(2)卸载原理 当箕斗提升至地面煤仓时,卸载滚轮进入安装
在井架上的卸载曲轨内,随着箕斗提升,固定在箕 斗框架上的小曲轨同时向上运动,则滚轮在卸载曲 轨作用下,沿着箕斗框架上的小曲轨向下运动,并 转动连杆,使其通过连杆锁角为零的位置后,闸门 就借助煤的压力打开,开始卸载。在箕斗下放时, 以相反的顺序关闭闸门。
B —钢丝绳公称抗拉强度,N/㎡;
ma—安全系数,与立井要求相同; m1—每一个矿车货载质量,kg; m21—每一个矿车自身质量,kg; n—矿车数量; α—井筒平均倾角。 根据上式计算的数值,从钢丝绳规格表中选择标 准钢丝绳mp,并按下式验算安全系数:
m2 )g(sin
f1 cos) mp gL0 (sin
一、矿井提升设备的任务 提升煤炭和矸石,下放材料,升降人员、设备。 二、矿井提升设备的分类 1、按用途分 可分为主井提升设备和副井提升设备。 主井提升设备主要用于提升有益矿物(如提升煤炭或矿 物);副井提升设备用于辅助提升(如提升矸石,升降 人员、设备,下放材料等。)。 2、按提升容器分 可分为箕斗提升设备和罐笼提升设 备。 3、按提升机类型分 可分为缠绕式提升设备和摩擦式 提升设备。 4、按井筒倾角分 可分为立井提升设备和斜井提升设 备。
图6-1塔式多绳摩擦提升机罐笼提升系统和图6-2单 绳缠绕式提升机箕斗提升系统。
主要由提升容器、提升钢丝绳、提升机、天轮、井架、 装卸载设备及电气设备等组成。
§6—2 提升容器
一、提升容器的种类 按用途和结构可分为:箕斗、罐笼、矿车、吊桶等。 箕斗 分为立井箕斗和斜井箕斗,专用于主提; 罐笼 既可用于主提,也可用于副提; 矿车 斜井提升; 吊桶 立井井筒开凿时的提升。
连退镀锌活套配重钢丝绳断裂原因分析及改造措施王利锋(河钢集团唐钢冷轧薄板厂,河北 唐山 063200)摘 要:本文重点对连退镀锌活套配重钢丝绳频繁断裂原因进行了分析研究,根据现场条件进行了设备改造,将钢丝绳更换周期由2个月提高到了12个月。
关键词:镀锌;活套配重;钢丝绳;寿命中图分类号:TG142.15 文献标识码:A 文章编号:11-5004(2019)05-0171-2收稿日期:2019-05作者简介:王利锋,生于1973年,满族, 河北丰宁人, 本科,工程师(工程技术),研究方向:冶金机械。
1 活套钢丝绳使用现状及背景钢丝绳断裂多发生在出口活套,这与出口活套的作用有关。
连退镀锌活套钢丝绳选型样本为SWR 公司Teufelberger 防旋转面接触钢丝绳,直径27mm,8 x K26WS-EPIWRC,等级1960N/mm2,最小破断力659kN。
( ins ui i oeC . Ld N nog 2 6 1 ) JaguJ l Wr Rp o , t. a t 2 07 e n
W a g F n xa n e g i
一二一 h~k 茎 一一~ ,
b 三 . m 删
( i g agP t lu t l ue n r R p o , t. 7 2 0 ) Xa yn eoem Se b dW e oeC . Ld n r eT a i 10 0
质量 轻 等优 点 , 一 项值 得 提倡 和 推 广使 用 的先 进 是
设备 。
国内矿 山深井 采矿 通常采 用 的是摩 擦式 提升 装 置 , 升钢 丝 绳 最 为 普 遍 使 用 6股 三 角 股 钢 丝 绳 。 提 三角 股钢丝 绳应 用 的 比例 实 际 上是 一 个 动 态 指标 , 具 有一 定 的波 动 范 围 。根 据统 计 : 三 角 股 钢丝 绳 在
升用钢 丝绳 , 内外 多采 用三 角股 钢丝绳 。 国 竖井摩 擦 式提 升常 用 的提升 机一 般为 四绳 或六 绳, 由于钢 丝绳 根数 增 多 , 根钢 丝绳 的直 径较 单绳 每 大大 减小 , 卷筒 直径 也 相应减 小 , 并且 钢丝 绳是 搭在
缠绕式 提 升 的竖 井尽 管也 有使 用 1 结 构 8X 7等 钢丝 绳 的 , 是三 角股 钢 丝 绳 依 然是 其 主要 使 用 的 但
三 角 股 钢 丝 绳 在 矿 井提 升 作 业 中的应 用
0 m
a 肌
缑 庆林
( 江苏 巨力钢绳有 限公 司 摘 要 南通
2 6 1 ) ( 阳石油钢管钢绳有 限责任公 司 20 7 咸
72 10 一00) 一 一 一
德国的DIN21258《采矿业中驱动轮——提升钢丝绳用防腐材料(防腐剂)的安全技术要求与检验》标准是基于摩擦系数u =0.25为基本原理设计的,并以NYROSTEN N113的各项性能指标为基础制定的。
1.2 矿井用提升钢丝绳选绳参考表11.3 钢丝绳的计算1.3.1 计算对一个矿井来说,根据矿井条件选定了钢丝绳结构以后,就需要通过计算来确定钢丝绳的公称直径。
矿用钢丝绳在工作过程中的受力状态是很复杂的,但是,在计算中并不需要分别考虑那些复杂因素的影响,根据《煤矿安全规程》的规定:根据钢丝绳在工作中所承受的最大计算静拉力和钢丝绳的最小钢丝破断拉力总和来计算,使它具有一定的安全系数,即m≤F总和 (1)Q式中:m—钢丝绳的安全系数;F总合—钢丝最小破断拉力总和,kN;Q—最大计算静拉力,kN。
Steel wire ropes for mining 矿业专用特种钢丝绳
LTI Steel Wire Rope(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd. oomm
耐得力钢丝绳在技术上的领先地 位和高品质来源于耐得力科技集 团悠久的历史以及从钢铁制品的 生产发展到日益专业的钢丝和钢 丝绳的生产经验,从而使耐得力 在全世界享有盛誉。
参考标准: 耐得力可以按照现有的所有 矿业用钢丝绳的标准生产钢 丝绳,例如: ISO, DIN, NCB, CSA, EN, GOST.
The wire ropes described in this catalogue are applied for the following field:
• Wire ropes for mining;
The experience acquired by Redaelli in the different fields of application has increased the know-how by means of:
• rope greasing aiming at getting suitable coefficients of friction;
Wire ropes property diagram
Wire ropes are determined with some main physical properties according to their construction and manufacturing process.
The most important properties for wire rope application are the following:
黄彬彬1595 999 8969 固话0595-2876 7881 Q 1178 605 334
MET W/MET WK适应于行车,塔吊等的拉索、抓斗绳,左右旋双提升系统;
Red2 适应于卷扬机、桥机、铸造吊等;
Pack2 适应于卷扬机、桥机、铸造吊等;
Spin9P/RED9P/Spin9KP/Pack9P 适应于集装箱起重机、门机、电铲、铸造吊、移动式港口起重机等;
iperflex 适应于移动式起重机、塔式起重机、电动葫芦、旋挖钻机等;
iperplast 适应于移动式起重机、船用起重机、海上平台起重机、深井钻等;
Flexpack 适应于履带式起重机、移动式起重机、船用起重机、海上平台起重机等。
耐得力Redaelli Pack1T (6*36-FC)起重用钢丝绳耐得力Redaelli Pack1 (6*36-IWRC)起重用钢丝绳。
采用先进的表面处理技术,如镀锌、喷塑等,增强钢丝绳的耐腐蚀性和美观度 。
利用传感器和智能化技术,实现对钢丝绳运行状态的实时监测和预警,及时发现 潜在的安全隐患。
建立钢丝绳生命周期管理数据库,实现钢丝绳采购、使用、维护、报废等全过程 的信息化管理,提高管理效率和安全性。
钢丝绳扭曲可能是由于安装不当、使用过程中受到突然的冲击等原因造成的。打结则可能 是由于钢丝绳扭曲、使用过程中相互缠绕等原因形成的。这些问题不仅影响钢丝绳的使用 寿命,还可能引发安全事故。
针对钢丝绳扭曲问题,可以调整安装角度、加强钢丝绳的固定等措施。对于打结问题,可 以定期检查钢丝绳的缠绕情况,及时处理打结部位,保持钢丝绳的顺畅。
主要用于煤矿、金属矿等矿井的提升系统,是实现矿井高效、安 全提升的关键设备之一。
根据制造工艺和使用要求,矿井 提升钢丝绳可分为单股钢丝绳和 多股钢丝绳,其中多股钢丝绳又 可分为同向捻和交互捻两种。
单股钢丝绳结构简单,制造成本 低,但承载能力较小;多股钢丝 绳承载能力强,耐磨损,使用寿 命长,但制造成本较高。
钢丝绳必须能够承受矿井提升过程中的各种载荷 ,确保提升过程的安全性。
在满足安全和可靠性的前提下,应尽量选择成本 较低的钢丝绳,以提高经济效益。
选用的钢丝绳应具有高度的可靠性和稳定性,以 应对矿井中的复杂环境和条件。
安全操作规程 操作人员必须经过专业培训,熟悉设备的结构和操作规程。
TerminationsRight-hand ordinary lay (RHOL) wire rope terminated in a loop with a thimble and Talurit brand swaged sleeve.The end of a wire rope tends to fray readily, and cannot be easily connected to plant and equipment. There are different ways of securing the ends of wire ropes to prevent fraying. The most common and useful type of end fitting for a wire rope is to turn the end back to form a loop. The loose end is then fixed back on the wire rope. Termination efficiencies vary from about 70% for a Flemish eye alone; to nearly 90% for a Flemish eye and splice; to 100% for potted ends and swagings.ThimblesWhen the wire rope is terminated with a loop, there is a risk that it will bend too tightly, especially when the loop is connected to a device that spreads the load over a relatively small area. A thimble can be installed inside the loop to preserve the natural shape of the loop, and protect the cable from pinching and abrading on the inside of the loop. The use of thimbles in loops is industry best practice. The thimble prevents the load from coming into direct contact with the wires.Wire rope clamps/clips (aka "Crosby Clips" or "Dog Clamps")A wire rope clamp, also called a clip, is used to fix the loose end of the loop back to the wire rope. It usually consists of a u-shaped bolt, a forged saddle and two nuts. The two layers of wire rope are placed in the u-bolt. The saddle is then fitted over the ropes on to the bolt (the saddle includes two holes to fit to the u-bolt). The nuts secure the arrangement in place. Three or more clamps are usually used to terminate a wire rope. As many as eight may be needed for a 2 in diameter rope. There is an old adage which has over time become the rule; when installing clampsto secure the loop at the end of your wire rope make sure you do not "saddle a dead horse." The saddle portion of the clamp assembly is placed and tightened on the opposite side of the terminal end of the cable (the load bearing or live end). According to the US Navy Manual S9086-UU-STM-010, Chapter 613R3, Wire and Fiber Rope and Rigging, "This is to protect the live or stress-bearing end of the rope against crushing and abuse. The flat bearing seat and extended prongs of the body (saddle) are designed to protect the rope and are always placed against the live end."[2] The US Navy and most regulatory bodies do not recommend the use of such clips as permanent terminations.Swaged terminationsSwaging is a method of wire rope termination that refers to the installation technique. The purpose of swaging wire rope fittings is to connect two wire rope ends together, or to otherwise terminate one end of wire rope to something else. A mechanical or hydraulic swager is used to compress and deform the fitting, creating a permanent connection. There are many types of swaged fittings. Threaded Studs, Ferrules, Sockets, and Sleeves a few examples. Swaging ropes with fibre cores is not recommended.Wedge SocketsA wedge socket termination is useful when the fitting needs to be replaced frequently. For example, if the end of a wire rope is in a high-wear region, the rope may be periodically trimmed, requiring the termination hardware to be removed and reapplied. An example of this is on the ends of the drag ropes on a dragline. The end loop of the wire rope enters a tapered opening in the socket, wrapped around a separate component called the wedge. The arrangement is knocked in place, and load gradually eased onto the rope. As the load increases on the wire rope, the wedge become more secure, gripping the rope tighter.Potted ends or Poured socketsPoured sockets are used to make a high strength, permanent termination; they are created by inserting the wire rope into the pointy end of a conical cavity which is oriented in-line with the intended direction of strain. The individual wires are splayed out inside the cone, and the cone is then filled with molten zinc, or now more commonly, an epoxy resin compound.[3]Eye splice or Flemish eyeThe ends of individual strands of this eye splice used aboard a cargo ship are served with natural fiber cord after the splicing is complete. This helps protect seaman's hands when handling.An eye splice may be used to terminate the loose end of a wire rope when forming a loop. The strands of the end of a wire rope are unwound a certain distance, and plaited back into the wire rope, forming the loop, or an eye, called an eye splice. When this type of rope splice is used specifically on wire rope, it is called a "Molly Hogan", and, by some, a "Dutch" eye instead of a "Flemish" eye.[4]Codes and standardsAustraliaThe following Australian Standards apply to wire rope:∙AS 1138-1992 Thimbles for wire rope∙AS 1394-2001 Round steel wire for ropes∙AS 1666.1-1995 Wire-rope slings - Product specification∙AS 1666.2-1995 Wire-rope slings - Care and use∙AS 2076-1996 Wire-rope grips for non-lifting applications∙AS 2759-2004 Steel wire rope - Use, operation and maintenance ∙AS 3569-1989 Steel wire ropes∙AS/NZS 4812-2003 Non-destructive examination and discard criteria for wire ropes in mine winding systemsThe following EN Standards apply to wire rope:The other Parts of EN 12385 are: Part 1: General requirements Part 2: Definitions, designation and classification Part 3: Information for use and maintenance Part 4: Stranded ropes for general lifting applications Part 5: Stranded ropes for lifts Part 6: Stranded ropes for mine shafts Part 7: Locked coil ropes for mine shafts Part 8: Stranded hauling and carrying-hauling ropes for cableway installations designed to carry persons Part 9: Locked coil carrying ropes for cableway installations designed to carry persons Part 10: Spiral ropes for general structural applications。
Bekaert 钢丝和钢丝产品安全数据表说明书
Bldg. 500, Suite 100 Updated: 09/16/08Marietta, Georgia 30067MSDS Date: 11/08/04Product Name: Non-Galvanized and Galvanized Steel Wire and Wire Products (All Grades) Manufacturer: Bekaert CorporationI. Product and Company DescriptionBekaert Corporation1881 Bekaert DriveVan Buren, AR 72956-6801For Product Information/Emergency:479-474-5211Chemical Name or Synonym:Bezinal ® Wire Barbed Wire Dramix ® (Loose & Glued)Spring Wire Shape Wire Strand & Flooded StrandGalvanized Wire Field Fence Low/High Carbon WireWelded Mesh Industrial Steel Wire Plastic Coated WireOil Tempered Wire Armapipe ® Music WireChrome/Silicon Wire Wire Rope Standard Alloy Carbon Steel Wire II. Chemical CompositionComponent CAS # % CompositionIron 7439-89-6 BalanceZinc 7440-66-6 0-8.0Manganese 7439-96-5 0-1.00Nickel 7440-02-0 0-0.10Lead 7439-92-1 0-0.10III. Hazards IdentificationPotential Health Effects:Note: Steel products in their solid state under normal conditions, do not present an inhalation, ingestion or skin hazard. However, operations resulting in fume or particulate formation such as welding, sawing, brazing, grinding, and machining may present health hazards. Molten steel also is hazardous.Bldg. 500, Suite 100 Updated: 09/16/08Marietta, Georgia 30067Acute Eye:Dusts or particulates may cause mechanical irritation including pain, tearing, and redness. Scratching of the cornea can occur if eye is rubbed. Fumes may be irritating. Contact with the heated material maycause thermal burns.Acute Skin:Dusts or particulates may cause mechanical irritation due to abrasion. Coated steel may cause skinirritation in sensitive individuals (See section 16 for additional information). Some components in thisproduct are capable of causing an allergic reaction, possibly resulting in burning, itching, and skineruptions. Contact with heated material may cause thermal burns.Acute Inhalation:Dusts may cause irritation of the nose, throat, and lungs. Excessive inhalation of metallic fumes anddusts may result in metal fume fever, an infl uenza-like illness. It is characterized by a sweet or metallic taste in the mouth, accompanied by dryness and irritation of the throat, cough, shortness of breath,pulmonary edema, general malaise, weakness, fatigue, muscle and joint pains, blurred vision, fever and chills. Typical symptoms last from 12 to 48 hours.Acute Ingestion:Not expected to be acutely toxic via ingestion based on the physical and chemical properties of theproduct. Swallowing of excessive amounts of the dust may cause irritation, nausea, and diarrhea.Health Effects of IngredientsIron: A benign lung condition known as siderosis can result during long-term exposure to iron oxidefumes or dusts. Iron oxide is the result of subjecting iron and alloys to high temperature in the prese nce of oxygen as in a welding operation.Zinc: Subjecting zinc or alloys containing zinc to high temperatures in the presence of oxygen (such as occurs during welding) will cause the formation of zinc oxide. Exposure to zinc oxide fumes or dusts can result in a flu-like illness called metal fume fever. Early symptoms may include a sweet or metallic taste in the mouth, dryness and irritation of the throat and coughing. These symptoms may progress to shortness of breath, headaches, fever, chills, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, weakness, fatigue and profuse sweating. The attack may last 6 to 48 hours and is more likely to occur after a period away from the job.Manganese dust or fumes: Chronic overexposure can cause inflammation of the lung tissue, scarring of the lungs (pulmonary fibrosis), central nervous system damage, secondary Parkinson’s disease and reproductive harm in males. Early symptoms may include weakness in lower extremities, sleepiness,salivation, nervousness, and apathy. In more advance stages, severe muscular incoordination,impaired speech, spastic walking, mask-like facial expression, and uncontrollable laughter may occur.Manganese fumes have also been reported to result in metal fume fever, a flu-like syndrome withsymptoms such as dizziness, chills, fever, headache, and nausea. An increased incidence ofpneumonia, bronchitis, and pneumonitis has been reported in some worker populations exposed tomanganese. Animal studies indicate that manganese exposure may increase susceptibility to bacterial and viral infections.Nickel: Nickel fumes and dusts are respiratory irritants and may cause a severe pneumonitis. Skincontact with nickel and its compounds may cause an allergic dermatitis. The resulting skin rash is often referred to as “nickel itch.” Nickel and its compounds may also produce eye irritation, particularly on theBldg. 500, Suite 100 Updated: 09/16/08Marietta, Georgia 30067Nickel (continued): inner surfaces of the eyelids (i.e., the conjunctive). Animal and/or epidemiologystudies have linked nickel and certain nickel compounds to an increased incidence of cancer of thelungs and nasal passages.III. Hazards IdentificationGroup 1: The agent is carcinogenic to humans. There is sufficient evidence that a causal relationship existed between exposure to the agent and human cancer.Group 2B: The agent is possibly carcinogenic to humans. Generally includes agents for which there is limited evidence in the absence of sufficient evidence in experimental animals.Medical Conditions Aggravated By Exposure to the ProductAsthma, chronic lung disease, and skin rashes.Possible Residual Lead Effects: Lead intoxication due to inhalation may result from chronicoverexposure with symptoms of anemia, insomnia, weakness, constipation, and gastrointestinaldisorders. Ingestion may cause nausea and abdominal pain. Lead can aggravate diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs, kidneys, nervous, and possibly reproductive systems. Chronic toxicity results in the potential injury to developing fetus and possible effects on reproduction. Other conditions mayinclude depression of blood-forming activity, kidney disease, and nervous system changes.IV. First Aid MeasuresFirst Aid Measures for Accidental:Eye Exposure:Flush eyes with plenty of water or saline for at least 15 minutes. SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION.Skin Exposure:Wash skin with soap and water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation develops, SEEK MEDICALATTENTION.Inhalation:Move to fresh air. If not breathing, administer artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen.SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION.Ingestion:Never give fluids or induce vomiting if the victim is unconscious or having convulsions. SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION.V. Fire Fighting MeasuresFire Hazard Data:Flammable PropertiesThis product does not present fire or explosion hazards as shipped. Small chips, turnings, dust, andfines from processing may be readily ignitable.Bldg. 500, Suite 100 Updated: 09/16/08Marietta, Georgia 30067Fire/ExplosionMay be potential hazard under the following conditions:Dust or fines dispersed in the air can be explosive. Even a minor dust cloud can explodeviolently. Chips, dust or fines in contact with water can generate flammable/explosive hydrogengas. Hydrogen gas could present an explosion hazard in confined or poorly ventilated spaces.Fines and dust in contact with certain metal oxides (e.g., rust), molten metal in contact withwater/moisture or other metal oxides (e.g., rust) and moisture entrapped by molten metal canbe explosive.Extinguishing Media:Use Class D extinguishing agents on dusts, fines, or molten metal. Use coarse water spray on chipsand turnings.Special Fire Fighting Procedures:Fire fighters should wear NIOSH approved, positive pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus, and full protective clothing when appropriate. Avoid breathing metal oxide fumes, which may cause metalfume fever.Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards:When heated beyond melting point, metal vapor burns in the air with a bright greenish-yellow flame to produce zinc oxide fumes.VI. Accidental Release MeasuresCleanup and Disposal of Spill:Avoid inhalation, eye, or skin contact of dusts by using appropriate precautions outlined in this MSDS (see section 8). Fine turnings and small chips should be swept or vacuumed and placed into appropriate disposable containers. Keep fine dust or powder away form sources of ignition. Scrap should be reclaimed for recycling. Prevent materials from entering drains, sewers, or waterways. Discard any product, residue, disposable container, or liner in full compliance with federal, state, and local regulations.VII. Handling and StorageHandling/Storage:Product should be kept dry. Avoid generating dust. Avoid contact with sharp edges or heated metal. PACKAGES OF THIS MATERIAL MAY CONTAIN EXTREME INTERNAL STRESSES AND STORED MECHANICAL ENERGY. USE STANDARD INDUSTRY PRACTICES AND/OR CONSULT YOUR COMPANY’S SAFETY DEPARTMENT FOR PROPER PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING, OPENING, AND CUTTING. Requirements for Processes, Which Generate Dusts or FumesIf processing of these products includes operations where dust or extremely fine particulate is generated, obtain and follow the safety procedures and equipment guides contained in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) brochure listed in Section 16. Cover and reseal partially empty containers. Use non-sparking handling equipment. Provide grounding and bonding where necessary to prevent accumulation of static charges during dust handling and transfer operations (See Section 16). Local ventilation and vacuum systems must be designed to handle explosive dusts. Dry vacuums and electrostatic precipitators must not be used. Avoid all ignition sources. Good housekeeping practices must by maintained.Bldg. 500, Suite 100 Updated: 09/16/08Marietta, Georgia 30067Engineering ControlsUse with adequate explosion-proof ventilation to meet the limits listed in Section 8.Personal Protective EquipmentRespiratory ProtectionUse NIOSH-approved respiratory protection as specified by an Industrial Hygienist or other qualified professional if concentrations exceed the limits listed in Section 8.Eye ProtectionWear safety glasses/goggles to avoid eye contact.Skin ProtectionWear impervious gloves to avoid repeated or prolonged skin contact with residual oils and to avoid any skin injury.GeneralPersonnel who handle and work with molten metal should utilize primary protective clothing like face shields, fire resistant tapper’s jackets, leggings, spats, and similar equipment to prevent burn injuries. In addition to primary protection, secondary or day-to-day work clothing that is fire resistant and sheds metal splash is recommended for use with molten metal.Minimize breathing oil vapors and mist from those products coated with oil. Remove oil-contaminated clothing; launder or dry-clean before reuse. Remove oil contaminated shoes and thoroughly clean and dry before reuse. Cleanse skin thoroughly after contact, before breaks and meals, and at the end of the work period. Oil coating is readily removed from skin with waterless hand cleaners followed by a thorough washing with soap and water.Exposure LimitsComponentACGIH NIOSH OSHA-PELsIron ND ND NDManganese TWA 0.2 mg/m3 ND Ceiling 5 mg/m3Nickel TWA 1.5 mg/m3 ND 1 mg/m3Zinc Oxide TWA 10 mg/m3;(Inhalable particulatematter containing noasbestos and <1%crystalline silica) TWA 5mg/m3: STEL 10mg/m3(fume): 5 mg/m3 TWA, 10mg/m3 STELREL (total dust): 5 mg/m3TWA, 15 mg/m3 TWAceiling (15-min)Total dust: 15 mg/m3;Respirable fraction: 5.0mg/m3Zinc ND ND ND Lead TWA 0.05 mg/m3 TWA 0.050 mg/m3: lessthan 0.1 mg Pb/m3 TWA;NDIX. Physical and Chemical PropertiesPhysical State: SolidAppearance: Gray MetalBoiling Point: Not applicable Melting Point: 2800ºF / 621.37 ºF lead Solubility in Water: Negligible Vapor Density: Not ApplicablepH Level: not applicable Odor: NoneVIII. Exposure Controls/Personal ProtectionBldg. 500, Suite 100 Updated: 09/16/08Marietta, Georgia 30067X. Stability and ReactivityStabilityStable under normal conditions of use, storage, and transportation as shipped.Conditions to AvoidSteel at temperatures above the melting point may liberate fumes containing oxides of iron and alloying elements. Avoid generation of airborne fume.Hazardous PolymerizationWill not occurIncompatibility/Materials to AvoidReacts with strong acids to form hydrogen gas. Hydrogen peroxide will react violently in contact with lead. (Water reacts violently with molten metals).Hazardous Decomposition ProductsFumes and certain noxious gases, such as CO, may be produced from welding or burning operations. Lead oxide fumes can result if temperatures exceed the melting point for lead, 621.37 ºF.XI. Toxicological InformationHealth Effects of IngredientsA: General Product InformationThe primary component of this product is iron. Long-term exposure to iron dusts or fumes can result in a condition called siderosis, which is considered a benign pneumoconiosis. Symptoms may include chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and shortness of breath upon exertion. Penetration of iron particles in the skin or eye may cause an exogenous or ocular siderosis, which may be characterized by a red-brown pigmentation of the effected area. Ingestion overexposure to iron may affect the gastrointestinal, nervous, and hematopoietic system and the liver. Iron and steel founding, but not iron oxide, has been listed as potentially carcinogenic by IARC.When this product is welded, fumes are generated. Welding fumes may be different in composition from the original welding product, with the chief component being ordinary oxides of the metal being welded. Chronic health effects (including cancer) have been associated with the fumes and dusts of individual component metals (see above), and welding fumes as a general category have been listed by IARC as a carcinogen (Group B). There is also limited evidence that welding fumes may cause adverse reproductive and fetal effects. Evidenceis stronger where welding materials contain known reproductive toxins, e.g., lead which may be present in the coating material of this product.Breathing fumes or dusts of this product may result in metal fume fever, which is an illness produced by inhaling metal oxides. These oxides are produced by heating various metals including manganese, zinc and iron. Prolonged exposure to manganese dusts or fumes is associated with “manganism,” a Parkinson-like syndrome characterized by a variety of neurological symptoms including muscle spasms, gait disturbances, tremors, and psychoses.B. Component Analysis – LD50/LC50Manganese (7439-96-5)Oral LD50 Rat: 9gm/kgCarcinogenicityA. General Product InformationNo information available for product.Bldg. 500, Suite 100 Updated: 09/16/08Marietta, Georgia 30067XII. Ecological InformationA: General Product InformationNo information available for product.B: Component Analysis – Ecotoxicity – Aquatic ToxicityNo ecotoxicity data was found for this product’s components.Environmental FateNo information found for product.XIII. Disposal ConsiderationsDisposal InstructionsReuse or recycle material whenever possible. Material may be disposed of at an industrial landfill.US EPA Waste Number & DescriptionsA. General Product InformationRCRA Status: Must be determined at time material is disposed. If material is disposed as waste, it must be characterized under RCRA according to 40 CFR, Part 261, or state equivalent in the U.S.B. Component Waste NumbersRCRA waste codes other than described under Section A may apply depending on use of product. Refer to 40 CFR 261 or state equivalent in the U.S.XIV. Transportation InformationUS Department of Transportation Shipping Name:Not regulatedXV. Regulatory InformationUS Federal RegulationsComponent AnalysisThis material contains one or more of the following chemicals required to be identified under SARA Section 302 (40 CFR 355 Appendix A), SARA Section 313 (40 CFR 372.65) and/or CERCLA (40 CFR 302.4)Manganese (7439-96-5)SARA 313: form R reporting required for 1.0% de minimis concentrationNickel (7440-47-3)SARA 313: form R reporting required for 0.1% de minimis concentrationZinc (7440-66-6)SARA 313: form R reporting required for 1.0% de minimis concentrationLead (7439-92-1)SARA 313: form R reporting required for 100 pound processing, manufacturing, and otherwise used threshold SARA 311/312 Physical and Health Hazard Categories:Immediate (acute) Health Hazard: Yes, if particulates/fumes generated during processing.Delayed (chronic) Health Hazard: Yes, if particulates/fumes generated during processing.Fire Hazard: NoSudden Release of Pressure: NoReactive: Yes, if moltenBldg. 500, Suite 100 Updated: 09/16/08Marietta, Georgia 30067State RegulationsComponent Analysis – StateThe following components appear on one or more of the following state hazardous substances list: Component CA MA MI NJ PAIron No No No No NoManganese No Yes No Yes YesNickel No Yes Yes Yes YesZinc No Yes Yes Yes YesLead Yes Yes Yes Yes YesThe following statement is provided under the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (Proposition 65): WARNING! This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.Other RegulationsA: General Product InformationIn reference to Title VI of the Clean Air Act of 1990, this material does not contain nor was it manufactured using ozone-depleting chemicals.B: Components Analysis – WHMIS IDLThe following components are identified under the Canadian Hazardous Products Act Ingredient Disclosure List:Component CAS # Minimum ConcentrationManganese 7439-96-5 1% item 974(1077)XVI.Other InformationNFPA 70, Standard for National Electric Code (Electrical Equipment, Grounding and Bonding)NFPA 77, Standard for Static ElectricityGuide to Occupational Exposure Values-1999, Compiled by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH).Documentation of the Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices, Sixth Edition, 1991,Compiled by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Inc. (ACGIH).NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, June 1994 Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, Sax, N.Irving, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Inc. 1984.Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology: Volume II: 4th ed., 1994, Patty, F. A.; edited by Clayton,G.D.and Clayton, F.E.: New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.TOMES CPS™, MICROMEDEX, Inc., 1999Bldg. 500, Suite 100 Updated: 09/16/08Marietta, Georgia 30067Key Legend Information:ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and HealthAICS Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances NTP National Toxicology ProgramCAS Chemical Abstract Service OEL Occupational Exposure LimitCERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation, OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administrationand Liability Act PEL Permissible Exposure LimitCFR Code of Federal Regulation RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery ActCPR Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization ActDOT Department of Transportation STEL Short Term Exposure LimitDSL Domestic Substance List (Canada) TCLP Toxic Chemicals Leachate ProgramEINECS European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substance TDG Transportation of Dangerous GoodsEPA Environmental Protection Act TSCA Toxic Substance Control ActIARC International Agency for Research on Cancer TWA Time Weighted AverageLC50 Lethal concentration (50 percent kill) UFL Upper Flammable LimitLC Lo Lowest published lethal concentration atm atmosphereLD50 L ethal dose (50 percent kill) cm centimeterLD Lo Lowest published lethal dose g, gm gramLFL Lower Flammable Limit in inchMITI Ministry of International Trade & Industry kg kilogramNFPA National Fire Protection Association lb poundm Meter ppb parts per billionmg milligram ppm part s per millionml, ML milliliter psia pounds per square inch absolutemm millimeter u micronn.o.s. not otherwise specified ug microgramThe information contained herein is based on the data available to us and is believed to be correct. How ever Bekaert Corporation makes no warranty, expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of this data or the results to be obtained from the use thereof.。
Modern History of Wire Ropeby Donald SayengaIt wasn't until recent history (the 1600-1700s) that most of the technical breakthroughs in the modern history of wire rope were achieved in Europe. This was followed by a remarkable 40-year period, between 1849-89, when a majority of the basic forms of wire rope still in use today all over the world were devised in the United States.Early German and English RopesThe first operative wire ropes of the modern era, employed in vertical shafts as hoisting cables in the Harz Mountain silver mines of Germany from 1834 to 1854, were not very complicated inventions. Three lengths of wrought-iron wire, all the same size, were twisted around each other by hand to make a strand. Next, three or four identical strands were twisted around each other in a similar manner to make a rope. The process was similar to prehistoric techniques for making ropes of hemp fibers.These handmade ropes, known as Albert Ropes (after William Albert, the Harz mining official who pioneered the practice) were not very flexible because the wires were relatively large and stiff. But, they gave good service compared to chains or hemp ropes, where large hoists, drums, and sheaves were in use. Chains tended to part without warning, and hemp rope rotted in the damp mineshafts. Unfortunately, the tedious process of making Albert Ropes discouraged trials in other applications. Several versions were tested, but none contained an internal core for support of the outer strands. First attempted in 1834, they were abandoned after the 1850s.Meanwhile, at the same time the Germans were achieving wire rope success in the Harz mines, a London inventor named Andrew Smith was experimenting with various ways to apply wire ropes to ship's rigging. He manufactured several kinds of wire rope for this purpose, using the ropewalk techniques of the hemp cordage industry. In 1840, a new rapid transit system known as the Blackwall Railroad opened for business in London. Smith substituted his wire ropes for the hemp haulage on the Blackwall Railroad.In the meantime, another Englishman, Robert Newall, learned about the Albert ropes. He devised a way to make wire ropes in a factory using machinery rather than the hand-twisting method. His ropes were tested with success on the Blackwall Railroad, but Smith opposed Newall's efforts during a patent fight in the mid-1840s, in which Newall prevailed. The companies established by Smith and Newall later merged, remaining in business to the present.Smith soon left England for California and the Gold Rush. Newall's style of wire rope--comprised of six strands, each containing its own fiber core, all twisted arounda central fiber core--soon dominated the English market. Their major English contribution to the industry, however, was the idea of making strands on a machine known as a strander.Wire Ropes and American RailroadsWord about the English and German experiments spread quickly to the United States. Prior to the advent of the high-pressure steam locomotive, the early railroads overcame higher elevations with a combination of hemp rope hoists and gravity descent, operated much like a modern ski-lift system.In Pennsylvania, a cross-country transportation system known as the Allegheny Portage RR agreed to test a handmade wire rope in 1842 as a substitute for hemp ropes, which tended to rot after little more than one year of service. The test was a success, so the Portage converted to wire ropes. The new wire ropes attracted attention at the Morris Transportation System in New Jersey, and at several anthracite coal transportation companies including the Delaware & Hudson Co. in New York and the Lehigh Co. in Pennsylvania. These wire ropes were made by a surveyor named John Roebling. Although he twisted the wires together by hand, like the Albert ropes, he adopted the six-strand-plus-core arrangement favored by Smith and Newall. Roebling's ropes, however, were made entirely of wire, utilizing a core that was identical to the six outer strands, each comprised of 19 wires.Roebling soon learned that his process for twisting 19 wires together created a strand that tended to become hexagonal rather than round. He launched a series of experiments with machine-made ropes looking for a way to make strands that were rounder. Meanwhile, one of his customers, the Lehigh Co., moved forward rapidly, building its own wire-rope factory in 1848. This factory (now owned by Bridon International--the same company that absorbed the original Smith and Newall companies in the UK), is still in business near Wilkes-Barre, Pa. And Roebling gave up surveying to concentrate on ropemaking, building a large factory in Trenton, N.J., in 1849.Roebling's Three-Size ConstructionAt the time that his factory began operations in Trenton, Roebling achieved the first American advancement in wire-rope theory. Realizing that the defects of six-strand ropes could be corrected by combining wires of different diameters in the strands, he devised a three-size construction (now known as Warrington construction). By starting with a seven-wire strand made of one wire size, Roebling added an outer layer containing 12 wires of two different alternating sizes.After numerous tests, Roebling's three-size ropes provided slightly better service in some applications. Although the original aim of the invention was to create improved roundness, the new strands yielded a side-effect of even greater significance. Because there was less hollow space within the strand itself, the greater fill-factor permitted the strands to be made by what is known as the equal-lay principle, whereby eachwire in an outer layer is cradled by two wires in an inner layer, creating greater support without the effect of internal crossovers. The importance of the equal-lay principle did not become obvious until the introduction of modern high-speed stranders in the 1850s.Unfortunately, in an accident with his own machinery, Roebling's arm and shoulder were mangled in 1849. Several years passed before he regained full mobility. During this period, he diverted his attention to the construction of wire-cable suspension bridges, for which he is most famous today. This diversion prevented him from fully exploiting the merits of three-size construction. When it was introduced again later, under the name Warrington, many people thought three-size construction was an English invention. Roebling never patented his achievement, so the history of his invention remains obscure.Meanwhile, during Roebling's recovery, English ropemaking techniques were introduced in California. The inventor, Andrew Smith, had returned to Great Britain in 1853 but his son, Andrew H. Smith, remained in California to seek his fortune in the gold fields. After starving for several years, he moved to San Francisco, changed his name to A.S. Hallidie and launched a wire-rope business in 1857. Hallidie devoted himself to the concept of improvements in wire rope tramways for the gold and silver mines of California and Nevada.Hallidie's mining tramways were a success in the 1860s. He also built numerouswire-cable suspension bridges and he devised his own version of equal-lay stranding, known as California Cable, using triangular-shaped wires. In some ways, Hallidie's method was superior to Roebling's three-size method, except that triangular wire is costly and difficult to manufacture. All this aside, Hallidie is better known for adapting his mining tramway cables to the streets of San Francisco in 1872 and the birth of the city's famous cable-car system.Thomas Seale's PatentThe original Hallidie cable car on Clay Street was an instant success as a transportation system. Overnight, competitors went into business on other hilly streets nearby. Cable cars differed from overhead tramways because the ropes were subjected to more severe service conditions. Constant starting and stopping of the cars with a sliding grip, combined with numerous deflection sheaves required to allow the underground cable to conform to the surface profile of the streets, destroyed wire ropes in short order. San Francisco quickly became the world's largest wire rope market.One of Hallidies major transportation competitors was wealthy Leland Stanford. He had been involved in numerous successful ventures including the transcontinental railroad. Stanford intended to make his new California Street cable car line the city's finest. To this end, he hired an earthmoving contractor named Thomas Seale to be his superintendent. Born in Ireland, Seale had come to California with his brother duringthe gold rush, where they attained considerable wealth by grading streets near the San Francisco waterfront. The Seale brothers owned a huge ranch adjacent to Stanford's ranch in Palo Alto.Roebling's three-size construction ropes were not very suitable for cable-car service because the alternately small-sized outer wires invariably wore out first, breaking up and tangling machinery in the underground tubes. English inventors were experimenting with elliptical- and triangular-shaped strands to solve this problem. These so-called flattened strands did provide improvement when tested, but they were very expensive to produce. Ultimately, the enormous demand for wire rope in San Francisco stimulated intense competition between Roebling's company and Hallidie, driving prices downward.The cable car demand next spread all over the United States as other cities installed cable cars in the 1870s and 1880s. The three existing American manufacturers could not cope with the demand, which brought many other companies into the ropemaking arena. In San Francisco, the dilemma of short-rope service was tackled by Thomas Seale, whose solution soon became the accepted answer to the problem of severe outer wear combined with multiple reverse bending over small-diameter sheaves.Seale's patent (#315,077 April 7, 1885) is based upon rearranging the three wire sizes into an entirely different pattern so that all the largest wire sizes are side-by-side on the exterior of the strand. The aim was to achieve increased abrasion resistance without losing flexibility. More important, the patent also described, for the first time, the basic concept of equal-lay stranding, which is inherent in the Roebling three-size approach, but had not been previously explained as the solution to internal cross-wire nicking.Unfortunately, Seale's notes are gone and details of how he devised his famous construction remain unknown.James Stone's Filler Wire PatentMost of the wire rope companies, including Roebling's, adopted Seale's principles, even though it became apparent that Seale-type strands, although much more abrasion-resistant, had a tendency to be slightly less flexible and therefore less fatigue-resistant. Further analysis of the problem was launched by James B. Stone, who was rope-mill superintendent for Washburn & Moen in Worcester, Mass., in the 1880s. (Washburn & Moen later became known as American Steel & Wire and, after 1900, became an important part of the conglomerate known as United States Steel.) Stone had already invented high-speed stranding equipment for the rope mill. He also had studied several cable-car systems in detail and concluded that four different sizes of wire, not three, would be needed to create the most perfect fill factor for strand concentricity. The smallest of the wires, known as filler wires, were to be inserted into the rope for cushioning purposes.After toying with that concept, Stone realized that six fillers provided a key to making round, equal-laid strands at high speed from 19 wires of nearly the same size. James Stone's patent (#416,189 December 3, 1889) described what is now known as 6 by 25 filler wire construction.The significance of the American developments in wire rope construction cannot be understated. Today, James Stone's 6 by 25 wire rope is the most widely-used wire rope construction in the world for general purpose applications. Thomas Seale's patented form of wire rope is also widely-used, particularly in any kind of application where severe abrasion is encountered, and John Roebling's three-size Warrington construction remains popular for small-diameter ropes where the filler wire principle cannot be applied.A.S. Hallidie's municipal cable cars were supplanted by electromotive traction railways, which, in turn, were driven out of business by General Motors and Ford everywhere except in their original home in San Francisco. Motorists trapped in commuter traffic jams perhaps occasionally question the wisdom of driving the cable cars out of business, but the innovations in fundamental wire rope construction derived from American transportation experiments have benefited wire rope users everywhere.好东西在这里:Wire rope calculator“这句英语都不肯翻译你也太懒了,直译就是钢丝绳计算器,根据钢丝绳的钢丝数和股数和抗拉强度等算出你所需钢丝绳的各参数”http://liny.pl/kalkulator/kalk_en.php。
Field tests for the high-tensile fibre rope developed by Liebherr and Teufelberger were conducted on eleven tower cranes.试验台测试在开发过程中,利勃海尔和合作公司制作了100多个不同的纤维绳原型。
模拟气候测试利勃海尔还为这个项目建造了一个气候室,以各种各样的天气条件来测试绳索的承受能力:从高温80°至低温- 5°,在空气中添加沙尘来模拟沙漠气候,继而又产生了季风型降雨。
德国MAN GHH公司提升钢丝绳操纵装置
德国MAN GHH公司提升钢丝绳操纵装置
1.德国安博公司的钢丝绳电动葫芦 [J], 俞东晓
2.德国耀普集团有限公司苏州代表处 MFS多功能变速操纵系统 [J],
3.介绍德国新研制的钢丝绳悬挂,测力和升降装置 [J], 冉智勇
4.矿用提升机钢丝绳损伤检测装置的设计 [J], 靳志强
5.立井摩擦式提升机钢丝绳护绳装置改造设计 [J], 许峰
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OUR GROUP / 我们的集团
Group Companies / 集团公司
Agents / 代理商
Mirny Russia HLC 45 mm 18 x 1200 m 2017/18 EN12385-7 1460 kN 11,2 kg/m Elaskon SK-V MOS2 galvanized class A
Together in Motion
OFFSHORE / 海工用钢丝绳 CRANE & INDUSTRIAL / 起重机用钢丝绳 MINING / 矿用钢丝绳
First Teufelberger wire rope / Teufelberger第一
Set up factory in America/ 设立美国
Teufelberger-Redaelli together / 合并集团公司
Air transport from Austria to Chile Rope Type: NOROTEC ® MT 91 Total Length: 1,000 Meter Diameter: 24 mm
《地心营救》于2015年11月13日在美国上映。该片改编自 真实矿难事件,讲述了2010年智利33个矿工在一场突如 其来的灾难中被困地心深处69天后最终获救的故事。
Set up new factory in Trieste / 设立威尼斯工厂
4th World Guinness Record / 第四次吉尼
1990- 1819 2001
First Redaelli workshop in Italy / Redaelli 第一家公司
Establishment of first Teufelberger ropery / Teufelberger第一家公
First Redaelli rope cableway / 第一根索
Flexpack series for Offshore / 海工用钢丝绳
的升级 凿井项目的绳索相关工程支持
Double Drum (4 Layers) Rope type: Q-Mining Rope Supply and installation: 2017
Double Drum (Single Layer) Rope type: Q-Mining Rope Supply and installation: 2018
非旋转绳索构成非常小的扭矩 - 与旋转索节一起使用
应该定期检查这个箭头所示部位,因为这是 绳索最有可能首先产生问题的地方!
D/d 最小值不低于应46 形或轻微的V形环这样可使钢丝绳有更少的运动和更好的疲劳寿命(更小
的弯曲应力) - 可以达到更高的D / d比 潮湿环境推荐使用镀锌钢丝绳 环形分隔器 - 木材分隔器是最常用的
南方矿业玉岭矿 – LINWU
Main Hoist Rope– 12 Mine 400 4x34mmx1110m
大红山铜矿– YUNAN
Hoisting - 6x36WS – 6x44mmx1080m
绳芯为圆股 外层为配的对圆丝和X型丝
X形线材经过优化,可确保最长的使用寿命(耐磨 性) 弹性模量约150.000至170.000 N /mm² - 低绳索拉 伸!
执行标准EN12385-7 直径范围:22 mm至60 mm 其他直径要求可以相关定制
488 T 438 T 420 T 361 T
提升绳检测 安装指导 钢丝绳维护和使用指导
通过定制的高性能绳索改进现有系统 新项目的绳索相关的工程支持或现有系统
D / d比值最小为100 理想的胎面压力应不高于17.5 kg /cm²(250 Psi) 落地式摩擦提升系统T1/T2比值介于1.42-1.44 塔式摩擦提升系统T1/T2比值介于1.42-1.44 提升速度应不高于18 m/s 轮槽直径应介于1.05d-1.10d之间 尾绳重量通常设计为与提升绳相等,然而,比提升绳稍重的尾绳索将有助
KWK Rydultowy Poland HLC 52 mm 3x1250 m 2016 EN12385-7 1652 kN 14,6 kg/m Anticorit WRC PJ 204 heavy galvanized
Mine: Country: Rope Type: Diameter: Length: Delivery: Standard: Min. Breaking Force: Mass per Length: Lubricant: Finish:
执行标准EN12385-6 直径范围:20 mm至70 mm 其他直径要求可以相关定制
非旋转多股结构,带独立钢丝绳芯 压实股采用1 + 6设计制造 外股和内层股之间采用注塑(黄色部分) 钢芯润滑
执行标准EN12385-6 直径范围:20 mm至70 mm 其他直径要求可以相关定制
绳股结构为1+6形式 中心股为纤维芯 绳芯润滑
执行标准EN12385-6 直径范围:20 mm至70 mm 其他直径要求可以相关定制
绳索设计用于深井采矿(> 1000m) 高弹性模量,因此绳索拉伸非常小
易于平衡与首绳之间的负载 绳索调整间隔相对较长 随着时间的推移,钢丝绳长度变化不明显
绳索设计用于深井采矿(> 1000m) 高弹性模量,因此绳索拉伸非常小
易于平衡与尾绳之间的负载 绳索调整间隔相对较长 随着时间的推移,钢丝绳长度变化不明显 非旋转绳索可以产生非常小的扭矩 - 衬垫的使用寿命更长 绳索外表面更大,因此压力分布更好 - 衬垫的使用寿命更长(压实股效果更好) 塑料涂层确保稳定的绳索结构和绳芯的润滑 塑料涂层可显着减少内层股和外层的磨损- 延长使用寿命 塑料增强了钢丝绳处理冲击载荷的能力
Mine: Country: Rope Type: Diameter: Length: Delivery: Standard:
KWK Bielszowice Poland HLC 48 mm 4 x 600 m 2014 EN12385-7
Mine: Country: Rope Type: Diameter: Length: Delivery: Standard:
KWK Rydultowy Poland HLC 54 mm 1300 m 2010 EN12385-7
Mine: Country: Rope Type: Diameter: Length: Delivery: Standard: Min. Breaking Force: Mass per Length: Lubricant: Finish: