
商务英语短文阅读2 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Investors shaken as


reputation as ‘one-

way bet’ sours

Last week the renminbi did something it has not done for years – it shocked the market.

During the final three trading sessions of the week, the Chinese currency dropped as much as 1.3 per cent against the US dollar, marking its biggest three-day fall since 2011. The renminbi is now 0.6 per cent weaker against the dollar than it was at the start of the year.

While the percentage decline may appear small compared with some of the recent double-digit swings in other emerging market currencies such as the Argentine peso or Kazakh tenge, a move of such magnitude in the renminbi is highly unusual.

It could also spell trouble for investors. After years of ultra-low volatility thanks to the managed peg against the dollar, the renminbi has often been the subject of large, highly-leveraged positions for investors viewing it as an effective one-way bet. ANZ’s Patrick Perret-Green said the sell-off had left some speculative investors with a “very bloody nose”.

Mitul Kotecha, FX strategist at Crédit Agricole CIB, said that last week’s move could be a signal of a shift in Chinese currency policy.

“The market was extremely long, and we’ve seen a big shakeout of these positions”, said Mr Kotecha. “They want to try and at least provoke more risk and more uncertainty in taking this trade. They are going to keep engineering volatility until that becomes the case.”

The sharp move follows a period during which the offshore renminbi rate has been trading at an increasing premium to the onshore rate. That split – a permanent feature of the market –is something made possible by China’s strict controls on its capital account.

Global investors usually take bets on the currency through its Hong Kong iteration, known by the shorthand CNH. Within China, companies and investors use the official onshore rate, or CNY.

Early last week, the CNH rate had reached its biggest spread over the CNY rate since 2010, suggesting that international enthusiasm for the renminbi had overtaken that from within China itself.

Currency analysts say this widening gap may have prodded the People’s Bank of China into action. The central bank sets the daily fixing rate around which the renminbi is permitted to fall or gain 1 per cent a day, and last week it guided the onshore currency weaker through higher fixes.

Some believe that the move by the PBoC to damp appreciation expectations is part of its wider, long-held aim of introducing more two-way volatility into the market.

It could also be an attempt to bring the onshore and offshore rates together before the central bank widens the daily trading band, something it has promised to do soon. The band was last changed in April 2012, when it was doubled from 0.5 per cent.

“This is a tactical move by the central bank to introduce more volatility before widening the trading band. They are creating conditions for that to happen,” said Shuang Ding, China economist at Citi. “If the currency continues to appr eciate and there is very little volatility, it will only fuel speculation of more appreciation.”

Weaker economic data out of China may also have played its part in the sell-off. Last week HSBC’s flash index of manufacturing activity fell to its lowest leve l in seven months, a sign that the country’s export engine is yet to fire up this year. Sentiment towards China has also been hit by growing troubles in the country’s vast shadow banking sector.

Many analysts believe the longer-term story of renminbi appreciation remains intact. HSBC still expects the renminbi to reach Rmb5.98 against the dollar by the end of the year, equivalent to about a 2 per cent gain from Monday’s spot rate.

And unlike in previous periods of renminbi weakness – such as in the summer of 2012 – this most recent bout has not been accompanied by large capital outflows from the country.

If anything, the opposite is true – the most recent data show that money continues to pour in, with China’s trade surplus growing by $32bn in January.

However, some believe that the apparent shot across the bow by the PBoC means that the days of low volatility are finally coming to an end.

“Based on how the [offshore renminbi] has been trading over the past couple of days, it is clear to me that the Chinese currency is no longer a safe haven,” Société Générale’s Benoit Anne wrote in a report.

Two UK banks' diverging fortunes, the latest EU-Greece banking spat, and US holding company requirements for foreign banks Feb 24, 2014 - 3:43 pm The banking team discusses the varying fortunes of HSBC and RBS, the latest spat between the EU and Greece over the treatment of the Greek banking system, and Deutsche Bank reveals some details about how it will cope with the new obligation for foreign banks operating in the United States to have a US holding companies. Patrick Jenkins is joined by Martin Arnold,banking editor; Sam Fleming, financial policy correspondent; Daniel Sch?fer, investment banking correspondent, and Peter Spiegel, Brussels bureau chief.

Why the euro inflation number is worse than it looks

February 24, 2014 5:33 pm by Claire Jones

in Share0

January’s eurozone inflation number, out earlier on Monday, showed price pressures in the currency bloc are not quite as subdued as first feared, registering 0.8 per cent — a touch higher than Eurostat’s initial estimate of 0.7 per cent.

It’s hardly a game changer: inflation is still less than half the 2 per cent target. But the slightly better figure will reduce pressure on the European Central Bank a little after it faced renewed calls to ease policy following the release of the flash estimate.

However, the detail of this morning’s release suggest disinflationary pressures might be even worse than feared. This excellent chart from Marchel Alexandrovich of Jeffries International shows why:

One of Mario Draghi’s five reasons for why the eurozone is not about to enter a Japan-style lost decade, where businesses and households rein in spending because of suspicions prices will tumble, is that falling prices in the currency bloc are far less broad based that in Asia’s second-largest economy.

Here’s what he had to say earlier this month:

Mario Draghi: The inflationary expectations continue to remain firmly anchored and we do not see much of a similarity with the situation in Japan in the 1990s and early 2000s. If we look at the definition of deflation, that is a broad-based fall in prices, self-feeding onto itself and happening in a variety of countries. We do not see that. Just to give you another piece of information: during the period of deflation in Japan, over 60% of all commodities experienced a decline in prices; the percentages for the euro area average are much lower.

On this score, the breakdown on the components of the inflation basket contained in Eurostat’s release this morning is worrying. Mr Alexandrovich’s chart shows that deflation is becoming more broad based across the bloc, and in all but one of the eurozone’s largest economies.

That doesn’t mean that the eurozone is turning Japanese just yet — deflation remains far less broad based than it was there. But it does not bode well.

South Sudan’s

factions vie for

control of oilfields

Soldiers stand near an oil refinery in Melut, Upper Nile state, South Sudan

Warring factions in South Sudan are battling for control of the country’s dwindling oil production in a sign both sides have given up on faltering peace talks and are instead seeking a military and economic stranglehold over the cash-strapped country.

Oil companies have evacuated non-essential staff from fields in Upper Nile state following renewed heavy fighting in Malakal, the regional capital, over the past week.

Malakal lies about 150km south of the fields in Upper Nile state that pump the bulk of the country’s crude. Oil production was hit earlier in the crisis when the rebels in late December took control of Unity state, the other oil-rich region.

Oil executives worry the forces loyal to Riek Machar,the rebel leader, will move beyond Malakal, trying to encircle the fields to gain leverage. They said however that a direct attack against the fields was unlikely.

An aide to Mr Machar said the fighting was heading towards the oilfields of Adar and Paloich, in Upper Nile state. “There can be no work because of the fighting. That will stop the oil,” the aide said. The Financial Times could not independently verify the claim about the rebel movements north of Malakal.

Colonel Philip Aguer, spokesman for South Sudan’s army, insisted the fields were so far safe in spite of rebel threats to “either divert or close down the oil industry”. His government last week intervened to overturn a local state directive to shut down the fields.

But an industry executive familiar with the situation described a more worrying scenario, with oil groups operating the fields in Upper Nile, including China National Petroleum Company and Malaysia’s Petronas, evacuating some staff from Paloich. “They are lifting as many non-essential workers as they can,” the executive said.

Industry officials say oil output has fallen to about 150,000 barrels per day, down 40 per cent from before the start of the conflict, which has killed thousands and displaced 900,000 people.

The output drop – and worries of further shutdowns – is forcing regular buyers of South Sudanese oil such as China to seek alternatives, triggering a rush for crudes of similar quality in Angola, Chad and as far away as Argentina. The crisis is also contributing to higher global oil prices of around $110 a barrel.

Regional and international mediators rushed to negotiate a ceasefire after the world’s newest country split in two in mid-December following a high-level political fallout out between President Salva Kiir and Mr Machar, his sacked vice-president. But the shaky January deal quickly fell apart as fighting flared.

Each of the two political leaders accuses the other of plotting an undemocratic takeover of the country, which in 2011 seceded from Sudan’s Khartoum government after decades of war.

The fighting in Upper Nile is so far the biggest violation of the ceasefire. Over the weekend, witnesses reported dead bodies on the empty streets of Malakal, with opposition forces in charge. The UN said some of the 20,000 civilians sheltering at its base in the town fought each other along ethnic lines, leaving at least 10 dead and sending 2,000 fleeing.

Mr Machar had originally suggested oilfields under his control could continue to pump and divert revenues into an escrow account, but since then he has appeared keener on halting oil production altogether. Without oil revenues, which make up 98 per cent of South Sudan’s income, Mr Kiir will find it difficult to maintain his government.

“Riek will cut off the oil production and squeeze Salva’s cash,” says a foreign observer in regular contact with Mr Machar. The observer added that the stalled peace talks in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, were “just theatre”.

But stopping production also risks eliciting a response from neighbouring Uganda and Sudan, both of whom are officially allied to Mr Kiir. Sudan’s own economic survival depends on its southern neighbour pumping oil, as it profits from pipeline transit fees

Danish pension

fund changes to


Denmark’s ATP, one of Europe’s largest pension funds, has sold

DKr20bn (£2.2bn) of German bonds and interest rate swaps as it rotates towards owning more buildings, roads and utilities.

The move, ATP’s biggest repositioning in a decade, is the first big change under chief executive Carsten Stendevad, who joined the DKr592bn pension fund, which manages the Danish state supplementary pension, last spring.

“This significant adjustment will set the tone and direction for many of our activities in the years to come,” he told FTfm.

ATP’s sizeable existing property and infrastructure holdings will be moved from the fund’s investment portfolio, which aims to achieve excess returns, to its liability-hedging portfolio, which aims to protect fully the pension promises made to its members.

“We have been looking at how to get more infrastructure assets on our books. We used to think we would have this in the return-seeking portfolio but we have now broadened the type of assets we use in our hedging strategy,” said Mr Stendevad, who argued this would give the fund more freedom to invest.

“We now face the task of replenishing the investment portfolio either with other types of real estate and infrastructure assets or any other investments that fits into our five risk classes,” Mr Stendevad added.

Long-dated sovereign bonds and swaps are traditionally used for liability hedging, but ATP will now also use “safe” assets with steady cash flows, such as property, infrastructure and structured credit, to match liabilities beyond 40 years.

“We are not very fussed about labels but very fussed about the cash flow characteristics,” he said. “We will be as creative as we can. But every pension plan on earth is focusing on these assets so our target allocation is price dependent.”

Despite an investment return of 14.5 per cent last year, largely due to a 52 per cent return from its Danish equities, Mr Stendevad said ATP remained cautious about the outlook for 2014.


Business Wire

ends feeds to high-

speed traders

Business Wire, which has published corporate news releases in the US for the last half century, will stop selling direct feeds to high-speed traders, amid concerns that the practice gives the firms an unfair advantage over other investors.

Warren Buffett, whose conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway owns Business Wire, stepped in personally to examine the direct sales, fearing that recent publicity around the practice could hurt the company’s reputation.

Business Wire had also been in talks with Eric Schneiderman, New York attorney-general, whose office is investigating the distribution of financial data to see if high-frequency trading (HFT) firms are finding ways to jump ahead of other investors.

In an era of computer-driven trading and superfast communications, a split-second advantage in receiving data can open an opportunity to profit from the market moves that may happen when other players receive the information.

In the case of corporate earnings statements scheduled for release after the end of the trading day, a direct line from Business Wire meant some firms were able to trade ahead of the market’s official close, according to the research firm Nanex.

Most investors access Business Wire releases through an intermediary data service, such as Bloomberg or Dow Jones. The Wall Street Journal, a subsidiary of Dow Jones,published a story highlighting Business Wire’s direct sales to HFT firms on February 6.

“These traders had absolutely no time advantage in receiving material news from Business Wire, which operates a patented internet delivery network that disseminates news simultaneously and in real-time to all market participants,” Cathy Baron Tamraz, Business Wire chief executive, said in a statement on Thursday.

”However, in discussions that have taken place with a few of our clients, we learnt that the article may have caused some misperceptions, and that was of deep concern to us.”

Ms Baron Tamraz said the decision to halt the sales was taken “in consultation” with Mr Buffett.

The sales were not illegal or in contravention of regulations on market fairness, she said.

The market still has a problem. It is not closing at exactly 4pm. Trades bleed over for almost a whole second.

- Eric Hunsader, founder of Nanex

Nanex examined the trading in certain stocks with earnings released at

4pm on behalf of T Rowe Price, a fund manager that became suspicious.

Eric Hunsader, founder of Nanex, said: “The market still has a problem. It is not closing at exactly 4pm. Trades bleed over for almost a whole second and that will affect the close because earnings are getting released at almost exactly 4pm.

“Just because Business Wire has stopped this practice, doesn’t solve the problem. The best solution is to require earnings to not be released until one minute after 4pm.”

Mr Schneiderman had been discussing Business Wire’s data dissemination practices since the company itself raised the issue with his office in October, according to sources familiar with the talks, which were described as informal and cordial.

“Business Wire’s decision to voluntarily step forward and stop selling its clients’ information directly to high-speed traders is a tremendous victory for our effort to eliminate advance trading on market-moving information and a demonstration of Business Wire’s commitment to being a responsible industry leader,” he said.

The attorney-general has labelled some HFT practices as “Insider Trading 2.0”.

Following his intervention last year, Thomson Reuters, the media and financial data provider, stopped its practice of releasing a consumer confidence survey created with the University of Michigan two seconds early to traders willing to pay extra to obtain it.

Additional reporting by Alan Rappeport

Non-bank lenders

step up EU

funding deals

Funding by alternative lenders, which allows companies to sidestep banks, is growing rapidly, with 56 deals recorded in the UK and Europe for the final quarter of last year, compared with 18 in the first quarter.

Alternative non-bank lenders are also increasingly operating outside the UK, with more than half (34) of the fourth-quarter’s deals relating to European companies, overtaking the UK’s tally – 22 deals – for the first time, according to a survey by Deloitte, the business advisory firm.

Alternative lenders include fund managers and insurers that raise debt funds financed by institutional investors. This week Legal & General, the UK’s biggest pension fund manager, said it would begin lending to mid-market companies.

“The next six months point to a strong 2014 in Europe for the alternative lending sector,” said Fenton Burgin, head of UK debt advisory at Deloitte.

“As the UK becomes a more competitive market place, US funders based in London are looking at Europe to buy debt and deploy excess liquidity from shareholders.”

Mr Burgin said France had seen 41 deals, the second-largest number since the survey started in the fourth quarter of 2012, but Deloitte expected growth to come from the peripherals such as Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece.

“In the final quarter of 2013, the most significant deals with debt up to

€350m in Europe included Campbell Soup Europe and Aenova,” he said.

“We also saw a number of UK household names using alternative lenders for deals with debt up to £300m; Caffè Nero, Doc Martens, Zenith, Phase Eight and the independent brewery Hall & Woodhouse. Alternative lenders’ bespoke structures and greater flexibility provide an attractive option to traditional leveraged bank lending.”

The survey found that over the past five quarters senior debt – which is secured by collateral – was used in 36 per cent of European deals, while in the UK, the unitranche structure – combining senior and subordinated debt into one instrument – was dominant in 44 per cent of deals.

The majority of the deals in the survey were related to leveraged buyouts, with 43 per cent in the UK and 34 per cent of euro deals being used to fund a buyout.

In Europe, 15 per cent of the deals related to bolt-on merger and acquisition activity, compared with just 3 per cent in the UK. Deloitte said: “On the back of our analysis, we envisage that alternative lenders will play an increasingly important part in the market, as the M&A environment is expected to improve significantly over the year.”


商务英语(3)作业1 (Units 1-4) 本作业由四部分组成,第一部分:交际用语;第二部分:词汇语法;第三部分:阅读理解;第四部分:写作。建议在90分钟内完成本作业。写作部分要求写在给定的位置上。每次作业满分为100分。 一、交际用语(每题2分,共10分) 1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答案。 1. ----Morning Maggie. Could you talk briefly about your career development? ----_________________. A. Good morning, Mr. Marx. I’m going to do a brief about my latest work and performance. B. Sure, Mr. Marx. Thanks for giving me this opportunity I started as a clerk in this company… C. Sorry, Mr. Marx, but I don’t like my boss at all. I think he is too serious and critical. 2. ----Kathy, I’d like you to meet Maggie Jacobs. ----_____________, Maggie. You’re doing a great job. A. I’m pleased to meet you B. It’s great to see you again C. I’m happy to meet you too 3. ----Good morning. ___________? ----Good morning! I need a check to send to my publisher in New York. A. What can I do for you, Madam B. What do you want to buy, Madam C. Why do you come here, Madam 4. ----What are they? _________ ? ----It’s a secret. But I’ll give you some hints, anyway. A. Is it a secret B. Can I have an idea about them C. Why do you keep it a secret 5. ----But ________ by SWOT? ----It stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. A. what do you mean B. how do you know


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Ps: 亲们,Financial Times NEWS 共有6篇,每隔一个绿色标题为1篇。希望大家也能分享一下。 ①Europe up after Asia shows new confidence By Andrew Bolger in London and Patrick McGee in Hong Kong Thursday 08:15 GMT. European shares opened on a positive note after Asian markets signalled growing confidence that the crisis in Ukraine has eased, at least for now. In early trading, London’s FTSE 100 quickly regained Wednesday’s loss of 0.7 per cent, while the Eurofirst 300 rose by 0.4 per cent after closing flat the previous day. Futures suggest the S&P 500 will open 0.4 per cent higher, after it closed flat but near record levels. “Markets have taken on somewhat of a calmer tone in part due to hopes that discussions between the US and Russia will find some form of solution to the recent escalation of tensions in Ukraine,” wrote Mi tul Kotecha at Crédit Agricole. But investors remain cautious ahead of the European Central Bank policy decision, due later on Thursday, and the closely watched US monthly jobs report on Friday. Japan?s Nikkei 225 average rose 1.6 per cent to its highest level since late January, outperforming other markets as the yen weakened 0.3 per cent to Y102.6 against the dollar, its lowest since February 22. The currency has fallen 1.4 per cent since Monday, when investors were seeking shelter after Russian troops occupied the Crimean peninsula. Hong Kong?s Hang Seng index rose 0.5 per cent, while South Korea?s Kospi Composite was up 0.2 per cent. Other assets perceived as havens were steady, reflecting the cautious mood. The price of gold was flat at $1,338.9 an ounce, while the 10-year Treasury yield fell slightly overnight to 2.7 per cent. In New York, the S&P 500 also put in a steady performance on Wednesday, ending a fraction lower after touching a fresh intraday peak in spite of disappointing jobs and service sector data that prompted some economists to scale back their estimates for February?s employment report. ADP, a private US payroll processor, said that 139,000 jobs had been created in February – fewer than the markets had expected – and revised down its January figure from 175,000 to 127,000. The US reports “revealed surprising February service sector weakness that boosted downside risks for Friday?s US jobs report, and we have lowered our payroll estimate to 130,000 with substantial risk of a sub-100,000 figure,” said Michael Englund at Action Economics.

商务英语作文My view of the customer service of Julian Richer

商务英语作业 姓名:冯思敏 学号: 电话:

My view of the customer service of Julian Richer′s book With the speedy social and economic development, people's living standard is rising continual. Therefor, Customer service is more and more important by people when they go shopping. Julian Richer′s book is one of the successful companies in the world because of customer service. Ipretty supportive of their service concept, the reasons can be listed as follow. First one, the company philosophy: The customer is always right!Is the basic requirements of the service industry. The view is the father of America Moderno Hotel Statlerput forward by mr.Bestalor. It is the requirement of staffstandin the position to consider the issue,for the guests to the full respect,and tomaximize the meet the


《商务英语阅读》期末考试复习资料一、词汇翻译题(课内词汇+课外高频商务词汇) 1.entrepreneur 企业家 2.specification 规格详述 3.human resources 人力资源 4.institution 机构 5.orientation 方向,导向,新员工 入职培训 6.decline 消减,衰亡 7.bonus 奖金 https://www.360docs.net/doc/5019231361.html,unch 推出,投放市场 https://www.360docs.net/doc/5019231361.html,munity 社区,共同体 10.necessities (生活)必需品 11.stock 股票 12.liquidity 流动性,变现性 13.risk 风险 14.potential 潜在的 15.act of God 不可抗力 https://www.360docs.net/doc/5019231361.html,y off 使……下岗 17.listed company 上市公司 18.log on 登入、连接(上网) 19.absolute interest 绝对产权 20.keyboard skills 打字技能 21.human resources 人力资源 22.account for 解释某事物的原因,占……比例 23.executive 高级管理人员,执行总 裁 24.logo 企业或公司等专用的标记、标 识 25.administration 管理 26.budget 预算27.feasible 可行的 28.industry 产业,行业 29.ingredient 成分,要素 30.securities 证券 https://www.360docs.net/doc/5019231361.html,mission 佣金 32.dividend 股息,红利 33.mature 到期,成熟 34.accounts receivable 应收账款 35.job description 岗位描述 36.letter of intent 意向书 37.living wage 基本生活工资 38.bar code 条形码 39.acid test 决定性的考验 40.executive 高管,主管 41.administrative expenses 行政管 理费用 42.jet lag 飞机时差反应 43.customized 用户化的,按客户要求 定制的 44.keep-fit market 保健市场 45.lecture theatre 梯形教室,梯形 报告厅 46.local adaptation 本土化 47.balance sheet 资产负债表 48.benefits package 福利套餐,整体 福利 49.bill of lading 提单、提货单 50.access fee 使用费 二、单项选择题(课内) 1.Factors of production refer to _______. A.natural resources and capital https://www.360docs.net/doc/5019231361.html,bor and entrepreneurs C.both A and B 2.The structure of a large manufacturing company and that of a small service firm


Passage 1 Read about job-sharing. Write these headings into each paragraph. Get organised Set your limits Put pen to paper Two become one Open your mind Plan for disaster Find the perfect partner Don't feel guilty How to job - share Wouldn't it be nice if the working week finished on Wednesday? With a job-share it can. Here's the essential guide to making it work. (0) Find the perfect partner Find someone you like. 'Be prepared to communicate and share credit and blame,' says Carol Savage, the managing director of Flexecutive, a flexible working consultancy. (1)_________________________________ Bosses should consider requests for flexible working from employees with children under six. So embrace the benefits: 'Twice as much experience, skills, brainpower and energy.' Savage says. (2)_________________________________ Always discuss the worst-case scenarios. When Margaret Mills, a teacher, lost her job- share partner because of a family illness, a return to full-time work seemed inevitable. 'We had been over-optimistic. I did manage to find someone else who fitted in with me, but I was very lucky.' (3)__________________________________ Plan the system for handing work over carefully and play to each other's different strengths. Delegate the workload according to each other's particular skills and qualities. (4)___________________________________ Managers should clarify what they expect in terms of hours, availability and results, and employees should manage their employer's expectations. Sue Osborn, a job-sharer for 21 years, says, 'We're often asked to do five-day weeks. Eventually you just have to say no.' (5)____________________________________ Agree in writing arrangements for holidays, parental leave, retirement, etc. Everyone should know where they stand from the beginning. (6)____________________________________ Do not work until 1 am at home to make up for not being in the office every day. (7)____________________________________ Clients may not like having to deal with two people working closely together. As Savage says: 'A job-share should be like a marriage - one voice, one unit.' Choose the best answer, A, B or C for questions 1-5 about the Xerox article. 1 The journalist of this article thinks that


Easy Money Hacks to Level up Your Money David Carlson It’s always a good idea to conduct regular “money checkups” to make sure you are making the most of your money. To make it a bit more interesting, I like to think of this as “hacking” your mo ney. Small changes can make a big difference. My wife and I were leaving hundreds of dollars on the table each year by putting off reviewing our savings account. By making a small change we literally are making $500+ from interest that we were previously missing out on. Ready to level up your money? Let’s walk through the list of money hacks and see which ones will work for your situation. Check your savings account People love to rip on banks for making billions and billions in profits, but there is one specific thing that millions of people are doing that allows them to profit: keeping their savings in low-yield savings account. The average APY of savings accounts is 0.06%. The rate can be as low as 0.01%. Basically you are getting nothing for your money. I was one of those people. Until recently, I had a rock-bottom interest rate on my savings account. The thing was, this was an emergency fund that I was going to keep in cash long-term. It only makes sense to park it in the savings account with the highest yield. As I outlined in my post switching banks made us $500+ a year. By switching from my TCF savings account that paid 0.01% APY to a CIT Bank savings account that paid 2.30% APY, I essentially gave myself a $500+ year bump in cash flow. Even if you have minimal or no savings right now you probably have a goal of building an emergency fund. Banks make enough money, don’t do them a favor by building and keeping your emergency fund in a savings account with a rock-bottom interest rate. Pay attention to credit card rewards


关于BEC商务英语高级阅读技巧 ■搭配题:抓住中心和基本点 5篇100字左右的小短文,8个选项,选择出各个选项属于哪篇 短文论述的内容。这部分主要是考查考生迅速找出短文MainIdea的水平。准确的做题方法是先读提示第一句,把握5篇短文共同论述的大 致范围。然后直接阅读短文。阅读的时候,用笔在考卷上划出"一个中心,两个基本点"。"一个中心"指短文的中心思想MainIdea。"两个基 本点"是除MainIdea以外重要的、十分特殊的论点。从5篇短文中找 出15个左右的考点,解题的速度可大大提升。 ■句子填空题:弄清逻辑上的衔接 这部分对我国考生来说有极大的难度,因为它考查了中国人说话 写文章最缺少严密的逻辑性。西文,尤其是商务文章极其讲究逻辑的 缜密性,中心思想明确,意群(段)之间有清晰的逻辑关系,句与句之 间紧密相连。知道了这样的思维差异,在解题时便有了方向:通过各 种衔接手段来解题。词汇的衔接、语法的衔接,最重要的是逻辑上的 衔接。其实,任何两句话之间的逻辑关系不外乎两种情况:不是顺着 意思讲下去(顺接)就是意思发生了转折(逆接)。判断空格前后句之间 的顺逆接关系,再寻找准确的选项解题就容易多了。平时考生在做阅 读训练的时候要特别注意句子之间的逻辑关系。 ■阅读理解题:跳跃式阅读 这部分其实是前两部分的综合。在读文章时只需抓住文章和各段 的MainIdea即可,有较强阅读水平的考生尽可能地快速读出句子之间 的逻辑关系,而细节内容一律略去。用这种"跳跃式阅读法"效果很好。解题时,学生要放松心态,因为题目不难,仅仅在做一个"定位+同义词、近义词"游戏罢了。值得注意的是这部分与四六级及考研阅读理解


Investors shaken as renminbi’s reputation as ‘one-way bet’ sours Last week the renminbi did something it has not done for years – it shocked the market. During the final three trading sessions of the week, the Chinese currency dropped as much as 1.3 per cent against the US dollar, marking its biggest three-day fall since 2011. The renminbi is now 0.6 per cent weaker against the dollar than it was at the start of the year. While the percentage decline may appear small compared with some of the recent double-digit swings in other emerging market currencies such as the Argentine peso or Kazakh tenge, a move of such magnitude in the renminbi is highly unusual. It could also spell trouble for investors. After years of ultra-low volatility thanks to the managed peg against the dollar, the renminbi has often been the subject of large, highly-leveraged positions for investors viewing it as an


For the markets, rate cuts are like a drug. They can inspire euphoria, but can also induce dependency. Markets, like addicts, need bigger and bigger doses to get the same effect. This has framed the market’s prognosis for the Federal Reserve, which toda y meets to decide on monetary policy. When it cut by 50 basis points in Septemb er, it sparked a huge rally. But cutting by only 25bp in October prompted a rel apse, as US stocks fell and credit tightened once more. With Fed governors admitting that the liquidity squeeze had intensified and traders betting on a recession, markets decided that another 50bp cut must be forthcoming. That sparked the latest rally. But that speculation is dimming: fu tures are pricing a cut of 25bp not 50bp. Why? Central banks sounded hawkish last week. The Bank of England cut the b ank rate but warned on inflation, and the European Central Bank, which was on h old, sounded closer to raising rates than cutting them. Most important, however, is employment data. The Fed is mandated to pursue full employment, so bad jobs numbers provide great cover for a big rate cut.


摘要 商务英语应用文在外贸业务和商务活动中使用越来越广泛而频繁,它在互通商业信息,联系商业事务及促进贸易关系等方面起着重要作用。了解和掌握商务英语应用文写作对国际商务、外贸业务从业人员来说是非常重要的。商务写作的语言具有专业术语丰富性、商务文体多样性、缩略词常用性等特征。因此,商务英语写作需要坚持生动具体、内容完整、清楚简洁、有礼有节等原则。文章重点探讨了商务信函的写作技巧,即选用四部式结构(引言、详情、应答、结束语)、遵循语言原则、注意信函语气等,期望有助于商务写作能力的提高。 关键词:商务写作;商务信函;原则;方法 第2/13页 目录 摘要 (1) 目录 (2) 引言 (3) 1 商务英语写作概述 (3) 1.1 商务英语写作的种类 (3) 1.2 商务英语写作的语言特点 (3) 2 商务英语写作原则 (5) 2.1 生动具体 (5) 2.2 内容完整 (5) 2.3 准确无误 (5) 2.4 清楚简洁 (6) 2.5 有礼有节 (6) 3 商务英语写作基本策略 (6)

4 商务英语信函写作技巧 (7) 4.1 选用四部式结构 (7) 4.2 遵循语言原则 (8) 4.3 注意信函语气 (9) 结束语 (9) 致谢................................................................... 10 参考文献................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 第3/13页 商务英语的写作技巧 引言 随着对外开放的不断扩大和外贸体制改革的不断深化,特别是中国加入WTO后,我国的对外贸易取得较快的发展,国际商务和对外贸易活动日益频繁。对国际商务活动从业人员来说,英语能力是最基本的,也是最重要的。而商务英语应用文在外贸业务和商务活动中使用也越来越广泛而频繁,它在互通商业信息,联系商业事务及促进贸易关系等方面起着重要作用。了解和掌握商务英语应用文写作对国际商务、外贸业务从业人员来说是非常重要的。 众所周知,要写好商务英语应用文,首先要具有一定的英文写作水平与经济贸易知识[1]。其次,应熟悉和掌握各种应用文的写作格式和特点,特别是掌握商务英语的语汇、句型套语和谋篇布局的写作技巧[2]。除此之外,更要了解商务写作和一般性写作的区别,以及商务写作的原则[3]。经过反复地学习、模仿和套用商务英语应用文范例,才能掌握商务英语应用文的书写规律、要求与方法技巧,逐步学会写各类商务英语应用文。 1 商务英语写作概述 1.1 商务英语写作的种类 广义的应用文(Applied writings in broad sense)泛指一切应用文字,文体大致有别于记叙文、抒情文和论说文,界限不太明显;狭义的应用文(Applied writing in narrow sense),主要指政府、机关、群众团体或企业法人间用于交往的文字,如公文(official documents)、函电(1etters or correspondences)等。而随着社会经济的发展,英语应用文的应用范围越来越广泛,以商业为主体的和为商务活动服务的各类实用文体都应包括在英语应用文范畴之内,例如,请柬、

2017年商务英语高级考试阅读翻译资料:Let’s Talk Business

2017年商务英语高级考试阅读翻译资料:Let’s Talk Business Let’s T alk Business SCHAUMBURG, Ill., Jan. 23 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) said today it expects sales in the first quarter of 2002 to be between $6.0 billion and $6.2 billion. The company expects to incur a loss, excluding special items, of between (11) cents and (14) cents per share in the first quarter. The company continues to expect sales from ongoing operations for the full-year 2002 to decline between 5 percent and 10 percent compared to 2001. The company confirmed that it continues to expect to return to profitability in the third quarter of 2002 and be profitable for the full year 2002. Motorola also said that it believes the current 2002

商务英语 小短文

Jason: Good morning. My name's Jason Smith. Interviewer: Ah, good morning, Mr. Smith. Nice to meet you. I'm Peter Anderso n from Personnel. Do sit down. Jason: Thank you very much. Interviewer: Now, have you brought your curriculum vitae with you? Jason: Oh, my curriculum. Yes, here it s. There are three copies. Interviewer: Have you brought your certificates as well? Jason: No, I haven't. I'm awfully sorry. Can I send them to you? Interviewer: Yes, that'll be all right. Well, please tell me about your working ex perience. Jason: I haven't been involved in international business, so I don't have any e xperiences, but I am diligent and I learn very fast. Interviewer: OK, so do you think you can make yourself easily understood in E nglish? Jason: Yes, in most circumstances. Interviewer: Are you available for business travel? Jason: Yes, I am young, and unmarried. It's no problem for me to travel frequ ently.


剑桥商务英语实训报告 商务英语是以适应职场生活的语言要求为目的,内容涉及到商务活动的方方面面。商务英语课程不只是简单地对学员的英文水平、能力的提高,它更多地是向学员传授一种西方的企业管理理念、工作心理,甚至是如何和外国人打交道,如何和他们合作、工作的方式方法,以及他们的生活习惯等,从某种程度上说是包含在文化概念里的。在国际贸易快速发展的今天,英语在国际贸易中的作用也日益重要,然而商务中的英语与日常英语又有所不同,如果不进行专门的训练,一些商务用语根本不可能很好的掌握。 为了了解商务英语在社会和实际工作中的应用,丰富课程的内容,培养我们理论 联系实际的能力,提高在语言应用中分析及解决问题的实际能力。我们学校在这个学期期末组织了商务英语实训。本次实训主要以商务口语,商务阅读以及商务写作为主。实训方式以上课为主。 口语实训旨在使学生更加重视英语口语训练并掌握口语表达的有效技巧,使学生进一步强化英语口语能力以适应职业的需要,从而培养较强的商务英语口语实际交际能力。通过本实训,介绍几种有效提高听力和口语的学习方法,力图克服学生开口难的畏惧心理,最终为学生提高商务英语的应用能力、增强商务环境下的英语口头沟通能力提供具有建设性的语言学习启示,从而建立起具有持续性的语言学习能力。在本次实训中,在进行商务口语练习的过程中,我们在老师的指导下,进行了小组对话练习,对话内容是与商务相关的话题,如当你要招聘一名销售时,你需要考虑哪些因素。在口语练习过程中,我们老师还对我们进行了听力练习,老师强调:在对话中,你是口头信息的传达者,又是口头信息的接受者,所以你只会说或只会听都不行,所以在口语练习中我们要听说并重。在本次口语练习中,老师不断的鼓励和督促我们要开口说话,鼓励我们在课堂上尽量用英语交流。使我们大部分学生都大胆地开口练习,克服了我们在英语学习中的开口难的问题。 商务英语阅读的宗旨是用英语传授经济贸易的基础理论和基础知识,对学生进行全面的、严格的经贸基础理论教育,经贸专业英语语言技能的培训,使学生既掌握经济贸易知识,又能用英语进行经贸工作,阅读有关信息和最新发展的报道。在各种考试中,阅读部分所占的比重是相当大的,所以在这次实训过程中,我们的老师在阅读上花的时间可不少。本部分的练习我们主要是以做题为主,试题主要来源于BEC英语考试的模拟题。但是刚开始时我们都觉得非常难,因为我们不知道商务英语阅读中的技巧,为此老师给我们做了详细的讲解。 积累一定的专业知识和商务背景知识。 商务题材的英语文章的内容往往脱离不了当时或前后的特定的政治、经济和社会背景。如果读者对这些背景知识缺乏了解,即使有很好的英文功底,也不可能很好地理解和领会作者所要传达的商务信息。如果读者能了解一定的政治、经济方面的背景知识就会大大有助于对文章的理解和把握,甚至可以在某些方面弥补语言能力方面的不足。因此,读者应该注意扩大自己的知识面,紧跟当今商务发展形势,广泛涉猎世界政治、经济等方面的知识。 商务英语题材的文章涉及相关的经贸、管理、金融和法律等专业知识,此类文章综合性很强,往往涉及多个专业背景知识,因此,商务英语的学习者必须不断地学习和掌握上述专业基础学科的专业知识,这将在很大程度上有助于读者对
