新概念第一册教材 lesson65-66 精美课件



的英文表达法). • Do you hear? • Enjoy yourself! • We always enjoy ourselves (myself的复数形式), Mum.
m shareful
• Be going to do(动词原形) • Be动词:is am are • I … am • He/She/it 第三人称单数时。 is • We/They 复数时用are
m shareful
m shareful
• 用in, at或from完成以下句子。 • 1 I am going to see him ______ten o'clock. • 2 It often rains ______November. • 3 Where do you come ______? I come
______France. • 4 I always go to work ______the morning. • 5 What's the climate like ______your country? • 6 It's cold ______winter and hot ______summer.
单词 比一比
m shareful
m shareful
• What are you going (go)to do this evening, Jill? • I’m going (go) to meet some friends. • You mustn‘t (must的否定形式) come home late. • You must be home at half past ten(10:30的英文表达法). • I can't (can的否定形式) get home so early, Dad! • Can I have the key to the front door(前门的钥匙), please? • No, you can’t. (否定回答) • She's not a baby. • Give her (she) the key. • She always comes (come) home early. • But you mustn't come home after a quarter past eleven (11:15

新概念第一册教材 lesson65-66 精美课件

新概念第一册教材  lesson65-66 精美课件
Lesson 65 Not a baby
Lesson 66 What’s the time?
Lesson 66.What's the time?
What’s the time?
yourself(you)! /yourselves • 10.Enjoy____
选择题. 1.There is no ink in my pen.May I use________? A your B yours C your's D you 2.She has an apple in one hand and a knife in______. A other B the other C another D others 3.You may keep the book for two weeks,but you mustn't lend it to _____. A other B others C the other D the others
• • • • • • • • • • • •
03:00 02:10 04:12 16:07 09:35 06:00 10:40 13:30 15:15 22:05 18:45 21:55
• 1.Where is Lucy? Lily is looking her for_________.(she) • 2.My uncle is ill.I'm going to see _______(he) in the hospital. him • 3.The dress isn’t mine ,____ mine (I) is pink. • 4.The girl is only seven,but she can do some housework by____ (she). herself hers • 5.The pen isn't yours.It's ________(her).



单词 闯天下
enjoy mum Dad key baby hear
Dad -------Mom
• dad和mum前如没有所有格代词或名词所有
• • • • father, daddy, dad, pa, papa mother , mom, mama, mummy Tom's dad is a worker. Can you buy me a gift, Dad?
• 不可以加动词原形,而要加V-ing 的动词
• enjoy, mind, finish, avoid,like • Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please?
• 你把收音机音量调小一点,好吗?
苏醒,恢复意识 come to oneself He came to himself last night . 为了某人自己 for oneself We made a bookcase for ourselves .
Lesson 65
Not a baby
I’m not a baby!!!!
New words
hear enjoy key ourselves mum dad yourself baby
JILL: We always enjoy ourselves , Mum.
• 1.What are you going to do this evening, Jill? • 由every, this, next等词开头的时间状语前面通 常不加介词。 2.Jill's eighteen years old, Tom. 表示“几岁”,一般由基数词+ year(s) old构 成。在口语中,year(s)old往往可以省去,而 只用数字表示年龄。 She is eighteen.


key words 关键的话语(词) key point 关键点
★hear v. 听见
• ① v. 听见 Eg: Can you hear me? 你能听到吗?
Do you hear? 你听见了吗? • ② v. 倾听,认真听 Eg: We’d better hear what he has to say. • hear from sb. 收到某人的来信 Eg: I hear from my mother every week. • hear of 听说 • listen 听,正在听 • listen to… Eg: He listened but could hear nothing. • listening 听力
•dad和mum前如没有所有格代词或名词所有格作修饰语,就特指自己的父母亲,要大 写。father和mother也是如此。
Can I have the key to the front door, please? No, you can’t.
To the front door是介词短语,作定语,修饰key .
★enjoy v. 玩得快活
• ① v. 过得快活 • enjoy+ 反身代词:玩得高兴 Eg: She enjoyed herself in the vacation. • ② v. 乐于;喜爱 • enjoy+ n.(物体) 喜欢…… Eg: I enjoyed that meal. • enjoy+ Ving+ sth. 喜欢做某事 • ③ v. 享有,享受 Eg: We all enjoy our legal rights.
Jill’s eighteen years old, Tom. She’s not a baby. Give her the key. She always comes home early. Oh, all right.



pron. 我自己 pron. 你自己 pron. 他自己 pron. 她自己 pron. 我们自己 pron. 他们自己
I hear Mary __pl_ay_ing__(play) the paino.
hear sb to do sth. 听见某人 做某事,表示听见的是某人
经常做的事 hear from 收到某人的来信
14 读作:three fourteen
He must arrive here at 1:45. He must telephone you at 3:20
himself yourself myself
at half past three in the morning at five forty in the morning.
FATHER: Oh, all right!
Unit 33
FATHER: Here you are.But you mustn't
come home after a quarter past
eleven. Do you hear?
JILL: Yes. Dad.
JILL: Thanks, Mum.
Lesson 65 Not a baby Lesson 66 What’s the time?
Does Jill’s father give the key to her?
Yes, he does.
• Not a baby
Unit 33
• FATHER: What are you going to do this evening. Jill?

新概念英语第一册65课-66课 PPT

新概念英语第一册65课-66课 PPT

F: What are you going to F: You mustn’t come
do this evening, Jill?
home late.
J: I’m going to meet
You must be home at
some friends,Dad.
half past ten.
J: I can’t get home so
Listen again then answer these questions. 4. Does her father want to give her the key?
No, he doesn’t. 5.When must Jill get home? She must get home before a quarter past eleven. 6. Do she and her friends always enjoy themselves? Yes, they do.
F: Oh, all right.
Can I have the key to the front door, please? the key to the exercises/ the answer to the question give her the key Give sb sth/ give sth to sb.
She always comes home early. I always have eggs and milk for breakfast. Tom is always late for school. Mary is always ready to help others.
The important points



遇到难题 (一)句型 1. My computer is too slow. It slows down
my work. =There’s something wrong with my
computer. It delays my work. I can’t work without computer.
• hear from sb. 收到某人的来信 I hear from my mother every week.
• hear of 听说 How did you hear of our product?
4. enjoy v. 玩得快活;乐于,喜爱;享受 enjoy+ 反身代词:玩得高兴
She enjoyed herself in the vacation. enjoy+ n.(物体) 喜欢……
Lesson 65
Not a baby
Dad key baby hear enjoy yourself ourselves mum
n. 爸(儿语) n. & adj.钥匙;关键的 n. 婴儿 v. 听见 v. 玩得快活 pron.你自己 pron.我们自己 n. 妈妈
1. Dad dad和mum前如没有所有格代词或名词所 有格作修饰语,就特指自己的父母亲,要 大写。
Is there anything I can do? Who can tell me how to deal with the problem? Do you know what’s wrong with the printer?
5. Can you give me some advice?
Sorry, I can’t give you any advice.



人称代词 人称 主格 宾格
物主代词 所有格, 名词 形容性 性物主代 物主代 词 词 my your his her its our your their mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs
第一人称 单 数 第二人称 第三人称
我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他 们 她 们它们
• 你把收音机音量调小一点,好吗?
• 当宾语和主语是同一个人时,一般需要用反身代词。 • 反身代词有:myself,herself,himself, ourselves,yourselves,themselves • The old lady is talking to herself. • 这个老妇人在自言自语。 • 反身代词也可与名词连用,表达“就是那个人而不 是别人”的意思。 • They wanted to finish the work themselves. • 他们想独自完成作业。
I you he she it we you they
me you him her it us you them
myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves
复 数
第二人称 第三人称
• 通常使用介词on表示 • 星期几(on Monday) • 一天中的某段时间(on Monday morning) • 日期(on April 1st) • 星期几+日期(on Monday, April 1st) • 具体时间(on that day) • 周年纪念日(on your birthday) • 节日(on Christmas Day)



Questions to Ask
1, Is Jill going to stay at home this evening? 2,What is Jill going to do? 3,When must she come home? 4,Can she get home at half past ten? 5,What does she want to do?
新概念英语第一 册学习讲义
学习步骤: 1,新单词学习 2,课文的讲解以及阅读 3,现场演示 4,问答环节 5,关键知识点的讲解
Lesson 65 Not A Baby
© 2010 E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All Rights Reserved.
© 2010 E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company. All Rights Reserved.
•9、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作与笔记使人精确……史鉴使人明智;诗歌使人巧慧2021/9/252021/9/25Saturday, September 25, 2021 •10、每一本书是一级小阶梯,我每爬上一级,就更脱离畜生而上升到人类,更接近美好生活的观念,更热爱书籍。2021/9/252021/9/252021/9/259/25/2021 9:26:26 PM •11、书是人类进步的阶梯,终生的伴侣,最诚挚的朋友。2021/9/252021/9/252021/9/25Sep-2125-Sep-21 •12、阅读一本不适合自己阅读的书,比不阅读还要坏。我们必须会这样一种本领,选择最有价值、最适合自己所需要的读物。2021/9/252021/9/252021/9/25Saturday, September 25, 2021 13、He who seize the right moment, is the right man.谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。2021/9/252021/9/252021/9/252021/9/259/25/2021 •14、谁要是自己还没有发展培养和教育好,他就不能发展培养和教育别人。2021年9月25日星期六2021/9/252021/9/252021/9/25 •15、一个爱书的人,他必定不致缺少一个忠实的朋友,一个良好的老师,一个可爱的伴侣,一个优婉的安慰者。2021年9月2021/9/252021/9/252021/9/259/25/2021 •16、提出一个问题往往比解决一个更重要。因为解决问题也许仅是一个数学上或实验上的技能而已,而提出新的问题,却需要有创造性的想像力,而且标志着科学的真正进步。 2021/9/252021/9/25September 25, 2021 •17、看文字须大段精彩看,耸起精神,竖起筋骨,不要困,如有刀剑在后一般。就一段中须要透;击其首则尾应,击其尾则首应,方始是。不可按册子便在,掩了册子便忘。 2021/9/252021/9/252021/9/252021/9/25


1)Jill is____ years old. 2)Jill always ____ ____ early. 3)Jill musn't come home after _______ 4)Can Jill have the key ? () A. Yes, She can . B.No, She can't.
单词 闯天下
enjoy mum Dad key baby hear
It’s time to watch.
Enjoy yourselves!
How old are you?
Do you have any friends?
FATHER: You musn't come home late. You must be home at half past ten. JILL: I can't get home so early, Dad! JILL: Can I have the key to the front door please? FATHER: No, you can't.
• 用法: Be going to + 动词原形
• Is am are
• Be going to 句型
• 疑问句:
Are you going to school?பைடு நூலகம்
肯定回答:Yes,I am. No,I am not.

新概念一LESSON 65-66课件

新概念一LESSON 65-66课件

• FATHER: Here you are. e home after a quarter past eleven. Do you hear? JILL: Yes. Dad.
• JILL: Thanks, Mum. MOTHER: That's all right. Goodbye. Enjoy yourself! JILL: We always enjoy ourselves, Mum. Bye-bye.
Lesson 65
Not a baby
I’m not a baby!!!!
hear enjoy dad key baby ourselves yourself mum
A:What are you going to do tomorrow evening? B:I’m going to meet some friends. Can I have the key to the front door,please? You must come home early. You mustn’t come home after 10:00.
★Dad dad和mum前如没有所有格代词或名词所有 格作修饰语,就特指自己的父母亲,要大 写。 翻译: Can you buy me a gift, Dad?
★ get home arrive home ★ give
sb. Sth. 动词,介词后+宾格人称代词 sth. to sb. 当某物是代词,只用此结构 Give her the key. Give the key to her. Give me an apple. Give an apple to me. Give it to me.
Lesson 66


Lesson 65 Not a baby
Words and expressions
• Dad & Mum • Key • Baby • Hear • Enjoy • Yourself • Ourselves
课文详注 Further notes on the text
• 1.What are you going to do this evening, Jill? 今晚你打算干什么,吉尔?
他们 她 they 们它们
me you him her it us
you them
所有格, 名词性
物主代 词

his her its our
his hers its ours
• 3.Jill's eighteen years old, Tom. 吉 尔都18岁了,汤姆。
• 表示“几岁”,一般由基数词+ year(s) old 构成。在口语中,year(s) old往往可以省去 ,而只用数字表示年龄。如:
• She is eighteen. 她18岁。 • 4.That's all right. 不用谢。 • 当别人表示感谢时,可以作出如是回答。还
Lesson 66 What’s the time?
• 月-日-年 • Month Day, Year • May 15th, 2011 • 介词in/on



★enjoy v. 玩得快活;乐于,喜爱;享受 • enjoy+ 反身代词:玩得高兴 She enjoyed herself in the vacation. • enjoy+ n.(物体) 喜欢…… I enjoyed that meal. • enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 We enjoyed driving along the new highway. We all enjoy our legal rights.
• • • • • • •
I— you— it-she— he— we— they--
人称代词 数 人称 主格 宾格
物主代词 所有格, 名词性 形容性 物主代 物主代 词 词 my your mine yours
单 第一人称 人称代词表格 数 第二人称
我 你
I you
me you
myself yourself
• must三大句子 • I must go home.(肯定句) • I must not go home.(否定句) • Must I go home?(疑问句) Yes, you must./No, you mustn’t.(不可 以) No, you needn’t.(不必 )
must stay Can… sing can type Must... come can’t go mustn’t play

她 它
she it we
her it us
her its our
hers its ours
herself itself Ourselv es [,au?'sel



Grammar points
What are you going to do this evening, Jill?
be going to与will两者都可表示将要发生的事、将要去做某事,但 它们有如下几点区别: 1.be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时 间则较远一些,如: He is going to write a letter tonight. He will write a book one day. 2.be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情,will表示客 观上将来势必发生的事情. He is seriously ill. He is going to die. He will be twenty years old. 3.be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思, 如: She is going to lend us her book. He will be here in half an hour. 4.在有条件从句的主句中,一般不用 be going to,而多用will,如:
2.hear about 听说, 听到关於某事物的消息
3. hear of sth./+ that 听说什么事情. 4.hear sb可以听见某人说话 你能听到我吗? Can you hear me ?
• enjoy v.意思是“喜欢” 、“乐于” 、“享受 ……的乐趣” . (1) enjoy+n /doing sth: eg: They are enjoying their dinner. Do you enjoy your holiday? Do you enjoy reading? He doesn‘t enjoy singing. (2) enjoy +(反身代词oneself), 构成固定搭配 enjoy oneself,意为“过得愉快、玩得高兴” , =have a good time / have fun.
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4.They made the machine all by __________. A themselves B himself C yourself D itself
5.She bought a nice coat for_______. A themselves B himself C yourself D herself 6.Please help _______ to some fish ,children. A yourselves B himself C yourself D itself
She's not a baby. Give her the key. She always comes home early.
Unit 33
FATHER: Oh, all right! FATHER: Here you are. But you mustn't come home after
a quarter past eleven. Do you hear?
• enjoy oneself • • =have fun • =have a good time • say to oneself • 自言自语
• teach oneself • 自学 • all by oneself • 独自 • help oneself • 别客气;随便吃....
Please help yourself to some fish. 请你随便吃点鱼。 I could not dress (myself) up at that time. 那个时候我不能打扮我自己。 He always thinks others than himself. 他总是为别人着想。
Not a baby
Unit 33
FATHER: What are you going to do this evening. Jill? JILL: I'm going to meet some friends. Dad. FATHER: You mustn't come home late.
You must be home at half past ten.
JILL: I can't get home so early, Dad! JILL: Can I have the key to the front door please? FATHER: No, you can't. MOTHER: Jill's eighteen years old, Tom.
I hear Mary ______(play) the paino.
hear from sb. =have a letter from sb.
hear of
listen to
eg.I listen to the teacher carefully in
Lesson 65 Not a baby
Lesson 66 What’s the time?
Lesson 66.What's the time?
What’s the time?
What time is it?It’s….
• 分类:
人称代词: I you he she ..... 物主代词:my your his her its... 反身代词:myself..... 不定代词:something anything somebody... 指示代词:this that... 相互代词:each other.... 疑问代词:who what which ...
• 6.John put the suit on,and then went to look at______ himself (he)in a mirror. • 7.I don't know Jack can swim.Who teaches him? himself • Nobody! He teaches __________(he). me • 8.Can you help__________(I) with my English? yourself • 9.Can you do it by________(you)?
JILL: Yes. Dad. JILL: Thanks, Mum. MOTHER: That's all right. Goodbye.
Enjoy yourself!
We always enjoy ourselves, Mum. Byebye.
He must arrive here at 1:45.
pron. 我自己 pron. 你自己 pron. 他自己 pron. 她自己 pron. 我们自己 pron. 他们自己
myself yourself himself,herself,itself
ourselves yourselves themselves
• • • • • • 8:00 / 12:00 6:02 / 16:27 7:33 / 20:57 1:30 / 23:30 3:15 / 22:15 10:45 / 19:45 • • • • • 整点时,o’clock < 30分钟,past >30分钟,to =30分钟,half past 15分钟,a quarter
• He enjoys ___ (listen)to the music.
• 1.What is Jill going to do this evening? • 2.What did his father say to him before he went out? • 3.Can Jill have the key to the front door? • 4.How old is Jill? • 5.Does Jill always come home early or late? • 6. What did her father say to Jill at last? • 7.What did her mother say to Jill ? • 8.Does Jill take the key to the front door?
yourself(you)! /yourselves • 10.Enjoy____
选择题. 1.There is no ink in my pen.May I use________? A your B yours C your's D you 2.She has an apple in one hand and a knife in______. A other B the other C another D others 3.You may keep the book for two weeks,but you mustn't lend it to _____. A other B others C the other D the others
class, but I can’t hear anything.
Enjoy yourself! We always enjoy ourselves.
• • • • • •
enjoy sth. 喜爱某物 enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做...... enjoy oneself 某人玩得开心
Lesson 65 Not a baby
Lesson 66 What’s the time?
Unit 33
key n.钥匙
• • • • •
n. 答案;键; adj. 关键的
the key to sth. 某事的答案 the keys of a piano 钢琴的键
问题的答案 the key to the question 门的钥匙 the key to the door 关键词 key words Can I have the key to the front door? 我能有前门的钥匙吗?
• • • • • • • • • • • •
03:00 02:10 04:12 16:07 09:35 06:00 10:40 13:30 15:15 22:05 18:45 21:55
• 1.Where is Lucy? Lily is looking her for_________.(she) • 2.My uncle is ill.I'm going to see _______(he) in the hospital. him • 3.The dress isn’t mine ,____ mine (I) is pink. • 4.The girl is only seven,but she can do some housework by____ (she). herself hers • 5.The pen isn't yours.It's ________(her).
• He saw himself in the mirror.
• He saw him in the mirror . • (him 为另外一个人)
• 反身代词 • 表示反射或强调的代词。 • (表示某人自己)

• 反身代词与它所指的名词或代词形成互指 关系, • 在人称、性质、数上保持一致。
myself yourself himself herself ourselves themselves
hear v. 听见