官方发布样题如下:Task: Now you will see an advertisement. Suppose you are working with Morrow Mechanical and you are talking with a customer who is interested in its products. You will answer the questions from the customer.Contestant: A staff member at Morrow MechanicalQuestion Master: A customer who is interested in its productsQuantity of Questions: 6-82.“职场描述”(Presentation):要求参赛者抽取一幅反映行业/企业业务发展或社会、经济等热点问题的统计图表或图片,在充分理解图表或图片内容的基础上对其进行口头描述和观点阐述。
学 术 论 坛198科技资讯 SC I EN C E & TE C HN O LO G Y I NF O R MA T IO N教育部高职高专教育英语课程教学指导委员会和高等学校英语应用能力考试委员会在2004年举办了“全国首届高职高专实用英语口语大赛”,至今年,大赛已经成功举办了10届。
大赛坚持高职高专英语教育“以实用为主,以应用为目的”的主导方向,以“我学、我说、我成功(I Learn,I Speak,I Succeed)”为竞赛口号,重点强调选手用英语解决职场实际业务问题的综合能力,展现当代高职高专学生勤奋、阳光、团结、进取的精神面貌。
1 选手的选拔“全国首届高职高专实用英语口语大赛”每年都吸引着来自于全国各地高职院校的数以百万计的师生参与,竞争之激烈是不言而喻的,所以大赛选手的选拔不能匆忙地一蹴而就。
2 指导教师应具备的条件众所周知,赢得任何大赛的关键因素除了选手之外还有一个-那就是指导教师,指导教师的综合素质和能力直接影响比赛成绩。
with data from 1990 (2 hours)。
1995 (4 hours)。
and 2002 (14 hours)。
In analyzing this chart。
it is important to not only consider the surface n。
but also to delve into the deeper ns。
such as possible reasons。
and potential trends.When describing the data。
it is important to focus on the key points and serve the central theme。
rather than aimlessly listing all the data in the chart。
If there is a large amount of data。
it is best to focus on the extremes (such as the highest or lowest。
most or least。
best or worst) and the basic similarities.XXX topic XXX of the article to emphasize the main point and make the theme clear.In terms of the chart example。
it is clear that there has been a significant increase in the average weekly computer usage ofstudents from 1990 to 2002.The reasons for this change may be XXX society。
全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛”选拔赛竞赛参考题Part II Presentation (3 minutes)Number of Hours Worked Per Week1Numbers of Day’s Annual HolidayJAPANSWEDENT he average Japanese worker spends 47 hours a week, or 2 100 hours per year, at the office or factory, while the average Swede clocks up only 37.Swedish workers have 28 days of holiday per year, but the Japanese have only 15. A typical Japanese worker takes a six-day week, however, a Swedish worker works less than 5 days a week. If you are a worker, life is much easier in Sweden than in Japan, for you can work 10 hours shorter each week and you may have a much longer annual holiday.2 Change in Number of Visitors by CountryIn 2009 there were a large number of visitors to China on group or independent tour. But there were changes in the numbers of vistors from different countries. Some increasedGroupbut some decreased. The greatest change happened in Bangladesh. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was down------there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% independent travelers than the year before. Visitors from Argentina were up by 53% for group tours and 26% for independent travelers. The number of visitors from Sweden was up by 24% for group tours and 15% for independent travelers.3 Sales of Computer Company50100150200250123456789101112At the beginning of the year sales of the computers were as 80 000 pounds. Sales rosesteadily between February and April. However, they then fell slightly between April and July. Following a minor rise in August, sales declined noticeably from 160 000 pounds to 120 000 pounds. The downward trend continued, and in November sales reached their lowest point since January. Fortunately, thanks to a new marketing strategy and growing demands for holiday goods, sales increased dramatically at the end of the year and eventually reached 200 000 pounds. In all, it’s a year of both rise and fall and was finally ended up with great success in sales.4 Time Spent on Different Media by TeenagersSales (Pound)×1000Month24681012141618s u r f o n -l i n ew a t c h T Vl i s t e n t o r a d i ou s e t e l e p h o n er e a d b o o k s &m a g a z i n e sThe chart shows a survey result about the hours the teenagers spend per week on the different media such as Internet, TV, radio, telephone and books or magazines in their spare time. Clearly, the teenagers like surfing the net very much and they usually spend 16.7 hours per week on-line. Next to this, they would prefer to watching TV, 13.6 hours per week being spent for that. Interestingly, in a week, they only spend about 6 hours reading books or magazines. And the amount of time they spend in listening to radio or using telephone is just in between.5 Foreign Trade Growth of China (in billion of RMB)As the graph shows, Chinese exports almost remained steady in January last year. In February, they went up rapidly. In the next three months, they fluctuated between 20 billion and 25 billion. From May to October, exports saw a slight decrease, then a small increase in November. In December, there was a significant increase. But after that, Chinese exports fell dramatically.Compared with exports, Chinese imports saw a continuous rise from the beginning of last year to May. In the next six months, they showed a gradual fluctuation. At the start of November, they began to pick up and from November to December, imports increased abruptly to reach a peak of 17 billion. At the beginning of this year, a sudden decline in exports led to steep fall in imports.6 Market Share of MEX Company Productshours/weekThis pie graph shows the breakdown of the market share of MEX Company products in the world. As you can see, the is still our largest customer. It has the largest percentage of the market share of our products, at 40%. The second is Europe, at 30%. Next is Japan, which makes up 15% of our market share. And Australia accounts for 10%. Finally, the smallest part of our market share is taken up by Africa, with only 5%. Recently the world economy is not booming very fast, so we should improve our management system and try our best to produce better products and explore potential market in the future.7 Total profit & its expenditure(in thousand US dollars)Company name: SuperSonic Industries Group Corp.This Graph reveals that our total profit of 2009 is US$200,000, which is US$50,000 higher than that of 2008. To expand business, our investment in establishing new enterprises was raised from US$80,000 in 2008 to US$140,000 in 2009. And the new circulating fund also increased from US$70,000 in 2008 to US$150,000 in 2009.8 Describe the caricature and give your comment. 9Africa 5%USA 40%Japan 15%American Students 50% 35% 15%Chinese Students 90% 5% 5%Income Sources Between Chinese Students and American StudentsIncome sources of Chinese students are quite different from those of American students. In China, students get 90% of their money from their parents while in America, only 50% of students’ money is provided by parents. In addition, Chinese students earn on ly 5% of their money from part time jobs and 5% from fellowship or scholarship while income from these two resources for American students takes up 35% and 15% respectively of their total income.I think there are probably three reasons for their differences. First, because of the influence of different social and family values, Chinese students have formed the habit of asking for money from their parents while American students have developed more sense of being financially independent. Second, most Chinese parents devote too much care to their children and they would rather save up to afford their children’s education rather than encourage them to take part-time jobs. But in America, many parents pay more attention to developing the students’ ability of self-reliance, so they encourage their children to find part-time job to earn some money by themselves. Third, since America is more developed than China, it is relatively easy for students to find part time jobs. In China, such opportunities are rather rare.I believe with the development of China, more and more Chinese students will realize and pay more attention to the necessity of self dependence. In addition, more and more opportunities will be provided for them to take part-time jobs. So more students will go out of the ivory tower to broaden their knowledge and to become the master of their own lives.10 The table below gives information about changes in modes of travel in England between 1985 and 2000.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.The table indicates the number of miles by the average English person in 1985 and 2000, using various means of transport.The number of miles walked, cycled and traveled by local bus all decreased. Of these, the number of miles traveled by local bus decreased the most, from 429 miles in 1985 to 274 miles in 2000.The number of miles traveled by car, long distance bus, train and taxi all increased.The number of miles driven by car was 3,199 in 1985 and rose by 50% to 4,806 in 2000. The number of miles traveled by long distance bus more than doubled from 54 miles(1985)to 124 miles (2000). The number of miles driven by taxi trebled from 13 miles (1985) to 42 miles (2000). The use of other, unspecified, forms of transport also increased.Overall, the number of miles traveled by the average English person rose from 4,740 miles in 1985 to 6,475 miles in 2000, with the increase of cars accounting for almostall of that increase.11A. staying at homeB. travelingC. doing social investigationD. other waysFrom the two charts, we can see that in the past ten years the students who go traveling and do social investigations during vacations have increased greatly while those who stay at home have decreased a lot.There are several reasons for the changes. Firstly, with the development of economy, many people have become better off. Students can get financial support from their parents for traveling. Secondly, tourism has greatly developed over the past ten years. Many new scenic spots have been built and exploited. In addition, the students today are expected and encouraged to participate in facing the real world. In this way they can obtain the necessary experiences required when they go job-hunting upon graduation.From the changes in the charts, we can predict that more and more college students will make their vacations interesting and worthwhile by going to the outside world instead of staying at home.1213 How Americans spend their money1415 The table below show social and economic indicators of fourcountries in 1994, according to United Nations statistics.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.。
参赛 者抽取 一个 题 目, 由母语 为英语 的一 位 主试对参 赛 者进 行3 分钟 的一 对一 的现场 交谈 。 交谈 内容通 常涉及 一般 日常交 际 、 企业 介绍 、产 品介 绍和 涉外业 务等 方面 。情 景交 流部分 是对选 手 的语 用 能力 、 快速 反应能 力 、 临场 应变 能力 和知识 面 的综 合考 验 。 要结 合平 时 的教学 ,有 意识 的培养 选手 运用 英语 的习惯 。
个 方 面评 判 选手 表 现 。 比赛 已经 从 语 言 的 比拼 向思想 的 比拼发 展 ,除 了基 本 的语 言能力 , 部分 对选 手 的分 析 能力 、逻辑 思维 这 能 力等 综合 素质有 更高 的要 求 。
1 .快 而准 , 住 图表 关键信 息 。 抓
译 的能力 , 从而能借助词典 阅读和翻译有关英语业务资料 , 在涉
图表就 像是 “ 数字 地 图” ,可 以让看 的人 一 目了然 。成 功 的
演 说者 应该 就这 些数字 、图表加 以诠 释 ,让听众 即刻 掌握 这些数
字 之 间 的关 系 。针对 在校 学生对 图表 分析 相对 薄弱 的现状 , 笔者
注重 培养 实际使 用语 言 的技能 , 别是使 用英 语处 理 日常和涉 外 特 业务 活动 的能力 。 高职高 专实 用英 语 口语 大赛 正是 在这 种英语 教 学 的发展 趋势下 孕育 而生 的 。 笔者 曾担 任多场 实用 英语 口语 大赛 选拨 赛 评 委 , 同时 ,先 后 两次 负 责学 院选手 赛 前 辅导 工 作并 在 20 0 7年 指导 学 院代表 获 得第 四届 实用 英语 口语 大赛 广 东省赛 区
2、社会热点问题; 3、雅思考试;
/ /
/ /
一、大赛目的 大赛旨在提高高职高专学生运用英语进 行职场交际的综合能力,通过在竞赛期间 举行系列配套活动,扩大我国高等职业教 育在国际上的影响力和竞争力,在整体提 升高等职业教育办学水平的基础上,为打 造高职名校、强校提供动力。
全国各高等专科学校、高等职业技术院校、 成人高等院校的在校生。 1、非英语专业组; 2、英语专业组。
全国职业院校技能大赛 英语口语大赛
举办机构:中华人民共和国教育部 大赛级别:国家级 类 分 别:职业竞赛 类:国家级一类
竞赛届期:一年 特 点:专业覆盖面最广 参赛选手最多 社会影响最大 联合主办部门最全
全 国 英职 语业 口院 语校 大技 赛能 大 赛
2 3 4 5
大赛目的 参赛学生
1、语音语调; 2、内容完整;
3、紧扣主题; 4、条理清晰;
Ⅲ 情景交流
参赛者抽取一个题目,由一位主试对参赛者进行 一对一的现场交谈。交谈内容涉及以下方面: 1、一般日常交际:迎送、日程安排、住宿安排、宴 请、陪同购物、游览、就诊等; 2、企业介绍:历史、现状; 3、产品介绍:类型、性能、规格、市场、销售等; 4、涉外业务:合作意向、投资意向、签订合同、人 员培训、专家待遇、议价、折扣、订货、交货、 投诉等。
四、 六级考试。 各省还设立了专科的英语三级测试。 于是, 很多学校的老师就把重点放到了追求通过率 口语是英语教学的组成部分 , 也是英语学习的 终端 [I]。著名的申请国外研究生入学考试的'ME 和应付考试上, 客观上降低了对学生实用英语能力 价 st of Spoken English)已经存在很多年。在国内 的要求。 学生学了那么多单词和语法 , 但是不会用 , 从 1999 年开始由上海市紧缺人才工程率先开始实 听不懂 , 说不出。“ 哑巴英语现象” 在公外学生的身 行颁发的英语 口译证书办法已在全国各省市推广。 上更突出 t2 ]。高职高专院校的目标是培养生产、 技 全国大学英语考试 CET(College English Test)也从 术 、 、 服务 管理等方面的应用型人才 , 围绕这一 目 1999 年开始实施大学英语四、 六级口语考试(CET( 标, 国家对高职高专的英语教学提出了更加重视实 Spoken English Test), 简称CET- SET。 在我国的中、 用能力培养的要求。 高职高专教育英语课程教学委 小学英语教育中, 上海市 、 江苏省 、 广州市也是从 员会要求高职高专的英语教学体系的指导方针是: 1999 年开始在全市或全省普及推广英语 口语测 “ 实用为主, 够用为度 , 应用为 目的” 特别是培养学 。 试, 从初一开始到高三阶段 , 每年举行 , 已经取得了 生的实用能力为主的英语应用能力; 强调学以致 很好的经验和成绩 ,尤其青岛市 2002 年开始在全 用, 实现学一点, 会一点, 用一点;加大听、 说训练; 市从小学一年级开始进行英语 口语测试。 由此可见 听说读写译并重, 但更突出表达能力的培养[ ], [ 以满 3 在英语教学中推广英语 口语测试已经成为全社会 足毕业生到一线工作的需要。 在教育部推荐的三本 的共识。而在高校领域内, 语测试的推广却不如 教材中: 《 口 新编实用英语》《 、大学体验英语》 新视 和《 国内中、 小学。虽然有不少学校已经开始这方面的 野英语》 ,都是以模拟— 套用— 拓展来进行实 研究实验 , 如安阳大学推出的“ 三会工程一条龙考 用 口头交际能力的听说训练 ; 以语言和理解信息并 试” 会说话(英语) 、 — 会写字( 电脑) 、 会走路( 汽 重的应用性文献为主来进行阅读训练; 以应用文为 车驾驶 ) , 要求学生达到这样的标准才能毕业 , 华南 主来开展写作训练。 以这样的编写方式来满足了当 理工大学推出的“ 大学英语 口语测试改革” 课题项 前的高职高专英语课程的变化。 宁波大红鹰职业技 目 等, 但在高职院校开始这方面的实验还很少, 所 术学院加强 口语教学和 口语测试也是对新的高职 以在这个领域还有许多值得研究的问题。 高专英语课程变化的适应。 大学公共英语教学在本科和专科 院校多年来 宁波大红鹰职业技术学院的教育纲要明确提出 都是以培养学生的阅读理解能力为主的。 教学大纲 要为学生提供“ 自学的机会 、 动手的机会 、 表达的机 规定学生掌握 4200 个单词和进一步掌握的单词。 会、 创作的机会” 。英语 口 语测试正是这一教学观念 为了检验学生对大纲规定的英语单词 、 语法等掌握 的体现。该院招收的学生从其人学英语成绩和摸底 的程度, 全国大学英语考试委员会还设计和举办了 成绩来看 , 在英语学习 面是“ 低分低能” 听力水平 。
参赛选手检录、候赛 (分赛场进行)
上午 1月7日
抽题、备赛 (分赛场进行)
1.英语专业组“职场陈述”决赛 09:00-12:30
第一赛场候赛室 第二赛场候赛室
考核参赛选手在职场上与英语口语主试官进行口语交际的能力。 最大程度地还原交际语境,选手除了需具备较强的听说技能之外,还 要了解社会生活、经济和科技进步的最新动态。
四、竞赛方式 (一)选手资格
学生选手必须具有2020年云南省高等学校学籍,并在全省学籍系 统内可以查询,原则上凡开设与英语相应或相关专业的高职学校均可 报名组队参加专业组比赛,其余专业的学生可参加非专业组比赛。英 语专业组或非英语专业组参赛人数未达10人,则该项比赛不予开展; 原参加过国赛或省赛获得一、二、三等奖的选手不再报名参赛;指导 教师必须是参赛学校正式或特聘半年以上教师。 (二)选手产生
为确保大赛的有序进行,“职场陈述”环节允许观摩,“职场交 流”环节不允许观摩。
附件1 样题:
1. 职场陈述 (Presentation)
(3 minutes)
Task: You are required to talk about the following chart, describing,
性别 出生年月
推荐职务 专业大类 职务
照片 □裁判员
职称(职业资格等 级)
业组 5 套,非英语专业组 10 套)组成试题库,赛前根据大赛试题产
生办法从题库中抽取比赛试题。(赛项样题见附件 1)
编辑推荐《全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛赛题精选》:青春阳光——展高职高专骄人风采实用应用——走适应社会需求之路我学、我说、我成功目录TEST 1TEST 2TEST 3TEST 4TEST 5TEST 6TEST 7TEST 8TEST 9TEST 10TEST 11TEST 12TEST 13TEST 14TEST 15TEST 16TEST 17TEST 18TEST 19TEST 20序言“全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛”已经成功举行了6届。
第一套Part One Reading aloudBe prepared to read aloud the following short speech. You should read it as if you are giving a real-life prepared speech.Ladies and Gentlemen,It ’as great pleasure to have you visit us today. I ’ mvery happy to have the opportunity to introduce our company to you.Our company was established in 1950. We mainly manufacture electronic goods and export them all over the world. We grossed about US $100 million last year, and our business is growing steadily. We have offices in Asia, North America and Europe, with about 1,000 employees, and we are working gladly to serve the needs of our customers. In order to further develop our overseas business, we need reliable agents to market our products.I hope you will consider doing business with us. Thank you.Part Two PresentationBe prepared to talk about the following chart, describing, comparingand summarizing the contents. You can also add your own comments.Tom and Thompson Company's World Sales ofSports Equipment500 450) 360n 400oi 300l Tennisl 300iGolfM(200$ Badminton90SU1001998 2002Note: badminton羽毛球Part Three InterviewNow you see an advertisement here. Be prepared to discuss this ad and issues in relation to the development of chain stores in China.DONUT & COFFEECHAIN- 48 Locations -FOR SALEThe BESS EATON chain of 48 fully operating donut (多幅饼) & coffee shops are located in Connecticut, Rhode Island and some other cities of southern New England. It is available forimmediate sale. Its 2003 sales reached $28,125,000. First class, a fully equipped bakery & an additional office building are also available.BESS EATON is a 50-year-old family business with 650 employees and many prime locations in rapidly developing southern New England areas, including southern Connecticut and Rhode Island ’Contact Allan M. ShineWinograd, Shine & Zacks, PC123 Dyer Street, Providence, RI 02903(T) (401)273-8300(F)(401)272-57282第二套Part One Reading aloudBe prepared to read aloud the following short speech. You should read it as if you are giving a real-life prepared speech.Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome you all here for the fourth annual meeting of our Asian sales staff. I know you are all busy, so I especially appreciate your taking time to participate in this meeting today.There are 16 participants here. First, Mr. Carl Allen, our sales manager, will make a few remarks. He will speak about the sales promotion for the coming year and the problems that some of us have had in the past year. After Mr. Allen remarks,’ the meeting will be open for comments and discussion from the rest of you.We hope that you will all take an active part in this meeting and air your views frankly. After the meeting, we will all go to the Rose Room of this hotel for a dinner. Now, shall the meeting begin ?Part Two Presentation Be prepared to tell about the following chart, describing, comparing and summarizing the contents. You can also add your own comments.Changes in Number of Employees at CMA & SR 250230210190195 200 175185175170) 150CMA 0SF100(501999 2000 2001 2002Note: CMA and SR are the names of two companies.Part Three InterviewHere is a company ’ s job training program. Be prepared to discuss this program and your views on job training in general.Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Training Program"My Education Connection" is a new partnership between Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.and selected online education providers.Nationally famous colleges and universities, as well as highly regarded e-Learning companies, have cooperated with Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. to provide educational opportunities through "My Education Connection" on your home computer.This benefit offers all associates the opportunity to take online GED preparation, college courses, language courses and personal enrichment courses on associates' personal computers.The selected educational providers have extended special pricing available only to associates, and in some cases, the benefit is extended to include associates' immediate family members.第三套Part One Reading aloudBe prepared to read aloud the following short speech. You should read it as if you are giving a real-life prepared speech.(This passage is not good enough both in terms of language and content. Even thefigures given are in doubt which need to be confirmed.)Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,Today I ’ m going to give you a brief account of the development of Telecommunications in Shanghai. In 1995, Shanghai became the first city in China to have 8 digit phone numbers. By the end of 1999, the total capacity of the telephone switchboard in Shanghai exceeded 4.5 million sets, and the private telephone lines topped over 3.5 million, while the mobile phone number kept well over 300 thousand. At present, Shanghai has phone connections with more than 25 (Too few???) countries and regions. In 1999 alone, there were 1 million plus internationalexpress(???) delivered in Shanghai. Shanghai also goes ahead of other cities in China in the field of Internet development and Internet services. ISDN has been promoted in the last two years and has been regarded as the standard means of getting onto the Internet.Part Two PresentationHere is a survey chart of unemployment. Be prepared to discuss this chart and your views on unemployment in general.Unemployment Level of a CountryMillionsPart Three InterviewBe prepared to talk about the following hotel room rates table, describing, comparing and summarizing the contents. You can also add your own comments.The room rates of Hongshan Hotel and some of its servicesHONGSHAN HOTELROOM RATESSuites ---------------------- $95 per night(With bathroom and private sitting room)Double Room ------------- $65 per night(With bathroom and full bar facilities)Single room ---------------- $50 per night(double room, single occupancy rate)Economy room --------------- $30 per nightAll rooms are fully equipped withBathrooms and televisionsPrices include a breakfast served in the coffee shopLaundry and business center services are charged第四套Part One Reading aloudBe prepared to read aloud the following short speech. You should read it as if you are giving a real-life prepared speech.Ladies and Gentlemen,On behalf of Mingxing Generating Equipment Factory, I sincerely extend our warmest welcome to you all.Before you take a look around our factory, I would like to give you a brief account of it. Our factory has more than forty years ’experience in manufacturing generating equipment complex. With a staff of more than five thousand employees, it is one of the largest factories of its kind in China. The main lines of our products are generators and diesel generating sets. In addition, our factory supplies different models of turbines, too.Our products sell very well both at home and abroad. With advanced technology and up-dated facilities, we can supply you with generating equipment of excellent workmanship and good after-sale services. We always abide by contracts and honor our promises.Part Two PresentationBe prepared to talk about the following advertisement, describing, comparing and summarizing the contents. You can also add your own comments.Full One Year WarrantyGeneral Electric Company warrants this product to be free ofmanufacturing defects for a one-year period after the original dateof consumer purchase or receipt as a gift. This warranty does notinclude damage to the product resulting from accident or misuse.If the product should become defective within the warranty period,we will repair or replace it free of charge, including free returntransportation provided it is delivered to any General Electricauthorized service center.Note: warranty保证书Part Three InterviewHere is a chart of a survey. Be prepared to discuss this chart and your views on college students ’ preference in seeking a job after graduation.200 college students’ (100 boys and 100 girls) responses to the question35%30%30%30%25%25%20%20%20%20% 20%boys15%15%girls 15%10%5%5%0%Scientist Engineer Teacher Businessperson lawyer第五套Part One Reading aloudBe prepared to read aloud the following short speech. You should read it as if you are giving a real-life prepared speech.Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to our town.I'm Xiao Hong ,your tour guide.Now I'd like to tellyou something about this small town.The town was built in the Tang dynasty.In history, a lot of famous poets came here and wrote many poems about it because of its unique beauty.Our town used to be very poor,but great changes have taken place since 1978.It has been developing rapidly in the past ten years and lots of new schools, hospitals and factories have been set up. Now it has taken on a brand new look.Every year a large number of tourists both from home and abroad come hereto spend their holidays. It has become a famous place of interest in China.I hope you will have a pleasant time during your stay here.Thank you.Part Two PresentationBe prepared to talk about the following operating instructions, describing, comparing and summarizing the contents. You can also add your own comments.Clean & Clear Correction FluidSHAKE WELL·TOUCH ON· DO NOT BRUSHA pply sparingly by dotting the outline of each letter with brushtip.A llow 8—10 seconds to dry. Recap tightly after each use.A vailable in colors: white, black, blue.A void contact with clothing. Wipe up accidental spills quickly.C omplies with environmental regulations. Stock No. 563-01.C aution: The contents can be harmful. Non-flammable.(Words for reference: fluid 液体; sparingly 节俭地;brushtip 刷尖;spill 溅出;non-flammable不易燃的; caution 注意事项 )Part Three InterviewHere is the first part of an employment ad. Be prepared to discuss this adand job requirements of different companies in general.SPORTS MEN AND WOMEN, JOIN OUR TEAM!DECATHLON is a French company specialized in the production and retailing of Sports Goods all over the world. Founded in 1976, DECATHLON is today the European Leader not only as a sports articles’ Designer and ProducRetail er but a with totally 320 stores worldwide. In China, we have settled in Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou and Shenzhen since 1992. We always look for professionals to reinforceour team and share our values: Honest, Dynamic, friendly, and responsible!The following posts are waiting for you to join in.Universal Manager⋯⋯Security Manager⋯⋯Construction Project Manager⋯Shipping and Customs Coordinator⋯⋯Treasurer ⋯⋯第六套Part One Reading aloudBe prepared to read aloud the following short speech. You should read it as if you are giving a real-life prepared speech.Dear Friends,There ’ s a Chinese saying going like this:“ Just as there is heaven,paradise in there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.”This saying is no exaggeration about the scenic beauty of the two historic cities near Shanghai which attract millions of tourists from both home and abroad every year.For example, the charming landscaped gardens of Suzhou, typical of China ’ ssouthern garden architecture, contain numerous created landscape scenes within a limited space.The ponds, stones, flowers and trees in these gardens create a poetic mood for tourists and therefore, a visit to these gardens is a must for every tourist visiting Suzhou.Part Two PresentationBe prepared to talk about the table showing the areas of investment of NewEra Venture Capital Co. Ltd. , describing, comparing and summarizing the contents.You can also add your own comments.New Era Venture Capital Co. Ltd.Areas of InvestmentsUnit1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Biotechnology, IT-related New materials, Capitalmedicine, projects new energy, operation modernization environmental projectsof traditional technologyChinese medicine and InternetPart Three InterviewHere is a cartoon. Be prepared to discuss it andtudents ’ difficulties in seeking a job.(Word for reference:性别鄙视:sex discrimination)全国高职高专适用英语口语大赛(6套样题)(介绍文档)11。
Climate Change and Financial Instability Seen as Top Global ThreatsPublics around the world are concerned about the effect of global climate change and international financial instability, with majorities in many of the nations surveyed saying these are major threats to their countries. But Islamic extremism is also a serious concern, particularly in the United States, Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. In contrast, relatively few consider American or Chinese power and influence a major threat to their countriesConcern about global climate change is particularly prevalent in Latin America, Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, and the Asian/Pacific region, but majorities in Lebanon, Tunisia and Canada also say climate change is a major threat to their countries. In contrast, Americans are relatively unconcerned about global climate change. Four-in-ten say this poses a major threat to their nation, making Americans among the least concerned about this issue of the 39 publics surveyed, along with people in China, Czech Republic, Jordan, Israel, Egypt and Pakistan.These are among the key findings of a new survey by the Pew Research Center conducted in 39 countries among 37,653 respondents from March 2 to May 1, 2013.1 The survey also finds that at least half in all of the European Union nations surveyed, as well as in most Middle Eastern and African countries, consider international financial instability a major threat. This is especially the case in southern Europe: 95% in Greece, 75% in Italy and 70% in Spain express concern about financial instability.Majorities in the U.S., as well as in many European and African countries, consider Islamic (穆斯林的;伊斯兰教的)extremist gr(极端主义者,过激分子)oups a major threat. In Europe, concern about Islamic extremism is particularly common in Italy, France, Spain, Germany and Britain. Among the African publics surveyed, those in Senegal, Uganda, Nigeria and Kenya are more likely to say Islamic extremism poses a major threat to their countries. In the Middle East, majorities in Lebanon, Tunisia and Israel also express concern about Islamic extremist groups.Americans and Europeans also express concern about Iran’s nuclear program. While fewer in most Middle Eastern countries surveyed share this concern, 85% of Israelisand 51% of Lebanese see Iran’s nuclear program as a major threat. North Korea’s nuclear program is also a serious concern for Americans; 59% say it poses a major threat to the U.S. Only in South Korea, Japan, Italy and the Philippines is there more concern about this.For the most part, there is little concern about U.S. or Chinese power and influence among the publics surveyed. Only in the Palestinian territories, South Korea and Pakistan do majorities say U.S. power and influence poses a major threat to their countries; in South Korea and Japan, clear majorities say the same about China’s influence and power, as do 52% of Italians.More than four-in-ten Americans say China’s power and influenc e is a major threat to the U.S. In China, 39% see U.S. power and influence as a major threat.Americans and Canadians have different concerns when it comes to potential threats to their nations. North Korea, Islamic extremist groups and Iran’s nuclear program top the list of concerns among Americans, with majorities saying each of these is a major threat to their country (59%, 56% and 54%, respectively).Among Canadians, however, only global climate change is seen as a serious concern by at least half; 54% say it is a major threat to Canada. More than four-in-ten Canadians also express concern about North Korea’s nuclear program (47%), international financial instability (45%) and Iran’s nuclear program (44%), but the opinion that these are major threats is less common in Canada than in the U.S.。
Part I Short Speech (2 minutes)Dear customers,Welcome to the world of Lakeland. Here is just a small selection of the 1000s of exciting products we have in our vast range. A family-run business with over 40 years' mail order experience under our belt, we're very proud of our unrivalled collection of innovative, practical cookware and homeware ideas gathered from all around the world.Placing an order couldn't be easier: by phone, post or online, our friendly, knowledgeable staff will ensure all your choices are delivered safely and speedily, direct to your door. We will also enclose our full catalogue for you to browse through. As every item is backed by our unequalled no-quibble guarantee, you can always shop in confidence with Lakeland. We've got 34 retail store throughout the country, and if ever you're near one, a warm welcome awaits you.Sam Rayner, Managing Director(141 words)Part II Presentation (3 minutes) Task:-- You are required to talk about the following chart, describing and comparing a survey finding on kids’ use of Internet Chat Rooms. You might include your speculative reasons to support your argument.-- You’ll have 3 minutes fo r preparation. You must complete your presentation in 3 minutes.Part III Interview (3 minutes) Now you’ll see an advertisement of an airline.Task:Suppose you are a marketing representative. You will have to answer some questions from a customer[Contestant: Marketing RepresentativeQuestion Master: CustomerNo. of Questions: 8-10]。
12 提 高英语 口语 交 际能力 是顺 应 当代社 . 会所需
高 职高专 英语 教学 所秉 承 的 以实用 为 主的 目标
反 映 出当代社 会对 广大 高职 院校 学生 的要求 。尤其
是在 就业 的 时候 , 语 过 级 等 级 高 的 和英 语 口语 交 英
才 兴起 , 而且 该测 试不 属于 常规英 语教 学 的 内容 , 许
多 学生都 对 此完 全 不 了解 。针对 此 情 况 , 必 要 对 有 该 测试 的形式 和 内容进行 详 细说 明 。
2 1 考试形式 .
口语 测试 采用计 算机 辅助 形式 在多媒 体教 室进
行 。考 试不 设 主考 , 只设监 考 , 题全 部集 成在 口语 试
【 关键词 】英语应用能力 口语测试 ; ; 策略 朗读 ; 问; 提 回答 ; 汉译英 ; 描述 【 中图分类号 】 4 — 5. G 0 081 【 文献标识码 】 A 【 文章编号 】0883 (00 0- 8- 10— 22 1)3 0 1 3 0 0 0
1 高职高专学生参加高职高专英语 应 用能力 口语测试 的必要性
高职 院校 的学生 来说 , 加强 英语 听说应 用 能力培养 ,
2 高职高专英语应用能力 口语测试的 形式和 内容构成
由于高 职高 专英 语应用 能力 口语 测试最 近几 年
也是英 语教 学 的必然之 选 。 英 语应 用能力 口语 测试 为学 生 听说 能力 的检 验
提供 了一个平 台。就 像 大 学英 语 四 、 六级 口语 等 级 证 书一样 , 等学 校英 语 应 用 能力 口语 等 级 证 书 能 高 够 很好 地体现 学生 的英语 口语 水平 。此 项考试 的 目 的在 于 “ 以考促 学 ” 考试 的 各项 环 节都 旨在 培养 学 ,
高职高专商务英语专业第二版3口语教程习题答案1、I’ve got some very _______ news to tell you. [单选题] *A. exciting(正确答案)B. comfortableC. convenientD. beautiful2、- I haven't been to Guilin yet.- I haven t been there, ______. [单选题] *A. tooB. alsoC. either(正确答案)D. neither3、1.I saw ________ action film with my friend yesterday, and ________ film was amazing. [单选题] *A.a...aB.a...theC.an...the(正确答案)D.an...a4、—What do you think of Animal World? —______. I watch it every day.()[单选题] *A. I don’t mind it.B. I like it.(正确答案)C. I can’t stand it.D. I don’t like it.5、24.Kitty’s father ______ a policeman since 2 He loves helping people. [单选题] * A.isB.wasC.has been (正确答案)D.have been6、We must try hard to make up for the lost time. [单选题] *A. 弥补(正确答案)B. 利用C. 抓紧D. 浪费7、Nowadays schools should care for the full _______ of a student’s talents. [单选题] *A. satisfactionB. development(正确答案)C. communicationD. preparation8、He kept walking up and down, which was a sure()that he was very worried. [单选题] *A. sign(正确答案)B. characterC. natureD. end9、--_______ do you have to do after school?--Do my homework, of course. [单选题] *A. What(正确答案)B. WhenC. WhereD. How10、12.That is a good way ________ him ________ English. [单选题] *A.to help;forB.helps;withC.to help;with(正确答案)D.helping;in11、Can I _______ your order now? [单选题] *A. makeB. likeC. giveD. take(正确答案)12、Mr. Bliss became the first person to die in a car accident. [单选题] *A. 事故(正确答案)B. 竞赛C. 检阅D. 交易13、The house is well decorated _____ the disarrangement of a few photos. [单选题] *A. exceptB. besidesC. except for(正确答案)D. in addition to14、The train is coming. Be ______! [单选题] *A. careful(正确答案)B. carefullyC. carelessD. care15、He either watches TV _______ reads books in the evening. [单选题] *A. or(正确答案)B. andC. toD. so16、He runs so fast that no one can _______ him. [单选题] *A. keep upB. keep awayC. keep up with(正确答案)D. keep on17、You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of(). [单选题] *A. dateB. shape(正确答案)C. orderD. balance18、Bob is young, _______ he knows a lot. [单选题] *A. becauseB. soC. but(正确答案)D. unless19、You wouldn't have seen her if it _____ not been for him . [单选题] *A. hasB. had(正确答案)C. haveD.is having20、He was very excited to read the news _____ Mo Yan had won the Nobel Prize for literature [单选题] *A. whichB. whatC. howD. that(正确答案)21、35.Everyone in China ______ Mid-Autumn Day. [单选题] *A.likes(正确答案)B.likeC.is likingD.are like22、-----How can I apply for an online course?------Just fill out this form and we _____ what we can do for you. [单选题] *A. seeB. are seeingC. have seenD. will see(正确答案)23、It is an online platform _____ people can buy and sell many kinds of things. [单选题] *A.whenB. where(正确答案)C.thatD.which24、39.__________ he was very tired, he didn’t stop working. [单选题] *A.Although (正确答案)B.WhenC.AfterD.Because25、Though the _____ drama is wonderful, I guess most audiences will be tired as it is too long. [单选题] *A. four-hour(正确答案)B. four hoursC. four-hoursD. four-hour's26、I’d?like _______ the English club. [单选题] *A. to join inB. joinC. to join(正确答案)D. join in27、—______ —()[单选题] *A. How long did you stay there?B. How much did you pay for the dress?C. How many flowers did you buy?(正确答案)D. How often did you visit your grandparents?28、_____, Martin can reach the branch of that tall tree at the gate. [单选题] *A. As a short manB. Being shortC. As he is shortD. Short as he is(正确答案)29、John Smith is _______ of the three young men. [单选题] *A. strongB. strongerC. the strongerD. the strongest(正确答案)30、He always found it hard to satisfy himself. [单选题] *A. 控制B. 满足(正确答案)C. 了解D. 批评。
Part I Short Speech (2 minutes)Dear customers,Welcome to the world of Lakeland. Here is just a small selection of the 1000s of exciting products we have in our vast range. A family-run business with over 40 years' mail order experience under our belt, we're very proud of our unrivalled collection of innovative, practical cookware and homeware ideas gathered from all around the world.Placing an order couldn't be easier: by phone, post or online, our friendly, knowledgeable staff will ensure all your choices are delivered safely and speedily, direct to your door. We will also enclose our full catalogue for you to browse through. As every item is backed by our unequalled no-quibble guarantee, you can always shop in confidence with Lakeland. We've got 34 retail store throughout the country, and if ever you're near one, a warm welcome awaits you.Sam Rayner, Managing Director(141 words)Part II Presentation (3 minutes) Task:-- You are required to talk about the following chart, describing and comparing a survey finding on kids’ use of Internet Chat Rooms. You might include your speculative reasons to support your argument.-- You’ll have 3 minutes fo r preparation. You must complete your presentation in 3 minutes.Part III Interview (3 minutes) Now you’ll see an advertisement of an airline.Task:Suppose you are a marketing representative. You will have to answer some questions from a customer[Contestant: Marketing RepresentativeQuestion Master: CustomerNo. of Questions: 8-10]。
全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛”选拔赛竞赛参考题Part III Questions & Answers (3 minutes)In this part, you are required to answer some questions according to what is shown on the paper.1New Year’s Recreation EveningThe Students’ Union of the Computer Department takes pleasure in announcing that the annual Recreation Evening is to held.Place: the West Arts BuildingTime: 7:00 p.m., Saturday, December 29,Activities: card-playing, chess-playing, riddle guessing, ping-pong, shooting,dancing, karaoke, etc.All students of the college are warmly welcome.Task:----Suppose you are one of the organizers of the Recreation Evening.---- A student will ask you information about the Recreation Evening. Be prepared to his or her questions.Sample questions:1 Where is the Recreation Evening going to be held?2 When will it be held?3 What activities can we enjoy there?4 Can I bring my friends to attend the party?5 Can you tell me the detailed information about the party?6 Are there any cautions that I should pay special attention to?2 Zipper Lock Usage InstructionsThe lock is set at the manufacturer to open at 000. you can keep it as your combination,or set a new one as following steps.1. Push the button in the direction of the arrow and hold it, until completing the next step.2. Turn the dials to your desired personal combination.3. Release the button and rotate the dials so that your three secret numbers can’t beseen.4. Now your new personal code is set.If you want to change to a new combination, repeat the steps.1. I want to buy a trunk, and what is your recommendation?2. I am not familiar with the the zipper lock, is it difficult to use? Can you give me ageneral introduction?3. If I am not used to the initial code, could I change it and how many steps will be needed?4. How could I conceal my personal code to make it safe?3Real Estate ClerkOutstanding Opportunity with Local Real Estate CorporationRequirements for Candidates★ A strong background in real estate, financing, and public relations★Some legal training★Two or more years of successful real estate experience★Available immediatelyInterview will be conducted on Monday to Wednesday, May 26 to 28.Call for an appointment at No:493-2579Task:----Suppose you are the manager of the company.---- An applicant will ask you information about the advertisement. Be prepared to his or her questions.Sample questions:1 What kind of job is offered in the advertisement?2 What qualifications should the candidates have?3 What’s the phone number for making an appointment?4 Is the job fulltime or part time?5 Can you tell me something about the benefits?6 Should I have some similar work experience?4 CORPORATION INTRODUCTIONChina Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd. is a nation-wide share-holding commercial insurance company providing various lines of insurance coverage. Headquartered in Shanghai, CPIC has 64 branches, 230 sub-branches, 185 offices all across the country, and two representative offices in New York and London respectively, two subsidiaries in both New York and HongKong. Moreover, it has appointed agents doing survey, claim-settlement and loss recovery inmore than 170 main port cities distributed in over 100 countries and thus established a quite complete business network. In the year of 1998, together with its partner of Aetna Life Insurance Company from U.S., CPIC has successfully established a joint venture companyPacific Aetna Life Insurance Co.,Ltd. in Shanghai. Early last year, the company has beenranked by the world recognized rating organization Standard & Poor's as the 45th among theworld top 200 insurance companies. And in last August, it was again granted "InternationalGold Star Award For Quality" by Business Initiative Directions, an international appraisal organization based in Europe.(for more information, please visit CPIC's website at ( ).●Suppose you are the marketing manager of China Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd.,●A very important client who wants to get some detailed information about the corporation. Questions1 What is the location of the headquarter of the corporation?2 What is the scope of business?3 What is the development of this corporation?4 What is the size of this corporation?5 What do you think is the service philosophy of this corporation?6 Do you want to be a business partner of this corporation? Why?5SubscribeHarvard Design Magazine publishes two times a year by the Harvard University Graduate School of Design with approximately 100 pages per issue.Subscriptions begin with the current issue.Subscription rates for 2003Individuals $35Institutions $75Students and Retired $28Please note●Shipping outside the United States and Canada is an additional $15USD per subscriptionAll orders must be prepaid by check made out to HARVARD UNIVERSITYTask:----Suppose you are the worker of the magazine.---- A customer will ask you information about subscribing the magazine. Be prepared to his or her questions.Sample questions:1 Can I subscribe this magazine from abroad?2 How many pages does an issue have?3 Which issue does my subscription begin?4 Can I get discount if I order 2 years’ subscription?5 Is the magazine designed for everybody?6 What is the magazine’s main content?6A Product InstructionCongratulationsOn your selection ofCASIO’s new SF-300Pocket Electronic Digital DiaryA new personal data management toolwith a memory capacity of 4 GBprovidinga selection of powerful functions:● Telephone Directory● Memo Mode● Schedule Keeper● Calendar● Clock with functions of Home Time and World Time● CalculatorTask:----Suppose you are a salesperson.----A customer comes to ask you for information about the product. Be prepared to his or her questions.Sample questions:1 What is the advertised product?2 How large is its memory capacity?3 How many functions does it provide?4 How long is the product guaranteed?5 Is it for home use or office use?6 Are there any cautions that I should pay special attention to?7Writer/Editors WantedNHP(NEW HOPE PRESS)Major college textbooks publishing company located in New YorkFull time & part time positions availableExperience necessarySalary openHuman Resource Department 212-699-4722, Ext. 332Email:Task:----Suppose you are the Human Resources Manager.----An applicant comes to ask you for information about your company. Be prepared to his or her questions.Sample questions1 What qualifications are needed for an applicant?2 Where is the press located?3 Is part time permitted in the press?4 What kinds of books are mainly published by the press?5 What kind of position dose this press offer?6 What is its line of business?8 Flight InformationFrom To Flight Depart Arrive Stops Dates One-way Round Trip Shanghai Tokyo CA9296:00pm7:55pm0Mon.-Sat.RMB2010RMB3620Task:----Suppose you are a booking clerk. You want to make a ticket reservation.----A traveler will ask you information about the ticket. Be prepared to his or her questions.Sample questions1 Are there flights from Shanghai to Tokyo everyday?2 Is there only one flight a day or many flights?3 What’s the number of the flight?4 When does the plane take off?5 Do you want a single or a return ticket?6 How much is a one-way ticket?9Training CenterABC training center in Shanghai is known for its outstanding and all kinds of services provided for graduates and experienced employees both.•Training Courses: Business & Management; Communication; Sales and marketing;etc.•Computing & Internet: Application programming; I. T. management; etc.•Language Study: Business English; Oral English; etc.( for the further information, please go to our website: )Mr. Lin; Huaihai Road, ShanghaiTel:Task:Suppose you are Mr. Lin, the Manager of this training center.A person interested in your center comes to ask you for some information about. Be prepared to answer his or her questions about your training center.Sample questions1.What kind of people does your training center provide services for?2.Can you tell me some information about your traning courses?3.Do you have some computing and Internet courses?4.Is there any language course?5.Where can I get some further information?6. Whom should I contact if I want to apply for your courses?10Now you see a job advertisement.The Dow Chemical Company is the fifth largest chemical company in the world with annual sales of US$20 billion. Dow manufactures and supplies chemicals, plastics and agricultural products for customers in 164 countries and employs 43,000 people worldwide. We are now seeking for a secretary.Qualifications:⏹College diploma in English or Secretary program.⏹With an experience of over two years as a secretary.⏹Good command of English (written and spoken) and computers skills.Task:⏹Suppose you are the Human Resources Manager of the company.⏹An applicant comes to ask you for information about your company. Be prepared toanswer his or her questions about your company.Sample questions1.I heard from my friends about your recruitment. Can you tell me some moreinformation about your company?2.What are the annual sales of your company?3.What does your company manufacture and supply?4.What kind of position are you recruiting?5.What qualifications are needed for a candidate?6.I see. Thank you very much for your attention.7.11 An InterviewTask:--- Suppose you are an graduate who is attending a job interview. Now you are talking with thehiring manager.--- Be prepared to answer the hiring manager’s questions.1.Introduce your college2.What do you know about our company?3.Why do you want to join our company?4.What is your strength?5.What’s your weakness?6.Why do you think you are fit for this job?12 InterviewTask:--- Suppose you have a foreign friend who came to China for the first time.--- You are talking Chinese culture and giving some suggestions about his traveling arrangement in Beijing in the following week. Prepare to answer the following questions.1.I am very interested in Chinese Culture. Can you tell me something about it?2.Where do you recommend me to travel?3.I want to know something about Chinese Kongfu. Can you tell me something about it?4.I also want to enjoy Chinese food. What is your suggestion?5.I also want to buy some gift for my American friends. What can I buy?6.Are there any other places I could visit besides Beijing?13 InterviewTask:--- Suppose you work in a travel agency.--- A customer is asking you some questions about traveling.1.What are the most popular tourist sites recently?2.Can you describe these sites for me? Because I never been anyone of them?3.Which one do you recommend me to travel?4.How much is the travel? Is there any discount if I my mother also join this travel?5.What about the accommodation?6.Is there anything I should pay attention during my traveling?14 An Invitation.InvitationProfessor and Mrs. Greenrequest the pleasure of the company of Mr. and Mrs. Williamson the occasion of the marriage oftheir daughter Nancy to Mr. Edwardat St. Peter’s Church, Oxbridgeon Saturday, the seventh of December, 2004at 3:00 p.m.R. S. V. P.Task:⏹Suppose you are the inviter.⏹Mr. Williams calls to ask you for details about the invitation. Be prepared to answer hisquestions.15 Now you see an introduction of a hotel.Welcome to JinQiao Hotel336Huangshan Street, Shanghai, 36487911Tel:Fax:Recreation Center Hours:9:00a.m. to 10:30p.m. weekdays,9:00a.m. to 11:00 p.m weekendsDining Hall:Serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Non-smoking area.Room Service Hours:6:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday.6:30 a.m. to 9:30p.m/ on Sunday.Lounge Hours:5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., daily. It’s a non-smoking atmosphere.Check-out Time: 12:30Tas k:⏹Suppose you are the receptionist of the hotel.⏹ A customer comes to ask you for information about your hotel. Be prepared to answerhis or her questions.。
Part II
(3 minutes)
Task: You are required to give an oral explanation to a tourist about Air Canada’s rules for the carry-on baggage. Your explanation should be based on the information provided in the table below.
Contestant: Question Master: No. of Questions:
manager of a travel agency a customer who is calling 8-10
Photo ID required for ALL flights for
ALL passengers 16 years of at III
Practical Communication
Now you will see an advertisement.
(3 minutes)
(Source: Spectator, 2 April 2005)
Task: You are supposed to answer some questions from a telephone caller asking about the accommodation information in this hotel. All the details you are briefing should be based on the left ad.
Carry-on Baggage
Posting original photos and videos online has increased significantly in the past year. Half of internet users post original photos online, while a quarter post videos they have taken themselves. Taken together, 54% of internet users are online image “creators.”Fully 54% of internet users post photos or videos online that they have taken themselves. Those under 30 are particularly likely to be creators and women are more likely to be creators than men.CuratorsSharing images and videos found elsewhere on the internet is also significantly more popular this year than last. Some 42% of internet users repost images, while 36% share ot hers’ videos. Fully 47% of internet users share images or videos they find elsewhere online.Instagram(照片分享) also has a relatively active user base. We measured frequency of use and found that more than a third of Instagram users say they use the app on a daily basis, and a quarter say they use it several times a day. Almost three-in-ten cell owners use Instagram on a weekly basis. But still, another third of users are only on the app every few weeks or less often.How often do you use Instagram。
全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛(样题).附件4 第五届“高教杯”全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛(样题)Part I Short Speech (2 minutes)Task:-- You are required to recite the following short speech.-- You’ll have 20 minutes for preparation. Ladies and Gentlemen, Our conference has lasted three days. It has achieved tremendous success. Eighteen scientists and scholars spoke at the conference. Many more aired their views freely at group discussions, which proceeded in a friendly and lively manner. I benefited greatly by attending this conference and hope you did too.Science and technology are a kind of wealth created in common by all mankind. They must, in turn, serve the needs of all people and serve the interest of world peace. All nations must learn from one another. Science involves effort and toil. At the same time, it calls for creativeness, imagination and cooperation. Ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for even greater achievements in your career of science. Now, I declare the conference closed. Thank you. Part II Presentation (3 minutes)Task:-- You are required to talk about the figure, describing and comparing the sales of three companies.-- You’ll have 3 minutes for preparation. You must complete your presentation in 3 minutes.Sales Records of Two Software Companiesword教育资料Part III Interview (3 minutes)Now you see a job advertisement. A Fortune 500 company established in March 1996World's largest manufacturer, seller and distributor of bever-省略部分-there is a paradise in heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.”This saying is no exagger ation about the scenic beauty of the two historic cities near Shanghai which attract millions of tourists from both home and abroad every year.For example, the charming landscaped gardens of Suzhou, typical of China’s southern garden architecture, contain numerous created landscape scenes within a limited space.The ponds, stones, flowers and trees in these gardens create a poetic mood for tourists and therefore, a visit to these gardens is a must for every tourist visiting Suzhou.Part Two PresentationBe prepared to talk about the table showing the areas of investment of New Era Venture Capital Co. Ltd., describing, comparing and summarizing the contents. You can also add your own comments.New Era Venture Capital Co. Ltd. Areas of InvestmentsUnit1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Biotechnology, IT-related New materials, Capitalmedicine, projects new energy, operationmodernization environmental projectsof traditional technologyChinese medicine and Internet Part Three InterviewHere is a cartoon. Be prepared to discuss it and students’difficulties in seeking a job. (Word for reference: 性别歧视:sex discrimination) 达到当天最大量API KEY 超过次数限制。
图片内容的基础上对其进行 口头描述和观 点阐述 。选手首先
要针 对图表上的数据进行描述 ,然后概括 图表 所反映 出来 的 现 象或问题并进行分析 ;图片题往往是要求选 手以员工身份 就 某项具体工作安排作 出汇报 , 并说明理 由。陈述时间为三分
① 收 稿 日期 : 2 0 1 4 — 0 3 — 1 3
作为 该选手 的指导老师 , 带她 一路从省赛 到国赛 , 收获不 少 。 在此总结参赛经验 , 为了今后 各院校能更好地准 备大赛 , 进而
2 0 1 2年 l 2月 , 我院举 行一年一度 的英语 I L l 语大赛 , 旨在
为 2 0 1 3年大赛选取合适的参赛选手 。比赛分为三轮 , 第一轮
的培 训 经验 。
关键词 : 实用英语 ; 口语 大赛 ; 试 题; 参赛培训
中 图分 类 号 : H3 1 9 . 9 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 8 — 8 4 5 8 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 2 — 0 1 0 5 — 0 3
全 国职业院校 技能大赛 是 中华 人民共和 国教育 部发起 , 联合 国务院有 关部¨ 、行业和地方共 同举 办的一项全国性职 业院校学 生竞 赛活动 ,是全国各地积极参 与 ,专业覆盖面最 广、 参赛 选手最多 、 社会影响最大的职教 界年度盛会 。其 中, 高 职组 “ 高教社” 杯英浯 口语大赛暨全旧高职 高专 实用英语 口语 大赛 旨在提 高高职 高专学生运用英 浯进行职场 交际的综合能 力, 推动全国高职高专英 语教学改 革继续朝 着“ 以社 会需求为 目标 、 以就业 为导 向 、 以实用为主” 的方向发展 。 2 0 1 3 年全国职 业院校技能 大赛 高职组 L j 语大赛 暨第九届全 国高职高专实用
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Climate Change and Financial Instability Seen as Top Global Threats
Publics around the world are concerned about the effect of global climate change and international financial instability, with majorities in many of the nations surveyed saying these are major threats to their countries. But Islamic extremism is also a serious concern, particularly in the United States, Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. In contrast, relatively few consider American or Chinese power and influence a major threat to their countries
Concern about global climate change is particularly prevalent in Latin America, Europe, sub-Saharan Africa, and the Asian/Pacific region, but majorities in Lebanon, Tunisia and Canada also say climate change is a major threat to their countries. In contrast, Americans are relatively unconcerned about global climate change. Four-in-ten say this poses a major threat to their nation, making Americans among the least concerned about this issue of the 39 publics surveyed, along with people in China, Czech Republic, Jordan, Israel, Egypt and Pakistan.
These are among the key findings of a new survey by the Pew Research Center conducted in 39 countries among 37,653 respondents from March 2 to May 1, 2013.1 The survey also finds that at least half in all of the European Union nations surveyed, as well as in most Middle Eastern and African countries, consider international financial instability a major threat. This is especially the case in southern Europe: 95% in Greece, 75% in Italy and 70% in Spain express concern about financial instability.
Majorities in the U.S., as well as in many European and African countries, consider Islamic (穆斯林的;伊斯兰教的)extremist gr(极端主义者,过激分子)oups a major threat. In Europe, concern about Islamic extremism is particularly common in Italy, France, Spain, Germany and Britain. Among the African publics surveyed, those in Senegal, Uganda, Nigeria and Kenya are more likely to say Islamic extremism poses a major threat to their countries. In the Middle East, majorities in Lebanon, Tunisia and Israel also express concern about Islamic extremist groups.
Americans and Europeans also express concern about Iran’s nuclear program. While fewer in most Middle Eastern countries surveyed share this concern, 85% of Israelis
and 51% of Lebanese see Iran’s nuclear program as a major threat. North Korea’s nuclear program is also a serious concern for Americans; 59% say it poses a major threat to the U.S. Only in South Korea, Japan, Italy and the Philippines is there more concern about this.
For the most part, there is little concern about U.S. or Chinese power and influence among the publics surveyed. Only in the Palestinian territories, South Korea and Pakistan do majorities say U.S. power and influence poses a major threat to their countries; in South Korea and Japan, clear majorities say the same about China’s influence and power, as do 52% of Italians.
More than four-in-ten Americans say China’s power and influenc e is a major threat to the U.S. In China, 39% see U.S. power and influence as a major threat.
Americans and Canadians have different concerns when it comes to potential threats to their nations. North Korea, Islamic extremist groups and Iran’s nuclear program top the list of concerns among Americans, with majorities saying each of these is a major threat to their country (59%, 56% and 54%, respectively).
Among Canadians, however, only global climate change is seen as a serious concern by at least half; 54% say it is a major threat to Canada. More than four-in-ten Canadians also express concern about North Korea’s nuclear program (47%), international financial instability (45%) and Iran’s nuclear program (44%), but the opinion that these are major threats is less common in Canada than in the U.S.。