高中英语_John Snow Defeats "Kign Cholera"教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

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Module 5 Unit 1 Great Scientists教学设计

一、Learning targets:

1.To understand key words and expressions in context.

2. To conclude the procedure of scientific research.

3.To learn to study information.

4. To better yourself and fulfill yourself.

二、Teaching aids

Audio-Visual approach; Multi-media; Blackboard

三、Teaching method

Communicative approach; Group work; Task-based teaching

四、Important and difficult points

1.Important points

1)To learn words and expressions in context

2)To grasp the specific stages of scientific research

2. Difficult points

1) To acquire the ability of conducting scientific research

2) To cultivate their awareness of scientific research and inspire their developing of good qualities.

五、Teaching procedure

I. Lead in

T: several years ago, I travelled to a small but beautiful village, It has blue sky, clean water and green tress. I also rode a horse, which made me very relaxing. Do you think it is extremely beautiful? But unfortunately, I heard it was attacked by a terrible disease called cholera. Do you want to know how it happened? Let’s watch a video to know more about it.

T:What do you know about cholera?

Ss: It’s terrible, deadly and spread very quickly.

T: So we call it “King Cholera”.

Luckily, a scientist gave his hand.

Ss: John Snow.

T: In the battle between John Snow and “King Cholera”, who won?

Read the passage quickly to get the main idea.


考虑到本文是一片科学研究性质比较强的文章,借助视频The story of cholera导入,可

以很好地将学生带入故事情节,更能身临其境感受霍乱这一传染疾病对当地居民以及整个村庄的摧残;同时,通过看视频,学生能更好地了解霍乱的起因及其传播途径,形象直观生动,为下面的文章阅读起到了良好的铺垫作用。并激发了学生们探究John Snow 对抗疾病这一过程的兴趣。

II. Fast reading

Reading the article quickly and get the main idea.

Pay attention to these five key words: Who when where what result

Then put these information into a whole paragraph



III. Careful reading

Para1 find a problem: _______________________?

Q1:What do you know about John Snow? List some facts.

1. John Snow was an ______doctor in London who ________Queen Victoria as her _______________.

He was _______ to help ordinary people _______ to cholera.

Though the _____ and _____ of cholera were unknown, he was determined to _________________ and __________________.

Q2: From the facts, what qualities do you think he has?

Add the adjectives to the word tree on blackboard.


Which of the following “expose” shares the same meaning?

A: Do not expose babies to strong sunlight.

B: He smiled suddenly, exposing a set of white teeth.

C: I threatened to expose him to the police.

D: We want to expose the kids to as much art as possible.

Para2 make a question: _______________________?

How does the cholera kill people?

Para3 think of a method: _____________________________

What did he do to prove the second theory?

Para4 collect results: _______________________________

What method did he adopt?(map reading)
