GK-4500型渗压计安装使用手册(REV J)
横锦水库大坝防渗加固效果分析张永泰;杨相球;戴春华【摘要】横锦水库大坝防渗加固设计方案为在原黏土心墙内设置深入坝基0.5 m 及厚0.8 m的防渗墙并结合两坝肩帷幕灌浆.通过对埋设于防渗墙中的应变计、固定式测斜仪、坝体及绕坝渗压计等监测资料进行分析,表明大坝经加固后其整个防渗体系的运行效果较好.【期刊名称】《浙江水利科技》【年(卷),期】2010(000)004【总页数】4页(P34-37)【关键词】防渗加固;监测资料;分析【作者】张永泰;杨相球;戴春华【作者单位】东阳市横锦水库管理局,浙江,东阳,322100;仙居里林水电管理处,浙江,仙居,317300;浙江广川工程咨询有限公司,浙江,杭州,310020【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TV698.21 工程概况横锦水库位于东阳市东阳江镇横锦村之东,钱塘江流域金华江水系东阳江上游,坝址以上流域面积378 km2,总库容2.74亿m3,电站总装机11 500 kW。
水库直接保护下游东阳江沿岸的8 400 hm2(12.6万亩)农田、55万人口、乡村、工厂、东阳市吴宁镇及义嵊公路;间接保护义乌市稠城镇、佛堂镇及浙赣铁路,是一座以灌溉、防洪为主,结合供水、发电综合利用的大 (2)型水利工程。
水库大坝坝型为黏土心墙坝,设计坝高62.5 m,坝顶高程174.5 m,坝顶长280.0 m。
迎水坡自上而下坡比为1∶2.25、1∶2.50、1∶5.00, 背水坡自上而下坡比为1∶2.00、1∶2.20、1∶2.46,在变坡处设2.0 m宽马道。
水库建成蓄水后,经过20 a的运行,大坝坝体渗漏情况严重,左岸坝肩存在绕坝渗流,2004年10月省水利厅专家对大坝进行安全鉴定,认为大坝存在严重安全隐患,必需进行除险加固。
欧美大地欧美大地欧美大地1我们无所不能用户指南振弦式渗压计 PW 系列本手册翻译由欧美大地仪器设备中国有限公司提供,欧美大地版权所有。
欧美大地欧美大地欧美大地2目录1 产品............................................................................................................................................................3 1.1 仪器制造 .........................................................................................................................3 1.1.1 PWS and PWC ...........................................................................................................................4 1.1.2 PWP ..............................................................................................................................................4 1.1.3 PWF ..............................................................................................................................................4 1.2 振弦原理 ............................................................................................................5 1.3 率定 ..........................................................................................................................................5 1.4 技术规格. (6)2 读数与分析 ..............................................................................................................7 2.1 验货读数............................................................................7 2.2 初始读数 ........................................................................................7 2.3 现场功能检测 ......................................................................................8 2.4 压力公式 (W I T H T H E M B-6T /6T L R EA D O U T ) .................................................9 2.5 压力公式(多项式)(W ITH THE MB-6T/6TLREADOUT)..................................... 11 3 安装......................................................................................................................................12 3.1 过滤器饱和 .......................................................................................................................... 12 3.1.1 低压烧结不锈钢过滤器s......................................................................................12 3.1.2 高压陶瓷过滤器s..............................................................................................................121 3.2在土体里安装....................................................................................................................... 12 3.2.1 紧密的粘土.....................................................................................................................................12 3.2.2 粒状材料...............................................................................................................................12 3.3在钻孔里安装 ...................................................................................................... 13 3.4安装在软基里................................................................................. 14 3.5 电缆标签.................................................................................................................. 15 3.6 电缆铺设................................................................................................................................. 15 3.6.1 从垂直孔到水平沟槽的过渡.................................................................15 3.6.2 水平电缆铺设...........................................................................................................................15 3.7 雷击保护.................................................................................................................. 15 4 综合........................................................................................................................................16 4.1 电缆路线安排..................................................................................................................................... 16 4.2 转换表 (温度 V S 电阻 )....................................................................... 18 4.3 转换因子 ..................................................................................................................... 20 4.4 参考.. (21)欧美大地欧美大地欧美大地31 产品PW 型渗压计是适合于长期监测水位和钻孔水压力的一种稳定性好、精度高的传感器,输出为频率信号 ,与电缆电阻和接点电阻无关,信号适宜于远距离传输。
编号为 G1 至 G16 长观水位孔共 16 个重要监测孔
进行扫孔疏通, 对不能疏通的孔, 重新钻孔。 经过
情况, 在两岸防渗帷幕线下游侧共布置了 52 个地
下水位长期观测孔( 简称为长观孔) , 其中: 左岸
16 个观测孔; 右岸玉龙山灰岩、 长兴灰岩地下水位
压计进行地下水遥测。 通过几年来的人工监测和自
动化监测, 对比监测结果表明, 右岸长观孔Ⅰ期改造
工程是比较成功的。 为了进一步地巩固大坝安全运
行, 提高工作效率, 提高观测精度, 节省人力、 物
力资Байду номын сангаас, 之后对右岸剩余的长观孔进行Ⅱ期改造
3.1 长观孔疏通及自动化改造
由于长观孔安装年限较长, 陆续有观测孔被堵
3.4 DAU 保护箱
3.4.1 布置情况
DAU 保护箱在左岸坝顶有 1 个, 右岸坝顶有 1
个, 右岸 1 号机启闭机室有 1 个。 安装位置充分考
虑了仪器电缆的牵引, 为方便维护, DAU 安装高
度为 1.2 m 左右, 用 4 个地脚螺栓连接。 仪器线、
通信线、 电源线芯线均采用镀银冷压接头压紧, 可
of groundwater level on both sides. The results show that the seepage around the dam and the grouting curtain on
both sides are in good condition.
Keywords long - term observation hole automation monitoring reformation analysis Wujiangdu Hydropower
振弦式仪器在工程中监测扬压力的应用陈欣刚;吴怡;马文锋【摘要】在大坝安全监测中坝基扬压力是一个很重要的监测指标,用于测量坝基扬压力的传感器很多,以GK4500S型振弦式渗压计为例,主要介绍了振弦式渗压计的工作原理、主要结构、适用范围和安装方法,及其在广西合狮面水库大坝中监测坝基扬压力的具体实例.【期刊名称】《水利信息化》【年(卷),期】2010(000)005【总页数】4页(P45-48)【关键词】振弦式;渗压计;扬压力;大坝;监测【作者】陈欣刚;吴怡;马文锋【作者单位】水利部水文仪器及岩土工程仪器质量监督检验测试中心,江苏,南京,210012;水利部水文仪器及岩土工程仪器质量监督检验测试中心,江苏,南京,210012;国网电力科学研究院,江苏,南京,210003【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TV6981 扬压力的概念扬压力是重力坝强度和稳定计算中的重要荷载。
通常将坝体上游坝面 3~5m 范围内的材料的防渗性能提高,以形成防渗层,在防渗层后面再设置排水管。
55第43卷 第12期2020年12月Vol.43 No.12Dec.2020水 电 站 机 电 技 术Mechanical & Electrical Technique of Hydropower Station1 前言大坝安全监测是人们了解大坝运行状态和安全状况的有效手段和方法,它的目的主要是了解大坝安全状况及其发展态势,是工程安全的重要保证条件之一,也是工程设计、施工、运行的重要组成部分。
2 工程概况某电站枢纽主要由上水库、水道系统、地下厂房系统和地面出线场、下水库拦河坝及拦排沙工程等组成。
上水库采用库盆开挖的砂岩料筑坝围库而成,采用全库盆沥青混凝土面板防渗,坝顶高程812 m,库顶轴线长2 846.088 m,坝顶宽8.0~10.0 m,上游坝坡1:1.75,下游坝坡1:1.5,最大坝高(坝轴线处)57 m,正常蓄水位为810 m。
图1 渗压计安装埋设位置3 渗压计测值异常初步判断(1)渗压计Pb-5上水库自2007年9月28日开始首次蓄水,Pb-5监测仪器的渗透压力2008年10月由0.6 m 水头开始上升,2009年2月10日增加至11.6 m 水头,并在2008~2011年之间呈现年度周期性变化,但总体为增大趋势,在2011年10月24日,达到25.7 m 水头,2012年至放空检查前一直在16~22 m 水头之间变幅。
胜利仪器 VICTOR 4500智能型三钳数字相位伏安表说明书
目录安全须知 (2)一.简介 (3)二.技术规格 (3)1.基准条件和工作条件 (3)2.一般规格 (4)三.结构 (6)四.操作 (7)1.基本操作 (7)2.测试 (8)五.电池管理 (11)六.装箱单 (12)安全须知●有电!危险!操作者须经严格培训并获得国家相关电工操作认证才能使用本仪表进行现场测试。
DIKGATLHONG DAM PROJECTCONTRACT NO.1:DAM AND ASSOCIATED WORKS AND ACCESS ROAD大坝监测仪器施工方案(振弦式渗压计)批准:审核:编制:SINOHYDRO CORPORATION LTD.November 18th 2008大坝监测仪器施工方案(振弦式渗压计)一、工程简介迪克戈洪大坝工程的观测项目主要有:水位及地下水位观测、坝体表面观测渗流观测、空隙水压力观测。
其主要观测仪器和设施如下:各种仪器将跟随工程的进展而进行安装,其中渗压计分为振弦渗压计和竖管渗压计,振弦渗压计具体分布部位和工程量见下表:二,供货商资料该工程的监测仪器供货商为基康北京公司,该公司的详细资料如下:Geokon INC. of USA has been the world leader in high-quality geotechnical instruments design and manufacturing since it was founded in 1979.Geoko Instruments(Beijing) co.,Ltd.was founded in 1998 as a wholly-owned enterprises of the Geokon Inc.,which specialized in desing, production and sale of security monitoring instruments and automatic monitoring and control systems, the integration projects and the technological consultation and services as well and “china Industrial production permit”Geokon instruments are divided into two large series of vibrating wires (vw) and Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG),widely used for monitoting security and stability of hydraulic structures,tunnels,brdges,highways and other projects,such as stress,strain,displacement,load,pressure,temperature,tilt,settlement and data acquisition,etc.As a member of china dam security monitoring committee,Geokon Instruments (Beijing) Co.,Ltd. Is one of the most prestigious companies majored in hydropower project security monitoring and the largest supplier of water conservancy and hydropower security monitoring instruments in china.Geokon Beijing Co. Jiang xiaoqangUnit 1111 General Manager Tianchuang Science plaza Mr.G.J.LiNO.8 Caihefang Road Sales DirectorHaidian District Tel:+86-10-62698899 Beijing Fax:+86-10-62698866 100080 China /en三、施工计划根据安全监测的特点,坝内观测仪器,设备及观测等随坝体填筑施工的项目同步进行。
GK-4500型渗压计安装使用手册(REV J)
附录-A 技术参数 .........................................................................................................19 附录-B 半导体温度计温度推导公式 ..........................................................................20 附录-C 有关 4500C 的注意事项 ..................................................................................21 附录-D 非线性与用二阶多项式改善计算压力的精度 ..............................................21
目1.Βιβλιοθήκη 2.录3.4.
工作原理 ..................................................................................................................2 安装 ..........................................................................................................................3 2.1 初步检验 ...........................................................................................................3 2.1.1 创建零读数 ............................................. 3 2.1.2 检查率定 ............................................... 4 2.2 在测压管或测井的安装 ...................................................................................5 2.3 在钻孔中的安装 ...............................................................................................6 A 类安装 ..................................................... 6 B 类安装 ..................................................... 6 2.4 在填土和坝体上的安装 ...................................................................................7 2.5 在软土中推挤或打桩的方式安装 ...................................................................8 2.6 过滤器的排气 ...................................................................................................9 2.6.1 低通气型过滤器,4500S 和 4500PN 型。 ..................... 9 2.6.2 4500S 型,可拆卸的陶瓷过滤器 ........................... 9 2.6.3 4500DP 型 ............................................. 10 2.7 4500H 型传感器 .............................................................................................10 2.8 接线和集线箱 .................................................................................................11 2.9 防雷保护 .........................................................................................................12 读数 ........................................................................................................................13 3.1 GK-401 振弦读数仪 .......................................................................................13 3.2 GK-403 读数仪操作 .......................................................................................13 3.3 温度测量 .........................................................................................................14 数据处理 ................................................................................................................14 4.1 压力计算 .........................................................................................................14 4.2 温度修正 .........................................................................................................15 4.3 气压修正(仅用于非通气型传感器) .........................................................16 4.3.1 通气型渗压计 .......................................... 17 4.4 环境因素 .........................................................................................................17 故障排除 ................................................................................................................18
每支 BGK-4500 系列或 4560 型渗压计均提供有一份率定表,这些率定表中记录有重 要的仪器参数,因此用户应妥善保管这些率定表。 图 2-1A/1B 为 BGK-4500 型渗压计与 BGK-4560 型渗压计的率定表表样, 安装或计算 时,通常需要使用率定表中的参数来进行校准或校验。
BGK-4500S/4560S 渗(扬)压计安装使用手册
The World leader in Vibrating Wire Technology
BGK-4500S/4500SR 系列渗(扬)压计
(REV. C)
地 邮 网 址:北京市海淀区彩和坊路 8 号天创科技大厦 1111 室 编:100080 址: 电 传 话:86-10-62698899 真:86-10-62698866 电子邮箱:info@
渗压计电缆 盖 地表面 便携读数仪 t 地表 盖
渗压计 管底 孔底
图 2-2 典型的水位监控安装
要保证电缆可靠地固定在测管的顶部,否则由于渗压计滑入测井将引起读数的误差。 如果在测压管上用管口塞或堵塞,应避免管口塞切破电缆的护套。
2.3 在钻孔中的安装
要确保在读取零读数时记录温度和气压,以便必要时修正。 水位测量需在空气中确定零读数:如果测量水位,获取零读数应该是在空气中获取的读数,但 应注意温度平衡过程。
2.2 在测压管或测井中安装
首先要建立一个零读数,透水石要浸透。然后可将渗压计用电缆放进测压管中所要求的位置, 电缆上作深度标志,以使渗压计端头的位置达到精确的深度。在测压井里的安装可参照测压管进行, 必要时可采用底端带透水孔的钢管或 PVC 管保护。
基康渗压计 4500_Piezometer
Warranty Statement Geokon, Inc. warrants its products to be free of defects in materials and workmanship, under normal use and service for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. If the unit should malfunction, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation, freight prepaid. Upon examination by Geokon, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. However, the WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of being damaged as a result of excessive corrosion or current, heat, moisture or vibration, improper specification, misapplication, misuse or other operating conditions outside of Geokon's control. Components which wear or which are damaged by misuse are not warranted. This includes fuses and batteries. Geokon manufactures scientific instruments whose misuse is potentially dangerous. The instruments are intended to be installed and used only by qualified personnel. There are no warranties except as stated herein. There are no other warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and of fitness for a particular purpose. Geokon, Inc. is not responsible for any damages or losses caused to other equipment, whether direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential which the purchaser may experience as a result of the installation or use of the product. The buyer's sole remedy for any breach of this agreement by Geokon, Inc. or any breach of any warranty by Geokon, Inc. shall not exceed the purchase price paid by the purchaser to Geokon, Inc. for the unit or units, or equipment directly affected by such breach. Under no circumstances will Geokon reimburse the claimant for loss incurred in removing and/or reinstalling equipment. Every precaution for accuracy has been taken in the preparation of manuals and/or software, however, Geokon, Inc. neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors that may appear nor assumes liability for any damages or losses that result from the use of the products in accordance with the information contained in the manual or software.
ProtectiveClean 4500 5100 用户手册说明书
ProtectiveClean4500/5100English 6简体中文 18繁體中文 316EnglishImportantRead this user manual carefully before you use the appliance and save it for future reference.Danger-Keep the charger away from water. Do not place or store it over or near water contained in a bathtub, washbasin, sink etc. Do not immerse the charger in water or any other liquid. After cleaning, make sure the charger is completely dry before you connect it to the wall socket.Warning-The mains cord cannot be replaced. If the mains cord is damaged, discard the charger.-Always have the charger replaced with one of the original type in order to avoid a hazard.-Do not use the charger outdoors or near heated surfaces.-If the appliance is damaged in any way (brush head, toothbrush handle or charger), stop using it. This appliance contains noserviceable parts. If the appliance is damaged, contact theConsumer Care Center in your country (see chapter 'Warranty and support').-This appliance can be used by children and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instructionconcerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not bemade by children without supervision.-Children shall not play with the appliance.Caution-Do not clean the brush head, the handle or the charger in the dishwasher.-If you have had oral or gum surgery in the previous 2 months, consult your dentist before you use the toothbrush.-Consult your dentist if excessive bleeding occurs after using this toothbrush or if bleeding continues to occur after 1 week of use.Also consult your dentist if you experience discomfort or pain when you use the Philips Sonicare.-The Philips Sonicare toothbrush complies with the safetystandards for electromagnetic devices. If you have a pacemaker or other implanted device, contact your physician or the device manufacturer of the implanted device prior to use.-If you have medical concerns, consult your doctor before you use the Philips Sonicare.-This appliance has only been designed for cleaning teeth, gums and tongue. Do not use it for any other purpose. Stop using the appliance and contact your doctor if you experience anydiscomfort or pain.-The Philips Sonicare toothbrush is a personal care device and is not intended for use on multiple patients in a dental practice or institution.-Stop using a brush head with crushed or bent bristles. Replace the brush head every 3 months or sooner if signs of wear appear. Do not use other brush heads than the ones recommended by the manufacturer.-If your toothpaste contains peroxide, baking soda or bicarbonate (common in whitening toothpastes), thoroughly clean the brush head with soap and water after each use. This prevents possible cracking of the plastic.Electromagnetic fields (EMF)This Philips appliance complies with all applicable standards and regulations regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields.Radio Equipment Directive-Radio Equipment in this product operates at 13.56 MHz-Maximum RF power transmitted by the Radio Equipment is 30.16dBm7English8EnglishIntroductionCongratulations on your purchase and welcome to Philips! To fully benefit from the support that Philips offers, register your product at /welcome.Your Philips Sonicare (Fig. 1)1Hygienic travel cap2Smart brush head(s)*3Handle4Power on/off button5Mode/intensity button6Mode light7Brush head replacement reminder light8Battery indication9Charging base10Travel case (specific types only)**Note: The content of the box may vary based on the modelpurchased.Brush headsYour Philips Sonicare comes with one or more brush heads which are designed to deliver superior results for your oral care needs. Philips Sonicare BrushSync TechnologyYour smart brush heads use a microchip to sync with your handle, enabling brush head replacement reminder. For more information regarding the brush head replacement reminder, see 'Features'.This symbol indicates the brush head is equipped with BrushSync technology. (Fig. 2)Brushing modesTo toggle between modes press the mode button located below the on/off button.Your power toothbrush is equipped with either 2 or 3 brushing modes, depending on your model.The following modes are available:Clean modeClean is a 2-minute mode. It gives you a thorough and complete clean and is recommended to be used with the C2 Optimal Plaque Control brush head.White modeWhite is a 2-minute 30-seconds mode, recommended to be used with the W2 Optimal White brush head.Gum Care modeGum Care is a 3-minute mode, recommended to be used with the G2Optimal Gum Care brush head.Using your Philips SonicareBrushing instructions1Press the brush head onto the handle in such a way that the bristles will face the front of the handle. (Fig. 3)2Firmly press the brush head down onto the metal shaft until it stops.Note: It is normal to see a slight gap between the brush head and the handle.3Wet the bristles. (Fig. 4)4Apply a small amount of toothpaste on the bristles. (Fig. 5)5Place the toothbrush bristles against the teeth at a slight angle (45degrees), pressing firmly to make the bristles reach the gumline or slightly beneath the gumline. (Fig. 6) A change in vibration (and a slight change in sound) alerts you when you apply too much pressure while brushing.Note: Keep the center of the brush in contact with the teeth at all times.6Press the power on/off button to turn on the Philips Sonicare. (Fig.7)7Gently keep the bristles placed on the teeth and in the gumline.Brush your teeth with small back and forth motion so the bristles reach between the teeth. (Fig. 8)9English10EnglishNote: The bristles should slightly flare. Do not scrub.8To clean the inside surfaces of the front teeth, tilt the brush handle semi-upright and make several vertical overlapping brushingstrokes on each tooth. (Fig. 9)9To make sure you brush evenly throughout the mouth, divide the mouth into 4 sections using the Quadpacer feature. (Fig. 10) The quadpacer feature beeps after 30 seconds.10Brush for the full 2 minutes following the Quadpacer. (Fig. 11) After2 minutes, the toothbrush will automatically shut off.In white mode, after 2 minutes the handle will continue to brush for 30 seconds so that you can brighten and polish your frontteeth.In gum care mode, after 2 minutes the handle will continue tobrush for an additional minute so you can gently stimulate andmassage your gums.-After you have completed the brushing cycle, you can spend additional time brushing the chewing surfaces of your teeth and areas where staining occurs. (Fig. 12)Your Philips Sonicare toothbrush is safe to use on:-Braces (brush heads wear out sooner when used on braces)-Dental restorations (fillings, crowns, veneers)Note: When the Philips Sonicare toothbrush is used in clinical studies, it must be used in the Clean mode (for plaque and gum health claims) or in White mode (for whitening claims) at high intensity with EasyStart turned off.Features-EasyStart-Brush head replacement reminder-Pressure sensor-QuadpacerEasyStartThis Philips Sonicare model comes with the EasyStart featureactivated. The EasyStart feature gently increases the power over the first 14 brushings to help you get used to the brushing with the Philips Sonicare. The EasyStart feature works in all modes.To deactivate EasyStart see 'Activating or deactivating features'.Brush head replacement reminderYour Philips Sonicare is equipped with BrushSync technology that tracks the wear of your brush head. (Fig. 13)1When attaching a new smart brush head for the first time the brush head replacement reminder light blinks green three times.This confirms you have a Philips brush head with BrushSync technology.2Over time, based on the pressure you apply and the amount of time used, the handle will track brush head wear in order to determine the optimal time to change your brush head. Thisfeature gives you the guarantee for the best cleaning and care of your teeth.3When the brush head replacement reminder light lights up amber,you should replace your brush head.To deactivate the brush head replacement reminder see 'Activating or deactivating features'.Pressure sensorYour Philips Sonicare is equipped with an advanced sensor that measures the pressure you apply while brushing. If you apply too much pressure, the toothbrush will provide immediate feedback to indicate that you need to reduce the pressure. This feedback is given by a change in vibration and therefore brushing sensation.To deactivate the pressure sensor see 'Activating or deactivating features'.QuadpacerThe Quadpacer is an interval timer that has a short beep and pause to remind you to brush the different sections of your mouth.11English12EnglishDepending on the brushing mode you have selected (see 'Brushing modes'), the Quadpacer beeps at different intervals during the brushing cycle.Activating or deactivating featuresYou can activate or deactivate the following features of your toothbrush:-EasyStart-Brush head replacement reminder-Pressure sensorTo activate or deactivate these features, follow the instructions below:EasyStart1Put the handle on the plugged-in charger.2Press and hold the power on/off button while the handle remains on the charger.3Keep the power on/off button pressed until you hear a single short beep (after 2 seconds).4Release the power on/off button.-Triple tone of low-med-high means the EasyStart feature has been activated. The brush head replacement light and batterylight will also blink green 2 times in unison to confirm activation.-Triple tone of high-med-low means the EasyStart feature has been deactivated. The brush head replacement light andbattery light will also blink amber 2 times in unison to confirmdeactivation.Note: To achieve clinical efficacy, EasyStart needs to be deactivated. Brush head replacement reminder1Put the handle on the plugged-in charger.2Press and hold the power on/off button while the handle remains on the charger.3Keep the power on/off button pressed until you hear a series of two short beeps (after 4-5 seconds).4Release the power on/off button.-Triple tone of low-med-high means the Brush headreplacement reminder feature has been activated. The brush head replacement light and battery light will also blink green 2times in unison to confirm activation.-Triple tone of high-med-low means the Brush headreplacement reminder feature has been deactivated. The brush head replacement light and battery light will also blink amber 2times in unison to confirm deactivation.Pressure sensor1Put the handle on the plugged-in charger.2Press and hold the power on/off button while the handle remains on the charger.3Keep the power on/off button pressed until you hear a series of three short beeps (after 6-7 seconds).4Release the power on/off button.-Triple tone of low-med-high means the pressure sensor featurehas been activated. The brush head replacement light andbattery light will also blink green 2 times in unison to confirm activation.-Triple tone of high-med-low means the pressure sensor feature has been deactivated. The brush head replacement light and battery light will also blink amber 1 time in unison to confirm deactivation.If you continue holding the power on/off button after the three short beeps, the activate/deactivate sequence repeats.Battery status and charging1Put the plug of the charger in an electrical outlet.2Place the handle on the charger.-The charger will emit 2 short beeps to confirm that the handle isplaced properly.13English14English-The flashing light of the battery level indicator shows that the toothbrush is charging.-When handle is fully charged on the charger, the battery light shows solid green for 30 seconds and switches off.Note: Your toothbrush comes pre-charged for first use. After first use, charge for at least 24 hours.Battery status (when handle is not on charger)When removing the Philips Sonicare from the charger, the battery light at the bottom of the toothbrush will indicate the status of the battery life.-Solid green LED: full battery-Flashing green LED: medium battery-Flashing amber LED and three beeps: low battery-Flashing amber LED and two sets of five beeps: No brushing sessions left (charge toothbrush)CleaningNote: Do not clean the brush head, handle or travel case in the dishwasher.Toothbrush handle1Remove the brush head and rinse the metal shaft area with warm water. Make sure you remove any residual toothpaste (Fig. 14).Note: Do not push on the rubber seal on the metal shaft withsharp objects, as this may cause damage.2Wipe the entire surface of the handle with a damp cloth.Note: Do not use isopropyl rubbing alcohol, vinegar or bleach to clean handle as this may cause discoloration.Brush head1Rinse the brush head and bristles after each use (Fig. 15).2Remove the brush head from the handle and rinse the brush head connection with warm water at least once a week.Charger1Unplug the charger before you clean it.2Wipe the surface of the charger with a damp cloth.StorageIf you are not going to use your Philips Sonicare for an extended period of time, unplug the charger from the wall socket, clean it and store it in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.Locating the model numberLook on the bottom of the Philips Sonicare toothbrush handle for the model number (HX682x/HX683x).Recycling-Do not throw away the product with the normal household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in at an official collection point for recycling. By doing this, you help to preserve the environment.-This product contains a built-in rechargeable battery which shall not be disposed of with normal household waste. Please take your product to an official collection point or a Philips service center to have a professional remove the rechargeable battery.-Follow your country’s rules for the separate collection of electrical and electronic products and rechargeable batteries. Correct disposal helps prevent negative consequences for theenvironment and human health.Removing the rechargeable batteryWarning: Only remove the rechargeable battery when you discard the appliance. Make sure the battery is completely empty when you remove it.To remove the rechargeable battery, you need a towel or cloth, ahammer and a flat-head (standard) screwdriver. Observe basic safety precautions when you follow the procedure outlined below. Be sure to protect your eyes, hands, fingers, and the surface on which you work.15English16English1To deplete the rechargeable battery of any charge, remove the handle from the charger, turn on the Philips Sonicare and let it run until it stops. Repeat this step until you can no longer turn on the Philips Sonicare.2Remove and discard the brush head. Cover the entire handle witha towel or cloth (Fig. 16).3Hold the top of the handle with one hand and strike the handle housing 0.5 inch above the bottom end. Strike firmly with ahammer on all 4 sides to eject the end cap (Fig. 17).Note: You may have to hit on the end several times to break the internal snap connections.4Remove the end cap from the toothbrush handle. If the end cap does not release easily from the housing, repeat step 3 until the end cap is released (Fig. 18).5Holding the handle upside down, press the shaft down on a hard surface. If the internal components do not easily release from the housing, repeat step 3 until the internal components are released (Fig. 19).6Remove the rubber battery cover.7Wedge the screwdriver between the battery and the black frame at the bottom of the internal components. Then pry thescrewdriver away from the battery to break the bottom of theblack frame (Fig. 20).8Insert the screwdriver between the bottom of the battery and the black frame to break the metal tab connecting the battery to the green printed circuit board. This will release the bottom end of the battery from the frame (Fig. 21).9Grab the battery and pull it away from the internal components to break the second metal battery tab (Fig. 22).Caution: Be aware of the sharp edges of the battery tabs so as to avoid injury to your fingers.10Cover the battery contacts with tape to prevent any electrical short from residual battery charge. The rechargeable battery can now be recycled and the rest of the product discarded appropriately (Fig.23).Warranty and supportIf you need information or support, please visit/support or read the international warranty leaflet.Warranty restrictionsThe terms of the international warranty do not cover the following:-Brush heads.-Damage caused by use of unauthorized replacement parts.-Damage caused by misuse, abuse, neglect, alterations or unauthorized repair.-Normal wear and tear, including chips, scratches, abrasions,discoloration or fading.17English18简体中文注意事项使用本产品之前,请仔细阅读本使用说明书,并妥善保管以备日后参考。
涂层厚度测量 迷你测试2500 4500 使用手册说明书
Advancing with Technology精密仪器 » 德国制造 « 始于 1947涂层厚度测量经典设计–所有功能均可直接访问–大量的可互换探头–高对比度显示屏和背光键盘–存储和统计–蓝牙和 USB 输出–I P 65防护等级的坚固外壳MiniTest 2500/4500est 2500/4500 2500/4500MiniTest 2500/4500全方位的质量保证F 05 F 3应用:钢铁上的非磁性涂层和有色金属上的绝缘涂层。
同时供应F 1.6版本仅用于在磁性基材上测量或N 1.6 版本仅用于在有色金属上测量。
同时供应仅用于在磁性基材上测量的F 1.6/90 版本或仅用于在有色金属上测量的版本 N 1.6/90 。
技术数据测量范围:0…1600 µm0…1600 μm0…500 µm0…3000 µm低端分辨率: 0.1 µm0.1 μm0.1 µm0.2 µm保证公差(读数的):± (1%+1 µm) *± (1%+1 μm) *± (1%+0.7 µm) *± (1%+1 µm) *最小曲率半径(凸/凹):1.5 mm凸面/10 mm凹面平面和凸面/6 mm凹面0.75 mm凸面/5 mm凹面1.5 mm凸面/10 mm凹面最小测量区域:Ø 5 mmØ 5 mmØ 3 mmØ 5 mm最小基体厚度:F 0.5 mm/N 50 µm F 0.5 mm/N 50 µm 0.1 mm0.5 mm*(测量值与ElektroPhysik 校准箔有关)所有插图都不符合比例所有MiniTest series 1100-4100 系列的探头都兼容于 MiniTest 2500 / 4500: 91, Ø 19 mm : 194, Ø 10,9 mm : 79, Ø 16 mm : 91, Ø 19 mm高高高高MiniTest 2500/4500用于更复杂测量任务的行家非常薄涂层的精确解决方案。
振弦式渗压计 型号
振弦式渗压计型号:JWF7-BGK WH32BGK-4500S详细介绍:振弦式渗压计埋设在水工建筑物、基岩内或安装在测压管、钻孔、堤坝管道和压力容器里,测量孔隙水压力或液体液位。
主要技术指标:型号GK/BGK-4500S GK/BGK-4500SV量程0.35,0.7,1.0,2.0,3.0MPa 0.35,0.70MPa分辨率0.025%F.S非线性< 0.5%F.S精度±0.1%F.S过载能力2×F.S.外径19.05mm 17.45mm长度133.35mm 165mm配套设备:GK/BGK02-250V6 4芯屏蔽电缆GK/BGK02-335VT8 专用4芯通气电缆GK-403/BGK-408 振弦式读数仪渗压计型号:JY23JDKYJ渗压计JY23JDKYJ更多信息>>>振弦式孔隙水压力计是一种测量流体压力、例如地下水位、坝体、土体的孔隙水压力等,也可以用来装在孔内,监测井和测压管的压力或水位混凝土或地基内的孔隙(或渗透)水压力,并可同步测量埋设点温度的压力传感器。
并可同步测量埋设点的温度,可选择数字式温度计作为测温元件主要技术参数规格(kgf/cm2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 16 25 40 60压力测量范围(MPa) 0~0.1 0~0.2 0~0.4 0~0.4 0~0.4 0~0.6 0~0.8 0~1.0 0~1.6 0~2.5 0~4.0 0~6.0工作温度(℃)-25~+60测温精度(℃)±0.1分辨力%F?S ≤0.08综合误差%F?S ≤1.5配ZX-2读数仪使用价格:振弦式渗压计WH32BGK4500S 130000 10%读数仪1台:9900元1-2周.美国渗压计JY23JDKYJ 725 10%/26个550含票和运1-2周振弦式渗压计JWF7-BGK 6300 10% 3-4周美国。
GK-4400埋入式测缝计安装使用手册(REV C)
混凝土外表面 拧入套筒底座内
图3 - 埋入式测缝计安装
2.3 电缆安装
电缆的走向应以注意尽量减小因移动施工设备、碎石屑或其他原因 而导致电缆损坏的可能性。
电缆也可以加长,而不会影响传感器的读数。接头应为防水接头, 最好采用 3M ScotchcastTM 的82-A1型接头套件,用环氧灌封。该种套件 可从厂家买到。
同时,在振弦传感器内装有热敏电阻,用以测量测缝计安装部位的 温度。另外,在传感器筒内有一个三极等离子体浪涌脉冲放电器,用以 保护瞬间由直接或间接雷电冲击电荷对传感器的破坏。
2.1 初步检验
当收到仪器,应检查是否能正常工作(如有半导体温度计,也应包 括在内)。把仪器连在GK-403读数仪上,当仪器的螺纹连接器拉出大 约3mm (0.125"英寸) 时,仪器“B”挡读数将在2000左右,切记连接头 的拉伸不能超过仪器量程。在传感器端上的螺纹连接头也不能任意转 动。
3.1 GK-403读数仪操作
GK-403可存储传感器的测值,而且还可以应用率定参数把测值转 换成工程单位,如英寸或毫米。要了解读数仪有关“G”档上的详尽资 料请参阅GK-403仪器手册。以下将概述使用“B”档进行仪器测量的步 骤:
1) 打开读数仪,把显示选择器置“B”档。读数仪在“数字位(见 公式1)。
感器直到接头稳妥地拧紧在套筒底座内的丝扣中,如图3。注意:如果 用钢性直埋式电缆,电缆束或卷筒也应旋转进行,以免卷曲电缆 。
丰富灵活Leabharlann 接口类型DCS-4500 系列交换机提供了多个固定 10/100/1000Base-T 端口、同时也提供了 SFP 形式的 COMBO 端口,丰富的端口类型方便了组网需求。
DCS-4500 支持 802.1d/w/s 生成树协议,支持 802.1Q,802.1p,802.3ad,802.3x, GVRP,DHCP,SNTP 等标准。
1.1.1 产品概述................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1.2 产品特点................................................................................................. 1-1
2.2 安装准备 ..........................................................................................2-4
2.2.1 核对装箱单 ............................................................................................. 2-4 2.2.2 安装工具及材料...................................................................................... 2-4 端口指示灯说明...................................................................................... 1-4 系统状态指示灯说明.............................................................................. 1-5 1.3.4 前面板接口说明...................................................................................... 1-6
GK-4450振弦式位移传感器操作使用手册(Rev F, 3/00)北京市北美仪器咨询有限公司译目录1.概述 (1)1.1工作原理 (1)2.安装 (2)2.1初步测试 (2)2.2位移传感器的安装 (2)2.3电缆的连接 (3)2.4电气干扰 (3)2.5初始读数 (4)2.6雷击防护 (4)3.读取数据 (5)3.1GK-401读数仪的操作 (5)3.2GK-403读数仪的操作 (6)3.3温度测量 (6)4.数据转换 (7)4.1位移的计算 (7)4.2温度的修正 (8)4.3环境因素 (10)5.故障排除 (10)附录A—技术特性 (13)附录B-半导体温度计温度推导公式 (14)1 .概述1.1工作原理4450位移传感器主要用于基康A系列多点位移计中,它包括经过严格热处理的振弦检测元件,一根一端与振弦连接,另一端与滑动杆相连的消除了应力的弹簧组成。
该结构完全密封,并能在250Psi (约1.7Mpa)的压力下工作。
尼龙扣滑动杆定位销定位槽螺丝图1 - 4450位移传感器示意注意:不可转动位移传感器的滑动杆,这可能导致传感器的永久损坏!滑动杆上的定位销与外同上的定位槽则起调整定位的作用。
《土石坝安全监测技术规范》 SL 60-94 《混凝土坝安全监测技术规范》 DL/T 5178-2003 《基康4500S 渗压计用户指南》 美国基康 《大坝安全监测设计》 赵志仁著3仪器的检查验收3.1 零点标定将待检仪器在测量环境下(0℃~60℃)置放24个小时以上方可进行标定。
计算公式为:计算例表如下:GT T K S S R R )01()01(1.010---+'=这样就会计算出仪器的当前零点值,检查计算出的当前零刻值与出厂零刻值的一致性是否保持在20个数据点之内。
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GK-4500 振弦式渗(扬)压计安装使用手册
2. 安装
2.1 初步检验
在验收时就应对渗压计读数进行检查和记录(详见第 3.1 节到 3.3 节关于读 数的说明) 。渗压计的内部有热敏电阻装置用在来测量温度(详见第 3.4 节的说 明) 。 每支仪器都提供了率定数据,包括在特定温度和气压之下的零读数。现场的 零读数要在压力的温度修正后应与工厂的读数相一致, 其差别在 20 个字之内。 制 造地海拔是+580 英尺。 1995 年 3 月 21 日之前, 工厂的气压读数已修正到海平面, 这个日期之后读数即代表绝对压力。 (气压随海拔的变化率是每 1000 英尺近似 0.5Psi) 。详见图 2-1 关于率定表的实例。
1. 2.Leabharlann 录3.4.
工作原理 ..................................................................................................................2 安装 ..........................................................................................................................3 2.1 初步检验 ...........................................................................................................3 2.1.1 创建零读数 ............................................. 3 2.1.2 检查率定 ............................................... 4 2.2 在测压管或测井的安装 ...................................................................................5 2.3 在钻孔中的安装 ...............................................................................................6 A 类安装 ..................................................... 6 B 类安装 ..................................................... 6 2.4 在填土和坝体上的安装 ...................................................................................7 2.5 在软土中推挤或打桩的方式安装 ...................................................................8 2.6 过滤器的排气 ...................................................................................................9 2.6.1 低通气型过滤器,4500S 和 4500PN 型。 ..................... 9 2.6.2 4500S 型,可拆卸的陶瓷过滤器 ........................... 9 2.6.3 4500DP 型 ............................................. 10 2.7 4500H 型传感器 .............................................................................................10 2.8 接线和集线箱 .................................................................................................11 2.9 防雷保护 .........................................................................................................12 读数 ........................................................................................................................13 3.1 GK-401 振弦读数仪 .......................................................................................13 3.2 GK-403 读数仪操作 .......................................................................................13 3.3 温度测量 .........................................................................................................14 数据处理 ................................................................................................................14 4.1 压力计算 .........................................................................................................14 4.2 温度修正 .........................................................................................................15 4.3 气压修正(仅用于非通气型传感器) .........................................................16 4.3.1 通气型渗压计 .......................................... 17 4.4 环境因素 .........................................................................................................17 故障排除 ................................................................................................................18
2.1.1 创建零读数
弦式渗压计不同于其它型式的压力传感器, 即所指的读数并不是由于压力作 用其上。每一只渗压计都必不可少的要得到一个精确的零读数,而这个读数将用 于随后的数据处理 (除非监测相对压力) 。 一般来说, 是在仪器安装之前读取的 (即 未加压力时) 。 下列是各种检查,以保证一个渗压计得到精确的零读数: z 渗压计的温度达到热平衡了吗?经过渗压计体的温度变化将使温度瞬间上升 而产生错误的读数,让渗压计经过 15-20 分钟进行温度平衡。 z 过滤器的透水石饱和了?如果是局部饱和,那么由于表面张力影响了过滤器 的微孔,而严重的影响了读数(详见第 2.6 一节)特别是在低压(小于 5Psi) 情况下,可能出现这个问题。在进行初步试验包括在液体中升降渗压计或者 压力低时,过滤器可以拆除。 z 在竖井或测压管里监测液位的情况下,水柱的位移是由渗压计和电缆造成的 吗?当电缆长和孔径小时(≤英寸) ,这一点特别重要,例如,一个 4500S- 50 型渗压计,在 1 英寸(0.875 英寸内径)的测压管里放到水面之下 50 英尺 寸,将使液面移动 4 英尺,应有足够的时间来使液面平衡,就可以解决这个
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GK-4500 振弦式渗(扬)压计安装使用手册
透水石 透水座 O 型圈 磁铁 避雷器 半导体温度计 温度计引线 传感器壳 电缆
O 型圈 激励与接收线圈
图 1-1 振弦式渗压计 为了避免损坏传感器膜片,用过滤器(透水石)以隔绝固体颗粒。如图 1-1 所示。标准透水石是 50μm 孔径的烧结不锈钢,如需要也可以使用高通气的透水 石。 所有的暴露零部件都用耐腐蚀的不锈钢制成。如果安装正确,该装置应该有 无限的寿命。但若在盐水环境中,膜片和外壳就需要特殊材料。便携读数装置可 以用来为仪器提供激励、信号解调和读数。数据记录系统也可以用于多传感器的 遥控数据自动采集。 每一支渗压计都有率定数据,以将仪器的读数转化成工程单位,例如压力或 液位。详见第 4 部分。
The World leader in Vibrating Wire Technology
GK-4500 渗(扬)压计
(Rev J, 6/99)