湖南大学机自英语教程 (9)



China Aptitude Test for Translators and Interpreters - CATTI
英语中级口译证书:第一阶段综合笔试共分四部分。第一部分:听力;第二部分:阅读技能;第三部分:英译汉;第四部分:汉译英。总考试时间为150分钟,其中听力部分为40分钟,阅读技能部分为50分钟,英译汉部分为30分钟,汉译英部分为30分钟。四部分总考分(满分)为250分。其中:听力90分,阅读60分,双译各50分。合格为150分。凡第一阶段合格的考生方可参加第二阶段口试。 第二阶段口试共分两部分:口语与口译。考试时间为25分钟左右。





以下是湖南大学的英语教材书目推荐:一、大学英语教材1. 《大学英语》(第四版)- 王梦芸、姜丽萍编著这是湖南省高校大学英语教材的主要版本之一。



2. 《全新版大学英语》(综合教程)- 韩礼元、王玲编著该套教材为湖南省高校大学英语综合教程的重要版本之一。



二、阅读教材1. 《大学英语阅读》(第二版)- 王梦芸主编该教材旨在提高学生的阅读速度和阅读理解能力,涵盖了各种不同主题和体裁的短文。


2. 《大学英语阅读与翻译》- 陆向华主编该教材旨在培养学生的阅读理解和翻译能力。



三、语法教材1. 《英语语法与写作》(第三版)- 施宏明主编该教材主要用于提高学生的语法意识和写作能力。



2. 《英语语法精讲精练》(第二版)- 张天红主编该教材主要面向学生的语法系统训练和巩固。





25. With days passing by ,I get to know the importance of taking notes.
26.That is the rate at which the population in Asia has raised in recent years.
3.Studying shouldn't occupy all of your spare time/free time/leisure hours.It is important to set aside time for relaxation,hobbies and entertainment.
37.He isn’t a very good basketball player in spite of his height.
38The old man looks both ways before crossing the street.
27.We will accomplish nothing all our life unless we work hard enough.
28.People complain that there is too much violence and sex on TV screens.






排名招生单位等级1 中国人民大学A+2 中国传媒大学A+3 复旦大学A+4 武汉大学 A5 华中科技大学 A6 四川大学 A7 南京大学 A8 北京师范大学 A9 清华大学 A10 暨南大学 A11 南京师范大学 A12 湖南大学 AB+等级新闻学研究生院校郑州大学厦门大学山西大学西北大学北京大学广西大学河北大学南昌大学浙江大学新疆大学吉林大学内蒙古大学辽宁大学上海外国语大学西南政法大学华中师范大学山东大学中央民族大学河南大学B等级新闻学研究生院校湖南师范大学苏州大学中国青年政治学院湘潭大学湖北大学华东师范大学汕头大学黑龙江大学渤海大学中南财经政法大学东北师范大学安徽大学上海财经大学广州大学中国政法大学云南大学重庆大学河北经贸大学新闻学包括新闻学方向和广播新闻与电视新闻学方向:新闻学方向的核心课程有:1.《新闻学概论》 2.《中国新闻事业史》3.《外国新闻事业史》 4.《新闻采访写作》 5.《新闻评论写作》 6.《中外新闻作品研究》 7.《广播新闻与电视新闻》8.《新闻心理学》9.《传播学概论》10.《文学概论(一)》11.《新闻摄影》12《公共关系学》13.《报纸编辑》14.《新闻事业管理》15《中国现代文学作品选》16《新闻心理学》17.《广告学(二)》。

广播新闻与电视新闻方向的核心课程有:1.《新闻学概论》 2.《中国新闻事业史》3.《外国新闻事业史》 4.《新闻采访写作》 5.《广播电视技术基础》6.《节目策划与编导》 7.《广播新闻与电视新闻》8.《新闻心理学》9.《传播学概论》10.《文学概论(一)》11.《新闻摄影》12《主持人节目》13.《电视摄象》14.《新闻事业管理》15《电视节目制作》16《新闻心理学》17.《广告学(二)》18.《播音文体理论》。



Unit 9How I Found‎My Voice‎James‎Earl Jones‎1 Today‎I am known‎for my voice‎as much as for my actin‎g. It has been my goodfortu‎n e to recei‎v e jobs such as the speak‎i ng role of Darth‎Vader‎in Georg‎e Lucas‎’s Star Wars trilo‎g y and the voice‎-over annou‎n cer for CNN cable‎telev‎i sion‎.I also narra‎t ed Aaron‎Copla‎n d’s Linco‎l n Portr‎a it on a compa‎c t disc I recor‎d ed with the Seatt‎l e Symph‎o ny. Perha‎p s my great‎e st honor‎came when I was asked‎to read the New Testa‎m ent on tape.2 But it took a long time to belie‎v e such good thing‎s could‎happe‎n to me. When Iwas a young‎s ter I stutt‎e red so badly‎I was compl‎e tely‎unabl‎e to speak‎in publi‎c.3 Since‎I was eight‎I’d had troub‎l e speak‎i ng. It was so bad that whene‎v er I stood‎up in class‎to read, the other‎kids snick‎e red and laugh‎e d. I alway‎s sat down, my face burni‎n g with shame‎.4 I’m not sure what cause‎d my stutt‎e ring‎. Perha‎p s it was an emoti‎o nal probl‎e m. Iwas born in Arkab‎u tla, Missi‎s sipp‎i, and when I was about‎five, I moved‎to live with my grand‎p aren‎t s on their‎farm near Dubli‎n in north‎e rn Michi‎g an. It was traum‎a tic movin‎g from the warm, easy ways of catfi‎s h count‎r y to the harsh‎clima‎t e of the north‎, where‎peopl‎e seeme‎d so diffe‎r ent.5 Fortu‎n atel‎y, my grand‎d addy‎was a gentl‎e man, a farme‎r who taugh‎t me to lovethe land. He was short‎and he had a prodi‎g ious‎amoun‎t of energ‎y. He even built‎a churc‎h to pleas‎e grand‎m othe‎r, a ferve‎n t worsh‎i per of the Lord. All sorts‎of peopl‎e were invit‎e d to our littl‎e churc‎h; white‎, black‎and Ameri‎c an India‎n came toget‎h er ina nonde‎n omin‎a tion‎a l fello‎w ship‎. Grand‎d ad’s Irish‎herit‎a ge came out in his love forlangu‎a ge; durin‎g the week he used “every‎d ay talk”, but on Sunda‎y he spoke‎only the fines‎t Engli‎s h.6 As much as I admir‎e d his fluen‎c y, I could‎n’t come close‎to it. I final‎l y quitSunda‎y schoo‎l and churc‎h, not wanti‎n g to be humil‎i ated‎any more. All throu‎g h my grade‎schoo‎l years‎, the only way the teach‎e r could‎asses‎s my progr‎e ss was for me to write‎down every‎t hing‎I had learn‎e d.7 Oh, I could‎talk, all right‎. Our farm anima‎l s knew that. I found‎it easy to call thepigs, tell the dogs to round‎up the cows, and vent my feeli‎n gs to Fanny‎, the horse‎whose‎big brown‎eyes and lifte‎d ears seeme‎d to expre‎s s inter‎e st in all I said. But when visit‎o rs came and I was asked‎to say hello‎, I could‎only stand‎, pound‎my feet,and grit my teeth‎. That awful‎feeli‎n g of my voice‎being‎trapp‎e d got worse‎as I grew older‎.8 Then when I was 14, Profe‎s sor Donal‎d Crouc‎h came to our schoo‎l. He was aretir‎e d colle‎g e profe‎s sor who had settl‎e d in nearb‎y Breth‎r en, a Menno‎n ite commu‎n ity. When he heard‎that our agric‎u ltur‎a l high was teach‎i ng Chauc‎e r, Shake‎s pear‎e and other‎class‎i cs, he could‎n’t stand‎not being‎a part of our schoo‎l. So he left his retre‎a t to teach‎us Engli‎s h, histo‎r y and Latin‎.9 Donal‎d Crouc‎h was a tall, lean man with gray hair; Engli‎s h was his favor‎i tesubje‎c t, poetr‎y was his deepe‎s t love. He’s been an assoc‎i ate of Rober‎t Frost‎. He helda book of poems‎as if it were a diamo‎n d neckl‎a ce, turni‎n g pages‎as if uncov‎e ring‎treas‎u res. He memor‎i zed a poem every‎day, expla‎i ning‎that if he ever lost his eyesi‎g ht he would‎still‎be able to savor‎all that beaut‎y.10 When he learn‎e d that I not only loved‎poetr‎y but was writi‎n g it, we found‎akinsh‎i p. There‎was, howev‎e r, one diffi‎c ulty‎betwe‎e n us. Profe‎s sor Crouc‎h (we alway‎s calle‎d him that) could‎not stand‎the fact I refus‎e d to read my poems‎to the class‎.11 “Jim, poetr‎y is meant‎to be read aloud‎,just like sermo‎n s,” he press‎e d. “Youshoul‎d be able to speak‎those‎beaut‎i ful words‎.”12 I shook‎my head and turne‎d away.13 Then he trick‎e d me. I labor‎e d long and hard on a poem, and after‎handi‎n g it in Iwaite‎d expec‎t antl‎y for his criti‎q ue. It didn’t come. Inste‎a d, one day as the stude‎n ts assem‎b led, he chall‎e nged‎me. “Jim, I don’t think‎you wrote‎this.”14 I stare‎d at him in disbe‎l ief. “Why,” I start‎e d, anger‎flood‎i ng me, “of cours‎e Idid!”15 “Well, then,” he said, “you’ve got to prove‎it by getti‎n g up and recit‎i ng it frommemor‎y.”16 By then the other‎stude‎n ts had settl‎e d at their‎desks‎.He looke‎d at memeani‎n gful‎l y and nodde‎d. With knees‎shaki‎n g, I walke‎d up befor‎e my peers‎.17 “Jim will recit‎e his lates‎t poem,” annou‎n ced Profe‎s sor Crouc‎h.18 For a momen‎t I stood‎breat‎h less‎. I could‎see smirk‎s and wry smile‎s on somefaces‎. Then I began‎. And kept going‎. I recit‎e d my poem all the way throu‎g h witho‎u t hesit‎a tion‎or fault‎! I stood‎amaze‎d and float‎e d back to my desk in a daze, amid wild appla‎u se.19 After‎w ard, Profe‎s sor Crouc‎h congr‎a tula‎t ed me. “Aha,” he said. “Now we havesomet‎h ing here. Not only will you have to write‎more poetr‎y and read it aloud‎to know how good it feels‎, but I’m sure that you will want to read other‎write‎r s’ poetr‎ybefor‎e the class‎.”20 I was dubio‎u s about‎that, but said I’d try.21 Soon I began‎to disco‎v er somet‎h ing other‎stutt‎e rers‎know. Most have noprobl‎e m singi‎n g becau‎s e the lyric‎s’ rhyth‎m ic patte‎r n flows‎by itsel‎f. I found‎the same caden‎c es in poetr‎y, and befor‎e long my fello‎w stude‎n ts actua‎l ly looke‎d forwa‎r d to heari‎n g me recit‎e. I loved‎the rolli‎n g beat of The Song of Hiawa‎t ha, espec‎i ally‎since‎I had India‎n blood‎in my veins‎.22 I disco‎v ered‎I did have a voice‎, a stron‎g one. Under‎Profe‎s sor Crouc‎h’s tutel‎a ge,I enter‎e d orato‎r ical‎conte‎s ts and debat‎e s. He never‎pushe‎d anyth‎i ng at me again‎; hejust wante‎d all his stude‎n ts to wake up.23 As my stutt‎e ring‎disap‎p eare‎d, I began‎dream‎i ng of becom‎i ng an actor‎, like myfathe‎r, who was then perfo‎r ming‎in New York City. No one in my famil‎y had ever gone to colle‎g e. But encou‎r aged‎by Profe‎s sor Crouc‎h, I took exams‎and won a schol‎a rshi‎p to the Unive‎r sity‎of Michi‎g an.24 There‎I enter‎e d the drama‎depar‎t ment‎and after‎gradu‎a tion‎fulfi‎l led my ROTCrespo‎n sibi‎l ity by servi‎n g with the Army’s Cold Weath‎e r Train‎i ng Comma‎n d on mount‎a in maneu‎v ers in Color‎a do.25 Later‎, on the GI Bill, I signe‎d up with the Ameri‎c an Theat‎e r Wing in New Yorkand suppo‎r ted mysel‎f betwe‎e n roles‎by sweep‎i ng floor‎s of off-Broad‎w ay stage‎s. In 1962 I earne‎d an Obie for my role in an off-Broad‎w ay produ‎c tion‎of Othel‎l o, and have been an actor‎ever since‎.26 Meanw‎h ile, I alway‎s kept in touch‎with my old profe‎s sor, by lette‎r andtelep‎h one. Every‎time we talke‎d it was alway‎s, “Hi, Jim. Read any good poetr‎y latel‎y?” He was losin‎g his sight‎and I remem‎b ered‎his early‎expla‎n atio‎n of why he had memor‎i zed poetr‎y. In later‎years‎when I was doing‎Shake‎s pear‎e’s Timon‎of Athen‎s at the Yale Reper‎t ory Theat‎e r in New Haven‎, Conne‎c ticu‎t, I phone‎d him.“Can I fly you in from Michi‎g an to see it?”27 “Jim,” he sighe‎d, “I’m blind‎now. I’d hate not to be able to see you actin‎g. Itwould‎hurt too much.”28 “I under‎s tand‎, Profe‎s sor,” I said, helpe‎d in part by the reali‎z atio‎n that thoug‎hmy mento‎r could‎no longe‎r see, he was still‎livin‎g in a world‎vibra‎n t with all of the beaut‎i ful treas‎u res he had store‎d.29 About‎two years‎later‎I learn‎e d Donal‎d Crouc‎h had passe‎d on. When I wasasked‎to recor‎d the New Testa‎m ent, I reall‎y did it for a tall, lean man with gray hair who had not only helpe‎d to guide‎me to the autho‎r of the Scrip‎t ures‎, but as thefathe‎r of my resur‎r ecte‎d voice‎, had also helpe‎d me find abund‎a nt life.找回声音詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯1 今天我在声‎音方面的名‎气一点都不‎逊色于我的‎表演。


Check-in is usually the first procedure for a passenger when arriving at an airport, as airline regulations require passengers check-in by certain times prior to the departure of a flight. This duration spans from 15 min to 4 hours depending on the destination and airline
Going through customs:
Any nation wants its own businesses to do well, so most of the time they prefer their people buy domestic goods over competing foreign goods. But in many cases, goods are available cheaper in another country than in your country, and people naturally want to buy them at the lower price. To tilt the balance in favor of domestic businesses, governments impose tariffs, also called duty, on foreign goods coming into the country.When you bring home souvenirs from another country, you are actually importing goods.In most countries, it isn't feasible for the customs agency to check all of the goods that every singletraveleris importing, so governments have to depend largely on people's honesty. When you enter a country, you are asked to truthfully report what goods you are importing and make a good faith estimate of their value.In theUnited Statesand many other countries, stopping drug smugglers is among the government's top priorities.In addition to drugs, customs agencies may watch for weaponry, child pornography, counterfeit merchandise and stolen goods. They also watch for people carrying illegally gained money across borders.

2019年外研版九年级上册英语教案:Module9 Greatinventions

2019年外研版九年级上册英语教案:Module9 Greatinventions
同学们,今天我们将要学习的是Module 9 Great inventions。在开始之前,我想先问大家一个问题:“你们在生活中是否遇到过因某个发明而让生活变得更便捷的情况?”(例如:通过网络购物)这个问题与我们将要学习的内容密切相关。通过这个问题,我希望能够引起大家的兴趣和好奇心,让我们一同探索伟大发明的奥秘。
1.语言能力:通过学习Module 9 Great inventions,使学生能够掌握并运用相关词汇、语法描述各种发明及其对人类社会的影响,提高英语表达能力和听说读写综合运用能力。




This course is a selective course for non-English undergraduate students as a preliminary course of English-Chinese translation. With extensive reading, translation and writing of texts of various styles, it aims at helping students have some idea of the stylistic and linguistic features of texts in humanistic, social science and sci-tech disciplines, especially those for practical purposes, lay a basic foundation of translation skills, and more importantly, arouse the students’ awareness of the linguistic and cultural differences of English and Chinese in practical contexts, so as to improve the students’English proficiency as well as the cross-cultural communicative competence in writing and translation.三、教学目标和教学内容本课程旨在帮助学生了解中英文实用文体特点及其语言表达差异,进而掌握英语表达式,提高英语熟练程度,同时掌握一定的翻译策略和技巧。



2020年湖南大学外国语言文学(外应、英语语言文学)考研备考攻略湖南大学(Hunan University),简称“湖大”,坐落于历史文化名城湖南省长沙市,直属于中国教育部,是教育部、工业和信息化部、湖南省人民政府、国家国防科技工业局四方共建的全国重点大学,位列“双一流、211工程、985工程”。

学院:外国语与国际教育学院外国语言文学01 外国语言学及应用语言学①101 思想政治理论②240 日语基础、241 德语基础、242 法语基础、244 俄语基础任选一③706 基础英语(含词汇、语法、阅读、写作)④834 语言学基础复试专业课 F1201 语言理论与分析2019年湖南大学外国语言及应用语言学考研真题回忆二外(日语)参考书是王诗荣的《新大学日语简明教程》,课本后面有点难,但是考试难度不大,都是很基础的,有能力的背熟课文,感觉吃力的一定要把词汇,语法(包括助词)学透彻,今年词汇一个一分,一定不能大意。



高等教育出版社机电英语课件 Unit 9 Numerical Control

高等教育出版社机电英语课件 Unit 9 Numerical Control

• provide a reference set • 作为参考组 • voice commands given during actual programming • 在实际编程时(系统)给出的语音指令
• 第三段短语: • isolate each word by pausing before and after the word • 通过词前词后的停顿来隔离每个词 • one-tenth of a second • 1/10秒 • the speech recognition system • 语音识别系统 • identify boundaries for the uttered command • 识别发出语音指令的界线
• • • • • •
a CRT terminal 阴极射线管(显示器)终端 verify 验证 prompt 提示
• • • • • • • • • • •
第四段短语: defining a circle 定义一个圆 definition n. 定义 center err 中心数据错误 five decimal three X=5.3 CW/CCW=clockwise/counterclockwise 顺时针/逆时针
• • • • • • •
manual verification 人工验证 specializing in voice-input system 专业研发语音输入系统 Threshold Technology, Inc. Inc.=incorporation 公司 斯莱肖德技术有限公司
• • • • • • • • • •
第二段短语: a headband microphone 头戴式话筒 reduce background acoustical noise 减少背景噪音 be in shop language 用行话 dimensional and coordinate data 尺寸和坐标数据 recognize and accept the individual programmer’s voice pattern • 识别和接受编程员的声音模式


10.5 Antonomasia
10.6 Personification
10.7 Parody
10.8 Synesthesia
10.9 Transferred epithet
Chapter 11 Logical Figures of Speech
*11.1 Allegory
*11.2 Allusion
11.3 Hyperbole
11.4 ent
11.5 Irony
11.6 Innuendo
11.7 Euphemism
7.7 Pun
Chapter 8-9 Syntactic Figures of Speech
11.8 Oxymoron
*11.9 Analogy
11.10 Paradox

00015 英语二自学教程 unit9

00015 英语二自学教程 unit9
接着是最后100米。感觉好像只想说,“不行,我跑不动了。”你肯定还会 发现自己是可以做到的,而且变得比开始的时候还要强壮。
Text A 300 Hurdles
Now lastly is the last hurdle. This hurdle is the toughest out of all of them. In life we find ourselves falling and falling, and maybe getting too lost in our problems that we feel like we have been through enough and there's no hope. That last hurdle symbolizes these situations.(承上句)It's one step close to the end of the race.
现在是跨越第一个障碍物。这个是最容易的了,因为你还没有因为奔跑而筋 疲力尽。我们都轻而易举地就完成了。这就好比在生活中遇到一些困难,我 们都力争克服,最终成功了。你可以从两个方面来看待这第一栏:“我太累 了,跨不过去。”或者“我再跨一个栏就结束了。”这就是处于逆境但采取 积极态度的例证。
Text A 300 Hurdles
The next part of the race is every hurdle between the first and last one. (主 题句)These hurdles get tougher and tougher and you may feel as though you can't go on. This happens a lot in life too.(承上启下句)There may be a situation that arises where you feel as though you can't make it and all you can think about is giving up. You may fall over that "hurdle" or struggle getting over it, but somehow you find it in yourself to jump over it and move on with the race.



Unit1A.1.assess2.Alliance3.Outcome4.Ethical5.Identity6.Ambiguous7.Tolerable8.Participates9.Pursuit10.constructiveB.1.at stake2.were obliged3.the climate of4.feel well-equipped5.beyond my grasp6.cut back7.other than8.rise above9.care about10.is boundedC.1.incompetent2.Indulgence3.Migrants4.Probesplex6.suspense;engagedpassionate;committed8.tolerant9.tempted10.interconnectedD.1. A.Judging from2.B.in which3. C.and4.D.believe5.A.is one of/is that of6. B.must get7. C.likely8. D.unemployed9. C.as well as/and10. B.simplerE.1.what2.Graduation3.Intend4.Getting5.eventually6.survey7.Although8.Graduates9.Transfer10.rise11.attending12.Instead13.Cause14.Because15.attendingcationKey to the translation from English to Chinese:1.德.汤说过,一切进步,一切发展均来自挑战及由此引起的反应。



湖南大学机自英语教程 1

湖南大学机自英语教程 1

1.词汇方面(Lexical Features) 1) 科技英语中专业词汇出现的频率是比较低的,出现频率
最高的还是一些常用的功能词,如动词、介词和形容词等; 2) 词义比较专一; 3) 缩写词使用得比较多; 4) 词汇中前缀和后缀出现的频率很高,因此,读者应注意
阅读量 250 000词; 译的能力 能借助词典将有关专业的英语文章译成汉语, 理解正确,译文达意; 译速 每小时350英语单词。能借助字典将内容熟悉的有关 汉语文字材料译成英语,译文达意,无重大语言错误,译速为 每小时300~500汉字;
专业英语 是在学生经过了英语基础阶段的教学之后,主要是 为进一步提高大学高年级学生阅读和翻译有关专业书刊的能力 而开设的 目的 是培养和提高学生准确阅读和翻译专业书刊的能力。为 此,需要进行大量的阅读和翻译练习。
2) 祈使句和it句型的使用也较多
3) 科技英语中关系复杂的长句多 主要是由于科技文献 注重事实和逻辑推理,为了达到完整而充分的说明,常采用 复杂和扩张的句子结构,所以科技英语中常出现多个分句并 列或复合句中从句套从句的现象,尤其是定语从句和带介词 的定语从句,从而使得科技英文中有较多的关系复杂的长句。
2.语法方面(Grammatical Features)
1) 被动语态句的应用多 普遍以形容词短语作后置定语, 且动词非谓语形式的使用效率相当高。据统计,在工程类科 技书籍中,被动句约占三分之一,被动句在科技书籍中出现 的次数比在文艺类书籍中出现的次数多十余倍。这主要是由 于科技书籍中人们讨论的中心多集中于事物或过程本身,没 有必要指明由谁去完成动作的缘故。
≥ 64学时)
词汇 领会式掌握1000~1500本专业及与本专业有关的常用



自动化专业英语教程Automatic Control Engineering English CourseUnit 1: Introduction to Automatic Control Engineering1.1 Introduction to Automatic Control EngineeringAutomatic Control Engineering is a branch of engineeringthat deals with the design, construction, and operation ofcontrol systems. These control systems are used to regulate and manipulate the behavior of dynamic systems. In this course, wewill learn about the fundamental principles and techniques usedin Automatic Control Engineering.1.2 Control Systems1.3 Feedback Control SystemsUnit 2: Modeling and Analysis of Control Systems2.1 System ModelingSystem modeling is the process of representing a physical system in terms of mathematical equations. It allows us to analyze and design control systems using mathematical techniques. This unit will cover various methods of system modeling.2.2 Transfer FunctionsTransfer functions are a mathematical representation of the relationship between the input and output of a system. They areused to analyze the stability, transient response, and frequency response of control systems. In this unit, we will learn how to derive and use transfer functions.2.3 Block DiagramsUnit 3: Control System Design3.1 Classical Control DesignClassical control design refers to the design of control systems using classical control theory. This theory is based on the principles of proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) control. It provides simple and intuitive methods for designing control systems.3.2 PID Control3.3 State-Space Control DesignState-space control design is a modern approach to control system design. It represents the system in terms of state variables and uses linear algebra and matrix theory to design controllers. State-space control design provides moreflexibility and control over the system's behavior.Unit 4: Digital Control Systems4.1 Introduction to Digital Control Systems4.2 Discrete-Time Systems4.3 Digital Controller DesignUnit 5: Advanced Topics in Automatic Control Engineering5.1 Robust ControlRobust control is a control design approach that takes into account uncertainties and variations in system parameters. It aims to design controllers that can maintain acceptable performance even in the presence of uncertainties. In this unit, we will learn about robust control techniques.5.2 Nonlinear ControlNonlinear control deals with the control of dynamic systems with nonlinear behavior. It requires advanced techniques such as Lyapunov stability analysis, sliding mode control, and adaptive control. This unit will provide an introduction to nonlinear control.5.3 Intelligent ControlConclusion。

机电英语 (9)

机电英语 (9)
a. X轴控制工作台左右运动。 b. Y轴控制工作台靠近或离开立柱。 c. Z轴控制升降台或主轴垂直(上下)运动。
PartⅠ Passage A
Machines Using NC
4. Turning Center
Turning Centers were developed in the mid-1960s after studies
a. The X-axis controls the table movement to the right or left.
b. The Y-axis controls the table movement toward or away from the
column. c. The Z-axis controls the vertical (up and down) movement of the knee or spindle.
过去,人们尽量使机床结构简单,以便降低成本。由于劳动成本日益上涨, 由于劳动成本日益上涨 ,人们研制出性能更好的机床,并配有电控设备,这样企 人们研制出性能更好的机床,并且配有电控设备,这样企业可以生产更多、更 业就可以生产更多 、更好、价格较低的产品,以便和国际上的产品竞争。 好、价格较低的产品,以便和国际上的产品相竞争。 better machine tools 是句子的主语,were developed是句子的谓语,so that 引导结 果状语从句,that引导的定语从句修饰products.
many variables such as speeds, feeds, and depth of cut, etc①. With the
development of science and technology, a new term, Numerical Control (NC) appeared. Controlling a machine tool using a punched tape or stored program is known as Numerical Control.



front_is_clear() right_is_clear() left_is_clear()
Page 20
如果 右边为空(): 右转 前进
否则如果 前面为空(): 前进
否则: 左转
再判断前面 其他情况
Page 21
完成smart_move命令的定义 使用smart_move命令实现“跨栏”程序 尝试在其他地图中使用smart_move命令
elif yyy(): ……
else: ……
Page 18
If xxx(): ……
只需要 一个判断
If xxx(): ……
else: ……
If xxx(): 再判断
…… elif yyy():
…… else:
其他情况 Page 19
前面为空 右边为空 左边为空
注意一下 def和repeat 命令的使用
repeat( kl, 4 ) move() turn_off()
Page 2
不管遇到什么情况,如果机器 人能够自己思考,知道不同的 路怎么走是不是很棒?!
Page 3
Page 4
如if 右r果ig边h右t为_边is空_为c(l)空e:a(r)(:): 右转
前进 否eli则f 前fr如o面n果t为_i前s空_面c(l)e:为ar空():():
否els则e: : 左转
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2) The harder the material to be ground, the softer should be the wheel. 待磨的材料越硬,砂轮应当越软。
3) It is important that the suitable tool bit be selected for the work to be cut. 重要的是要为待切削的工件选择合适的刀头。 4) The cutting speed of a lathe also depends upon the diameter of the work to be machined. 车床的切削速度也取决于待加工的工件直径。
4. The satellite to be sent into orbit sits on top of the step rocket. 5. The size of the copper conductors will depend primarily on the current to be carried. 6. The plastic lighthouse to be installed is eight meters high and 2.2 meters in diameter.
5) The work to be bored rotates in direction R, while the boring tool feeds in direction F. 待镗的工件向R方句译成汉语,请注意句中斜体部分的 译法。 1. Diffusion is, at present, the most widely used method of p-n junction formation in the fabrication of functional electric blocks.
2. The gas produced by the burning fuel rise because they are driven upward by colder, denser air.
3. Most existing materials are made up of two or more of the elements combined together.
10. Materials to be used for structural purposes are chosen so that they behave elastically in the environmental conditions.
三、译出将要发生的意义 动词不定式的被动式作定语时,除有被动意义外,还常常具有 将要发生的意义,表示一种按计划或要求发生的行为。翻译时 可加“要”、“待”、“应”等词来表达时间意义。 1) Electric welding is the heating of two pieces of metal to be welded by electricity. 电焊是两块要焊的金属用电加热。
5) In determining tensile strength, it is essential that only thoroughly annealed metal should be used. 在测定拉伸强度时,必须使用经过完全退火的金属。 二、译出正在进行的意义 现在分词定语有时具有正在进行的意义,常见的是作前置定 语的单个现在分词的主动式以及作后置定语的现在分词的被动 式。翻译时可加“正在”、“着”、“现在”等词来表达时间 意义。 1) Along with carbon, all steels being used contain varying amounts of silicon, sulphur and other impurities. 现在使用的各种钢在含碳的同时,还含有数量不等的 硅、硫和其它杂质。
单个过去分词作前置定语以及只带副词(状语)的过去分词 短语作前置定语。除有被动意义外,有时还具有已经完成的 意义。翻译时可加“已、“后”、“了”、“过”、“经过” 等词来表达时间意义。
1) The torn paper is still paper, the cut steel is still the same steel. 撕碎了的纸仍然是纸,切断了的钢仍然是钢。 2) Depth of cut is actually the difference between the machined surface and the surface to be machined. 切削深度是已加工表面和待加工表面的实际差值。 3) The milled surface will be flat if the cutter is cylindrical. 如果铣刀是圆柱形的,铣削后的表面一定是平的。 4) With one end released the stretched rubber band quickly returns to its original shape and size. 放松其一端,拉长了的橡皮带会迅速恢复其原状。
第九章 分词和不定式作定语的译法
科技英语中,常用分词和不定式作定语,这是一种表现动作 意义的定语,它除了保持原来动词的语态特点外 (如a driving gear译成“主动齿轮”,a driven gear译成“被动齿 轮”),有时,还保持时态的特点,如a used tool(用过的刀 具)和a tool to be used(要用的刀具)的区别则往往容易被忽略。 翻译时必须把时间意义译出,才能做到确切地表达原意。 一、译出已完成的意义
2) A rotating wheel will be stopped by a torque such as that due to friction. 旋转着的轮子可以被一个力矩(例如因摩擦而产生的力 矩)所制止。 3) Do not touch the workpiece being machined. 切勿用手摸正在加工的工件。 4) The expanding gases produce the power stroke, and during the exhaust stroke the products of combustion are driven out through the exhaust port. 正在膨胀的气体,产生了作功冲程,而在排气冲程中, 燃烧的产物从排气口排出。
7. Water is a good common dissolving agent and the dissolved substance are easy to separate from the water by distillation.
8. There are many problems to be considered in the wide use of solar energy in industry. 9. Details of the technique to be used, the frequency of examination and standards of acceptance shall be agreed.
2.我们喝开过的水,我们不喝正在开的水。 3.运动着的物体具有机械能。
4.正在讨论的问题是如何更加经济地利用自然资源 的问题。 5.正在融化的冰吸热。
6.待试验的这台铣床是周先生设计的。 7.所有要用的材料都放在这个房间里。
9.要送入轨道的这颗卫星位于多级火箭的顶部。 10.要连结的这些零件通常要加热到一定的温度。