
RCS得计算方法内容提要·目标RCS精确解法·矩量法·高频区目标RCS近似计算方法–几何光学法–物理光学法–几何绕射理论–物理绕射理论E + k E = 0H + k H = 0 目标RCS 精确解法· 波动方程 2 2 2 2 · 边界条件 n ⋅ (E1 E 2 ) = 0 n ⋅ (H 1 H 2 ) = 0n ⊕ (D1 D 2 ) = 〉 sn ⊕ (B 1 B 2 ) = 0 · 限制 · 求解上述方程必须要使物体表面与某一个可分离得坐标系相吻合,也即有严格级数解可以利用时,波动方程才能有严格得解析解。
· 但只有少数几种形体能满足这种要求.n + 1=n 1 ( 1) ( 2 )(b n a n )目标RCS 精确解法· 球得后向散射雷达散射截面⎛ =2 n 2ˆ ˆ ˆˆ ˆ ˆ· 控制方程– Str atton —Ch u积分方程E s = +s [i ⎤∝ (n ⋅ H )⎭ +(n ⋅ E ) ⋅ (n ⊕ E ) ⎭ ]ds H s = +s [i ⎤∝ (n ⋅ E )⎭ +(n ⋅ H ) ⋅ (n ⊕ H ) ⎭ ]ds·求解思路–将积分方程写成带有积分算符得符号方程;–将待求函数表示为某一组选用得基函数得线性组合并代入符号方程;–用一组选定得权函数对所得得方程取矩量,得到一个矩阵方程或代数方程组;–求解代数方程组。

雷达截面积(RCS)的基础知识雷达截面积(Radar Cross Section, RCS)是目标在雷达接收方向上反射雷达信号能力的度量,一个目标的RCS等于单位立体角目标在雷达接收天线方向上反射的功率(每单独立体角)与人射到目标处的功率密度(每平方米)之比。

RCS 计算平板或圆球的手算公式

RADAR CROSS SECTION (RCS)Radar cross section is the measure of a target's ability to reflect radar signals in the direction of the radar receiver, i.e. it is a measure of the ratio of backscatter power per steradian (unit solid angle) in the direction of the radar (from the target)to the power density that is intercepted by the target.The RCS of a target can be viewed as a comparison of the strength of the reflected signal from a target to the reflected signal from a perfectly smooth sphere of cross sectional area of 1 m as shown in Figure 1 .2The conceptual definition of RCS includes the fact that not all of the radiated energy falls on the target. A target’s RCS (F ) is most easily visualized as the product of three factors:F = Projected cross section x Reflectivity x Directivity .RCS(F ) is used in Section 4-4 for an equation representing power reradiated from the target.Reflectivity: The percent of intercepted power reradiated (scattered) by the target.Directivity: The ratio of the power scattered back in the radar's direction to the power that would have been backscattered had the scattering been uniform in all directions (i.e. isotropically).Figures 2 and 3 show that RCS does not equal geometric area. For a sphere, the RCS, F = B r ,2where r is the radius of the sphere.The RCS of a sphere is independent of frequency if operating at sufficiently high frequencies where 8<<Range, and 8<< radius (r). Experimentally,radar return reflected from a target is compared to the radar return reflected from a sphere which has a frontal or projected area of one square meter (i.e.diameter of about 44 in). Using the spherical shape aids in field or laboratory measurements since orientation or positioning of the sphere will not affect radar reflection intensity measurements as a flat plate would. If calibrated, other sources (cylinder, flat plate, or corner reflector, etc.) could be used for comparative measurements.To reduce drag during tests, towed spheres of 6", 14" or 22" diameter may be used instead of the larger 44" sphere, and thereference size is 0.018, 0.099 or 0.245 m respectively instead of 1 m. When smaller sized spheres are used for tests you 2 2may be operating at or near where 8-radius. If the results are then scaled to a 1 m reference, there may be some 2perturbations due to creeping waves. See the discussion at the end of this section for further details.In Figure 4, RCS patterns are shown asobjects are rotated about their vertical axes(the arrows indicate the direction of theradar reflections).The sphere is essentially the same in alldirections.The flat plate has almost no RCS exceptwhen aligned directly toward the radar.The corner reflector has an RCS almost ashigh as the flat plate but over a wider angle,i.e., over ±60E, the return from a cornerreflector is analogous to that of a flat platealways being perpendicular to yourcollocated transmitter and receiver.Targets such as ships and aircraft oftenhave many effective corners. Corners are sometimes used as calibration targets or as decoys, i.e. corner reflectors.An aircraft target is very complex. It has a great many reflecting elements and shapes. The RCS of real aircraft must be measured. It varies significantly depending upon the direction of the illuminating radar.P r 'PtGtGr82F(4B)3R4R2 BT 'PtGtFPjGj4BP r 'PtGtGr82F(4B)3R4'PjGjGr82(4B R)288S J. Typical Aircraft RCSFigure 5 shows a typical RCS plot of a jet aircraft. The plot is anazimuth cut made at zero degrees elevation (on the aircrafthorizon). Within the normal radar range of 3-18 GHz, the radarreturn of an aircraft in a given direction will vary by a few dB asfrequency and polarization vary (the RCS may change by a factorof 2-5). It does not vary as much as the flat plate.As shown in Figure 5, the RCS is highest at the aircraft beam dueto the large physical area observed by the radar and perpendicularaspect (increasing reflectivity). The next highest RCS area is thenose/tail area, largely because of reflections off the engines orpropellers. Most self-protection jammers cover a field of view of+/- 60 degrees about the aircraft nose and tail, thus the high RCSon the beam does not have coverage. Beam coverage isfrequently not provided due to inadequate power available tocover all aircraft quadrants, and the side of an aircraft istheoretically exposed to a threat 30% of the time over the averageof all scenarios.Typical radar cross sections are as follows: Missile 0.5 sq m; Tactical Jet 5 to 100 sq m; Bomber 10 to 1000 sq m; and ships 3,000 to 1,000,000 sq m. RCS can also be expressed in decibels referenced to a square meter (dBsm) which equals 10 log (RCS in m).2Again, Figure 5 shows that these values can vary dramatically. The strongest return depicted in the example is 100 m in2 the beam, and the weakest is slightly more than 1 m in the 135E/225E positions. These RCS values can be very misleading2because other factors may affect the results. For example, phase differences, polarization, surface imperfections, and material type all greatly affect the results. In the above typical bomber example, the measured RCS may be much greater than 1000 square meters in certain circumstances (90E, 270E).SIGNIFICANCE OF THE REDUCTION OF RCSIf each of the range or power equations that have an RCS (F) term is evaluated for the significance of decreasing RCS, Figure 6 results. Therefore, an RCS reduction can increase aircraft survivability. The equations used in Figure 6 are as follows:Range (radar detection): From the 2-way range equation in Section 4-4: Therefore, R%F or F% R41/4Range (radar burn-through): The crossover equation in Section 4-8 has:Therefore, R%F or F% RBT BT21/2Power (jammer): Equating the received signal return (P) in the two way range equation to the received jammer signal (P)r r in the one way range equation, the following relationship results:Therefore, P%F or F% P Note: jammer transmission line loss is combined with the jammer antenna gain to obtain G.j j t-.46-.97-1.55-2.2-3.0-4.0-5.2-7.0-10.0-400. REDUCTION OF RANGEdB REDUCTION OF RANGE10 Log ( P 'j / P j )(DETECTION )(BURN-THROUGH)(JAMMER)j / P jFigure 6. Reduction of RCS Affects Radar Detection, Burn-through, and Jammer PowerExample of Effects of RCS Reduction - As shown in Figure 6, if the RCS of an aircraft is reduced to 0.75 (75%) of its original value, then (1) the jammer power required to achieve the same effectiveness would be 0.75 (75%) of the original value (or -1.25 dB). Likewise, (2) If Jammer power is held constant, then burn-through range is 0.87 (87%) of its original value (-1.25 dB), and (3) the detection range of the radar for the smaller RCS target (jamming not considered) is 0.93 (93%)of its original value (-1.25 dB).OPTICAL / MIE / RAYLEIGH REGIONSFigure 7 shows the different regions applicable for computing the RCS of a sphere. The optical region (“far field”counterpart) rules apply when 2B r/8 > 10. In this region, the RCS of a sphere is independent of frequency. Here, the RCS of a sphere, F = B r . The RCS equation breaks down primarily due to creeping waves in the area where 8-2B r. This area 2is known as the Mie or resonance region. If we were using a 6" diameter sphere, this frequency would be 0.6 GHz. (Any frequency ten times higher, or above 6 GHz, would give expected results). The largest positive perturbation (point A)occurs at exactly 0.6 GHz where the RCS would be 4 times higher than the RCS computed using the optical region formula.Just slightly above 0.6 GHz a minimum occurs (point B) and the actual RCS would be 0.26 times the value calculated by using the optical region formula. If we used a one meter diameter sphere, the perturbations would occur at 95 MHz, so any frequency above 950 MHz (-1 GHz) would give predicted results.CREEPING WAVESThe initial RCS assumptions presume that we are operating in the optical region (8<<Range and 8<<radius). There is a region where specular reflected (mirrored) waves combine with back scattered creeping waves both constructively and destructively as shown in Figure 8. Creeping waves are tangential to a smooth surface and follow the "shadow" region of the body. They occur when the circumference of the sphere - 8 and typically add about 1 m to the RCS at certain 2frequencies.。


RCS的计算方法内容提要·目标RCS精确解法·矩量法·高频区目标RCS近似计算方法–几何光学法–物理光学法–几何绕射理论–物理绕射理论E + k E = 0 H + k H = 0 目标RCS 精确解法· 波动方程2 22 2· 边界条件 n ⋅ (E 1 E 2 ) = 0 n ⋅ (H 1 H 2 ) = 0n ⊕ (D 1 D 2 ) = 〉 sn ⊕ (B 1 B 2 ) = 0· 限制· 求解上述方程必须要使物体表面与某一个可分离的坐标系相吻合,也即有严格级数解可以利用时,波动方程才能有严格的解析解。
· 但只有少数几种形体能满足这种要求。
n + 1=n 1 ( 1) ( 2 )(b n a n ) 目标RCS 精确解法· 球的后向散射雷达散射截面⎛ = 2n 2ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ矩量法· 控制方程– Stratton-Chu 积分方程E s = +s [i ⎤∝ (n ⋅ H )⎭ +(n ⋅E ) ⋅ (n ⊕ E ) ⎭ ]ds H s = +s[i ⎤∝ (n ⋅ E )⎭ +(n ⋅ H ) ⋅ (n ⊕ H ) ⎭ ]ds矩量法·求解思路–将积分方程写成带有积分算符的符号方程;–将待求函数表示为某一组选用的基函数的线性组合并代入符号方程;–用一组选定的权函数对所得的方程取矩量,得到一个矩阵方程或代数方程组;–求解代数方程组。
对空打击面积 专业名词

对空打击面积专业名词空打击面积(RCS),即雷达截面积(Radar Cross Section),是一个重要的概念,用于描述目标物体对于雷达回波的散射截面。

Rc = √(R2 - r2)
其中,Rc是角反射器的rcs(radius of closing range),R是距离目标的最大距离,r是目标距离角反射器的距离。
1. 角反射器的中心点是相对平衡的,即当用户向角反射器发射电磁波时,反射器中心点也会产生相同的反射。
2. 角反射器接收到的所有电磁波都满足能量守恒定律,即每个电磁波都会将部分能量反射回去,并且能量总量保持不变。

2 0 1 5 年6 月
长 春 理 工 大 学 学报 ( 自然 科 学 版 )
J o u na r l o f Ch a n g c h u nUn i v e r s i t yo f S c i e n c e a n dT e c h n o l o g y( Na t u r a l S c i e n c eE d i t i o n )
e n a nd t h e p h y s i c a l o p t i c a l i n t e g r a l e q u a t i o n f o r mu l t i p l e — — b o u n c e i s d e d u c e d . Th e r e s u l t s o f t r i h e d r a l c o me r r e l f e c t o r s wi t h mo v a b l e s i d e p l a t e s a nd t o p p l a t e a r e g a i n e d a n d RCS i n we l l a c c o r d a n c e wi h t t h e me a s u r e me n t s .Af t e r t h e c o m— p a r i s o n s o f t h e s e t WO k i n d s o f r e l f e c t o r s wi t h a c o m mo n o n e ,s o me v a l u a b l e c o n c l u s i o n s re a d r a wn.
Vo 1 _ 38 No . 3
J u n . 2 0 1 5

航空宇航学院RCS的计算方法内容提要·目标RCS精确解法·矩量法·高频区目标RCS近似计算方法–几何光学法–物理光学法–几何绕射理论–物理绕射理论E + k E = 0 H + k H = 0目标RCS 精确解法· 波动方程2 2 2 2· 边界条件n ⋅ (E 1 E 2 ) = 0 n ⋅ (H 1 H 2 ) = 0 n ⊕ (D 1 D 2 ) = 〉 s n ⊕ (B 1 B 2 ) = 0· 限制· 求解上述方程必须要使物体表面与某一个可分离的坐标系相吻合, 也即有严格级数解可以利用时,波动方程才能有严格的解析解。
· 但只有少数几种形体能满足这种要求。
n + 1=n 1( 1) ( 2 )(b n a n )目标RCS 精确解法· 球的后向散射雷达散射截面⎛ = 2n2ˆ ˆ ˆˆ ˆ ˆ·控制方程– Stratton-Chu积分方程E s = +s[i⎤∝ (n ⋅ H )⎭ +(n ⋅ E ) ⋅ (n ⊕ E )⎭ ]dsH s = +s[i⎤∝ (n ⋅ E )⎭ +(n ⋅ H ) ⋅ (n ⊕ H )⎭ ]ds· 求解思路– 将积分方程写成带有积分算符的符号方程;– 将待求函数表示为某一组选用的基函数的线性组合并代 入符号方程;– 用一组选定的权函数对所得的方程取矩量,得到一个矩 阵方程或代数方程组; – 求解代数方程组。
· 特点– – – –精度较高 在目标外部轮廓取样时,间隙不得超过波长的1/5左右。
当目标尺寸与波长相比很大时,取样数量十分庞大 主要用于低频区和谐振区的散射问题。

RCS的计算方法内容提要·目标RCS精确解法·矩量法·高频区目标RCS近似计算方法–几何光学法–物理光学法–几何绕射理论–物理绕射理论E + k E = 0 H + k H = 0 目标RCS 精确解法· 波动方程2 22 2· 边界条件 n ⋅ (E 1 E 2 ) = 0 n ⋅ (H 1 H 2 ) = 0n ⊕ (D 1 D 2 ) = 〉 sn ⊕ (B 1 B 2 ) = 0· 限制· 求解上述方程必须要使物体表面与某一个可分离的坐标系相吻合,也即有严格级数解可以利用时,波动方程才能有严格的解析解。
· 但只有少数几种形体能满足这种要求。
n + 1=n 1 ( 1) ( 2 )(b n a n ) 目标RCS 精确解法· 球的后向散射雷达散射截面⎛ = 2n 2ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ矩量法· 控制方程– Stratton-Chu 积分方程E s = +s [i ⎤∝ (n ⋅ H )⎭ +(n ⋅E ) ⋅ (n ⊕ E ) ⎭ ]ds H s = +s[i ⎤∝ (n ⋅ E )⎭ +(n ⋅ H ) ⋅ (n ⊕ H ) ⎭ ]ds矩量法·求解思路–将积分方程写成带有积分算符的符号方程;–将待求函数表示为某一组选用的基函数的线性组合并代入符号方程;–用一组选定的权函数对所得的方程取矩量,得到一个矩阵方程或代数方程组;–求解代数方程组。
RCS 计算平板或圆球的手算公式

RADAR CROSS SECTION (RCS)Radar cross section is the measure of a target's ability to reflect radar signals in the direction of the radar receiver, i.e. it is a measure of the ratio of backscatter power per steradian (unit solid angle) in the direction of the radar (from the target)to the power density that is intercepted by the target.The RCS of a target can be viewed as a comparison of the strength of the reflected signal from a target to the reflected signal from a perfectly smooth sphere of cross sectional area of 1 m as shown in Figure 1 .2The conceptual definition of RCS includes the fact that not all of the radiated energy falls on the target. A target’s RCS (F ) is most easily visualized as the product of three factors:F = Projected cross section x Reflectivity x Directivity .RCS(F ) is used in Section 4-4 for an equation representing power reradiated from the target.Reflectivity: The percent of intercepted power reradiated (scattered) by the target.Directivity: The ratio of the power scattered back in the radar's direction to the power that would have been backscattered had the scattering been uniform in all directions (i.e. isotropically).Figures 2 and 3 show that RCS does not equal geometric area. For a sphere, the RCS, F = B r ,2where r is the radius of the sphere.The RCS of a sphere is independent of frequency if operating at sufficiently high frequencies where 8<<Range, and 8<< radius (r). Experimentally,radar return reflected from a target is compared to the radar return reflected from a sphere which has a frontal or projected area of one square meter (i.e.diameter of about 44 in). Using the spherical shape aids in field or laboratory measurements since orientation or positioning of the sphere will not affect radar reflection intensity measurements as a flat plate would. If calibrated, other sources (cylinder, flat plate, or corner reflector, etc.) could be used for comparative measurements.To reduce drag during tests, towed spheres of 6", 14" or 22" diameter may be used instead of the larger 44" sphere, and thereference size is 0.018, 0.099 or 0.245 m respectively instead of 1 m. When smaller sized spheres are used for tests you 2 2may be operating at or near where 8-radius. If the results are then scaled to a 1 m reference, there may be some 2perturbations due to creeping waves. See the discussion at the end of this section for further details.In Figure 4, RCS patterns are shown asobjects are rotated about their vertical axes(the arrows indicate the direction of theradar reflections).The sphere is essentially the same in alldirections.The flat plate has almost no RCS exceptwhen aligned directly toward the radar.The corner reflector has an RCS almost ashigh as the flat plate but over a wider angle,i.e., over ±60E, the return from a cornerreflector is analogous to that of a flat platealways being perpendicular to yourcollocated transmitter and receiver.Targets such as ships and aircraft oftenhave many effective corners. Corners are sometimes used as calibration targets or as decoys, i.e. corner reflectors.An aircraft target is very complex. It has a great many reflecting elements and shapes. The RCS of real aircraft must be measured. It varies significantly depending upon the direction of the illuminating radar.P r 'PtGtGr82F(4B)3R4R2 BT 'PtGtFPjGj4BP r 'PtGtGr82F(4B)3R4'PjGjGr82(4B R)288S J. Typical Aircraft RCSFigure 5 shows a typical RCS plot of a jet aircraft. The plot is anazimuth cut made at zero degrees elevation (on the aircrafthorizon). Within the normal radar range of 3-18 GHz, the radarreturn of an aircraft in a given direction will vary by a few dB asfrequency and polarization vary (the RCS may change by a factorof 2-5). It does not vary as much as the flat plate.As shown in Figure 5, the RCS is highest at the aircraft beam dueto the large physical area observed by the radar and perpendicularaspect (increasing reflectivity). The next highest RCS area is thenose/tail area, largely because of reflections off the engines orpropellers. Most self-protection jammers cover a field of view of+/- 60 degrees about the aircraft nose and tail, thus the high RCSon the beam does not have coverage. Beam coverage isfrequently not provided due to inadequate power available tocover all aircraft quadrants, and the side of an aircraft istheoretically exposed to a threat 30% of the time over the averageof all scenarios.Typical radar cross sections are as follows: Missile 0.5 sq m; Tactical Jet 5 to 100 sq m; Bomber 10 to 1000 sq m; and ships 3,000 to 1,000,000 sq m. RCS can also be expressed in decibels referenced to a square meter (dBsm) which equals 10 log (RCS in m).2Again, Figure 5 shows that these values can vary dramatically. The strongest return depicted in the example is 100 m in2 the beam, and the weakest is slightly more than 1 m in the 135E/225E positions. These RCS values can be very misleading2because other factors may affect the results. For example, phase differences, polarization, surface imperfections, and material type all greatly affect the results. In the above typical bomber example, the measured RCS may be much greater than 1000 square meters in certain circumstances (90E, 270E).SIGNIFICANCE OF THE REDUCTION OF RCSIf each of the range or power equations that have an RCS (F) term is evaluated for the significance of decreasing RCS, Figure 6 results. Therefore, an RCS reduction can increase aircraft survivability. The equations used in Figure 6 are as follows:Range (radar detection): From the 2-way range equation in Section 4-4: Therefore, R%F or F% R41/4Range (radar burn-through): The crossover equation in Section 4-8 has:Therefore, R%F or F% RBT BT21/2Power (jammer): Equating the received signal return (P) in the two way range equation to the received jammer signal (P)r r in the one way range equation, the following relationship results:Therefore, P%F or F% P Note: jammer transmission line loss is combined with the jammer antenna gain to obtain G.j j t-.46-.97-1.55-2.2-3.0-4.0-5.2-7.0-10.0-400. REDUCTION OF RANGEdB REDUCTION OF RANGE10 Log ( P 'j / P j )(DETECTION )(BURN-THROUGH)(JAMMER)j / P jFigure 6. Reduction of RCS Affects Radar Detection, Burn-through, and Jammer PowerExample of Effects of RCS Reduction - As shown in Figure 6, if the RCS of an aircraft is reduced to 0.75 (75%) of its original value, then (1) the jammer power required to achieve the same effectiveness would be 0.75 (75%) of the original value (or -1.25 dB). Likewise, (2) If Jammer power is held constant, then burn-through range is 0.87 (87%) of its original value (-1.25 dB), and (3) the detection range of the radar for the smaller RCS target (jamming not considered) is 0.93 (93%)of its original value (-1.25 dB).OPTICAL / MIE / RAYLEIGH REGIONSFigure 7 shows the different regions applicable for computing the RCS of a sphere. The optical region (“far field”counterpart) rules apply when 2B r/8 > 10. In this region, the RCS of a sphere is independent of frequency. Here, the RCS of a sphere, F = B r . The RCS equation breaks down primarily due to creeping waves in the area where 8-2B r. This area 2is known as the Mie or resonance region. If we were using a 6" diameter sphere, this frequency would be 0.6 GHz. (Any frequency ten times higher, or above 6 GHz, would give expected results). The largest positive perturbation (point A)occurs at exactly 0.6 GHz where the RCS would be 4 times higher than the RCS computed using the optical region formula.Just slightly above 0.6 GHz a minimum occurs (point B) and the actual RCS would be 0.26 times the value calculated by using the optical region formula. If we used a one meter diameter sphere, the perturbations would occur at 95 MHz, so any frequency above 950 MHz (-1 GHz) would give predicted results.CREEPING WAVESThe initial RCS assumptions presume that we are operating in the optical region (8<<Range and 8<<radius). There is a region where specular reflected (mirrored) waves combine with back scattered creeping waves both constructively and destructively as shown in Figure 8. Creeping waves are tangential to a smooth surface and follow the "shadow" region of the body. They occur when the circumference of the sphere - 8 and typically add about 1 m to the RCS at certain 2frequencies.。

1. 什么是伴随方程和自动微分?在介绍rcs表面敏感度计算之前,我们需要先了解伴随方程和自动微分这两个概念。
2. rcs表面敏感度计算的原理基于伴随方程和自动微分的方法可以帮助我们更准确地计算rcs表面的敏感度。
3. rcs表面敏感度计算的应用rcs表面敏感度计算在实际应用中有着广泛的应用。
4. 个人观点和总结在我看来,基于伴随方程和自动微分的rcs表面敏感度计算是雷达散射领域中的一项非常重要的技术。
总结回顾:在本文中,我们深入探讨了基于伴随方程和自动微分的rcs 表面敏感度计算。

1,设定系统参数设定完毕后,可以查看差动计算定值单如下:序号定值名称数值序号定值名称数值01 I侧平衡系数0. 999 07 ∏I侧额定电流 1.48002 II侧平衡系数0. 999 08 IV侧额定电流 1.48003 III侧平衡系数 2. 657 09 零差I侧平衡系数 1.00004 IV侧平衡系数 2. 657 10 零差II侧平衡系数 2. 00005 I侧额定电流 3. 935 11 零差公共侧平衡系数 2.00006 II侧额定电流 3. 935 12差动启动电流:Iset=0.3Ie,比率制动系数K=0. 5稳态比率差动的动作特制动电流0. 6.有用公式:Id>O. 2Ir+Icdqd Ir<=0. 5Ie 公式 1 Ir=l∕2 ( Il ∣+ ∑2∣+ ∑3∣+∙∙∙+ Im ) 公式2Id= Il + l2+l3+∙∙∙ + Im公式3其中,Ie为变压器额定电流,∏到Im为变压器各侧电流,Icdqd为稳态比率差动启动电流,Id为差动电流,Ir为制动电流,2.差动各侧电流相位差的补偿Yo 侧:I∖=(I A-I O)U B=(I B-I O)Uc=(Ic-Io)上式中,1全为矢量.单加入A相电流时,310=la单加入B相电流时,3Io=Ib单加入C相电流时,3Io=Ic△侧:I%(I A-I C)∕.3I'B=(I B-I A)∕.3Uc= (IC-I B)∕V∕3上式中,I全为矢量.3逻辑校验3.1,各侧差动启动电流的校验单加入高压侧A相电流为例:设h=Ix'(估计是面板显示数据)则:Ir=l/2Ix' Id=Ix,带入公式1得:Ix,>O. 2*l∕2Ix,+Icdqd所以:lcdqd<O. 91x,再有相位补偿:Ix(加入值)=3∕2Ix)(3/2是怎么过来的???)所以:1x(加入值)=1.5Tcdqd∕0. 9由定值得:lcdqd=O. 31e=0. 3*3. 935=1. 1805则:Ix=l. 5*1. 1805/0. 9=1. 9675结论,在加入值在大于1. 9675时差动应动作。

• 绕射场是沿绕射射线传播的,绕射射线所形成的圆锥面 称为Keller锥。
– 当入射线与边缘垂直时,圆锥面退化为与边缘垂直的平面圆盘。
• 在高频区时绕射和反射一样是一种局部现象。
– 也就是说绕射只取决于散射体绕射点邻域内的物理特性和几何 特性,这可以称之为局部原理。
• 离开绕射点后的绕射线仍遵循几何光学的定律,即在绕 射射线管中能量是守恒的。
入 射 波
照 射 区
阴 影 区
场 强 为 零
• 如果目标表面上任一点到观察点P的距 离R远远大于目标的尺寸,则格林函数 的梯度可简化为
ˆ ∇ψ ≅ iksψ
ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้e ψ= 4π R
• Stratton-Chu积分方程右端包含有总场,为使方程简化成 定积分问题,应将方程中右端的总场用入射场来表示。 • 为了将入射场与散射场联系起来,假设目标表面上的任一 点及其附近表面曲率半径比波长大得多,根据平面波在无 穷大平面上电磁边界条件,对于理想导体表面,入射场与 散射场的关系为
• 首先必须找出这样的边缘单元,它们在局部的 Keller锥上的一条母线贯穿远区场的观察点。 • 设想在整个目标的边缘上可建立起多个小Keller 锥,在计算中只需包含那些朝向观察点方向的 Keller锥的边缘,而忽略所有的其它边缘。 • 将到达观察点的所有射线的散射场进行叠加。
ˆ ˆ n × E = n × (E i + E s ) = 0 ˆ ˆ ˆ n × H = 2n × H s
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Radar Cross Section and Farfield Simulation of an
This article demonstrates the RCS and farfield simulation of an electrically large airplane. The airplane consists of PEC and is illuminated by a plane wave from the front at a frequency of 4GHz. The simulation is performed with the new Integral Equation solver (I-solver) of CST MICROWAVE STUDIO® (CST MWS). The new I-solver is based on the electric field integral equations and on the discretization by the Method of Moments (MoM). To enhance the numerical complexity the new I-solver applies the Multilevel Fast Multipole Method (MLFMM) which yields an efficient complexity for electrically large structures. As a result, the new Integral Equation solver of CST MWS is very accurate and efficient.
Figure 1:Geometry of the airplane
Figure 1 shows the geometry of the airplane. The length and width of the airplane is about 27 meters, and the total height is
Figure 2:Plane wave illumination from the front at 4GHz
We perform a monostatic RCS simulation as well as calculate the farfield and surface current distributions for the airplane. The
the iterative MLFMM solver. The resulting monostatic RCS is about 37.6 dBsm and the maximal RCS is about 63.3 dBsm. Figure 3 displays the polar farfield distribution as a function of the spherical angle phi.
Figure 3:Polar plot of the farfield distribution
Figure 4 displays the absolute values of the peak surface current distribution
Figure 4:Plot of the absolute surface current of the aircraft (left), surface current for the aircraft engine (right) Summing up the article presents the RCS and farfield calculation of an airplane at a frequency of 4GHz. It shows the ability of。