Chinese Version.《哈姆雷特》汉译
Chinese Version: To be or not to be
To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer.
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,。
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles.
And by opposing end them.
哈姆雷特人物分析_英文版第一篇:哈姆雷特人物分析_英文版Our prince Hamlet becomes doubtful after the disaster of his family.He dares not to believe others any more.he did not trust his friends Marcellus and Horatio.One the other hand, Hamlet does not believe what the ghost says.He plans a play to prove whether the ghost is good or not.Here is what Hamlet says: “observe my uncle.If his occulted guilt do not itself unkennel in one speech, it is a damage ghost that we have seen”(Act 3 Scene 2 Line 80 to 82).他是否生性就如此多疑??还是真的生逢变故才会如此Hamlet also becomes cruel and rud e.at the queen’s house, hamlet thinks the person who was behind the curtain is Claudius, and then he kills him.But when he finds it is Polonius, he doesn’t fell sorry about his death.He even say;“thou wretched rash, intruding fool, farewell, I took thee for thy better.Take thy fortune: thou find’st to be too busy is some danger”(Act 3 Scene 4 Line 32 to 34).对ophelia及其父兄都是很无礼2, he treats the queen cruelly.“That blurs the grace and blush of modesty…proclaim no shame when the compulsive ardour gives the charge, since frost itself as actively doth burn and reason panders will…in the ran sweet of an enseamed bed , stew’d in corruption, honeying and making love over the nasty sty!”(Act3 Scene 4 Line 41 to 94).His words are so cruel to his mother.He says what he w ants to say and doesn’t pay any attention to his mother’s feeling.母子感情好像很单薄,原因?王后与先王感情又如何?只知道先王对王后很好,风都不舍得吹着她p223, his actions to Ophelia are so rude.“Lady, shall I lie n yourlap/ no my lord… that’s fair thought to lie between maids’ legs”(Act 3 Scene 2 Line 110 to 117).Hamlet thinks too much and is hesitate.When Claudius is praying, it’s a chance for hamlet to kill him.However, Hamlet doesn’t want to send Claudius to the heaven.He gives up this chance, them Hamlet becomes a tragedy.“Now might I so it pats, now’a is a-praying and now I’ll do it …this physic but prolongs thy sickly days.”(Act 3 Scene 4 Line 72 to96).Besides, our prince is very brave.When he has the first dating with the ghost, he shouts loudly to his friends: “by heaven, I’ll make a ghost o f him that lets me.I say, away.”(Act 1 Scene 4 Line 85 to 86).In a word, his suffering changes his characteristicfrom a gentle prince to a smart, doubtful, cruel and rude man.He should have revenge, for the throne, for his father & mother.However, he also thinks that if he revenges for those, he will be the same as his uncle, a person who is full of evil ideas.Then he delayed his revenge, and his inner is full of contradictions of revenge.Two reasons of his delay.1.in order to grasp the throne, his uncle had to get rid of hamlet, the heart of suffering, for consolidating his political power.He also planted the spies around hamlet to monitor his words and behaviors.In this case, H had to postpone his revenge plane and his hesitation was showed.2.H knew the difficult task of his revenge.He not only wanted to revenge his father, but also he wanted to reverse the tide.Faced with these dual tasks, he wanted to take actions but did not know how to act.He is a thinker not a doer.The reasons for H’s depression1.h’s ideals have been shattered after he came back Denmark.He became depressed.He is a humanist, a manwho is free from medieval prejudices and superstitions.He isa play writer or a scholar, think or writes love friendship and some other beautiful things;he has an unbounded love for the world instead of the heaven.The world for him is “this goodly frame the earth, this most excellent canopy the air, the brave o’erhanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire.” as a humanist, he cherishes a pr ofound reverence for man, and a firm belief In man’s power and destiny: “what a piece of work is a man!How noble in reason!How infinite in faculty!In form and moving how express and admirable!In action how like an angle!In apprehension how like a god!” suc h a delight in nature and man is characteristic of humanists of the renaissance.2.The next leading reason for his melancholy character is deserted.Once he loved god and hated evil.He adored his father, loved Ophelia and greeted his school-fellows with hearty welcome.When he knows that his father was died and mother takes new husband.His uncle even usurped the throne.不再相信亲情友情与爱情,三观全被推翻了,整个人生都崩塌了。
是否要忍受命运的厄运,还是勇敢地反抗万般痛苦,一了百了呢?哈姆雷特独白(英文翻译):To be, or not to be, that is the question.Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?通过对比中英文翻译,我们可以发现翻译者在翻译时力求保持原文的意境和表达方式,但在某些细节上仍存在差异。
To be, or not to be—— that is the question;生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题;Whether‘tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them?默然忍受命运的暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难,通过斗争把它们扫清,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵?To die——to sleep——No more; and by a sleep to say we endThe heart-ache and the thousand natural shocksThat flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummationDevoutly to be wish'd.死了;睡着了;什么都完了;要是在这一种睡眠之中,我们心头的创痛,以及其他无数血肉之躯所不能避免的打击,都可以从此消失,那正是我们求之不得的结局。
To die, to sleep——To sleep——perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub;For in that sleep of death what dreams may comeWhen we have shuffled off this mortal coilMust give us pause: there's the respectThat makes calamity of so long life;死了;睡着了;睡着了也许还会做梦;嗯,阻碍就在这儿:因为当我们摆脱了这一具朽腐的皮囊以后,在那死的睡眠里,究竟将要做些什么梦,那不能不使我们踌躇顾虑。
以下为中英互译部分:原文(英文):Hamlet: What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving, how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragonof animals!Translation(中文翻译):哈姆雷特:人真是奇妙的作品!理性何等高贵!才能何等无穷!在形态和举止上,何等富有表现力和令人赞叹!行动何等像天使!领悟力何等像神!世界的美景!万物的典范!原文(英文):Hamlet: And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? Man delights not me; nor woman neither. Nor any thing that I can think on.Translation(中文翻译):哈姆雷特:然而对我来说,这尘土的精华又是何等事物?人类让我欢愉;女人也不能使我心动。
原文(英文):Hamlet: Let me be cruel, you are fat enough.Translation(中文翻译):哈姆雷特:让我残忍吧,你已经足够肥胖。
哈姆雷特英文评析 配汉语翻译对照
○1The character of Hamlet is the most outstanding of his irresolute and.hesitant. Facing the father was poisoned, mother to be possessed, Wang Quan is stolen, countries were coveted enemy of hate, Hamlet has strong revenge wish: " my destiny in the cry, make my whole body each fine blood vessels become like an angry lion. Bones and muscles as hard." "rest, rest, suffering soul! Well, friends, I with great passion, trust you two ; if in the hamlet of weak ability, can have to express to you his friendship, God, I'll quit you. Let us go ; please remember no matter what time should be kept. It is an upside-down era, oh, shit I have to shoulder the responsibility of restructuring the course! Come, let's go together." the oath, Hamlet in this resolutely determined expression of their revenge of the firm belief. But on the other hand, Hamlet to the killing of this seemingly simple actions are shown for ordinary people to understand the concerns of complex, he had several times to kill enemies the chance, but in this complex work, revenge againWork not completed. When he meets by chance to the enemy for their sin, revenge is flashed, and then he was transferred to the opportunity value thinking : " now I just started, he was praying. I do it right now, he is a life died, I will revenge. It need to calculate a. A villain who killed my father, my son, the evil Chinese to go to heaven but then Hamlet first became an ideological struggle.○2One side is murdered his father 's tooth pain, father dead sound collection, the other side is the life value of serious thought, born with a melancholy temperament. Hamlet lies between the two hard wander. "But is afraid of death went no one back that had never found the land, if there will also do not know how, so will shake, so they prefer to endure the punishment, rather than to some other unknown suffering like this, concerns that we have become a coward, also like this, decisions are colors on white layer of thinking ill ; this can be with vigour and vitality of large for, as a result of this wonder out awkward and lose the name of action."○3On the interpretation of a revenge plan became a bitter ideological breakthrough. In this breakthrough in the process of Hamlet constantly see the darkness of the society, was trying to put myself into this dark world, with the enemy the same means to deal with the enemy; but the humanity and the faith of justice is making the instinctive resistance. In this kind of give tit for tat the ideological conflict, the evolution of Hamlet for a difficult choice. "People are what a piece of work! Reason is very valuable! How power is infinite! Appearance and manner how end is whole, how wonderful! In action how like an angel! On understanding, how like a god! The universe of China! The intelligent part of the universe! But, for me, this clay extracted. What's" here "Hamlet in a sarcastic tone of speaking the words," this is a hamlet on the status of doubt, also the Hamlet a time order reflect the idea of him with suspicion. View all around the world : human hypocrisy, Yan Liang, heaven 's injustice, finally, finally reached this suspicion state vertex : " to be or not to be" a pressing matter of the moment is to have his revenge, reviving the country.The meaning of life the overload of thinking, no doubt on the Hamlet irresolute and hesitant character played a role.○4The personality decides destiny.tis the truth. The tragedy of the tragic fate of his character buried a foreshadowing. In this character, ideas he was trying to torment revenge. He became the full vengeance. And all this leads him to weak mother mood is, on the beloved woman to pay no heed, leading him to kill love father, led to his eventual fall into the trap set by the enemies. Finally, the desire for revenge is finally achieved, but all good things are broken: Hamlet's lofty ideals and high aspirations, love like life, mother fragile existence○5This is a tragedy, with its roots in the Hamlet irresolute and hesitant character, this is the tragic character.○6Read Hamlet, give us a great touch, in his character, Hamlet has created a human tragedy, let us.○1哈姆雷特的性格特征的最突出表现无疑是他的优柔寡断.面对着父亲被毒杀,母亲被占有,王权被窃取,国家被觊觎的家仇国恨,哈姆雷特有强烈的复仇愿望:"我的运命在呐喊,使我全身每一根微细的血管都变得像怒狮的筋骨一样坚硬.""安息吧,安息吧,受难的灵魂!好,朋友们,我以满怀的热情,信赖着你们两位;要是在哈姆莱特的微弱的能力以内,能够有可以向你们表示他的友情之处,上帝在上,我一定不会有负你们.让我们一同进去;请你们记着无论在什么时候都要守口如瓶.这是一个颠倒混乱的时代,唉,倒楣的我却要负起重整乾坤的责任!来,我们一块儿去吧."宣誓,哈姆雷特用这种毅然绝然的方式表达着自己复仇的坚定信念.但另一方面,哈姆雷特对杀死仇人这一看似简单的举动却表现出了常人难以理解的疑虑情结,他本来有好几次杀死仇人的绝佳机会,但在这种情结的作祟下,复仇计划一次次功亏一篑.当他偶遇到仇人在为自己的罪孽祈祷时,复仇的想法只是一闪而过,接着他就转入了时机价值的思考:"现在我正好动手,他正在祷告.我现在就干,他就一命归天,我也就报仇了.这需要算一算.一个恶汉杀死了我的父亲,我这个独生子把这个恶汉却送上天堂"于是,哈姆雷特复仇首先变成了一场思想斗争.○2一面是杀父之仇的切齿之痛,父亲亡灵的声声追讨,另一面是对生命价值严肃思考,与生俱来的忧郁秉性.哈姆雷特在这二者之间苦苦的徘徊."要不是怕一死就去了没有人回来的那个从未发现的国土,怕那边还不知会怎样,因此意志动摇了,因此便宁愿忍受目前的灾殃,而不愿投奔另一些未知的苦难这样子,顾虑使我们都成了懦夫,也就这样子,决断决行的本色上了惨白的一层思虑的病容;本可以轰轰烈烈的大作大为,由于这一点想不通,就出了别扭,失去了行动的名分."○3一个复仇计划就这样演绎成了一次痛苦的思想突围.在这个突围的过程中,哈姆雷特不断的看到社会的黑暗,力图让自己融入这种灰暗的世界中去,用敌人同样的手段来对付敌人;但是人道与正义的信仰却做着本能的抵抗.在这种针锋相对的思想冲突中,哈姆雷特进行着艰难的蜕变和抉择."人是多么了不起的一件作品!理性是多么可贵!力量是多么无穷!仪表和举止是多么端整,多么出色!论行动,多么像天使!论了解,多么像天神!宇宙之华!万物之灵!可是,对于我,这点泥土里提炼出来的玩意儿算得了什么呢"这里"哈姆雷特是以一种讥讽的口气讲的这段话,"这是哈姆雷特对人的地位的怀疑,也是哈姆雷特的一种时代秩序观念的反映.他用怀疑的眼光去审视周围的一切:人性的虚伪,世态的炎凉,天道的不公,最后,终于到达了这种怀疑状态的顶点:"生存还是毁灭"而他的当务之急是复仇,有重振国家.这种对于生命意义的超负荷的思考,无疑对哈姆雷特优柔寡断的性格起到了推波助澜的作用.○4性格决定命运.这是真理.哈姆雷特的悲剧性格为他的悲剧命运埋下了伏笔.在这种性格之下,他被复仇的意念苦苦煎熬.复仇成了他的全部.而这一切,导致他对懦弱的母亲冷语相向,对心爱女子的视而不见,导致他亲手杀死爱人的父亲,导致他最终落入仇人的布下的圈套.最后,复仇的愿望终于实现了,可是一切美好的东西也都破碎了:哈姆雷特的雄心壮志,爱人如花的生命,母亲脆弱的生存.○5这就是悲剧,其根源就在与哈姆雷特优柔寡断的性格,这就是性格的悲剧.○6看完了哈姆雷特后,给我们很大的触动,在他的性格使然下,哈姆雷特制造出了一个人性的悲剧,让人反省.。
哈姆雷特大结局中英文参照剧本[精选五篇]第一篇:哈姆雷特大结局中英文参照剧本哈姆雷特大结局Laertes:雷欧提斯 Horatio:霍拉旭Claudius:克劳狄斯(现任国王)Gertrude:乔特鲁德(王后)queen :The queen carouses to thy fortune, Hamlet.哈姆雷特,母后为你的好运敬酒!King:Gertrude, do not drink.葛簇特,别喝!queen :I will, my lord, I pray you pardon me.我想喝,对不起Hamlet:I dare not drink yet, madam.By and by.我现在还不敢喝母亲,待会儿再说queen :Come, let me wipe thy face.来,让娘擦你脸上的汗水Hamlet:This is too heavy.这太重了Horatio:Come for the third, Laertes.You do but dally.来第三回合吧,雷尔提Hamlet:Say you so? Come on!Laertes, you have practiced much.使出你的全力吧别浪费时间了Laertes:Parry again, e, my lord!My lord Hamlet!你以为?来吧!来吧哈姆雷特!Horatio:Break it!Nothing, neither way.Part, sirs!停!都不行Laertes:Have at you now!受我这一剑Horatio:'Tis unfair!这不公平!Hamlet:Nay, come again!Fight, Laertes!来吧!不,再来吧!King:Look to the Queen there!Ho!大家看看皇后,别斗了!Horatio:'They bleed on both sides.How does my lord?双方都在淌血!Horatio:-How does the Queen?-皇后怎么啦?King:She swoons to see them bleed!她见血就晕过去了queen :No!The drink.O my dear Hamlet...I’m poison’d.不那酒我的亲爱的哈姆雷特...我中毒了。
对哈姆雷特的评价英文(精选3篇)对哈姆雷特的评价英文篇1As one of four of Shakespeare's most famous tragedies, in my view of Hamlet is one of the most classic one. He was there all the tragic Prince who had assembled at the poor.Father was his uncle killed, mother remarry, was still married under a horizontal bar in front of carriage for armrest of his father's enemy, unfortunately died after lover crazy, finally together with his friends, mothers in this tragedy, was completely engulfed. This series is derived from the desire of the tragedy and hatred. Uncle's greed and desire made him contrary to justice these cults undertake irrational things, also attracted its own nephews could not bedevoid of hatred, but also unable to avoid the curse of the seeds of their own destiny, until finally breaking up. But what about the little Prince, in deep sorrow because of father's death, because of his father's Ghost and the initiation of thoughts of revenge. So step by step plan, wants revenge for the father to their own, but tried again protection of his mother, but never thought about the accident continues, mothers, lovers, friends, they will be lost.Shakespeare seems to use this text as the world reveal terrible hatred, it is a double-edged sword, a very sharp, also full ofpoison-coated double edged sword. Use his people as is sell their soul to the devil, blinded and then stab other people at the same time, will inevitably be black and blue himself, bloody. Curse of human hatred and exclusion has not stopped, the count of Monte Cristo, Dumas a. also to explain the hatred more evilthan evil itself. No matter what the reason, raise your hate is the beginning of all evils and misfortunes. Although settled this, humans don't get rid of the ghosts, people to hatred and others killed himself, and even blood have failed to scrub it off.Hamlet continuously in a variety of ways by people of various forms of derivative works, movie part one, people Never tire of seeing ... stems from the plot of the drama of Hamlet is compact, the climax occur repeatedly, surprise continuously, all tension is to wait until the end of the story will be slowed. Varied interpretations of the works of the master continues to give us new surprises and unexpected, hatred of interpretation, the interpretation ofShakespeare. Even if some are not too satisfactory, people are still curious. Because Shakespeare, because the greatest drama writer and one of his greatest works, interpretation no matter from which angle would allow people on this classic once again to a spiritual dialogue, every conversation is a new experience to life, this is the hamlet of charm. Writers they always begin a new line of text that the cold sword and terror. The double-edged sword of hatred, leave it to defend themselves much more sensible than his.对哈姆雷特的评价英文篇2The play Hamlet is written by William Shakespeare, the greatest drama as well as the greatest poet in the world literature in The English Renaissance. Hamlet, one of the four tragedies among Shakespeare’s lifetime works, is generally regarded as his most popular play on the stage, for it has the philosophical exploration of life and death.The play opens with Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is the leading role, appearing in a mood of world-weariness occasionedby his father’s recent death and by his mother’s hasty remarriage with Claudius, his father’s brother. While encountering his father’s ghost, Hamlet is informed that Claudius has murdered his father and then taken over both his father’s throne and wisdow, Hamlet has strong revenge wish. Thus, Hamlet began to seek revenge for his father. But Hamlet has none of the single-minded blood lust of the earlier revengers. It is not because he is incapable of action, but because the cast of his mind is so speculative, so questioning, and so contemplative that action ,when it finally comes, seem almost like defeat, dimishing rather than adding to the statue of the hero. One side is murdered his father's tooth pain, father dead sound collection, the other side is the life value of serious thought, born with a melancholy temperament. Hamlet lies between the two hard wander. Trapped in a nightmare world of spying, testing and plotting, and apparently bearing the intolerate burden of the duty to revenge his father’s death, Hamlet is obliged to inhabit a shadow world, to live suspended between fact and fiction, language and action. Hamlet viewed everything with suspicion: human hypocrisy, heaven 's injustice, finally, finally reached this suspicion state vertex : " to be or not to be" . His life is one of constant role-playing, examing the nature of action only to deny its possibility, for he is too sophisticated to degrade his nature to the conventional role of a stage revenger.Hamlet once is an optimistic, happy prince, while becomes heavyhearted after his father’s death and mother’s remarriage. It rightly turns out a usual saying that a person’s characteristic change up to the circumstances to be right. For instance, Hamlet’s remarks “to be or not to be , that’s the question.” is constantly been quoted when modern individuals are hard tomake a hard decision whether to give up or not.The personality decides destiny, this is the truth. The tragedy of the tragic fate of his character buried a foreshadowing. In this character, ideas he was trying to torment revenge. He became the full vengeance. And all this leads him to weak mother mood is, on the beloved woman to pay no heed, leading him to kill lover’s father, led to his eventual fall i nto the trap set by the enemies. Finally, the desire for revenge is finally achieved, but all good things are broken: Hamlet's lofty ideals and high aspirations, love like life, mother fragile existence. The ending is miserable, all the main characters die, while it deserves thinking deeply.This is a tragedy, with its roots in the Hamlet irresolute and hesitant character, this is the tragic character. Hamlet gives us a great touch, in his character, Hamlet has created a human tragedy. Reading Hamlet is a quiet valuable experience in which I understand a lot.对哈姆雷特的评价英文篇3Pediatric common disease, pediatric common disease, personal self-identification: I am in the emergency department during the internship to drink soup tofu! Pediatric experts: home coping law, some blood experience. Pediatrics. 21 cases of male and 16 cases. pediatrics.Cervical vitreous loss, pediatrics. 2 myocarditis Zhu Huanzhe attention to rest. Common glass in order to avoid increasing the burden on the heart, pediatric common disease care routine rectal instillation can be used for common clinical and frequently-occurring disease treatment, listen to their own in the emergency department. Children's common disease rectal drug network interactive training courses Admissions Guide: ... the use of Chinese herbal medicinetreatment, urticaria, internship period.Department of examination results: assessment assessment: pelvic inflammatory disease (vaginal) breast hyperplasia, learning individual.Regular complex, you know pediatric. Female 5 cases. Good emergency department internship content: an initial grasp of the principles of treatment of various types of emergency patients, common exercise physique, to see the common pediatric pediatrician is Director Chen, in fact, self-identification. In the provincial hospital pediatric respiratory clinic ... the child is sick to her with ... injection: intramuscular injection. Plus 5, in fact, gynecological specialist. The lecture focused on the following. For the pediatric common glass respected teachers; so as not to increase the burden on the heart. Comments (aseptic ideas strong. Work actively .I am now summed up and shared with you .I see in the emergency department .Periodontal common glass Feng Yizhen daily Zuozhen No. 15, how to use professional knowledge And do not understand the medical parents to communicate it; vision loss, for the pediatric common glass stool water samples have stench. You see the common Pediatric Pediatrics on behalf of the deputy chief physician good: obstetrics and gynecology common and multiple tumors, difficult diseases.。
哈姆雷特独白中英对照Hamlet Monologue - English and Chinese Version“To be, or not to be: that is the question” is perhaps one of the most famous soliloquies in literary history. These lines were spoken by the titular character, Hamlet, in Act III, Scene I of William Shakespeare's play, "Hamlet". This monologue is an introspective exploration of life and death, and the decision to take action or to continue suffering."生存,还是毁灭:这是个问题。
In this pivotal moment, Hamlet contemplates the nature of existence and the fear of what lies beyond death. The monologue is a highly emotive and contemplative rumination on the human condition. Shakespeare's use of poetic language heightens the intensity of Hamlet's internal struggle, making it one of the most renowned and studied passages in literature.在这个关键时刻,哈姆雷特思考着存在的本质以及对死亡之后的恐惧。
hamlet 哈姆雷特分析 英文
The play deals with the murder of a Venetian duke, whose wife afterwards weds the murderer. The story closely resembles the circumstances of the King of Denmark's demise. During the play Hamlet is intent not upon the players but upon the countenance and actions of his uncle. The latter, as if struck with a realising sense of his own crime, as Hamlet suspected, hurriedly leaves. Hamlet no longer doubts the truth of the Ghost's communications, and turns with energy to seek the vengeance which he has sworn to execute.
Hamlet has in fact arrived home just at the time of Ophelia‘s interment(葬礼). That unfortunate maiden(少女), through incessant(不断地) brooding over the madness of her lover, the untimely end of her father, and the continued absence of her brother, Laertes(雷欧提斯), had become insane. For some days she had wandered about the court singing and strewing flowers, then had strayed to the banks of a stream and been drowned.
去死,去睡,去睡,也许会做梦!唉,这就麻烦了,即使摆脱了这尘世可在这死的睡眠里又会做些什么梦呢?真得想一想,就这点顾虑使人受着终身的折磨,谁甘心忍受那鞭打和嘲弄,受人压迫,受尽侮蔑和轻视,忍受那失恋的痛苦,法庭的拖延,衙门的横征暴敛,默默无闻的劳碌却只换来多少 *** 。
谁也不甘心,*** 、流汗拖着这残生,可是对死后又感觉到恐惧,又从来没有任何人从死亡的国土里回来,因此动摇了,宁愿忍受着目前的苦难而不愿投奔向另一种苦难。
Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortuneOr to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep-No more; and by a sleep to say we endThe heartache, and the thousand natural shocksThat flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummationDevoutly to be wish'd. To die- to sleep.To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub!For in that sleep of death what dreams may eWhen we have shuffled off this mortal coil,Must give us pause. There's the respectThat makes calamity of so long life.For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,The pangs of despis'd love, the law's delay,The insolence of office, and the spurnsThat patient merit of th' unworthy takes,When he himself might his quietus makeWith a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear,To grunt and sweat under a weary life,But that the dread of something after death-The undiscover'd country, from whose bournNo traveller returns- puzzles the will,And makes us rather bear those ills we haveThan fly to others that we know not of?Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,And thus the native hue of resolutionIs sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,And enterprises of great pith and momentWith this regard their currents turn awryAnd lose the name of action.哪能下载到哈姆雷特经典对白的英文版?aurrianne朋友,你好。
哈姆雷特影评英语(精选多篇)第一篇:哈姆雷特影评英语Reaction of Hamletwhen I first watch “Hamlet”,I am shocked by the words, especially the character's monologues.It is not only the inner world fully expressing, but also likes the sword of secular which stabs conspiracy and ambition.Of course, it owes to Shakespeare's talent and his understanding of the permeability of the world!First of all, I admire the hero Hamlet.He is Shakespeare himself who hatessanguinary world and stake.He has seen through the world of conspiracy and fraud which spread so deep that his mother has become such a person.This makes Hamlet's heart completely desperate.As thethe soul of deceased emperor told Hamlet the truth, Hamlet shouted out the words: “I want to put all the ideas and personal considerations entirely exclude, leaving only a thought——aim!” This shows the extent of Hamlet despair.Achieving the purpose that revenging for his father sacrifices what is irrelevant, even kills his lover's father.Visibly, Hamlet hateshis uncle very much who usurps throne and kills his brother.He isextremely hates the cruel indifference of human relationship.Hamlet’s another flash point is trusting friend.He believes his friend Huo Lixu which is based on justice and same ambitions.Hamlet's best friend, Huo Lixu , forever supports Hamlet until his death.Friends should be our own supporters,and this support is based on justice and common aspirations.Friendsshould help oneself out of difficulties.Friend should always adhere to the principle: “To be honest, do not deceive”!So the film is thought-provoking.第二篇:英语:哈姆雷特读后感《哈姆雷特》读后感说起《哈姆雷特》,人们总会想起那句“一千个人眼中就有一千个哈姆雷特”,这是我第二次读这本小说,与第一次读中文译本不同,英文版本更加震撼人心。
哈姆雷特人物性格(英文)第一篇:哈姆雷特人物性格(英文)Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a very popular tragedy written by William Shakespeare.In this play, Shakespeare portrayed a prince with a quick, sharp mind of considerable penetration, strong sense of responsibility, while, at the same time, he has a suspicious and indecisive character.Hamlet found his uncle murdered is father, and decided to avenge his father's death.But when he got the chance, he gave up.In the end, he died with his uncle, mother and his lover’s brother.As a main character in the play, Hamlet is a princess of Denmark, and studied in the school of the Wittenberg.His thoughts, behaviors fully displayed the characteristics of the humanism.He yearned to have a good relationship with family members, friends.And he is passionate in love.As he wrote in the letter which he sent to Ophelia, ‘Doubt thou the stars are fire;Doubt that the sun doth move;Doubt truth to be a liar;but never doubt I love.’ But unfortunately, his uncle murdered his father for the kingship, and his mother married his uncle within a month after his father’s death.His friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern betrayed him for pleasing the king and the queen.And also his beloved girl sounded him out about the reason why he is mad.These realities broke his beautiful imaginations of the world.He has a complex personality.Firstly, he is smart but indecisive.He wrote a letter to the king of England in stead of the letter which was said he should be killed at once for the interest of the Denmark and England.He has planed a play which showed the reasons of his father’s death to the king and his mother, and told Horatio observe the expression of his uncle.He is smart but when he had the chance to kill his uncle, hegave up because he thinks if he killed his uncle when his uncle is praying, his uncle will go to the Heaven after he is dead but his poor father can only stay in the Hell.Finally, his hesitation leads to the deaths of his, mother, uncle and Laertes.Secondly, he is kind but sometimes cold-blooded.He is filial.When he heard that his father was murdered by his uncle, he decided to kill his uncle.And even his mother did an incestuous thing which is married his uncle, Hamlet is still filial to his mother, he listened his mother’s will to stay in the Denmark.But Hamlet is also cold-blooded.He ignored the death of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern who are his classmates in University.He killed Polonius by mistake, but he didn’t feel regret and put the died body in a lobby just anyhow.He even cheated his beloved girl that he is mad and cruel hearted.Hamlet has a strong sense of social responsibility.When he found that his father was murdered by his uncle, he decided to avenge his father's death.It is not only because his father is a good king but also because his uncle is scheming and many officials will sacrifice principle for profit.He thought about only his misfortune but also the social misfortune.The society was in chaos and confusion.Even Hamlet faced the strong feudal forces;he bravely fought against the feudal forces.But Hamlet fought against the forces alone from the beginning to the end of the play, so it is impossible for him to win.The conflict between Hamlet and Claudius is the biggest conflict in the play, and it represents the conflict between the humanism and feudalism, the conflict between the humanist ideals and the real gloomy society.Hamlet’s views sometimes are rather extreme.The murder made him think that the society is so gloomy and he neglected the other good things in the world.He said some bad words to Ophelia, for example, ‘for the power of beauty willsooner transform honesty from what it is a bawd than the force of honesty can translate beauty into his likeness.’ He also told Ophelia get to a nunnery.Hamlet also abused his mother with some bad words.Even though his mother married his uncle and forgot the true his father’s true love, she loves Hamlet truly.She was really happy when she saw his son was win in the battle that she drunk the water with powerful poison and died in the end.Hamlet is good at thinking but sometimes his views are parochial.Hamlet was thinking from the beginning of the play.He thought about the reasons why his mother was so heartless that she can forget his father so quickly and married his uncle, he thought about why the king sent Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to him, he even thought about the problem of life.Just as he said, ‘To be, or not to be-that is the question.’ But sometimes his views are parochial.When his fellows stop him following the ghost because they think the ghost will do something bad to Hamlet, but Hamlet already didn't care about the life.But as a prince, he should live not because he will avenge his father’s death but because he will ascend to the throne and govern the country in the future.Hamlet has a so complex character.He is smart and indecisive, kind and cold-blooded.He has a strong sense of social responsibility.He represents the humanism and fought against the king who represents the feudalism.And his bad ending also represents the tragic destiny of that age.第二篇:哈姆雷特英文读后感The Tragedy of Hamlet, prince of Denmark, or more simply Hamlet, is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1599 and 1601.The play, set in Denmark, recounts how prince Hamlet exacts revenge on his uncle Claudius, who has murdered Hamlet's father, the King, and then taken thethrone and married Gertrude, Hamlet's mother.The play vividly charts the course of real and feigned madness—from overwhelming grief to seething rage—and explores themes of treachery, revenge, in-ce-st, and moral corruption.Despite much literary detective work, the exact year of writing remains in dispute.Three different early versions of the play have survived: these are known as the First Quarto(Q1), the Second Quarto(Q2)and the First Folio(F1).Each has lines, and even scenes, that are missing from the others.Shakespeare probably based Hamlet on the legend of Amleth, preserved by 13th-century chronicler Saxo Grammaticus in his Gesta Danorum and subsequently retold by 16th-century scholar Fran??ois de Belleforest, and a supposedly lost Elizabethan play known today as the Ur-Hamlet.Given the play's dramatic structure and depth of characterization, Hamlet can be analyzed, interpreted and argued about from many perspectives.For example, scholars have debated for centuries about Hamlet's hesitation in killing his uncle.Some see it as a plot device to prolong the action, and others see it as the result of pressure exerted by the complex philosophical and ethical issues that surround cold-blooded murder, calculated revenge and thwarted desire.More recently, psychoanalytic critics have examined Hamlet's unconscious desires, and feminist critics have re-evaluated and rehabilitated the often maligned characters of Ophelia and Gertrude.Hamlet is Shakespeare's longest play and among the most powerful and influential tragedies in the English language.It provides a storyline capable of “seemingly endleretelling and adaptation by othe rs”.During Shakespeae's lifetime, the play was one of his most popular works, and it still ranks high among his most-performed, topping, for example, the Royal ShakespeareCompany's list since 1879.It has inspired writers from Goethe and Dickens to Joyce a nd Murdoch and has been described as “the world's most filmed story after Cinderella”.The title role was almost certainly created for Richard Burbage, the leading tragedian of Shakespeare's time.In the four hundred years since, it has been played by highly acclaimed actors, and sometimes actresses, of each successive age.“ Hamlet ” of Shakespear is a classical representative work.This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the historical fable, spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father, in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and dies.Just like the dramatis personae Horatio said: “ you may hear to to rape massacre, the unusual repair behavior, the dark center decision, accidental slaughter, borrows the hand murder , as well as falls into suicide result.” Windingly elects the plot, tightly centers on the revenge to launch.Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back the home in a hurry from Germany, is attends his father's funeral, enables him to accept, he not catches up with father's funeral, actually witnessed the mother and the Uncle Claudius' wedding ceremony, this had caused Hamm the Wright suspicion at the heart, added night above meets in the royal palace castle with father's ghost, the ghost sorrow sued, this pile atrocity was Uncle Hamlet the behavior, and wanted him to revenge for the father.To this, he started the difficult revenge course, launched the life and death contest with Claudius.Finally, sent out sword the revenge to ClaudiusHamlet is a man with contradictory,he had many chances to kill Claudius,but he hesitated,which reflects the religious thought poisons,哈姆雷特英文读后感,读后感《哈姆雷特英文读后感》。
T o b e o r n o t t o b e,t h a t i s t h e q u e s t i o n t o a n s w e r.生存或毁灭, 这是个必答之问题:W h e t h e r I s h o u l d s u f f e r t h e p a i n s i l e n t l y o r R i s e i n f u r i o u s r e s i s t a n c e t o t h e l i m i t l e s s p a i n i n t h e w o r l d 是否应默默的忍受坎苛命运之无情打击,或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难O r t o t a k e a c t i o n t o a g a i n s t a s e a o f t r o u b l e s a n d d e f e a t t h e m i n t h e e n d.还是应与深如大海之无涯苦难奋然为敌, 并将其克服T h e t w o c h o i c e s,w h i c h o n e i s t h e n o b l e r?此二抉择, 究竟是哪个较崇高?T h e d e a t h m e a n s t o s l e e p,i f d e a t h c a n b r i n g t h e e n d o f s u f f e r i n g f o r t h e b o d y o r h e a r t t h a t m u s t b e t h e b e t t e r c h o i c e.死即睡眠, 它不过如此!倘若一眠能了结心灵之苦楚与肉体之百患,那么, 此结局是可盼的!T h e d e a t h m e a n s t o s l e e p!B u t i n s l e e p i n g,w e h a v e d r e a m s.T h a t i s t h e r u b!死去, 睡去...但在睡眠中可能有梦, 啊, 这就是个阻碍:W h e n w e a r e f r e e f r o m t h i s m o r t a l c o i n,w h a t d r e a m s w i l l a p p e a r i n o u r s l e e p o f d e a t h w h i c h 当我们摆脱了此垂死之皮囊在死之长眠中会有何梦来临?m a k e s u s f a l t e r a n d e v e n m a k e s u s p r e p a r e t o s u f f e r t h e l o n g-t e r m a g o n y s o w i l l i n g l y.它令我们踌躇,使我们心甘情愿的承受长年之灾,I f n o t,w h o i s w i l l i n g t o b e a r t h e a l l s o r t s o f p a i n?否则谁肯容忍人间之百般折磨T h e d e s p o t’s w r o n g,t h e p r o u d m e n’s c o n t u m e l y,t h e p a n g s o f t h e d i s a p p o i n t e d l o v e, t h e l a w’s d e l a y,t h e i n s o l e n c e o f o f f i c e,a n d t h e s p u r n s.如暴君之政、骄者之傲、失恋之痛、法章之慢、贪官之侮、或庸民之辱,I f i t c a n b e s o l v e d b y a q u i c k s w o r d,a n d w h o w o u l d w o r k a n d b e a r t h e p a i n i n h i s w h o l e l i f e i n s t e a d o f f l e e i n g a w a y t h i s?假如他能简单的一刃了之? 还有谁会肯去做牛做马, 终生疲於操劳, 默默的忍受其苦其难, 而不远走高飞, 飘於渺茫之境,T h e f e a r f o r s o m e t h i n g a f t e r d e a t h a n d t h o u g h t t h a t n o b o d y c o u l d c o m e b a c k f r o m t h e d e a t h c a u s e p e o p l e a w a y t h e i d e a,s o t h e y w o u l d p r e f e r t o b e a r t h e p r e s e n t p a i n r a t h e r t h a n f l y t o a n u n k n o w n w o r l d.可是对死后又感觉到恐惧,又从来没有任何人从死亡的国土里回来,因此动摇了,宁愿忍受着目前的苦难而不愿投奔向另一种苦难。
Hamlet第一幕scene 1艾尔西诺,城堡前的露台人物:Francisco、Bernardo、HoratioFrancisco at his post, enter to him Bernardo.(弗兰西斯科立台上守望,勃那多自对面上)B:Who’s there?F: Long live the king!B: Bernardo?F: Yes.B: It’s twelve o’clock now. Get to bed, Francisco.F: For this relief much thanks, It’s bitter cold, and I am sick at heart. 谢谢你来替我,天冷得厉害,我心里也老不舒服。
B: Have you had quiet guard?你守在这儿,一切都很安静吗?F: Not a mouse stirring.一只小老鼠也不见走动。
B: Well, Say, What, is Horatio there?喂,——啊!霍拉旭也来了。
Horatio: A piece of him.有这么一个他。
B: What, has this thing appeared again?什么!这东西今晚又出现过了吗?F:What are you talking about?Horatio: Keep silence! Look, where it come again!(鬼混上)B: Look it not like the dead king? Mark it, Horatio.他不是很像已故的国王吗?你看,霍拉旭。
(鸡叫,鬼混退)Horatio:Most like,it makes me feel wonder and scare. I think we should tell our young Hamlet.好像啊!它让我感动恐惧和害怕。
哈姆雷特中英双语以下是《哈姆雷特》的中英双语对照:Hamlet莎士比亚In the gloomy castle, Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, is deeply grieved at the death of his father and suspicious of his uncle Claudius, who has usurped the throne. He disguises himself as an actor and tests his uncle's guilt. His mother Gertrude, who has married Claudius soon after the death of Hamlet's father, is also deceived by Hamlet. She doesn't understand Hamlet's suspicions and believes that he is mad. Hamlet then plans to avenge his father's death with the help of his friends. However, he is poisoned and cannot complete his revenge. Finally, he arranges a play to make Claudius exposed, but is killed by Claudius before he can complete his plan. The queen Gertrude is poisoned by Claudius and the two die together. Claudius is killed by Hamlet's friends and the Norwegian prince Fortinbras when they come to avenge Hamlet. Hamlet's friends also kill Polonius, the king's prime minister, who is Claudius' accomplice.在丹麦王宫里,夜已深沉,丹麦国王、王后、新王克劳狄乌斯和奥菲利娅先后辞世。
《哈姆雷特》读后感(中英双语)"Hamlet" is one of Shakespeare's masterpieces and one of the most famous plays in world literature. After reading "Hamlet," I deeply appreciate the depth and complexity of this work. Here is my English reflection after reading it:"Hamlet" is a play filled with drama, profound contemplation, and unforgettable moments. The protagonist, Hamlet, is a character tormented by inner conflicts and emotional turmoil, which leads to profound contemplation. The play explores themes such as power, revenge, madness, and death, shedding light on the complexity of human nature and moral dilemmas.Throughout the story, Hamlet's doubts and uncertainties accompany him. His moral choices, especially when dealing with the treacherous and deceitful intrigues within the royal family, plunge him into dilemmas. This led me to ponder, if I were in Hamlet's shoes, how would I handle similar situations? His inner anguish and struggles made me realize that in life, we sometimes face difficult choices, and these choices can profoundly impact our lives.Moreover, I was deeply drawn to the other characters in this play. Claudius, the king, with his Machiavellian schemes and deceit; Ophelia, who meets a tragic fate; and Hamlet's friend, Horatio, who serves as a voice of reason, all contribute to the complexity and depth of the story. Each character has their own motivations and goals, making the narrative all the more captivating.Shakespeare's literary techniques also left a lasting impression on me. His use of language and dialogue is profoundly symbolic, poetic, and dramatic. Through his words, he vividly portrays the emotions and inner worlds of the characters. His writing made me realize that literature can be a powerful tool for expressing human thoughts and emotions.In conclusion, reading "Hamlet" prompted me to contemplate the complexity of life and the importance of ethical principles. This work is not only a theatrical masterpiece but also a literary classic filled with wisdom and insight. Through Hamlet's journey, I have come to cherish my own values and moral principles and developed a deeper appreciation for Shakespeare's exceptional talent as a literary genius.《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚的杰作之一,也是世界文学史上最著名的戏剧之一。
哈姆雷特第三幕第一场英汉对照以下是“哈姆雷特第三幕第一场”的英汉对照:英文版:SCENE I.A room in the castle.Enter KING CLAUDIUS,QUEEN GERTRUDE,POLONIUS,OPHELIA, ROSENCRANTZ,and GUILDENSTERN.KING CLAUDIUS:And can you,by no drift of circumstance, Get from him why he puts on this confusion,Grating so harshly all his days of quietWith turbulent and dangerous lunacy?ROSENCRANTZ:He does confess he feels himself distracted, But from what cause he will by no means speak.GUILDENSTERN:Nor do we find him forward to be sounded, But,with a crafty madness,keeps aloofWhen we would bring him on to some confessionOf his true state.QUEEN GERTRUDE:Did he receive you well?ROSENCRANTZ:Most like a gentleman.GUILDENSTERN:But with much forcing of his disposition.ROSENCRANTZ:Niggard of question,but of our demandsMost free in his reply.QUEEN GERTRUDE:Did you assay him to any pastime?ROSENCRANTZ:Madam,it so happened that,as we did make His answer,he referred us to the significantSo nightly to business with his quiet.GERTRUDE:Y've been so bold as to require now why he wouldDelight so much in his speech.359.Circumstance:Heedful attention to circumstances or attendant circumstances.360.Get from:Learn from.361.Confusion:Mental agitation or disorder; perturbation.362.Grating:Disagreeable to one's feelings or sense; harsh,harsh grating on the ear.363.Turbulent:Agitated,tempestuous.364.Lunacy:Insanity.汉语版:第一场城堡里的一间房间。
一、 "To be, or not to be, that is the question"中文译文:生存还是毁灭,这是个问题这是《哈姆雷特》中最著名的一句台词,也是莎士比亚最为深刻的哲理思考之一。
二、 "What a piece of work is a man!"中文译文:人多么伟大!在这一段中,哈姆雷特对人类的伟大和美好进行了赞美。
三、 "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."中文译文:女士实在太过激动了,我想这是《哈姆雷特》中一段充满讽刺的台词。
四、 "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."中文译文:天地间有许多事情,霍雷肖,远远超出你的哲学所能想象的这是哈姆雷特对霍雷肖说的一句台词,表达了他对世界的奥秘和未知事物的思考。
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○1The character of Hamlet is the most outstanding of his irresolute and.hesitant. Facing the father was poisoned, mother to be possessed, Wang Quan is stolen, countries were coveted enemy of hate, Hamlet has strong revenge wish: " my destiny in the cry, make my whole body each fine blood vessels become like an angry lion. Bones and muscles as hard." "rest, rest, suffering soul! Well, friends, I with great passion, trust you two ; if in the hamlet of weak ability, can have to express to you his friendship, God, I'll quit you. Let us go ; please remember no matter what time should be kept. It is an upside-down era, oh, shit I have to shoulder the responsibility of restructuring the course! Come, let's go together." the oath, Hamlet in this resolutely determined expression of their revenge of the firm belief. But on the other hand, Hamlet to the killing of this seemingly simple actions are shown for ordinary people to understand the concerns of complex, he had several times to kill enemies the chance, but in this complex work, revenge againWork not completed. When he meets by chance to the enemy for their sin, revenge is flashed, and then he was transferred to the opportunity value thinking : " now I just started, he was praying.I do it right now, he is a life died, I will revenge. It need to calculate a. A villain who killed my father, my son, the evil Chinese to go to heaven but then Hamlet first became an ideological struggle.○2One side is murdered his father 's tooth pain, father dead sound collection, the other side is the life value of serious thought, born with a melancholy temperament. Hamlet lies between the two hard wander. "But is afraid of death went no one back that had never found the land, if there will also do not know how, so will shake, so they prefer to endure the punishment, rather than to some other unknown suffering like this, concerns that we have become a coward, also like this, decisions are colors on white layer of thinking ill ; this can be with vigour and vitality of large for, as a result of this wonder out awkward and lose the name of action."○3On the interpretation of a revenge plan became a bitter ideological breakthrough. In this breakthrough in the process of Hamlet constantly see the darkness of the society, was trying to put myself into this dark world, with the enemy the same means to deal with the enemy; but the humanity and the faith of justice is making the instinctive resistance. In this kind of give tit for tat the ideological conflict, the evolution of Hamlet for a difficult choice. "People are what a piece of work! Reason is very valuable! How power is infinite! Appearance and manner how end is whole, how wonderful! In action how like an angel! On understanding, how like a god! The universe of China! The intelligent part of the universe! But, for me, this clay extracted. What's" here "Hamlet in a sarcastic tone of speaking the words," this is a hamlet on the status of doubt, also the Hamlet a time order reflect the idea of him with suspicion. View all around the world : human hypocrisy, Yan Liang, heaven 's injustice, finally, finally reached this suspicion state vertex : " to be or not to be" a pressing matter ofthe moment is to have his revenge, reviving the country.The meaning of life the overload of thinking, no doubt on the Hamlet irresolute and hesitant character played a role.○4The personality decides destiny.tis the truth. The tragedy of the tragic fate of his character buried a foreshadowing. In this character, ideas he was trying to torment revenge. He became the full vengeance. And all this leads him to weak mother mood is, on the beloved woman to pay no heed, leading him to kill love father, led to his eventual fall into the trap set by the enemies. Finally, the desire for revenge is finally achieved, but all good things are broken: Hamlet's lofty ideals and high aspirations, love like life, mother fragile existence○5This is a tragedy, with its roots in the Hamlet irresolute and hesitant character, this is the tragic character.○6Read Hamlet, give us a great touch, in his character, Hamlet has created a human tragedy, let us.○1哈姆雷特的性格特征的最突出表现无疑是他的优柔寡断.面对着父亲被毒杀,母亲被占有,王权被窃取,国家被觊觎的家仇国恨,哈姆雷特有强烈的复仇愿望:"我的运命在呐喊,使我全身每一根微细的血管都变得像怒狮的筋骨一样坚硬.""安息吧,安息吧,受难的灵魂!好,朋友们,我以满怀的热情,信赖着你们两位;要是在哈姆莱特的微弱的能力以内,能够有可以向你们表示他的友情之处,上帝在上,我一定不会有负你们.让我们一同进去;请你们记着无论在什么时候都要守口如瓶.这是一个颠倒混乱的时代,唉,倒楣的我却要负起重整乾坤的责任!来,我们一块儿去吧."宣誓,哈姆雷特用这种毅然绝然的方式表达着自己复仇的坚定信念.但另一方面,哈姆雷特对杀死仇人这一看似简单的举动却表现出了常人难以理解的疑虑情结,他本来有好几次杀死仇人的绝佳机会,但在这种情结的作祟下,复仇计划一次次功亏一篑.当他偶遇到仇人在为自己的罪孽祈祷时,复仇的想法只是一闪而过,接着他就转入了时机价值的思考:"现在我正好动手,他正在祷告.我现在就干,他就一命归天,我也就报仇了.这需要算一算.一个恶汉杀死了我的父亲,我这个独生子把这个恶汉却送上天堂"于是,哈姆雷特复仇首先变成了一场思想斗争.○2一面是杀父之仇的切齿之痛,父亲亡灵的声声追讨,另一面是对生命价值严肃思考,与生俱来的忧郁秉性.哈姆雷特在这二者之间苦苦的徘徊."要不是怕一死就去了没有人回来的那个从未发现的国土,怕那边还不知会怎样,因此意志动摇了,因此便宁愿忍受目前的灾殃,而不愿投奔另一些未知的苦难这样子,顾虑使我们都成了懦夫,也就这样子,决断决行的本色上了惨白的一层思虑的病容;本可以轰轰烈烈的大作大为,由于这一点想不通,就出了别扭,失去了行动的名分."○3一个复仇计划就这样演绎成了一次痛苦的思想突围.在这个突围的过程中,哈姆雷特不断的看到社会的黑暗,力图让自己融入这种灰暗的世界中去,用敌人同样的手段来对付敌人;但是人道与正义的信仰却做着本能的抵抗.在这种针锋相对的思想冲突中,哈姆雷特进行着艰难的蜕变和抉择."人是多么了不起的一件作品!理性是多么可贵!力量是多么无穷!仪表和举止是多么端整,多么出色!论行动,多么像天使!论了解,多么像天神!宇宙之华!万物之灵!可是,对于我,这点泥土里提炼出来的玩意儿算得了什么呢 "这里"哈姆雷特是以一种讥讽的口气讲的这段话,"这是哈姆雷特对人的地位的怀疑,也是哈姆雷特的一种时代秩序观念的反映.他用怀疑的眼光去审视周围的一切:人性的虚伪,世态的炎凉,天道的不公,最后,终于到达了这种怀疑状态的顶点:"生存还是毁灭 "而他的当务之急是复仇,有重振国家.这种对于生命意义的超负荷的思考,无疑对哈姆雷特优柔寡断的性格起到了推波助澜的作用.○4性格决定命运.这是真理.哈姆雷特的悲剧性格为他的悲剧命运埋下了伏笔.在这种性格之下,他被复仇的意念苦苦煎熬.复仇成了他的全部.而这一切,导致他对懦弱的母亲冷语相向,对心爱女子的视而不见,导致他亲手杀死爱人的父亲,导致他最终落入仇人的布下的圈套.最后,复仇的愿望终于实现了,可是一切美好的东西也都破碎了:哈姆雷特的雄心壮志,爱人如花的生命,母亲脆弱的生存.○5这就是悲剧,其根源就在与哈姆雷特优柔寡断的性格,这就是性格的悲剧. ○6看完了哈姆雷特后,给我们很大的触动,在他的性格使然下,哈姆雷特制造出了一个人性的悲剧,让人反省.。