
FPC1001 外观图
FPC1001 系统图
FPC1001 安装效果图
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FPC1001 指纹仪使用说明书(V1.00)
1.2 指纹仪型号定义
FPC 200 1 - P
P:Proximity; 125KHz;Awid、EM、HID、Keyking 系列卡 U:CPU, Mifare, Mifare 扇区; 13.56MHz
维庚输出Supports Multi Wiegand Output: AWID: Follow card, up to 58bits EM, 2308: Option-W26/34 HID, 1326, 1386: Follow card, W26/27/34/35/37 and so on KK, KK243\250T: Follow card, W34/50 bits
1:0 型,1 型,2 型
200:2000 系列,拒绝假指纹;1000 系列,不检测活体指纹模块 FPC:Finger Print Controller 指纹仪系列;
FPC1001/P------读 Awid、EM、HID、Keyking 系列卡; FPC1001/U------读 Mifare 、CPU 系列卡;
P:Proximity 卡; 例如 EM4100, TK4100 系列,HID1326、1386,AWID,KK234\250T; U:FM1208 CPU 卡,Philips S50, Mifare-1 Compatible
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FPC1001 指纹仪使用说明书(V1.00)
CPU:ARM, 32 Bits, Cortex-M4, 400MHz DSP 内存:4MB闪存+8MB RAM 指纹容量:1,000枚,支持PC在线验证(此时用户为无限制,由软件决定) 指纹传感器:500 dpi 光学传感器 验证模式:指纹,指纹/卡,感应卡+指纹,三种验证模式 通讯接口:Wiegand 输出,TCP 通讯 工作电压:12VDC,支持 POE 供电,Power Over Ethernet 工作电流 ≤200mA 待机电流≤150mA 工作温度:-20°C to 65°C 工作湿度:0--95% 尺寸:135mm L x58mm W x 45mm 重量:400 克。

Specifications指标环境和机械性能类型温度计(可用于温度补偿)固定方法点焊、胶粘或螺丝固工作温度范围-40to+120ºC(150ºC short term)温度灵敏度≈28.9pm/ºC(±0.5pm/ºC)短期重复性1±0.75ºC(±21pm)漂移2±1.0ºC(±29pm)外型尺寸36mm x12mm x1mm重量 3.0g构件材料302Stainless(302不锈钢)尾纤长度1m(±10cm)光纤类型SMF28-C光纤原涂覆层Polyimide聚酰亚胺松套管Fiberglass Braid玻璃丝编织物光纤连接头无(FC/APC可选)光学特性中心波长(±0.1nm)1512~1588nm(others available)峰值反射率>80%FWHM(-3dB)半高宽0.25nm(±0.1nm;切趾光栅)隔离度~12dB(@±0.4nm around center wavelength)当前设计抽样测试数据结果:1从最低温到最高温做三个温度循环2典型值:50ºC和85%相对湿度极限条件:±1.3ºC(±36pm);1,000小时浸泡到75ºC和75%相对湿度中Micron Optics Int.北京代表处地址:北京市海淀区上地开拓路7号先锋大厦4段1门210室(100085)电话:************、62962541传真:************网址:邮件:*********************.cn。
低成本、高准确度和高磁性噪声抵抗位置传感器IC LX3302AQPW和LX3301AQPW说明书

Inductive Position Sensor Pro Sensor KitIntroductionThe LX3302AQPW and LX3301AQPW ICs are a low cost, high-accuracy and superior magnetic noise immune position sensor IC. The sensor system consists of the inductive position sensor ICs, its printed circuit board sensor, and the target. A target Metal is attached to the moving mechanical housing, which provides position relative to the fixed position of sensor PCB.The inductive PCBs are constructed using printed circuit board materialThe sensor assembly is connected to the USB IPCE Programmer Interface through a 4-wires cable carrying +5V, GND, IO2 (DOUT) and IO3 (AOUT). The IPCE Programmer allows programming of LX3302AQPW and LX3301AQPW internal configuration EEPROM.1. Features1.1. Pro Kit ContentsThe Evaluation Kit contains the following items:•Inductive position sensor PCB with target assembly•IPCE interface programmer•4pin to 10pin Cable between LXM9518 and Sensor PCB•USB power Cable•The IPCE Software downloaded from Microchip Technology Inductive Position Sensor Landing PageFigure 1 - LX3302A Pro Sensor Kit Example (LXK3302AL002)2. System OperationThe evaluation kit has been factory calibrated and is ready to use. The default operation requires a +5VDC power source which can be supplied either by an external DC power supply or the ICPE programmer connected to PC via USB.The Inductive Sensor kit constitutes a main sensor board and a movable target PCB. The main sensor board contains two oscillator coils (OSC1 and OSC2) and two pickup coils (CL1 and CL2). The IC energizes the two oscillator coils. The position of the target varies the reception of the two pickup coils relative to each other. The IC demodulates the two received signals and generates an output signal representative of the relative difference between the CL1 and CL2 signals as shown Fig 2.The values of the two OSC1 and OSC2 capacitors vary depending on the characteristics of the OSC1 and OSC2 printed circuit board layout pattern. The combination L/C impedance of the printed circuit board layout is matched to the LX3302AQPW’s and LX3301AWPW oscillation requirement. Refer to the LX3302AQPW and LX3301AQPW3.Figure 3 - 4pin to 10pin connectorThe following figure shows the required external system equipment and their respective connections to the LX3302A evaluation board. The sensor assembly comes with a 4pin (CN1) to 10pin (CN2) connector to connect the sensor to the IPCE Programmer. The pin4. Inductive Sensor Board Typical CharacteristicsThe following plot displays an example of linearity achievable with the sensor with a SENT output. Other output formats will have the same accuracy.Figure 4 – An Example of typical Inductive Sensor Board Linearity (Calibrated)5. Configuration EEPROMThe measurement IC contains an internal EEPROM for storing calibration and configuration parameters. The calibration parameters enable the production sensor assembly to be factory calibrated guaranteeing consistent unit-to-unit performance.6.Kit EEPROM Programming IPCEThe sensor kit includes an Integrated Programming and Calibration Environment (IPCE) to facilitate system calibration and configuration. The Integrated Programming Environment contains an EEPROM Programming tool and data measuring system.256512768102412801536179220482304256028163072332835843840409601282563845126407688961024115212801408153616641792192020482176230424322560268828162944307232003328345635843712384039684096I O 3 A m p l i t u d e A x i s M a t r i xSensor Board X Axis Displacement MatrixRotary Inductive Sensor Board LX3302 Matrix Chart6.1 IPCE Installation and startup1) After downloading software from web landing page, run the install program.2) When you are connected, dongle status will report that the port is open and itdetects the EVB3) The voltages or digital signals from each output will be displayed in the liveupdate section of the IPCE tool。


文档编号:BLH-10-P3001博立恒BLH3001一体化光学指纹处理模块规格书V1.02013.05修改记录版本号修改日期修改内容修改人V1.0 2013.5.30 初始版本Jiash1产品概述 (1)1.1产品特点 (1)1.2产品外观 (1)1.3产品安装结构特征 (2)1.4光学畸变 (2)1.5分辨率 (2)1.6成像面积 (2)1.7接口定义 (3)1.7.1与上位机通讯接口 (3)1.7.2连接线缆类型 (3)1.7.3J1引脚说明 (3)1.7.4J1接口描述 (4)2产品性能 (4)3产品电气指标 (5)4功能介绍 (5)5协议描述 (6)5.1指令包格式 (6)5.2数据包格式 (6)5.3应答信息描述 (7)6实例描述 (8)6.1中断指令 (8)6.2查询指纹数 (8)6.3采集图像 (9)6.4注册指纹 (10)6.5匹配指纹 (11)6.6删除指纹 (11)6.7模板传输 (12)一体化光学指纹处理模块BLH3001DPW产品规格书1产品概述BLH3001DPW一体化光学指纹处理模块是一种接触式单指纹识别设备,由光路部分、成像部分和指纹识别处理模块构成。
指纹识别模块采用成都方程式电子有限公司生产的高性能、低功耗指纹识别处理器,针对性的设计光路,并采用具有基本图像处理功能的新型1/7 inchCMOS,提高了指纹识别处理模块的性能表现。
深圳贝特莱电子科技有限公司 BL2290 指纹识别传感器数据手册说明书

深圳贝特莱电子科技有限公司BL2290 数据手册指纹识别传感器版本:1.2 2015-07-29Be t t er l i f eB et t er l if e1. 概述BL2290是一款圆形按压式指纹识别传感器。
BL2290具有超低功耗,内置振荡器电路、OCP 电路和上电复位电路并使用SPI 接口,可应用于手机、平板电脑、PAD 等移动终端设备。
1.1 特点● 4.8 mm x 5.6 mm 采集面积;● 表面平坦化 LGA 塑封封装:圆形Φ9.55mm ; ● 112 x 96 pixels 传感器阵列;● 508 DPI 分辨率,8bit 灰度等级;● 50 帧/sec 快速采集速度@24MHz SPI speed ;● 塑封+表面保护涂层,可耐受上百万次的磨损; ● 内置 24MHz 振荡器;● 内置上电复位电路;● 内置OCP(Over-Current-Protection)过流保护电路;● SPI Slaver 接口;● >15KV 的表面 ESD ;● 工作电流< 3mA ,手指检测模式< 20uA ; ● 认假率(FAR ):< 0.0005%; ● 拒真率(FRR ):< 1%;● 比对时间:< 0.5秒;Be t t er l i f eB et t er l if e1.2 应用● 电脑周边● 手机、平板电脑、超级本 ● MP3、USB-Key 、PADs ● 手持设备 ● 访问控制设备 ● 门禁和考勤 ● 便携设备 ● 指纹门锁 ● 无线设备 ● 安全应用● 医疗设备及存储Be t t er l i f eB et t er l if e2. 芯片说明2.1 芯片内部构架图 2-1 芯片核心构架图BL2290由全定制的数模混合电路构建,内置振荡器电路、OCP 电路、上电复位电路,能够显著节省BOM 单成本,并进一步减少整体解决方案所需的电路板面积。
半导体指纹识别仪 DW-FP3-M 系列 使用说明书

1概述 (1)1.1指纹门禁系统构成 (1)1.2指纹仪接线说明 (1)1.3名词解释 (2)2功能概述 (3)2.1系统复位功能 (3)2.2设备管理功能 (3)2.2.1用户管理 (3)注册新用户 (4)修改用户 (4)删除用户 (4)查看用户信息 (4)查看用户容量 (4)2.2.2系统日志 (4)2.2.3系统参数 (5)系统时段 (5)日期时间 (5)按键声音 (5)亮度调节 (5)屏保功能 (5)门铃功能 (6)服务端口 (6)验证提示 (6)语音音量 (6)用户信息显示 (6)系统重启 (6)2.2.4安全设置 (6)刷卡功能 (6)验证模式 (6)安全等级 (7)报警韦根 (7)断线检测 (7)韦根区域码开/关和韦根区域码 (7)韦根重试 (7)2.2.5通信设置 (7)2.3开门验证功能 (8)2.3.1开门方式 (8)指纹开门 (8)指纹或密码开门 (8)指纹+密码开门 (8)指纹或密码或刷卡开门 (8)指纹+刷卡开门 (8)指纹或(卡加密码)开门 (8)2.4日志功能 (8)2.4.1验证日志(最多432000条) (8)2.4.2系统操作日志(最多30000条) (8)3功能特性 (9)3.1功能模块一:指纹仪模块 (9)4操作说明 (9)4.1传感器的使用 (9)4.2设备版本查询 (10)4.3待机状态 (10)4.4空机状态下的超管登记 (11)4.5管理员进入管理菜单 (14)4.6恢复出厂设置功能 (15)4.6.1复位指纹模块 (15)4.6.2重启系统 (16)4.6.3修改复位密码 (16)4.6.4恢复出厂状态 (16)4.7设备管理 (17)4.7.1用户管理菜单 (17)注册新用户 (17)修改用户信息 (18)删除用户 (19)查看用户信息 (19)查询用户容量 (20)4.7.2日志查询菜单 (20)4.7.3安全设置菜单 (22)刷卡功能 (22)验证模式 (23)安全等级 (23)报警韦根 (24)断线检测 (24)韦根输出方式 (24)韦根区域码开关 (24)韦根区域码 (24)韦根重试 (25)4.7.4通信设置 (25)4.7.5系统参数菜单 (26)系统时段 (26)日期时间 (27)按键声音 (27)屏幕亮度调节 (27)屏保亮度调节 (27)屏保功能 (28)门铃功能 (28)服务端口 (28)验证提示 (29)语音音量 (29)用户信息显示 (29)系统运行信息 (30)系统重启 (30)4.8使用指纹进行开门验证 (30)4.9使用密码进行开门验证 (32)5安装说明...................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
Leuze ODS 96 光学距离传感器说明书

Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG In der Braike 1 D-73277 Owen Tel. +49 (0) 7021 573-0*************•W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m a k e c h a n g e s • D S _O D S 96B M C V 6600_e n _50107945.f m●Reflection-independent distance information●Highly insensitive to extraneous light ●Analogue current or voltage output ●PC/OLED display and key pad for configuration●Measurement value is indicated in mm on OLED display●Measurement range and mode adjustable ●Teachable switching output and analogue output100…600mm18 - 30 VDCAccessories:(available separately)●Mounting systems●Cable with M12 connector (K-D …)●Configuration softwareDimensioned drawingA Indicator diode greenB Indicator diode yellowC TransmitterD ReceiverE Optical axisF Device plug M12x1G Countersinking for SK nut M5, 4.2mm deep H OLED display and key padI Reference edge for the measurement (cover glass)Electrical connectionODS 96BOptical distance sensorsODS 96B M/C6-600-S12 - 04ODS 96B M/V6-600-S12 - 04e n 04-2012/1150107945ODS 96B M/C6-600-S12 - 042012/11ODS 96B M/V6-600-S12 - 04SpecificationsOptical dataMeasurement range 1)1)Luminosity coefficient 6%…90%, complete measurement range, at 20°C, medium range of U B , measurement object ≥50x50mm²100…600mm Resolution 2)2)Minimum and maximum value depend on measurement distance0.1…0.5mm Light source LEDWavelength 880nm (infrared light)Light spotapprox. 15 x 15mm 2 at 600mm Error limits (relative to measurement distance)Absolute measurement accuracy 1)±1.5%Repeatability 3)3)Same object, identical environmental conditions, measurement object ≥50x50mm²±0.5%b/w detect. thresholds (6…90% rem.)≤1%Temperature compensationyes 4)4)Typ. ± 0.02 %/KTimingMeasurement time 1…51)ms Response time 1)≤15ms Delay before start-up ≤300msElectrical dataOperating voltage U B 18…30VDC (incl. residual ripple)Residual ripple≤15% of U B Open-circuit current ≤150mASwitching output push-pull switching output 5),PNP light switching, NPN dark switching 5)The push-pull switching outputs must not be connected in parallelSignal voltage high/low ≥(U B -2V)/≤2VAnalogue outputvoltage 1…10V, R L ≥2k Ω current 4…20mA, R L ≤500ΩIndicatorsteach-in on GNDteach-in on +U BGreen LED continuous lightready flashing fault teaching procedure offno voltageYellow LED continuous lightobject inside teach-in measurement distanceflashing teaching procedureoffobject outside teach-in measurement distanceMechanical dataMetal housingHousing diecast zinc Optics cover glassWeight 380g Connection type M12 connector Environmental dataAmbient temp. (operation/storage)-20°C …+50°C / -30°C …+70°C Protective circuit 6)6)1=transient protection, 2=polarity reversal protection, 3=short circuit protection for all outputs 1,2,3VDE safety class 7)7)Rating voltage 250VAC, with cover closedII, all-insulated Protection class IP 67, IP 69K 8)8)IP 69K test acc. to DIN 40050 part 9 simulated, high pressure cleaning conditions without the use of additives.Acids and bases are not part of the test.LED class1 (acc. to EN 60825-1)Standards appliedIEC 60947-5-2A Area not definedB Linearity not definedC Measurement rangeD Object presentE No object detected FMeasurement distanceOrder guideDesignationPart No.With M12 connector Current output ODS 96B M/C6-600-S1250106720Voltage outputODS 96B M/V6-600-S1250106721TablesDiagramsODS 96BRemarks●Measurement timedepends on the reflectivity of the measurement object and on the mea-surement mode.●Approved purpose : The ODS 96B distance sensors are optical elec-tronic sensors for the opti-cal, contactless measure-ment of distance to objects.。
印度马克CLS50 CLS50D电磁导电度传感器说明书

TI00182C/07/EN/15.1271186403Technical InformationIndumax CLS50/CLS50DInductive conductivity sensor for standard, hazardous and high-temperature applications, analog or digital with Memosens protocolApplicationIndumax CLS50/CLS50D conductivity sensors are especially suitable for application in the chemical industry and process engineering. The six-decade measuring range and the high chemical resistance of the materials in contact with medium (PFA or PEEK) permit to use this sensor in a number of various applications, e.g.:•Concentration measurement of acids and bases•Quality monitoring of chemical products in tanks and pipes •Phase separation of product/product mixturesDigital CLS50D sensors are used with Liquiline CM44x or Liquiline CM42. Analog CLS50 sensors are used with the transmitters Liquiline CM42, Liquisys CLM223/253 or Mycom CLM153.Your benefits•High durability–High chemical resistance thanks to PFA coating–PEEK version for high temperatures up to 180˚C (356˚F)•Low risk of soiling–Dirt-repellent PFA surface –Large sensor opening •Easy installation–Can be installed in T-pieces ≥DN 80 with the outgoing diameter reduced to ≥DN 50–Total cable length up to 55m (180ft)•Wide measuring range from 2 μS/cm to 2000mS/cm •Integrated, coated Pt 100 temperature sensor, error class A •Ex approval EEx ia IIC T6/T4Indumax CLS50/CLS50D2Endress+HauserFunction and system designMeasuring principleInductive conductivity measurementA generator (1) generates an alternating magnetic field in the primary coil (2) which induces a current in the medium (3). The strength of the induced current depends on the conductivity and thus the ion concentration of the medium. The current flow in the medium generates another magnetic field in the secondary coil (4). The resulting current induced in the coil is measured by the receiver (5) and processed to determine the conductivity.Important properties•Wide measuring rangeThe sensor’s measuring range comprises six decades, from 2 μS/cm to 2000 mS/cm.•DurabilityThe materials in contact with medium (PEEK, PFA) feature a very high chemical resistance. In addition, the PEEK version is suitable for application at high temperatures (CLS50 up to 180˚C (356 ˚F) and CLS50D up to 125 ˚C (260 ˚F)).•Low risk of soilingThanks to its large opening, the sensor is not susceptible to soiling. The PFA version requires even less cleaning thanks to its dirt-repellent surface.Advantages of digital sensors with Memosens protocol (CLS50D only)Digital sensors are able to store the following system data in the sensor:•Manufacturing data –Serial number –Order code–Date of manufacture •Calibration data –Calibration date –Cell constant–Change in cell constant –Number of calibrations–Serial number of the transmitter used for the last calibration •Application data–Temperature application range –Conductivity application range –Date of first commissioning –Maximum temperature value–Operating hours at high temperaturesInductive conductivity measurement 12345Generator Primary coilCurrent flow in the medium Secondary coil ReceiverBenefits of inductive conductivity measurement •No electrodes, therefore no polarization•Accurate measurement in media or solutions with a high soiling degree and a tendency to deposition •Complete galvanic separation of measurement and mediumIndumax CLS50/CLS50DMeasuring system CLS50DA complete measuring system comprises:•a CLS50D conductivity sensor with fixed cable•a transmitter, e.g. Liquiline CM44xOptional:•Weather protection cover for the field installation of the transmitter•Assembly for sensor installation in tanks or in pipework, e.g. CLA111Example of a measuring system1Transmitter Liquiline CM44x2Weather protection cover3Pipe socket for flange DN50 PN/64Sensor CLS50D, flange version DN50 PN/6, fixed cable with M12 plugEndress+Hauser3Indumax CLS50/CLS50D4Endress+HauserCLS50A complete measuring system comprises:•a CLS50 conductivity sensor with fixed cable •a transmitter, e.g. Liquiline CM42Optional:•Weather protection cover for the field installation of the transmitter •Assembly for sensor installation in tanks or in pipework, e.g. CLA111Example of a measuring system 1Indumax CLS502Liquiline CM42 transmitter 3Weather protection cover 4Pipework 5Pipe socketInputMeasured variable•Conductivity •Temperature Cell constant k = 1.98 cm –1Measuring frequency 2 kHzMeasuring rangeTemperature measurementCLS50DPt 1000 (class A acc. to IEC 60751)CLS50Pt 100 (class A acc. to IEC 60751)Conductivity: 2 μS/cm to 2000 mS/cm (uncompensated)Temperature:–20 to +180 ˚C (-4 to +350 ˚F)Indumax CLS50/CLS50DEndress+Hauser 5WiringCable specificationThe sensor is supplied with a fixed cable. The connection to the transmitter can be extended using the CYK81 (CLS50D) or the CLK5 (CLS50) special measuring cable.Please note that the residual coupling increases when the cable is extended.Performance characteristicsMaximum measured error•-20 to 100 ˚C (-4 to 212 ˚F):±(5 μS/cm + 0.5 % of the measured value)•> 100 ˚C (212˚F):±(10 μS/cm + 0.5 % of the measured value)Temperature response time•PEEK versions:approx. 7 min •PFA versions:approx. 11minInstallation conditionsInstallation positionInstall the sensor in such a way that the sensor opening is oriented in the flow direction of the medium. The sensor head must be completely immersed in the medium.a0007035Installation position of the sensor 1Flow direction of medium2Minimum water level in the pipe aSensor distance from the pipe wallCYK81 for cable extension for CLS50D –max. total cable length: 100 m (330 ft)CLK5 for cable extension for CLS50–max. total cable length: 55 m (180 ft)Indumax CLS50/CLS50D6Endress+HauserInstallation factorIn narrow installation conditions, the conductivity measurement is affected by the pipe walls. This effect is compensated by the so-called installation factor. The transmitter corrects the cell constant by multiplication with the installation factor.The value of the installation factor depends on the diameter and the conductivity of the pipe as well as the sensor’s distance from the wall.If the distance from the wall is sufficient (a > 15mm (0.59"), from DN 80), it is not necessary to consider the installation factor (f = 1.00).If the distance from the wall is smaller, the installation factor increases in case of electrically insulating pipes (f >1) and decreases in case of electrically conductive pipes (f <1).The installation factor can be measured using calibration solutions or it can be approximately determined from the following diagram.a0005441Relationship between installation factor f and distance from wall a1Electrically conductive pipe wall 2Insulating pipe wallAir setCLS50To compensate residual coupling in the cable and between the two sensor coils, you must perform a zero calibration in air ("air set") before installing the sensor.For further information, refer to the Operating Instructions of your transmitter.CLS50DThe digital sensor is already adjusted at the factory, an on-side compensation is not necessary.Indumax CLS50/CLS50DEndress+Hauser 7Installation of sensors with flangeThe sensor is suitable for installation in T-pieces ≥DN 80 with the outgoing diameter reduced to ≥DN 50.WARNING!LeakagesDanger of injuries by leaking medium►Tighten the nut with a torque of 20 Nm.►To avoid leakages, regularly check the tightness of the nut.Flange, not in contact with mediumFlange, in contact with mediumFixed flange, not in contact with medium (order option "process connection": 5, 6, 7)123Flange (stainless steel)NutSealing disk (GYLON)45O-ring SensorFixed flange, in contact with medium (order option "process connection": 3, 4)12Flange (stainless steel)Nut 34O-ring SensorIndumax CLS50/CLS50D8Endress+HauserLap-joint flange, not in contact with mediumInstallation of sensor assemblyEnvironmentAmbient temperature rangeCLS50D–10 to +60 ˚C (+10 to +140 ˚F)CLS50–10 to +70 ˚C (+10 to +160 ˚F)Storage temperature –20 to +80 ˚C (-4 to +180 ˚F)Ingress protectionIP 68 / NEMA 6 (installed with original sealing)Lap-joint flange, not in contact with medium (order option "process connection": A, B, C)123Lap-joint flange (PP-GF)Nut (stainless steel)Flange (PVDF)45O-ring SensorInstallation of sensor with assembly12CLA111 with suspension bracket CLA111 with flange connection 34CLA140 with flange connection CYA611Indumax CLS50/CLS50DEndress+Hauser 9ProcessProcess temperatureCLS50DCLS50Process pressure max. 20 bar (290 psi), acc. to the sensor version, see pressure-temperature diagramPressure-temperature diagramWithout flangeDN50, ANSI 2"JIS PVDF lap-joint flange Sensor CLS50D-*1/2CLS50D-*3/4/5/6/8CLS50D-*7CLS50D-*A/B/C PEEK –20 to 125 °C (-4 to 260 °F)–20 to 125 °C (-4 to 260 °F)–20 to 125 °C (-4 to 260 °F)–20 to 125 °C (-4 to 260 °F)PFA–20 to 110 °C (-4 to 230 °F)–20 to 125 °C (-4 to 260 °F)–20 to 125 °C (-4 to 260 °F)–20 to 125 °C (-4 to 260 °F)Without flangeDN50, ANSI 2"JIS PVDF lap-joint flange Sensor CLS50-*1/2CLS50-*3/4/5/6/8CLS50-*7CLS50-*A/B/C PEEK –20 to 180 °C (-4 to 360 °F)–20 to 180 °C (-4 to 360 °F)–20 to 180 °C (-4 to 360 °F)–20 to 125 °C (-4 to 260 °F)PFA–20 to 125 °C (-4 to 260 °F)–20 to 125 °C (-4 to 260 °F)–20 to 125 °C (-4 to 260 °F)–20 to 125 °C (-4 to 260 °F)Pressure-temperature-diagram of CLS50D 1PEEK sensor, without flange2PFA sensor, without flange (blue line)3PEEK or PFA sensor, with DN50/ANSI 2" flange (red line)4PEEK or PFA sensor, with JIS flange5PEEK or PFA sensor, with lap-joint flange PVDF (green line)Indumax CLS50/CLS50D10Endress+HauserMechanical constructionSensor dimensionsPressure-temperature-diagram of CLS501PEEK sensor, without flange2PFA sensor, without flange or with DN50/ANSI 2" flange (blue line)3PEEK sensor, with DN50/ANSI 2" flange (red line)4PFA sensor, with JIS flange (black line)5PEEK or PFA sensor, with lap-joint flange PVDF (green line)6PEEK sensor, with JIS flange (grey line)Dimensions of sensor version with G ¾ thread *Dimensions of PEEK versionDimensions of sensor version with NPT 1" threadIndumax CLS50/CLS50DEndress+Hauser 11Flange dimensionsFlange dimensions 1Lap-joint flange (PP-GF)2Fixed flange (stainless steel)Weight approx. 650 g (1.43 lbs)MaterialLap-joint flange PP-GF DN50 PN10ANSI 2" 150 lbs JIS 10K 50A D 165165152Ø k 125121120d 2 4 x 188 x 19 4 x 19b 181818a 787878ScrewsM16M16M16Fixed flange SS 316 L DN50 PN16ANSI 2" 300 lbs JIS 10K 50A D 165165.1155Ø k 125127120d 2 4 x 188 x 19 4 x 19b 1822.216a 272727ScrewsM16M16M16Sensor:PEEK, PFA (depending on ordered version)Sensor seal:VITON, CHEMRAZ (depending on ordered version)Process connections:G ¾:CLS50-**A: stainless steel 1.4571 (AISI 316Ti)CLS50-**B/C: PEEK GF30CLS50D-**D: stainless steel 1.4571 (AISI 316Ti)CLS50D-**B/C: PEEK GF30NPT 1":PEEK Fixed flange:stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316 L)Sealing disk:GYLON (ceramic-filled PTFE)Lap-joint flange:PP-GF Flange combined with lap-joint flange:PVDFIndumax CLS50/CLS50D12Endress+HauserChemical durabilityNo responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information.Ordering informationProduct pageYou can create a complete and valid order code by using the configurator on the internet product page.Enter the following address to access the product page://cls50dOnline configurator1.2.Click "Configure this product".3.The configurator opens in a separate window. You can now configure your device and receive the complete order code that applies for the device.4.Afterwards, export the order code as a PDF or Excel file. To do so, click the appropriate button at the top of the page.Medium Concentration PEEK PFA CHEMRAZ VITONSodium hydroxide solution NaOH0 to 50%20 to 100 ˚C (68to 212 ˚F)not suitable 0 to 150 ˚C (32to 302˚F)not suitable Nitric acid HNO 30 to 10 %20 to 100 ˚C (68to 212 ˚F)20 to 80 ˚C (68to 176 ˚F)0 to 150 ˚C (32to 302˚F)0 to 120˚C (32to 248˚F)0 to 40 %20 ˚C (68 ˚F)20 to 60 ˚C (68to 140 ˚F)0 to 150 ˚C (32to 302˚F)0 to 120˚C (32to 248˚F)Phosphoric acid H 3PO 40 to 80 %20 to 100 ˚C (68to 212 ˚F)20 to 60 ˚C (68to 140 ˚F)0 to 150 ˚C (32to 302˚F)0 to 120˚C (32to 248˚F)Sulphuric acid H 2SO 40 to 2.5 %20 to 80 ˚C (68to 176 ˚F)20 to 100 ˚C (68to 212 ˚F)0 to 150 ˚C (32to 302˚F)0 to 120˚C (32to 248˚F)0 to 30 %20 ˚C (68 ˚F)20 to 100 ˚C (68to 212 ˚F)0 to 150 ˚C (32to 302˚F)0 to 120˚C (32to 248˚F)Hydrochloric acid HCl0 to 5 %20 to 100 ˚C (68to 212 ˚F)20 to 80 ˚C (68to 176 ˚F)0 to 150 ˚C (32to 302˚F)0 to 120˚C (32to 248˚F)0 to 10 %20 to 100 ˚C (68to 212 ˚F)20 to 80 ˚C (68to 176 ˚F)0 to 150 ˚C (32to 302˚F)0 to 120˚C (32to 248˚F)Indumax CLS50/CLS50DEndress+Hauser 13Product structureThe following product structure represents the status of printing. You can create a complete and valid order code on the Internet using the configurator tool.CLS50DApprovalAA Non-hazardous areaBA ATEX II 1G Ex ia IIC T3/T4/T6BV ATEX II 3G Ex nL IIC T4/T6 + NEPSI Ex nL IIC T4/T6C2CSA IS NI Cl . I, II, III, Div. 1&2, Group A-G FB FM IS NI Cl . I, II, III, Div. 1&2, Group A-G NANEPSI Ex ia IIC T4/T6Process connectionA Lap joint flange DN 50 PN 10, PP-GFB Lap joint flange ANSI 2" 150 lbs, PP-GFC Lap joint flange JIS 10 K 50 A, PP-GF 1Thread G ¾2Thread NPT 1", PEEK3Flange DN 50 PN 16, stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316 L)4Flange ANSI 2" 300 lbs, stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316 L)5Flange DN 50 PN 16, stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316 L), PTFE sealing disk 6Flange ANSI 2" 300 lbs, stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316 L), PTFE sealing disk 7Flange JIS 10 K 50 A, stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316 L), PTFE sealing disk8Flange DN 50 PN 16, stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316 L), welded PFA sealing plate sensorMaterial: sensor , seal, adapterB PEEK, VITON, PEEKC PEEK , CHEMZRAZ, PEEKDPFA, CHEMRAZ, stainless steel 1.4571 (AISI 316 Ti)Cable length1 3 m (9.84 ft)27 m (23 ft) 315 m (49 ft)7... m fixed cable, max. 50 m 8... ft fixed cable, max. 164 ftCable connection1Fixed cable, terminated cable cores 2Fixed cable, M12 plug CLS50D-order codeCalibration (single choice only)F1Cell constantDienstleistung (multiple choice possible)HCLABS free (LABS = paint-wetting impairment substances)TAG (multiple choice possible)1TAG, see additional specification 2Feldbus TAGIndumax CLS50/CLS50DCLS50ApprovalA Non-hazardous areaG ATEX II 1G Ex ia IIC T4/T6 GaH NEPSI Ex ia IIC T4/T6L Non-hazardous area, PWIS freeO FM IS NI Cl . I, II, III, Div. 1&2, Group A-GS CSA IS NI Cl . I, II, III, Div. 1&2, Group A-GT TIISV ATEX II 3G Ex nL IIC T4/T6 + NEPSI Ex nL IIC T4/T6Process connectionA Lap joint flange DN 50 PN 10, PVDFB Lap joint flange ANSI 2" 150 lbs, PVDFC Lap joint flange JIS 10 K 50 A, PVDF1Thread G¾2Thread NPT 1", PEEK3Flange DN 50 PN 16, stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316 L)4Flange ANSI 2" 300 lbs, stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316 L)5Flange DN 50 PN 16, stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316 L), PTFE sealing disk6Flange ANSI 2" 300 lbs, stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316 L), PTFE sealing disk7Flange JIS 10 K 50 A, stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316 L), PTFE sealing disk8Flange DN 50 PN 16, stainless steel 1.4404 (AISI 316 L), welded PFA sealing plate sensorMaterial: sensor, seal, adapterA PFA, CHEMRAZ, stainless steel 1.4571 (AISI 316 Ti)B PEEK, VITON, PEEKC PEEK , CHEMZRAZ, PEEKCable length and temperature range1 5 m (16 ft) fixed cable, max. 125 ˚C (257 ˚F)210 m (32 ft) fixed cable, max. 125 ˚C (257 ˚F)320 m (65 ft) fixed cable, max. 125 ˚C (257 ˚F)4fixed cable of specific length, max. 55 m (180 ft), max. 125 ˚C (257 ˚F)5 5 m (16 ft) fixed cable, max. 180 ˚C (356 ˚F) (PEEK only, version for non-hazardous areas only)610 m (32 ft) fixed cable, max. 180 ˚C (356 ˚F) (PEEK only, version for non-hazardous areas only)CLS50-complete order codeCertificates and approvalsEx approvals CLS50D•ATEX II 1G Ex ia IIC T4/T6 GaCLS50•ATEX II 1G Ex ia IIC T4/T6 Ga•ATEX II 3G Ex nL IIC T4/T6 + NEPSI Ex nL IIC T4/T6•FM/CSA IS NI Cl. I, II, III, Div. 1 & 2; Group A - G in connection with a Liquiline CM42 or MycomCLM153 transmitter•NEPSI Ex ia IIC T4/T614Endress+HauserIndumax CLS50/CLS50DAccessoriesMeasuring cables For CLS50DCYK11 Memosens data cable•Extension cable for digital sensors with Memosens protocol•Ordering as per product structure (--> Online configurator, /cyk11)For CLS50Extension cable CLK6•For inductive conductivity sensors, for extension via the VBM junction box, sold by the meter•Order no.: 71183688Junction box VBM•For cable extension•10 terminals•Cable entries: 2 x Pg 13.5 or 2 x NPT ½"•Material: aluminum•Ingress protection: IP 65 (i NEMA 4X)•Order numbers:–cable entries Pg 13.5: 50003987–cable entries NPT ½": 51500177Assemblies Dipfit CLA111•Immersion assembly for open and closed tanks with flange DN 100•Ordering acc. to product structure, --> online configurator: /cla111•Technical Information TI00135C/07/ENDipfit CLA140•For the inductive sensors CLS50/CLS50D•Immersion assembly with flange connection for highly demanding processes•Ordering acc. to product structure, --> online configurator: /cla140•Technical Information TI00196C/07/ENImmersion assembly Dipfit CYA611•For sensor immersion in basins, open channels and tanks, PVC•Ordering acc. to product structure, --> online configurator: /cya611•Technical Information TI00166C/07/ENCalibration solutions Precision solutions, traceable to SRM (standard reference material) by NIST, for qualified calibration ofconductivity measurement systems according to ISO 9000, with temperature table•CLY11-B149.6 μS/cm (reference temperature 25 ˚C / 77 ˚F), 500 ml / 16.9 fl.ozOrder no. 50081903•CLY11-C1.406 mS/cm (reference temperature 25 ˚C / 77 ˚F), 500 ml / 16.9 fl.ozOrder no. 50081904•CLY11-D12.64 mS/cm (reference temperature 25 ˚C/ 77 ˚F), 500 ml / 16.9 fl.ozOrder no. 50081905•CLY11-E107.0 mS/cm (reference temperature 25 ˚C / 77 ˚F), 500 ml / 16.9 fl.ozOrder no. 50081906Endress+Hauser15TI00182C/07/EN/15.12 71186403FM9。
激光雪深传感器PR-3001-LSD-N01 Ver 2.0说明书

激光雪深传感器(485型)PR-3001-LSD-N01Ver2.0目录第1章产品简介 (3)1.1产品概述 (3)1.2功能特点 (3)1.3主要参数 (3)1.4系统框架图 (4)1.5产品选型 (5)1.6设备外观 (5)第2章硬件连接 (6)2.1设备安装前检查 (6)2.2接口说明 (6)2.2.1传感器接线 (6)2.3安装方式 (6)2.4调零说明 (7)第3章配置软件安装及使用 (7)3.1传感器接入电脑 (7)3.2传感器监控软件的使用 (7)第4章通信协议 (9)4.1通讯基本参数 (9)4.2数据帧格式定义 (9)4.3寄存器地址 (10)4.4通讯协议示例以及解释 (10)第5章常见问题及注意事项 (12)5.1设备无法连接到电脑 (12)5.2维护和保养 (12)5.3注意事项 (12)第1章产品简介1.1产品概述激光雪深变送器采用相位法激光测距原理,是一种数字化雪深测量仪器。




TS08NC 八通道电容式传感器,带自动灵敏度校准功能TS08NC是韩国ADSEMI推出的一款经典电容式触摸感应IC,专注也电家控制器的应用。
主要品牌产品:一、OWEIS-TECH:OWEIS 触摸芯片、 OWEIS 接口芯片、 OWEIS 电源芯片、 OWEIS 语音芯片、 OWEIS 场效应管一、电容式触摸芯片、ADSEMI 触摸芯片代理、芯邦科技触控芯片、万代科技触摸按键芯片、博晶微触摸控制芯片、海栎创触摸感应芯片、启攀微触摸、 IC 融和微触摸感应、IC 合泰触摸按键、IC 通泰触摸芯片二、汽车电子/电源管理/接口芯片/逻辑芯片:IKSEMICON 一级代理、 ILN2003ADT、IK62783DT、 IL2596、IL2576 、ILX485、 ILX3485、 ILX232 、ILX3232三、功率器件/接收头/光电开关:KODENSHI、 AUK、 SMK系列、 MOS管、SMK0260F、 SMK0460F、SMK0760F、 SMK1260F、 SMK1820F、 SMK18T50F四、LED 显示驱动芯片:中微爱芯 AIP 系列: AIP1668、 AIP1628 、AIP1629 、AIP1616 、天微电子 TM 系列: TM1628 TM1668 TM1621五、电源管理芯片:Power Integrations LNK364PN LNK564PN 芯朋微 PN8012 PN8015 AP5054 AP5056 力生美晶源微友达天钰电子FR9886 FR9888六、语音芯片:APLUS 巨华电子AP23085 AP23170 AP23341 AP23682 AP89085 AP89170 AP89341 AP89341K AP89682七、运算放大器:3PEAK 运算放大器、聚洵运算放大器、圣邦微运算放大器八八、发光二极管:OSRAM 欧司朗发光二极管、Lite-On 光宝发光二极管、Everlight 亿光发光二极管、 Kingbright 今台发光二极管九、CAN收发器:NXP恩智浦CAN收发器、Microchip微芯CAN收发器十、分销产品线:ONSEMI安森美 TI德州仪器 ADI TOSHIBA东芝 AVAGO安华高十一、 MCU单片机ABOV现代单片机MC96F系列、 Microchip微芯单片机PIC12F PIC16F PIC18F系列、 FUJITSU富仕通单片机MB95F系列、STM单片机STM32F STM32L系列、 CKS中科芯单片机CKS32F系列、TI单片机 MSP430系列、TMS320F系列、 NXP单片机LPC系列下面,奥伟斯主要给大家详细介绍ADS八通道触摸按键芯片TS08NC的相关产品信息:1、Specification1.1 General Feature8-Channel capacitive sensor with auto sensitivity calibrationSelectable output operation (single or multi output mode) Low current consumptionUniformly adjustable 2 step sensitivitySync function for parallel operationAdjustable internal frequency with external resisterSelectable sense line impedance out of scanningOpen-drain digital outputEmbedded common and normal noise elimination circuitRoHS compliant 24SOP and 32QFN package1.2 ApplicationHome applicationMembrane switch replacementSealed control panels, keypadsDoor key-lock matrix applicationTouch screen replacement application2、Pin Description2.1 24SOP package2.2 32QFN package3、Absolute Maximum RatingBattery supply voltage 5.5VMaximum voltage on any pin VDD+0.3Maximum current on any PAD 100mAPower Dissipation 800mWStorage Temperature -50 ~ 150℃Operaing Temperature -20 ~ 75℃Junction Temperature 150℃Note :Unless any other command is noted, all above are operated in normal temperature.4、ESD & Latch-up Characteristics4.1 ESD Characteristics4.2 Latch-up Characteristics5、Electrical Characteristics (Prelimina)▪ VBDDBBB=3.3V, Rb=510k, (Unless otherwise noted), TBABBB = 25℃6、TS08N Implementation 6.1 R_BIAS implementation6.2 CS implementation6.3 CDEG implementation6.4 SYNC/OPT implementation 6.4.1 Single Connection6.4.2 Multi Connection6.5 RESET implementation6.6 Output Circuit Implementation6.7 IMP_SEL (Sense Line Impedance) Implementation7、Recommended Circuit Diagram7.1 Example – Power Line Split Strategy PCB LayoutA. Not split power Line (Bad power line design)B.Split power Line (One 5V regulator used) – RecommendedC.Split power Line (Separated 5V regulator used) –Strongly recommended8、MECHANICAL DRAWING8.1 Mechanical Drawing (24 SOP)8.2 Mechanical Drawing (32 QFN)9、MARKING DESCRIPTIONNOTES:LIFE SUPPORT POLICYAD SEMICONDUCTOR’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUTTHE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF AD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATIONThe ADS logo is a registered trademark of ADSemiconductorⓒ 2015 ADSemiconductor – All Rights Reserved以上是“奥伟斯科技”分享的产品信息,如果您需要订购此款物料,请查看我们的官网与我们联系,非常感谢您的关注与支持!奥伟斯科技提供专业的智能电子锁触摸解决方案,并提供电子锁整套的芯片配套:低功耗触摸芯片低功耗单片机马达驱动芯片显示驱动芯片刷卡芯片时针芯片存储芯片语音芯片低压MOS管TVS二极管。
keyence 高精度光纤传感器 FS01系列 说明书

详细信息及资料,请浏览/askg88数字 LED条形 LED手动校准键模式选择键特性●同行业中第一个双监视系统●自动和手动校准●20 位并行处理芯片●高精度,大功率●节省导线的免线或单线连接系统检测距离透过式 —— 最长 3600 mm ,带镜头扩散反射式 —— 最长 300 mm限定反射式 —— 最长 14 mm自动设置键高精度光纤传感器行微调。
新型 20 位并行处理芯片 + 12 FS-V10 系列拥有一个新研制的芯片。
这个芯片可以同时处理括 “高速校准接受光强度”,“及“最高/最低值保存显示”理 CPU 相比,这个芯片有许多优点,如低电流消耗、高速反应以及热值降低,从而提高了总体可用性。
89光电传感器接近传感器压力传感器PLC计数器计时器条码读取器影像系统位移传感器光透过型测量仪器模拟信号 控制器数位显微镜静电消除系统高精度传感器区域传感器FS01FS01 系列放大器功能表2. 最多 4 个5. 按键8. 二个模式:精细 / 涡轮3. 精细模式:最多 4 个,涡轮:最多 8 个6. 微调电容器光电传感器接近传感器压力传感器PLC计数器计时器条码读取器影像系统位移传感器光透过型测量仪器模拟信号 控制器数位显微镜静电消除系统高精度传感器区域传感器90FS01型号: FU-66数字 LED 监视被遮挡的光线数字 LED 监视器从 0 到 4095 以递增方式显示光接收元件处的光量。
苛刻环境中检测超高精度检测小目标物接收的光量:多大目标物接收的光量:少91光电传感器接近传感器压力传感器PLC计数器计时器条码读取器影像系统位移传感器光透过型测量仪器模拟信号 控制器数位显微镜静电消除系统高精度传感器区域传感器FS01自动避免干扰在涡轮 / 特种涡轮方式下,最多可以并列安装 8 个光纤而不会有相互干扰。

贝尔赛克TS1013M半导体指纹模组具有耐磨、耐腐蚀、耐静电等优势,还特别集成BioSec 自行开发的第9代指纹识别算法芯片,该算法在行业内处于领先地位,各项性能指标均优于同类产品。
1.2产品外观图1.2.1 产品外观1.3产品结构尺寸图1.3.1 产品结构尺寸2技术指标3产品介绍TS1013M系列半导体指纹模组使用TS1013M系列半导体指纹传感器搭载图正TA0702指纹处理芯片,完成指纹的采集、比对以及相关的扩展功能。

电容式感应滑条-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述:电容式感应滑条是一种利用电容原理来检测物体位置的先进技术。
章1.1 概述部分的内容1.2 文章结构本文将首先介绍电容式感应滑条的原理,包括其工作机制和基本原理,为读者揭示其工作原理的奥秘。
文章1.3 目的部分的内容: 本文的目的在于深入探讨电容式感应滑条的原理、应用领域以及优势和劣势,旨在让读者对电容式感应滑条有一个全面的了解。
2.正文2.1 电容式感应滑条的原理电容式感应滑条是一种利用电容效应来实现位置检测的装置。