


真 空 、 组 功 率 以及 机 组 热耗 率 的 影 响进 行 了 定 量分 析 计 算 。计 算 结果 表 明冷 却 水 管 结垢 会 严 重 地 影 响 凝 汽 器真 机 空及 机 组 的 运 行 经 济 性 , 算 所得 的研 究 结 果 , 提 高 采 用 双 背 压 凝 汽 器 的 大 型 机 组 的 运 行 经 济 性 有 着 重 要 的 现 计 对
实意 义和 指 导意 义 。
关 键 词 : 量 分 析 ; 背压 凝 汽 器 ; 却 水 管 ; 垢 ; 济性 定 双 冷 结 经 中 图分 类号 : K 2 4 1 1 T 6 . 文 献标 识 码 : A
Qu n i t eA ay i o h mp c n UntE o o t o l g a t ai n lss ft eI a t i c n mywi C oi t v o h n
W a e b u i fDu l x Pr s u e Co d ns r t r Tu e Fo lng o p e e s r n e e
X A u- n I 0 G oj u
( e I siue o eg n o rEn ie rn ,Hu z o ie s y o ce c n e h o o y,W u a Th n t t fEn r y a d P we g n e g t i a h n Unv ri fS i ea d T7 , ia b i 3 0 4 Chn )
更均 匀 的热负荷 分 布 、 好 的 冷却 效 果及 更 优 的经 更
前 言
凝汽 器是凝 汽 式 机 组 的重 要 组 成 部分 , 工作 其
状 况 的好 坏 , 直接 影 响着 整 个 机 组 运行 的安 全性 和 经济性 。由于双 背压凝 汽器 相对 于单 压凝汽 器具 有

2.4 由于凝结器汽侧积有空气,空气分压力增大,蒸汽分压力相对降低,蒸汽仍在自己的分压力下凝结,使凝结水温度低于排汽温度,产生过冷。
2.7 热水井水位高于正常范围,凝结器部分铜管被淹没,使被淹没铜管中循环水带走一部分凝结水的热量而产生过冷却。

Energy and Buildings 50(2012)204–211Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectEnergy andBuildingsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /e n b u i ldExperimental determination of fouling factor on plate heat exchangers in district heating systemSrbislav B.Geni´c a ,∗,Branislav M.Ja´cimovi´c a ,Dragan Mandi´c b ,Dragan Petrovi´c aa Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,University of Belgrade,Kraljice Marije 16,11000Belgrade,Serbia bJKP Beogradske elektrane,Savski nasip 11,1070Belgrade,Serbiaa r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 5March 2012Received in revised form 14March 2012Accepted 17March 2012Keywords:District heatingDomestic hot water Plate heat exchanger Fouling factora b s t r a c tThis paper presents the results of experimental research on 8plate heat exchangers.Their purpose is to heat water for radiator heating system and domestic hot water.Measurements were carried out in 4substations in district heating system in Belgrade (Serbia).The main achievement of this research was that the fouling factors were determined experimentally,and the found values can be used further on in design of plate heat exchangers in district heating systems.©2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionDomestic hot water (DHW)system is a part of district heating system in Belgrade (Serbia).JKP Beogradske elektrane (municipal company for district heating in Belgrade)continuously improves the system by incorporating prefabricated compact substations which serve two purposes:heating of water for radiator heating system and heating of DHW.Basically there are two ways of preparing hot water [1],and both have been applied in Belgrade:•the “old”system that included the accumulation tank in which hot water is stored.•the “new”system with instantaneous hot water production.The last option is of particular interest in this paper.DHW heaters,accompanied by the tap water filters,are the main part of this sys-tem.Nowadays,in Belgrade DHW system,practically only magnetic filters and plate heat exchangers are used,since their performances and prices are significantly favorable than performances and prices of tubular heat exchangers in this field of application.The total number of substations with DHW is 413with serve more than 34,000individual consumers.Overall heat duty for com-plete DHW system in Belgrade is 65.2MW,with nominal heat duties of individual substations in range 4.5–1070kW.∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+381113302360;fax:+381113370364.E-mail address:sgenic@mas.bg.ac.rs (S.B.Geni´c).This paper will describe the influence of water velocity on foul-ing factor in plate heat exchangers,based on measurements on 4district heating substations (DHS)in the Sector of the Heat Plant Zemun.2.Plate heat exchanger foulingDuring the operation of a heat exchanger,its heat duty reduces due to a phenomenon called fouling:the deposit of undesirable dirt on the heat exchange surfaces increases the resistance to heat transfer.Heat exchanger fouling is a very significant problem in heat exchanger exploitation,because still there is no reliable theoretical method for predicting the fouling phenomena and all relevant information are obtained by monitoring the changes in heat exchanger performance during the exploitation period [2].Based on these measured data it is possible,to a certain extent,to predict the behavior of apparatuses of similar design,at approx-imately the same exploitation conditions (identical working fluids,pressures and temperatures,velocities,etc.).Also,it is possible to predict the shut off period for cleaning of the heat exchanger.In general,working regime (fluid flow rate,temperature,pressure and concentration of components)as well as the actual plate geometry (shape of corrugations –angle,amplitude and wavelength)affects the formation of deposits [3–5].The overall heat transfer coefficient for plain wall is defined as1k =1˛1+R 1+ıpl pl+R 2+1˛2(1)where0378-7788/$–see front matter ©2012Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2012.03.039S.B.Geni´c et al./Energy and Buildings50(2012)204–211205NomenclatureA channelflow area(flow area between plates),m2b meanflow channel gap(distance between plates),mCF cleanliness factorc p specific heat capacity at constant pressure,J/(kg K)CR correlation ratioDHW domestic hot waterDHS district heating substationsDM design margink overall heat transfer coefficient,W/(m2K)LMTD mean logarithmic temperature difference,◦CL length,m˙m massflow rate,kg/sN numberp plate pitch,m˙Q heat duty,WR fouling factor(resistance),m2K/WRMSD root-mean-square deviationRW radiator waterS heat transfer surface,m2t temperature,◦Cufluid velocity,m/sW plate width,m˛heat transfer coefficient,m2K/Wıthickness,mst unsteadiness of working regime(dispersion of heatduty)p pressure drop due to friction,Pathermal conductivity,W/(m K)(wall)shear stress,PaSubscripts1hotfluid2coldfluidav averagec clean(unfouled)in inletm meanout outletpl one platetot total•˛1and˛2are the heat transfer coefficients for hot and coldfluidsrespectively in W/(m2K);•R1and R2are the fouling resistances in m2K/W for hot and coldfluids respectively;•ıpl(m)and pl(W/(m K))are the thickness and thermal conduc-tivity of the plate.Total fouling factor(for plain wall)is defined asR tot=R1+R2=1k −1k c(2)where k c is the overall heat transfer coefficient for clean(unfouled) surfaces.In addition,there are other ways for expressing the fouling phe-nomena:•cleanliness factor[6]CF=kk c=11+R tot·k(3)Table1Recommended fouling resistances for plate and frame heat exchangers.Water R,m2K/kWDemineralized or distilled water0.009River water0.045Ocean or coastal sea water0.025–0.045Treated cooling tower water0.035–0.045Soft water0.018Hard water0.045•design margin[7]or heat transfer surface area margin(k-valuemargin)DM=k ck−1=R tot·k c=1CF−1(4)Regardless on the way the fouling resistance is expressed generallyspeaking it depends on heat transfer surface material,flow rates orvelocities and fouling affinity of thefluids.The usual approach to heat exchanger design is to include thefouling factors in(1).Fouling factors can be found in the open lit-erature[6,8–12],and selected values for water are presented inTable1.Other open literature sources claim the following:•most manufacturers of plate and frame heat exchangers recom-mend that the excess surface should not exceed25%of the heattransfer surface area calculated for the clean duty[2];•plate and frame heat exchangers fouling factors are typically1/10of TEMA values[13];•safe and proven fouling factors for plate heat exchanger designare10%excess surface area,also expressed as10%safety margin,equivalent to approximately(but not exactly)a cleanliness factorof90%[14];•“for a plate heat exchanger in a water/water duty a margin of0÷15%depending on water quality is normally enough”[7].In past few decades,wall shear stress became a significant parame-ter in fouling factor analysis,since it is a measure of thefluid stressalong the face of the corrugated plate.For example in[15]it is saidthat“Shear stress is the metric to evaluate fouling tendency,ratherthan absolute velocity.”Wall shear stress is defined as follows[14]= p·b2·L(5)where• p,Pa,is the pressure drop due to friction;•b,m,is the distance between plates;•L,m,is the effective plate length.The following recommendations about the influence of shearstress on fouling factor are found in the open literature:•greater shear stress provides the greater“resistance”to the depo-sition of particles[16]and this is the main reason that plate heatexchangers are characterized with smaller fouling factors thantubular heat exchangers;•according to[17]it is not recommended to size the heatexchanger with the shear stress below50Pa,and if there is asignificant risk of fouling it is recommended that the shear stressshould be increased to at least100Pa;•in[18]the experiment was conducted on heat exchanger with themixture of water and crushed ice and authors came to the con-clusion that the smooth operation of apparatus occurred when206S.B.Geni´c et al./Energy and Buildings 50(2012)204–211Fig.1.Process flow diagram of DHS.Table 2Codification of DHS and heat exchangers (type—number of plates).Address of DHS (street and number)DHS codeDHW heaterRW heaterBaˇc ka no.9A A-113C-222Zagorska no.12B A-89C-104Zagorska no.18–46C A-87C-152Prvomajska no.33DB-113C-200Table 3Design data of heat exchanger for DHW system.DHS codeABCDDHW heaterA-113A-89A-87B-113Number of plates,N pl 1138987113Number of active plates 1118785111Plate thickness,ıpl ,mm 0.60.6One plate surface,S pl ,m 20.040.0940Mean flow channel gap,b ,mm 0.96 1.0Plate width,W ,mm119243Flow area between plates,A pl ,m 20.0001140.000243Heat transfer surface,S ,m 24.443.487.9210.43>50Pa.The regimes with lesser values of were characterized with ice choking.3.Measurements and resultsThe objective of this research was to obtain accurate results on fouling resistances in plate heat exchangers for DHW system in Bel-grade.Substations discussed in this paper serve for two purposes:heating of water for radiator heating system as well as heating of DHW.Substations are located in a heating area of the Heat Plant Zemun in Belgrade (Serbia).A process flow diagram of DHS is pre-sented in Fig.1.Each substation was equipped with necessary control systems (valves,flow limiters,etc.),two heat exchangersTable 4Design data of heat exchanger for RW system.DHS codeABCD RW heaterC-222C-104C-152C-200Number of plates,N pl 222104200152Number of active plates 220102198150Plate thickness,ıpl ,mm 0.6One plate surface,S pl ,m 20.109Mean flow channel gap,b ,mm 2.44Plate width,W ,mm243Flow area between plates,A pl ,m 20.000593Heat transfer surface,S ,m 223.9811.121.516.35(basic data is given in Tables 2–4)and magnetic filters on the DHW pipeline.In all tested DHW heaters cold fluid was tap water,all appa-ratuses had counter-current flow,and each one of them was thermally insulated.Our laboratory holds the Accreditation Certificate for the follow-ing standards:•BS EN 305:1997Heat Exchangers:Definitions Of Performance Of Heat Exchangers And The General Test Procedure For Establishing Performance Of All Heat Exchangers;•BS EN 306:1997Heat Exchangers:Methods Of Measuring The Parameters Necessary For Establishing The Performance;•BS EN 307:1999Heat Exchangers:Guidelines For Preparing Installation,Operating And Maintenance Instructions Required To Maintain The Performance Of Each Type Of Heat Exchanger;so our measurements were performed according to proce-dures from these standards.For each heat exchanger the following parameters were measured:•˙m1,kg/s,mass flow rate of hot fluid;•t 1in ,◦C,inlet temperature of hot fluid;•t 1out ,◦C,outlet temperature of hot fluid;•˙m2,kg/s,mass flow rate of cold fluid;•t 2in ,◦C,inlet temperature of cold fluid;•t 2out ,◦C,outlet temperature of cold fluid.Measurements of water flow rate were performed with ultrasonic flow meters with the relative uncertainty of ±3%.Temperatures were measured using four platinum resistance thermometers (PT 100)with the maximal uncertainty of ±0.1◦C.Three heat duties of the heat exchanger could be determined from each set of test data:•heat duty calculated with measured values for the hot fluid˙Q1=˙m 1·c p 1·(t 1in −t 1out )(6)•heat duty calculated with measured values for the cold fluid˙Q2=˙m 2·c p 2·(t 2out −t 2in )(7)•mean value of heat duty˙Qm =˙Q 1+˙Q 22(8)where c p 1,J/(kg K)and c p 2,J/(kg K)are specific heat capacities of hot and cold fluids,respectively.S.B.Geni´c et al./Energy and Buildings 50(2012)204–211207The unsteadiness (dispersion of heat duty)of each workingregime is defined byst =(˙Q1−˙Q m )2+(˙Q 2−˙Q m )2˙Qm (9)In engineering practice it is commonly assumed that the disper-sion of 3–7%or even 10%in the heat balance is acceptable [19,20].Hereby,similarly to [21],further analysis of the fouling resistance was done only for the working regimes with st <10%.Since all the heat exchangers operated with the counter-current flow,the mean logarithmic temperature difference isLMTD =(t 1in −t 2out )−(t 1out −t 2in )lnt 1in −t 2out t 1out −t 2in(10)and the overall heat transfer coefficient isk =˙Q m S ·LMTD(11)The overall fouling thermal resistance (R tot )was calculated using (2).The overall heat transfer coefficient for the heat exchanger with clean (unfouled)heat transfer surfaces k c was calculated for each regime using the manufacturer’s design software.The experimental work was divided in two parts.First set of measurements was conducted shortly after the substation was con-nected to the heating system (about 5to 15days).These results are indicated using subscript Y 0.Second set of measurements was done a year later (subscript Y 1).During this one year period substations worked in the normal regime dictated by the heat plant,including a half year pause for RW heaters during the summer period.Table 5presents the results of measurements for RW heaters and Table 6presents the results of measurements for DHW heat exchangers.Fluid velocities u 1and u 2are based on flow area between plates,and refer to hot and cold fluids,respectively.4.DiscussionFor further discussion it is useful to calculate average values based on Tables 5and 6.Tables 7and 8contain the average values of u 1,av ,u 2,av ,R tot,av ,CF av ,and DM av .4.1.Fouling of radiator water heatersAnalyzing the data presented in Tables 5and 7it can be noticed that the both fluid velocities were very consistent during the test.Also,in one year period fouling resistances of 4heat exchang-ers did not change significantly (the increase R tot is close to the order of magnitude of measurement uncertainty)and ranged from R tot =0.082to 0.113m 2K/kW,i.e.R tot =0.096m 2K/kW with maxi-mal deviation of ±17%.This means that in heat exchanger design process the fouling resistance value of R tot =0.096m 2K/kW can be adopted as a statistically proven one.Average design margin changes over the greater range DM av =0.17–0.33and average cleanliness factor over a lesser range CF av =0.75–0.86,so it can be concluded that despite the conformity of usage of just one parameter like in case of DM or CF ,it is more rec-ommendable to use fouling resistance R in heat exchanger design,because it gives a more realistic physical insight into the fouling process.In further analysis of the fouling resistance it must be taken into account that the radiator heating system is filled with water from the magisterial pipelines.That means that both hot and cold water has approximately the same fouling characteristics,so it can be writtenR 1=R 2=R tot 2(14)Fig.2.DHW heaters—fouling factor vs.hot fluid velocity.and the fouling resistances R 1=R 2=0.048m 2K/kW can be recom-mended for each fluid.Two more conclusions are of interest:•measured fouling resistances R 1=R 2=0.048m 2K/kW are a little greater than the greatest recommended value from the Table 1that is 0.045m 2K/kW;•variation of fouling resistances was within the measurement uncertainties,so the asymptotic fouling model can be applied in this case.Similar conclusion was derived for shell-and-tube exchangers (with straight and helical tubes)in a district heating system in [3,22,23].4.2.Fouling of domestic hot water heatersAccording to Tables 6and 8it can be noticed that the water velocities (flow rates)for 3heat exchangers were almost con-stant during a one year period.For exchanger A-113(substation A)average hot water velocity dropped from 0.346m/s to 0.214m/s,while the cold water velocity increased from 0.183m/s to 0.267m/s.In this substation the smallest increase of the fouling factor was detected over a one year period,while in other 3substations the increase was very significant.Besides the fluid velocities (i.e.flow rates),other working conditions (temperatures,pressures and con-centrations)varied in pretty small ranges.An important conclusion from these data is that the fluid velocities had shown the signifi-cant influence on the fouling factor.This observation corresponds to very similar conclusions from [24,5,25,26].Figs.2and 3show the averaged data based on Table 8.In this specific case,it can be expected that the hot fluid fouling factor must have the same value as in case of radiator water heaters R 1=0.048m 2K/kW,so the fouling resistance for DHW (cold fluid)after a one year period isR 2,Y 1=R tot,Y 1−0.048After the calculation of values R 2,Y 1(data are given in Table 9)we managed to correlate with cold fluid velocity byR 2,Y 1=0.51×10−3·exp(−8.50·u 2)(15)but also to cold fluid wall shear stress ( 2,Pa)in the following form R 2,Y 1=0.4×10−3+0.28×10−3·exp(−0.060· 2)(16)Wall shear stress for cold fluid (DHW)is calculated for each working regime using the heat exchanger manufacturer’s design software.208S.B.Geni´c et al./Energy and Buildings50(2012)204–211Table5RW heaters—results of measurements.DHS code Heat exchanger Year u1(m/s)u2(m/s)k(W/(m2K))k c(W/(m2K))R tot(m2K/kW)CF DMA C-22200.0460.150173220940.09980.8270.2090.0460.149168820780.11120.8120.2310.0460.149185620800.05800.8920.1210.0460.148184220680.05930.8910.123A C-22210.0460.150175820620.08390.8530.1730.0460.150176620610.08110.8570.1670.0460.150163420630.12730.7920.2630.0460.150163420630.12730.7920.2630.0460.150163420630.12730.7920.2630.0440.150160620340.13100.7900.2670.0450.150178520480.07190.8720.1470.0450.150192420580.03380.9350.070B C-10400.0550.198254631200.07230.8160.2250.0560.199265831320.05690.8490.1780.0550.199250331500.08210.7950.2580.0550.198248031520.08600.7870.2710.0560.199251631450.07950.8000.2500.0540.199242831050.08980.7820.2790.0540.199229131060.11450.7380.356B C-10410.0510.198234931000.10310.7580.3200.0510.198230831070.11140.7430.3460.0500.198226930890.11700.7350.3610.0490.198219330460.12770.7200.3890.0480.198223030420.11970.7330.3640.0450.197245629440.06750.8340.199C C-20000.0440.165160520780.14180.7720.2950.0450.165192220910.04210.9190.0880.0450.165197220880.02820.9440.0590.0460.165173821210.10390.8190.2200.0450.165166521060.12580.7910.2650.0450.165172021080.10700.8160.2260.0440.165189520900.04920.9070.1030.0450.165180521040.07870.8580.166C C-20010.0400.165172120250.08720.8500.1770.0400.165161420270.12620.7960.2560.0400.165164220300.11640.8090.2360.0400.165163620230.11690.8090.2370.0410.165164620340.11590.8090.236D C-15200.0440.182163220810.13220.7840.2750.0440.182162020680.13370.7830.2770.0440.182162820770.13280.7840.2760.0440.182194320850.03510.9320.0730.0450.182194820900.03490.9320.0730.0440.182178020740.07960.8580.165Fig.3.DHW heaters—fouling factor vs.coldfluid velocity.Statistical parameters(correlation ratio–CR and root-mean-square deviation–RMSD)were used for quality check of the presented correlation(16)and it can be concluded that they are quite good:CR=0.965and RMSD=16.04%.Correlation(16)is graph-ically presented in Fig.4.Minimal measured value R2,Y1is∼0.05m2K/kW and it cor-responds to shear stress value of∼50Pa.This is the lowest recommended value of shear stress in[17,18].The conclusion is that the correlation(16)is limited with these values:50Pa for shear stress and0.05m2K/kW for fouling resistance.Similar experimentally gathered results were published in [24,26]and elsewhere but they are obtained in the laborato-ries.This time the dependency of the fouling factor on shear stress is proven to be useful in an industrial scale experi-ment.Maximal measured values of R2,Y1are between0.25and 0.30m2K/kW,and they are obtained at very small DHW veloci-ties∼0.08m/s.These R2,Y1are very similar to the fouling factors obtained on shell-and-tube heat exchangers[22,23],due to small shear stress.Having on mind previously described behavior of DHW heat exchanger,we assume that measured data and the correlation(16)S.B.Geni´c et al./Energy and Buildings50(2012)204–211209 Table6DHW heaters—results of measurements.DHS code Heat exchanger Year u1(m/s)u2(m/s)k(W/(m2K))k c(W/(m2K))R tot(m2K/kW)CF DMA A-11300.3470.174439362700.06810.7010.4270.3490.188449464230.06680.7000.4290.3450.181429763720.07580.6740.4830.3450.183409464000.08800.6400.5630.3440.188411964340.08740.6400.562A A-11310.2160.244364763470.11660.5750.7400.2150.275375465140.11290.5760.7350.2130.274421165220.08410.6460.5490.2140.267401564840.09480.6190.6150.2140.275389365250.10360.5970.676B A-8900.1690.169435254260.04550.8020.2470.1670.180412654930.06030.7510.3310.1710.185369655460.09030.6660.5010.1690.178453854380.03650.8340.1980.1690.180456654570.03580.8370.1950.1710.165401454050.06410.7430.3470.1670.167426553980.04920.7900.266B A-8910.1560.173306053980.14150.5670.7640.1600.179294654790.15690.5380.8600.1520.169253953040.20530.479 1.0890.1480.177250753180.21080.471 1.1210.1050.169248847320.19060.5260.902C A-8700.0990.102289038380.08550.7530.3280.0880.088282435420.07180.7970.2540.0660.080226531770.12670.7130.4030.0660.0912********.06920.8160.226C A-8710.0880.112201940930.25100.493 1.0270.0890.109202340760.24900.496 1.0150.0950.107210741320.23260.5100.9610.0950.107193941230.27320.470 1.1260.0930.105190840780.27890.468 1.1370.0910.108211040920.22960.5160.939D B-11300.0660.0711********.22620.7130.4020.0630.0691********.22660.7160.3960.0630.064119616990.24750.7040.4210.0630.067122917280.23500.7110.406D B-11310.0610.0731********.32110.6400.5620.0610.072115017440.29620.6590.5170.0600.0771********.31670.6410.5600.0610.0731********.30430.6520.5340.0600.080114717860.31190.6420.5570.0660.0851********.29860.6420.5580.0650.0811********.33130.6220.609Table7Averaged values for RW heat exchangers.DHS code Heat exchanger Year u1,av(m/s)u2,av(m/s)R tot,av(m2K/kW)CF av DM avA C-22200.0460.1490.0820.860.17A C-22210.0460.1500.0980.840.20B C-10400.0550.1990.0830.800.26B C-10410.0490.1980.1080.750.33C C-20000.0450.1650.0850.850.18C C-20010.0400.1650.1130.810.23D C-15200.0440.1820.0910.850.19 Table8Averaged values for DHW heat exchangers.DHS code Heat exchanger Year u1,av(m/s)u2,av(m/s)R tot,av(m2K/kW)CF av DM avA A-11300.3460.1830.0770.670.49A A-11310.2140.2670.1020.600.66B A-8900.1690.1750.0550.770.30B A-8910.1440.1730.1810.520.95C A-8700.0800.0900.0880.770.30C A-8710.0920.1080.2520.49 1.03D B-11300.0640.0680.2340.710.41D B-11310.0620.0770.3110.640.56210S.B.Geni´c et al./Energy and Buildings50(2012)204–211Table9Fouling factor vs.wall shear stress for DHW.DHS code Heat exchanger Year u2(m/s)R tot,Y1(m2K/kW)R2,Y1=R tot,Y1−0.048(m2K/kW)2(Pa)A A-11310.2440.11660.068643.520.2750.11290.064954.360.2740.08410.036154.000.2670.09480.046851.460.2750.10360.055654.36B A-8910.1730.14150.093522.960.1790.15690.108924.460.1690.20530.157321.980.1770.21080.162823.950.1690.19060.142621.98C A-8710.1120.25100.203010.230.1090.24900.20109.720.1070.23260.18469.390.1070.27320.22529.390.1050.27890.23099.070.1080.22960.18169.56D B-11310.0730.32110.2731 2.910.0720.29620.2482 2.830.0770.31670.2687 3.220.0730.30430.2563 2.910.0800.31190.2639 3.470.0850.29860.2506 3.900.0810.33130.28333.55Fig.4.DHW heaters—fouling factor for DHW vs.shear stress.have to be included in the sophisticated new models in thefield of district heating,like[27]or[28].Just a slight look back on CF and DM data from Tables6and8is enough to reinforce the impression that they cannot be recommend for the heat exchangers design and analysis.5.ConclusionsThis paper presents the results of the research on8plate heat exchangers in district heating system in Belgrade(Sector of the Heat Plant Zemun).The primary factor of interest was the fouling factor for radiator water heaters and for domestic hot water heaters.Heat exchange parameters were tested soon after the substations started to work and again after one year of service.It was found that the fouling factor for radiator water heaters is changing in narrow range,so the value0.048m2K/kW can be used with significant confidence.In case of domestic hot water heaters it was noticed that the fouling factor strongly depends on the water velocity,or in other words on the coldfluid wall shear stress.The following correlation was found to be a good one after the one year exploitation period R DHW,Y1=0.4×10−3+0.28×10−3·exp(−0.06· DHW)and it should be used having in mind that the minimal measured value is∼0.05m2K/kW that is equivalent to shear stress∼50Pa.Shear stress value of50Pa was proven to be a lower limit for design of plate heat exchangers that are working withfluids of high fouling tendency.Practical domain of presented research is obvious;obtained fouling factors can be used for design of plate heat exchangers in district heating system,or for estimation of the period of heat exchanger cleaning.AcknowledgementWe thank the Ministry of Science and Technological Develop-ment of Serbia for a partial support to this study through the Project of Energy Efficiency.References[1]I.Bajsi´c,M.Bobiˇc,Modeling and experimental validation of a hot water supplysubstation,Energy and 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关键词:循环水;凝汽器;结垢;高压水冲洗1 系统概述江苏华电扬州发电有限公司(以下简称扬电公司)#7机为哈尔滨汽轮机厂生产的330MW亚临界、中间再热、单轴、双缸、双排汽、凝汽式汽轮机,单机循环水流量为36000m³/h,为一机一塔供水方式,采用双曲线自然通风逆流式冷却塔。
机组配置的凝汽器为N-20248型单壳体、对分、双流程、表面式凝汽器,冷却管材质为TP304不锈钢,总有效冷却面积20248㎡,冷却管共有27496 根,尺寸为分别为φ22×0.7(顶部圆周及空冷区)和φ22×0.5(主凝结段)。
2 异常情况介绍2022年12月,#7机组胶球系统出现收球率连续偏低、收球网前后压差大、清污机处发现较多胶球和淋水填料碎片等异常现象。
图1 2021年9月#7机凝汽器内部情况4月,#7机组停机检修,循环水系统放水后,组织人员进入冷却塔和凝汽器内部检查,发现喷溅装置堵塞,堵塞数量约占喷溅装置总数的2/3,中央竖井水位高,有漫水;用内窥镜检查冷却管,管内结垢情况较为严重,结垢厚度约为0.5mm—1mm,类似于鸡蛋壳,质地较硬;收球网表面有较多杂物和胶球,堵塞了栅栏。
图2 冷却塔喷溅装置、收球网栅栏堵塞图3 凝汽器冷却管内部结垢3 异常情况分析根据凝汽器冷却管结垢严重程度和胶球系统收球率异常来分析,2022年年初,循环水内部就逐步出现结垢现象,而监视循环水和凝汽器的指标值,端差和出塔水温,受冬季环境温度较低的影响,同比往年并无太多差异,因为未能引起足够的重视。

Q = 1 ∞ ( 一h1 1 ∞ ( —k1 0 h )= 0 k )
式中 4l7 ,g g D d , 0 ——凝 汽器的传热量 Jh k/ ;
、 — —
() 1
进人 凝汽器 的蒸 汽量和 冷却水量 , h t ; /
h hl c ——凝 汽 器 中 的 蒸 汽 比 焙 和 凝 结 水 比 焓 .
却 水温升 = 一 . 与 l2 之差称为凝汽器的端差 。
0 前
凝汽式 汽轮机是 现代火 电站和核 电站广 泛采用的典型 汽轮机。凝汽设备是凝 汽式 汽轮 机装置 的一个重 要组成 部 分 。它工作性 能的好 坏. 直接影 响到汽 轮机装置 的经 济性和 安全性。 凝汽设备在汽轮 机装 置的热力循 环 中起 到冷源的作 用 降低汽轮机 排汽 压 力和排汽 温度 , 以提高循 环热效 率 . 可 凝 汽器冷却表面的污脏或 结垢 . 是凝汽器运 行 中容易 出现 的问 题。本文针 对松 藻矿物局 发 电厂凝 汽器结垢 的 问题 进行 了 分析 . 提出了处理结垢 问题 的新 措施 , 于其它 电厂有一 定 对 的指导作用。
Iwt his I en e c c
ncnnt n em r oo c  ̄c, Ⅱa 0 a o ol c y 0 e nmieet h l ec s
t e u  ̄n
’ s鲫 I i i y sa ea I l bi I
K wod :oxe srfuig;te rm feeto i tr tet u r s  ̄ llne o l n h oe 0 cr ̄ ewae tar t l '  ̄
C n e s rF u ig i t sP r r n ea d Ne e h isMe ¥ll s o d n e o l n I’ ef ma c n w T c n c a l  ̄ n o

燃气轮机进气冷却系统对机组经济性的影响分析发布时间:2022-05-26T03:16:59.303Z 来源:《福光技术》2022年11期作者:石文昊[导读] 燃气轮机进气冷却系统的工作目的是制冷,降低燃气轮机工作产生的热量,保证燃气轮机始终在合适的温度条件下工作,以提高燃气轮机的使用寿命和运行安全性、稳定性。
天津华电南疆热电有限公司天津滨海新区 300450摘要:本文主要介绍燃气轮机进气冷却系统的结构组成、工作原理,从数学角度构建燃气轮机进气冷却系统影响机组经济性的理论模型,并结合案例说明该模型的应用价值。

关键词:凝汽器;结垢;防垢;机械清洗;化学清洗目录引言 (1)第一章凝汽器设备 (2)1.1凝汽设备的组成与作用 (2)1.1.1 凝汽设备的组成 (2)1.1.2 凝汽设备的作用 (3)1.2凝汽器的运行 (4)1.2.1 凝汽器的汽阻 (4)1.2.2 凝汽器的水阻 (4)1.2.3 凝结水过冷 (4)第二章凝汽器铜管结垢原因分析 (6)2.1凝汽器水侧污垢的类型 (6)2.2水垢 (6)2.2.1 水垢的组成及特性 (6)2.2.2 水垢的形成过程 (7) 碳酸钙垢、碳酸镁垢的形成过程 (7)2.3粘泥垢 (8)2.3.1 粘泥附着机理 (9)2.3.2 淤泥堆积机理 (10)第三章凝汽器结垢危害 (11)3.1凝汽器冷却水管结垢的危害 (11)3.2凝汽器结垢对凝汽器性能的影响 (12)3.2.1 凝汽器结垢对端差的影响 (12)3.2.2 凝汽器结垢对汽轮机功率的影响 (14)第四章凝汽器除垢 (15)4.1机械清洗 (15)4.1.1 高压水射流清洗 (15) 高压水射流清洗技术简介及其发展趋势 (15) 高压水射流冲击下垢体的破坏 (16)4.1.2 胶球连续清洗技术 (17) 胶球清洗技术简介及其发展趋势 (17) 胶球清洗技术的原理 (17) 胶球清洗系统的主要问题 (18) 胶球清洗系统的运行 (19)4.1.3 静电水处理法 (20) 静电水处理法的简介 (20) 静电水处理器的结构 (21) 静电水处理法的机理 (22)4.1.4 高频电磁场水处理技术 (23) 处理设备及物理原理 (23) 高频电磁场防垢原理 (24) 高频电磁场除垢原理 (25)4.2化学清洗 (25)4.2.1 加酸法 (26)4.2.2 二氧化碳法 (26)第五章凝汽器阻垢 (28)5.1换水处理 (28)5.2净水滤网处理 (28)5.3阻垢剂处理 (28)5.4软化处理 (29)5.4.1 离子交换软化法 (29)5.4.2 石灰软化法 (30)5.5超声波防垢器的防垢 (31)5.5.1 空化效应 (31)5.5.2 活化效应 (32)5.5.3 剪切效应 (32)5.5.4 抑制效应 (32)5.6加酸处理 (32)结论 (34)参考文献 (35)谢辞 (37)毕业论文引言凝汽器是汽轮发电机组的重要设备之一。

零排放出水 浦阳江水 机组循环水
项目 电导率 /(μS·cm-1) 硬度 /(mmol·L-1) 电导率 /(μS·cm-1) 硬度 /(mmol·L-1) 电导率 /(μS·cm-1) 硬度 /(mmol·L-1) 有机磷 /(mg·L-1)
数值 289~564 0.79~1.53 178~472 0.50~1.91 367~2120 1.02~7.14 0.01~0.72
1.1 结垢部位分析 结垢主要分布在上部出水室(端板、侧板)及出
水管道,而下部进水室及后水室管口、端部均未见结 垢现象,且管口清洁。同样都浸泡在循环水中,只有 出水室出现结垢,说明出水室内水质条件发生了根 本变化,而出水室循环水的主要变化是温度变化。 1.2 管口清洁度比较分析
所示。凝汽 器 换 热 管 道 结 垢 会 影 响 凝 汽 器 换 热 效 率,必然影响机组运行的经济性和安全性。
图 1 凝汽器上部出水室钛管结垢情况及垢样
1 凝汽器结垢现场检查、分析
该厂 #3机组于 2016年 3—5月进行了一次检 修,当时检查凝汽器水室未发现结垢情况。2017年 5月再次停 机 检 查,发 现 凝 汽 器 前 水 室 上 部 出 水 室 端板及侧板结垢严重,厚度达 3~4mm,结垢物和凝 汽器板面结合并不紧密,采用敲击或撬的方法均能 造成结垢大面积脱落,部分管束内部也有结垢,如图 1所示。发 现 该 情 况 后,厂 里 安 排 对 凝 汽 器 下 部 进 水室和后水室进行开人孔门检查:下部进水室及后 水室内端板、侧壁及钛管均未发现结垢现象,如图 2
凝汽器前 后 水 室 均 为 由 钢 板 卷 制 成 的 弧 形 结 构,前水室为 2个独立腔室,上部水室为出水室,下 部水室为进水室,后水室为 1个腔室,循环水经过进 口到达下部进水室,流经第 1组管束,并在后水室转 向,以相反方向流经第 2组管束,又回到上部出水 室,经出口管道流出。前后水室与端管板均采用法 兰连接,为保证一定的传热系数和防止杂物沉积,凝 汽器冷却管采用胶球清洗装置清洗。


针 对污 垢 厚 度 在 O ~ 0 2 mm 范 围 内 6 未凝结蒸汽 , 使凝 汽器 内压力维持 在较 低 垢的存在 会极大地增 加凝汽器 总的 热阻 ,
种不 同情 况 , 本文计 算了凝汽器 出 口压力 的水平 。不 同型号的汽轮机组配备 的抽 气 导致 凝汽 器总 的换 热系 数 降低 以及 蒸汽
数、 背压 等参数 的分布 。 因此 , 首 先应确定 冷却 水吸 热不 良 ,减缓 了蒸 汽 的凝 结 速
凝汽器在 不同运行 情况下 的工作 状态点 。 度 , 导 致凝 汽器 入 口蒸汽 压力 升高 , 蒸 汽
为求得 实际工作状 态点 , 将数值计 算 中抽 温度随之升高 。而蒸汽温度 的升高又 导致 气 口剩余 混合 物流 量 与抽 气器 性 能进 行 有更多 的热量需要冷 却水带走 , 使循环冷
的影 响。而大 多数 I 凝 汽器都存 在着不同
汽轮机 在启动 冲转前 , 需要在 汽轮 机 系数远低于 H E I 标准设计工况 。 凝汽器冷
程度 的污垢 问题 , 污垢 严重影响 了凝汽 器 的汽缸 内和 凝汽器 中建立一 定的真 空度 , 却管 表面 污脏 、 结垢 , 将 使冷 却水 通 流面
力下 的结算结果 , 将结 果中相 关数据提 取 配 。在实 际工程 中 , 我们 关心 的是凝汽 器 2 ( X ) P a 左 右。 凝汽器背压的不断提高 , 压 降
绘制 出凝汽器性能 曲线 图 , 如下图所示 : 在不 同运 行情 况 下的传 热 端差 、换 热 系 的不 断增 大 , 换热 系数 不 断降 低 , 使 循环
度为 O . 1 2 mm的情况 为例 。可 以看 出 , 凝汽 备 的抽气 器 为 2 B E 1 — 3 5 3 一 O E Y 4型 水环 真

关键词:凝汽器钢管;硬垢;虹吸原理;酸洗0 引言凝汽器是火力发电厂中重要辅机,凝汽器的作用是将汽轮机排汽凝结成水,并保证在汽轮机排汽口建立起一定真空度,钢管内壁脏污、结垢会造成换热效果降低,影响机组的经济性。
1 项目概况1.1系统简介某电厂一期2*600MW燃煤发电机组的凝汽器型号为N-36000-1 型,采用双壳体、双背压、双进双出、单流程、横向布置结构。

表 1 凝汽 器 结 垢 影 响 试 验 数 据 表
8月 1 日 O
项 别 9: 0~ 1 0 O 6: 0
能的工 厂 , 若火力 发 电厂 的热效 率为 1 0 1 3g 煤 0 %,2 标 就应该发 出 1k ・ W h电能 。实 际上 中小 型火 力 发 电厂 要用 4 0g左右 的标煤 才能发 出 1k ・ 0 W h电能 , 力发 火 电厂的热 效率仅仅 是 3 %左 右 。火 力发 电厂 的热效 率 1 直接 受到 发电厂 的锅炉 热效 率 、 轮机 热效 率 、 汽 管道 热 效率 、 电机效率 的影 响 。 发
轮机热 效 率 为 3 %左 右 , 6 管道 热 效 率 为 9 %左 右 , 9 发 电机效率为 9 %左右 , 成的发 电厂总热效率 为 08 × 9 形 .8 03 .6×0 9 .9×0 9 =0 3 。发 电厂与 热效 率有 关 的 4 .9 .1
75 2 5 6 . 一0 0 45 .7
( 山西霍 州煤 电集 团公 司 , 山西 霍 州 011) 3 4 2
摘 要 : 进 行 了汽 轮机 凝 汽 器 结垢 影 响 火 力 发 电机 效 率 的试 验 , 算 了 节 能 量 , 出 , 时 清 除 凝 汽 器 的 结 垢 , 取 得 节 计 指 及 能
能减 排 的 实 际 效 果 。
中小 型 火 力 发 电 厂 的 锅 炉 热 效 率 为 8 % 左 右 , 8 汽
8月 1 日 6
10 : 0~ 8 O :0
( 汽 器 除 垢 前 ) ( 汽 器 除垢 后 ) 凝 凝 平 均 负荷 k w 真 空 平 均值 MP a
凝 结 水 流 量 平 均 值 th /

⼀、设备概况某⼚两台12MW中温中压凝汽式汽轮发电机组,配套凝汽器参数如下:型号:N-1000-7 型式:分列⼆道制表⾯式冷却⾯积1000m2 冷却⽔量3000/h⽔室内最⼤允许⽔压:0.34MPa ⽔阻:265kPa净重:22.2t 运⾏重量:35.8t冷却不锈钢管规格:20*0.7*4562mm数量:3540根材质:304⼆、运⾏现状汽轮机在运⾏中真空逐渐较低,真空值从-88kpa,逐渐下降⾄-77kpa,端差则从11℃上升⾄34℃,循环⽔供⽔温度<30℃,循环⽔量>6000m3/h,循环倍率⼤于60,循环⽔温度和流量完全满⾜运⾏要求。


18 5 4 5. 18 74 8 .
6 916 7 2 9 . 39 9 . 2O 96 9 4 2 8 7 9 . 34 9 . 15 1 7 19 9
机 组 热 耗 率增 加 ,J (k ・) k/ W h
3.83 4 9 7
3. 4 4 9 5 3 0 0 5 .0 7 0 0 7 .0 5 7 9. 29 5 79 1 7 4.
3.57 6 13
4.26 0 7 4 0 0 6 .0 2 0 0 8 .0 0 775 0 80 0 2 6 .
3.47 7 3 5
所示 。
由表 3可看 出, 相 同的汽 侧放 热系 数情 况下 , 在 随垢 层厚度 的增 加 , 压 、 低 高压凝 汽 器 的真空 近似成
表 3 双 背 压凝 汽器 冷却 水 管 结垢 有关 计 算 结 果 汇 总
垢层厚度 , mm 01 . 02 . 03 . 04 . 05 .
社 , 9 3 19.
出版 社 , 0 1 20.
[ ] 世 铭 . 文 铨 . 热 学 ( 3版 )[ . 京 : 等 教 育 出版 社 , 4杨 陶 传 第 M] 北 高
19 . 9 8
[ ] 万 超 . 力发 电厂 热 力 系 统 节 能 分 析 [ . 京 : 利 电力 出 版 2林 火 M] 北 水
室量 堑 堂
电站辅机总第 9 9期(06 o4 20 . ) N 正 比例 下降 , 而机 组 的 发 出功 率 减 小 量和 机 组 的 热 耗 率增 加量 近似成 正 比例增 大 。这说 明垢层 的厚 度 增 量越 大 , 机组 经济性 的影 响就 越大 。 由此 可见 , 对 为了提 高机 组 的经济 性 , 除按 规 定 投用 凝 汽 器 胶球 清 洗装 置外 , 还应 根据 当地 冷却 水质情 况 , 凝汽 器 对 进 行定 期检 查和 清洗 , 以确 保 凝 汽 器运 行 中冷 却水 管常处 于清 洁状 态 。

1.抽汽压损对机组热经济性影响计算方法研究 [J], 李静;陈海平;石维柱;姜聪
2.定量分析凝汽器冷却水管结垢对机组经济性的影响 [J], 王运民
3.定量分析双背压凝汽器冷却水管结垢对机组经济性的影响 [J], 肖国俊
4.350MW机组凝汽器铜管结垢分析及对策 [J], 靖长财;史晓宏;赵莉
5.滑压机组背压变化对经济性影响的两种新计算方法 [J], 李秀云;严俊杰;林万超因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

4号机凝汽器化学清洗小结及经济性评价发布时间:2022-06-20T09:11:16.933Z 来源:《福光技术》2022年13期作者:李鹏达[导读] 本次化学清洗临时系统设计合理,安装质量可靠,整个清洗过程中未出现严重泄漏,保证了清洗工作顺利完成。
国能(绥中)发电有限责任公司辽宁省葫芦岛市 125222摘要:国能(绥中)发电有限责任公司4号机组于2010年投产发电,检修期间,发现凝汽器换热钛管内部有淤堵和结垢现象,为了避免钛管发生沉积物下腐蚀,提高凝汽器的换热效率,确保机组安全、经济、稳定运行,厂方委托西安热工研究院有限公司在2016年4号机组检修期间对凝汽器钛管、两端水室及其相连通的管道进行了化学清洗。
清洗过程钛管的平均腐蚀速率为0.0076g/(m2·h),平均腐蚀总量为0.14g/m2,清洗后钛管内表面已清洗干净,基本无残余硬垢,除垢率95%以上,各项数据均达到了《火力发电厂凝汽器化学清洗及成膜导则》(DL/T 957-2005)所规定的优良指标。
表2-1 4号机组凝汽器主要参数2 清洗工艺2.1 清洗介质结合以往对凝汽器换热管的清洗经验,特别是对凝汽器钛管的清洗经验,决定本次化学清洗介质为氨基磺酸。
2.2 清洗工艺条件本次清洗工艺条件如下:清洗介质:1%~3%氨基磺酸+0.3%钛材专用缓蚀剂+0.02%渗透剂;清洗流速:0.1~0.2m/s;清洗温度:25~35℃;清洗时间:12~24h;(具体时间根据清洗过程中的酸度变化及排气量而定)。
3 清洗过程3.1 临时系统试运临时系统试运及水冲洗从3月28日21:30开始,至3月29日12:30结束。
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q=南="25.38kg/s kJ/(kg·℃);re却水密度p,=996.71kg/m3。 冷却水流量
。P-n”孑g- 4d
RK.=,等 :型=:48
335 ·
则¨1 N./=0.023砖8畴4=264.49
汽轮机技术》 :: 一
:: 掣
万方数据‘n一Fra bibliotek,'一
2.2.4冷却水管结垢对凝汽器真空、机钮热耗率的影响计算 冷却水管清洁时凝汽器的真空及机组的热耗率 皿=P。一P。=0.09465MPa
dl:T—_—雨k:23’ 汽侧放热系数 d-2
符号 单位
2.2详细计算 2.2.1凝汽器的放热量Q2
由前面所述,Q:=Q。一Q,一Ⅳ Ql=Go(‰一t。)+G_。(Jo—hd)=487 324.96kW Q3可根据设计参数计算选取口3,经计算得Q3= 1.833%Ql,所以,Q2=0.981 67Ql—N=276 859.29kW。 2.2.2凝汽器冷却水管清洁时的计算 传热系数:
和清洗(如本文提到的污垢层可利用机组大小修时间进行酸 洗),以确保凝汽器运行中冷却水管处清洁状态。
(3)凝汽器的运行中,总希望知道冷却水量的大小。而 测量和测准冷却水量是比较困难的,即使采用先进的超声波 流量计,也要在地面下挖出很深的坑,况且冷却水管直径大, 也不易测准。从热力学第一定律出发,不仅定量计算了冷却
万方k.数。据一Q2FAt=。页Q2ij:1_Jtn,■一t“ i
=2 332.90W/(Ill2·℃)
10。7 m2/s;普朗特数P,,=6.07;定压比热容cv/=4.178
要因素是蒸汽的流速、冷却水管的排列、不凝结气体的含量 等。而在汽轮机负荷不变、抽气器工作正常、真空系统严密
凝Q2汽l器:的毛放热 ‰量。:l塑n盟掣:!280785.48kW
因且掣=5.34×10一fj,l—t<w1210-6,说明假定的汽轮 V2I
(1)上述定量计算表明,冷却水管结垢严重影响着凝汽 器真空及机组运行的经济性。冷却水管结垢0.4mm时,使凝 汽器真空下降2.216kPa,使机组的功率减少3 926.04kW,使 机组的热耗率增加172.951d/(kW·h)。为了更进一步说明 问题,在这里还以同样的方法计算了不同污垢层厚度对凝汽 器真空及机组经济性的影响数据,如表3所示。
式中,P。为汽轮机排汽压力,MPa;△Ⅳ为因排汽压力升高 (凝汽器真空降低)使机组功率的减少值,MW。
现假定冷却水管内壁结了龟=0.4ram厚的水垢,导致排 汽温度由l。=37.2。C上升至t,l=42.695 1℃,则与之对应的
排汽压力由以=0.00635MPa上升至P。1=0.008 566MPa,机 组的功率减少
努谢尔特数%=271.52,水侧放热系数屹,=6 844.10
则h,2传r热j系五数 “5钇31w/(m2汽)
版社。1993. [2]庞麓鸣,汪孟乐,冯海仙.工程热力学【M].北京:高等教育出
版社,1986. [3]林万超.火力发电厂热力系统节能分析[M].北京:水利电力
出版社,1987. [4]杨世铭.传热学[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1987.
55岛 ::
(2)由表3可看出,随污垢层厚度的增加,凝汽器的真空 成功地计算了凝汽器的冷却水量。
和机组的功率近似成正比例下降,机组的热耗率近似成正比 例增大。所以机组运行中,除按规定投用凝汽器胶球清洗装
置外,还应根据当地冷却水质情况,对凝汽器进行定期检查 [1】杨善让.汽轮机凝汽设备及运行管理[M].北京:水利电力出
的冷却水。该冷却水的碱度、硬度大,水垢的成份主要是碳 酸钙和碳酸镁,其导热系数A:=1.75W/(in·℃)。
AN=1 771.68p。一9.12 (P。≥0.005 15MPa)
ANl=1 771.68(p。l—P。)=3926.04kW
根据热力学第一定律,此时凝汽器放热量应为 Q20=Q2+△Ⅳl=280 785.33kW
:2矿等i黑两:2 8 ·
冷却水管结垢O.4mm时使凝汽器的真空下降 AH=皿一巩=2.216×10一MPa
冷却水管结垢0.4mm时使机组的热耗率增加 Aq=ql—qo=172.95U/(kW.h)