Chapter3 and 7 Morphology英语语言学 常耀信

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• Root: the base form of a word that cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity, eg friend as in unfriendliness.
• Roots may be
– free: those that can stand by themselves, eg black+board; nation+-al; or
• Grammatical vs. Lexical Words:
– Grammatical/Function words: conjunctions, prepositions, articles, pronouns.
– Lexical/Content words: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.
2.1 Morphemes
• A morpheme is the smallest unit of meaning in language, a unit that cannot be further divided into smaller units without destroying or altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical.
• Open-class words: New members can be added, eg nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
Closed-class words: New members cannot normally be added, eg pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles, auxiliaries.
• Postdeterminers: every; many, several, few, little; one, two, three …; (a) dozen
2. Morphology
• Morphology: the study of wordformation, or the internal structure of words, or the rules by which words are formed from smaller components – morphemes.
– Auxiliary: do, have
– Modal verbs: can, will, may, must, etc.
• Determiner: all the articles, demonstratives, and quantifiers that appear before the noun and its modifiers.
1.2 Classification of words
• Variable vs. Invariable Words:
– Variable words: write, writes, writing, wrote, written; cat, cats.
– Invariable words: since, when, seldom, through, etc.
• Read: reader, reading, reads, readable, readability, reading-room, lip-read, sight-read
• Morphology refers to the part of the grammar that is concerned with word formation and word structure.
Pre Central all her
her all her
Post many many
all what a
the a few both my father’s
many one
Modifier Noun good ideas good ideas good ideas good ideas good ideas good ideas good idea good idea
ideas parents
• Predeterminers: all, both; half, onethird, three-quarters …; double, twice, three times …; such, what (exclamative)
• Central determiners: the; this, these, that, those; PossP; we, us; you; which, what (relative), what (interrogative); a, another, some, any, no, either, neither; each, enough, much, more, most, less; a few, a little
– —Is Jane coming tonight? – —Possibly. – Hi. – Wonderful.
• A grammatical unit: sentence clause phrase word morpheme
• An average English native high school students knows about 60,000 basic words, such as read, book, language etc.
英语语言学 English Linguistics
主讲 杨楠 济宁学院外国语系
1. What is word?
• A minimum free form: the smallest unit that can constitute a complete utterance by itself, a complete utterance in speech or writing.
– Noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, pronoun, conjunction, interjection, article, etc.
• Some new terms in word class:
– Particle: infinitive to, negative not, subordinate units in phrasal verbs “get by”, “look back”, etc.
However, they/there are already used as a neutral third person singular.
Anyone can join the club if they like.
Everyone can do their best.
• Word class: known as Parts of Speech in traditional grammar.
– As many as three determiners may be used in each case and there is a fixed order when there is more than one.
• *their all trouble • *five the all boys • *all this boy • *all both girls
morpheme. • A dog, a building, a minute, an orange, an hour, an interesting article
2.2 Types of morphemes
• Free vs. Bound morphemes:
– Free morphemes: those that may constitute words by themselves, eg boy, girl, table, nation.
– Bound morphemes: those that cannot occur alone, eg -s, -ed, dis-, un-.
– Derivational morphemes: black-en, alcohol-ic, multi-media
– Inflectional morphemes (grammatical markers):notic-ed, walk-ing
It is not easy to think of new conjunctions that have entered the English language recently.
With the growth of feminist movement, some people suggested that we use e, as a new neutral third person singular pronoun, which could be used as the general form.
– bound: those that cannot stand by themselves, eg -ceive in receive, perceive, conceive.
• Affix: the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme. Normally divided into
un+desir(e)+abl(e)+ity • 5-morpheme un+gentle+man+li+ness • 7-morpheme anti+dis+establish+ment+ari+an+ism
• When people wish to distinguish the sound of a morpheme from the entire morpheme, they may use the term morph. Morpheme may have alternate shapes or phonetic forms. They are said to be the allomorphs of the morpheme, the plural morpheme may be represented by:
– —Is Jane coming tonight? – —Possibly. – Hi. – Wonderful.
• A minimum free form: the smallest unit that can constitute a complete utterance by itself, eg
• Boys: boy-s • Reader: read-er
Word formation
---Words are composed of morphemes. Words may consist of one morpheme or more morphemes, e.g.
• 1-morpheme boy, desire • 2-morpheme boy+ish, desir(e)+ble • 3-morpheme boy+ish+ness, desir(e)+bl(e)+ity • 4-morpheme gentle+man+li+ness,
• map----maps [s] • dog----dogs [z] • watch----watches [iz] • mouse----mice [ai] • ox----oxen [n] • tooth----teeth • sheep----sheep • Each of the underlined part is called an allomorph of plural