英美文学 Renaissance.ppt.

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Questions for Part IV:
What is the significance of Renaissance? What do you think of Shylock’s revenge? What are expressed of Bacon’s views in “Of Studies”?
The Renaissance
(Part IV)
14th-17th Centuries

The removal of the old feudalist['fjʊdlɪst] ideas in medieval Europe; The introduction of new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie[,bʊəʒwɑː'ziː] 资产阶级 and the recovery of the purity of the early church from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church; The revival of classical (Greek and Roman) arts and sciences; Humanism as the essence of the renaissance.

Function, importance, and tips concerning studies; Parallels as major rhetorical device; Importance of knowledge and reason for human development, which paved the way for the Enlightenment.
Shylock, the Character

Antagonist[æn'tæg(ə)nɪst], villain['vɪlən], cruel, stingy/miserly; Victim of Christians’ discrimination.
Bacon’s “Of Studies”
Hamlet, the Character

Hale Waihona Puke Baidu

Enigmatic[.enɪg'mæ tɪk]: mysterious and difficult to understand. 神秘难解的 philosophical [fɪlə'sɒfɪk(ə)l]: 哲学的(等于philosophic); 冷静的 contemplative [kən'templətɪv]: 沉思的 Melancholy, discontented with the state of affairs in Denmark and in his own family; contemplating his own death; being afraid of spiritual aftermath of death; Indecisive[ɪndɪ'saɪsɪv]犹豫不决的, inactive, passive 被 动的,消极的; Compulsive talker.