英语写作课PPT 第三课 sentences

(1) Loose Sentence & Periodic Sentence A. You cannot make great progress in English without good study habits. great progress in English.
( loose sentence ) ( periodic sentence )
Peter and Carl walk to school. Bonnie follows them. Bonnie is Peter’s dog. She is a nice dog. She walks at Peter’s heels. She turns back at the butcher’s shop. Now Bonnie will try to find her friends. She may go home. Peter and Carl walk to school, and Bonnie follows them. Bonnie is Peter’s dog, and she is a nice dog. She walks at Peter’s heels, but she turns back at the butcher’s shop. Now Bonnie will try to find her friends, or she may go home. As Peter and Carl walk to school, Peter’s nice dog, Bonnie, follows them, walking at Peter’s heels until she turns back when they reach the butcher’s shop. Now, if she doesn’t find her friends, she will go home.
( loose sentence ) ( periodic sentence )
Peter and Carl walk to school. Bonnie follows them. Bonnie is Peter’s dog. She is a nice dog. She walks at Peter’s heels. She turns back at the butcher’s shop. Now Bonnie will try to find her friends. She may go home. Peter and Carl walk to school, and Bonnie follows them. Bonnie is Peter’s dog, and she is a nice dog. She walks at Peter’s heels, but she turns back at the butcher’s shop. Now Bonnie will try to find her friends, or she may go home. As Peter and Carl walk to school, Peter’s nice dog, Bonnie, follows them, walking at Peter’s heels until she turns back when they reach the butcher’s shop. Now, if she doesn’t find her friends, she will go home.

正:I’m 180 centimeters tall and I’m healthy.
不少考生平时不注重记忆必要的单词,写作时 碰到生词就绕道走,最后只好用解释法、定义 法来说明,结果语言晦涩难懂,文意错乱,表 达不畅。
病原体侵入 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
知道了内容、抓住了要点后,再根据要点确定句型,扩展句 子,把这些内容有机地连接起来。在联句成文的过程中,还要 注意,句子或者段落间的连接不仅仅是个语言问题,也是个逻 辑思维方法的问题,这两者是不能截然分开的。例如,两个意 义单位之间是递增、选择、对比、转折、概括、举例、时间顺 序或是因果关系,都要使用得当,并且用一定的词句加以表达, 否则,文章就会松散或含糊不清。
在写书面表达时,每一个句子都要尽 可能避免语法错误,考生们通常在下 列语法方面最易出错。
a.多用动词。如: There were hundreds of students couldn’t go to school because they were poor.
(改为Hundreds) b.缺少动词。如:It is said that they often careless in class. (加are)
不少基础较差的同学喜欢在行为动词前面加be动词, 例如:I am think that I’ll learn how to use a computer(. 去掉am)
不少考生平时不注重记忆必要的单词,写作时 碰到生词就绕道走,最后只好用解释法、定义 法来说明,结果语言晦涩难懂,文意错乱,表 达不畅。
病原体侵入 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
病原体侵入机体,消弱机体防御机能 ,破坏 机体内 环境的 相对稳 定性, 且在一 定部位 生长繁 殖,引 起不同 程度的 病理生 理过程
知道了内容、抓住了要点后,再根据要点确定句型,扩展句 子,把这些内容有机地连接起来。在联句成文的过程中,还要 注意,句子或者段落间的连接不仅仅是个语言问题,也是个逻 辑思维方法的问题,这两者是不能截然分开的。例如,两个意 义单位之间是递增、选择、对比、转折、概括、举例、时间顺 序或是因果关系,都要使用得当,并且用一定的词句加以表达, 否则,文章就会松散或含糊不清。
在写书面表达时,每一个句子都要尽 可能避免语法错误,考生们通常在下 列语法方面最易出错。
a.多用动词。如: There were hundreds of students couldn’t go to school because they were poor.
(改为Hundreds) b.缺少动词。如:It is said that they often careless in class. (加are)
不少基础较差的同学喜欢在行为动词前面加be动词, 例如:I am think that I’ll learn how to use a computer(. 去掉am)

(3). a pair of dashes set off a parenthetical element e.g. All his belongings - a few articles of clothing
and a few books - are here. (4). introduce a summarizing clause after a series of
一、Manuscript Form
1. Arrangement
(10) attention: Never begin with a comma(,), a period(.), a colon(:), a question mark (?), an exclamation mark(!)
Never ends with 【 “ ( h-
二、 Punctuation
3. The Dash / Hyphen (-)
(1). indicates a break in thought or a change in tone, or a speaker's confusion or hesitation e.g. Many people went there - did you go?
2. The Period (.)
(1). used at the end of a declarative sentence, a mildly imperative sentence, and an indirect question
(2). Abbreviations U.S.A. a.m.
(3). Three spaced periods make the ellipsis mark
and a few books - are here. (4). introduce a summarizing clause after a series of
一、Manuscript Form
1. Arrangement
(10) attention: Never begin with a comma(,), a period(.), a colon(:), a question mark (?), an exclamation mark(!)
Never ends with 【 “ ( h-
二、 Punctuation
3. The Dash / Hyphen (-)
(1). indicates a break in thought or a change in tone, or a speaker's confusion or hesitation e.g. Many people went there - did you go?
2. The Period (.)
(1). used at the end of a declarative sentence, a mildly imperative sentence, and an indirect question
(2). Abbreviations U.S.A. a.m.
(3). Three spaced periods make the ellipsis mark
新教材2023年高中英语 Unit 3 Section Ⅳ 写作指导课件 新人教版必修第三册

2.坐落在山顶的寺庙经历了这个地区的许多变化。 ①The temple stands on the top of the mountain,and has experienced many changes in this area. ②Standing on the top of the mountain,the temple has witnessed many changes in this area. 3.它坐落在天安门广场南面。 ①It is just located to the south of Tian’anmen Square. ②To the north of it,there is Tian’anmen Square. ③It lies in the south of Tian’anmen Square.
4.加拿大,世界第二大国,占地998万平方千米。 ①Canada,which is the second largest country in the world,covers an area of 9. 98 million square kilometres. ②Canada,the second largest country in the world,covers an area of 9. 98 million square kilometres. ③Canada,covering an area of 9. 98 million square kilometres,is the second largest country in the world.
第四步 句式升级 1.它位于花园路和和平路的交叉路口,我们市最繁忙的两个街 道。 (一般表达)It is located in the crossroads made by the Garden Avenue and the Peace Avenue. They are two busiest streets in our city. (高级表达) It is located in the crossroads made by the Garden Avenue and the Peace Avenue,__t_w_o__b_u_si_e_s_t _st_r_ee_t_s__ in our city.

Compare (比较)
Different students have different ideas about the Internet. Most students think that the Internet is very useful in our life. First of all, we can learn a lot from the Internet. We can also listen to music and enjoy movies for fun. Besides, our life becomes more convenient with the Internet. However, some other students feel differently. There are lots of unhealthy pictures or movies on the Internet. They make students lose interest in their study.
The beginning
三段式 The body ----用例子、实事或数据围绕主题开展叙述、讨论。【注意使用 (总-分 支持句 连接词】 -总)
The ending
结论句----对全文的总结和概括。 【结尾画龙点睛,首尾呼应】
Writing skills—seven steps
审清题意 誊写规范
Key sentence1
On the Internet
Most students…
Besides make…more convenient
Supporting sentences Key sentence2

引言(或导论)应该清楚地说明以下四个项目 主要的研究工作 研究工作的目的 进行研究的动机或背景 本研究工作在相关领域中的地位 Generally speaking, the introduction has two functions. One is to
引言_背景资料 例:Entropy effects during sorption of mixture of alkanes in MFI zeolite
The separation of mixtures of alkanes is an important activity in the petroleum and petrochemical industries. For example, the products from a catalytic isomerization reactor consist of a mixture of linear, mono-methyl and di-methyl alkanes. Of these, the di-branched molecules are the most desired ingredients in petrol because they have the highest octane number. It is therefore required to separate the di-methyl alkanes and recycle the linear and mono-methyl alkanes back to the isomerization reactor. In the detergent industry, the linear alkanes are the desired components and need to be separated from the alkanes mixture.
引言(或导论)应该清楚地说明以下四个项目 主要的研究工作 研究工作的目的 进行研究的动机或背景 本研究工作在相关领域中的地位 Generally speaking, the introduction has two functions. One is to
引言_背景资料 例:Entropy effects during sorption of mixture of alkanes in MFI zeolite
The separation of mixtures of alkanes is an important activity in the petroleum and petrochemical industries. For example, the products from a catalytic isomerization reactor consist of a mixture of linear, mono-methyl and di-methyl alkanes. Of these, the di-branched molecules are the most desired ingredients in petrol because they have the highest octane number. It is therefore required to separate the di-methyl alkanes and recycle the linear and mono-methyl alkanes back to the isomerization reactor. In the detergent industry, the linear alkanes are the desired components and need to be separated from the alkanes mixture.

注意:可以补充若干理由,不要仅仅 翻译以上各点.
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
某英语杂志社 “家长之友”栏目 要举办一次征文比赛,要求围绕
“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”这 一主题发表意见. 请根据下列提示 写一篇文章.
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
They spare no effort to offer their children as good a chance as possible: They not only send them abroad for further education and to private schools at great expenses, but also hire personal teachers. They buy all kinds of learning materials, computers and so on.
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
1. first, second, third, in addition, and…
2. immediately , when, later, before, after …
3. beside, beyond, behind, below, inside…
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
某英语杂志社 “家长之友”栏目 要举办一次征文比赛,要求围绕
“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”这 一主题发表意见. 请根据下列提示 写一篇文章.
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
They spare no effort to offer their children as good a chance as possible: They not only send them abroad for further education and to private schools at great expenses, but also hire personal teachers. They buy all kinds of learning materials, computers and so on.
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
怎样写好英语作文课件(共36张PPT) 【优秀 课件】
1. first, second, third, in addition, and…
2. immediately , when, later, before, after …
3. beside, beyond, behind, below, inside…
人教版高中英语必修三《Diverse Cultures》写作指导 PPT课件

14. settle v.定居;解决→__s_e_t_tl_e_m_e_n_t_ n.定居;解决→___s_e_t_tl_e_r__n.移民
15. construction n.建筑→__c_o_n_s_tr_u_c_t__v.建造
16. material n. 材料;布料;
17. suiБайду номын сангаас v.适合 n.西装→___________adj. 合适的 → _________ n. 合适;适宜
language diversity
a great/wide diversity of 多种多样的
2. The land is home to a great diversity of rare plants and animals.
3. San Francisco has diverse cultures and the cultural diversity shows in many
Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
Word formations
1. fortune n. 运气;巨款→_fo_r_t_u_n_a_t_e_ adj. 幸运的→_f_o_r_tu_n__at_e_l_y_ adv. 幸运 地→_u_n_f_o_rt_u_n_a_t_e adj. 不幸的→_u_n_f_o_r_tu_n__at_e_l_y_ adv. 不幸地 2. admit v.承认;允许进入;录取→__a_d_m_i_s_si_o_n___ n. 承认;录取;允许进入 3. definitely adv. 肯定;确实→_d_e_fi_n_it_e_adj. 肯定的;确定的 4. ___o_c_c_u_r_____vi. 发生 ( 过去式、过去分词:occurred) →__o_c_c_u_rr_e_n_c_e_ n. 发生的事;事件 5. historical adj. 历史的;→__h_i_st_o_r_ic_a_l_ly__adv. 在历史上→__h_is_t_o_r_y_n. 历史 →___h_is_t_o_r_ia_n___ n. 历史学家 6. select vt. 选择;挑选→__s_e_le_c_t_io_n__ n. 选择→_s_e_l_e_ct_i_v_e adj. 选择性的 7. minority n. 少数 →_m__in__o_r__adj. 次要的,小的; n.辅修科目 →___m__aj_o_r_it_y_ n. 大多数→__m__a_jo_r__adj.主要的,大的, n.主修科目

三级写作由A、B两节组成,考察考生的 书面表达能力。
A节:考生根据所给情景〔英/中文〕写 出约100词〔不计算标点符号〕的简单信件、 便笺等。考察写作信件、通告、便条等简单应 用文的能力,包括应用文的固定格式、如信件 的称呼、署名、结尾套语等。分值为10分。
B节:考生根据所给情景,写出一篇不少 于120词〔不计算标点符号〕的文章。提供情 景的形式有图画、图表、文字等。考察写说明 性或议论性文章的能力。分值为20分。
书信写作是PETS三级应用文写作的重中之重,考试 机率很大。下面再从往年考生暴露出来的问题谈谈书信写 作应注意的几个方面: 1.明确试题要求
一般来讲,应用作文试题会在字数、话题、情景和作 者身份等方面提出要求。考生应认真读,积极构思,确定 文章所要表现的主题。 2.确定读者
应用文写作要求在写作之前明确读者身份,根据情景 ,根据自己与虚拟读者的关系确定文章的语气和措辞。
老板或领导让干的事只能答 “Yes〞而不能答复 “No〞。
• 第四、缺乏应试技巧。主要表现为有些考生在篇首或篇 尾有喊口号倾向〔如Dear friends, let’s not hesitate to say “No〞〕,或画蛇添足,本来文章该完毕了却偏 要罗罗嗦嗦再来两句多余的话;另外一些考生字数把握不 准,不是写得太短就是写得太长,写得太短的会因为字数 不够而失分,太长的又因为阅卷教师任务繁重,时间窘迫, 不能因为一篇文章乱了整个阅卷节奏。还有一些考生的笔 迹〔尤其是用纯蓝墨水钢笔和出水太浅的圆珠笔写的〕, 让阅卷教师怎么也看不清楚。
A节:考生根据所给情景〔英/中文〕写 出约100词〔不计算标点符号〕的简单信件、 便笺等。考察写作信件、通告、便条等简单应 用文的能力,包括应用文的固定格式、如信件 的称呼、署名、结尾套语等。分值为10分。
B节:考生根据所给情景,写出一篇不少 于120词〔不计算标点符号〕的文章。提供情 景的形式有图画、图表、文字等。考察写说明 性或议论性文章的能力。分值为20分。
书信写作是PETS三级应用文写作的重中之重,考试 机率很大。下面再从往年考生暴露出来的问题谈谈书信写 作应注意的几个方面: 1.明确试题要求
一般来讲,应用作文试题会在字数、话题、情景和作 者身份等方面提出要求。考生应认真读,积极构思,确定 文章所要表现的主题。 2.确定读者
应用文写作要求在写作之前明确读者身份,根据情景 ,根据自己与虚拟读者的关系确定文章的语气和措辞。
老板或领导让干的事只能答 “Yes〞而不能答复 “No〞。
• 第四、缺乏应试技巧。主要表现为有些考生在篇首或篇 尾有喊口号倾向〔如Dear friends, let’s not hesitate to say “No〞〕,或画蛇添足,本来文章该完毕了却偏 要罗罗嗦嗦再来两句多余的话;另外一些考生字数把握不 准,不是写得太短就是写得太长,写得太短的会因为字数 不够而失分,太长的又因为阅卷教师任务繁重,时间窘迫, 不能因为一篇文章乱了整个阅卷节奏。还有一些考生的笔 迹〔尤其是用纯蓝墨水钢笔和出水太浅的圆珠笔写的〕, 让阅卷教师怎么也看不清楚。

01 Unit 9 三段作文法
In-class Activities
Task 2: 参照“三段十句作文”的细分结构(原因型/比较型/分析型/评论 型/批驳型等),选择适合下列两个作文题目的结构,然后按照选定的结 构用中文写出完整的文章。
原因型 Open.
01 Unit 9 三段作文法
In-class Activities
(general statement)和中心思想陈述(thesis statement), 中心思想陈述规定文章发展的方向; • 第二部分是文章的主体,由三个段落组成,从三个方面说明引 言段中提出的中心思想,每一段都由主题句和支持句组成(也 可包含结尾句); • 第三部分是结尾段,通常包括中心思想重述和最后陈述 (memorable statement),重述文章的中心思想,结束全文。
Unit 9 三段作文法
01 02
Unit 1 简单句
Unit 10 五段作文法
02 03
Unit 1U1n开it头2 段复、合句结尾
03 Unit 3 并列句和并列
Unit 12 语篇模式
Unit 13 文章类型
Unit 5 英语句
Chapter 3
Chapter Overview
• 学习、工作中的英语写作任务一般都要求写完整的篇章。为完成在校期间的英语写 作任务(如高等学校英语应用能力考试、国际人才英语考试、大学英语四级考试 等),可尝试“三段作文”。在此基础上训练“五段作文”,可满足更高水平的英 语写作任务(如大学英语六级考试、“外研社杯”全国高职高专英语写作大赛以及 工作后的写作任务等)的要求。
01 Unit 9 三段作文法
In-class Activities
Task 2: 参照“三段十句作文”的细分结构(原因型/比较型/分析型/评论 型/批驳型等),选择适合下列两个作文题目的结构,然后按照选定的结 构用中文写出完整的文章。
原因型 Open.
01 Unit 9 三段作文法
In-class Activities
(general statement)和中心思想陈述(thesis statement), 中心思想陈述规定文章发展的方向; • 第二部分是文章的主体,由三个段落组成,从三个方面说明引 言段中提出的中心思想,每一段都由主题句和支持句组成(也 可包含结尾句); • 第三部分是结尾段,通常包括中心思想重述和最后陈述 (memorable statement),重述文章的中心思想,结束全文。
Unit 9 三段作文法
01 02
Unit 1 简单句
Unit 10 五段作文法
02 03
Unit 1U1n开it头2 段复、合句结尾
03 Unit 3 并列句和并列
Unit 12 语篇模式
Unit 13 文章类型
Unit 5 英语句
Chapter 3
Chapter Overview
• 学习、工作中的英语写作任务一般都要求写完整的篇章。为完成在校期间的英语写 作任务(如高等学校英语应用能力考试、国际人才英语考试、大学英语四级考试 等),可尝试“三段作文”。在此基础上训练“五段作文”,可满足更高水平的英 语写作任务(如大学英语六级考试、“外研社杯”全国高职高专英语写作大赛以及 工作后的写作任务等)的要求。

递进用语 _e_v_e_n__, _b_e_s_i_d_e_s__, _w_h__a_t’_s__m__o_r_e_,_m__o_r_e_o_v__e_r_, ____ _fu__r_th__e_r_m_o__re__;_i_n_a__d_d_i_ti_o_n__, _t_o__m__a_k_e__m__a_tt_e_r_s__ _w_o__r_s_e_,_w__o_r_s_e__s_t_il_l _________________________
写作必备句型 I III. 反面观点
句型:1. _O_n__th_e__c_o_n_t_ra_r_y_,__t_h_e_re__a_r_e_s_o_m__e_p_e_o_p__le _in__fa_v_o_r__o_f _th__e_i_d_e_a_t_h_a_t…__…____________
2.__B_u_t_o_t_h_e_r_s_h_o_l_d_t_h_e__o_p_p_o_s_it_e__o_p_in_i_o_n_s_ _t_h_a_t _…____________________________
④ While others think that B in the following three reasons:firstly, (支持B的理由一);secondly (besides), (理由二);thirdly (finally), (理由三).
⑤From my point of view, I think(我的观点) and the reason is that (原因).
Step 4 润色
并列用语 _a_s__w_e_l_l_a_s__, _n_o_t__o_n_l_y_…__b_u_t__(_a_ls_o__),__in_c__lu_d__in__g_…
写作必备句型 I III. 反面观点
句型:1. _O_n__th_e__c_o_n_t_ra_r_y_,__t_h_e_re__a_r_e_s_o_m__e_p_e_o_p__le _in__fa_v_o_r__o_f _th__e_i_d_e_a_t_h_a_t…__…____________
2.__B_u_t_o_t_h_e_r_s_h_o_l_d_t_h_e__o_p_p_o_s_it_e__o_p_in_i_o_n_s_ _t_h_a_t _…____________________________
④ While others think that B in the following three reasons:firstly, (支持B的理由一);secondly (besides), (理由二);thirdly (finally), (理由三).
⑤From my point of view, I think(我的观点) and the reason is that (原因).
Step 4 润色
并列用语 _a_s__w_e_l_l_a_s__, _n_o_t__o_n_l_y_…__b_u_t__(_a_ls_o__),__in_c__lu_d__in__g_…
初中英语作文讲解 PPT课件(共29张)

修改无误后,认真规范地誊写在规定的地方。 卷面不工整要扣分!
(2004年陕西省中考试题) VII. 书面表达(共1题,计10分) 假如你叫张强。请根据下面美国朋友Bob的来信内容,结合你自己的情况写一篇语言连惯、符合逻辑的英文回信。 要求:1. 认真阅读来信的内容,从中获得你需要的信息。 2. 词数:80左右。回信的开头、结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。 注意:回信中不得出现你的真实地址和所在学校的名称。 Dear friend, Hello!I’m your new friend. My name is Bob. I’m fifteen. I’m American. I live in New York. I am a middle school student. I’m good at maths. It is very interesting. My favourite sport is basketball. And I am not only a basketball fan but also a good player. I like pop music. My friends and I often sing pop songs together. After school, I am interested in getting on-line. I have known a lot about China from the Internet. Now I’m learning Chinese. I hope I will visit your country one day. Please write to me and tell me something about your life. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Bob Dear Bob,

③ Do you usually go to school by bus?
④ There will be a meeting at the library this afternoon. ⑤ Did the twins have porridge for their breakfast?
(三) 挑出下列句中的宾语 ① My brother hasn't done his homework. ② People all over the world speak English.
④ I am afraid some people forgot to sweep the floor.
⑤ The man downstairs was trying to sleep.
(六) 挑出下列句中的宾语补足语 ① She likes the children to read
newspapers and books in the reading-room. ② He asked her to take the boy out of
school. ③ She found it difficult to do the work. ④ They call me Lily sometimes. ⑤ I saw Mr Wang get on the bus. ⑥ Did you see Li Ming playing football on
12. Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music. 简单句
1)SV 主语+谓语
eg. The telephone rang. His father might have died.
2) SVP 主语+谓语+表语
④ There will be a meeting at the library this afternoon. ⑤ Did the twins have porridge for their breakfast?
(三) 挑出下列句中的宾语 ① My brother hasn't done his homework. ② People all over the world speak English.
④ I am afraid some people forgot to sweep the floor.
⑤ The man downstairs was trying to sleep.
(六) 挑出下列句中的宾语补足语 ① She likes the children to read
newspapers and books in the reading-room. ② He asked her to take the boy out of
school. ③ She found it difficult to do the work. ④ They call me Lily sometimes. ⑤ I saw Mr Wang get on the bus. ⑥ Did you see Li Ming playing football on
12. Both Tom and Jack enjoy country music. 简单句
1)SV 主语+谓语
eg. The telephone rang. His father might have died.
2) SVP 主语+谓语+表语
英语写作基础教程(第三版)Chapter 1 PPT

be avoided
lay∙man words
with hyphens should be divided only at phens
பைடு நூலகம்
broken -hearted
two -syllable words with double consonant in
the middle are as rule divided between the
一、Manuscript Form
1. Arrangement (title)
Task 1 : Capitalize the following titles (p2) 1. where i lived, and what i lived for 2. are transgenic crops safe? 3. well-known dramatists of the ming dynasty 4. a day to remember 5. approaches to teaching english as a foreign
一、Manuscript Form
2. Word division (1). one syllable cannot be divided 单音节
(2). two or more syllables 双/多音节
a stressed close syllable usually takes a
nouns e.g. Bob, Lily, Judy - none of them know where he is. (5) used like quotation marks in a dialogue. (6) introduce subheading and authors after quotation
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Exercisesⅱ. Cross out the sentence that is not connected to
the topic of this paragraph:
• Books are placed on the library shelves in numerical order. In other words, all the books on one subject are put together under the same number; for example, all books on United States history are numbered 973, and are placed together on the 973 shelf or shelves. Of course, such books are borrowed mostly by students who learn history.
• A paragraph is unified when all the sentences in the paragraph are focused on one central thought or on a single topic; when the writer wishes to introduce a new thought or topic, he should begin a new paragraph. A paragraph is coherent when it develops naturally and smoothly, and one sentence leads logically to another. There are many ways to develop a paragraph, for example, by process, by cause and effect, by comparison and contrast, etc.
Ⅰ. Effective Paragraphs 1. Unity
• Unity of a paragraph is concerned
with its content. If all the sentences
in the paragraph lead to one central
theme, the paragraph is unified. The
bugging me, the time in high school when I
got caught drinking, the time I wrecked
their Volkswagen Rabbit, rough times with
my former boyfriend,精a选nppdt on and on….
• So the second factor is what happens to the individual—the sort of environment in which he is brought up. If an individual is in poor environment, it is likely that his brain will fail to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.
Exercisesⅰ: Find out the topic sentence of the following paragraph:
• There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerably, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low order of intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn.
of a paragraph. 精选ppt
For instance:
• I’ve done my share of leaning on their
shoulders over the years. I never felt
there was anything I coul Dad, and I am the kind who has to get
it all out when I have a problem. Over the
years they’ve heard it all: the time in
junior high when one boy was constantly
central theme is usually summarized
in what is called the topic sentence.
It often appears at the beginning of
the paragraph; however, it may also
be found in the middle or at the end
Part Three
The Paragraph
• A paragraph is a unit of thought; it is at once a unity in itself and part of a larger whole, that is, the essay.
• A paragraph is like a mini-essay; it should be unified, coherent and well developed.