



UNIT 1 Of Marri‎a g e and Singl‎e Life Franc‎is Bacon‎弗兰西斯。

培根1.What are the advan‎t ages‎ and disad‎v anta‎g es of a marri‎e d life accor‎d ing to Bacon‎?Advan‎t ages‎:1.Be respo‎nsibl‎e f or famil‎y and caref‎u l;2.Horta‎t ive, put men in mind of their‎wives‎and child‎r en ,for soldi‎e rs;3. A kind of disci‎p line‎of human‎ity , grave‎natur‎e s led by custo‎m are commo‎n ly lovin‎ghusba‎nds;4.Wives‎are young‎men’s mistr‎e ss , compa‎n ions‎for middl‎e age , and old men’s nurse‎s Disad‎v anta‎ges:1.givin‎g hosta‎ges to fortu‎ne2.imped‎iment‎s t o great‎enter‎p rise‎s3.an abata‎m ent of a man’s riche‎s and a famil‎y will bing a man bonds‎and shack‎lesUNIT 4 Lette‎r to Lord Chest‎e rfie‎ld Samue‎l Johns‎o n 塞缪尔。

约翰逊2.What is the impor‎t ance‎ of this lette‎r in the histo‎r y of Engli‎s h liter‎a ture‎?1.John’s lette‎r has been descr‎ibed as liter‎a ture‎’s “Decla‎r atio‎n of Indep‎e nden‎ce”;Indep‎e nden‎c e of write‎rs2. It’s a poor write‎r to the big man’s indic‎t ment‎-like , showi‎n g conte‎m pt for the write‎r ofthe elite‎.3. It has been the subje‎c t of criti‎c al comme‎n t over since‎in the liter‎a ry world‎.4.It repre‎s ents‎ the Engli‎s h new bourg‎e oisi‎e(资产阶级)’ resis‎t ance‎again‎s t feuda‎lism(封建主义).5.It embod‎ies the autho‎r’s rebel‎lion.*6、事实上,此后英国文‎坛上的保护‎制度(Patro‎n age)在英国,在欧洲大陆‎逐渐消失了‎。



第一册第四课 7
5. do with
(used in questions with what) deal with ——What do you with such rude boys? ——What are we going to do with the huge rock lying in the middle of the road?
第一册第四课 14
9. turn down
refuse ——He was offered the job but he turned it down because it involved too much traveling. ——Look. I am offering you a free meal —you are surely not going to turn me down?
1. turn away
refuse to help (sb.) or to allow (sb.) to enter a place ——He’s my son after all, I can’t just turn him away when he is in trouble. ——The lecture hall was already full and many of the students were turned away.
15. discard
(formal) throw away ——I’m going to discard those magazines if you’ve finished reading them. ——These potatoes are past their best — I’d better discard them.

Unit 4 Finance and Economy

Unit 4 Finance and Economy
Editors’ comments: “They fell short”
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy
Organization Analysis
Part II (Para.2)
Major achievements of this summit meeting The leaders pledged to
-- Editors’ comments: being relieved, but not the time or the issue on which to hold back taking on the fight (against the Europeans)
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy
Background Information
(Lehman Brothers Holdings )
雷曼兄弟公司,美国第四大投资银行,是为全球公司、机构、政府和投资 者的金融需求提供服务的一家全方位、多元化投资银行。雷曼兄弟公司成立于 1850年,总部设于美国纽约市,地区性总部则位于伦敦及东京,在世界各地设 有办事处。雷曼兄弟被美国《财富》杂志选为500强公司之一。 雷曼兄弟公司雄厚的财务实力支持其在所从事的业务领域的领导地位,并 且是全球最具实力的股票和债券承销和交易商之一。同时,公司还担任全球多 家跨国公司和政府的重要财务顾问,并拥有多名业界公认的国际最佳分析师。
Warming-up Questions Organization Analysis Language Features Detailed Reading Post-Reading
最新英美报刊选读_ Unit 4 Finance and Economy



大学英语教材1答案unit4Unit 4: Understanding and Interpreting TextsIn this unit, we will explore and analyze various texts to enhance our understanding and interpretation skills in English. The following are the answers to the exercises in Unit 4 of the university-level English textbook.Exercise 1:1. The main idea of the passage is that technology has a significant impact on our daily lives.2. The author argues that our reliance on technology has both positive and negative consequences.3. The author provides examples such as smartphones, tablets, and social media platforms to support their claims.4. The passage suggests that technology can improve communication, increase efficiency, and expand access to information.5. The author concludes by emphasizing the importance of balancing technology use and real-world interactions.Exercise 2:1. The three main points discussed in the reading are the benefits of technology, its negative effects, and the need for a balanced approach.2. The passage mentions that technology has revolutionized various industries, such as healthcare and education.3. The negative consequences of excessive technology use include decreased face-to-face communication and increased social isolation.4. The author suggests that individuals should be mindful of their technology usage and make an effort to disconnect from devices occasionally.5. The reading provides tips on achieving a healthy balance, such as setting technology-free zones and engaging in offline activities.Exercise 3:1. The passage describes the advantages and disadvantages of online learning.2. Online learning offers flexibility in terms of time and location, allowing students to study at their own pace.3. However, online learning lacks face-to-face interaction, which may hinder communication and collaborative skills development.4. The passage suggests that a blended learning approach, combining online and traditional in-person methods, could provide the best of both worlds.5. The author concludes by highlighting the importance of personal preferences and learning styles when choosing between online and traditional learning.Exercise 4:1. The main purpose of the text is to inform readers about the benefits of studying abroad.2. The passage outlines advantages such as cultural immersion, language acquisition, and personal growth.3. Studying abroad exposes students to different perspectives and helps them develop a global mindset.4. The author acknowledges that studying abroad can be challenging, but believes that the benefits outweigh the difficulties.5. The passage concludes by encouraging students to consider studying abroad as a life-changing opportunity.Exercise 5:1. The passage discusses the impact of global warming on the environment.2. Global warming leads to rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and loss of biodiversity.3. The author emphasizes the need for immediate action to mitigate the effects of climate change.4. The passage suggests measures such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting renewable energy sources.5. The author concludes by urging individuals to take responsibility and make sustainable choices to combat global warming.Exercise 6:1. The text analyzes the pros and cons of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).2. GMOs can increase crop yield, enhance nutritional value, and reduce the use of pesticides.3. However, there are concerns about potential health risks and negative environmental impacts associated with GMOs.4. The author suggests that more research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects of GMOs.5. The passage concludes by acknowledging the complex nature of the GMO debate and the need for informed decision-making.Conclusion:Through the completion of these exercises, we have gained a deeper understanding of various topics related to technology, education, environment, and global issues. By improving our comprehension and interpretation skills, we can effectively engage with English texts and broaden our knowledge in different fields.。


3. Based on the above two activities, T sums up and leads into the text by saying: We’ve often heard about the American Dream, and by now we know it means the belief that everyone can succeed as long as he/she works hard enough. Of course, we must realize that here success is narrowly defined as financial success. In this unit you will read how such a dream came true.
4. T lets Ss know that they are to complete Text Organization Exercise 2 as he/she goes through each step, which is similarly defined by the appearances of time phrases.
While-reading tasks
1. Ss scan the text to circle all the time words, phrases or sentences in this text.By this they will see that the text is written according to time sequence.
First period
Pre-reading tasks
2.T explains to Ss that Tony fulfilled his American Dream step by step, and that the time phases serve as transitions between steps.



美英报刊文章涉及各个领域,会使用相应 领域的专业术语。
新闻写作要求准确具体,避免模糊和歧义 的表达。
通过修辞手法和生动的描绘,使文章更具 吸引力和感染力。
为增强文章的可信度和权威性,常引用官 方、专家或权威机构的观点和数据。
最新美英报刊阅读lesson1精品 课件
• 课程介绍与背景 • 阅读技巧与策略 • 美英报刊文章特点 • 美英报刊选读 • 阅读理解与练习 • 课程总结与展望
提高学生阅读和理解美英报刊杂 志的能力 帮助学生了解国际时事和英美文 化 培养学生的批判性思维和独立思 考能力
剖析全球经济趋势,报道金融市场动 态及企业盈利情况。
以全球视角关注经济现象,提供深度 分析和评论。
分析国际贸易、投资等经济问题,探 讨各国经济发展战略。
探讨美国社会文化现象,包括艺 术、文学、电影等领域。
学习如何快速浏览和深入理解报 刊文章,包括标题、导语、正文
通过讨论和分析当前国际时事, 提高学生对国际政治、经济、文

英美报刊选读unit 1

英美报刊选读unit 1
2.To grasp some techniques in reading and understanding Englishnewspapers andmagazines.
How to expand the students’English vocabulary including the acronym of the well-known international organizations and associations.
What is Mass Communication?
The process by which a complex organization, with the aid of one or more machines produces public messages that are aimed at large heterogeneous (of different kinds), and scattered audience.
Teaching Processes
1.The definition of journalism
(1)The collecting, writing, editing, and presentation of news or news articles in newspapers and magazines and in radio and television broadcasts.
(2)nonverbal communication (facial expression, body language)
(3)visual communication (pictures and images)

英语外报阅读 第4课 (新版)

英语外报阅读 第4课   (新版)

Which one isthe two typical ways of kid-rearing?
Think about it:
• What are the factors that have made such a big difference between the American way and Chinese way of parenting?
他在《华尔街日报》上的获奖专栏 《老外在中国》(The Expat Life) 编撰而成,由哈珀柯林斯出版社 (Harper Collins)出版发行。
Chinese Stereotype academically excellent more self-disciplined less creative less sociable less dependent American Stereotype more dependent more active more creative more sociable more well- around less disciplined
• hindsight 事后诸葛亮\后见之明
• – the ability to understand a situation only after it has happened. • ① with\in hindsight • ② the benefit\wisdom of • e.g. With \in hindsight, I should have seen the warning signs. • 事后想来(事后诸葛亮啊)我应该看 见警告迹象的。 • Translate: 事后再去指责他们的努力是 不公平的。 • With the benefit of hindsight, it is not fair to criticize their efforts.

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文

【Lesson 1 Good News about Racial ProgressThe remaining divisions in American society shouldnot blind us to a half-century of dramatic changeBy Abigail and Stephan ThernstromIn the Perrywood community of Upper Marlboro, Md.1, near Washington, D.C., homes cost between $160,000 and $400,000. The lawns are green and the amenities appealing—including a basketball court.Low-income teen-agers from Washington started coming there. The teens were black, and they were not welcomed. The homeowners’ association hired off-duty police as security, and they would ask the ballplayers whether they “belonged” in the area. The association’ s newsletter noted the “eyesore” at the basketball court.But the story has a surprising twist: many of the homeowners were black t oo. “We started having problems with the young men, and unfortunately they are our people,” one resident told a re porter from the Washington Post. “But what can you do?”The homeowners didn’t care about the race of the basketball players. They were outsiders—in truders. As another resident remarked, “People who don’t live here might not care about things the way we do. Seeing all the new houses going up, someone might be tempted.”It’s a t elling story. Lots of Americans think that almost all blacks live in inner cities. Not true. Today many blacks own homes in suburban neighborhoods—not just around Washington, but outside Atlanta, Denver and other cities as well.That’s not the only common misconception Americans have ab out race. For some of the misinformation, the media are to blame. A reporter in The Wall Street Journal, for instance, writes that the economic gap between whites and blacks has widened. He offers no evidence. The picture drawn of racial relations is even bleaker. In one poll, for instance, 85 percent of blacks, but only 34 percent of whites, agreed with the verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. That racially divided response made headline news. Blacks and whites, media accounts would have us believe, are still separate and hostile. Division is a constant theme, racism another.To be sure, racism has not disappeared, and race relations could —and probably will —improve. But the serious inequality that remains is less a function of racism than of the racial gap in levels of educational attainment, single parenthood and crime. The bad news has been exaggerated, and the good news neglected. Consider these three trends:A black middle class has arrived. Andrew Young recalls the day he was mistaken for a valet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. It was an infuriating case of mistaken identity for a man who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.But it wasn’t so long ago that most blacks were servants—or their equivalent. On the eve ofWorld War II, a trivial five percent of black men were engaged in white-collar work of any kind, and six out of ten African-American women were employed as domestics.In 1940 there were only 1,000 practicing African-American lawyers; by 1995 there were over 32,000, about four percent of all attorneys.Today almost three-quarters of African-American families have incomes above the government poverty line. Many are in the middle class, according to one useful index—earning double the government poverty level; in 1995 this was $30,910 for a two-parent family with two children and $40,728 for a two-parent family with four children. Only one black family in 100 enjoyed a middle-class income in 1940; by 1995 it was 49 in 100. And more than 40 percent of black households also own their homes. That’ s a huge change.The typical white family still earns a lot more than the black family because it is more likely to collect two paychecks. But if we look only at married couples—much of the middle class—the white-black income gap shrinks to 13 percent. Much of that gap can be explained by the smaller percentage of blacks with college degrees, which boost wages, and the greater concentration of blacks in the South, where wages tend to be lower.Blacks are moving to the suburbs. Following the urban riots of the mid-1960s, the presiden­tial Kerner Commission14 concluded that the nation’ s future was menaced by “accelerating segrega­tion”—black central cities and whites outside the core. That segregation might well blow the country apart, it said.It’ s true that whites have continued to leave inner cities for the suburbs, but so, too, have blacks. The number of black suburban dwellers in the last generation has almost tripled to 10.6 million. In 1970 metropolitan Atlanta, for example, 27 percent of blacks lived in the suburbs with 85 percent of whites. By 1990, 64 percent of blacks and 94 percent of whites resided there.This is not phony integration, with blacks moving from one all-black neighborhood into another. Most of the movement has brought African-Americans into neighborhoods much less black15 than those they left behind, thus increasing integration. By 1994 six in ten whites reported that they lived in neighborhoods with blacks.Residential patterns do remain closely connected to race. However, neighborhoods have become more racially mixed, and residential segregation has been decreasing.Bigotry has declined. Before World Was ft, Gunnar Myrdal16 roamed the South researching An American Dilemma, the now-classic book that documented17 the chasm betwe en the nation’s ideals and its racial practices, hi one small Southern city, he kept asking whites how he could find “Mr. Jim Smith,” an African-American who was principal of a black high school. No one seemed to know who he was. After he finally found Smith, Myrdal was told that he should have just asked for “Jim.” That’ s how great was white aversion to dignifying African-Americans with “Mr.” Or “Mrs.”Bigotry was not just a Southern problem. A national survey in the 1940s asked whether “Ne-groes shoul d have as good a chance as white people to get any kind of job.” A majority of whites said that “white people should have the first chance at any kind of job.”19. Such a question would not even be asked today. Except for a lunatic fringe18, no whites would sign on to such a notion.1920. In 1964 less than one in five whites reported having a black friend. By 1989 more than two out of three did. And more than eight often African -Americans had a white friend.21. What about the last taboo?20 In 1963 ten percent of whites approved of black-white dating; by 1994 it was 65 percent. Interracial marriages? Four percent of whites said it was okay in 1958; by 1994 the figure had climbed more than elevenfold, to 45 percent. These surveys measure opinion, but behavior has also changed. In 1963 less than one percent of marriages by African- Americans were racially mixed. By 1993, 12 percent were.22. Today black Americans can climb the ladder to the top.21 Ann M. Fudge is already there; she’s in charge of manufacturing, promotion and sales at the $2.7-billion Maxwell House Coffee and Post Cereals divisions of Kraft Foods.22 So are Kenneth Chenault, president and chief operating officer at American Express23 and Richard D. Parsons, president of Time Warner, Inc.24 After the 1988 Demo-cratic Convention25, the Rev. Jesse Jackson26 talked about his chances of making it to the White House. “I may not get there,” he said “But it is possible for our children to get there now.”23. Even that seems too pessimistic. Consider how things have improved since Colin and Alma Powell27 packed their belongings into a V olkswagen28 and left Fort Devens, Mass., for Fort Bragg, N. C. “I remember passing Woodbridgc, Va.,” General Powell wrote in his autobiogra phy, “and not finding even a gas-station bathroom that we were allowed to use.” That was in 1962. In 1996 reliable polls suggest he could have been elected President.24. Progress over the last half-century has been dramatic. As Corctta Scott King wrote not long ago, the ideals for which her husband Martin Luther King Jr. died, have become “deeply embedded in the very fabric of America29.”From Reader’s Digest, March, 1998V. Analysis of Content1. According to the author, ___________A. racism has disappeared in AmericaB. little progress has been made in race relationsC. media reports have exaggerated the racial gapD. media accounts have made people believe that the gap between blacks and whites has become narrower2. What the Kerner Commi ssion meant by “accelerating segregation” was that __________A. more and more whites and blacks were forced to live and work separatelyB. more and more blacks lived in the central cities, and whites outside the coreC. more and more whites lived in the central cities, and blacks outside the coreD. nowadays more and more blacks begin to live in the suburbs3. The last taboo in the article is about ____________.A. political status of America’s minority peopleB. economic status of America’ s minori ty peopleC. racial integrationD. interracial marriages4. Gunnar Myrdal kept asking whites how he could find “Mr. Jim Smith,” but no one seemed to know who he was, because _____________.A. there was not such a person called Jim SmithB. Jim Smith was not famousC. the whites didn ‘t know Jim SmithD. the white people considered that a black man did not deserve the title of “Mr.”5. In the author’s opinion, _A. few black Americans can climb the ladder to the topB. Jesse Jackson’ s words in th is article seemed too pessimisticC. Colin Powell could never have been elected PresidentD. blacks can never become America’ s PresidentVI. Questions on the Article1. Why were those low-income teen-agers who came to the Perrywood community consid-ered to be “the eyesore”?2. What is the surprising twist of the story?3. According to this article, what has caused much of the white-black income gap?4. Why did the presidential Kerner Commission conclude that the nation’ s future was menaced by “accelerating segregation”?5. Why wouldn’t questions as “Should negroes have as good a chance as white people to get any kind of job?” be asked today?Topics for Discussion1. Can you tell briefly the dramatic progress in the status of America’ s minority p eople over the last half-century?2. Do you think the article is unbiased? What do you think of the author s view on the African-Americans?1. amenity: n. A. The quality of being pleasant or attractive; agreeableness. 怡人:使人愉快或吸引人的性质;使人愉快 B. A feature that increases attractiveness or value, especially of a piece of real estate or a geographic location.生活福利设施;便利设施:能够增加吸引力或价值的事物,特别是不动产或地理位置⊙ We enjoy all the -ties of home life. 我们享受家庭生活的一切乐趣。


报刊语言中常出现长句和复合句,需 要掌握其句子结构和逻辑关系,以便 正确理解句意。
如比喻、拟人、排比等,用于增强语 言表达的生动性和形象性。
了解英美国家的文化背景和历史传统 ,有助于更好地理解报刊文章中的相 关内容和表达。
20Байду номын сангаас4/1/28
新闻报道强调信息的即时性, 要求快速、准确地传递最新发 生的事件或情况。
新闻报道力求客观公正地呈现 事实,避免主观色彩和偏见。
新闻报道要求信息准确无误, 包括时间、地点、人物等要素 。
新闻报道语言简练,重点突出 ,便于读者快速了解事件概况 。
对关键段落进行仔细阅读,深入理解作者观点和 文章内涵。
思考文章所表达的主题和意义,以及对自己的启 示和影响。
关注文章的用词、句式和修辞手法,分析作者的 写作风格和语言特点。
对重要内容进行笔记和总结,加深对文章的理解 和记忆。
在选定报刊杂志后,制定具体的阅读目标和计划。例如, 每周阅读一篇新闻报道、一篇评论文章和一篇特写等。
在实施阅读计划时,注意跟踪自己的阅读进度,并根据实 际情况进行调整。如果发现某些文章难度较大或兴趣不高 ,可以适当调整阅读内容或增加辅助材料。

Book1 unit4 课文翻译及课后练习答案

Book1 unit4 课文翻译及课后练习答案

Unit 4 Fresh StartIn-Class Reading Fresh Start新的开端1当我父母开车离去,留下我可怜巴巴地站在停车场上时,我开始寻思我在校园里该做什么。







3“欢迎你们来听生物101 课,”教授开始上课。































2.课时安排:a) 学员自学:2学时/周,共30学时学完15课。





在上课时,可要求学生先回答每课后的练习题—— Questions,使他们基本了解课文的主要内容。





Home at last这是其中的一个通宵gabfests学生在毕业时,他们将友情,裸露最深的感觉。


























美英报刊文章阅读第四版课后练习题含答案第一篇文章题目:“Why Our Screens Make Us Less Happy”作者认为什么是人们在使用屏幕时感到不愉快的主要原因?答案:作者认为,人们在使用屏幕时感到不愉快的主要原因是因为屏幕的使用会干扰人类的自然生活方式和社交联系。

第二篇文章题目:在《Starbucks Didn’t Fix Racism at Its Stores. It Just Invited Us to Talk About It》这篇文章中,作者提到了什么措施可以改善种族歧视问题?答案:《Starbucks Didn’t Fix Racism at Its Stores. It Just Invited Us to Talk About It》这篇文章中,作者提到了在Starbucks店内进行种族平等培训是改善种族歧视的一种措施,同时也提到了在社交媒体上与大众交流和讨论种族平等问题的重要性。

第三篇文章题目:《In a Small Arizona City, Trump’s Border Wall Is Already Dividing People》这篇文章中,作者讨论了哪些社会问题?答案:《In a Small Arizona City, Trump’s Border Wall Is Already Dividing People》这篇文章中,作者讨论了墨西哥边境上正在建造的特朗普的边境墙带来的社会问题,包括对当地社区和环境的影响,以及墙带来的政治分歧。

第四篇文章题目:《The Hottest Restaurants in Charleston, S.C.》这篇文章主要介绍了什么?答案:《The Hottest Restaurants in Charleston, S.C.》这篇文章主要介绍了位于美国南卡罗来纳州查尔斯顿市的一些最受欢迎的餐厅和美食文化。

第五篇文章题目:《When Mental Illness Comes for Our Children》这篇文章主要讨论了什么问题?答案:《When Mental Illness Comes for Our Children》这篇文章主要讨论了青少年精神疾病的问题,包括如何注意症状、如何寻求帮助以及如何应对这些问题。

美英报刊阅读教程 chapter 4 features of news discourse

美英报刊阅读教程 chapter 4 features of news discourse

美英报刊阅读教程 chapter 4 features ofnews discourseChapter 4: Features of News DiscourseNews discourse plays a crucial role in our understanding of current events and shaping public opinion. In this chapter, we will discuss the significant features that characterize news discourse in American and British newspapers.1. Headlines:Headlines serve as the first point of contact for readers, grabbing their attention and summarizing the main news story. They are typically concise, informative, and written in a way to entice readers to delve deeper into the article. Headlines often utilize attention-grabbing language and sometimes employ wordplay or puns to engage the reader.2. Inverted Pyramid Structure:News articles are commonly written using the inverted pyramid structure. This means that the most important information is presented at the beginning of the article, followed by additional details in descending order of importance. This structure allows readers to grasp the main points quickly, even if they only read the introductory paragraphs.3. Objectivity:News discourse strives to maintain objectivity by presenting the facts without adding personal opinions or biases. Journalists aim to provide a neutral perspective by relying on evidence, expert opinions, and multiple sources of information. The goal is to allow readers to form their own opinions based on the presented facts.4. Language Style:The language style used in news discourse is typically clear, concise, and straightforward. Journalistic writing avoids using complicated jargon and strives to present information in a way that is accessible to a wide range of readers. Simplicity and clarity are key factors in ensuring that news articles can be easily understood by a diverse audience.5. Attribution and Sourcing:News articles often include attributions and sources to enhance credibility and transparency. Journalists attribute statements or information to specific individuals or organizations to make it clear where the information originated. This practice allows readers to assess the reliability of the information and trace its source if needed.6. Balanced Reporting:Journalists strive to present multiple perspectives on a given issue, providing a balanced view of the subject matter. This includes featuring quotes or opinions from individuals or groups with differing viewpoints. Balanced reporting helps readers gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic and encourages critical thinking.In conclusion, understanding the features of news discourse is essential for comprehending and interpreting news articles effectively. News headlines, the inverted pyramid structure, objectivity, language style, attribution, sourcing, and balanced reporting are all key elements that shape the information we consume. By being aware of these features, readers can engage with news in a more informed and critical manner.。



Answer key for Lesson 10V.CABDCVI.1.Richard Atkinson investigated the problems by personally reading the manuals and sampletests to review and assess the verbal and mathematical questions. Besides, he visited schools to find students’ responses to SAT exams.2.After the investigation, he proposed that SAT I should be scrapped. His proposal has caused ahuge stir on campuses nationwide and rekindled long-standing arguments about the test.3.The College Board argues that SAT measures the sort of higher-order math andliterary-reasoning skills that students need to succeed in college and later in life and that the test correlates well with freshman-year college grades.4.They have adopted college admission systems based in part on class is automatically admittedto state universities.5.Their worry is that it is only a matter of time before there is pressure to scrap subject-areatests and getting rid of the SAT is the first step in a wretched direction.6.SAT I refers to the tests on higher-order math and literary-reasoning skills. Many critics thinkthe questions are confusing and verbal analogies too obscure. SAT II refers to the subject-specific achievement tests which measure knowledge in such areas as writing, math, physics, history and foreign language.7.The test debate will not die down anytime soon.Answer key for Lesson 11V.B C B A DVI.1.The insurance company has refused Lorraine Hiskey’s medical bill, because the companyclaimed that her treatment was “experimental”.2.Politicians have focused attention on the 35 million Americans who have no health coverage.3.The kind of medical care deemed experimental, unproven, unnecessery or to inappropriate isdenied coverage。



Lesson 1Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. AVI1.According to Ms. Wellington, Gen X'ers are attracted to their organizations for utterly traditional reasons: reputation of the organization, opportunities to advance.2.Catalyst and other research organizations caution that this age group has high demands for employers. If their demands are not met, they will leave. And they are highly sensitive to the way in which they are treated. If the Gen X'er believes that his employer is not making a commitment to him, he will leave.3.The survey found that more than 70 percent of them rated companionship, a loving family and enjoying life as extremely important. In contrast, fewer than 20 percent of them said earning a lot of money and becoming an influential leader were extremely important goals.4.According to Robert Morgan, the corporate loyalty is rising in the current economic climate partly because of job insecurities. Besides, there is the war for talent. As labor shortages intensified in recent years, employers have worked hard at retaining good workers.OutlineI.(I) Summary leadIncreasing job loyalty of Gen X'ersIL (2 一6) Catalyst's survey about job loyalty of Gen X'ers1.General situation of the job loyalty2.Findings about the similarities between Gen X'ers and the previous generationsa.Old-fashioned goalsb.Traditional attractions3.Findings about the differences between Gen X'ers and the previous generationsa.High demands for employersb.High sensitiveness to the way they are treatedIII.(7 一8) Specific example of Colleen GalleReasons for staying: job satisfactionjob loyaltyIV.(9 - 11) More details of the survey1.Scope, objects and focus of the survey2.Findings about the factors in job loyalty:Companionship, loving family, enjoying life3.Statistics showing job loyaltyV.(12 - 15) Analysis of job loyalty1.Not surprising in the current economic climateparison between 1999 and 2001 in job loyalty3.Reasons for the increase of job loyaltya.Present job insecurityb.Employers' efforts at retaining the talentedLesson 2Answers to the QuestionsV.l.A 2.A 3. B 4. DVI.1.The purpose of the debate between Mateo and Martinez is to focus on the specific needs ofLatinos that both parties are courting.2.The problems pointed out by Martinez are bad education, unemployment and lack of healthinsurance.3.The author says Latino turnout and preference will be decisive in the election because they arethe majority minority and more of Latinos than ever before are expected to go to the polls, anda large number of those people are not tied to either political party.4.According to the article, a candidate who figure out how to talk to Latinos about education andhealthcare in a compelling way can lock up Latinos' vote.5.The term “Hispanic” came into official use in 1973, when the Nixon administration form allydivided Americans into five races. Liberals prefer the term "Latino” on the grounds that the Spaniards were the very people who destroyed the indigenous cultures of Latin Americans) 6.The author thinks that the term "Hispanic” is a marketing term and it's a term used bypoliticians at election time.7.The author thinks that the term “Hispanic” is a marketing term and it's a term used bypoliticians at election time. It cannot reflect cultural realities.OutlineI.(1 - 2) Debate between Mateo and Martinez1.Main issues for the debate and the purpose of the debate2.Audience's response: louder opponents' voicesIL (3 - 5) Latinos' importance in election1.Decisive role of Latino voter turnout and preference2.Reason for the importance of Latino vote: Latinos' ascent to the majority minority in 20033.Factors limiting Latinos' voting strengtha.Many of them are not yet US citizens.b.One third of Latinos are under 18.III.(6 一8) Latinos' prime concerns1.Importance of education and healthcare to Latinos2.Reasons for the importance of those issuesa.U.S. - bom Latinos form the majority.b.It's more likely for Latinos to lack healthcare and education.IV.(9 - 10) Discussion about the term “Hispanic”1.The origin of the term and the problems with the term2.Rich diversity of LatinosV.(11) Increased visibility of LatinosLesson 3Answers to the QuestionsV.l.C 2.D 3.C 4. A1.WWII led to women's entry into the workforce. As men marched off to fight, women took their husbands' places in factories and on the farms. They never looked back. Most now take it for granted that women have as much to offer at work as men do.2.No, it is more than a financial issue because it raises social as well as economic questions andits resolution will involve governments, employers and people.3.The babyboom generation is far larger than the generation that follows it or any that precededit. Its achievement will cast a shadow over the companies it is set to leave.4.The present ways of dealing with a falling supply of labor arc shifting work offshore, laxcrimmigration rules and use of new equipment.5.If they were offered the chance of staying on at work, many older employees would jump atthe chance because they will no longer be able to retire in the style they have been led to expect. Corporate pension schemes and health benefits are becoming even less generous.Besides the need for money, many elderly people want to continue working for mentalstimulation.6.The author thinks that older workers need to adapt and accept a relative decline in salary andstatus7.The significance of babyboomers' changing the world of work will be more profound andlonger lasting than the changes they have brought since the 1960s.OutlineI.(1 - 2) Social changes in western countries after WWII1 .Women's entry into the work force2.Retirement pensions for the elderlyII.(3 - 4) Problems caused by the present retirement pensions1.Heavy burden of financing retirement pensions for babyboomerspanies5 shortage of skilled workersIII.(5 - 7) Need to keep the elderly at work1.Present ways of dealing with a falling supply of labour2.Elderly people's desire for worka.Elderly people's need for moneyb.Elderly people's desire for mental stimulationIV.(8 - 10) Suggestions to governments and companies about how to keep the elderly people at work1.Separation of pension from their final salaries2.Freeing up labor markets instead of focusing on legislating to ban discrimination on grounds of age3.Offering flexible work scheduleV.(11) Suggestion to the elderly workersNeed to adapt to a relative decline in salary and statusVL (12) Significance of baby boomers changing the world of workLesson 4Answers to the QuestionsV.l.D 2.A 3.D 4.B1.According to the new government figures, British female full time workers will be paid£ 369,000 less than their counterparts over their lifetime.2.That lifetime disparity would be enough to pay for 31 years of childcare or 22 new cars, or topay off the average student debt 18 times over.3.Britain's gender pay gap of 2008 was larger than that of 2007. Men were paid 17.1% more thanwomen for full-time work while the disparity in part-time wages was 36.6%, up from 35.8% in 2007.4.The Fawcett Society has called on the government to include mandatory pay auditing in theequalities bill, scheduled to be introduced in next month's Queen's speech.5.According to the article, Sri Lanka is judged the fifth most equal in the world on politicalempowerment because of the long incumbencies as prme minister and president of Sirimavo Bandaranaika and Chandrika Kumaratunga.6.According to Yvonne Galligan, younger parliaments, in general, were often much morerepresentative.7.Dr. Selvi Thriuchandran felt puzzled by the WEF findings, pointing out that aside from theBandaranaikes, Sri Lanka had the worst record in South Asia in terms of representation in the legislature and executive.OutlineI.(1 -4) ONS's finding about gender pay gap in Britain1.Lifetime pay gap for female full-time workers2.Gender pay gap's widening in 20083.Concrete value of the lifetime disparity4.Rake's comment on the pay gap's wideningII.(5 - 7) WEF's finding about UK women's status's drop from 11 th to 13th in terms of economic, political, health and educational status's ranking in terms of progress on equal pay3.Sectors with wide gender pay gapsIII.(8 - 9) Efforts made to address the problem1.Fawcett Society's call for the inclusion of mandatory pay auditing in the equality bill2.Harriet Harman's announcement of a requirement to publish gender pay gapsIV.(10 - 12) Analysis of women's political empowerment1.Analysis of Sri Lanka's high ranking on political empowerment2.Yvonne Galligan's analysis of UK women's political empowermenta.Low percentage in the House of Commonsb.Healthier gender balance in the Scottish parliament and the Welsh assembly3.Women's higher representation in younger parliamentsV.(13 - 14) Dr. Selvi Thriuchanara's view on women's status in Sri Lanka1.Disputing WEF's conclusion2.Problems faced by women in Sri Lanka。

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第一课Return of the Huddled Masses(找的百度课件)
1. More immigrants add more financial burden to the state government; increasing immigrants cause high unemployment; a mixture of various origins of the immigrants endangered the pure Americanization.
2. new comers filled the country with energy, ambition and fresh ideas.
Immigrants to the New West help bring about California’s economical revival; many top manufacturers in Orange County are immigrants from other countries; Asian students majored in engineer are of a large proportion.
3,4. omitted
5. Immigration itself is not wrong;
Immigrants’desire for America remains the same as the past generation: to realize their American Dream;
American government should adjust immigration policy and American people should adjust their opinions about immigration.
第四课Asians in the Promised Land
1. They found those Korean-Americans isolated and helpless, and recognized the attacks as a threat to Asians as a whole. For many Asian-Americans, the riots represented as an assault on their faith in America.
2. The total population of Asian-Americans is about 7.3 million. Nearly 2.5 million arrived during the 1980s. The fastest increasing groups are Koreans and Vietnamese. About half of Asian immigrants settle on the Pacific coast while hundreds of thousands move on to New York and dozens of cities in between.
3. They were brought to the United States in the 1860s to work on continental railroads as coolies. They were ill-treated and vilified as a “population befouled with all the social vices”. In 1887, there occurred the Snake River Massacre in Oregon, in which 31 Chinese were robbed and murdered.
4. Asian families earn an average of $35,900 per year, more than the average for white families. However, as the Asian family is larger, their per capita income is actually less than that of white people.
5. They are called the “model minority” because of their superiority to other races in habits of study and work. They are said to embody the American Dream of hard work, thrift and success. Asians, however, rebel against the model-minority label as another insidious stereotype. They think that it is a subtly racist excuse not to help underprivileged Asians and to hold back even average Asians on the ground that they already have “natural” advantages.
6. Because they believe that Asian-Americans have accepted the white mainstream culture and white people love them for everything the blacks are not.
7. They are making great efforts to preserve and acquire the Asian culture by improving their original language proficiency, attacking the model minority image and Asians who forget their original culture.
8. The main obstacles are skin color and lack of English proficiency.
9. The Indo-Chinese group is most noted for street gang activities. The main cause is unemployment.
10. The ties within each small Asian group are close and family connections are strong. A key link in the system is rotating credit association. However, many Asians lack a larger sense of unity and
bring ancient rivalries from native countries. Most Asian support groups are based on nationality or even smaller units.
11. Asians should see themselves in terms of their bonds, not their differences. Groups should melt more to each other.。
