英国文化英文介绍 ppt课件

• 强调加强外交与安全政策的协调,成立由首 相直接领导的国家安全委员会;主张保持英 核威慑力量;将阿富汗问题列为外交第一要 务;巩固英美“特殊关系”;积极推进英在 欧盟的利益,重申英不加入欧元区、未经公 投不向欧盟让渡主权的立场;加大与中国、 印度等新兴力量的接触力度;呼吁推动通过 “两国方案”解决巴以冲突;重视国际发展 问题,坚持将国内生产总值的0.7%用于海外 援助目标。
• 五、英国教育
• 1.英国公学
• 2.牛津大学,剑桥大学,伦敦大学
• 六、英语语言与英国文学
• 1.英语的世界地位
• 2.英语英语的发展
• 3.英语词汇的来源
• 4.英国文学
• Britain • Great Britain • the United Kingdom 【UK】 • England • The British Isles
• 所有这些都可以指代英国,然而都不太全面。UK是在联合国使用的名称, 是the United Kingdom lf Great Britain and Northern Ireland(大 不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)的简称。
• 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的国 土总面积为24.4万平方公里,总人 口为5800万。英国的地理位置非常 优越。
• 岛国,位于欧洲西部,由大不列颠岛(包括英格兰、 苏格兰、威尔士)、爱尔兰岛东北部和一些小岛组 成。隔北海、多佛尔海峡、英吉利海峡与欧洲大陆 相望。海岸线总长114英5国0公概况里。属海洋性温带阔叶 林气候。通常最高气温不超过32℃,最低气温不低 于-10℃。北部和西部的年降水量超过1100毫米, 其中山区超过2000毫米,中部低地为700-850毫米, 东部、东南部只有550毫米。每年2-3月最为干燥, 10月至翌年1月最为湿润。

通常是女性对整个家庭生活负有全部责任,家 庭责任的传统分工仍然存在。
英国是欧洲离婚率最高的国家之一,大约 每三个婚姻中就有一个破裂,其中一半是在婚 后的头十年就已经离异。结果是,有更多的人 再婚,现在已有100万单亲父母在照顾着160万 儿童
剑桥大学 The University of Cambridge
在英国,每个人都享有宗教自由,因此,在 英国各中心地区也形成了多种不同的宗教信仰蓬 勃发展的局面。英国有两个“官方的”教堂: 即·[英国圣公教会]和苏格兰教堂[长老教派], 除此之外,各种不同的宗教和数不胜数的教派在 英国都可以找到自己的代表。
绝大多数的英国人都信奉基督教,尽管当前 去教堂做礼拜的信徒人数并不多,每周大约只有 110万人。穆斯林是英国国内最大的非基督教团 体[超过150万人],此外,佛教、印度教、锡克 教和犹太教也拥有大量的信徒,而且数量还在不 断增长。
其次是苏格兰人的“基尔 特”(kilt),这是一种用花格 子呢料制作的从腰部到膝盖的 短裙,它形成于中世纪,是男 子专用的裙子。当今苏格兰的 男子日常生活中已经不穿,但 遇到传统节日场合,男子就会 重新启用。
再次是英国人的各种传统的工作服装和 服饰,包括:法院开庭时法官穿的黑袍、 戴的假发,教堂礼拜时牧师所披的长袍, 历届国会开会时女王所穿的白色长裙礼服、 戴的王冠(其间坐在前排的“司法贵族”穿 戴黑袍假发,“宗教贵族”着翻领红袍), 还有王宫卫士所穿的鲜艳的短外衣、黄束 腰、高筒黑皮帽,伦敦塔楼卫士的黑帽、 黑衣,近卫骑士的黑衣、白马裤、黑长靴。
居民建筑与城市规划则与时代息 息相关,英国由于长期战乱,房子多 以防御为主,房屋与房屋相隔紧凑, 只形成狭小的道路和有坡道的肖像, 不利于大兵团展开,破事侵略者进行 巷战。加上天气多变气候寒冷,英式 建筑窗户基本很少且都装有壁炉。

4、British University
5、British Famous Scenic Spots
Buckingham Palace (白金汉宫) 白金汉宫)
Hyde Park
(海德公园) 海德公园)
Big Ben (大笨钟)
London Tower Bridge
(伦敦塔桥) 伦敦塔桥)
Queen Elizabeth II
Prince Williama Royal WeddingΒιβλιοθήκη 2、British food
3、British sports ------soccer
Football - the national sport in England, but also by the enthusiasm of many British people, fascinated by the movement. English Premier League has always been considered the best league in the world, Like Manchester United and Liverpool, Arsenal and Chelsea that are worldrenowned club has won countless fans worldwide support.
The Houses of Parllament (议会大厦)
British Museum
(大英博物馆) 大英博物馆)
Westminster Abbey
(威斯敏斯特大教堂 )
Do you know them?

• London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is situated in the southeast of England, sitting along the Thames River. The Inner London, the Outer London and the London City consist of the Greater London, which is the London we usually talk about. It has an area of 1600 square kilometers with a population of 7.5 million. It is divided into 33 districts, and each city has a mayor, a parliament and a city hall.
国歌national anthem 《天佑女王》(God Save The Queen),
大意:上帝保佑女王,祝她万寿无疆,神佑 女王。常胜利,沐荣光;孚民望,心欢畅; 治国家,王运长;神佑女王!扬神威,张天 网,保王室,歼敌人,一鼓涤荡。破阴谋, 灭奸党,把乱萌一扫光;让我们齐仰望,神 佑女王!愿上帝恩泽长,选精品,倾宝囊, 万岁女王!愿她保护法律,使民心齐归向, 一致衷心歌唱,神佑女王!
二、 国家象征The symbol of the country
•国名Country Name •国旗national flag
•国徽national emblem
英国的习俗休闲文化 英语课件

Visitors to Britain may find the best place to sample local culture is in a traditional pub. But these friendly pub can be minefields (雷区)of potential gaffes (失礼)for the uninitiated. 访问英国的人会发现传统英国酒吧是最能领略当地文化的地方。但对于初来 乍到的异国人来说,这些友善的酒吧却犹如潜藏着有惹事危险的“地雷区”。 An anthropologist and a team of researchers have unveiled some of the arcane(神秘的) culture of British pubs--starting with the difficulty of getting a drink. Most pubs have no waiters--you have to go to the bar to buy drinks. A group of Italian youths waiting 45 minutes before they realized they would have to fetch their own. This may sound inconvenient, but there is a hidden purpose. 一位人类学家和一组研究人员揭示了某些鲜为人知的英国酒吧文化。人们首 先遇到的困难是从买酒开始的。大多数英国酒吧都没有酒保,你得到吧台去买 酒。一伙意大利年轻人等了三刻钟才明白他们得自己去买。这听上去似乎让人 觉得不方便,可却有它深刻的内涵。
• Individual two storey houses joining onto each other at each side • Two rooms up, two down, small enclosed concrete yard

Milk Porridge
Red juice
• Many children at school and adults at work will have a 'packed lunch'. This typically consists of a sandwich, a packet of chips, a piece of fruit and a drink. The 'packed lunch' is kept in a plastic container.
这所房子最初建于1815年。在1860-1934年间, 曾用来出租。小说中的福尔摩斯正是于1881- 1902年 间居住于此。后来,有人买下了这所房子,直 到1990年,才正式建立了这个在世界上也许是独 一无二的博物馆。博物馆的结构与小说中完全相 同,加上精心的布置,使来此参观的人如同置身 于小说的场景之中 。口叼烟斗,总是带着一顶猎 帽的福尔摩斯,在阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)笔下成为闻名全球的名侦探,小 说中福尔摩斯和华生住在贝克街221B的二楼,前 方是他们共用的书房,后端则是福尔摩斯的卧室, 书房中陈列许多 福尔摩斯的道具,如猎鹿帽、放 大镜、烟斗、煤气灯等。博物馆三楼则呈现不同 小说中的知名场景,等福尔摩斯迷来细细比对。 小说中福尔摩斯的房东是韩德森太太 (Mrs. Hudson)。事实上,地铁贝克街站的墙上满是 福尔摩斯的经典侧面像瓷砖,博物馆隔壁也有福 尔摩斯纪念品店。
British National enjoy a cup of tea. At the traditional British (tradition) on people with porcelain tea cup, one person a cup, a spoonful of tea. The majority of British people like to drink strong tea, but I want to add much milk. Many years ago, people used to put milk into the cup, then add the tea, and finally add water.
Milk Porridge
Red juice
• Many children at school and adults at work will have a 'packed lunch'. This typically consists of a sandwich, a packet of chips, a piece of fruit and a drink. The 'packed lunch' is kept in a plastic container.
这所房子最初建于1815年。在1860-1934年间, 曾用来出租。小说中的福尔摩斯正是于1881- 1902年 间居住于此。后来,有人买下了这所房子,直 到1990年,才正式建立了这个在世界上也许是独 一无二的博物馆。博物馆的结构与小说中完全相 同,加上精心的布置,使来此参观的人如同置身 于小说的场景之中 。口叼烟斗,总是带着一顶猎 帽的福尔摩斯,在阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)笔下成为闻名全球的名侦探,小 说中福尔摩斯和华生住在贝克街221B的二楼,前 方是他们共用的书房,后端则是福尔摩斯的卧室, 书房中陈列许多 福尔摩斯的道具,如猎鹿帽、放 大镜、烟斗、煤气灯等。博物馆三楼则呈现不同 小说中的知名场景,等福尔摩斯迷来细细比对。 小说中福尔摩斯的房东是韩德森太太 (Mrs. Hudson)。事实上,地铁贝克街站的墙上满是 福尔摩斯的经典侧面像瓷砖,博物馆隔壁也有福 尔摩斯纪念品店。
British National enjoy a cup of tea. At the traditional British (tradition) on people with porcelain tea cup, one person a cup, a spoonful of tea. The majority of British people like to drink strong tea, but I want to add much milk. Many years ago, people used to put milk into the cup, then add the tea, and finally add water.

★ 4th
The Typical Englisish and others out of tune with Uncompromising character. Equivocal character of the British the most obvious features, they do not want to speak more than others, and never talk about themselves, feelings are not exposed, but not glowing terms. Other countries is very difficult to understand the inner world of the British.
On the other hand, they are perfectly human behind their barrier of reserve, and may be quite pleased when a friendly stranger or foreigner succeeds for a time in breaking the barrier down.
• human: adj. showing the feelings, esp. those of kindness, which human beings have 有人性的,有人情味的 有人性的, Example
He seems quite human when you know him.
★ 2th modest
★5th sportsmanship
1 Finally, sportsmanship. Like a sense of humor, this is an English ideal which not all Englishmen live up to. It must be realized that sport in this modern form is almost entirely a British invention. Boxing, rugby, football, hockey, tennis and cricket were all first organized and given rules in Britain. Rules are the essence of sport, and sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport according to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat.

Liverpool , a lovely port city, which has a
long history , is a famous British commercial (商业的)center.
Oxford University
Oxford University is the oldest university in Britain and one of the world's most famous institutions of higher learning. Oxford University was established during the 1100's. It is located in Oxford, England, about 80 kilometers northwest of London.
University of Edinburgh, was founded in 1583, is one of the six oldest and largest university in the UK, but also in a variety global university rankings on several times in the world’ s top famous universities.
The mission of Oxford is to aim at achieving and maintaining excellence in every area of its teaching and research, maintaining and developing its historical position as a worldclass university, and enriching the international, national, and regional communities through the fruits of its research and the skills of its graduates.

英国人的时间观念很强,拜会或洽谈生意,访前必须预先约 会,准时很重要,最好提前几分钟到达为好。他们相处之道 是严守时间,遵守诺言。
3 Occupation 职业感
The british have a strong sense of occupation. 职业感强烈,是英国人的另一大特性。 选择了一种职业,就一定要让自己的业务精益求精。
在街头行走,男的应走外侧,以免发生危险时,保护妇女免 受伤害。
丈夫通常要偕同妻子参加各种社交活动,而且总是习惯先 将妻子介绍给贵宾认识。
2 Sense of time 时间观念
The british have a great strong sense of time.Making an appointment is very necessary when you want to pay a visit to some one or do business with a certain british.of course ,you must be punctual,if possible,you’d better arrive several minutes earlier in advance. The british are always keeping time and promise.
在接受礼品方面,英国人和我国的习惯有很大的不同。他 们常常当着客人的面打开礼品,无论礼品价值如何,或是 否有用,主人都会给以热情的赞扬表示谢意。
3 Occupation 职业感
The british have a strong sense of occupation. 职业感强烈,是英国人的另一大特性。 选择了一种职业,就一定要让自己的业务精益求精。
在街头行走,男的应走外侧,以免发生危险时,保护妇女免 受伤害。
丈夫通常要偕同妻子参加各种社交活动,而且总是习惯先 将妻子介绍给贵宾认识。
2 Sense of time 时间观念
The british have a great strong sense of time.Making an appointment is very necessary when you want to pay a visit to some one or do business with a certain british.of course ,you must be punctual,if possible,you’d better arrive several minutes earlier in advance. The british are always keeping time and promise.
在接受礼品方面,英国人和我国的习惯有很大的不同。他 们常常当着客人的面打开礼品,无论礼品价值如何,或是 否有用,主人都会给以热情的赞扬表示谢意。
英文ppt 英国文化象征简介

question one
what is the other name of The Clock Tower?
Millennium Wheel
London eye or called Millennium Wheel is the world's first viewing the ferris Wheel. It is situated in the river Thames in London, the world's third largest ferris wheel, is one of the landmarks in London, is also the most attractions in London.
The origins
Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford(安娜贝德芙七世 ), who created the custom of afternoon tea in 1840.She usually had supper at around eight o’clock in the evening . A tray of tea, bread, butter and cake to her room during the late afternoon. they get together to kill the leisure time .So it became a fashionable social event .
The idea
The creators of London eye is a pair of couples.
It is known as mathematics miracle.
12 英国文化之英国简介 Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿

(Parliamentary democracy)
• 6. Monarch • 7. Area • 8. Population • 9. GDP
Union Flag
• The current design of the Union Flag dates
from the union of Ireland and Great Britain in 1801.
Chapter Twelve a Brief Introduction to UK
• Ⅰsome basic knowledge about Britain • Ⅱ Geography • Ⅲ. Migration and ethnicity • Ⅳ. Religion • Ⅴ Brief History
• Celtic languages: Welsh, Irish, Scottish
Gaelic etc
HM Queen Elizabeth II
Gordon Brown
• Total 244,820 km²(79th) /94,526 sq mi • England: 130,423 km² • Scotland: 78,822 km² • Wales: 20, 776 km² • Northern Ireland: 14,139 km²
• between the North Atlantic Ocean and the
North Sea,
• within 35 kilometers (22 mi) of the north-
west coast of France, separated by the English Channel (Channel Tunnel "Chunnel" )
• 6. Monarch • 7. Area • 8. Population • 9. GDP
Union Flag
• The current design of the Union Flag dates
from the union of Ireland and Great Britain in 1801.
Chapter Twelve a Brief Introduction to UK
• Ⅰsome basic knowledge about Britain • Ⅱ Geography • Ⅲ. Migration and ethnicity • Ⅳ. Religion • Ⅴ Brief History
• Celtic languages: Welsh, Irish, Scottish
Gaelic etc
HM Queen Elizabeth II
Gordon Brown
• Total 244,820 km²(79th) /94,526 sq mi • England: 130,423 km² • Scotland: 78,822 km² • Wales: 20, 776 km² • Northern Ireland: 14,139 km²
• between the North Atlantic Ocean and the
North Sea,
• within 35 kilometers (22 mi) of the north-
west coast of France, separated by the English Channel (Channel Tunnel "Chunnel" )

Albert square
Hyde Park
Big Ben (大笨钟)
Big Ben is located in the River Thames, London, England, is the world‘s largest Gothic building(哥特式建筑). Britain’s highest legislative body – Congress, the House of Commons are located here, so the parliament building, also known as Big Ben or the Houses of Parliament.
The Houses of Parllament (议会大厦)
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Queen Elizabeth II
Royal Wedding
Prince Williama
2、British food
Four meals a day is usually the British, that is breakfast, lunch, coffee break point and dinner, dinner for dinner. Do not like the restaurant, likes to personally cook. Usually the British and French cuisine. "Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding," known as the national dish.
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4、British University
5、British Famous
Scenic Spots
Buckingham Palace
Hyde Park
Big Ben (大笨钟)
London Tower Bridge (伦敦塔桥)
The Houses of Parllament (议会大厦)
Do you know them?
-----Equestrian is one of Britain's most favorite sport, very popular in the 18th century, the British royal family, nobility especially popular equestrian sport. Horse Racing is not just a gamble, and is stimulating sport.Leabharlann British Museum
Westminster Abbey
(威斯敏斯特大教堂 )
Queen Elizabeth II
Royal Wedding
Prince Williama
2、British food
*Afternoon Tea
3、British sports
Football - the national sport in England, but also by the enthusiasm of many British people, fascinated by the movement. English Premier League has always been considered the best league in the world, Like Manchester United and Liverpool, Arsenal and Chelsea that are worldrenowned club has won countless fans worldwide support.
• British Royal Family • British Food • British Sport • British University • British Famous Scenic Spots
1 、British royal Family
Windsor continues to this day, the current reign of Queen Elizabeth II is the fourth king. Despite a lot of the British royal dynasty after dynasty, but in fact are near or far between the blood relationship, royal blood has never stopped.