



外科学英语病历书写常用词汇1. 主诉chief complaint:weakness, malaise, chills, fever, sleep, pain, headache, appetite, weight, stomach and bowels, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, urine, genitalia, neuropsychiatric disorders, respiration, shortness of breath, bleeding or discharge, etc.2. 现病史present illness:onset(date, mode), duration before present entry, exciting cause and environmental influences, prodromal symptoms, general symptoms, course or progress( location, duration, severity, continuity, intermission, radiation, treatment), aggravating and alleviating factors, loss of weight, appetite and strength, sleep, bowel movement, frequency of urination, menstruation, etc.3.既往史past history:1)former places of residence, previous stage of health( 健壮的robust,纤弱的delicate), experience with similar disease, immunity to infectious disease2)previous illness:麻疹measles, 腮腺炎mumps, 水痘chicken-pox, 百日咳pertussis, 流行性感冒influenza, 猩红热scarlet fever, 白喉diphtheria,伤寒typhoid fever, 支气管炎bronchitis, 肺炎pneumonia,脑炎encephalitis,脑膜炎meningitis,破伤风tetanus,小儿麻痹poliomyelitis,赤痢dysentery,霍乱cholera, 胸膜炎pleurisy,天花small-pox,疟疾malaria,结核病tuberculosis,黄疸病jaundice,过敏性反应allergy,etc3)venereal disease:specific symptoms, signs, and the disease by name, treatment.4)Accidents( date, any disability, sequelae), operation and hospitalization (date , procedure, name of hospital , physician, complications, bleeding tendency)4. 家族史family history:family tendency, presence of hereditary disorders, cancer, tuberculosis, mental disorder and nervous affection, rheumatism, diabetes, hypertension, cerebral vascular accident, hemophilia, syphilis, tumor, epilespsy, allergy, contact with diseased individuals, relationship of patient’s childhood and adult life, age, health condition, and cause of death of parents, grandparents, self , spouse, siblings , or relatives.5.个人史personal history:1)Social history:fears, metal status, education, financial condition, number of dependents, family harmony or fractious , hygienic condition at home2)Marital history:duration of marriage, 1st or 2nd marriage, age and death of spouse and children ,cause and age at time of death, number of children , pregnancies, 流产次数miscarriages, 死产数stillbirths3)occupational history:duration of employment, past work, exact nature of work, exposure to occupational hazards, whether work is satisfactory or not.4)Habits:alcohol, tobacco, narcotic, coffee, tea, appetite, food habits, regularity of meals, rapidity of eating , bowel movements, sleep, exercise, interests, etc.6.系统检查system review:1)General:nutrition, fever, night sweats, tremor, weight gain or loss, weakness, allergy.2)Skin:荨麻疹hives, rash, eczema3)Head:trauma, headache, loss of hair4)Eyes:vision, pain glasses diplopia.5)Ears:pain, discharge, deafness, tinnitus.6)Nose:obstruction, discharge, epistaxis, rhinitis.7)Mouth:teeth, lips, gums, tongue, disturbance in taste.8)Throat.:sore throat, tonsillitis, 脓性扁桃腺炎quinsy, dysphagia9)Neck:adenitis, goiter , rigidity10)Cardiorespiratory:palpitation, tachycardia, blood pressure, chest pain, dyspnea, cough , hemoptysis , seasonal cold, expectoration.11)Gastrointestinal:appetite, nausea, vomiting, distress(before or after meals), melena, colic, jaundice, fullness, hernia, hemorrhoid, constipation, diarrhea, frequency of bowel movement , heartburn, idiosyncrasies, relation of symptoms to eating, type and quantity of food12)Genito-urinary:dysuria, urinary frequency, dribbling , hematuria, pyuria, nocturia and volume, enuresis, incontinence, sores about external genitalia, symptoms suggestive of syphilis(mucous patches, falling hair), urethral discharge, exposure to venereal infection, obstetric history, catamenia(age of onset, date of last period, cycle and amount, periodicity , dysmenorrheal, menopause) leucorrhea, associated headache13)Neuromuscular:神经过敏nervousness, emotional stress, weakness, muscle or joint pains, convulsion, numbness, neuralgia, anesthesia, muscular atrophies or dysatrophies, deformities.。



Case Records表格式住院病历Biographical data:一般项目Name Age Sex Marital status Native placeRace姓名年龄性别婚否籍贯民族Occupation Date of admission Informant职业入院日期病史叙述者History病史Chief complaint:主诉History of present illness:现病史Past history:既往史previous health status: well ordinary bad infectious diseases平素健康状况良好一般较差传染病史immunizations allergies: N Y clinical manifestation: allergen:预防接种史过敏史无有临床表现过敏原trauma history: surgery history:外伤史手术史Review of systems: (Tick if positive, cross out if negative. If positive, youshould write down your disease history and brief course of diagnose and therapy)系统回顾(有打√无打×阳性病史应在下面空间内填写发病时间及扼要诊疗经过)Respiratory system:呼吸系统sore throat chronic cough sputum hemoptysis wheezing dyspnea chestpain咽痛慢性咳嗽咳痰咯血哮喘呼吸困难胸痛Cardiovascular system:循环系统palpitation dyspnea on exertion hemoptysis syncope edema of lower limbsprecordial pain hypertention心悸活动后气促咯血晕厥下肢水肿心前区痛高血压Digestive system:消化系统anorexia sour regurgitation belching nausea vomit abdominal distentionabdominal pain食欲减退反酸嗳气恶心呕吐腹胀腹痛constipation diarrhea hematemesis melena hematochezia jaundice便秘腹泻呕血黑便便血黄疸Urinary system:泌尿系统lumbago frequent micturition urgent micturition urodynia dysuria hematurianocturia腰痛尿频尿急尿痛排尿困难血尿夜尿polyuria oliguria facial edema多尿少尿面部水肿Hemopoietic system:造血系统fatigue dizziness blurred vision gingival bleeding subcutaneous hemorrhageostealgia epistaxis乏力头昏眼花牙龈出血皮下出血骨痛鼻衄Metabolic and endocrine system: 代谢及内分泌系统excessive appetite anorexia sweets cold intolerance polydipsia polyuriatremor hands change of character食欲亢进食欲减退多汗畏寒多饮多尿双手震颤性格改变obvious obesity emaciation hairiness hair losing pigmentation change ofsexual function amenorrhea显著肥胖消瘦多毛毛发脱落色素沉着性功能改变闭经Musculoskeleton system:肌肉骨骼系统floating arthralgia arthralgia swelling of joints deformities of joints myalgia atrophy of muscle游走性关节痛关节痛关节红肿关节变形肌肉痛肌肉萎缩Nervous system:神经系统dizziness headache vertigo syncope degeneration of memory visual disturbance insomnia头昏头痛眩晕晕厥记忆力减退视力障碍失眠disturbance of consciousness tremor spasm paralysis paresthesia意识障碍颤动抽搐瘫痪感觉异常Personal history: 个人史birthplace occupation sexual history:N Y smoking:N Y about yrs average pieces/d出生地职业冶游史无有吸烟无有约年平均支/日ceased for yrs alcohol intake:N occasional frequent about yrs average ml/d others:戒烟年嗜酒无偶有经常约年平均 ml/日其它Marital history:婚姻史marrying age companion’s state of health结婚年龄配偶健康状况Menstruation and Childbearing history:月经及生育史lasting for daysmenarche age cycle days date of last period (age of menopause)初潮每次持续时间(天) 周期(天) 末次月经时间 (绝经年龄) amount of flow: little normal large menstrual pain: N Y cycle: regular irregular经量少一般多痛经无有经期规则不规则pregnancy: times natural labor times abortions times premature delivery times stillbirths times妊娠次顺产胎流产胎早产胎死产胎difficult labor and its condition: 难产及病情Family history: (pay attention to the congenital diseases and communicable diseases related to the patient)家族史(注意与患者现病有关的遗传病和传染性疾病)father: still alive illness died cause of death mother: still alive illness died cause of death父健在患病已故死因母健在患病已故死因siblings: others:兄弟姐妹子女及其他Physical examination体格检查Vital signs: temperature °C pulse /min respiration /min blood pressure / mmHg生命体征体温°C 脉搏次/分呼吸 /分血压/ mmHgGeneral Appearance:一般状况development: ortho-sthenic type asthenic type sthenic type nutrition: well fairly poor cachexia发育正常不良超常营养良好中等不良恶病质facial features: normal acute chronic others expressions: natural painful anxious dreadful indifferent面容无病容急性慢性病容其他表情自如痛苦忧虑恐惧淡漠position: active semi-recumbent others gait: normal abnormal体位自主半卧位其他步态正常不正常consciousness: aware somnolence confusion stupor coma delirium cooperation: well badly神志清楚嗜睡模糊昏睡昏迷谵妄配合检查合作不合作Skin, mucous membrane: color: normal red pale cyanosis yellow pigmentation rash: N Y(type and distribution ) 皮肤粘膜色泽正常潮红苍白紫绀黄染色素沉着皮疹无有(类型及分布 )subcutaneous hemorrhage: N Y(type and distribution ) hair: normal scattering losing(position )皮下出血无有(类型及分布 )毛发分布正常稀疏脱落(部位)moisture and temperature: normal cold dry wet elasticity: normal reduced edema:N Y(position and degree)温度与湿度正常冷干湿弹性正常减退水肿无有(部位及程度 ) hepatic palm: N Y spider angioma: N Y(position numbers ) others:肝掌无有蜘蛛痣无有(部位数目 ) 其他:Lymphnodes:淋巴结Superficial lymph nodes: non-swelling swelling(position and characteristics )全身浅表淋巴结无肿大肿大(部位及特 )Head:头部cranium: size: normal large small deformity: N Y (oxycephaly squared skull deforming skull)头颅大小: 正常大小畸型无有 (尖颅方颅变形颅) others: tenderness mass sunk(position )其他异常压痛包块凹陷(部位 )eyes: eyelid: normal edema ptosis trichiasis conjunctive: normal hyperemia edema hemorrhage眼眼睑正常水肿下垂倒睫结膜正常充血水肿出血eye ball: normal exophthalmos depression tremor motion dysfunction(left right )眼球正常突出凹陷震颤运动障碍 (左右 )sclera: normal yellow cornea: normal abnormal(left right ) pupils: equal roundness巩膜无黄染黄染角膜正常异常 (左右 ) 瞳孔等圆same size unequal left cm, right cm reaction to light: normal delay(left right )等大不等左 cm , 右 cm 对光反射正常迟钝(左右 ) disappear(left right) others:消失 (左右 ) 其他ears: auricle: normal deformity fistula others(left right ) excretions of external canal: N Y(left right feature)耳耳廓正常畸型瘘管其他 (左右 ) 外耳道分泌物无有(左右性质)tenderness of mastoid: N Y (left right ) audition dysfunction: N Y (left right )乳突压痛无有(左右 ) 听力障碍无有 (左右 )nose: shape: normal abnormal( ) other abnormalities: N Y nasal ale flap obstruction excretions鼻外形正常异常( ) 其他异常无有鼻翼扇动鼻塞分泌物nasal sinus tenderness: N Y (position )鼻窦压痛无有 (部位 )mouth: lips: red cyanosis pale herpes fissure mucous: normal abnormal(pale bleeding)口唇红润发绀苍白疱疹皲裂粘膜: 正常异常 (苍白出血点) opening of parotid gland duct: normal abnormal (swelling pyogenicexcretions )腮腺导管开口正常异常 (肿胀脓性分泌物 ) tongue: normal abnormal(coverings tremor leaning to left or right) gums: normal swelling pus overflow舌正常异常 (舌苔伸舌震颤向左、右偏斜) 牙龈正常肿胀溢脓hemorrhage pigments lead line teeth: regular edentulous carious teeth false tooth出血色素沉着牙列齐缺牙龋牙义牙tonsils: pharynx: voice: normal hoarse扁桃体咽声音正常嘶哑Neck: resistance: N Y carotid artery pulsation: normal increased decreased(left right )颈部抵抗感无有颈动脉搏动正常增强减弱 (左右 ) jugular vein: normal distention high distention trachea: middle deviation to (left right )颈静脉正常充盈怒张气管正中偏移 (向左向右 ) hepatojugular reflux:(-)(+)thyroid: normal swelling degree symmetry dominance in one side:肝颈静脉回流征(-)(+)甲状腺正常肿大度对称侧为主spreading nodular: soft hard others: N Y (tenderness tremor bruits )弥漫性结节性质软质硬其他异常无有( 压痛震颤血管杂音)Chest: topography: normal barrel chest flat chest pigeon chest funnel chest bulging or retraction(left right )胸部胸廓正常桶状胸扁平胸鸡胸漏斗胸膨隆或凹陷(左右 )bulging in the precordial region tenderness of sternum心前区膨隆胸骨压痛breast: normal symmetrical abnormal: left right(gynecomastia mass tenderness excretions of nipples)乳房正常对称异常左右 (男子乳房发育包块压痛乳头分泌物) Lung:肺inspection: movement of respiration: normal abnormal: left right(increased decreased)视诊呼吸运动正常异常: 左右 (增强减弱) intercostal space: normal wide narrow(position )肋间隙正常增宽变窄 (部位 )palpation: vocal fremitus: normal abnormal: left right(increased decreased) pleural friction rubs: N Y(position )触诊语颤正常异常: 左右 (增强减弱) 胸膜摩擦感无有(部位 ) percussion: resonance abnormal: dullness flatness hyperresonance tympany叩诊正常清音异常叩诊音浊音实音过清音鼓音lower borders: scapular line: right intercostal space left intercostal space 肺下界肩胛线右肋间左肋间range of mobility: right cm, left cm移动度右 cm , 左 cmauscultation: breath: regular irregular听诊呼吸规整不规整breath sound: normal abnormal(feature, position )呼吸音正常异常(性质,部位描写 )rales: N Y : ronchi: sonorous sibilant罗音无有干性鼾音哨笛音moist rales: coarse medium fine rales crepitus湿性大中小水泡音捻发音(部位见图)vocal conduction: normal abnormal: reduced increased语音传导正常异常减弱增强pleural friction rubs: N Y(position )胸膜摩擦音无有(部位 )Heart:心inspection: bulging in precordial region: N Y apex impulse: normal unseen increased diffusing视诊心前区隆起无有心尖搏动正常未见增强弥散position: normal deviation(the distance from midclavicular line cm)心尖搏动位置正常移位 (距左锁中线内外 cm)other precordial pulsations: N Y(position )其他部位搏动无有(部位 )palpation: apex impulse: normal increased thrust unclear thrills: NY(position period )触诊心尖搏动正常增强抬举感触不清震颤无有(部位时期 )pericardial friction rubs: N Y心包摩擦感无有percussion: relative cardiac outline: normal shrink extant(right left)叩诊相对浊音界正常缩小扩大(右左)right(cm) intercostal space left(cm)右(cm) 肋间左(cm)锁中线距前正中线距离(cm)auscultation: heart rate bpm/min rhythm(regular irregular absolutely irregular)听诊心率次/分心律 (齐不齐绝对不齐)heart sound: S1 normal increased decreased split S2 normal increased decreased split心音 S1 正常增强减弱分裂 S2 正常增强减弱分裂S3 N Y S4 N Y A2 P2S3 无有 S4 无有 A2 P2extra heart sound: N gallop(diastolic presystolic summation gallop) openingsnap others额外心音无奔马律(舒张期收缩期前重叠性) 开瓣音其他murmurs: N Y (degree conduction)杂音无有 (图示并描述强度、传导)apical region aortic area pulmonary area tricuspid area心尖部主A瓣区肺A瓣区三尖瓣区left sternal border in 3nd intercostal space pericardial friction rubs: N Y胸骨左缘第3肋间心包摩擦音无有Peripheral vessels: normal pistol shot: N Y Duroziez sign: N Y water hammerpulse: N Y周围血管无异常血管征枪击音无有杜柔双重音无有水冲脉无有capillary pulsation:N Y pulse deficit:N Y paradoxical pulse:N Y pulsus alternans:N Y other:毛细血管搏动无有脉搏短绌无有奇脉无有交替脉无有其他Abdoman:腹部inspection: shape:normal distention frog belly cm scaphoid abdomenapical belly视诊外形正常膨隆蛙腹(腹围 cm) 舟状腹尖腹gastric pattern intestinal pattern peristalsis abdominal respiration: exist disappear胃型肠型蠕动波腹式呼吸存在消失umbilicus: normal protruding excretions脐正常凸出分泌物others: N Y(venous distention of abdomen purple striae surgical scars hernia)其他异常无有 (腹壁静脉曲张条纹手术疤痕疝)palpation: soft muscle tension position tenderness: N Y rebound tenderness:N Y触诊柔软腹肌紧张部位压痛无有反跳痛无有fluid thrill: N Y succusion splash: N Y masses: N Y(position size )液波震颤无有振水音无有腹部包块无有(部位大小见图示) description of feature:特征描述liver: not touched be touched: subcostal cm肝未触及可触及: 肋下 cmdescription of feature:特征描述gallbladder: not touched be touched: size cm胆囊未触及可触及大小 cmtenderness: N Y Murphy's sign: (+) (-)压痛无有 Murphy征阳性阴性spleen: not touched be touched: from costal margin cm脾: 未触及可触及肋下 cmdescription of feature:特征描述kidney: not touched be touched: size consistency tenderness mobility肾未触及可触及大小硬度压痛移动度tenderness of ureters: N Y(position )输尿管压痛点无有(部位 )percussion: borders of liver dullness(exist shrink obliteration)叩诊肝浊音界 (存在缩小消失)upper border of liver: on right midclavicular line intercostal space肝上界位于右锁骨中线肋间shifting dullness: N Y tenderness in renal region: N Y(right left )移动性浊音无有肾区叩痛无有(左右 )auscultation: gurgling sound: normal increased decreased disappear vessel bruits: N Y(position )听诊肠鸣音正常亢进减弱消失血管杂音无有(部位 ) Genitalia: not examined normal abnormal:生殖器未查正常异常Rectum and Anus: not examined normal abnormal:肛门直肠未查正常异常Spine and Extremities:脊柱四肢spine: normal deformities(lateral anterior posterior protruding)脊柱正常畸型 ( 侧前后凸)acanthi: tenderness pain at percussion(position ) mobility: normal restricted棘突压痛叩痛 (部位 ) 活动度正常受限limbs: normal abnormal deformity swelling of joints joints stiffness tenderness of muscles四肢正常异常畸型关节红肿关节强直肌肉压痛atrophy of muscles venous distention of lower limbs(position and feature ) acropachy肌肉萎缩下肢静脉曲张 (部位及特征 ) 杵状指趾Nervous System:神经系统muscle tone(normal increase decrease paratonia) myodynamia(0 I II III IV V)肌张力( 正常增高减弱强直) 肌力 (0 I II III IV V级) paralysis of limbs: N Y(left right upper lower)肢体瘫痪无有 (左右上下)reflex: abdominal wall reflex(normal ) biceps reflex:left(normal )right(normal )神经反射腹壁反射 (正常 ) 肱二头肌反射左(正常 )右(正常 ) triceps reflex: left(normal ) right(normal ) patellar reflex: left(normal ) right (normal )肱三头肌反射左(正常 )右(正常 ) 膝反射左(正常 ) 右(正常 ) achilles reflex: left(normal ) right (normal )跟腱反射左(正常 )右(正常 )Hoffmann sign: left (+) (-) right (+) (-) Babinski sign: left (+) (-) right(+) (-) Oppenheim sign: left (+) (-) right(+) (-)Hoffmann征左(+) (-) 右 (+) (-) Babinski征左(+) (-) 右 (+) (-) Oppenheim 征左(+) (-) 右 (+) (-) Kernig sign: left (+) (-) right (+) (-) Brudzinski sign: left (+) (-) right(+) (-) others:Kernig征左(+) (-) 右(+) (-) Brudzinski征左 (+) (-) 右 (+) (-) 其他Laboratory findings实验室及器械检查结果(The important laboratory examinations,X-ray,ECG and other result are included),No. X-ray(重要的化验、X线、心电图及其它有关化验) X线片号Abstract病历摘要Diagnosis(Impressions)入院诊断Recorder(Signature)病史记录者(签字)Date of record记录日期。




Her abdomen was soft and nontender. Bowel sounds are present and within normal limits. There is no tenderness to palpation and no masses are felt. There is no hepatosplenomegaly. The abdomen was distended, and there was evidence of ascites. A surgical scar was present over the right lower quadrant. The liver edge descended 3.5 cm below the right costal margin; the spleen was not felt. There was pitting (++) edema of the right leg to the knee.

On neurologic examination,…… Normal on …… …… was intact. …… was grossly unaffected. Physical examination was within normal limits with no evidence of …… His score on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) (which ranges from 0 to 34, with higher scores indicating greater deficits) was 20. she appeared well.



双语病例——神经结节病朗读老师:Jane 天津某医院翻译老师:张翠浙江省立同德医院审校老师:姜春雷青岛市第九人民医院57-year-old woman with fatigue, weakness, headaches57 岁女性,疲劳、乏力、头痛History and MR images病史和磁共振图像History: A 57-year-old woman presents with progressive fatigue, weakness, and headaches.病史:一名 57 岁女性表现为进行性疲劳、乏力和头痛。

Axial T2-weighted, fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR), and precontrast T1-weighted MR images, as well as axial and coronal postcontrast T1-weighted images, are shown below. Click to enlarge.横断位 T2 加权、液体衰减反转恢复 (FLAIR) 和 T1 加权 MR 图像,以及横断位和冠状位增强 T1 加权图像如下所示。


Findings 结果MRI demonstrates innumerable punctate T2/FLAIR hyperintense, enhancing nodules in the centrum semiovale, corona radiata, basal ganglia, brainstem, and visualized upper cervical spine bilaterally. Many of these nodules appear near the deep penetrating vessels along the perivascular spaces.MRI 显示无数点状T2/FLAIR 高信号,双侧半卵圆中心、放射冠、基底神经节、脑干和上颈髓中强化的结节。



CNⅠ: Olfactory Nerve (嗅神经)Foster-Kennedy syndrome:Frontal lobe tumors cause optic atrophy on the side of the tumor, papilledema & smell on the opposite side.见于额叶底部肿瘤,表现为病变侧因肿瘤压迫而视神经萎缩,病变对侧因高颅压而视乳头水肿和嗅觉减退Optic Nerve (视神经)Clinical Correlation视力障碍&视野缺损•Optic nerve -Ipsilateral visual loss(同侧全盲)•Optic chiasm - Bitemporal hemianopsia (双颞侧偏盲)•Optic tract - Contralateral incongruous homonymous hemianopsia (对侧视野同向偏盲)•Optic radiations - Quadrantic field defect(象限盲)1.视辐射全损坏:对侧视野同向偏盲2.视辐射下部损害(颞叶):对侧视野同向上象限盲3.视辐射上部损害(顶叶):对侧视野同向下象限盲•Occiptal lobe - cortical blindness/Contralateral congruous homonymous hemianopia•对侧视野同向偏盲,对光反射存在& macular sparing黄斑回避Oculomotor Nerve/III (动眼神经)外侧核:上睑提肌&上直肌(上&内)/下直肌(下&内)/内直肌(内)/下斜肌(上&外)正中核:内直肌(辐辏运动)&调节反射)1.上睑下垂Ptosis2.外下斜视/分离性斜视Divergent strabismus3.瞳孔散大Dilated pupil4.调节反射&对光反射消失Loss of light and accommodation reflex5.复视DiplopiaTrochlear Nerve / IV (滑车神经)上斜肌:下&外Abducens paralysis/ VI (外展神经)外直肌:外Internuclear ophthalmoplegia核间性麻痹/medial longitudinal fasciculus syndrome内侧纵束综合征Reflects disconnection of the oculomotor nucleus from the contralateral lateral gaze centreWhen attempting to look the contralateral side, Ipsilateral eye fails to adduct, contralateral eye abduct with nystagmus, convengence reflex is normal.脑桥侧视中枢&动眼神经核之间内侧纵束上行纤维病变患侧眼不能内收,对侧眼球外展伴有眼震,辐辏反射正常2.后核间性眼肌麻痹脑桥侧视中枢&外展神经核之间内侧纵束下行纤维病变患侧眼不能外展,对侧眼球内收正常(伴有眼震?),辐辏反射正常3.一个半综合征one and a half syndrome一侧脑桥侧视中枢&对侧交叉来的内侧纵束同时受累患侧眼球不能内收&外展,对侧眼球不能内收,外展时伴有眼震Uppernuclear ophthalmoplegia核上性麻痹1.侧向凝视麻痹1)皮质侧视中枢(额中回后部)受损,双眼向病灶侧共同偏视Lobe gaze centre injure, fail to attempting to look the contralateral side.2)皮质下侧视中枢(脑桥)受损,双眼向病灶对侧共同偏视2.垂直凝视麻痹皮质下垂直同向运动中枢(上丘-上半司向上运动,下半司向下运动)受损,双眼垂直运动障碍;核上性麻痹共同特点:•No Diplopia 无复视•two eyes involved双眼同时受累;•reflex movement exist麻痹性眼肌的反射性运动仍保存(不能随意向一侧运动,但声响可产生转向该侧的反射活动)Horner’s syndromeThe descending sympathetic tract由颈上交感神经径路损害所致Lesions result in ipsilateral病变同侧:1.miosis / Small pupil瞳孔缩小d ptosis眼睑下垂3.hemi-anhidrosis / loss of sweating in lesion side损面无汗4.apparent enophthalmos眼球内陷Trigeminal Nerve三叉神经周围分布VS中枢分布Peripheral:眼支ophthalmic nerve &上颌支maxillary nerve &下颌支mandibular nerve,破坏性症状表现为分布区域痛觉、温觉、触觉均减弱或消失,角膜反射减弱或消失,咀嚼肌瘫痪Central:三叉神经脊束核(痛温觉),病变后表现为同侧面部呈剥洋葱样分离性感觉障碍,痛温觉缺失而触觉存在(部分三叉神经脊束核),咀嚼肌无力、萎缩、张口时下颌偏斜(三叉神经运动核)facial nerve 面神经双侧皮质脑干束调控:上部面肌-额肌&皱眉肌&眼轮匝肌对侧皮质脑干束调控:下部面肌-颧肌&颊肌&口轮匝肌&颈阔肌Vestibulocochlear Nerve 前庭蜗神经/位听神经Glossopharyngeal Nerve & Vagus Nerve舌咽神经&迷走神经Hypoglossal Nerve 舌下神经 上运动神经元&下运动神经元 瘫痪鉴别Cerebral hemisphere 大脑半球(额叶、顶叶、枕叶、颞叶、岛叶、边缘叶)Frontal lobe 额叶(主要与随意运动和高级精神活动有关,有运动中枢:中央前回-锥体束,运动前区-锥体外系) 1.Right hemiplegia 右侧偏瘫(中央前回运动中枢)2.head and eyes turned to the left头眼转向对侧损坏病灶(额中回后部侧视中枢) 3.inapproprite social behavior 行为异常,personality change 人格改变(额极损害)4.loss of initiative 定向力丧失, dementia 痴呆5.release of sucking and grasping reflexes 吮吸强握(对随意运动失去控制能力所致,额上回后部近中央前回) Grasp reflex & groping reflex 强握反射&摸索反射6.gait apraxia 共济失调步态/额叶性共济失调(运动前区的额-桥-小脑束,病变对侧下肢运动笨拙、步态蹒跚)7.sphincteric incontinence 二便失禁(旁中央小叶)8.Broca ’s expressive aphasia 运动性失语(优势半球额下回后部/Broca 区损害,表现为口语表达障碍,患者能理解语anosmia on the opposite side .见于额叶底部肿瘤,表现为病变侧因肿瘤压迫而视神经萎缩,病变对侧因高颅压而视乳头水肿和嗅觉减退Parietal lobe顶叶(感觉中枢、运用中枢、视觉语言中枢)1.hemihypoesthesia偏身感觉减退:复合性感觉为主的感觉障碍,如实体觉、位置觉、两点辨别觉、皮肤定位觉丧失,但一般感觉正常;刺激性病变则出现病灶对侧局限性感觉性癫痫发作2.astereognosis体象障碍(非优势半球受累,自体认识不能autotopagnosia&病觉缺失anosognosia)3.Gerstmann’s syndrome古兹曼综合征(优势半球顶叶角回损害,dyscalculia失算症/计算不能,finger agnosia手指/观念性/结构性/观念运动性)Temporal lobe颞叶(与听觉、语言、记忆和精神活动有关,包括听觉中枢、感觉性语言中枢、嗅味觉中枢)1. contralateral homonymous upper quandrantanopia对侧视野同向上偏盲(颞叶深部的视放射和视束受损)2. hearing impairments听觉障碍(颞横回听觉中枢),钩回发作(幻嗅&幻味)heterosmia嗅觉异常parageusia味觉异常(颞叶钩回嗅味觉中枢损害)Akinetic mutism无动性缄默症又称睁眼昏迷,患者对外界刺激无意识反应,四肢不能动,可呈不典型去脑强直状态,可无目的睁眼或眼球运动,觉醒-睡眠周期保留或睡眠过度,可伴高热、心律不齐、尿便潴留或失禁等自主神经功能紊乱,肌肉松弛,无锥体束征。



神经衰弱门诊病历模板范文英文回答:Neurasthenia, also known as nervous exhaustion or nerve weakness, is a medical condition characterized by physical and mental fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. It is often caused by prolonged stress, overwork, or emotional trauma. As a result, patients may experience symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, muscle aches, and digestive problems.When a patient comes to the neurology clinic with symptoms of neurasthenia, a comprehensive medical historyis taken to understand the underlying causes and triggers. This includes asking about the patient's lifestyle, work environment, and any recent stressful events. Additionally, a physical examination is conducted to rule out any other potential medical conditions that may be contributing to the symptoms.Once a diagnosis of neurasthenia is confirmed, a treatment plan is developed to address the patient'sspecific needs. This usually involves a combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle modifications. Medications such as antidepressants or anxiolytics may be prescribed to help manage symptoms and improve overallwell-being. Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapyor relaxation techniques, can also be beneficial inteaching patients coping mechanisms and stress management strategies.In addition to medical interventions, lifestyle modifications are crucial in the management of neurasthenia. This includes ensuring adequate rest and sleep, maintaining a balanced diet, and engaging in regular physical exercise. Patients may also benefit from incorporating stress-reducing activities into their daily routine, such as yoga, meditation, or hobbies they enjoy.It is important to note that the treatment of neurasthenia is highly individualized, as differentpatients may respond differently to various interventions.Therefore, regular follow-up appointments are necessary to assess the effectiveness of the treatment plan and make any necessary adjustments.In conclusion, neurasthenia is a medical condition characterized by physical and mental fatigue, often caused by prolonged stress or emotional trauma. A comprehensive medical history and physical examination are essential in diagnosing the condition, and treatment typically involvesa combination of medication, therapy, and lifestyle modifications. By addressing the underlying causes and providing appropriate support, patients can effectively manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being.中文回答:神经衰弱,也称为神经疲劳或神经衰弱,是一种以身体和精神疲劳、易怒和注意力不集中为特征的医学状况。



Case1:Brain trauma:epidural hematoma脑外伤:硬膜外血肿Case2:Brain trauma:epidural hematoma脑外伤:硬膜外血肿Case3:Brain trauma:chronic subdural hematoma脑外伤:慢性硬膜下血肿Case4:Posterior fossa subdural hematoma(PFSDH)in neonate新生儿后颅窝硬膜下血肿Case5:Astrocytoma o f frontal lobe额叶星形细胞瘤Case6:Glioblastoma multiforme of frontal lobe额叶多形胶母细胞瘤Case7:Glioblastoma multiforme located near motor cortex运动区附近的多形胶母细胞瘤Case8:Choroid plexus papilloma of third ventricle(transcallosal approach)三脑室脉络丛乳头状瘤(经胼胝体入路)Case9:Hypothalamic glioma丘脑下部胶质瘤Case10:Chiasmal glioma视交叉胶质瘤Case11:Meningioma of the anterior skull base前颅底脑膜瘤Case12:Olfactory groove meningioma嗅沟脑膜瘤Case13:Lateral sphenoid wing meningioma蝶骨嵴外侧脑膜瘤Case14:Medial sphenoid wing meningioma蝶骨嵴内侧脑膜瘤Case15:Sphenocavernous meningioma蝶骨嵴海绵窦脑膜瘤Case16:Recurrent meningioma involving the cavernous sinus 海绵窦复发性脑膜瘤Case17:Suprasellar meningioma鞍上脑膜瘤Case18:Tuberculum sellae-planum sphe noidale meningioma 鞍结节蝶骨平台脑膜瘤Case19:Meningioma of the left optic sheath左视神经鞘脑膜瘤Case20:Clivus meningioma斜坡脑膜瘤Case21:A recurrent inferior clival menin gioma(with far lateral approach)复发性斜坡下段脑膜瘤(远外侧入路)Case22:Petroclival meningioma岩斜脑膜瘤Case23:Petroclival middle fossa meningioma岩斜中颅窝脑膜瘤Case24Trigeminal meningioma三叉神经脑膜瘤Case25:Cerebellopontine angle meningioma(located anterior to the IAM)小脑桥脑角脑膜瘤(内听道前)Case26:Cerebellopontine angle meningioma(located posterior to the IAM)小脑桥脑角脑膜瘤(内听道后)Case27:Incisural meningioma小脑幕切迹脑膜瘤Case28:Jugular foramen meningioma颈静脉孔区脑膜瘤Case29:CraniospinaL meningioma颅颈交界部脑膜瘤30:Meningioma(C2-3)脊膜瘤(颈2~3)Case31:Pituitary adenoma(chromophobe type)垂体瘤(嫌色性)Case32:Pituitary macroadenoma in acro-megaly垂体大腺瘤伴肢端肥大症Case33:Pituitary macroadenoma in aero megaly垂体大腺瘤伴肢端肥大症case34:Recurrence of an extensive para-and suprasellar pituitary adenoma复发性鞍旁鞍上垂体瘤Case35:Pituitary adenoma(complicated by postoperative CCF)垂体瘤(术后并发颈动脉—海绵窦瘘)Case36:Pituitary chromophobe adenoma(oculomotor nerve repair using interposed nerve graft)垂体嫌色细胞腺瘤(用神经移植修复动眼神经)Case37:Large pituitary adenoma with very extensive intracranial growth垂体大腺瘤伴广泛颅内生长Case38:Entirely suprasellar symptomatic RathkcTs cleft cyst鞍上症状性Rathke裂囊肿Case39:Intraventricular craniopharyngi oma内颅咽管瘤脑室Case40:Craniopharyngioma with invasion of the third ventricle and obstructive hydrocephalus颅咽管瘤侵入第三脑室伴埂阻性脑积水Case41:Craniopharyngioma(spontaneous reduction)颅咽管瘤(自发消退)Case42:Trigeminal neurinoma三叉神经瘤Case43-Trigeminal neurinoma三叉神经瘤Case44;Neurofibroma of the infratemporal fossa颞下窝神经纤维瘤Case45:Neurinoma of the abducens nerve外展神经瘤Case46:Schwannoma in the petrous bone岩骨内神经鞘瘤Case47:Glossopharyngeal schwannoma舌咽神经鞘瘤Case48:Neurinoma of the jugular foramen颈静脉孔区神经瘤Case49:Neurinoma of the jugular foramen颈静脉孔区神经瘤Case50:Schwannoma located anterior to cervicomedullary junction 延颈髓交界处前方神经鞘瘤Case51:Epidermoid tumor of the cerebel lopontine angle小脑桥脑角表皮样肿瘤Case52:Epidermoid tumor of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus海绵窦侧壁表皮样肿瘤Case53:Cerebellopontine angle lipoma小脑桥脑角脂肪瘤Case54:Intracranial germ cell tumor颅内生殖细胞瘤Case55:Papillary adenoma of endolym phatic sac origin源自内淋巴囊的乳头状腺瘤Case56:Esthesioneuroblastoma of nasal cavity and adjacent paranasal sinuses 鼻腔和鼻旁窦感觉神经母细胞瘤Case57:Angiofibroma of paranasal sinu ses,nasopharynx and skull base鼻旁窦、鼻咽和颅底血管纤维瘤Case58:Intrinsic brainstem tumor(glioma)脑干肿瘤(胶质瘤)Case59:Brain stem tumor(astrocytoma)脑干肿瘤(星形细胞瘤)Case60:Brainstem tumor(hemangioblas toma)脑干肿瘤(血管母细胞瘤)I120TYPICAL CASES OF NEUROSURGERYCase1:Brain trauma:epidural hematoma脑外伤:硬膜外血肿A65-year-old right-handed man was transferred to the hospital approximately16hours after suffering head trauma with loss of consciousness in a motor-vehicle accident.Examination.General examination was remarkable for a left parietal scalp laceration,left hemotympanum,and right periorbital hematoma.Funduscopic examination was within normal limits.Neurological examination revealed an alert patient oriented to time and person but not to place.A mixed aphasia was present with expressive and conductive elements.Sensory examination was normal.There was left-sided weakness;however;the patient did have a positive Babinski sign on the left.The remainder of the neurological examination was normal.Skull films revealed a left parietal linear skull fracture.Course.The patient was admitted to the hospital for observation,and over the next24hours had modest but definite improvement in his aphasia.A CT scan was obtained approximately24hours after injury,and this reveals a left epidural hematoma with a3-mm shift of midline structures from left to right, and effacement of the left lateral ventricle.Because the patient had been improving neurologically,surgery was withheld pendin g any evidence of neurological deterioration.By the2nd day,the patient had complete resolution of his aphasia except for a very mild dysnomic component.Follow-up CT scan on the4th hospital day demonstrated no significant change from the performed24hours after admission.The patient continued to improve and was discharged asymptomatic following complete resolution of his neurological deficits and headaches on the6th hospital day.Repeat CT scans were obtained on the17th and30th postinjury day.These showed gradual but complete resolution of theepidural hematoma.Case2:Brain trauma:epidural hematoma脑外伤:硬膜外血肿A21-year-old man was transferred to the hospital3days after suffering a closed-head injury with loss of consciousness.On admission,the patient was complaining of severe right-sided headaches.Examination.The general examination demonstrated a right parietal laceration.Neurological examination showed a mild abnormality of recent memory,but was otherwise within normal limits.Plain films demonstrated a linear right temporal-parietal skull fracture.Course.The patient underwent CT scan on the day of admission.This revealed a right temporal-parietal epidural hematoma associated with a4-to4. 5-mm shift from right to left.Because the patient demonstrated no neurological deficit,he was treated nonoperatively.During the hospital course, the patient had steady and complete resolution of his headache.Repeat CT scan, 1week after admission,demonstrated persistent right epidural hematoma,with less shift than noted previously.The patient was discharged withoutneurological deficit,A third scan,repeated7weeks after injury,demonstrated complete resolution of the epidural hematoma.Case3:Brain trauma:chronic subdural hematoma脑外伤:慢性硬膜下血肿You are asked to see a27-year-old woman,a successful corporate lawyer, because of increasing headaches which began approximately1month ago.She first noted headache several days after returning from a ski trip with her husband and two children.The headaches are bifrontal,throbbing,and increasing in severity.During the past week she has awaked from sleep on several occasions with headache and vomit ing.In addition,her husband describes her as more apathetic and less"sharp"at work than usual.One week ago she saw a local physician who prescribed Valium.There have been no visual,motor,or sensory complaints.She is not on any medications,has no other medical illnesses,and has suffered no recent trauma.On examination, she was tearful and complained of severe steady headache and an inability to sleep for several days.She relied on her husband for most of the details of her illness.On several occasions,she did not respond to questions asked directly to her and the questions had to be repeated.There was no aphasia,but detailed mental status testing was impossible because of her agitated state.Examination of the optic fundi revealed an absence of venous pulsations and blurring of the disc margins.The remainder of the cranial nerveexamination was normal.There was a mild pronator drift of the right arm but power was otherwise normal.There was reflex asymmetry(3/5on the right, 2/5on the left)and plantar responses were flexor on the left and equivocal on the right.Tone,sensory,and cerebellar examinations were within normal limits, and her gait was normal.A CT scan was performed.The scan shows a large, left-sided,isodense?chronic subdural hematoma.On the nonenhanced scan, the subdural hematoma itself was not visible because of its isodense character, but a shift of the lateral ventricles due to mass effect was seen.With contrast enhancement9the membranous wall of the subdural hematoma can be seen and the size of the subdural collection is clearly outlined.The treatment for symptomatic,chronic subdural hematomas is surgical evacuation.In patients with small,stable subdural hematomas,or in those for whom surgery is contraindicated,medical management with corticosteroids and dehydrating agents(mannitol)may be successful.In this patient surgical evacuation was performed with excellent results.Case4:Posterior fossa subdural hematoma(PFSDH)in neonate新生儿后颅窝硬膜下血肿This newborn female was born at a gestational age of40weeks,weighing 3780g,to a gravida2para1mother.Forceps were applied to the fetal head for failure to progress.Apgar scores were6and9.Within the1st day of life,the baby was observed to be listless and lethargic and to have a poor suck.Theanterior fontanelle was tense.Seizures developed.Endotracheal intubation and ventilation were required for bradycardia and apneic episodes. The hemogram was normal.A lumbar puncture was performed to rule out central nervous system sepsis,and bloody cerebrospinal fluid(CSF)was obtained.CT was then performed,and a large PFSDH was observed in addition to moderate ventriculomegaly.A neurosurgical consultation was obtained.The neonate was quadriplegic on a ventilator,making only the occasional respiratory effort.The neonate was taken urgently to surgery,and a posterior fossa craniectomy was performed.The clot could be removed from the posterior fossa subdural space.The bleeding sites were identified and successfully coagulated. The infant did not require an external ventricular drain nor did she go on to develop progressive hydrocephalus.She began to breathe readily after the posterior fossa decompression and clot evacuation.She was weaned from the ventilator within4days.Subsequent CT showed minimal left cerebellar parenchymal involvement with calcification and volume loss.The ventriculomegaly had resolved completely.At4years of age,the child walked and talked normally.A right esotropia remained that had persisted since surgery.Case5:Astrocytoma of frontal lobe额叶星形细胞瘤The patient was a48-year-old male who presented with complaints ofincreasingly severe headaches.Workup at another hospital revealed a lucent left frontal lesion.The biopsy diagnosis was grade III astrocytoma.He was referred to our hospital after external radiation therapy was delivered.Neurological exam revealed mild bradykinesia,but was otherwise unremarkable.He was admitted and underwent a left frontal lobectomy,with gross total tumor resection.One month later he underwent stereotactic implantation of brachytherapy catheters.He received6000rads to the margins of the tumor cavity.Subsequent scans revealed progressively worsening enhancement, edema?and shift around the tumor cavity.Reoperation was undertaken with resection of all grossly abnormal tissue.Pathologic analysis revealed radiation necrosis and tumor.The patient is alive5years later,with no evidence of disease progression.Case6:Glioblastoma multiforme of frontal lobe额叶多形胶母细胞瘤A healthy6-year-old woman presented with a3-month history of puted tomography demonstrated a ring-enhancing lesion in the right frontal lobe.She was not immune-suppressed or on steroids.The rim was T2hypointense and Tl hyperintense.There was a small amount of surrounding edema.Brain abscess was considered in the differential diagnosis? but a tumor was believed more likely,because;(1)there was an eccentric areaof capsular thickening(2)edema was minimal,and(3)the clinical course was long.At operation,glioblastoma multiforme was encountered.Substances with unpaired electrons exhibit an unusual combination of increased Tl signal and decreased T2signal termed paramagnetism.Methemoglobin,melanin,and gadolinium are familiar paramagnetic substances.In an abscess capsule, paramagnetic changes occur because macrophages release free-radicals that contain unpaired electrons.Although uncommon,clinicians should be aware that paramagnetic rim signal may also be observed in metastasis,primary brain tumors,gran-ulomas like tuberculosis,and in large demyelinating plaques.Case7:Glioblastoma multiforme located near motor cortex运动区附近的多形胶母细胞瘤HistoryPatient A.L.is a23-year-old right handed man from Hebei who works as a painter and has had nocturnal seizures for approximately two years.In January the seizures increased in frequency and began to occur during the day. They are associated with turning of the head and shoulders to the right prior to generalization.The patient is confused and fatigued afterwards,but does not have a neurologic deficit.A scan was done in February and this demonstrates an area of nonenhancement in the posterior portion of the superior frontal convolution,with a small contrast enhancing area in the center of the lesion. The latter approximately3mm,the former measures approximately3.5cm.The scan was repeated recently and it appeared that the lesion had grown slightly.Stereotactic biopsy was recommended.The parent in fact was scheduled for a biopsy in Hebei but they decided to seek another opinion.The patient is presently on Dtlantin100mg three times per day.Past medical history is noncontributory,Family history and social history are not significant.Physical ExaminationThe patient is a well nourished,well developed,thin,pleasant male who appears intellectually intact.Recent memory is intact?general information is good.Cranial nerve examination reveals no abnormalities,sensory examination is Intact to all modalities.Motor examination reveals no drift to distraction,and good strength in upper and lower extremities.There may be some weakness of the wrist extensors on the right,however.Deep tendon reflexes are symmetrical, the patient walks with a normal gait with a normal arm swing.Radiographic StudiesMRI scan shows an approximately3.5cm well-demarcated lesion in the posterior aspect of the left superior frontal convolution.ImpressionProbable low/intermediate grade glioma,possibly ganglio-glioma or ganglio-neurocytoma.If the lesion is anterior to the motor cortex,resection is recommended.If the lesion is within the motor cortex?a biopsy is recommended,Hospital CourseThe patient underwent magnetoencephalography(MEG)to map his primary motor cortex and define its relationship to the tumor.This confirmed the clinical and radiographic impression that the tumor was anterior to the motor strip.A stereotactic volumetric resection of the lesion was then performed.The volume of the tumor,based on the contrast-enhancing portions on both CT and MRI,as well as from the area of abnormality on T2-weighted MRI,was digitized for computer targeting.A view of the cortical surface after the trephine craniotomy was performed.A strip electrode placed onto the cortical surface in a direction posterior to the edge of the trephine confirmed the location of sensorimotor cortex by phase reversal.The tumor volume can be superimposed onto the field of view of the operating microscope,to assist the surgeon in defining the margins of the tumor. The lesion was dissected away from the surrounding brain tissue at its interface and was removed as a single specimen.,The patient's neurologic function postoperatively was unchanged from his preoperative status.Pathologic ReportThe tumor was signed out as glioblastoma multiforme arising as a small focus within a lowgrade astrocytoma.The malignant portion apparently was the contrast-enhancing portion on the preoperative scans.The patient is scheduled to begin external beam radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy.Case8:Choroid plexus papilloma of third ventricle(transcallosal approach)三脑室脉络丛乳头状瘤(经胼胝体入路)This8-year-old boy presented in May1977with a3-week history of episodic headache accompanied by vomiting and obtun-dation.Hyperactive behavior and some difficulties with visual Perception and motor coordination had been noticed from the age1or3years.Examination by a pedtatrician2 years earlier had revealed clumsy,slow,and deliberate walking and finger-to-nose^d rapid alternating movements that were abnormally slow,with noticeable overflow movements to the opposite side.The patient's Verbal Intelligence Quotient(I.Q.)had been recorded as112and his Performance I.Q. had been recorded as74(Full Scale,92).More recently his performance in athletics had been above average?e.g.9he was considered to be the best pitcher in his baseball league.Physical examination revealed mild papilledema and paralysis of conjugate upward gaze.A CT scan showed very large lateral ventricles and a calcified mass within the3rd ventricle.A biven-triculo-peritoneal shunt was inserted. Metrizamide ventriculogra-phy demonstrated a papillary mass within the3rd ventricle and extruding through the right foramen of Monro.A choroid plexus papilloma was removed through the right foramen of Monro via a2-cm longitudinal incision in the corpus callosum.The postoperative course was smooth,and the shunt was removed1week later.A year later the patient was described by his parents as mildly emotionally labile,but he was performing normally in school and was still playing baseball better than his peers.Neurological examination has revealed no deficit. Computerized tomography has shown moderately large ventricles?but he has no clinical evidence of intracramal hypertension.Case9:Hypothalamic glioma丘脑下部胶质瘤This16-year-old male presented in1988with delayed puber ty,headaches, and progressive visual failure.He was being treated for hypopituitarism at the time of his admission.On examination?he was obese,with short stature and hypogonadism.He had bitemporal hemtanopia with visual acuity6/24on the left and hand movements only on the right,where he had an afferent pupillary defect.Both eyes showed optic atraphy with mild papilledema.A skull X-ray showed the pituitary fossa floor and dorsum sellae to be eroded,and CT scanning showed an intra-and supra-sellar mass lesion with specks of calcification and extensive contrast enhancement causing hydrocephalus.Angtograms of the carotid arteries showed displacements but no pathological circulation.Air encephalogram showed a large suprasellar mass.A right frontotemporal cranlotomy revealed an extensive infiltrating low grade tumor of the base of the diencephalon which was confirmed histologically as a gHoma with uniform cells loosely arranged in a vacuolated background.The cells had oval nuclei and an ill-defined cytoplasm,with occasional cells showing a bipolar appearance.Postoperatively,there was a mild diabetes insipidus and a persistent bitemporal hemianopia.He required a further operation to insert a ventriculoperitoneal shunt for his hydrocephalus.Radiotherapy was given,and for the next few years he required total anterior pituitary replacement,but in 1983he was readmitted with water intoxication and was found to have a massive central and bilateral tumor recurrence.He recovered from his water intoxication but still has a marked diencephalic syndrome,bitem-poral hemianopia,and epilepsy.Case10:Chiasmal glioma视交叉胶质瘤This10-month-old girl was admitted to the Children's Hospital with a 4-day history of bobbing of her right eye.Examination revealed constant2/sec vertical oscillations of the right eye and occasional head nodding(spasmus nutans).The optic discs and the remainder of her physical examination were normal.Cor-tisol and growth hormone assays were normal.CT demonstrated a lobular mass in the region of the optic chiasm.A right pterional craniotomy was performed with intraopera-ttve monitoring of VEPs.The visual system was stimulated with a strobe light positioned50cm from the patient's nasion,flashing at a rate of1.08Hz and an intensity of16.The amplifier bandpass was0.3to300Hz?and128responses were averaged.The VEP's were abnormal bilaterally before the tumor resection,both preoperatively and in the operating room.Approximately60%of the tumor was resected with the CUSA.beginning at the dome of the largest tumor lobule and proceeding down toward the level of the normal chiasm.The VEP's did not change during the resection.The tumor was diagnosed as astrocytoma.After surgery,the infant's vision was apparently unchanged.The head-nodding ceased immediately?and the nystagmus ceased1month later. The postoperative VEP's were unchanged from the preopratlve ones.The extent of resection was confirmed by CT.Case11:Meningioma of the anterior skull base前颅底脑膜瘤A58-year-old man was diagnosed as having a predominantly intracranial meningioma en plaque of the anterior skull base in the midline area?extending from the tuberculum sellae and pla-num sphenoidale to the crista galli.The tumor was exposed in-tradurally through a right frontal craniotomy.The compressed right optic nerve and internal carotid artery were identified and treed from tumor.Then the optic chiasm and left optic nerve?completely encased by tumor?were freed by piecemeal removal of the neoplasm.Residual tumor on the tuberculum sellae and portions of the planum sphenoidale wereremoved with the diamond burr.The bone defect was closed in two layers with lyophiHzed dura and a galeal pericranial flap.Case12:Olfactory groove meningioma嗅沟脑膜瘤A59-year-old women presented with a2-year history of progressive dementia.Clinical examination disclosed bilateral anosmia and a concentric contraction of the left visual field with visualcuity reduced to20%.Plain radiographs showed erosion of the cribriform plate,and CT scans demonstrated a large mass lesion suspicious for meningioma.The angiogram showed elevation of the anterior cerebral arteries and pathological staining of the tumor vessels supplied via the ophthalmic arteries.The tumor was approached through a bifrontal craniotomy and exposed by gentle retraction of the frontal lobes. Piecemeal removal of the highly vascular tumor was accoplished by bipolar coagulation and resection.Both anterior cerebral arteries,the optic nerves,and the optic chiasm were microsurgically freed of tumor.After removal of the dura bordering on the tumor,the thickened crista galli and cribriform plate were removed with the diamond burr.The small skull base defect was closed in two layers with a dural graft and a galeal pericranial flap.The postoperative course was uncomplicated,and CT scans confirmed total tumor removal.One year later,the patient was clinically asymptomatic and recurrence-free.Case13:Lateral sphenoid wing meningioma蝶骨嵴外侧脑膜瘤A51-year-old man had previously undergone surgery for a sphenoid wing meningioma of the left skull base.Six years later he complained of a dull headache.CT disclosed an extensive,predominantly lateral sphenoid wing meningioma on the right side with infiltration of the temporal muscle.This was presumed to represent an extracranial extension from a primary intracranial tumor.Tumor Infiltration of the temporal muscle and infratemporal fossa was already evident when the right frontotemporal skin flap was raised.After removal of the extracranial part of the tumor,a frontotemporal craniotomy was performed,exposing the extra-dural portion of the large intracranial meningioma.Two measures were taken to minimize tension and pressure on the frontal and temporal lobes during further dissection:1)The lesser sphenoid wing was removed with the diamond burr.2)The Sylvian fissure was opened micro-surgtcally after incising the dura a safe distance from the area of tumor infiltration.The tumor was then debulked from its center using an ultrasonic aspirator (CUSA).As the tumor capsule became lax,the branches of the middle cerebral artery could be identified,and dissection of the capsule proceeded along the middle cerebral artery branches to the internal carotid artery.At that point it waspossible to remove the tumor completely,including its dural attachment,without danger to neighboring'structures.The dura was patched with stored dura,the bony defect was repaired with a methylmethacrylate implant,and the soft tissues were closed in layers.The postoperative course was uncomplicated.Case14:Medial sphenoid wing meningioma蝶骨嵴内侧脑膜瘤A64-year-old woman had suffered left-sided headache for3years.Shortly before hospitalization she experienced transient y spells with loss of consciousness.Two years earlier she had had an episode of speech impairment and paralysis of the right arm that resoved in a few minutes.Results of neurological examination were positive only for slight paresis of the right arm.CT scan showed a mass lesion that appeared to arise from the left medial sphenoid wing?extending into the anterior and middle cranial fossa.The cerebral angiogram displayed upward deviation of the middle cerebral artery with displacemant of the anterior cerebral artery and vascular pattern typical of meningloma.The tumor was exposed through a left frontotemporal crani-otomy with a wide opening of the Sylvian fissure.The meningio-ma was reduced in size with the ultrasonic aspirator?and the heavily enmeshed middle cerebral artery was microsurgically freed of tumor.Additional tumor was removed along the coursesof the middle cerebral artery,and the internal carotid artery,also enveloped by tumor,was isolated.It was then possible to completely remove the neoplasm along with its dural attachment on the inner sphenoid wing.The anterior cerebral artery and the slightly displaced left optic nerve were anatomically and functionally preserved.The wound was closed in standard fashion.The patient left the hospital18days after the surgery,neurologically intact. Postoperative CT scan showed total tumor removal.The major problem with a medial sphenoid wing meningioma of this type is its close proximity to important structures,such as the internal carotid artery and its branches,the optic nerve,the oculomotor nerve,and possibly the other motor nerves of the eye.By following the surgical strategy described above, we were able to safely isolate the internal carotid artery,which was completely encased in tumor,along with functionally important adjacent structures.Case15:Sphenocavernous meningioma蝶骨嵴海绵窦脑膜瘤A57-year-old man who was already blind in the left eye as a result of a war injury developed sensory disturbance in the territory of distribution of the right trigeminal nerve.This was accompanied by functional disturbance of the abducens and trochle-ar nerves.CT scans showed a medially situated mass lesion in the middle cranial fossa with infiltration of the cavernous sinus, penetration of the right sphenoid sinus,and slight extension into the posteriorcranial fossa.Vision in the right eye was intact.The mild nature of the clinical symptoms and the preexisting blindness in the left eye complicated the decision whether to operate.After thorough consultation,the patient insisted that we attempt to remove as much of the tumor as possible without compromising the vision that remained.This meant preserving the function of both the optic nerve and the oculomotor nerve,which was certainly enveloped by tumor. Because of the existing left-sided amaurosis,functional preservation of the trochlear and abducens nerves was of minor importance,since diplopia was not a primary concern.After classic pterional exposure of the tumor on the lesser sphenoid wing and in the middle cranial fossa,the optic nerve internal carotid artery were exposed medial to the tumor by°penmg the Sylvian fissure and retracting the anterior pole of the ernporal lobe posteriorly.The tentorium was incised,and the meningioma was progressively exposed from behind along with the trochlear and trigeminal nerves.As expected,both nerves were infiltrated on all sides by tumor,so they could be sacrificed.The tumor in the cavernous sinus was removed piecemeal,sparing the intracavernous portion of the internal carotid artery.Because of the heavy vascularity of the meningtoma,it was necessary to leave behind a thin layer of tumor attachment on the oc-ulomotor nerve; otherwise we would have risked functional loss.Standard wound closure was carried out,and the postoperative course was uneventful.There was no evidence of functional abnormality of either the optic nerve or the oculomotor。



Medical Records for AdmissionMedical Number: 701721 General informationName: Zhang Xiaoming Occupation: RetiredAge: sixty-five Marital status: MarriedSex: Male Date of admission: Aug 9th, 2013Race: Han Date of record: 11Am, Aug 9th, 2013 Nationality: China Complainer of history: patient’s son and wife Address: NO.123. Beijing south road, urumqi Reliability: ReliableChief complaint: Suffering head trauma for 4 hours.Present illness:The patient fell to the ground and hurt head for about 4 hours ago. He didn’t pay attention to it and thought he had obviously felt unwell. At 15 o’clock this afternoon he with repeated headache and accompanied by nausea and vomiting. His family sent him to our hospital and received emergent treatment. So the patient was accepted as “head trauma”. Since the disease coming on, the patient didn’t urinate.Past historyThe patient is healthy before. No diabetes, hypertension, rheumatic heart disease, tuberculosis, epilepsy, asthma, jaundice, cerebrovascular disease.No history of infective diseases. No allergy history of food and drugs.Personal historyHe was born in Urumchi on Nov 19th, 1937 and almost always lived in Urumchi . His living conditions were good. No bad personal habits and customs.Family history: His parents have both deads.The cause of death is unknown.Physical examinationT 36.5℃, P 130/min, R 23/min, BP 100/60mmHg. He was well developed and moderately nourished. active lying position .His consciousness was not clear. His face was pale and the skin was not stained yellow. No cyanosis. No pigmentation. No skin eruption. Spider angioma was not seen. Superficial lymph nodes were not found enlarged. Respiratory movement was bilaterally symmetric with the frequency of 23/min. No pleural friction fremitus. Resonance was heard during percussion. No abnormal breath sound was heard. No wheezes. No rales. Border of the heart was normal. Heart sounds were strong and no splitting. Rate 150/min. Cardiac rhythm was regular. No pathological murmurs. Abdomen was flat and soft. No bulge or depression. No abdominal wall varices. Gastralintestinal type or peristalses were not seen. Tenderness was not obvious around the navel and in upper abdoman. There was not rebound tenderness on abdomen or renal region. Liver and spleen was untouched. Shifting dullness negative. No vascular murmurs. No edema.Examinations of nedvous systemHigher function normal.Cranial nervesⅰ: normal.ⅱ:PERRLA(pupils equal in reaction to light and accomodation)/ normal fundi and visual fields .ⅲ,ⅳ,Ⅵ: no diplopia / nystagmus.ⅴ-Ⅻ: normal.Upper and lower limbs: power, tone, coordination, sensation all normal .J oints and skin: Normal..Physiological reflexes were existent ,without any pathological ones. The neck was rigid, and Kernig’s sign was present.InvestigationBlood-Rt: Hb 69g/L RBC 2.70×1012/L WBC 1.1×109/L PLT 120×109/LCT: Subarachnoid hemorrhage with a small amount of blood present in the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles. Moderate hydrocephalus is also present.History summary1. Patient was male,65 years old2. Suffering head trauma for 4 hours.3. No special past history.4. Physical examination: T 37.5℃, P 130/min, R 23/min, BP 100/60mmHgPhysiological reflexes were existent ,without any pathological ones. The neck was rigid, and Kernig’s sign was present.No other positive signs.5. investigation information:Blood-Rt: Hb 69g/L RBC 2.70×1012/L WBC 1.1×109/L PLT 120×109/LCT: Subarachnoid hemorrhage with a small amount of blood present in the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles. Moderate hydrocephalus is also present.Impression: traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhageSignature: Zongkai Li入院病例一般信息姓名:张晓明职业:退休年龄:65岁婚姻状况:已婚性别:男入院日期:2012年8月9日民族:汉记录时间:2012年8月9日11:00 国家:中国病史陈述者:患者儿子和妻子住址:乌鲁木齐市北京南路123号可靠程度:可靠主诉:头部外伤后4小时现病史:患者于4小时前摔倒在地,伤及头部,受伤后患者未感到明显不适,未给予重视。



to safely isolate the internal carotid artery, which 述的策略,我们能够 was completely encased in tumor, along with 安全分离被完全包绕 functionally important adjacent structures. 的颈内动脉及其临近 的具有重要功能的结 构。
examination were positive only for slight paresis 解。神经系统查体仅 of the right arm. CT scan showed a mass lesion 见右上肢力量减弱。 that appeared to arise from the left medial CT 扫描可见左侧蝶 sphenoid wing extending into the anterior and 骨嵴内侧一占位性病 middle cranial fossa. The cerebral angiogram 变,向前中颅窝延伸。 displayed upward deviation of the middle 造影显示大脑中动脉 cerebral artery with displacement of the anterior 上抬,大脑前动脉移 cerebral artery and vascular pattern typical of 位,以及典型的脑膜 meningloma. 瘤血管影像。
医学英语学习 7 Case7: Medial sphenoid wing meningioma
A 64-year-old woman had suffered 64 岁女性,左侧头痛
left-sided headache for 3 years. Shortly before 病史 3 年。入院前有 hospitalization she experienced transient y spells 短暂的发作性意识丧 with loss of consciousness. Two years earlier 失数次。 年以前出现 2 she had had an episode of speech impairment 过一次短暂性言语功 and paralysis of the right arm that resoved in a 能 障 碍 和 右 上 肢 瘫 few minutes. Results of neurological 痪,数分钟后自行缓



病历文书中常用基本用语的英文翻译导语:来源:梅斯医学1、抗生素医嘱[Antibiotic order]·Prophylaxis [预防性用药]Duration of order[用药时间] 24hrProcedure[操作,手术]·Empiric therapy [经验性治疗]Suspected site and organism[怀疑感染的部位和致病菌] 72hr Cultures ordered[是否做培养]·Documented infection[明确感染]Site and organism[部位和致病菌] 5days·Other[其它]Explanation required [解释理由] 24hr·Antibiotic allergies[何种抗生素过敏]No known allergy [无已知的过敏]·Drug dose Route frequency[药名剂量途径次数]2、医嘱首页[Admission / transfer]·Admit / transfer to [收入或转入]·Resident [住院医师] Attending[主治医师]·Condition [病情]·Diagnosis[诊断]·Diet [饮食]·Activity [活动]·Vital signs[测生命体征]·I / O [记进出量]·Allergies[过敏]3、住院病历[case history]·Identification [病人一般情况]Name[性名]Sex[性别]Age [年龄]Marriage[婚姻]Person to notify and phone No.[联系人及电话] Race[民族]I.D. No.[身份证]Admission date[入院日期]Source of history[病史提供者]Reliability of history[可靠程度]Medical record No[病历号]Business phone No.[工作单位电话]Home address and phone No.[家庭住地及电话] ·Chief complaint[主诉]·History of present illness[现病史]·Past History[过去史]Surgical[外科]Medical[内科]Medications[用药]Allergies[过敏史]Social History[社会史]Habits[个人习惯]Smoking[吸烟]Family History[家族史]Ob/Gyn History[ 婚姻/生育史]Alcohol use[喝酒]·Review of Aystems[系统回顾]General[概况]Eyes, Ears, Nose and throat[五官] Pulmonary[呼吸]Cardiovascular[心血管]GI[消化]GU[生殖、泌尿系统]Musculoskeletal[肌肉骨骼]Neurology[神经系统]Endocrinology[内分泌系统]Lymphatic/Hematologic[淋巴系统/血液系统] ·Phys ical Exam[体检]Vital Signs[生命体征]λP[脉博]Bp[血压]R[呼吸]T[温度]Height[身高]Weight[体重]General[概况]λHEENT[五官]Neck[颈部]Back/Chest[背部/胸部]Breast[乳房]Heart[心脏]λHeart rate[心率]Heart rhythm[心律]Heart Border[心界]Murmur[杂音]Abdomen[腹部]λLiver[肝]Spleen[脾]Rectal[直肠]Genitalia[生殖系统]λExtremities[四肢]λNeurology[神经系统]cranial nerves[颅神经]sensation[感觉]Motor[运动]*Special P.E. on diseased organ system[专科情况]*Radiographic Findings[放射]*Laboratory Findings[化验]*Assessment[初步诊断与诊断依据]*Summary[病史小结]*Treatment Plan[治疗计划]4、输血申请单[Blood bank requisition form](1)reason for infusion[输血原因]▲红细胞[packed red cells, wshed RBCs]:*Hb<8.5 [血色素<8.5]*>20% blood volume lost [>20%血容量丢失]*cardio-pulmonary bypass with anticipated Hb <8[心肺分流术伴预计血色素<8]*chemotherapy or surgery with Hb <10[血色素<10的化疗或手术者]▲全血[whole blood]:massive on-going blood loss[大量出血]▲血小板[platelets]:*massive blood transfusion >10 units[输血10单位以上者]*platelet count <50×103/μl with active bleeding or surgery[血小板<5万伴活动性出血或手术者]*Cardio-pulmonary bypass uith pl<100×103/μl with octivebleeding[心肺分流术伴血小板<10万,活动性出血者]*Platelet count <20×103/μl[血板<2万]▲新鲜冰冻血浆[fresh frozen plasma]:*documented abnormal PT or PTT with bleeding orSurgery[PT、PTT异常的出血或手术病人]*specific clotting factor deficiencies with bleeding/surgerg[特殊凝血因子缺乏的出血/手术者]*blood transfusion >15units[输血>15个单位]*warfarin or antifibrinolytic therapy with bleeding[华法令或溶栓治疗后出血]*DIC[血管内弥漫性凝血]*Antithrombin III dficiency[凝血酶III 缺乏](2)输血要求[request for blood components]*patient blood group[血型]*Has the patient had transfusion or pregnancy in the past 3 months? [近3个月,病人是否输过血或怀孕过?]*Type and crossmatch [血型和血交叉]*Units or ml[单位或毫升]5、出院小结[discharge summary]Patient Name[病人姓名]λMedical Record No.[病历号]λAttending Physician[主治医生]λDate of Admission[入院日期]λDate of Discharge[出院日期]λPrincipal Diagnosis[主要诊断]λSecondary Diagnosis[次要诊断]λComplications[并发症]λOperation[手术名称]λReason for Admission[入院理由]λPhysical Findings[阳性体征]λLab/X-ray Findings[化验及放射报告]λHospital Course[住院诊治经过]λCondition[出院状况]λDisposition[出院去向]λMedications[出院用药]λPrognosis[预后]λSpecial Instruction to the Patient(diet, physicalλ activity)[出院指导(饮食,活动量)]λFollow-up Care[随随访]λ6、住院/出院病历首页[Admission/discharge record] ·Patient name[病人姓名]·race[种族]·address[地址]·religion[宗教]·medical service[科别]·admit (discharge) date[入院(出院)日期]·Length of stay [住院天数]·guarantor name [担保人姓名]·next of kin or person to notify[需通知的亲属姓名] ·relation to patient[与病人关系]·previous admit date[上次住院日期]·admitting physician [入院医生]·attending physician [主治医生]·admitting diagnosis[入院诊断]·final (principal) diagnosis[最终(主要)诊断]·secondary diagnosis[次要诊断]·adverse reactions (complications)[副作用(合并症)]·incision type[切口类型]·healing course[愈合等级]·operative (non-operative) procedures[手术(非手术)操作] ·nosocomial infection[院内感染]·consultants [会诊]·Critical-No. of times[抢救次数]·recovered-No. of times[成功次数]·Diagnosis qualitative analysis[诊断质量]OP.adm.and discharge Dx concur [门诊入院与出院诊断符合率] Clinical and pathological Dx concur[临床与病理诊断符合率] Pre- and post-operative Dx concur [术前术后诊断符合率]·Dx determined with in 24 hours (3 days) after admission[入院后24小时(3 天)内确诊]·Discharge status[出院状况]recovered[治愈]improved[好转]not improved[未愈]died [死亡]·Dispositon[去向]home[家]against medical ad[自动出院]autosy[尸检]transferred to[转院到]。






⼩伙伴们,躁起来吧!【病历构成】我们选择的这⼀系列英⽂病历⼀般包括Chief complaint(主诉)、Past medical history(过往病史)、Examination(医院检查)、Clinical course(临床过程)和Case follow-up(复查情况)⼏个部分。

为了更顺畅地理解病历,我们先将每期会涉及到的系列术语进⾏“暴⼒拆解”,看看它们冰冷的外表下到底隐藏着怎样的⼩⼼机~ 本期我们的病患R.F.因为脑动脉瘤(cerebral aneurysm)就诊。



这个系列中的前缀包括:crani/o代表skull/cranium颅腔(adj. cranial),cerebr/o代表cerebrum⼤脑(adj. cerebral),cerebell/o代表cerebellum⼩脑(adj. cerebellar)。

⽽前缀hem/o或hemat/o表⽰blood⾎,后缀-rhage表⽰profuse flow⼤量流动,所以,cerebral hemorrhage表⽰脑出⾎。






本文旨在介绍神经内科常用的英语词汇、短语和句型,包括以下几个方面:神经系统的解剖结构和功能神经系统的检查方法和仪器神经系统的常见疾病和诊断神经系统的治疗方法和药物神经内科医生与患者的对话示例神经系统的解剖结构和功能神经系统(nervous system)是机体内对生理功能活动的调节起主导作用的系统,主要由神经组织组成,分为中枢神经系统(central nervous system, CNS)和周围神经系统(peripheral nervous system, PNS)两大部分。

中枢神经系统又包括脑(brain)和脊髓(spinal cord),是神经活动的中枢和指挥部。





周围神经系统包括颅神经(cranial nerves)和脊神经(spinal nerves),是中枢神经系统与身体其他部分的联系纽带。



下表列出了一些常见的神经系统解剖结构及其英文名称和缩写:中文英文缩写神经元neuron轴突axon树突dendrite突触synapse神经胶质细胞glial cell胼胝体corpus callosum CC大脑半球cerebral hemisphere额叶frontal lobe FL顶叶parietal lobe PL颞叶temporal lobe TL枕叶occipital lobe OL岛叶insular lobe IL皮质cortex基底神经节basal ganglia BG海马hippocampus中文英文缩写杏仁核amygdala丘脑thalamus下丘脑hypothalamus HT脑桥pons延髓medulla oblongata MO脑膜meninges脑室ventricle脊髓spinal cord SC颅神经cranial nerve CN脊神经spinal nerve SN神经系统的检查方法和仪器神经系统的检查方法主要分为两类:一类是神经功能检查(neurological examination),即通过观察和测试患者的神经系统各个方面的表现,来评估其神经功能的正常与否。

神经内科全英文疑难病例讨论 - 神经内科_20151022_133621

神经内科全英文疑难病例讨论 - 神经内科_20151022_133621

神经内科全英文疑难病例讨论 - 神经内科_20151022_133621History A 55-year-old left hand dominant man is evaluated at the hospital for muscle pain and weakness. He was in his usual state of health until four months prior to his initial clinic visit when he first noted stiffness and pain in his calves, the back of the knees and lower thighs. The pain was intermittent, lasting 10 to 15 seconds with spontaneous resolution, and was most prominent in the evenings. Over the next two months, the patient began to have increasing weakness in his arms and legs in addition to “aching pain” in his muscles. He had difficulty lifting objects, opening jars, and typing. He also had increasing difficulty climbing staircase and standing for prolonged periods. His symptoms were present throughout the day and would wax and wane with no identifiable provocative or alleviating factors. The muscle pain and stiffness gradually became more diffuse and spread to involve his trunk. It was exacerbated by physical activity and improved with prolonged rest. His muscles were tender with palpation and he even experienced mild chest discomfort when lying on his chest. One month prior to his clinic visit, he began to have increased swelling of his limbs especially in his feet, calves, hands and forearms. He gained over 15 pounds over two weeks prior to his clinic visit. Of note, the patient was evaluated by a community physician who performed serologic studies, including serum CPK, which were all normal. His electrodiagnosticstudies were felt to be suggestive of “inflammatory myositis” and he was referred to the Neuromuscular Clinic for furtherevaluation of possible inflammatory myopathy. He denied having fever, chills, night sweats, joint pain or rash. He did not have diplopia, dysarthria, dysphagia, neck weakness, loss of muscle bulk, numbness, paresthesia, incoordination, or bowel or bladder incontinence. He did have a burning sensation on his forearms, right more than left, most noticeably in the evenings. Review of System: He denied having other respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal or urinary symptoms. Past Medical History: He had no prior medical problems Past Surgical History: Renal calculi removal. Traumatic amputation of the left index finger requiring surgical repair. Allergies: No known drug allergies Medications: Multi-vitamin one per day, oralvitamin B12 supplement once daily, Flaxifish supplement. He did not take other health supplements or vitamins. Social History: He was a former smoker but quit 5 years ago. He drank alcohol occasionally. He denied illicit drug use. He was employed as a technology director. There was no history of toxic exposures. His only recent travel was to Hawaii with his wife two months after the onset of his symptoms. Family History: His father was 62 year old and his mother was 60 years old, both had a history of lung cancer. He had 2 sisters who were healthy. He wasmarried and had a daughter who was healthy. His paternal grandmother had type 2 diabetes mellitus. There was no family history of a similar condition or neuromuscular disorders. Physical Exam Vital signs: Hispulse was 66 beats per minute, respiration rate of 18 per minute and blood pressure was 102/68 mm Hg. His weight was 196 pounds. General appearance: Well built man, appears comfortable HEENT: Sclera anicteric, moist mucus membranes Neck: Supple, no thyromegaly, no lymphadenopathy Cardiovascular: S1, S2 regular rate and rhythm Chest: Clear to auscultation bilaterally with good air entry Abdomen: Normal bowel sounds, soft, non tender Extremities: Marked non-pitting edema up to the mid to proximal forearm and proximal calves (note photograph). No clubbing, cyanosis or rash. Range of motion is full. leg-edma Neurological Examination Mental status: He was awake, alert, orientedand was able to provide a detailed and comprehensive medical history.His speech was fluent without dysarthria. Cranial nerves: II. Pupils 3 mm bilaterally briskly reactive to light and accommodation. III, IV, and VI. Extraocular movements were full and intact. There was no nystagmus, ptosis, or diplopia. V. Sensation intact to pinprick, light touch, and temperature. Muscles of mastication showed good bulk and normal strength. VII. There was no facial asymmetry and no weakness the orbicularis oris or oculi. VIII. Hearing was intact to finger rub bilaterally. IX, X. Uvula and palate elevated in the midline. There was no dysphonia. XI. Sternocleidomastoid muscles were 5/5. XII. Tongue protruded in the midline. Atrophy or fibrillations were not noted. Motor examination: There was normal bulk and tone. There was tenderness with palpation of limb muscles. No myotonia, myokymia or fasciculations were present. MRC manual muscle testing were graded as 5/5 in all muscle groups includingthe neck flexors and extensor except for hip flexors, which were 4/5 and deltoids, triceps, wrist extensors, quadriceps, and hamstring muscles, which were 4+/5. Sensory examination: Intact to pinprick, temperature, light touch, vibration and proprioception in the extremities bilaterally. Romberg testing was negative. Deep tendon reflexes: 2+ and symmetric. No pathological reflexes were present. Coordination: Finger-to-nose andheel-to-shin maneuvers were slow but intact. Gait: Normal base and swing. Toe walking, heel walking, and tandem gait were normal. There was nogait ataxia.。



住院病历中英文对照-精2020-12-12【关键字】空间、系统、自主、良好、健康、持续、合作、配合、位置、突出、意识、增强、扩大、外心9.allergen: Trauma: Surgery:过敏原外伤史手术史10.Review of systems: (Tick if positive, cross out if negative. If postive, you should write down your disease history and brief course of diagnose and therapy)系统回顾:(有打√无打×阳性病史应在下面空间内填写发病时间及扼要诊疗经过) 11.Respiratory system: 呼吸系统12.Sore throat chronic cough sputum hemoptysis wheezing咽痛慢性咳嗽咳痰咯血哮喘13.dyspnea chest pain呼吸困难胸痛14.cadiovascular system:循环系统15.Palpitation dyspnea on exertion hemoptysis syncope心悸活动后气促咯血晕厥16.edema of lower limbs precordial pain hypertention下肢水肿心前区疼痛高血压Digestive system:消化系统Anorexia sour regurgitation belching nausea vomitting食欲减退反酸嗳气恶心呕吐abdominal distention abdominal pain constipation diarrhea腹胀腹痛便秘腹泻hematemesis melena hematochezia jaundice呕血黑便便血黄疸Urinary system:泌尿系统Lumbago frequent micturition urgent micturition urodynia腰痛尿频尿急尿痛dysuria hematuria nocturia polyuria oliguria facial edema排尿困难血尿夜尿多尿少尿面部水肿Hematopoietic system造血系统Fatigue dizziness blurred vision gingival bleedig乏力头昏牙龈出血subcutaneous hemorrhage ostealgia epistaxis皮下出血骨痛鼻衄Metabolic and endocrine system:代谢及内分泌系统Excessive appetite anorexia sweats cold intolerance食欲亢进食欲减退多汗畏寒polydipsia tremor hands change of character obvious obesity多饮双手震颤性格改变显著肥胖emaciation hirsutism hair losing pigmentation消瘦多毛毛发脱落色素沉着chang of sexual function amenorrhea性功能改变闭经Musculoskeletal system肌肉骨骼系统Floating arthralgia arthraliga swelling of joints游走性关节痛关节痛关节红肿deformiteies of jionts myalgia atrophy of muscle关节变形肌肉痛肌肉萎缩Nervous system神经系统Dizziness headache vertigo syncope degeneration of memory头昏头痛眩晕晕厥记忆力减退visual disturbance insomnia disturbance of consciousness视力障碍失眠意识障碍tremor spasm paralysis paresthesia颤动抽搐瘫痪感觉异常Personal history:个人史Birthplace Occupation sexual history smoking N Y出生地职业冶游史吸烟无有about years average pieces per day ceased for years约年平均支/日戒烟年alcohol intake N occasional frequent about years嗜酒无偶有经常约为年average ml per day others平均ml/日其他Marital history:婚姻史:Marrying age companion’s state of health 结婚年龄配偶健康状况Menorrhea and Childbearing:月经及生育史Menarche age cycle lasting for days date of last period初潮每次持续时间末次月经时间(age of menopause)绝经年龄Amount of flow: little normal large menstrual pain: N Y经量少正常多痛经无有cycle: regular irregular pregnancy times natural labor经期规则不规则妊娠次顺产times abortions times premature delivery times胎流产胎早产胎stillbirths times difficult labor and its condition死产胎难产及病情Familly history (pay attention to the congenital diseases and communicable diseases and communicable dieases related to the paitent家族史(注意与患者现病有关的遗传病和传染性疾病)Father: still alive illness died cause of deaths mother:父:健在患病已故死因母still alive illness died cause of death siblings: others: 健在患病已故死因兄弟姐妹子女其他Physical examination体格检查Vital signs生命体征:Temperature体温pulse脉搏/min次/分respiration呼吸/min次/分B.P血压mmHgGeneral Appearance一般状况: Development发育:ortho-sthenic type正常asthenic type不良sthenic type超常nutrition营养:well良好fairly中等poor不良cachexia恶病质Facial features面容:normal无病容acute急性chronic慢性病容others其他Expression表情:natural自知painful痛苦anxious忧虑dreadful恐惧indifferent淡漠Position: active semi-recumbent others体位:自主半卧位其他Gait: normal abnormal步态正常不正常Conciousness: aware somnolence confusion stupor coma神志清楚嗜睡模糊昏睡昏迷delirium coppperatio; well badly谵妄配合检查合作不合作Mucocutaneous color: normal red pale cyaosis stainted皮肤粘膜色泽无病容潮红苍白紫绀yellow pigmentation lesions:N Y (type and distribution)黄染色素沉着皮疹无有(类型及分布)Subcutaneous hemorrhange: N Y(type and distribution)皮下出血无有(类型及分布)Hair: normal reduced edema: N Y(position and degree)头发分布正常减退水肿无有(部位及程度)Hepatic palm: N Y spider angionma:N Y (position numbers )others:肝掌无有蜘蛛痣无有(部位数目) 其他Lymphnodes:淋巴结Superficial lymph nodes: non-swelling swelling(position and characteristics)全身淋巴结肿大无肿大肿大(部位及特征)Head : cranium : size : normal large small deformity:头部头颅大小正常大小畸形N Y(coxycephaly squared skull deforming skull)无有(尖颅方颅变形颅)Others: tenderness mass sunk (position) 其他异常:压痛包块凹陷(部位)Eyes eyelid: normal edema ptosis trichiasis conjunctive :眼睑正常水肿下垂倒睫结膜normal hyperemia edema hemrrhage正常充血水肿出血eye ball: normal proptosis depression tremor眼球正常突出凹陷震颤motion dysfunction(left right)运动障碍Sclera :normal yellow cornea : normal abnormal ( left right )巩膜无黄染有黄染角膜正常异常(左右)Pupils: equal roundness same size unequalleft cm瞳孔等圆等大不等左cmreaction to light: normal delay (left right) disappear (left right) 对光反射正常迟钝(左右)消失(左右)Others:其他Ears: auricle :normal deformity fistula others (left right )耳耳廓正常畸形瘘管其他(左右)excretions of external auditory canal: N Y (left right feature)外耳道分泌物无有(左右性质)Tenderness of mastoid : N Y audation dysfunction: N Y (left right)乳突压痛无有听力粗试障碍无有(左右)Nose: shape : normal: abnormal ( ) other abnormalities:N Y鼻外形正常异常()其他异常无有Nosalala flap obsruction excretions nasal sinus tenderness:鼻翼扇动鼻塞分泌物鼻旁窦压痛N Y (position )无有(部位)Mouth lips :red syanosis pale herpes fissure mucosa :normal口唇红润发绀苍白疱疹皲裂粘膜正常abnormal ( pale petechia)异常(苍白出血点)Opening of parotid gland duct: normal abnormal (swelling腮腺导管开口正常异常(肿胀suppurative excretions)脓性分泌物)Tongue:normal abnormal (coverings tremor leaning to left or right)舌正常异常(舌苔伸舌震颤向左、向右偏斜)Gums: normal swelling pus overflow hemorrhage pigments牙龈正常肿胀溢脓出血色素沉着lead line tooth:regular edentulous carious teeth铅线牙列齐缺牙—|—龋齿—|—Tonsils: pharynx: voice: normal hoarse扁桃体咽声音正常嘶哑Neck:resistence:N Y carotid artery pulsation: normal increased颈部抵抗感无有颈动脉搏动正常增强decreased (left right) jugular vein:normal distention减弱(左右)颈静脉正常充盈high distention trachea:middle deviation to (left right)怒张气管正中偏移(向左向右)Hepatojugular reflux-) (+) thyroid: normal swelling degree肝颈静脉回流征:(-)(+)甲状腺正常肿大度Symmetry 对称Dominance in one side: spreading nodular:soft hard others :N Y侧为主弥漫性结节性质软质硬其他无有(tenderness tremor bruits)(压痛震颤血管杂音)Chest topography:normal barrel chest pigeon chest funnel chest胸部胸廓正常桶状胸鸡胸漏斗胸flat chest bulging or retraction (left right ) 扁平胸膨隆或凹陷(左右)bulging in the precordial region tenderness of sternum心前区膨隆胸骨压痛Breast: normal symmetrical abnormal : left right(gynecomastia乳房正常对称异常左右(男乳女化mass tenderness excretions of nipples)包块压痛乳头分泌物)Recorder病史记录者Examiner并使审阅者Date of record记录日期Lung肺Inspection : movement of respiration : normal abnormal : left视诊呼吸运动正常异常左right( increased decreased)右(增强减弱)Intercostal space :normal wide narrow(position)肋间隙正常增宽变窄(部位)Palpation : vocal fremitus:normal abnormal :left right (increased触诊:语颤正常异常左右(增强decreased ) pluernal friction rubs: N Y (position)减弱胸膜摩擦感:无有(部位)Subcutaneous crepitus: N Y(posotion) percussion: resonance皮下捻发感无有(部位)叩诊正常清音abnormal dullness flatness hyperresonance tympany异常叩诊音浊音实音过清音鼓音Lower borders:scapular line: right intercostal space, left肺下界肩胛线右肋间左intercostal space Range of mobility: right cm , left cm肋间移动度右cm,左cm Dusculation: breath regular irregular听诊呼吸规整不规整Breath sound: normal abnormal( feature, position )呼吸音正常异常(性质,部位描写)Rale: N Y :ronchi: sonorous sibilant啰音:无有:干性鼾音哨笛音Moist rales: coarse medium fine rales crepitus湿性大中小水泡音捻发音Vocal conduction: normal abnormal: reduced increased(position)语音传导正常异常减弱增强(部位)Plueral friction rubs: N Y (position)胸膜摩擦音无有(部位)Heart 心Inspection:bulging in precordial region : N Y apex impulse:视诊心前区隆起无有心尖搏动normal unseen increased diffusing position: normal正常未见增强弥散心尖搏动位置正常deviation ( the distance from midclavicular line cm)移动(距左锁骨中线内外厘米)Other precordial pulsations: N Y (position) 其他部位搏动无有(部位)Palpation:apex impulse:normal increased thrust unclear触诊心尖搏动正常增强抬举感触不清thrills :N Y (position period) percardial friction rubs:N Y震颤无有(部位时期)心包摩擦感无有Percussion:relative cardiac outline: normal shrink extant (right left )叩诊相对浊音界正常缩小扩大(右左)Ausculation: heart rate bpm/min rhythm(regular irregular听诊心率次/分心律(齐不齐)absolutly irrgelar) heart sound:S1 normal increased decreased绝对不齐心音S1 正常增强减弱split S2 normal increased decreased split 分裂S2 正常增强减弱分裂S3 N Y S4 N Y A2 P2S3 无有S4 无有A2 P2Extra heart sound N gallop (diastolic presystotic summalion额外心音无奔马律(舒张期收缩前期重叠gallop) opening snap others murmurs: N Y (degree conduction)开瓣音其他杂音无有(图示并描述传导)Pericardial friction rubs N Y心包摩擦音无有Peripheral vessals: normal pistal shot of big arteries周围血管无异常血管征大血管枪击音Duroziez’s sign water hammer pulse capillary pulsation二重杂音水冲脉毛细血管搏动pulse deficit paradoxical pulse pulsus alternans other脉搏短绌奇脉交替脉其他Abdoman腹部Inspection: shape normal distention frog abdomen( size cm)视诊外形正常膨隆蛙腹(腹围厘米)scaphoid apical abdomen gastral pattern intestinal pattern舟腹尖腹胃型肠型peristalsis abdominal respiration:existance disappear umbilicus:蠕动波腹式呼吸存在消失脐normal protruding excretions others: N Y(venous distention of正常凸出分泌物其他异常无有(腹壁静脉曲张abdoman purple striae surgical scars hernia)条纹手术疤痕疝)Palpation: soft muscle tension position tenderness N Y触诊柔软腹肌紧张部位压痛无有rebound tenderness N Y fluidthtill N Y succussions plash N Y反跳痛无有液波震颤无有振水音无有Mass N Y(position size) discription of feature liver:can’t be 腹部包块无有(部位大小)特征描述肝未触及touched can be touched :subcostal cm under xipfoid process可触及肋下厘米剑突下discription of feature gallbladder: can’t be touched can be touched特征描述胆囊未触及可触及size cm tenderness N Y Murphy’s sign spleen: can’t be 大小厘米压痛无有Murphy征脾未触及touched can be touched distance fromcostal margin cm可触及肋下厘米Kideny:can’t be touched can be touched size consistency肾未触及可触及大小硬度tenderness mobility tenderness of ureters: N Y (position)压痛移动度输尿管压痛点无有(部位)percussion: borders of liver dull(existance shrink obliteration )叩诊肝浊音界(存在缩小消失)Upper borders of liver on right midclavicular line intercostal space 肝上界位于右锁骨中线肋间shifting dullness N Y tenderness in renal region N Y (right left )移动性浊音无有肾区叩痛无有(右左)ausculation : borhorygmus normal increased decreased听诊肠鸣音正常增强减弱disappear gurgling N Y vessal bruits N Y (position)消失气过水声无有血管杂音无有(部位)Genitalia :not examined normal abnormal Rectum and Anus :生殖器未查正常异常肛门直肠not examined normal abnormal未查正常异常Spine and Extremities脊柱四肢Spine : normal deformities (lateral anterior posterior protruding)脊柱正常畸形(侧前后凸)Spinous process : tenderness pain while percussed ( position )棘突压痛叩痛(部位)Mobility : normal restricted extremeties: normal abnormal移动度正常受限四肢正常异常deformity swelling of joints joints stiffness 畸形关节红肿关节强直tenderness of muscles atrophy of muscles 肌肉压痛肌肉萎缩Venous distention of lower limbs (position and feature ) acropachy下肢静脉曲张(部位及特征)杵状指Nervus System神经系统Abdominal wall reflex ( normal ) muscle tone ( normal )腹壁反射(正常)肌张力(正常)Myodynamia ( degree ) paralysis of limbs N Y (left right肌力(级)肢体瘫痪无有(左右upper lower) biceps reflex left (normal) right (normal)上下)肱二头肌反射左(正常)右(正常)knee jerk left (normal) right( normal) achilles jerk left膝健反射左(正常)右(正常)跟腱反射左(normal) right ( normal )正常右(正常)Hoffmann’s dign left (+)(-) right(+)(-) Hoffmann征左(+)(-) 右(+)(-)Babinski’s sign left(+)(-)right(+)(-) Babinski 左(+)(-)右(+)(-)Kernig’s sign left(+)(-)right(+)(-) others Kernig征左(+)(-)右(+)(-)其他Laboratory findings实验室及器械检查结果(The important laboratory examination .X-ray . ECG and other result areincluded)(重要的化验、X线、心电图及其他有关化验) Nunber of X-rayX线片号Abstract病历摘要Diagnosis(impressions)入院诊断。



神经内科常用英文词汇AAbadie's Sign 阿巴迪征(跟腱受压无感觉,见于脊髓痨) Abaptiston 安全开颅圆锯abarognosis 压觉缺失abasia astasia 立行不能abasia 步行不能abdominal reflex 腹壁反射abduction 外展abiotrophy 生活力缺失ablepsia 视觉缺失ablute 切除abnormal 异常abnormity 畸形abrupt 意外absolute hemianopia 完全偏盲abstinent 戒断症状abstraction 抽象acalculia 失算acataleptic 智能缺陷acatamathesia 理解不能acataphasia 连贯表达不能acatastasia 反常acathexis 心力贯注不能acathisia 静坐不能accessory cramp 痉挛性斜颈accommodation reflex 调节反射accommodation 适应aceburtolol 醋丁洛尔acedia 淡漠性忧郁症acenesthsia 存在觉缺失acenocoumarol 新抗凝acephalia 无头畸形acervulus 松果体石acetazolamide 乙酰唑胺acetohrdroxamic acid 乙酰氧肟酸acetophenazine乙酰非那嗪acetylcholinergic pathway 乙酰胆碱能通路acetylcholinesterase 乙酰胆碱脂酶acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱acetylglutamide 乙酰谷氨酰胺acetylsalicylic acid 乙酰水杨酸acetyl-spiramycin 乙酰螺旋霉素Achilles jerk 踝反射Achilles tendon reflex 踝反射acinesia 运动不能aconative 意向缺失acorea 无瞳孔acouesthesia 听觉acousmatamnesia 听觉性健忘acousma 幼听acoustic neuroma 听神经瘤acoustic pathway 听觉传导路acoustic stria 听纹acouticolateral area 听侧线区acroagnosis 肢体感觉缺失acroanesthesia 肢端麻木acrobrachycephaly 扁头acrocephalosyndactyly 尖头并指acrocephaly 尖头acrocinesis 运动过多acrodynia 肢体疼痛症acrognosis 肢体感acrokinesia 感觉过敏acrokinesis 运动过多acromegaly 肢体肥大症acroneurosis 肢体神经官能症acroparalysia 肢麻痹acroparesthesia 肢体感觉异常acrosclerosis 肢体硬化症acrotrophoneurosis 四肢营养神经病actinine 辅肌动蛋白actinomycosis of brain 脑放线菌病actinoneuritis 放射性神经炎actin 肌动蛋白action tremor 动作性震颤active negativism 主动违拗症actomyosin 肌动球蛋白acuity 敏度acute alcohol intoxication 急性酒精中毒acute brain syndrome 急性脑综合征acute poliomyelites 急性脊髓前角灰质炎acute spontaenous myelites 急性非特异脊髓炎acute suppurative myelites 急性化脓性脊髓炎acyclovir 无环鸟苷acystinervia 膀胱神经无力Adamkiewicz's demilunes 阿达姆基维支新月形细胞(在有髓神经纤维的神经膜底下) adaptation 适应adduction 内收adenoma of pituitary gland 脑下垂体腺瘤adenovirus 腺病毒adiphenine 解痉素adiposis cerebralis 脑性肥胖症adiposis dolorosa 痛性肥胖症adrenergic 肾上腺素能adreno leukodystrophy 脑白质营养不良aerasthenia 飞行员精神衰弱aetiology 病因学affektepilepsie 情感性痉挛affensplate 月状沟(大脑枕叶)afferent 传入African meningitis 非洲脑膜炎(昏睡病) aganglionosis 神经节细胞缺乏症ageing of nervous tissue 神经组织老化agenesis of corpus callosum 胼胝体发育不良agitation 焦虑agnosia 失认agraphia 失写agyria 无脑回akathisia 静坐不能akinesia 运动不能akinetic seizures 运动不能发作akinetic-rigid syndrome 运动不能-强直综合征Akureyri disease 良性肌痛性脑脊髓炎alar plate 翼板albendazole 阿苯达唑alcoholic coma 酒精中毒性昏迷aldosterone 醛固酮alertness 警觉alexia 失读alleviated 缓和allopurinol 别嘌呤醇allucination 幻觉almufibrate 氯贝丁酯铝alprenollol 心得舒alptazolam 阿普唑仑alternating hemiplegia 交替性偏瘫altitudinal hemianopia 上下性偏盲aluminium nicotinate 烟酸铝Alzheimer's disease 阿尔塞梅茨病amantadine 金刚烷胺amaurotic idiocy 黑朦性白痴amaurotic 黑朦ambient cistern 环池amblyopic 弱视ameboid glia 阿米巴样神经胶质细胞ameliorate 改善amentia 精神错乱amiculum of olive 橄榄核囊amikacin 丁胺卡那霉素aminoacidurias 氨基酸尿aminocaproic acid, EACA 6-氨基己酸aminopyridine 氨基比林amitriptyline 阿米替林amnesic 遗忘amobarbital 异戊巴比妥amoxycillin 羟氨苄青霉素amphetamine 苯丙胺amphetamines 安非他命amplitude 幅度amyotonia congenita 先天性肌张力不全症amyotrophia 肌萎缩amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 肌萎缩性侧束硬化症anaerobic 厌氧的anal reflex 肛门反射analgesia 痛觉缺失anencephaly 无脑anesthesia dolorosa 痛性感觉缺失anesthesia 感觉缺失aneurysms 微动脉瘤aneuryson 动脉瘤angiography 血管造影angular gyrus 角回anisocoria 瞳孔不等大ankylosing spondylitis 关节固定性脊柱炎anorexic 厌食anosmia 嗅觉缺失anosognosia 病觉缺失anosognosia 偏瘫否认ansamysin 襻霉素anterior amygdaloid 前杏仁区anterior cerebellar incesure 小脑前切迹anterior commissure 前连合anterior corticospinal tract 皮质脊髓前束anterior fontanel 前囟anterior horn of lateral ventricle 侧脑室前角anterior lateral suleus 前外侧沟anterior limb of internal capsule 内囊前脚anterior median fissure 前正中裂anterior medullary velum 前髓帆anterior parolfactory suleus 前旁嗅沟anterior perforated substania 前穿质anterior speech cortex 前说话区(Broca氏区) anterior spinocerebellar tract 脊髓小脑前束anterior white commissure 白质前连合anterior 前anterior(ventral) funiculus 前索(脊髓)anterior(ventral) horn 前角(脊髓)anterior(ventral) root 前根anterograde amnesia 顺行性遗忘anterograde axoplasmic transport 顺向轴浆输送anterograde degeneration 顺行变性anterolateral corticospinal tract前外侧皮质脊髓束anterolateral 前外侧anterolivary suleus 橄榄前沟antiepilepsirin 抗癫灵anxiety hysteria 焦虑性癔病anxiety tension state 焦虑紧张状态anxiety 焦虑症aone of Obersteiner?Redlich 奥贝斯坦纳?热里希氏带Apert syndrome 塔头并指畸形症aphasia 失语aphingolipid 神经鞘脂apnoea 窒息apoplectic coma 中风性昏迷apraxia 失用aprotinin 抑肽酶arachnoid granulation 蛛网膜颗粒arachnoid villi 蛛网膜绒毛arachnoid 蛛网膜arachnoiditis 蛛网膜炎archeo cerebellum 古小脑arcuocerebellar fibers弓状小脑纤维area postrema 最后区area temporalis inferior 颞下区area temporalis media 颞中区area temporalis superior 颞上区area temporalis transverse externa 颞横外侧区area temporalis transverse interna 颞横内侧区area 区areflexia 反射消失arfonad 咪噻芬arginine 精氨酸Arnold-Chiari malformation 先天性小脑延髓下疝畸形arteriovenous malformation of brain 脑动静脉畸形arteriovenous malformotion 动静脉畸形arthroneuralgia关节神经痛articulation 连接ascending reticular activing system 网状上行激活系统ascending reticular inhibiting system 网状上行抑制系统assessment 评估association neuron联络神经元astereognosia 立体觉失认asterixis 扑翼样震颤asthenia 衰弱asthenic syndrome 脑衰弱综合征asthenocoria 瞳孔反应迟钝astrocytoma 星形细胞瘤astroglia cell 星形胶质细胞asymmetrical synapse 不对称型突触asymmetry 不对称asymptomatic 无症状asynchronism 协调障碍asyndesis 言语不能asynergy 协同不能asystole 心脏停搏atactic 协调不能atactiform 共济失调样ataxia 共济失调atelocephalous 头发育不全atelocephaly头颅发育不全atenolol 阿替洛尔athalposis 温觉缺失atheroma 粥样斑atherosclerosis 动脉硬化athetosis 手足徐动症atlanto-axial subluxation 寰枢椎半脱位atonia 肌张力缺失atonic bladder 无张力性膀胱atopognosia 位置觉缺失atremia 歇斯底里性步行不能atretopsia 瞳孔闭锁atypical absences 非典型发作atypical 非典型auditory evoked potential 听觉诱发电位auditory hallucination 幻听auditory radiation 听辐射aural nystagmus 耳原性眼球震颤aural vertigo 耳源性眩晕aura先兆automatism 自动症autonomic nervous system 自主神经系autonomous bladder 自主性膀胱autonomous neurogenic bladder 自主神经原性膀胱autosomal 常染色体autotomography 自体感知不能autotophagnosia 自体结构失认Avellis' Syndrome 阿费利斯综合征(疑核脊髓丘脑性麻痹) avulsion of scalp 头皮撕裂伤axis 枢椎axo-axonal synapse 轴-轴突触axo-dendritic synapse 轴-树突触axolemma 轴膜axon hillock 轴丘axonotmesis 轴突中断axon 轴突axophage 噬髓鞘细胞axoplasmic flow 轴浆流axoplasmic transport 轴浆输送axopodium 轴伪足axo-somatic synapse 轴-体突触axosopongium 轴突海绵质axo-spinous synapse 轴-棘突触Ayala's index 阿亚拉指数(脑脊液压指数)Ayer's test 艾尔试验(检测椎管阻滞)aypnia 失眠azathioprine 硫唑嘌呤azidothymidine, AZT 叠氮胸苷BBabinski sign 巴彬斯基征Babinski-Nageotte syndrome 延髓腹外侧综合征Backer muscular dystrophy 贝克肌营养不良backward progression 后退步态baclofen 氯苯氨丁酸Baillarger's line 贝亚尔若线(大脑皮层锥体细胞层内的白色带)Balint syndrome 巴林特综合征(双侧顶-枕区损害)ballismus 投掷症Balo disease 巴娄病 (同心层型轴周性脑炎)band of Kaes?Bechterew 卡依斯?贝克特如氏带Barany's pointing test 巴腊尼指向试验(检脑损害)Barany's symptom 巴腊尼症状(冷热水试验)barbitalism 巴比妥中毒Bard's sign 巴尔德征(眼球震颤征)Barre-Guillain Syndrome 急性热病性多神经炎Barre-Lieou Syndrome 后颈交感神经综合征barrier 屏障baryencephalia 智力迟钝baryesthesia 压觉baryglossia 言语拙笨barylalia 言语不清basal plate 基板basiarachnitis 颅底蛛网膜炎basicranial 颅底basilar cistern 基底池basilar fracture 颅底骨折basilar impression 颅底凹陷basilar invagination 颅底陷入症basilar sinus 基底窦basilar suleus 基底沟basinasial 颅底鼻根的basioccipital 枕骨底部的basis pontis 基底部(脑桥)basophil 嗜碱性细胞Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome 棘状红细胞-β-脂蛋白缺乏症Bastian-Bruns Sign 巴斯欣-布伦斯征(从头部到腰膨大部的脊髓有完全横贯性损害,下肢键反射就消失)bathrocephaly 梯头bathyanesthesia 深部感觉缺失bathyesthesia 深部感觉bathyhyperesthesia 深部感觉过敏bathyhypesthesia 深部感觉迟钝Batten-Mayou disease 少年型黑蒙性白痴Bayle's disease 贝尔病(精神错乱者的进行性全身性麻痹)Beale's ganglion cells 比尔神经节细胞(双极细胞)Beard's disease 神经衰弱Behcet syndrome 白塞综合征Bekhterev's layer 别赫捷列夫层(大脑皮层外粒层的纤维层)Bekhterev's nucleus 别赫捷列夫核(前庭神经上核)Bekhterev's reaction 别赫捷列夫反应Bekhterev's reflex 别赫捷列夫反射(深层反射;腹下部反射;瞳孔反射;鼻反射) Bekhterev's symptom 别赫捷列夫症状(面肌麻痹)Bekhterev's test 别赫捷列夫试验(检坐骨神经痛)Bell's law 贝尔定律(脊髓神经前根为运动根,后根为感觉根)Bell's mania 急性谵妄Bell's nerve 胸长神经Bell's palsy 贝尔麻痹Bell's phenomenon 贝尔现象bemegride 美解眠benactyzine 胃复康Benedict's syndrome 中脑红核综合征Benedikt's syndrome 本尼迪克特综合征(一侧动眼神经麻痹,对侧运动过度,benign congenital hypotonia 良性先天性肌张力减低benign essential tremor 良性特发性震颤benign intracranial hypertension 良性颅高压benign myalgic encephalomyelitis 良性肌痛性脑脊髓炎benign paroxysmal vertigo 良性发作性眩晕benign positional vertigo 良性位置性眩晕benserazide 苄丝肼医学全在.线提供benspryzine 苯纳哌嗪benumb 使瘫痪benzathine 苄星青霉素benzhexol hydrochloride 盐酸苯海索benzhexol 苯海索(安坦)benztropine 苯甲托品benzylpencilline 苯唑青霉素Berger's paresthesia 贝格尔感觉异常(青少年的一侧或两侧下肢感觉异常,无力,但无他觉症状)Berger's sign 贝格尔征(不规则或椭圆性瞳孔,见于早期脊髓痨,麻痹性痴呆)Bergeron's chorea贝尔热隆病(电击样舞蹈病,激烈而有规律的痉挛,但为良性病程) Bergmann's cells 贝格曼细胞(小脑皮层分子层内的特殊神经胶质细胞)Bergmann's cords 第四脑室髓纹,听髓纹Bergmann's fibers 贝格曼纤维(从小脑皮层分子层放射并进入软脑膜的突)Beri-beri(thiamine deficiency) 硫胺(VitB1)缺乏症Bernhard's disease 感觉异常性股痛Bernheimer's fibers 伯恩海默纤维(自视神经束至柳氏体的一种脑神经纤维束) betahistine 培他啶bethanechal (-甲基氨甲酰胆碱Betz's cells 贝茨细胞Bezold's abscess 颞骨骨膜下脓肿Bezold's perforation 颞骨乳突内面穿孔Bezold's sign 贝措尔德征(乳突炎)Bezold's triad 贝措尔德三征(耳硬化)Bianchi's syndrome 比昂基综合征(一种感觉性失语症性综合征,伴失用症及失读症)Bichat's canal 大脑大静脉Bichat's fissure 大脑横裂Bichat's foramen 蛛网膜孔Bielschowsky disease 幼儿型家族性黑蒙性白痴Bielschowsky's method 比尔肖夫斯基法(论证神经轴突及网状纤维的氨银染法) Bielschowsky's-Jansky disease 晚期婴儿型家族性黑蒙性痴呆Biernacki's sign 别尔纳茨基征(脊髓痨及麻痹性痴呆时的尺神经瘫痪)bilateral hemianopia 双侧偏盲bilateral 双侧Billroth's disease比罗特征(假性脑(脊)膜突出)binocular hemianopia 双眼偏盲binocular microscope 双目显微镜Binswanger disease 宾斯万格病(皮质下脑病)biopsy 活检Biot's respiration 比奥呼吸(间歇性呼吸暂停,见于颅内压增高)bipolar neuron 双极神经元bitamporal 颞侧bitemporal hemianopia 颞侧偏盲bithionol 硫双二氯酚black-out syndrome 黑蒙综合征blackouts 黑朦bladder 膀胱blastoneuropore 胚神经孔blepharoptosis 睑下垂blepharospasm 睑痉挛blink reflex 瞬目反射blink 眨眼blood-brain barrier 血脑屏障blood-CSF barrier 血脑脊液屏障blood-nervus barrier 血神经屏障Blumenau's nucleus 布路门奥核(楔核外侧核)Blumenbach's clivus 布卢门巴赫斜坡(与枕骨底突相连的蝶骨斜坡) Blumenbach's process 筛骨钩突blurring 模糊body of lateral ventricle 侧脑室体部body, corpus, complex 体Bonnier's syndrome 邦尼埃综合征(前庭神经外侧核或前庭束损害)Bornholm disease 流行性肌痛Bourneville's disease 结节硬化症boutons en passant 旁结boutons terminaus 终结bouts 发作bowel 直肠boxing encephalopathy 拳击员脑炎brachcephaly 短头brachial plexus 臂丛brachium conjunctivum 结合臂brachium pontis 脑桥臂brachium 臂brachycranic 短颅的(颅指数为81.0至84.9)bradycardia 心动过缓bradykinesia 运动迟缓bradylalia 言语迟缓bradylexia 阅读过慢bradylogia 言语过慢bradyphemia 言语过慢bradyphrasia 迟语症bradyphrenia 智力迟钝(流行性乙型脑炎)bradypragia 动作过慢brain, encephalon 脑Brain's reflex 布雷恩反射(当病人采取四足位置时,偏瘫性屈曲上臂伸直) brainstem 脑干医.学全,在.线,提供briskly 活跃Brissaud's syndrome 交叉性面痉挛偏瘫综合征Broca's area 布若卡氏区Brodmann's areas 布劳德曼区(大脑皮层细胞结构分区)bromazepam 溴基安定bromazolam 宁神定bromocriptine 溴隐亭Brown-Sequard syndorme 脊髓半切综合征Brudzinski sign 布鲁金斯基征Bruns' syndrome 布伦斯综合征(第四脑室包囊虫眩晕综合征)Budge's center 布吉氏中枢Buerger disease 闭塞性血栓性脉管炎bufetolol 丁呋心安Buiswangen disease 缺血性白质脑病bulbar paralysis 球麻痹Burdach's columns 布尔达赫柱(脊髓楔束)Burdach's fasciculus 布尔达赫束(大脑上纵束)Burdach's fibers 布尔达赫纤维Burdach's fissure 布尔达赫裂(脑岛外侧面和岛盖内面间裂)Burdach's nucleus 布尔达赫核(楔束核)buspirone 丁螺环酮Ccabernous sinus 海绵窦cacesthesia 感觉异常cachinntion 癔病狂笑cafe au lait spots 咖啡牛乳色斑caffeine 咖啡因Caffey disease 婴儿骨皮质增生症Cajal's cells 卡哈尔细胞(星形胶质细胞)Cajal's double method 卡哈尔双重染色法(显示神经节细胞) Cajal's method 卡哈尔染色法(显示星形胶质细胞)calan 卡兰calcar avis 禽距calcarine fissure 距状裂calcified 钙化Calleja's islets 卡耶哈岛(海马回嗅觉小岛)callosal suleus 胼胝体沟callosum 胼胝体caloric nystagmus 温热性眼球震颤caloric test冷热试验Canavan disease 海绵状脑白质营养不良症candida 念珠菌canine hysteria 犬惊病canine spasm 痉笑caprylhydroxamic acid 辛酰氧肟酸capsule 囊carbamazepine 卡马西平carbechal 氨甲酰胆碱carbenicillin 羧苄青霉素carbidopa 卡比多巴cardiac plexus 心丛cardio-accelerating center心加速中枢cardio-encephalopathy 心性脑病cardio-inhibitor center 心抑制中枢cardioneurosis 神经性循环衰弱cardioplegia 心麻痹carotid angiograpathy 颈动脉血管造影carotid bifuracation 颈动脉分叉carotid compression 压颈动脉试验carotid sinus reflex 颈动脉窦反射carotid sinus syncope 颈动脉窦性晕厥carpal tunnel syndrome 腕管综合征carteolol 喹酮心安cartid-cavernous fistula 颈动脉海绵窦瘘caseating 干酪样cataplexy 猝倒catatonia 紧张症catatonic pupil 紧张性瞳孔catecholamine 儿茶酚胺categories 类型cauda equins 马尾(脊髓)causalgia 灼性神经痛cavernous sinus 海绵窦综合征cefadroxil 头孢拉定cefaloridine 头孢噻啶cefathiamidine 头孢硫脒celiac plexus 腹腔丛cellulitis 蜂窝织炎cenral spinal cord dyndrome 脊髓中央综合征center 中枢centers of autonomic nerve自主神经中枢central canal 中央管central core disease 中央轴突症central excitatory state 中枢兴奋状态central gray substance 中央灰质central pain 中枢性疼痛central sulcus 中央沟central suleus of insula 岛中央沟central tegmental tract 被盖中央束centraphose 中枢性暗觉centrifuged deposit 离心后沉淀centrokinesia 中枢性运动cephalgia 头痛cephalic flexure 头曲cephalin 脑磷脂cephalitis 脑炎cephalocele 脑膨出cephalocentesis 头颅穿刺术cephalochord 头索cephalodynia 头痛cephaloplegia 头面肌瘫痪cephalothin sodium 头孢噻吩钠cephaoexin 头孢氨苄cephazolin sodium 头孢唑啉钠ceptriaxone 头孢噻肟二嗪ceramidase 神经鞘氨醇酶ceramide glucoside 葡糖脑苷脂ceramide trihexoside 神经鞘氨醇己三糖苷ceramide 神经鞘氨醇cerebellar ataxia 小脑共济失调cerebellar atrophy 小脑萎缩cerebellar corpus 小脑体cerebellar cortex 小脑皮质cerebellar ectopia 小脑外疝cerebellar hemisphere syndrome 小脑半球综合征cerebellar hemisphere 小脑半球cerebellar plate 小脑板cerebellar pressure cone 小脑压迫圆锥cerebellar tonsillar herniation 小脑扁桃体疝cerebellitis 小脑炎cerebello- olivary fibers小脑橄榄纤维cerebellomedullary cistern 小脑延髓池cerebellopontine angle 小脑桥脑角cerebelloreticular fibers 小脑网状纤维cerebellorubral fibers 小脑红核纤维cerebellovestibular fibers 小脑前庭纤维cerebellum 小脑cerebral abscess 脑脓肿cerebral agenesis 大脑发育不全cerebral angiograpathy 脑血管造影cerebral atrophy 大脑萎缩cerebral commissure 大脑连合cerebral contusion 脑挫伤cerebral cortex 大脑皮质cerebral cysticercosis 脑囊虫病cerebral diaplegia 脑性双侧瘫痪cerebral dysgenesis 脑发育障碍cerebral edema 脑水肿cerebral embolism 脑栓塞cerebral haemorrhage 脑出血cerebral hemisphere 大脑半球cerebral infarction 脑梗死cerebral ischemia 脑缺血cerebral lipidosis 脑脂质增多症cerebral malacia 脑软化cerebral paragonimiasis 脑型肺吸虫病cerebral peduncle 大脑脚cerebral plasy 脑性瘫痪cerebral schistosomiasis 脑型血吸虫病cerebral sclerosis 脑硬化症cerebral spasm 大脑性痉挛cerebral thrombosis 脑血栓形成cerebral-arteriosclerotic dementia 脑动脉硬化性痴呆cerebriform 脑形的cerebritis 脑炎cerebrocuprein 脑铜蛋白cerebrogalactose 脑半乳糖cerebrogalactoside 脑半乳糖苷脂cerebrohyphoid 脑组织样的cerebroid 脑形的cerebrolysin 脑活素cerebroma 脑瘤cerebromacular degeneration 大脑黄斑变性症cerebromalacia 脑软化cerebromeningitis 脑膜脑炎cerebron 羟脑苷脂cerebropathy 脑病cerebrosclerosis 脑硬化cerebrose 脑半乳糖cerebroside 脑苷脂类cerebrosidosis 脑苷脂沉积病cerebrosis 脑病cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊液cerebrospinal leak 脑脊液漏cerebrospinal rhinorrhea 脑脊液鼻漏cerebrospinase 脑脊液氧化酶cerebrovascular accident 脑血管意外cerebrum 大脑医学全.在线网.站.提供ceroid 蜡样质ceruloplasmin 血浆铜蓝蛋白cervical ansa 颈袢cervical enlargement 颈膨大(脊髓)cervical flexure 颈曲cervical plexus 颈丛cervical rib syndrome 颈肋综合征cervical rigidity 颈强直cervical spondylosis 颈关节强直cervical vertigo 颈性眩晕cervical 颈的Cestan-Chenais syndrome 副-舌下神经麻痹综合征Chaddoch sign 查多克征Chamberlain's line 硬腭枕大孔(张伯伦)线Charcot's foot 夏科氏足(脊髓痨性关节病患者的畸形足)Charcot's gait 夏科氏步态(家族性共济失调步态)Charcot's joint 夏科氏关节(神经原性关节病)Charcot's syndrome夏科氏综合征(肌萎缩性侧索硬化,间歇性跛行,肝病性间歇热) Charcot's triad 夏科氏三征(眼球震颤,意向震颤,断音言语见于多发性硬化症)Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 腓骨肌萎缩征Chassalgnac's tubercle 夏桑亚克结节(第六颈椎横突的颈动脉结节)chemical synapse 化学突触Cheyne-Stokes nystagmus 节律性眼球震颤chiasmatic cistern 交叉池childhood dystrophy 儿童营养不良chitoneure 神经膜鞘chlomezanone 芬那露chloral hydrate 水合氯醛chloramphenicol 氯霉素chlorazepate 二钾氯氮卓chloridiazepoxide 利眠宁chlorimipramine 氯丙咪嗪chlormezanone 氯苯甲酮chloroquine 氯喹chlorpromazine 氯丙嗪chlorprothixene 泰尔登chlorthialidone 氯噻酮chocking 窒息cholesteatom 胆脂瘤cholestipol 降胆宁cholestyramine 消胆胺考来烯胺cholinergic 胆碱能cholinesterase 胆碱脂酶cholinolytic 抗胆碱cholinomimetic 类胆碱chondroitine 硫酸软骨素chorda tympani 鼓索支chordiazepoxide 氯氮平chordoma 脊索瘤chorea 舞蹈病choreiform 舞蹈病样的choreoathetosis 舞蹈手足徐动症choroid epithelium 脉络丛上皮choroid fissure 脉络裂choroid plexus of fourth ventricle 第四脑室脉络丛choroid plexus of lateral ventricle 侧脑室脉络丛choroid plexus of third ventricle 第三脑室脉络丛choroid plexus 脉络丛choroid 脉络膜chromidial substance 嗜染质chromphil substance 染色质chronic progressive inflammatory polyneuropathy 慢性进行性炎症性多发性神经病chronotaraxia 定时不能Chyne-Stokes respiration 潮式呼吸ciliary medullary center 延髓睫状体中枢ciliospinal center 睫脊中枢cillary neuragia 睫状神经痛cimetidine 西米替丁(甲氰咪呱)cinerea 灰质cingulate gyrus 扣带回cingulate suleus 扣带沟cingulectomy 扣带回切除术cingulumotomy 扣带回切开术cinnarizine 脑益嗪 (肉桂苯哌嗪)circle of Willis 脑底动脉环circumventricular organ 室周器cis-platinum 顺铂cistern 池cisternal puncture 小脑延髓池穿刺Clarke's cells 克拉克细胞(脊髓背核色素细胞)clasmatodendrosis 星形胶质细胞突破折clasp knife phenomenon 折刀现象clasp-knife 折刀样Claude's hyperkinesis sign 克洛德运动增强征(疼痛刺激时瘫痪肌肉的反射性动作) Claude's syndrome 克洛德综合征(一侧动眼神经瘫痪,对侧协同不能,讷吃)claw-hand 爪形手clindamycin 克林霉素clomipramine 氯丙咪嗪clonazepam 氯硝安定clonic seizure 阵挛发作clonic spasm 阵挛性痉挛clonidine 氯压定clonus 阵挛cloxacillin 邻氯青霉素coccidioidomycosis of brain 脑隐球菌病coccygeal 尾的cochlear duct 蜗管cochlear 迷路cochleostapedial reflex 镫骨肌反射coenzyme A 辅酶-Acoffin formation 柩状形成(神经细胞被吞噬)cogwheel rigidity 齿轮样强直Cohnheim's areas 孔海姆区(肌原纤维的多边形暗区)coiling reflex 蟠曲反射collateral eminence 侧副隆起collateral suleus 侧副沟collateral trigone 侧副三角Collet-Sicard syndrome 颅底综合征colliculocochleunuclear projection 下丘蜗核投射colliculo-olivary projection 下丘上橄榄投射colliculus 丘coma 昏迷comatose 昏迷commissure of inferior colliculus 下丘连合commissure 连合communicating hydrocephalus交通性脑积水compensate代偿compound microscope 复式显微镜compression of the brain 脑受压compression 压迫concha of cranium 颅盖concussion of brain 脑震荡concussion of spinal cord 脊髓震荡concussional 震荡Cone test 脑脊液动力检查confluence of sinus 窦汇congenital myopathy 先天性肌病congenital 先天性congruous hemianopia 同侧偏盲conjugate 共轭conjunctival reflex 结膜反射consciousness 意识consensual reflex 间接光反射consensual 间接constipation 便秘constitutional 原发性contraiadicate 禁忌contralateral 对侧contrecoup injury 对冲性损害contusion of spinal cord 脊髓挫伤contusion 挫伤conus medullaris 圆锥(脊髓)convalescent 恢复convergence defect 会聚障碍convergence spasm 会聚痉挛conversion hysteria 转换性癔病convuision 惊厥coordination 协调coprolalia 秽语症cornea 角膜corneal reflex 角膜反射cornucopia 外侧隐窝(第四脑室)corona radiation 辐射冠coronal 冠状的corpus callosum 胼胝体corpus Luysi 路易斯氏体corpus quadrigemina 四叠体corpus straitum 纹状体corssed hemianopia 异侧偏盲cortex 皮质Corti's arch 蜗螺旋神经节corticectomy 脑皮层切除术cortico- olivary fibers 皮质橄榄纤维corticobulbar tract 皮质脑干束corticocerebral 大脑皮层的corticocollicular projection 皮质下丘投射corticonuclear tract 皮质核束corticopontine tract 皮质脑桥束corticoreticular fibers 皮质网状纤维corticostriatal fibers 皮质纹状体纤维cortico-striato-spinal degeneration 皮质-纹状体-脊髓变性corticothalamic fibers 皮质丘脑纤维cortitectal fibers 皮质顶盖纤维cortival venous thrombophlebitis 皮质静脉血栓性静脉炎cough syncope 咳嗽晕厥coxsackie virus 柯萨奇病毒cramp 痛性痉挛cranial fontanel 颅囟医学.全在线cranial neuralgia 脑神经痛cranical meningocele 脑膜膨出craniectomy 颅骨切除术craniocele 脑膨出craniopharyngioma 颅咽管瘤craniopuncture 颅穿刺术craniorachischisis 颅脊柱裂cranioschisis 颅裂craniosclerosis 颅骨硬化craniostenosis 颅狭小craniostosis 颅缝骨化craniosynostosis 颅骨早期融合craniosynostosis 颅缝早闭craniotabes 颅骨软化craniotome 开颅器craniotomy 颅骨切开术craniotonoscopy 颅叩听诊法craniotopography 颅脑局部解剖学craniotrympanic 颅骨环锯术creatine kinase 肌酸激酶cremasteric reflex 提睾反射cretinism 呆小病Creutzfeld-Jacob disease 海绵状脑病cribriform 筛板cricothyroid 环甲crista ampullaris 壶腹嵴crossed paralysis 交叉性瘫痪cross-legged progression 交叉步态Crouzon syndrome 颅骨纤维结构不良综合征crucifixion attitude 十字架姿势(癔症性癫痫) cryptocalcarine gyrus 距状隐回cryptococcal 隐球菌的cryptogenic 原因不明cryptoglioma 隐期神经胶质瘤cryptoneurous 隐性神经系统的CSF-brain barrier 脑脊液脑屏障CSOM: chronic suppurative otitis media 慢性化脓性中耳炎culmen 山顶(小脑)cuneatocerebellar fibers 楔小脑纤维cuneocerebellar tract 楔小脑束Cushing disease 柯兴病cutancous 皮肤的cyanosis发绀cyclandelate 环扁桃酯cyclizine 苯甲嗪cyclobarbital 环巴比妥cyclohexanehexol 肌醇cyclophosphamide 环磷酰胺cycloserine 环丝氨酸cyclosprine 环孢菌素cycrimine 环戊丙醇cylindraxile 轴突cystic medial necrosis 囊性中央坏死cysticercosis 囊虫病cytarabine 阿糖胞苷cytidine diphosphate 胞二磷胆碱cytomegalovirus 巨细胞病毒cytopathy 细胞变性cytoplasmic glia 原浆性神经胶质细胞cytosine 胞嘧啶DDaCosta's disease 神经性循环衰弱dancing spasm 痉跳病Dandy-Walker syndrome 第四脑室闭锁综合征dapsome 氨苯砜dark degeneration 暗变性dark-field microscope 暗视野显微镜Darkshevich's fibers 达克谢维奇纤维Darkshevich'snucleus 达克谢维奇核(在中脑水管和第三脑室交界处) Daubenton's angle 多邦通角(枕角)Daubenton's line 多邦通线(由颅后点至颅底点的线)Daubenton's plane 多邦通平面(通过颅后点及眶下缘的平面) deafferentate 传入神经阻滞decerebrate rigidity 去大脑僵直decerebrate 去大脑declive 山坡(小脑)decorticate rigidity去皮层强直decubitus褥疮decussation of medial lemniscus 内侧丘系交叉decussation of superior cerebellar peduncle 小脑上脚交叉decussation 交叉deformity 畸形degeneration 变性Dejerine onion skin syndrome 代热林洋葱皮样综合征Dejerine's sign 代热林征(腹压加大时神经根炎症状加重)Dejerine's syndrome 代热林综合征Dejerine-Klumpke paralysis 下臂丛麻痹Dejerine-Landouzy dystrophy 代热林-兰杜茨营养不良Dejerine-Roussy syndrome 丘脑综合征Dejerine-Sottas syndrome 肥大性间质性多发性神经病delirium 谵妄delusion 妄想dementia 痴呆demyelinating 脱髓鞘dendritic spine 树突棘dendro-axonic synapse 树-轴突触dendro-dendrite synapse 树-树突触dendron 树突dendrophagocytosis 噬胞突作用dendro-somatic synapse 树-体突触denervation 去神经支配Denny-Brown neuropathy 遗传性感觉神经根神经病dentata 枢椎dentate gyrus 齿状回dentato rubral atrophy 齿状核红核萎缩deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA) 脱氧核糖核酸deprenyl 盐酸司立吉林depressor center 减压中枢Dercum disease 痛性肥胖症derencephalocele 颈椎脑突出dermatomal 皮区dermatomyositis 皮肌炎dermoid cyst 皮样囊肿descending pathway in auditory system 听觉系的下行通路desipramine 去甲丙咪嗪desoxyphenobarbital 扑痫酮医学全.在线.网.站.提供deviation 偏瘫Devic disease 视神经脊髓炎dexamethasone 地塞米松dextran-40 低分子右旋糖酐dextren sulfate 糖酐酯dextroamphetamine 右旋苯异丙胺diabetes insipidus 尿崩症diabetic amyotrophy 糖尿病性肌萎缩diabetic coma 糖尿病性昏迷diabetic neuritis 糖尿病性神经炎diacele 第三脑室diaclast 穿颅器diadochokinesia 轮替运动diagonal bundle 斜角带Diamox 乙酰唑胺diaphragma sellae 鞍隔diastematocrania 颅纵裂diastematomyelia 脊髓纵裂diataxia 两侧共济失调diazaepam 安定diazoxide 氯苯甲噻二嗪dicoumarin 双香豆素diencephalon 间脑diethylstilbestrol 乙烯雌酚difenidol 眩晕停diffuse sclerosis 弥漫性硬化dihydroergotoxin 氢化麦角碱dilated 扩张diltiazem 地尔硫dimeflin 回苏灵diphtheria 白喉diplegia 双侧瘫痪diploe 板障diplomyelia 脊髓纵裂diplopia 复视dipyridamole 潘生丁discobolus attitude 掷铁饼姿势(半规管受刺激) disequilibrium平衡不稳disorded action of the heart 神经性循环衰弱disorientation 定向障碍disseminated sclerosis 播散性硬化dissociated sensory loss 分离性感觉丧失distal muscular dystrophy 远端肌营养不良症disulphiram 戒酒硫disuse handicap 废用性缺陷dizziness 眩晕dlo-tocopherol nicatinate 烟酸生育酚酯dobutamine 多巴酚丁胺dogmatil 硫苯酰胺dominant hemisphere 优势半球dopaminergic pathway 中脑多巴胺能通路Dorsal disc prolapse 椎间盘突出症dorsal intermedian suleus 后中间沟dorsal longitudinal fasciculus 背侧纵束dorsal median suleus 后正中沟dorsal thalamus 背侧丘脑dorsal 背侧dorsiflexion 背屈Down syndrome 唐综合征Dowson encephalitis 亚急性包涵体脑炎doxepine 多虑平doxycycline 强力霉素dramamine 茶苯海明dribbling流涎drop seizure跌倒发作drowsy 瞌睡drunken gait 酒醉步态Duchenne muscular dystrophy 杜兴氏肌营养不良Duchenne-Erb paralysis 杜-欧麻痹dura mater 硬膜duxil 都可喜dwarfism 侏儒症dysantigraphia 抄写不能dysaphia 触觉障碍dysaptation 眼调节不良dysarthria 构音困难dysaudia 听力障碍dysautonomia 家族性自主神经机能异常dysbasia 步行障碍dyscalculia 计算困难dyschiasia 定位觉障碍dyschiria 左右感觉障碍dyschronism 定时障碍dyscoimesis 睡眠障碍dyscoria 瞳孔反应异常dysdiadochokinesia 轮替运动障碍dysequilibrium 平衡失调dysergasia 整体反应障碍dysergia 传出性共济失调dysesthesia 感觉障碍dysgrammatism 语法错乱dysgraphia 书写困难dyskinesias 动作障碍dyslalia 言语障碍dyslexia 诵读障碍dyslexic 阅读不能dysmnesia 记忆障碍dysmyotonia 肌张力障碍dysopia 视觉障碍dysosmia 嗅觉障碍医学全.在线提供dysphgia 吞咽障碍dysphonia 发音困难dysphrasia 言语困难dysphrenia 精神障碍dyspnoea 呼吸障碍dysponesis 皮层运动区活动障碍dyspraxia 运用障碍dysrhaphia 神经管闭合不全dysrhaphism 脊柱裂dysrythmia 节律障碍dysstasia 起立困难dyssynergia 肌协同失调dyssynergia 协同障碍dystaxia 共济失调dystects 神经管闭合不全dystonia musculorum deformans 变形性肌张力障碍dystonia 肌张力障碍dystrophia myotonica 肌营养不良性肌强直症dystrophy 肌营养不良EEaton-Lambert myasthenic syndrome 重症肌无力综合征echinococcus 绦虫病Echo virus 埃可病毒echoencephalogram 脑超声图echylnandrol 乙基雌烯醇Ecker's fissure 枕横沟ectethmoid 筛骨外侧部ectoglia 外神经胶质ectopia 异位ectorhinal area 嗅外区Edinger's law 埃丁格尔定律edrophonium 腾喜龙effector in viscers 内脏效应器effector, motor ending 效应器efferent 传出eicosapentaenoic acid, EPA 二十碳五烯酸Eimer's organ 埃米尔氏器Elanolz's bodies 埃尔兹霍兹体(有髓神经纤维变性小体) elastase 弹性酶electrical synapse 电突触electroconvulsive therapy 电惊厥疗法electrocorticography 脑皮层电图electroencephalography 脑电图electroencephaloscope 脑电镜electrolyte 电解质electromyography 肌电图electron microscope 电子显微镜electroneurography 神经电图electronystagmography 眼震电图electro-oculogram 眼电图electrophoresis 电泳electroplexy 电休克electroretinogram 视网膜电图electrospinogram 脊髓电图elicited 引出emboli 栓子ement 充血emepronine 乙基二甲二苯溴丙胺eminence 隆起empty sella syndrome 空蝶鞍综合征encephalitis lethargica 昏睡性脑炎encephalitis 脑炎encephalitogenic 致脑炎的Encephalitozoon rabiei 内格里小体(狂犬病包涵体) encephalization 脑形成encephalo-arteriography 脑动脉造影术encephalocele 颅腔encephaloclastic 脑损害的encephalocystocele 积水性脑突出encephalodialysis 脑软化encephalodysplasia 脑发育异常encephalogram 脑造影照片encephalography 脑照相术encephaloid 髓样瘤encephalolith 脑石encephaloma 脑瘤encephalomalacia脑软化encephalomeningitis 脑膜脑炎encephalomeningocele脑脑膜膨出encephalomeningopathy 脑脑膜病encephalomere 脑节encephalomyelitis 脑脊髓炎encephalomyeloneurophy 脑脊髓神经病encephalomyelopathy 脑脊髓病encephalomyeloradiculitis 脑脊髓神经根炎encephalomyeloradiculoneuritis 脑脊髓神经根神经炎encephalomyeloradiculopathy 脑脊髓脊神经根病encephalomyocarditis 脑心肌炎encephalonarcosis 脑病性木僵encephalopathy 脑病encephalopuncture 脑穿刺术encephalopyosis 脑脓肿encephaloradiculitis 脑脊神经根炎encephalorrhagia 脑出血encephalosclerosis 脑硬化encephaloscope 窥脑镜encephalosepsis 脑坏疽医.学全在.线提供encephalosis 器质性脑病。





He had several sudden alterations in consciousness preceded by dizziness for several weeks.神经症状一般用语 vertigo, dizziness, dizzy spell, syncope, fainting,sleepy, drowsy, lethargic, insomnia, hiccough, convulsion,seizure, trembling, involuntary movement, numbness, weakness,incoordination, clumsiness of motion, tingling, unsteadiness in walking, difficulty in walking, paresthesia, anesthesia,paralysis, myalgia, thick speech, aphoniaex1:他发觉,说话障碍逐渐厉害起来。

He noted a progressive speech impediment.ex2:他不能用病侧脚尖站着。

He was unable to stand on tiptoe on the affected limb.(2)他的情绪容易突变,且会无缘无故地愠怒和哭泣。

He is liable to sudden changes of mood and would sulk and cry for no apparent reason.抑郁一般用语 despondent, gloomy, worried, disgusted,discouraged, scared, fearful, low, afraid, angry, blue ; cheerful, optimistic, pessimistic, satisfied, stable,fluctuating, hilarious喜欢小题大做的 fussy好管闲事的 noisy吹毛求疵的 faultfinding自负的 conceited很势利的 snobbish自私的 selfish吝啬的 stingy气量大的 broadminded慷慨的 generous好心的 kindhearted心情变幻不定而抑郁的 be moody and depressed患有极痛苦的忧虑 have an attack of excruciating anxietyex1:His mood was appropriate.ex2:His mood was mainly euphoric and expansive.考虑能力一般用语 think less clearly, decreased speed of thinking,decreased clarity ofthought, flight of ideas, loss of mental vigor , mental apathy 再也不能集中心力 can no longer concentrate发觉集中力减退 noted waning powers of concentrationex1:她发觉在读习和写作时,注意力有点不易集中。



All patients underwent a Computed Tomography (CT) scan. In five patients the CT-scan did not only show a hyperdense subdural bleeding, but also collections of mixed densities.所有病人都接受CT扫描,有5例病人CT不仅显示硬膜下高密度出血,还可见到混杂密度。

Notably, patients 4 and 5 were the only patients that were not comatose on admission. Six of the 7 comatose patients showed pupillary abnormalities. The mean Glasgow Coma Sum Score (GCS) on admission was 7.7.值得注意的是,4、5两例病人是在入院时没有昏迷的,7个昏迷病人中有6个发现有瞳孔异常。


In four patients an emergency craniotomy was carried out. A bleeding cortical artery was found in two patients bridging veins. 有四例患者接受了急诊开颅手术,在两例桥静脉损伤病人中有一例发现了皮层动脉出血。

Patient 4 was treated conservatively because the only clinical sign was confusion and the subdural haematoma was thin. 病例4接受了保守治疗,因为他的临床体征不典型(杂乱),而且硬膜下血肿薄(量少)。

The other four patients were in a neurological condition considered too poor to continue any treatment. 另外四例患者神经系统情况太差而不能继续接受治疗。

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He has experienced …… The patient had a lengthy history of ……for……years treated with …… She has documented …… Within the past …… years, she has had …… …… year prior to this presentation, she had an brief episode of …… She describes a …… year history of ……, but denies …… the patient underwent ……for ……of…… Previous medical history included …… Present medications include …… gives a negative history for smoking, drug, and only occasional alcohol use.

her balance deteriorated and on one occasion she fell in the shower. the …… became constant He saw an outside Neurologist who started him on ……(drugs) without improvement.

…… have worsened in the last …… months having pain in …… radiating down to …… She was prescribed …… the acute onset of …… which was more marked on ……(doing), but was present to a lesser extent when ……(doing). …… have continued to progress to the present time. was graded as …… The residual weakness on the left had completely resolved and he reported no new weakness. her …… continued to deteriorate.

Family history includes a grandfather with Alzheimer's disease The patients mother died of …… Family history was positive for …… and …… (disease) in his father, negative for …… (disease) . Family history revealed no history of …… She is married with two children The patient smoked …… packs a day in the past but quit completely …… years ago. He smoked one half pack of cigarettes per day for …… years, and he occasionally drank alcohol in moderation. does not smoke and is a social drinker.
颈“强”,是指“不易弯的” 正确表达:The neck was rigid


The patient is a …… year old female who presented (to ……) with (complaints of)……, accompanied by ……. the patient was admitted to ……with …… The patient is referred to ……for…… as well as …… She was unconscious for …… seconds, and was then confused for …… minutes. A 72-year-old man was admitted to …… because of ……
4现Leabharlann 史 she developed …… in ……. She went to ……,received …… to treat her …… Two days prior to admission, he noted an abrupt onset of ……. he began having difficulty ……(doing) when …… (doing) He had trouble …… (doing), and subsequently in …… (doing) He then began to have problems …… (doing) have problems with…… got worse with increasing …… …… in …… gradually increased up to …… and to a lesser extent involved his …….
杜万良 北京天坛医院神经内科 2011.2.25

用简练的语言汇报主要的病史、发现、诊断、 治疗。 英语的习惯表达。 照葫芦画瓢而已。

颈“软”,实际是指“无抵抗感,易弯曲的” 正确表达:The neck was supple 错误表达:The neck was soft