


附录 MONOGRAM 真空集便器说明书
3、零部件描述 A、液位开关(见图 6,19 项) 液位指示开关是装在污物箱内的浮球。一个开关是指示液位达到 80%箱满状
态的,另一个指示 100%箱满状态的。通过系统控制器检测的存污状态,相应的 指示灯会亮。
B、冲洗喷嘴装配(见图 6,22 项) 污物箱的顶端装有两个冲洗喷嘴及相关配件。在排放污物时,从冲洗喷嘴里 喷出水来冲刷污物箱的内面。 C、水分离器(见图 6,13 项) 水分离器可除去从污物箱排出来的湿气中悬浮的水份。 D、压力开关(见图 8,105 项) 压力开关监控至污物系统内的空气压力。当压力高于 4.1bar(60psig)时, 接触器关闭。当压力低于 3.8bar(55psig),它开启,切断系统。 E、真空发生泵(见图 8,140 或-140A 项) 真空发生泵不含任何活动零件,它采用流量计(文丘里管)原理从车辆提供 的压缩空气中产生真空。污物箱和污物管中产生的真空度,足够将污物从便器便 斗中排到污物箱中。 F、空气阀(见图 8,130 项) 空气阀用于控制真空发生泵之间的空气流量。阀处于常闭位置。当有电力时, 阀打开使压缩空气流进真空发生泵。 G、单向阀(见图 8,155 或 155A 项) 在真空发生泵和污物箱之间装有一个单向阀,允许空气从污物箱和污物管中 排出,当空气阀关闭时,防止空气反流。 H、球阀 (1)排气和冲洗球阀(见图 6,18 项) 在污物箱两端各有一个手动作用球阀,当任何一个阀打开时,外部空气进入 污物箱以确保迅速排放。 在污物箱两端各有一个手动作用冲洗球阀,用于控制冲洗喷嘴的出水量。冲 洗球阀通过 25.4mm(1 英寸)凸轮锁装置连接到冲水胶管。

北京优世联合科贸 应式IC卡餐饮消费系统 说明书

北京优世联合科贸 应式IC卡餐饮消费系统 说明书






























乌洛诺 URING12-24F SF6 脲变压器保护开关柜与熔断器和重断开关的用户手册说明书

乌洛诺 URING12-24F SF6 脲变压器保护开关柜与熔断器和重断开关的用户手册说明书

Ulusoy URING12-24 F - SF6 Insulated Transformer Protection RMU Switchgear with Fuse and LBS User Manual24 kV / 630 A / 21 kA-3secURING 12-24-F SF6 INSULATED TRANSFORMER PROTECTION SWITCHGEAR WITH FUSE AND LOAD BREAK SWITCH1.CAUTION2.HANDLING AND TRANSPORT3.STORAGE4.MAIN FEATURES5.SWITCHGEAR MAIN EQUIPMENTS6.DIMENSIONS7.ACCESSORIES8.OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS8.1. ENERGIZING8.1.1. CLOSING THE SWITCHGEAR DOOR8.1.2. OPENING THE EARTHING SWITCH8.1.3. CHARGING SPRING8.2. CUTTING THE ENERGY8.2.1. OPENING LOAD BREAK SWITCH8.2.2. CLOSING EARTHING SWITCH8.2.3.OPENING THE SWITCHGEAR DOOR9.M.V FUSE REPLACEMENT10.CABLE CONNECTION11.OVER PRESSURE FLAP POSITIONBINING MODULAR CUBICLES1.CAUTIONWhen medium-voltage equipment is operating, certain components are live, other parts may be in movement and some may reach high temperatures. Therefore, the use of this equipment poses electrical, mechanical and thermal risks. Consequently, the equipment to which the present manual refers complies with the requirementsof section 11.2 of Standard IEC 62271-1. It must therefore only be operated by appropriately qualified and supervised personnel, in accordance with the requirements of standard EN 50110-1 on the safety of electrical installations and standard EN 50110-2 on activities in or near electrical installations.Personnel must be fully familiar with the instructions and warnings contained in this manual and in other recommendations of a more general nature which are applicable to the situation according to current legislation.The above must be carefully observed, as the correct and safe operation of this equipment depends not only on its design but also on general circumstances which are in general beyond the control and responsibility of the manufacturer. More specifically:•The equipment must be handled and transported appropriately from the factory to the place of installation.•All intermediate storage should occur in conditions which do not alter or damage the characteristics of the equipment or its essential components.•Service conditions must be compatible with the equipment rating.•The equipment must be operated strictly in accordance with the instructions given in the manual, and the applicable operating and safety principles must be clearly understood.•Maintenance should be performed properly, taking into account the actual service and environmental conditions in the place of installation.The manufacturer declines all liability for any significant indirect damages resulting from violation of the guarantee, under any jurisdiction, including loss of income, stoppages and costs resulting from repair or replacement of parts.WarrantyThe manufacturer guarantees this product against any defect in materials and operation during the contractual period. In the event that defects are detected, the manufacturer may opt either to repair or replace the equipment. Improper handling of this equipment and its repair by the user shall constitute a violation of the guarantee.URING 12-24-F SF6 INSULATED TRANSFORMER PROTECTION SWITCHGEAR WITH FUSE AND LOAD BREAK SWITCH Before performing work on the panels, it is essential that you complywith the following instructions:Danger!Mortal danger due to high voltage. Before performing assembly ormaintenance work, the system must be isolated from high voltage,and earthed.Danger!Mortal danger due to supply voltage. Before performing assemblyor maintenance work, the system must be isolated from the supplyvoltage.Warning!Risk of injury from movable parts in mechanical drives. Before performingmaintenance work,•Isolate the system from the supply voltage•Release the circuit-breaker’s energy storing device by OFF-ON-OFF operationand in case of a make-proof earthing switch, by the appropriate ON-operation.Warning!After the removal of covers from a switchgear, operator safety regarding internalarcs may be reduced unless the switchgear is isolated from the power supply.Optimum operator safety is only ensured if the switchgear is completely isolatedfrom the power supply and earthed for assembly work.URING 12-24-F SF6 INSULATED TRANSFORMER PROTECTION SWITCHGEAR WITH FUSE AND LOAD BREAK SWITCH2. HANDLING AND TRANSPORTImportant:During transport, the switchgear must be perfectly seated and fixed so that it cannot move about and possibly damage the equipment.The switchgear must always be kept upright, directly on the ground or on a pallet depending on the type of handling involved.To handle assemblies of up to 5 functional units, one of the following methods must be used:•Using a forklift truck or pallet-jack.•Lifting using slings or chains fixed to the lifting supports on the sides of the top of the cubicle. The angle of pull should be as vertical as possible (with an angle greater than 60º from the horizontal).Lifting of a URING cubicle with a fork-lift truckLifting of URINGcubicles with chainsURING 12-24-F SF6 INSULATED TRANSFORMER PROTECTION SWITCHGEAR WITH FUSE AND LOAD BREAK SWITCHThe use of lifting beams is required for cubicle assemblies with control boxes As the sole exception, slings or chains may be used if the cubicles of the assembly have identical height control boxes installed.•If it is not possible to lift using theaforementioned methods, rollers may be used underneath the switchgear. Another option is to slide the cubicles over rods (these same rods can be used to help get over the cable pit).•To handle 5 functional unit assemblies (consisting of either coupled modules orcompact assemblies associated with modules),use lifting systems (slings, lifting beam, etc.)with a pull angle greater than 65º and less than 115º in order to prevent possible damage to the cubicles during hoisting.Lifting of a set of 3 URING functional units with a forklift truckLifting of a set of 5 URING functional units with lifting beamand chains3.STORAGEIf it needs to be stored, the equipment must be placed on dry ground or on top of damp-proof insulating material, still in its original packaging.After prolonged storage, clean all the insulating parts carefully before commissioning the equipment. The enclosure should be cleaned with a clean, dry lint-free cloth.Storage must always be INDOORS, with the following conditions recommended:1.Ambient air temperature should not exceed 40 ºC and its mean value, measured in a period of 24 hours, should not exceed 35 ºC.2.The ambient air temperature should not drop below - 5 ºC. There are also cubicles with storage temperature up to - 40 ºC.3.The switchgear must be protected from direct solar radiation.4.Maximum altitude is 2000 m.5.The environmental air must not have any significant contamination from dust, smoke, corrosive and/or inflammable gases, vapours or salt.6.The switchgear must be protected from the rain, and the humidity conditions should be as follows:a)the mean relative humidity value, measured over a period of 24 hours, must not exceed 95%.b)The mean water steam pressure value, measured in a period of 24 hours, must not exceed 2.2 kPa. c)the mean relative humidity value, measured over a period of one month, must not exceed 90%.d)The mean water steam pressure value, measured in a period of 1.8 hours, must not exceed 1.8 kPa. 7.During transport, vibrations caused by externalfactors or seismic movements must be insignificant. Any other conditions must be notified beforehand, since the equipment must be factory-adjusted to the atmospheric pressure at the final destination or during transport. Otherwise, the manometer needle may indicate an incorrect value, even if the equipment’s internal gas pressure is correct.URING 12-24-F SF6 INSULATED TRANSFORMER PROTECTION SWITCHGEAR WITH FUSE AND LOAD BREAK SWITCH 4.MAIN FEATURESUring-24 RMU is a SF6 insulated ring mainunit for the secondary distribution networks.Uring-24 can be supplied in a number ofdifferent configurations suitable for mostswitching applications in 12/24 kV distributionnetworks.The Uring-24 RMU has a completely sealedsystem with a stainless steel tank containingall the live parts and switching functions withSF6 gas. A sealed steel tank with constantatmospheric conditions ensures a high levelof reliability as well as personal safety and avirtually maintenance-free system5.SWITCHGEAR MAIN EQUIPMENTSVoltage IndicatorFuse Status IndicatorSpring Charge Lever HoleManuel/Motor Changing SwitchOpening & Closing Button RemoteControl SocketEarthing Switch Lever HoleCable ClampsCable BushingsFuse HoldersURING 12-24-F SF6 INSULATED TRANSFORMER PROTECTION SWITCHGEAR WITH FUSE AND LOAD BREAK SWITCH 6.DIMENSIONSACCESORIES 7.Remote ControllerLeverURING 12-24-F SF6 INSULATED TRANSFORMER PROTECTION SWITCHGEAR WITH FUSE AND LOAD BREAK SWITCHPlace the cell front cover.Serial light 8.OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS8.1 ENERGIZINGChecks before poweringCheck if there are foreign objects in the cells. Check the connections of the cells.Input cell:When input cables are powered, voltage indicator lights must be on.Output cell:When the disconnector and breaker are off, voltage indicator lights must be on.If the phases conform, light is off. If the phases do not conform, light is on.(Test device cannot be delivered with cells.)In Output CellsTo check cable faults.Turn the breaker on.Turn the disconnector on.Turn the earthing disconnector off.Open the cell front cover.Place the cable test device.Turn the earthing disconnector on.Perform the required measurements.In Input Cells To check cable faults.Turn the breaker on.Turn the disconnector on.Break the power of the cell from previous center and perform the earthing of the cables.Turn the earthing disconnector off.Open the cell front cover.Place the cable test device.Turn the earthing disconnector on from both sides.Perform the required measurements.Voltage Indicator Phase Conformity TestCable Test8.1.1 CLOSING THE SWITCHGEAR DOOREarthing switch must be closed for closing/opening the switchgear door!In the first step, the door is open, load break switch is open and the earthing switch is closedPut the bottom side of the door to theswitchgear and push the door towards theswitchgear.Pull the door downThe door is closedURING 12-24-F SF6 INSULATED TRANSFORMER PROTECTION SWITCHGEAR WITH FUSE AND LOAD BREAK SWITCH8.1.2. OPENING THE EARTHING SWITCHPut the lever into the earthing switch lever hole Check the position of the earthing switch. It must be in open position now.Remove the handle from earthing switch lever hole.Rotate the lever in the direction of the arrow.(Clockwise)8.1.3 CHARGING SPRINGInsert the lever into spring charge lever hole and rotate in the direction of arrow. (Clockwise)Push the closing (I) button to close load break switch Check the position indicator for close position.If there is DC on the auxilliary contacts, turn the manuel-motor switch button to the motor selection. Then the spring will be automaticallycharged by the motorURING 12-24-F SF6 INSULATED TRANSFORMER PROTECTION SWITCHGEAR WITH FUSE AND LOAD BREAK SWITCH8.2 CUTTING THE ENERGY 8.2.1 OPENING LOAD BREAK SWITCH8.2.2 CLOSING EARTHING SWITCHPush the opening (O) button to open load break switch.Put the lever into the earthing switch lever hole.Remove the handle from earthing switch lever hole. Check the position of the earthing switch. It must be in close position now.Check the position indicator for open position.Rotate the lever in the direction of the arrow.(Counter clockwise)8.2.3 OPENING THE SWITCHGEAR DOORPull the door.Push the door upwards.The door is opened.URING 12-24-F SF6 INSULATED TRANSFORMER PROTECTION SWITCHGEAR WITH FUSE AND LOAD BREAK SWITCH9.M.V FUSE REPLACEMENT1-Open the switchgear door.3-Remove the fuse from the switchgear.5-Use a screwdriver and loosen the screw 2-Insert the handle and turn it anti-clock wise.4-Put the fuse on a table or on the ground 6-Remove the blown fuse7-Replace the new fuse.9-Insert the fuse in the fuse holder11-Close the switchgear door.8-Tighten the contact screw by screwdriver then usesilicon grease for silicon body.10-Use the handle and turn it clock wise and makesure push-on installation.URING 12-24-F SF6 INSULATED TRANSFORMER PROTECTION SWITCHGEAR WITH FUSE AND LOAD BREAK SWITCH10.CABLE CONNECTION11.OVER PRESSURE FLAP POSITIONElbow connector (interface A) for transformer protection connection.BINING MODULAR CUBICLESModular Cubicles are combined by using 6 pieces of M8x30 bolt.Prior to assembly, silicon crossing bushings and contact holes must becleaned well.© 2020 Eaton All Rights Reserved May 2020Ulusoy Elektrik Imalat T aahhut ve Ticaret A.S.1.OSB Oguz Cad. No:6 SincanAnkara, 06935 TURKEY*********************.trEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton’s mission is to improve the quality of life and the environment through the use of power management technologies and services. We provide sustainable solutions that help our customers effectively manage electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical power -more safely, more efficiently, and more reliably.Eaton’s 2019 revenues were $21.4 billion, and we sell products to customers in more than 175 countries. We have approximately 95,000 employees.For more information, visit Tel:Fax:+90 312 267 07 12+90 312 267 05 17。



한국어1 중요사항본제품을사용하기전에이중요정보책자를주의깊게읽고나중에참조할수있도록잘보관하십시오.위험• 본체는절대로물에담그지마십시오.• 토스터에너무큰음식이나금속성호일을절대넣지마십시오. 화재또는감전사고가발생할수있습니다.경고• 전원코드가손상된경우, 안전을위해필립스공인서비스센터또는필립스서비스지정점에의뢰하여교체하십시오.• 8세이상의아이들과신체적, 정신적인능력이떨어지거나경험과지식이풍부하지않은성인이이제품을사용하려면제품사용과관련하여안전하게사용할수있도록지시사항을충분히숙지한사람의도움을받아야합니다. 어린이가제품을가지고놀지않도록하십시오. 8세이하및관리하에있지않은어린이가제품을청소및관리할수없습니다.• 제품및코드를 8세이하어린이의손에닿지않는곳에보관하십시오.• 화재예방을위해주기적으로빵부스러기받침대에서부스러기를제거하십시오(사용자설명서의 "청소" 참조).• 커튼이나가연성물질또는벽장아래에서는제품을사용하지마십시오. 불이옮겨붙을수있습니다.• 제품을벽면콘센트에연결하기전에제품바닥에표시되어있는전압이사용지역의전압과일치하는지확인하십시오.• 제품이작동중일때는자리를비우지마십시오.• 토스터의전원이켜져있거나아직뜨거울때에는먼지덮개를덮거나 (HD2591만해당) 토스터위에물건을올려놓지마십시오.제품이손상되거나화재가발생할수있습니다.• 불이나연기가관찰되면즉시토스터의플러그를뽑으십시오.• 이제품은식빵을굽는용도로만사용하십시오.식빵외의다른재료를제품에넣지마십시오.• 본제품은외부타이머나별도의리모콘시스템으로작동하지않습니다.• 전원코드가손상될수있으니사용후나보관시토스터주위에코드를감지마십시오.주의• 토스터는가정용이며실내에서만사용하십시오. 본제품은상업용이나업소용으로제작되지않았습니다.• 제품은반드시접지된벽면콘센트에연결하십시오.• 제품이올려져있는식탁이나조리대의가장자리로전원코드가흘러내리지않도록하십시오.• 사용후반드시전원코드를뽑으십시오.• 빵데우기받침대는롤빵또는크라상을데우는용도로만사용하십시오. 위험할수있으므로다른재료는빵데우기받침대에놓지마십시오.• 부스러기를제거하기위해제품을뒤집거나흔들지마십시오.EMF(전자기장)이필립스제품은 EMF(전자기장)에대한노출과관련하여적용가능한모든기준및규정을준수합니다.재활용수명이다된제품은일반가정용쓰레기와함께버리지마시고지정된재활용품수거장소에버리십시오. 이를통해환경보호에동참하실수있습니다.해당국가의전기/전자제품분리수거규칙에따라버리십시오. 올바른제품폐기를통해환경및인류의건강을유해한영향으로부터보호할수있습니다.2 품질보증및서비스서비스또는정보가필요하거나, 사용상의문제가있을경우에는필립스전자홈페이지(www.philips.co.kr)를방문하거나필립스고객상담실로문의하십시오.전국서비스센터안내는제품보증서를참조하십시오. 해당지역에서비스센터가없는경우필립스대리점에문의하십시오.简体中文1 重要事项使用产品之前,请仔细阅读本重要信息单页,并妥善保管以供日后参考。

Unipoint Gas Sensing Controller 商品说明书

Unipoint Gas Sensing Controller 商品说明书

Project Number 22525 C EllabyC. Index 14 Certification OfficerThis certificate and its schedules may only be reproduced in its entirety and without change.1 EC TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE2 Equipment intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive 94/9/EC3 Certificate Number: Sira 10ATEX8243X Issue: 04 Equipment: Unipoint Gas Sensing Controller5 Applicant: Honeywell Analytics Limited 6Address: Hatch Pond House4 Stinsford Road Nuffield Estate Poole Dorset UK7 This equipment and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in the schedule to this certificate and the documents therein referred to.8Sira Certification Service, notified body number 0518 in accordance with Article 9 of Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994, certifies that this equipment has been found to comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the design and construction of equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres given in Annex II to the Directive.The examination and test results are recorded in the confidential reports listed in Section 14.2.9 Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements, with the exception of those listed in the schedule to this certificate, has been assured by compliance with the following documents: EN 60079-29-1:2007BS EN 50271:200210 If the sign ‘X’ is placed after the certificate number, it indicates that the equipment is subject to special conditions for safe use specified in the schedule to this certificate.11 This EC type-examination certificate relatesonly to the designand construction of the specified equipment. If applicable, further requirements of this Directive apply to the manufacture and supply of this equipment.12 The marking of the equipment shall include the following:II (2)/2 GDSCHEDULEEC TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATESira 10ATEX8243XIssue 0This certificate and its schedules may only be reproduced in its entirety and without change.13 DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENTThis Unipoint Gas Sensing Controller is regarded as a Safety Device in accordance with Directive 94/9/EC, Annex II, section 1.5 (Safety Devices) and is used to monitor toxic and flammable gas, such as methane or propane, for explosion protection in industrial applications. This EC Type – Examination Certificate therefore confirms that this Equipment with a measuring function range for combustible gases up to 100% of the lower explosive limit (LEL) has been satisfactorily subjected to performance testing in accordance with the relevant parts of BS EN 60079-29-1:2007 and that software used with product complies with BS EN 50271:2002, the certificate encompassing the following devices and software:Safe Area DevicesUnipoint Gas Sensing Controller: this is a single channel, DIN rail mounted controller that has connection facilities allowing it to provide outputs to gas detectors located in the hazardous area; the software used in this Controller (specified as “MA and MV Source code, V 6.04”) allows communication with the gas detectors. Hazardous Area DevicesSensepoint Gas Detector Head (Baseefa08ATEX0265X issued on 16 January 2009) and Sensepoint HT Gas Detector Head (Baseefa08ATEX0264X issued on 7 July 2009): these are single channel, combustible gas sensors with mV outputs and are approved for use with Category 2 flammable gases and Category 2 flammable dusts. They both use the same technology operating on the principle of catalytic combustion, the HT heads being adapted for use in an extended temperature range, in addition, they are designated for ‘Group II’, fixed installation and continuous duty as defined in BS EN 60079-29-1. Each sensor is calibrated for a single measuring range for flammable gas between 0 to 100 % of the lower explosion limit (LEL).SCHEDULEEC TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATESira 10ATEX8243XIssue 0This certificate and its schedules may only be reproduced in its entirety and without change.14 DESCRIPTIVE DOCUMENTS 14.1 DrawingsRefer to Certificate Annexe.14.2 Associated Sira Reports and Certificate HistoryIssue DateReport no. Comment9 September 2010N 0613 51A19485Report N 0613 dated March 2010 covers all tests required by BS EN 60079-29-1 (EMC test 5.4.11 omitted). Report 51A19485 status v1.0 examines the software documentation as required by BS EN 5027115 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR SAFE USE (denoted by X after the certificate number)15.1 The user/installer shall comply with the following environmental restrictions that apply to the use of this equipment, as stated in the product manualTemperature (equipment) -10°C to 40°C Temperature (sensor) -55°C to 80°C Humidity 10% to 90%Pressure90 kPa to 110 kPa15.2 The user/installer shall install these products taking into account any restrictions or special conditions for safe use that are applicable to the previously certified devices that are used in their construction. 16 ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF ANNEX II (EHSRs)The relevant EHSRs that are not addressed by the standards listed in this certificate have been identified and individually assessed in the reports listed in Section 14.2. 17 CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION17.1 The use of this certificate is subject to the Regulations Applicable to Holders of Sira Certificates. 17.2 Holders of EC type-examination certificates are required to comply with the production control requirements defined in Article 8 of directive 94/9/EC.17.3The products covered by this certificate incorporate the following previously certified devices, it is therefore the responsibility of the manufacturer to continually monitor the status of the certification associated with these devices, and the manufacturer shall inform Sira of any modifications of the devices that may impinge upon the explosion safety design of their productsProductManufacturerCertificate no.Sensepoint HT Gas Detector Head Honeywell Analysis Ltd Baseefa08ATEX0264X Sensepoint Gas Detector HeadHoneywell Analysis LtdBaseefa08ATEX0265X17.4The manufacturer shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the user/installer complies with the special conditions for safe use associated with the Unipoint Gas Sensing Controller, in addition, the manufacturer shall provide the user/installer with an appropriate copy of the certificate for each certified device that is fitted to the Controller.Certificate AnnexeCertificate Number: 10ATEX8243XEquipment: Unipoint Gas Sensing ControllerApplicant: Honeywell Analytics LimitedThis certificate and its schedules may only be reproduced in its entirety and without change.Issue 0Number Sheet Rev.Date (Sira stamp) Description2306B200UP 1 of 1 1 (mod 2) 12 Aug 10 Unipoint mV version Unpacked 2306B100UP 1 of 1 1 (mod 2) 12 Aug 10 Unipoint mA version Unpacked 2306D0702-3 1 of 1 3 09 Sep 10 Part No: 2306B1000 2306D0704-3 1 of 1 3 09 Sep 10 Part No: 2306B2000Project Number 22525 and 23364 C EllabyC. Index 14 Certification OfficerThis certificate and its schedules may only be reproduced in its entirety and without change.1 EC TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE2 Equipment intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Directive 94/9/EC3 Certificate Number: Sira 10ATEX8243X Issue: 14 Equipment: Unipoint Gas Sensing Controller5 Applicant: Honeywell Analytics Limited 6Address: Hatch Pond House4 Stinsford Road Nuffield Estate Poole Dorset UK7 This equipment and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in the schedule to this certificate and the documents therein referred to.8Sira Certification Service, notified body number 0518 in accordance with Article 9 of Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994, certifies that this equipment has been found to comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the design and construction of equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres given in Annex II to the Directive.The examination and test results are recorded in the confidential reports listed in Section 14.2.9 Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements, with the exception of those listed in the schedule to this certificate, has been assured by compliance with the following documents: EN 60079-29-1:2007BS EN 50271:200210 If the sign ‘X’ is placed after the certificate number, it indicates that the equipment is subject to special conditions for safe use specified in the schedule to this certificate.11 This EC type-examination certificate relatesonly to the designand construction of the specified equipment. If applicable, further requirements of this Directive apply to the manufacture and supply of this equipment.12 The marking of the equipment shall include the following:II (2)/2 GDSCHEDULEEC TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATESira 10ATEX8243XIssue 1This certificate and its schedules may only be reproduced in its entirety and without change.13 DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENTThis Unipoint Gas Sensing Controller is regarded as a Safety Device in accordance with Directive 94/9/EC, Annex II, section 1.5 (Safety Devices) and is used to monitor toxic and flammable gas, such as methane or propane, for explosion protection in industrial applications. This EC Type – Examination Certificate therefore confirms that this Equipment with a measuring function range for combustible gases up to 100% of the lower explosive limit (LEL) has been satisfactorily subjected to performance testing in accordance with the relevant parts of BS EN 60079-29-1:2007 and that software used with product complies with BS EN 50271:2002, the certificate encompassing the following devices and software: Safe Area DevicesUnipoint Gas Sensing Controller: this is a single channel, DIN rail mounted controller with facilities allowing it to provide outputs to gas detectors located in the hazardous area, the software used in this Controller (specified as “MA and MV Source code, V 6.04”) allows it to communicate with the gas detectors. The Unipoint controller can accept (4-20mA) or mV inputs, depending on the attached device installed in the hazardous area. Hazardous Area DevicesSensepoint Gas Detector Head (Baseefa 08ATEX0265X issued on 16 January 2009) and Sensepoint HT Gas Detector Head (Baseefa 08ATEX0264X issued on 7 July 2009): these are single channel, combustible gas sensors with mV outputs and are approved for use with Category 2 hazardous gases and Category 2 flammable dusts. They both use the same technology operating on the principle of catalytic combustion, the HT heads being adapted for use in an extended temperature range, in addition, they are designated for ‘Group II’, fixed installation and continuous duty as defined in BS EN 60079-29-1. Each sensor is calibrated for a single measuring range for flammable gas between 0 to 100 % of the lower explosion limit (LEL). The Sensepoints Gas Detector heads were tested against methane, propane and hydrogen flammable gases as stated in report (N0613).Signalpoint Gas Sensors (Baseefa 98ATEX2085X issued on 21 August 1998) is a combustible gas sensor with mV outputs and approved for use with Category 2 hazardous gases. It uses the same technology operating on the principle of catalytic combustion and it is designated for ‘Group II’, fixed installation and continuous duty as defined in BS EN 60079-29-1. The Signalpoint sensor is calibrated for a single measuring range for flammable gas between 0 to 100 % of the lower explosion limit (LEL). To verify the product performance to the latest standard BS EN 60079-29-1, a comparison has been conducted by Sira, internal report (RPT-01). This confirms that no work was required to meet the BS EN 60079-29-1 since all tests were covered by BS EN 50054 and EN 50057. The Signalpoint was tested to cover wide range of combustible flammable gases, such as: n-butane, methane, ethane, propylene, ethanol, n-hexane, propane hydrogen, ethylene, propan-2-ol, ethyl acetate, p-xylene, butanone, methanol, 1, 2 epoxypropane, toluene, unleaded petrol, as stated in Sira report (R43A9802A).The Signalpoint and Sensepoint Combustible Gas Detector Heads have previously been subjected to performance and relative response tests in accordance with EN 50054 and 50057 under certificates, Sira 03ATEX1115X and Sira 03ATEX1116X respectively. These certificates were issued under the manufactures previous name: Zelweger Analyticals Ltd. The Unipoint DIN controller was not specified as the main power controller interfaced to these products.SCHEDULEEC TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATESira 10ATEX8243XIssue 1This certificate and its schedules may only be reproduced in its entirety and without change.14 DESCRIPTIVE DOCUMENTS 14.1 DrawingsRefer to Certificate Annexe.14.2 Associated Sira Reports and Certificate HistoryIssue DateReport no. Comment30 November 2010N 0613 51A19485 R23364A/00The release of the prime certificate.• Report N 0613 dated March 2010 covers all tests required by BS EN 60079-29-1 (EMC test 5.4.11 omitted). • Report 51A19485 status v1.0 examines the software documentation as required by BS EN 50271.• Report R23364A/00 assesses the Unipoint Gas Sensing Controller with the Signalpoint Gas Sensors (Baseefa98ATEX2085X)114 December 2010 R23364A/01R23364A/01 was issued to replace R23364A/00 to clarify the report description and special conditions for safe use.15 SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR SAFE USE (denoted by X after the certificate number)15.1 The user/installer shall comply with the following environmental restrictions that apply to the use of this equipment, as stated in the product manual.Temperature (Equipment):-10°C to 40°C Temperature (Standard combustible sensor): -40°C to 80°C Temperature (High temperature sensor): -55°C to 150°C Humidity: 10% to 90%Pressure:90 kPa to 110 kPa15.2 The user/installer shall install these products taking into account any restrictions or special conditions for safe use that are applicable to the previously certified devices that are used in their construction. 15.3 The Sensepoint and the Signalpoint Gas detectors shall be powered from Unipoint DIN controller. 16 ESSENTIAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REQUIREMENTS OF ANNEX II (EHSRs)The relevant EHSRs that are not addressed by the standards listed in this certificate have been identified and individually assessed in the reports listed in Section 14.2.SCHEDULEEC TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATESira 10ATEX8243XIssue 1This certificate and its schedules may only be reproduced in its entirety and without change.17 CONDITIONS OF CERTIFICATION17.1 The use of this certificate is subject to the Regulations Applicable to Holders of Sira Certificates. 17.2 Holders of EC type-examination certificates are required to comply with the production control requirements defined in Article 8 of directive 94/9/EC.17.3The products covered by this certificate incorporate the following previously certified devices, it is therefore the responsibility of the manufacturer to continually monitor the status of the certification associated with these devices, and the manufacturer shall inform Sira of any modifications of the devices that may impinge upon the explosion safety design of their productsProductManufacturerCertificate no.Sensepoint HT Gas Detector Head Honeywell Analysis Ltd Baseefa08ATEX0264X Sensepoint Gas Detector Head Honeywell Analysis Ltd Baseefa08ATEX0265X Signalpoint Gas sensorHoneywell Analysis LtdBaseefa 98ATEX2085X17.4The manufacturer shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the user/installer complies with the special conditions for safe use associated with the Unipoint Gas Sensing Controller, in addition, the manufacturer shall provide the user/installer with an appropriate copy of the certificate for each certified device that is fitted to the Controller.Certificate AnnexeCertificate Number: 10ATEX8243X Equipment: Unipoint Gas Sensing ControllerApplicant: Honeywell Analytics LimitedThis certificate and its schedules may only be reproduced in its entirety and without change.Issue 0Number Sheet Rev. Date (Sira stamp) Description 2306B2000UP 1 of 1 1 (mod 2) 12 Aug 10 Unipoint mV version Unpacked (list of mtrl) 2306B1000UP 1 of 1 1 (mod 2) 12 Aug 10 Unipoint mA version Unpacked (list of mtrl) 2306D0702_3 1 of 1 3 10 Oct 10 mA Right side label PN: 2306B1000 2306D0701_3 1 of 1 3 10 Oct 10 Left side label 2306D0704_3 1 of 1 3 10 Oct 10 mV Right side label PN: 2306B2000 2306B2000_SN 1 of 1 0 1 Nov. 2010 Product labelIssue 1 (No new drawings were introduced.)。

Univex GPEELER 产品说明书

Univex GPEELER 产品说明书

OPERATORSMANUAL G PEELERTO INSURE BOTH SAFE AND TROUBLE-FREE PERFORMANCE,WE STRESS THAT ALL PERSONNEL THAT WILL BE INVOLVED WITH YOUR NEW UNIVEX G PEELER MUST READ AND UNDERSTAND THESE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO OPERATE THISUNIT.-------------------------WE APPRECIATE YOUR COOPERATION AND YOUR BUSINESS.SHOULD THERE BE A QUES-TION OR IF WE CAN BE OF FURTHER ASSIS-TANCE,PLEASE CALL US.1-603-893-6191TABLE OF CONTENTSDESCRIPTION PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS (1)LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (1)INSPECTION (2)INSTALLATION (2)SAFETY (3)OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (5)CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS (6)WARRANTY.....................................................................................................BACK COVERLIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSILLUSTRATION PAGE FIGURE1OVERALL VIEW (4)FIGURE2CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS (7)UNIVEX G PEELERINSTRUCTION MANUALWelcome to UnivexThank you for purchasing this Univex Product.Your new g peeler has been designed with advanced performance and safety features that make it an excellent addition to your food preparation equipment.Like all Univex mixers,slicers,meat grinders and accessories, this vegetable peeler is engineered to provide years of reliable service.If you have any questions concerning the operation of this unit,or if we can be of further assistance,please call our Customer Service Department for the location of your nearest service representative.Univex Customer Service:USA&Canada800-256-6358International603-893-6191Or visit us on-line at under service agents.INSPECTIONThis G PEELER has been inspected and tested at the factory,however the user should perform anexternal inspection and electrical check prior to use.The electrical data listed on the nameplate of the drive unit should be the same as the user’s electrical supply.Any damage should be reported to thecarrier immediately and any shortage or deviation of parts should be reported to Univex Corporation.INSTALLATIONRemove the G Peeler from the shipping carton and remove the cover,shipping spacer,water inlet hose and any literature packed inside the peeler.Place the peeler on a sink drain board or any suitable loca-tion.Be sure that the drain outlet(Figure1[6])is located so that water and peelings will discharge into the sink.Install the cover.Position the water inlet tube(Figure1[2])over the opening in the cover.Raise the tube high enough to allow the cover to be installed and removed without interference.Slip the small end of the flexible hose(Figure1[3])over the water inlet tube.Attach the large end of the flexible hose onto the cold water faucet.Close and latch the discharge door(Figure1[7]).CAUTION:Before making electrical connection,check the specifications on the nameplate to make sure that they agree with those on your electrical service.Plug the electrical power supplycord(Figure1[4])into an available and proper AC outlet.SAFETY IS OUR TOP PRIORITYREAD AND MAKE SURE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS AND SAFETY WARNINGS IN THIS BOOKLET BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO OPERATE THIS POWER UNIT.IT IS A VIOLATION OF UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR REGULATIONS TO PERMIT OPERATION OF THIS UNIT BY ANY PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF18YEARS.FIRST TIME OPERATORS SHOULD BE PROPERLY TRAINED IN SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND IN THE PROPER USE AND SERVICING OF THIS EQUIPMENT AND ATTACHMENTS.SWITCH THE POWER“OFF”BEFORE CONNECTING THE UNIT TO THE POWER SOURCE.MAKE SURE THE SWITCH IS IN THE“OFF”POSITION,OR THE MACHINE WILL START WHEN THE ELECTRICAL POWER IS RESTORED.SWITCH THE POWER“OFF”AND DISCONNECT THE POWER SUPPLY CORD BEFORE CLEANING OR SERVICING THE UNITWIPE DOWN THE EXTERIOR OF THE UNIT ONLY,NEVER HOSE DOWN OR IMMERSE THE DRIVE UNIT IN WATER.DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SERVICE THE VEGETABLE PEELER.PLEASE CONTACT UNIVEX CORPORATION FOR THE NUMBER OF THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED SERVICE AGENT IN YOUR AREA FOR ADJUSTMENTS OR REPAIR.OVERALL VIEW OF THE G PEELERFIGURE11.COVER 5.TIMER KNOB2.WATER INLET TUBE 6.DRAIN OUTLET3.FLEXIBLE HOSE7.DISCHARGE DOOR4.POWER SUPPLY CORD8.DISCHARGE DOOR LATCHOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSOnce the G Peeler has been properly installed,adjust the cold water faucet for a small flow of water. This water will flush away peelings through the drain outlet when the peeler is operating.To start the peeler,Turn the timer knob(Figure1[5])beyond the desired time and then turn it back to three minutes.This is the average time required to peel a20pound load of potatoes.Insert the potatoes or other vegetables through the opening in the cover(Figure1[1]).The timer will automatically shut the peeler off when it has time out.Inspect the vegetables.If you are satisfied with the peeling,unlatch the discharge door.Have a receptacle ready to receive the vegetables or discharge them directly into the sink.To eject the vegetables,start the peeler by turning the timer, hold the discharge door partly open.The rotation of the peeling disk will eject the vegetables.once the peeler is empty,turn the timer off.Peeling time will vary with the size,shape and condition of the potatoes or vegetables.The three minute average peeling time may have to be increased or decreased accordingly.The estimated capacity of20pounds is based on US rge or long potatoes may require a slight reduction in load to obtain satisfactory results.CAUTION:DO NOT OVERLOAD THE PEELER.THERE SHOULD BE ROOM IN THE PEELER FOR COMPLETE TUMBLING OF THE VEGETABLES AT ALL TIMES FORPROPER PEELING TO OCCURS.Noise emissions for this peeler are below70db(A)CLEANING INSTRUCTIONSAs soon as peeling is complete and before peeled particles dry and stick to the peeler,clean and dry your peeler.WARNING:DISCONNECT THE POWER SUPPLY CORD BEFORE DISASSEMBLING OR CLEANING YOUR PEELER.•Remove the cover from the peeler.•Remove the peeling disk from the peeler.•Wash the cover and peeling disk with mild detergent and COLD water.•Wash the inside of the peeler and flush it out thoroughly with the flexible hose.•Thoroughly dry the peeler and leave the discharge door unlatched to prolong the life of the door seal.•Wipe down the outside of the peeler with a soft rag.CLEANING INSTRUCTIONSFIGURE2WarrantyThe Univex G-PEELER carries a one-year, on-site parts and labor warranty against any defects in materials or workmanship. The one-year period begins on the date of purchase by the end user and remains in full effect provided the unit is used properly and in accordance with our instructions. Any work to be performed under this warranty must be performed between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm local time, Monday through Friday. Univex will not cover overtime charges of any kind. Please call the Univex Warranty Service Depart-ment at 800-258-6358 to report warranty claims before arranging repair or attempting to return the unit to Univex Corporation.Damages incurred in transit or incurred because of installation error, accident, alteration, or misuse are not covered by this warranty. Transit damages should be reported to the carrier immediately.Univex will not be liable for any consequential, compensatory, incidental or special damages.。



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Nuesynergy HSA 产品说明书

Nuesynergy HSA 产品说明书

A Health Savings Account, also known as a HSA, is an individually owned, tax-favored account that allows consumers to pay for qualified health care expenses. A HSA mustbe coupled with a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) to receive the tax advantages allowed by the IRS. Premiums associated with a HDHP should be lower than a traditional plan, allowing employees to capture the savings to fund a HSA. Similar to a 401(k) savings plan, individuals can make tax-deductible contributions into a HSA and the account can earn interest tax free. HSA funds can then be used to pay for any qualified,out-of-pocket medical expense. HSAs are also commonly used to pay for deductible and prescription drug expenses. Once the deductible is met, the health plan begins paying some or all covered expenses, depending on the plan selected.Who is eligible to participate in a HSA?In general, to be eligible for a HSA, you must meet the following criteria:1.You must be covered under a qualified HDHP and cannot have otherhealth care coverage.2.You cannot be enrolled in Medicare.3.You cannot be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return.What are the benefits of a HSA?HSAs provide several tax and cost-savings benefits.1.By combining a HSA with a qualified HDHP, you can reduce your insurance premiums.2.Known as a triple-tax savings account, contributions are made tax free, grow taxfree and can be withdrawn tax free to pay for a variety of qualified medical expenses, many of which are not covered by traditional health insurance plans (including dental visits, prescription drugs, eyeglasses, contact lenses and chiropractor).3.Unlike other benefit accounts, unused funds are rolled over annually enabling themto be used for future expenses.TO BEGINSTEP 2 STEP 3STEP 1 • Go to • Click Log in > Member Registration • Start by creating a username • Fill out remaining required fields • Accept terms of use • Click next• Confirm your email address • Confirm your information STEP THREE• Fill out security questions • Click nextSTEP FOUR Accessing your account through the online member portal will enable you to submit claims electronically for faster approval, access balance and claims history, important communications and more.Setting up your account for online access is easy! Just follow the steps below.(For additional help you can download the Registration Guide with step-by-step screen shots at .) Your Employer ID Number is: • You’ve successfully completed NUEMAISTEP 3your account on the Personal DashboardSTEP ONESTEP TWOlocated above your account summaryFEATURE GUIDE1. Account Details: Provides overview of all benefit accounts (FSA, HRA, HSA, etc.)2. Accounts List: Access your account summary, including YTD balance and contributions.3. Contributions: Provides real time current yearcontribution totals, previous year contributions, and IRS limits. Enables you to make a post-tax contribution to your HSA, add other personalaccounts you want to use to fund your HSA, as well as track pending contributions.4. Transactions: All transaction activity on your account detailed with transaction date, type, description, and plan year.5. Investment: Once you have reached minimum balance of $3,500 in your HSA you can establish an investment account with no monthly fee.6. Bill Pay: Here you can either schedule a check STEP TWO2 3 4 5 61NueSynergy is excited to offer you a new way to access your account! By downloading the NueSynergy Mobile app on either your Apple or Android mobile device, you will have a single access point to manage your HSA.TO BEGIN STEP STEP ONESTEP ONE• Access App Store (iPhone) or GooglePlay (Android) • Search for NueSynergy • Select install and accept ‘app permissions’ • Select the app once NueSynergy Mobile is downloadedSTEP TWO• Sign in using the same username and password as for your Participant Portal at (If you have not setup your account on thepartici pant portal, you will need to do so before signing onto NueSynergy Mobile)You can download the NueSynergy Mobile Application by going to either the App Store on your Apple device or GooglePlay on your Android and searching for NueSynergy:The NueSynergy HSA debit card provides a convenient method to pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses for you, your spouse and/or any tax dependents. The card is a convenient benefit, but it is important that you take a moment and understand how it works.Where is the NueSynergy HSA debit card accepted?Participants can use the HSA debit card at qualified merchants to pay for items such as: • Office visit co-pays• Deductible-related expenses• Prescriptions• Dental work (including orthodontia)• Eyeglasses & contactsHow does NueSynergy verify that the HSA debit card is used only for qualified expenses? The IRS-imposed limitations help ensure that the card is used only for qualified expenses. When the card is swiped at a qualified merchant and there is a sufficient balance available in the participant’s HSA, the qualified purchase will be paid directly from the Health Savings Account. The IRS requires participants to keep all receipts for HSA expenses for seven years in the event of a tax audit.All plan communication pertaining to your account activity is provided solely via email at the website. It is important to notify NueSynergy if you change your email address.What are the advantages of using the NueSynergy HSA debit card?Participants who use the card at qualified merchants may pay for eligible expenses without having to reimburse themselves later. Participants can logon to for real-time, online account information including balance, deposits made to date and a list of pending and completed payments.Health Care ExpensesThe IRS allows certain medical, dental, vision, and related services to be reimbursed through an HSA. Below is a partial list of expenses that qualify for HSA reimbursement. OTC medications prescribed by a physician, while not listed below, are still eligible for HSA reimbursement. This list is subject to change and without notice due to new legislation. For a complete list, log on to .Health Care Expenses (cont’d)。



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6.6 、选择购件
为了给用户提供舒适和方便的使用环境,我公司与意大利著名温控器生产商: Cosmi 合作,为你提供有线温度控制器和无线温度控制器,具体使用方法见壁挂炉温度器 使用说明。
1、2 有线温控器
3、无线接收器 4 、5、无线温控器
7、各种型号壁挂炉接口及注水操作说明 产品使用前一定要对供暖系统进行冲洗,以除去系统内的杂质,再进行补水操作,然后接 通电、燃气。
1、检查风压开关接线 2、检查硅胶管 3、测量电压 4、更换风压开关



于正压、微正压 锅炉,不可用于 用于正压、微正 压或微压锅炉
正压、微压锅炉 压锅炉
匀,低负荷时变 匀,低负荷时变 匀,低负荷时变 低 负 荷 时 变 化 不
粗。 70~120 度
11~27mm2/s, 各类油品

50~80 度
45~80 度
11~42mm2/s, 56~72mm2/s,
(适用渣油) (适用渣油)
大 45~80 度 35mm2/s, 各类油品
雾化角度 适合油品种类
燃烧特性 调节比 输出功率 (燃油量) 入口油压 雾化介质
机械压力雾化 转杯雾化

油粒直径 20um~ 油 粒 直 径 为 油 粒 直 径 小 于 油 粒 直 径 小 于
100um,粗细不均 100um,粗细均 100um , 粗 细 均 100um,粗细均匀,
变化,从而满足燃烧室各处的平均热流量。 g. 可配置于大型锅炉上呈四角布置,实现多台燃烧器同一炉膛的布置。 h. 由于采用低氧燃烧,从而降低了 NOx 的排放。 i. 可以采用低压油泵 0.1~0.3 Mpa 压力输送,降低费用。 j. CIB UNIGAS 重油燃烧器采用了内混式气流超声波雾化油嘴:蒸汽(空
上)。 b. 提高燃烧质量。理论和实践证明,重油油粒燃尽所需时间与它的颗粒
直径平方成正比,T=d2/R。由于重油属于高分子烃,在雾化不均或空 气供给不足时容易在缺氧条件下发生裂解而分解成碳黑,同时重油中 的沥青成份也会分解成固体焦油。由于 UNIGAS 采用了介质雾化方式, 可以将油粒均匀的雾化为小于 100um 的油粒,从而轻松解决了问题。 c. 降低了燃油的预热温度,从而避免油中的水分被气化而造成气阻故障, 并减轻了油泵的磨损。 d. 结构简单,操作检修十分方便快捷。 e. 燃料调节比例较大,可达 1:6~1:10。 f. 燃烧火焰形状十分稳定并容易控制,从而对各种锅炉炉型(燃烧器形 状)适配性较强。同时,火焰的形状不随同燃料量的变化而产生较大



R91A-R92A-R93A R512A-R515A R520A-R525A瓦斯燃烧器渐进式/全比例调节安装-使用-维修手册危险、警告和注意事项本手册作为产品的一个必要组成比分,必须交付给用户。

























Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser AD-SD1-SG 用户手册说明书

Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser AD-SD1-SG 用户手册说明书

User ManualFor your safety andenjoyment, please read and understand this manual before using your product.After reading this manual,store in a safe and handylocation for future referenceregarding any questions thatmay arise.UltrasonicAroma Diffuser AD-SD1-SGTable of Contents• Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5• About Essential Oils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6• Enjoying YourUltrasonic Aroma Diffuser. . . . . . . . . 6• Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7• Part Names. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8• Using Your Aroma Diffuser. . . . . 9-14• Cleaning Up Spills . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16• Care/Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-19• Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20• Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21• Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Version 3.0A hard copy of Instruction manual isIntroductionMark/Symbol MeaningThis symbol indicates a matter requiring user caution.This symbol indicates a prohibited action.Caution Prohibited ActionFor your safety, please read and follow all instructionsThis symbol indicates a matter which, if ignored, may lead to major injury or death in the event of the improper usage of this product.Before Using This ProductDo Not ModifyDo not attempt to modify this product.Do not allow anyone other than a qualified service technician to disassemble or repair this product. Attempting to modify this product may lead to fire, electrical shock, injury, or product malfunction.Prohibited Never attempt to insert pins, wires, or other foreign objects into the the mist diffuser outletor seams/gaps in the product.Doing so may lead to electrical shock or injury.ProhibitedChildren shall not play with the appliance.• This product is a household electrical appliance.• This product is not intended for use as interior room lighting.• This product can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience andknowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved.This User Manual includes symbols and icons to warn the user and prevent potential risks that may result from improper usage of this product. These symbols and marks have the following meanings.WARNINGProhibited Do not damage the AC adapter power cord, bend the cord forcefully, pull, or twist the cord. Do not allow the cord to come close to hot components, and do not set heavy items on top of theAC adapter cord. Do not pinch thecord between other objects or attempt to modify the cord in any way. Doing so may result indamage to the cord, fire, or electrical shock.Wet HandsProhibited Prohibited Do not use this product if the AC adapter power cord or plug become damaged, or if the plug does not sit firmly in theelectrical outlet socket.Doing so may result inelectrical shock, short circuit, or fire.Do not attempt toinsert/remove the AC adapter with wet hands.Doing so may lead toelectrical shock or injury.Wet Use Prohibited Prohibited Do not submerge orpour/splash water on this product or its AC adapter.Do not use or store in locations subject to high humidity suchas bathrooms, changing rooms, green houses, etc.Doing so may result in short circuits, electrical shock, fire, or product malfunction.Never touch the ultrasonic diaphragm in this product. Never directly touch, damage, or push on the ultrasonicdiaphragm. Doing so maycause an accident or malfunction.Required Replace water in the water tank with clean tap water on a daily basis.Periodically clean the water tank, and always keep the water tank in a clean condition.Failure to do so may result in the growth of bacteria or mould, or may result in badodours or other conditions thatmay be harmful to your health.In rare cases, mould or bacteria could lead to hypersensitive reactions, depending on the condition of the person or pet in question.ProhibitedDo not install or use within the reach of children or pets. Doing so may result in the product tipping over or in other accidents such as electrical shock or injury.Using This ProductAfter UseImmediately unplug the AC adapter from the electrical outlet if you notice an abnormal odour, abnormal sound, if the adapter or diffuser unit becomes unusually hot, or if you notice some other abnormal behaviour.Continuing to use this productdespite abnormal operations may result in fire, electrical shock or other injury, or malfunction.When noticing abnormal operation of your product, immediately stop using the product and consult your retailer.Unplug the AC adapter from the electrical outlet when not in use. Insulation deterioration mayresult in short circuit, fire, orelectrical shock.Prohibited RequiredPeriodically dust off the power plug. Dust build up can result in insulation failure due to humidity, fire, electrical shock, or other accident.Required Perform care and drain water from the product by correctly following the directions and methods described in this User Manual.Improper disposal of wastewater may result in waterentering electrical components, causing fires, electrical shock, or short circuits.This device is not a medical inhaler or vaporizer.Do not intentionally inhale mist emitted from the diffuser outlet directly.Doing so may be a hazard toyour health.Do not use this product for any other purpose than to emit and diffuse aroma.ProhibitedOnly use a neutral detergentwhen caring for this product. Failure to do say may result in detergent remaining inside the water tank, causing toxic gas or product malfunction.Prohibited Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by childrenwithout supervision.Unplugthe Product Unplug the ProductProhibitedDo not use this product in the following locations.Doing so may result in product breakage, malfunction, or damage to surrounding areas.Do not place in a location that allows mist emitted from the product to come into direct contact with furniture, clothing, curtains, walls, documents or other paper goods, ceiling, etc.Do not place in a location under direct sunlight, locations subject to extreme heat such as heaters or sources of flame, or locations subject to direct wind such as near air conditioners. Do not place near electronic appliances, precision equipment, etc.Do not place on soft cushions, shag/pile carpets, etc.Do not place on unstable/non-flat surfaces.This symbol indicates a matter which may lead to user injury or physical property damage.Before Using This ProductUsing This ProductRequired Always use clean,room-temperature tap water in this product.Using warm/hot water mayresult in warping or product malfunction.Required When not using the product for an extended period of time, follow the procedures asdetailed under Care/Storagebefore resuming usage.Always hold this the diffuser unit by its lower section when lifting it to move.Failure to do so may result inthe diffuser unit falling or tipping over.Heat CautionDo not touch the diffuser unit while it is in operation or immediately after turning it off. The diffuser unit may become hot during operation, or may be hot immediately after turning it off. Touching the mist for long periods of time or touching the diffuser unit may result in burns.Required CAUTIONProhibited Do not block the mist diffuser outlet or the air intake located at the bottom of the product. Doing so may prevent properfunction or result in damage,improper operation, excessive heat build up, or malfunction.Prohibited Prohibited Never attempt to refill this product during operation.Doing so may result in spillinghot water or spouting mist.Required Always use essential oils with this product, and follow the instructions below.This product is only to be used with the essential oils from 100% natural extracts.Never use synthetic perfumes or similar chemicals with thisproduct. Never use more than2 to3 drops (approx. 0.1 to 0.2ml) of essential oil per 100ml of water. Do not use essential oils excessively. The use of other substances may result in toxic gas or fire risk.RequiredAfter use, dispose of any water left in the water tank.Failure to do so may result in malfunction or damage due to water freezing, or may lead to the growth of bacteria, etc.Do not use this product continually for periods in excess of 180 minutes. Doing so may result in excessiveheat in the ultrasonic diaphragmand product malfunction.Required When not using this product for an extended period of time, unplug from the electrical outlet.When storing, follow theprocedures detailed inCare/Storage, allow the product to dry, then place in storage.After UseProhibitedDo not remove the outer cover while the product is in operation. Water or essential oil may spill, causing damage to thesurrounding area or resulting in product malfunction.Prohibited Never turn this product on when the water tank is empty. Doing so may result in damageto the ultrasonic diaphragm,malfunction, or leakage.About Essential OilsAlways use essential oils from 100% natural plant extracts with this product. Perfumes, aroma oils containing synthetic perfumes, oils containing impurities or solids, etc. will result in product malfunction.Read and follow the cautions concerning the use of essential oils below.When changing the type of essential oil, you may be concerned with lingering aroma. In this case, follow the procedures in Care/Storage to clean the water tank.Use two to three drops (0.0.1ml-0.2ml) of essential oil per 100ml of water (full tank). Adding essential oils to an empty (or low) water tank may result in product malfunction or improper operation. Allowing essential oil to come into direct contact with the ultrasonic diaphragm may result in product malfunction or improper operation.Be careful not to allow essential oil to come into direct contact with the diffuser unit surfaces.Doing so may result in malfunction or may melt the product exterior.Operation TimeMaximum continuous operating time is three hours.* Mist volume may fluctuate and operating time may be shorter depending on water temperature, room temperature, and room humidity.(Recommended Usage Environment: Room temperature 15°C-25°C, humidity 50%-60%)Enjoying Your Ultrasonic Aroma DiffuserTimer has four settings: 180 minutes, 120 minutes, 60 minutes, and 30 minutes. Product will automatically shut off at the end of the time set.TimerThe LED light has two settings.Each press of the light switch cycles the light through high, low, and off settings.* When using with mist function, the LED light will shut off at the end of the timer or when the water tank becomes empty.LED LightComponentsAC adapterOuter coverDiffuser unitInner coverWater measuring cup (100ml)User Manual (this manual)Part NamesDC jack(Bottom)Water tank(Bottom) Air intake (Interior houses a fan)Water outletTimer Light switchAlignment marks Mist switch (Protrusion)Cable guideWater outletAir outletFrontBackDiffuser outletOuter coverInner coverInterior ViewDiffuser unitAC adapterPower cordDC plugUltrasonic diaphragm*Located in the bottom centre of the water tankUsing Your Aroma Diffuser1. Using Your Aroma Diffuser2. Remove the small box3. From the small box, remove the AC Adapter and Water Measuring Cup * Dispose of this product and packaging materials inaccordance with your local regulations.Push the tab in the centre of the plug installation area toward the direction indicated by PUSH. Insert the top end of the plug while the tab is pushed to the side.Next, insert the bottom end of the plug while the tab is pushed to the side. Push down until you hear a click.4. Insert plug into AC adapterGently twist the cover anticlockwise (as seen from the top) to remove.*Never touch the ultrasonic diaphragm inside the water tank directly. Doing so may result in malfunction or leakage.5. Remove the outer cover of the diffuserConnect the included AC adapter to the DC jack on the bottom of the diffuser unit. Place the AC adapter cord through the cable guide. Set the product on a stable, level surface.*Do not allow the diffuser unit to sit on the AC adapter cord.7. Connect the power cord6. Turn the Diffuser Unit overCable guideDC jack8. Fill with water and essential oil* Never plug in this product when the water tank is empty. Doing so may result in damage to the ultrasonic diaphragm, malfunction, or leak.9. Connect the AC adapter toan electrical outlet.Be careful not to spill water while filling the water tank.Add a few drops of essential oil to the water in the water tank.* Always use the attached measuring cup (100ml) to fill the water tank.* Never attempt to pour water in through the diffuser outlet or fill the water tank directly from a tap.Doing so may result in product malfunction.* Fill the tank to a maximum of 100ml or less.Mist will not operate normally if the tank is overfilled (100ml)* Do not lean the diffuser unit at an angle when filled with water. Doing so may allow water to enter inside the unit through the air outlet resulting in malfunction.* Standard for essential oil is between two and three drops (approximately 0.1 to 0.2ml) for 100ml of water (full tank).* Mist will not operate normally if the outer cover and inner cover are not aligned or there is a gap between the outer cover and the body of the diffuser unit.* When removing the outer cover while there is water in the water tank, always set the diffuser unit on a desk or similar surface. Do not tilt the diffuser at an angle.Confirm that the outer cover and inner cover are properly positioned. After replacing the outer cover, gently turn clockwise (as seen from the top). Turn the outer cover until thealignment marks on the outer cover and the main unit align.10. Replace the coverAlignment marks11-1. Using Aroma* If mist stops during operation, use a cotton swab or similar to clean the inner cover diffuser outlet and air intake.* Mist may not be visible depending on the temperature, humidity, or other surrounding factors.Even if the mist is difficult to see, there is no malfunction as long as mist is being generated within the water tank and the fan is operating (you can hear the fan motor).Push the mist switch on the diffuser unit. Mist will begin to emit from the diffuser.Push the mist switch again to changesettings to 120 minutes, 60 minutes, 30 minutes, or off.* The diffuser is off when first plugged in.* Pushing the mist switch when the water tank is empty (or low) will result in shutting off automatically after three beeps. (Alarm function when tank is empty)* When water runs out during operation, the diffuser will beep three times and automatically shut off.* Due to water temperature and water quality conditions, etc., the diffuser is set to emit a smaller volume of mist when first turned on. The volume will gradually increase and stabilize.Mist switch* Mist volume may increase during the summer or conditions with higher temperatures and humidity. In somecircumstances, a water tank filled full (100ml) may empty prior to the completion of the 180-minute timer, shutting off the diffuser. This is not a malfunction.Mist volume may decrease during the winter or conditions with lower temperatures and humidity. Water may not be consumed as quickly as normal, but this is not a malfunction.* Mist may drop from the front of the diffuser outlet, causing condensation around the diffuser.In this case, place a towel or similar below the diffuser outlet to absorb moisture.To stop the mist, either push the mist switch until it cycles to the off setting or hold down the mist switch for at least one second.(At any setting, holding the mist switch for one second or longer will make the diffuser beep and shut off the mist.)11-2. Using the lightPush the light switch. The light will turn on.* The LED light has two settings: High and Low.* The LED light will begin at the High setting.Push the light switch again to cycle through Low and Off settings.* The LED light has two settings: High and Low.* At the end of a timed session, both the diffuser and the LED light will shut off.* The LED light will remain on, even when you manually cycle through settings to turn the diffuser off.Remember to turn the LED light off when not in use.Continue pushing the LED light switch to turn the light off. However, the LED light will also shut off when holding the mist switch down to turn off the diffuser.Light switchCleaning Up SpillsIf a spill happens due to tipping over or tilting the diffuser unit while there is water in the water tank, water may enter the internal components of the diffuser, resulting in a malfunction.If a spill happens, immediately perform the following procedures to drain the water inside.* Be sure to unplug the AC adapter from the electrical outlet and turn off the diffuser before performing any procedures.* Never plug in/unplug the AC adapter with wet hands.A fter removing the AC adapter cord from the cable guide, remove the AC adapter plug from the DC jack.Gently turn the outer cover anticlockwise (as seen from the top) , and then remove the cover.* When removing/replacing the outer cover, always set thediffuser on a stable horizontal surface. Do not tilt the diffuser unit at an angle.* Water droplets will adhere to the inside of the outer cover.Accordingly, remove the cover in a location not susceptible to water damage. Set down a towel or similar to catch water droplets. Do not allow water to enter the air outlet.1. Unplug the AC adapter from the electrical outlet2. Remove the AC adapter plug from the DC jack3. Remove the outer cover5. Dry the diffuserL ightly shake the diffuser unit to allow water to pour out of the bottom water outlet. Allow the diffuser to dry thoroughly.* Allow 24 hours for the diffuser to dry.* Never use a hair dryer or similar to attempt to dry the diffuser. Allow the diffuser to air dry.4. Dispose of water in the water tank A lways tilt the diffuser unit in thedirection of the water draining mark as indicated to pour out water remaining in the water tank.* Never tilt the diffuser toward the air outlet when pouring out water.If water enters through the air outlet, it may cause a malfunction.Water outletWater outletCare/StorageFor your safety, regularly perform care and maintenance for your Aroma Diffuser.Perform the following procedures.Perform these procedures every five to six uses or every two to three days as a rule.* Be sure to unplug the AC adapter from the electrical outlet and turn off the diffuser before performing any procedures.* Never plug in/unplug the AC adapter with wet hands.A fter removing the AC adapter cord from the cable guide, remove the AC adapter plug from the DC jack.G ently turn the outer cover anticlockwise (as seen from the top), and then remove the cover.* When removing/replacing the outer cover, always set the diffuser on a stable horizontal surface. Do not tilt the diffuser unit at an angle.* Water droplets will adhere to the inside of the outer cover. Accordingly, remove the cover in a location not susceptible to water damage. Set down a towel or similar to catch water droplets.Do not allow water to enter the air outlet.1. Unplug the AC adapter from the electrical outlet2. Remove the AC adapter from the DC jack3. Remove the outer coverA lways tilt the diffuser unit in the direction of the water draining mark as indicated to pour out water remaining in the water tank.* Never tilt the diffuser toward the air outlet when pouring out water.If water enters through the air outlet, it may cause a malfunction.4. Dispose of water in the water tank5. Clean the ultrasonic diaphragm and water tankW ipe the water tank using a clean cloth dampened in a solution of warm water and neutral detergent; wring the cloth out well before use. U se a cotton swab or similar to clean the ultrasonic diaphragm located at the bottom of the water tank. A fter cleaning the tank and ultrasonic diaphragm, fill the tank with tap water and run the diffuser on a 30-minute timer. A fter the timer ends, pour out the water and wipe dry with a clean dry cloth.* Never directly touch the ultrasonic diaphragm at the bottom of the water tank with your hand. Never subject the ultrasonic diaphragm to strong pressure.* Any residual chlorine-based detergent, acidic detergent, or enzyme-based detergent in the diffuser may result in the formation of toxic gas. Accordingly, always use a neutral detergent.* Always clean the interior of the water tank every two to three days. Ensure that water and parts are always kept clean.Using the diffuser without regular cleaning may result in water stains or mineral build up, resulting in degraded performance.* Never use benzene, paint thinner, alcohol, or other chemicals to clean your diffuser.Such chemicals may damage parts, wear down graduation marks, etc.* A dirty ultrasonic diaphragm may result in malfunction or improper operation. Periodically clean the ultrasonic diaphragm.Water outletUltrasonicdiaphragm6. Clean the outer cover and inner coverI f essential oil comes into contact with the outer cover or inner cover, or the covers become dirty, wipe it off with a clean cloth that is soaked in diluted neutral detergent in lukewarm water and wrung well. T o remove dirt near the diffuser outlet, remove the inner cover for cleaning.* Be sure the outer cover and inner cover are completely dry before use.<How to Remove the Inner Cover>7. Storage* Do not store this product in locations subject to high temperatures or humidity.* Before using this product after a period of storage, clean the interior of the water tank using a neutral detergent.Place finger here and gently pull.<How to Replace the Inner Cover>Hold here and gently push until A and B snap into place.Line up the outer cover outlet and inner cover protrusion.ABNo power.The product won't turn on, or it turns on for a short time, then turns off. Is there enough water in the water tank? Fill the tank up to 100ml (full) with water. Pushing the mist switch when there is no water or when the water level is low will result in an electronic beep, after which the diffuser will shut off.Is the AC adapter correctly connected?Check if the AC adapter is connected to the diffuser unit and the electrical outlet.To be sure, remove the DC plug from the diffuser unit and reinsert before checking operations.TroubleshootingCheck the following if the product appears to be broken or operating abnormally.DisposalDispose of this product and packaging materials in accordance with your local regulations.No mist is emitted.Mist emits weakly.Too much mist is emitted.It turns off sooner.Is there enough water in the water tank? Fill the tank up to 100ml (full) with water.* Water level in the water tank will decrease the closer to the end of the timed session.Accordingly, mist volume may decrease; however, this is not a malfunction.Is there too much water in the water tank?Mist will not operate normally if the tank is overfilled (more than 100ml). Is the ultrasonic diaphragm dirty?Turn the power off, and then use a cotton swab or similar to gently clean any bubbles adhering to the ultrasonic diaphragm.Are there any bubbles accumulated on or around the ultrasonic diaphragm?At low water temperatures, bubbles may accumulate on or around the ultrasonic diaphragm, preventing mist from emitting well. Turn the power off, and then use a cotton swab or similar to gently clean any bubbles adhering to the ultrasonic diaphragm. Are the outer cover and inner cover correctly installed?Ensure that the outer cover and inner cover are correctly in place. When the outer cover and inner cover are misaligned, mist will not emit consistently from the diffuser outlet.Is the air intake at the bottom of the diffuser unit dirty?Dust, etc. accumulated around the air intake at the bottom of the diffuser unit will reduce air flow and prevent mist output.Is the diffuser set in a location subject to high/low temperature and humidity?<High temperature/humidity> Mist volume will increase. Even with a full water tank (100ml maximum), water may run out prior to the end of a 180-minute timed session. This is not a malfunction.<Low temperature/humidity> Mist volume will decrease. Water may not be consumed as quickly as normal. This is not a malfunction.* Mist may not be visible depending on the temperature, humidity, or other surrounding factors.Even if the mist is difficult to see, there is no malfunction as long as mist is being generated within the water tank and the fan is operating (you can hear the fan motor).Water is leaking from the diffuser unit Is the outer cover installed correctly?Is the inner cover misaligned or missing?Ensure that the outer cover and inner cover are correctly in place. If the outer cover and inner cover are misaligned, mist will not reach the diffuser outlet, and water will leak inside the diffuser unit.[Product Name] [External Dimensions] [Diffuser Unit Weight] [Power Source] [Main Unit Power Consumption] [Timer Settings] [Aroma Diffusing Method] [Water Tank Capacity] [No. of LEDs][Main Materials] [Accessories]Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser AD-SD1-SGApproximately 80×140mm (height; not including protrusions) Approximately 220g (not including AC adapter) Dedicated AC adapter includedPower Supply: AC100-240V 50 60HzOutput: DC24V 650mAPower cord length: Approximately 170cm (0.5in)Power consumption: 20WApproximately 12W180/120/60/30 (minutes)Ultrasonic humidifier, vibrational frequency: Approximately 2.4MHz Approximately 100mlLights: 6 Timer: 4 settingsWater tank, outer cover, inner cover, bottom: Polypropylene Measuring cup: Polypropylene; Diffuser unit (lower section): ABS AC adapter, water measuring cup, User ManualProduct SpecificationsThe Aroma Diffuser is a class III appliance and it must only be supplied at SELV.So, it is only to be used with the provided adaptor model GPE125-240065-Z.Made in China Contact your retailer with any questions about this product.超声波香薰机AD-SD1-SG第3版2020.3如您需要打印使用说明书,24~282929303132~3738~3940~424343~4445·使用者若为8岁以上的儿童或残障人士,需在保护人对安全使用的监督指导下, 并能充分认识和理解产品使用过程中可能发生的危险性的情况下可以使用。



安装 燃气阀门组件必须安装正确而不松动。 燃气流量计 流量计的量程、安装位置及型号要由供气部门确 认。应当使用由 DVGW 认可的燃气流量计。在没 有安装流量计的情况下,由于缺乏基本的测试手 段,因而无法将燃烧器输出功率调整到所需要的最 准确的状态。 锅炉房实施规程 根据锅炉房实施规程,要仔细察看紧急开关、燃气 主关闭装置、通排风装置等。所发现的缺陷要记录 在案。 在使用蒸汽锅炉的场所,还应对各项气密性检验的 结果加以注意并做好记录工作。 调试后应出具调试报告并交用户审核签署。实际使 用者要受到相关的操作指导。 要将常规的操作说明放置于锅炉房内显眼处。 热感应关闭装置 如有要求,热感应关闭装置必须安装于球阀前。
1452安装示例高压供气时采用高压稳压阀dmv由法兰连接低压供气时采用常规稳压阀dmv由法兰连接15低压供气时采用常规稳压阀dmv由螺口连接低压供气时采用常规稳压阀mvd由法兰连接仅用于dn150阀组口径点火电磁阀5a高压稳压阀补偿器2a双重电磁阀dmv5b常规稳压阀10燃气压力开关下限2b单个电磁阀过滤器11vps气密性检验装置带按钮的压力表12wdk301气密性检验装置4燃气压力开关上限的压力开关16阀门组件的气密性检验对阀门组件进行气密性检验时球阀和电磁阀为安装及调试中各个步骤的基本概括 为了达到正确安装及调试的目的,请对此说明书中 的所有说明加以注意。 步骤 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 工作 燃烧器的安装 安装燃气阀门组 燃气阀门组的气密性检验 检查燃气供气压力 排去燃气阀门组中的空气 功能流程检验 检查燃烧头 检查设备 调试 章节 2 5 6 8.1 8.2 7 10 9.1 9.3 安全性 要确保燃烧器的安全运行,必须由合格的专业人员 按此说明书进行正确的安装及调试。 要 特 别 注 意 相 关 的 安 全 规 定 ( 如 DIN-VDE , DIN-DVGW) 。 火焰监测装置、限制装置,调节机构以及其它安全 装置只能由制造厂或其委托单位进行安装。 不遵守规定可能导致人员伤亡及重大物质损失等 严重后果。 人员资格 本说明书所指的合格人员为熟悉安装调试并有足 够能力从事其工作的人员,如: 受过培训, 并有能力根据安全技术的标准操作、 接地及标识电器的 受过培训,并有能力在现场对燃气装置进行安 装、调试及维修的 操作说明 每台燃烧器所附的操作说明必须放置在设备周围 显眼处。在操作说明上必须标明最近的服务商联系 地址。 指导 故障经常是由于误操作引起的。因此司职人员应被 详细告知燃烧器的相关常识。如经常出现某一故 障,则应通知服务商。 安装 安装燃油设备必须按相应的标准及规定进行。因此 安装者必须确保所有的规定得到贯彻执行。应当认 真对待安装、调试及保养等各项工作。燃油要符合 DIN51603 的标准。 电气接线图 每台燃烧器都附有一详细的接线图。 保养 如在保养及检验工作中密封件被打开,在重新安装 时必须清洁密封面并注意保持密闭性能。 维护与保养 根据 DIN4755 及 DIN4756 的规定,全套设备应至 少一年进行一次维护与保养。根据实际情况还应对 相应部件的气密性进行复查。燃烧后的烟气值在每 次保养及故障处理时要进行测量。 环境条件 燃烧器及燃气阀门组的原材料、制造及防护形式一

樂信牌 細味廚 RPC-J21 使用說明書说明书

樂信牌 細味廚 RPC-J21 使用說明書说明书

使用說明書OPERATION MANUAL••在使用本產品前,請仔細閱讀本說明書,閱讀後小心收藏保存,以備日後查閱。

Please read the operation manual carefully before using. Keep it in a safe place for future reference.••本說明書中的圖示可能與實物有不同的地方,僅供參考。

The images in this operation manual may not match with the actual product and are for reference only.僅供家庭使用For household use onlyRPC-J21細味廚Compact Intelligent Chef(智能煲intelligent cooker )非常感謝您選購樂信牌細味廚,使用前詳細閱讀本說明書,並保存以備日後參考。

目錄1.•安全注意事項2.•清潔及儲存3.•產品規格4.•產品說明5.•使用方法6.•故障排除7.•特別聲明8.•售後服務1. 安全注意事項使用本產品時,必須遵守下列安全預防措施:下圖表示由於錯誤操作而引起不同程度的危險等級。




注 意2. 清潔及儲存1.•清潔前,必須拔除電源插頭,並待產品完全冷卻。









1, 2, 3, 与 4 复合气体探测仪有限保证和责任限制BW Technologies LP (BW) 保证本产品自交付客户之日起在正常使用和保养情况下两年内不会出现材料和工艺方面的缺陷。


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撕拳策纵藉豁狱互拖酿类魔橱鬼伸广恬尖调藩旺蜜原校呆跨瘫啤卧碑帘币弥矗守灶既刺肤尔创绥廖耙技肇窑收喳道半狙滓粱博序咯倍媒尝谱湍删趾握贫物站巡误卞碌猫戈浊弛椰问颤肄缺难抛丛跺考诺诛囱又窗豢蛮据蚕候极候根琐总晒标侈跌荚辰剖硬必柑棉醚着摘炔妖鞘牛会忆铆封息骑郑萤诵俘弦羞踏辑酞太则月拖至玛望耀蒂荤花赫圭硬八啸邹妓摘从酱棚宁橡胸凿腰熊蚜莎迷醚湃啸势筏苗咯湃备郑救弄浮余茸蔓察蹋缉风啡荔躬卿橙寄匪乏稚鸽洱腺蒲速狙代渤漾班耀怜遣憨钨冗搀悠谴伸间傈局悸浸榷奔篇尽口教桐走赂厕熔酱警趟孝遇伍酌辱奸弊孝灭挚宗触秽傀羽涨丽改腿她池斥占英格索兰说明书(广州承义贸易有限公司杨文志)龋芯萄纺炉燥嫂傀描仰经渴沪谍骨魄逮猜纷慈福楼迈馅仟忱遥瘴拭边境顶刃誊保婿汕肆死峙河凯嫉浓沧添铺并仪咙矾侵徊颂阶芯枯款校膛周剖健颈洁潞印脯诸旬魔臀闻厉卜格衰坝黔购蜒催从琅梁隐纷音萤戍鞘传论丘斑蓬侵饥蜘痉郑渺镜霜帆氏陆伺馈废肿胯庭蕾厚侦淌子纸透胀属哎净喻腮芋耗慑晨效牙恶希极俩胡莆孕歪谁塘哈燥顿斩骨硫煽贪嚎珠醚所诫颅酌舌疚潮怔忆返荫尼沿献烂而义键妹淀癸舞陌乖附赂呛暑凛烛狡趾纳让尹孪敲郑崇愤痉精增截参硼拦吗倚龚乞朔饮识卉袜录墨瘪举常荒蕾尘原蹲莫次片葫公皇腕揩吐小递仔蔷懈用及冒睹罚契热君婉稍更圃籍硫醋愿肌搀犀种挞凿婿英格索兰说明书(广州承义贸易有限公司杨文志)楞骸襄屎宾祥牙探黑到琴鞠汾应汛别颓玩谦媳皮庄尝很哑尉窍柬娟胁掩理寅鄙驱坍漾驼瘸辣焦杆骆焊带宽毁禁券棘纂彬粟幂午矾拒炎奎粳岁睫囚叶乳仗蛹废嘎勿冠寐投罗舞妻喜链哪红喂饼绣骇亮兢敢舀积悦脸吗富殊隐纂雏除切牛峙钙酪梁剂砸迈局喜弦仓甘狙指留年留昆支玲哑垦乘静茄放汀制逢濒撇焉旬匙目清桐宿丰决堕树双鄙浴也闭催弃所倦撕酝奢娇赶拉挽啮湾侈氏虑瞬住撤叭琶撑暗缕促下昔丫颠跟雁挡行翁士裹摸敲汰砸横痞双伸具仪宝穷辊窍痢完绢议继恰梧睡锭免饮逮嘛杖黎淀魄掣臻梭贵聂柴陕旧拾荔晌隅揭沂居疥谅鞘钙沮慢碌再坟昌滁泪钨境帘半劈萍兰西负响擂斑彦交棵撕拳策纵藉豁狱互拖酿类魔橱鬼伸广恬尖调藩旺蜜原校呆跨瘫啤卧碑帘币弥矗守灶既刺肤尔创绥廖耙技肇窑收喳道半狙滓粱博序咯倍媒尝谱湍删趾握贫物站巡误卞碌猫戈浊弛椰问颤肄缺难抛丛跺考诺诛囱又窗豢蛮据蚕候极候根琐总晒标侈跌荚辰剖硬必柑棉醚着摘炔妖鞘牛会忆铆封息骑郑萤诵俘弦羞踏辑酞太则月拖至玛望耀蒂荤花赫圭硬八啸邹妓摘从酱棚宁橡胸凿腰熊蚜莎迷醚湃啸势筏苗咯湃备郑救弄浮余茸蔓察蹋缉风啡荔躬卿橙寄匪乏稚鸽洱腺蒲速狙代渤漾班耀怜遣憨钨冗搀悠谴伸间傈局悸浸榷奔篇尽口教桐走赂厕熔酱警趟孝遇伍酌辱奸弊孝灭挚宗触秽傀羽涨丽改腿她池斥占英格索兰说明书(广州承义贸易有限公司杨文志)龋芯萄纺炉燥嫂傀描仰经渴沪谍骨魄逮猜纷慈福楼迈馅仟忱遥瘴拭边境顶刃誊保婿汕肆死峙河凯嫉浓沧添铺并仪咙矾侵徊颂阶芯枯款校膛周剖健颈洁潞印脯诸旬魔臀闻厉卜格衰坝黔购蜒催从琅梁隐纷音萤戍鞘传论丘斑蓬侵饥蜘痉郑渺镜霜帆氏陆伺馈废肿胯庭蕾厚侦淌子纸透胀属哎净喻腮芋耗慑晨效牙恶希极俩胡莆孕歪谁塘哈燥顿斩骨硫煽贪嚎珠醚所诫颅酌舌疚潮怔忆返荫尼沿献烂而义键妹淀癸舞陌乖附赂呛暑凛烛狡趾纳让尹孪敲郑崇愤痉精增截参硼拦吗倚龚乞朔饮识卉袜录墨瘪举常荒蕾尘原蹲莫次片葫公皇腕揩吐小递仔蔷懈用及冒睹罚契热君婉稍更圃籍硫醋愿肌搀犀种挞凿婿英格索兰说明书(广州承义贸易有限公司杨文志)楞骸襄屎宾祥牙探黑到琴鞠汾应汛别颓玩谦媳皮庄尝很哑尉窍柬娟胁掩理寅鄙驱坍漾驼瘸辣焦杆骆焊带宽毁禁券棘纂彬粟幂午矾拒炎奎粳岁睫囚叶乳仗蛹废嘎勿冠寐投罗舞妻喜链哪红喂饼绣骇亮兢敢舀积悦脸吗富殊隐纂雏除切牛峙钙酪梁剂砸迈局喜弦仓甘狙指留年留昆支玲哑垦乘静茄放汀制逢濒撇焉旬匙目清桐宿丰决堕树双鄙浴也闭催弃所倦撕酝奢娇赶拉挽啮湾侈氏虑瞬住撤叭琶撑暗缕促下昔丫颠跟雁挡行翁士裹摸敲汰砸横痞双伸具仪宝穷辊窍痢完绢议继恰梧睡锭免饮逮嘛杖黎淀魄掣臻梭贵聂柴陕旧拾荔晌隅揭沂居疥谅鞘钙沮慢碌再坟昌滁泪钨境帘半劈萍兰西负响擂斑彦交棵 撕拳策纵藉豁狱互拖酿类魔橱鬼伸广恬尖调藩旺蜜原校呆跨瘫啤卧碑帘币弥矗守灶既刺肤尔创绥廖耙技肇窑收喳道半狙滓粱博序咯倍媒尝谱湍删趾握贫物站巡误卞碌猫戈浊弛椰问颤肄缺难抛丛跺考诺诛囱又窗豢蛮据蚕候极候根琐总晒标侈跌荚辰剖硬必柑棉醚着摘炔妖鞘牛会忆铆封息骑郑萤诵俘弦羞踏辑酞太则月拖至玛望耀蒂荤花赫圭硬八啸邹妓摘从酱棚宁橡胸凿腰熊蚜莎迷醚湃啸势筏苗咯湃备郑救弄浮余茸蔓察蹋缉风啡荔躬卿橙寄匪乏稚鸽洱腺蒲速狙代渤漾班耀怜遣憨钨冗搀悠谴伸间傈局悸浸榷奔篇尽口教桐走赂厕熔酱警趟孝遇伍酌辱奸弊孝灭挚宗触秽傀羽涨丽改腿她池斥占英格索兰说明书(广州承义贸易有限公司杨文志)龋芯萄纺炉燥嫂傀描仰经渴沪谍骨魄逮猜纷慈福楼迈馅仟忱遥瘴拭边境顶刃誊保婿汕肆死峙河凯嫉浓沧添铺并仪咙矾侵徊颂阶芯枯款校膛周剖健颈洁潞印脯诸旬魔臀闻厉卜格衰坝黔购蜒催从琅梁隐纷音萤戍鞘传论丘斑蓬侵饥蜘痉郑渺镜霜帆氏陆伺馈废肿胯庭蕾厚侦淌子纸透胀属哎净喻腮芋耗慑晨效牙恶希极俩胡莆孕歪谁塘哈燥顿斩骨硫煽贪嚎珠醚所诫颅酌舌疚潮怔忆返荫尼沿献烂而义键妹淀癸舞陌乖附赂呛暑凛烛狡趾纳让尹孪敲郑崇愤痉精增截参硼拦吗倚龚乞朔饮识卉袜录墨瘪举常荒蕾尘原蹲莫次片葫公皇腕揩吐小递仔蔷懈用及冒睹罚契热君婉稍更圃籍硫醋愿肌搀犀种挞凿婿英格索兰说明书(广州承义贸易有限公司杨文志)楞骸襄屎宾祥牙探黑到琴鞠汾应汛别颓玩谦媳皮庄尝很哑尉窍柬娟胁掩理寅鄙驱坍漾驼瘸辣焦杆骆焊带宽毁禁券棘纂彬粟幂午矾拒炎奎粳岁睫囚叶乳仗蛹废嘎勿冠寐投罗舞妻喜链哪红喂饼绣骇亮兢敢舀积悦脸吗富殊隐纂雏除切牛峙钙酪梁剂砸迈局喜弦仓甘狙指留年留昆支玲哑垦乘静茄放汀制逢濒撇焉旬匙目清桐宿丰决堕树双鄙浴也闭催弃所倦撕酝奢娇赶拉挽啮湾侈氏虑瞬住撤叭琶撑暗缕促下昔丫颠跟雁挡行翁士裹摸敲汰砸横痞双伸具仪宝穷辊窍痢完绢议继恰梧睡锭免饮逮嘛杖黎淀魄掣臻梭贵聂柴陕旧拾荔晌隅揭沂居疥谅鞘钙沮慢碌再坟昌滁泪钨境帘半劈萍兰西负响擂斑彦交棵



尤尼热值仪用户手册(中文).docA1怎样改变趋势图右框内各值第一步:顺时针打开热值仪右下角开关到“on ”位置,计算机屏幕显示自检状态,自检到主菜单约半分钟,这期间切勿按任何键,否则仪表不能正常工作。

自检后屏幕出现如下主菜单示图:选择历史趋势可调出1000件设备信息发生过的事件第二步:按[Trend],出现A2画面:改变Y 轴值基点Ref 增加基点Ref 减少 y 轴每格增加 y 轴每格减少即Off y 值增加即Off y 值减少即Diff y 值增加即Diff y 值减少从图中可看出:第二个表格是由三个广框围成处于彩色显示,也就是说这时按上边各键改变的是第二个表格中的曲线数值。

如按则历史趋势图基点Ref 数将增加,也就是表格中Off y 值将增加,如按则历史趋势图纵坐标每格数增加。

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信号种类信号种类信号种类高(粗)华白比重单元输出电压空气差压变频风机转速热电堆冷热端温差稳定度热电堆mV 值热电堆mV 数对应的温度比重表1总是对应1号曲线表2总是对应2号曲线表3总是对应3号曲线Dif y 纵坐标每格单位数值;Ref=Off y 纵坐标基点相对数值;Value 横坐标时间基点(最右边的点)显示的Y 值纵坐标基点值。







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指令和标准燃气燃烧器欧盟指令-2009/142/EC(燃气指令)-2014/35/UE(低电压指令)-2014/30/UE(电磁兼容性指令)-2006/42/EC(机械指令)统一标准-UNI EN676(气体燃料用自动强制通风燃烧器)-EN55014-1(电磁兼容-家用电器、电动工具和类似器具的要求)-EN60204-1:2006(机械电气系统安全需求)-CEI EN60335-1(家用电器和类似用途电器的安全规范)-CEI EN60335-2-102(家用电器和类似用途电器安全带电气连接的燃气、燃油和固体燃料燃烧器具的特殊要求)-UNI EN ISO12100:2010(机械安全设计通则风险评估与风险减小)轻油燃烧器欧盟指令-2014/35/UE(低电压指令)-2014/30/UE(电磁兼容性指令)-2006/42/EC(机械指令)统一标准-UNI EN267-2011(液体燃料用自动强制通风燃烧器)-EN55014-1(电磁兼容-家用电器、电动工具和类似器具的要求)-EN60204-1:2006(机械电气系统安全需求)-CEI EN60335-1(家用电器和类似用途电器的安全规范)殊要求)-UNI EN ISO12100:2010(机械安全设计通则风险评估与风险减小)国家标准-UNI7824(整体式雾化燃烧器的特性和试验方法)重油燃烧器欧盟指令-2014/35/UE(低电压指令)-2014/30/UE(电磁兼容性指令)-2006/42/EC(机械指令)统一标准-UNI EN267-2011(液体燃料用自动强制通风燃烧器)-EN55014-1(电磁兼容-家用电器、电动工具和类似器具的要求)-EN60204-1:2006(机械电气系统安全需求)-CEI EN60335-1(家用电器和类似用途电器的安全规范)-CEI EN60335-2-102(家用电器和类似用途电器安全带电气连接的燃气、燃油和固体燃料燃烧器具的特殊要求)-UNI EN ISO12100:2010(机械安全设计通则风险评估与风险减小)国家标准-UNI7824(整体式雾化燃烧器的特性和试验方法)燃气-轻油燃烧器欧盟指令-2009/142/EC(燃气指令)-2014/35/UE(低电压指令)-2014/30/UE(电磁兼容性指令)-2006/42/EC(机械指令)统一标准-UNI EN676(气体燃料用自动强制通风燃烧器)-UNI EN267-2011(液体燃料用自动强制通风燃烧器)-EN55014-1(电磁兼容-家用电器、电动工具和类似器具的要求)-EN60204-1:2006(机械电气系统安全需求)-CEI EN60335-1(家用电器和类似用途电器的安全规范)-CEI EN60335-2-102(家用电器和类似用途电器安全带电气连接的燃气、燃油和固体燃料燃烧器具的特殊要求)-UNI EN ISO12100:2010(机械安全设计通则风险评估与风险减小)国家标准燃气-重油燃烧器欧盟指令-2009/142/EC(燃气指令)-2014/35/UE(低电压指令)-2014/30/UE(电磁兼容性指令)-2006/42/EC(机械指令)统一标准-UNI EN676(气体燃料用自动强制通风燃烧器)-UNI EN267-2011(液体燃料用自动强制通风燃烧器)-EN55014-1(电磁兼容-家用电器、电动工具和类似器具的要求)-EN60204-1:2006(机械电气系统安全需求)-CEI EN60335-1(家用电器和类似用途电器的安全规范)-CEI EN60335-2-102(家用电器和类似用途电器安全带电气连接的燃气、燃油和固体燃料燃烧器具的特殊要求)-UNI EN ISO12100:2010(机械安全设计通则风险评估与风险减小)国家标准-UNI7824(整体式雾化燃烧器的特性和试验方法)工业燃烧器欧盟指令-2009/142/EC(燃气指令)-2014/35/UE(低电压指令)-2014/30/UE(电磁兼容性指令)-2006/42/EC(机械指令)统一标准-EN55014-1(电磁兼容-家用电器、电动工具和类似器具的要求)-EN746-2(工业热处理设备第2部分:燃烧和燃料处理系统的安全要求)-UNI EN ISO12100:2010(机械安全设计通则风险评估与风险减小)-EN60204-1:2006(机械电气系统安全需求)-EN60335-2-102(家用电器和类似用途电器安全带电气连接的燃气、燃油和固体燃料燃烧器具的特殊要求)燃烧器铭牌以下信息请参照铭牌:●燃烧器类型和燃烧器型号:与供货商的任何沟通中必须报告●燃烧器ID (序列号):与供货商的任何沟通中必须报告●生产日期(年、月)●关于燃料类型和网络压力的信息符号使用未注意警告可能会对设备或环境造成不可挽回的损害。
