最新Interview or conversation专八听力知识讲解




Practice listening to recordings and taking notes quickly and accurately to improve your skills.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
1 Spelling Errors
Double-check your spelling to avoid losing points for spelling errors.
1 Assuming Information
Don't assume the missing information in the conversation; it may be completely different from your understanding.
2 Missing Details
Practice Exercises for Note-taking
Practice taking notes by listening to recordings and reviewing your notes afterwards. Focus on improving your speed and accuracy with each exercise.
Ignoring Context
Understand the context of the dialogue before listing - context clues may help you choice the right option
Answer confidently and don't guess the answer based solely on incomplete information.





其次,做记录时要围绕演讲的课题,结合前文所讲的“新闻六要素” ,快速记下讲话的重点和要点。

(二)Section B 访谈或对话部分该部分主要以口语性很强的对话或访谈为主,内容涉及日常生活的各个方面。



与 Section A 相比,前者大多是独白(或讲话稿),而后者则是以一问一答的形式出现的,前者的用词一般较为正规,重复不多,后者则可能有时出现重复,赘述的情况,前者内容相对浓缩。






(三)Section C 新闻报导部分谈起新闻报导,人们都喜欢谈新闻六要素(who,what, when,where,why, how)即通常说的“五个 W 和一个 H” 。



为了以不变应万变,考生平时应多听 BBC 或 VOA 的新闻报导,从而使自己适应这些广播节目的语速,语调,平常用语等风格特点。









本书对英语专业八级历年真题词汇出现频率进行电脑统计,精选出2500个英语专业八级必记核心真题词汇以及5 00个零频大纲重点词汇,并对这些单词通过例句、搭配、派生、同根、助记等进行全面细致地讲解,其中部分单词配有高清视频讲解。









最新Interview or conversation专八听力知识讲解

最新Interview or conversation专八听力知识讲解

2008 政府修建新机场
2009 国际演讲协会的培训方式和课程
2010 美国多样化问题
2011 二语习得
2012 创造力
2013 人们心目中的好工作
2014 伊拉克难民
2015 政的想法与行动不一致的问题 2016 两代人一起上学的热潮
2. 题型分析
2.1 选材特点
形式以采访为主 内容范围广,涉及学习、工作、社会问题和日常生活
2.2 客观题—多项选择题
出题顺序与原文时间、逻辑保持一致 ---阅读题目时注意每一个A选项的内容 选项的长度、难度和语言结构大体相同 ---理解基础上答题 同义转换 ---同义词、同义句型、词性转换、肯定否定等
2. 题型分析
3. 题型解答
3.1 解题思路: 读-听-记-答
预读 考题
1. 2. 3.
通览各选项,预测题干 了解听力材料的大体内容 抓住试题考查的要点
1. 放轻松,认真听
2. 注意时间和数字
听 3. 注意机构名称和地名
4. 注意讲话者的语气
5. 分清讲话者的观点
1. 根据所听问题作答
答 2. 注意题干的要求
Interview or conversation专八听力
第一部分:题型介绍 第二部分:题型分析 第三部分:题型解答
2. 题型分析
2.1 选材特点
e.g.1. Good evening, everybody! Today we are pleased
to have invited ...
3. 排除干扰项 10

TEM 8 听力

TEM 8 听力

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ITSM m/ ITIiLni-lecture 2
How to Build Your Vocabulary Effectively Vocabulary is the foundation of learning a language. Without it, none of the skills could be learned well. Here are four basic steps to build your vocabulary effectively: I. Be aware of words A. reason: ___1___may not be enough B. words to note:
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Copyright © Sino-i Technology Limited All rights reserved
Sino-i Technology Ltd.
How to Reduce Stress
Life is full of things that cause us stress. Though we may not like stress, we have to live with it.
Copyright © Sino-i Technology Limited All rights reserved
Sino-i Technology Ltd.
Chapter One Mini-lecture









听力部分的题目构成为:1、mini lecture(迷你演讲/笔记与填空)共十题占10%2、interview (访谈)共五题占 5%3、news(新闻)共五题占 5%考题语速约100-110词每分钟、采取英音与美音混合的方式、每种类型题目都只播读一遍。







请看2023年mini lecture的第一段话。

good morning. in today's lecture, we shall discuss what meaning is in literary works.(主题句). when we read novels, poems, etc., we invariably ask ourselves a question. that is, what does the writer mean here? in other words, we are interested in finding out the meaning. but meaning is adifficult issue in literature. how do we know what a work of literature is supposed to mean or what its real meaning is? i'd like to discuss three ways to explain what meaning is.由此可见,本篇文稿主题是:文学作品中的含义。



专八听力讲义Stuart听力考纲:I.听力理解(Part I:Listening Comprehension)测试要求:(a)能听懂交际场合中各种英语会话和讲话。




题型:听力理解部分采用填空题和多项选择题,包括三个项目:Section A,Section B,Section C,共20题。

Section A:Mini-lecture由900个单词的讲座和一项填空人物组成,要求边听边做笔记,然后完成填空人物。



Section B:Conversation & Interview约800个单词的会话组成,之后,有5道多选题。

Section C:News Broadcast若干新闻报道后,会有5道多选题。

注意:Section B&C的每一道题目后面有10秒的间隙,选一最佳答案。


念一遍!!!听力基础:1.容易混淆的音2.常见发音技巧:(Pronunciation skills)①不完全爆破:②连读.(1) Linking consonants to consonants(2) Linking consonants to vowels.作业:在普特英语网上下载两篇VOA标准速度英语,听写文章,夯实基础。

真题第一部分:PART ONE:Mini- LectureNote taking skills And Exercises.Introduction: Note taking is not only allowed but encouraged. You will be given paper to use for taking notes.It certainly makes sense to allow note taking during the test, because the ability to take good notes is an important academic skill. Without notes, the Mini-Lecture is simply a test of memory, and few people have the memory skills to remember all the facts and ideas contained in a Mini-Lecture lasting from seven to eight minutes. Research has shown that after 20 minutes has passed, people remember only about 50% of what they hear, and that about 20% of what they hear is remembered incorrectly.Note taking is a complicated skill, especially note taking in another language. However, note taking skills can definitely be improved by practice. The more you take notes, the faster and more accurate you will become.During the Mini-Lecture, you should take notes and use those notes to fill in the blanks.Mini-Lectures are much denser than authentic lectures. Mini-Lectures have more facts and information that can be asked about.As a result, your note taking must be more detailed and intensive for TEM 8 than the notes you would take in a lecture class. The last but not the least, since you will use your notes immediately after the Mini-Lecture (and then never again), you can use more abbreviations and omit more words when you take notes on Mini-Lectures.HINTS ON NOTE TAKING1.Take notes throughout the Mini-Lecture. Try to writedown as much information as you possibly can.2.Always write down any terms that are new to you,definition, specific facts, lists of items, and statistics. 3.Pay due attention to the use of signal words or phrasesin the lecture, especially ones that indicate the structure of the lecture or a change of topic.COMMON SIGNAL WORDSWords and Phrase Indicating the Structure of theLectureThere are four kinds of…First of all,The second point I would like to make is …Thirdly,My fourth point,To conclude my lecture we can say that…First, let’s look at…Next, let’s con sider,Now, let’s move to the second approach.Finally,Words and Phrase Indicating a Change of Direction On the other hand,However,ButWords and Phrase Indicating Emphasis or Importance Most importantly,One important point/issue/problem/concept is…Especially…Significantly…Words and Phrase Used to Give ExamplesFor example, …Let’s consider the case of…Specifically,…anize your lecture notes according to order ofimportance. The most important ideas should be on the left side of the page. Indent to right to show that an idea is subordinate to or support the more important idea. In other words, ideas on the left side of the page are general divisions of the lecture. As you move to the right, ideas become more specific. Writing notes in this way helps you analyze the material that you are listening to and organize your notes in a logical way. You can indicate ideas that you think are especially important with a box, a circle, an underline, or an exclamation point (!).Leave plenty of white space around your notes so that, if the speaker returns to point later, you can add new notes.5. The average lecturer speaks about 125 to 150 words per minute. The average note taker can write only about 20 to 25 words per minute. Therefore, you need to use abbreviations and other shortcuts to help you get down as much information as possible.A. Don’t write your notes in complete sentences. Write in phrases.B. Omit unimportant words and words that do not carry information. Suppose the lecturer says this.The taiga is the largest of all the world’s biomes.Your note might read:Common words that you can generally eliminate: Be verbs(is, are, was, were),articles(a, an, the),pronouns(they, his, them).determiners(this, that, these)/prepositions(of, with, from)C. Use standard symbols and abbreviations:+ or & and= is, equals, is the same as≠isn’t ,doesn’t equal, is not the same as±more or less, about ,approximately↑increases goes down↓decrease, goes down/per% percent# NumberX times> More than ,bigger than ,greater than< Less than ,smaller than ,fewer than→ causes, leads to, produes$ Money, man, malewoman, female@ atW/ withW/o withoutp. pagepp. pagesre regarding ,about, concerningetc. and so on ,and other thingse.g for examplei.e in other wordsThereforeFor example, if the speaker says this:“The earth is about four times bigger than the moon.”You may take this note:Earth ±4×bigger MoonAnother useful symbol is the ditto mark (”), This repeatsthe words that you wrote on a previous line.Suppose a professor in a biology class says this: “There are many types o f crustaceans ,and they live in many different habitats .Most of them are marine animals—they live in the sea. Some are fresh water animals, and a few types of crustaceans live on the land.”You might take these notes:Many types of crustaceans“ env irons .Most crustac .live in seaSome “ “ ” freshwaterA few “ “ “on landD. besides standard abbreviations and symbols, you often need to create your own abbreviations. There are two common ways to abbreviate words. You can use the first few letters of a word.Information infoPresentation presDefinition defRecommendation recAnther ways to abbreviate words is to leave out letters from the middle of words.Large lgeInternational internat’lMarket mktManger mgrRemember that you will be using your notes as the lecture is over. You can probably remember what your abbreviations mean for a few minutes,10. If you miss a point, don’t worry .just keep taking notes.11. Don’t worry about spelling, punctuation, or correct grammar .don’t worry if your notes are messy.12. R emember that there are no “perfect” notes. everyone has his or her own style of taking notes .there are only three important issues in taking notes for the “TE M” test.A. Are they accurate?B. Do they help you answer the questions?C. Can you understand them ?Note—TAKING EXERCISE 1Now start the program.Directions: listen to a list of words and phrases .Write down your own abbreviations of these words in the spaces below. (This vocabulary comes from a lecture onbusiness organizations that you will be listening to in order to improve your note-taking skills.)When you have finished, compare your notes with those of a classmate .Check for similarities and differences in what you wrote. You can also compare your notes with those in the Answer Key.Sample abbreviations appear in the Answer Key:1.____________ 11. ____________2.____________ 12.____________3. ____________ 13. ____________4. ____________ 14. ____________5. ____________ 15. ____________6. ____________ 16.____________7. ____________ 17.____________8. ____________ 18.____________9. ____________ 19. ____________10. ____________ 20.____________NOTE—TAKING EXERCISE 2 DIRECTIONS: Working by yourself or with a partner, use the list of abbreviations that you wrote in Exercise 1 to“reconstruct” the full forms of the words and phrases that you heard . Then discuss the meaning of these terms. 1.___________________________11.__________________________2.___________________________12.__________________________3.___________________________13.__________________________4.___________________________14.__________________________5.___________________________15.__________________________6.___________________________16.__________________________7.___________________________17.__________________________8.___________________________18.__________________________9.___________________________19.__________________________10.__________________________20.__________________________NOTE—TAKING EXERCISE 3Now start the Audio Program.DIRECTIONS: Listen to the following sentences. Take notes on these sentences using abbreviations and symbols and omitting unimportant words . (These sentences come from a lecture on business organizations that you will be listening to in order to improve your note-taking skills .)When you have finished taking notes, compare your notes with those of a classmate .Check for similarities and differences in what you wrote .You can also compare your notes with the sample notes in the Answer Keys.1._________________________________________________________ ________2._______________________________________________________ __________3._________________________________________________________________4._______________________________________________________ __________5._______________________________________________________ __________6._______________________________________________________ __________7._______________________________________________________ __________8._______________________________________________________ __________9._________________________________________________________ ________Section 1______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 1.Did you note that there were once three main types ofbusiness organizations but that now there are four?Yes________ No__________2.Did you note the names of the four main types ofbusiness organizations? (sole proprietorship , partnership , corporation , and limited liability corporation )? Yes________ No_______3.Did you abbreviate the names of the four types ?Yes________ No____________Section 2___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 4.Did you note that one person is in complete control ofsole proprietorship? Yes_____ No_____5.Did you note that a sole proprietorship begins when theowner makes the decision to start a business?Yes________ No________6.Did you write down Paul Samuelson’s example of whena sole proprietorship begins ? Yes_________ No________7.Did you write down the main advantage of a soleproprietorship (that there is no separate tax on it )?Yes_______ No_________8.Did you write down the main disadvantage of s soleproprietorship ( that the owner is legally liable for all the company’s debts)? Yes_______ No________Section 3___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 9.Did you note that a partnership is similar to a soleproprietorship except that a partnership has more than one owner ?Yes______ No________10.Did you note that a partnership has the same taxadvantage as a sole proprietorship? Yes______ No______11.Did you note the example the author gave of theproblem the two partner had because they were both sole agents? Yes________ No________12.Did you note that some partnerships have silentpartners who contribute money but do not take part in management decisions ? Yes________ No__________ Section 4___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 13.Did you write down that the corporation is the mostcomplex and the most expensive business organization?Yes________ No__________14.Did you note that the most important feature of acorporation is limited liability and that corporations are distinct legal entities? Yes_________ No__________15.Did you note in some way (by underlining, circling,etc) that the professional emphasized the point that corporations are distinct legal entities?16.Did you note that double taxation is a disadvantageto corporations and did you define double taxation?Yes________ No_____________17.Did you write down that there are three importantelements in the structure of the corporation (stockholders , the board of directors ,and executive officers)?Yes_______ No_________18.Did you note that shareholders have ultimatecontrol but usually give their votes to the corporate officers (voting by proxy )? Yes______ No__________ 19.Did you write down that the board of directorsmakes major decisions and sets company policy?Yes______ No__________20.Did you note that day-to-day operations ofcorporations are performed by the executive officers and the corporate bureaucracy ? Yes________ No__________21.Did you note that the CEO is often the chairman ofthe board? Yes_____ No____Section 5___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________22.Did you note that the limited liability company (LLC)is becoming more popular with smaller businesses ?Yes_________ No_________23.Did you mote that LLC is a hybrid organization withfeatures of both a partnership and a corporation ?Yes________ No__________24.Did you note that the LLC eliminates doubletaxations ? Yes_______ No____NOTE-TAKING EXERCISE 6Directions: Listen again to the lecture on business organizations and take notes. After you have listened to the lecture, use your notes to answer the True/False questions and the fill-in-the-blank questions at the end of the lecture.T/F 1. The lecture says that he has now added a new form of business organization to his lecture.2. __________ is a relatively new form of business organization.T/F 3.The speaker mentions Paul Samuelson in the lecture because Samuelson is an expert on corporate taxes.4. The chief advantage of a sole proprietorship is that_______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _5. The chief disadvantage of a sole proprietorship is that_______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _6. Partnerships and proprietorship are similar except for the fact that ___________________________________________________________ T/F7. The speaker gives the example of the two partners who both buy 500 widgets in order to explain how partners divide up their workload.T/F 8. A silent partner does not invest money in a partnership.T/F 9. Corporations cost more than sole proprietorships and partnerships.T/F 10. Corporations are distinct legal entities, so they are sometime called_________________________________.T/F 11. In theory, stockholders have ultimate control over a corporation, but they actually have little to do with routine operations.T/F 12. Board members are appointed by the top executive officers.T/F 13. Top executive officers are not allowed to serve on the board of directors.T/F 14. “Double taxation” is reason for the growing popularity of limited liability corporations.15. An LLC has features of both a ________and a_______MINI-LECTURE长难句NEWS BROADCAST长难句P.S1.新闻词汇:建议购买《英语专业八级备考指南-听力分册》/作者: 陈毅平出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社2. 《英语专业八级听力》作者:刘芹出版社:大连理工出版社。



英语专业八级听力考题解析一、选择题解析1. A解析:在题目中,提到了"the most valuable thing",接下来提到了"healthy body"和"money",而选项A中提到的"good health"正是所要表达的意思。

2. C解析:在题目中,提到了"the man is traveling by air",并且询问了旅行目的地。

而选项C中的"easier to travel by air"正是所要表达的意思。

3. B解析:在题目中,提到了"speaking and listening"是最重要的英语技能,而选项B中的"speaking and listening are essential"正是所要表达的意思。

4. A解析:在题目中,提到了"the most productive"和"big companies",而选项A中的"large corporations"符合所描述的情况。

二、填空题解析1. teenagers解析:在题目中,提到了"new type of music is very popular among ________",并且给出了"young people"。


2. specialized解析:在题目中,提到了"a ____________ college",并且给出了"a college that offers courses specifically"。




专业英语八级(INTERVIEW)强化练习试卷2(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. LISTENING COMPREHENSIONPART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN)SECTION B INTERVIEWDirections: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.听力原文:Mr. Fitch (M) Mary Jane (W)M: Yes? Come in.W: Excuse me, are you Mr. Fitch? Dr Addlestone’s assistant?M: Hi. Yes. Can I help you?W: Yes, please, if you have time. I’m Mary Jane Turner and I’m signed up for Literature Two-twenty?(1)1 just wanted to get clear on the grading system. I’m still not sure how it works. M: Hi, Mary Jane. Sure. It’s pretty straightforward, really. After each lecture, we prepare a short quiz on that material, and you take it at the beginning of the next lecture period. It only takes about ten minutes and it’s pretty simple—if you’ve taken good notes and studied them a bit beforehand, that is, there are fifteen lectures, so that’s fifteen quizzes. W: And they’re part of our final grade, right?M: Right. One percent each or fifteen percent for all fifteen of them. W: Each one’s only one percent of my grade? That doesn’t seem like much. Missing one or two of them wouldn’t make much difference, would it? M: Not really, no—but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. They’re not worth much individually because they’re very short and sweet—just to check that you’ve been coming to class, really. (2 - 1) But students who pass all fifteen quizzes earn a five percent, um, bonus for effort.W: Don’t our individual quiz scores count?M: No, sorry. They’re just pass-fail quizzes.W: So, (2-2) pass them all and it’s twenty percent of my final grade?M: That’s right.W: That sounds good.M: And sixty percent are your mid-term and final exams.W: Are they short and sweet, too?M: (laughs) No, I’m afraid not. They’re not like the quizzes. (3) They’re ninety-minute tests and require a good bit of writing in addition to the objective questions. The mid-term covers the first eight lectures, the Founding Fathers to Mark Twain. The final mainly covers World War I to the present, from Lecture Nine on.W: So first-half authors won’t be on the final?M: That’s not what I said. I said it’s MAINLY on the second half of the course. Professor Addlestone will be keeping you honest with a few questions about American literature before the first World War, too.W: I see. And they’re thirty-thirty?M: Yes, thirty percent for the mid-term, thirty percent for the final, and up to twenty percent for the weekly quizzes. And then up to ten percent for each of your essays. You’ll need at least ninety percent for an A, eighty percent for a B, and seventy percent for a C.W: Well, I see. Could you tell me something about what is expected with our essays? There’re two of them, right?M: Yes. (4-1) You’re required to write two short critical essays on American authors ofyour choice. from anywhere in American literary history, and we’ll be looking carefully at your writing style and ability as much as at the content of your essays. The Professor’s a real stickler for overall literacy.W: So I can choose any author in the syllabus?M: Yes, (4-2) but I can tell you that we often like it when a student picks an author out of the mainstream—perhaps a lesser writer that we haven’t been able to include in the lectures. or a contemporary author who hasn’t found a place in literary history yet.W: Someone really obscure?M: Not a good idea. (4-3) The author you choose should have some relevance to the course of American literature. And if you can demonstrate that relevance clearly in four to five typewritten pages, then you’ll have a good essay. W: For each essay? Ooh. M: This is a university, Mary Jane, not a high school. Now, you’ve got almost four months to write eight to ten pages. You should be able to manage that. W: Yes, OK. You’re right. When are they due? M: Your first essay’s due in late October. It must be handed in by Lecture Eight, but we’d be happy to see it anytime before that. And the second is due at the last lecture in December. It must be turned in before the winter break. W: Oh—should the first essay be about somebody in the first halfs material then, and the same for the second? M: No, not at all. Any author you like. It would be smart to choose ones that interest you, though. Papers that reflect some enthusiasm always turn out better. W: (5) Oh, I’ve got that I I’m really looking forward to this course—I love reading!M: That’s good, because you’ll be doing a lot of that. W: Thanks for your help, Mr. Fitch—I really appreciate it. M: And don’t be shy if you have any more concerns, Mary Jane. My door’s always open. Goodbye.1.What is the woman’s main purpose to see the man?A.To get information about the literature lectures.B.To make clear how the grading system works.C.To inquire how she prepares for the quizzes.D.To find out about the American authors to be taught.正确答案:B解析:根据句(1)可知,Mary来见Mr.Fitch是要弄清楚该课程的评分体系,因此[B]为答案。




今日堂星期 1 Monday 4 大型及解技巧年真,会的形式分与两,近年来考以主。



一、主旨主旨主要考考生或的主( topic 或 main point )和或的大意( main idea )的概括或判断能力。

种型考中比例不是很大,此型常的提方式有:The interview mainly focus onThe main idea of this interview isThe interview is mainly aboutFrom the conversation, we get the impression that【例 1】 (09-5)5.The interview mainly focuseson [A] the background information. [B] the description of training courses. [C] the requirements of public speaking. [D] the overall personal growth. M:Good morning, Mrs. Collins, welcome to our studio. As a distinguished member of Toastmasters International, could you tell us a bit about the background of the organization? W:⋯ It was founded in 1924 by Ralph Smedley and it ’ s headquartered in California.M:Then, who is Toastmasters open to? And what kind of members do you have now?⋯【分析】文中主要内容都是Toastmasters一行介,包括它所面向的人群、内容和方法、受的个体能来的好等,些均属于Toastmasters的背景知的介。



• (2)练习时,不看填空题,边听边记录要点,拟写讲座 纲要,培养概括能力。如一开始有困难,建议以读带听 ,即快速阅读录音文稿,写出提纲,再对照所需填空的 提纲,看自己归纳记录的是否是要点,从而培养对要点 的敏感性。
• 2. 解题技巧 • (1)听前:根据上下文做完形填空,有效预测讲座要点,明确空格
第一题是:Mary doesn’t seem to favor the idea of a new airport because ______. 第三题是:Freddy has cited the following advantages for a new airport EXCEPT ________. 第五题是:We learn from the conversation that Freddy is ________ Mary’s ideas. A. strongly in favor of B. mildly in favor of C. strongly against D. mildly against 是否可以根据这两道题目,缩 小第五题答案的范围?
• (7)最后一题若为主旨题,建议放到最前面做好,因为 主旨一般出现在访谈开头。
• (8)出到“例子用意”一定要听清例子之前的中心句( 2012 2)
预备练习 • (1)抓关键词 • 找出以下题干中最为关键的一个词: • The modern electronic anti-noise devices __________. • A. are an update version of the traditional methods. • B. share similarities with the traditional methods. • C. are as inefficient as the traditional methods. • D. are based on an entirely new working principle.




星期1 Monday 4大题型及解题技巧纵观历年真题,会话的形式分为对话与访谈两类,近年来考试以访谈为主。



一、主旨题主旨题主要考查考生对访谈或对话的主题(topic或main point)和访谈或对话的大意(main idea)的概括或判断能力。

这种题型考试中比例不是很大,此题型常见的提问方式有:The interview mainly focus onThe main idea of this interview isThe interview is mainly aboutFrom the conversation, we get the impression that二、细节题细节题主要针对对话或访谈中的某个细节提问。




提问方式有:The interview says that … isWhat …said means thatAccording to …,…means【例2】(08-4)2.细节辨认题考查对话或访谈中提到三个或三个以上的事物的辨别能力,即某一细节或事实是否在对话双方或被采访的回答中被提及。








Spellings and numbers

For abbreviation, the last letter should not be reduced but stressed. ---IBM For word spellings, the last letter also should be stressed. --- Wilson For numbers area code: 0086 zip code: 410082 date: 4/1/08 phone number: 0800-799-490
Unstressed pronouns H and TH sounds in unstressed pronouns are often dropped. Tag endings With a query, the intonation rises. With confirmation, the intonation drops. Reducing articles Squeezed out syllables
The L sound
The difference among T/D plosive, N nasal, and L lateral. Read after the recording. Final L with schwa Many final Ls Final L practice Let’s listen and read:
Distinctive sounds
The vowel sounds “A” in stressed closed syllables would sound like /æ / in American accent. I can’t dance, but you can. Let’s listen and read:


Lecture 1 Listening Comprehension
Candice Yan October 2013
• 能听懂真实交际场合中各种英语对话。
• 能听懂英语国家广播电台以及电视台有关 政治,经济,文化,教育,科技等方面的 报道以及此类题材相关的演讲后的回答。 • 能听懂电视时事报道和电视短剧中的对话。 • 语速为每分钟150-180个单词。
• Organize your lecture notes according to order of importance. The most important ideas should be on the left side of the page. Indent to the right to show that an idea is subordinate to or supports the more important idea. In other words, ideas on the left side of the page are general divisions of the lecture. As you move to the right, ideas become more specific. You should also skip lines between important parts of the lecture. Writing notes in this way helps you analyze the material that you are listening to and organize your notes in a logical way. • Main idea • Supporting idea • Supporting idea • Minor point, example, detail, etc. • Main idea • Supporting idea • Minor point, example, detail, etc. • Minor point, example, detail, etc. • You can indicate ideas that you think are especially important with a box, a circle, an underline, or an exclamation point (!). • Leave plenty of white space around your notes so that, if the speaker returns to a point later, you can add new notes.





今儿个星火君给大家扒一扒专八听力~本部分采用填空题和多项选择题形式,分两节:Section A 讲座和Section B 会话,共25题。



此次专八考试听力题型有较大调整,具体包括:1. Section A Mini-lecture由原来的10道填空题增加到15道题,听后发卷改为听前发卷。





2. Section B Conversation or Interview由原来的5道选择题增加到10道题,卷面问题消失。

这个真的比原来难了!新的测试形式规定,本部分由一个约1 000个单词的会话或两个约500个单词的会话组成。




TEM8 Listening

TEM8 Listening

TEM8听力解题技巧一、Section A Mini-lectureMini-lecture选材内容大多与英语专业知识课程相关。



Step 1: 边听录音边做笔记。

Step 2: 利用所做的笔记来完成以所听内容为中心的书面填空部分。




二、Section B Conversation or InterviewConversation 主要以两个人的对话形式出现,对话通常围绕工作、生活、家庭、风土人情以及社会焦点等问题展开。

Interview 在形式上与Conversation 并无任何区别,但所谈论的话题有所不同。


就词汇的难度而言,Interview 中的词汇稍难且较正式。


应特别注意I think…, It seems to me that…, So far as my opinion is concerned, I could say that…, It is/sounds true that…等句式之后的内容。

在Interview中,采访人(Interviewer) 在听完被采访人(Interviewee) 的一个回答之后,往往会做一番简明扼要的重述。

可以利用这一机会加深记忆、补充记录并核实已记录的内容是否与Interviewer 所提的问题相吻合。















1. Mini - lecture部分。

这个部分呢,是先会给你发一张答题卡,上面有一个Mini - lecture的大纲。





而且呀,这个Mini - lecture的内容一般都是比较学术性的,可能会有一些专业词汇,不过别怕,咱们平时也不是没学过那些高大上的单词呀。

2. Conversation和Interview部分。

听完Mini - lecture之后呢,就到了Conversation和Interview啦。







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3. 题型解答
3.1 解题思路: 读-听-记-答
预读 考题
1. 2. 3.
通览各选项,预测题干 了解听力材料的大体内容 抓住试题考查的要点
1. 放轻松,认真听
2. 注意时间和数字
听 3. 注意机构名称和地名
4. 注意讲话者的语气
5. 分清讲话者的观点
1. 根据所听问题作答
答 2. 注意题干的要求
e.g. 2. W: Hello, Freddy.
M: Hello, Mary. How nice to see you again. How
is everything going?
e.g. 3. Well, I see from your resume… 面试(2006)
2.3 命题角度 细节题*
2.4 出题点
问答处 因果、转折、条件等逻辑关系处 人物观点、态度处(think, should, why not等) 举例列举处(such as, that is, first等) 名词及其同义解释处(mean, refer to等) 时间、年代、数量等数字信息处
Interview or conversation专八听力
第一部分:题型介绍 第二部分:题型分析 第三部分:题型解答
2. 题型分析
2.1 选材特点
e.g.1. Good evening, everybody! Today we are pleased
to have invited ...
2.1 选材特点
形式以采访为主 内容范围广,涉及学习、工作、社会问题和日常生活
2.2 客观题—多项选择题
出题顺序与原文时间、逻辑保持一致 ---阅读题目时注意每一个A选项的内容 选项的长度、难度和语言结构大体相同 ---理解基础上答题 同义转换 ---同义词、同义句型、词性转换、肯定否定等
2. 题型分析
e.g. 4. Good morning, Dr. Harley. Thank you very much for coming on our radio talk.采访(2011)
2. 题型分析
2005 有关老年人的研验、未来计划) 工作
2007 航空旅行
2008 政府修建新机场
2009 国际演讲协会的培训方式和课程
2010 美国多样化问题
2011 二语习得
2012 创造力
2013 人们心目中的好工作
2014 伊拉克难民
2015 政府的想法与行动不一致的问题 2016 两代人一起上学的热潮
2. 题型分析
3. 排除干扰项 10
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