英语高级阅读 单词复习

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The fibers are woven into fabric(织物)
Proliferate to increase greatly and suddenly in number
proliferate(扩散) nuclear weapons Small businesses have proliferated in the last ten years.
• intoxicated adj. (formal) drunk
• She was charged with driving while intoxicated.
• excited, happy and slightly out of control because of an experience such as love, success, etc
• He used to claim that he had his best ideas after several days of intoxication.
• excitement
• The feeling of intoxication that followed her victory was cut short by her father's sudden death.
Evolution • the way in which living things change
and develop over millions of years, or a gradual process of change and development
Darwin's theory of evolution • the evolution of language
drunk if you have too much • an intoxicating thought • An intoxicating experience or idea
makes you feel excited and emotional.
• multiply乘, (使)相乘,(使)繁殖
brine pan 盐场[田]
brine pit 盐井[泉] brineshrimp 盐水褐虾
adv. 不确定地,无限期地
Nobody has the right to borrow the book indefinitely. 任何人都没有权利无限期地借阅这本书。
horrifying adj. causing feelings of horror in; awful; terrifying; dismaying or greatly shocking; dreadful
He presents his horrifying experience with a noble dispassion. 他以令人佩服的平静语气,叙述自己骇人 听闻的经验。
unrest n.
不稳; 不安的状态; 骚乱, 动乱
campus unrest 大学学潮, 学生运动 financial unrest 金融动荡 monetary unrest 货币动荡
1. interactive teaching methods
involving communication between people
2. an interactive game/video
• Far-reaching • These new laws will have far-reaching
almost no flavor • vt. [often passive] • to give a particular taste to food or drink • You can use fresh herbs to flavor the soup. • This sauce is flavored with garlic and herbs.
Proliferation The past two years have seen the proliferation of TV channels.
Evolve to develop gradually, or to cause
something or someone to develop gradually
• If you multiply seven by 15, you get 105.
• multiplication n. [U]
• flavor n. [C or U] • how food or drink tastes, or a particular taste
itself • My fish was delicious but Charles' beef had
• to increase greatly in number, or (in mathematics) to add a number to itself a particular number of times
• In warm weather these germs multiply rapidly.
it poisonous
• Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.
• The food which had been contaminated was destroyed.
• intoxication
• being drunk
习惯用语 be of good descent 出身好 make a descent upon 侵入, 袭击 descent of man 人类由来
matted adj.
铺有席子的 编织成席的; 编织的 乱蓬的; 遍地丛生的 表面无光的; 不光洁的
matted hair 乱蓬蓬的头发 matted roots 错结的盘根 matted weeds 杂生的野草
漂流; 流速; (潮流的)推进力; 冲流 漂流物; 吹积物; 堆积物 趋势; 动向, 倾向 大意, 要旨, 要点
(See the usage on next page)
catch (get, see) the drift of 理解...的含义, 明白...的要旨
Let things drift. 听天由命; 听之任之。 Let matters drift. 听天由命; 听之任之。 on the drift (船)漂流 [美](因失业)而流浪 drift along 随波逐流; 混日子 drift apart (两者)漂移; 疏远 drift away (人)渐渐离开; (烟雾等)慢慢散 去
Vocabulary of Reading 1
• Interact: • to communicate with or react to
• It's interesting at parties to see how people interact socially.
• We are studying how these two chemicals interact.
• The drugs, the divorce and the depression - it's an episode in his life that he wants to forget.
• contaminate vt. • to spoil the purity of something or make
drift off (人)渐渐离开 渐渐入睡
clobber n. 衣服, (鞋匠用来掩饰皮革缝的)软膏 vt. 痛打, 击倒, 拉垮
Did you take all your clobber? 你把你所有的衣服都带上了吗
John told me to piss off, or he'd clobber me. 约翰叫我走开,不然就要揍我。
• [ˈepisəud] • n. • (生活和经历的)插曲; (文艺作品的)一段情节 • 一个事件 • (古希腊悲剧中)两段合唱间的部分;【音】中
间插段;【戏】(回想式的)插话 • 【地质】幕
• This latest episode in the fraud(欺诈) scandal has shocked a lot of people.
Vocabulary Check of Reading 1
congregated vt.,vi. (使)聚集, 集合
People quickly congregated round the speaker. 人们迅速围拢在演说者的周围。
gash n. 纵深的创伤[切痕] (地面等的)裂缝
Sap flowed from the gash in the tree. 树液从树的切口处涌出
Program(me) to instruct a device or system to operate
in a particular way or at a particular time
1. I've programmed the video to start recording at 10 o'clock. The video is programmed to switch on at ten o'clock.
descent n. 降, (落)下; 倾斜, 下坡; 下降的方法或工具 家世, 血统, 门第; 遗传, 世袭 袭击 降格, 屈尊; 堕落
The descent of the mountain took nearly two hours. 下山差不多花了两个小时。
Many Americans are of English descent. 许多美国人的祖籍是英国。
doom n. 厄运, 毁灭; 死亡
习惯用语 be doomed to 注定(后接名词或不定式) go to one's doom 死亡, 灭亡 fall to one's doom 死亡, 灭亡 meet one's doom 死亡, 灭亡 send sb. to his doom 将某人处死
Leabharlann Baidu
brine n. 卤水; 盐水;【化】盐溶液 海水; 海 [诗]泪水
benefits for all working mothers • Something far-reaching has a great influence
on many people or things
Fiber(纤) [C] any of the thread-like parts which form plant or artificial material and which can be made into cloth:
• Her teacher says that she interacts well with the other children.
• Interactive describes a system or computer program
which is designed to involve the user in the exchange of information
He has evolved a new theory after many year of research. Humans evolved from apes. Many Victorians were shocked by the notion that Man had evolved from lower forms of life.
• She was understandably intoxicated by her success in the national competition.
• intoxicating • intoxicating liquor • If a drink is intoxicating, it makes you
The deep gash in his arm would take weeks to heal over.
hallucinate vt.,vi. (使) 生幻觉
Drug addicts often hallucinate. 吸毒成瘾的人常常产生幻觉.
hallucination n. hallucinatory adj.