Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander 教案讲义




a life by choice, out of principle → natural, healthy, independent
a life as slaves of their possessions → artificial, anxious, loss of virtue
Text Analysis
Diogenes and Alexander
Unit 4
Character Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Text Analysis
Text Analysis
Character Analysis
Other people: half-men
Diogenes: the beggar (paras. 1-3)
Warming up
Check-on Preview
Live without conventions, which are artificial and false; escape complexities and extravagances: only so can you live a free life. (para. 4) His life’s aim was clear to him: it was “to restamp the currency”: to take the clean metal of human life, to erase the old false conventional markings, and to imprint it with its true values. (para. 5)
2. Writing: comparison and contrast • Diogenes—Alexander • Diogenes—other beggars/hermits/philosophers • Alexander—other Macedonians (officers & officials) Here, the alternating comparison/contrast (subject by subject) is used.


➢ Both Diogenes and Alexander lived in ancient Greece more than years ago, and their stories, especially their dramatic encounter heve been told to this day. Great literate never dies. It has eternal charm. It is the same with many historical figures discussed in history. Many of them, though born and brought up hundreds or even thousands of years ago, still have direct bearing on today's realities.
➢ They have eternal importance. In fact as time goes on their revelance and importance may even increase. They never get out of date. They become part of the human inheritage we all treasure.
hand 用铲子掘取 n. a long deep spoon for holding food 勺子,铲子
Having no work to go to and no family to provide for, he was free. (para.1)
provide for a family = feed a family = raise a family



任教课程年月日Unit 4一、授课时间:第8、9周二.授课类型:理论课9课时;实践课3课时三.授课题目:Diogenes and Alexander四.授课时数:12五.教学目的和要求:通过讲授课文使大学生了解有关犬儒哲学的有关知识,学会用英语解释句子以到达学以致用的目的。


六.教学重点和难点:1〕背景知识的传授:Diogenes and Cynicism (doggishness);2〕文章的体裁分析及段落划分;3〕语言点的理解:Word study: account; possess; form; roll; elaborateGrammar Focus: The function of adverbial modifier in different sentences; Patterns: the first/second, ect./the next/last+to-infinitive; the first, ect. + who/that clause七.教学基本内容和纲要Part One Warm – up1.1 Warm-up Questions1.2 Define the following words and phrasesPart Two Background Information2.1 Differences and similarities between Diogenes and AlexanderPart Three Text Appreciation3.1 Text AnalysisTheme of the textStructure of the text3.2 Writing DevicesContrastDeveloping paragraphs by examplesOther ways of developing paragraphs?3.3 Sentence ParaphrasePart Four Language Study4.1 Phrases and ExpressionsWord list:4.1.2 Phrases and expressions list:Word Building4.2 Grammar任教课程年月日ObjectPart Five Extension5.1 Group discussion八、教学方法和措施本单元将运用黑板、粉笔、多媒体网络辅助教学设备等教学手段,主要采用以学生为主体、教师为主导的任务型、合作型等教学模式,具体运用教师讲授法、师生讨论、生生讨论等方法进行教学。

Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander教学教材

Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander教学教材

➢ The first philosopher to outline these themes was Antisthenes (安提西尼), a pupil of Socrates in the late 5th century BC.
➢ He was followed by Diogenes of Sinope. ➢ Diogenes took Cynicism to its logical extremes and ➢ was followed by Crates of Thebes (克拉特斯). ➢ It disappeared in the late 5th century ➢ although some have claimed that early Christianity adopted
Diogenes and Alexander
Gilbert Highet
Diogenes and Alexander Unit 4
➢ Diogenes (412 – 324 BC): Greek cynic philosopher ➢ lived in a tub ➢ nicknamed “the dog” ➢ emphasized self-sufficiency and need for natural, uninhibited
➢ Plato (429 – 347 BC): Athenian philosopher, a disciple of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle.

Diogenes and Alexander第奥真尼斯和亚历山大大帝备课讲稿

Diogenes and Alexander第奥真尼斯和亚历山大大帝备课讲稿
❖ 他还是亚里士多德的弟子,是一位智慧非凡的人,一般认为,亚历山 大是位颇受人喜爱的人物。他认识到了非希腊人不一定是野蛮人,这 确实表现了他远比当时的90大%多数希腊思想家更具有远见卓9识6%。他对被
❖ 击 亚败 历的 山敌 大15人对% 经他常的5给同0%予代无人微有不着至极其的广关泛怀的、影爱35响护%,和从慰长藉7%远。的观点来看,亚 历山大远征客观上促进了东西方的文化交流。在希腊文化时代(亚历山
苦乐无T动ex于t in衷he。re
Text in hee
Text in here
Text in here
❖ 其主要教条是,人要摆脱世俗的利益而追求唯一值得拥有
Text in here
Text in here
❖ 倡导尽量少的改变自然,与自然和谐共处。不因人的过多 需求去改造自然,追求清静无为,小国寡民。
❖ 古代马其顿国王腓力二 世之子。
❖ 亚里士多德的学生之一。
20岁继承王位 13岁随父出征
建立帝国 建立帝国
33岁去世 33岁去世
❖ 他足智多谋,智勇双全,在11年的奋战中,他从 未打过一次败仗。
❖ 在担任马其顿国王的短短13年中,以其雄才大略。 东征西讨,先是确立了在全希腊的统治地位,后 又灭亡了波斯帝国。在横跨欧、亚的辽阔土地上, 建立起了亚历山大帝国。创下了前无古人的辉煌 业绩,促进了东西方文化的交流和经济的发展, 对人类社会的进展产生了重大的影响。
高“呼犬A“儒像 主狗 义一 ”样 (BC活y着n”ici。sCm人)们。把他他的们哲的学哲思学想叫为做


Text in here
Text in here
Text in here philoso pher
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mission ary
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Tet in here
Text inhere Text in here
❖ He was born in Sinope(modern-day Sinope,Turkey)and died at Corinth科林斯(希腊古 城)。
❖ His father was a banker.
General Introduction
❖It is said that Diogenes aided his father in the banking business,and he became embroiled in a scandal involving the adulteration or defacement of the currency,and Diogenes was exiled from the city.From then,he lived in streets of Corinth , Athens ;And he became the prototype of Cynicism.
拉人底应的当Te学摒xt 生弃in 安一he提切re 西世尼俗(的A事n物ti,st包h括en宗e教s)、创礼Te立x节t。i、n本h惯e意r常e是的指衣
苦乐无T动ex于t in衷he。re
Text in hee


• 犬儒一词的演变证明,从愤世嫉俗到玩世不恭,其间只有一步之差。
Alexander the Great
古代马其顿国王,亚历山大帝国皇帝 世界古代史上著名的军事家和政治家 亚里士多德的学生之一 人物死因及人物评论
Alexander III
亚历山大大帝(公元 前356-前323年) ,古代马其顿国王, 亚历山大帝国皇帝, 世界古代史上著名的 军事家和政治家。
give wealth to others, hope to herself, she will bring me endless wealth
Thank You!
大灾难来临的前兆,此时有一人却说:“女神殿的焚毁日,已有一个男孩在同日诞生,此儿以后 将要灭亡全亚洲。”
• 他还是亚里士多德的弟子,是一位智慧非凡的人,一般认为,亚历山大是位颇受人喜爱 的人物。他认识到了非希腊人不一定是野蛮人,这确实表现了他远比当时的大多数希腊
思想家更具有远见卓识。他对被击败ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ敌人经常给予无微不至的关怀、爱护和慰藉。
• 犬儒主义是一种带着厌倦情绪的负面态度,对于他人行为的动机与诚信都 采取一种不信任的态度。





六.教学重点和难点:1)背景知识的传授:DiogenesandCynicism(doggishness);2)文章的体裁分析及段落划分;3)语言点的理解:Wordstudy:account;possess;form;roll;elaborateGrammarFocus:Thefunctionofadverbialmodifierindifferentsentences;Patterns:the first/second,ect./thenext/last+to-infinitive;thefirst,ect.+who/thatclause七.教学基本内容和纲要PartOneWarm–up1.1Warm-upQuestions1.2DefinethefollowingwordsandphrasesPartTwoBackgroundInformation2.1DifferencesandsimilaritiesbetweenDiogenesandAlexanderPartThreeTextAppreciation3.1TextAnalysis3.1.1Themeofthetext3.1.2Structureofthetext3.2WritingDevices3.2.1Contrast3.2.2Developingparagraphsbyexamples3.2.3Otherwaysofdevelopingparagraphs?3.3SentenceParaphrasePartFourLanguageStudy4.1PhrasesandExpressions4.1.1Wordlist:4.1.2Phrasesandexpressionslist:4.1.3WordBuilding4.2Grammar4.2.1ObjectPartFiveExtension5.1Groupdiscussion八、教学方法和措施本单元将运用黑板、粉笔、多媒体网络辅助教学设备等教学手段,主要采用以学生为主体、教师为主导的任务型、合作型等教学模式,具体运用教师讲授法、师生讨论、生生讨论等方法进行教学。


因为妻子和财宝被夺,墨涅依斯召集众多英 雄,围城十年,眼看希腊就要被特洛伊打败。 在最终关头,他们想出了木马屠城这一招, 反败为胜。海伦也被墨涅依斯带回了希腊。 特洛伊战争就此结束。
Achigy, Achilles was aGreek hero of the Trojan War and the central character and greatest warrior of Homer's Iliad. Achilles’ most notable feat during the Trojan War was the slaying(杀戮) of the Trojan hero Hector outside the gates of Troy.Achilles was invulnerable in all of his body except for his heel. Because of his death from a small wound in the heel, the term Achilles‘ heel has come to mean a person’s point of weakness. 阿喀琉斯:荷 马史诗《伊利亚特》中旳英雄
(left) Alexander; (right) Diogenes
Nothing is known about his life, but his surviving Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers (《名哲言行录》)is a principal source for the history of Greek philosophy. He thought that all should live natually, for what is natural is normal and cannot possibly be evil or shameful. Live without conventions, which are artificial and false: escape complexities and extravagances(奢侈): only so can you live a free life.

大学英语Book3 U4 Diogenes and Alexander

大学英语Book3 U4 Diogenes and Alexander
Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander
To learn the words and phases To know more about the Western philosophers
and their doctrines To learn the writing skills (eg. contrast) to know more about the Chinese philosophers
Having no work to go to and no family to provide for, he was free. (para.1)
Provide for a family = feed a family = raise a family
…..he had strolled through it for an hour or two (para.1) v. To walk somewhere in a slow and relaxed way
--"I am Alexander, the great king." --"I am Diogenes the dog"
Diogenes was using his nickname to show his contempt for the titles others valued.
and make comments on their doctrines
New words learning Presentation Questions about text comprehension Text analysis

Diogenes and Alexander 现代大学英语课件

Diogenes and Alexander 现代大学英语课件
Lesson Ten
Diogenes and Alexander
Detailed Discussion of the Text
1. Introduction to Diogenes: (c.400---c.325 BC), Greek philosopher. The most famous of the Cynics, he lived ascetically in Athens (according to legend, he lived in a tub), and was accordingly nicknamed “dog”, from which the Cynics derived their name. He emphasized self-sufficiency and the need for natural, uninhibited behavior, regardless of sociare is used as a noun suffix. E.g. a few mouthfuls, a spoonful of honey; a glassful of beer
4. Everybody knew him, or knew of him: “to know of somebody” means you are quite familiar with the person whereas “to know of sb” means you have been told or you have read or heard about this person.
5. a mischievous pebble: this is an example of transferred epithet. It means a pebble from a mischievous person. “Amazed silence” (in Para 17) is another instance. More examples are:

Diogenes and Alexander 现代大学英语课件

Diogenes and Alexander 现代大学英语课件
by choice:
A. I did not become a teacher by choice. I was assigned to be a teacher as was the practice in our time. But soon I began to like my job.
B. Yue Fei did not withdraw his troops by choice. He was forced to do that by twelve successive imperial edicts.
18. In order to procure a quantity of false, perishable goods he has sold the only true, lasting good, his own independence: In order to get a certain amount of material properties or worldly possessions which actually have no value and will not last, he has allowed himself to be controlled by these things and has given away his own independence which is the only thing that is true and can last.
5. a mischievous pebble: this is an example of transferred epithet. It means a pebble from a mischievous person. “Amazed silence” (in Para 17) is another instance. More examples are:

Diogenes and Alexander第奥真尼斯和亚历山大大帝 ppt课件

Diogenes and Alexander第奥真尼斯和亚历山大大帝 ppt课件

Text in here
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Text in here philoso pher
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mission ary
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Tet in here
Text inhere Text in here
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Text in here
❖ 其主要教条是,人要摆脱世俗的利益而追求唯一值得拥有
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Text in here
❖ 倡导尽量少的改变自然,与自然和谐共处。不因人的过多 需求去改造自然,追求清静无为,小国寡民。
Diogenes and Alexander第奥真 尼斯和亚历山大大帝
Diogenes and Alexander第奥真尼斯和 亚历山大大帝
❖ 亚历山大大帝是亚里士多 德的弟子,他是一位智慧 非凡的人
❖ 亚历山大童年早期就显示 了在音乐和马术上的才华, 珍爱荷马诗歌,亚里士多 德给予他完整的口才和文 学训练,并且激发了他对 科学、医学和哲学的兴趣 。
Diogenes and Alexander第奥真尼斯和
❖ 随着犬儒理念的流行,犬儒主义的内涵发生了微妙 的根本变化。早期的犬儒主义者是根据自身的道德 原则去蔑视世俗的观念;后期的犬儒主义者依旧蔑 视世俗的观念,但是却丧失了赖为准绳的道德原则
❖ 早期的犬儒主义追求自然、本质,追求真理、美德 ,蔑视世俗,愤世嫉俗,是一种理想主义;后期的 犬儒派玩世不恭、丧失道德,对人情世故十分冷 漠,对一切十分绝望 是一种虚无主义
高“呼犬A“儒像 主狗 义一 ”样 (BC活y着n”ici。sCm人)们。把他他的们哲的学哲思学想叫为做



10-Unit-4-Diogenes-and-Alex ander-教案讲义任教课程年月日Unit 4一、授课时间:第8、9周二.授课类型:理论课9课时;实践课3课时三.授课题目:Diogenes and Alexander四.授课时数:12五.教学目的和要求:通过讲授课文使大学生了解有关犬儒哲学的有关知识,学会用英语解释句子以达到学以致用的目的。


六.教学重点和难点:1)背景知识的传授:Diogenes and Cynicism (doggishness);2)文章的体裁分析及段落划分;3)语言点的理解:Word study: account; possess; form; roll; elaborateGrammar Focus: The function of adverbial modifier in different sentences; Patterns: the first/second, ect./the next/last+to-infinitive; the first, ect. + who/that clause七.教学基本内容和纲要任教课程年月日Part One Warm – up1.1 Warm-up Questions1.2 Define the following words and phrasesPart Two Background Information2.1 Differences and similarities between Diogenes and AlexanderPart Three Text Appreciation3.1 Text Analysis3.1.1 Theme of the text3.1.2 Structure of the text3.2 Writing Devices3.2.1 Contrast3.2.2 Developing paragraphs by examples3.2.3 Other ways of developing paragraphs?3.3 Sentence ParaphrasePart Four Language Study4.1 Phrases and Expressions4.1.1 Word list:4.1.2 Phrases and expressions list:4.1.3 Word Building任教课程年月日4.2 Grammar4.2.1 ObjectPart Five Extension5.1 Group discussion八、教学方法和措施本单元将运用黑板、粉笔、多媒体网络辅助教学设备等教学手段,主要采用以学生为主体、教师为主导的任务型、合作型等教学模式,具体运用教师讲授法、师生讨论、生生讨论等方法进行教学。



Aristotle(384 BC – 322 BC)was a Greek philosopher and polymath(博学的人), a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. His writings cover many subjects, including physics, metaphysics(形而上学), poetry, theater, music, logic, rhetoric(修辞学), linguistics(语言学), politics, government, ethics( 伦理学), biology, and zoology. Together with Plato and Socrates (Plato's teacher), Aristotle is one of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy. Aristotle's writings were the first to create a comprehensive system of Western philosophy, encompassing ethics, aesthetics, logic, science, politics, and metaphysics.
第 欧 根 尼
Plato(428/427 BC[a] – 348/347 BC) was a philosopher in Classical Greece. He was also a mathematician, student of Socrates(苏格拉底), and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. Along with his mentor, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle, Plato helped to lay the foundations of Western philosophy and science.



Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexanderbeard: hair that grows around a man's chin and cheeksmustache: hair that grows on a man's upper lipbearded: adj. having beardblock● a block of ice●She took the dog for a walk around the block.●Lack of training acts as a block to progress in a career.● A fallen tree is blocking the road.●tried to get through, but there were too many people blocking my way.●Can you move? You're blocking my light.●The huge building across the street blocked our view of the sea.elaborate: adj. very complicated and detailed; carefully prepared and organized●pure silks embroidered with elaborate patterns●an elaborate computer systemelaborately: adv. an elaborately decorated roomelaborate: v. to give more details or new information about something●He said he had new evidence, but refused to elaborate any further.elaborate on●McDonald refused to elaborate on his reasons for resigning.elegant(1)beautiful, attractive, or graceful● a tall, elegant young woman●an elegant room / restaurant(2)(of a plan or an idea) clever but simple●an elegant solution to the problemfountain(1) a structure from which water is pushed up into the air, used for example as decoration in a garden or park(2) a flow of liquid, or of something bright and colourful that goes straight up into the airfountain of● A fountain of blood was pouring from his chest.● A fountain of sparks shot high into the night sky.(3) a fountain of sth (written): a source or supply of something●Tourism is a fountain of wealth for the city.guffaw: to laugh loudlyother words to describe “laugh”half-nakedhalf-bloodedhalf-brother/sisterhalf-breedhalf-heartedlunatic: n. someone who behaves in a crazy or very stupid way; adj. extreme or dangerousmonarch: n. a king or queenmonarchy: the system in which a country is ruled by a king or queen; a country that is ruled by a king or queen●constitutional monarchy systemmonarchic/ monarchical adj.●the old monarchical systemnudge(1)to push sb gently, especially with your elbow, in order to get their attention●He nudged me and whispered, “Look who's just come in.”(2)to move forward slowly by pushing gentlynudge your way to/through etc (sth)●I started to nudge my way to the front of the crowd.oliveolive tree/groveolive oilolive greenolive brancholive skin/complexionprivate n./adj.I need to speak to you in private.Saving Private Ryanprivate enterpriseprivate jokeprivate detective/eyeprivacy: n.scant: very little or not enoughscant regard: Peter had shown scant regard for her feelings.scant attention: Jen paid scant attention to their conversation.scoop/ladle/dipper/spoon (the Big Dipper)scratchHe was scratching at the bites on his arm.Don't worry; the cat won't scratch you.This crisis has politicians scratching their heads and wondering what to do.He had built the business up from scratch.squat v.(1)to sit with your knees bent under you and your bottom just off the ground, balancing on your feet●He squatted down beside the little girl.(2)to live in a building or on a piece of land without permission and without paying rentn.(1) a squatting position of the body(2) a building that people are living in without permission and without paying rent: to live in a squatsquatter n.stroll v./n. to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way●She strolled over to join them.●Let's go for a stroll.Sweat v.(1)to have drops of salty liquid coming out through your skin because you are hot, ill, frightened, or doing exerciseI was sweating a lot despite the air-conditioning.Within minutes she was sweating profusely /heavily.He was sweating buckets (= a lot).(2)to work very hardThey sweated and saved for ten years to buy a house.I sweated blood to get that report finished.知识改变命运。

unit4 Diogenes and Alexander

unit4 Diogenes and Alexander
Unit 4 Diogenes and Alexander
--------The development of Cynicism 安提西尼
---------The development of Cynicism 戴奥真尼斯
-------information of Alexander -------influence of Alexander
in its original form, refers to the beliefs of an ancient school of Greek philosophers known as the Cynics. Their philosophy was that the purpose of life was to live a life of Virtue in agreement with Nature. This meant rejecting all conventional desires for wealth, power, health, and fame, and by living a simple life free from all possessions. As reasoning creatures, people could gain happiness by rigorous training and by living in a way which was natural for humans. They believed that the world belonged equally to everyone, and that suffering was caused by false judgments of what was valuable and by the worthless customs and conventions which surrounded society. Many of these thoughts were later absorbed into Stoicism斯多葛 哲学 .
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Unit 4一、授课时间:第8、9周二.授课类型:理论课9课时;实践课3课时三.授课题目:Diogenes and Alexander四.授课时数:12五.教学目得与要求:通过讲授课文使大学生了解有关犬儒哲学得有关知识,学会用英语解释句子以达到学以致用得目得。


六.教学重点与难点:1)背景知识得传授:Diogenes and Cynicism (doggishness);2)文章得体裁分析及段落划分;3)语言点得理解:Word study: account; possess; form; roll; elaborateGrammar Focus: The function of adverbial modifier in different sentences; Patterns: the first/second, ect、/the next/last+to-infinitive; the first, ect、+ who/that clause七.教学基本内容与纲要Part One Warm – up1、1 Warm-up Questions1、2 Define the following words and phrasesPart Two Background Information2、1 Differences and similarities between Diogenes and AlexanderPart Three Text Appreciation3、1 Text Analysis3、1、1 Theme of the text3、1、2 Structure of the text3、2 Writing Devices3、2、1 Contrast3、2、2 Developing paragraphs by examples3、2、3 Other ways of developing paragraphs?3、3 Sentence ParaphrasePart Four Language Study4、1 Phrases and Expressions4、1、1 Word list:4、1、2 Phrases and expressions list:4、1、3 Word Building4、2 Grammar4、2、1 ObjectPart Five Extension5、1 Group discussion八、教学方法与措施本单元将运用黑板、粉笔、多媒体网络辅助教学设备等教学手段,主要采用以学生为主体、教师为主导得任务型、合作型等教学模式,具体运用教师讲授法、师生讨论、生生讨论等方法进九.作业,讨论题,思考题完成课后练习;多瞧英语报刊杂志及英语经典小说,扩大阅读量;精听与泛听相结合,逐步提高自己得听力水平;积极参加英语角等有助于提高英语口语得活动;坚持用英语写日记;做一些专四相关练习;十.参考资料:1)杨立民主编,《现代大学英语精读》(3)第二版,学生用书。





上海:上海外语教学研究出版, 1999。




6)Judy Pearsall主编,《新牛津英语词典》。






9)张道真,温志达, 《英语语法大全》上、下卷。


十一、课后小结Unit 4 Diogenes and AlexanderPart One Warm – up1、1 Warm-up Questions1、What does the author tell us about Diogenes? Who was he? What was his philosophy? What did he think was the problem with people? How did he intend to help them? What were the key values he promoted? How, in his opinion, could we find true happiness?2、What does the author tell us about Alexander? What did this king have in common with Diogenes, the beggar? Why was Alexander considered a man of destiny?3、How would you contrast the two characters? Why did Alexander decide to visit Diogenes? What did Diogenes really mean when he said that Alexander was blocking the sunlight?1、2 Define the following words and phrases1、a mischievous pebble2、elaborate3、by design4、restrained5、chivalrousPart Two Background Information2、1 Differences and similarities between Diogenes and Alexander1、Who was Diogenes?A beggarA philosopher2、Doctrine: Cynicismthe doctrine that scorned worldly needs and pleasures and held that virtue was the key to the only good 3、Cynicism in modern sense:the belief of a cynic, who maintains that people are all motivated by selfishness, that no one will help others for good and sincere reasons4、What are the major tenets (principles) of Cynicism? Do you find any expressions of these principles in the text?self-sufficiencyshamelessnessoutspokennessperfection of virtue5、AlexanderMacedonian King: son of PhilipThe Thinker: student of AristotleThe Conqueror: Greece, Asia, EgyptWhy do you think he wanted to bring so many regions under his rule?the Great EmpirePart Three Text Appreciation3、1 Text Analysis3、1、1 Character AnalysisThere are contrasts within the broad contrast、How did Diogenes contrast with ordinary homeless people?Diogenes: the philosopher (para、4)“A Socrates gone mad”:repositioning of convention below nature and reasonThree key principles:living in accord with naturetotal disregard of conventionindependence (freedom) being the only true, lasting goodDiogenes: the missionary (para、5)Comparison with ordinary hermitsSimilarities:Both grew tired of human society with its complications and wanted to live simply、Differences:hermitswent away to live simply—on a small farm, in a quiet village or a caveDiogeneshad a sense of mission, deliberately chose to live in the busy streets in Athens or Corinth, in order to convert peopleWhat was his mission?“to restamp the currency”call people back to the natural way of life—true lifeDiogenes: ways of teaching (para、6)How did Diogenes differ from other philosophers of his time?Plato:taught his private pupils in his Academy, which he founded as one of the earliest centers of advanced learning in the world、Aristotle:taught his own private pupils by the use of laboratory, instruments, and specimens、Diogenes:taught all those who would care to listen by his own example or by taking people around him for examples、He carried a lighted lamp in broad daylight and inspected the face of everyone he met、“When you are all so busy, I feel I ought to do something!”Alexander: citizen of the world (paras、11-13)1、King: different from other Macedoniansdrinking?women?fighting?2、Thinker: Aristotle’s pupil, he learnedculturephilosophyprinciples of scientific research3、Conquerortook command of the League of Greek Statescommander-in-chief of a new expedition against old, rich, corrupt AsiaThe Dramatic Encounter (paras、14-17)The differences and similarities between the two historical characters、Similarities1.Both were great thinkers、2.Both had a sense of mission、3.Both were “citizens of the world,” admiring the heroic figure of Hercules, who l abored formankind、4.Both were free、3、1、2 Structure of the textParas、1-10Diogenes (life, philosophy, mission, ways of teaching)Paras、11-13Alexander (a philosopher king with an inquiring, noble mind)Paras、14-17their dramatic encounterRelevant questions:1、Question: What do you know about the historical background of the people discussed in the essay?2、Question: What does the essay tell us about Diogenes and Alexander?3、Question:What is a possible reason for an author to take the time to write an essay like this describing people who are long dead and gone?4、Question: How is the essay structured?5、Question:Try to find more information about these two historical figures to share with your classmates、6、Question: Underline the parts of the text that you find particularly well-put and interesting、7、Question: Be ready to give comments on the essay、3、2 Writing Devices1 Comparison & Contrast →examplesuse transitional words or expressions to make comparison and achieve unity: not so (para、5), the other…but for… (para、6)He was one, but not the other、(para、1)Not so Diogenes、(para、5)But for Diogenes, … (para、6)…Alexander was far older and wiser than his years、(para、12)Like all Macedonians he loved… (para、12)…he was a magnificent co mmander, but he was not merely a military automaton、(para、12)Only Diogenes, although he lived in Corinth, did not visit the new monarch、(para、13)Diogenes merely sat up…Diogenes said nothing、(para、14)He understood Cynicism as the others could not、(para、17)Like Diogenes, he admired… (para、17)…who labored to help mankind while all others toiled… (para、17)use transitional paragraph to achieve coherence2、Parallelismachieve increased strength, sounding more powerful, more effective, e、g、para、143、Euphemisme、g、done his business, natural acts4、Transferred Epitheta figure of speech that carries the modifier across and puts it on to another word which is not normally modified by it, so as to stress the emotions or feelingse、g、a mischievous pebble (para、1) (It is Diogenes, not the pebble, that is mischievous、); amazed silence (para、17) (It is the crowd, not the silence, that is amazed、)5、Analogye、g、drawing a parallel between “change the values” and “restamp the currency” (para、5)3、3 Sentence Paraphrase1、Sometimes they threw bits of food, and got scant thanks; sometimes a mischievous pebble, and got a shower of stones and abuse、(para、1)Sometimes people would throw bits of food to him, but he hardly thanked them at all、Sometimes they would throw a pebble at him for fun, but get a shower of stones and a stream of abuse in return、2、His life’s aim was clear to him: it was “to restamp the currency”: to take the clean metal of human life, to erase the old false conventional markings, and to imprint it with its true values、(para、5)His purpose in life was clear to him: it was “to reprint the coins、” Human life can be taken as the clean coins which are imprinted with false markings、He was to remove the false markings and print the true values on it、In other words, his aim in life was to call on people to reject the false, conventional way of life and return to the simple and natural life、3、He had done his business like a dog at the roadside、He had emptied his bowels or passed water like a dog at the roadside、4、He was not the first to inhabit such a thing、But he was the first who ever did so by choice, out of principle、He was not the first to live in a cask、But he was the first who ever did so because he wanted to,not by necessity, not being forced to、He based it on a principle、5、But he taught chiefly by examplesDiogenes also taught by talking to people, but he mainly taught by setting an example for others to learn from、6、In order to procure a quantity of false, perishable goods he has sold the only true, lasting good, his own independence、In order to get a certain amount of material property or worldly possessions which actually have no value and will not last, he has allowed himself to be controlled by these things and has given away his own independence which is the only thing that is true and can last、7、Only twenty, Alexander was far older and wiser than his years、Alexander looked far older than a man of his age normally does, and was much wiser than a manof his age normally is、8、Live without conventions, which are artificial and false; escape complexities and extravagances…(para、4)Live simply and freely、Pay no attention to conventions, which are unnatural and useless、Avoid or get rid of all those unnecessary things that make our life complicated and wasteful…9、They possess him、He is their slave、In order to procure a quantity of false, perishable goods he has sold the only true, lasting good, his own independence、(para、4)They own and control him、He is their slave、In order to get some goods that have no true value and will be useless very soon, he has sold the only true, lasting good, his own independence、10、His life’s aim was clear to him: it was “to restamp the currency”…(para、5)He knew very well what he lived for: it was to change people’s values, to make them know the true meaning of life…12、He was the man of the hour, of the century…(para、13)He was the most popular/important/successful person at this particular moment or this century…Part Four Language Study4、1 Phrases and Expressions1.Having no work to go to and no family to provide ____, he was free、(para、1)provide for:give sb the things that they need to live, such as food, clothingTranslation她要供养她年迈得父母以及两个正在上学得妹妹。
