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The foreign visitors watched in a fascinated manner the tournament held in Beijing, which exhibited a superb performance in smash service, twist service, steady service, high drop and killing and ended in a draw.



They (The poor) are the first to experience technological progress as a curse which destroys the old muscle-power jobs that previous generations used as a means to fight their way out of poverty.



A great number of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slum when in the

United States the intellectual poor became the classic poor, the poor under the rather romantic guise of Beat Generation, a real phenomenon in the late fifties.

4.每年有成千上万的各国游客参观万国宫(此处也指“日内瓦的国际新闻中心”),所有这些项目都向他们开放,让他们更多地了解这个不断书写历史新篇章、每天都为维护世界和平与安全做出新努力的场所。(根据汉语的习惯,可以将其断为四个短句/ 也叫重组)

All these features are accessible to visitors to the Palace (of nations) who come each year in their tens of thousands from many countries to find out more about a place where history is continually in the making and where efforts to preserve world peace and security are renewed every day.



without question, we must do more to counter a threat that shows more clearly than any other how closely our nations’ facts are linked: the threat of global warming.

6. 第一次技术服务应始于本合同生效之日起第六天.乙方应派遣一名技术人员赴甲方工

厂,提供12 工作人/日的技术指导。

The first technical service shall start in the sixth day after the contract comes into effect.

Party B shall send a specialist to Party A’s factory to provide technical service for 12 working day/man.
