



首届全国口译大赛初赛样题录音原文:Part I Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese(Brief to contestants: BP CEO’s Speech on Global Business and Global Poverty... I believe the ingredients of sustainable business success are transparency, the extension of opportunity, education and the improvement of environmental conditions. …)Opportunity is about providing an equal chance to everyone – on the basis of merit, so that if we are working in China or Russia, a Chinese or Russian woman joining at the age of 21 or 22 has an equal chance of rising through the company across the world as someone joining the company here in the UK or in the USA. Opening the door of personal opportunity within a global organization is very important because it demonstrates (that) globalization brings real practical benefits at a personal level.Part II Interpret the following passage from Chinese into English对于全世界的每个国家而言,城市友好关系的建立都是提升“软实力”的一个有效的途径。



中西部翻译大赛首届初赛笔译试题及答案(总5页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--中西部翻译大赛四川赛区首届初赛笔译试题I. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of one the idioms in the column. (2×15=30’)1. 每当我们面临困难的时候,他总是自告奋勇承担风险。

Whenever we are faced with difficulties, he is always the one who offers to _______.2. 明天我要在太岁头上动动土,我要当面质问我的上司为什么不给我增加薪水。

I’m going to ___________ tomorrow, and ask him plainly why he hasn’t increased my salary.3. 有一家航空公司降低票价,其它航空公司通常很快也会步其后尘。

When one airline reduces its ticket prices, the rest usually soon _______4. 当他的生意开始亏损,他就决定溜掉,而不是面对破产。

When his business started to fail, he decided to __________, rather than face financial ruin.5. 你不化妆样子最美,可是你却浓妆艳抹,实在多此一举。

You look at your best without make-up, but you __________ by wearing a lot of cosmetics.6. 失业是我们的主要问题之一,我们需要一个能大胆抓起这个棘手问题的政府。

Unemployment is one of our main problems; we need a government that will __________.7. 你说她怕劳动,确实说到点子上。



教育部全国翻译证书考试初级口译真题第一部分:对话[//表示停顿]David: What’s on today, Xiao Wang?//Xiao Wang: 今天我们去长城,并在那里午餐,下午回来的路上还要去看看十三陵。

// 你一定听说过长城,来到北京,长城是一定要去的。

// 十三陵是明朝13个皇帝和皇后的坟墓,是15世纪建造的,虽然没有长城有名,但也很值得一看。

//David: I’ve read about the renowned Chinese wall. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, I believe. It is said to be the only man-made project on earth which is visible from a satellite. //Xiao Wang: 我们中国人叫它“万里长城”,实际上全长6000多公里,最初建于近2500年前的战国时期。

// 当时中国还不是一个统一的国家,而是分为7国。


// 公元前221年秦始皇统一中国后将各段长城连接起来并加以延长。


David: Was the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty the one in whose tomb were discovered the terra-cotta warriors? //Xiao Wang: 是的。



David: Imagine it was more than 2,000 years ago when there was no machinery and everything had to be done by bare hands. // Yet they managed to build a wall like this and the terra-cotta warriors, which, as many people say, have become the eighth wonder of the world. //Xiao Wang: 今天我们去的那段长城叫八达岭,这是保卫北京的一个战略要地,离北京约75公里。



CATTI杯全国翻译大赛英语备赛攻略(附部分样题解析)一、单项选择1. Which of the following statements about who is responsible for any error that might occur in the process of translation or interpreting is wrong?A. Translators must take all errors seriously no matter whether they occur in the source language or in the target language and correct them promptly.B. Once an interpreter finds that the speaker has made an obvious factual or logical mistake, he/she should correct it in his/her interpretation in a timely manner.C. When someone points out a mistake in the interpretation, the interpreter should immediately admit and correct it.D. If your translation needs to be revised by others, the quality of the translation remains your responsibility, including the errors that have occurred in the revised part.解析:本道题考查了翻译职业道德。

本道题设问较复杂,但并不难理解,抓住关键词“error that may occur in the process of translation”可知,本道题考查选手如何应对翻译过程中出现的错误。



- 口译
- 同传
- 交传
- 口译是指在语言之间进行现场翻译的技巧和过程。

- 同传是指与演讲者同时进行口译的技巧,译员在演讲者讲话

- 交传是指译员在演讲者完成一段讲话后进行口语翻译的技巧。


- 技巧1:忠实传达
- 注意事项:译员应尽可能准确地传达演讲者的意思,不加入个人观点或偏差。

- 技巧2:口译即时性
- 注意事项:译员应能够快速理解演讲者的内容,并通过适当的语言转换,实时进行口译。

- 技巧3:文化敏感度
- 注意事项:译员应了解并尊重不同文化间的差异,避免因文化误解而导致翻译不准确或不恰当的情况。


- 问题1:不理解专业名词或术语
- 解决方法:译员可以提前准备,通过研究和研究相关领域的专业词汇,以便在口译时能够准确理解和翻译。

- 问题2:背景知识不足
- 解决方法:译员可以在进行口译任务前,对相关领域进行足够的了解和研究,增加自己的知识储备,以便更好地理解演讲内容并进行准确的口译。








第一部分:听力理解(共四篇听力材料,每篇10题)第一篇:材料一:政治演讲Q1. 演讲者的身份是什么?Q2. 演讲的主题是什么?Q3. 为什么演讲者提到了历史事件?材料二:新闻报道Q4. 新闻报道中提到的国家是哪个?Q5. 新闻报道中所述事件是什么?Q6. 事件的原因是什么?材料三:教育讲座Q7. 讲座的目的是什么?Q8. 讲座中提到的重要问题是什么?Q9. 为什么讲座中提到了国外的经验?材料四:旅游广告Q10. 广告中提到的旅游目的地是哪里?Q11. 广告中提到的旅游活动是什么?Q12. 为什么这个目的地适合旅游者?第二部分:阅读理解(共三篇阅读材料,每篇15题)阅读材料一:科技文章Q13. 文章主要讨论的是什么科技?Q14. 这项科技在哪个领域有潜在的应用?Q15. 文章中提到的优势是什么?阅读材料二:商业报告Q16. 这项报告是为了解决什么问题而进行的?Q17. 报告中列举的企业案例是在哪个行业?Q18. 为什么这些企业需要实施改变?阅读材料三:文化研究Q19. 这篇研究报告主要探讨的是哪个文化现象?Q20. 文章中提到的原因是什么?Q21. 研究的结果如何?第三部分:口译表达(共两个任务,每个任务5题)任务一:逐句口译请根据提供的英文句子逐句进行口译,语速适当,重点表达清晰。








转载首届全国大学生英语翻译大赛试题原文地址:首届全国大学生英语翻译大赛试题作者:cecilia首届全国大学生英语翻译大赛试题参赛办法A shoe for all occasions She liked to walk,so she walked.From years of walking,the bottoms of her feet had become hard and leathery.Even so,there were places she could not go---where the stones were too sharp or the sand too hot.She came across another who wore curious things on his feet that allowed traversing of the forbidden zones.So,she fashioned shoes of her own and ventured into unfamiliar territory.The further she walked,the colder it got.It began to snow,which made travel exceedingly difficult.She had an idea.With larger extended versions of her shoes,she discovered that she could move across the surface without sinking.So she moved on.Eventually,she came to the edge of alarge ocean,and try as she might,she could not get her shoes to prevent her from sinking.She could go no further.As she reflected on this circumstance,she realized that she no longer knew where she had come from or where she was going.So she returned to the snow and walked around because she liked to walk.Others came and went,but none could walk on the snow as easily and as gracefully as she.She was content.Then one day,the snow began to melt and the grass began to grow.Soon there was arich carpet of green.Her shoes hindered her movements,so she took them off.But the bottoms of her feet were now soft and sensitive,and the grass tickled her toes.She reached down to feel the grass with her hands.She lay down to smell the sweetness and she rolled on her back.For the firsttime,she looked up to see the sky and she wondered"had it been there all along?"首届全国大学生英语写作大赛试题参赛办法Topic:People spend agreat deal of time,money,and energy to see or read about movie stars,TV actors,and athletes.What role do you think such celebrities play in society?注:题目自拟,字数在300字左右。



首届全国口译大赛(英语交替传译)复赛 Part I 英译中下面你将听到一段联合国秘书长潘基文在联合国维持和平人员国际日发布的电文:On the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, we honour the sacrifices of the men and women who lost their lives while serving under the UN flag. This year's commemoration is a somber one. The past 14 months have been especially deadly for UN peacekeeping.谨此联合国维持和平人员国际日之际,我们缅怀那些在联合国旗帜下以身殉职的维和人员。


As we honour such moving displays of courage and dedication, we also pay tribute to the more than 122,000 military, police and civilian personnel who serve with distinction in our operations across the world.Their efforts directly help millions of people...By providing security and promoting reconciliation...By clearing land-mines and demobilizing combatants...By strengthening institutions and the rule of law...By delivering aid and repatriating refugees and displaced personsBy supporting democratic elections, reforming the security sector... and so much more.Peacekeeping is an indispensable part of the UN’s work for a better world. Let us give it the support it needs to succeed.我们向如此令人感动的勇气和献身精神致敬,同时也向在世界各地联合国维和行动中杰出工作的122 000多名军事、警务和文职人员致意。



中西部翻译大赛四川赛区首届初赛笔译试题I. Complete the following sentences using the correct form of one the idioms in the column. (2×15=30’)1. 每当我们面临困难的时候,他总是自告奋勇承担风险。

Whenever we are faced with difficulties, he is always the one who offers to _______.2. 明天我要在太岁头上动动土,我要当面质问我的上司为什么不给我增加薪水。

I’m going to ___________ tomorrow, and ask him plainly why he hasn’t increased my salary.3. 有一家航空公司降低票价,其它航空公司通常很快也会步其后尘。

When one airline reduces its ticket prices, the rest usually soon _______4. 当他的生意开始亏损,他就决定溜掉,而不是面对破产。

When his business started to fail, he decided to __________, rather than face financial ruin.5. 你不化妆样子最美,可是你却浓妆艳抹,实在多此一举。

You look at your best without make-up, but you __________ by wearing a lot of cosmetics.6. 失业是我们的主要问题之一,我们需要一个能大胆抓起这个棘手问题的政府。

Unemployment is one ofour main problems; we need a government that will __________.7. 你说她怕劳动,确实说到点子上。

川渝赛区全国首届ETTBL 全国商务英语翻译大赛复赛笔译试题

川渝赛区全国首届ETTBL 全国商务英语翻译大赛复赛笔译试题

首届ETTBL全国商务英语翻译大赛复赛笔译试题1.Translate the following passage into ChineseThe educational improvements and the development of printing techniques saw the widespread use of handbills.Newspapers became affordable,and ads to promote books,and medicines in particular,became familiar features.However,there were some instances of misleading or dubious claims which inevitably led to the first regulations aimed at controlling advertising.The first advertising agencies appeared in the19th century.These were essentially space brokers,individuals who purchased large amounts of space in newspapers at discounted rates,and who then resold smaller blocks to client advertisers at higher rates.At this stage clients still prepared their own copy,artwork and layout,or creative element.However,this changed as individuals started to offer specialized advertising skills and soon full-service agencies appeared,offering space buying,planning and creative activities.Television's powerful combination of visual and audio elements led to a recognition that brand recall through television was more effective than any other forms.This led to an unprecedented growth and investment in this form of communication.However,production costs started to rise to the extent that a single sponsor struggled to support a program.It was noted that DuMont Television Network was the first television company to sell advertising time,multiple spots,to several sponsors,at a time when the established practice was to use a single sponsor for each show.Some say NBC were the first,but whoever it was,the move towards involving several advertisers,each buying time within a single program,signaled the era of 'participation advertising'.The move away from sponsorship effectively shifted control over the content of programs from single sponsors to media owners.2.Translate the following passage into English经济实力的另一个衡量标准是外汇储备。



中口翻译真题 2004-201004年9月英译中As individuals and as a nation, we're defined by the choices we make. And too often, by the tough decisions we avoid. Most of us have avoided even thinking about how our rapidly growing population is affecting our quality of life and shaping our society.Our population has more than doubled since World War II, and at this rate, we could be on our way to 1 billion people living in the United States by the end of the century. Our population growth, driven in part by unchecked immigration, is already straining our healthcare and educational systems and, less noticeably — but far more important — putting a heavy burden on our natural resources.All these pressures on our resources will only worsen unless our leaders begin a national dialogue on the future of this country and start making the tough choices. Politicians are avoiding debate on these issues because they are the most difficult ones to confront. In campaign debating, these are wedge issues. But failure to come to terms with them will drive a wedge between all of us and a prosperous, healthy future for this country.【参考译文】无论是个人还是国家,我们的特性体现在我们所做的抉择中,而且常常体现在我们避免做出的艰难抉择中。



第一环节:主旨口译(注:不得记笔记)1)观看一段长约1 分钟的英文讲话视频,然后在45 秒内用中文概述其主要信息。

Thai Political Unrest Brings Economic UncertaintiesFrom VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report.Economists are warning of slower growth in Thailand, southeast Asia's biggest economy. A major credit rating agency recently reported that continued political unrest in Thailand could hurt the country's economy.In its report, Fitch Ratings noted a reduction in manufacturing and sharply lower sales of goods and services. Fitch said, the trust of both Thai consumers and business is at its lowest level since the huge floods of 2011.A sign indicating the closure of a main touristic road can be seen next to barricades of anti-government protesters near a main stage of the protest in Bangkok, Feb. 5, 2014.The ruling party is seeking to break up the opposition Democrat Party. Opposition forces accused the ruling party led by Prime Mi nister Yingluck Shinwatra of being disloyal to the king, that is a serious accusation in Thailand. The opposition has also questioned the fairness of recent elections.Now foreign investors are getting concerned. The president of Toyota Motor Corp in Thailand has warned that long term investors may put their money in other areas, like Indonesia or Vietnam.Chris Baker is an expert on business in Thailand. He says major foreign investors are concerned about the elections. They feel the lack of a clear winner will frighteninvestors. He also says car makers and related businesses are concerned the government will be unable to make serious policy decisions.Thailand's government is under financial pressure to pay rice farmers more than $3 billion for rice it promised to buy at higher than market prices. Now, the government is having trouble finding the money to pay the farmers.Banks have been unwilling to loan money for the plan. Foreign investors have also been pulling back from the Thai stock market since political protests began in November. The leading measure of Thai stocks has lost 10 percent of its value since then.Andrew McBean is a partner with Grant Thornton Thailand, a business advisory service. He says the fact that the elections were largely peaceful was a hopeful sign.Still Thailand's tourist industry has been hurt by the unrest in the capital Bangkok. More than forty countries have announced travel alerts in recent weeks. And tourism officials estimated losses for the month of January alone at $685 million.The Thai economy has recovered from earlier political and economical problems, but the recent unrest may make it harder for foreigners to want to return as they have in the past.2)观看一段长约1 分钟的中文讲话视频,然后在45 秒内用英文概述其主要信息。



翻译大赛试题备注:请将翻译完的试题发至邮箱:joanna.wang@英译中试题一It’s been four decades since President Richard M. Nixon sent Henry A. Kissinger to Beijing to re-establish contact with China, an ancient civilization with which the United States, at that point, had had no high-level diplomatic contact for more than two decades. Since then the cold war has ended; the Soviet Union (a threat to both China and the United States and a spur toSino-American cooperation) has come unwound; and economic reform in China has transformed a poverty-ridden, poorly educated nation into a great power that is playing an increasingly pivotal role in the globalized world.在理查德M 尼克松派亨利 A 基辛格到中国再次建交已经过去四十年了。







2001年教育部全国翻译证书测试考题[中级口译]2001年教育部全国翻译证书考试试题[中级口译] 考试时间:30分钟Part 1 English into Chinese[//表示停顿]International Cooperation Against Transnational Organized CrimeOrganized crime groups pose challenges as never before to societies everywhere. Whether involved in drug trafficking, money laundering, people smuggling or outright terrorism they operate in a sophisticated way without regard to national frontiers. The profits of crime are vast. The International Monetary Fund has stated that he aggregate size of money laundering in the world could be somewhere between two and five per cent of the world’s gross domestic product.Putting a dollar figure on that, it is estimated that money laundering activity could now involve asmuch as 1.5 trillion US dollars a year, and it seems likely that half of that figure is attributable to the proceeds of drug trafficking.//Given that profits of this scale can be made, the temptations for people at all levels to get involved are manifest, and we must clearly understand and beak down the vicious cycle that exists between money laundering)and corruption: corruption has to be well funded to, succeed in its object of corrupting public officials and others, and that is being achieved all too often by the use of illicit assets.The manner in which we respond to this problem is not only a test of our concern for a safer world, but a measure of our determination to create a decent future for coning generations.//In the wake of the events of 11 September 2001, a war against terrorism is being pursued on various fronts. This includes a direct assault on money laundering, which is now recognized, more so than ever before, as an insidious crime which is all pervasive. It threatens the stability of our societies. It undermines our financial institutions. It challengesour national security.As a transnational crime, money laundering can only be combated through close cooperation among national authorities efforts by states acting alone to attack the economic power of criminal groups will not succeed if other states do not take complementary action. In the absence of a coordinated and effective international framework, all too oftennon-participating countries offer criminals safe havens for laundering funds.//And as patterns of crime develop and become mere sophisticated and profitable, we in law enforcement must be adequately resourced, fully trained, and efficiently deployed We must prosecute the organized criminals, size their assets, and disrupt their operations. The fight against money laundering will be a protracted and complex process, and we must be prepaid to play a long game. Our societies expect no less of us.For when we fight money laundering, we fight organized crime. When we fight money laundering, we keep drugs out playgrounds and away from our kids. Wekeep weapons out of the hands of terrorists. We protect small business. And we safeguard the human dignity of women。



了较大的差距 ,无论是词 汇量 、百科知识 、抗压 性还是演讲 的能力 ,口译专业 的学 生都存在较 明
显的优势。 许 多学 生始终认为 口译是可望而不 可及的专
想 ,促进辽宁省本科阶段 口译教学 的发展 。
关键词 口译教学
口 译大赛
由中 国翻译协会 和高等教育 出版社主办 ,大
连外 国语 学院承办 的首届 “ 中译杯 ”全 国 口译大 赛于 2 1 年 6 2 开赛 。本次大赛共有来 自辽宁 00 月 6 省 内2 所高校的 6 名选手参加 比赛。比赛分 为三 O 0
拓宽教学内容。 口译和翻译专业的学生在一二年 级语言基础应该过关 ,三年级学习专业知识之前 双语 的能力须达到翻译或 口译 的水平 。然而 , 目 前 1译专业学生 的状况是 ,教师在三年级专 业课 : 3
抓 住原文 的逻 辑结构 ,译 文逻辑清晰可见 ,能够
用恰当的 目标语充分传达原文说话者的意图。
E m I n d 2 o ’ - a :Id x 6c r i b @1 . n
讲解专业技能的 同时仍需投人大量 的时间处 理学
6 .并列结构。汉英 口译 中的难点是四字并列 动宾结构 的处理 ,比赛 中大部 分选手在 此丢分 , 教学中可以单独处理此技巧。 通过这次 比赛我认识到 口译对于本科生并不 是 遥 不 可 及 , 只要 通 过 一 段 时 间 系 统 科 学 的 训 练 ,口译专业学生在完成本科 阶段学 习后 完全可 以承担一般性质的 口译工作 。在大赛之前 ,我校 组织了几次 口译 比赛 ,其 中邀请到三年级英语 师
从首届 “ 中译杯’ 全国凸译大赛透视 ’ 辽宁省本科阶段口译教 学
















样题Part I Interpret the following passage from Chinese into English交通部门traffic department/authority发布的数据显示今年上半年全国有超过22万次醉酒驾车drunk driving,比去年增长百分之九。

中译杯2010年全国口译大赛试题 (26151)

中译杯2010年全国口译大赛试题 (26151)

A题(英译汉)When I was in China in February, it was my first time back in almost a decade. And I was struck, as many visitors are, by the transformation that had taken place. Driving on the third ring road in Beijing, I felt like I was watching a movie in fast-forward. From a few high rise buildings on my last trip, to a gleaming Olympic complex and corporate skyscrapers today.From millions of Flying Pigeon bicycles navigating the streets, to cars of every model traversing modern thoroughfares.And for those traveling to Shanghai, an already cosmopolitan world city soon to add the Shanghai Expo. All are testaments to China’s dynamism and growth. And the United States welcomes these. We know that our nations face common global threats, from the economic crisis, to non-proliferation, climate change, clean energy, pandemic disease, global poverty, North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and beyond. So to meet these threats, we must find common ground and work together in common purpose, even as we may disagree on certain issues.参考译文:我今年二月访问中国时,据我前一次访问已有将近十年之久。



样题Part I. Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese(Brief to contestants: BP CEO’s Speech on Global Business and Global Poverty---I believe the ingredients of sustainable business success are transparency, the extension of opportunity, education and the improvement of environmental conditions. ---)Opportunity is about providing an equal chance to everyone- on the basis of merit, so that if we are working in China or Russia, a Chinese or Russian woman joining at the age of 21 or 22 has an equal chance of siding through the company across as someone joining the company here in the UK or in the USA. Opening the door of personal opportunity within a global organization is very important because it demonstrates (that) globalization brings real practical benefits at a personal level.Part II. Interpret the following passage from Chinese into English.对于全世界的每个国家而言,城市友好关系的建立都是提升“软实力”的一个有效地途径。



历届全国英语翻译口译大赛试题第一环节:英译中Part I. Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You will hear the passage only once.下面是美国Verizon公司董事长的一次会议讲话节选,主题是展望新技术在卫生保健领域的应用前景。

And “Revolution” is not too strong a word for what technology can do for health care – but we need to act with more speed and more urgency to make this happen. Policy makers could accelerate the implementation of health IT dramatically with just a few critical reforms.If we get this right, we have the chance to dramatically improve the quality of life, not just in the U.S., but around the world. If you think about it, there are more than 5 billion wireless phones in use today around the world. Wireless networks cover more than 85 percent of the world’s population. In less developed countries, they’re more pervasive than roads and electricity.The World Health Organization has just published a report on the fantastic potential for using these wireless networks to deliver m- and e-health care solutions to the world’s population. They note that, while there are lots of small-scale m-health experiments going on, no one has really solved the security, interoperability and standardization problems that are getting in the way of delivering these vital services in asystem-wide,worldwide basis in a secure and interconnected way.At Verizon we think it’s time to scale up.We believe in the disruptive power of innovation to transform health care and dramatically improve the quality of life, for America and the world. This is not only one of the world’s great social and moral challenges, but also one of its greatest growth opportunities. We look forward to working with partners across throughout this industry to finally realize the full potential of the health IT revolution.Thank you.第二环节:中译英Part II. Interpret the passage from Chinese into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You will hear the passage only once.下面是国家工商行政管理总局领导就2011年中国知识产权发展状况答记者问。

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Part I Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese
(Brief to contestants: BP CEO’s Speech on Global Business and Global Poverty ... I believe the ingredients of sustainable business success are transparency, the extension of opportunity, education and the improvement of environmental conditions. …)
Opportunity is about providing an equal chance to everyone –on the basis of merit, so that if we are working in China or Russia, a Chinese or Russian woman joining at the age of 21 or 22 has an equal chance of rising through the company across the world as someone joining the company here in the UK or in the USA. Opening the door of personal opportunity within a global organization is very important because it demonstrates (that) globalization brings real practical benefits at a personal level.
Part II Interpret the following passage from Chinese into English




Part III Listen to the following dialogue and interpret it as required. After you hear a sentence or a short passage in Chinese, interpret it into English. And after you hear an English sentence or short passage, interpret it into Chinese. You will hear the dialogue only once.
Allan: It’s a shame I didn’t. I bought it from the Culture Street. They told me it can bring me good luck. Is there any story about it?


Allan: I was told that in Chinese culture “knot” has special meaning.


Allan: I see. That’s why there are so many shops selling the Chinese Knot before the Spring Festival.
Part I English to Chinese



Part II Chinese to English
For all nations in the world, establishing friendly relationships among cities is an effective way to boost one’s “soft power”. In the information age, the “soft power” has been elevated to a status equal to that of the “hard power”, such as military power.
The regional and international influence of a country, region or city hinges upon the level of its “soft power”.In the future, we will continue our commitment to friendship, cooperation and peaceful development and continue to push ahead with the city diplomacy strategy.
Part III Dialogue
Song Tao:Hey, Allan, you have a Chinese Knot in your study! Did you make it yourself?


Song Tao:Chinese knots are a unique Chinese handicraft. With a long history, its origin can be traced back to ancient times. At that time, Chinese people used knots for more than just fastening and wrapping. Knots were also used to record events and thus were considered sacred in the eyes of ancient Chinese.

Song Tao:In Chinese, "knot" means reunion, friendliness, peace, warmth, marriage, love, etc. Chinese knots are often used to express good wishes, including happiness, prosperity, love and the absence of evil.

