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Unit 1 writing 表达正反观点
现在正是春暖花开的春游时节。你校学生以“高中学生要不 要参加春游活动”展开了讨论。请根据以下讨论结果,写一 篇短文。并说明你的主张。 65%的学生认为 1.应该春游 35%的学生认为 1.不应该春游
2.接触大自然,呼吸 2.考试临近,没有心 新鲜空气,有利健康 情玩
第二: 围绕要点,写出句子。
• 1.grade three students of a Grade Three--Senior 3 high/middle school students • 2.There are 65%students agree it. • 3.Have 65%students agree it. ---- 65% of the students agree with it be in favor of the idea be for the idea • 4.They thought go spring outing can touch the nature. ---- They think we can get close to nature by going spring outing
分四段写: Para.1. Introduction: 引入主题句 Para. 2. Point1
第一:仔细审题,列举大纲。 The outline of the writing:
Para. 3. Point2 另一些人认为…… Para .4. Conclusion 我的看法……
Olympic games. They think it is an honor to host the Olympic games .what’s more, it is useful for our country to develop the national economy. There is no doubt that we can make our country known to the world by hosting the Olympic games. However, about 35%of students are against it. They
idea that Senior 3 students should go spring outing.
The class had a debate on______. People have different opinions on this problem. …of them are in favor of the idea that… They hold their view because (理由一) What is more, (理由二)。 Moreover, (理由三)。 However, …of them hold the opposite opinion. ( People who are against it don’t think so.) Firstly ,Secondly (besides ) ,Thirdly (finally), In my opinion, the latter is a wise choice . We had a class vote. Those who think amber room should be given to the country won.
80%的学生认为 1.应该交给政府 2.属于国家,属于人民
20%的学生认为 1.不应该交给政府 2.自己花了很多时间和 金钱
3.便于人们参观,了解历史 3.发现者有权决定如何 处置
Improve your composition and hand it in tomorrow.
think it costs too much to host the Olympic games. And they think it will influence the citizen’s daily life. what’s more, hosting the Olympic games may cause serious pollution as well. In my opinion, we should host the Olympic games, because the spirit of the Olympic games can inspire us to be swifter, higher and stronger.
要求论述两个对立的观点 并给出自己的看法
There is an arguement on whether Senior 3 students should go spring outing or not. Finally, we get the following results. About 65% of the students think we should go spring outing. Because it may let us touch nature, and we can get fresh air. As we know, it is good for our health. What’s more, going spring outing makes our brains relaxed, which helps us study well . However, about 35%of students are against it. Because college entrance examination is coming, we might not have a good time. And it has a bad effect on our schoolwork. Therefore, they think they shouldn’t go spring outing.
Point1: 65%的人认为应该春游(亮明观 点)
Sentence pattern:
Most of us (about 65%) hold the opinion that…,
…of them are in favor of the idea that…
About 65% of the students are for the
3.活动是精神放松, 3.春游耽误学习 大脑休息,有利于学习
在学习了the Olympic games这一单元后,同学们就 举办奥运会利弊关系展开热烈讨论,请以A debate on Olympic games为话题总结同学们的讨论结果。 A debate on Olympic games 80%的学生 1.支持举办奥运会 2.是一种极大的荣誉 3.有利于发展国家经济 4.使中国被外界所了解 20%的学生 1.不支持举办奥运会 2.浪费很多钱 3.影响市民正常生活 4. 引起更多的污染
Today, our class had a heated debate on whether to host the Olympic games. my classmates have different opinions on it. Finally, we get the following results. About 65% of the students are for the idea to host the
• 5.They think going spring outing can make them breath the fresh/ flesh air. • 呼吸新鲜空气( breathe some fresh air ) • 6.It is benefit to their healthy. It is beneficial to their health. Chinglish,即"中 • 7. make spirit loose. 精神放松(relax oneself 式英语 refresh oneself / make sb relaxed • 8.let our brain have a good rest 大脑休息(rest their brains )
巧用过渡句、过渡词, 理顺文章的逻辑关系
Pay special attention to the transition sentences: Opinions are divided on the question. Different people hold different / opposite opinions.