床上放置过多的物品,以防止婴儿窒息或受伤。

2. 请勿让宝宝单独在床上,以防止意外发生。

3. 不要将婴儿床放置在阳光直射的地方,以防褪色或变形。

4. 使用过程中如发现产品有异样,请及时停止使用并联系我们的客服部门。

5. 本产品仅适用于婴儿睡眠,禁止使用于其他用途。

六、保养1. 定期清洗床上的床垫,以保持卫生。

2. 避免使用过多的清洁剂,可使用温和的肥皂水擦拭清洁。

3. 室内温度适宜时,可将床垫晾晒于室外,以保持干爽。

4. 如需重新安装或拆卸,请按照相应说明书进行操作。











1. 婴儿床1.1. 婴儿床的选择婴儿床是婴儿最常接触的用品之一,选购时需要考虑以下几个方面:1.1.1. 安全标准:确保婴儿床符合安全认证标准。


1.1.2. 材质和制造质量:选择坚固耐用、无毒无害的材质,确保其制造工艺和连接件质量可靠。

1.1.3. 栅栏设计:栅栏间距应适中,以免婴儿被卡住或掉下来。


1.2. 婴儿床的使用正确使用婴儿床可以最大程度地保障婴儿的安全和舒适:1.2.1. 睡眠环境:确保床垫符合相关的安全标准,并根据季节和室温选择合适的被褥,以保持宝宝的舒适度。


1.2.2. 摇晃和位置:避免在婴儿床上摇晃或调整床垫以防止婴儿坠落。


2. 婴儿推车2.1. 婴儿推车的选择婴儿推车是出行必备品,选择合适的推车需要考虑以下几点:2.1.1. 安全性能:确保推车符合相关安全认证标准。


2.1.2. 舒适性:推车座椅应宽敞、舒适,且能够调整到适宜的角度,以便让宝宝在行驶途中享受舒适的休息。

2.1.3. 轮子和悬挂装置:确保推车轮子坚固耐用、可靠平稳的滚动。


2.2. 婴儿推车的使用正确使用婴儿推车可以提供宝宝舒适安全的出行环境:2.2.1. 安全带使用:在使用推车之前,确保安全带已正确系好。






1. 安全性:使用前要仔细检查婴儿床的各部件是否齐全,结构是

床垫必须紧密贴合着床垫架,床垫边缘长度在 1.5厘米以内,以确保婴儿不会被夹紧或卡住。

2. 床垫要适合:床垫是婴儿床最重要的部分,必须要和床架的大

3. 安装婴儿床:根据说明书的步骤,正确安装婴儿床的各个零件,确保床架各部分之间的连接牢固可靠,处于水平状态。

4. 使用方法:床垫必须安装在床架上,确保婴儿床的四周无空隙,以确保婴儿不会滑出或掉下床。


5. 清洁婴儿床:定期对婴儿床进行清洁,可使用温和的肥皂水清洗,如果婴儿床上有污渍和污点,清洁后可用消毒水进行处理。



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1.With convenient device to fix the crib next to the parents’bed and get close to parents2.Easy for parents to feed or take care of their baby and can be used as an independent crib3.One side with breathable mesh fabric help air circulation4.Height adjustable in 6 position between 35-52 cm can match to different height of the bed5.Wheels included for easy move and special feet with antiskid also apply to bed with drawer6.Reclinable to prevent baby vomiting milk7.With steel frame, easily folded and fabric easily detached for cleaning8.With high elastic sponge mattress,well air permeability, more suitable for newborn babiesThis product complies with EN 1130-1:1996.8WARNINGS:1. BEFORE USE, REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF ALL PLASTIC BAGS AND PACKAGING MATERIALS AND KEEP THEM OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.2. The product is ready for use only when all locking mechanisms are engaged. Check carefully that these are engaged before use.3. All opening, adjusting, anchoring and positioning operations of the product must be carried out exlusively by an adult.4. The young children should not be allowed to play unsupervised in the vicinity of a crib.5. The crib should be locked in the fixed position when a child is unsupervised in it.6. Do not use the product if any part is broken, torn or missing.7.When a child is able to sit, kneel or to pull itself up, the crib shall not beused anymore for this child.8. The thickness of the mattress must be such that the vertical height (upper surface of the mattress until the upper edge of the product's sides) is at least 200mm. Do not use more than one mattress in the crib.9. The product must always be placed on a horizontal surface. Never leave the product on an inclined surface with the child inside of it.10. Be aware of the risk of fire and other sources of strong heat, such as electric bar fires, gas fires, etc. In the near vicinity of the crib11. Keep the fastening belts away from the reach of children.12. Do not leave any object inside the product that could reduce its depth.13. Do not position the crib near walls and obstacles to prevent trapping hazards.14. Do not leave small objects inside the product to prevent choking hazards.15. Do not adjust or move the product with the child inside.16. Do not use the product with more than one child at a time.17. The product must be kept away from electric cables and cords. Do not place the product near windows where cords, curtains or similar objects could pose choking or strangling hazards for the child.18.All assembly fittings should always be tightened properly and taken cared that no screws are loose,because a child could be trapped by parts of the body or clothing (e.g. strings, necklaces, ribbons for babies dummies, etc), which would pose a risk of strangulation.19. This product is intended for one child weighing up to a maximum of 9kg.20.Not to use the body of the crib without its frame.e the mattress correctly with the zipper side downwards the base of the crib and make sure the zipper head put into the sleeve at the side end completely.Care Instruction2Plastic and metal parts may be sponged lightly using warm water and a mild detergent. Dry thorougly before storing.Never clean any part of the product with abrasive, ammonia based, bleach based or spirit type cleaners.Do not twist; do not spin-dry; do not iron.WARNING! During the removal and/ or application of the mattress cover, handle the fabric carefully in order to avoid accidental damage or tears.COMPONENTSfabric bagsupport bar side frame stand a pair of strap allen wrench screwx 4Instruction for Assembly31. Insert support bar “C” to left side frame stand “A”(fig 1) and secure with 2screws (fig 2). Use the allen wrench to tighten screws in clockwise direction (fig 3).2. fig3.44. Fasten the side of the crib with the mesh window using the side zips and close them completely. Close the flap cover using the velcro to hide the ziper.Your crib is now ready to be used as a stand alone crib(fig 8).5Instruction for Wheels, Leg & Height adjustment1. There are wheels located on the front of the frame legs for easy moving.To access wheels, hold the crib rear long handrail and lift up. Simultaneously push the crib forward or backwards (fig 9). There is an anti-slipper at the bottom of leg to stop the crib moving.It can be adjusted in 2 positions.3. The crib can be adjusted to 6 different height positions. In order to adjust the height, press the adjustment lever down and adjust the crib to the desiredposition (fig 11). Repeat this operation on the opposite side. The base of the crib can be inclined slightly by adjusting the two legs to different heights (fig 12).Instruction for fixing to parents' bed4. To secure the crib to the parents’ bed, pull the straps once again to make sure the crib is properly and firmly secured to the parents’ bed (fig 19).WARNING! The maximum distance between the crib and the parent’s bed should62. Move the crib close to the parents bed and check the height of the crib compared with the mattress of the bed (fig 16).WARNING! The mattress of parent's bed shall be aligned to or over the height of the drop side in the lowest position.WARNING! In co-sleeping mode the 2 legs of the crib should always be adjusted to the same height.fig 16.。
