






产品特点※直流9-42V电源供电,12-30V供电最佳※控制信号输入电压3.3-24V通用(无需串电阻)※细分精度1-32细分可选※输出峰值电流4.0A※ H桥双极恒流驱动※输入信号高速光耦隔离※内置温度保护和过流保护※自动半流减少发热※电机噪声优化功能※体积小巧,节省空间电气参数输入电压 DC9-42V输入电流推荐使用开关电源功率5A输出电流0.5-4.0A最大功耗160W细分1,2/A,2/B,4,8,16,32温度工作温度-10~45℃;存放温度-40℃~70℃湿度不能结露,不能有水珠气体禁止有可燃气体和导电灰尘重量0.2千克输入输出端说明信号输入端PUL+:脉冲信号输入正。














雷赛科技 HA860步进电机驱动器 使用说明

雷赛科技  HA860步进电机驱动器  使用说明

1. 电气指标........................................................................................................................................ 2
2. 使用环境及参数............................................................................................................................ 3
1. 电机选配........................................................................................................................................ 9
2. 电机接线........................................................................................................................................ 9
3. 应用领域........................................................................................................................................ 2
二、电气、机械和环境指标............................................................................................................. 2



步 进 电 动
机 ■品名的阅读方法
●标准 P型 · 大惯性型
PK 2 2 3 P B
2相步进电动机 PK系列
2相 电动机安装尺寸 电动机外壳 P∶标准P型
J ∶大惯性型
A∶单转轴 B ∶双转轴
●标准型 · 高分辨率型
PK 2 6 6 M - 0 1 B
2相步进电动机 2相 电动机安装尺寸 电动机外壳 电动机分类 A∶单转轴
B ∶双转轴
SG∶SH减速机型 减速比
◇安装尺寸 42mm、60mm、90mm
PK 2 6 4 A 1 - SG 10
2相步进电动机 2相 电动机安装尺寸 电动机外壳
可轻易固定标准型 与减速机型电动机。
(➜ C-203页)
高精度定位用的无齿隙 联轴器。
(➜ C-192页)
可有效抑制步进电动机的 振动及改善高速性。
(➜ C-201页)

电动机安装底座 PAL2P-2
弹性联轴器 MCS2006F04
制振器 D6CL-6.3F
品名(单转轴) PK264JA PK266JA PK267JA PK269JA
品名(双转轴) PK223PB PK224PB PK225PB PK233PB PK235PB PK244PB PK246PB
品名(双转轴) PK243-01B PK243-02B PK243-03B PK244-01B PK244-02B PK244-03B PK244-04B PK245-01B PK245-02B PK245-03B PK256-02B PK258-02B PK264-01B PK264-02B PK264-03B PK266-01B PK266-02B PK266-03B PK268-01B PK268-02B PK268-03B PK296-01B PK296-02B PK296-03B PK299-01B PK299-02B PK299-03B PK2913-01B PK2913-02B



•””•5国外电子元器件6’••“年第™期’••“年™月p新特器件应用四相步进电机正弦波驱动器³´«–—’••˜•及其应用谭建成ˆ广州电器科学研究院Œ广东广州•‘•“•’‰A St e pp in g M otor Sine Wav e Dr i v e r ST K672-080and I t s A pp l i ca t i on´¡®ªÉÁΕÃÈÅÎÇ摘要š³´«–—’••˜•是³¡®¹¯公司生产的一种”相步进电动机驱动器厚膜混合集成电路Œ它的输出电流很大Œ且有五种激励方式Œ利用³´«–—’••˜•内部的微步距正弦波控制器可使电动机运行在低振动和低噪音的工作状态"关键词š步进电动机›厚膜混合集成电路›³´«–—’••˜•›微步距分类号š´-“˜“Ž–文献标识码š¢文章编号š‘••–•–™——ˆ’••“‰•™•••””••“••向µ³¢主机写数据ÁÌ×ÁÙÓ ˆÐÏÓÅÄÇÅÃÌËÏÒÎÅÇÅÄÇÅÒÅÓÅÔ‰ÂÅÇÉÎÉƈÒÅÓÅÔ••‘c•‰ÔØÄÁÔÁœ•˜cÈ••›ÅÌÓÅÉƈÃÎÔ»•½••‘c‘‰ÔØÄÁÔÁœ•ÄÁÔÁ”’™›ÅÎÄ•••••••••••••••••••••••••¦´’”•¡-与¥°-—‘’˜³的数据三态接口ÁÓÓÉÇÎÕÓÂÄÁÔÁ•ˆÃÎÔ»‘½••‘c‘‰ŸÔØÄÁÔÁš˜cÈÚÚ›•••••••••••••••••••••••“结束语本文介绍了µ³¢接口芯片¦´’”•¡-的原理和在航空¡²©®£”’™总线测试仪中的具体应用实例方法"笔者将¥°-—‘’˜与¦´’”•¡-的接口逻辑在-¡¸ÐÌÕÓÒ环境下进行了仿真Œ结果表明š使用该设计完全可满足实际要求Œ因此Œ使用µ³¢通信接口的航空¡²©®£”’™总线测试仪Œ大大便利了”’™总线设备与计算机的通信Œ有效提高了”’™总线设备的检测效率"参考文献»‘½徐志军Œ徐光辉Ž£°¬¤•¦°§¡的开发与应用»-½Ž北京š电子工业出版社Œ’••’Ž»’½µÎÉÖÅÒÓÁ̳ÅÒÉÁÌ¢ÕÓ³ÐÅÃÉÆÉÃÁÔÉÏÎŽ£ÏÍÐÁÑ©ÎÔÅÌ-ÉÃÒÏÓÏÆÔ®¥£Œ‘™™˜Ž»“½¦´’”•¡-¤ÁÔÁ³ÈÅÅÔŽ¦¤´©Œ‘™™™Ž»”½-¡¸—•••°ÒÏÇÒÁÍÍÁÂÌŬÏÇÉäÅÖÉÃŦÁÍÉÌÙ¤ÁÔÁ³ÈÅÅÔŽ¡ÌÔÅÒÁŒ’••‘Ž收稿日期š’••“••”•‘•咨询编号š•“•™‘•‘³´«–—’••˜•的主要特点³´«–—’••˜•是³¡®¹¯公司生产的一种步进电动机驱动器厚膜混合集成电路Œ它的输出级使用功率-¯³¦¥´组成Œ同时包含一个内部的微步距控制器和一个单极性的恒流°·-系统"³´«–—’••˜•内部提供的”相步进电动机分配控制器可获得准正弦波驱动电流Œ从而使用户应用更简单方便"它有五种激励ˆ通电‰方式Œ可提供微步距控制以使步进电动机的基本步距角的最大细分为‘•‘–"³´«–—’••˜•步进电机控制器的速度由时钟信号控制"通过它可使用户方便地实现高转!低振动水平!低噪音!快速响应和高效驱动的电动机控制系统"³´«–—’••˜•的典型应用包括传真机发送与接收步进电动机驱动!复印机送纸和光学系统步进电动机驱动!激光打印机鼓驱动!打印机台架步进电动机驱动!¸•¹绘图仪笔驱动!工业机械手以及其它步进电动的应用方面Œ其主要特点如下šp只需外加一个直流电源和一个时钟脉冲发生器即可完成一个四相步进电机正弦波电流驱动"p可通过三个输入ˆ-‘Œ-’和-“‰选择五种激励ˆ通电‰方式Œ包括š’相通电方式!‘•’通电方式!·‘•’相退方式!’·‘•’相通电方式!”·‘•’相通电方式等›•”••p在相通电方式切换时可保持原相电流不变›p可用-¯©脚作原点监视›p利用-“端的逻辑电平可选择时钟信号上升沿起作用或时钟信号上升沿和下降沿都起作用›p£¬«输入端内含对外部脉冲噪音的故障防止线路›p用参考电压¶ÒÅÆ能设置•*¶££’•’之间的任何数值Œ即使低电流下也支持微步距操作›p电源电压范围宽ˆ¶££‘•‘•*”•¶‰›p内部带有电流传感电阻ˆ•Ž‘•8‰›p内含最小驱动损耗的-¯³¦¥´Œ耐压为‘••¶›p电动机输出最大驱动电流I OH为’Ž˜¡ˆ结温T C•‘••e‰›p采用特殊的³©°‘•单列直插式形式"’结构原理与引脚功能³´«–—’••˜•内部由控制和功率部分组成"功率级有”个-¯³¦¥´Œ并按低侧驱动方式工作Œ其中¡相和¢相内部有电流传感内阻和比较器Œ可用来实现相电流的°·-控制"控制部分的关键是有电流分配比开关和准正弦波发生电路"³´«–—’••˜•可由三个输入逻辑来选择通电方式Œ并由外接参考电压V r ef来设定最大电流值Œ以便在相电流°·-控制下得到相应的输出电流波形"图‘所示是³´«–—’••˜•内部结构"现将其各主要引脚的功能说明如下š£¬«š时钟输入"输入频率范围可从直流到••Ë¨ÚŒ最小脉冲宽度为‘•LÓŒ占空比范围为”•*–•…"此外Œ该端内部具有上拉电阻ˆ典型值为’•Ë8‰!£-¯³施密特触发器电路和多级噪声抑制电路"当-“为高或开路时Œ电路会在每个£¬«上升沿使相激励前进一步›而当-“为低时Œ£¬«信号的上升和下降沿都可使相激励前进一步Œ因此每一个£¬«周期可使相激励前进两步"£·¢š转向设定端"当£·¢为高时Œ电动机旋转方向为顺时针›当£·¢为低时Œ电动机旋转方向为逆时针"¥®¡¢¬¥š¯®•¯¦¦状态控制输出端"当¥®¡¢¬¥端的电压为高或开路时Œ为正常状态"当¥®¡¢¬¥为低时Œ电路处于维持状态Œ此时相激励输出ˆ电动机电流‰强制关闭"在这个模态中Œ系统时钟和其它输入均无效"-‘Œ-’和-“š用于选择激励方式和£¬«输入边缘作用Œ内有上拉电阻ˆ典型值’•Ë8‰和£-¯³施密特触发器电路"表‘是-‘!-’和-“的操作真值表"图’为其操作时序"²¥³¥´š复位端Œ低电平有效"²¥³¥´脚为低电平时Œ所有电路复位到它们的起始状态"此时Œ不管通电方式如何Œ输出¡和¢相都置于它们的原点Œ即输出电流约在—‘…处"¶ÒÅÆš°·-恒流环控制参考电压Œ用于根据需要控制负载电流的大小Œ通常¶ÒÅÆ应限制在’Ž•¶以下"此参考电压对应于‘••…的电机激励电流I OHŒ其关系如下š四相步进电机正弦波驱动器³´«–—’••˜•及其应用•”–•5国外电子元器件6’••“年第™期’••“年™月。



IntroductionASASC5-Phase Microstep RK 2-Phase Full/Half UMK 5-PhaseMicrostep CRK 2-Phase Microstep RBK 2-Phase Microstep CMK 2-Phase PK/PV 2-Phase PK EMP400SG8030J AccessoriesInstallationAC InputDC InputAC InputDC Input Without Encoder With EncoderControllersConnection and Operation■Names and Functions of Driver Parts●(Top)□2 Function Switches □1 Signal Monitor Displays◇Alarm◇(Front)□3 Motor Run Current Switch □4 Step Angle Setting Switch □1 Signal Monitor Displays □5 Input/Output Signals Motor TerminalsPower Input TerminalsProtective Earth TerminalsThe step angle set with the step angle setting switch will become effective when the "Step●Angle Select" (CS) signal input is OFF.Do not change the "Step Angle Select" (CS) signal input or step angle setting switch while ●the motor is operating. It may cause the motor to misstep and stop. Change the step angle setting switch, when the "Step Angle Select" (CS) signal input is OFF and the "Excitation Timing" (TIM) signal output is ON.The cable for connecting the terminal box type motor and driver, and the D-Sub (15-pin) connector for connecting to the driver's CN1 connector are not included. They must be supplied separately. ✽Description of input/output signals ➜ Page C-177Connection Diagrams●5 VDC Connection or Line Driver Input◇DriverController24 VDC Connection◇DriverInput Signal Connection◇Pulse (PLS) Signal, Rotation Direction (DIR) Signal●You can select either 5 VDC or 24 VDC as the signal voltage. Line driver input is also available. The pin No. to connect differs according to the signal voltage.All Windings Off Signal, Step Angle Select Signal●You can select either 5 VDC or 24 VDC as the signal voltage. The pin No. to connect is the same for 5 VDC and 24 VDC.Output Signal Connection◇Keep the output signal voltage and current below 30 VDC and 10 mA respectively.Power Supply◇Use a power supply that can supply sufficient input current. When power supply capacity is insufficient, a decrease in motor output can cause the following malfunctions: Motor does not operate properly at high-speed. ●Slow motor startup and stopping.●Notes on Wiring◇Use twisted-pair wires of AWG26 and keep wiring as short as possible [within 2 m (6.6 ft.)]. ●Note that as the length of the pulse signal line increases, the maximum transmission ●frequency decreases. Technical reference ➜ Page F-54Use wires of AWG18 or thicker for motor lines (when extended), power supply lines and ●protective earth line.To ground the driver, lead the ground conductor from the protective earth terminal (M4) and ●connect the ground conductor to provide a common ground point.Signal lines should be kept at least 2 cm (0.79 in.) away from power lines (power supply lines ●and motor lines). Do not bind the signal lines and power lines together.If noise generated by the motor cable or power cable becomes a problem due to the wiring ●and layout, shield the cables or use ferrite cores.Incorrect connection of DC power input will lead to driver damage. Make sure that the polarity ●is correct before turning power on.The cable for connecting the terminal box type motor and driver, and the D-Sub (15-pin) ●connector for connecting to the driver's CN1 connector are not included. They must be supplied separately.●Driver Motor Terminals and Motor Leads/Motor Terminal BlocksTerminal Box Type Motor Connections ◇RBK264T , RBK266T ,RBK268T∼16)[Diameter: (ϕ0.28∼ϕ0.51 in.)]✽ (M4)InternalTerminal ✽ (M4)(AWG18 or thicker)(AWG18 or thicker)Connect motor lead wires to the terminals 2 to 5.12345Terminal BlockConnect either the internal protective earth terminal or external protective earth terminal to the ground.✽RBK296T , RBK299T , RBK2913T✽ (M4)∼16)InternalTerminal ✽ (M4)[Diameter: ϕ7(ϕ0.28∼ϕ0.51 in.)](AWG18 or thicker)54123678Connect either the internal protective earth terminal or external protective earth terminal to the ground.✽Terminals 1, 4, 5, and 8 are used. Terminals 2, 3, 6, and 7 are not used. Do not connect anything to them.IntroductionASASC5-Phase Microstep RK 2-Phase Full/Half UMK 5-Phase Microstep CRK2-Phase Microstep RBK 2-Phase Microstep CMK 2-Phase PK/PV 2-Phase PK EMP400SG8030J Accessories InstallationAC InputDC InputAC InputDC InputWithout Encoder With EncoderControllersPulse (PLS), Rotation Direction (DIR) Input SignalYou can select either 5 VDC or 24 VDC as the signal voltage for"Pulse" input and "Rotation Direction" input. Line driver input is also available.Input Circuit and Sample Connection ◇5 VDC Connection●24 VDC Connection●Line Driver Input●Pulse Waveform Characteristics ◇5 VDC or 24 VDC Connection●ONON Pulse Input SignalRotation Direction Input Signal 1 Pulse duty: 50% and belowLine Driver Input●ONON Pulse Input SignalRotation Direction Input Signal 1 Pulse duty: 50% and below1 ✽ The shaded area indicates when the photocoupler diode is ON. The motor moves when thephotocoupler state changes from ON to OFF.2 ✽ The minimum interval time when changing rotation direction is 10 μs. This value variesgreatly depending on the motor type, pulse frequency and load inertia.Pulse Signal Characteristics◇Keep the pulse signal at the "photocoupler OFF" state when no ●pulses are being input.Leave the pulse signal at rest ("photocoupler OFF") when ●changing rotation directions.All Windings Off (AWO), Step Angle Select (CS) Input Signal Input Circuit and Sample Connection◇All Windings Off (AWO) Input Signal◇Inputting this signal puts the motor in a non-excitation (free) state. ●This signal is used when turning the motor by external force or ●manual home position is desired. The photocoupler must be "OFF" when operating the motor.ON OFFAll Windings Off Input Signal Motor CurrentMotor Holding TorqueThe shaded area indicates that the motor provides holding torque in proportion to standstill current set by motor stop current switch.Switching the "All Windings Off" signal from "photocoupler ON" to ●"photocoupler OFF" does not alter the excitation sequence. When the motor shaft is manually adjusted with the "All Windings Off" signal input, the shaft will shift up to ±3.6° from the position set after the "All Windings Off" signal is released.Step Angle Select (CS) Input Signal◇When this signal input is "ON," the motor will operate at the basic ●step angle regardless of the settings of the step angle settingswitches. When the signal input is "OFF ," the motor will operate at the step angle set with the step angle setting switch.To change the step angle, do so when the "Excitation Timing" ●signal output is "ON" and the motor is at standstill.Current Cutback (CD), Alarm (ALM), Excitation Timing (TIM) Output SignalOutput Circuit and Sample Connection◇Current Cutback (CD) Output Signal◇When the automatic current cutback function is activated, the ●"Current Cutback" output turns on.Alarm (ALM) Output Signal◇When the motor is running, if the driver overheat, overvoltage, or ●overcurrent protective function is detected, the "Alarm" output turns off, and the ALARM LED of the driver flashes. The current to the motor is also cut off to stop the motor.You can count the number of times the ALARM LED flashes to ●confirm which protective function is activated.This signal normally stays on, but turns off when a protective ●function is activated.Excitation Timing (TIM) Output Signal◇The "Excitation Timing" signal is output to indicate when the motor ●excitation is in the initial stage (step "0" at power up).The "Excitation Timing" signal is output simultaneously with a ●pulse input each time the excitation sequence returns to step "0." The excitation sequence will complete one cycle for every 7.2˚ rotation of the motor output shaft.Microsteps/step 1: S ignal is output once every 4 pulses.Microsteps/step 4: S ignal is output once every 16 pulses.Timing chart at 1.8/step (Microsteps/step 1)When connected as shown in the sample connection, the signal will be ✽"photocoupler ON " at step "0."Pulse Input Rotation Direction Input Excitation Timing Output ✽12345678910(Step)01230123012321011121314Notes:When power is turned ON, the excitation sequence is reset to step "0" and the "Excitation ●Timing" signal is output.When operating the motor using the ●"Excitation Timing " signal output, make sure the motor output shaft stops at an integral multiple of 7.2˚.Timing Chart●Rotation Direction Input Signal Pulse Input Signal All Windings Off Input Signal Step Angle Select Input Signal Current Cutback Output Signal MotorPower Input The section indicates that the photocoupler diode is emitting light.1 ✽ The minimum switching time to change direction 10 μs isshown as the response time of the circuit. The motor may need more time than that.2 ✽ Depends on load inertia, load torque, and starting frequency.3 ✽ Never input a pulse signal immediately after switching the"All Windings Off " signal to the "photocoupler OFF" state. The motor may not start.4 ✽ To cycle the power, turn off the power and then wait for atleast five seconds after the POWER LED has turned off.。



ORIENTAL MOTORGENERAL CATALOG2-PHASE STEPPING MOTOR AND DRIVER PACKAGECSK SeriesFeatures·····························································B-234Standard Type····················································B-238High-Resolution Type·········································B-243SH Geared Type·················································B-248List of Motor and Driver Combinations···············B-253Wiring Diagram···················································B-254Switching and Setting Functions························B-255Adjusting the Output Current······························B-2552-PHASE STEPPING MOTOR AND DRIVER PACKAGECSK SeriesGEAR PLCDIRECTRE -GENER -ATION PACK - AGE DC INPUT1.High TorqueThe CSK high-torque 2-phase stepping motor series combines the PK series of 2-phase high-torque motors. The maximum holding torque values are as follows:CSK24Ⅺ: 22.2 oz-in (0.16N •m) ϳ44.4 oz-in (0.32N •m)CSK26Ⅺ:54.1 oz-in (0.39N •m) ϳ187 oz-in (1.35N •m)2.Powerful SH Geared TypeThe product line for the CSK series also includes the SH geared type that provides high torques. There are six gear ratios: 3.6:1, 7.2:1, 9:1, 10:1, 18:1, and 36:1.3.High-Resolution TypeThe product line for the CSK series also includes high-resolution types for which the basic step angle (1.8Њ/step) for the two-phase stepping motors is cut in half to 0.9Њ/step (for full steps).The resolution is doubled from 200 steps per revolution for standard types to 400 steps per revolution. The high-resolution type can be run in half-step mode to provide 800 steps per revolution.pact DriverThe drivers produce a high output of 2A/phase for 24V/36V DC. None the less, they are compact in size W 2.64 in.(67mm) ϫ D 2.83 in. (72mm) ϫ H 1.22 in. (31mm), due to a custom IC, surface mount technology and FET output stage.5.Expanded control functionsThese motors are equipped with an “Automatic Current Cutback ” function and “Excitation Timing ” output, which is handy for detecting the mechanical home position of the device.Furthermore, internal switches can set the step angle and pulse type.6.Simple and reliable connectionsIndependent connectors are used for the driver input/output signals and the motor output lines.7.Highly reliable photocoupler inputⅢCSK SERIES SYSTEM CONFIGURATION A compact stepping motor and driver are combined to make possible high-precision positioning with open loop control.2-Phase Stepping MotorCSK Series Standard Type(Full Step Angle 1.8˚)Page B-238Two sizes are available: the CSK24Ⅺ with a 1.65 inch (42mm)square mounting and the CSK26Ⅺwith a 2.22 inch (56.4mm)square mounting.CSK Series High-Resolution Type(Full Step Angle 0.9˚) PageB-243CSK high-resolution type has a full step angle of 0.9˚ (400 perrevolution).Two sizes are available: the CSK24ⅪM with a 1.65 inch(42mm) square mounting and the CSK26ⅪM with a 2.22 inch(56.4mm) square mounting.CSK Series SH Geared TypePage B-248Six gear ratios are available: 3.6:1, 7.2:1, 9:1, 10:1, 18:1 and 36:1.The low ratios allow the gear shaft speed to be reduced without reducing the speed of the motor too much, thus enabling more precise resolution and smoother rotation at low speed.ⅢSPECIFICATIONSSTANDARD TYPE (Full Step Angle 1.8°)motor torque performance. When using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver's “Automatic Current Cutback ” function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 40%.●The power source input current value represents the maximum current. (The input current varies according to the pulse frequency.)✽Responds up to approximately 10 kHz with a pulse duty of 50%. When using it at higher speeds, narrow the pulse width (shorten the photocoupler ’s ON time.)CSK 2 4 5 -A T AⅢPRODUCT NUMBER CODEShaft Type A : Single ShaftB : Double Shaft Motor Case Length2-phaseCSK seriesMotor Frame Size 4: 1.65 in. (42mm) sq.6:2.22 in. (56.4mm) sq.USA VersionTerminal Block TypeCSK243-BTANote:CSK244-BTACSK245-BTA●DC24V CSK243-BTACSK244-BTACSK245-BTA●DC36VT o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ] 0D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](15)(150)(1500)(Half Step )0.300. o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]L 2(–72)Speed [r/min ](15)(150)(1500)(Half Step )0.300. o r q u e [N ·m ] 0D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2(–72)Speed [r/min ](15)(150)(1500)(Half Step )T o r q u e [N ·m ] 0D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]L 2(–72)Speed [r/min ](15)(150)(1500)(Half Step )T o r q u e [N ·m ] 0D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2(–72)Speed [r/min ](15)(150)(1500)(Half Step )T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](15)(150)(1500)(Half Step )CSK264-BTCSK266-BTCSK268-BT●DC24V CSK264-BTCSK266-BTCSK268-BT●DC36VT o r q u e [N ·m ] 0D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](15)(150)(1500)(Half Step )T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]L 2(–72)Speed [r/min ](15)(150)(1500)(Half Step )T o r q u e [N ·m ] 0D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](15)(150)(1500)(Half Step )T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](15)(150)(1500)(Half Step )T o r q u e [N ·m ] 0D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](15)(150)(1500)(Half Step )T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]L 2(–72)Speed [r/min ](15)(150)(1500)(Half Step )Note:●MotorⅢDIMENSIONS scale 1/4, unitסinch (mm)CSK243-ATA(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK243-01AA Weight 0.47lb. (Mass 0.21kg) CSK243-BTA(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK243-01BA Weight 0.47lb. (Mass 0.21kg) CSK244-ATA(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK244-01AA Weight 0.6lb. (Mass 0.27kg) CSK244-BTA(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK244-01BA Weight 0.6lb. (Mass 0.27kg) CSK245-ATA(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK245-01AA Weight 0.78lb. (Mass 0.35kg) CSK245-BTA(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK245-01BA Weight 0.78lb. (Mass 0.35kg)CSK264-AT(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK264-02A Weight 1lb. (Mass 0.45kg) CSK264-BT(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK264-02B Weight 1lb. (Mass 0.45kg) CSK266-AT(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK266-02A Weight 1.55lb. (Mass 0.7kg) CSK266-BT(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK266-02B Weight 1.55lb. (Mass 0.7kg) CSK268-AT(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK268-02A Weight 2.21lb. (Mass 1kg) CSK268-BT(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK268-02B Weight 2.21lb. (Mass 1kg)✽.59Ϯ.01 (15Ϯ0.25) indicates the length of milling on motor shaft.● These external appearance drawings are for double shaft models. For a single. 2 5 0 0 D I A .1).25DIA.)).25DIA.✽.59Ϯ.01 (15Ϯ0.25) indicates the length of milling on motor shaft.✽.59Ϯ.01 (15Ϯ0.25) indicates the length of milling on motor shaft.ⅢDIMENSIONS scale 1/4, unitסinch (mm)●DriverDriver: CSD2109-T(For CSK243model)CSD2112-T(For CSK244and CSK245 models)CSD2120-T(For CSK264, CSK266 and CSK268 models) Weight: 0.29lb. (Mass 0.13kg).13DIA. (␾ 3.2)See page B-38 for information on driver installation.HIGH-RESOLUTION TYPE (Full Step Angle 0.9°)CSK 2 4 5 M A T AⅢPRODUCT NUMBER CODEShaft Type A : Single ShaftB : Double Shaft Motor Case Length2-phaseCSK seriesMotor Frame Size 4: 1.65 in. (42mm) sq.6:2.22 in. (56.4mm) sq.USA VersionTerminal Block TypeHigh-Resolution Type●Maximum holding torque refers to the holding torque at motor standstill when the rated current is supplied to the motor (2 phase excitation). Use this value to compare motor torque performance. When using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver's "Automatic Current Cutback" function at motor standstill reduces maximum holdingⅢSPEED vs. TORQUE CHARACTERISTICS fs : Maximum Starting Pulse RateCSK243MBTACSK244MBTACSK245MBTA●DC24V CSK243MBTACSK244MBTACSK245MBTA●DC36VT o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ] 0D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2(–72)Speed [r/min ](7.5)(75)(750)(Half Step )0.300. o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](7.5)(75)(750)(Half Step )0.300. o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ] 0D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](7.5)(75)(750)(Half Step )0.300. o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]L 2(–72)Speed [r/min ](7.5)(75)(750)(Half Step )0.300. o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ] 0D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](7.5)(75)(750)(Half Step )0.300. o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2(–72)Speed [r/min ](7.5)(75)(750)(Half Step )0.300.●DC24V CSK264MBTCSK266MBTCSK268MBT●DC36VT o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ] 0D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](7.5)(75)(750)(Half Step ) o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](7.5)(75)(750)(Half Step ) o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ] 0D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2(–72)Speed [r/min ](7.5)(75)(750)(Half Step ) o r q u e [o z -i n ]T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2(–72)Speed [r/min ](7.5)(75)(750)(Half Step ) r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]L 2(–72)Speed [r/min ](7.5)(75)(750)(Half Step )D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](7.5)(75)(750)(Half Step )Note:ⅢDIMENSIONS scale 1/4, unitסinch (mm)●MotorCSK243MATA(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK243MAA Weight 0.47lb. (Mass 0.21kg) CSK243MBTA(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK243MBA Weight 0.47lb. (Mass 0.21kg) CSK244MATA(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK244MAA Weight 0.6lb. (Mass 0.27kg) CSK244MBTA(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK244MBA Weight 0.6lb. (Mass 0.27kg) CSK245MATA(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK245MAA Weight 0.78lb. (Mass 0.35kg) CSK245MBTA(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK245MBA Weight 0.78lb. (Mass 0.35kg)CSK264MAT(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK264MA Weight 1lb. (Mass 0.45kg) CSK264MBT(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK264MB Weight 1lb. (Mass 0.45kg) CSK266MAT(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK266MA Weight 1.55lb. (Mass 0.7kg) CSK266MBT(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK266MB Weight 1.55lb. (Mass 0.7kg) CSK268MAT(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK268MA Weight 2.21lb. (Mass 1kg) CSK268MBT(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK268MB Weight 2.21lb. (Mass 1kg)✽.59Ϯ.01 (15Ϯ0.25) indicates the length of milling on motor shaft.. 2 5 0 0 D I A .1).25DIA.)1).25DIA.✽.59Ϯ.01 (15Ϯ0.25) indicates the length of milling on motor shaft.✽.59Ϯ.01 (15Ϯ0.25) indicates the length of milling on motor shaft.●DriverDriver: CSD2109-T(For CSK243M model)CSD2112-T(For CSK244M and CSK245M models)CSD2120-T(For CSK264M, CSK266M and CSK268M models) Weight: 0.29lb. (Mass 0.13kg).13DIA. (␾ 3.2)See page B-38 for information on driver installation.●Maximum holding torque refers to the holding torque at motor standstill when the rated current is supplied to the motor (2 phase excitation). Use this value to compare motor torque performance. When using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver's “Automatic Current Cutback ” function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 40%.●The power source input current value represents the maximum current. (The input current varies according to the pulse frequency.)●Permissible torque is the maximum value of the mechanical strength of the gear unit. Use the product with a total torque (load and acceleration) less than the permissible torque.ⅢSPECIFICATIONSSH GEARED TYPECSK 2 6 4 A T A -SG 10ⅢPRODUCT NUMBER CODEShaft Type A : Single ShaftB : Double ShaftMotor Case Length2-phaseCSK seriesMotor Frame Size 4: 1.65 in. (42mm) sq.6:2.22 in. (56.4mm) sq.USA VersionTerminal Block TypeSG : SH Geared TypeGear Ratio●Maximum holding torque refers to the holding torque at motor standstill when the rated current is supplied to the motor (2 phase excitation). Use this value to compare motor torque performance. When using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver's "Automatic Current Cutback" function at motor standstill reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 40%.●The power source input current value represents the maximum current. (The input current varies according to the pulse frequency.)●Permissible torque is the maximum value of the mechanical strength of the gear unit. Use the product with a total torque (load and acceleration) less than the permissible torque.ⅢSPEED vs. TORQUE CHARACTERISTICSCSK243BTA-SG3.6CSK243BTA-SG7.2CSK243BTA-SG9CSK243BTA-SG10CSK243BTA-SG18CSK243BTA-SG36ⅢPRECAUTIONSWhen using the CSK SH geared type, please note the following:1.Do not exceed the maximumpermissible torque:Permissible torque represents the maximum value of themechanical strength of the gear unit. Be sure to keep the total 2.Do not exceed the permissible speedrange:Do not exceed the maximum output speed of the gearhead indicated in the specifications on page B-248, 249. The speedT o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](4.16)(41.6)(416)(Half Step )T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](2.08)(20.8)(208)(Half Step )T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](1.66)(16.6)(166)(Half Step )T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2(–72) Speed [r/min ](0.83)(8.33)(83.3)(Half Step )T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](0.41)(4.16)(41.6)(Half Step )T o r q u e [N ·m ] r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](1.5)(15)(150)(Half Step )fs : Maximum Starting Pulse RateNote:●Pay attention to heat dissipation from motor and driver. The motor will produce a considerable amount of heat under certain conditions. Be sure to keep the temperature of the motor case under 212˚F (100˚C).● When using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver's "Automatic Current Cutback" function at motor standstil reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 40%.CSK264BTA-SG3.6CSK264BTA-SG7.2CSK264BTA-SG9CSK264BTA-SG10CSK264BTA-SG18CSK264BTA-SG36D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2(–72)Speed [r/min ](4.16)(41.6)(416)(Half Step )D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2(–72)Speed [r/min ](2.08)(20.8)(208)(Half Step )D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2–72 Speed [r/min ](1.66)(16.6)(166)(Half Step )D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2(–72) Speed [r/min ](0.83)(8.33)(83.3)(Half Step )D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2(–72)Speed [r/min ](0.41)(4.16)(41.6)(Half Step )D r i v e r I n p u t C u r r e n t [A ]2(–72)Speed [r/min ](1.5)(15)(150)(Half Step )4.The direction of gear shaft rotationsdiffers according to reduction ratios:The direction of motor shaft rotation and gear shaft rotation according to the gear ratio applied:3.Consider backlash in bi-directionalpositioning:Backlash is the free rotation angle (i.e., play) of the output shaft when the input section of the reduction gear is fixed. If there is a Note:●Pay attention to heat dissipation from motor and driver. The motor will produce a considerable amount of heat under certain conditions. Be sure to keep the temperature of the motor case under 212˚F (100˚C).● When using the motor with the dedicated driver, the driver's "Automatic Current Cutback" function at motor standstil reduces maximum holding torque by approximately 40%.CSK243ATA-SG Ⅺ(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK243A1A-SG ⅪWeight 0.78lb. (Mass 0.35kg)CSK243BTA-SG Ⅺ(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK243B1A-SG ⅪWeight 0.78lb. (Mass 0.35kg)CSK264ATA-SG Ⅺ(Single shaft)Motor Model: PK264A2A-SG ⅪWeight 1.66lb. (Mass 0.75kg)CSK264BTA-SG Ⅺ(Double shaft)Motor Model: PK264B2A-SG ⅪWeight 1.66lb. (Mass 0.75kg)✽.59Ϯ.01 (15Ϯ0.25) indicates the length of milling on motor shaft.See page B-36 for information on motor installation.ⅷScrews (included)4-No.4-40 UNC. length .39 (10)ⅷScrews (included)4-No.8-32 UNC. length .59 (15).1968 D I A .0.2500 D I A .[1/4"]●DriverDriver : CSD2109-T (For CSK243-SG model)CSD2120-T (For CSK264-SG model)Weight: 0.29lb. (Mass 0.13kg).13 DIA. (␾ 3.2)●MotorⅢDIMENSIONS scale 1/4, unit סinch (mm)● shaft, ignore the colored areas.Enter A(single shaft) or B(double shaft) in the Ⅺwithin the model numbers.ⅢWIRING DIAGRAMⅢINPUT/OUTPUT SIGNALSⅢPower Supply2-Phase Stepping Motor●Pulse Input1-Pulse Input Mode Pulse Signal"Pulse" signal is input to the PULSE/CW Ϫterminal. When the photocoupler state changes from "ON" to "OFF", the motor rotates one step. The direction of rotation is determined by the following rotation direction signal.Rotation Direction SignalThe "Rotation Direction" signal is input to theDIR./CCW Ϫterminal. A "photocoupler ON" signal input commands a clockwise direction rotation. A "photocoupler OFF" signal input commands a counterclockwise direction rotation.2-Pulse Input Mode CW Pulse Signal"Pulse" signal is input to the PULSE/CW Ϫterminal. When the photocoupler state changes from "ON" to "OFF", the motor rotates one step in a clockwise W Pulse Signal"Pulse" signal is input to the DIR./CCW Ϫterminal. When the photocoupler state changes from "ON" to "OFF", the motor rotates one step in a counterclockwise direction.●All Windings Off (C.OFF) InputWhen the "All windings Off" (C.OFF) signal is in the"photocoupler ON" state, the current to the motor is cut off and motor torque is reduced to zero. The motor output shaft can then be rotated freely by hand.This signal is used when moving the motor by external force or manual home position is desired.●Excitation-Timing (TIMING) OutputThe signal is output once each time the excitation sequence returns to step "0" in synchronization with input pulses. The excitation sequence is designed to complete electrical one cycle as the motor shaft rotates 7.2˚. A signal is output every 4 pulses in full step mode (1.8˚/step) and every 8pulses in half step mode (0.9˚/step).Use a power supply that can supply sufficient input current.When power supply capacity is insufficient, a decrease in motor output can cause the following malfunctions:●Motor does not rotate properly at high-speed (insufficient torque)●Motor startup and stopping is slow.Use connector TB1 and TB2 when connecting.Note:●Keep the voltage Vo 1and Vo 2between DC 5V and DC 24V. When they are equal to DC 5V, the external resistances R 1and R 2are not neccessory. When they are above DC 5V, connect R 1to keep the current below 20mA, and connect R 2to keep the current below 10mA.●Use twisted-pair wire of 3.1ϫ10-4 in 2(0.2mm 2) or thicker and 6.6 feet (2m) or iess in length for the signal line.●Use wire 7.8ϫ10-4 in 2(0.5mm 2) or thicker for motor lines (when extended) and power supply lines, and use 1.2ϫ10-3 in 2(0.75mm 2) or thicker for the wire for the grounding line.●Use spot grounding for the grounding of the driver and external controller. ●Signal lines should be kept away at least 3.94 in. (10cm) from power lines(power supply lines and motor lines). Do not bind the signal line and power line together.ⅢTIMING CHARTCW Motor CCWPulseAll Windings Off Input ON OFFON OFFON OFFDirection✽1 It is recommended to wait a period of time to allow the motor oscillations toend before inputting the "All windings Off" signal. This time varies with the load inertia, the load torque and the starting pulse rate, Signal input must be stopped before the motor stops.✽2 Never input a step pulse signal immediately after switching the "All windingsOff" signal to the “photocoupler ON ” state or the motor may losesynchronism. In general, an interval of 100ms (minimum) is required.Response up to about 10 kHz with a pulse duty of 50%. When using it at higher speeds, narrow the pulse width.2. Adjusting the Motor Operating CurrentTo set the "Automatic Current Cutback" function to inactive (SW1:OFF):(1) Adjust the motor operating current with the RUNpotentiometer. It can be adjusted from 0.3A/phase to the rated value of the driver.(2) The motor operating current is set for the rated current at the time of shipping. The RUN potentiometer can be used lower the operating current to reduce temperature rise in the motor/driver, adjust torque margin and reduce vibration.ⅢSWITCHING AND SETTING FUNCTIONS 3. Adjusting The Current At Motor StandstillT o set the "Automatic Current Cutback" function to active (SW1:ON):(1) Adjust the current at motor standstill with the STOPpotentiometer. It can be adjusted from 25% to 40% of the run operating current (0.3A minimum).(2) At the time of shipping, the current at motor standstill is set for 40%. The STOP potentiometer readjusts the current to the value required to produce enough holding torque.(1) Automatic Current Cutback at motor standstill When switch 1 (ACD) is set to ON, the "Automatic CurrentCutback" function at motor standstill is active. Approximately 0.1seconds after input pulses stop, the motor output current is automatically lowered to suppress heat generation in the motor and driver. Generally, the switch should be in the ON position. (If the switch is set to OFF , the "Automatic Current Cutback"function at motor standstill is disabled.)(2) Step Angle Standard Type:When switch 2 (F/H) is set to ON, the driver is set for 1.8˚/step (200 steps per revolution. When the switch is set to OFF , the driver is set for 0.9˚/step (400 steps per revolution). High-Resolution Type:When switch 2 (F/H) is set to ON, the driver is set for 0.9˚/step (400 steps per revolution). When the switch is set to OFF , the driver is set for 0.45˚/step (800 steps per revolution).(3) Pulse Input ModeThe driver is designed to function under either of the following two pulse output modes on the user ’s controller:●When switch 3 (1P/2P) is set to OFF , the driver is set for the 2-pulse input mode, in which two types of pulse signal (one each for CW and CCW) are used to control the motor.●When switch 3 (1P/2P) is set to ON, the driver is set for the 1-pulse input mode, in which a pulse signal and a direction of rotation signal are used to control the motor.(4) Power Supply VoltageWhen using a 24V DC power supply, switch 4 (24/36V) should be ON. When using a 36V DC power supply, the switch should be OFF .ⅢADJUSTING THE OUTPUT CURRENT1.Adjustment MethodConnecting voltmeterInsert voltmeter test probes [approximately 0.18 in. diameter (␾2.1mm)] as shown below.The current value for one phase is equivalent to the voltage shown by the voltmeter. (ex : voltmeter voltage 1V=1A/Phase)Note :The motor Run current should be less than the motor rated current.Holding Torque ϭRated Holding Torque ϫCurrent at MotorStandstill [A]Motor Rated Current [A]RED (ϩ)BLACK (Ϫ)C.C.ϩ C.C.ϪRUN VR STOR VR。


XC602 型步进电机控制器
●控制轴数:单轴; ●指令特点:任何可编程(可实现各种复杂运行:定位控制和非定位控制); ●●最输高出输频出率频分率辨率:4:0K1HHzz;(特别适合控制细分驱动器); ●编程条数:最大 99 条; ●输入点:6 个(光电隔离); ●●一输次出连点续:位3 个移(范光围电:隔-7离99)9;999~+7999999; ●工作状态:自动运行状态、手动运行状态、程序编辑状态、参数设定状态; ●升降速曲线:2 条(最优化); ●显示功能位数:8 位数码管显示,手动/自动状态显示、运行/停止状态显示、步数/计数
停止,再反方向回到起始点。再例如要求步进电机在二个行程开关之间往复运行 n 次,
例一:..................................................................................................................................... 11 例二:..................................................................................................................................... 11 例三:..................................................................................................................................... 11 例四:..................................................................................................................................... 12 例五:..................................................................................................................................... 12 例六:一台 XC602 控制器分时控制二台步进电机驱动器.................................................13 例七:XC602--更先进的自动制袋机控制器 ....................................................................... 14 例八:XC602--更先进的自动切分机控制器 ....................................................................... 15 例九:XC602—更先进的粉剂包装控制器 ........................................................................... 16 十三、参数速查表......................................................................................................................... 17 十四、按键速查表......................................................................................................................... 18



C-150Specifications/Characteristics C-1522-Phase Stepping Motor and Driver PackageUMK SeriesⅥFeaturesⅷHigh TorqueCombines a high torque PK motor with a dedicated driver.Maximum holding torque is as follows:UMK24Ⅺ: 22 oz-in (0.16 N·m)ϳ45 oz-in (0.32 N·m)UMK24ⅪM : 22 oz-in (0.16 N·m)ϳ45 oz-in (0.32 N·m)UMK26Ⅺ:55 oz-in (0.39 N·m)ϳ191 oz-in (1.35 N·m)UMK26ⅪM :55 oz-in (0.39 N·m)ϳ191 oz-in (1.35 N·m)ⅷLow Vibration and Low NoiseRaising the torque can increase vibration and audible noise.The UMK Series was designed to ensure low vibration and low noise. For a 2-phase stepping motor running at full step,rotation is achieved by continuous 1.8˚ steps. This is a type of motion that leads naturally to vibration. T o lower vibration and noise, it is important to make rotation as smooth aspossible.The UMK Series provides high torque and low vibration.ⅷHigh-Resolution TypeThe UMK Series also includes high resolution models forwhich the basic step angle (1.8˚/step) is cut in half to 0.9˚/step (for full steps).The resolution is doubled from the 200 steps per rotation for the standard models to 400 steps per rotation. Consequently,the high-resolution model can be half-stepped to obtain 800steps per rotation.C-151Dimensions C-155Common Specifications C-154Connection and Operation C-156Motor and Driver Combinations C-160AA M 662UMK Programmable Controller MotorDriverFlexible CouplingsEMP400 Controller (Sold separately)(➝Page C-254)Mounting Brackets (Accessories)(➝Page C-291)I/O Cable with Terminal Block (Accessories)(➝Page C-264)Clean Dampers (Accessories)(Not supplied)ⅥProduct Number CodeBlank: Standard Type M :High-Resolution TypeMotor Case Length2-phaseUMK SeriesMotor Frame Size 4: 1.65 in. sq. (42 mm sq.)6:2.22 in. sq. (56.4 mm sq.)U.S.A. VersionShaft Type A : Single ShaftB : Double ShaftC-152System Configuration C-151Features C-150Specifications/Characteristics C-152How to Read Specifications Table ➝Page C-9ⅥSpeed — Torque Characteristics How to Read Speed-Torque Characteristics ➝Page C-10UMK243BAUMK264BAUMK244BAUMK266BAUMK245BAUMK268BAPulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(30)10(20)5(10)Speed [r/min]024860. o r q u e [N ·m ]C u r r e n t [A ]T o r q u e [o z -i n ]Power Input: 115 VAC Current: 2 A/Phase (2 Phases ON)2מ72)Full Step (Half Step)Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(30)10(20)5(10)Speed [r/min]0012430. o r q u e [N ·m ]C u r r e n t [A ]T o r q u e [o z -i n ]Power Input: 115 VAC Current: 1.2 A/Phase (2 Phases ON) 2מ72)Full Step (Half Step)Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(30)10(20)5(10)Speed [r/min]02460. o r q u e [N ·m ]C u r r e n t [A ]T o r q u e [o z -i n ]Power Input: 115 VAC Current: 2 A/Phase (2 Phases ON)2מ72)Full Step (Half Step)Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(30)10(20)5(10)Speed [r/min]Full Step (Half Step)1230. o r q u e [N ·m ]C u r r e n t [A ]T o r q u e [o z -i n ]Power Input: 115 VAC Current: 1.2 A/Phase (2 Phases ON) 2מ72)Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(30)10(20)5(10)Speed [r/min]Full Step (Half Step)2460. o r q u e [N ·m ]C u r r e n t [A ]T o r q u e [o z -i n ]Power Input: 115 VAC Current: 2 A/Phase (2 Phases ON)2מ72)Pulse Speed [kHz]0(0)15(30)10(20)5(10)Full Step (Half Step)Speed [r/min]01230. o r q u e [N ·m ]C u r r e n t [A ]T o r q u e [o z -i n ]Power Input: 115 VAC Current: 0.95 A/Phase (2 Phases ON) 2מ72)Standard Type Motor Frame Size: Ⅺ 1.65 in. (Ⅺ 42 mm), Ⅺ 2.22 in. (Ⅺ 56.4 mm)Note:The pulse input circuit responds up to approximately 20 kHz with a pluse duty of 50 %Note:The pulse input circuit responds up to approximately 20 kHz with a pluse duty of 50 %How to Read Specifications Table➝Page C-9ⅥSpeed — Torque Characteristics How to Read Speed-Torque Characteristics➝Page C-10UMK243MBA UMK264MBAUMK244MBA UMK266MBAUMK245MBA UMK268MBAPulse Speed [kHz](0)30(60)20(40)10(20)Speed [r/min]12430.[N·m]Current[A]Torque[oz-in]Power Input: 115 VAC Current: 2 A/Phase (2 Phases ON)2מ72)Full Step(Half Step)Pulse Speed [kHz](0)30(60)20(40)10(20)Speed [r/min][N·m]Current[A]Torque[oz-in]Power Input: 115 VAC Current: 1.2 A/Phase (2 Phases ON)2מ72)Full Step(Half Step)Pulse Speed [kHz](0)30(60)20(40)10(20)Speed [r/min]1230.[N·m]Current[A]Torque[oz-in]Power Input: 115 VAC Current: 2 A/Phase (2 Phases ON)2מ72)Full Step(Half Step)Pulse Speed [kHz](0)30(60)20(40)10(20)Speed [r/min]Full Step(Half Step)0.511.[N·m]Current[A]Torque[oz-in]Power Input: 115 VAC Current: 1.2 A/Phase (2 Phases ON)2מ72)Pulse Speed [kHz](0)30(60)20(40)10(20)Speed [r/min]Full Step(Half Step)1230.[N·m]Current[A]Torque[oz-in]Power Input: 115 VAC Current: 2 A/Phase (2 Phases ON)2מ72)Pulse Speed [kHz](0)30(60)20(40)10(20)Full Step(Half Step)Speed [r/min]0.511.[N·m]Current[A]Torque[oz-in]Power Input: 115 VAC Current: 0.95 A/Phase (2 Phases ON)2מ72)High-Resolution Type Motor Frame Size: Ⅺ 1.65 in. (Ⅺ 42 mm), Ⅺ 2.22 in. (Ⅺ 56.4 mm)C-153 Dimensions C-155Common Specifications C-154Connection and Operation C-156Motor and Driver Combinations C-160C-154System Configuration C-151Features C-150Specifications/Characteristics C-152ⅥCommon SpecificationsⅥGeneral SpecificationsC-155Dimensions C-155Common Specifications C-154Connection and Operation C-156Motor and Driver Combinations C-160Unit = Upper values: lb./Lower values: NⅥDimensions Scale 1/4, Unit = inch (mm)ⅷStandard and High-Resolution Type Motors z Motor Frame Size: Ⅺ1.65 in. (Ⅺ42 mm)✽The length of machining on double shaft model is 0.591Ϯ0.010(15Ϯ0.25).x Motor Frame Size: Ⅺ2.22 in. (Ⅺ56.4 mm)●These dimensions are for double shaft models. For single shaft models, ignore the shaded areas.C-156System Configuration C-151Features C-150Specifications/Characteristics C-152ⅷDriverc UDK2109A, UDK2112A, UDK2120AWeight: 1 lb. (0.47 kg) d B087ⅷMounting Bracket A (2 pieces, included)ⅥConnection and OperationzxcPower Input TerminalszSignal Monitor Displayx Current Adjustment Switchesc Function Select SwitchesC-157Dimensions C-155Connection and Operation C-156Motor and Driver Combinations C-160ⅥConnection DiagramsControllerDriverࡗPower SupplyCan be used with a single-phase 115 VAC, 60 Hz or 100 VAC, 50/60 Hz power supply. Use a power supply that can supply sufficient input current. If power supply capacity is insufficient, a decrease in motor output can cause the following malfunctions:• Motor does not rotate properly at high-speed (insufficient torque).• Slow motor startup and stopping.Notes :• Keep the voltage Vo between 5 VDC and 24 VDC. When it is equal to 5VDC, the external resistance R 1is not necessary. When it is above 5 VDC,connect R 1to keep the current between 10 mA and 20 mA, and connect R 2to keep the current below 10 mA.• Use twisted-pair wire of AWG 24 or thicker and 6.6 feet (2 m) or less in length for the signal line.• Note that as the length of the pulse signal line increases, the maximum transmission frequency decrease.(➝Technical Reference Page F-36)• Use AWG 20 or thicker for motor lines (when extended) and power supply lines, and use AWG 18 or thicker for the wire for the grouding line.• Use spot grounding for the grounding of the driver and external controller.• Signal lines should be kept at least 3.9 inches (10 cm) away from power lines (power supply lines and motor lines). Do not bind the signal line and power line together.• Use open collector transistors (sink type) for the signal output sections of the controller.ࡗTerminalsCrimp terminals are not provided with the package.C-158System Configuration C-151Features C-150Specifications/Characteristics C-152ⅥDescription of Input/Output SignalsPulse (CW) Input and Rotation Direction (CCW)Input SignalThe characters indicate signals under the 1-pulse input mode, while the characters in parentheses indicate signals under the 2-pulse input mode.Note:• When Vo is equal to 5 VDC, the external resistance (R) is not necessary. When Vo is above 5 VDC, connect the external resistance (R) and keep the input current between 10 mA and 20 mA.1-Pulse Input Mode Pulse Signal"Pulse" signal is input to the pulse signal terminal. When the photocoupler state changes from "ON" to "OFF", the motor rotates one step. The direction of rotation is determined by the following rotation direction signal.Rotation Direction SignalThe "Rotation Direction" signal is input to the rotationdirection signal input terminal. A "photocoupler ON" signal input commands a clockwise direction rotation. A "photocoupler OFF" signal input commands a counterclockwise direction rotation.2-Pulse Input ModeCW and CCW refer to clockwise and counterclockwise direction respectively, from a reference point of facing the motor output shaft.CW Pulse SignalWhen the photocoupler state changes from "ON" to "OFF",the motor rotates one step in the clockwise direction.CCW Pulse SignalWhen the photocoupler is state changes from "ON" to "OFF", the motor rotates one step in the counterclockwise direction.ࡗPulse Waveform Characteristics(Photocoupler state corresponding to the input pulse)✽The shaded area indicates when the photocoupler is ON. The motor moves when the photocoupler state changes from ON to OFF as indicated by theࡗPulse Signal Characteristics• The pulse voltage is 4.5 to 5V in the "photocoupler ON"state, and 0 to 1V in the "photocoupler OFF" state.• Input pulse signals should have a pulse width over 2µs,pulse rise/fall time below 1µs and a pulse duty below 50%.• Keep the pulse signal at "photocoupler OFF" when no pulse is being input.• The minimum interval time when changing rotation direction is 50 ␮s.This value varies greatly depending on the motor type,pulse frequency and load inertia. It may be necessary to increase this time interval.•In 1-pulse input mode, leave the pulse signal at rest ("photocoupler OFF") when changing rotation directions.All Windings Off (A.W.OFF) Input Signal Note:• When Vo is equal to 5 VDC, the external resistance (R) is not necessary. When Vo is above 5 VDC, connect the external resistance (R) and keep the input current between 10 mA and 20 mA.When the "All Windings Off " signal is in the "photocoupler ON" state, the current to the motor is cut off and motor torque is reduced to zero. The motor output shaft can then be rotated freely by hand.When the "All Windings Off " signal is in the "photocoupler OFF" state, the motor holding torque is proportional to the current set by the current adjustment rotary switches. During motor operation be sure to keep the signal in the "photocoupler OFF" state.This signal is used when moving the motor by external force or manual home position is desired. If this function is not needed, it is not necessary to connect this terminal.Switching the "All Windings Off " signal from "photocoupler ON" to "photocoupler OFF" does not alter the excitation sequence.When the motor shaft is manually adjusted with the "All Windings Off " signal input, the shaft will shift up to Ϯ3.6˚from the position set after the "All Windings Off " signal is released.C-159Dimensions C-155Common Specifications C-154Connection and Operation C-156Motor and Driver Combinations C-160Excitation Timing Signal (TIM.) Output SignalNote:• Keep the voltage between 5 VDC and 24 VDC.Keep the current below 10 mA.If the current exceeds 10 mA, connect external resistance (R).The "Excitation Timing" signal is output to indicate when the motor excitation (current flowing through the winding) is in the initial stage (step "0" at power up).The "Excitation Timing" signal can be used to increase the accuracy of home position detection by setting themechanical home position of your equipment (for example, a photo-sensor) to coincide with the excitation sequence initial stage (step "0").The motor excitation stage changes simultaneously with pulse input, and returns to the initial stage for each 7.2˚rotation of the motor output shaft.When the power is turned ON, the excitation sequence is reset to step "0".The TIM. LED lights when the "Excitation Timing" signal is output. While the motor is rotating, the LED will turn ON and OFF at a high speed and will appear to be continuously lit.The "Excitation Timing" signal is output simultaneously with a pulse input each time the excitation sequence returns to step "0".The excitation sequence will complete one cycle for every 7.2˚ rotation of the motor output shaft.Full Step (the switch is set to F position): Signal is output once every 4 pulses.Half Step (the switch is set to H position): Signal is output once every 8 pulses.Timing chart at full stepNotes:●When the power is turned ON, the excitation sequence is reset to STEP 0and the LED lights up.●The LED flashes quickly while the motor runs, appearing continuously lit.✽When connected as shown in the example connection, the signal will be “photocoupler ON” at step “0” .Overheat (O.HEAT) Output SignalNote:• Keep the voltage between 5 VDC and 24 VDC.Keep the current below 10 mA.If the current exceeds 10 mA, connect external resistance (R).The "Overheat" signal is output to protect the driver against burnout when its internal temperature rises abnormally high due to high ambient temperature. The O.HEA T lamp on the front panel lights up when output.When used as shown in the sample connection with the overheat output logic switch set to NO, the signal becomes "photocoupler ON". (Switch to NC to set to the "photocoupler OFF".)If the A.C.O. (Automatic Current OFF) function is set, the output current to the motor drops to zero and the motor stops automatically.When the "Overheat" signal is output, check the operating conditions (ambient temperature, driver settings) and cool the driver.The "Overheat" signal automatically releases as the internal temperature of the driver drops. The overheat signal turns "photocoupler OFF" and the O.HEA T indicator turns off.C-160Enter A (single shaft) or B (double shaft) in the box (Ⅺ) within the model numbers.ⅥTiming Chart✽1Switching time to change CW, CCW pulse (2-pulse input mode)Switching time to change direction (1-pulse input mode) 50 ␮s is shown as a response time of circuit. Motor needs a time more than that.✽2Depends on load inertia, load torque, start frequency.✽3Never input a step pulse signal immediately after switching the "All Winding Off" signal to the photocoupler off state. The motor may not start.✽4Wait 5 seconds before cycling the power on.MotorPower InputCW Pulse Input Signal CCW Pulse Input Signal Pulse Input Signal All Windings OFF Input Signal Rotation Direction Input Signal 1-Pulse Input Mode2-Pulse Input ModeCWON ON ONON ONON。



第1篇一、实验目的1. 理解步进电机的工作原理及控制方法。

2. 掌握单片机与步进电机驱动模块的接口连接方法。

3. 学习使用C语言编写程序,实现对步进电机的正反转、转速和定位控制。

4. 通过实验,加深对单片机控制系统的理解。


步进电机控制实验主要涉及以下几个方面:1. 步进电机驱动模块:常用的驱动模块有ULN2003、A4988等,它们可以将单片机的数字信号转换为步进电机的控制信号。

2. 单片机:单片机是整个控制系统的核心,负责接收按键输入、处理数据、控制步进电机驱动模块等。

3. 步进电机:步进电机分为单相、双相和三相等类型,本实验使用的是双相四线步进电机。

三、实验设备1. 单片机开发板:例如STC89C52、STM32等。

2. 步进电机驱动模块:例如ULN2003、A4988等。

3. 双相四线步进电机。

4. 按键。

5. 数码管。

6. 电阻、电容等元件。

7. 电源。

四、实验步骤1. 硬件连接(1)将步进电机驱动模块的输入端(IN1、IN2、IN3、IN4)分别连接到单片机的P1.0、P1.1、P1.2、P1.3口。





2. 编写程序(1)初始化单片机I/O端口,设置P1口为输出端口,P3.0口为输入端口,P2口为输出端口。



(4)编写主函数,实现以下功能:a. 初始化数码管显示;b. 读取按键状态;c. 根据按键状态调用步进电机控制函数;d. 更新数码管显示。

3. 调试程序(1)将程序烧写到单片机中;(2)打开电源,观察数码管显示和步进电机运行状态;(3)根据需要调整程序,实现不同的控制效果。

VD2 两相步进电机驱动器 用户手册说明书

VD2 两相步进电机驱动器 用户手册说明书

目录1 简介 (3)1.1 概述 (3)1.2 特性 (3)2 产品功能框图 (4)3 性能指标 (4)3.1 电气指标 (4)3.2 环境指标 (4)4 端口与接线 (5)4.1 电源连接 (5)4.2 电机连接 (6)4.3 控制信号连接 (7)4.3.1 脉冲&方向信号 (7)4.3.2 使能信号 (7)4.3.3 控制信号输入示例 (7)4.3.4 驱动器状态指示灯 (8)5 驱动器运行参数设定 (9)5.1 电流设定 (9)5.2 自动减流设定 (9)5.3 细分设定 (10)5.4 自检 (10)5.5 细分插补 (10)5.6 负载惯量选定 (11)5.7 数字信号滤波选定 (11)6 安装 (12)7.1 机械尺寸 (12)7.2 驱动器安装 (12)1 简介感谢您选择我司的驱动器。



1.1 概述VD2系列两相步进电机驱动器是基于PID电流控制算法设计的高性价比细分型驱动器,具有优越的性能表现,高速大力矩输出,低噪音,低振动,低发热,特别适合OEM客户的大批量应用场合。


1.2 特性■供电电源 VD2:12 - 48 VDC■输出电流拨码开关设定,8种选择,最大2.2安培(峰值)■电流控制 PID电流控制算法,高速大力矩输出,低振动,低噪音,低发热■细分设置拨码开关设定,16种选择: 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600,1000, 2000, 4000, 5000, 8000, 10000, 20000, 25000 step/rev■速度范围选配合适的步进电机,最高可达3000rpm■共振抑制自动计算共振点,抑制中频振动■系统自测驱动器上电初始化自动检测电机参数并由此优化电机电流算法和抗共振电子阻尼系数■控制方式脉冲&方向模式,双脉冲模式■输入滤波拨码开关选择,2MHZ/150KHz数字信号滤波器■空闲电流拨码开关选择在电机停止运行后1.0秒电流会自动减为运行电流的50%或90%■产品自检拨码开关启停,电机以1rev/s速度做正反转两圈往复运动■负载惯量拨码开关选择高低不同的负载惯量,使系统运行在最佳状态■细分插补拨码开关选定,可降低电机运转的振动,提高运行的平滑性2 产品功能框图3 性能指标3.1 电气指标驱动器参数最小值典型值最大值单位供电电压12-48VDC 输出电流(峰值)0.3- 2.2Amps控制信号导通电流61015mA步进脉冲频率2-2M Hz步进脉冲宽度250--ns方向信号宽度50--us欠压保护点-10-VDC过压保护点-52-VDC输入信号电压 4.0-28VDC驱动器初始化时间-- 2.5S 3.2 环境指标冷却方式自然冷却或强制冷却使用环境使用场合避免粉尘,油雾及腐蚀性气体工作环境温度0-40°C [32 - 104°F]最高环境湿度90% RH(无结露)存储温度-10-70°C [14 - 158°F]振动 5.9m/s2 maxBlock DiagramVD24 端口与接线请参照接口关系图,使用VD2驱动器,需要做以下准备:12-48VDC 合适功率的直流电源控制信号源相匹配的步进电机(为取得最佳性能,请与英国AML 的真空步进电机相匹配)4.1 电源连接如果您的电源输出端没有保险丝或一些别的限制短路电流的装置,可在电源和驱动器之间放置一个适当规格的快速熔断保险丝(规格不得超过3Amps)以保护驱动器和电源,请将该保险丝串联于电源的正极和驱动器的V+之间。





高速时力矩也大大高于其它二相驱动器,定位精度高,广泛用于雕刻机,数控机床,包装机械等分辨率要求较高的设备上!主要特点1 平均电流控制,两相正弦电流驱动输出2 直流18~50V供电3 光电隔离信号输入/输出4 有过压、欠压、过流、相间短路保护功能5 十五档细分和自动半流功能6 八档输出相电流设置7 具有脱机命令输人端子8 电机的扭矩与它的转速有关,而与电机每转的步数无关9 高启动转速10.高速力矩大一、电气参数输入电压直流18~50V输入输入电流小于4安培输出电流 1.0A~4.2A功耗功耗:80W;内部保险:6A温度工作温度-10~45℃;存放温度-40℃~70℃湿度不能结露,不能有水珠气体禁止有可燃气体和导电灰尘重量200克图1是驱动器的接线原理图1、控制信号定义PLS/CW+:步进脉冲信号输入正端或正向步进脉冲信号输入正端PLS/CW-:步进脉冲信号输入负端或正向步进脉冲信号输入负端DIR/CCW+:步进方向信号输入正端或反向步进脉冲信号输入正端DIR/CCW-:步进方向信号输入负端或反向步进脉冲信号输入负端ENA+:脱机使能复位信号输入正端ENA-:脱机使能复位信号输入负端脱机使能信号有效时复位驱动器故障,禁止任何有效的脉冲,驱动器的输出功率元件被关闭,电机无保持扭矩。



ME-268A离子风机测试仪使用说明书目录第一部分技术参数第一页第二部分概述第二页第三部分操作第四页第四部分维修第六页附录1 可调计时器综合静电测试仪第七页充电板/探头组合件:按照EOS/ESD协会标准设计标准三脚架安装尺寸:6“*6”容量:整个充电测试电路带一个20皮法的充电板(±2皮法)充电板自动放电:在25℃,50%RH条件下,能在5分钟内将设定的静电压降至原来的10%以上电源:静电测试仪:范围:0-±7500伏;0-±2000伏开关可调精度:高于2%偏移值:10分钟到90%满刻度变化仅需不到100ms时间输出:将输入值分成1000份,电容阻抗为100W计时器:满刻度的999.9%(>16分钟),0.1秒,清晰度电源:117或220伏±10%(工厂预设),50/60Hz,5磅第二部分概述268A型综合静电测试仪分成两个部分,每个部分均采用十脚线缆连接,附加在充电板上的顶部结构就是测试仪的部分,使用时需放在测试现场,带控制及显示器的下面部分需放在便于操作的位置,不过,操作位置需远离监测器。















□42 □56.4
PK244PA 0.39 N·m
机型 品名 保持转矩
PK264-02A 0.39 N·m
2相步进电动机 2相 电动机安装尺寸 电动机外壳 电动机分类 A∶单转轴
B ∶双转轴
SG∶SH减速机型 减速比
◇安装尺寸 42mm、60mm、90mm
PK 2 6 4 A 1 - SG 10
2相步进电动机 2相 电动机安装尺寸 电动机外壳
品名(单转轴) PK243M-01A PK243M-02A PK243M-03A PK244M-01A PK244M-02A PK244M-03A PK245M-01A PK245M-02A PK245M-03A PK264M-01A PK264M-02A PK264M-03A PK266M-01A PK266M-02A PK266M-03A PK268M-01A PK268M-02A PK268M-03A
0.2 0.02
0.1 0.01
PK223PB-SG7.2 PK223PB-SG9 PK223PB-SG10 PK223PB-SG18 PK223PB-SG36 PK243B1-SG3.6 PK243B2-SG3.6 PK243B1-SG7.2 PK243B2-SG7.2 PK243B1-SG9 PK243B2-SG9 PK243B1-SG10 PK243B2-SG10 PK243B1-SG18 PK243B2-SG18 PK243B1-SG36 PK243B2-SG36 PK243B1-SG50 PK243B1-SG100 PK264B1-SG3.6 PK264B2-SG3.6 PK264B1-SG7.2 PK264B2-SG7.2 PK264B1-SG9 PK264B2-SG9 PK264B1-SG10 PK264B2-SG10 PK264B1-SG18 PK264B2-SG18 PK264B1-SG36 PK264B2-SG36 PK264B2-SG50 PK264B2-SG100 PK296B1-SG3.6 PK296B2-SG3.6 PK296B1-SG7.2 PK296B2-SG7.2 PK296B1-SG9 PK296B2-SG9 PK296B1-SG10 PK296B2-SG10 PK296B1-SG18 PK296B2-SG18 PK296B1-SG36 PK296B2-SG36




尤其是在医疗行业中,比如在X 光扫描方面,都会用到电机,步进电机的优点使其成为医疗行业里最为适用的电机。

本设计中的多轴控制系统可以运用在X 光扫描仪等多种仪器上。

本设计选用STC89C55RD+型单片机作为核心控制单元,实现M35SP-7 型步进电机的多轴运动控制,并通过RS232 串口实现与上位PC 机通讯功能。

设计中运用单片机软件编程方式实现步进电机环形分配器功能,用P1.0 口、P1.1 口、P1.2 口和P1.3 口分别控制四相步进电机的A 相、B 相、C 相和D 相绕组的通电顺序,软件上采用查表方法实现单双八拍工作方式环形脉冲分配。

步进电机驱动部分采用ULN2003A 驱动芯片,实现功率放大,驱动步进电机。

最后使用Proteus 软件绘制了单片机控制步进电机多轴运动的原理图。


关键词单片机,步进电机,多轴运动,串口通讯AbstractStepper motor is an implementing mechanism that convert the electronic pulse intoangle displacement.Its speed and the stop position only about the frequency and pulse several of the pulse signal,its characteristics are minor error,easy to control and so on,itis widely applied to mechanical, electronic, textile, chemical, oil, etc. Especially in themedical industry,such as an x-ray scanning,need motors.Stepper motor's advantagesmake it become the most suitable medical industry machine.The multi-axis control system in the design can be used on a variety of instruments such as an x-ray scanning.This design choose STC89C55RD + SCM as the core of the control unit,to realizeM35SP-7 type stepper motor's multi-axis control,and use RS232 serial to realize PC communication function.This design use SCM software programming realize steppermotor circular distribution function,P1.0, P1.1, P1.2 and P1.3 respectively controllingA, B, C and D phases' electricity order on the four phase step motor's.Software is usedon look-up table method teak eight single working way circular pulse distribution.Thisdesign use ULN2003A realize power amplifier to drive stepper motor.Finally using Proteus to draw the principle diagram of the SCM control stepper motor multi-axis motion.The above design experiments showed is effective and feasible.Keywords:SCM, Stepper Motor, Multi-axis motion, serial communication目录第一章引言 (1)1.1 选题背景 (1)1.2 研究意义 (1)1.3 发展状况 (2)1.4 课题主要研究的内容 (3)第二章控制系统硬件设计 (4)2.1 单片机控制系统原理 (4)2.1.1 单片机的种类 (4)2.1.2 单片机的发展历程 (4)2.1.3 51 单片机的引脚安排 (5)2.1.4 单片机的结构 (7)2.2 步进电机 (11)2.2.1 M35SP-7 步进马达的性能参数 (12)2.2.2 步进电机原理 (13)2.2.3 驱动控制系统组成 (18)2.2.4 步进电机的应用 (21)2.2.5 步进电机的单片机控制 (22)2.2.6 步进电机的多轴联动 (23)2.3 ULN2003A驱动芯片 (24)第三章上位机通讯设计 (26)3.1 RS232 通信 (26)3.1.1 RS232 的电气特性 (27)3.1.2 连接器的机械特性 (28)3.1.3 RS232 的接口信号 (30)第四章系统的软件设计 (34)4.1 单片机程序设计 (34)4.2 程序实现与调试 (34)第五章结论与展望 (37)5.1 结论 (37)5.2 展望 (37)参考文献 (38)致谢 (40)附录 (41)声明 (48)第一章引言1.1 选题背景不仅在大型工业中,在医疗过程中也需要机械的帮助,利用步进电机的多轴控制可以让医疗设备精确的扫描人体的各个部位,为治疗带来更精确的数据来正确、快速的治疗病人。








该系统以微机作为上位机,AT89C 51单片机作为下位机。








关键词:计算机串行口MSComm 51单片机步进电机IAbstractAbstractThis paper, we introduces a stepper motor system which controlled by SCM. In the Electrical era today, Motor has been playing a very important role in the modernization of production and life. Stepper motor is a common used implementing agency in motor control. The principle is by switching the coil current and the order in its each phase to make a step-by-step rotary motor.The outstanding advantages of step motor are that it can realize speed regulation, quick startup and stop, positive-reverse control, brake and so on by changing the frequency of pulse. In addition, the open-loop system that consisted of the step motor is simple, cheap and reliability. Therefore its application is very extensive in many fields.Though system testing, it can be very convenient to control the stepper motor, such as acceleration , deceleration,exigency stop so as to achieve the desired objectives. The whole system is simple in structure with characteristics of high reliability, low cost and practicality which has a higher universal characteristic and the promotional and applied value.Keywords: computer MSComm Single-chip microprocessor Stepper motoII目录目录摘要 ····································································································错误!未定义书签。



HM-7423-22-Phase Stepping MotorPK Series PL Geared Type Thank you for purchasing an Oriental Motor product.This Operating Manual describes product handling procedures and safety precautions.• Please read it thoroughly to ensure safe operation.• Always keep the manual where it is readily available.Before using the motorOnly qualified personnel should work with the product.Use the product correctly after thoroughly reading the section “Safety precautions”.The product described in this manual has been designed and manufactured for use in general industrial machinery, and must not be used for any other purpose. For the power supply use a DC power supply with reinforced insulation on its primary and secondary sides. Oriental Motor Co., Ltd. is not responsible for any damage caused through failure to observe this warning. Hazardous substancesRoHS (Directive 2002/95/EC 27Jan.2003) compliantThe precautions described below are intended to prevent danger or injury to the user and other personnel through safe, correct use of the product. Use the product only after carefully reading and fully understanding these instructions.WarningHandling the product without observing the instructions that accompany a “Warning” symbol may result in serious injury or death.• Do not use the product in explosive or corrosive environments, in the presence of flammable gases, locations subjected to splashing water, or near combustibles. Doing so may result in fire or injury.• Assign qualified personnel the task of installing, wiring,operating/controlling, inspecting and troubleshooting the product. Failure to do so may result in fire or injury.• Provide a means to hold moving parts in place for applications involving vertical travel. The motor loses holding torque when the power is shut off, allowing the moving parts to fall and possibly causing injury or damage to equipment.• Install the motor in an enclosure in order to prevent injury.• Keep the input-power voltage within the specified range to avoid fire. • Connect the cables securely according to the wiring diagram in order to prevent fire.• Do not forcibly bend or push the connector. Doing so may fire.• Do not forcibly bend, pull or pinch the cable. Doing so may fire.• For the power supply use a DC power supply with reinforced insulation on its primary and secondary sides. Failure to do so may result in electric shock.• Turn off the power in the event of a power failure, or the motor will suddenly start when the power is restored and may cause injury or damage to equipment.• Do not disassemble or modify the motor. This may cause injury. Refer all such internal inspections and repairs to the branch or sales office from which you purchased the product.CautionHandling the product without observing the instructions that accompany a “Caution” symbol may result in injury or property damage.• Do not use the motor beyond its specifications, or injury or damage to equipment may result.• Do not touch the motor during operation or immediately after stopping. The surface is hot and may cause a burn.• Do not hold the motor output shaft or motor cable. This may cause injury. • To prevent bodily injury, do not touch the rotating parts (output shaft) of the motor during operation. • Immediately when trouble has occurred, stop running and turn off the driver power. Failure to do so may result in fire or injury.• Provide an emergency-stop device or emergency-stop circuit external to the equipment so that the entire equipment will operate safely in the event of a system failure or malfunction. Failure to do so may result in injury. • To dispose of the motor, disassemble it into parts and components as much as possible and dispose of individual parts/components as industrial waste. • Conduct the insulation resistance measurement or withstand voltage test separately on the motor and the driverConducting the insulation resistance measurement or withstand voltage test with the motor and driver connected may result in injury or damage to equipment.• About grease of geared motorOn rare occasions, a small amount of grease may ooze out from the gearhead. If there is concern over possible environmental damage resulting from the leakage of grease, check for grease stains during regular inspections. Alternatively, install an oil pan or other device to prevent leakage from causing further damage. Oil leakage may lead to problems in the customer’s equipment or products.• Allowable torqueOperate the motor by making sure the sum of the acceleration/deceleration torque at the starting/stopping of the motor and the load (friction) torque doesn’t exceed the allowable torque. Operating the motor in excess of the allowable torque may result in a damaged gear.• Allowable speed rangeOperate the motor at speeds within the allowable range. Operating the motor at a speed outside the allowable range may result in a shorter gear life. • BacklashThe gear output shaft is subject to backlash of 20 to 35´. To reduce the effect of backlash, perform positioning operations from one direction only-either from the CW direction or the CCW direction.• Rotating direction of the gear output shaftRotating direction of the gear output shaft and the motor shaft are same direction.Verify that the items listed below are included. Report any missing or damaged items to the branch or sales office from which you purchased the product. Check the motor model number against the number shown on the nameplate.• Motor...............................................................1 unit• Motor cable [0.6 m (2 ft.)]..............................1 pc. (PK2 -L only)∗ represents an alpha numeric indicating the motor type.• OPERATING MANUAL (this document).....1 copyLocation for installationThe motor is designed and manufactured for installation in equipment. Install it in a well-ventilated location that provides easy access for inspection. The location must also satisfy the following conditions:• Inside an enclosure that is installed indoors (provide vent holes)• Ambient temperature: −10 to +50 °C (+14 to +122 °F) (non-freezing) • Ambient humidity: 85% or less (non-condensing)• Area that is free of explosive atmosphere or toxic gas (such as sulfuric gas) or liquid• Area not exposed to direct sun• Area free of excessive amount of dust, iron particles or the like• Area not subject to splashing water (rain, water droplets), oil (oil droplets) or other liquids• Area free of excessive salt• Area not subject to continuous vibration or excessive shocks• Area free of excessive electromagnetic noise (from welders, power machinery, etc.)• Area free of radioactive materials, magnetic fields or vacuumInstallation methodInstall the motor onto an appropriate flat metal plate having excellentvibration resistance and heat conductivity. When installing the motor, secure it with four bolts (not supplied) through the four mounting holes provided.holderMotor type Bolt size Tightening torque [N·m (oz-in)] Effective depth [mm (in.)] PK244P M4 2 (280) 8 (0.315) PK26 PM52.5 (350)10 (0.394)∗ Enter the motor length in the box ( ) within the model number.Permissible overhung load and permissible thrust loadThe overhung load and thrust load on the motor’s output shaft or gear output shaft must be kept within the permissible values listed below.Permissible overhung load [N (lb.)]Distance from the tip of motor’s outputshaft [mm (in.)]Motor type0 (0) 5 (0.20) 10 (0.39) 15 (0.59) 20(0.79) Permissible thrust load [N (lb.)] PK244PD -P5 PK244PD-P10 73 (16.4) 84 (18.9) 100 (22) 123(27) − 50 (11.2)PK244PD -P36 109 (24) 127 (28) 150 (33) 184(41) − 50 (11.2)PK266PD -P5 200 (45) 220 (49) 250 (56) 280 (63) 320(72) 100 (22)PK266PD -P10 250 (56) 270 (60) 300 (67) 340 (76) 390(87) 100 (22)PK264PD -P36330 (74) 360 (81) 400 (90) 450 (101) 520(117)100 (22)∗ Enter A (single shaft) or B (double shaft) in the box ( ) within the modelname.Installing a loadWhen connecting a load to the motor, align the centers of the motor’s output shaft and load shaft. Be careful not to damage the output shaft or the bearings when installing a coupling or pulley to the motor’s output shaft.Connecting with a keyWith a geared motor, to connect a load to the gear output shaft having a key groove, first provide a key groove on the load and fix the load with the gear output shaft using the supplied key.B ARed (3)Blue (1)(4) Black (6) GreenPin assignmentsWiring diagram ( ) Pin numberPin No.2 and 5 are not used.The colors of lead wires shown apply to the supplied cable or optional motor cable. If you are using the connector set or when you are providing your own connector or cable, connect based on the pin numbers shown.The applicable connector and the cable are as follows.Applicable connector and cableMotortypeHousing Contact (Molex) CableCrimping tool (Molex)PK244P 51103-060050351-8XXXAWG28 to 22 (0.08 to 0.3 mm 2) Cable outer diameterØ1.15 to 1.8 mm (0.045 to 0.071 in.) Stripping the cable2.3 to 2.8 mm (0.091 to 0.11 in.) 57295-5000PK26 P51067-060050217-9XXX AWG24 to 18 (0.2 to 0.75 mm 2) Cable outer diameterØ1.4 to 3 mm (0.055 to 0.118) Stripping the cable3 to 3.5 mm (0.118 to 0.138 in.)57189-500057190-5000∗ Optional motor cables and connector set (sold separately) are available from Oriental Motor.Note• Secure the motor connector cable in place so that the connection won’t be subjected to stress induced by a bent cable or the cable’s own mass. The cable’s radius of curvature should be as large as possible.• When removing the motor cable, pull it out horizontally toward the output shaft. The motor may be damaged if force is applied in any other direction. The motor cable for the PK244P and PK26 P (both supplied and sold separately) employs a connector with a lock. When removing this type of cable, release the connector lock first. Forcibly pulling out the cable without releasing the connector lock may damage the motor.InspectionIt is recommended that periodic inspections be conducted for the items listed below after each operation of the motor. If an abnormal condition is noted, discontinue any use and contact your nearest office.• Check for any unusual noises in the motor’s bearings (ball bearings) or other moving parts.• Are there any loose connector connections, or any scratches or signs of stress in the motor cable?• Are the motor’s output shaft and load shaft out of alignment?• Unauthorized reproduction or copying of all or part of this manual is prohibited.• Oriental Motor shall not be liable whatsoever for any problems relating to industrial property rights arising from use of any information, circuit, equipment or device provided or referenced in this manual.• Characteristics, specifications and dimensions are subject to change without notice.• While we make every effort to offer accurate information in themanual, we welcome your input. Should you find unclear descriptions, errors or omissions, please contact the nearest office. • is a registered trademark or trademark of Oriental Motor Co., Ltd., in Japan and other countries.© Copyright ORIENTAL MOTOR CO., LTD. 2009Printed on Recycled Paper• Please contact your nearest Oriental Motor office for further information.Headquarters Tokyo, JapanTel:(03)3835-0684 Fax:(03)3835-1890Tel:01 47 86 97 50Fax:01 47 82 45 16Tel:(02)8228-0707 Fax:(02)8228-0708Technical Support Tel:(800)468-39828:30 A.M. to 5:00 P .M., P .S.T. (M-F)7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P .M., C.S.T. (M-F)E-mail:*****************************Headquarters and Düsseldorf Office Tel:0211-52067-00 Fax:0211-52067-099Munich Office Tel:089-3181225-00 Fax:089-3181225-25Hamburg Office Tel:040-76910443Fax:040-76910445Tel:01256-347090 Fax:01256-347099Tel:02-93906346 Fax:02-93906348Tel:(6745)7344 Fax:(6745)9405KOREATel:(032)822-2042~3 Fax:(032)819-8745Tel:(03)22875778 Fax:(03)22875528Tel:66-2-254-6113 Fax:66-2-254-6114。



ANYANG INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY专科毕业论文基于AT89C52的红外遥控小车设计An Infrared Telecontrol Car Based on The AT89C52 Chip系(院)名称:电子信息与电气工程系专业班级:学生姓名:指导教师姓名:指导教师职称:讲师2009年5月目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)第一章绪论 (1)1.1 课题背景 (1)1.2 设计要求 (1)1.3 设计方案 (1)第二章硬件设计 (2)2.1 AT89C52单片机 (2)2.1.1 单片机选型 (2)2.1.2 AT89C52单片机的硬件结构简介 (2)2.1.3 单片机的中断 (7)2.1.4 单片机输出控制隔离电路 (7)2.2 电源电路 (8)2.2.1集成稳压块选型 (8)2.2.2 集成稳压块7805介绍 (8)2.2.3单片机5V电源的获得 (9)2.3 红外遥控与接收 (9)2.3.1 PWM(Pulse Width Modulation)脉宽调制技术 (9)2.3.2红外接收电路 (11)2.3.3用单片机解码红外信号 (13)2.4 直流电机 (14)2.4.1直流电机工作原理 (14)2.4.2 电机驱动芯片L298 (15)2.4.3电机驱动电路和保护电路 (18)2.5 硬件原理总图 (19)第三章软件设计 (20)3.1 产品主程序的设计 (20)3.2 程序流程图 (24)第四章安装与调试 (25)4.1 安装制作 (25)4.2 调试 (25)结论 (27)致谢 (28)参考文献 (29)基于AT89C52的红外遥控小车设计专业班级:06通信技术学生姓名:王利强指导教师:杨丽飞职称:讲师摘要:本设计是以单片机(AT89C52)为核心,利用小功率芯片L298驱动直流电机,通过脉宽调制技术控制电机的正反转和转速;利用单片机提供的中断功能和指令系统接收由红外传感器发出的中断信号,并查找相应的中断服务子程序,执行相应的指令,控制并改变直流电机的运行状态,从而实现小车的前进、后退、左转、右转及慢速前进、慢速后退等。



TB6560步进电机驱动器使用手册V1.1目录一、产品简介 (3)1. 概述 (3)2. 应用领域 (3)3. 整机介绍 (3)二、驱动器接口和接线介绍 (4)1. 输入接口描述 (4)2. 电源与电机接口描述 (5)3. 接线要求 (6)三、电流、细分拨码开关设定和参数设置 (6)1. 运行电流设置 (6)2. 停止电流设置 (6)3. 细分数设置 (7)4. 衰减方式设置 (7)四、输入电压和输出电流选用 (7)1. 供电电压的选用 (7)2. 输出电流的设定值 (7)五、常见问题 (8)1. 应用中常见问题和处理方法 (8)2. 驱动器常见问题答用户问 (8)六、模块外形尺寸 (9)七、产品保修条款 (9)1. 三年保修期 (9)2. 不属保修之列 (9)一、产品简介1. 概述TB6560步进电机驱动器是由我公司自主研发的一款具有高稳定性、可靠性和抗干扰性的经济型步进电机驱动器,适用于各种工业控制环境。

该驱动器主要用于驱动35、39、42、57 型4、6、8线两相混合式步进电机。

其细分数有4 种,最大16细分;其驱动电流范围为0.3A-3A,输出电流共有14 档,电流的分辨率约为0.2A;具有自动半流,低压关断、过流保护和过热停车功能。

2. 应用领域适合各种中大型自动化设备,例如:雕刻机、切割机、包装机械、电子加工设备、自动装配设备等。

3. 整机介绍二、驱动器接口和接线介绍1. 输入接口描述TB6560驱动器采用差分式接口电路可适用于差分信号,单端共阴及共阳等接口,通过高速光耦进行隔离,允许接收长线驱动器,集电极开路和PNP输出电路的信号。


现在以集电极开路和PNP输出为例,接口电路示意图如下:2. 电源与电机接口描述TB6560驱动器采用直流电源供电,供电电压范围为8V DC-35V DC,建议使用24V DC 供电。




THB6128高细分两相混合式步进电机驱动芯片一、 特性:● 双全桥MOSFET驱动,低导通电阻Ron=0.55Ω● 最高耐压36VDC,大电流2.2A(峰值)● 多种细分可选(1、1/2、1/4、1/8、1/16、1/32、1/64、1/128) ● 自动半流锁定功能● 快衰、慢衰、混合式衰减三种衰减方式可选● 内置温度保护及过流保护二、 管脚图:三、 管脚说明:端子No 端子符号 端子说明17 DOWN 通电锁定时输出端14,23 SGND 信号地20 OSC1 斩波频率设定电容连接端18 FDT 衰减模式选择电压输入端15 VREF 电流设定端11 VMB B相 电机电源连接端28 M1 细分设置端27 M2 细分设置端26 M3 细分设置端13 OUT2B B相 OUTB输出端10 NFB B相 电流检测电阻连接端9 OUT1B B相 OUTB输出端12 PGNDB B相 功率地7 OUT2A A相 OUTA输出端6 NFA A相 电流检测电阻连接端3 OUT1A A相 OUTA输出端4 PGNDA A相 功率地25 ENABLE 脱机信号控制端24 RESET 复位信号输入端5 VMA A相 电机电源连接端21 CLK 脉冲信号输入端22 CW/CCW 正/反转信号输入端19 OSC2 通电锁定检出时间设定电容连接端16 MO 位置检出Monitor端30 VREG1 内部稳压器用电容连接端1 VREG2 内部稳压器用电容连接端2 VM 电机电源连接端29 ST/VCC 待机控制端四、 电器参数:1、最高额定值Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)项目 符号 额定值 符号最高电源电压 VMmax 36V最大输出电流 Iomax 2.2A最高逻辑输入电压 VINmax 6VVREF最高输入电压 VREFmax 3V工作环境温度 Topg -20~+85℃保存环境温度 Tstg -55~+150℃2、正常运行参数范围Operating Range (Ta =30 to 85°C)参数 符号 最小 典型.最大 单位 逻辑输入电压 VIN 4.5 5.0 6 V电源电压 VM9 −36 V输出电流 Io−− 2 A电流设定端 VREF0 −3V3、电器特性Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C, VREF =1.5 V, VM = 24 V)项目 符号 条件 最小 标准 最大 符号待机时消耗电流 IMstn ST=”L” 200 μA 消耗电流 IM ST=”H”、OE=”H”、无负载 4 mA TSD温度 TSD 180 ℃ Thermal Hysteresis值 ΔTSD 40 ℃ 逻辑端子输入电流IinL1 VIN=0.8V 8 μAIinH1 VIN=5V 50 μA 逻辑输入“H”Level电压 Vinh 2.0 V 逻辑输入“L”Level电压 Vinl 0.8 V FDT端子“H”Level电压 Vfdth 3.5 V FDT端子“M”Level电压 Vfdtm 1.1 3.1 V FDT端子“L”Level电压 Vfdtl 0.8 V 斩波频率 Fch Cosc1=100pF 100 KHz OSC1端子充放电电流 Iosc1 10 μA 斩波振荡电路Vtup1 1 V 电压阈值 Vtdown10.5 V VREF端子输入电流 Iref VREF=1.5V -0.5 μA DOWN输出残电压 VolDO Idown=1mA 400 mV MO端子残电压 VolMO Imo=1mA 400 mV 通电锁定切换频率 Falert Cosc2=1500pF 1.6 Hz OSC2端子充放电电流 Iosc2 TBD μA 通电锁定切换振荡电路Vtup2 TBD V 电压阈值 Vtdown2TBD V REG1输出电压 Vreg1 5 V REG2输出电压 Vreg2 19 V Blanking时间 Tbl 1 uS 输出Ronu Io=2.0A、上側ON阻抗 0.3 Ω 输出ON阻抗Rond Io=2.0A、下側ON阻抗 0.25 Ω 输出漏电流 Ioleak VM=36V 50 μA 二极管正向压降 VD ID=-2.0A 1 V 电流设定基准电压 VRF VREF=1.5V、電流比100% 300 mV 输出短路保护Timer Latch时间 Tscp 256 μs五、 使用说明1、细分设定(M1、M2、M3)M1 M2 M3 细分数L L L 1H L L 1/2L H L 1/4H H L 1/8L L H 1/16H L H 1/32L H H 1/64H H H 1/1282、衰减模式设定PDT为衰减方式控制端,调节此端电压可以选择不同的衰减方式,从而获得更好的驱动效果。

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假如:步进驱动器SL2680 驱动器的电流调到(4.2A*1.4=)5.8A 以下就可以。

步进驱动器适宜调到4.5~5.5A 之间。



接这款步进驱动器SL2680 驱动器的电流调到(4.2A/1.4=)3.0A 以下就可以。

步进驱动器适宜调到2.6A 就可。



2、假如SL86S278A步进驱动器SL2680C 驱动器的电流调到(4.2A/1.4=)3.0A 以下就可以。

步进驱动器适宜调到2.8A 就可。

























如A相通电,B,C相不通电,齿4与A对齐,转子又向右移过1/3て这样经过A、B、C、A 分别通电状态,齿4(即齿1前一齿)移到A相,电机转子向右转过一个齿距,如果不断地按A,B,C,A……通电,电机就每步(每脉冲)1/3て,向右旋转。










3、力矩:电机一旦通电,在定转子间将产生磁场(磁通量Ф)当转子与定子错开一定角度产生力F与(dФ/dθ)成正比S 其磁通量Ф=Br*S Br为磁密,S为导磁面积F与L*D*Br成正比L为铁芯有效长度,D为转子直径Br=N·I/R N·I 为励磁绕阻安匝数(电流乘匝数)R为磁阻。





































