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Design of Rubber Molds

Abstract:The design of mold is according to the technical requirements of products, and makes the metal into mold.The design of rubber mold only is a branch of mould design.In the graduation design,We go through the rubber material and collect related rubber mold material,then start from checking rubber product drawings,make sure mould structure,determine the shrinkage of rubber material,rubber mold cavity and determine the mold dimension,as well as ascertain the precision of the molds and material selection,analysis overall structure of rubber mould,and finally design the reasonable structure,economic and practical rubber mold.The determination of actual rubber shrinkage is key,directly related to the success or failure of the rubber mold design.Production technology of rubber products,rubber mold basic structure and machining technology of knowledge,are the foundation of design of rubber molds.

Key words:The rate of rubber shrinkage;Mold structure;Rubber mold design


1.序言 (1)

2.产品图纸审查 (2)

3.拟定模具结构形式 (4)

3.1模具结构形式和腔数的确定 (4)

3.2分型面位置的确定 (6)

3.3模具定位 (7)

3.4余胶槽和启模槽的确定 (8)

4.收缩率的确定 (10)

5.型腔尺寸的确定 (15)

5.1型腔尺寸确定是考虑的相关因素 (15)

5.2型腔尺寸公差的确定 (16)

5.3型腔尺寸的计算 (16)

6.模具外形尺寸的计算 (20)

7.模具精度的确定 (22)

7.1形位公差的确定 (22)

7.2模具表面粗糙度的确定 (23)

8.模具手柄的确定 (23)

9.模具材料的选择和热处理 (26)

10.模具各部件的加工工艺及制造 (28)

11.模具的整体分析 (28)

11.1硫化工艺的的可行性 (28)

11.2机械加工的可行性和经济性分析 (29)

参考文献 (31)

谢辞 (32)
