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1 概述 (1)

1.1 测区基本概况 (1)

1.2主要工作内容 (2)

1.3执行技术标准 (3)

1.4成图规格及主要技术规定 (4)

2 平面控制测量 (6)

2.1 GPS控制测量 (6)

2.2 控制点的观测与计算 (7)

3 高程控制测量 (9)

3.1 观测技术要求 (9)

3.2四等水准测量要点 (10)

3.3四等水准测量的方法 (10)

3.4 计算要求 (11)

4 航测数字化地形图测绘 (12)

4.1 航空摄影 (11)

4.2 像片控制测量 (13)

4.3 空三加密 (14)

4.4 DOM的制作 (16)

4.5 航测内业数据采集 (17)

4.6 外业调绘 (19)

4.7 地形图编辑 (22)

5. 数字高程模型 (23)

5.1数字高程模型数据的获取 (23)

5.2数字高程模型生成 (23)

6 质量保证措施 (24)

7上交成果资料 (25)

8 参考文献及资料 (26)

附录: (26)





Digital photogrammetry is the basic principle of measurement based on digital imaging and photography, computer technology, digital image processing, image matching, pattern recognition and multi-disciplinary theories and methods to extract the photo on the geometrical and physical information as digital expression the photogrammetry learn subdiscipline. Aerial photography, surveying, mapping of the topographic map from analog photogrammetry, analytical photography measurements to the current digital photogrammetry. The design of the main elements are: first horizontal control measurements in this region, will use the D and E static GPS measurement methods, elevation control measure fourth-leveling. Followed by the aircraft The aerial survey area aerial photography, aerial photography photo for the region, and then by full digital photogrammetry the system and encryption software in the indoor photo control point encryption, if there is leakage measurement and failed to identify the surface features and landscapes must be necessary and supplementary; compiled into the official topographic maps of the outcome of vector data collected in accordance with the provisions of the "schema", "norms". Finally, to hand over the whole process every step of the raw data and results data.

Keywords:Digital photogrammetry Aerial photographic survey

1 概述

1.1 测区基本概况

