英语作文 开幕词

英语作文开幕词Dear distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,。
It is my great honor to welcome all of you to this special occasion. Today, we are gathered here to celebrate the opening of this event and to share our excitement and enthusiasm.Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to all the organizers and participants who have worked tirelessly to make this event a success. Your hard work and dedication have made this event possible, and we are all grateful for your efforts.This event is a reflection of our shared vision and commitment to excellence. It is a platform for us to showcase our talents, exchange ideas, and learn from each other. It is also an opportunity for us to build new relationships and strengthen existing ones.As we embark on this journey together, let us remember that we are all here for a common purpose. Let us embrace diversity and inclusivity, and respect each other's opinions and perspectives. Let us also strive for excellence in everything we do, and never settle for mediocrity.In conclusion, I would like to once again thank all of you for being here today. I hope that this event will be a memorable and enriching experience for all of us, and that it will inspire us to continue pursuing our passions and dreams.Thank you.。

开幕式主持词英文篇一:开幕式主持词(英文)The12thpostgraduatebasketballleagueofnanjing Universityofaeronauticsandastronauticsdearfriends:Goodafternoon!inthiscrispautumn,the12thpostgraduatebasketballleagueofnUaaiscoming.T hisleagueaimsateichingourextracurricularactivitiesandcreatingapositiveat mosphereincampus.it’salsoagoodopportunitytocultivateoursenseofteam.Today,thebasketballcour tisyourstage! Specialthankstoourforeignfriendsfortheirparticipationintheleaguethisyear. nowletmeintroducethemtoyou.Theyare……Thebasketballleaguethisyearconsistsofslamdunkshow,3-pointcontestando peninggame.ineverycontest,wewouldofferexquisitepresentstoexcellentpla yersandteams.webelievethatallofyouwouldtryyourbestinthematchandhave agoodtimeduringtheleague.atthesametime,webelievethatallrefereeswoulde nsurejusticeinthematchandpresentasuccessfulleaguetous.Bestwishestoallte amsandhopeyoucangetbrilliantresults.i’mverygladtoannouncethatthefirstsectionthisyearisslamdunkshowfromourf oreignfriends!welcome!……Thankyouforyourgreatshow,verycool!Herearepresentsforyou,thankyouaga in!Thenextsectionis3-pointcontest,pleaseholdonourbreathandseewhoisthe bestshooter!welcome!……Thankyouforyourexcellentperformance,herecometheresults. Theentryprize:XXX;Thethirdprize:XXX;Thesecondprize:XXX;Thefirstprize:XXX.congratulations!Thankyouagainforyourperformance!Thankyou!……next,thehighlightthisyeariscoming!Yes,it’souropeninggame!nowlet’swelcomethetwoteamsinfirstmatch!篇二:英语节开幕式开幕主持词英语猜词大赛主持词第二届届英语节开幕式主持词(双语)开场音乐Goodafternoon.Leaders,teachersandallthefriends.尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好!it’sourgreathonortowelcomealltheguests.Thankyouforjoiningus.欢迎各位尊贵的来宾光临我们的大赛Yourcomingwillgiveusmoreencouragementandconfidence.各位的到来给我们送来了一份鼓励,一份信心。
主持人开场 英文

Introduction by the HostGood evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to tonight’s special event. I am thrilled to be your host for this remarkable gathering. My name is __________, and it is my absolute pleasure to stand before you tonight and guide you through this extraordinary journey.First and foremost, allow me to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for gracing this occasion with your presence. Your enthusiasm and support have made this event possible, and we are truly indebted to your unwavering commitment.Tonight, we have assembled here to celebrate and acknowledge the accomplishments, dedication, and collective effort of an exceptional group of individuals. Through their hard work, resilience, and sheer determination, they have raised the bar and set new standards in their respective fields.As we embark on this incredible adventure together, let us take a moment to reflect upon the significance of this gathering. Tonight is not just about recognizing accomplishments; it is about cherishing the spirit of unity, camaraderie, and collaboration that binds us as a community.Furthermore, this event serves as a testament to the power of human potential. It reminds us that we are capable of achieving greatness when we harness our passion, leverage our unique talents, and strive for excellence. Tonight’s celebration is a showcase of the immense possibilities that lie within each one of us.However, let us not forget that this evening is also an opportunity for personal growth and learning. As we listen to the stories and experiences of our distinguished guests, let us be inspired by their journeys and embrace the invaluable wisdom they have gathered along the way.In conclusion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our incredible sponsors and partners who have made this event possible. It is their unwavering support and generosity that allows us to come together and celebrate these remarkable achievements.Ladies and gentlemen, I urge you to sit back, relax, and fully immerse yourselves in this enriching evening. Let us celebrate the human spirit, embrace the power of unity, and forge new connections that will undoubtedly enrich our lives.Once again, thank you for joining us, and I wish you all an unforgettable evening filled with excitement, inspiration, and joy! Let the festivities begin!Note: This document was written using Markdown formatting for ease of reading and editing.。

诚聚,这是文化的魅力所至程子健:精诚所至王周阳:Sinceritymovestheearth.吴静漪:聚享育华林朝依:Joybringsustogether.Distinguishedguests王周阳:Dearteachersandfellowstudents合:大家上午好!吴静漪:文化节举办至今已8年,我们一直于追寻中展现精致真诚每一届文化节梦想实现的历程即是一段千山万水走遍的彰显程子健:文化节今年已经8岁,我们一直于巅峰之上亦稳步前行每一届文化节超越自我的记录都有不同肤色相知相守的秉持吴静漪:精诚所至古老相传的信条林朝依:Asthesayinggoes:Thecommonfaithbringsustogether.程子健:你,我和他们,将在这里共同演绎聚享育华的传奇吴、程合:欢迎我们的新老朋友的到来王周阳:YouandIwillsharethefeast.Letsextendwarmwelcometoouroldandnewfriends!顺序:香港、淳安、新加坡、日本、韩国、印度、德国、外宾(汉基)、内宾程子健:有请谬雪芳副校长和香港启思中学林朝依:NowletswelcomeVICEPrincipalWanitaMouandHongKongCreativeSe condarySchool(外宾上场)程子健:请允许我们表达最诚挚的欢迎林朝依:Pleaseallowustoconveythemostsinceregreetingstothem (礼宾献花)程子健:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声感谢他们的到来!林朝依:Morewarmapplause,please!(欢送下场)吴静漪:有请廖前明校长和淳安汾口中学的师生王周阳:LetswelcomeprincipleLiaoQianmingand.teachersandstudentsfr omChunanFenkoumiddleschool吴静漪:请允许我们表达最诚挚的欢迎王周阳:Pleaseallowustoconveythemostsinceregreetingstothem 吴静漪:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!王周阳:Morewarmapplause,please!程子健:有请李开森主任和新加坡华侨中学以及华中寄宿学校的师生林朝依:NowletswelcomeMr.LeekaisimandteachersfromHwaChongInstitut ion,andHwaChongBoardingSchool(外宾上场)程子健:请允许我们表达最诚挚的欢迎林朝依:Pleaseallowustoconveythemostsinceregreetingstothem (礼宾献花)程子健:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声感谢他们的到来!林朝依:Morewarmapplause,please!(欢送下场)程子健:有请日本石田邦明校长和日本静冈中学的师生林朝依:Nowletswelcomeprincipal石田邦明andteachersfromSchizuokaSchool,Japan?(外宾上场)程子健:请允许我们表达最诚挚的欢迎林朝依:Pleaseallowustoconveythemostsinceregreetingstothem (礼宾献花)程子健:让我们再一次用热烈的掌声感谢他们的到来!林朝依:Morewarmapplause,please!(欢送下场)吴静漪:欢迎我们的朋友。

主持稿英语开场白篇1Woman: Songs curl old speechMale: dance to celebrate Chinese New YearDistinguished guestsDear colleaguesGood evening everyone!Man: just past 20__ years, the company is carrying a year. Company x year...... (the companys performance), relying on __ more resources and support platform, to further strengthen the product technology research and development strength, in the entire industry suffered winter environment, we are not intimidated by difficulties, the companys business has maintained sustained and steady development, and achieved good results.Female: success with hardships, joy with sweat. In the bustling about every day, we imperceptibly ushered in the new year 20__!Boy: today, let us have a joyous gathering here, imagine a better tomorrow. NowUnited: __20__ annual meeting officially started!主持稿英语开场白篇2(male) distinguished leaders,(female) dear guests,(male) friendsGood evening everyone!(male) fireworks spring news early, Taofu years old were everywhere;(female) spring breeze dancing in front of Liu Yuan, rain drives spending;(male) in the old words, beautiful moment of spring, we ushered in the __X 20__ reunion gala.(female) me tonight? -- all my colleagues in the company? Together, like yesterday??and?the future outlook of the company?!(male) looking back on the past, the year of the monkey? In me? Every Forget, she gave us hope, harvest, more important is to give us the experience of growth.(female), future? A year? A year of the rooster, usher in a better tomorrow. We firmly believe that: in Chinas sustained rapid economic development driven by the companys business will be able to prosper, her tomorrow will be better.(male) firecrackers?(female) and send warm welcome spring May the new year (male) gun My good luck?The rooster crow (female) may give us peace and happiness of vocal cords(male) Im the host(female) Im the host(male) I am here today, is the company s colleagues, at the same time very honored, we also invited customers and manufacturers of guests. They are: Mr. __X, Mr. __X, Mr. __X (female) Mr. __X, Mr. __,(33) the development and success of the company is inseparable from your strong support and help, and we, in the face of such a strong hand, say that it is a grand welcome and heartfelt feeling.(male) please have the following general manager of the company, Mr. __X came to power, Mr. __X in 20__, it is the three diamond jubilee, married? Er, the birth, the performance of the company on the upgrade gratifying. Let us warm applause for his sincere blessing (applause), please Mr. __X for our new year greetings.Annual event hosted the opening remarks seven (brief opening remarks):Hostess: distinguished guestsModerator: Dear staff Good evening everyone!Female Moderator: Here we first to wish you all a (hand bow)Moderator: time, such as running water, a years time so quietly slipped away, so hastily.Female host: a review of 20__, we __ achievement is gratifying. These are all my colleagues here cannot do without effort and company leadership.Moderator: here on behalf of the company, I would like to express my gratitude to all of you. Thank you for your hard work.Moderator: the new year began, in the face of the dead 20__, let us look back on it, let us summarize it, let us remember it!Female Moderator: Tonight we use the song, cheers to greet the new 20__!主持稿英语开场白篇3Good evening,ladies and gentlemen,:welcome to __ china night, i am the hostess for today.here, i’d like to say thank you to all the experts and scholars being present,thank you for joining the activity.as it is known to everyone ,the chinese culture enjoys a long history with chinese kongfu,peking opera and acrobatics glittering and shining in every corner of the world. on the splendid stage tonight ,we will dedicate you a series of excellent performances and sure we will venture together into the mysterious chinese culture.red,known as the symbol of happiness and celebration, had brought the charm and strength od chinese culture into all parts of the world .today, we will start our china night with a fantastic chinese traditional dancing.主持稿英语开场白篇4Man:Dear colleagues. Good evening, guys.Woman: in the golden autumn, the fragrance of Osmanthus fragrans, in this big day of national celebration.Man: stop! Stop - stop! I read less, you dont cheat me, listen to you say so, I instantly feel mywhole people are confused!Woman: whats the matter? On this happy day.Man: I said, can we still have fun together? This evening is the time for many departments of Shanghai Yihong group company to get together and share the year-end grand meeting. You are both osmanthus and fragrant. Whats the matter? Together with you, you are holding a rabbit on the osmanthus tree. After the Mid Autumn Festival and the 11th National Day, how do you want to spend the Spring Festival together? Big day? After that, you plan to live in the tree? Monkey!?Woman: ouch, I hate it. I dont mean that. Im very happy and excited when I see a small group of us togetherMan: talk well!Woman: good! Hello, guys. Im Guan Yan, the host of the party today.Man: Hello guys, Im Bao Erchao, the host of the party today.Together: I wish you a happy new year and all the best!主持稿英语开场白篇5Man:Dear leaders and guests:Dear colleagues:Good afternoon, everyone!Man: the moon is like a song, and the light is like a dreamWoman: time flies, time fliesMan: the harvest gongs and drums, wake up the new yearsWoman: blooming plum, writing spring informationMan: 365 unforgettable days in the past 20__ year, from the dancing snowflakes, from the peoples fingers, quietly flow away.Woman: a year back, everything is new, we are about to enter the 20__ years full of expectation and charmMan: on this day of going forward, we have gathered together to hold a happy and peaceful party, celebrate our achievements and look forward to our future. Here, lets express our sincere thanks to our customers who have always supported usFemale: at the same time, I send sincere greetings to all the staff and say:He: you are hard!Woman: and I wish you all good health in the new year, all the best, and work well! Happy family!Man: looking back on every achievement, we all unite the hard work and hard work of the leading group of the company, and the hard work and sweat of all the staff.Woman: the change of years is the same as the joint development of all members of the company, the same is hope, and the dream is rising.Man: without a cold, how can plum blossom put on the nose. The pain of compression, drinking the bitter coffee at night, without rhythm of water waves, is just a salty and astringent life. Without civilized water and fire, we can never get rid of disaster. Life is like climbing a mountain, life is like a river. Please enjoy the song live out to yourself from.Woman: as you all know, Latin dance is regarded as the most enjoyable and sexy fitness exercise. Please enjoy the hot feeling brought by passion Latin dance~Man: its a peaceful night, its a happy night, and theres no sleep tonight.Woman: today we are together. Today we are singing and dancing. Today we are together.Man: we are with us - how many days and nights have passed, there are pain, grievances, heartache, sweetness and smile.Female: Its our warm home, where we can realize our dream. Listen to the song today!。

First and foremost, I would like to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. Your presence here today is a testament to your commitment and dedication to this cause. Whether you are a distinguished guest, a participant, or a member of the organizing committee, your contributions are aluable, and we are truly grateful for your support.
As we open the curtains on this event, I cannot help but reflect on the journey that has led us to this point. It is a journey filled with challenges, obstacles, and countless hours of hard work. However, it is also a journey marked by perseverance, resilience, and an unwavering belief in the power of collaboration. Today, we stand on the cusp of something great, something that will leave an indelible mark on our lives and the lives of those we aim to serve.



万能开幕词范文英文Title:Opening Speech Sample.Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen,I am honored and delighted to welcome you all to this special occasion. Today marks a significant moment for all of us as we gather here for [event name]. It is a pleasure to see so many familiar faces and new friends joining us today.This event represents [brief description of the event], and I am thrilled to witness the enthusiasm and energy that each of you brings to this gathering. Together, we have the opportunity to [purpose of the event].As we embark on this journey together, let us remember the importance of [key message of the event]. Let us embrace this opportunity to [encouragement or call to action].I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have worked tirelessly to make this event a reality. Your dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and we are truly grateful for your efforts.Let us make the most of this gathering, share our ideas, and celebrate our achievements together. I wish you all a wonderful [event name] filled with inspiration,collaboration, and success.Thank you.中文翻译:万能开幕词。

万能英语主持开场白中英对照一、适用于一般性活动Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to [name of the event]. I'm your host [your name].晚上好,亲爱的女士们、先生们!欢迎来到[活动名称]。
二、适用于文化交流活动Hello, everyone! I'm so glad to see you all here today at this wonderful cultural exchange event. My name is [your name].大家好!今天能在这个精彩的文化交流活动上见到大家,我非常高兴。
三、适用于学术研讨会议Good morning, distinguished guests, scholars, and researchers. Welcome to this academic symposium. I'm [your name], your host for today.早上好,尊敬的嘉宾、学者和研究人员们。
四、适用于比赛类活动Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Welcome to this exciting competition. I'm your host [your name]. Let's look forward to an amazing show today.女士们、先生们,孩子们!欢迎来到这场激动人心的比赛。

Title: Opening Ceremony Host Script inEnglishLadies and gentlemen,As we embark on this journey, I encourage each and every one of you to embrace the spirit of openness, curiosity, and inclusivity. Let us engage in meaningful conversations, challenge conventional thinking, and dare to dream big. Together, we have the power to shape a brighter future.Now, without further ado, I am honored to introduce our esteemed keynote speaker, [Keynote Speaker's Name]. [Keynote Speaker's Name] is a renowned expert in [Keynote Speaker's Field] and has made significant contributions to the industry. We are privileged to have [Keynote Speaker's Name] sharetheir insights and expertise with us today.[Transition to Keynote Speaker's Speech]Once again, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all of youfor joining us today. Let us make the most of thisopportunity and create lasting memories together.Thank you.Title: Opening Ceremony Host Script in EnglishLadies and gentlemen,As we embark on this journey, I encourage each and every one of you to embrace the spirit of openness, curiosity, and inclusivity. Let us engage in meaningful conversations, challenge conventional thinking, and dare to dream big. Together, we have the power to shape a brighter future.Now, without further ado, I am honored to introduce our esteemed keynote speaker, [Keynote Speaker's Name]. [Keynote Speaker's Name] is a renowned expert in [Keynote Speaker's Field] and has made significant contributions to the industry. We are privileged to have [Keynote Speaker's Name] sharetheir insights and expertise with us today.[Transition to Keynote Speaker's Speech]Once again, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all of youfor joining us today. Let us make the most of thisopportunity and create lasting memories together.Thank you.[Transition to the next segment of the ceremony]Now, as we continue with the opening ceremony, I wouldlike to invite [Name of the next speaker or performer] to the stage. [Name of the next speaker or performer] will be [brief description of their role or performance].[Transition to the next speaker or performer]After [Name of the next speaker or performer]'s presentation, we will have a short break to allow everyone tonetwork and enjoy some refreshments. This is a great opportunity to connect with fellow attendees and discuss the insights gained so far.Please make sure to return promptly after the break, as we have a full agenda of exciting sessions lined up for the day.I would like to remind everyone to be respectful of the speakers and fellow attendees throughout the event. Let us foster an environment of mutual respect and openmindedness.Once again, thank you for being here today. I am confident that the next few hours will be filled with inspiration, learning, and unforgettable moments.Enjoy the rest of the ceremony and make the most of this incredible gathering.Thank you.Title: Opening Ceremony Host Script in EnglishLadies and gentlemen,As we embark on this journey, I encourage each and every one of you to embrace the spirit of openness, curiosity, and inclusivity. Let us engage in meaningful conversations, challenge conventional thinking, and dare to dream big. Together, we have the power to shape a brighter future.Now, without further ado, I am honored to introduce our esteemed keynote speaker, [Keynote Speaker's Name]. [KeynoteSpeaker's Name] is a renowned expert in [Keynote Speaker's Field] and has made significant contributions to the industry. We are privileged to have [Keynote Speaker's Name] sharetheir insights and expertise with us today.[Transition to Keynote Speaker's Speech]Once again, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all of youfor joining us today. Let us make the most of thisopportunity and create lasting memories together.Thank you.[Transition to the next segment of the ceremony]Now, as we continue with the opening ceremony, I wouldlike to invite [Name of the next speaker or performer] to the stage. [Name of the next speaker or performer] will be [brief description of their role or performance].[Transition to the next speaker or performer]After [Name of the next speaker or performer]'s presentation, we will have a short break to allow everyone to network and enjoy some refreshments. This is a great opportunity to connect with fellow attendees and discuss the insights gained so far.Please make sure to return promptly after the break, aswe have a full agenda of exciting sessions lined up for the day.I would like to remind everyone to be respectful of the speakers and fellow attendees throughout the event. Let us foster an environment of mutual respect and openmindedness.Once again, thank you for being here today. I am confident that the next few hours will be filled with inspiration, learning, and unforgettable moments.Enjoy the rest of the ceremony and make the most of this incredible gathering.Thank you.[Transition to the closing remarks of the ceremony]I would like to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for your presence and participation. Your enthusiasm and dedication have made this event a resounding success. Together, we have laid the foundation for a transformative experience that will continue to unfold throughout the duration of this gathering.Before we adjourn for the day, I would like to remind you to stay connected and engaged. Take advantage of the networking opportunities, engage in meaningful conversations, and embrace the spirit of collaboration. Let us continue to inspire and learn from one another, as we work towards a brighter future.Once again, thank you for being here today. I am confident that the connections made and the knowledge shared will have a lasting impact on each and every one of us.Enjoy the rest of the event and make the most of this incredible opportunity.Thank you and farewell.。

会议主持英文开场白英文回答:Good morning, esteemed guests and participants. It is with great honor and excitement that I welcome you all to this highly anticipated conference.Today, we embark on a collective journey to explore the transformative potential of emerging technologies. As the digital landscape continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, it is imperative that we gather to exchange insights, ignite innovation, and shape the future of our industries.Over the next few days, we will delve into a wide range of topics that are at the forefront of technological advancement. From artificial intelligence and machine learning to blockchain and data analytics, we will explore the myriad ways in which technology is disrupting and redefining established norms.We have assembled a distinguished group of industry experts, thought leaders, and visionaries to share their knowledge, insights, and perspectives. Their expertisespans a diverse range of fields, ensuring that we will gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by the technological revolution.Through keynote speeches, interactive panel discussions, and engaging workshops, we will foster an environment of open dialogue and collaboration. We encourage you toactively participate, ask questions, and share your own experiences and ideas.Let us embrace this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from the best and brightest inthe field, and collectively shape the future of technology. Together, we can harness the power of innovation to createa more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous world.中文回答:尊敬的各位来宾和与会者,上午好。

运动会开幕式英语主持词三篇篇一:Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,Good evening and welcome to the grand opening ceremony of our annual Sports Day! We are gathered here today to celebrate the spirit of sportsmanship and the importance of physical fitness in our lives.Firstly, let us take a moment to appreciate the hard work and dedication of all the athletes who have been training tirelessly for this event. They have shown immense determination and perseverance in their pursuit of excellence. Let us give them a round of applause!Today, we have gathered here from different schools and backgrounds, uniting us in the spirit of healthy competition. Sports not only bring people together but also teach us valuable life lessons such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience. It is through these qualities that we can overcome challenges and achieve our goals.As we witness the opening ceremony, prepare to be mesmerized by the colorful parade of athletes representing their respective schools. Each team will proudly march onto the field, displaying their school colors and waving their flags high. Let us show our support and cheer for our favorite teams!During the course of the Sports Day, we will witness a variety of exciting events that will test the athletes’ speed, agility, and strength. From track and field events to team sports, eachcompetition will showcase the incredible talent and skills of our athletes. Let us encourage them with our applause and cheers!In addition to the competitive events, we have also organized fun activities and games for everyone to enjoy. There will be face painting, balloon twisting, and even a bouncy castle for the younger participants. So, make sure to explore the different stalls and make the most of this festive atmosphere!Finally, I would like to extend my gratitude to all the teachers, coaches, and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to make this event possible. Your dedication and support have been instrumental in creating a memorable Sports Day for everyone involved.Once again, I would like to welcome you all to the opening ceremony of our Sports Day. Let us celebrate the power of sports and embrace the spirit of healthy competition. May the best athletes win, and may this event be filled with joy, camaraderie, and unforgettable memories!Thank you and enjoy the rest of the Sports Day!篇二:Dear distinguished guests, teachers, and fellow students,Good morning and welcome to the grand opening ceremony of our school’s annual Sports Day! Today, we gather here to celebrate the importance of physical fitness, teamwork, and the spirit of healthy competition.Sports Day is not only a day filled with excitement and fun, but also an opportunity for us to showcase our athletic abilities andpromote a healthy lifestyle. It is a day where we come together as a school community to cheer for our fellow classmates and support them in their pursuit of excellence.As we witness the opening ceremony, be prepared to be amazed by the impressive march past of our school’s athletes. Each team will proudly display their team banners and march with confidence and determination. Let us give them a resounding applause to boost their spirits!Throughout the course of the day, we will witness various sporting events that will test our skills, endurance, and competitive spirit. From the thrilling races on the track to the intense matches on the field, each event will be a testament to the hard work and dedication put in by our athletes. Let us cheer for them wholeheartedly and show our support!Sports Day is not only about winning or losing, but also about the valuable life lessons we learn through sports. It teaches us the importance of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. It shows us that with determination and effort, we can overcome any obstacles and achieve our goals.Apart from the competitive events, we have also organized fun activities for everyone to enjoy. There will be face painting, a tug-of-war competition, and even a friendly relay race for the teachers. So, make sure to participate in these activities and make the most of this joyful day!Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to all the teachers, coaches, and organizers who have worked tirelessly to make this Sports Day a success. Your hard work and dedication have made this event possible, and we are truly grateful for your efforts.In conclusion, I would like to welcome you all to our school’s Sports Day. Let us celebrate the spirit of sportsmanship, cheer for our fellow athletes, and make lasting memories. May this day be filled with moments of joy, camaraderie, and healthy competition!Thank you and enjoy the rest of the Sports Day!篇三:Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,Good evening and welcome to the spectacular opening ceremony of our city’s Sports Day! Today, we gather here to celebrate the power of sports and the spirit of unity and healthy competition.Sports Day is a special occasion that brings together athletes from various schools and backgrounds, showcasing their skills and talent in a friendly and competitive environment. It is a day where we set aside our differences and come together as one community, united by the love of sports.As we witness the opening ceremony, prepare to be mesmerized by the vibrant parade of athletes from different schools. Each team will proudly march onto the field, displaying their school colors and waving their flags high. Let us show our support and cheer for their dedication and hard work!Throughout the course of the Sports Day, we will witness a wide range of exciting events that will test the athletes’ abilities and endurance. From high-intensity track and field events to thrilling team sports, each competition will showcase the incredible talent and determination of our athletes. Let us applaud their achievements and inspire them with our cheers!Sports Day is not just about winning medals or trophies; it is about fostering values such as sportsmanship, teamwork, and resilience. It teaches us that success comes from hard work, dedication, and the willingness to push ourselves beyond our limits. These lessons will stay with us long after the Sports Day is over.In addition to the competitive events, we have also organized various entertainment and activities for everyone to enjoy. There will be live performances, food stalls, and interactive games that will create a festive and joyful atmosphere. So, make sure to explore and immerse yourself in the excitement of this special day!Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the organizers, sponsors, and volunteers who have made this Sports Day possible. Your tireless efforts and support have contributed to creating a memorable event for everyone involved.In conclusion, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you to our city’s Sports Day. Let us celebrate the power of sports, embrace the spirit of healthy competition, and create lasting memories. May this day be filled with excitement, camaraderie, and a sense of unity!Thank you and enjoy the rest of the Sports Day!。

Opening Remark Compilation for Hosts - English VersionGood evening, ladies and gentlemen! It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to this wonderful gathering. Tonight, we have an exciting and captivating event planned for you. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to embark on a memorable journey.Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for gracing us with your presence. Your support and attendance are truly appreciated, and without you, this event would not be as remarkable as it promises to be.Tonight’s gathering is a celebration of talent, inspiration, and community. We have gathered here from different walks of life, representing diverse backgrounds and perspectives. It is this diversity that enriches our experience and makes this gathering truly special.In the spirit of unity, let us embrace the differences that exist among us. Let us use this platform as a forum for understanding, cooperation, and the exchange of ideas. Together, we can create an environment that fosters growth, collaboration, and mutual respect.Throughout the course of this evening, we will witness incredible performances, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and celebrate the achievements of those who have dedicated themselves to their respective disciplines. It will be a night filled with excitement, inspiration, and support for one another.I encourage you all to interact, connect, and network with your fellow attendees. This event is not only about showcasing talent but also providing opportunities for meaningful connections and collaborations. So, make the most of this evening, and let’s build bridges across boundaries.As we embark on this journey together, let us remember the power of unity. In these challenging times, it is more important than ever to come together as a community. Let us support each other, uplift one another, and inspire positive change in the world.I would also like to take a moment to thank our sponsors and partners for their unwavering support. Their contributions have been instrumental in making this event possible, and we are truly grateful for their commitment to our shared vision.Before we begin, I would like to remind you all to switch your mobile phones to silent mode and refrain from any photography or recording during the performances. This will ensure that everyone can fully immerse themselves in the experience without any distractions.Once again, welcome to this extraordinary gathering. Let us make the most of this opportunity to celebrate our talents, connect with one another, and createunforgettable memories. Thank you for being here, and enjoy the evening to its fullest!Now, without further ado, please join me in giving a warm welcome to our first performer of the night. Let the magic unfold and let us embark on this mesmerizing journey together. Thank you!。


开幕式主持词英文---------------------------------精选公文范文--------------------------开幕式主持词英文篇一:2017英语周开幕式主持词Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.Welcome to the7th English Week hosted by Hebei University.Together with our dear IECS friends,we’ll bring you a really wonderful week!English gives us a chance to communicate with the friends from different cultures.English brings us an opportunity to enhance understanding of the nations.English provides us with a stage on which international friendship comes true.It is because of English that we have increasingly close ties with English speaking countries.It is because of English that we gather here and enjoy ourselves tonight.Hence we invite all of you to our----------------精选公文范文----------------1---------------------------------精选公文范文--------------------------fantastic English Week.To practice oralEnglish and more importantly,to make friends.Speaking of tonight,we are starting a feast of English and this is just a beginning!首先为大家介绍今天出席开幕式的领导和嘉宾Now first of all,please allow me to introduce our honorable leaders and guests.Our leaders,they are 河北大学副校长杨学新(Vice President)教务处处长王英龙国际交流学院院长郭伏良(Professor)团委副书记张小升公共外语教学部主任王京华(Professor)公共外语教学部副主任郭书彩(Professor)公共外语教学部书记张洪义And all our dear friends from IECS.----------------精选公文范文----------------2---------------------------------精选公文范文--------------------------Thank you for your support and encouragement. Thank you for making it possible and thank you for joining us.Next,I’d like to invite the vice president of University,Professor杨学新to give us a speech.下面,有请河北大学杨学新副校长上台致辞!Let’s welcome!Next,I’d like to invite the dean of Foreign Language Teaching and Researching Department of Hebei University, Professor Wang Jinghua to give us a speech up on the stage. Let’s welcome!Today,we also prepared some wonderful performances for our foreign friends.First,let’s enjoy a musical instrument performance from Chinese traditional instruments orchestra of Heibei University.Thank you for your performance.Many students in Heibei University----------------精选公文范文----------------3---------------------------------精选公文范文--------------------------love English very much.And today,they bring a English drama for us.Let’s welcome them.Thank all the students’incredible performances.And now,let’s welcome all the IECS foreign teachers to come on to the stage and let’s enjoy our English week!下面,我们把舞台交给来自IECS的外教们,希望同学们能够尽情享受英语带给我们的乐趣。

篇一:外语文化节开幕式主持稿Script of the Opening Ceremony of the Second Cultural Festival of Foreign Language第 2 届外语文化节主持稿一、开场白英文:Good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students.英文: Today, we joy in the mood, here gathered together to celebrate the secondopening ceremony of the cultural festival of foreign language.First of all, in the name of the college of foreign languages, I would like to extend my appreciation to all the guests present. Thank you for join us Now, Let me introduce our distinguished guests.They’re………中文:今天,我们共聚在此,见证本次外语文化节的开幕。
出席本次开幕式的佳宾有:……………………………..英文: And your xxing will give us more encouragement and confidence. 中文:你们的到来给我们送来一份鼓励,一份信心。
英文:We haven’t noble stage; we haven’t graceful dance steps. But we have ourfascination and special mood. We are brave enough to show ourselves.And we expect all of your participation in the following several months.中文:二、领导以及外教代表发言英文 : Now, let ’s warmly welxxe our respected president, Mr Huang, to give anopening speech.中文:接下来,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎我们敬爱的黄院长致开幕辞。

开幕式发言稿100字左右英文回答:Distinguished guests, esteemed faculty and staff, and new and returning students, it is with great honor and a profound sense of gratitude that I welcome you all to the commencement ceremony of the 2023 class. Today, wecelebrate the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.As you embark on this new chapter in your lives, I encourage you to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead with the same determination and unwavering spirit that has brought you to this day. The world needs your knowledge, your skills, and your passion. Use them to make a positive impact on your communities, your country, and the world.Remember, the future is yours to shape. Go forth with confidence, embrace the unknown, and never stop learningand growing. Congratulations to the Class of 2023!中文回答:尊敬的各位来宾,尊敬的教职员工,以及新老学生们,我谨代表全体师生,热烈欢迎大家来到2023届毕业典礼现场。
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The 12th postgraduate basketball league of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Dear friends:
Good afternoon!
In this crisp autumn, the 12th postgraduate basketball league of NUAA is coming. This league aims at enriching our extracurricular activities and creating a positive atmosphere in campus. It’s also a good opportunity to cultivate our sense of team. To day, the basketball court is your stage!
Special thanks to our foreign friends for their participation in the league this year. Now let me introduce them to you.
They are……
The basketball league this year consists of slam dunk show, 3-point contest and opening game. In every contest, we would offer exquisite presents to excellent players and teams. We believe that all of you would try your best in the match and have a good time during the league. At the same time, we believe that all referees would ensure justice in the match and present a successful league to us. Best wishes to all teams and hope you can get brilliant results.
I’m very gla d to announce that the first section this year is slam dunk show from our foreign friends! Welcome!
Thank you for your great show, very cool! Here are presents for you, thank you again!
The next section is 3-point contest, please hold on our breath and see who is the best shooter! Welcome!
Thank you for your excellent performance, here come the results.
The entry prize: XXX;
The third prize: XXX;
The second prize: XXX;
The first prize: XXX.
Congratulations! Thank you again for your performance! Thank you!
Next, the highlight this year is coming! Yes, it’s our opening game! Now let’s welcome the two teams in first match!。