美国温德姆酒店国际管理集团的前身是胜腾集团旗下的胜腾酒店管理集团,旗下拥有华美达、豪生、 天天、速8等品牌。07年胜腾收购了豪华五星级品牌--温德姆,胜腾酒店管理集团也更名为温德姆国际酒店 集团。2006年,温德姆在中国的品牌大多数都是特许给其他公司代理。
温德姆:5星,1981年创立于美国德州达拉斯,2005年被黑石关联公司收购,黑石将温德姆旗下优质酒 店重组为LXR豪华酒店度假村,并将温德姆品牌买给胜腾。温德姆计划于上海和厦门开设酒店。
柏悦:顶级豪华酒店,凯悦旗下顶级品牌,柏悦相较君悦更讲究豪华和私人服务,房价比君悦更高,其一般不 轻易扩张,只在一线大城市布点,且同一城市通常不会开设多家。上海环球金融中心内酒店即柏悦品牌。
伦敦andaz大堂ຫໍສະໝຸດ 酒店品牌伦敦andaz客房
该酒店集团隶属于马来西亚著名华商--“糖王”郭鹤年的郭氏集团旗下。1984年,杭州香格里拉的建立, 是香格里拉酒店集团第一次在内地的试水。1985年,郭鹤年与国家经贸委合作,斥资3.8亿美元,兴建北京国 际贸易中心,成为了当时引进外资最受瞩目的投资案例。国贸中心是包括酒店、写字楼、商场、高档国际公 寓在内的综合建筑群,国贸饭店和中国大饭店是其重要组成部分。
世界著名酒店集团及其旗下品牌(World famous hotel group and its brand)
![世界著名酒店集团及其旗下品牌(World famous hotel group and its brand)](
世界著名酒店集团及其旗下品牌(World famous hotel group and itsbrand)旗下主要品牌: 洲际intercontinental, 皇冠crowne plaza, 假日holiday inn, 快捷express by holiday innholiday inn广告语: 自在自我. be yourself.intercontinental hotel广告语: 明白所需, 满足所想.we know what it takes洲际饭店集团旗下有五个品牌, 分别是假日 (holiday inn) 、快捷假日 (holiday inn express 、皇冠假日 (crown plaza) 、洲际饭店及度假村 (intercontinental hotels and resorts) 和staybridge suties by holiday inn.洲际酒店及度假村1998年3月, 巴斯集团以29亿美元从日本saison集团手上收购了洲际饭店及度假饭店, 这项交易使得巴斯集团的饭店数目一下子增添了187间.洲际国际酒店在满足国际商务旅客及消闲旅客的独特需求方面, 洲际饭店已建立了一定的声誉, 它亦善于将全球性的服务标准巧妙地与当地的传统相结合.多年来, 洲际饭店远近驰名, 一直是各国商界所喜爱入住的饭店.此外, 洲际饭店具有的独特文化特色及其在顶级饭店市场的地位, 使集团的饭店品牌日趋多元化.皇冠假日酒店及度假村皇冠假日品牌的前身是由假日饭店于1983年衍生出来的饭店品牌, 1994年发展成为独立的饭店品牌, 以突出其高品味高消费的市场形象及以商务旅客为主的特色.皇冠饭店及度假饭店以合理的价格提供高档的饭店住宿设施.它专为满足今日精明的旅客的需求而设, 并以提供更优质的服务及设施来迎合那些追求物有所值的商务旅客.目前, 超过140家皇冠饭店分布于全球40多个国家, 每家皇冠饭店均提供先进的会议设施、专职负责会议的专业员工及完善的商业服务; 同时, 还配备有设备齐全的健美中心、餐饮设施和多样化的休闲活动.假日酒店及度假村假日饭店以超值的价格为今日的商务及休闲旅客提供可靠友善的服务以及现代化的设施.无论在大小城镇、寂静的公路沿线、还是在熙来攘往的机场附近, 均可看到假日饭店的踪影, 因为提供全面服务的假日饭店都是位于交通方便的地区.目前, 假日饭店在全球已开设了1600多间饭店, 其不仅保持着全球最具规模的单一饭店品牌的地位, 同时也是世界上最广为人知的饭店品牌之一.洲际国际酒店快捷假日洲际饭店集团的前身六洲饭店集团于1991年推出快捷假日饭店, 这一举动成为饭店业史上最成功的事件之一.该集团通过创造这一品牌, 迅速地划分出一类中档饭店市场, 这类饭店只提供有限的饭店服务而不包含餐饮设施.在不到十年的时间里, 快捷假日饭店品牌在世界各地的饭店数目已增至1000多家.清新、简洁是快捷假日饭店的特色, 它为商务及休闲旅客提供的收费价格也极具竞争力.至于快捷假日饭店推出的 guest stay smartsm 优惠计划, 除可让宾客免费享用包括新鲜水果、麦片及糕点在内的早餐外, 还可免费使用当地电话服务 (只限美国).此外, 宾客还可在美国及加拿大的各间快捷假日饭店阅读一本曾获奖的饭店专有杂志《navigator》.快捷假日饭店目前以几乎每三天便开设一间新饭店的惊人速度继续扩展.staybridge suties by holiday inn1997年底, 假日饭店属下的staybridge suites饭店正式面世.This is the brand founded by bath group to break into the new extended accommodation hotel market. The first Staybridge Suites opened in Alpharetta, Georgia, USA in December 1998. InterContinental Hotels Group is still actively expanding the brand. Staybridge Suites is a brand have a unique style hotel concept, designed to meet people from all over the world needs continuous stay in the hotel or above the passenger demand on friday. Staybridge Suites has no interval, one or two bedroom suite, suite facilities include large double beds or single bed, sofa bed, interactive TV, spacious and well lit studio, equipped with cooking utensils and household refrigerator, microwave oven, kitchen equipment, it has the characteristics of Home Furnishing.2. Hilton Hotels Corporation (Hilton Hotels Corporation):Its major brands:Hilton (HILTON HOTEL), Conrad (CONRAD HOTELS), Scandi (SCANDIC) (DOUBLE, TREE), Doubletree by Embassy Suites Hotel (EMBASSY SUITE), wood (HOMEWOOD SUITE), Suites Hotel Conference Center Harrison (HARRISON CONFERENCE CENTER), Garden Hotel (GARDEN INN), Hampton (HAMPTON INN AND SUITES) Hotel Hilton, (HILTON GRAND VACATIONS CLUB Vacation Club).Hilton advertising language: Travel, is, more, than, just, a, to, B. travel, not only from A to B.Conrad advertising language: The, luxury, of, being, yourself., noble you!Double tree advertising language: This, summer, is, packed, with, the, fun,, of, kids, at, doubletree!The double tree hotel is full of children's fun this summer!Hotel profile:Hilton International Hotel Group (HI), a branch of the British based Hilton group, has the right to use the "Hilton" brand outside the United states. The Hilton Hotel in the United States is owned and managed by the Hilton Hotel management company (HHC). Hilton International Hotel Group manages 403 hotels, including 261 Hilton Hotel, 142 rooms for the mid market "Scandic Hotel", as well as the distribution and the Hilton Hotel management company headquartered in North American joint venture, in 12 countries in the 18 "Conrad" (also known as the "Conrad Hotel"). Its global marketing alliance with HiltonHotel management has led to a total of over 2700 hotels worldwide, with more than 500 hotels jointly using Hilton's brand.MarriottMarriott International is the world's premier hotel management company, operates in the United States and 67 other countries and regions, manages more than 2800 hotels, and provides about 490500 rooms. The company, based in Washington, D. C., employs about 133000 people. Marriott management group has been named one of 100 employees' favorite companies for six consecutive years by fortune magazine. Marriott owns hotel brands including: Marriott (472, full service hotel, including 13 conference center and 34 JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, The Ritz Carlton Hotel (56), deluxe hotel, Risorgimento Hotel (126), Royal Hotel, Courtyard Hotel (616), high price hotel) and Residence Inn (449, long rent a hotel), Fairfield Inn (524, SpringHill Suites (Econo Hotel), 110, a high price, TownePlace Suites (Suites Hotel) 111, mid priced long rent Hotel), Ramada International (in the North American region outside manages 192 Econo Hotel), Vacation Club, by Marriott Horizons, Ritz-Carlton Club and Marriott Grand Residence Club brand management resort hotel (49 Resort Hotel and Marriott Executive Apartments Longin Center (13), senior apartments). Besides,towneplace suites by marriott? 便能迎合大家的需要.欢愉的氛围, 亲切的服务, 齐全的设施, 让每位住客于工作过后, 亦可投进家的怀抱.springhill suites? by marriott想远离烦嚣都市, 投进宁静假期, springhill suites? 是您的完美之选.偌大的套房较其它传统客房面积多出百分之二十五, 无论是休息、工作或享乐的空间亦更为宽裕, 让您享受更佳.无论何时何地, 同样令您的旅程怡然自得.marriott? vacation club internationalmarriott vacation club? international在世界各旅游热点提供分时度假酒店, 无论您在全球多个地区旅游的时候, 也可以入住周全完善的marriott vacation club? international, 任何时候, 享受毕生难忘的旅游体验, 实现写意人生的梦想.5. 卑斯韦斯特酒店管理集团 (best western international).旗下主要品牌.(best western 最佳西方)the western广告语: our worldwide standard for service and amenities.我们国际化的标准服务为的是您的满意.酒店简介: - - - - - - - 1946年, 拥有23年管理经验的旅馆业主guertin建立了最佳西方汽车旅馆.该旅馆最初是作为饭店向旅游者推荐住宿设施的联系渠道, 主要通过前台接线员间的电话联系.集团经营特色及现状: 单个品牌来说是世界第一大的酒店集团.- - - - - - - - - 特色才能出新, 特色才能发展.在当今世界饭店业处于激烈竞争的同时, 最佳西方国际饭店集团在50多年的时期里迅速成长为世界第一大的饭店品牌, 是因为它具有其他饭店无可比拟的独特优势.7.凯宾斯基国际酒店集团.旗下主要品牌: kempinski hotel北京kempinski广告语: 生意成功的方向.the access to success.集团简介: 凯宾斯基集团始建于德国, 已有一百多年的历史, 是传统的欧式风格饭店的典型代表.凯宾斯基集团饭店大多坐落于风景优美, 令人向住的城市.在经营上, 凯宾斯基的理念是: 充分满足客人, 为了充分满足客人的需要, 凯宾斯基推出了 "金钥匙" 全能服务项目.8.喜达屋国际酒店集团 (starwood hotels & resorts worldwide.旗下主要品牌: 瑞吉斯 (st. regis), 至尊精选 (the luxury collection), 喜来登 (sheraton), 威斯汀 (westin), 福朋 (four points) 及w 酒店 w hotels), 美丽殿 (meridian).the luxury collection广告语: collect the world's experience. 精选世界的风采.westin广告语: explore and experience. 探索, 体验.w: well, hello there hotels广告语. w酒店, 欢迎您.集团简介.其中 (圣瑞吉斯) 和the luxury collection (至尊精选) 都是集团内最顶级的奢华品牌, le meridien (艾美) 和westin (威斯汀) 是高端的奢华品牌; w饭店是个性化、时尚的代名词; sheraton (喜来登) 和four points by sheraton (福朋喜来登) 则是中端的品牌, 扩张速度也最快; aloft和element则分别由w饭店管理团队和westin 酒店管理团队新近倾力打造出的新品牌.westin在重新打造超高档酒店市场之初创立了element这一品牌, 它融合了智能化设计、现代化风格和融洽的社交环境.The target customers for long-term occupancy needs of travelers, to let them on the tour can be perfect to enjoy life; and aloft with the same strain of the W Hotel, W hotel building created by the same team effort, it is widely regarded as one of the most successful decades of new brands. W Hotel break regulation high consumption areas of the hotel on the chaos, aloft will improve the mid-range hotel industry standard in the same way, to provide full urban style and large space LOFT style rooms, advanced technology service, suitable for daily activities and social night scenery beautiful outdoor space and vibrant hall background.The brand influence of Starwood has been recognized by the industry, which is now the second largest market in china. Its implementation of "Starwood care" and "STAR services four standards" has become the industry's recognized standardsName: St. Regis / St. Regis Hongta grade: the number of platinum 5 star The Globe Hotel: the number of <20 China: 2 China flagship store: Beijing international club opening: Tianjin St. Regis Hotel, Tibet Rigi Hostellerie competitor: introductionRitz-Carlton, Seasons, Four Park Hyatt brands: St. Regis Hotelis the most upscale hotel the symbol of the world, represents the high standard of absolute private service. It has a long history, the first St. Regis Hotel opened in New York is 1904 Nianasituo Colonel, Colonel Astor with Europe wide service to honor their friends and business partners. This service is unique in the industry, making St. John's hotel a classic in the global hospitality industry. In March 1, 2000, Beijing international Club Hotel is located in Beijing Jianguomenwai Street officially changed the name of the English Beijing (St. Regis Beijing, the original name Chinese unchanged), which marks the hotel will be in full accordance with the San Regis's model and standard action, it became the first hotel in the Asia Pacific region. Beijing international club for more than 80% of the guests are European and American business people; more than 90% of The St. Regis Shanghai are business guests, including 40% from China, 25% from the United States, 10-15% from Japan and Europe, more than 40% Hotel guest. Name: Luxury Collection grade: the number of platinum 5 star The Globe Hotel: number 17 China: 0 China flagship store: 0 competitors:Ritz-Carlton, Four Seasons, Park of Hyatt, Peninsula brand: the luxury collection is a unique combination of providing service for the top guests create new styles in the STARWOOD group of hotels and resorts. There are only 17 homes in the world, each of which has more than 300 years of history and only receives dignitaries and Royal families. The best hotels in the world have the characteristics of gorgeous decor, spectacular furnishings, impeccable service, and the facilities of the most modern conveniences. The luxury is not inferior to the St. Regis Hongta, but the number is less. Advertising language: Collect, the, world, s, experience, featured in the world! Name: Amy / Meridian grade: the number of platinum 5 star The Globe Hotel:number 140 China: 3- Hongkong Le Meridien Munich Hotel Shanghai Le Meridien Munich Hotel Sheshan Le Royal Meridien Hotel Shanghai World Trade China flagship store: Hongkong Le Meridien Munich Hotel competition: JW Marriott opening soon: introduction to the Hainan Shi Meiai hotel brands: the old El Luxor Hotel brand in France, formerly Ford Hotel Group's top brands the newly acquired by STARWOOD. Le Meridien Munich Hotel and resorts are located in the world's top cities and resorts, covering Europe, the Americas, the Asia Pacific region, Africa and the middle east. In the survey of luxury brands in 2005, Le Meridien Munich Hotel ranked among the top 15 luxury hotel brands. Name: W platinum 5 star grade hotel: the number of China: 0 China flagship store opening soon: 0: Shanghai W hotel brand for guests for the first time in the hotel brand mostly make the "Wah" marvel, the name W Hotel.W hotel of Starwood hotel business guests experience redefined according to the characteristics of business guests have a new design of service facilities and services. W hotel is a five star hotel in Starwood brands bought Sheraton and WESTIN hotel after the new features, designed specifically for business guests and independent boutique hotel facilities and services combined with the market position in a 70% to 75% individual business travellers and 15% to 20% small business guests team the target market. W Hotel Fashion is synonymous with fashion, the hotel design gives a very modern, beautiful, high-tech, sense of Cool, the target market for young people, successful entertainment, fashion circle crowd. Advertisement: Well Hello, there. W Hotel, welcome you! Name: Class: the number of platinum 5 star Westin China 2- Shanghai: Westin Grand Washington D C Hotel Beijing Westin Financial Street China flagship store:Shanghai Westin Grand Washington D C Hotel competitor:JW-Marriott, Shangri-La is opening: introduction of Guangzhou Westin Grand Washington D C Hotel, Tianjin Westin Grand Washington D C Hotel, Nanjing Westin Grand Washington D C Hotel, Jiulong Mountain Westin Hotel, brand: STARWOOD team veteran upscale Traders Hotel, the hotel industry has been located in the the leader and innovator in the ranks. Westin hotels are located in important commercial areas, each of which has different architectural styles and furnishings. And The, Luxury, Collection, compared to the pursuit of luxury hardware, highlighting the business climate. At the beginning of 70s, by Malaysia Hotel magnate Guo Henian dug a team at Westin Hotel Group in Singapore, established the first Shangri-La Hotel, Shangri-La hotel's original management core idea is to copy Westin. Advertising language: Explore & Experience. explore and experience! Name: Sheraton grade: the number of 5 star China: 19 China flagship store: the Great Wall Sheraton Hotel opening: Sheraton Chongqing, Sheraton Guangzhou, Guiyang Sheraton, Sheraton Hangzhou, Sheraton Pudong, Shenzhen mesago Sheraton, Shenzhen Fukuda Kikudo, Sheraton Taiyuan, Nakayama Kikudo Marriott, competitors: introduction Renainssance, Hyatt, Sofitel, Crown Plaza, Sheraton is the world's top 500 brands: STARWOOD management group's most prestigious brand franchise has more than 700 hotels in more than 80 countries around the world. In 63 years, the friendly hospitality of the Sheraton Hotel has a very good reputation in the market competition, always come out on top, so that not only become a symbol of national and regional opening degree and economic strength, is an important symbol of modern international metropolis. As a model of global luxury hotel, Sheraton on the site is very strict, mainly located in the bustling metropolis and resortsin the world's most attractive, like New York, Manhattan, Paris, Tokyo Ladd side of shinjuku...... Since the Sheraton entered China in 1983, its hotels opened in China are not only distributed in Beijing, Shanghai and other international cities, but have also been stationed in the second tier cities in china. Its expansion rate is the fastest in the STARWOOD group, and is one of the most important brands in the group. Name: Sheraton grade 4: the number of China: 2- Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen Pudong Four Points & Suites Calgary West Hotel China flagship store opening soon: Pudong Four Points & Suites Calgary West Hotel: Dalian Sheraton Hotel, Changshu Sheraton Hotel, Shanghai Four Points & Suites Calgary West Hotel Daning rival Courtyard, Inn, Holiday: Park Plaza, Traders brand: SHERATON was acquired by STARWOOD was ITT the company at the time, ITT SHERATON has three brands: four FOUR POINTS, five star SHERATON, super star LUXURY COLLECTION. FOUR POINTS is an inherent brand of Sheraton, so the word "BY SHERATON" is usually added to the FOUR POINTS.四点shetaton和喜来登可理解为姊妹酒店,只是前者档次稍低。
• 瑞吉酒店 (St. Regis ) • 威斯汀酒店(The Westin Hotel) • 至尊精选酒店 • W酒店(W Hotel) • 喜来登酒店(Sheraton) • 艾美酒店(Le Meridien) • 福朋喜来登酒店(FOUR POINTS) • 雅乐轩 (Aloft)
• Conrad通过建立并保持最高级别的服务水平,本着著名的“Conrad服务文化” 理念,为商务和休闲游客创造价值。酒店客房舒适精美、餐厅高贵典雅、健 身俱乐部设备完善、会议配套设施高档齐全。
• 希尔顿逸林酒店是不断发展扩大的 时尚高端酒店系列,遍布全球各地 200多个城市、大都会城市及度假 胜地。希尔顿逸林及希尔顿,在美 国以外的地方也享有颇高声誉,设 计独树一帜,旨在为当今商务旅人 及度假游客提供真正的舒适享受。
顶级豪华 超豪华 超豪华 超豪华精品 豪华 豪华 中高档 中档精品
• 是世界上最高档饭店的标志,代表着绝对私人的 高水准服务。
• 瑞吉酒店(ST.REGIS)是喜达屋旗下最顶级的品牌, 曾被《Institutional Investor》杂志评选为世 界第一酒店,它代表着绝对私人的高水准服务, 是世界各国首脑政要、商界领袖和社会名流下榻 的首选,克林顿、布什、比尔·盖兹等均是酒店 的客户。
• 凯宾斯基酒店 (德国)
• 最佳西方酒店 (美国)
• 日航酒店管理公司(日本)
• 费尔蒙特酒店集团 (加拿大)
• 朱美拉集团
• 瑞士酒店集团 (瑞士)
• 索米丽亚酒店集团 (西班牙)
• 泰姬酒店集团 (印度)
Discover a new authentic 专为中国量 身打造.美爵,拥有一双善于发现的锐 眼和一颗乐于感悟的心。我们捕捉到 您对一切新鲜和未知的渴望,感悟到 您对一次与众不同的旅宿的期待,
商务 度假
赛贝尔(The Sebel)
阿德吉奥公寓酒店(Adagio) ★★★☆
美爵(Grand Mercure)
The lifestyle leader 具有标志性设计和
A new perspective 经典时尚的设计、 文化体验和发现时刻。 艾美酒店唤 起人们的好奇心并激发思维,激励客 人以新的方式来看待事物
公寓 公寓酒店.从单间公寓到三室公寓,各
种宽敞的模块化公寓任君选择,所有 公寓均带设施齐全的厨房
商务 居都为您提供难忘的住宿体验,这一
商务 度假
Built smart from the ground up 自然光
快捷 线、 开放空间、 健康之选。Westin
Urban cool in unexpected places 作为
Life is Magnifique.在全球,索菲特酒
商务 店以满足独特要求的特权方式再次
集团简介 洲际酒店集团宣传片.flv 是一个全球化的酒店集团,在全球100多个国家和地区经营和特许经营
Staybridge Suites品牌是一个别具一格的饭店概念,专为满足那些来自世界各地 需连续入住饭店五晚或以上的旅客的需求。Staybridge Suites设有无间隔、一间或两 间睡房的套房,套房设施包括双人床或特大单人床、沙发床、互动电视、面积宽敞及 光线充足的工作室、备有煮食用具及家用电冰箱、微波炉的厨房、以及其它具有家居 特色的设备。
20世纪80年代初期和中期,酒店业一跃成为耀眼的明星 合资酒店、输入管理、品牌特许方式
假日、香格里拉、喜来登、雅高、威斯汀、洲际、胜腾、 万豪、四季、喜达屋、希尔顿、凯宾斯基、 白天鹅、中国大饭店、花园酒店
酒店集团 酒店集团性质和分类 酒店集团的发展历程 酒店集团的资本运作 著名酒店集团
饭店集团又称连锁饭店或饭店联号,是指饭店集团在本 国或世界各地拥有或控制两家或两家以上的饭店。这些 饭店采用统一的店名、店标,统一的经营管理方式,统 一的管理规范和服务标准、联合经营形成的系统。
实力评估: 资本金额、档次、酒店家数、客房数量、营业收入等
2019年开业 2019年装修 50层高的酒店,拥有属于 城中最大的客房 ,行政楼 可提供专人效力的套房
NO 3——万豪国际集团〔Marriott Internation) 旗下的品牌有丽思-卡尔顿、 JW万豪
NO 4——雅高集团〔Accor FR)旗下的品牌有 索菲特(Sofitel)、宜必思(Ibis)、诺富特 (Novetel)
NO 5——希尔顿酒店集团(Hilton)
NO 6——精品国际饭店公司〔Choice Hotels International〕
这一品牌创建于2019年,经过全新的理念 向客人提供高档的入住体验
洲际酒店的运营战略: 1特许运营战略 2品牌多元化占略 3人才培训战略 4创新开展战略 5顾客忠实战略
特许运营战略是指特许运营是指特许权拥有者 授予特许权运营者从事运营的行为。其最大 优势就在于,企业无需投入大量资金和人力, 将成熟的和规范化的管理方式以及独具特征 的运营技术与运营理念经过受让与转让,使 曾经品牌化的产品占领新的市场。
NO 10——凯悦集团〔Global Hyatt USA)旗下的品牌 有柏悦(Park Hyatt〕,Andaz,君悦(Grand Hyatt), 凯悦(Hyatt Regency),Hyatt Place,Hyatt Summerfield Suites,凯悦度假村(Hyatt Resorts)及 Hyatt Vacation Club
Slide 6.6
• 洲际酒店是全球首屈一指的酒店服务集团, 成立于1946年,是目前全球最大及网络分 布最广的专业酒店管理集团,拥有洲际、 皇冠假日、假日酒店等多个国际知名酒店 品牌和超过55年国际酒店管理经验。同时 洲际酒店集团也是世界上客房拥有量最大、 跨国经营范围最广,分布将近100个国家。
Slide 6.11
希尔顿酒店集团公司 (Hilton Hotels Corporation)
Kotler, Keller, Brady, Goodman, Hansen, Marketing Management, 2nd edition © Pearson Education Limited 2013
Slide 6.2
Kotler, Keller, Brady, Goodman, Hansen, Marketing Management, 2nd edition © Pearson Education Limited 2013
世Slide 6.界3 著名酒店集团公司综览
• 1. 洲际国际酒店集团 (Intercontinental Hotels Group)
(SHANGRI - LA Hotels & Resorts) Kotler, Keller, Brady, Goodman, Hansen, Marketing Management, 2nd edition © Pearson Education Limited 2013
¡ 由个别超豪华品牌酒店向批量超豪华品牌酒 店发展。著名酒店集团纷纷推出超豪华品牌 酒店,在中国打造自己的旗舰,如上海瑞吉 红塔酒店成为喜达屋集 团在中国开业的第二 个圣.瑞吉斯品牌酒店,北京东方君悦酒店是 凯悦集团在中国继上海君悦金茂酒店之后管 理的第二家君悦品牌酒店,上海四季酒店成 为国际著名 的四季酒店集团在中国开业的第 一家酒店。
¡ (三)、董事会领导下的总经理负责制。 ¡ 国际酒店管理集团的总经理拥有的权利体现在以下几个方面: ¡ 首先,在酒店的指挥系统上实行一个船长制度,也是酒店的
突 出形象代表人,遇到问题的最终决策人。副总经理和驻 店经理都是总经理的助手。 ¡ 其次,管理体系上实行一条线制度,各级管理人员向上只有 一个领导。 ¡ 再次,总经 理对直接下属和他的助手有充分的任免权,保 证令行禁止的有效系统指挥。总经理只向管理集团和代表集 团向业主公司董事会负责,董事会也依据依据管理合同和雇 用合同掌握总经理的命运。
凯悦酒店管理集团Hyatt Hotels/Hyatt International
¡ 2006年排名第10位的凯悦酒店管理集团 ¡ 品牌为凯悦、君悦、柏悦。以特许经营为主。在
¡ 由单一品牌向多品牌发展。洲际集团已陆续 推出皇冠假日、洲际、holiday inn等品牌; 马里奥特集团由主推万豪品牌到目前推出全 品牌发展战略,既有高档的丽嘉卡尔顿、万 豪、万丽,又有中高档的万怡、新世纪、华 美达。雅高集团在 中国市场拓展了索菲特、 诺富特等品牌后又将三星级“美居"品牌引入 中国。
希尔顿酒店(Hilton Hotels & Resorts):豪华酒店 品牌,提供一流的设施和服务,满足高端客户需求。
DoubleTree by Hilton:中档酒店品牌,以温馨、舒适 和友好的服务为特色。
康拉德酒店(Conrad Hotels & Resorts):高端全服 务酒店品牌,注重个性化服务和细节关怀。
希尔顿花园酒店(Hilton Garden Inn):中端 全服务酒店品牌,以家庭和商务旅客为主要目 标客户。
了解客户需求和偏好,提供个性 化的住宿体验和服务,如定制房 间布置、特色餐饮等。
在客户生日、纪念日等特殊日子 送上祝福和礼物,增强客户归属 感和忠诚度。
建立完善的投诉处理机制,及时 响应并解决客户投诉,提高客户 满意度和口碑。
万怡酒店(Courtyard by Marriott):中端全 服务酒店品牌,以商务 旅客为主要目标客户。
希尔顿酒店(Hilton Hotels & Resorts):高 端全服务酒店品牌,提供豪华住宿和一流设施 。
希尔顿逸林酒店(DoubleTree by Hilton): 中高端全服务酒店品牌,以商务和休闲旅客为 目标客户群。
万丽酒店(Renaissance Hotels):高端全服务酒店品牌,以历史、 文化和艺术为特色。
• 14、Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seen the Tower or any of the other famous sights. If I'd gone alone, I couldn't have seen nearly as much, because I wouldn't have known my way about.
• 凯悦假日俱乐部
• 德国凯宾斯基饭店股份有限公司 定位
• 凯宾斯基
• 香格里拉酒店集团
• 香格里拉
• 商贸饭店
• 温德姆酒店集团
• 温德姆酒店及度假酒店
• 15、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。2020年12月2020/12/102020/12/102020/12/1012/10/2020
• 16、如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪头,那么任何风都不是顺风。2020/12/102020/12/10December 10, 2020
THE END 17、一个人如果不到最高峰,他就没有片刻的安宁,他也就不会感到生命的恬静和光荣。2020/12/102020/12/102020/12/102020/12/10
★第二梯队 (客房数在0.18-2万间)
约260家,其中较为知名的有: ●香港香格里拉 Shangri-la(37/19202)-41 ●加拿大太平洋公司Canadian Pacific(36/18160)-44 ●美国大国际公司Omni Intl.(41/14702)-50 ●加拿大四季饭店公司Four Seasons (47/13744)-52 ●德国凯滨斯基公司Kempinski(30/7565)-114 ●日本新大谷公司New Otani(22/7364)-117 ●美国温斯顿公司Winston Hotels(51/6904)-122 ●英国瑞格尔公司Regal Hotels Group(110/7486)-115 ●香港世纪国际Century International Hotels(20/5332)-157 ●上海锦江集团(50/13744)-51、北京王朝饭店公司(34/10076)
Carlson Hospitality Worldwide (616/114161)
★第一梯队(客房数在2-10万间) 客房数在2-10万间的饭店公司有30家,在国际上知名度较大的包括: ●凯悦/凯悦国际公司 Hyatt Hotels/Hyatt Intl.(195/85743 )-10 ●索马里公司 Sol Melia(260/69178)-12 ●希尔顿国际公司 Hilton Intl.(217/61889)-14 ●福特饭店集团 Forte Hotel Group(49/58636)-15 ●地中海俱乐部 Club Mediterranee SA(127/36510)-20 ●美国特许经营系统 UFS(400/32722) -22 ●布里斯托尔公司Bristol,USA(110/29228)-26 ●王子饭店公司Prince, Japan(80/26304)-31 ●沃尔特迪斯尼公司Walt Disney(19/23469)-35 ●斯凯的克公司 Scandic, Sweden(33/22470)-38
(Marriott International, Inc. Hotels)
( Hyatt Hotels & Resorts)
5. 最佳西方酒店管理集团
(Best Western International)
6. 圣达特国际集团
(Cendant Corporation)
现在,“最佳西方”已发展成为全球单一品牌最大的酒店连锁集团,除在 美国和加拿大外,“最佳西方”在法国、意大利和德国也已成为了当地规 模最ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的酒店集团。经中国旅游饭店协会的统计显示,最佳西方也已成为 中国酒店业的10强之一。全世界每天有超过25万人下榻最佳西方旗下酒店 。
贝斯特韦斯特国际集团(Best Western International, Inc.) 于1946年在美国
创立。最初的“贝斯特韦斯特”只是一个由七家单体酒店组成的非正式组 织,功能也仅限于酒店前台接待人员之间互相介绍住客。随后数年,“贝
业,位于洛杉矶国际机场,原名凯悦旅馆(Hyatt House)。集团在60 年代发展迅速,1969年,美国已有13间凯悦酒店,同年开设在海外首 间酒店香港凯悦酒店。Hyatt Regency是集团主要酒店品牌,1980年, 引入君悦及柏悦两个豪华酒店品牌。
洲际酒店(intercontinental Hotels & Resorts)
世界著名酒店集团及其旗下品牌(Worldfamoushotelgroupanditsbrand)世界著名酒店集团及其旗下品牌(World famous hotel group and itsbrand)旗下主要品牌: 洲际intercontinental, 皇冠crowne plaza, 假日holiday inn, 快捷express by holiday innholiday inn广告语: 自在自我. be yourself.intercontinental hotel广告语: 明白所需, 满足所想.we know what it takes洲际饭店集团旗下有五个品牌, 分别是假日(holiday inn) 、快捷假日 (holiday inn express 、皇冠假日 (crown plaza) 、洲际饭店及度假村 (intercontinental hotels and resorts) 和staybridge suties by holiday inn.洲际酒店及度假村1998年3月, 巴斯集团以29亿美元从日本saison集团手上收购了洲际饭店及度假饭店, 这项交易使得巴斯集团的饭店数目一下子增添了187间.洲际国际酒店在满足国际商务旅客及消闲旅客的独特需求方面, 洲际饭店已建立了一定的声誉, 它亦善于将全球性的服务标准巧妙地与当地的传统相结合.多年来, 洲际饭店远近驰名, 一直是各国商界所喜爱入住的饭店.此外, 洲际饭店具有的独特文化特色及其在顶级饭店市场的地位, 使集团的饭店品牌日趋多元化.皇冠假日酒店及度假村皇冠假日品牌的前身是由假日饭店于1983年衍生出来的饭店品牌, 1994年发展成为独立的饭店品牌, 以突出其高品味高消费的市场形象及以商务旅客为主的特色.皇冠饭店及度假饭店以合理的价格提供高档的饭店住宿设施.它专为满足今日精明的旅客的需求而设, 并以提供更优质的服务及设施来迎合那些追求物有所值的商务旅客.目前, 超过140家皇冠饭店分布于全球40多个国家, 每家皇冠饭店均提供先进的会议设施、专职负责会议的专业员工及完善的商业服务; 同时, 还配备有设备齐全的健美中心、餐饮设施和多样化的休闲活动.假日酒店及度假村假日饭店以超值的价格为今日的商务及休闲旅客提供可靠友善的服务以及现代化的设施.无论在大小城镇、寂静的公路沿线、还是在熙来攘往的机场附近, 均可看到假日饭店的踪影, 因为提供全面服务的假日饭店都是位于交通方便的地区.目前, 假日饭店在全球已开设了1600多间饭店, 其不仅保持着全球最具规模的单一饭店品牌的地位, 同时也是世界上最广为人知的饭店品牌之一.洲际国际酒店快捷假日洲际饭店集团的前身六洲饭店集团于1991年推出快捷假日饭店, 这一举动成为饭店业史上最成功的事件之一.该集团通过创造这一品牌, 迅速地划分出一类中档饭店市场, 这类饭店只提供有限的饭店服务而不包含餐饮设施.在不到十年的时间里, 快捷假日饭店品牌在世界各地的饭店数目已增至1000多家.清新、简洁是快捷假日饭店的特色, 它为商务及休闲旅客提供的收费价格也极具竞争力.至于快捷假日饭店推出的guest stay smartsm 优惠计划, 除可让宾客免费享用包括新鲜水果、麦片及糕点在内的早餐外, 还可免费使用当地电话服务(只限美国).此外, 宾客还可在美国及加拿大的各间快捷假日饭店阅读一本曾获奖的饭店专有杂志《navigator》.快捷假日饭店目前以几乎每三天便开设一间新饭店的惊人速度继续扩展.staybridge suties by holiday inn1997年底, 假日饭店属下的staybridge suites饭店正式面世.This is the brand founded by bath group to break into the new extended accommodation hotel market. The first Staybridge Suites opened in Alpharetta, Georgia, USA in December 1998. InterContinental Hotels Group is still actively expanding the brand. Staybridge Suites is a brand have a unique style hotel concept, designed to meet people from all over the world needs continuous stay in the hotel or above the passenger demand on friday. Staybridge Suites has no interval, one or two bedroom suite, suite facilities include large double beds or single bed, sofa bed, interactive TV, spacious and well lit studio, equipped with cooking utensils and household refrigerator, microwave oven, kitchen equipment, it has the characteristics of Home Furnishing.2. Hilton Hotels Corporation (Hilton Hotels Corporation):Its major brands:Hilton (HILTON HOTEL), Conrad (CONRAD HOTELS), Scandi (SCANDIC) (DOUBLE, TREE), Doubletree by Embassy Suites Hotel (EMBASSY SUITE), wood (HOMEWOOD SUITE), Suites Hotel Conference Center Harrison (HARRISON CONFERENCE CENTER), Garden Hotel (GARDEN INN), Hampton (HAMPTON INN AND SUITES) Hotel Hilton, (HILTON GRAND VACATIONS CLUB Vacation Club).Hilton advertising language: Travel, is, more, than, just, a, to, B. travel, not only from A to B.Conrad advertising language: The, luxury, of, being, yourself., noble you!Double tree advertising language: This, summer, is, packed, with, the, fun,, of, kids, at, doubletree!The double tree hotel is full of children's fun this summer!Hotel profile:Hilton International Hotel Group (HI), a branch of the British based Hilton group, has the right to use the "Hilton" brand outside the United states. The Hilton Hotel in the United States is owned and managed by the Hilton Hotel management company (HHC). Hilton International Hotel Group manages 403 hotels, including 261 Hilton Hotel, 142 rooms for the mid market "Scandic Hotel", as well as the distribution and the Hilton Hotel management company headquartered in North American joint venture, in 12 countries in the 18 "Conrad" (also known as the "Conrad Hotel"). Its global marketing alliance with Hilton Hotel management has led to a total of over 2700 hotels worldwide, with more than 500 hotels jointly using Hilton's brand.MarriottMarriott International is the world's premier hotel management company, operates in the United States and 67 other countries and regions, manages more than 2800 hotels, and provides about 490500 rooms. The company, based in Washington, D. C., employs about 133000 people. Marriott management group has been named one of 100 employees' favorite companies for six consecutive years by fortune magazine. Marriott owns hotel brands including: Marriott (472, full service hotel, including 13 conference center and 34 JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, The Ritz Carlton Hotel (56), deluxe hotel, Risorgimento Hotel (126), Royal Hotel, Courtyard Hotel (616), high price hotel) and Residence Inn (449, long rent a hotel), Fairfield Inn (524, SpringHill Suites (Econo Hotel), 110, a high price, TownePlace Suites (Suites Hotel) 111, mid priced long rent Hotel), Ramada International (in the North American regionoutside manages 192 Econo Hotel), Vacation Club, by Marriott Horizons, Ritz-Carlton Club and Marriott Grand Residence Club brand management resort hotel (49 Resort Hotel and Marriott Executive Apartments Longin Center (13), senior apartments). Besides,towneplace suites by marriott? 便能迎合大家的需要.欢愉的氛围, 亲切的服务, 齐全的设施, 让每位住客于工作过后, 亦可投进家的怀抱.springhill suites? by marriott想远离烦嚣都市, 投进宁静假期, springhill suites? 是您的完美之选.偌大的套房较其它传统客房面积多出百分之二十五, 无论是休息、工作或享乐的空间亦更为宽裕, 让您享受更佳.无论何时何地, 同样令您的旅程怡然自得.marriott? vacation club internationalmarriott vacation club? international在世界各旅游热点提供分时度假酒店, 无论您在全球多个地区旅游的时候, 也可以入住周全完善的marriott vacation club? international, 任何时候, 享受毕生难忘的旅游体验, 实现写意人生的梦想.5. 卑斯韦斯特酒店管理集团 (best western international).旗下主要品牌.(best western 最佳西方)the western广告语: our worldwide standard for service and amenities.我们国际化的标准服务为的是您的满意.酒店简介: - - - - - - - 1946年, 拥有23年管理经验的旅馆业主guertin建立了最佳西方汽车旅馆.该旅馆最初是作为饭店向旅游者推荐住宿设施的联系渠道, 主要通过前台接线员间的电话联系.集团经营特色及现状: 单个品牌来说是世界第一大的酒店集团.- - - - - - - - - 特色才能出新, 特色才能发展.在当今世界饭店业处于激烈竞争的同时, 最佳西方国际饭店集团在50多年的时期里迅速成长为世界第一大的饭店品牌, 是因为它具有其他饭店无可比拟的独特优势.7.凯宾斯基国际酒店集团.旗下主要品牌: kempinski hotel北京kempinski广告语: 生意成功的方向.the access to success.集团简介: 凯宾斯基集团始建于德国, 已有一百多年的历史, 是传统的欧式风格饭店的典型代表.凯宾斯基集团饭店大多坐落于风景优美, 令人向住的城市.在经营上, 凯宾斯基的理念是: 充分满足客人, 为了充分满足客人的需要, 凯宾斯基推出了 "金钥匙" 全能服务项目.8.喜达屋国际酒店集团 (starwood hotels & resorts worldwide.旗下主要品牌: 瑞吉斯(st. regis), 至尊精选(the luxury collection), 喜来登 (sheraton), 威斯汀 (westin), 福朋 (four points) 及w 酒店 w hotels), 美丽殿 (meridian).the luxury collection广告语: collect the world's experience. 精选世界的风采.westin广告语: explore and experience. 探索, 体验.w: well, hello there hotels广告语. w酒店, 欢迎您.集团简介.其中 (圣瑞吉斯) 和the luxury collection (至尊精选) 都是集团内最顶级的奢华品牌, le meridien (艾美) 和westin (威斯汀) 是高端的奢华品牌; w饭店是个性化、时尚的代名词; sheraton (喜来登) 和four points by sheraton (福朋喜来登) 则是中端的品牌, 扩张速度也最快; aloft和element则分别由w饭店管理团队和westin 酒店管理团队新近倾力打造出的新品牌.westin在重新打造超高档酒店市场之初创立了element这一品牌, 它融合了智能化设计、现代化风格和融洽的社交环境.The target customers for long-term occupancy needs of travelers, to let them on the tour can be perfect to enjoy life; and aloft with the same strain of the W Hotel, W hotel buildingcreated by the same team effort, it is widely regarded as one of the most successful decades of new brands. W Hotel break regulation high consumption areas of the hotel on the chaos, aloft will improve the mid-range hotel industry standard in the same way, to provide full urban style and large space LOFT style rooms, advanced technology service, suitable for daily activities and social night scenery beautiful outdoor space and vibrant hall background.The brand influence of Starwood has been recognized by the industry, which is now the second largest market in china. Its implementation of "Starwood care" and "STAR services four standards" has become the industry's recognized standards Name: St. Regis / St. Regis Hongta grade: the number of platinum 5 star The Globe Hotel: the number of <20 China: 2 China flagship store: Beijing international club opening: Tianjin St. Regis Hotel, Tibet Rigi Hostellerie competitor: introduction Ritz-Carlton, Seasons, Four Park Hyatt brands: St. Regis Hotel is the most upscale hotel the symbol of the world, represents the high standard of absolute private service. It has a long history, the first St. Regis Hotel opened in New York is 1904 Nianasituo Colonel, Colonel Astor with Europe wide service to honor their friends and business partners. This service is unique in the industry, making St. John's hotel a classic in the global hospitality industry. In March 1, 2000, Beijing international Club Hotel is located in Beijing Jianguomenwai Street officially changed the name of the English Beijing (St. Regis Beijing, the original name Chinese unchanged), which marks the hotel will be in full accordance with the San Regis's model and standard action, it became the first hotel in the Asia Pacific region. Beijing international club for more than 80% of the guests are Europeanand American business people; more than 90% of The St. Regis Shanghai are business guests, including 40% from China, 25% from the United States, 10-15% from Japan and Europe, more than 40% Hotel guest. Name: Luxury Collection grade: the number of platinum 5 star The Globe Hotel: number 17 China: 0 China flagship store: 0 competitors:Ritz-Carlton, Four Seasons, Park of Hyatt, Peninsula brand: the luxury collection is a unique combination of providing service for the top guests create new styles in the STARWOOD group of hotels and resorts. There are only 17 homes in the world, each of which has more than 300 years of history and only receives dignitaries and Royal families. The best hotels in the world have the characteristics of gorgeous decor, spectacular furnishings, impeccable service, and the facilities of the most modern conveniences. The luxury is not inferior to the St. Regis Hongta, but the number is less. Advertising language: Collect, the, world, s, experience, featured in the world! Name: Amy / Meridian grade: the number of platinum 5 star The Globe Hotel:number 140 China: 3- Hongkong Le Meridien Munich Hotel Shanghai Le Meridien Munich Hotel Sheshan Le Royal Meridien Hotel Shanghai World Trade China flagship store: Hongkong Le Meridien Munich Hotel competition: JW Marriott opening soon: introduction to the Hainan Shi Meiai hotel brands: the old El Luxor Hotel brand in France, formerly Ford Hotel Group's top brands the newly acquired by STARWOOD. Le Meridien Munich Hotel and resorts are located in the world's top cities and resorts, covering Europe, the Americas, the Asia Pacific region, Africa and the middle east. In the survey of luxury brands in 2005, Le Meridien Munich Hotel ranked among the top 15 luxury hotel brands. Name: W platinum 5 star grade hotel: the number ofChina: 0 China flagship store opening soon: 0: Shanghai W hotel brand for guests for the first time in the hotel brand mostly make the "Wah" marvel, the name W Hotel.W hotel of Starwood hotel business guests experience redefined according to the characteristics of business guests have a new design of service facilities and services. W hotel is a five star hotel in Starwood brands bought Sheraton and WESTIN hotel after the new features, designed specifically for business guests and independent boutique hotel facilities and services combined with the market position in a 70% to 75% individual business travellers and 15% to 20% small business guests team the target market. W Hotel Fashion is synonymous with fashion, the hotel design gives a very modern, beautiful, high-tech, sense of Cool, the target market for young people, successful entertainment, fashion circle crowd. Advertisement: Well Hello, there. W Hotel, welcome you! Name: Class: the number of platinum 5 star Westin China 2- Shanghai: Westin Grand Washington D C Hotel Beijing Westin Financial Street China flagship store:Shanghai Westin Grand Washington D C Hotel competitor: JW-Marriott, Shangri-La is opening: introduction of Guangzhou Westin Grand Washington D C Hotel, Tianjin Westin Grand Washington D C Hotel, Nanjing Westin Grand Washington D C Hotel, Jiulong Mountain Westin Hotel, brand: STARWOOD team veteran upscale Traders Hotel, the hotel industry has been located in the the leader and innovator in the ranks. Westin hotels are located in important commercial areas, each of which has different architectural styles and furnishings. And The, Luxury, Collection, compared to the pursuit of luxury hardware, highlighting the business climate. At the beginning of 70s, byMalaysia Hotel magnate Guo Henian dug a team at Westin Hotel Group in Singapore, established the first Shangri-La Hotel, Shangri-La hotel's original management core idea is to copy Westin. Advertising language: Explore & Experience. explore and experience! Name: Sheraton grade: the number of 5 star China: 19 China flagship store: the Great Wall Sheraton Hotel opening: Sheraton Chongqing, Sheraton Guangzhou, Guiyang Sheraton, Sheraton Hangzhou, Sheraton Pudong, Shenzhen mesago Sheraton, Shenzhen Fukuda Kikudo, Sheraton Taiyuan, Nakayama Kikudo Marriott, competitors: introduction Renainssance, Hyatt, Sofitel, Crown Plaza, Sheraton is the world's top 500 brands: STARWOOD management group's most prestigious brand franchise has more than 700 hotels in more than 80 countries around the world. In 63 years, the friendly hospitality of the Sheraton Hotel has a very good reputation in the market competition, always come out on top, so that not only become a symbol of national and regional opening degree and economic strength, is an important symbol of modern international metropolis. As a model of global luxury hotel, Sheraton on the site is very strict, mainly located in the bustling metropolis and resortsin the world's most attractive, like New York, Manhattan, Paris, Tokyo Ladd side of shinjuku...... Since the Sheraton entered China in 1983, its hotels opened in China are not only distributed in Beijing, Shanghai and other international cities, but have also been stationed in the second tier cities in china. Its expansion rate is the fastest in the STARWOOD group, and is one of the most important brands in the group. Name: Sheraton grade 4: the number of China: 2- Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen Pudong Four Points & Suites Calgary West Hotel China flagshipstore opening soon: Pudong Four Points & Suites Calgary West Hotel: Dalian Sheraton Hotel, Changshu Sheraton Hotel, Shanghai Four Points & Suites Calgary West Hotel Daning rival Courtyard, Inn, Holiday: Park Plaza, Traders brand: SHERATON was acquired by STARWOOD was ITT the company at the time, ITT SHERATON has three brands: four FOUR POINTS, five star SHERATON, super star LUXURY COLLECTION. FOUR POINTS is an inherent brand of Sheraton, so the word "BY SHERATON" is usually added to the FOUR POINTS.四点shetaton和喜来登可理解为姊妹酒店,只是前者档次稍低。
国际酒店集团品牌特色 PPT课件
![国际酒店集团品牌特色 PPT课件](
温德姆(WYNDHAM)旗下12大品牌,其中进 入中国5个: ●华美达(RAMADA)-商务与休闲旅客的理想选 择。以市场中端的相宜价格提供舒适放松的 体验。所提供的友善好客,休闲放松的酒店 体验几乎在全球各地都可体会得到。 “Leave the rest to us”;
洲际IHG旗下7大品牌及特色: ●英迪格酒店 (Hotel Indigo)-新创意性品 牌,专为寻求精品酒店的独特体验和设施, 并对风尚敏感商务客人及旅行者而设计; ●假日酒店及度假村 (Holiday Inn Hotels & Resorts)-舒适的设施、友好的服务以及 备受信赖的亲切感,让旅客在世界各地都拥 有“家”的轻松自在;
希尔顿(HILTON)旗下10大品牌,其中进入 大中华区的7个: ●康莱德(CONRAD)-时尚奢华酒店品牌,旗 下每家酒店和度假村都极具个性。融汇个性 化服务和商业智慧,通过采用先进科技,务 求让个性化体验及优雅文化达到完美平衡;
ACCOR集团旗下14大品牌,目前进入中国7个: ●诺富特 (NOVOTEL)-为自然生活而设计。 现代感十足、标准化设计的酒店网络,诺富 特酒店为商旅客人独创自然清新的健康环境; Designed for natural living
ACCOR集团旗下14大品牌,目前进入中国7个: ●美居(Mercure)-相约美居。专业的酒店 服务使每一次入住体验独一无二;Meet the Mercures ●宜必思 (ibis)-您所钟爱的酒店。全球 800家酒店以极具竞争力的价格,提供高品 质住宿及全天候服务;Hotels the way you like them
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• Hilton广告语:Travel is more than just a to b. 旅行不仅是A地到B地。
• Conrad 广告语:The luxury of being yourself. 做高贵的你!
• Double tree广告语:This summer is packed with the fun of kids at doubletree!
) • 4. 凯悦国际酒店集团
( Hyatt Hotels & Resorts) • 5. 最佳西方酒店管理集团
(Best Western International)
• 6. 圣达特国际集团(Cendant Corporation)
• 7.凯宾斯基国际酒店集团
(Kempinski Hotels & Resorts)
• 旗下主要品牌:
• 在亚太地区,洲际酒店集团在23个国家经营160 多家酒店。洲际酒店集团是一家英国公司,每年 接待超过一亿五千万客人。是为旅客提供客房为 主的,并拥有有限的餐饮设施。
• 在中国,世界知名洲际酒店集团提供您在北京、 上海、重庆、沈阳、厦门、香港。。。等大城市 一流酒店住宿体验,不论那你的出发地点是哪里, 不论您的需求是什么,洲际酒店集团邀您体验一 趟舒适完美的尊荣旅程。
• Intercontinental 广告语:We know what it takes 明白所需,满足所想。
• Holiday Inn广告语: Be yourself.自在自我。
希尔顿酒店集团公司 (Hilton Hotels Corporation)
1907年,正当美国发生经济大恐慌的那年圣诞节,一个 名为康拉德•希尔顿、年龄是20岁的孩子在美国新泽西州 圣-安东尼奥镇堆满灾祸的土坯房里开办了家庭式旅馆以 应生计并庆祝自己的生日,他还对母亲说:“我要集资100 万美元,盖一座以我命名的新旅馆。”又指着报纸上一大 堆地名说:“我要在这些地方都建起旅馆,一年开一家。”
• “洲际”旗下的酒店品牌包括: 洲际酒店(intercontinental Hotels & Resorts) 皇冠假日酒店(Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts) 假日酒店(Holiday Inn) 假日快捷(Holiday Express) Indigo品牌酒店(Hotel Indigo) Candlewood品牌酒店, Staybridge公寓式酒店等品牌
希尔顿国际酒店集团经营管理着403间酒店,包括 261间希尔顿酒店,142间面向中端市场的“斯堪的克” 酒店,以及与总部设在北美的希尔顿酒店管理公司合 资经营的、分布在12个国家中的18间“康拉德”(亦称“港 丽”)酒店。它与希尔顿酒店管理公司组合的全球营销联 盟,令世界范围内双方旗下酒店总数超过了2700间, 其中500多间酒店共同使用希尔顿的品牌。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 8.喜达屋国际酒店集团
• 9.雅高集团(ACCOR)
• 10.香格里拉酒店集团
(SHANGRI - LA Hotels & Resorts )
洲际国际酒店集团 (Intercontinental Hotels Group)
1928年,也是圣诞节,时光过了21年,康拉德•希尔顿41 岁生日这一天,所有这些梦想都一一实现了,并且速度大 大超过预期。在达拉斯阿比山、韦科、马林、普莱恩维尤 、圣安吉诺和阿拉伯都相继建起了以他的名字命名的饭店 ——希尔顿饭店。
希尔顿国际酒店集团(HI),总部设于英国的希尔顿 集团公司旗下分支,拥有除美国外全球范围内“希尔顿” 商标的使用权。美国境内的希尔顿酒店则由希尔顿酒 店管理公司(HHC)拥有并管理。
• 华尔道夫饭店(Waldorf Astoria Hotel)位于美国纽约 曼哈顿第五大道49-50街,堪 称世界上最豪华、最著名的 五星级酒店之一,拥有42层 楼。
• 该饭店分为两部分,28楼以 下为一部分, 房价从每晚五 六百美元至一千二三百美元 不等;28楼至42楼为另一部 分,通常为许多富翁设立的 “永久住所”及总统套房都 在此。华尔道夫饭店高楼拥 有1245个房间,其中有197个 套房,而国家元首下榻的华 尔道夫塔楼只有180个房间, 其中101个是套房。中间一条 走道把两幢大楼连接在一起。
Hotel Group Introduction
• 1. 洲际国际酒店集团 (Intercontinental Hotels Group)
• 2. 希尔顿酒店集团公司 (Hilton Hotels Corporation)
• 3. 万豪国际酒店集团公司 (Marriott International, Inc. Hotels
• 洲际酒店是全球首屈一指的酒店服务集团,成立 于1946年,是目前全球最大及网络分布最广的专 业酒店管理集团,拥有洲际、皇冠假日、假日酒 店等多个国际知名酒店品牌和超过55年国际酒店 管理经验。同时洲际酒店集团也是世界上客房拥 有量最大、跨国经营范围最广,分布将近100个 国家。
• 洲际酒店集团是亚太地区及全球最大并拥有最多 酒店品牌的酒店管理公司。在全球100多个国家 和地区拥有、运营及管理的酒店有3,500多家,酒 店客房超过54.5万间。特许经营约占88.9%,委 托管理约占6%,带资管理及其它5.1%。