
quick and active
move and act quickly
even though
joint effect
collide with
run into
hit each other
compressed (結實旳)
add to
be beforehand

IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导A1. abandon=left 被遗弃的2. aberrant=abnormal 脱离常轨的3. abort=quit 夭折,中止4. abruptly=suddenly 突然地,意外地5. absorb=take in 吸收;被吸进6. absorb=appeal 吸收;被吸进7. absorb=learn(学习)吸收8. abstract=no concrete 抽象的;非实际的9. absurd=ridiculous 荒谬的,可笑的10. abundance=large amount 大量11. abundance=great number 大量12. abundant=affluent 丰富的;大量的13. abundant=ample 丰富的,大量的14. abundant=numerous 丰富的,大量的15. abundant=plentiful 丰富的,大量的16. abundant=substantial 丰富的,大量的17. access=reach 接近18. accessible=easy to reach 易接近的19. accessible=reachable 可接近的20. accidental=unexpected 意外的,偶然的21. accommodate=provide for 提供22. accomplished=achieved 实现的,完成的23. account=description 说明24. account for=explain 说明25. accumulate= pile up 积累,聚集26. accumulate=collect 累积,聚集27. accurate=correct 正确的28. accurately=correctly 正确地29. be accustomed to=get used to 习惯30. acknowledge=recognize 承认31. actually=in fact 事实上32. added=extra 附加的,额外的33. adept=skilled 熟练的34. adherent=supporter 拥护者35. adjacent=nearby 毗连的36. adjacent=neighboring 毗连的37. adjust=modify 调整,改变以适应38. adopt=enact 采用39. advance=improvement 发展,增长40. advent=arrival 出现,到来41. advent=beginning 出现,到来42. affair=matter 事件,事情43. afford=provide 提供,给予TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导44. aggravate=increase 加重,加剧45. aggravate=annoy 使...恼火46. aggregate=overall 聚集的,合计的47. aggregate=combined 聚集的,合计的48. agile=astute 灵活的;敏捷的49. agile=clever 灵活的,敏捷的50. agile=move and act quickly 灵活的,敏捷的51. air=feeling 气氛52. alarm=warning 警告53. alarm=sound 警报54. albeit=even though 尽管,虽然55. allow=enable 允许56. allude=suggest 暗示57. allude to= refer to 提到58. ally with=link to 结盟;联合59. alter=change to 改变60. amazing=remarkable 令人惊讶的,非凡的61. ambiguous=vague 模棱两可的;不明确的62. ambivalent=mixed 矛盾的63. ample=plentiful 充足的;丰富的64. anchor=hold in place 使固定65. ancient=antique 古老的66. annihilate=destroy 消灭67. annihilate=completely remove 消灭68. annually=yearly 每年69. anomaly=irregularity 异常的人或物70. antagonist=competitor 对手;敌手71. anticipate=expect 预期72. antiseptic=clean 抗菌的73. antithesis=opposite 对立面74. antler=horn 鹿角75. anxiety=worry 忧虑,担心76. apart from=except for 除了...之外77. apart from=exception 除了...之外78. apparatus=equipment 仪器,设备79. apparent=obvious 显然的80. apparently=clearly 显然地81. appeal=attraction 吸引力82. broad appeal=wide popularity 广泛的吸引力83. appealing=attractive 有吸引力的TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导84. appear=seem 似乎85. appearance=rise 出现86. appearance=showing up 出现87. appearance=arrival 出现88. application=use 应用89. appreciable=noticeable 相当可观的90. approach=method 方法91. approach= move toward 接近92. approximately=roughly 大约地93. architecture=structure 构造94. archive=record 存档95. archive=stock 存档96. archive=store 存档97. arduous=difficult 艰巨的98. arid=dry 干旱的99. arise=emerge 出现100. arrangement=configuration 安排,布置101. array=range 一系列102. article=item 物品103. article=object 物品104. as a rule=in general 通常105. assert=declare 断言,宣称106. assertion=strong statement 断言,主张107. assertion=strong statement 断言,主张108. asset=advantage 资产,有力条件109. assimilate=combine 同化110. assistant=help 帮助,协助111. assorted=various 各式各样的112. assume=believe 假定,假想113. assume=take on 承担114. assumption=premise 假设、115. astonishing =amazing 惊人的116. astute=clever 敏锐的117. attachment=preference for 依恋118. attain=achieve 达到,获得119. attainment=accompanying 伴随的120. attest to=confirm 证实121. attribute=accredit 归于,认为122. attribute=credit with 归于,认为123. attribute=characteristic 特征124. attribution=character 属性125. augment=increase 增加,提高126. available=obtainable 可获得的127. avenue=method 途径,手段TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导128. avenue=means 途径,手段129. avid=enthusiastic=热衷的130. be aware of=familiar with 了解B131. barely=just 仅仅132. barge=boat 驳船133. barrier=obstacle 障碍134. barrier=impediment 障碍135. visual barrier =obstacle to view 视觉障碍136. battle=struggle 搏斗,奋斗137. beckon=invite 召唤,引诱138. be beforehand=foreordain 预先139. being=creature 生命140. beneficial=advantageous 有益的141. blossom= flourish 兴旺142. blossom=thrive 兴旺143. boast=puff 自吹自擂地说,吹嘘144. boast=exaggerate 自吹自擂的说,吹嘘145. bombard=assail 炮击,轰击146. bombard=assault 炮击,轰击147. bombard=strike 炮击,轰击148. boom= expansion 激增,暴涨149. boon=great benefit 利益150. boost= raise 增加,提高151. boundary=periphery 边界152. branch=division 分支153. breed=reproduce 繁殖,饲养154. brilliant=bright 光辉的,明亮的155. brittle=breakable 脆弱的156. brittle=fragile 脆弱的157. broadly= generally 大体上158. broadly=extensively 大体上159. bulk=great quantity 大部分160. bulk=majority 大部分161. bulk=large portion 大部分162. bulk= large part 大部分163. bulk=major part 主体164. burgeon=expand 急速成长165. bustling=lively 活跃的、C166. camouflage=blend with circumstance 伪装167. camouflage=decorate 伪装TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导168. camouflage=hide 伪装169. cardinal=fundamental 基本的170. cargo=shipment 船货,货物171. celebrated=famous 著名的172. central=essential 主要的173. certain=specified 指定的174. chancy=risky 冒险的175. channel=direct 引导176. channel=guide 引导177. channel=provide 提供帮助178. chaotic=disorganized 混乱的179. cherish=value 珍爱180. chief=major 主要的181. chisel=carve 刻,凿182. choose=opt 选择183. chronic=persistent 长期的,不断的184. chronic=confirmed 长期的,不断的185. chronic=habitual 长期的,不断的186. chronic=inveterate 长期的,不断的187. chronically=constantly 长期地188. circuitous=indirect 迂回的189. circumstance=condition 环境,境况190. cite=quote 引用191. classic=typical 典型的192. clear=visible 容易看见的193. cling to =attach to 附着194. close=careful 严肃的,周密的195. clue=hint 线索196. coating=cover 覆盖层197. coincide with=be at the same time as 同时发生198. collaborate=cooperate 合作199. collaboration=joint effect 合作成果200. collect=gather 收集201. collide with=run into 碰撞202. collide=hit each other 碰撞203. commemorate=celebrate 庆祝,纪念204. compact=compressed(结实的)紧密的,简明的205. compact=concise 紧密的,简明的206. comparable=equivalent 可比较的207. compel=push 强迫208. compelling=convincing 令人信服的209. compensate=reimburse 赔偿,补偿TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导210. compensate for=balance 赔偿,补偿211. complaint=protest 抗议212. complement=supplement 补充物213. complement=add to 补充214. completely=totally 完全地215. complex=elaborate 复杂的216. complex=system 复合物,综合体217. complicated=made things more difficult 复杂的218. complicated=complex 复杂的219. component=constituent 组成的220. composition=mixture 合成物221. comprehensive=understandable 能理解的222. comprehensive= complete 全部的223. comprise=form 组成224. comprise=make up 组成225. concern=interest 感兴趣226. conclusive=final 最后的227. conclusive=ultimately 最后的228. conductive=contributive 有助于...的229. configuration=form 布局,结构230. configuration=arrangement 布局,结构231. confine=limit 限制232. confront=face 面临233. congeal=solidify 使凝结234. consecutive=successive 连续的235. consequence=importance 结果,重要性236. consequent=later 随后的237. consequent=resultant 作为结果的238. consequent=resulting 作为结果的239. consequential=significant 重要的240. consequently=therefore 因此241. consequently=thus 因此242. conserve=save 保存243. consider=think about 考虑,认为244. consider=think as 考虑,认为245. consider=view as 考虑,认为246. considerable=substantial 相当大的247. consist of =compose of 由...组成248. consistent=regular 一致的249. be consistent with= be compatible with一致的250. consistently=regularly 一致的TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导251. conspicuous=notable 明显的252. constant=stable 固定的,不变的253. constantly=always 经常,不断地254. constellation=collection 一系列,一群255. constellation=combination 一系列,一群256. constitution=component 构造257. constrain=restrict 限制258. constrain=limit 限制259. constraint=restriction 限制260. consume=et up 消耗;吃;喝261. contemplate=consider 沉思262. contentious=disputed 好争吵的263. continual=constant 不间断的,连续的264. continuous=uninterrupted 连续的,持续的265. on the contrary=whereas(然而,反之)恰恰相反266. contrive=create 发明267. contrive=invent 发明268. conventional=customary 习惯的,惯例的269. conventional=traditional 习惯的,惯例的270. converging=concentrating 收缩的,汇聚的271. convert=transform 使转变272. convert into=change to 转变成273. convict=condemn 宣判274. convict=sentence 宣判275. convict=doom(判决)宣判276. conviction=belief 相信,信念277. conviction=strong belief 坚定的信念278. cope with=deal with 应付,处理279. cope with=handle 应付,处理280. core=center 核心,要点281. correspondence=harmony 一致282. corroborate=confirm 证实,确证283. costly=expensive 贵重的,昂贵的284. counsel=advise 忠告、285. counter=oppose 反对286. counter of =in the opposite of 相反的287. counterpart=equivalent(同等物)副本,复本TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导288. counterpart=similitude(类似物)复本,副本289. counterpart=version(版本)副本,复本290. countervail=compensate 抵消,对抗291. countervail=oppose 抵消,抵抗292. copious=plentiful 丰富的,大量的293. couple=associate 与...联系起来294. covered=included 隐蔽的,有盖的295. crawl=move 爬行,移动296. create=invent 创作,产生297. creative=inventive 创造的298. crest=peak 顶峰299. critical=crucial 关键的300. critical=essential 关键的301. criticize=debate(争论,辩论)批评,责备302. crucial=important 重要的303. crucially=decisively 关键地304. crushed=ground 碾碎了的305. cumbersome=awkward 笨的,麻烦的306. cumbersome=clumsy 笨重的,麻烦的307. cumbersome=unwieldy 笨重的,麻烦的308. curb=control 控制,遏止309. current=present 现在的D310. dam=block 筑坝;控制311. dangle=hang 悬摆;吊312. daring= bold 大胆的313. debate=argue 辩论,争论314. decimate=destroy 大量毁灭315. decimation=destruction 大量毁灭316. degree=extent 程度317. degree=measure 程度318. delicate=dainty 易碎的,精美的319. deluxe=lavish 奢华的320. delight=pleasure 高兴,愉快321. demand=need 需要,需求322. in great demand=in popularity 普遍323. demise=extinction 死亡324. demography=population 人口统计325. dense=crowded 稠密的,密集的326. depend=rely on 依赖,依靠327. dependable=reliable 可信赖的328. depict=describe 描述TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导329. depict=portray 描写,描绘330. deposit=lay down 放下,放置331. depletion=drain 消耗,用尽332. deposit=accumulate 沉积333. derive=arise 源于,导出334. design=create 设计335. designate=identify 命名,指定336. detractor=critic(批评者)诽谤者,恶意批评者、337. detrimental=harmful 有害的,不利的338. deviate=digress 偏离339. deviation=departure 背离340. devise=create 设计,发明341. devoid of =without 缺乏的342. devoid of=scant of 缺乏的343. devoted=dedicated 虔诚的,专心致志的344. devoted=concentrated on 虔诚的,专心致志的345. devoted to=concentrated on 虔诚的,专心致志的346. dictate=order 命令347. dictate=determine 口授;命令348. differential=uneven 差别的;独特的349. diffuse=spread out 扩散;散布350. diffuse=travel 扩散,散布351. diligent=careful 勤奋的352. diligently=carefully 勤奋地353. dilute=reduce 稀释,使薄弱354. dim=decrease 变暗淡355. disassemble= break apart 拆开356. disassemble=break up 拆开357. disband=dismiss 解散,遣散358. discard=throw up 摒弃,丢弃359. discard=throw away 摒弃,丢弃360. discernible=noticeable 可辨别的361. discernible=discriminating 可辨别的362. discharge=release 释放363. disentangle=disband 解开364. disgust=distaste 厌恶365. disintegrate=break apart 分解,碎裂、366. disintegrate=fall apart 分解,碎裂367. disintegrate= tear apart 分解,碎裂368. dismantle=demolish 拆开,拆除TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导369. disorder=anarchy 混乱370. dispensable=not necessary 非必要的371. dispersal=distribution 散布,驱散372. displace=move out of position 迫使(人)离开373. disposition=temperament 性格,性情374. dispute=contention 争论,争执375. dispute=argument 争论,争执376. dissipate=disperse 驱散377. dissipated=dispersed 分散的378. dissuade=discourage 劝阻379. distinct=clear and recognizable 清楚的,明确的380. distinction=difference 差别381. distinction=excellence 优秀,卓越382. distinction=honor 荣誉383. distinctive=characteristic 有特色的384. distinguish=notice from the difference 区别,设别385. distribute=spread 分配,散布386. distribution=geographic range 分布区域387. distribution=dispersion 散布388. disturb=upset 打扰,扰乱389. diverse=distinct 不同的390. diversity=variety 多样性391. divest=get rid of 剥夺392. divest=deprive 剥夺393. domestic=home 家庭的,国内的394. dormant=hibernated 休眠的395. dramatically=greatly 戏剧性地396. drastic=extreme 激烈的,极端的397. drastically=obviously 大大地,彻底地、398. drastically=severely 大大地,彻底地399. dual=double 双的,双重的400. duplicate=copy 复制401. duplicate=repeat 复本402. durable=lasting 经久的,持久的403. duration=length 为期E404. earn=acquire 赢得,赚得405. ease=facilitate (使容易)使减轻,使缓和406. eccentric=erratic 古怪的,反常的407. eccentric=strange 古怪的,反常的TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导408. efface=eliminate 消去409. elaborate=detailed 精巧的,详尽的410. elaborate=dainty 精巧的,详尽的411. elapsed=passed 过去的,经过的412. element=weather condition (恶劣的)天气413. eliminate= remove 排除,消除414. elusive= difficult to catch 难懂的,难以捉摸的415. emanate=emerge 散发,产生416. embark on=start 从事(着手)417. embed =insert 插入,植入418. embed=enclose 插入,植入419. emergence=appearance 出现420. emergency=crisis 紧急情况421. emergent=developing 新兴的422. employ=use 利用423. enable=allow 使能够424. enactment=establishment 制定425. encapsulate=state briefly 概述426. encourage=stimulate 激励,刺激427. endangered=not abundant 濒临灭绝的428. endeavor=enterprise 努力429. endow=bestow 捐赠430. engulf=swallow 吞没431. enhance=improve 增高,增强432. enhance=intensify 提高,增强433. enjoy=experience 经历434. enlist=obtain 谋取(支持、赞助等)、435. enormous=great 巨大的436. enrich=enhance 使富足437. ensue=result 因产生438. ensuring=subsequent 接着发生的439. ensure=guarantee 保证、担保440. entail=involve 牵涉441. enthusiastic=eager 热情的442. be entitled=have the right 有...权力443. environment=setting 环境444. ephemeral=short-lived 短暂的445. ephemeral=transient 短暂的446. episode=event 事件447. equilibrium=balance 平衡448. era=period 时代,年代449. eradicate=remove completely 根除,消TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导灭450. erect=build 建立451. erratic=unpredictable 不稳定的,古怪452. erratic=irregular 不稳定的,古怪的453. escalate=extend 逐步扩大454. essential=crucial 极其重要的455. established=qualified 已制定的456. establishment=formation(构成)建立, 创立457. estimation=evaluation 估计458. euphoric=extremely happy459. evaluate=judge 评价460. eventual=later 最后的461. eventually=later 最后462. eventually=ultimately 最后463. evidence=proof 证据464. evident=apparent 明显的465. evident=obvious 明显的466. evoke=arouse 唤起,引起467. evoke=create in the mind 唤起,引起468. evoke=draw 唤起,引起469. evoke=produce 引起,唤起470. evoke=promote 引起,唤起471. evoke=stimulate 唤起,引起472. exaggerate=overstate 夸张,夸大473. excavate=dig out 挖掘474. exceed= beyond above 超越,胜过475. exceeded=surpass 超越,胜过476. exceedingly=extremely 极其,非常477. excess=go beyond 超越,胜过478. exclusively=only 专门地,独占地479. excrete=expel 排泄,分泌480. exercise=use 运用481. exhausted=tried 筋疲力尽的482. exhausted=used up 耗尽的,用完的483. exhibit=demonstrate 展示,陈列484. exhibit=display 展示,陈列485. expand=stretch 展开,增长486. expand=increase 展开,增长487. expanse=area 一大片区域488. expansive=large 广阔的489. expediency=advantage(利益,优势),方便,利己、490. expediency=convenience 放便,利己TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导491. expedient=fitting 权宜的,方便的492. expend=use 耗尽493. explicit=obvious 明确的,清楚的494. explicitly=clear 明确地495. exploit=take advantage of 利用496. exploit=make use of 利用497. exploit=utilize 利用498. explore=investigate 探测,探索499. expose to =subject to(遭受)使经历500. express=communicate 表达501. extant=existing 现存的,尚在的502. extant=not extinct 现存的,尚存的503. extant=remaining 现存的,尚存的504. extend=stretch 延伸505. become extinct=die out 灭绝506. extol=praise 赞美507. extraneous=inessential 无关的,外来的508. extraneous=from outside 无关的,外来的509. extraordinary=exceptional 异常的510. exude=give off 渗出,发散511. exude= release 渗出,发散F512. fabricate=produce 制造513. in fact=actually 事实上514. far-reaching=extensive 深远的,广泛的515. far-reaching=broad 深远的,广泛的516. fascinating=extremely attractive 迷人的517. fashion=way 样子,方式518. fashion=make 形成,造519. fashionable=popular 流行的,时尚的520. feasible=practical 可实行的521. feast=eating 盛宴560. gap=opening 缺口,裂口561. gear=adjust 使适合562. generate=produce 产生563. genuinely=actually 真诚地564. given=particular 规定的,特定的565. govern=regulate 统治,管理566. govern=control 统治,管理567. grasp=understand 领会,理解568. groom=make up 装扮,使整洁569. groom=clean 装扮,使整洁570. groundless=unfounded 无根据的TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导571. grounds=reasons 根据,理由572. groundwork=base 基础573. groundwork=basis 基础574. grudging=unenthusiastic 勉强的575. guarantee=ensure 保证,担保H576. hallmark=characteristic 戳记,标志577. hamper=district 妨碍,束缚578. hamper=restrict 妨碍,束缚579. hamper=make difficultly 妨碍,束缚580. handy=convenient 便利的,灵活的581. haphazard =random 随意的582. harness=utilize 利用583. harsh=drastic 严厉的,严酷的584. hasty=hurried 匆匆的,急忙的585. haul=pull 拖,拉586. havoc=destruction 浩劫587. hazard=danger 危险588. heed=notice 留心注意589. heighten=increase 增加,提高590. heir=inheritor 继承人,后继者591. hence=therefore 因此592. heritage=legacy 遗产,传统593. heritage=tradition 遗产,传统594. heterogeneous=varied 由不同种类组成的595. hide=conceal 隐藏596. hinder=interfere with 妨碍597. hint=clue 暗示,迹象598. hint=implication 暗示,迹象599. hint=indication 暗示,迹象600. hint=lead 暗示,迹象601. hire=employ 雇佣602. hobby=pastime 嗜好603. hold=support 支撑,保持604. hold=keep up 支撑,保持605. hollow=an empty space 中空606. homogeneous=uniform 同种的607. host of =great number 大量608. however=yet 然而609. hub=center 中心610. huge=large 巨大的611. hurdle=fence 用篱笆围612. hypothetical=supposed 假设的,假定的TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导I613. ice sheet=glacier 冰原614. identical=the same 同样的615. idiosyncrasies=peculiarity 特性616. ignite=set on fire 点燃617. illusion=impression (印象)错觉,幻象618. immediately=closest 接近,紧接着619. immense=great 巨大的620. immense=huge 巨大的621. immense=vast 巨大的622. immensely=extremely 非常623. immigration =movement 移居624. immobile=fixed 固定的,静止的625. immobility=absence of motion 固定,静止626. immoral=indecent 不道德的627. immoral=improper 不道德的628. impermeable=impenetrable 不能渗透的629. impermeable=impervious 不能渗透的630. impetus =stimulus 刺激,促进631. implausible=unbelievable 难以置信的632. implement=tool 工具633. imply=indicate 意味634. imposing=impressive 给人深刻印象的635. imprecise=inexact 不精确的636. improbable=unlikely 不像会发生的637. inaccessible=unreachable 难接近的638. inadvertently=unintentionally 非故意地639. inadvertently=without knowing 非故意地640. inauspicious=unfavorable 不吉利的641. incidentally=by the way 顺便一提642. inclement=unfavorable (气候)严酷的643. be inclined=tend 倾向644. inconceivable=unimaginable 难以置信的645. inconclusive=without result(毫无结果)不确定的646. incorporate=include 包含647. incorporate=merge 吸收,并入648. incursion=invasion 入侵649. indicate=demonstrate 指示,指出650. indigenous=native 本土的,土生土长的TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导651. indispensable=significant(重要的)必不可少的652. indispensable=essential 不可缺少的653. indispensable=necessary 不可缺少的654. indispensable=needed 不可缺少的655. indispensable=required 不可缺少的656. indispensable=vital 不可缺少的657. induce=to bring 引起658. induce=cause 引起659. ineffectively=without any result 无效地660. inert=monition-less 迟缓的,惰性的661. inert=motiveless 迟缓的,惰性的662. inevitable=unavoidable 不可避免的663. inference=conclusion 推断的结果664. infirm=weak 不坚定的;衰弱的665. inflate=expand 膨胀,扩大666. infrastructure=foundation 基础建设667. ingenious=very clever 心灵手巧的668. ingenuity=cleverness 心灵手巧的,独创性669. ingenuity=creativeness 心灵手巧;独创性670. ingenuity=inventiveness 心灵手巧;独创性671. ingenuity=resourcefulness 心灵手巧;独创性672. inherent=essential 内在的,固有的673. inherent=internal 内在的,固有的674. inherent=instinctive 与生俱来的675. inherent in= characteristic of 与生俱来的676. inherently=essentially 固有地677. inhibit=hinder 约束;抑制678. inhospitable=unfavorable 冷淡的;不适宜的679. inhospitable=adverse 冷淡的,不适宜的680. initial=first 最初的681. initially=originally 最初;开头682. initiate=begin 开始;创始683. initiate=start 开始,创始684. innovation=new 革新,创新685. innovative=new 创新的686. inordinate=excessive 过度的687. instant=moment 片刻;瞬间TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导688. instantaneous=immediate 即刻的689. instigate=incite 唆使;煽动690. instructive=informative 富有教育意义的691. insufficient=inadequate 不足的692. intact=untouched 完好的693. intangible=nonmaterial 无形的694. intangible=immaterial 无形的695. integral=essential 构成整体所需要的696. intense=strong 强烈的697. intentionally=deliberately 有意地,故意地698. intermediate=in-between 中间的;媒介699. intimate=close 亲密的700. intricate=carefully shaped 复杂的701. intricate=carefully shaped 复杂的702. intricate=complex 复杂的703. intricate=interest 引发,兴趣704. intriguing=fascinating 迷人的705. intrinsic=essential 本质的,内在的706. intrinsic=inherent 本质的,内在的707. intrusive=invasive 侵入的708. invade=move into 入侵,侵犯709. invaluable=highly useful 极宝贵的710. invariable=always 始终如一地711. invent=devise 发明712. inviolable=without exception 不可违背的713. inviolable=allowing no attack 不可违背的714. invoke=appeal 恳求,祈求715. irrecoverable=permanent 不可挽回的716. irreparable=permanent 不可挽回的717. isolated=separated 孤立的,分离的JK718. jettison=release 抛弃719. jolt=shock 震动;震惊720. judge=estimate 评判721. junction=connection 连接,接合722. juncture=connection 连接,接合723. justified=right 正当的724. justify=prove 证明...是正当的725. key=significant 重要的,关键的LTPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导726. lading=cargo 货物727. lading=shipment 货物728. landscape=scenery 风景,景色729. large=extensive 大的,大量的730. largely=mostly 大部分;主要地731. launch=initial 发起,发动732. launch=initiate 发动,发起733. launch=start 发动,发起734. legitimacy=authority 合法性735. of legitimacy=lawful 合法的736. legitimately=properly 正当地,合法地737. leisure=free time 闲暇738. leisurely=slowly 从容不迫地739. lethal=fateful 致命的740. lethal=deadly 致命的741. liberal=extensive 宽大的742. of likelihood=probable 可能的743. liken to =compare 比较744. likewise=similarly 同样地745. linger=wander 徘徊,漫步746. linger=stroll 徘徊,漫步747. link=put together 连接,结合748. link=consist of 连接,结合749. link=connect 连接750. listening=advertent 留神听的751. livelihood=means of support 生活,生计752. locale=place 现场,场所753. locate=find 找出754. lucrative=profitable 有利益的755. luxuriant=thriving 茂盛的M756. magnify=enlarge 放大757. magnitude=extent 巨大;广大758. magnitude=amount 量,大小759. maintain=continue 维持,使继续760. majestic=magnificent 壮观的761. make their way= travel 前进762. malleable=pliable 可塑的763. mandatory=required 强制的,义务的764. mandatory=obligatory 强制的,义务的765. manifest=reveal 表现;显现766. manipulate=control 操纵767. marked=considerable 显著的768. markedly=distinctly 显著地TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导769. mask=cover 遮蔽,掩护,伪装770. mask=disguise 遮蔽;掩护;伪装771. massive=enormous 巨大的772. massive=huge 巨大的773. mastery=control 控制774. matter=issue 问题,事件775. maximum=greatest size 最大量776. mean=average 平均值777. merely=no more than 仅仅778. merely=only 仅仅779. merely=simply 仅仅780. merge=blend 合并,融合781. merge=combine 合并,融合782. meticulously=carefully 小心地783. microbe=germ 微生物,细菌784. milestone=significant events 里程碑785. milky way=galaxy 银河786. mimic=imitate 模仿787. mimic=copy 模仿788. miniature=small 微型的789. minuscule=tiny 微型的790. minute=very small 微小的791. minute=tiny 微小的792. minutely=in detail 详细地;精密地793. minutely=finely 详细地;精密地794. mirror=reflect 反映,反射795. misconception=wrong idea 误解796. misleading=erroneous 使人误解的797. misleading=inaccurate 使人误解的798. misunderstanding=wrong idea 误解799. misunderstanding= false idea 误解800. mock=pretend 模仿801. modest=limited(有限的)适度的802. modest=not too large(不大的)适度的803. modification=alteration 修改,改变804. momentous=significant 重要的805. monitor=observe 监控,监视806. monopolize=dominate 独占;垄断807. monotone=tedious 单调的,乏味的808. monotonous=boring 单调的,无聊的809. moreover=additionally 此外810. moreover=in addition 此外811. motif=pattern 图案TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导812. set in motion=start 开动813. mount=grow 增长814. mount=increase 增长815. mundane=material 世俗的,平凡的816. mundane=ordinary 世俗的,平凡的817. myriad=countless 大量的,无数的818. myriad=innumerable 大量的,无数的819. myriad=numerous 大量的,无数的820. myriad=innumerable 大量的,无数的N821. narrow=limit 使变窄822. nature=character 天性,本质823. nearly=almost 几乎,差不多824. necessary=required 必要的825. needless to say= obvious 不用说826. nevertheless=however 然而,尽管827. nevertheless=however 然而,尽管828. nevertheless=in spite of 然而,尽管、829. nocturnal=nightmare 夜间的830. notable=important 显著的,重要的831. notable=outstanding 显著的,重要的832. note=record 记录833. have nothing to do with= in no relation 不相干834. noticeable=obvious 显而易见的835. notwithstanding=despite 虽然,尽管O836. objective=purpose 目标837. oblige=force 强迫838. obscure=conceal 使变暗,遮掩839. obscure=hide 使模糊840. obscure=unclear 模糊的841. obscure=not clear 模糊的842. obsession with= fixation on 痴迷,迷恋843. obtain=acquire 取得,获得844. obvious=evident 明显的845. occasion=event 重大活动846. offset=make up 补偿,抵消847. offset=compensate 补偿,抵消848. offset=balance 补偿,抵消849. old male=aged male 老人850. omit=exclude 遗漏,删去851. omit=neglect 遗漏,删去852. ongoing=current 进行的TPO小站专业托福一对一保分指导 / QQ:380586497 托福备考超级群:102662731IBT TOEFL历年词汇题汇总TPO 小站专业托福一对一保分指导853. onset=beginning 开始854. onset=start 开始855. opaque=impenetrable 难以理解的856. optimal=most advantageous 最佳的857. option=choice 选项,选择858. orchestrate=stage-manage 精心安排859. orientation=perspective 观点860. orientation=introduction 介绍861. originally=at the first 起初,原来、862. ornament=decorate 装饰的863. ornamental=decorative 装饰的864. ornamentation=decoration 装饰865. outbreak=sudden increase 爆发,突然发生866. outcome=result 结果867. outermost=farthermost away 最远的868. overview=summary 概要869. overwhelming=powerful 压倒性的PQ870. pacify=assuage 使平静871. paradox=contrary 相反,矛盾872. paradoxically=seemingly contradictory 似是而非地873. parcel out=distribute 把...分成几份874. pare away=remove 修掉;削减875. patch=spot 斑点876. patch=area 小块土地877. partly=in some degree 部分地878. peak=highest point 高峰(期)879. peak=maximum 高峰(期)880. peak=time of the greatest period 高峰(期)881. peculiar=strange 奇怪的,独特的882. penetrate=enter 穿入,穿透883. perceptible=appreciable 可感知的884. perceptible=noticeable 可感知的885. peril=danger 危险886. perilous=dangerous 危险的887. perilous=hazardous 危险的888. perilous=toxic 危险的889. periodically=from time to time 周期性。
托福词汇时间 题目数

1. The word "abundant" in the passage is closest in meaning to:A. scarce.B. plentiful.C. rare.D. limited.解析:“abundant”的意思是“丰富的,大量的”。
2. In the context, the word "diverse" could best be replaced by:A. similar.B. various.C. identical.D. uniform.解析:“diverse”的含义是“不同的,多种多样的”。
3. The term "vital" in the sentence is most likely to mean:A. unimportant.B. crucial.C. minor.D. insignificant.解析:“vital”的意思是“至关重要的,生死攸关的”。

001.Mostoftheseleaderswereinvolvedinpu bliclifeasreformers,activistsworkingforwo men'srighttovote,orauthors,andwerenot re presentative atallofthegreatofordinarRw omen.Theword"representative"isclosestinmean ingtowhichoffollowing?(A)tRpical(B)satisfied(C)supportive(D)distinctive002.IntheUnitedStates,LouisComfortTiffa nR(1843-1933)wasthemostnotedeRponen tofthisstRle,producingagreatvarietRofglas sformsandsurfaces,whichwerewidelRcopie dintheirtimeandarehighlR prized todaR.Theword"prized"isclosestinmeaningtowh ichoffollowing?(A)valued(B)universal(C)uncommon(D)preserved003.TheArtNouveaustRlewasamajorforcei nthedecorativeartsfrom1895until1915,alth oughitsinfluencecontinuedthroughoutthe mid-1920's.ItwaseventuallRtobe overtak en bRanewschoolofthoughtknownasFunct ionalismthathadbeenpresentsincetheturn ofthecenturR. Theword"overtaken"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)surpassed(B)inclined(C)eRpressed(D)applied004.Duringmostoftheirlives,surgeglaciers behavelikenormalglaciers,travelingperhap sonlRacoupleofinchesperdaR.However,at i ntervals of10to100Rears,theseglaciersmo veforwardupto100timesfasterthanusual. Theword"intervals"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)records(B)speeds(C)distances(D)periods005.Theincreasingwaterpressureunderthe glaciermightliftitoffitsbed,overcomingthef rictionbetweeniceandrock,thus freeing the glacier,whichrapidlRslidersdownhillsurge glaciersalsomightbeinfluencedbRtheclima te,volcanicheat,orearthquakes.Theword"freeing"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)pushing(B)releasing(C)strengthening(D)draining006.AfloodoficewouldthensurgeintotheSo uthernSea.Withthecontinuedriseinsealeve l,moreicewould plunge intotheocean,causi ngsealevelstoriseevenhigher,whichinturn wouldreleasemoreiceandsetinmotionavici ouscRcle.Theword"plunge"isclosestinmeaningtowh ichoffollowing?(A)drop(B)eRtend(C)melt(D)drift007.Groupmemberslooktoinstrumentallea dersto"getthingsdone."ERpressiveleaders hip,ontheotherhand,isleadershipthatemp hasizesthe collective well-beingofasocialg roup'smembers.Theword"collective"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)necessarR(B)tRpical(C)group(D)particular008.TheRoffersRmpathRwhensomeoneeRperiencesdifficultiesorissubjectedtodisci pline,arequicktolightenaseriousmomentwithhumor,andtrRto resolve issuesthatthrea tentodividethegroup.Theword"resolve"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)avoidrepeating(B)talkabout(C)avoidthinkingabout(D)findasolutionfor009.ThousandsoftonswereeRtractedbefor e1875,whenitwasfirst noticed thatthetarco ntainedfossilremains.MajoreRcavationsw ereundertakenthatestablishedthesignifica nceofthisremarkablesite.Theword"noticed"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)predicted(B)announced(C)corrected(D)observed010.Sincethen,over100tonsoffossils,1.5mil lionfromvertebrates,2.5millionfrominvert ebrates,havebeenrecovered,oftenindensel Rconcentrated tangled masses.Theword"tangled"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)buriedbeneath(B)twistedtogether(C)quicklRformed(D)easilRdated011.TheasphaltatLaBreaseepstothesurface ,especiallRinthesummer,andformsshallow puddlesthatwouldoftenhavebeen conceal ed bRleavesanddust.Theword"concealed"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)highlighted(B)covered(C)transformed(D)contaminated012.Theoceanbottom---aregionnearlR2.5ti mesgreaterthanthetotallandareaoftheEart h---isavastfrontierthateventodaRislargelR uneRploredanduncharted,untilaboutacent urRago,thedeep-oceanfloorwascompletel R inaccessible,hiddenbeneathwatersaver agingover3,600metersdeep. Theword"inaccessible"isclosestinmeaning towhichoffollowing?(A)unrecognizable(B)unreachable(C)unusable(D)unsafe013.TheDSDP'sdrillship,theGlomarChalle nger,wasabletomaintainasteadRpositiono ntheocean'ssurfaceanddrillinverRdeepwat ers,eRtracting samplesofsedimentsandro ckfromtheoceanfloor.Theword"eRtracting"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)breaking(B)locating(C)removing(D)analRzing014.TodaR,largelRonthe strength ofevide ncegatheredduringtheGlomarChallenger's voRages,nearlRallearthscientistsagreeont hetheoriesofplatetectonicsandcontinental driftthateRplainmanRofthegeologicalproc essesthatshapetheEarth. Theword"strength"isclosestinmeaningtowhichoffollowing?(A)basis(B)purpose(C)discoverR(D)endurance015.ForeverRthreeCanadiansin1945,there wereoverfivein1966.InSeptember1966Can ada'spopulationpassedthe20millionmark. Mostofthis surging growthcamefromnatur alincrease.Theword"surging"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)new(B)eRtra(C)accelerating(D)surprising016.Whentheprairieswerebeingsettled,un doubtedlR,thegoodeconomicconditionsoft he1950'ssupportedagrowthinthepopulatio n,buttheeRpansionalsoderivedfroma tren d towardearliermarriagesandanincreaseint heaveragesizeoffamilies.Theword"trend"isclosestinmeaningtowhi choffollowing?(A)tendencR(B)aim(C)growth(D)directive017.Afterthe peak Rearof1957,thebirthrate inCanadabegantodecline.Itcontinuedfallin guntilin1966,itstoodatthelowestlevelin25R ears.Theword"peak"isclosestinmeaningtowhic hoffollowing?(A)pointed(B)dismal(C)mountain (D)maRimum018.AlthoughthegrowthinCanada'spopulationhadsloweddownbR1966(theincreaseth efirsthalfofthe1960'swasonlRninepercent),anotherlargepopulationwavewascomingo verthehorizon.Itwouldbecomposedofthech ildrenwhowerebornduringtheperiodofthe highbirthrate priorto1957.Thephrase"priorto"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)behind(B)since(C)during(D)preceding019.Advocates oforganicfoods---atermwh osemeaningvariesgreatlR---frequentlRpro claimthatsuchproductsaresaferandmoren utritiousthanothers.Theword"Advocates"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)Proponents(B)Merchants(C)Inspectors(D)Consumers020.Therearenumerous unsubstantiate d reportsthatnaturalvitaminsaresuperiorto sRntheticones,thatfertilizedeggsarenutriti onallRsuperiortounfertilizedeggs,thatuntr eatedgrainsarebetterthanfumigatedgrains, andthelike.Theword"unsubstantiated"isclosestinmea ningtowhichoffollowing?(A)unbelievable(B)uncontested(C)unpopular(D)unverified021.ButinmanRcasesconsumersaremisledi ftheRbelieveorganicfoodscan maintain he althandprovidebetternutritionalqualitRthanconventionallRgrownfoods.Sothereisre alcauseforconcernifconsumers,particularl Rthosewithlimitedincomes,distrustthereg ularfoodsupplRandbuRonlReRpensiveorg anicfoodsinstead.Theword"maintain"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)improve(B)monitor(C)preserve(D)restore022.Inaddition,therewereperformersandsi nce considerable importancewasattached toavoidingmistakesintheenactmentofrites, religiousleadersusuallRassumedthattask.Theword"considerable"isclosestinmeanin gtowhichoffollowing?(A)thoughtful(B)substantial(C)relational(D)ceremonial023.Inaddition,therewereperformersandsi nceconsiderableimportancewasattachedto avoidingmistakesinthe enactment ofrites, religiousleadersusuallRassumedthattask.Theword"enactment"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)establishment(B)performance(C)authorization(D)season024.Staggering tasksconfrontedthepeopl eoftheUnitedStates,NorthandSouth,whent heCivilWarended.Aboutamillionandahalfs oldiersfrombothsideshadtobedemobilized, readjustedtocivilianlife,andreabsorbedbRt hedevastatedeconomR.Theword"Staggering"isclosestinmeaning towhichoffollowing?(A)specialized(B)confusing(C)various(D)overwhelming025.Aboutamillionandahalfsoldiersfromb othsideshadtobedemobilized,readjustedto civilianlife,andreabsorbedbRthe devastat ed economR.Theword"devastated"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)developing(B)ruined(C)complicated(D)fragile026.SomebotanistshRpothesizedthattheli vingcellsofplantsactedaspumps.ButmanRe Rperiments demonstrated thatthestemso fplantsinwhichallthecellsarekilledcanstill movewatertoappreciableheights.Theword"demonstrated"isclosestinmeani ngtowhichoffollowing?(A)ignored(B)showed(C)disguised(D)distinguished027.Aswaterislostfromthesurfaceoftheleav es,anegativepressure,ortension,iscreated. TheevaporatedwaterisreplacedbRwatermo vingfrominsidetheplantinunbrokencolum nsthat eRtend fromthetopofaplanttoitsroo ts.Thesameforcesthatcreatesurfacetension inanRsampleofwaterareresponsibleforthe maintenanceoftheseunbrokencolumnsofw ater.Theword"eRtend"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)stretch(B)branch(C)increase(D)rotate028.BRopening vast areasofunoccupiedlan dforresidentialeRpansion,theomnibuses,h orserailwaRs,commutertrains,andelectrict rolleRspulledsettledregionsoutwardtwotof ourtimesmoredistantfromcitRcentersthan theRwereinthepremodernera.Theword"vast"isclosestinmeaningtowhic hoffollowing?(A)large(B)basic(C)new(D)urban029.ThenewaccessibilitRoflandaroundthe peripherRofalmosteverRmajorcitR spark ed aneRplosionofrealestatedevelopmentan dfueledwhatwenowknowasurbansprawl.B etween1890and1920,foreRample,some25 0,000newresidentiallotswererecordedwit hinthebordersofChicago,mostofthemlocat edinoutlRingareas.Theword"sparked"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)broughtabout(B)surrounded(C)sentout(D)followed030.AnRioustotakeadvantageofthepossibi litiesofcommuting,realestatedevelopersad ded800,000potential buildingsitestothe ChicagoregioninjustthirtRRears-lotsthatc ouldhavehousedfivetosiRmillionpeople.Theword"potential"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)certain(B)popular(C)improved(D)possible 031.ThequalitRofpreservationis outstand ing,butwhatisevenmoreimpressiveisthenu mberofichthRosaurfossilscontainingprese rvedembrRos.Theword"outstanding"isclosestinmeanin gtowhichoffollowing?(A)eRtensive(B)surprising(C)vertical(D)eRcellent032.IchthRosaurswithembrRoshavebeenr eportedfrom6differentlevelsoftheshaleina smallareaaroundHolzamden,suggestingth ataspecific site wasusedbRlargenumbersof ichthRosaursrepeatedlRovertime. Theword"site"isclosestinmeaningtowhich offollowing?(A)eRample(B)location(C)development(D)characteristic033.ThequalitRofpreservationisalmostun matched,andquarrRoperationshavebeenc arriedoutcarefullRwithanawarenessofthev alueofthefossils.Butthesefactorsdonot acc ountfor theinterestingquestionofhowther ecametobesuchaconcentrationofpregnanti chthRosaursinaparticularplaceverRcloset otheirtimeofgivingbirth.Thephrase"accountfor"isclosestinmeanin gtowhichoffollowing?(A)record(B)describe(C)equal(D)eRplain034.IntheseventeenthcenturRtheorgan,th eclavichord,andtheharpsichordbecamethe chiefinstrumentsofthekeRboardgroup,a su premacR theRmaintaineduntilthepianos upplantedthemattheendoftheeighteenthcenturR.Thewords"asupremacR"inline9areclosesti nmeaningto(A)asuggestion(B)animprovement(C)adominance(D)adevelopment035.Aseriesofmechanicalimprovementsco ntinuingwellintothenineteenthcenturR,inc ludingtheintroductionofpedalstosustainto neortosoftenit,theperfectionofametalfram e,andsteelwireofthefinestqualitR,finallRpr oducedaninstrumentcapableof mRriad to naleffectsfromthemostdelicateharmoniest oanalmostorchestralfullnessofsound,from aliquid,singingtonetoaship,percussivebrill iance.Theword"mRriad"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)noticeable(B)manR(C)loud(D)unusual036.EachonewasvirtuallRastonetown,whi chiswhRtheSpanishwouldlatercallthempu eblos,theSpanishwordfortowns.Thesepueb losrepresentoneoftheAnasazis'supreme a chievements.Atleastadozenlargestonehous estookshapebelowthebluffsofChiacoCanR oninnorthwestNewMeRico.Theword"supreme"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)mostcommon(B)mostoutstanding(C)mosteRpensive(D)mostconvenient037.TheRfunctionedassanctuarieswhereth eeldersmettoplanfestivals,performritualda nces,settle puebloaffairs,andimparttriball oretotheRoungergeneration. Theword"settle"isclosestinmeaningtowhi choffollowing?(A)sink(B)decide(C)clarifR(D)locate038.Then,toconnectthepueblosandtogivea ccesstothesurroundingtableland,thearchit ectslaidoutasRstemofpublicroadswithston estaircasesfor ascending clifffaces.Theword"ascending"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)arrivingat(B)carving(C)connecting(D)climbing039.WithinaverRshorttime,however,thein congruitRofplaRinglivelRmusictoa solem n filmbecameapparent,andfilmpianistsbeg antotakesomecareinmatchingtheirpiecest othemoodofthefilm.Theword"solemn"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)simple(B)serious(C)short(D)silent040.CertainfilmshadmusicespeciallR com posed forthem.Themostfamousoftheseear lRspecial scores wasthatcomposedandarra ngedforD.W.Griffith'sfilmBirthofaNation, whichwasreleasedin1915. Theword"composed"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)selected(B)combined(C)plaRed(D)createdTheword"scores"isclosestinmeaningtowh ichoffollowing?(A)totals(B)successes(C)musicalcompositions(D)groupsofmusicians041.TheEarth comprises threeprincipalla Rers:thedense,iron-richcore,themantlema deofsilicaterocksthataresemimoltenatdept h,andthethin,solid-surfacecrust.Theword"comprises"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)adaptsto(B)benefitsfrom(C)consistsof(D)focuseson042.Theseplatesmoveoverthesemimoltenl owermantletoproduceallofthemajortopogr aphicalfeaturesoftheEarth.Activezoneswh ere intense deformationoccursareconfined tothenarrow,interconnectingboundariesof contactoftheplates.Theword"intense"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)surface(B)sudden(C)rare(D)eRtreme043.Newoceaniccrustisformedalongoneor more margins ofeachplatebRmaterialissui ngfromdeeperlaRersoftheEarth'scrust,fore Rample,bRvolcaniceruptionsoflavaatmido ceanridges. Theword"margins"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)edges (B)peaks(C)interiors(D)distances044.Ifatsuchaspreadingcontactthetwoplates support continents,ariftisformedthatwi llgraduallRwidenandbecomefloodedbRthesea.TheAtlanticOceanformedlikethisasthe AmericanandAfro-Europeanplatesmovein oppositedirections.Theword"support"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)separate(B)create(C)reduce(D)hold045.Coincidentwithconcernsabouttheacce leratinglossofspeciesandhabitatshasbeena growing appreciation oftheimportanceof biologicaldiversitR,thenumberofspeciesin aparticularecosRstem,tothehealthoftheEa rthandhumanwell-being.Theword"appreciation"isclosestinmeanin gtowhichoffollowing?(A)ignorance(B)recognition(C)tolerance(D)forgiveness046.AnalieneRploringEarthwouldprobabl RgiveprioritRtotheplanet'sdominant,most -distinctivefeature-theocean.Humanshave a bias towardlandthatsometimesgetsinthe waRoftrulReRaminingglobalissues. Theword"bias"isclosestinmeaningtowhic hoffollowing?(A)concern(B)disadvantage(C)attitude(D)prejudice047.The prevailing windsintheGreatBasin arefromthewest.Warm,moistairfromthePa cificOceanisforcedupwardasitcrossestheSi erraNevada.Theword"prevailing"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)mostfrequent(B)occasional(C)gentle(D)mostdangerous048.Thereseemtohavebeenseveralperiods withinthelasttensofthousandsofRearswhe nwater accumulated inthesebasins.Theri seandfallofthelakeswereundoubtedlRlinke dtotheadvancesandretreatsofthegreaticesh eetsthatcoveredmuchofthenorthernpartoft heNorthAmericancontinentduringthoseti mes.Theword"accumulated"isclosestinmeanin gtowhichoffollowing?(A)dried(B)flooded(C)collected(D)evaporated049.Alllivingcreature,especiallRhumanbei ngs,havetheirpeculiarities,buteverRthinga boutthelittleseacucumberseemsunusual. Whatelsecanbesaidabouta bizarre animalt hat,amongothereccentricities,eatsmud,fee dsalmostcontinuouslRdaRandnightbutcan livewithouteatingforlongperiods,andcanbe poisonousbutisconsideredsupremelRedibl ebRgourmets?Thephrase"bizarre"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)odd(B)marine(C)simple(D)rare050.Itsmajorenemiesarefishandcrabs,whe nattacked,itsquirtsallitsinternalorgansinto thewater.Italso castsoff attachedstructure ssuchastentacles.Theseacucumberwillevis cerateandregenerateitselfifitisattackedore ventouched;itwilldothesameifthesurround ingwatertemperatureistoohighorifthewate rbecomestoopolluted.Thephrase"castsoff"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)growsagain(B)grabs(C)getsridof(D)usesasaweapon051.Afolkcultureissmall,isolated,cohesive, conservative,nearlRself-sufficientgroupth atis homogeneous incustomandrace,with astrongfamilRorclanstructureandhighlRd evelopedrituals.Theword"homogeneous"isclosestinmeani ngtowhichoffollowing?(A)uniform(B)general(C)primitive(D)traditional052.UnalteredfolkculturesnolongereRistin industrializedcountriessuchastheUnitedSt atesandCanada.Perhapsthenearestmodern equivalentinAnglo-AmericaistheAmish,aG ermanAmericanfarmingsectthat largelRr enounces theproductsandlaborsavingdev icesoftheindustrialage.Thephrase"largelRrenounces"isclosestin meaningtowhichoffollowing?(A)generallRrejects(B)greatlRmodifies(C)loudlRdeclares(D)oftencriticizes053.Secularinstitutions,ofcontrolsuchasth epoliceandarmRtaketheplaceofreligionan dfamilRinmaintainingorder,andamoneR-basedeconomR prevails.Becauseofthesec ontrasts,"popular"maRbeviewedasclearlR differentfrom"folk".Theword"prevails"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)dominates(B)provides(C)develops(D)invests054.Conventionalcomputermodelsoftheat mospherehavelimitedvalueinpredictingsh ort-livedlocalstormsliketheEdmontontorn ado,becausetheavailableweatherdataarege nerallRnotdetailedenoughtoallowcompute rstodiscernthe subtle atmosphericchanges thatprecedethesestorms.Theword"subtle"isclosestinmeaningtowhi choffollowing?(A)compleR(B)regular(C)imagined(D)slightmunicationssatellitescantransmit dataaroundtheworldcheaplRandinstantan eouslR,andmoderncomputerscanquicklR c ompile andanalRzingthislargevolumeofw eatherinformation.Theword"compile"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)puttogether(B)lookup(C)pilehigh(D)workover056.Meteorologistsandcomputerscientists nowworktogethertodesigncomputerprogra msandvideoequipmentcapableoftransfor ming raw weatherdataintowords,sRmbols, andvividgraphicdisplaRsthatforecastersca ninterpreteasilRandquicklR. Theword"raw"isclosestinmeaningtowhic hoffollowing?(A)stormR(B)inaccurate(C)uncooked(D)unprocessed057.PeopleintheUnitedStatesintheninetee nthcenturRwerehauntedbRthe prospect t hatunprecedentedchangeinthenation'seco nomRwouldbringsocialchaos.Theword"Prospect"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)regret(B)possibilitR(C)theorR(D)circumstance058.Althoughthebirthratecontinuedtodecl inefromitshighleveloftheeighteenthandear lRnineteenthcenturR,thepopulation roug hlR doubledeverRgenerationduringtheres tofthenineteenthcenturies.Asthepopulatio ngrew,itsmakeupalsochanged.Theword"roughlR"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)harshlR(B)surprisinglR(C)slowlR(D)approRimatelR059.Rapidindustrializationandincreasedg eographicmobilitRinthenineteenthcentur Rhadspecialimplicationsforwomenbecaus ethesechangestendedto magnifR social dis tinctions.AstherolesmenandwomenplaR edinsocietRbecamemorerigidlRdefined,so didtherolestheRplaRedinthehome.Theword"magnifR"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)solve(B)eRplain(C)analRze(D)increaseTheword"distinctions"isclosestinmeaning towhichoffollowing?(A)differences(B)classes(C)accomplishments(D)characteristics060.Inscience,atheorRisareasonableeRpla nationofobservedeventsthatare related.At heorRofteninvolvesanimaginarRmodeltha thelpsscientistspicturethewaRanobserved eventcouldbeproduced.Theword"related"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)connected(B)described(C)completed(D)identified061.Ifobservationsconfirmthescientists'pr edictions,thetheorRis supported. Theword"supported"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)finished(B)adjusted(C)investigated(D)upheld062.Theicetradegrewwiththegrowthofcitie s.Icewasusedinhotels,taverns,andhospital s,andbRsome forward-looking citRdeale rsinfreshmeat,freshfish,andbutter.Thephrase"forward-looking"isclosestinm eaningtowhichoffollowing?(A)progressive (B)popular(C)thriftR(D)well-established063.MakinganefficienticeboRwasnotaseasRaswemightnowsuppose.IntheearlRninet eenthcenturR,theknowledgeofthephRsicsofheat,whichwasessentialtoascienceofrefrig eration,was rudimentarR.Theword"rudimentarR"isclosestinmeani ngtowhichoffollowing?(A)growing(B)undeveloped(C)necessarR(D)uninteresting064.Asidefromperpetuatingitself,the sole purposeoftheAmericanAcademRandInstit uteofArtsandLettersisto"foster,assistands ustainaninterest"inliterature,music,andart .Theword"sole"isclosestinmeaningtowhich offollowing?(A)onlR(B)honorable(C)common(D)official065.Oneaward subsidizes apromisingAm ericanwriter'svisittoRome.Thereisevenana wardforaverRgoodworkoffictionthatfailed commerciallR-oncewonbRtheRoungJohn UpdikeforThePoorhouseFairand,morerec entlR,bRAliceWalkerforInLoveandTroubl e.Theword"subsidizes"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)assures(B)finances(C)schedules(D)publishesmitteemembership rotates everR Rear,sothatnewvoicesandopinionsarecons tantlRheard.Theword"rotates"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)alternates(B)participates(C)decides(D)meets067.Oneimportantlineofevidencecomesfro mflakingpatternsofstonecoresusedintoolm aking:implements flakedwithaclockwise motion(indicatingaright-handedtoolmake r)canbedistinguishedfromhoseflakedwitha counter-clockwiserotation(indicatingaleft-handedtoolmaker).Theword"implements"isclosestinmeaning towhichoffollowing?(A)tools(B)designs(C)eRamples(D)pieces068.Evenscratchesfoundonfossilhumante ethoffer clues.Ancienthumansarethoughtt ohavecutmeatintostripsbRholdingitbetwe entheirteethandslicingitwithstoneknives,a sdothepresent-daRInuit.Theword"clues"isclosestinmeaningtowhic hoffollowing?(A)solutions(B)details(C)damage(D)information069.Thevariationbetweenthe hemispher es correspondstowhichsideofthebodRisuse dtoperformspecificactivities.Suchstudies,a swellasstudiesoftooluse,indicatethatright-orleft-sideddominanceisnoteRclusivetomo dernHomosapiens. Theword"hemispheres"isclosestinmeanin gtowhichoffollowing?(A)differences(B)sides(C)activities(D)studies070.Plantsare subjectto attackandinfectio nbRaremarkablevarietRofsRmbioticspecie sandhaveevolvedadiversearraRofmechani smsdesignedtofrustratethepotentialcoloni sts.Thephrase"subjectto"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)susceptibleto(B)classifiedbR(C)attractiveto(D)strengthenedbR071.TheeRternalsurfacesofplants,inadditi ontobeingcoveredbRanepidermisandawa RRcuticle,oftencarrRspikRhairsknownast richomes,whicheitherpreventfeedingbRin sectsormaReven puncture andkillinsectla rvae.Theword"puncture"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)pierce(B)pinch(C)surround(D)cover072.Orchidsareuniqueinhavingthemosthig hlRdevelopedofallblossoms,inwhichtheus ualmaleandfemalereproductiveorgansare f used inasinglestructurecalledthecolumn.Theword"fused"isclosestinmeaningtowhi choffollowing?(A)combined(B)hidden(C)fertilized(D)produced073.To lure theirpollinatorsfromafar,orchi dsuseappropriatelRintriguingshapes,color s,andscents.Atleast50differentaromaticco mpoundshavebeenanalRzedintheorchidfa milR,eachblendedtoattractone,oratmostaf ew,speciesofinsectsorbirds.Theword"lure"isclosestinmeaningtowhic hoffollowing?(A)attract(B)recognize(C)follow(D)help074.Oncetherightinsecthasbeenattracted,s omeorchidspresentallsortsofone-waRobst aclecoursestomakesureitdoesnotleaveuntil pollenhasbeenaccuratelR placed orremove d.Theword"placed"isclosestinmeaningtowh ichoffollowing?(A)estimated(B)measured(C)deposited(D)identified075.BRsuchingeniousadaptationstospecifi cpollinators,orchidshaveavoidedthehazar dsoframpantcrossbreedinginthewild,assur ingthesurvivalofspeciesas discrete identiti es.AtthesametimetheRhavemadethemselv esirresistibletocollectors.Theword"discrete"isclosestinmeaningtow hichoffollowing?(A)complicated(B)separate(C)inoffensive(D)functional076.ThepublicschoolsRstemsuddenlRfoun ditself overtaRed.Whilethenumberofscho olchildrenrosebecauseofwartimeandpostw arconditions,thesesameconditionsmadeth eschoolsevenlesspreparedtocopewiththefl ood.Theword"overtaRed"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)wellprepared(B)plentifullRsupplied(C)heavilRburdened(D)chargedtoomuch077.Therefore,inthe1950'sand1960's,theb abRboomhitanantiquatedand inadequat e schoolsRstem.ConsequentlR,the"custodi alrhetoric"ofthe1930'sandearlR1940'snolo ngermadesense;thatis,keepingRouthsaged siRteenandolderoutofthelabormarketbRk eepingtheminschoolcouldnolongerbeahig hprioritRforaninstitutionunabletofindspa ceandstafftoteachRoungerchildrenagedfiv etosiRteen.Theword"inadequate"isclosestinmeaning towhichoffollowing?(A)deficient(B)eRpanded(C)innovative(D)specialized078.WiththebabRboom,thefocusofeducat orsandoflaRmeninterestedineducation ine vitablR turnedtowardthelowergradesand backtobasicacademicskillsanddiscipline. Theword"inevitablR"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)unwillinglR(B)impartiallR(C)irrationallR(D)unavoidablR079.DeeplRphilosophicalhistorianssuchas HenrRAdams lamented therolethatthene wfrenzRforbusinesswasplaRinginerodingtraditionalvalues.AdistrustofindustrRandb usinesscontinuedamongwritersthroughou ttherestofthenineteenthcenturRandintoth etwentieth.Theword"lamented"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)complainedabout(B)analRzed(C)eRplained(D)reflectedon080.Onethinksofmelodramas,boRs'books, thrillers,romances,andthelikeratherthann ovelsofthe firstrank. Thephrase"firstrank"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)largestcategorR(B)highestqualitR(C)earliestwriters(D)mostdifficultlanguage081.Thesewriters,whocangenuinelRbesaid tohavecreatedagenre,the"railroadnovel,"a renowmostlRforgotten,theirnameshaving f adedfrom memorR.Thewords"fadedfrom"inline21areclosestin meaningto(A)grewin(B)disappearedfrom(C)remainedin(D)developedfrom082.Theenginethatbecamestandardonwes ternsteamboatswasofadifferentand novel design.ItwastheworkprimarilRofanunsun gheroofAmericanindustrialprogress,Oliver Evans(1755-1819). Theword"novel"isclosestinmeaningtowhi choffollowing?(A)fictional (B)intricate(C)innovative(D)powerful083.Theself-educatedsonofaDelawarefarmer,EvansearlRbecameobsessedbRthepos sibilitiesofmechanizedproductionandsteampower.AsearlRas1802hewasusinga stati onarR steamengineofhigh-pressuredesign inhismill.EnginesofthistRpewerenotunkn own,butbeforeEvanstheRweregenerallRco nsideredimpracticalanddangerous.Theword"stationarR"isclosestinmeaningt owhichoffollowing?(A)single(B)fiRed(C)locomotive(D)modified084.Inshallowwesternriverstheweightof ve ssel andenginewasimportant;aheavRengi neaddedtotheproblemofnavigation. Theword"vessel"isclosestinmeaningtowhi choffollowing?(A)fuel(B)crew(C)cargo(D)craft085.ThekeRconcepts emerged about1957. TownesandArthurSchawlow,thenatBellTel ephoneLaboratories,wrotealongpaper outl ining theconditionsneededtoamplifRstim ulatedemissionofvisiblelightwaves.Theword"emerged"isclosestinmeaningto whichoffollowing?(A)increased(B)concluded(C)succeeded(D)appeared。

iBT新托福单词题(词汇题)全集(打印版)新增58组单词1.20 or so=20 roughly大体上,大约为2. a matter of speculation =supposition n. 推断3. a solicitation of =an invitation of n. 垦求;垦请4.abandon=give up vt.放弃5.abandoned= left a. 被遗弃的6.aberrant= abnormal a. 脱离常轨的,7.abort= quit v. 夭折;中止8.abrupt=sudden adj.突然的9.abruptly= suddenly ad. 突然地;意外地10.absorb =appeal v. 吸收;被…吸引11.absorb= learn(学习) v. 吸收12.absorb= take in v. 吸收;被…吸引13.abstract= not concrete a. 抽象的;非实际的14.absurd= ridiculous a. 荒谬的;可笑的15.abundance= large amount n. 大量16.abundance= great number n. 大量17.abundant=large amount adj. 丰富的;大量的18.abundant = affluent a. 丰富的;大量的19.abundant= ample a. 丰富的;大量的20.abundant= numerous a. 丰富的;大量的21.abundant= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量的22.abundant= substantial a. 丰富的;大量的23.abundantly= plentifully ad. 丰富地;大量地24.accelerate=speed up/get faster vi.&vt.加速25.access =reach v. 接近26.accessible =reachable a. 可接近的27.accessible =easy to reach a. 易接近的28.accidental =unexpected a. 意外的;偶然的29.acclaimed=praisable adj.值得赞扬的30.accommodate= provide for v. 提供31.accomplished =achieved a. 实现完成的32.accomplished =skilled a. 熟练的33.account= description n. 说明34.account for= explain v. 说明35.accumulate =collect v. 积累;聚集36.accumulate =pile up v. 积累;聚集聚集37.accumulate =build up 积累38.accurate =correct a. 正确的39.accurately= correctly ad. 正确地40.acknowledge= recognize v. 承认41.actually= in fact ad. 事实上42.added =extra a. 附加的;额外的43.adept =skilled a. 熟练的44.adequately=sufficiently adv.足够地45.adherent= supporter n. 拥护者46.adherent=advocate n.追随者,提倡者47.48.adjacency=nearing n.领接49.adjacent =nearby a. 毗连的50.adjacent =neighboring a. 毗连的51.adjust= modify v. 调整;改变…以适应52.administer = manage v. 管理53.admire=respect vt.敬重54.admit= let in v. 准许进入55.adopt= enact v. 采用56.advance= improvement n. 发展;增长57.advent= arrival n. 出现;到来58.advent= beginning n. 出现;到来59.affair= matter n. 事件;事情60.afford= provide v. 提供;给予61.aggravate= increase v. 加重;增剧62.aggravate =annoy v. 使恼火63.aggregate= overall a. 聚集的;合计的64.aggregate= combined a. 聚集的;合计的65.aggregation=group n.聚合,聚集;聚集体66.aggregations=groups67.agile= astute a. 灵活的;敏捷的68.agile= clever a. 灵活的;敏捷的69.agile= quick and active a. 灵活的;敏捷的70.agile= move and act quickly a. 灵活的;敏捷的71.air= feeling n. 气氛72.alarm= sound v. 警报73.alarm= warning n. 警告74.albeit= although conj. 尽管;虽然75.albeit =even though conj. 尽管;虽然76.alleged=asserted v.宣称77.alleged=supposed v.假定,断言78.allocation=distribution n.分配79.allow= enable v. 允许80.allude= suggest v. 暗示81.allude to= refer to phrv. 提到82.ally with= link to v. 结盟83.alter= change to v. 改变84.amazing= remarkable a. 令人惊讶的/非凡的85.ambiguous =vague a. 不明确的86.ambiguous=more than one meaning87.ambitious=keen/energetic adj.渴望的(做某事)88.ambivalent =mixed a. 矛盾的89.ample= plentiful a. 充足的;丰富的90.ample =spacious a. 宽敞的91.ampliation=magnify扩大,扩张92.analogue to=similar to 相似的93.ancestor=forefather/prohenitor n.祖先94.anchor= hold in place v. 使固定95.ancient= old a. 古老的96.ancient =antique a. 古老的97.annihilate= destroy v. 消灭98.annihilate =completely remove v. 消灭99.annihilated=destory v.废止100.annually= yearly ad. 每年101.anomaly= irregularity n. 异常的人或物102.anonymous=nameless/incognito 不具名的103.antagonist =competitor n. 对手;敌手104.anticipate= expect v. 预期105.antiseptic =clean a. 抗菌的106.antithesis= opposite n. 对立面107.antler =horn n. 鹿角108.anxiety =worry n. 忧虑;担心109.apart from= exception phr. 除了…之外110.apart from =except for phr. 除了…之外111.apparatus= equipment n. 仪器;设备112.apparent =obvious a. 显然的113.apparently= clearly ad. 显然地114.apparently=seemingly115.appeal= attraction n. 吸引力116.appealing =attractive a. 有吸引力的117.appear= seem v. 似乎118.appearance= rise n. 出现119.appearance= arrival n. 出现120.appearance= showing up n. 出现121.application= use n. 应用122.appreciable= noticeable a. 相当可观的123.approach =method n. 方法124.approach= move toward v. 接近125.approximately= roughly ad. 大约地126.architecture= structure n. 构造127.archive= record v. 存档128.archive= stock v. 存档129.archive= store v. 存档130.arduous= difficult a. 艰巨的131.arid =dry a. 干旱的132.arise= emerge v. 出现133.arise=come about vi.到来,发生134.arrangement= configuration n. 安排;布置135.array=range n. 一系列136.article= item n. 物品137.article= object n. 物品138.as a rule =in general phr. 通常139.assert= declare v. 断言;宣称140.assertion= strong statement n. 断言;主张141.asset= advantage n. 资产;有利条件142.assimilate= combine v. 同化143.assistance= help n. 帮助;协助144.assorted= various a. 各式各样的145.assume= believe v. 假定;设想146.assume= suppose v. 假定;设想147.assume= take on v. 承担148.assumption= premise n. 假设149.astonishing= amazing a. 惊人的150.astonish=surprise vt.使惊讶151.astoundingly=incredibly adv.使人震惊的152.astute= clever a. 敏锐的153.at random= without a definite pattern phr. 随便地; 任意地154.attachment to= preference for n. 依恋155.attain =achieve v. 达到;获得156.attainment =achievement n. 达到;获得157.attendant= accompanying a. 伴随的158.attest to =confirm v. 证实159.attribute= accredit v. 归于;认为160.attribute =characteristic n. 特点,属性161.attribute to =credit with v. 归于; 认为162.attributes=characteristics163.attribution =character n. 属性164.augment= increase v. 增加;提高165.available =obtainable a. 可获得的166.avenue= method n. 途径;手段167.avenue =means n. 途径;手段168.avid= enthusiastic a. 热中的169.back up=support170.barely = just ad. 仅仅171.barge= boat n. 驳船172.barrier= obstacle n. 障碍173.barrier =impediment n. 障碍174.battle= struggle n. 搏斗;奋斗175.be accustomed to= get used to phrv. 习惯176.be aware of =familiar with phrv. 了解177.be beforehand= foreordain v. 预先178.be closer resemblance to= be more like phr. 非常相似179.be consistent with= be compatible with phr. 一致的180.be entitled to= have the right phrv. 有…权利181.be inclined =tend v. 倾向182.be susceptible to=be subject to 受...影响的183.beckon= invite v. 招唤;引诱184.become extinct= die out phrv. 灭绝185.being= creature n. 生命186.beneficial =advantageous a. 有益的187.blossom= flourish v. 兴旺188.blossom= thrive v. 兴旺189.boast= puff v. 吹嘘190.boast= exaggerate v. 吹嘘191.bombard= assail v. 炮击;轰击192.bombard =assault v. 炮击;轰击193.bombard =strike v. 炮击;轰击194.boom= expansion n. 激增;爆涨195.boon= great benefit n. 利益196.boost= raise v. 增加;提高197.boundary= periphery n. 边界198.branch =division n. 分支199.break through=revolution n.突破,革命200.breed= reproduce v. 繁殖;饲养201.brew=develop vt.开发202.brilliant= bright a. 光辉的;明亮的203.brittle= breakable a. 脆弱的204.brittle= fragile a. 脆弱的205.broad appeal =wide popularity a. 广泛的吸引力206.broadly =generally ad. 大体上207.broadly= extensively ad. 大体上208.bulk= majority n. 大部份209.bulk=largest area210.bulk= large part n. 大部份211.bulk =major part n. 主体212.bulk= large portion n. 大部份213.bulk= great quantity n. 大部份214.burgeon= expand v. 急速成长215.bustling= lively/busy a. 活跃的,熙熙攘攘的216.by and large=for the most part总的来说217.camouflage= disguise v. 伪装218.camouflage =hide v. 伪装219.camouflage= decorate(装饰) v. 伪装220.camouflage= blend with circumstances v. 伪装221.cardinal= fundamental a. 基本的222.cargo= shipment n. 船货;货物223.catastrophic=badly harmful 灾难性的224.celebrated= famous a. 着名的225.central= essential a. 主要的226.certain= specified a. 指定的227.champion=promote vt.提升,提拔228.chancy =risky a. 冒险的229.channel =provide v. 提供帮助230.channel =direct v. 引导231.channel =guide v. 引导232.chaotic= disorganized a. 混乱的233.cherish =value v. 珍爱234.chief= major a. 主要的235.chisel =carve v. 刻;凿236.choose= opt v. 选择237.chronic= persistent a. 长期的;不断的238.chronic =confirmed a. 长期的;不断的239.chronic= habitual a. 长期的;不断的240.chronic =inveterate a. 长期的;不断的241.chronically=constantly ad. 长期地242.circuitous =indirect a. 迂迴的243.circumstance= condition n. 环境;情况244.circumstance=situation n.情况245.cite= quote v. 引用246.cite =refer to v. 引用247.classic =typical a. 典型的248.clear =visible a. 容易看见的249.clear= apparent a. 显然的250.cling to= attach to v. 附着251.close= careful a. 严密的;周密的252.clue= hint n. 线索253.cling to=hold 坚持254.cluster=group255.coating= cover n. 覆盖层256.coincide with= be as the same time as v. 同时发生257.coincide with=accord with258.coincidence=likely events 相同,符合259.collaborate= cooperate v. 合作260.collaboration= joint effect n. 合作成果261.collect =gather v. 收集262.collide= hit each other v. 碰撞263.collide with =run into v. 碰撞264.colossal=enormous adj.巨大的memorate =celebrate v. 庆祝;纪念mence=beginmonly=oftenmonly=generally/normallypact =concise a. 紧密的;简明的pact= compressed(结实的) a. 紧密的;简明的parable= equivalent a. 可比较的parative =relative a. 相当的atible=consistentpel =push v. 强迫pelling= convincing a. 令人信服的pelling=forcingpensate= reimburse v. 赔偿;补偿pensate=make uppensate for =balance phrv. 赔偿;补偿plaint =protest v. 抗议plement= supplement n. 补充物plement= add to v. 补充pletely= totally ad. 完全地plex= elaborate a. 复杂的plex =system n. 复合物;综合体plicated =complex a. 复杂的plicated =made things more difficult a. 复杂的ponent= constituent a. 组成的pose=be made up ofposition= mixture n. 合成物prehensive= understandable a. 能理解的prehensive= complete a. 全部的,prehensive= thorough彻底的prise= form v. 组成prise =make up v. 组成prise=consist ofpulsory=required 必须的298.concede=accept 承认,接受299.conceiving=considering 构想,考虑300.consensus=agreement 一致301.concern= interest v. 感兴趣302.conclusive= final a. 最后的303.conclusive= ultimate a. 最后的304.conducive= contributive a. 有助于...的305.configuration= arrangement n. 布局;结构306.configuration= form n. 佈局;结构307.confine =limit/boundary v. 限制308.confront= face v. 面临309.congeal= solidify v. 使凝结310.consecutive= successive a. 连续的311.consequence= result n. 结果;重要性312.consequence =importance n. 结果;重要性313.consequent= later a. 随后的314.consequent= resultant a. 作为结果的315.consequent =resulting a. 作为结果的316.consequential= significant a. 重要的317.consequently= therefore ad. 因此318.consequently= thus ad. 因此319.conserve= save v. 保存320.consider =think as v. 考虑;认为321.consider =view as v. 考虑;认为322.consider =think about v. 考虑;认为认为323.considerable= substantial/significant a. 相当大的324.consist of =compose of v. 由…组成325.consistent= regular a. 一致的326.consistently= regularly ad. 一致地327.conspicuous= notable a. 明显的328.constant =stable a. 固定的;不变的329.constantly =always ad. 经常;不断地330.constellation =collection n. 一系列;一群331.constellation =combination n. 一系列;一群332.constitution= component n. 构造333.constrain =restrict v. 限制334.constraint= limit n. 限制335.constraint= restriction n. 限制336.consume= eat up v. 消耗;吃;喝吃;喝337.consumed= used up v. 消耗338.contemplate= consider v. 沉思339.contentious= disputed a. 好争吵的340.continual= constant a. 不间断的;连续的341.continuous =uninterrupted a. 连续的;持续的342.contrive= create v. 发明343.contrive= invent v. 发明344.conventional= customary a. 习惯的;惯例的345.conventional= traditional a. 习惯的;惯例的346.converging= concentrating a. 收缩的;会聚的347.convert =transform v. 使转变348.convert into= change to v. 转变成349.convict= condemn v. 宣判350.convict =sentence v. 宣判351.convict =doom(判决) v. 宣判352.conviction= belief n. 相信;信念353.conviction =strong belief n. 坚定的信念354.cope with= handle phrv. 应付;处理355.cope with= deal with phrv. 应付;处理356.copious= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量的357.core =center n. 核心;要点358.correspondence= harmony n. 一致359.corroborate= confirm v. 证实;确证360.costly= expensive a. 贵重的;昂贵的361.counsel =advise v. 忠告362.countless= innumerable a. 数量很多的363.counter= oppose v. 反对364.counter of= in the opposite of a. 相反的365.counterpart= version(版本) n. 复本;副本366.counterpart= similitude(类似物) n. 复本;副本367.counterpart= equivalent(同等物) n. 复本;副本368.countervail =compensate v. 抵销;对抗369.countervail= oppose v. 抵销;对抗370.couple =associate v. 与…联系起来371.covered= included a. 隐蔽的;有盖的372.crawl =move v. 爬行;移动373.create= invent v. 创作;产生374.creative= inventive a. 创造的375.crest= peak n. 顶峰376.critical =crucial a. 关键的377.critical= essential a. 关键的378.criticize =debate(争论;辩论) v. 批评;责备379.crucial= important a. 重要的380.crucially= decisively ad. 关键地381.crushed =ground a. 碾碎了的382.cumbersome awkward a. 笨重的;麻烦的383.cumbersome= clumsy a. 笨重的;麻烦的384.cumbersome= unwieldy a. 笨重的;麻烦的385.curb= control v. 控制;遏止386.current =present a. 现在的387.dam= block v. 筑坝;控制388.dangle= hang v. 悬摆;吊389.daring =bold a. 大胆的390.debate= argue v. 辩论;争论391.decimate= destroy v. 大量毁灭392.decimation= destruction n. 大量毁灭393.degree =extent n. 程度394.degree= measure n. 程度395.delicate= dainty a. 易碎的;精美的396.delight= please v. 使高兴397.delight= pleasure n. 高兴;愉快398.deluxe= lavish a. 奢华的399.demand= need n. 需要;需求400.demise =extinction n. 死亡401.demography= population n. 人口统计402.dense= crowded a. 稠密的;密集的403.dense= thick a. 稠密的;密集的404.depend= rely on v. 依赖;依靠依靠405.dependable= reliable a. 可信赖的406.depict= describe v. 描述407.depict= portray v. 描写;描绘408.depletion= drain n. 消耗;用尽409.deposit =accumulate v. 沉积410.deposit= lay down v. 放下;放置411.derive= arise v. 源于;导出412.design =create v. 设计413.designate= identify v. 命名;指定414.detractor= critic(批评者) n. 诽谤者;恶意批评者415.detrimental =harmful a. 有害的;不利的416.deviate= digress v. 偏离417.deviation= departure n. 背离418.devise= create v. 设计;发明419.devoid of= lack of a. 缺乏的420.devoid of= without(prep.) a. 缺乏的421.devoid of= scant of a. 缺乏的422.devoted =dedicated a. 虔诚的;专心致志的423.devoted to =concentrated on a. 虔诚的;专心致志的424.discernible = noticeable a. 可感知到,可注意到的425.dictate= determine v. 口授;命令426.dictate= order v. 命令427.differential= uneven a. 差别的;独特的428.diffuse =travel v. 扩散;散布429.diffuse= spread(out) v. 扩散;散布430.diligent= careful a. 勤奋的431.diligently= carefully ad. 勤奋地432.dilute= reduce v. 稀释;使薄弱433.dim= decrease v. 变暗淡434.disassemble= break apart v. 拆开435.disassemble =break up v. 拆开436.disband =dismiss v. 解散;遣散437.discard= throw away v. 摒弃;丢弃438.discard= throw up v. 摒弃;丢弃丢弃439.discernible= noticeable a. 可辨别的440.discernible= discriminating a. 可辨别的441.discharge= release v. 释放442.disentangle =disband v. 解开443.disgust= distaste v. 厌恶444.disintegrate= break apart v. 分解;碎裂445.disintegrate =fall apart v. 分解;碎裂446.disintegrate= tear apart v. 分解;碎裂447.dismantle =demolish v. 拆开;拆除448.disorder= anarchy n. 混乱449.dispensable= not necessary a. 非必要的450.dispersal =distribution n. 散布;驱散451.displace= move out of position v. 迫使(人)离开452.disposition= temperament n. 性格;性情453.dispute= contention n. 争论;争执454.dispute =argument n. 争论;争执455.dissipate= disperse v. 驱散456.dissipated =dispersed a. 分散的457.dissuade =discourage v. 劝阻458.distinct= clear and recognizable a. 清楚的;明确的459.distinction= difference n. 差别460.distinction= honor n. 荣誉461.distinction= excellence n. 优秀;卓越462.distinctive= characteristic a. 有特色的463.distinguish= notice from the difference v. 区别; 识别464.distribute= spread v. 分配;散布465.distribution= dispersion n. 散布466.distribution =geographic range n. 分布区域467.disturb= upset v. 打乱;扰乱468.diverse= distinct a. 不同的469.diversification= emergence of many varieties n. 多样化470.diversity =variety n. 多样性471.divest =deprive v. 剥夺472.divest =get rid of v. 剥夺473.domestic= home a. 家庭的;国内的474.dormant= hibernated a. 休眠的;不活动的475.dormant= inactive a. 休眠的;不活动的476.dramatically= greatly ad. 戏剧性地477.drastic= extreme a. 激烈的;极端的478.drastically =obviously ad. 大大地;彻底地479.drastically =severely(严重地) ad. 大大地;彻底地480.dual =double a. 双的;双重的481.duplicate= copy v. 复制482.duplicate= repeat n. 复本483.durable= lasting a. 经久的;持久的484.earn= acquire v. 赚得;赢得485.ease= facilitate(使容易) v. 使减轻;使缓和486.eccentric= erratic a. 古怪的;反常的487.eccentric =strange a. 古怪的;反常的488.efface= eliminate v. 消去489.elaborate =detailed a. 精巧的;详尽的490.elaborate= dainty a. 精巧的;详尽的491.elapsed =passed a. 过去的;经过的492.element =weather condition n. (恶劣的)天气493.eliminate= remove v. 排除;消除494.elusive =difficult to catch a. 难懂的;难捉摸的495.emanate= emerge v. 散发;产生496.embark on=start v. 从事(着手)497.embed= insert v. 插入;植入498.embed= implant v. 插入;植入499.embed =enclose v. 插入;植入500.emergence= appearance n. 出现501.emergency =crisis n. 紧急情况502.emergent =developing a. 新兴的503.employ= use v. 利用504.enable =allow v. 使能够505.enactment= establishment n. 制定506.encapsulate= state briefly v. 概述507.encourage= stimulate v. 激励;刺激508.endangered= not abundant a. 濒临绝种的509.endeavor= enterprise n. 努力510.endow= bestow v. 捐赠511.engulf= swallow v. 吞没512.enhance= improve v. 提高;增强513.enhance= intensify v. 提高;增强514.enjoy =experience v. 经历515.enlist= obtain v. 谋取(支持、赞助等)516.enormous= great a. 巨大的517.enrich= enhance v. 使富足518.ensue= result v. 因…产生519.ensuing= subsequent a. 接着发生的520.ensure= guarantee v. 保证;担保521.entail=l involve v. 牵涉522.enthusiastic= eager a. 热情的523.environment= setting n. 环境524.ephemeral =short-lived a. 短暂的525.ephemeral =transient a. 短暂的526.episode= event n. 事件527.equilibrium= balance n. 平衡528.era =period n. 时代;年代529.eradicate= remove completely v. 根除;消灭530.erect =build v. 建立531.erratic= unpredictable a. 不稳定的;古怪的532.erratic= irregular a. 不稳定的;古怪的533.escalate= extend v. 逐步扩大534.essential= crucial a. 极重要的535.established =qualified a. 已制定的536.establishment =formation(构成) n. 建立;创立537.estimate= projection n. 估计538.estimation =evaluation n. 估计539.euphoric= extremely happy a. 心情愉快的540.evaluate= judge v. 评价541.eventual= later a. 最后的542.eventually= later ad. 最后543.eventually= ultimately ad. 最后544.evidence= proof n. 证据545.evident= apparent a. 明显的546.evident =obvious a. 明显的547.evoke= arouse v. 唤起;引起548.evoke= draw v. 唤起;引起549.evoke=produce v. 唤起;引起550.evoke= promote v. 唤起;引起551.evoke= stimulate v. 唤起;引起552.evoke =create in the mind v. 唤起; 引起553.exaggerate =overstate v. 夸张;夸大554.excavate =dig out v. 挖掘555.excavation =dug-out n. 挖掘556.exceed= surpass v. 超越;胜过557.exceed =beyond above v. 超越;胜过胜过558.exceedingly =extremely ad. 极其;非常559.excess =go beyond n. 超越; 胜过560.exclusively= only ad. 专门地;独占地561.excrete= expel v. 排泄;分泌562.exercise =use v. 运用563.exhausted= tired a. 精疲力竭的564.exhausted= used up a. 耗尽的;用完的565.exhibit =demonstrate v. 展示;陈列566.exhibit =display v. 展示;陈列567.expand= stretch v. 展开;增长568.expand =increase v. 展开;增长569.expanse= area n. 一大片区域570.expansive= large a. 广阔的571.expediency= convenience n. 方便;利己572.expediency= advantage(优势;利益) n. 方便;利己573.expedient= fitting a. 权宜的;方便的574.expend= use v. 耗尽575.explicit =obvious a. 明确的;清楚的576.explicitly= clear ad. 明确地577.exploit= utilize v. 利用578.exploit= take advantage of v. 利用579.exploit= make use of v. 利用580.explore= investigate v. 探测;探索581.expose to= subject to (遭受) v. 使经历582.express= communicate v. 表达583.extant= existing a. 现存的;尚存的584.extant =remaining a. 现存的;尚存的585.extant= not extinct a. 现存的;尚存的586.extend= stretch v. 延伸587.extend= reach v. 延伸588.extol =praise v. 赞美589.extraneous= inessential a. 无关的;外来的590.extraneous= from outside a. 无关的;外来的591.extraordinary= exceptional a. 异常的592.exude= release v. 渗出;发散593.exude= give off v. 渗出;发散594.fabricate= produce v. 制造595.far-reaching= extensive a. 深远的;广泛的596.far-reaching= broad a. 深远的;广泛的597.fascinating= extremely attractive a. 迷人的598.fashion= make v. 形成;造599.fashion= way n. 样子;方式600.fashionable =popular a. 流行的;时尚的601.feasible= achievable a. 可实行的602.feasible= practical a. 可实行的603.feast= eating n. 盛宴604.ferry= transport n. 渡轮605.fertile= reproductive a. 肥沃的;多产的606.fertile= productive a. 肥沃的;多产的607.figure out =map(详细规划) phr. 计算出;解决608.finding= discovery n. 发现609.first and foremost =above all phr. 首先;首要地610.flake =fragment n. 小薄片611.flattery= praise n. 恭维612.flee= run away from v. 逃走613.flexible= adaptable a. 易适应的614.float= stay on the top v. 漂浮615.float =upward rise phrv. 浮起616.flourish =prosper v. 繁荣;兴旺617.flourish= thrive v. 繁荣;兴旺618.flourishing= prosperous a. 繁荣的619.flow= movement n. 流动620.fluctuate= change v. 变动621.fluctuation= variation n. 变动;起伏622.focal= point centre area n. 焦点623.follow= track v. 跟随624.for instance= for example phr. 例如625.forage= feed n. 饲料626.forage =search for food v. 觅食627.formidable =excessive a. 巨大的628.foster= encourage v. 鼓励629.foster= urge v. 培养;促进630.foster =promote the development of v. 培养;促进631.foul= pollute v. 污染632.fragment= break up v. 使成碎片633.fragmentation= break n. 破裂634.fragmentize= break up v. 使成碎片635.frankly =openly ad. 坦白地636.frankly= sincerely ad. 真诚地637.friction= conflict n. 争执;不合638.function= operation n. 效用;作用639.function= utility n. 效用;作用640.fundamental =basic a. 基础的641.funds= money n. 资金642.furthermore= in addition ad. 此外643.gap= opening n. 缺口;裂口644.gear =adjust v. 使适合645.generate= produce v. 产生646.genuinely =actually ad. 真诚地647.get accustomed to= become used to phrv. 习惯648.give rise to= produce phrv. 引起649.given =particular a. 规定的;特定的ern= regulate v. 统治;管理ern= control v. 统治;管理652.grasp =understand v. 领会;理解653.groom= clean v. 装扮;使整洁654.groom =make up v. 装扮;使整洁使整洁655.groundless =unfounded a. 无根据的656.grounds =reasons n. 根据;理由657.groundwork= base n. 基础658.groundwork= basis n. 基础659.groundwork= foundation n. 基础660.grudging= unenthusiastic a. 勉强的661.guarantee= ensure v. 保证;担保662.hallmark= characteristic n. 戳记,标志663.hamper =district v. 防碍;束缚664.hamper= restrict v. 防碍;束缚665.hamper =make difficulty v. 防碍;束缚666.handy= convenient a. 便利的;灵活的667.haphazard= random a. 随意的668.harness= use v. 利用669.harness= utilize v. 利用670.harsh= drastic a. 严厉的;严酷的671.hasty= hurried a. 匆匆的;急忙的672.haul= pull v. 拉673.have nothing to do with= in no relation to phrv. 不相干674.havoc= destruction n. 浩劫675.hazard =danger n. 危险676.heed= notice v. 留心;注意677.heighten= increase v. 增加;提高678.heir= inheritor n. 继承人;后继者679.hence= therefore ad. 因此680.heritage =legacy n. 遗产;传统681.heritage= tradition n. 遗产;传统682.heterogeneous= varied a. 由不同种类组成的683.hide= conceal v. 隐藏684.hinder= interfere with v. 妨碍685.hint= clue n. 暗示;迹象686.hint= implication n. 暗示;迹象687.hint= indication n. 暗示;迹象688.hint= lead n. 暗示;迹象689.hire= employ v. 雇用690.hobby= pastime n. 嗜好691.hold =support v. 支撑;保持692.hold= keep up v. 支撑;保持保持693.hollow= an empty space n. 中空694.homogeneous =uniform a. 同种的695.host of =great number n. 大量696.however =yet conj. 然而697.hub= center n. 中心698.huge= large a. 巨大的699.hurdle =fence v. 用篱笆围700.hypothetical =supposed a. 假设的;假定的701.ice sheet= glacier(冰河) n. 冰原702.identical= the same a. 同样的703.idiosyncrasies =peculiarity n. 特性704.ignite= set on fire v. 点燃705.illusion= impression(印象) n. 错觉;幻像706.immediately= closest ad. 接近;紧接着707.immense= great a. 巨大的708.immense= huge a. 巨大的709.immense= vast a. 巨大的710.immensely= extremely ad. 非常711.immigration= movement n. 移居712.immobile= fixed a. 固定的;静止的713.immobility= absence of motion n. 固定;静止714.immoral= indecent a. 不道德的715.immoral= improper a. 不道德的716.impermeable= impenetrable a. 不能渗透的717.impermeable =impervious a. 不能渗透的718.impetus= stimulus v. 刺激;促进719.impetus= incentive n. 刺激;促进720.implausible= unbelievable a. 难以置信的721.implement= tool n. 工具722.imply= indicate v. 意味723.imposing= impressive a. 给人深刻印象的724.imprecise= inexact a. 不精确的725.improbable= unlikely a. 不像会发生的726.in fact= actually phr. 事实上727.in great demand =in popularity phr. 普遍728.in respect to= in term of phr. 就…而言729.inaccessible= unreachable a. 难接近的730.inadvertently= unintentionally ad. 非故意地731.inadvertently =without knowing ad. 非故意地732.inauspicious= unfavorable a. 不吉利的733.incidentally= by the way ad. 顺便一提734.inclement =unfavorable a. (气候)严酷的735.inconceivable= unimaginable a. 难以置信的736.inconclusive= without result(毫无结果) a. 不确定的737.incorporate= include v. 包含738.incorporate= merge v. 吸收;併入739.incursion= invasion n. 入侵740.indicate= demonstrate v. 指示;指出741.indigenous =native a. 本土的;土生土长的742.indispensable =essential a. 不可缺少的743.indispensable= necessary a. 不可缺少的744.indispensable= needed a. 不可缺少的745.indispensable= required a. 不可缺少的746.indispensable= vital a. 不可缺少的747.indispensable= significant(重要的) a. 必不可少的748.induce =bring v. 引起749.induce =cause v. 引起750.ineffectively= without any result ad. 无效地751.inert= motionless a. 迟缓的;惰性的752.inert= motiveless a. 迟缓的;惰性的753.inevitable= unavoidable a. 不可避免的754.inference= conclusion n. 推断的结果755.infirm= weak a. 不坚定的;衰弱的756.inflate= expand v. 膨胀;扩大757.infrastructure= foundation n. 基础建设758.ingenious= very clever a. 心灵手巧的759.ingenuity= cleverness n. 心灵手巧;独创性760.ingenuity= creativeness n. 心灵手巧;独创性761.ingenuity= inventiveness n. 心灵手巧;独创性762.ingenuity= resourcefulness n. 心灵手巧;独创性763.inherent= essential a. 内在的;固有的764.inherent= internal a. 内在的;固有的765.inherent= instinctive a. 与生俱来的766.inherent= in characteristic of a. 与生俱来的767.inherently =essentially ad. 固有地768.inhibit =hinder v. 约束;抑制769.inhospitable= unfavorable a. 冷淡的;不适宜的770.inhospitable= adverse a. 冷淡的;不适宜的771.initial= first a. 最初的772.initially =originally ad. 最初;开头773.initiate= begin v. 开始;创始774.initiate =start v. 开始;创始775.innovation =new n. 革新;创新776.innovative= new a. 创新的777.inordinate= excessive a. 过度的778.install= put in place v. 放置,安置779.instant= moment n. 片刻;瞬间780.instantaneous= immediate a. 即刻的781.instigate= incite v. 唆使;煽动782.instructive= informative v. 富有教育意义的783.insufficient= inadequate a. 不足的784.intact= untouched a. 完好的785.intangible =nonmaterial a. 无形的786.intangible= immaterial a. 无形的787.integral= essential a. 构成整体所需要的788.intense =strong a. 强烈的789.intentionally= deliberately ad. 有意地;故意地790.intermediate= in-between a./n. 中间的;媒介791.intimate =close a. 亲密的792.intricate= complex a. 复杂的793.intricate =carefully shaped a. 复杂的794.intrigue= interest v. 引发…兴趣795.intriguing= fascinating a. 迷人的796.intrinsic= essential a. 本质的;内在的797.intrinsic= inherent a. 本质的;内在的798.intrusive= invasive a. 侵入的799.invade= move into v. 入侵;侵犯800.invaluable= highly useful a. 极宝贵的801.invariably= always ad. 始终如一地;一贯地802.invent =devise v. 发明803.inviolable= without exception a. 不可违背的804.inviolable =allowing no attack a. 不可违背的805.invoke =appeal v. 垦求,祈求806.irrecoverable =permanent a. 不能挽回的807.irreparable= permanent a. 不能挽回的808.isolated= separated a. 孤立的;分离的809.jettison= release v. 抛弃810.jolt= shock v. 震动;震惊811.judge= estimate v. 评判812.junction =connection n. 连接;接合813.juncture =connection n. 连接;接合814.justified= right a. 正当的815.justify= prove v. 证明...是正当的816.key= significant a. 重要的;关键的ding= cargo n. 货物ding= shipment n. 货物ndscape= scenery n. 风景;景色rge= extensive a. 大的;大量的rgely =mostly ad. 大部分;主要地unch= initial v. 发起;发动unch= initiate v. 发起;发动unch= start v. 发起;发动825.legitimacy= authority n. 合法性826.legitimately= properly ad. 正当地;合法地827.leisure= free time n. 闲暇828.leisurely= slowly a. 悠闲的;从容不迫地829.lethal= fateful a. 致命的830.lethal =deadly a. 致命的831.liberal =extensive a. 宽大的832.liken= to compare v. 比较833.likewise= similarly ad. 同样地834.linger= wander v. 徘徊;漫步835.linger= stroll v. 徘徊;漫步836.link= connect v. 连接。

下面是店铺为大家搜索整理的托福考试词汇模拟练习题带答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!1. The confusion and congestion of individual citizens looking for their letters was itself enough to discourage use of the mail. It is no wonder that, during the years of these cumbersome arrangements, private letter-carrying and express businesses developed.The word "cumbersome" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) burdensome(B) handsome(C) loathsome(D) quarrelsome2. But this delivery service was at first confined to cities, and free home delivery became a mark of urbanism. As late as 1887, a town had to have 10,000 people to be eligible for free home delivery.The word "Confined" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) granted(B) scheduled(C) limited(D) recommended3. They were, by training, social scientists, not historians, and their work tended to reflect this bias. The questions they framedand the techniques they used were designed to help them understand, as scientists, how people behaved.The word "framed" is closest in meaning to which of following?(B) read(C) avoided(D) posed4. In Kingston, New York, for example, evidence has been uncovered that indicates that English goods were being smuggled into that city at a time when the Dutch supposedly controlled trading in the area.The word "supposedly" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) ruthlessly(B) tightly(C) barely(D) seemingly5. And in Sacramento an excavation at the site of a fashionable nineteenth-century hotel revealed that garbage had been stashed in the building's basement despite sanitation laws to the contrary.The word "sanitation" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) city(B) housing(C) health(D) trade6. When Jules Verne wrote Journey to the Center of the Earth in 1864, there were many conflicting theories about the nature of the Earth's interior. Some geologists thought that it contained ahighly compressed ball of incandescent gas, while others suspected that it consisted of separate shells, each made of a different material.The word "conflicting" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) controlling(B) outdated(C) opposing(D) important7. Beyond a depth of around 2,900 kilometers, a great change takes place and the mantle gives way to the core.< Some seismic waves cannot pass through the core and others are bent by it. From this and other evidence, geologists conclude that the outer core is probably liquid, with a solid center. It is almost certainly made of iron, mixed with smaller amount of other elements such as nickel.The phrase "gives way to" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) runs along(B) rubs against(C) turns into(D) floats on8. Although scientists can speculate about its nature, neither humans nor machines will ever be able to visit it.The word "speculate" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) report(B) learn(C) worry(D) hypothesize9. Farmers could get better prices for their crops if the alternative existed of sending them directly eastward to market, and merchants could sell larger quantities of their manufactured goods if these could be transported more directly and more economically to the west.The word "alternative" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) option(B) transition(C) intention(D) authorization10. The distance was more than 350 miles, and there were ridges to cross and a wilderness of woods and swamps to penetrate.The word "penetrate" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) cut down(B) go through(C) fill up(D) take over11. The range of the New York canal system was still further extended when the states of Ohio and Indiana, inspired by the success of the Erie Canal, provided water connections between Lake Erie and the Ohio River.The word "extended" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) increased(B) constructed(C) deepened(D) measured12. The answer lay in a resource that unknowing Americans had trampled underfoot in their haste to cross the "Great American Desert" to reach lands that sometimes proved barren. In the eastern parts of the United States, the preferred grass for forage was a cultivated plant.The word "barren" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) lonely(B) dangerous(C) uncomfortable(D) infertile13. In the eastern parts of the United States, the preferred grass for forage was a cultivated plant. It grew well with enough rain, then when cut and stored it would cure and become nourishing hay for winter feed.The word "preferred" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) ordinary(B) available(C) required(D) favored14. They were not juicy like the cultivated eastern grasses, but had short, hard stems.The word "hard" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) firm(B) severe(C) difficult(D) bitter15. Nevertheless, most domestic architecture of the first three-quarters of the eighteenth century displays a wide divergence of taste and freedom of application of the rules laiddown in these books.The word "divergence" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) description(B) development(C) difference(D) display16. New England still favored wood, though brick houses became common in Boston and other towns, where the danger of fire gave an impetus to the use of more durable material. A few houses in New England were built of stone, but only in Pennsylvania and adjacent areas was stone widely used in dwellings.The word "durable" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) attractive(B) expensive(C) refined(D) long-lastingThe word "dwelling" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) houses(B) towns(C) outbuildings(D) rural areas17. Doorways were larger and more decorative. Fireplaces became decorative features of rooms. Walls were made of plaster or wood, sometimes elaborately paneled.The word "elaborately" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) done in great detail(B) put together carefully(C) using many colors(D) reinforced structurally18. Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions. People are engaged in education from infancy on.The word "chance" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) unplanned(B) unusual(C) lengthy(D) lively19. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term. It is should be an integral part of one's entire life.The word "integral" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) an equitable(B) a profitable(C) a pleasant(D) an essential20. For example, the edge of the Pacific Ocean has been called the "Ring of Fire" because so many volcanic eruptions and earthquakes happen there. Before the 1960's, geologists could not explain why active volcanoes and strong earthquakes were concentrated in that region.The word "concentrated" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) allowed(B)clustered(C) exploded(D) strengthened21. In the United States in the early 1800's, individual state governments had more effect on the economy than did the federal government. States chartered manufacturing, banking, mining, and transportation firms and participated in the construction of various internal improvements such as canals, turnpikes, and railroads.The word "effect" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) value(B) argument(C) influence(D) restraint22. The states encouraged internal improvements in two distinct ways: first, by actually establishing state companies to build such improvements; second, by providing part of the capital for mixed public-private companies setting out to make a profit.The word "distinct" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) separate(B) innovative(C) alarming(D) provocative23. Finally, state governments experimented with direct labor and business regulation designed to help the individual laborer or consumer, including setting maximum limits on hours of work and restrictions on price-fixing by businesses.The word "setting" is closest in meaning to which of(A) discussing(B) analyzing(C) establishing(D) avoiding24. Although the states dominated economic activity during this period, the federal government was not inactive. Its goals were the facilitation of western settlement and the development of native industries. Toward these ends the federal government pursued several courses of action.The word "ends" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) benefits(B) decisions(C) services(D) goals25. What forms of life were able to make such a drastic change in lifestyle? The traditional view of the first terrestrial organisms is based on mega fossils-relatively large specimens of essentially whole plants and animals.The word "drastic" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) widespread(B) radical(C) progressive(D) risky26. It turns out that some fossils can be extracted from these sediments by putting the rocks in an acid bath. The technique has uncovered new evidence from sediments that were deposited near the shores of the ancient oceans-plant microfossils and microscopic pieces of small animals.The word "extracted" is closest in meaning to which of(A) located(B) preserved(C) removed(D) studied27. The technique has uncovered new evidence from sediments that were deposited near the shores of the ancient oceans-plant microfossils and microscopic pieces of small animals. In many instances the specimens are less than one-tenth of a millimeter in diameter.The word "instances" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) methods(B) processes(C) cases(D) reasons28. In many instances the specimens are less than one-tenth of a millimeter in diameter. Although they were entombed in the rocks for hundreds of millions of years, many of the fossils consist of the organic remains of the organism.The word "entombed" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) crushed(B) trapped(C) produced(D) excavated29. Citizens of prosperous, essentially middle-class republics --- whether ancient Romans, seventeenth-century Dutch burghers, or nineteenth-century Americans --- have always shown a marked taste for portraiture.The word "marked" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) pronounced(B) fortunate(C) understandable(D) mysterious30. In 1839 the daguerreotype was introduced to America, ushering in the age of photography, and within a generation the new invention put an end to the popularity of painted portraits. Once again an original portrait became a luxury, commissioned by the wealthy and executed by the professional.The phrase "ushering in" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) beginning(B) demanding(C) publishing(D) increasingThe word "executed" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) sold(B) requested(C) admired(D) created参考答案:1 A2 C3 D4 D5 C6 C7 C8 D9 A10 B11 A12 D13 D14 A15 C16 D A17 A18 A19 D20 B21 C22 A23 C24 D25 B26 C27 C28 B29 A30 A D【托福考试词汇模拟练习题带答案】。

representative代表;典型typicaldistinctive有特色的,与众不同的overtake赶上,超过surpasssurpass超过plunge投入,跳进extend延伸,伸展stretchstretch伸展collective集团,集合体sympathy同情resolve决定,溶解find a solution fortangle纠缠twisted withconceal隐藏;隐瞒contaminate污染,弄脏extract提取,取出removeendurance忍耐力surge汹涌的acceleratetrend趋势tendencypeak山顶dismal凄凉的prior to引领的precedingpereceding先锋advocate提倡,支持inspector检查员,巡视员substantiate证实verifyuncontested无可争辩的verify证明preserve保存substantial大量的,本质的enactment扮演performance authorization授权,认可staggering惊人的overwhelming overwhelming压倒性的,势不可挡devastate毁灭ruindemonstrate证明disguise伪装,假装branch分支rotate旋转vast广茂的,巨大的urban城市的vertical垂直的supremacy霸权dominancedominance主导地位myriad无数的manyaccount for对……负有责任explain33 settle解决安排clarify37 ascending上升climbsolemn庄严的seriouscomprise包含consist ofintense强烈的extremeextreme极端,末端margin边缘,利润edgeappreciation辨别,鉴别recognitiontolerance宽容,容忍bias偏见prejudiceprevailing流行的bizarre奇怪的oddcast off摆脱get rid ofgrab夺取homogeneous齐次的,一致的uniformlargely renounced generally rejects52 subtle微妙的slightcompile汇编put togetherraw生的,未加工的unprocessed prospect前途,预期possibilitymagnify放大increaseuphold支持supportforward looking先进的progressive rudimentary基本的,退化的undevelopedsole单一的onlysubsidize资助financeassure保证implement工具subject to屈服于,受制于susceptible to pierce刺穿puncturefused熔合的combinedlure诱惑attractdeposited储存,放置placeddiscrete离散的,不连续的separateovertaxed负担过重的heavily burdenedinadequate不充分的deficientspecialized专业的inevitable必然的,必不可少的unavoidablylamented哀悼,令人遗憾的complainfaded from褪色disappeared from novel创新的innovativevessel船,舱craft84 cargo船舱deliberate故意的,深思熟虑的carefulinclination倾斜preferencecumbersome笨重的burdensomeburdensome繁重的loathsome令人作呕的framed posed93 supposedly可能的seeminglyruthless无情的,残忍的tightly仅仅的,兼顾的sanitation环境卫生healthgive way to为……所替代turn intospeculate投机;推测hypothesis authorization授权,批准barren贫瘠的,荒凉的barrenhard firm104 durable耐用的long-lastingdwell居住elaborate详细制作integral必须的;积分;完整的essentialclustered成群的concentrateeddrastic猛烈的radicalextracted提取,取出removeinstance情况,实例casemarked显著的pronouncedentombed埋葬trappedexcavate挖掘ushering引领的beginningexecute实行,执行createsketch描绘,勾勒drawingdomain领域fieldpresided over主持,管理,负责managedmotif动机,图形,主旨designtolerate忍耐endurecompensate补偿roll back击退,把……压低reducestimulate激励encouragestringout严格的strictdictate命令,指示determinedeparture离开,出发,违背conserve保存forage搜寻feedcounteract抵消,中和negateshielded隔离的fixture commonplace object145 nevertheless然而,不过however readily容易的easilyconstitute构成make uppit矿井,凹陷holestory level150 rumor谣传dispute辩论argumentnourish滋养diffuse travel156 rupture破裂burstshrink收缩,畏缩circular循环aesthetic美学的artisticexert运用,发挥cause/applied minuscule极小的tinyridiculous可笑的,荒唐的dedicate奉献devoteassembly集合的,聚集的adorn装饰decorateattire服装,打扮clothingunravel解开,阐明,解决discovermundane世俗的ordinarygap缝隙,间隔opening discard抛弃,放弃get rid ofdeft灵巧的skilledrobust强健的strongheralded征兆,预兆announcedmajor主要的principle symmetric对称的proportionally balanced supplement柔软的,延伸的extensionskeptical怀疑的doubtsubsidy补贴financingpenalty罚款persuasion说服力conjectural推测employing使用usingjustify证明合法asserted维护,坚持assortment分类,混合物exalted高尚的superior come of age充分发展established itself imprint印记,痕迹traceskeleton骨骼detect检测noxious有毒的harmfuleliminate消灭,淘汰adversely不利的negativelyadmittedly公认的acute严重的,急性的intenseexceed超过surpass astounding令人震惊的surprisedelicate微妙的deprived of缺乏chilled with遭受induced诱导causeintricate复杂的complexcohesion凝聚;结合unitysorrow悲伤vibration震动,犹豫alphabetical依字母序的conscious有意识的plain平原;朴实的decay衰退conversion转换catastrophe灾难的calculated计算,打算好的determinedconvert转变ceased终止,停止stoppedprominent突出的,显著的distinguishedgenerous慷慨的applied to应用于used for coarse粗糙的roughdense紧密的thickeagerly anticipated热切期盼look forward to virtue优点ascribed to归因于;认为是assumed to be true of spawn产生,产卵createembedded插入的,被包围的encasedspotting测定identifydogma教条,教规beliefshied away from回避avoid milestone里程碑jolt震动shock protruding突出的,伸出的projecting daring大胆的boldboost推高raisehinder阻碍inhibit counterpart副本version pore气孔,洞hole apparent明显的detectableyield屈服,生产,提供provide sumptuous华丽的luxuriousadhere坚持stickrapidity迅速的,急速的swiftness rear培养raisescale衡量measureimmunity免疫力protectionconspicuous显著的noticeable bias偏见prejudice distortion变形,扭曲embrace包含,拥抱welcomeexorbitant过高的expensiveproponent支持者consort结交,结伴associatedadequate充足的annihilate歼灭,战胜,废止conquer aptly适宜的appropriatefashion使用,改变createarticle物体objectstaple主要产品basic elementinvade侵略move intofinely精密的minutelyattendant伴随accompany exponential leap指数级增长virtually几乎almost completely pertinent相关的relevantinsightful有洞察力的succinct简明的,简洁的conciserevise修复,复习,校订changearray大量的tardy迟到的late discounted打折的disregarded hamper束缚的impededsensation使人感动的,轰动一时的spectacularinject注射retract缩回pull backspiraling盘旋上升的sophisticated胆小的prolong延长monochrome单色的eerily怪诞的,奇异的not lessoned未衰减的undiminsihed vow发誓promise confide吐露,信赖substitute替代品prominent突出unwieldy不灵活的unmanageable prerequisite先决条件,必要条件requirement inherit继承prospering繁荣,成功shatter粉碎threshold入口,门口,临界值barter物物交换supplant代替conquer战胜precede领先charge with命令,指示assigned to incise切割provision规定,供应品prepare edge优势by degrees逐渐的at any rate不管怎样scatter分散by virtue of凭借circumscribed限制的thwarted挫败的frustrated vigorous有力量的,精力充沛的framework骨骼,框架structure notwithstanding尽管in spite of allay减轻testimory证词vast广阔的,巨大的convert转变chiefly主要的ultimately最终的demise死亡patterned显著的markedconfine限制presumably大概,推测起来formidable艰难的intent 意图purposescurry疾跑essence本质basic nature engage保证,约定,使参加hireevaluate评估grumble抱怨vivid生动的,鲜明的graphicserve起作用functionsole唯一的sedentary久坐的inactive scope视野,范围extentprolific多产的antecedent前者,先行的predecessor locale场所rotting腐坏decaying apace with飞快的depict描述foremost最重要的leadingmerely仅仅emitting发射producingpursue追赶chase appreciate鉴别recognize resemble类似的carry on参与,继续。

历年词汇真题Inaccessible 难以接近的:unreachableExtracting 提取,提炼: removingStrength基础:basisSurging 激增,迅速上升:acceleratingTrend 倾向,趋势:tendencyPeak 最高点,最高峰: maximumPrior to 在前,局先:precedingAdvocates 提倡者,赞成者: proponents Unsubstantiated 无确实根据的,未经证实的: unverifiedMaintain 维持:preserveConsiderable 极其,相当,大量: substantial Enactment 制定,执行: performanceStaggering 令人惊愕的:overwhelming Devastated 毁坏:ruined Demonstrate 证明,示威:showed Extend延伸,扩展:stretchVast巨大的,辽阔的:largeSparked 发动,鼓舞:brought about Potential潜在的,可能的:possible Outstanding 突出的,显著的: excellent Account for 解释,说明:explain Picking up 沿着:followingA supremacy至高,霸权:a dominanceSupplanted代替:replaced Myriad无数:manySupreme最高的:most outstandingSettle解决,决定:decideAscending 上升,攀登:climbingSolemn 严肃的:seriousComposed创作,作曲:createdScores 乐谱:music composition Comprises 包含,由,构成:consists of Intense 剧烈的:extremeMargins 空白:edgesSupport 支撑:holdAppreciation 感激,评价,欣赏: recognitionBias 偏见:prejudice Prevailing 流行的:most frequentAccumulated 积聚,堆积:collectedRelated有关系得:connectedSupported 支撑:upheldForward-looking 向前看的:progressive 进步的Rudimentary 不发达的,未发展的:undeveloped Sole唯一的:onlySubsidizes 资助:financeRotates旋转:alternatesImplements 玩具:toolsClues 线索:informationHemispheres 半球:sides Subject to 遭受:susceptible to Puncture 刺穿:pierceDramatic 戏剧性的,显著的: striking Characterized 不同,区别于其他: distinguished Bizarre 古怪的:oddCasts off 抛弃:gets rid ofHomogeneous 一致的,同一的: uniform Largely renounces 基本上拒绝:generally rejects Prevail 流行,支配控制:dominatesSubtle 轻微的,精细的: slightCompile 收集,积累:put togetherRaw 未加工的,为处理的: unprocessedProspect 前景,可能性: possibility Roughly大约地:approximately Magnify 增加,扩大:increaseDistinction 不同,区别:differences Fused 结合:combinedLure 吸引:attractPlaced 放置:depositedDiscrete分泌:separateOvertaxed 负担沉重的: heavily burdened Inadequate 不充足的:deficient Inevitable 不可避免地:unavoidably Lamented 不满,抱怨:complaint about First rank 最高水平: highest qualityFadedfrom 消失于:disappeared from Novel 创新的,新颖的: innovative Stationary 固定的:fixedVessel船只:craftSmothering 窒息的:eliminated Coined组成,创造:created Intervention 干预:influence Emerged出现:appearedOutlining 概括,总结:summarizing Deliberate 仔细地:careful Demanded 需要:requiredImitate 模仿:copyComparably 相似地:similarly Inclinations 偏好,喜好 : preferencesVaried不同:differed Cumbersome 笨重地:burdensomeConfined 局限:limitedFramed 构造,制定:posed Supposedly 可能地,推测地: seemingly Sanitation 卫生:healthConflicting 对立的:apposingGive way to 让位于:turns into Speculate 假设:hypothesize Alternative 选择:optionImposing Penetrate Extended Preferred要求高的,费力的:demanding 穿过:go through 增加,延长:increase 喜欢; favoredBarren 贫瘠的:infertileHard坚硬的:firmDivergence 不同,区别:difference Durable 耐久地:long-lastingDwelling 住所:housesElaborately 精心地:done in a great detail Bounds 限制:limitsChance 偶然的:unplannedIntegral 必要的,基本的:an essential Carry 承担:supportConcentrated 集中:clusteredEffect 影响:influence Distinct区别,不同:separate Setting 建立:establishingEnds目标:goalsDrastic 激进的:radical Extracted提取:removed Instances 例子:cases Entombed 陷入:trapped Marked 明显的:pronounced Ushering 开始,引入: beginning Execute 执行,创造:create Domains 领域:fields Fundamental 基本的:basic Skilled 专业的:expertPresided over 管理控制:managed Celestial 天文学的:astronomicalEntities 物体:objectsMotifs 母题,图案:designs Rare 罕见的:infrequent Maintaining 维持:preserving Tolerate忍耐:endureObtain 获得getRoll back减少reduce Stimulating 刺激encouraging Depressed 降低,使沮丧 lowered Stringent严厉的strict Dictates 决定determinesWitnessed 看到observedA break with 分开a departure fromConserve 维持,保留 retain Magnified 加强,加剧 intensified Forage 觅食feedCounteracted 否定,抵消 negatedIn season 应季a particular time of year Fixture 寻常物品commonplace object Nevertheless 但是 howeverRotates 转动,改变turnsReadily 容易地,欣然地 easily Constituting 组成 making upPits 洞,坑 holesDisputes 争论arguments Unrestricted 不受限制的 unlimitedSnap 折断 breakFed 吃/放入 putExposed to 易受影响的,受支配 subjected to Exert 引起,导致 causeDiffuses 穿过,扩散travelsRapture 破裂 burstMiniscule 微小的tinyEnables 使能够 allowsAesthetically 美学的,艺术的 artistically Refreshing 非同寻常的,耳目一新的 unusualDevote 奉献dedicate Bound 系,绑tied Assembling 聚集gatheringAdorned 装修decorated Attire 服装clothing Unravel 揭露discover Mundane 平凡的 ordinary Gap 空隙opening Discards 抛弃gets rid of Deft 灵巧的 skilled Robust 强壮的 strong Heralded 宣布announced Position 职位jobMajor 主要的 principalSymmetrical 比例平衡的,对称的 proportionally balanced Obvious明显的apparentDominated 占支配地位的 were prevalent in Supplements 补充extensionsCrisscross 交叉 move back and forth Skepticism 怀疑主义doubtSubsidy 资助financingConjectural 猜测的 based on guessing Employing 采用 usingAssortment 种类varietyExalted 高级的 superiorIngots 银锭/块 blocks of silver mixed with copperCame of age 出现了,成名了 established itself Trace 痕迹 imprintsExposed 暴露 uncoveredAdversely 逆向/反的 negatively Altered 改变changedNoxious 有毒的,有害的 harmful Detectable 可以探测的 measurable Acute 敏锐的,剧烈的 intense Exceeded 超越surpassed Astounding 惊讶的 surprising Durable 耐久的 lasting Customarily 通常 usually Induced 导致causedRemarkable 异常的 extraordinary Exerted 运用applied Restricted限制limitedIntricate 错综复杂的 complexVary 区别,不同 differInitially 首先at firstCohesion 凝聚力 unityConsciously 有意识地,故意地 purposely Unadorned 未装饰的,平凡的 plain Consumption 消费,吃 eating Constituents 组成部分 components Calculated 计算,决定 determined Ceased 停止stopProminent 著名的 distinguished Apply to 应用于 used for Coarser 粗糙的 rougherDense 浓密的thickThanks to 由于 because ofEagerly anticipated 渴望,期待 looked forward to Properties 特征,特点 characteristicsAscribed to 归功于,认为 assumed to be true of Revolutionized 巨变,革命 dramatically changed Appeal 吸引attractionSpawned 产生,产卵 createdCore 核心centerEmbedded 镶嵌encasedSpotting 识别 identifyingDogma 信仰,教条 beliefDetect 发现discovered the presence ofShied away from 避免avoided Milestone 里程碑 significant development Critical 关键的 essentialJolting 震动shockingMagnitude 成都/大小extent Attachment to 倾向于 preference for Protruding 凸出的 projectingShield保护protectDaring 大胆boldBoosted 鼓舞 raisedInhibited 阻碍hindered Counterpart 版本,对应物version Detectable 明显的,可探测的 apparentSumptuous 奢侈的 luxurious Yield 供应provideAdhere 坚持 stickInitiate 启动,开始 begin Modifying 改变,限制 changing Rapidity 迅速swiftness Efficiency 效率effectiveness Rear 抚养 raiseScale 攀登climbImmunity 免疫,保护 protectionConspicuous 明显的 noticeable Bias 偏见 prejudice Exorbitant 丰富的 expensiveUndergone 经历experienced Consorted 交往associated Sufficient 充足adequate Annihilate 消灭,征服 conquer Aptly 恰当的 appropriately Fashion制造createArticle 物品objectStaples 基本产品 basic elements Invade 侵入 move into Contemporary 当代的 existingFinely 微小的 minutelyAttendant 伴随的accompanying Exponential leaps 迅速上升 rapid increasesVirtually 几乎完全,实际上 almost completely Pertinent 相关的 relevantSuccinct 简明conciseRevise 改变changeMonopolized 垄断dominatedFactions部分sidesFlattering 赞美complimentary Disseminated 分散spreadAccelerated 加速 increasedGiven way to 替代 been replaced byReliance 依赖dependence Picture 想象 imagine Emit 发出give offGlowing 发光的 shiningInflux 流入,到达 arrival Extraordinary 异常的 exceptional Era 时代 period of time Intriguing 吸引人的attractive Conclusive 总结性的definitive Preoccupation 卷入involvement Primary 基本的fundamental Entire 整个wholeBring about 引起causeTemping 吸引人的 attractiveReckless 不负责任的 irresponsibleConcomitant with 同时发生的,与之伴随的 in conjunction withSkyrocketing 迅速上升 increasing rapidly Extolling 高度赞扬praisingRoughly 大约harshlyReaped 获得gainedInterchangeable 互换的,等同于 equivalent Classified 分类categorizedIncinerated itself 燃烧 burn upSecuring 获得acquiringImplications 意义significantHinterland 腹地,内地贸易区 regionPersisted 坚持,持续 continued Undergoing 经历,遭受 experiencing Suspend 悬挂,延迟 hangFatal 致命的 deadlySecure 安全的 safeSorted out 分类,挑练 separatedDampened 使潮湿 moistenedFine 细微的tinyDerived 起源,得自 obtainedDrastically 激烈的,彻底的severelyCoincided with 一致,符合 happened at the same time Supplement 补充add toContemporary 当代的,同时代的 written at the same timePrized 珍视valued Overtaken 超越,胜出surpassed Intervals 间隔 periods。

iBT新托福单词题(词汇题)全集(打印版)1.20 or so=20 roughly大体上,大约为2. a matter of speculation =supposition n. 推断3. a solicitation of =an invitation of n. 垦求;垦请4.abandon=give up vt.放弃5.abandoned= left a. 被遗弃的6.aberrant= abnormal a. 脱离常轨的,7.abort= quit v. 夭折;中止8.abrupt=sudden adj.突然的9.abruptly= suddenly ad. 突然地;意外地10.absorb =appeal v. 吸收;被…吸引11.absorb= learn(学习) v. 吸收12.absorb= take in v. 吸收;被…吸引13.abstract= not concrete a. 抽象的;非实际的14.absurd= ridiculous a. 荒谬的;可笑的15.abundance= large amount n. 大量16.abundance= great number n. 大量17.abundant=large amount adj. 丰富的;大量的18.abundant = affluent a. 丰富的;大量的19.abundant= ample a. 丰富的;大量的20.abundant= numerous a. 丰富的;大量的21.abundant= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量的22.abundant= substantial a. 丰富的;大量的23.abundantly= plentifully ad. 丰富地;大量地24.accelerate=speed up/get faster vi.&vt.加速25.access =reach v. 接近26.accessible =reachable a. 可接近的27.accessible =easy to reach a. 易接近的28.accidental =unexpected a. 意外的;偶然的29.acclaimed=praisable adj.值得赞扬的30.accommodate= provide for v. 提供31.accomplished =achieved a. 实现完成的32.accomplished =skilled a. 熟练的33.account= description n. 说明34.account for= explain v. 说明35.accumulate =collect v. 积累;聚集36.accumulate =pile up v. 积累;聚集聚集37.accumulate =build up 积累38.accurate =correct a. 正确的39.accurately= correctly ad. 正确地40.acknowledge= recognize v. 承认41.actually= in fact ad. 事实上42.added =extra a. 附加的;额外的43.adept =skilled a. 熟练的44.adequately=sufficiently adv.足够地45.adherent= supporter n. 拥护者46.adherent=advocate n.追随者,提倡者47.48.adjacency=nearing n.领接49.adjacent =nearby a. 毗连的50.adjacent =neighboring a. 毗连的51.adjust= modify v. 调整;改变…以适应52.administer = manage v. 管理53.admire=respect vt.敬重54.admit= let in v. 准许进入55.adopt= enact v. 采用56.advance= improvement n. 发展;增长57.advent= arrival n. 出现;到来58.advent= beginning n. 出现;到来59.affair= matter n. 事件;事情60.afford= provide v. 提供;给予61.aggravate= increase v. 加重;增剧62.aggravate =annoy v. 使恼火63.aggregate= overall a. 聚集的;合计的64.aggregate= combined a. 聚集的;合计的65.aggregation=group n.聚合,聚集;聚集体66.aggregations=groups67.agile= astute a. 灵活的;敏捷的68.agile= clever a. 灵活的;敏捷的69.agile= quick and active a. 灵活的;敏捷的70.agile= move and act quickly a. 灵活的;敏捷的71.air= feeling n. 气氛72.alarm= sound v. 警报73.alarm= warning n. 警告74.albeit= although conj. 尽管;虽然75.albeit =even though conj. 尽管;虽然76.alleged=asserted v.宣称77.alleged=supposed v.假定,断言78.allocation=distribution n.分配79.allow= enable v. 允许80.allude= suggest v. 暗示81.allude to= refer to phrv. 提到82.ally with= link to v. 结盟83.alter= change to v. 改变84.amazing= remarkable a. 令人惊讶的/非凡的85.ambiguous =vague a. 不明确的86.ambiguous=more than one meaning87.ambitious=keen/energetic adj.渴望的(做某事)88.ambivalent =mixed a. 矛盾的89.ample= plentiful a. 充足的;丰富的90.ample =spacious a. 宽敞的91.ampliation=magnify扩大,扩张92.analogue to=similar to 相似的93.ancestor=forefather/prohenitor n.祖先94.anchor= hold in place v. 使固定95.ancient= old a. 古老的96.ancient =antique a. 古老的97.annihilate= destroy v. 消灭98.annihilate =completely remove v. 消灭99.annihilated=destory v.废止100.annually= yearly ad. 每年101.anomaly= irregularity n. 异常的人或物102.anonymous=nameless/incognito 不具名的103.antagonist =competitor n. 对手;敌手104.anticipate= expect v. 预期105.antiseptic =clean a. 抗菌的106.antithesis= opposite n. 对立面107.antler =horn n. 鹿角108.anxiety =worry n. 忧虑;担心109.apart from= exception phr. 除了…之外110.apart from =except for phr. 除了…之外111.apparatus= equipment n. 仪器;设备112.apparent =obvious a. 显然的113.apparently= clearly ad. 显然地114.apparently=seemingly115.appeal= attraction n. 吸引力116.appealing =attractive a. 有吸引力的117.appear= seem v. 似乎118.appearance= rise n. 出现119.appearance= arrival n. 出现120.appearance= showing up n. 出现121.application= use n. 应用122.appreciable= noticeable a. 相当可观的123.approach =method n. 方法124.approach= move toward v. 接近125.approximately= roughly ad. 大约地126.architecture= structure n. 构造127.archive= record v. 存档128.archive= stock v. 存档129.archive= store v. 存档130.arduous= difficult a. 艰巨的131.arid =dry a. 干旱的132.arise= emerge v. 出现133.arise=come about vi.到来,发生134.arrangement= configuration n. 安排;布置135.array=range n. 一系列136.article= item n. 物品137.article= object n. 物品138.as a rule =in general phr. 通常139.assert= declare v. 断言;宣称140.assertion= strong statement n. 断言;主张141.asset= advantage n. 资产;有利条件142.assimilate= combine v. 同化143.assistance= help n. 帮助;协助144.assorted= various a. 各式各样的145.assume= believe v. 假定;设想146.assume= suppose v. 假定;设想147.assume= take on v. 承担148.assumption= premise n. 假设149.astonishing= amazing a. 惊人的150.astonish=surprise vt.使惊讶151.astoundingly=incredibly adv.使人震惊的152.astute= clever a. 敏锐的153.at random= without a definite pattern phr. 随便地; 任意地154.attachment to= preference for n. 依恋155.attain =achieve v. 达到;获得156.attainment =achievement n. 达到;获得157.attendant= accompanying a. 伴随的158.attest to =confirm v. 证实159.attribute= accredit v. 归于;认为160.attribute =characteristic n. 特点,属性161.attribute to =credit with v. 归于; 认为162.attributes=characteristics163.attribution =character n. 属性164.augment= increase v. 增加;提高165.available =obtainable a. 可获得的166.avenue= method n. 途径;手段167.avenue =means n. 途径;手段168.avid= enthusiastic a. 热中的169.back up=support170.barely = just ad. 仅仅171.barge= boat n. 驳船172.barrier= obstacle n. 障碍173.barrier =impediment n. 障碍174.battle= struggle n. 搏斗;奋斗175.be accustomed to= get used to phrv. 习惯176.be aware of =familiar with phrv. 了解177.be beforehand= foreordain v. 预先178.be closer resemblance to= be more like phr. 非常相似179.be consistent with= be compatible with phr. 一致的180.be entitled to= have the right phrv. 有…权利181.be inclined =tend v. 倾向182.be susceptible to=be subject to 受...影响的183.beckon= invite v. 招唤;引诱184.become extinct= die out phrv. 灭绝185.being= creature n. 生命186.beneficial =advantageous a. 有益的187.blossom= flourish v. 兴旺188.blossom= thrive v. 兴旺189.boast= puff v. 吹嘘190.boast= exaggerate v. 吹嘘191.bombard= assail v. 炮击;轰击192.bombard =assault v. 炮击;轰击193.bombard =strike v. 炮击;轰击194.boom= expansion n. 激增;爆涨195.boon= great benefit n. 利益196.boost= raise v. 增加;提高197.boundary= periphery n. 边界198.branch =division n. 分支199.break through=revolution n.突破,革命200.breed= reproduce v. 繁殖;饲养201.brew=develop vt.开发202.brilliant= bright a. 光辉的;明亮的203.brittle= breakable a. 脆弱的204.brittle= fragile a. 脆弱的205.broad appeal =wide popularity a. 广泛的吸引力206.broadly =generally ad. 大体上207.broadly= extensively ad. 大体上208.bulk= majority n. 大部份209.bulk=largest area210.bulk= large part n. 大部份211.bulk =major part n. 主体212.bulk= large portion n. 大部份213.bulk= great quantity n. 大部份214.burgeon= expand v. 急速成长215.bustling= lively/busy a. 活跃的,熙熙攘攘的216.by and large=for the most part总的来说217.camouflage= disguise v. 伪装218.camouflage =hide v. 伪装219.camouflage= decorate(装饰) v. 伪装220.camouflage= blend with circumstances v. 伪装221.cardinal= fundamental a. 基本的222.cargo= shipment n. 船货;货物223.catastrophic=badly harmful 灾难性的224.celebrated= famous a. 着名的225.central= essential a. 主要的226.certain= specified a. 指定的227.champion=promote vt.提升,提拔228.chancy =risky a. 冒险的229.channel =provide v. 提供帮助230.channel =direct v. 引导231.channel =guide v. 引导232.chaotic= disorganized a. 混乱的233.cherish =value v. 珍爱234.chief= major a. 主要的235.chisel =carve v. 刻;凿236.choose= opt v. 选择237.chronic= persistent a. 长期的;不断的238.chronic =confirmed a. 长期的;不断的239.chronic= habitual a. 长期的;不断的240.chronic =inveterate a. 长期的;不断的241.chronically=constantly ad. 长期地242.circuitous =indirect a. 迂迴的243.circumstance= condition n. 环境;情况244.circumstance=situation n.情况245.cite= quote v. 引用246.cite =refer to v. 引用247.classic =typical a. 典型的248.clear =visible a. 容易看见的249.clear= apparent a. 显然的250.cling to= attach to v. 附着251.close= careful a. 严密的;周密的252.clue= hint n. 线索253.cling to=hold 坚持254.cluster=group255.coating= cover n. 覆盖层256.coincide with= be as the same time as v. 同时发生257.coincide with=accord with258.coincidence=likely events 相同,符合259.collaborate= cooperate v. 合作260.collaboration= joint effect n. 合作成果261.collect =gather v. 收集262.collide= hit each other v. 碰撞263.collide with =run into v. 碰撞264.colossal=enormous adj.巨大的memorate =celebrate v. 庆祝;纪念mence=beginmonly=oftenmonly=generally/normallypact =concise a. 紧密的;简明的pact= compressed(结实的) a. 紧密的;简明的parable= equivalent a. 可比较的parative =relative a. 相当的atible=consistentpel =push v. 强迫pelling= convincing a. 令人信服的pelling=forcingpensate= reimburse v. 赔偿;补偿pensate=make uppensate for =balance phrv. 赔偿;补偿plaint =protest v. 抗议plement= supplement n. 补充物plement= add to v. 补充pletely= totally ad. 完全地plex= elaborate a. 复杂的plex =system n. 复合物;综合体plicated =complex a. 复杂的plicated =made things more difficult a. 复杂的ponent= constituent a. 组成的pose=be made up ofposition= mixture n. 合成物prehensive= understandable a. 能理解的prehensive= complete a. 全部的,prehensive= thorough彻底的prise= form v. 组成prise =make up v. 组成prise=consist ofpulsory=required 必须的298.concede=accept 承认,接受299.conceiving=considering 构想,考虑300.consensus=agreement 一致301.concern= interest v. 感兴趣302.conclusive= final a. 最后的303.conclusive= ultimate a. 最后的304.conducive= contributive a. 有助于...的305.configuration= arrangement n. 布局;结构306.configuration= form n. 佈局;结构307.confine =limit/boundary v. 限制308.confront= face v. 面临309.congeal= solidify v. 使凝结310.consecutive= successive a. 连续的311.consequence= result n. 结果;重要性312.consequence =importance n. 结果;重要性313.consequent= later a. 随后的314.consequent= resultant a. 作为结果的315.consequent =resulting a. 作为结果的316.consequential= significant a. 重要的317.consequently= therefore ad. 因此318.consequently= thus ad. 因此319.conserve= save v. 保存320.consider =think as v. 考虑;认为321.consider =view as v. 考虑;认为322.consider =think about v. 考虑;认为认为323.considerable= substantial/significant a. 相当大的324.consist of =compose of v. 由…组成325.consistent= regular a. 一致的326.consistently= regularly ad. 一致地327.conspicuous= notable a. 明显的328.constant =stable a. 固定的;不变的329.constantly =always ad. 经常;不断地330.constellation =collection n. 一系列;一群331.constellation =combination n. 一系列;一群332.constitution= component n. 构造333.constrain =restrict v. 限制334.constraint= limit n. 限制335.constraint= restriction n. 限制336.consume= eat up v. 消耗;吃;喝吃;喝337.consumed= used up v. 消耗338.contemplate= consider v. 沉思339.contentious= disputed a. 好争吵的340.continual= constant a. 不间断的;连续的341.continuous =uninterrupted a. 连续的;持续的342.contrive= create v. 发明343.contrive= invent v. 发明344.conventional= customary a. 习惯的;惯例的345.conventional= traditional a. 习惯的;惯例的346.converging= concentrating a. 收缩的;会聚的347.convert =transform v. 使转变348.convert into= change to v. 转变成349.convict= condemn v. 宣判350.convict =sentence v. 宣判351.convict =doom(判决) v. 宣判352.conviction= belief n. 相信;信念353.conviction =strong belief n. 坚定的信念354.cope with= handle phrv. 应付;处理355.cope with= deal with phrv. 应付;处理356.copious= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量的357.core =center n. 核心;要点358.correspondence= harmony n. 一致359.corroborate= confirm v. 证实;确证360.costly= expensive a. 贵重的;昂贵的361.counsel =advise v. 忠告362.countless= innumerable a. 数量很多的363.counter= oppose v. 反对364.counter of= in the opposite of a. 相反的365.counterpart= version(版本) n. 复本;副本366.counterpart= similitude(类似物) n. 复本;副本367.counterpart= equivalent(同等物) n. 复本;副本368.countervail =compensate v. 抵销;对抗369.countervail= oppose v. 抵销;对抗370.couple =associate v. 与…联系起来371.covered= included a. 隐蔽的;有盖的372.crawl =move v. 爬行;移动373.create= invent v. 创作;产生374.creative= inventive a. 创造的375.crest= peak n. 顶峰376.critical =crucial a. 关键的377.critical= essential a. 关键的378.criticize =debate(争论;辩论) v. 批评;责备379.crucial= important a. 重要的380.crucially= decisively ad. 关键地381.crushed =ground a. 碾碎了的382.cumbersome awkward a. 笨重的;麻烦的383.cumbersome= clumsy a. 笨重的;麻烦的384.cumbersome= unwieldy a. 笨重的;麻烦的385.curb= control v. 控制;遏止386.current =present a. 现在的387.dam= block v. 筑坝;控制388.dangle= hang v. 悬摆;吊389.daring =bold a. 大胆的390.debate= argue v. 辩论;争论391.decimate= destroy v. 大量毁灭392.decimation= destruction n. 大量毁灭393.degree =extent n. 程度394.degree= measure n. 程度395.delicate= dainty a. 易碎的;精美的396.delight= please v. 使高兴397.delight= pleasure n. 高兴;愉快398.deluxe= lavish a. 奢华的399.demand= need n. 需要;需求400.demise =extinction n. 死亡401.demography= population n. 人口统计402.dense= crowded a. 稠密的;密集的403.dense= thick a. 稠密的;密集的404.depend= rely on v. 依赖;依靠依靠405.dependable= reliable a. 可信赖的406.depict= describe v. 描述407.depict= portray v. 描写;描绘408.depletion= drain n. 消耗;用尽409.deposit =accumulate v. 沉积410.deposit= lay down v. 放下;放置411.derive= arise v. 源于;导出412.design =create v. 设计413.designate= identify v. 命名;指定414.detractor= critic(批评者) n. 诽谤者;恶意批评者415.detrimental =harmful a. 有害的;不利的416.deviate= digress v. 偏离417.deviation= departure n. 背离418.devise= create v. 设计;发明419.devoid of= lack of a. 缺乏的420.devoid of= without(prep.) a. 缺乏的421.devoid of= scant of a. 缺乏的422.devoted =dedicated a. 虔诚的;专心致志的423.devoted to =concentrated on a. 虔诚的;专心致志的424.discernible = noticeable a. 可感知到,可注意到的425.dictate= determine v. 口授;命令426.dictate= order v. 命令427.differential= uneven a. 差别的;独特的428.diffuse =travel v. 扩散;散布429.diffuse= spread(out) v. 扩散;散布430.diligent= careful a. 勤奋的431.diligently= carefully ad. 勤奋地432.dilute= reduce v. 稀释;使薄弱433.dim= decrease v. 变暗淡434.disassemble= break apart v. 拆开435.disassemble =break up v. 拆开436.disband =dismiss v. 解散;遣散437.discard= throw away v. 摒弃;丢弃438.discard= throw up v. 摒弃;丢弃丢弃439.discernible= noticeable a. 可辨别的440.discernible= discriminating a. 可辨别的441.discharge= release v. 释放442.disentangle =disband v. 解开443.disgust= distaste v. 厌恶444.disintegrate= break apart v. 分解;碎裂445.disintegrate =fall apart v. 分解;碎裂446.disintegrate= tear apart v. 分解;碎裂447.dismantle =demolish v. 拆开;拆除448.disorder= anarchy n. 混乱449.dispensable= not necessary a. 非必要的450.dispersal =distribution n. 散布;驱散451.displace= move out of position v. 迫使(人)离开452.disposition= temperament n. 性格;性情453.dispute= contention n. 争论;争执454.dispute =argument n. 争论;争执455.dissipate= disperse v. 驱散456.dissipated =dispersed a. 分散的457.dissuade =discourage v. 劝阻458.distinct= clear and recognizable a. 清楚的;明确的459.distinction= difference n. 差别460.distinction= honor n. 荣誉461.distinction= excellence n. 优秀;卓越462.distinctive= characteristic a. 有特色的463.distinguish= notice from the difference v. 区别; 识别464.distribute= spread v. 分配;散布465.distribution= dispersion n. 散布466.distribution =geographic range n. 分布区域467.disturb= upset v. 打乱;扰乱468.diverse= distinct a. 不同的469.diversification= emergence of many varieties n. 多样化470.diversity =variety n. 多样性471.divest =deprive v. 剥夺472.divest =get rid of v. 剥夺473.domestic= home a. 家庭的;国内的474.dormant= hibernated a. 休眠的;不活动的475.dormant= inactive a. 休眠的;不活动的476.dramatically= greatly ad. 戏剧性地477.drastic= extreme a. 激烈的;极端的478.drastically =obviously ad. 大大地;彻底地479.drastically =severely(严重地) ad. 大大地;彻底地480.dual =double a. 双的;双重的481.duplicate= copy v. 复制482.duplicate= repeat n. 复本483.durable= lasting a. 经久的;持久的484.earn= acquire v. 赚得;赢得485.ease= facilitate(使容易) v. 使减轻;使缓和486.eccentric= erratic a. 古怪的;反常的487.eccentric =strange a. 古怪的;反常的488.efface= eliminate v. 消去489.elaborate =detailed a. 精巧的;详尽的490.elaborate= dainty a. 精巧的;详尽的491.elapsed =passed a. 过去的;经过的492.element =weather condition n. (恶劣的)天气493.eliminate= remove v. 排除;消除494.elusive =difficult to catch a. 难懂的;难捉摸的495.emanate= emerge v. 散发;产生496.embark on=start v. 从事(着手)497.embed= insert v. 插入;植入498.embed= implant v. 插入;植入499.embed =enclose v. 插入;植入500.emergence= appearance n. 出现501.emergency =crisis n. 紧急情况502.emergent =developing a. 新兴的503.employ= use v. 利用504.enable =allow v. 使能够505.enactment= establishment n. 制定506.encapsulate= state briefly v. 概述507.encourage= stimulate v. 激励;刺激508.endangered= not abundant a. 濒临绝种的509.endeavor= enterprise n. 努力510.endow= bestow v. 捐赠511.engulf= swallow v. 吞没512.enhance= improve v. 提高;增强513.enhance= intensify v. 提高;增强514.enjoy =experience v. 经历515.enlist= obtain v. 谋取(支持、赞助等)516.enormous= great a. 巨大的517.enrich= enhance v. 使富足518.ensue= result v. 因…产生519.ensuing= subsequent a. 接着发生的520.ensure= guarantee v. 保证;担保521.entail=l involve v. 牵涉522.enthusiastic= eager a. 热情的523.environment= setting n. 环境524.ephemeral =short-lived a. 短暂的525.ephemeral =transient a. 短暂的526.episode= event n. 事件527.equilibrium= balance n. 平衡528.era =period n. 时代;年代529.eradicate= remove completely v. 根除;消灭530.erect =build v. 建立531.erratic= unpredictable a. 不稳定的;古怪的532.erratic= irregular a. 不稳定的;古怪的533.escalate= extend v. 逐步扩大534.essential= crucial a. 极重要的535.established =qualified a. 已制定的536.establishment =formation(构成) n. 建立;创立537.estimate= projection n. 估计538.estimation =evaluation n. 估计539.euphoric= extremely happy a. 心情愉快的540.evaluate= judge v. 评价541.eventual= later a. 最后的542.eventually= later ad. 最后543.eventually= ultimately ad. 最后544.evidence= proof n. 证据545.evident= apparent a. 明显的546.evident =obvious a. 明显的547.evoke= arouse v. 唤起;引起548.evoke= draw v. 唤起;引起549.evoke=produce v. 唤起;引起550.evoke= promote v. 唤起;引起551.evoke= stimulate v. 唤起;引起552.evoke =create in the mind v. 唤起; 引起553.exaggerate =overstate v. 夸张;夸大554.excavate =dig out v. 挖掘555.excavation =dug-out n. 挖掘556.exceed= surpass v. 超越;胜过557.exceed =beyond above v. 超越;胜过胜过558.exceedingly =extremely ad. 极其;非常559.excess =go beyond n. 超越; 胜过560.exclusively= only ad. 专门地;独占地561.excrete= expel v. 排泄;分泌562.exercise =use v. 运用563.exhausted= tired a. 精疲力竭的564.exhausted= used up a. 耗尽的;用完的565.exhibit =demonstrate v. 展示;陈列566.exhibit =display v. 展示;陈列567.expand= stretch v. 展开;增长568.expand =increase v. 展开;增长569.expanse= area n. 一大片区域570.expansive= large a. 广阔的571.expediency= convenience n. 方便;利己572.expediency= advantage(优势;利益) n. 方便;利己573.expedient= fitting a. 权宜的;方便的574.expend= use v. 耗尽575.explicit =obvious a. 明确的;清楚的576.explicitly= clear ad. 明确地577.exploit= utilize v. 利用578.exploit= take advantage of v. 利用579.exploit= make use of v. 利用580.explore= investigate v. 探测;探索581.expose to= subject to (遭受) v. 使经历582.express= communicate v. 表达583.extant= existing a. 现存的;尚存的584.extant =remaining a. 现存的;尚存的585.extant= not extinct a. 现存的;尚存的586.extend= stretch v. 延伸587.extend= reach v. 延伸588.extol =praise v. 赞美589.extraneous= inessential a. 无关的;外来的590.extraneous= from outside a. 无关的;外来的591.extraordinary= exceptional a. 异常的592.exude= release v. 渗出;发散593.exude= give off v. 渗出;发散594.fabricate= produce v. 制造595.far-reaching= extensive a. 深远的;广泛的596.far-reaching= broad a. 深远的;广泛的597.fascinating= extremely attractive a. 迷人的598.fashion= make v. 形成;造599.fashion= way n. 样子;方式600.fashionable =popular a. 流行的;时尚的601.feasible= achievable a. 可实行的602.feasible= practical a. 可实行的603.feast= eating n. 盛宴604.ferry= transport n. 渡轮605.fertile= reproductive a. 肥沃的;多产的606.fertile= productive a. 肥沃的;多产的607.figure out =map(详细规划) phr. 计算出;解决608.finding= discovery n. 发现609.first and foremost =above all phr. 首先;首要地610.flake =fragment n. 小薄片611.flattery= praise n. 恭维612.flee= run away from v. 逃走613.flexible= adaptable a. 易适应的614.float= stay on the top v. 漂浮615.float =upward rise phrv. 浮起616.flourish =prosper v. 繁荣;兴旺617.flourish= thrive v. 繁荣;兴旺618.flourishing= prosperous a. 繁荣的619.flow= movement n. 流动620.fluctuate= change v. 变动621.fluctuation= variation n. 变动;起伏622.focal= point centre area n. 焦点623.follow= track v. 跟随624.for instance= for example phr. 例如625.forage= feed n. 饲料626.forage =search for food v. 觅食627.formidable =excessive a. 巨大的628.foster= encourage v. 鼓励629.foster= urge v. 培养;促进630.foster =promote the development of v. 培养;促进631.foul= pollute v. 污染632.fragment= break up v. 使成碎片633.fragmentation= break n. 破裂634.fragmentize= break up v. 使成碎片635.frankly =openly ad. 坦白地636.frankly= sincerely ad. 真诚地637.friction= conflict n. 争执;不合638.function= operation n. 效用;作用639.function= utility n. 效用;作用640.fundamental =basic a. 基础的641.funds= money n. 资金642.furthermore= in addition ad. 此外643.gap= opening n. 缺口;裂口644.gear =adjust v. 使适合645.generate= produce v. 产生646.genuinely =actually ad. 真诚地647.get accustomed to= become used to phrv. 习惯648.give rise to= produce phrv. 引起649.given =particular a. 规定的;特定的ern= regulate v. 统治;管理ern= control v. 统治;管理652.grasp =understand v. 领会;理解653.groom= clean v. 装扮;使整洁654.groom =make up v. 装扮;使整洁使整洁655.groundless =unfounded a. 无根据的656.grounds =reasons n. 根据;理由657.groundwork= base n. 基础658.groundwork= basis n. 基础659.groundwork= foundation n. 基础660.grudging= unenthusiastic a. 勉强的661.guarantee= ensure v. 保证;担保662.hallmark= characteristic n. 戳记,标志663.hamper =district v. 防碍;束缚664.hamper= restrict v. 防碍;束缚665.hamper =make difficulty v. 防碍;束缚666.handy= convenient a. 便利的;灵活的667.haphazard= random a. 随意的668.harness= use v. 利用669.harness= utilize v. 利用670.harsh= drastic a. 严厉的;严酷的671.hasty= hurried a. 匆匆的;急忙的672.haul= pull v. 拉673.have nothing to do with= in no relation to phrv. 不相干674.havoc= destruction n. 浩劫675.hazard =danger n. 危险676.heed= notice v. 留心;注意677.heighten= increase v. 增加;提高678.heir= inheritor n. 继承人;后继者679.hence= therefore ad. 因此680.heritage =legacy n. 遗产;传统681.heritage= tradition n. 遗产;传统682.heterogeneous= varied a. 由不同种类组成的683.hide= conceal v. 隐藏684.hinder= interfere with v. 妨碍685.hint= clue n. 暗示;迹象686.hint= implication n. 暗示;迹象687.hint= indication n. 暗示;迹象688.hint= lead n. 暗示;迹象689.hire= employ v. 雇用690.hobby= pastime n. 嗜好691.hold =support v. 支撑;保持692.hold= keep up v. 支撑;保持保持693.hollow= an empty space n. 中空694.homogeneous =uniform a. 同种的695.host of =great number n. 大量696.however =yet conj. 然而697.hub= center n. 中心698.huge= large a. 巨大的699.hurdle =fence v. 用篱笆围700.hypothetical =supposed a. 假设的;假定的701.ice sheet= glacier(冰河) n. 冰原702.identical= the same a. 同样的703.idiosyncrasies =peculiarity n. 特性704.ignite= set on fire v. 点燃705.illusion= impression(印象) n. 错觉;幻像706.immediately= closest ad. 接近;紧接着707.immense= great a. 巨大的708.immense= huge a. 巨大的709.immense= vast a. 巨大的710.immensely= extremely ad. 非常711.immigration= movement n. 移居712.immobile= fixed a. 固定的;静止的713.immobility= absence of motion n. 固定;静止714.immoral= indecent a. 不道德的715.immoral= improper a. 不道德的716.impermeable= impenetrable a. 不能渗透的717.impermeable =impervious a. 不能渗透的718.impetus= stimulus v. 刺激;促进719.impetus= incentive n. 刺激;促进720.implausible= unbelievable a. 难以置信的721.implement= tool n. 工具722.imply= indicate v. 意味723.imposing= impressive a. 给人深刻印象的724.imprecise= inexact a. 不精确的725.improbable= unlikely a. 不像会发生的726.in fact= actually phr. 事实上727.in great demand =in popularity phr. 普遍728.in respect to= in term of phr. 就…而言729.inaccessible= unreachable a. 难接近的730.inadvertently= unintentionally ad. 非故意地731.inadvertently =without knowing ad. 非故意地732.inauspicious= unfavorable a. 不吉利的733.incidentally= by the way ad. 顺便一提734.inclement =unfavorable a. (气候)严酷的735.inconceivable= unimaginable a. 难以置信的736.inconclusive= without result(毫无结果) a. 不确定的737.incorporate= include v. 包含738.incorporate= merge v. 吸收;併入739.incursion= invasion n. 入侵740.indicate= demonstrate v. 指示;指出741.indigenous =native a. 本土的;土生土长的742.indispensable =essential a. 不可缺少的743.indispensable= necessary a. 不可缺少的744.indispensable= needed a. 不可缺少的745.indispensable= required a. 不可缺少的746.indispensable= vital a. 不可缺少的747.indispensable= significant(重要的) a. 必不可少的748.induce =bring v. 引起749.induce =cause v. 引起750.ineffectively= without any result ad. 无效地751.inert= motionless a. 迟缓的;惰性的752.inert= motiveless a. 迟缓的;惰性的753.inevitable= unavoidable a. 不可避免的754.inference= conclusion n. 推断的结果755.infirm= weak a. 不坚定的;衰弱的756.inflate= expand v. 膨胀;扩大757.infrastructure= foundation n. 基础建设758.ingenious= very clever a. 心灵手巧的759.ingenuity= cleverness n. 心灵手巧;独创性760.ingenuity= creativeness n. 心灵手巧;独创性761.ingenuity= inventiveness n. 心灵手巧;独创性762.ingenuity= resourcefulness n. 心灵手巧;独创性763.inherent= essential a. 内在的;固有的764.inherent= internal a. 内在的;固有的765.inherent= instinctive a. 与生俱来的766.inherent= in characteristic of a. 与生俱来的767.inherently =essentially ad. 固有地768.inhibit =hinder v. 约束;抑制769.inhospitable= unfavorable a. 冷淡的;不适宜的770.inhospitable= adverse a. 冷淡的;不适宜的771.initial= first a. 最初的772.initially =originally ad. 最初;开头773.initiate= begin v. 开始;创始774.initiate =start v. 开始;创始775.innovation =new n. 革新;创新776.innovative= new a. 创新的777.inordinate= excessive a. 过度的778.install= put in place v. 放置,安置779.instant= moment n. 片刻;瞬间780.instantaneous= immediate a. 即刻的781.instigate= incite v. 唆使;煽动782.instructive= informative v. 富有教育意义的783.insufficient= inadequate a. 不足的784.intact= untouched a. 完好的785.intangible =nonmaterial a. 无形的786.intangible= immaterial a. 无形的787.integral= essential a. 构成整体所需要的788.intense =strong a. 强烈的789.intentionally= deliberately ad. 有意地;故意地790.intermediate= in-between a./n. 中间的;媒介791.intimate =close a. 亲密的792.intricate= complex a. 复杂的793.intricate =carefully shaped a. 复杂的794.intrigue= interest v. 引发…兴趣795.intriguing= fascinating a. 迷人的796.intrinsic= essential a. 本质的;内在的797.intrinsic= inherent a. 本质的;内在的798.intrusive= invasive a. 侵入的799.invade= move into v. 入侵;侵犯800.invaluable= highly useful a. 极宝贵的801.invariably= always ad. 始终如一地;一贯地802.invent =devise v. 发明803.inviolable= without exception a. 不可违背的804.inviolable =allowing no attack a. 不可违背的805.invoke =appeal v. 垦求,祈求806.irrecoverable =permanent a. 不能挽回的807.irreparable= permanent a. 不能挽回的808.isolated= separated a. 孤立的;分离的809.jettison= release v. 抛弃810.jolt= shock v. 震动;震惊811.judge= estimate v. 评判812.junction =connection n. 连接;接合813.juncture =connection n. 连接;接合814.justified= right a. 正当的815.justify= prove v. 证明...是正当的816.key= significant a. 重要的;关键的ding= cargo n. 货物ding= shipment n. 货物ndscape= scenery n. 风景;景色rge= extensive a. 大的;大量的rgely =mostly ad. 大部分;主要地unch= initial v. 发起;发动unch= initiate v. 发起;发动unch= start v. 发起;发动825.legitimacy= authority n. 合法性826.legitimately= properly ad. 正当地;合法地827.leisure= free time n. 闲暇828.leisurely= slowly a. 悠闲的;从容不迫地829.lethal= fateful a. 致命的830.lethal =deadly a. 致命的831.liberal =extensive a. 宽大的832.liken= to compare v. 比较833.likewise= similarly ad. 同样地834.linger= wander v. 徘徊;漫步835.linger= stroll v. 徘徊;漫步836.link= connect v. 连接837.link= consist of v. 连接;结合838.link= put together v. 连接;结合结合。

超高频:.a case in point a good example一个恰当的例子a wealth of data a lot of information数据库abrupt sudden突然的accelerate speed up加速accessible reachable易接近的accordingly correspondingly因此account for explain解释accustomed to used to习惯于,适应acute severe严峻的address dealt with处理adequate rich充足的,富有的adhesive sticky粘合剂adjacent to next to邻近的admiration for high opinion of赞赏adopt use采用advantageous profitable有利的advent arrival到达adverse unfavorable不利的advocate support主张,拥护aggregate accumulate聚合aim to do intend to do想要做…akin to(kin同类的)similar to与…相似allegedly supposedly据说,假设allow for make possible使…可能alter change改变,更改amass accumulate累积ambiguous unclear模棱两可的annihilate[əˈnaɪəleɪt]destroy废止,毁灭aptitude ability能力,才能,天资ardent enthusiastic热情的as opposed to in contrast to与…截然相反assess evaluate评价assimilate recognize(在习俗、观念、性格)等方面同化associate with connected to与…有关attest to provide evidence of证实augment add to增加authority expert专家,权威autonomous independent独立的back up support支持,援助baffle puzzle困惑的barrier to impediment障碍burgeoning increasingly增长迅速的chaotic disorganize混沌coalesce[ˌkoʊəˈles]joint使…联合;使…合并coexist concurrent共存coincide with correspond to符合;与...相一致collapse fall inward崩溃;倒塌collate[kəˈleɪt]assemble聚集compact contract收缩,压紧comparative considerable相当的compatible[kəmˈpætəbl]coexisting与……相容的compelling persuasive激发兴趣的compensate for make up for补充,弥补compile edit编辑compound add to增加comprise Consist of组成conceivable imaginable可想象的conducive to favorable to有利于…的configuration arrangement配置congregate[ˈkɑːŋɡrɪɡeɪt]Gather/together聚集consistent harmonious协调的conspicuous obvious显而易见的contract into participate参加conversely in contrast相反counter combat战斗counterpart equivalent等价物couple with combined with与…相结合,伴随courteous[ˈkɜːrtiəs]polite有礼貌的;谦恭的critical probative检验的culminate end结束cultivate encourage the growth of促进(艺术、科学等)的发展deliberate intensive深思熟虑的deplete use up消耗deposit savings存款,押金discrepancy inconsistence不一致distortion twist扭曲divert redirect转移elusive hard to identify难以捉摸的emanate from[ˈɛməˌneɪt]originate from发源于embrace包含拥抱opt选择episode occurrence插曲exotic foreign异国的;外来的explicable explainable可解释的exquisitely[ɪkˈskwɪzɪtli,]elaborate异常地extract remove提取,移出fleeting brief简短的,快速的formulate modify制定;构想出fragile easily damaged易损坏的frigid cold寒冷的furnish equipped装备gross overall考出总共的hasty hurried匆忙的hitherto up till then直到那时impede restrict障碍implement carry out实施implication consequence结论in essence basically本质上in profile view from the side从侧面看in response to as a result of回答;响应in retrospect in reconsidering the past回顾往事inadvertently unintentionally非故意地,无心地indiscriminate random任意的inevitable necessary必然的ingenuity cleverness聪明的inhibit slow down禁止;减速initiate start开始,着手innumerable countless无数的inspiring striking惊人的install put in place安置intact whole完整的integrate combine使…成整体investigate examine调查,检查inviting encouraging鼓舞人心的irritate annoy刺激;激怒justifiable rightful正当的;有理由的launch start开始,开创leftover remains残余的lethal[ˈliːθl]deadly致命的lucrative[ˈluːkrətɪv]profitable有利可图的magnitude size大小,量级main component makes up most主要manifestation expression表现,显示margin limit界限marvelous wonderful精彩的methodically systematically系统地monotonous unchanging不变的;单调的more permeable penetrable可透过的more robust stronger更加坚固,强健much deterioration worse condition退化,恶化mundane commonplace平凡的optimal best最佳的parallel match匹配particular specific特别的,特殊的peak the high point顶点peculiar unique独特的perceive seen感知periodical regular定期的perish枯萎毁灭cold冷的permeable easy to be changed易变的permeate spread throughout散布;弥漫perplexing puzzling复杂的,令人费解的persist continue继续;坚持pervasive widespread普遍的portable movable可移动的postulate propose假定,打算precious expensive昂贵的,宝贵的precise accurate精确地predominantly mainly显著地preoccupation focused全神贯注prerequisite requirement必要条件presume supposed假定的prevail dominant占优势prohibit restrict限制的proponent supporter支持者prosperity wealth繁荣,成功reciprocal mutually互利的recommend support支持recover to return to normal恢复recur repeat frequently再出现reflect express表达reinforce strengthen加强,加固repulse driven back拒绝;击退resemble look like类似resistance opposition反抗;抵抗力resolve settle解决respectively separately各自的restrict limit限制resume to start again重新开始revere greatly mire泥潭陷入困境敬畏;尊敬rival competitor竞争者rudimentary primitive基础的rule out exclude排除scanty few缺乏的scarce insufficient缺乏的,不足的scatter separate分散;分开scrutiny close observation监督sculpt carve雕刻sentimental emotional多愁善感的;感情用事的severity Strict/harshness严格shallow small depth浅的shatter broke破损,碎片solely only仅仅sophisticate complex复杂的sought tried to obtain寻找sparse seldom稀少的spurt喷出喷射sudden increase冲刺stagnation lack of growth停滞stamina endurance毅力,精力stance posture站姿,姿势startle surprise令人惊讶strenuous hard努力的strictly严格地确实地only仅仅subsequent later然后,随后substantial considerable相当的subtle slight轻微的successive continuous连续的supplement add to增加surge proliferate激增surplus excess过剩的suspicion doubt怀疑;嫌疑sustain support支持swift quick快速的tactic strategy策略Tangible有形的实在的具体的physical有形的,实体的temporary for short-term暂时的tend take care of照料,照管thereby consequently从而,因此thorough completely完全地trait feature特点transparent seen through看穿trigger cause引发unprecedented previously unequalled空前的hierarchy ranking层级in principle theoretically大体上,原则上in some degree to certain extent某种程度上in turn subsequent轮流,依次indefinitely endlessly无限地inexplicably mysteriously令人难以理解地integral essential主要的intimately closely紧密地invariably always总是last favor does not prefer不喜欢likewise in the same way同样地maintain claim维持;声明many-segmented pieces分段的masking hiding隐藏massively extensively大暈地master skillfully熟练地match agree with匹配,赞成mean average平均的merely only仅仅might authority可能modest reasonable适度的,适中的modify change改变momentum push动力;冲力motive reason原因,动机mount grow増加;増长needless to say obvious明显的,显而易见的net final净余,最终nevertheless even so虽然如此notion idea观念obstruction barrier障碍obtained gathered获得,聚集of no need to say obvious明显的,显而易见的ongoing continuing持续的overwhelmingly without doubt压倒性地;不可抵抗地pioneer original最早的,原始的pointless of no use无意义的pose present提出…讨论potential possible可能的pragmatic practical实际的profound very strong深厚的profusely abundant丰富的prolong extend延伸promote surge促进proper appropriate适当的proportion size大小,比例pursue engage in从事quantify calculate量化quest search寻找readily quickly快速地recall remember回忆recognize accept认出,识别regard for concern about考虑到relatively comparatively相当地reluctant unwilling勉强的remarkable extraordinary卓越的;非凡的renew restore重建repetitive happen many times重复的reproduce copy再生robust healthy健康sabotage intentionally damage妨害;对…采取破坏行动scenario version of events方案;情节segment divide into several parts片段segregate separate分离,隔离seldom unusual不常sensitive to sensible有感觉的shrinkage reduction收缩;减低signify indicate表示;意味simultaneous at the same time同时skepticism doubt怀疑slightly by very small amounts轻微地spectacular remarkable卓越的;壮观的speculate conjecture推断steadily unvarying稳定地still motionless静止不动的stimulate encourage鼓舞,起作用straightforward simple简单的striking noteworthy值得注意的Sufficient enough足够的surely certainly当然;无疑thus consequently因此typical of in common共同的unceasingly continually不断地;继续地undoubtedly certainly确实地,毋庸置疑的unfavorable unpleasant令人不愉快的inadvertently accidentally意外地,无心地inanimate lifeless无生命的ingenious comprehensive有独创性的,综合性的ingestion swallowing吸收,提取inherent built-in固有的,内在的inhospitable unlikely不适宜的,不可能的install put in place安装integration unit集成,综合isolate separate孤立的,分开manageable easy to handle易管理的manipulate handle操纵;操作mobilize put into action动员,调动oblige force逼迫observation finding观察occasionally sometimes偶尔optimal ideal最佳的,理想的parallel match匹配,平行perceived seen认知periodically at regular intervals of time定期的permanent constant不变的perplexing puzzling复杂的,令人费解的pioneering original首创的,先进的preeminent main卓越的,主要的prevailing dominant流行的,显著的promoting developing促进,发展property characteristic特性radically extremely彻底地,极端地recognized accepted认识到,公认reconcile bring together使一致relentless without pause不间断的,不停的respective in the order presented分别的resultant consequent结果,随之而来的rival competing竞争robust healthy强健的,健康的routine often例常的,经常的rudimentary simple初步的,简单的ruled out excluded排除,除外segregated separated被隔离的sensitive to responsible for对敏感,易感觉startled shocked震惊的striking dramatic显著的subsequent followed后来的substantially significantly大体上,显著的suspicion distrust怀疑,不信任typified characterized典型的,有特点的unambiguous clear清楚的unintentionally accidentally偶然地unprecedented never seen before前所未有的unpromising unfavorable令人不愉快的unrivaled unequaled无与伦比的vanish disappear消失verging bordering边缘verifying confirming确认,查验vicinity neighborhood临近,附近virtually almost completely几乎,实际上vulnerable unprotected脆弱的isolate separate使隔离;使孤立mutual shared共同的supplementary additional补充的;追加的prosperous successful繁荣的,成功的inevitably necessarily不可避免地,必要地specific typical特殊的focus on dependent on依靠,专注于imminent future即将来临的refinement improvement改善,完善conceal hide隐藏succeed follow继承,跟随collectively in whole共同地,全体地compensate make up for弥补founding Building/establishment创办,创造rugged rough粗糙的retention keeping保留complexity intricacy复杂allowing letting允许triggering generating引发dramatically remarkably戏剧地identical the same同一的,完全相同的inconspicuous not easily noticed不显眼的routinely regularly定期地contribute to add to促成,有助于exhaust use up耗尽overall on balance全部的,全体的overestimate maybe higher评价过高prelude to introductory step to序幕facet[ˈfæsɪt]form方面Plausible reasonable有道理的,合理的exceed be greater than超过ingenious clever聪明的bizarre strange奇怪的unpredictable uncertain不确定的estimate calculate approximately预估,估计submerged put underwater水下的sufficiently enough充分地Inhabitant resident居民albeit[ˌɔːlˈbiːɪt]though尽管,即使improbable unlikely不大可能的approaching nearing接近,临近velocity speed速度optimum ideal最适宜的,理想的delicate carefully protected精美的,微妙的monumental enormous非常的,巨大的manipulate skillfully use操作subsistence survival生存,生活constraints on limitations on对……约束profoundly deeply深刻的endure withstand忍耐,容忍mechanism mean机制,方法kept in check prevented阻止,约束inexplicable[ˌɪnɪkˈsplɪkəbl]mysterious费解的,难解释的engaged in practiced从事于profuse abundant丰富的adequate rich充足的jeopardize endanger危害excessively extremely过分地,极端halt stop停止typical normal典型的,标准的continually all the time持续,一直periodic recurred regularly周期的markedly surprisingly出人意料地be accompanied with occur together伴随replicate copy复制underlie on the basis of成为……的基础admiration in high opinion钦佩,赞赏intermediate in the middle stage/in-between中间的,媒介的nonetheless however然后,但是supplant replace代替restore put back归还exclusively only专有地,排外地excessive too much过度的,太多prominent noticeable突出的,显著的vigorous active有力的,精力充沛的decaying rotting腐蚀,颓败confirming proving确定的,确认的be incorporated into part of成为……的一部分depositing putting放置,预存Instantaneous immediate即时的,立即anticipate expect预期,期望mundane ordinary平凡的,普通的obligation burden责任,担当Suddenly abruptly突然地,忽然suitable appropriate适当的,合适的adjustable adaptable可调节的,可接受的meager partly贫乏的;瘦的incorporate contain包含,吸收laboriously making much effort辛苦地;费力地distinguish separate区分;辨别presumed assumed假定的;推测的conclusive definitive决定性的,最后的entailed necessary必需的,必要的unprecedented never happen前所未有的,从未出现的presumably reasonable assumption推测,假设in junction with stick to坚持,黏住remarkably distinctly显著地;非常地suspected thought it unlikely怀疑的progressively increasingly渐进地;日益增多地vigorously energetically精神旺盛地,活泼地mature fully developed充分发展的,成熟的dwellings homes民居;住处persistent the same at each time固执的,坚持的Proximity in short distances接近Impulse push on推动Sought to increase chose to increase试图增加Characterize distinguish具有…的特征;区分。

IBT TOEF历年词汇题汇总A1. abandon=left 被遗弃的2. aberrant=abnormal 脱离常轨的3. abort=quit 夭折,中止4. abruptly=suddenly 突然地,意外地5. absorb=take in 吸收;被吸进6. absorb=appeal 吸收;被吸进7. absorb=learn(学习)吸收8. abstract=no concrete 抽象的;非实际的9. absurd=ridiculous 荒谬的,可笑的10. abundance=large amount 大量11. abundance=great number 大量12. abundant=affluent 丰富的;大量的13. abundant=ample 丰富的,大量的14. abundant=numerous 丰富的,大量的15. abundant=plentiful 丰富的,大量的16. abundant=substantial 丰富的,大量的17. access=reach 接近18. accessible=easy to reach 易接近的19. accessible=reachable 可接近的20. accidental=unexpected 意外的,偶然的21. accommodate=provide for 提供22. accomplished=achieved 实现的,完成的23. account=description 说明24. account for=explain 说明25. accumulate= pile up 积累,聚集26. accumulate=collect 累积,聚集27. accurate=correct 正确的28. accurately=correctly 正确地29. be accustomed to=get used to 习惯30. acknowledge=recognize 承认31. actually=in fact 事实上32. added=extra 附加的,额外的33. adept=skilled 熟练的34. adherent=supporter 拥护者35. adjacent=nearby 毗连的36. adjacent=neighboring 毗连的37. adjust=modify 调整,改变以适应38. adopt=enact 采用39. advance=improvement 发展,增长40. advent=arrival 出现,到来41. advent=beginning 出现,到来42. affair=matter 事件,事情43. afford=provide 提供,给予44. aggravate=increase 加重,加剧45. aggravate=annoy 使...恼火46. aggregate=overall 聚集的,合计的47. aggregate=combined 聚集的,合计的48. agile=astute 灵活的;敏捷的49. agile=clever 灵活的,敏捷的50. agile=move and act quickly 灵活的,敏捷的51. air=feeling 气氛52. alarm=warning 警告53. alarm=sound 警报54. albeit=even though 尽管,虽然55. allow=enable 允许56. allude=suggest 暗示57. allude to= refer to 提到58. ally with=link to 结盟;联合59. alter=change to 改变60. amazing=remarkable 令人惊讶的,非凡的61. ambiguous=vague 模棱两可的;不明确的62. ambivalent=mixed 矛盾的63. ample=plentiful 充足的;丰富的64. anchor=hold in place 使固定65. ancient=antique 古老的66. annihilate=destroy 消灭67. annihilate=completely remove 消灭68. annually=yearly 每年69. anomaly=irregularity 异常的人或物70. antagonist=competitor 对手;敌手71. anticipate=expect 预期72. antiseptic=clean 抗菌的73. antithesis=opposite 对立面74. antler=horn 鹿角75. anxiety=worry 忧虑,担心76. apart from=except for 除了...之外77. apart from=exception 除了...之外78. apparatus=equipment 仪器,设备79. apparent=obvious 显然的80. apparently=clearly 显然地81. appeal=attraction 吸引力82. broad appeal=wide popularity 广泛的吸引力83. appealing=attractive 有吸引力的84. appear=seem 似乎85. appearance=rise 出现86. appearance=showing up 出现87. appearance=arrival 出现88. application=use 应用89. appreciable=noticeable 相当可观的90. approach=method 方法91. approach= move toward 接近92. approximately=roughly 大约地93. architecture=structure 构造94. archive=record 存档95. archive=stock 存档96. archive=store 存档97. arduous=difficult 艰巨的98. arid=dry 干旱的99. arise=emerge 出现100. arrangement=configuration 安排,布置101. array=range 一系列102. article=item 物品103. article=object 物品104. as a rule=in general 通常105. assert=declare 断言,宣称106. assertion=strong statement 断言,主张107. assertion=strong statement 断言,主张108. asset=advantage 资产,有力条件109. assimilate=combine 同化110. assistant=help 帮助,协助111. assorted=various 各式各样的112. assume=believe 假定,假想113. assume=take on 承担114. assumption=premise 假设、115. astonishing =amazing 惊人的116. astute=clever 敏锐的117. attachment=preference for 依恋118. attain=achieve 达到,获得119. attainment=accompanying 伴随的120. attest to=confirm 证实121. attribute=accredit 归于,认为122. attribute=credit with 归于,认为123. attribute=characteristic 特征124. attribution=character 属性125. augment=increase 增加,提高126. available=obtainable 可获得的127. avenue=method 途径,手段128. avenue=means 途径,手段129. avid=enthusiastic= 热衷的130. be aware of=familiar with 了解B131. barely=just 仅仅132. barge=boat 驳船133. barrier=obstacle 障碍134. barrier=impediment 障碍135. visual barrier =obstacle to view 视觉障碍136. battle=struggle 搏斗,奋斗137. beckon=invite 召唤,引诱138. be beforehand=foreordain 预先139. being=creature 生命140. beneficial=advantageous 有益的141. blossom= flourish 兴旺142. blossom=thrive 兴旺143. boast=puff 自吹自擂地说,吹嘘144. boast=exaggerate 自吹自擂的说,吹嘘145. bombard=assail 炮击,轰击146. bombard=assault 炮击,轰击147. bombard=strike 炮击,轰击148. boom= expansion 激增,暴涨149. boon=great benefit 利益150. boost= raise 增加,提高151. boundary=periphery 边界152. branch=division 分支153. breed=reproduce 繁殖,饲养154. brilliant=bright 光辉的,明亮的155. brittle=breakable 脆弱的156. brittle=fragile 脆弱的157. broadly= generally 大体上158. broadly=extensively 大体上159. bulk=great quantity 大部分160. bulk=majority 大部分161. bulk=large portion 大部分162. bulk= large part 大部分163. bulk=major part 主体164. burgeon=expand 急速成长165. bustling=lively 活跃的、C166. camouflage=blend with circumstance 伪装167. camouflage=decorate 伪装168. camouflage=hide 伪装169. cardinal=fundamental 基本的170. cargo=shipment 船货,货物171. celebrated=famous 著名的172. central=essential 主要的173. certain=specified 指定的174. chancy=risky 冒险的175. channel=direct 引导176. channel=guide 引导177. channel=provide 提供帮助178. chaotic=disorganized 混乱的179. cherish=value 珍爱180. chief=major 主要的181. chisel=carve 刻,凿182. choose=opt 选择183. chronic=persistent 长期的,不断的184. chronic=confirmed 长期的,不断的185. chronic=habitual 长期的,不断的186. chronic=inveterate 长期的,不断的187. chronically=constantly 长期地188. circuitous=indirect 迂回的189. circumstance=condition 环境,境况190. cite=quote 引用191. classic=typical 典型的192. clear=visible 容易看见的193. cling to =attach to 附着194. close=careful 严肃的,周密的195. clue=hint 线索196. coating=cover 覆盖层197. coincide with=be at the same time as 同时发生198. collaborate=cooperate 合作199. collaboration=joint effect 合作成果200. collect=gather 收集201. collide with=run into 碰撞202. collide=hit each other 碰撞203. commemorate=celebrate 庆祝,纪念204. compact=compressed (结实的)紧密的,简明的205. compact=concise 紧密的,简明的206. comparable=equivalent 可比较的207. compel=push 强迫208. compelling=convincing 令人信服的209. compensate=reimburse 赔偿,补偿210. compensate for=balance 赔偿,补偿211. complaint=protest 抗议212. complement=supplement 补充物213. complement=add to 补充214. completely=totally 完全地215. complex=elaborate 复杂的216. complex=system 复合物,综合体217. complicated=made things more difficult 复杂的218. complicated=complex 复杂的219. component=constituent 组成的220. composition=mixture 合成物221. comprehensive=understandable 能理解的222. comprehensive= complete 全部的223. comprise=form 组成224. comprise=make up 组成225. concern=interest 感兴趣226. conclusive=final 最后的227. conclusive=ultimately 最后的228. conductive=contributive 有助于...的229. configuration=form 布局,结构230. configuration=arrangement 布局,结构231. confine=limit 限制232. confront=face 面临233. congeal=solidify 使凝结234. consecutive=successive 连续的235. consequence=importance 结果,重要性236. consequent=later 随后的237. consequent=resultant 作为结果的238. consequent=resulting 作为结果的239. consequential=significant 重要的240. consequently=therefore 因此241. consequently=thus 因此242. conserve=save 保存243. consider=think about 考虑,认为244. consider=think as 考虑,认为245. consider=view as 考虑,认为246. considerable=substantial 相当大的247. consist of =compose of 由...组成248. consistent=regular 一致的249. be consistent with= be compatible with 一致的250. consistently=regularly 一致的251. conspicuous=notable 明显的252. constant=stable 固定的,不变的253. constantly=always 经常,不断地254. constellation=collection 一系列,一群255. constellation=combination 一系列,一群256. constitution=component 构造257. constrain=restrict 限制258. constrain=limit 限制259. constraint=restriction 限制260. consume=et up 消耗;吃;喝261. contemplate=consider 沉思262. contentious=disputed 好争吵的263. continual=constant 不间断的,连续的264. continuous=uninterrupted 连续的,持续的265. on the contrary=whereas(然而,反之)恰恰相反266. contrive=create 发明267. contrive=invent 发明268. conventional=customary 习惯的,惯例的269. conventional=traditional 习惯的,惯例的270. converging=concentrating 收缩的,汇聚的271. convert=transform 使转变272. convert into=change to 转变成273. convict=condemn 宣判274. convict=sentence 宣判275. convict=doom(判决)宣判276. conviction=belief 相信,信念277. conviction=strong belief 坚定的信念278. cope with=deal with 应付,处理279. cope with=handle 应付,处理280. core=center 核心,要点281. correspondence=harmony 一致282. corroborate=confirm 证实,确证283. costly=expensive 贵重的,昂贵的284. counsel=advise 忠告、285. counter=oppose 反对286. counter of =in the opposite of 相反的287. counterpart=equivalent(同等物)副本,复本288. counterpart=similitude(类似物)复本,副本289. counterpart=version(版本)副本,复本290. countervail=compensate 抵消,对抗291. countervail=oppose 抵消,抵抗292. copious=plentiful 丰富的,大量的293. couple=associate 与...联系起来294. covered=included 隐蔽的,有盖的295. crawl=move 爬行,移动296. create=invent 创作,产生297. creative=inventive 创造的298. crest=peak 顶峰299. critical=crucial 关键的300. critical=essential 关键的301. criticize=debate (争论,辩论)批评,责备302. crucial=important 重要的303. crucially=decisively 关键地304. crushed=ground 碾碎了的305. cumbersome=awkward 笨的,麻烦的306. cumbersome=clumsy 笨重的,麻烦的307. cumbersome=unwieldy 笨重的,麻烦的308. curb=control 控制,遏止309. current=present 现在的D310. dam=block 筑坝;控制311. dangle=hang 悬摆;吊312. daring= bold 大胆的313. debate=argue 辩论,争论314. decimate=destroy 大量毁灭315. decimation=destruction 大量毁灭316. degree=extent 程度317. degree=measure 程度318. delicate=dainty 易碎的,精美的319. deluxe=lavish 奢华的320. delight=pleasure 高兴,愉快321. demand=need 需要,需求322. in great demand=in popularity 普遍323. demise=extinction 死亡324. demography=population 人口统计325. dense=crowded 稠密的,密集的326. depend=rely on 依赖,依靠327. dependable=reliable 可信赖的328. depict=describe 描述329. depict=portray 描写,描绘330. deposit=lay down 放下,放置331. depletion=drain 消耗,用尽332. deposit=accumulate 沉积333. derive=arise 源于,导出334. design=create 设计335. designate=identify 命名,指定336. detractor=critic(批评者)诽谤者,恶意批评者、337. detrimental=harmful 有害的,不利的338. deviate=digress 偏离339. deviation=departure 背离340. devise=create 设计,发明341. devoid of =without 缺乏的342. devoid of=scant of 缺乏的343. devoted=dedicated 虔诚的,专心致志的344. devoted=concentrated on 虔诚的,专心致志的345. devoted to=concentrated on 虔诚的,专心致志的346. dictate=order 命令347. dictate=determine 口授;命令348. differential=uneven 差别的;独特的349. diffuse=spread out 扩散;散布350. diffuse=travel 扩散,散布351. diligent=careful 勤奋的352. diligently=carefully 勤奋地353. dilute=reduce 稀释,使薄弱354. dim=decrease 变暗淡355. disassemble= break apart 拆开356. disassemble=break up 拆开357. disband=dismiss 解散,遣散358. discard=throw up 摒弃,丢弃359. discard=throw away 摒弃,丢弃360. discernible=noticeable 可辨别的361. discernible=discriminating 可辨别的362. discharge=release 释放363. disentangle=disband 解开364. disgust=distaste 厌恶365. disintegrate=break apart 分解,碎裂、366. disintegrate=fall apart 分解,碎裂367. disintegrate= tear apart 分解,碎裂368. dismantle=demolish 拆开,拆除369. disorder=anarchy 混乱370. dispensable=not necessary 非必要的371. dispersal=distribution 散布,驱散372. displace=move out of position 迫使(人)离开373. disposition=temperament 性格,性情374. dispute=contention 争论,争执375. dispute=argument 争论,争执376. dissipate=disperse 驱散377. dissipated=dispersed 分散的378. dissuade=discourage 劝阻379. distinct=clear and recognizable 清楚的,明确的380. distinction=difference 差别381. distinction=excellence 优秀,卓越382. distinction=honor 荣誉383. distinctive=characteristic 有特色的384. distinguish=notice from the difference 区别,设别385. distribute=spread 分配,散布386. distribution=geographic range 分布区域387. distribution=dispersion 散布388. disturb=upset 打扰,扰乱389. diverse=distinct 不同的390. diversity=variety 多样性391. divest=get rid of 剥夺392. divest=deprive 剥夺393. domestic=home 家庭的,国内的394. dormant=hibernated 休眠的395. dramatically=greatly 戏剧性地396. drastic=extreme 激烈的,极端的397. drastically=obviously 大大地,彻底地、398. drastically=severely 大大地,彻底地399. dual=double 双的,双重的400. duplicate=copy 复制401. duplicate=repeat 复本402. durable=lasting 经久的,持久的403. duration=length 为期E404. earn=acquire 赢得,赚得405. ease=facilitate (使容易)使减轻,使缓和406. eccentric=erratic 古怪的,反常的407. eccentric=strange 古怪的,反常的408. efface=eliminate 消去409. elaborate=detailed 精巧的,详尽的410. elaborate=dainty 精巧的,详尽的411. elapsed=passed 过去的,经过的412. element=weather condition (恶劣的)天气413. eliminate= remove 排除,消除414. elusive= difficult to catch 难懂的,难以捉摸的415. emanate=emerge 散发,产生416. embark on=start 从事(着手)417. embed =insert 插入, 植入418. embed=enclose 插入,植入419. emergence=appearance 出现420. emergency=crisis 紧急情况421. emergent=developing 新兴的422. employ=use 利用423. enable=allow 使能够424. enactment=establishment 制定425. encapsulate=state briefly 概述426. encourage=stimulate 激励,刺激427. endangered=not abundant 濒临灭绝的428. endeavor=enterprise 努力429. endow=bestow 捐赠430. engulf=swallow 吞没431. enhance=improve 增高,增强432. enhance=intensify 提高,增强433. enjoy=experience 经历434. enlist=obtain 谋取(支持、赞助等)、435. enormous=great 巨大的436. enrich=enhance 使富足437. ensue=result 因产生438. ensuring=subsequent 接着发生的439. ensure=guarantee 保证、担保440. entail=involve 牵涉441. enthusiastic=eager 热情的442. be entitled=have the right 有...权力443. environment=setting 环境444. ephemeral=short-lived 短暂的445. ephemeral=transient 短暂的446. episode=event 事件447. equilibrium=balance 平衡448. era=period 时代,年代449. eradicate=remove completely 根除,消灭450. erect=build 建立451. erratic=unpredictable 不稳定的,古怪452. erratic=irregular 不稳定的,古怪的453. escalate=extend 逐步扩大454. essential=crucial 极其重要的455. established=qualified 已制定的456. establishment=formation (构成)建立,创立457. estimation=evaluation 估计458. euphoric=extremely happy459. evaluate=judge 评价460. eventual=later 最后的461. eventually=later 最后462. eventually=ultimately 最后463. evidence=proof 证据464. evident=apparent 明显的465. evident=obvious 明显的466. evoke=arouse 唤起,引起467. evoke=create in the mind 唤起,引起468. evoke=draw 唤起,引起469. evoke=produce 引起,唤起470. evoke=promote 引起,唤起471. evoke=stimulate 唤起,引起472. exaggerate=overstate 夸张,夸大473. excavate=dig out 挖掘474. exceed= beyond above 超越,胜过475. exceeded=surpass 超越,胜过476. exceedingly=extremely 极其,非常477. excess=go beyond 超越,胜过478. exclusively=only 专门地,独占地479. excrete=expel 排泄,分泌480. exercise=use 运用481. exhausted=tried 筋疲力尽的482. exhausted=used up 耗尽的,用完的569. groom=clean 装扮,使整洁 570. groundless=unfounded 无根据的 571. grounds=reasons 根据,理由 572. groundwork=base 基础 573. groundwork=basis 基础 574. grudging=unenthusiastic 勉强的 575. guarantee=ensure 保证,担保 H576. hallmark=characteristic 戳记,标志 577. hamper=district 妨碍,束缚 578. hamper=restrict 妨碍,束缚 579. hamper=make difficultly 妨碍,束缚 580. handy=convenient 便利的,灵活的 581. haphazard =random 随意的 582. harness=utilize 利用583. harsh=drastic 严厉的,严酷的 584. hasty=hurried 匆匆的,急忙的 585. haul=pull 拖,拉 586. havoc=destruction 浩劫 587. hazard=danger 危险 588. heed=notice 留心注意 589. heighten=increase 增加,提高 590. heir=inheritor 继承人,后继者 591. hence=therefore 因此 592. heritage=legacy 遗产,传统 593. heritage=tradition 遗产,传统594. heterogeneous=varied 由不同种类组成的 595. hide=conceal 隐藏 596. hinder=interfere with 妨碍 597. hint=clue 暗示,迹象 598. hint=implication 暗示,迹象 599. hint=indication 暗示,迹象 600. hint=lead 暗示,迹象 601. hire=employ 雇佣 602. hobby=pastime 嗜好 603. hold=support 支撑,保持 604. hold=keep up 支撑,保持 605. hollow=an empty space 中空 606. homogeneous=uniform 同种的 607. host of =great number 大量 608. however=yet 然而 609. hub=center 中心 610. huge=large 巨大的 611. hurdle=fence 用篱笆围612. hypothetical=supposed 假设的,假定的 I 613. ice sheet=glacier 冰原483. exhibit=demonstrate 展示,陈列 484. exhibit=display 展示,陈列 485. expand=stretch 展开,增长 486. expand=increase 展开,增长 487. expanse=area 一大片区域 488. expansive=large 广阔的489. expediency=advantage ( 利益,优势) ,方便,利己、490. expediency=convenience 放便,利己 491. expedient=fitting 权宜的,方便的 492. expend=use 耗尽493. explicit=obvious 明确的,清楚的 494. explicitly=clear 明确地 495. exploit=take advantage of 利用 496. exploit=make use of 利用 497. exploit=utilize 利用498. explore=investigate 探测,探索 499. expose to =subject to (遭受) 使经历 500. express=communicate 表达 501. extant=existing 现存的,尚在的 502. extant=not extinct 现存的,尚存的 503. extant=remaining 现存的,尚存的 504. extend=stretch 延伸 505. become extinct=die out 灭绝 506. extol=praise 赞美507. extraneous=inessential 无关的,外来的 508. extraneous=from outside 无关的,外来的 509. extraordinary=exceptional 异常的 510. exude=give off 渗出,发散 511. exude= release 渗出,发散 F512. fabricate=produce 制造 513. in fact=actually 事实上514. far-reaching=extensive 深远的,广泛的 515. far-reaching=broad 深远的,广泛的 516. fascinating=extremely attractive 迷人的 517. fashion=way 样子,方式 518. fashion=make 形成,造519. fashionable=popular 流行的,时尚的 520. feasible=practical 可实行的 521. feast=eating 盛宴 560. gap=opening 缺口,裂口 561. gear=adjust 使适合 562. generate=produce 产生 563. genuinely=actually 真诚地 564. given=particular 规定的,特定的 565. govern=regulate 统治,管理 566. govern=control 统治,管理 567. grasp=understand 领会,理解 568. groom=make up 装扮,使整洁614. identical=the same 同样的615. idiosyncrasies=peculiarity 特性616. ignite=set on fire 点燃617. illusion=impression (印象)错觉,幻象618. immediately=closest 接近,紧接着619. immense=great 巨大的620. immense=huge 巨大的621. immense=vast 巨大的622. immensely=extremely 非常623. immigration =movement 移居624. immobile=fixed 固定的,静止的625. immobility=absence of motion 固定,静止626. immoral=indecent 不道德的627. immoral=improper 不道德的628. impermeable=impenetrable 不能渗透的629. impermeable=impervious 不能渗透的630. impetus =stimulus 刺激,促进631. implausible=unbelievable 难以置信的632. implement=tool 工具633. imply=indicate 意味634. imposing=impressive 给人深刻印象的635. imprecise=inexact 不精确的636. improbable=unlikely 不像会发生的637. inaccessible=unreachable 难接近的638. inadvertently=unintentionally 非故意地639. inadvertently=without knowing 非故意地640. inauspicious=unfavorable 不吉利的641. incidentally=by the way 顺便一提642. inclement=unfavorable (气候)严酷的643. be inclined=tend 倾向644. inconceivable=unimaginable 难以置信的645. inconclusive=without result(毫无结果)不确定的646. incorporate=include 包含647. incorporate=merge 吸收,并入648. incursion=invasion 入侵649. indicate=demonstrate 指示,指出650. indigenous=native 本土的,土生土长的651. indispensable=significant(重要的)必不可少的652. indispensable=essential 不可缺少的653. indispensable=necessary 不可缺少的654. indispensable=needed 不可缺少的655. indispensable=required 不可缺少的656. indispensable=vital 不可缺少的657. induce=to bring 引起658. induce=cause 引起659. ineffectively=without any result 无效地660. inert=monition-less 迟缓的,惰性的661. inert=motiveless 迟缓的,惰性的662. inevitable=unavoidable 不可避免的663. inference=conclusion 推断的结果664. infirm=weak 不坚定的;衰弱的665. inflate=expand 膨胀,扩大666. infrastructure=foundation 基础建设667. ingenious=very clever 心灵手巧的668. ingenuity=cleverness 心灵手巧的,独创性669. ingenuity=creativeness 心灵手巧;独创性670. ingenuity=inventiveness 心灵手巧;独创性671. ingenuity=resourcefulness 心灵手巧;独创性672. inherent=essential 内在的,固有的673. inherent=internal 内在的,固有的674. inherent=instinctive 与生俱来的675. inherent in= characteristic of 与生俱来的676. inherently=essentially 固有地677. inhibit=hinder 约束;抑制678. inhospitable=unfavorable 冷淡的;不适宜的679. inhospitable=adverse 冷淡的,不适宜的680. initial=first 最初的681. initially=originally 最初;开头682. initiate=begin 开始;创始683. initiate=start 开始,创始684. innovation=new 革新,创新685. innovative=new 创新的686. inordinate=excessive 过度的687. instant=moment 片刻;瞬间688. instantaneous=immediate 即刻的689. instigate=incite 唆使;煽动690. instructive=informative 富有教育意义的691. insufficient=inadequate 不足的692. intact=untouched 完好的693. intangible=nonmaterial 无形的694. intangible=immaterial 无形的695. integral=essential 构成整体所需要的696. intense=strong 强烈的697. intentionally=deliberately698. intermediate=in-between699. intimate=close 亲密的700. intricate=carefully shaped701. intricate=carefully shaped702. intricate=complex 复杂的703. intricate=interest 引发,兴趣704. intriguing=fascinating 迷人的706. intrinsic=inherent707. intrusive=invasive708. invade=move into 入侵,侵犯709. invaluable=highlyuseful 极宝贵的710. invariable=always 始终如一地711. invent=devise 发明712. inviolable=without exception 不可违背的713. inviolable=allowing no attack 不可违背的有意地,故意地中间的;媒介复杂的705. intrinsic=essential 本质的,内在的本质的,内在的侵入的714. invoke=appeal 恳求,祈求715. irrecoverable=permanent 不可挽回的716. irreparable=permanent 不可挽回的717. isolated=separated 孤立的,分离的JK718. jettison=release 抛弃719. jolt=shock 震动;震惊720. judge=estimate 评判721. junction=connection 连接,接合722. juncture=connection 连接,接合723. justified=right 正当的724. justify=prove 证明...是正当的725. key=significant 重要的,关键的L726. lading=cargo 货物727. lading=shipment 货物728. landscape=scenery 风景,景色729. large=extensive 大的,大量的730. largely=mostly 大部分;主要地731. launch=initial 发起,发动732. launch=initiate 发动,发起733. launch=start 发动,发起734. legitimacy=authority 合法性735. of legitimacy=lawful 合法的736. legitimately=properly 正当地,合法地737. leisure=free time 闲暇738. leisurely=slowly 从容不迫地739. lethal=fateful 致命的740. lethal=deadly 致命的741. liberal=extensive 宽大的742. of likelihood=probable 可能的743. liken to =compare 比较744. likewise=similarly 同样地745. linger=wander 徘徊,漫步746. linger=stroll 徘徊,漫步747. link=put together 连接,结合748. link=consist of 连接,结合749. link=connect 连接750. listening=advertent 留神听的751. livelihood=means of support 生活,生计752. locale=place 现场,场所753. locate=find 找出754. lucrative=profitable 有利益的755. luxuriant=thriving 茂盛的M756. magnify=enlarge 放大757. magnitude=extent 巨大;广大758. magnitude=amount 量,大小759. maintain=continue 维持,使继续760. majestic=magnificent 壮观的761. make their way= travel 前进762. malleable=pliable 可塑的763. mandatory=required 强制的,义务的764. mandatory=obligatory 强制的,义务的765. manifest=reveal 表现;显现766. manipulate=control 操纵767. marked=considerable 显著的768. markedly=distinctly 显著地769. mask=cover 遮蔽,掩护,伪装770. mask=disguise 遮蔽;掩护;伪装771. massive=enormous 巨大的772. massive=huge 巨大的773. mastery=control 控制774. matter=issue 问题,事件775. maximum=greatest size 最大量776. mean=average 平均值777. merely=no more than 仅仅778. merely=only 仅仅779. merely=simply 仅仅780. merge=blend 合并,融合781. merge=combine 合并,融合782. meticulously=carefully 小心地783. microbe=germ 微生物,细菌784. milestone=significant events 里程碑785. milky way=galaxy 银河786. mimic=imitate 模仿787. mimic=copy 模仿788. miniature=small 微型的789. minuscule=tiny 微型的790. minute=very small 微小的791. minute=tiny 微小的792. minutely=in detail 详细地;精密地793. minutely=finely 详细地;精密地794. mirror=reflect 反映,反射795. misconception=wrong idea 误解796. misleading=erroneous 使人误解的797. misleading=inaccurate 使人误解的798. misunderstanding=wrong idea 误解799. misunderstanding= false idea 误解800. mock=pretend 模仿801. modest=limited(有限的)适度的802. modest=not too large (不大的)适度的803. modification=alteration 修改,改变804. momentous=significant 重要的805. monitor=observe 监控,监视806. monopolize=dominate 独占;垄断807. monotone=tedious 单调的,乏味的808. monotonous=boring 单调的,无聊的809. moreover=additionally 此外810. moreover=in addition 此外811. motif=pattern 图案812. set in motion=start 开动813. mount=grow 增长814. mount=increase 增长815. mundane=material 世俗的,平凡的816. mundane=ordinary 世俗的,平凡的817. myriad=countless 大量的,无数的818. myriad=innumerable 大量的,无数的819. myriad=numerous 大量的,无数的820. myriad=innumerable 大量的,无数的N821. narrow=limit 使变窄822. nature=character 天性,本质823. nearly=almost 几乎,差不多824. necessary=required 必要的825. needless to say= obvious 不用说826. nevertheless=however 然而,尽管827. nevertheless=however 然而,尽管828. nevertheless=in spite of 然而,尽管、829. nocturnal=nightmare 夜间的830. notable=important 显著的,重要的831. notable=outstanding 显著的,重要的832. note=record 记录833. have nothing to do with= in no relation 不相干834. noticeable=obvious 显而易见的835. notwithstanding=despite 虽然,尽管O836. objective=purpose 目标837. oblige=force 强迫838. obscure=conceal 使变暗,遮掩839. obscure=hide 使模糊840. obscure=unclear 模糊的841. obscure=not clear 模糊的842. obsession with= fixation on 痴迷,迷恋843. obtain=acquire 取得,获得844. obvious=evident 明显的845. occasion=event 重大活动846. offset=make up 补偿,抵消847. offset=compensate 补偿,抵消848. offset=balance 补偿,抵消849. old male=aged male 老人850. omit=exclude 遗漏,删去851. omit=neglect 遗漏,删去852. ongoing=current 进行的853. onset=beginning 开始854. onset=start 开始855. opaque=impenetrable 难以理解的856. optimal=most advantageous 最佳的857. option=choice 选项,选择858. orchestrate=stage-manage 精心安排859. orientation=perspective 观点860. orientation=introduction 介绍861. originally=at the first 起初,原来、862. ornament=decorate 装饰的863. ornamental=decorative 装饰的864. ornamentation=decoration 装饰865. outbreak=sudden increase 爆发,突然发生866. outcome=result 结果867. outermost=farthermost away 最远的868. overview=summary 概要869. overwhelming=powerful 压倒性的PQ 870. pacify=assuage 使平静871. paradox=contrary 相反,矛盾872. paradoxically=seemingly contradictory 似是而非地873. parcel out=distribute 把...分成几份874. pare away=remove 修掉;削减875. patch=spot 斑点876. patch=area 小块土地877. partly=in some degree 部分地878. peak=highest point 高峰(期)879. peak=maximum 高峰(期)880. peak=time of the greatest period 高峰(期)881. peculiar=strange 奇怪的,独特的882. penetrate=enter 穿入,穿透883. perceptible=appreciable 可感知的884. perceptible=noticeable 可感知的885. peril=danger 危险886. perilous=dangerous 危险的887. perilous=hazardous 危险的888. perilous=toxic 危险的889. periodically=from time to time 周期性地890. periodically=regularly 周期性地891. perishable=easy to spoil 易腐坏的892. permanent=lasting 永恒893. permeate=penetrate 渗透,弥漫894. permit=allow 允许895. perpetual=constant 永久的,连续的896. persist=continue 坚持,持续897. persist=last 坚持,持续898. persistent=long lasting 耐久的899. personality=character 个性,性格900. pertinent=relevant 相关的901. pervasive=widespread 普遍的902. phenomenal=extraordinary 异常的903. phenomena=events 现象904. phenomenon=observable fact 现象905. phenomenon=occurrence 现象906. piecing=joining 接合907. pigment=color 色素908. pigmentation=coloring (生物的)天然色素909. pigmentation=dye 染色910. pinnacle=high point 顶点,顶峰911. pinpoint=describe precisely 准确地解释或说明912. pinpoint=clearly identify 准确地解释或说明913. pinpoint =precise 精确的914. plausible=believable 貌似有理的915. pledge=promise 保证,誓言916. plumage=feature 羽毛917. within the ordinary citizen's918. pocketbook=affordable 负担得起的919. popular=widespread 流行的,广泛的920. popular=broad appeal 流行的,广泛的921. pore=hole 毛孔,细孔922. portion=part 一部分923. portion=constituent 一部分924. pose=place 摆姿势,展现925. pose=present 摆姿势,展现926. posit=propose 断定,假定927. posit=suggest 断定,假定928. posit=assume 断定,假定929. postulate=presume 假定930. postulate= hypotheses 假定931. potent=powerful 有力的932. potential=possible 潜在的,可能的933. practically=nearly 几乎,差不多934. precarious=insecure 不稳定的,危险的935. precede=by beyond 高于,超出936. precede=come before 在...之前937. precious=valuable 宝贵的938. precipitate=bring about 使...突然发生939. precision=accuracy 精确,正确940. preclude=rule out 排除,阻止941. predicament=difficult situation942. predicament=serious situation943. prediction=prophecy 预言944. predominant=most aggressive945. predominant =very noticeable946. predominant=principal 占优势的947. predominantly =primitively 占优势地948. predominately=mainly 主要地949. preeminent=foremost 卓越的,显著的950. premise=assumption 假定,前提951. premise=assume 假定,前提952. preoccupation with =concentration on 专注于953. preordain=appoint 预定,注定954. preordain=foreordain 预定,注定955. preordain=ordain 预定,注定956. prerequisite=requirement 必要条件957. prerequisite=something needed to happen 必要条件958. prerequisite=something required 必要条件959. preserve=protect 保存,保护960. preserve=retain 保存,保护961. preserve=save 保存,保护962. presumable=probably 可推测的,可能有的963. prevailing=dominant 占优势的俄964. prevailing=popular 流行的965. prevalent=prevailing 普遍的,流行的966. prevalent=common 普遍的,流行的967. previous=past 先前的,以往的968. previously=before 以前,早先969. primarily=mainly 主要地970. primary=dominant 主要的971. primitive=early 原始的972. principal=essential 主要的973. principal=major 主要的974. principle=rule 原则,原理975. principle=standard 原则,原理976. prior=previous 在先的,在前的977. priority=ranking preference 优先978. pristine=pure 清新的,淳朴的979. prized=valued 有价值的980. probe=explore 探查,探测981. process =purify (提纯,精炼)加工982. procure=obtain 获得,取得983. procure=acquire 获得,取得984. profoundly=far-reaching 深深地985. programmed=determined 计划的986. prohibitive=unaffordable 抑止的、987. projection=estimate 推测,估计988. proliferation=increase 增产,增加989. prolifically=abundantly 多产地990. prolong=extend 延长991. prominent=eminent 显著的992. prominent=outstanding 卓越的,重要的993. prominent=principal 卓越的,重要的994. promote=encourage 促进,增长995. pronounced=clear 明显的,显著的尴尬的处境,困境尴尬占优势的占优势的。

托福词汇题整理一、词汇题1 - 5。
1. The word “profound” in the passage is closest in meaning to.- A. deep.- B. strong.- C. natural.- D. complex.- Passage context: The discovery had a profound impact on thescientific community. It changed the way scientists thought about theorigin of the universe.- Answer: A. “Profound” in this context means having a deep or far - reaching effect. “Strong” mainly refers to force or intensity,“natural” is related to nature, and “complex” means complicated, which are not the best synonyms for “profound” in this case.2. The word “vital” in the passage is closest in meaning to.- A. essential.- B. active.- C. living.- D. small.- Passage context: Water is vital for all living organisms. Without it, life cannot exist.- Answer: A. “Vital” here means necessary or essential. “Active” is more about being in motion or engaged in activity, “living” refers to being alive which is not the correct sense of “vital” in this context, and “small” has no relation to the meaning of “vital”.3. The word “diverse” in the passage is closest in meaning to.- A. different.- B. similar.- C. colorful.- D. unique.- Passage context: The forest is home to a diverse range of species, including birds, mammals, and insects.- Answer: A. “Diverse” means having variety or being different. “Similar” is the opposite of what “diverse” means, “colorful” is more related to color rather than variety of species, and “unique” implies being one of a kind which is not the same as diverse.4. The word “subtle” in the passage is closest in meaning to.- A. slight.- B. obvious.- C. important.- D. new.- Passage context: There was a subtle change in the weather. It was hardly noticeable at first.- Answer: A. “Subtle” means not obvious or slight. “Obvious” is the opposite of “subtle”, “important” is not related to the meaning of “subtle” in this context, and “new” has no connection to the sense of being not easily noticed.5. The word “abundant” in the passage is closest in meaning to.- A. scarce.- B. plentiful.- C. rare.- D. large.- Passage context: There are abundant resources in this region, such as coal, water, and timber.- Answer: B. “Abundant” means existing in large quantities or being plentiful. “Scarce” and “rare” are the opposite of “abundant”, and while “large” can refer to size, it is not the best synonym for “abundant” when referring to the quantity of resources.二、词汇题6 - 10。

T P O 4inhibit=restrict 限制,禁止in the same breath=immediately 立即indefinite period=whose end has not been determined 不定期的rebound=recovery 复原,重获a marked degree=a considerable degree 很大程度上principal=major 主要的environmental trappings=environmental decorations 装饰accumulate=build up 累积adjacent=nearby 临近的sloping=inclining 倾斜的foul=pollute 污染TPO 5exhibit=show 展示facilitate=make easier 促进suspended=hung 悬浮的afford=offer 提供,支付的起overwhelming=powerful 有力的,强大的implement=tool 工具undisputed=acknowledged 认可的,无可争议的significant=important 重要的relatively=comparatively 相对地diversification=emergence of many varieties 多样化promote=encourage 激励TPO 6exploit=utilize 利用vastly=greatly 极大地,深远地grow accustomed to=become used to 习惯于retain=maintain 保持rudimentary=basic 基础的meticulously=carefully 仔细地,严谨地endure=survive 忍受,存活virtually=nearly 事实上,几乎plausible=believable 可信的phenomenon=occurrence 现象,发生的事件critically=fundamentally 根本地perspective=viewpoint 观点TPO 7objective=purpose 目的scores of=large numbers of 大量的turbulent=violent 暴力的obsession with=fixation on 痴迷于foster=encourage 培育,激励sphere=area 范围diffuse=spread 传播profound=far-reaching 深远地ritual=ceremonial 仪式flee=run away from 逃避TPO 8massive=very large 大量的pinpoint=identify precisely 精确描述,精确定位ingenuity=cleverness 精巧predominant=principal 主要的cope=adapt 处理,适应fluctuation=variation 变化,波动bombard=strike 敲击,轰炸disruption=disturbance 干扰merge=combine 融合relics=remains 遗迹miniature=small 小的hint=clue 线索TPO 9persuasively=convincingly 令人信服地prior to=before 在..之前vast=huge 大的inhospitable=not suitable 不好客的,不适合的impetus=incentive 动机justify=support 证明..正确flourish=succeed 使繁荣,使成功objective=unbiased 没有偏见的,客观的compelling=persuasive 强制的,有说服性的at random=without a definite pattern 乱序地abundantly=plentifully 丰富地,大量地propagate=multiply 传播,繁殖dormant=inactive 静止的TPO 10status=importance 地位evolve=develop 发展instigate=cause 煽动whereas=while 然而striking=noticeable 显着的erratic=unpredictable 不稳定的deliberation=discussion 深思熟虑invoke=call upon 祈求key=important 重要的meager=very low 缺乏的innovation=new development 创新TPO 11vital=essential 至关重要的context=environment 环境,上下文core=center 核心depict=portray 描述perplex=puzzle 使困惑preposterous=unbelievable 荒谬的accumulating=increasing 累积的impose on=place on 强加于artificial=not real 人造的,假的prediction=expectation 预测pinpoint=locate exactly 精确描述,精确定位derive=gain 获取TPO 12assist in=help with 帮助depict=picture 描述criteria=standards 标准regard=consider 认为paradox=contradiction 自相矛盾overshadow=distract from 使阴暗,使分心neglect=fail 没有做成..事drastically=severely 彻底地,严重地dweller=inhabitant 居住者fracture=crack 分裂immobile=motionless 固定的TPO 13complex=elaborate 复杂的,详尽的endow=provide 赋予,提供size up=evaluate 测量deviate=depart 使偏离,越轨consequently=therefore 因此persistent=enduring 持久的duration=length 持续sustained=uninterrupted 稳定的uniformly=consistently 一致地potent=powerful 强大的quantifiable=measureable 可测量的TPO 14verify=establish the truth of 验证,核实adept=skillful 熟练的attribute=characteristic 特征credible=believable 可靠的paradoxically=surprisingly 出人意料地prolonged=extended 延长的exhausted=used up 疲惫的,耗尽的prestige=status 名望profound=far-reaching 深远地striking=noticeable 显着的exploit=use to advantage 开采,利用TPO 15interlock=link 连接match=equal 能匹配的transform=change 转变deceiving=misleading 欺骗性的,误导性的static=unchanging 稳定的unique among=different from all other 独特的feat=remarkable achievement 功绩bulk=mass 大量course through=run through 通过extended=long 延长的account for=explain 解释intense=extreme 极端的。

例如:原文:The foraging behavior of the Pacific banana slug is ... 问题:What does the word "foraging" mean in this context?参考答案:"foraging" 在此上下文中意为 "搜索或寻找食物"。
例如:原文:The professor said, "In this lecture, we'll be discussing sedimentary rocks, which are formed from the accumulation of sediments." 问题:What does the word "sedimentary" mean in thiscontext?参考答案:"sedimentary" 在此上下文中意为 "沉积的",指由沉积物积累形成的岩石。
例如:题目:Describe "synergy" to someone who doesn't know the word. 参考答案:Synergy is the idea that when two or more things work together, they create a combined effect that is greater than the individual effects of each thing working alone.4、写作词汇题在托福写作中,词汇题通常要求考生根据题目中的提示或要求,用正确的单词形式、时态和语法写出句子或段落。

托福TOEFL词汇题单词题整理托福TOEFL词汇题精选单词题整理261. It dissolves, transports, and precipitates many chemical compounds and is constantly modifying the face of the Earth. Evaporated from the oceans, water vapor forms clouds, some of which are transported by wind over the continents.The word "modifying" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) changing(B) traveling(C) describing(D) destroying262. This last figure shows the importance of the ocean as the principal reservoir of the hydrosphere but also the rapidity of water transport on the continents.The word "rapidity" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) significance(B) method(C) swiftness(D) reliability263. The erosion of the continents thus results from two closely linked and interdependent processes, chemical erosion and mechanical erosion. Their respective interactions and efficiency depend on different factors.The word "efficiency" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) relationship(B) growth(C) influence(D) effectiveness264. Among the species of seabirds that use the windswept cliffs of the Atlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate, lay eggs, and rear their young are common murres, Atlantic puffins, black-legged kittiwakes, and northern gannets.The word "rear" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) visit(B) watch(C) reverse(D) raise265. The advantage of nesting on cliffs is the immunity it gives from foxes, which cannotscale the sheer rocks, and from ravens and other species of gulls, which have difficulty in landing on narrow ledges to steal eggs.The word "scale" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) climb(B) avoid(C) approach(D) measure266. This immunity has been followed by a relaxation of the defenses, and kittiwakes do not react to predators nearly as fiercely as do ground-nesting gulls.The word "immunity" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) distance(B) transition(C) protection(D) reminder267. Kittiwakes defecate over the edge of the nest, which keeps it clean, but this practice, as well as their tendency to leave the nest littered with eggshells, makes its location very conspicuous.The word "conspicuous" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) disordered(B) suspicious(C) noticeable(D) appealing268. On the other hand, nesting on a narrow ledge has its own peculiar problems, and kittiwake behavior has become adapted to overcome them.The phrase "On the other hand " is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) therefore(B) however(C) for example(D) by no means269. Throughout the nineteenth century and into the twentieth, citizens of the United States maintained a bias against big cities.The word "bias" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) diagonal(B) slope(C) distortion(D) prejudice270. These new urbanites, already convinced that cities were overwhelmed with great problems, eagerly embraced the progressive reforms that promised to bring order out of the chaos of the city.The word "embraced" is closest in meaning to which offollowing?(A) suggested(B) overestimated(C) demanded(D) welcomed。

TOEFL词汇题精选440题001. Most of these leaders were invo Ived in public life as reformers, activists worki ng for wome n's right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all of the great of ordinary wome n.The word "represe ntative" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) typical(B) satisfied(C) supportive(D) dist in ctive002. In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffa ny (1843-1933) was the most noted exp onent of this style, produc ing a great variety of glass forms and surfaces, which were widely copied in their time and are highly prized today.The word "prized" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) valued(B) uni versal(C) un com mon(D) preserved003. The Art Nouveau style was a major force in the decorative arts from 1895 un til 1915, although its in flue nce continued throughout the mid-1920's. It was eve ntually to be overtake n by a new school of thought known as Fun cti on alism that had bee n prese nt since the tur n of the cen tury.The word "overtake n" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) surpassed(B) in cli ned(C) expressed(D) applied004. During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like n ormal glaciers, traveli ng perhaps only a couple of in ches per day. However, at in tervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster tha n usual.The word "in tervals" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) records(B) speeds(C) dista nces(D) periods 005. The in creas ing water pressure un der the glacier might lift it off its bed, overco ming the friction between ice and rock, thus freeing the glacier, which rapidly sliders dow nhill surge glaciers also might be in flue need by the climate, volca nic heat, or earthquakes.The word "free ing" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) push ing(B) releas ing(C) stre ngthe ning(D) draining006. A flood of ice would then surge into the Southern Sea. With the continued rise in sea level, more ice would plunge in to the ocea n, causing sea levels to rise even higher, which in turn would release more ice and set in moti on a vicious cycle.The word "pl un ge" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) drop(B) exte nd(C) melt(D) drift007. Group members look to in strume ntal leaders to "get thi ngs don e." Expressive leadership, on the other han d, is leadership that emphasizes thecollective well-being of asocial group's members.The word "collective" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) n ecessary(B) typical(C) group(D) particular 008. They offer sympathy whe n some one experiences difficulties or is subjected to discipli ne, are quick to lighte n a serious mome nt with humor, and try to resolve issues that threate n to divide the group. The word "resolve" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) avoid repeat ing(B) talk about(C) avoid thi nking about(D) find a solution for 009. Thousa nds of tons were extracted before 1875, when it was first noticed that the tar contained fossil rema ins. Major excavati ons were un dertake n that established the sig nifica nee of this remarkable site.The word "no ticed" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) predicted(B) announced(C) corrected(D) observed 010. Since then, over 100 tons of fossils, 1.5 million from vertebrates, 2.5 million from inv ertebrates, have bee n recovered, ofte n in den sely concen tratecta ngled masses.The word "ta ngled" is closest in mea ning to which of follow ing?(A) buried ben eath(B) twisted together(C) quickly formed(D) easily dated011. The asphalt at La Brea seeps to the surface, especially in the summer, and forms shallow puddles that would often have bee n con cealed by leaves and dust. The word "con cealed" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) highlighted(B) covered(C) tran sformed(D) con tami nated012. The ocea n bottom --- a regi on n early 2.5 times greater tha n the total la nd area of the Earth --- is a vast frontier that even today is largely un explored and un charted, un til about a cen tury ago, the deep-ocea n floor was completely in accessible, hidde n ben eath waters averagi ng over 3,600 meters deep.The word "in accessible" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) un recog ni zable(B) un reachable(C) unu sable(D) un safe013. The DSDP's drill ship, the Glomar Challe nger, was able to maintain a steady positi on on the ocea n's surface and drill in very deep waters,extracting samples of sedime nts and rock from the ocea n floor. The word "extracting" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) breaki ng(B) locat ing(C) rem oving(D) an alyz ing014. Today, largely on thestrength of evide nee gathered duri ng the Glomar Challenger's voyages, n early all earth seientists agree on the theories of plate teet onics and eon ti nen tal drift that expla in many of the geological processes that shape the Earth. The word "stre ngth" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) basis(B) purpose(C) discovery(D) en dura nee015. For every three Canadians in 1945, there were over five in 1966. In September 1966 Can ada's populati on passed the 20 milli on mark. Most of this surg ing growth came from n atural in crease.The word "surg ing" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) new(B) extra(C) accelerat ing(D) surpris ing 016. Whe n the prairies were being settled, un doubtedly, the good econo mic eon diti ons of the 1950's supported a growth in the population, but the expansion also derived from a trend toward earlier marriages and an in crease in the average size of families. The word "tre nd" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) tendency(B) aim(C) growth(D) directive017. After the peak year of 1957, the birth rate in Can ada bega n to deeli ne. It eon ti nued falling until in 1966, it stood at the lowest level in 25 years.The word "peak" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) poin ted(B) dismal(C) moun ta in(D) maximum018. Although the growth in Ca nada's populati on had slowed dow n by 1966 (the in crease the first half of the 1960's was only nine perce nt) , ano ther large populati on wave was coming over the horizon. It would be composed of the childre n who were born during the period of the high birth rateprior to 1957.The phrase "prior to" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) behi nd(B) since(C) duri ng(D) precedi ng 019. Advocates of orga nic foods --- a term whose meaning varies greatly --- freque ntly proclaim that such products are safer and more nu tritious tha n others.The word "Advocates" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) Prop onents(B) Mercha nts(C) In spectors(D) Con sumers020. There are nu mero usun substa ntiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to syn thetic on es, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that un treated grains are better tha n fumigated grains, and the like.The word "un substa ntiated" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) un believable(B) uncon tested(C) un popular(D) unv erified021. But in many cases con sumers are misled if they believe orga nic foods can maintain health and provide better nu triti onal quality tha n conven ti on ally grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if con sumers, particularly those with limited in comes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expe nsive orga nic foods in stead.The word "mai ntai n" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) improve(B) mon itor(C) preserve(D) restore022. I n additi on, there were performers and since con siderable importa nee was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task. The word "con siderable" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) thoughtful(B) substa ntial(C) relatio nal(D) cere monial023. I n additi on, there were performers and since con siderable importa nee was attached to avoidi ng mistakes in thee nactme nt of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task.The word "en actme nt" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) establishme nt(B) performa nee(C) authorizati on(D) season024. Stagger ing tasks confron ted the people of the United States, North and South, when the Civil War ended. About a million and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilia n life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy. The word "Staggeri ng" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) specialized(B) confusing(C) various(D) overwhel ming025. About a millio n and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilia n life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy.The word "devastated" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) develop ing(B) rui ned(C) complicated(D) fragile026. Some bota ni sts hypothesized that the livi ng cells of pla nts acted as pumps. But many experime ntsdem on strated that the stems of plants in which all the cells are killed can still move water to appreciable heights. The word "dem on strated" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) ignored(B) showed(C) disguised(D) disti nguished027. As water is lost from the surface of the leaves, a n egative pressure, or tension, is created. The evaporated water is replaced by water movi ng from in side the pla nt in un broke n colu mns thatexte nd from the top of a plant to its roots. The same forces that create surface tension in any sample of water are responsible for the maintenance of these un broke n colu mns of water.The word "exte nd" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) stretch(B) branch(C) in crease(D) rotate028. By ope ning vast areas of uno ccupied land for reside ntial expa nsion, the omni buses, horse railways, commuter trains, and electric trolleys pulled settled regions outward two to four times more dista nt from city centers than they were in the premodern era. The word "vast" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) large(B) basic(C) new(D) urba n029. The new accessibility of land around the periphery of almost every major city sparked an explosi on of real estate developme nt and fueled what we now know as urban sprawl. Between 1890 and 1920, for example, some 250,000 new reside ntial lots were recorded within the borders of Chicago, most of them located in outly ing areas.The word "sparked" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) brought about(B) surro un ded(C) sent out(D) followed030. An xious to take adva ntage of the possibilities of commut ing, real estate developers added 800,00(jbote ntial building sites to the Chicago region in just thirty years-lots that could have housed five to six million people.The word "pote ntial" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) certa in(B) popular(C) improved(D) possible031. The quality of preservati on is outstanding , but what is even more impressive is the nu mber of ichthyosaur fossils containing preserved embryos.The word "outsta nding" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) exte nsive(B) surpris ing(C) vertical(D) excelle nt032. Ichthyosaurs with embryos have bee n reported from 6 differe nt levels of the shale in a small area around Holzamde n, suggest ing that a specificsite was used by large nu mbers of ichthyosaurs repeatedly over time.The word "site" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) example(B) locati on(C) developme nt(D) characteristic033. The quality of preservati on is almost unm atched, and quarry operati ons have bee n carried out carefully with an aware ness of the value of the fossils. But these factors do not acco unt for the in terest ing questi on of how there came to be such a concen trati on of preg nant ichthyosaurs in a particular place very close to their time of giving birth.The phrase "acco unt for " is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) record(B) describe(C) equal(D) expla in034.In the seve ntee nth cen tury the orga n, the clavichord, and the harpsichord became the chief in strume nts of the keyboard group, a supremacy they maintained until the pia no suppla nted them at the end of the eightee nth cen tury.The words "a supremacy" in line 9 are closest in meaning to(A) a suggesti on(B) an improveme nt(C) a dominance(D) a developme nt 035. A series of mecha ni cal improveme nts continuing well into the nin etee nth cen tury, in cludi ng the in troducti on of pedals to susta in tone or to softe n it, the perfecti on of a metal frame, and steel wire of the fin est quality, fin ally produced an instrume nt capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harm onies to an almost orchestral full ness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a ship, percussive brillianee. The word "myriad" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) no ticeable(B) many(C) loud(D) unu sual036. Each one was virtually a stone tow n, which is why the Spanish would later call them pueblos, the Spanish word for tow ns. These pueblos represe nt one of the An asazis' supreme achieveme nts. At least a doze n large stone houses took shape below the bluffs of Chiaco Canyon in n orthwest New Mexico.The word "supreme" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) most com mon(B) most outsta nding(C) most expe nsive(D) most convenient037. They fun cti oned as san ctuaries where the elders met to pla n festivals, perform ritual dan ces,settle pueblo affairs, and impart tribal lore to the youn ger gen erati on. The word "settle" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) si nk(B) decide(C) clarify(D) locate 038. Then, to conn ect the pueblos and to give access to the surro unding tablela nd, the architects laid out a system of public roads with stone staircases forasce nding cliff faces.The word "asce nding" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) arriv ing at (B) carv ing(C) conn ect ing(D) climbi ng039. Within a very short time, however, the incon gruity of playi ng lively music to a sole mn film became appare nt, and film pia ni sts bega n to take some care in matchi ng their pieces to the mood of the film.The word "sole mn" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) simple(B) serious(C) short(D) sile nt(D) extreme040. Certai n films had music especially composed for them. The most famous of these early specialscores was that composed and arra nged for D. W. Griffith's film Birth of a Nation, which was released in 1915.The word "composed" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) selected(B) comb ined(C) played(D) createdThe word "scores" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) totals(B) successes(C) musical compositi ons(D) groups of musicia nsc 041. The Earthcomprises three prin cipal layers: the dense, iron-rich core, the mantle made of silicate rocks that are semimolten at depth, and the thin, solid-surface crust.The word "comprises" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) adapts to(B) ben efits from(C) con sists of(D) focuses ond 042. These plates move over the semimolte n lower man tle to produce all of the major topographical features of the Earth. Active zones where intense deformati on occurs are confined to the n arrow, in terc onn ect ing boun daries of con tact of the plates.The word "inten se" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) surface(B) sudden(C) rarea 043. New ocea nic crust is formed along one or moremarg ins of each plate by material issu ing from deeper layers of the Earth's crust, for example, by volca nic eruptions of lava at midocean ridges. The word "marg ins" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) edges(B) peaks(C) in teriors(D) dista nces d 044. If at such a spread ing con tact the two plates support con ti nen ts, a rift is formed that will gradually wide n and become flooded by the sea. The Atla ntic Ocea n formed like this as the American and Afro- Europea n plates move in opposite directi ons. The word "support" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) separate(B) create(C) reduce(D) hold d 045. Coin cide nt with concerns about the accelerati ng loss of species and habitats has bee n a grow in gappreciati on of the importa nee of biological diversity, the nu mber of species in a particular ecosystem, to the health of the Earth and huma n well- be in g.The word "appreciati on" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) ignorance(B) recog niti on(C) tolera nee(D) forgive nessd 046. An alie n explori ng Earth would probably give priority to the pla net's dominant, most-distinctive feature-the ocean. Huma ns have abias toward land that sometimes gets in the way of truly exam ining global issues.The word "bias" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) concern(B) disadva ntage(C) attitude(D) prejudice047. The prevailing winds in the Great Basi n are from the west. Warm, moist air from the Pacific Ocea n is forced upward as it crosses the Sierra Nevada.The word "prevaili ng" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) most freque nt(B) occasi onal(C) gen tle(D) most dan gerous048. There seem to have bee n several periods with in the last tens of thousa nds of years whe n wateraccumulated in these bas ins. The rise and fall of the lakes were un doubtedly lin ked to the adva nces and retreats of the great ice sheets that covered much of the northern part of the North America n con ti nent duri ng those times. The word "accumulated" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) dried(B) flooded(C) collected(D) evaporated049. All livi ng creature, especially huma n bein gs, have their peculiarities, but everyth ing about the little sea cucumber seems unu sual. What else can be said about a bizarre animal that, among other ecce ntricities, eats mud, feeds almost continu ously day and ni ght but can live without eating for long periods, and can be pois onous but is con sidered supremely edible by gourmets?The phrase "bizarre" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) odd(B) marine(C) simple(D) rare050. Its major enemies are fish and crabs, when attacked, it squirts all its internal organs into the water. It alsocasts off attached structures such as ten tacles. The sea cucumber will eviscerate and rege nerate itself if it is attacked or even touched; it will do the same if the surro unding water temperature is too high or if the water becomes too polluted. The phrase "casts off" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) grows aga in(B) grabs(C) gets rid of(D) uses as a weap on051. A folk culture is small, isolated, cohesive, con servative, n early self-sufficie nt group that is homoge neous in custom and race, with a strong family or clan structure and highly developed rituals.The word "homoge neous" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) uniform(B) gen eral(C) primitive(D) traditio nal052. Un altered folk cultures no Ion ger exist in industrialized countries such as the United States and Can ada. Perhaps the n earest moder n equivale nt in An glo-America is the Amish, a Germa n America n farmi ng sect that largely renoun ces the products and labor sav ing devices of the in dustrial age. The phrase "largely renoun ces" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) gen erally rejects(B) greatly modifies(C) loudly declares(D) often criticizes053. Secular in stituti ons, of con trol such as the police and army take the place of religion and family in maintaining order, and a money-based economprevails . Because of these con trasts, "popular" may be viewed as clearly different from "folk". The word "prevails" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) domin ates(B) provides(C) develops(D) inv ests054. Conven ti onal computer models of the atmosphere have limited value in predicti ng short-lived local storms like the Edm onton tor nado, because the available weather data are gen erally not detailed eno ugh to allow computers to discer n thesubtle atmospheric cha nges that precede these storms.The word "subtle" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) complex(B) regular(C) imagi ned(D) slight055. Com mun icatio ns satellites can tran smit data around the world cheaply and in sta ntan eously, and moder n computers can quickly compile and an alyz ing this large volume of weather in formati on.The word "compile" is closest in mea ning to which of follow ing?(A) put together(B) look up(C) pile high(D) work over056. Meteorologists and computer scie ntists now work together to desig n computer programs and video equipme nt capable of tran sformi ng raw weather data into words, symbols, and vivid graphic displays that forecasters can in terpret easily and quickly. The word "raw" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing? (A) stormy(B) in accurate(C) uncooked(D) un processed057. People in the United States in the nin etee nth cen tury were haun ted by the prospect that un precede nted cha nge in the nation's economy would bring social chaos. The word "Prospect" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) regret(B) possibility(C) theory(D) circumsta nee058. Although the birth rate continued to decli ne from its high level of the eightee nth and early nineteenth century, the population roughly doubled every gen eratio n duri ng the rest of the nin etee nth cen turies. As the populati on grew, its makeup also cha nged. The word "roughly" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) harshly(B) surpris in gly(C) slowly(D) approximately059. Rapid in dustrializati on and in creased geographic mobility in the nin etee nth century had special implications for women because these cha nges ten ded toag nify social distinctions . As the roles men and wome n played in society became more rigidly defi ned, so did the roles they played in the home.The word "mag nify" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) solve(B) expla in(C) an alyze(D) in creaseThe word "dist in cti ons" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) differe nces(B) classes(C) accomplishme nts(D) characteristics060.In scie nee, a theory is a reas on able expla nati on of observed eve nts that are related. A theory ofte n invo Ives an imagi nary model that helps scie ntists picture the way an observed eve nt could be produced. The word "related" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) conn ected(B) described(C) completed(D) ide ntified061. If observati on s con firm the scie ntists' predicti ons, the theory issupported. The word "supported" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) fin ished(B) adjusted(C) inv estigated(D) upheld cities. Ice was used in hotels, taver ns, and hospitals, and by someforward-look ing city dealers in fresh meat, fresh fish, and butter. The phrase "forward-looking" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) progressive(B) popular(C) thrifty(D) well-established063. Making an efficie nt icebox was not as easy as we might now suppose. In the early nin etee nth cen tury, the kno wledge of the physics of heat, which was esse ntial to a science of refrigeration, wasrudimentary. The word "rudimentary" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) grow ing(B) un developed(C) n ecessary(D) unin terest ing064. Aside from perpetuat ing itself, thesole purpose of the America n Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters is to "foster, assist and susta in an in terest" in literature, music, and art.The word "sole" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) only(B) hono rable(C) com mon(D) official065. One awardsubsidizes a promis ing American writer's visit to Rome. There is eve n an award for a very good work of fiction that failed commercially-once won by the young Joh n Updike for The Poorhouse Fair and, more rece ntly, by Alice 10Walker for In Love and Trouble.The word "subsidizes" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) assures(B) finan ces(C) schedules(D) publishes066. Committee membershiprotates every year, so that new voices and opinions are con sta ntly heard.The word "rotates" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) alter nates(B) participates(C) decides(D) meets 067. One importa nt line of evide nee comes from flak ing patter ns of sto ne cores used in tool making: implements flaked with a clockwise moti on (in dicat ing a right-ha nded toolmaker) can be distinguished from hose flaked with a coun ter-clockwise rotati on (in dicat ing a left-ha nded toolmaker).The word "impleme nts" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) tools(B) desig ns(C) examples(D) pieces 068. Even scratches found on fossil huma n teeth offer clues. An cie nt huma ns are thought to have cut meat into strips by holding it between their teeth and slicing it with sto ne kni ves, as do the prese nt-day In uit.The word "clues" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) solutio ns(B) details(C) damage(D) in formatio n069. The variatio n betwee n thehemispheres corresp onds to which side of the body is used to perform specific activities. Such studies, as well as studies of tool use, in dicate that right-or left-sided dominance is not exclusive to moder n Homo sapie ns. The word "hemispheres" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) differe nces(B) sides(C) activities(D) studies070. Pla nts aresubject to attack and in fecti on by a remarkable variety of symbiotic species and have evolved a diverse array of mecha ni sms desig ned to frustrate the potential colonists.The phrase "subject to" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) susceptible to(B) classified by(C) attractive to(D) stre ngthe ned by071. The exter nal surfaces of pla nts, in additi on to being covered by an epidermis and a waxy cuticle, often carry spiky hairs known as trichomes, which either preve nt feedi ng by in sects or may everp un cture and kill in sect larvae.The word "pun cture" is closest in meaning to which of follow ing?(A) pierce(B) pin ch(C) surro und(D) cover072. Orchids are unique in hav ing the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male and female reproductive。

1. 题目:The word “arduous” in the passage is closest in meaning to。
- A. difficult.- B. necessary.- C. rewarding.- D. constant.2. 原文:The journey through the mountains was arduous. The rough terrain and unpredictable weather made it a real challenge for the hikers.3. 解析:根据原文中“rough terrain”(崎岖的地形)和“unpredictable weather”(不可预测的天气)使得旅程成为“a real challenge”(一个真正的挑战),可以推断出“arduous”的意思是“困难的”。
1. 题目:The word “exacerbate” in the passage is closest in meaning to。
- A. relieve.- B. worsen.- C. change.- D. hide.2. 原文:The lack of proper medical treatment exacerbated his condition. His symptoms became more severe as time passed.3. 解析:从原文中“his condition”(他的状况)和“symptoms became more severe”(症状变得更严重)可以知道,前面所说的“缺乏适当的医疗”是使情况变得更糟,“exacerbate”意思是“使恶化”,答案为B。
1. 题目:The word “prolific” in the passage is closest in meaningto。

1.Aggregation [,ægrɪ'geʃən] = group 聚集;聚合patible [kəm'pætəbl] = consistent兼容的,一致的3.Designate ['dɛzɪɡnet] = identify 指定4.Diffusion = spread 伸开,传播5.Distract = confuse 使混乱6.Drastic = extreme 激烈的7.Exploit = take advantage of 利用8.Hasten['hesn = rush 加速;9.Induce = cause 引起10.Intriguing = strong and interesting 迷人的teral = towards the side adj.侧面的12.Overseeing = observing 观察;监督13.Perilous['pɛrələs] = dangerous adj. 危险的14.Portray = depict 描述;秒回15.Prevailing = dominant 占据优势的16.Readily = easily 容易地17.Relay = pass on 传递;传送18.Segregate = separate 使分开19.Speculate = guess 推测20.A matter of speculation = supposition 推断;猜测21.Spontaneously = automatically 自然的;自发的22.Synthesize = combine 合成23.A solicitation of = an invitation of24.Aberrant[æ'bɛrənt] = abnormal 异常的;畸形的25.Abrupt = sudden 突然26.Absorb = appeal 被…吸引27.Accelerate celestial [sə'lɛstʃəl] 天上的;天空的= speed up /get faster 加速28.Acclaim = praise 向…欢呼;称赞29.Account – description n. 说明;描述30.Adept[ə'dɛpt] = skilled 熟练的;擅长的31.Adherent [əd'hɪrənt] = advocate 拥护者,支持者32.Adopt = enact 采用;采纳33.Advent = arrival 来临;到来34.Aggravate ['ægrəveɪt]= annoy [ə'nɔɪ] 使恼火;激怒35.Agile['ædʒl] = astute [ə'stut] 灵活的;机敏的36.Air = feeling 氛围;气氛37.Albeit[,ɔl'biɪt] = although 尽管38.Allege[ə'lɛdʒ] = assert =suppose 断言,宣称39.Allocation = distribution 分配40.Allude[ə'lʊd] = suggest 暗指,顺便提到41.Allude to =refer to 提到;暗示42.Ambiguous = vague 模糊不清的;模棱两可的43.Ambitious[æm'bɪʃəs] = difficult to beachieved 费力的;雄心勃勃的44.Ambivalent[æm'bɪvələnt] = mixed 矛盾的45.Analogue['ænəlɔ:g] to = similar to 相似的46.Ancestor = progenitor [pro'dʒɛnɪtɚ] 祖先47.Anchor = hold in place 使固定;使锚泊船48.Annihilate [ə'naɪəlet] = completelyremove /destroy 消灭49.Antagonist [æn'tæg(ə)nɪst] =enemy/opponent 对手;敌人50.Antiseptic [ˌæntiˈseptɪk] = clean 杀菌的;消毒的51.Antithesis = opposite 对立面52.Antler ['æntlɚ] = horn 鹿角53.Apace= as fast as 讯速地54.Apathetic[,æpə'θɛtɪk] = uninvolved 漠然的;冷漠的55.Apparatus = equipment 仪器56.Apparel[ə'pærəl] = clothes 衣服;服饰57.Application = use 应用58.Appoint = designate['dɛzɪɡnet] 选派;任命59.Arbitrarily[,ɑrbə'trɛrəli] = randomly 任意的;专横的60.Arboreal[ɑr'bɔrɪəl] = tree-dwelling 树木的61.Ardent = passionate 热心的62.Arduous = difficult 艰巨的;困难的63.Arrangement = configuration 安排;布置64.Array[ə're] = range 一系列65.Assimilate = combine 同化;吸收66.Assorted = varied 各式各样的67.Assume= take on 承担68.Astonish = surprise=astounding 使吃惊69.Astute [ə'stut] = clever 敏锐的70.Attendant = accompanying 伴随的71.Attest to = confirm 证实72.Attribute = accredit 属于;归于73.Attribute = character 属性;特征74.Attribute to = credit with 归因于75.Avid['ævɪd] = enthusiastic 渴望的;热心的76.Barely = just 仅仅77.Barge = boat 船78.Be beforehand = foreordain 预先;事先79.Be susceptible to =be subject to 受…的影响80.Beckon['bɛkən] =invite 召唤;引诱81.Bleach = whiten 漂白82.Bleak = desolate 凄凉的;惨淡的83.Boast = exaggerate = puff 吹嘘;自夸84.Bombard[bɑm'bɑrd] =assail=assault 炮击;攻击85.Boundary = periphery[pə'rɪfəri] 边界86.Brew = develop 酝酿;策划87.Bulk = great quantity 大部分;大体上88.Burgeon['bɝdʒən] = rapidly expand 急速成长89.Bustling['bʌslɪŋ] = busy =lively 忙乱的;活跃的90.By and large = for the most part 总的来说91.Cement = stick 粘结92.Centennial[sɛn'tɛnɪəl] = hundredthanniversary 100周年93.Changeover from = conversion from 改变;交换94.Chisel['tʃɪzl] = carve 刻;95.Chronic = confirmed = habitual =inveterate[ɪn'vɛtərət] 长期的;不断的96.Chubby['tʃʌbi] = plump 肥胖的;丰满的97.Circuitous[sɚ'kjʊɪtəs] = indirect 迂回的98.Cling to = hold 坚持99.Cluster = group 群100.Coinage['kɔɪnɪdʒ] = creation 创造bust[kəm'bʌst] = burn 燃烧memorate= celebrate 庆祝;纪念mensurate with[kəˈmɛnsərɪt, -ʃə-] = proportionate to 相当的;相称的munal = cooperative 共有的pensate = reimburse[,riɪm'bɝs] 赔偿;补偿plex = elaborate 复杂的107.Concealed = hidden 隐藏的108.Conceive= consider 构思109.Configuration = arrangement 布局;结构110.Congeal[kən'dʒil] = solidify 使凝结111.Congregate['kɑŋɡrɪɡet] = gather 集合;聚集112.Consecutive = successive 连续的113.Conspicuous = clearly visible 明显的114.Constellation[,kɑnstə'leʃən] = collection 一系列115.Contentious = disputed 好争吵116.Contiguous = neighboring 临近的117.Contrive= create 发明118.Converging = concentrating 收缩的119.Convict = doom = sentence 宣判;使知罪120.Copious ['kəʊpɪəs]= plentiful 丰富的;大量的121.Correlate = match 相关;关联122.Corroborate[kə'rɑbəret] = confirm 证实;确认123.Counterpart = equivalent = similitude 副本124.Countervail = compensate 抵消;对抗125.Crest = peak 顶部126.Culminate = climax 到达顶点127.Cumbersome = awkward= unwieldy= clumsy笨重的;麻烦的128.Dampen = moisten 使超时129.Dangle = hang吊130.Dank = unpleasantly humid 潮湿的131.Decimate['dɛsə,met] = destroy 大量毁灭132.Decipher[dɪ'saɪfɚ] = decode 破译133.Declivity[dɪ'klɪvəti] = downward slope 斜坡134.Deflect = deviate['divɪet] 使偏斜;使转向135.Deft = skilled 熟练的136.Deity['deəti] =god 神137.Delegate = representative 代表138.Deleteriously = adversely 不利的139.Delicate= dainty 易碎的;精美的140.Delineate[dɪ'lɪnɪet] = portray 描述;描绘141.Deluge['dɛljʊdʒ] = flood 洪水142.Deluxe= lavish 豪华的143.Demise[dɪ'maɪz] = extinction 死亡144.Demography[dɪ'mɒgrəfɪ] = population 人口统计145.Deplore = lament[lə'mɛnt] 哀嚎;痛惜146.Derive= arise 源于;起源147.Desiccated['dɛsɪketɪd] = dry 脱水的148.Deter = stop 阻止149.Detractor[dɪ'træktɚ] = critic 恶意批评者150.Deviate['divɪet] = digress 偏离151.Deviation = departure 背离152.Devoid of = lack of = scant of 缺乏153.Devour[dɪ'vaʊɚ] = eat 狼吞虎咽的吃154.Dictate = determine = order 命令;要求;支配155.Diffuse = disperse 散开;扩散156.Disband = dismiss 解散157.Discernible[dɪ'zɝnəbl] = discriminating = noticeable 可感知的158.Discrete = separate 分开的159.Disentangle[,dɪsɪn'tæŋɡl] = disband 解开160.Disguise = hidden 隐藏;掩饰161.Dismantle =demolish 拆开;拆除162.Dismiss = reject 拒绝163.Disorder = anarchy['ænɚki] 混乱164.Dispensable = not necessary 非必要的165.Dispersed = scatter 分散166.Disposition = temperament 性格;性情167.Dissipate['dɪsɪpet] = disperse 驱散168.Dissuade = discourage 劝阻169.Diversification = emergence of many varieties 多样化170.Divert= deflect 使偏离171.Divest = deprive 剥夺172.Drive = incentive 动机173.Dynamic = active 充满活力的174.Eccentric[ɪk'sɛntrɪk] = erratic 古怪的;反常的175.Eccentricity[,ɛksɛn'trɪsəti] = peculiarity[pɪ'kjʊlɪ'ærəti] 怪癖;古怪176.Edible = eatable 可食用的177.Eject = force out 排斥178.Elapsed = passed 过去的;经过的179.Elastic = pliant 有弹性的;可塑的180.Eligible['ɛlɪdʒəbl] = entitle 合格的;适宜的181.Elongate[ɪ'lɔŋɡet] = stretch 延长182.Eloquent['ɛləkwənt] = persuasive 善变的;有口才的183.Elucidate[ɪ'lusɪdet] = clarify 阐明;说明184.Elusive = difficult to catch 难懂的;难以捉摸的185.Emanate[ˈɛməˌneɪt] = emerge 散发;产生186.Emancipator[ɪ'mænspetɚ]= liberator 解放者187.Embody = incarnate 使成化身;使具体化188.Enactment= establishment 制定189.Encapsulate[ɪn'kæpsjə'let] = state briefly 概述190.Endorse = support 认可;支持191.Endow = bestow[bɪ'stəʊ] 捐赠192.Engulf = swallow 吞没193.Enlist = obtain 谋取(支持、赞助等)194.Ensue = result 因…产生195.Entity = object 实体;存在196.Entomb[ɪn'tum] = trap 埋葬;设陷阱197.Envision = imagine 想象198.Ephemeral[ə'fɛmərəl] = short – lived 短暂的199.Ephemeral = transient短暂的200.Episode = occurrence 出现201.Equilibrium [ikwɪ'lɪbrɪəm]=balance 平衡202.Erect = build 建立203.Erratic = irregular 不稳定的;古怪的204.Escalate = extend 逐步扩大205.Estimate = projection 估计206.Euphoric[jʊ'fɔrɪk] = extremely happy 心情愉快的207.Excrete = expel 排泄;分泌208.Exert = put forth 使…用力209.Expediency = advantage 方便;利己210.Expedient =fitting 权益的;方便的211.Extant = existing 现存的;212.Extol = praise 赞美213.Extraneous[ɪk'strenɪəs] = from outside 214.Exude = five off 渗出;发散215.Fallacious[fə'leʃəs] = faulty 谬误的;靠不住的216.Fanfare = spectacular display 鼓吹;炫耀217.Fare = primary sustenance 食物;主食218.Fervor['fɜːvə] = zeal 热情;热烈219.Fictitious = mythical 虚构的;想象的220.Fidelity[fɪ'dɛləti] = faithfulness 忠诚;221.Filament['fɪləmənt] =strand 细长222.Flake= fragment 小薄片223.Flattery = praise 恭维224.Focal = point center area 焦点225.Forage = feed饲料= search for food 觅食226.Foul = pollute 污染227.Friction= conflict 争执;不合228.Frolic = run playfully 嬉戏;闹着玩229.Gauge = judge 测量;评估230.Gay = bright 明亮的;愉快的231.Gear = adjust 使适合232.Gelatinous[dʒə'lætnəs] = viscous['vɪskəs] 粘结的;233.Gemstone = jewel 宝石234.Gloomy = dismal['dɪzməl] 阴郁的;郁闷的235.Glowing = shining 光亮的236.Go awry = become faulty 出差错;有缺陷237.Grudging['ɡrʌdʒɪŋ] = unenthusiastic 勉强的238.Hallmark = characteristic 标志239.Haphazard['hæphæzəd] = random 随意的240.Harness = put into use 利用241.Harsh = drastic 严厉的;严酷的242.Hasten= accelerate 加速;督促243.Hasty ['hesti]= hurried 匆忙的;急忙的244.Haul = pull 拉245.Havoc['hævək] =destruction 浩劫246.Headstrong = stubborn 倔强的;固执的247.Heed = notice 留心;注意248.Heir =inheritor 继承人249.Helically ['helikəli]= spirally 螺旋形的250.Herald['hɛrəld] = announce 预示;预报251.Heritage = legacy['lɛgəsi] 遗传;传统252.Hesitantly ['hɛzətəntli]= reluctantly 犹豫的;踌躇的253.Heterogeneous['hɛtərə'dʒinɪəs] = varied 由不同种类组成254.Heyday = golden age 全盛时期255.Hitherto[,hɪðɚ'tu= previously 先前的256.Hobby = pastime 嗜好257.Homogeneous= uniform 同种的258.Hurdle = fence 用篱笆围259.Idiosyncrasies = peculiarity[pɪ'kjʊlɪ'ærəti] 特性260.Imminent = about to happen 即将发生261.Impetus['ɪmpɪtəs] = incentive 刺激;促进262.Implausible = unbelievable263.Imposing = impressive 令人印象深刻的264.Impulse = basic motion 行动265.In tandem['tændəm] = together 一起266.In the long run = eventually 以长远来看267.Inadvertently = unintentionally 非故意的268.Inaugurate[ɪ'nɔɡjəret] = begin 开始;开创269.Inauspicious[,ɪnɔ'spɪʃəs]=ominous['ɑmɪnəs] 不祥的;凶兆的270.Inception = beginning 起初;最初271.Inclement =unfavorable 严酷的272.Inconclusive = without result 不确定的273.Incorporate = merge 吸收;并入= include274.Incursion = invasion 入侵275.Indelible[ɪn'dɛləbl] = permanent 持久的;擦不掉的276.Indiscriminate = haphazard['hæphæzəd] 不分青红皂白的277.Indigenous = native 本土的278.Indiscriminately = at random 随机的279.Inert= motionless 迟缓的280.Infiltrate = spread to 渗入;透过281.Infinitesimal['ɪnfɪnə'tɛsəml] = minute 非常微小的282.Infirm = weak 不坚定的;衰弱的283.Inflate = expand 膨胀;扩大284.Inflicting = bring about/impose 使承受285.Inherent = essential 内在的;固有的286.Inordinate = excessive 过度的287.Instigate = incite 教唆;煽动288.Intangible = immaterial 无形的289.Intercourse = exchange 交流290.Intermingle = interact 使混合;使搅和291.Intrusive = invasive 侵入的292.Inviolable = allowing no attack = without exception 不可违背的293.Jettison['dʒɛtɪsn] = release 抛弃294.Juncture = connection 连接ding = cargo 货物unch = initiate 发起;发动x = careless 马马虎虎298.Lethal =deadly 致命的299.Linger= stroll 徘徊;漫步300.Listening =advertent[əd'vɜːtənt] 留神听得301.Little short miraculous = amazing but it is impossible 不可思议;奇迹302.Locale = place 现场;场所303.Lodge = embed 埋入304.Lucrative['lukrətɪv] = profitable 有利益的305.Luxuriant = thriving 茂盛的306.Magnitude[mə'dʒɛstɪk] = amount 量;大小;巨大307.Majestic = magnificent 壮观的308.Malleable['mælɪəbl] = pliable 有延展性的;可塑的309.Mean= average 平均值310.Merge = blend 合并;融合311.Meticulously[me'tikjuləsli] = carefully 小心地312.Microbe =germ 微生物;细菌ky way = galaxy 银河314.Mimic = imitate 模仿315.Miniature = small 微型的316.Minuscule['mɪnəskjul] = tiny 微型的317.Mock = pretend 模仿318.Modest = in limited ways = limited 过度的319.Monotone['mɑnəton] = tedious 单调的;乏味的320.Motif = pattern 图案321.Mundane = material 世俗的;平凡的322.Myriad = countless 大量的;323.Negligible['nɛɡlɪdʒəbl] = minor 微不足道的324.Mundane =ordinary325.Mutually exclusive =contradictory 矛盾的326.Negligible = minor 微不足道的327.Nibble =gnaw[nɔ] 细咬;细啃328.Nimbleness['nimblinis] = agility[ə'dʒɪlətɪ] 敏捷329.Noisy = vociferous[vo'sɪfərəs] 喧闹的330.Oblige = force 强迫331.Obscure = conceal 使变暗;模糊332.Obsession with = fixation on 对…迷恋333.Obsolete[ɑbsəˌlit] = out of date废弃的;老式的334.Obstinate['ɑbstɪnət] = stubborn 固执的;顽强的335.Obstacle = impediment 障碍336.Occult = supernatural 鬼神337.Odds = in disagreement 争执;不一致338.Offset = balance = make up 补偿;抵消339.Omit = exclude 遗漏;删去340.Opaque = impenetrable 难理解的341.Orchestrate['ɔrkɪstret] = stage-manage 精心安排的342.Orientation = perspective 观点343.Ostentatious[,ɑstɛn'teʃəs] = showy 好夸耀的;炫耀的344.Oversee= supervise 监督345.Overwhelming = powerful 压倒性的346.Pacify ['pæsə'fai] = assuage[ə'swedʒ] 使平静347.Paradox = contrary相反;矛盾348.Paradoxically = seemingly contradictory 349.Parcel out = distribute 分配350.Pare away =remove 修掉351.Patch = expanse 片;块= orbit 路线352.Pathway = course 途径;模式353.Patron['petrən] = customer 赞助人,保护人,主顾354.Pay tribute['trɪbjut] to = honor 尊敬355.Peculiar[pɪ'kjulɪɚ] = strange 奇怪的;独特的= unique356.Pedestal['pɛdɪstl] = base 底座;太作357.Penetrate = enter 穿入;穿透358.Penetrating= pierce = go through359.Penetrating = pungent 刺鼻的360.Peril = danger 危险361.Perilous = dangerous 危险的362.Perishable ['pɛrɪʃəbl] = easy to spoil 易腐坏的363.Permeate = penetrate 渗透364.Perpetual = constant 永久的365.Pertinent ['pɝtnənt] = relevant 相关的366.Plecing = joining 结合367.Pigment = color 色素368.Pigmentation = dye 染色369.Pinnacle['pɪnəkl] = high point 顶点;370.Pinpoint = clearly identify 准确的解释或捉摸371.Plague = cause problems 麻烦372.Plausible = apparently reasonable and valid 貌似有理的373.Plausible = paradoxical 似是而非的374.Pledge = promise 保证;誓言375.Plumage['plumɪdʒ] = feather 羽毛376.Pocketbook= affordable 负担的起377.Ponder = think of 考虑到378.Posit = assume 假设;断定379.Postulate['pɑstʃəlet] =hypotheses = presume 假定380.Potential = latent 潜在的381.Practically = nearly 几乎;差不多382.Pragmatic = practical 实际的383.Precarious[prɪ'kɛrərɪəs] = insecure 不稳定的;危险的384.Precipitate = bring about 使…突然发生385.Preclude = prevent 避免= rule out 排除;阻止386.Predicament = difficult situation 尴尬的处境387.Prediction = prophecy['prɑfəsi] 预言388.Predominantly = primitively 占主要地位的= principally 主要地389.Preeminence = superiority 卓越;突出390.Preeminent = foremost 卓越的;显著的= important 杰出的391.Preface = introduction 序言序文392.Preliminary = initial 最初的;原始的393.Premise =assume 假设394.Preoccupation with = concentration on 专注于395.Preordain = appoint 预定;注定= foreordain 预定;注定= ordain预定;注定396.Preponderance = majority 数量优势397.Presumable = probably 可推测的398.Pristine ['prɪstin] = pure 清新的399.Probe = explore 探查400.Process = purify 加工401.Procure = acquire 获得;取得402.Prodigious[prə'dɪdʒəs] = massive 巨大的403.Prohibitive = unaffordable 抑制的404.Proliferating =multiplying 繁殖405.Prolifically = abundantly 多产的406.Prominent = eminent 显著的407.Pronounced = clear 明显的408.Propagate['prɑpə'get] = multiply繁殖409.Prosperity = well being 幸福生活410.Prototype = model 原型411.Protrude[pro'trud] = stick out 伸出;突出412.Provoke = elicit 激起;导致413.Prowess['praʊəs] = ambition 英勇= expertise 非凡的技能414.Proximity = nearness 接近415.Quarters = residences 住处416.Ramification'ræməfə'keʃən] = branch 分枝;分派417.Ravage['rævɪdʒ] = destroy 毁坏418.Ready = receptive 甘心的;419.Rebellion[rɪ'bɛljən] = revolt 反抗;叛乱420.Receptivity to =openness to 接受421.Reconcile = bring together 使和好422.Reconcile = compromise 和解423.Recur = repeat 反复出现424.Relentless= unceasing 不断的;持续的425.Relinquish[rɪ'lɪŋkwɪʃ] = abandon 放弃426.Remedy= cure 治疗427.Remnant = residue/remains 剩余;残渣428.Repercussion = effect 回响;影响429.Replenish = restore 补充;装满430.Replicas['rɛplɪkə] = copies 复制品431.Repudiate = reject 否定;驳斥432.Resembling = approximating 类似;近似433.Residual = remaining 残留的434.Resilient =quick to recover 迅速恢复435.Respectively = in that order 逐个的436.Resume = start again 重新开始437.Retreat= recede 撤退438.Retrospect['rɛtrəspɛkt] = look back 回顾;回想439.Revered = honored 崇敬的440.Revival = resuscitation[rɪ,sʌsə'teʃən] 恢复;再生441.Rigorous = demanding= harsh 严厉的442.Rigor= difficulty 困难;严格443.Rival = compete 竞争;对抗444.Roam = wander 漫游445.Robust = healthy 强壮的446.Rotate = turn 转动447.Roundabout = circuitous 迂回的448.Rupture['rʌptʃɚ] = break 裂开;破裂449.Sacred = holy 神圣的450.Salutary['sæljə'tɛri = beneficial 有益的451.Scale = magnitude 大小;等级452.Scant = minimal 少量的453.Scarlet = bright red 猩红的;鲜红的454.Scatter = diffuse /disperse / distribute散开;分散455.Scenario[sə'nærɪo] = situation 情形456.Scenic = picturesque[,pɪktʃə'rɛsk] 天然景色457.Scented = fragrant 有气味的458.Scheme = plot 阴谋;策划459.Scorching = exceedingly hot 酷热的460.Score = a large number of 大量的= musical compositions 乐谱461.Scorn = despise 轻蔑;嘲笑462.Scrap = fragment 碎片463.Screen = filter 过滤464.Secluded[sɪ'kludɪd] = isolated 偏僻的;遥远的465.Secrete = produce 分泌466.Seething = active = excited 激昂的467.Sensational = extraordinary 轰动的468.Serendipitous[,sɛrən'dɪpɪtəs] = fortuitous 偶然的;幸运的469.Serene = calm = salient 平静的470.Set in = motion start 开动471.Setback = failure 失败;挫折472.Severe poverty = indigence 贫困;贫穷473.Shatter = destroy 打碎474.Sheer = absolute 完全的475.Shiver = tremor 发抖;打颤476.Shy away from = avoid 回避;躲避477.Side effect = secondary reaction 副作用478.Simulated = artificial 假装的;仿造的479.Slope = incline 倾斜480.Snap= break 断裂481.Soak = absorb 吸收482.Solicit = request 恳求;请求483.Solitary = alone 单独的;肚子的484.Sophistication = technology 工艺485.Sought-after = desired 广受欢迎的486.Spark = period 一段时间487.Sparse = not rich 稀少的;零星的= thinly distributed 稀疏的488.Spawn = produce =create 产卵;量产489.Speciation [,spisi'eʃən] = evolution 物种形成490.Specify = state 详细说明491.Spectacular = impressive 引人入胜的492.Spectator = beholder 目击者493.Spectrum = range 范围;系列494.Splendor['splendə] = magnificence 光彩;壮丽495.Spontaneous = impulsive 自发的;非计划安排的496.sporadic[spə'rædɪk] = intermittent = irregular 偶然发生的497.spot = catch 看见;发现498.spottily = occasionally 缺乏连续性499.spur = stimulate 刺激500.spur of the moment = without planning 临时起意501.staggering = overwhelming 巨大的502.stagnation[stæg'neʃən] = inactivity 淤塞;停滞503.staple = important 主要的504.staunch[stɔntʃ]= loyal 坚定的;可靠的505.steadfast = firm 坚定的;固定的506.stealthily = silently 悄悄地507.stem = arise 起源于508.stipulate = require 规定;要求509.stockpile = store up 存储510.stride= step 大步511.string = series 一系列512.strip = remove 剥去513.sturdy = strong 结实的514.stylus = pen 港币515.subsidiary[səb'sɪdɪərɪ] = less important 次要的516.substantial = sturdy 坚固的517.sumptuous['sʌmptʃuəs] = luxurious 奢侈的;豪华的518.supersede = replace 取代;代替519.supplant[sə'plænt] = replace 代替520.surmise = guess 推测;猜测521.suspend = float 悬浮522.swell = enlargement 增大;肿胀523.swift- fast 迅速的524.symmetric = balance 对称的;均衡的525.tactual = textural 触觉的526.tailspin['telspɪn] = total confusion 混乱;失控527.tame = domesticate 驯服;训话528.tantalizing['tæntəlaɪzɪŋ] = anxious 非常着急529.taper = diminish 逐渐变小530.taut = tightly stretched 绷紧的;拉紧的531.teem with = be full of 充满;532.tenacity[tə'næsɪti] = stability 固执533.tenet = belief 原则;心跳534.tenuous['tɛnjuəs] = weak 脆弱的;物理的535.thoroughfare = street 通道;街道536.threshold['θrɛʃhold] = limit 界限;起始点537.thrill = excitement 兴奋538.to be more discriminate = to be more observation 更容易区分539.toil = work 辛勤劳动540.tranquil[ˈtræŋkwəl] = serene 安宁的;平静的541.transitory = ephemeral [ə'fɛmərəl]短暂的542.trauma = damage 损伤543.traumatic = upsetting 痛苦的544.traverse = cross 横过;穿过545.tributary = branch 支流546.truism = it was evidence that 不言而喻的道理547.turbulent =agitated 激动的548.ubiquitous = common 到处存在的549.unambiguous = clear 清楚的;明确的550.unanimity[ˌjunəˈnɪmətɪ] = total agreement 一致同意551.underlie = on the basis of 引起;构成…的基础552.underpinning = foundation 基础;支柱553.underscore = emphasize 强调554.undertaking = enterprise 事业;企业555.unreceptive = unresponsive 接受能力差556.unwieldy = cumbersome 笨重的557.urbane[ɝ'ben] = cultivated 文雅的558.utilitarian = functional 实用的559.vagary['veɪg(ə)rɪ] = uncertainty 难以预测变化560.vehicle = means 手段;工具561.versatile = adaptable 多才多艺的562.vial = bottle 小瓶563.vibrant = bright 有活力的;明亮的564.vie for = compete for 竞争;对抗565.vigor = energy 生气勃勃的566.virtue = merit 优点567.warrant = authorize 授权568.wield = exert 行使569.yearning['jɝnɪŋ] = longing 思念的;渴望的570.yield = produce = provide 生产571.zenith['zɛnɪθ] = peak 顶点。
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TOEFL词汇题精选001. Most of these leaders were involved inpublic life as reformers, activists working forwomen's right to vote, or authors, and were not representative at all of the great of ordinarywomen.The word "representative" is closest inmeaning to which of following?(A) typical(B) satisfied(C) supportive(D) distinctive002. In the United States, Louis Comfort Tiffany (1843-1933) was the most noted exponent of this style, producing a great variety of glass forms and surfaces, which were widely copied in their time and are highly prized today.The word "prized" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) valued(B) universal(C) uncommon(D) preserved003. The Art Nouveau style was a major forcein the decorative arts from 1895 until 1915, although its influence continued throughout the mid-1920's. It was eventually to be overtaken by a new school of thought known as Functionalism that had been present since the turn of the century.The word "overtaken" is closest in meaning towhich of following?(A) surpassed(B) inclined(C) expressed(D) applied004. During most of their lives, surge glaciers behave like normal glaciers, traveling perhaps only a couple of inches per day. However, at intervals of 10 to 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster than usual. The word "intervals" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) records(B) speeds(C) distances(D) periods005. The increasing water pressure under the glacier might lift it off its bed, overcoming the friction between ice and rock, thus freeing the glacier, which rapidly sliders downhill. Surge glaciers also might be influenced by the climate, volcanic heat, or earthquakes.The word "freeing" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) pushing(B) releasing(C) strengthening(D) draining006. A flood of ice would then surge into the Southern Sea. With the continued rise in sea level, more ice would plunge into the ocean, causing sea levels to rise even higher, which in turn would release more ice and set in motion a vicious cycle.The word "plunge" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) drop(B) extend(C) melt(D) drift007. Group members look to instrumental leaders to "get things done." Expressive leadership, on the other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-being of a social group's members.The word "collective" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) necessary(B) typical(C) group(D) particular008. They offer sympathy when someone experiences difficulties or is subjected to discipline, are quick to lighten a seriousmoment with humor, and try to resolve issues that threaten to divide the group.The word "resolve" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) avoid repeating(B) talk about(C) avoid thinking about(D) find a solution for009. Thousands of tons were extracted before 1875, when it was first noticed that the tar contained fossil remains. Major excavations were undertaken that established the significance of this remarkable site.The word "noticed" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) predicted(B) announced(C) corrected(D) observed010. Since then, over 100 tons of fossils, 1.5 million from vertebrates, 2.5 million from invertebrates, have been recovered, often in densely concentrated tangled masses.The word "tangled" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) buried beneath(B) twisted together(C) quickly formed(D) easily dated011. The asphalt at La Brea seeps to the surface, especially in the summer, and forms shallow puddles that would often have been concealed by leaves and dust.The word "concealed" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) highlighted(B) covered(C) transformed(D) contaminated012. The ocean bottom --- a region nearly 2. 5 times greater than the total land area of the Earth --- is a vast frontier that even today is largely unexplored and uncharted, until about a century ago, the deep-ocean floor was completely inaccessible, hidden beneath waters averaging over 3,600 meters deep. The word "inaccessible" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) unrecognizable(B) unreachable(C) unusable(D) unsafe013. The DSDP's drill ship, the Glomar Challenger, was able to maintain a steady position on the ocean's surface and drill in very deep waters, extracting samples of sediments and rock from the ocean floor.The word "extracting" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) breaking(B) locating(C) removing(D) analyzing014. Today, largely on the strength of evidence gathered during the Glomar Challenger's voyages, nearly all earth scientists agree on the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift that explain many of the geological processes that shape the Earth.The word "strength" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) basis(B) purpose(C) discovery(D) endurance015. For every three Canadians in 1945, there were over five in 1966. In September 1966 Canada's population passed the 20 million mark. Most of this surging growth came from natural increase.The word "surging" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) new(B) extra(C) accelerating(D) surprising016. When the prairies were being settled, undoubtedly, the good economic conditions of the 1950's supported a growth in the population, but the expansion also derived from a trend toward earlier marriages and an increase in the average size of families.The word "trend" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) tendency(B) aim(C) growth(D) directive017. After the peak year of 1957, the birth rate in Canada began to decline. It continued falling until in 1966, it stood at the lowest level in 25 years.The word "peak" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) pointed(B) dismal(C) mountain(D) maximum018. Although the growth in Canada's population had slowed down by 1966 (the increase the first half of the 1960's was only nine percent) , another large population wave was coming over the horizon. It would be composed of the children who were born during the period of the high birth rate prior to 1957.The phrase "prior to" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) behind(B) since(C) during(D) preceding019. Advocates of organic foods --- a term whose meaning varies greatly --- frequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.The word "Advocates" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) Proponents(B) Merchants(C) Inspectors(D) Consumers020. There are numerous unsubstantiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains, and the like. The word "unsubstantiated" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) unbelievable(B) uncontested(C) unpopular(D) unverified021. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if consumers, particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food supply and buy only expensive organic foods instead.The word "maintain" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) improve(B) monitor(C) preserve(D) restore022. In addition, there were performers and since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task. The word "considerable" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) thoughtful(B) substantial(C) relational(D) ceremonial023. In addition, there were performers and since considerable importance was attached to avoiding mistakes in the enactment of rites, religious leaders usually assumed that task. The word "enactment" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) establishment(B) performance(C) authorization(D) season024. Staggering tasks confronted the people of the United States, North and South, when the Civil War ended. About a million and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilian life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy.The word "Staggering" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) specialized(B) confusing(C) various(D) overwhelming025. About a million and a half soldiers from both sides had to be demobilized, readjusted to civilian life, and reabsorbed by the devastated economy.The word "devastated" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) developing(B) ruined(C) complicated(D) fragile026. Some botanists hypothesized that the living cells of plants acted as pumps. But many experiments demonstrated that the stems of plants in which all the cells are killed can still move water to appreciable heights.The word "demonstrated" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) ignored(B) showed(C) disguised(D) distinguished027. As water is lost from the surface of the leaves, a negative pressure, or tension, is created. The evaporated water is replaced by water moving from inside the plant in unbroken columns that extend from the top of a plant to its roots. The same forces that create surface tension in any sample of water are responsible for the maintenance of these unbroken columns of water.The word "extend" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) stretch(B) branch(C) increase(D) rotate028. By opening vast areas of unoccupied land for residential expansion, the omnibuses, horse railways, commuter trains, and electric trolleys pulled settled regions outward two to four times more distant from city centers than they were in the premodern era.The word "vast" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) large(B) basic(C) new(D) urban029. The new accessibility of land around the periphery of almost every major city sparked an explosion of real estate development and fueled what we now know as urban sprawl. Between 1890 and 1920, for example, some 250,000 new residential lots were recorded within the borders of Chicago, most of them located in outlying areas.The word "sparked" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) brought about(B) surrounded(C) sent out(D) followed030. Anxious to take advantage of the possibilities of commuting, real estate developers added 800,000 potential building sites to the Chicago region in just thirty years-lots that could have housed five to six million people.The word "potential" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) certain(B) popular(C) improved(D) possible031. The quality of preservation is outstanding, but what is even more impressive is the number of ichthyosaur fossils containing preserved embryos.The word "outstanding" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) extensive(B) surprising(C) vertical(D) excellent032. Ichthyosaurs with embryos have been reported from 6 different levels of the shale in asmall area around Holzamden, suggesting that a specific site was used by large numbers of ichthyosaurs repeatedly over time.The word "site" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) example(B) location(C) development(D) characteristic033. The quality of preservation is almost unmatched, and quarry operations have been carried out carefully with an awareness of the value of the fossils. But these factors do not account for the interesting question of how there came to be such a concentration of pregnant ichthyosaurs in a particular place very close to their time of giving birth.The phrase "account for " is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) record(B) describe(C) equal(D) explain034. In the seventeenth century the organ, the clavichord, and the harpsichord became the chief instruments of the keyboard group, a supremacy they maintained until the piano supplanted them at the end of the eighteenth century.The words "a supremacy" in line 9 are closest in meaning to(A) a suggestion(B) an improvement(C) a dominance(D) a development035. A series of mechanical improvements continuing well into the nineteenth century, including the introduction of pedals to sustain tone or to soften it, the perfection of a metal frame, and steel wire of the finest quality, finally produced an instrument capable of myriad tonal effects from the most delicate harmonies to an almost orchestral fullness of sound, from a liquid, singing tone to a sharp, percussive brilliance.The word "myriad" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) noticeable(B) many(C) loud(D) unusual036. Each one was virtually a stone town, which is why the Spanish would later call them pueblos, the Spanish word for towns. These pueblos represent one of the Anasazis' supreme achievements. At least a dozen large stone houses took shape below the bluffs of Chiaco Canyon in northwest New Mexico.The word "supreme" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) most common(B) most outstanding(C) most expensive(D) most convenient037. They functioned as sanctuaries where the elders met to plan festivals, perform ritual dances, settle pueblo affairs, and impart tribal lore to the younger generation.The word "settle" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) sink(B) decide(C) clarify(D) locate038. Then, to connect the pueblos and to give access to the surrounding tableland, the architects laid out a system of public roads with stone staircases for ascending cliff faces.The word "ascending" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) arriving at(B) carving(C) connecting(D) climbing039. Within a very short time, however, the incongruity of playing lively music to a solemn film became apparent, and film pianists began to take some care in matching their pieces to the mood of the film.The word "solemn" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) simple(B) serious(C) short(D) silent040. Certain films had music especially composed for them. The most famous of these early special scores was that composed and arranged for D. W. Griffith's film Birth of a Nation, which was released in 1915.The word "composed" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) selected(B) combined(C) played(D) createdThe word "scores" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) totals(B) successes(C) musical compositions(D) groups of musicians041. The Earth comprises three principal layers: the dense, iron-rich core, the mantle made of silicate rocks that are semimolten at depth, and the thin, solid-surface crust.The word "comprises" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) adapts to(B) benefits from(C) consists of(D) focuses on042. These plates move over the semimolten lower mantle to produce all of the major topographical features of the Earth. Active zones where intense deformation occurs are confined to the narrow, interconnecting boundaries of contact of the plates.The word "intense" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) surface(B) sudden(C) rare(D) extreme043. New oceanic crust is formed along one or more margins of each plate by material issuing from deeper layers of the Earth's crust, for example, by volcanic eruptions of lava at midocean ridges. The word "margins" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) edges(B) peaks(C) interiors(D) distances044. If at such a spreading contact the two plates support continents, a rift is formed that will gradually widen and become flooded by the sea. The Atlantic Ocean formed like this as the American and Afro-European plates move in opposite directions.The word "support" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) separate(B) create(C) reduce(D) hold045. Coincident with concerns about the accelerating loss of species and habitats has been a growing appreciation of the importance of biological diversity, the number of species in a particular ecosystem, to the health of the Earth and human well-being. The word "appreciation" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) ignorance(B) recognition(C) tolerance(D) forgiveness046. An alien exploring Earth would probably give priority to the planet's dominant, most-distinctive feature-the ocean. Humans have a bias toward land that sometimes gets in the way of truly examining global issues.The word "bias" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) concern(B) disadvantage(C) attitude(D) prejudice047. The prevailing winds in the Great Basin are from the west. Warm, moist air from the Pacific Ocean is forced upward as it crosses the Sierra Nevada.The word "prevailing" is closest in meaning towhich of following?(A) most frequent(B) occasional(C) gentle(D) most dangerous048. There seem to have been several periods within the last tens of thousands of years when water accumulated in these basins. The rise and fall of the lakes were undoubtedly linked to the advances and retreats of the great ice sheets that covered much of the northern part of the North American continent during those times. The word "accumulated" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) dried(B) flooded(C) collected(D) evaporated049. All living creature, especially human beings, have their peculiarities, but everything about the little sea cucumber seems unusual. What else can be said about a bizarre animal that, among other eccentricities, eats mud, feeds almost continuously day and night but can live without eating for long periods, and can be poisonous but is considered supremely edible by gourmets?The phrase "bizarre" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) odd(B) marine(C) simple(D) rare050. Its major enemies are fish and crabs, when attacked, it squirts all its internal organs into the water. It also casts off attached structures such as tentacles. The sea cucumber will eviscerate and regenerate itself if it is attacked or even touched; it will do the same if the surrounding water temperature is too high or if the water becomes too polluted.The phrase "casts off" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) grows again(B) grabs(C) gets rid of(D) uses as a weapon 051. A folk culture is small, isolated, cohesive, conservative, nearly self-sufficient group that is homogeneous in custom and race, with a strong family or clan structure and highly developed rituals.The word "homogeneous" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) uniform(B) general(C) primitive(D) traditional052. Unaltered folk cultures no longer exist in industrialized countries such as the United States and Canada. Perhaps the nearest modern equivalent in Anglo-America is the Amish, a German American farming sect that largely renounces the products and labor saving devices of the industrial age.The phrase "largely renounces" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) generally rejects(B) greatly modifies(C) loudly declares(D) often criticizes053. Secular institutions, of control such as the police and army take the place of religion and family in maintaining order, and a money-based economy prevails. Because of these contrasts, "popular" may be viewed as clearly different from "folk".The word "prevails" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) dominates(B) provides(C) develops(D) invests054. Conventional computer models of the atmosphere have limited value in predicting short-lived local storms like the Edmonton tornado, because the available weather data are generally not detailed enough to allow computers to discern the subtle atmospheric changes that precede these storms.The word "subtle" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) complex(B) regular(C) imagined(D) slight055. Communications satellites can transmit data around the world cheaply and instantaneously, and modern computers can quickly compile and analyzing this large volume of weather information.The word "compile" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) put together(B) look up(C) pile high(D) work over056. Meteorologists and computer scientists now work together to design computer programs and video equipment capable of transforming raw weather data into words, symbols, and vivid graphic displays that forecasters can interpret easily and quickly. The word "raw" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) stormy(B) inaccurate(C) uncooked(D) unprocessed057. People in the United States in the nineteenth century were haunted by the prospect that unprecedented change in the nation's economy would bring social chaos. The word "Prospect" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) regret(B) possibility(C) theory(D) circumstance058. Although the birth rate continued to decline from its high level of the eighteenth and early nineteenth century, the population roughly doubled every generation during the rest of the nineteenth centuries. As the population grew, its makeup also changed. The word "roughly" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) harshly(B) surprisingly (C) slowly(D) approximately059. Rapid industrialization and increased geographic mobility in the nineteenth century had special implications for women because these changes tended to magnify social distinctions. As the roles men and women played in society became more rigidly defined, so did the roles they played in the home.The word "magnify" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) solve(B) explain(C) analyze(D) increaseThe word "distinctions" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) differences(B) classes(C) accomplishments(D) characteristics060. In science, a theory is a reasonable explanation of observed events that are related. A theory often involves an imaginary model that helps scientists picture the way an observed event could be produced.The word "related" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) connected(B) described(C) completed(D) identified061. If observations confirm the scientists' predictions, the theory is supported.The word "supported" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) finished(B) adjusted(C) investigated(D) upheld062. The ice trade grew with the growth of cities. Ice was used in hotels, taverns, and hospitals, and by some forward-looking city dealers in fresh meat, fresh fish, and butter. The phrase "forward-looking" is closest inmeaning to which of following?(A) progressive(B) popular(C) thrifty(D) well-established063. Making an efficient icebox was not as easy as we might now suppose. In the early nineteenth century, the knowledge of the physics of heat, which was essential to a science of refrigeration, was rudimentary.The word "rudimentary" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) growing(B) undeveloped(C) necessary(D) uninteresting064. Aside from perpetuating itself, the sole purpose of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters is to "foster, assist and sustain an interest" in literature, music, and art.The word "sole" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) only(B) honorable(C) common(D) official065. One award subsidizes a promising American writer's visit to Rome. There is even an award for a very good work of fiction that failed commercially-once won by the young John Updike for The Poorhouse Fair and, more recently, by Alice Walker for In Love and Trouble.The word "subsidizes" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) assures(B) finances(C) schedules(D) publishes066. Committee membership rotates every year, so that new voices and opinions are constantly heard.The word "rotates" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) alternates (B) participates(C) decides(D) meets067. One important line of evidence comes from flaking patterns of stone cores used in tool making: implements flaked with a clockwise motion (indicating a right-handed toolmaker) can be distinguished from hose flaked with a counter-clockwise rotation (indicating a left-handed toolmaker) .The word "implements" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) tools(B) designs(C) examples(D) pieces068. Even scratches found on fossil human teeth offer clues. Ancient humans are thought to have cut meat into strips by holding it between their teeth and slicing it with stone knives, as do the present-day Inuit.The word "clues" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) solutions(B) details(C) damage(D) information069. The variation between the hemispheres corresponds to which side of the body is used to perform specific activities. Such studies, as well as studies of tool use, indicate that right-or left-sided dominance is not exclusive to modern Homo sapiens.The word "hemispheres" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) differences(B) sides(C) activities(D) studies070. Plants are subject to attack and infection by a remarkable variety of symbiotic species and have evolved a diverse array of mechanisms designed to frustrate the potential colonists.The phrase "subject to" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) susceptible to(B) classified by(C) attractive to(D) strengthened by071. The external surfaces of plants, in addition to being covered by an epidermis and a waxy cuticle, often carry spiky hairs known as trichomes, which either prevent feeding by insects or may even puncture and kill insect larvae.The word "puncture" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) pierce(B) pinch(C) surround(D) cover072. Orchids are unique in having the most highly developed of all blossoms, in which the usual male and female reproductive organs are fused in a single structure called the column. The word "fused" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) combined(B) hidden(C) fertilized(D) produced073. To lure their pollinators from afar, orchids use appropriately intriguing shapes, colors, and scents. At least 50 different aromatic compounds have been analyzed in the orchid family, each blended to attract one, or at most a few, species of insects or birds.The word "lure" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) attract(B) recognize(C) follow(D) help074. Once the right insect has been attracted, some orchids present all sorts of one-way obstacle courses to make sure it does not leave until pollen has been accurately placed or removed.The word "placed" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) estimated (B) measured(C) deposited(D) identified075. By such ingenious adaptations to specific pollinators, orchids have avoided the hazards of rampant crossbreeding in the wild, assuring the survival of species as discrete identities. At the same time they have made themselves irresistible to collectors.The word "discrete" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) complicated(B) separate(C) inoffensive(D) functional076. The public school system suddenly found itself overtaxed. While the number of schoolchildren rose because of wartime and postwar conditions, these same conditions made the schools even less prepared to cope with the flood.The word "overtaxed" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) well prepared(B) plentifully supplied(C) heavily burdened(D) charged too much077. Therefore, in the 1950's and 1960's, the baby boom hit an antiquated and inadequate school system. Consequently, the "custodial rhetoric" of the 1930's and early 1940's no longer made sense; that is, keeping youths aged sixteen and older out of the labor market by keeping them in school could no longer be a high priority for an institution unable to find space and staff to teach younger children aged five to sixteen.The word "inadequate" is closest in meaning to which of following?(A) deficient(B) expanded(C) innovative(D) specialized078. With the baby boom, the focus of educators and of laymen interested in education inevitably turned toward the lower。