09考研英语词汇速记宝典 (徐绽)-1

09T1Habits are a funny thing . We reach for them mindlessly , setting our brains on auto-pilot and relaxing into the unconscious comfort of familiar routine.翻译1:习惯是一件很有趣的事情。
词汇:mindlessly adv. 不用脑子地, 不费心思地auto-pilot 自动导航routine n. 例行公事, 日常事务, 常规adj. 例行的; 一般的, 平凡的Set on 攻击, 怂恿, 前进and relaxing 和setting 并列做后面分句的主语,轻松的进入...翻译2:惯是一件很有趣的事情。
“Not choice , but habit rules the unreflecting herd,”William Wordsworth said in 19th century . In the ever-changing 21st century , even the word “habit” carries a negative implication .翻译1:“没有选择,但是习惯规定了不反应的机制,”WW在19世纪时说。
词汇:rulen. 规则, 统治, 惯例v. 统治, 管辖; 裁决, 控制, 支配;划; 统治, 管辖; 作出裁决; 控制, 支配; 维持在某一水平unreflecting adj. 不反射的; 无思虑的; 不反省的herd n. 兽群, 牧人, 人群v. 聚在一起, 成群; 群集, 放牧, 使成群implication n. 含意, 暗示翻译2:“没有选择,但是习惯控制了不加思考的人群,”WW在19世纪时说。

词汇记忆方法一、理化二、俗话三、固化Bushism 霸权主义Maoism 毛泽东思想Daoism/ Taoism 道教Scribe 写describe 写下来——描写descriptionascribe a 表示to 把什么归于,是什么的原因asscriptioninscribe in表示里面(往里面写)镌刻,铭刻,雕刻inscription 碑文prescribe pre表示先的意思(先写出来),医生开处方,规定,约束prescription 处方,规定,条款preview 预览prehistory 史前的preschool 学前的precaution 预防措施(未雨绸缪)prepay 预付precondition 前提条件prewar 战前circulation 发行量subscribe (sub 表示under )捐款;订购subscription 订阅量subway地铁,subarea 分区,sublet 分租;转租subtitle 副标题subeditor 副编辑subagent 副代理人subtropical 亚热带subconscious 潜意思的suburban 郊区manuscript (manu 表示hand)手抄本;原稿manual 手工的manufacture v制造、加工manufacturer 制造商,生产商(fac表示do 的意思)factory (tory表示场所,do的场所) 工场benefactor 好人(捐助者,施主;恩人)(bene 女人,表示好) malefactor 坏人(犯罪分子)(male 男人,表示坏)benediction 祝福malediction 诅咒,咒骂跟mal 有关的词没好词malfunction 故障, 障碍(机能失常)maldevelopment 畸形,变形malnutrition 营养不良malpractice 玩忽职守, 渎职, 不法行为dormitory (door 表示sleep 的意思,休息的场所) 宿舍dormant volcano 休眠性火山,死火山(en 表示使动用法)endorm (使入睡)催眠enable 使能够(mit 表示send 发送)manumit 释放,解放submit 屈服;提交,呈送remit (re 表示back) 寄回, 传送dict 说predict(先说)预言diction (说的名词) 措词,辞令dictum (um名词后缀,著名的人说的)宣言,声明;名言,格言dictionary (关于措词、辞令的书) 词典dictationdictate v (别人说,你来写) 1、写2、口授3、支配dictator (报听写的人很恶心)独裁者contradict (反着说) 矛盾edict (e做前缀表示out ,当局者说出来的) 法令;布告visit (vi 表示see , it 表示go )go and see 就是参观revise (写完作文再看看) 修改无词根词缀的记忆chaos ['keiɔs] (“吵”死) 混乱enigma [ɪ'nɪgmə] .难于理解的问题、人、物、情况等;奥秘(诶,你干嘛?搞不懂)catastrophe [kə'tæstrəfi] (卡塌一生四处飞) n.灾祸, 灾难friend r像一只手,不伸手帮助的朋友,就是魔鬼fiend [fi:nd] n.恶魔,魔鬼;…迷,…狂loom (高高的个子,大大的眼睛的美眉很少见)若隐若现bloom 开花,繁荣昌盛,兴盛elegant (leg 拉丁语表示“choose”) (选出来,众里挑一,万里挑一的美女肯定是端庄的,优雅的)优美的, 文雅的,端庄的; 讲究的;简洁的, 简练的pos=put,放 e 动词后缀pose n 姿势、姿态v 摆姿势,佯装(重点意思) v 1、提出2、对...构成/造成威胁1、pose a challenge 提出一个挑战2、pose threat to sth 对...构成/造成威胁eg、Pollution poses thtests to the development of industry . position n 1、职位parttime jop/position 兼职工作fulltime jop/position 全职工作2、standpoint/viewpoint 观点,看法3、be in a position to do sth = be likely to do sth positive (tive 形容词后缀) 1、确定的(放好了的),无疑的be positive about/of 对...确定无疑的2、积极的position factorspossess v (sess 表示sit,做)1、自制,控制(能把自己一直坐着)2、拥有,占有(把东西一直放置)sid 也表sitpreside (pre 表示before) [pri'zaid]vi.主持; 主管president (ent 结尾表人)(能先做下来的人,当然是老大)n.总统, 主席;(大学)校长; 会长; 董事长; 总裁reside (re 表示again )(一直坐着)逗留;居住; 定居resident 居民city dwellers 城镇居民country dwellers 乡下居民dwell [dwel] (这个地方好,住下来了) vi.居住, 住subside v 1、(能够做下去)沉积,沉淀2、(一个人能把这个事情做下去)平息,摆平subsidence n subsidence formation 凹陷地层元音字母太寂寞了,拉个辅音做个伴assiduous [ə'sɪdʒu:əs] adj (uous形容词后缀,as 表示to,能够一直坐下来的人)刻苦的,勤奋的access (ac 表示to ,cess 表示go)n.通道, 入口;接近[取得]…的方法[权利等]vt.存取(计算机文件) aggressive (ag 表示to,一直往前走)正面:积极的,进取的负面:真强好斗的,挑衅的, 侵略性的progress (pro表示forward ,gress 表示walk ,往前走)进步retrogress ( retro 表示walk) vi.倒退;逆行;退化;堕落congress ( con 表示together,一起走,为了显示民主,大家一起开个会) n.代表大会;国会, 议会表示together 还有(com ,con,co)attach (at 表示to,tach 表示粘,粘上去)vt. & vi.贴上; 系;附上expose (ex 表示out)1、暴露,揭露2、使某人面临、面对expose sb to danger 使某人面临危险sb be exposed to 某人面临exposition n 1、解释,说明2、展示,展览exposure n 暴露,曝光,揭露correct exposure 适度曝光over exposure 过度曝光deposit (de 表示down,银行里面可以看见)1、储蓄、储蓄金2、预付(定金、保证金)3、沉积,沉淀a fixd deposit 定期存款 a current deposit 活期存款currency (cy名词后缀,cur表示run) 流通,货币curriculum (ulum名词后缀,学生跑来跑去的依据) n.总课程occur v 发生recur v 再次发生concur v 同时发生concurrent adj 共同的,同时期的incur v 入侵,侵犯,遭受,蒙受incursion 侵犯,入侵excursive(ex--out)(形容人)散漫的,(形容作品)跑题的robust 乐百氏(喝了,就可以强壮)rejoice 飘柔(用了我的洗发水,你就欢乐了)telephone (tele 表示far ,phone 表示sound 声音)teleplay 电视剧telescript 电视剧本telescope 望远镜telecommunication 远程通信teleconference 远程会议phonetic adj语音的,语音学的phonetics n 语音,语音学phonetist n 语音学家ist 人/ ism 主义,流派typist 打字员novelist 小说家socialist 社会主义者defeatist 失败主义者microphone 麦克风microwave 微波,微波炉sterephone 立体声耳机saxophone ['sæksə,fəʊn] n.<音>萨克斯管symphony (sym 表示same ,同一个时间,发出同一样和谐的声音)n.交响乐, 交响曲sympathy ( path 表示feel ,同一类感情的人,心心相惜)同情entertainer n.(娱乐节目的)表演者;艺人anti-intellectualism 反智力论antiwar 反战的antiageing抗衰老的antiforeign 排外的antithesis [æn'tɪθɪsɪs]对立;对立面;对照;对偶thesis 论文,论点antibacterial 抗菌的antibody 抗体antipathy 反感pervasive ( vas 表示walk ,ive形容词后缀,完全走过的)弥漫的,流行的,普遍的perfect (per 表示fully ,fect 表示do,)infect (在里面做了)影响,感染,传染disinfected 已出去感染的,已消毒的propose(往前放)(想法)提议,(人)提名,(男孩把腿往前放)求婚proposal (n) 提议,提名,求婚proposition (n)1、命题2、中心思想(main idea)1、a mathematical position 一个数学命题2、What is de proposition of the passage?dispose (dis表示不的意思) (不去放)处置,处理,(分开放)排列,组合disable disorder disguisedisposal n 处理,处置;布置,安排at one`s disposal任某人处理disposable 一次性的,可自由支配的disposal chopsticks 一次性筷子steamed bread 馒头fried bread stick 油条disposition n性格,性情,性格倾向;倾向,意向;排列,部署personality 个性,特征,名人temper 脾气good tempered 好脾气的bad tempered 坏脾气的oppose (用积极行动) 反对,对立object 反对(与语言反对)resist 反抗(用武力阻止前进)be opposite of ...对立的,...相反的purpose (pur 表示pro)目的,意图;用途,效果for/with the purpose of doing sth =in order to do sthon purpose 故意的suppose (sup--sub)be supposed to do= should do 应该去做suppose that / supposing that =if 引导的条件状语从句provided that /providing that =ifimpose (im—on .pose--put)1、把...强加给2、征税3、利用2 、impose a fine/tax on sb 征税/处以罚款3、impose on one`s kindness 利用某人的善良compose 1、(把东西放在一起)组成、合成2、(把音符放在一起)谱曲3、(把文字放在一起)写作4、(把图表放在一起)绘图5、(把两个吵架的人放在一起)调解,使平静be composed of / be made up of / consist of / comprise...由...组成decompose 分解~~ compound into its elementsdecontrol 失控dewater 除去水分deforest 砍伐森林detach 拆卸depose 罢免decode 解码encode 编码air force 空军enclose 装入,围绕,环绕enslave 奴役widen 拓宽play words 语义双关365页2004 text2eye—catching 引人注目的eye—opening 很有启发性的,使人吃惊的heart—breaking 心碎的a wait—and—see attitude 观望的态度insensitive (sens =feel,感觉)不敏感的sensible 民智的sensory 感觉的,知觉的sensory organ 感官sentiment (ment 名词后缀)感情sentimental adj 多愁善感的consent (感觉在一起) 同意,答应consensus 一致意见、一致观点resent(re表示反) vt.对…感到愤怒resentment 反感,愤恨,怨恨dissent(dis—不) 不同意,否定dissension 争论,纠纷,分歧1994 text2auto=selfautobiography( bio 表示life ,graph表示write) 自传autonomy(nomy 表示治理) 自治autocriticism 自我批评telegraph 电报paragraph (para 表示在...旁边) 段落parasite (site 场所)(在主人旁边)门人,门客(寄宿在主体旁)寄生虫photograph (potho 表示光)(光在底片上写)照片photosensitive 感光的photosensitive materials 感光材料scatter (er可以表示一种动作反反复复)vt. & vi.(使)散开, (使)分散;驱散vt.撒n.零星少数; 少量stagger 踉踉跄跄的走路,shatter (反反复复不断的打)vt.砸碎, 粉碎;大大扰乱; 毁坏chatter v 喋喋不休,说别人闲言碎语waver vi.摇摆; 摇晃; 动摇,(人内心)犹豫不定hover vi.(鸟等)盘旋;(人)徘徊, 走来走去;犹豫, 摇摆不定glitter(gli 表示light ) 闪闪烁烁2000 英译汉backI back you! 我支持你The board backed me.这个板子构成了我的背景Back the car and turn right . 倒车,然后后转。

2009考研打乱英语词汇表(新东方考研名师精选,完全搞定考研变态核心词汇)absurd 荒谬的abundance 富裕,富有,丰富abuse 滥用;虐待,谩骂accelerate 加速access to 进入,接近accessible 可见到的,易处理的;可接近的,容易得到的;容易理解的accommodate 适应;提供住宿accomplishment 成绩,成就account for 说明(原因等)accounting 结算;会计accuracy 准确度accuse…of…指责,控告acknowledge 承认;鸣谢acquaintance 熟悉;熟人acquisitive 贪婪的,渴望获得的activate 激活,使活动acute 敏锐的;(病)急性的adaptiveness 适应能力,适应性additional 额外的。
新的adjoin 毗连,靠近adjust to 适应administration 管理局,(一届)政府;行政管理adopt 收养,采用advance 进步,发展;前进advisable 可取的,适当的advisory 顾问的advocate 倡导者aeronautics 航空术;飞行术affect 影响affiliate 分公司。
使奴隶(或附属)于affinity 密切关系;类同afford 提供affrike 非洲after all 毕竟against the background 以…为背景agency 专业行政部门;代理行,代理关系aggressive 大胆的;侵略性的aging 老化agony (极度的)痛苦,创痛aim at 目的在于,瞄准aimlessness 无目的性alien 不相容的;陌生的,国外的all that is needed…只需all too 太attach importantce of 重视attach to 贴上,系上;使附属,使依恋attendant 伴随的,随之而产生的;出席的;n.出席者,服务员attention span 注意力的持续时间attractive 有吸引的attribute…to 将…归因于augment 充实,扩充,增加,扩大authentic 真正的,可靠的authorities 当局,机构authority 权威autonomous 自治的,自主的available 可利用的;可取得联系的,可得到的alphabetically 按字母顺序alternative 其他的,二者选一的amateur 业余人士;业余活动ambition 报复;野心amongst 在…的中间,在…之间ample 充分的,富裕的;宽敞的analogous(to)类似的,相似的analyst 分析家ancestor 祖先and so forth 等等anecdote 轶事,趣闻annoy使烦恼,使生气anti-colonial 反殖民主义的anti-consumerism 反消费主义anti-intellectualism 反智力,反学识anything but 决非,远非apart from 除了;分开apparently 明显地appeal to 申诉,上诉;吸引appliance 电器apply to 适用于,存在于;应用于approach 探讨;处理,对待appropriateness 适宜性,合适性arise from 由…引起,由…产生articulately 清晰明白地artificial 矫揉造作的,人造的;人为的a (whole)host of 大量,众多a good number许多人(或物)a matter of…的问题a range of 众多的a series of 一系列a set of 一系列;一套a sort of 某种a spell of 一段时间a storm of media protest 暴风雨般的媒体抗议a stream of 一连串,大量a variety of 种种,各种as…..put it 用…的话说as a reaction to 作为对…的反应as legend would have it 像传说中的那样as long as 只要as opposed to 与…相对(或相反),而不是as protection against 作为对…的防备(或保护)as such 这样的as they have in the past 一如既往地as well 也as well as 像…一样好;既…又as yet 到目前为止,迄今为止aspect 方面aspire to 追求,渴望assemble 组装,装配;集合assert 断言,宣称assess 评价,评估assign…to 把…归因于assimilate 同化associated with 与…有关系,与…相联系assumption假定,设想;采取,承担,呈现at a minimum 在最低程度,在最小数量,在最低限度at all 完全,根本at best 充其量,至多at the expense of 以…为代价at the mercy of 任凭…的摆布,完全受…的支配at the outset 一开始be accused of 被指责,被控告be adapted to 适应be aware of 意识到,知道be blamed for 因为…而受到指责be bombarded with 被轰炸,被连续发送be bound to 注定,必定be bound up with 与…密切相关be charged with 承担,负责,被控告be confined to 局限于be essential to 对…而言必不可少be exposed to 接触,暴露于…中be forced to do sth. 被迫做某事be limited to (局)限于be linked to 与…有关be marked by 特点是,以…为特点be obliged to sb./sth. 感激某人或某事be occupied with 被…所占据be opposed to 反对be put up for 供(出售或拍卖)等be reduced to 简化为,还原为,沦为be regarded as 被认为be relevant to 与…有关be rooted in 根源在于be spread over 持续,分布be supposed to 应该,可以be treated to 以…款待be true of 对…适用,符合baby boom 生育高峰backbone 基本格式;骨干,脊柱background 背景back-up 替补的,备份的bacteria 细菌的bad taste 品味不佳的bait 以诱饵引诱;n.饵,诱惑物ballot 投票bank on 依赖,指望barely 仅仅,几乎不barn 牲口棚,粮仓barrier 障碍,屏障behavioral 行为的belt tightening 紧缩开支beneficence 行善,善行,馈赠betray背叛,出卖,暴露beyond dispute 无可置疑,不容争辩;很明确binding 有约束力的bioethics 生物伦理学biomass (单位面积或体积内)生物的数量bisynes 商业;生意bite one’s nails 束手无策bitterly 猛烈地;痛苦地bizarre 古怪的blind 被局限,使目眩;a.盲目的blinding 耀眼的,使人眩目的block 阻碍,阻塞,封锁board 董事会;委员会boast about 夸耀,夸口;引以为荣bombard 连续发送,向…连续提出问题,痛斥;炮击boom 繁荣,蓬勃发展boost 提高,促进booth (隔开的)小房间,公用电话亭,货摊border 界线;边界boundary 边界,边缘brake 刹车brand 品牌by a large margin 以较大幅度by contrast 与之相反,与…形成对比的是by…request 经…请求bypass 绕过byproduct 副产品break down 中断,出故障break out 爆发break up 拆散,结束breakthrough 突破breed 产生;繁殖;n.教养brighten 使光明brochure 小册子,情况介绍手册broke 破产的,不名一文的build-up 积聚,增长bulk 大多数,绝大部分,主体;体积,(大)量bummer 失望;失败;懒汉burdensome 繁重的,难以负担的bureaucracy 官僚体制,政府机构;官僚作风burst into being 突然形成business cycle 经济周期buy up 收买,买通circuit 电路circumstance 环境cite 引用,举例civilized 文明的,开化的clash 冲突classic 典型的,经典的classify 分类,归类clear-cut 清晰的,明确的clientele (总称)顾客,委托人clinical 临床的clue 线索,暗示caement 水泥calendar 日历call for 要求;需要capacity 容量,能力capacity for (具有)…的能力capital 资本captive 被俘虏的career prospects 就业前景caring 护理;照顾carry out 执行,实现carry weight 有分量,有影响case-ending 词格尾缀cash register 现金进出记录机cashless 无现金的,不用现金的cast a glance at 瞥一眼casual 随意的,非正式的;偶然的casualty 受害者;伤亡人数cater(to) 满足需要(或欲望);考虑;迎合causal 因果的caution 警告;谨慎cease 停止,终止centralized 集中的,中央的centuries-old 持续了数世纪的,古老的certificate 证明书,证书,证明,凭证chamber 房间channel 频道,渠道character 性格characteristic of…特有的,独特的charge 收费charitable 慈善的,仁爱的chat show 谈话节目child-bearing 生育chip 芯片chop out 减少chronological age 生理年龄(chronological按时间顺序的)chunk 大块,相当大的部分(或数量)coastline 海岸线code 准则,规范,密码cognitive 认知的colonial 殖民地的colonialism 殖民主义column 专栏,列combined with 加上,与…相结合come in…以…形式出现come into use 投入使用,开始使用come of age 成年comedy 喜剧command 掌握,命令comment 评论comment on 评论commercial 商业的commercialize 商业化commit crime 犯罪commitment 承诺,责任commodity 商品common ancestor 共同祖先community 界,社区,社会comparative 相对的,比较的compared to 与…相比,比作compared with 与…相比comparison 比较compel 强迫,迫使compensate for 弥补,补偿,赔偿competent 胜任的,有能力的complementary 补充的,补足的complexity 复杂compliance 遵从,顺从(动词comply)complicated 复杂的component 因素,组成部分comprehensive 综合的,全面的cracked 破裂的craft 工艺,手艺;技巧;飞机,飞船crash 失败;碰撞,摔坏creationism 神造说,特创论criminal 犯罪的;n.罪犯crisis 危机criteria 标准,准则critic 批评者;评论家critically 批评地;关键性地criticism 评论,批评crop 收获cross-cultural 跨文化的crude(=crude oil原油)粗制的;未经加工的cult 崇拜cunning 巧妙地;狡猾的;诡辩的concept 概念conception 概念,观念;设想,构想concerned 有关的…concerned about 关心,关注conclusive 有说服力的,确定性的,决定性的concrete 具体的condense into 浓缩成conditionally 有条件地conduct 指挥,管理,行为conference 会议confess 承认,坦白confirm to 符合,顺应,遵守confront勇敢地面对,遭遇confusion 混乱congress 国会,大会connotation 内涵意义,隐含意义consciously 有意识地,自觉地consent to 同意,默认consequence 后果,影响conservative 保守的,传统的consist of 由…组成consistently 一直,不断地constitute 构成,组成constitutional 宪法的constraint 限制construct 构建,建设consultant 顾问contend 声称,主张;争夺contemporary 当今的,同时代的contention 争夺,竞争;争吵;争辩,论点context 环境;上下文contract 契约,合同contradiction 矛盾contribute to 有助于,造成controversial 有争议的convention 习俗;大会,会议;公约,规约conventional 常规的,惯例的convey传递,运送convince 使相信,使信服cool off(使)冷静下来coordination 协调,调和cope with 处理,应付corporate 公司的(名词corporation)corporation公司correlate with与…相关,与…相联系corrupt 腐蚀,使堕落;堕落的cosmic 宇宙的cottage 小屋,村舍,别墅could-be 未来可能的,潜在的counterbalance 抗衡,制衡counter-culture 反正统文化counterpart 对应的人或物coupled with 加上,与…相结合courageous 勇敢的,大胆的course路线;过程course of reasoning 推理过程courteous有礼貌地,殷勤的coverage 报道diagnosis 诊断dialect 方言diamaund 钻石dictate 命令,口授,听写die out 灭绝,消失differentiation 区分,分化diffusion 传播,扩散digital 数字化(的),数码(的)digital divide 信息差异dilute 稀释dim 〈口〉迟钝的,愚蠢的,暗淡的diminish 缩小,减少direct...to将…转向(或转移到)direction 方面;方向disable 使(汽车)不能行使(或运行);使散失能力,使残废disadvantaged 处于不利位置的,处于弱势的disaster灾难discard 抛弃discipline 学科;纪律disclose 披露,公布disconnect 隔断,断开discontent 不满discriminate against 歧视disgrace 使蒙羞disguised 伪装的,掩饰的dishonor 使丢脸;侮辱disjunction 差距;分离;分裂dismiss...as 对…不屑一顾,认为…是disorder 疾病,紊乱dispassioned 冷静的displacement 转移,取代disposable 可以处置的,可以处理的disputable 有争议的disregard 不理会,漠视distaste 厌恶;厌食distinction 区别;杰出distinctly 突出地distinguish between...and...区分…与…distortion 歪曲distract 打扰,扰乱distrust 不信任diverse 不同的,多种多样的diversion 消遣;转移diversity 多样性,各种各样divert 转移,转向;使高兴divided 分裂的dividend 红利dam大坝,水坝database 数据库dead end 绝境;尽头debate 争论,辩论decade 十年deceptive 欺骗的,蒙蔽的declaration 宣布,声明decline 衰落,下降decorate 装饰,装修dedicate…to…把…投入到,献给dedicated 专注的,献身的deduce 推断,演绎推理deem认为,视为defective 有缺陷的defendant 被告defender 辩护者defined……as 把……定义为definitely 肯定的,明确的definition 定义degradation 恶化,破坏deliberate 故意的,认真的deliciously 有趣地,怡人地,可口地delightful 使人愉快的,可爱的delivery 发表,表达,交付,递送democratic 民主的demographic 人口分布demonstrate 表明,证实,演示dense 稠密的,紧密的deny 否定depend on 取决于depletion 耗尽,枯竭depressant 镇静剂,抑制药depression 抑郁,消沉,萧条deprivation 剥夺deprive…of 剥夺derive…from 从…获得(或产生)deserve 应该获得designed to…旨在…desirable 称心的,期望得到的desired 理想的,想要的despite 尽管destiny 命运detach (from)使分开,使分离,拆开detect 觉察,侦查,探测deteriorate 恶化;衰退determination 判断,决定,决心determinism 决定论devalue 贬值device 设备devise 设计do one’s bidding 听…的吩咐do one’s share of 分担;分享do without 免除,不用doctor 篡改,伪造;治理,医治doctrine 教条,教义document (以文件等)证明,提供证据doll 玩偶,玩具娃娃dome 穹顶,圆顶dominant 主要的,占主导地位的dominate 支配,统治;占优势dormant 暂停活动的;潜在的;睡着的doubter 怀疑论者downshifter 过简朴生活者downshifting 放慢生活节奏downsize 裁员,缩小规模draft 草案;草稿dramatic戏剧性的,激动人心的;显著的dramatically 大大地,显著地dramatize使引人注目,使戏剧化,生动地表达draw distinction between 在…与…之间做出区别draw dividend 分红draw...from 由…引出…draw up 排列,写出;停住dreadful 极其大的;可怕的dream up 〈口〉凭空想出,虚构出drive away 赶走driving force 驱动力量,推动dull 沉闷的;乏味的duration 持续时间;期间duty 责任,义务;关税dyamaund 钻石dynamics 动态关系ember 余烬,余火;残存的活动;逐渐淡薄的东西embrace 包括;接受;拥抱embryo 胚胎emerge 出现,显现emerging 新兴的emit 释放encode 编码encounter 遭遇,遇到endeavor 努力,尽力,力图endure 忍受,承受;持久engage in 从事enhance 提高enlightened 有知识的,开明的;文明的enlist 赢得ensure 确保,保证entail 使必需,使蒙受,使承担entertaining 有趣的enthrone 使...居于最高位置;使...登上王位;推崇entirely 完全entitled to 有权享有entitlement 权益;权利,资格entrench 确立,使处于牢固地位environmentalist 环保主义者envision 想象eager 热切的,渴望的earnest 认真的,诚挚的effortless 不费力的,容易的egalitarian 平等主义的eightfold 八倍(fold倍)elaborate 详述elegant 完美的,优雅的elementary 基本的;初级的elevated 高尚的,庄严的;提高的elimination 消灭,淘汰elite 精英的;n.精英人物elude 把...难倒;逃避,避开;使不被理解(或记忆、主义等)equate...with... 将...等同于...equipped with 装备,装有equivalent to 等于,与...等值eschaunge 交易所;交换establish 确立,建立evaluation 评估evil 邪恶的evolutionary 进化的evolve 进化exaggeration 夸张,夸大examine 考察exceptional 残疾的;例外的,异常的excess 过量的,过度的exclusion 排斥executive 执行的;n.高级管理人员,董事existence 存在exotic 外来的,有异国情调的,奇异的expand 拓展,扩大expertise 专长,专门知识explanatory 解释性的,用来解释的exploitation 剥削,利用;开发exploration 探索explore 探讨;探索explorer 探测者,探索者explosion 爆炸;激增exposed to 接触,暴露于…中expressive 富于表现力的,表现的extended family 大家庭,扩大的家庭extent 程度,范围external 外部的,外面的extinguish 熄灭,扑灭;使消灭extremist 极端主义者fabricate 编造,捏造;制造,组装factual 事实的;真实的,确凿的failure 不能;失败fair 集市,交易会,博览会fairness 公平faithfully 忠实地fall down 下落,下降fall off (从…往)下落fall victim to 成为…的牺牲品fallacy 谬论,谬误fallout 附带结果,余波;放射性坠尘fancy 想象far-reaching 深刻的,深远的farfetched 牵强的,靠不住的fascinate 迷住,强烈吸引faster-than-light 快于光速的fatal 致命的favorable 有利的;顺利的,赞许的feature 特征,特色,特点federal 联邦(政府)的,联合的feeble 无效的,虚弱的feed 提供(养料等)fertile 肥沃的;多产的feverishly 狂热地;忙乱地frankly 直率地;坦白地fraunce 法国free fall 自由下降frustrate 挫败,使灰心full expression 充分表达fundamental 根本的,基本的furthermore 而且,此外futurologist 未来学家figure 数据;数字;形象figure out 计算出;(美口)想出,理解finaunce 经济;财经finely细腻地finite限定的;有限的fissure 裂缝flap 慌乱(或忧虑)状态;激动flexibility 灵活性float 漂浮,漂流flock 群集,聚集;n (一)群;大量flourish 繁荣fluctuation 波动(动词fluctuate)follow from 由...产生,由...推断for real 真正的,确实的;严肃的,认真的for sure 肯定for the benefit of 为了...的利益forecast 预测foresee 预见forge 建立;锻造form of thought 思维方式formal 正式的formation 形成;构成former 前任的;前面的;以前的formulate 构想出;系统的阐述forsake 放弃,抛弃foteball 足球go on a diet 节食go to the heart of…直指…的核心go unchallenged 不受质疑good sense 明智govern 支配;统治;适用于,管理,指导,约束governance 管理;统治;控制governor 州长gender 性别(主要指社会性别)gene 基因generate 产生genetically 遗传地genius 天才,创造能力get going 提升;开始工作get on(in life) 出人头地。

徐绽作文词汇.txt世上最珍贵的不是永远得不到或已经得到的,而是你已经得到并且随时都有可能失去的东西!爱情是灯,友情是影子。灯灭时,你会发现周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。一个中心:切题,两个基本点:“死去活来”;表达>内容,四个层次:词 句 段 文。
<--本文来 源考试 吧-->

例:不要使其暴露在阳光下。Don‘t expose it to the sun.
例:<1>某人饱经风雨。(即遭受各种各样的风雨^_^)Be expose to all kinds of weather.
例:水是由氢和氧组成的。Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
第五讲 接上讲
1. decompose 腐烂,使腐烂 ,分解
下面讲第一种: 分开,分解
compound (化合物 来自于compose的一个名词变体-pound = -pos)decompose a compound into its elements.
第一讲 励志内容
access 知道,获得,了解,认识

2009年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)答案详解Section I Use of English一、文章总体分析本文是一个有关动物智力话题的文章。
【补充】consider在这里等同于take…(as an example)。
再结合文章题材看,文章是科技类,而科技类文章中通常为了表示说话客观性并避免绝对化,往往在主谓之间加一个tend to表示语气的弱化,故本题答案为A,其他两个代入文章语义不通。
下一句也有提示:no being too bright,故答案为D。

做阅读理解的要求:1、每分钟读60个单词2、理解文章的main idea3、每个段落都有一个topic sentence。
每篇文章也有一个大的topic sentence,找到每一段的topic sentence,再将这些topic sentence联合起来就可以找到全文的topic sentence。

approach publish specific characteristic response complex criticism expose activity bias innovation phenomenon unique deliver possibility
motion fulfill/fulfil consumption failure
11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
source creative differ reflect quit commit justice sustain relationship justify abuse secure reduction procedure despite convince proportion inevitable optimistic distinguish promote pursuit regulate sympathy crisis characterise/ characterize appeal compensate severe rarely initial modify segment criminal release display parallel credit interior strain sequence mechanical internal obscure provided indicate
reveal electronic expense philosopher regulation association panel exchange philosophy boom intention structure label basis democratic gender blueprint capable circuit publication conservative anxiety unemployment worth subtle strengthen artificial efficient behalf assess asset restrict interview attribute complicated preference furthermore licence/license activate reference target excessive relieve compose

POSE1.The bride and groom posed for the photograph.2.The ideal listener stays both inside and outside the music at the moment it is played and enjoys almost as much as the compose r at the moment he composes.3.…to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations,whether or not the local branch bank is open…4.People everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas.5.My job as a police officer is to impose accountability on people who refuse,or have never learned,to impose it on themselves.6.When the committee got down to details,the proposed plan seemed impractical.7.He could dispose of this car and house before he left for New York.8.…repose one’s head on a cushion.9.Strike-breakers are despise d by their workmates.TAIN1.When a new movement in art attains a certain fashion,it is advisable to find out what its advocates are aiming at.2.Most growing plants contain much more water than all other materials combined.3.The fact should not be ignored by those who maintain that unemployment and machinery are inseparable companions.4.Fortunately there are still communities-smaller towns,usually-where schools maintain discipline and where parents hold up standards.5.A growing plant needs water for all of the following except sustaining woody stems.6.But,there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every program if maximum results are to be obtained.7.We fight to retain some independence.8.He told his wife that he had been detained in the office by unexpected callers.SIST1.It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price.2.…whose little drops consist mostly of sulfuric acid.3.Biology has provided a consistent,unified,and constantly improving account of what happened.4.And yet the myth of controlling the waters persists.5.For the next few years,for a substantial portion of the workforce,times are going to be very tough indeed.6.It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resis t the temptation to revenge.7.…insist on one’s innocence.JECT1.I was unaware of the critical points involved,so my choice was quite arbitrary.2.Whoever formulated the theory of the origin of the universe,it is just empirical and needsproving.3.They provide a quick,objective method of getting some kinds of information about what a person learned.4.Most contemporary physicists reject the notion that man can never discover what these mysterious forces ‘‘really’’ are.5.Any deformity frightened and repelled her.6.The old idea that talented children burn themselves out’’in the early years is refuted by the author.7.The engineers are going through with their highway project,even though the expenses have risen.8.…are moving away from each other as new material is injected into the sea floor between them.9.They were ejected because they had not paid their rent for a year.…lava ejected from a volcano.TRANS1.They will appeal to privately funded researchers and clinics not to try to clone humans by body cell nuclear transfer.2.I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism into a humanist industrialism.3.Electronic mail will soon play a dominant role in transmitting messages.4.It should be possible to cut off a bit of ice and transport it!5.When any non-human organ is transplanted into a person,the body immediately recognizes it as foreign.6.The author believes that Futurist poetry is more of a t ransient phenomenon than literature.7.…a man of transparent honesty.MIT1.…but no married women were admitted even as a spectator.2.I acknowledge with thanks the help of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column.3.If a crime was committed,society was considered the victim.4.…emitting radiation as it went,condensing into particles and then into atoms of gas.5.A sketch of the long report by the budget committee was submitted to the mayor for approval.6.This chapter may be omitted.TRACT1.Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract.2.A web set selling the right kind of product with the right kind of interactivity,hospitality and security will attract online customers.3.It is entirely reasonable for auditors to believe that scientists who know exactly where they are going and how they will get there should not be distracted by the necessity of keeping one eye on the cash register while the other eye is on the microscope.4.…manage to extract from Nature certain natural laws…5.…subtract 6 from 9CESS1.knowledge is power ’’ may well be the truest saying and access to information may be the most critical requirement of all people.2.First of all,most substances taken in excess will produce negative effects such as poisoning or intense perceptual distortions.3.As a concession to the public outcry,the government reduced the tax on petrol.4.The recession caused a lot of unemployment.5.…walking in procession through the streets.CEED,CED1.Subscribers can customize the information they want to receive and proceed directly to a company’s Web site.2.A further stimulus to invention came from the premium’’ system,which preceded our patent system.3.…they saw in the preceding hundred years from 1650 to 1750,…4.As the tide receded we were able to explore the rocky pools on the beach.5.…You must concede that I have tried hard.6.He conceded 10 points to his opponent.VERSE1.Several international events in the early 1990s seem likely to reserve,or at least weaken the trends that emerged in the 1980s.2.Opinions are as diverse as the people who give them.LABOR1.It elaborates the delayed effects of yesterday’s baby boom’’.2.…Whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions.3.…collaborate on a biography with a friend.PRESS1.Over billions of years,the gas was compressed by gravity into galaxies,stars,plants and eventfully,even humans.2.Every day a new bit of plaster is falling off,’’ says Hay.I found it quite depressing.’’3.Everyone at school was very impressed---except the geography teacher.4.There are still institutions that oppress women.DICT1.Its scientific establishment cannot generally be foreseen in detail.2.Newton did because he was not trying to predict anything.3.Sagan is more concerned with those who believe in ghosts,creationism and other phenomenon that contradict the scientific worldview.4.…attending a shareholders’ meeting to dictate their orders to the management.SIGN1.The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor than he had planned to resign.2.I don’t think it advisable that he be assigned t o the job since he has no experience whatsoever.3.Cobe is designed to see just the biggest structure,but astronomers would like to see much smaller hot spots as well.SERVE1.It should be observed,of course,that no school,vocational or not,is helped by a confusion over its purpose.2.Some scientists have also suggested that Earth is a kind of zoo or wildlife reserve.3.But one basic difference of opinion concerns the question of whether or not the city as such is to be preserved.4.Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.CLUDE1.The official statistics on productivity growth exclude the usual rebound in a business cycle.2.Physical dependence on certain substances results from exclusive use of them for social purposes.3.I have concluded that the earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles from outer space.DUCE1.From the tears in Nedra’s eyes we can deduce t hat something sad must have occurred.2.But speech has to be induced,and this depends on interaction between the mother and the child.3.An invention will not benefit the inventor unless it is reduced to commercial practice.4.If,on the other hand,producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost,…5.In the American economy,the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights.PEL1.It also means that government is increasingly compelled to interfere in these sections.2.Any deformity frightened and repelled her.3.…expel a boy from school.4.The President’s speech impelled the nation to great efforts.5.…mechanically propelled vehiclesPENS1.It is well known that knowledge is the indispensable condition for expansion of mind.2.The engineers are going through with their highway project,even though the expenses have risen.3.For example,they do not compensate for gross social inequality.4.It has been striving to expand its market.FER1.Corporations and labor unions have great benefits conferred upon their employees and members as well as upon the general public.2.As a group,their work histories differ in most respects from those of their female colleagues.3.Forgetting clearly aids orientation in time,since old memories weaken and the new tend to stand out,providing clues for inferring duration.4.In the past men generally preferred that their wives would work in the home.5.It can be referred to in filling out standard application blanks and is extremely helpful in personal interviews.TRIBUTE1.Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of the business cycle.2.No company likes to be told it is contributing to the moral decline of a nation.3.Then it sponsors lots of symposiums and a credibility project dedicated to wondering why customers are annoyed and fleeing in large numbers.TEST1.Labor MPs took to the street to protest the economic policies.2.International contests encourage false national pride and lead to misunderstanding and hatred.FICIENT1.It is of vital importance to acquire needed information efficiently.2.The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds on which to base his argument in favor of the new theory.ORDINATE1.He or she must coordinate the shapes,lighting and decoration of everything from ceiling to floor.2.All the other questions are subordinate to this one.3.Corporations use them as airborne offices,many metropolitan areas use them in police work.4.They may cooperate directly in the growing number of international projects related to science,economics and industry.5.It’s a self-examination that has,at various times,involved issues of responsibility,creative freedom and the corporate bottom line.CISE1.The new secretary has written a remarkably concise report only in a few pages but with all the details.2.All phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanations.SCRIBE1.The factory law prescribes a fine.2.Many others in equally disadvantaged circumstances choose not to engage in criminal activities.3.The 215-page manuscript,circulated t o publishers last October,sparked an outburst of interest.SURE1.I apologize if I had offended you,but I assure you it was unintentional.2.By helping to increase demand it ensures an increased need for labor.CEIVE1.Leonardo da Vinci conceived the first mechanical apparatus.2.Do we perceive ourselves as quick and curious?MED1.This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not to immediate goals but of possible consequence in the future.2.Because of its intimacy,radio is usually more than just a medium.CLAIM1.Parents hold up standards that proclaim: In this family certain things are not tolerated—they simply are not done!’’2.It is announced that a wallet has been found and can be reclaimed at the manager’s office.ORIGIN1.The universe originated in an explosion from a mass of energy.2.Only fifty of the original one hundred passengers remained.SENT1.If these sensitive periods are neglected,the ideal time for acquiring skills passes.2.In addition,it is unclear what force a contract can have for people who never consented to it.3.by common assent,with one assent4.Levin asserted music is not the cause of society’s ills’’.5.I strongly dissent from what the last speaker has said.6.Technically,any substance other than food that alters our bodily or mental functioning is a dog.FUSE1.Generally,the idea of good science tends to become confused with the capacity of the field in question to generate an elegant theory.2.…to diffuse learning/ knowledge/ light/ heat/ a scent.MINI1.Time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.2.But,there are certain basic ideas that must be used in every program if maximum results are to be obtained.3.Again,differences between people and the opportunity for natural selection to take advantage of it have diminished.4.Many of the minor illnesses of modern industrial society,headaches,tiredness,and stomachupsets are thought to arise from breathing polluted air.5.Another major shift in the modern for Internet commerce concerns the technology available for marketing.SPIRE1.The remarkable variety of life on the Galopagos Islands inspired Charles Darwin to establish his theory of evolution.2.He is planning another tour abroad,yet his passport will expire at the end of this month.FINE1.…it is perhaps best to define it more precisely for scientific purposes.2.The significance of hot spots is not confined to their role as a frame of reference.VOC1.Those who support the nurture’’ theory,that is,they advocate education,are often called behaviorists.2.…evoke admiration/ surprise/ memories of the past3.If you provoke the dog,it will attack you.FORM1.Any test performed i nvolves at least three factors.2.I got a letter informing me I had won first prize.3.The panel then informally accepted several general conclusions,although some details have been settled.4.But it never seems to get around to noticing the cultural and class biases that so many former buyers are complaining about.5.Modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.6.Recent court decisions have c onfirmed the right of all children.7.The phrase substance abuse’’ is often used instead of drug abuse’’.考研英语高频词组1.abide by(=be faithful to;obey)忠于;遵守。

复试:听力(60%的学院)加口语找徐绽的博客下载复试的30个话题,每个话题写200-300字的小短文,然后练熟眼睛盯着坐在中间的老头老太太徐绽联系方式博客地址:微博:/u/997644网站:信箱:xuzhan2009@笔记看5遍,词汇书看5遍加强背诵,培养语感;开始接触真题查《考研英语词汇速记宝典》记5遍文都教育五部分《考研英语写作专项特训30分》《考研英语三层递进攻克阅读理解》(vocabulary sentence paragraph)《考研英语美文诵读宝典60+30晨读》《考研英语时文阅读宝典120+60夜读》《考研英语阅读专项特训88篇》做训练《绝对考场最后三模考》早上的黄金时间背整篇文章(美文诵读),下午读熟再背白天的零散时间看单词晚上认真的领会夜读考研英语词汇分数分布Part 1 英语知识运用10Part 2 阅读理解40 (input)新题型10 翻译10Part 3 写作30 (output)拿到一个单词,先拆后猜,缺一不可Goals determine what you are going to be !年龄是生命的长度学识是生命的密度意志是生命的强度梦想是生命的高度Scrib: writeDescribe de: down scrib: write e:v. Description n.Pre =beforeprefix 前缀preview 预览precaution 预防措施predict 预言Precondition 前提条件prepay 预付预支prewar 战前的preschool 学前的Dict 说Dictionary 字典dictum 格言dictate (dictation听力) 口述;支配dictator 支配者Sub =under 下面Subtitle 副标题subarea 分区subeditor 副编辑sublet 转租Subscription订阅量circulation发行量Script 字体,笔记;剧本;Telescript(tele=far;television(vis=see);visit(vis=see;it=go);exit(ex=out;it=go)电视剧本Manuscript (manu=hand; manufacture(fact=do);factory(tory=场所);dormitory(dor=sleep); dormant volcane; endorm)Fact =doBenefactor (bene 好)做好事的人,施恩者Malefactor (male 坏;跟男人有关就是不好:malnutrition营养不良;malfuction机能失常)Benediction 说好话malediction 诅咒Fiend 魔鬼;难事,困境(friend在关键时刻不伸出援助之手)Catastrophe 大灾难Elegant 优雅的Pos =put1、提出pose a challenge2、固定搭配Pose threat to sth 对…构成威胁Position1、观点,态度=stand point / viewpoint what's your position on the problem?2、职位,工作full-time position part-time position3、固定搭配be in a position to do sth =be likely to do sthPositive1、肯定的,确定的(放好了的)=definite be positive about/of sth 对…确信无疑2、积极的positive factors 积极因素Possess (pos=put; sess=sit)——assess1、自制;控制2、拥有,占有Sess, sid =sit 词汇书p92 ,93Assess (a=to;a在前面一般都双写;announce, attach, aggressive)Preside——president (pre= before) 统管,统帅,统领Reside——resident (re=again) 逗留,拘留,拘捕Subside——subsidence v. 平息,摆平;物体的沉积、沉淀n.下沉,沉淀;平息,摆平Subsidence for mation 凹陷地层Subsidize——subsidy v. 补助,资助,津贴;n. 津贴,补助Assiduous——insidious adj. 勤勉的,勤奋的adj. 阴险的,狡诈的Possession n.1、拥有,占有2、自制,控制3、财产,财富my riches consist not in the extent of my possessions, but in the fewness of mywants. 我的财富不是在我的财产之多,而是在我的欲望之少real-estate 房地产之类的不动产belongings 可随身携带的财产(when I am with you ,I feel a strong sense of belongings)com ,con, co=togetherCompose1、组成合成2、绘图3、写作4、调解,使平静5、谱曲Be composed of = be made up with = consist of = comprise 由…组成Compound 化合物n 化合的,复合的adjComposition 曲目所绘的图写的作品反义词:decompose 分解(de =down(decline,cline=climb); =not 否定)decompose a compound into its elementsde =down(decline,cline=climb); =not 否定Decontrol 失控,取消管制deforest 砍伐森林dewater 烘干,去除水分detect(tect= cover; protect) 侦查,侦探decode 解码encode 编码(en )En 使动用法(几乎可以放在大部分名词,形容词前构成动词)(有时可以放前面)Endanger 使陷入危险状态enrage 激怒ennoble 使变得高贵enfeeble 使变得虚弱Enchain 束缚,约束(chain reaction 连锁反应)endure 长期的忍受(dure 持续)(bear 忍受痛苦;tolerate 包容,宽容的容忍)enclose 装入;围绕entitle 使赋予某种权利(be entitled to)enforce 执行(enforce the law;airforce 空军)enrich enlarge (widen)Expose1、展示,展览2、暴露,曝光,揭露3、使某人面对,面临expose sb to danger 使某人面对危险Exposure 暴露,揭露,曝光Exposition 展示,展览=exhibition ; 解释,说明=explanationDepose (de=no) 罢免,罢黜(某人职位)Deposit v./n 1、储蓄(储蓄金)2、预付定金,付保证金(保证金,定金)3、沉积,沉淀(地质学)=subsideA current deposit 活期存款 a fixed deposit 定期存款Cur(r) 跑=runCurrent 流动的,当前的;currency货币,流通curriculum 课程,课表Occur 发生occurConcur 同时发生Recur 重现,再次发生Incur 入侵,侵犯incursive incursion心相印mind act upon mind telephone (tele=far; phone=sound)Tele=farTeleplay电视剧telescript电视剧本teleconference远程会议telecommunication远程通信telescope望远镜Phone=soundMicrophone 扩音器(mic microwave ;mini)stereophone 立体音响(stereo立体的)phonetics 语音学(phonetist)symphony (sym=same)交响乐sympathy (pathy=feel)同情Telepathy 心电感应saxophone 萨克斯管Impose (im = not; on impolite)1、把…强加于/施加于…(impose sth on sb)2、对…征税/处以罚款…(impose a fine/ tax on sb)3、利用(impose on one's kindness)Imposition 强加;征税;欺骗;负担(尤指不公平的负担)Propose (pro=forward,protect, progress(gress=work); retrogress (retro=back); congress; aggressive)1、提建议2、提名,推荐3、求婚Proposal n.propose的三个意思proposition 主题,议题,命题(what's the proposition of the passage? =main idea)Dispose (dis =not, dislike ,disorder; =divide 分)1、处置,处理(dispose of) vi2、(分开) 分开放,排列组合n. Disposal (at sb's disposal 任sb处置,处理)Adj. Disposable disposable chopsticks ( 一次性筷子)书P 391Sens,sent =feel 感觉pathy =feel InsensitiveSensitive 敏感的(insensitive)sensible 明智的(insensible)sensory感觉的,知觉的(sensory organs 人体的感觉器官)sensation 感觉;感动;轰动sensational使人感动的;耸人听闻的Consent 同意,答应consentient 一致的,同意的consensus 一致意见/观点Dissent 不同意,分歧dissentient 不一致的,不同意的dissension 争论,纠纷,分歧resent 反感,憎恨resentful 憎恨的,怨恨的(ful 充满…的状态resentment 憎恨,怨恨(re : =back (return); =again (repeat); =against(resent))Auto =self 自己mate =moveAutomate 自动automatic 自动的,自动装置的autocriticism 自我批评autobiography 自传(self life write)Gram, graph= write 写Grammar 语法diagram 图表(dia =inter=between)program 节目;电脑程序;计划Parallelogram(para 平行) 平行四边形Geography (geo 大地)地理学paragraph 段落(para 在…旁边)parasite (site地点)门人,食客;寄生虫photography 照片(photo =light 光)photosensitive 感光的Telegraph 电报telegraphic 电报的;简短的telephone 电话Scatter (er表动词,反反复复) V.分散Shatter (反复)敲打,敲击,击碎Human (hum 泥巴)(an=one)(hu=huge)Spir 呼吸,吹气Spirit 精神,心灵,灵魂spiritual 精神的,心灵的,灵魂的Aspire (a=to) 渴望,向往aspirationInspire 激发灵感;鼓舞人心inspirationConspire 共谋,干坏事conspirationExpire 断气,呼出;截止,到期expirationPerspire (per=fully完全)排汗perspiration 排汗系统Respire 呼吸=breathe respirationThanks for your offer to help, but I do not want to impose on you.Baby-booming 生育高峰期baby-boomer 生育高峰期出生的那代人(老人)Get down to do sth 着手做……Tail =cutTailor 裁缝detail 细节n;详细说明v detailed 细节的retail 零售retailing 零售行业Retailor 零售商人(wholesale 批发;wholesaling; wholesaler )Impractical =unrealistic 不实际的realism 现实主义;写实主义idealism 理想主义;唯心主义materialism 唯物主义;拜金主义(正反两面的意思aggressive ambition)On purpose 故意的for the purpose of doing sth =with the purpose of doing sth =in order to do sth 为了做……En-,-en ; ify , izeWiden deepen heighten lessen shorten sharpen ripen loosen quicken soften tighten strengthenHumid(id …的特征) 潮湿的,黏黏的humidify 使潮湿;使变粘humidifier 加湿器Pure 纯洁purify 提纯purified 纯洁的Modernize 现代化modernization industrilization 工业化Visage 外观n. Envisage 正式,面对,想象Visual effect 视觉效果Visualize 使具体化Review 考察,回顾,评论Preview 预览,先看Revise 修改,修订Supervise 管理,监督(super 超高superstition 迷信(st=stand))白马王子Mr. Right Mr.charmingHe is tall like I am snow white 他个子很矮TainAttain to succeed or arrive at by effort or development 达到一种状态(成功)反:fail Obtain to get sth by effort or development 得到某种东西(奖杯)反:loseRetain allow to remain in a place or position 保持位置或状态反:abandon Always retain yourself vitality 祝你青春常在Maintain 维持,保持(maintain public order);供养(maintain family);维修,保养(maintain cars) ; 认为(I maintain ) I affirm, assert, argue, assume, deem ,consider, contend, hold,insist, cling to the idea thatSustain 源源不断的支持,维持的状态sustainable development 可持续性发展Detain 扣押(人,财产);耽搁(行程,时间)书P ?看句子变体较大:吃eat inedible inedibilityEvade(e:out; vad:walk)逃避inevitable不可避免的inevitabilityVagetable 医学中专指植物人n.其他形容词直接加able 或ible书p119Vacation (vac=empty vaccum cleaner 吸尘器;vacant 未被占用的,空荡荡的)Van =empty vanity 空虚,虚荣vanity box 女士的化妆盒toilet water 花露水Nounce 说,喊出来书P 15Claim 喊出来;索赔Dict 说Lect =speak 说Vit viv bio = lifeVitamin vivid humid vivify reviveContain1、包含2、等同于a pound contains 16 ounces . A foot contains 12 inches3、控制,抑制contain one's angerContainer 集装箱,容器Neglect 无意间的忽略ignore 有意的无视Note 有意的看notice 无意间注意到Glance 刻意的看glimpse无意间瞥了一眼peep偷窥I was shot dead by a glimpse of your eyes 在你不经意间的回眸一瞥就深深的刺穿了我的胸膛Spect 看=look 凡是跟看有关的,都跟想有关Aspect 人的样子,容貌;事物的方面Expect 期待,渴盼unexpectedInspect 看进去;检查,视察inspectionProspect 展望;前景,未来n. Prospective 将来的,未来的Retrospect 回顾retrogress(retro=back)Respect respectable能够respectful充满respective各自的,单独的(反:irrespective不管的,不顾的,不考虑的) a respectable man is often respectful to others 一个受人尊敬的人总是对他人充满敬意的Introspect 内省,反省(look before you leap三思而后行)Suspect 打量,怀疑suspicion suspicious 多疑的conspicuous 显眼的,引人注目的(每个人都能看到的)Speculate v.+in 投机(in futures 在期货中做投机);+on 考虑,推测Ful 反:lesshopeful;hopeless fruitful;fruitless regretful; regretless shameful可耻的; shameless无耻的Lect =speak ;lect,leg=choose 选Dialect 方言select 分开选,选择elegantCollect 收集collectionRecollect 回忆,回想recollectionElect 选举electionSelect 选择selectioncom, con co 共同(元音开头不双写,辅音开头都双写)corrupt(rupt=break)贪污,腐败bankrupt erupt(e=out)colleague 同事correspond 相符合,相一致(respond回应)collapse 崩溃,倒塌(lapse拉)collocate 布置,配置,排列,并列coexistence coauthor 合著者之一coeducation 男女合校的教育Clud =closeConclude 包含conclusion conclusiveExclude 排外的,排出的,独家的exclusive (exclusive recipe 独家配方)Include 包含的inclusivePreclude 预防,杜绝precludeSeclude 隔离;使孤立,使退隐seclusive 退隐的,隔离的 a seclusive man 隐士Maximum 最大化maximize minimum 最小化minimizeMacro micro=miniMacro climate 大环境,大气候macro world 宏观世界macro scale 超大规模Macro economics 宏观经济学macro biology (micro biology 微生物学)micro element 微量元素Sist =stand,站Consist =stand together 1、consist of …是由…组成的2、consist in 在于,存在于3、consist with 与…保持一致Our greatest glory consist not in narrowly failing but inrather every time we fall (not…but 不是,而是)glory 光辉,荣耀glorious 光辉的,荣耀的Consistent adj一致的,一贯的(否定:inconsistent 不一致的,不协调的)Persist continue to do sth or go on doing sth 坚持(继续做)persistent 持久的,持续的;顽固的,执拗的= stumble persistence 永恒,守恒(the persistence of energy 能量守恒定律)Insist saied or do sth firmly or forcefully 坚持(坚定地说或做)insistent 坚定的,坚持的insistenceResist (re =back; =again; =against ) 抵制;抵抗(in doing sth;cannot resist in doing sth 忍不住做…=cannot help doing sth =cannot help but do sth );resistance (a way of leastresistance 最容易的办法,最省力的途径)resistant 抵制的,抵抗的(waterresistant 防水的=water proof =antiwater (anti 反);fire resistant 防火的=fire proof=antifire )Exist 存在,生存,生活existence(sth comes into existence /being 某物得以出现;sb bring sth into existence/ being 某人让某物得以出现)Assist 帮助,援助(assist sb in doing sth/ to do sth) assistant adj.援助的,辅助的;n.助手(financial assistance 经济上的援助/辅助)Anti 反Antipathy 反感Antiforeign 排外的Antiwar 反战的Antibody 抗体Antibacterial 抗菌的Antiaging 抗衰老的Attribute to 归因于,来自于;result from ; stem from ; spring from ; originate from Contribute to 导致……; result in ; bring about ; lead to ; give rise to ;Smoking may contribute to lung cancer.Super 超级Superstructure 上层建筑substructure 下层建筑Superprofit 超额利润supernatural 超自然的,超自然力的superspeed 超速的,超高速的Supersonic 超音速的,超音波的superpower 超级大国Struct =build 建造,建立Construct 构造,建筑construction reconstructDestruct 摧毁,毁灭destruction destructive破坏的,有破坏力的Instruct instruction instructor 导师Obstruct 妨碍,阻碍obstructionStructure 构造,结构structured 有组织的,有结构的,有安排的Infrastructure 基础结构,基础设施infrastructural 基础的,基础建设的(infrastructual project 基础建设工程;infrastructural investment demand 基础建设投资需求)Creationism 神创论creationist 神创论者Evolutionism 进化论Evolutionist 进化论者V olv =turn 旋转Involve 卷入,涉及involutionEvolve 进化evolutionRevolve revolution大变革,大改革revolutionary 革命的,革命者的Devolve 退化;往下传递,移交Intervolve 互相牵连,盘绕,缠绕intervolutionOlogy 学科Bio =life 生命;生物oceanology海洋学methodology 方法论zoology 动物学Biocomputer 生物计算机biochip 生物芯片biotechnology 生物科技bioscience 生物科学bioterrorism 生物恐怖主义Eco 环境的,生态的Ecology 生态学ecodevelopment 经济生态均衡发展Uni =one 一Uniform 制服(form形式)unicorn(corn=horn角)独角兽union 统一Universe 宇宙(vers,vert,volv = turn )\reverse倒转,颠倒versatile (ile易于…的)多功能的;多面手,多才多艺的Sol =alone 唯一,单独Sole 唯一的solar 太阳的,太阳系的solitary独自的,独居的(lead a solitary life过着独居的生活)比较:solitude (n.孤独)solo (n.独唱,独舞,独奏)console(v安慰)desolate (de 表强调,使荒凉,使荒废)isolate (i=out,v.使隔绝,使孤独,使凄凉)I=outIdentify (dent 牙) identityMono =oneMonologue (logue=talk; dialogue (dia=between, diameter 直径)) 独白Catalogue (cata 下面) 目录,一览表Monotone 单调,乏味monotonous 单调的,乏味的Monopoly (poly=sell) 垄断Monograph 专题论文,专题著作MonokiniBi =double ,twoBilingual education 双语教育(linguistic linguistics linguist 语言;phonetic phonetics phonetist 语音)Bicycle 自行车monocycle 独轮车recycle 利用,回收recyclable 可回收的Bikini 比基尼(两点式的泳衣)Tri =threeTrilingual 三种语言的multilingual 多语言的(multi 多的)Tricycle 三轮车triangle 三角形trichord 三弦乐器(chord =string 弦)Trigonometry 三角学(gono =angle; metry =measure)Triplet 三胞胎之一(let 小东西booklet 小册子leaflet 小叶子)Trivial (vi =way ) 三岔路口;琐碎的,繁琐的;n.细枝末节,繁琐trivialityTrikiniFer, cept, ceive, sum=takeSuffer(suf 在上面)使遭罪suffice( fic =do ) 使充足,使大量Fer p29 cept ceive p10 sum p102Sum =takeCosume 消耗,吃光,喝光consumption 消费量,消耗量consumptive consumer 消费者Resume 再利用;重新开始,继续;个人简历resumption 利用,继续resumptive 再开始的,继续的Assume 假定,假设;承担assumption 假定assumptive 假定的,假设的Presume 假定,假设;擅自行动,自作主张presumption 假定presumptive 推测的,假定的(=assuptive);presumptuous 傲慢的,自以为是的Cept ceive =takeAccept 接受acceptionExcept 除外,排除;反对exceptionIncept 营养的摄入/摄取inceptionIntercept 截取;法律赋予的裁断,裁决interceptionReceive (客观上的)收到receptionDeceive 欺骗deceptionPerceive (per =fully 完全) 领悟,理解,感知perception 领悟力,理解力Conceive 构思,构想conceptionFer =takeDiffer( dif 分开)different (when it comes to sth, people's opinions differ.)Confer 商讨,商议;颁发,授予conference 会议Infer 推理inference ( what can you infer from the passage? What does the author imply in the passage)Offer 提供,提议;出价offerenceRefer 提及,提到;参考,查阅reference参考资料;证明书Prefer 宁愿选择,喜欢preference 喜好,偏好Defer (de 表强调)延期;(de =down)顺从,服从;deference 顺从,服从Suffer 遭罪sufferanceMigr =remove 移动,转移Emigrate 移出去emigrationImmigrate 移进来immigration表人的部首:er or ist(具备某种思想的人;具备某种专长的人) ant ent ianSocialist 社会主义者specialist专家defeatist 失败主义者futurist 未来主义者Typist 打字员novelist 小说家Inhabitant 居民accountant 会计President 老大resident 居民agent 代理人(ag =do)Civilian 公民electrician 电工politician 政客physician 内科医生librarian 图书管理员Plex ,plic, ply =fold 折Complex 复杂的complexity 复杂性complicate 使错综复杂simplify 使简化,简约Duplicate (du 双) v. 对折;复制;n. 复制品,复本(in duplicate 一式两份)Implication 暗含implyImplicit 含蓄的explicit坦率的,不言自明的Reply 回答,回复Comply 使服从,使遵从,使一致Multiply 乘法;倍增;繁殖;multi =manymultiple 多重的,多样的(multiple choice question) multichannel 多频道的multiform 多形式的(form形式dentiform 齿状的)multilingual 多语的Multilateral 多边的(multilateral trade 多边贸易;bilateral trade 双边贸易)Multifunctional 多功能的Ject =throw 扔Eject 扔出去,喷射,喷发;驱逐,把人赶走Inject 扔进来,注射(injector 注射器)Object 客体objective 客观的(阅读题优选客观题)Subject 主体subjective主观的Project 投射v. ;目标,项目n. Projector 投影仪(Or即可表人也可表物)Abject (ab 偏离=off ,abuse) 卑贱的,可怜的,凄惨的Reject 拒绝;排斥refuse 直截了当的拒绝(fus =flu流淌)Objective 的同义词Impartial 不偏不移的neutral 中立的reserved 有保留的qualified 有条件的Subjective 的同义词arbitrary 任意的,随意的biased 有偏见的(看见尽量不选)Fus =flu 流,流淌Refuse 拒绝Confuse 迷惑,困惑Transfuse (trans=across) 输血Perfuse (per=fully 完全)充满,泼洒Diffuse (di 分开)扩散,传播Interfuse 融合,渗透Flu 流淌Influent 影响(专指思想;affect对身体的影响(fect=do))influenceAffluent 财富的流淌,富足的,富裕的affluenceConfluent 合流的,汇流的confluenceDefluent 往下流淌的defluenceRefluent 逆流,退潮refluenceEffluent 流出的,流淌的effluenceCircumfluent 环流的circumfluenceSuperfluous 过剩的,多余的superfluityPut =think 思考Dispute 争论,争吵,反驳Beyond disputeAct =doLabor =doFic, fect, fact =doActExact 做出来,认真做出来的,精确的adj.; v.强求,强迫Interact 相互作用interactionTransact 交易,商业行为,商业交易transactionCounteract 对抗,抵抗,抵制(count 反)React 反应,起作用reactionEnact (en使动)实施,颁布(法令enact the law)Labor 劳动,做Laborious (ous 充满…的)(工作)艰辛的,费力的;(人)勤奋的,勤勉的Elaborate 精心制作,详细说明v.; adj.精致的,精心的Collaborate 合作,相互勾结Fic, fect, fact =do 书p 28-29FactFactory (tory表场所,dormitory)FicMagnificent (magn =large ;(magnify放大; magnifier放大镜; ))雄伟壮观的Significant (sign 标记)意义深远的SufficantFectAffect v.Effect n. Dual effect 双重功效v. 招致,带来,实现,促使(education effects a real change in his life 教育促使他的生活发生了极大的变化)Infect (病毒的)传染;(思想的)感染disinfected 已消毒的infectious 传染性的;有感染力的Defect 过失,缺点,不足Perfect v. 使完善; n. 完美反:imperfect表否定:im放在p和m开始前;il 放在l前;ir放在r前;in放在c前Imperfect immature illogical irregular(reg= control; regulate p86)Incompetent (pet=seek) 不能胜任的sign 标记what's your sign ? 你属什么的?My sign is a ***我属**Sign v .签名resign 辞职走人Signature 签字,签名n. Signal 信号,暗号,导火索(signal that leading to )n.; v.发信号,用信号通知,Signify 标记化,表示着,意味着,象征着Design 设计,绘制图案(de强调)Assign 分配,指派v. ;n.assignment 分配的任务Consign 交付,委托Pet =seekCompete competent competitonPerpetuate 使永久,使永恒perpetual 永久的,永恒的,长期的Appetite 食欲,胃口;爱好,欲望appetizer开胃食品Fund =moneyRefund 退款v/n. Demand a refund on sth 所要…方面的退款Nuclear family 核心家庭extended family 三世同堂cracy 统治Bureaucracy (bureau 局;cracy 统治)官僚腐败(mandarin 官僚腐败的,学术界守旧的,写的文章华而不实的;mandarin coat 旗袍;mandarin duck 鸳鸯)Democracy 民主Technocracy 技术统治Theocracy 神权统治Be foreign to 对…相去甚远的,和…格格不入的deception was foreign to his nature .More A than B =rather A than B 与其说是B不如说是A;是A不是BNot so much A as B 与其说是A而不如说是B;是B 而不是A翻译时:破折号变括号,将破折号之后的补充说明成分用括号括起来,放在所修饰的中心词后面Auto =selfAutobiography 传记Automate 自动,自动装置(mate=move)Automatic 自动的,自动装置的,无意识的Autonomy 自治autonomous 自理的,自治的Mit =send 送Admit 接收,接纳(admit the best examinee接收最优的考生(examinier考官));承认,认可(acknowledge 公开范围的承认,认可;it is generally admitted that……it isuniversally acknowledged that ……)admission(admission notice 录取通知书)Permit 许可,允许;permissible 可行的permissive 放纵的,放任自流的permission (go-ahead许可,允许)Submit 屈服;提交,呈送submissionEmit(e=out) 没有接收(+light, heat, smell, sound, smoke, beams) transmit(trans=across) 传递有接收,跨越式发射Omit 忽略,忘记;省略,删除omissionCommit 把…委托给…(commit sth to memory 记住…);承诺做…,承担义务做…(commit oneself to sth ); 犯罪,做坏事(commit a crime/murder) mitment 承担义务,许诺,保证committee commission(范围稍大)委员会(economic commission国家经委)commission 表示做事的佣金,手续费,回扣(get/ draw a commission onsth 在…方面获取费用)Remit 寄钱remittance 汇款Intermit 间歇,中断intermittent 间歇的,断断续续的Sub,sur ,sace低一级的,下面,低于的Subsurface 表面之下的Submarine 海平面下的Subaverage 低于平均水平的Subnormal 低于正常的Subtropics 亚热带Subtitle 副标题Subarea 分区Subcentral 接近中心的Sublet 转租Suburban (urban 城市)郊区Subconsciousness 潜意识Cid ,cis =cut, kill 切,割_桥梁作用CidDecide 决定Suicide(sui =self ) 自杀(commit suicide)Pesticide 杀虫剂Bactericide 杀菌剂Herbicide 除草剂Genocide 杀基因,种族灭绝CisConcise adj.简明的,简洁的,简要的Precise adj.明确的,准确的,精确的precisionIncise v. 切开,雕刻,切割Incisive adj. 锋利的,尖锐的Incisor n. 门牙同意的短语:approve of ; agree with ; subscribe with ; in sympathy with ; in favor withForm 形式Transform 转化reform 改革inform 告知uniform 制服Tract, duc, duct =draw =leadDuc =drawEducate ( e-out) reduce 减少seduce 勾引(se 色)produce 生产制造TractAttract 吸引attraction attractive 反:v. repel 排斥n. repulsion adj. Repulsive (pel, puls =push 推P72 )Contract v. 签合约;收缩(condense (dense浓密)液体浓缩;compress 气体的压缩n.合约(sign a contract ; violate a contract 违约;cancel a contract 取消合同;executea contract 履约,履行合同(CEO:chief executive officer ; CFO: chief financialofficer))Distract 分开拉,分散注意力,迷惑,扰乱(distract sb from (doing) sth 让sb从sth上分散注意力)the noise distracted me from concentration. Distraction distracteddistractingExtract (ex=out 出来)1. draw out 抽出,拔出crude oil is distracted from a well. 2. 提取,提炼=refine/ take out oil extracted from peanuts. Peacock(TMD )Subtract 减法subtract A from B 从B中减去ARetract 收缩retractable 可缩进的,可取消的Tractor 拖拉机,牵引机;机器设备的引擎Abstract (abs=from) (从…中抽取出来)v.提取,做摘要n.摘要(brief辩护状;案情摘要)adj.理论的,抽象的,深奥的Anthropology 人类学(anthro 人类;logy 学科)Anthroposociology 人类社会学Philosophy 哲学(phi 爱;sophy 智慧)philanthropy 博爱,慈善,善心Zoophilist 爱动物的人Jack 千斤顶Setting up shops in silicon 在互联网上开店Audi =listen 听Audience 听众audiphone 助听器Audible 听得到的inaudible 听不见的Audio 音频的,收音的audiovisuals (vis=see)视听教材,直观教具Audit 审计,审查;旁听auditor 审计员(ballot box 投票箱;blackball投反对票v.;n.反对票)Auditorium 礼堂(um 地点尾缀,stadium(stad=stand);forum 论坛;museum (mus主管艺术的神,amuse 使消遣,使逗乐,amusing 有趣的,好玩的=funny))Dead president 美元senior-citizen 老年人Put sb to sleep = kill sb put sb to bed 哄睡觉Cess, ceed ,ced =goCedConcede 妥协,让步;给予,割让concessionRecede 1、leave,depart 离开2、退出合约,收回意见withdraw 3、drop pr decline in force or value 价值或力量的下降下跌(专指经济的不景气)recession经济大萧条(=depression) deflation 通货紧缩inlation 通货膨胀Precede 先于,领先于precedent 先例unprecedented 史无前例的preceding 以前的(preceding years 前几年CessAccess = to go (have access to =have knowledge of =have idea of 知道;否定在名词前加no)accessory (ory可表adj.帮助的,辅助的n. 配件;从犯,帮凶)Excess n.(ex=out) 过剩,多余;超越,超额;超出(go/run to excess 走极端)excessive 过分的,过度的exceeding 非常的Exceed v.Process (pro=forward)v.加工,处理n.工序,过程Preceed v.1.往前走,列队前进(precession队列,行列)=march;2.proceed to do sth=go on doing 继续做;3.proceed against 控诉,控告某人n.Blood and flesh 血肉之躯brave v.勇敢的面对考试:Pos = putTain = holdSist = standJect = throwTrans = acrossMit = sendTract = drawCes,cees = goVers = turnLabor = doDict = saySign = markServ = keepFer = takePress = pressFact,fect = doCept,Dut,duct = draw, leadForm = shapeSense, sent = feelLect = choosePart,port = divide, carryPel, puls = pushPet = seekReg = controlSid = sitI count him braver who can overcome his desire than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is victory over themselves。

2009年阅读高分词汇:Text 11. mindlessly 不知不觉地;unconsciously; instinctively 本能地;2. unreflecting 没有思想的;不反省的3. herd 民众(容易受他人影响的人)4. connotation 含义,意义5. paradoxical 矛盾的;contradictory 矛盾的6. innovation 创新;innovative 创新的7. parallel 平行;类似8. inherently 固有的,内在的9. dismiss sb. as 不屑地把某人视为…10. rut 路径;tracks 路径11. bypass 绕路12. explore 探讨13. analytical 分析的14. modes of thought 思维方式15. highlight 突出16. collaborative 合作的17. perpetuate 维持,坚持18. foster 培育;滋养19. fantastic 绝妙的;20. causal 随意的21. mechanical 机械的22. regulate 制约;限制23. trace 追踪24. activate 激活;激发25. commonness 平庸26. comply with 遵守Text 21. boost 促进,提高2. paternal 父亲的;maternal 母亲的3. shell out 花钱;4. kit 成套用品或工具5. prescription 处方6. kinship 亲属7. adopted children 养子8. rage 流行9. genealogist 系谱专家10. swab 拭抹11. candidate 人选12. skeptical 怀疑的13. hawk 鼓吹,叫卖14. ancestry testing 家谱检测15. lineage 宗系;谱系;家系16. patent 受到专利保护17. be subject to 受到18. peer review 同行评阅19. evaluation 评估20. availability 获得21. flexibility 灵活性22. bloodlines 血缘关系23. overlapping 交叉的;重复的Text 31. priority 优先权;优先考虑2. consistently 一致地3. recessing 衰退的4. pre-bubble 泡沫前5. deride 嘲笑6. automotive-assembly 汽车装配生产力7. counterparts 同行,类似人或物8. housing 住房9. constrain 抑制10. groundless 毫无依据的11. fall victims of 成为….牺牲品12. downgrade 低估13. overestimate 高估14. prior to 在…之前Text 41. unfold 展开;进展2. dominant 占主导地位的3. episode 插曲4. civility 修养5. virtuosity 美德6. carrier 承载者7. let alone 更不用说8. dependents 家眷9. superstitious 迷信的10. mock 嘲笑11. end 目的12. religious commitments 宗教信仰13. learned 有学问的14. dominate 主宰15. obsess 着迷16. sermons 布道17. illusory 虚幻的18. groundbreaking 开创性的19. diffuse 传播20. solidarity 团结,一致21. institution 机构,组织;制度22. by-products 副产品23. directive 指导性的24. disposition 性情25. secure 获得,确保26. tuition 学费,教育27.schooling 学校教育2010年阅读真题词汇Text 11. inexorable =irresistible 不可阻挡的2. scope 范围;far removed from 与…有很大差异3. arts coverage 文艺报道;arts criticism 文艺评论;news coverage 新闻报道4. a considerable number of 相当量的;大量的5. in a large part=largely 大部分6. paper reviews 报纸评论;book review 书评7. marvel at 惊叹;8. learned 广博的;有学问的9. deem 认为,同义词contend=argue=imagine10. publication 出版;刊登11. general-circulation 大众发行;12. daily-dailies 日报13. unfocused 不集中的14. newsprint 新闻用纸15. ornaments 装饰16. at length 详细地;成分地17. wear one’s l earning lightly 卖弄学问18. the turn of the century 本世纪初19. journalism 新闻;20. calling 职业;profession21. literary gift 文学天赋22. keep their own end up 在困境中满怀勇气和希望23. be tempted to=can’t help doing 禁不住做24. define sb. as 把…定义为25. apply 运用;apply theory to practice 把理论运用到实践中去26. solely=only27. stylist 文体家;28. best-seller 畅销书29. in print 在版;在印刷30. his vast body of writing 他的大量作品31. save to=except 除…之外32. revival 复苏;复活33. prospect seem remote 前景似乎渺茫34. upholster 装饰;修饰35. prose 散文36. be specialized in 擅长;specialist 专家37. amateur 业余的;professional 职业的38. headlong 迅猛的;猛冲的39. in retreat 后退中40. be characterized by 具有…特征41. retain 保留42. suitability 合适性43. elaborate layout 精细的版面编排44. contemptible 鄙视的45. be capable of 能够做46. appeal to 吸引47. reputation 声誉48. in dispute 有争议49. cater to 迎合50. follow the amateur tradition 遵循业余传统51. the lost horizon 消失在视野之中的52. mournful decline 令人惋惜的衰退53. prominent 著名的Text 21. patent 专利;parent 父母亲2. grant 授予;take sth for granted 认为…理所当然3. one-click online payment system “一键式”在线支付系统4. asset allocation 资产分配5. top patent court 最高专利法院6. scale back 缩小规模7. controversial 有争议的8. authorize 授权;批准9. move 提议;建议10. abuzz 闹得沸沸扬扬11. conduct a broad review 就行一个广泛的审查12. eliminate 消除13. an entire class of 整个一类;a big deal 大事14. curb 限制15. about face 彻底转变16. pool 汇集;集中17. ruling 裁决18. patent filings 专利申请19. emerging 新兴的20. stake out 占据;监视21. exclusive rights 专有权22. established companies 知名公司23. race to do 争相去做24. beat sb. to punch 先发制人;捷足先登25. issue 发布,授予26. take positions in 持…立场27. hedge 规避28. evaluate 评价29. in the wake of=after 在…之后30. patent holders 专利持有者31. uphold 支持,维护32. arouse concern 引起关注33. restriction 限制34. authorization 授权35. comply with 遵守36. transaction 交易37. dismiss 驳回38. legal practice 法律实践39. hostility 敌意40. enhancement 提升;提高;促进41. be immune to 对…有免疫力;不受…影响42. esteem 尊严43. incidence 发生率44. loom =come=approach 出现,到来45. regarding 关于46. prevailing 流行的Text 31. social epidemics 社会时尚,社会潮流2. drive 驱动,推动;driving force 驱动力3. influentials 有影响力的人4. informed 见识广的;persuasive 有说服力的;well-connected 有人脉的5. intuitively 直觉地;6. compelling 让人信服的7. supposed 所谓的8. derive from =stem from来自于9. plausible-sounding 听起来可行的的10. untested 未经检验的11. embrace 接受12. select 经过挑选的13. cursory 粗略的14. anecdotal 奇闻异事的15. with the exception of 除….之外16. celebrities 名人17. outsize 非凡的18. acquaintances熟人19. the cascade of change 一连串的变化20. propagate 传播21. observation 观察;看法22. presence 影响23. dynamics 动态关系24. simulation 模拟25. manipulate 操纵26. variables 变量27. regardless of 不管28. exert 产生29. a chain reaction 连锁反应30. certain prevalent trends 某些流行趋势31. solid evidence 确凿的证据32. social interaction 社会交往33. impulse 冲动;动力34. readiness 乐意35. inclination 倾向Text 41. behind the scenes 私下里2. take aim at 矛头对准3. accounting standard-setters 会计准则的制定者4. moan 抱怨5. third party 第三方6. fetch 售卖,卖出7. lobby 游说8. functioning 运转9. capital market 资本市场运转10. compromise 妥协;破坏;compromise the independence 破坏独立性11. toxic assets 不良资产12. bruising encounter 激烈的冲突13. rush through 匆忙通过14. illiquid 不流动的15. flexibility 流动性16. cry out against 强烈反对17. question 质疑18. income statements 收入报表;损益表19. overall planning 全面计划20. develop rules 制定不同规则21. political vacuum 政治真空22. overvalue =overstate=overrate=exaggerate高估23. skeptical=dubious=doubtful 怀疑的24. paralysis 瘫痪25. booking losses 账面亏损26. supposed bargains 所谓的便宜资产27. mark 标注,标记28. stock options 优先认股;pension 养老金29. give in to 屈服于30. concession 让步31. diminish 下降,减少32. evade 逃避33. act on their own 独立行动;独立操作34. misinterpret 误解35. bad debts 坏账36. objectiveness 客观2011年真题词汇Text 11. favorable, 有利的,acclaim 称赞,赞扬2. appointment 任命,担任;约定3. to say the least 至少可以说4. sober 严肃的;critic 评论家5. unpretentious 不爱炫耀的,不招摇的6. air 神情,样子;气氛7. formidable 可怕的,敬畏的,难对付的8. orchestra 管弦乐队9. strike—struck 留下印象;strike sb. as sth 给某人留下印象是;10. for my part 就我而言11. impressive 影响深刻的12. composition 作曲,作文,结构13. boot up 启动14. download 下载15. live 现场的;直播的16. recordings 录音带17. available 可以得到的18. program 编程;编节目;节目19. note 注意到20. markedly different 显著不同21. vibrant 有生机的22. repertoire 演奏曲目23. revitalize 复兴;振兴Text 21. straight up 直截了当;frank 坦率的,直接的;come right out 直接说出来2. rather than 没有;other than 除了…之外;more than 不仅仅是3. cloak 掩盖4. vague 模糊的5. broadcast 广播;宣布6. line up 排队等候7. reflect on 反思,思考;反省8. aspirations 抱负,渴望,志向9. scrutinize 仔细检查;细致审查10. succession 接任,接班;一连串;连续不断11. turbulent 动荡不安的12. cautious 警惕的,小心的13. cloud 把…弄得模糊不清;使…黯然;诽谤14. reputation 名誉,声望15. turnover 营业额16. stick with 抓住不放;固守17. abound 大量;富裕18. headhunter 猎头19. adhere to 坚持20. poach 偷猎,挖走,盗用21. land in 找到,发现,着陆22. recruiter 招聘人员23. disgrace 耻辱,丢脸24. fade 消失;消退25. invert 使颠倒;使反转26. arrogant 傲慢的;self-centered 以自我为中心的;impulsive 冲动的27. strained 紧张的28. cling to=stick to坚持29. care about 在乎,在意30. way out 出路;Text 31. rough 大概的;粗略的;tough 艰难的2. guide 指南,向导3. marketing 市场营销4. paid media 付费媒体5. commercials 广告6. play a major role 发挥主要的作用7. exploit 利用,榨取8. alternative 可供选择的9. passionate 充满激情做10. promote 促销;宣传;促进11. leverage 杠杆作用;平衡12. alerts 警示,警告;警报13. stem from 来自于14. act as 起到,充当15. initiator 触发器,发起者16. traffic 流量17. hijack 劫持;绑架;强迫;hostage 人质;劫持物18. allegation 宣称,断言;看法19. apply 运用,施加,申请;apply to sb. for sth 向某人申请某事20. boycott 联合抵制21. learning curve 学习曲线22. steep 陡峭的,急剧的,突然的23. alleviate 减轻;24. stand-alone 独立经营的25. complementary 补充的,互补的26. marketer 市场营销人员27. objective 客观的;目标28. obsessed with 着迷于;enthusiastic about 对…热情;29. flexibility 灵活性30. alternative to 可供选择Text 41. insightful 有见解力的;富有洞察力的2. provocative 煽动性的;挑衅的;刺激的3. cover(N. ); 封面,(V.)报道,包括,涉及到4. arouse 激起;唤起5. chatter 喋喋不休;唠叨6. rear (N. Adj. ) 后部分;后面的;(V.)抚养,培育,饲养7. anything less than 只不过是;nothing more than=only8. redefine 重新定义9. tense (Adj.)紧张的;(N. )时态,past-tense 过去时态;intense 强烈的;intensive 精深的,细致的;extensive 广泛的;10. hard 艰难的11. dampen 使潮湿,使沉重,12. source 来源13. gratification and delight 满足和快乐14. cute 聪明的15. hardly 几乎不16. image 形象17. adoptive 收养的;采纳的18. single-mom 单亲母亲19. feature 特写,特征20. celebrity 名人21. procreation 生殖,生育22. equivalent to 相当于23. compare…to把…相比或比做24. bother 困惑25. gape 裂开26. unrealistic 不现实的27. on their own 独立,单独;28. a piece of cake 小菜一碟29. dumb 傻;迟钝的30. glamorous 有魅力的,富有魅力的31. stress-free 没有压力的32. subconscious 潜意识的33. in the same way 就像34. retrospect 回顾,回忆35. pregnant 怀孕的;entertaining 有趣的;快乐的36. be exposed to 暴露在;接触到2012年真题词汇Text 11. peer 同辈人,同龄人;V. 注视,盯着看,偷窥2. whisper 低声说;contend 认为3. causal 随意的;不经心的;4. dynamics 动力;动态,精神;group dynamics 团队精神,群体活力5. recipient 接受者;获奖者6. a host of 大量的7. uncool 不好;不受欢迎的8. initiative 创新活动9. sponsor 赞助;资助;赞助者;资助者;发起者10. recruit 招收11. promising 有前途的12. haze 烟雾;疑惑;迷惑13. perceptive 知觉的;感知的14. critique 批判15. lameness 跛;软弱无力16. campaign 运动17. spot-on 恰好的;准确的18. mobilize 动员,调动,鼓动19. billboard 广告牌;招贴栏20. take a page from 取经,向….某人学习21. nothing more than=no more than 仅仅22. persuasive 有说服力的23. irrelevant 不相关的24. exploration 探讨25. glaring 耀眼的,闪光的26. exert enormous influence on 对…产生巨大影响27. an emerging body of research 大量新的研究28. subtle 微妙的29. bureaucrat 官僚30. steer 掌握;控制31. pair 配对;搭档32. tactic 策略;方法33. engineer 产生;引起34. supplement 补充;35. a cause of undesirable behavior 不良行为的起因36. probe 探讨37. evade 逃避;illustrate 举例38. long-lasting 长期的39. stimulus 推动;40. unconsciously 无意识地Text 21. apparently 明显地2. be involved in 卷入到;涉及到3. supplier 供应商;4. provoke 激起;产生5. justified 合理的;justifiable 合理的6. outrage 愤怒;生气7. renege on 违背;违反8. longstanding 长期的9. commitment 承诺;奉献;致力于10. abide by 遵守11. nuclear regulations 核规则12. challenge 挑战;13. constitutionality 合法性;14. rule 规章15. federal court 联邦法院16. desperate 绝望的17. nuclear power plant 核电站18. stunning 令人吃惊的19. surface 浮出;显现20. aging 衰老的21. regulator 管理者22. extension 延长23. license 执照24. be subject to 受到25. intend to 打算26. a string of27. collapse 崩溃28. cooling tower 冷却塔29. leakage 泄露30. enrage 激怒;惹怒31. invalid 无效32. obscure 模糊的33. precedent-setting 开先例的34. patchwork regulations35. beside the point 离题36. pledge to 发誓;保证37. keep in mind 牢记在心38. reaffirm 再确认39. dishonor 不尊重;违背40. secure 获得;得到41. innovativeness 创新42. vision 远见;眼光43. capacity 能力44. defy 抗议;蔑视45. withdraw 撤掉;46. managerial practices 管理做法Text 31. idealized 理想化的2. version 说法;版本3. ambiguous 不清楚的4. context 环境5. prior 以前的6. self-deception 自我欺骗7. abound 大量存在;abundant 大量的;丰富的8. proto-science 前科学9. staked mining 打赌的采矿10. scrutiny 仔细检查11. transform…into 把…变成为12. mature 成熟的13. credibility 诚信14. gatekeeper 守门人15. interaction 互动;相互影响16. confrontation 针锋相对;对抗17. paradox 矛盾18. prevailing 流行的;盛行的19. duplication 复制;20. confirmation 确认21. modification 修改;22. refutation 驳斥23. novelty 新奇24. disbelief 不相信25. correspond to 与…一致26. conception 概念;认识27. uncertainty and complexity 不确定和复杂性28. misconception and deceptiveness 错误概念和欺骗性29. logicality and objectivity 逻辑性和客观性30. systematicness and regularity 系统性和规律性31. persistent innovation 不断创新32. quote 引用33. inspire 激发;引起34. call for 要求35. a critical mind 批判性思维Text 41. trade union 工会2. civil servant=public servant 公务员3. in one’s prime 处于鼎盛时期4. only one in ten 只有十分之一5. unionist 工会主义者; unionize 入工会6. public sector 公共部门7. ties 联系8. fearsome 可怕的9. patrol 巡逻,巡查10. keep an eye on 监视;监管11. benefits 福利12. backload 调整13. pensions 养老金14. notoriously 臭名昭彰的15. merit pay 绩效工资16. drawn-out 延长的;持续的17. clamp down 取缔,施压18. rally 集合;重整19. hard-line 强硬路线的20. norm 标准21. high achievers 高成就的人22. prudent 谨慎的23. secure 获得24. augment 增加;25. barrier 障碍26. tolerance 容忍27. indifference 冷漠28. dominant 占主导地位的;predominant 占绝对优势的;overwhelming 压倒性的。

考研英语(一)高频重点单词详解—2009年Text 2(上)

考研英语(一)高频重点单词详解—2009年Text 2(上)这篇文章是一篇历史类话题的文章,讨论美国的开国元勋们所不为人知的一面---对于奴隶制度的暧昧态度。
以下是本文中出现的10个高频重点单词,就让我们一起来学习吧!1.2 transplant [træns'plɑːnt]v. 移植;转移【词根记忆】:trans(=from…to 从…到)+ plant(种植)→移植【短语搭配】:organ transplant 器官移植【真题例句】:So he hired a dentist to transplant nine teeth into his jaw--having extracted them from the mouths of his slaves.于是,华盛顿雇牙医往他的口腔内移植了九颗牙齿--- 这些牙齿是从他的奴隶的口中拔出的。
2. 4 extract [ˈekstrækt]v. 提炼,提取;摘取,摘录;拔牙【词根记忆】:ex(=out外,出)+ tract(拉,抽)→抽取,提取【真题例句】:You have all heard it repeated that men of science work by means of induction and deduction, that by the help of these operations, they, in a sort of sense, manage to extract from Nature certain natural laws, and that out of these, by some special skill of their own, they build up their theories. 你们都多次听说过,科学家是利用归纳法和演绎法工作,从某种意义上来说,他们用这种方法力图找到某些自然规律,然后他们根据这些规律和自己的某种特有的技能建立他们自己的理论。

1. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解2. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地3. in accord with 与…一致 . out of one’s accord with 同….不一致4. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据5. on one’s own accounta) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益b) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责c) (=by oneself)依靠自己6. take…into account(=consider)把...考虑进去7. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明.8. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. forsth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告9. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理10. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于11. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, complywith, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe,opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循12. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;13. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先.14. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地.15. take advantage of (=make the best of,utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用.16. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意17. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…; ahead of time 提前.18. in the air a)不肯定, 不具体. b)在谣传中.19. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到, 估计到.20. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计21. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不;all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎.22. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于.23. answer for (undertake responsibility for, beliable for, take charge for) 对…负责.24. answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合.25. be anxious about 为…焦急不安; 或anxious for26. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉27. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁.appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力28. approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good) 赞成,29. arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起.30. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做…31. be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt orsorrow because of sth. done) 以…为羞耻32. assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believeor trust in sth.) 向…保证, 使…确信.33. attach(to) (=to fix, fasten; join) 缚, 系 ,结34. make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做…35. attend to (=give one’s attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;36. attribute…to…(=to believe sth. to be the result of…)把..归因于..,认为是..的结果37. on the average (=on average, on an average) 平均38. (be) aware of (=be conscious of , having knowledge)意识到,知道.39. at one’s back(=supporting or favoring sb.) 支持,维护; have sb. at one’s back 有…支持, 有…作后台40. turn one’s back on sb. (=turn away from sb in an impolite way)不理睬,背弃,抛弃41. be based on / upon 基于42. on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上43. on behalf of (=as the representative of) 以…名义44. blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人 . blame sth.on sb. 把…推在某人身上45. boast of (or about) 吹嘘46. out of breath 喘不过气来47. in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之48. in bulk 成批地,不散装的49. take the floor 起立发言50. but for (=without) 要不是. 表示假设51. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于.52. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉53. in case of (=in the event of)如果发生…万一in the case of 至于…, 就…而言54. be cautious of 谨防55. center one’s attention on(=focus one’sattention on) 把某人的注意力集中在…上56. by chance(=accidentally, by accident)偶然57. charge sb. with …控告某人犯有…58. take charge of (=to be or become responsible for)负责管理(照顾)59. round the clock(=all day and all night, usually without stopping) 昼夜不停地60. commit oneself to 使自己承担… commit sb. to prison把某人送进监狱; commit one’s idea to writing 把某人的想法写下来; commit a matter to a committee 把某事交给委员会讨论61. keep company with (=be friendly and go out together) 和…要好.62. compare…with … 把…与…比较63. by comparison 比较起来64. compensate for (=give sth. to make up for) 补偿, 赔偿,弥补 compensate sb. for sth. 赔偿,弥补65. complain of (or about)抱怨;诉苦;控告;complain about 抱怨某人或事情; complain to sb. about sth. (or sb.) 向某人抱怨…; complain (抱怨); complement (补充); compliment (恭维)66. comply with (=act in accordance with ademand, order, rule etc.) 遵守, 依从67. conceive of (think of, imagine, consider) 想象,设想68. concentrate on (or upon) 集中,专心69. be concerned with (=about) 与…有关70. on condition that (=if)以…为条件, 假如.in that = because 因为;now that = since 既然 for all that = although 尽管71. in / out of condition (=thoroughly healthy or fit / not fit) 健康状况好/不好 . in good (bad) condition处于良好(坏)状态72. confess(to)(=admit a fault, crime, or sth. wrong)承认, 供认;73. confide in (=to talk freely to sb. aboutone’s secret) 对…讲真心话, 依赖74. confidence in sb. / sth. 对…的信赖75. confine…to… 把…限制在某范围内76. confirm sb. in 使某人更坚定(信念等)77. conform to (=be in agreement with, comply with) 符合,遵照,遵守;a)obey服从; b) observe; c)comply with照…办; d)keep to遵循; e)abide by服从; f)stick to按..做78. be confronted with(=be brought face toface with) 面对, 面临79. congratulate sb. on 祝贺80. in connection with(=with regard to)关于,81. be conscious of(=be aware of)觉察,知道82. consent to(=give agreement to permission)同意83. in consequence (=as a result) 结果84. under consideration 在考虑中85. consist of(=be composed of)由…组成的. consist in主要在于. consist with符合,与…一致86. consult sb. on/ about sth. 向…征求…方面的意见, 就…向…请教87. to one’s heart’s content尽情地,痛痛快快88. be content with(=be satisfied with) 满足于be content to do sth. 愿意做某事152. contrary to (=in opposition to) 与…相反89. on the contrary 相反90. in contrast to/with 和…形成对比 by contrast 对比之下91. contribute to 有助于92. under control (被)控制住 out of control无法控制93. at one’s convenience(=where and when it suits one) 在方便的时间或地点 . be convenient to / for 对…方便94. convince sb. of (=cause sb. to believe or feel certain; to persuade sb.)使某人确信,try to persuade sb. to do sth.劝说某人做…95. cope with(=deal with, try to find a solution to)应付, 处理96. in the corner(of)在角落里;on(at) the comer of a street在街道拐弯处;round the comer拐过弯; be in a tight corner陷入困境97. correspond (with) ( =exchange letters regularly) 通信98. correspond to 相当于correspond with 符合,一致99. at all costs不惜任何代价 . at the cost of 以…为代价100. a matter of course 理所当然的事101. (a) passion for 对…的热爱,热情102. be patient with 对…耐心103. pay for 赔偿, 付款, 报偿, 处罚104. (be) at peace with 与…和睦相处 in peace (=peacefully)安静,平安105. peculiar to… 特有的, 独具的106. penalty for 对…的处罚,罚金107. persist in 坚持,固执108. in person 亲自, 当面109. in place (in right or proper place) 放在应放的地方110. in place of (=instead of) 代替111. take(a) pleasure in 喜欢做某事112. be on the point of doing sth. (=be about to do sth.) 刚要去做113. beside the point 不切正题,无关紧要114. come to the point 谈主要问题115. there is no point in doing sth.没必要做某事116. to the point 中肯, 切题117. point at (=indicate, direct attention)指着 point out (=indicate, show) 指出,指明118. popular with/among大众所喜爱的,拥戴119. in the position of 处在…位置上120. in practice 实际上(状语);业务熟练(表语)121. be(get) out of practice 荒疏,不熟练122. bring(put)…into practice使…成为现实123. prefer…to… (choose rather, like better) 宁要, 更喜欢124. in the presence of 在…在场的情况下125. for the present(=for the time being, for now)暂且,就现在来说; at present现在,此刻126. preside over / at 主持(会议,业务等)127. prevail over 占优势, 压倒, 战胜128. prevent…from 使…不, 防止…做129. previous to (=prior to) 在…之前130. take pride in(=pride oneself on) 以…自豪131. in principle (=only in regard to the main idea) 原则上132. prior to (=before) 在…之前133. in private (=privately) 私下, 秘密地 in public 公开地134. proceed from (=arise from, result from) 由…发出, 由…引起(产生)135. proceed with ( =begin and continue sth.) 继续进行136. in progress(=in the state of be done)进行中137. prohibit…from (=forbid) 禁止, 阻止138. in proportion to 与…成比例139. protect…from 阻止..不受,保护不受140. provide for 为…做准备142. on purpose(=by intention, deliberately)故意143. be qualified in 在某种科目或学科上合格 be qualified for 在某种职业上合格144. call…in question 对…表示怀疑145. in question (=under discussion)所谈及的;146. at random (=without aim or purpose) 随便地, 任意地, 胡乱地147. range over (=cove, include) 范围包括148. range between 范围在..与..之间不等150. beyond the reach of 无法达到(得到,理解)151. react to 对…作出反应152. in the red 亏损,负债,赤字 (be) get out of red 不再亏损153. give one’s regards to sb. 向…问候154. relevant to 与…有关的155. to one’s relief 令…感到放心的是156. remark on(upon) 对…发表评论157. remedy for 对…治疗法, 补救, 药物158. resort to 诉诸于.., 求助于…resort to force 诉诸于武力159. in/with respect to (=concerning)有关,关于160. be response for 对…负责, 是造成…原因161. restrain…from(=hold back from)抑制..不..162. get rid of 摆脱, 去掉, 除去163.be in the right正确的;in the wrong错误的164. give rise to (=lead to) 引起, 导致165. at the risk of(=with danger of)冒...的风险166. for the sake of ( =for the good or advantage of ) 为了…起见167. be for sale 待售168. on sale (=offered to be sold) 出售, 上市169. be satisfied with 满意170.be critical of 爱挑毛病的,批评的171. cure sb. of+某种疾病 治好某人的疾病172.a danger to对…的危险; be in danger(of)处于…危险中; be out of danger脱离危险173. to date(=so far, until now) 到目前为止174. out of date过时的;up to date新式的,时兴的; date back to可追溯到; date from 从某时期开始(有)175. deal with (=concern) 论及176. be in debt to sb. 欠…的债177. on the decline 在衰退中, 在减少中in decline 下降; on the increase 在增加178. to one’s delight 令某人感到高兴to one’s regret 遗憾; sorrow悲痛; relief 安心; distress 苦恼; shame羞愧; surprise 惊奇; astonishment 惊奇;179. delight in(=take great pleasure in doing sth.)喜欢, 取乐180. take (a) delight in 喜欢干…, 以…为乐181. demand sth. of sb. 向某人要求(非物质的)东西. demand sth. from sb. 向某人要求(物质的)东西182.in demand有需求;on demand受到要求时183. be dependent on 依靠184. deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺某人某物185. derive…from(=obtain…from)从…取得,由…来的.derive from(=come from)起源于186. despair of (=lose all hope of) 绝望187. in despair 绝望188. despite (=in spite of) 不管, 尽管189. in detail 详细地190. deviate from 偏离, 不按…办191. on a diet 吃某种特殊饮食, 节食192. differ from…in 与…的区别在于…193. in difficulties…有困难,处境困难,194. discharge sb. (from)…for (=dismiss sb. from a job for) 因…解雇, 开除195. fall back (=retreat, turn back) 撤退;in disorder 慌乱地, 狼狈不堪196. on display(=being shown publicly)陈列197. dispose of (=get rid of ,throw away)处理掉198. beyond dispute不容争议的,无可争议199. in dispute 在争议中200. in the distance 在远处. make out 辩认出201. (be) distinct from ( = be different from) 与…截然不同202. distinguish between (=make or recognize differences) 辨别203. distinguish…from 把…与…区别开204. do away with(=get rid of; abolish; discardeliminate) 除去,废除,取消; do away with (=kill) 杀掉, 镇压205. have…to do with 与…有关系206. without doubt (=undoubtedly)无可置疑地207. in doubt(=in a condition of uncertainty)对…表示疑惑208. be due to 是由于209. come off duty 下班210. go on duty 上班211. be on duty 值班, 值日, 在上班时212. be in duty bound to (do) (=be required byone’s job or esp. by conscience) 有义务(做)213. be eager for 想得到, 盼望214. by ear (=play music from memory withouthaving seen it printed) 凭记忆,不看乐谱215. have an ear for (=have keen recognition ofsounds esp. in music and language)对..有鉴赏力216. a word in one’s ear 私房话, 秘密话217. on earth 究竟, 到底, 全然218. with ease ( = easily) 容易, 不费力219. at (one’s) ease ( = without worry ornervousness) 自在,不拘束220. put sb. at his / her ease (=free sb. from worry or nervousness)使某人感到无拘束221. economize on (=save sth. instead of beingwasteful) 节省222. have an effect on 对…有影响223. be in effect (=be in operation) 有效224. go into effect生效 ( 近: come into effect;take effect; be brought into effect)225. in effect (=in fact, really) 实际上226. give effect to (=carry out) 实行,使…生效227. to no effect 不起作用,没有取得任何效果228. (be) of no effect (=useless) 无效229. to the effect that 大意是…,主要内容是…230. to that effect 是那个意思的…231. emerge from ( =appear, become known ) 出现, 暴露(问题. 意见等)232. place(or put, lay) an emphasis on 强调, 把重点放在…上233. encourage sb. in 鼓励; encourage sb. in his/her work 鼓励某人工作; encourage sb. in his/her idleness 怂恿某人游手好闲234. encourage sb. in …with sth. 用…鼓励某人做某事235. on end (=continuously) 连续地236. (be) at an end (=finished) 结束了237. no end of (=very many/much) 很多,大量238. in the end (=finally, eventually) 最终239. at one’s wit’s end (=not knowing what to door to say) 无法可想, 智穷计尽240. end up with 以…而结束241. come to and end (=finish) 结束242. end in 以…为结束243. engage in 或 be engaged in 忙于,从事244. enter for (=put the name on a list for) 报名参加245. enter into (=begin) 开始(谈话, 谈判等)246. enter on / upon (=begin) 开始 (一个时代. 一种生涯. 一段任期等)247. be entitled to (=be given the right to do sth.)有权…,有资格…248. be equal to 等于249. be/ feel equal to (=have enough strength,ability etc.) (某人)能胜任,能应付on equal terms(=on and equal footing)平等地250. be equipped with 装备有,装有251. (be) equivalent to(=equal in value, amount,meaning) 相等于, 相当于252. in essence (=in its/one’s nature) 本质上253. at all events (=in spite of everything, in anycase) 不论怎样, 无论如何254. in any event (=whatever happens in thefuture) 无论如何, 不管(将来)怎么样255. in the event that(=if) 假如, 如果. in the event 结果, 实际情况是(常与but连用)256. in the event of(=in case of)万一,即使发生..时257. except 除…以外; besides 除…以外还有..258. except (=but) 除了。

英语就不同了,book, books仅从词形上就能知道是单数还是复数。
(2) 一般现在时第三人称单数形式(简称现单三):主要用于主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时。
(3) 过去式:主要用于一般过去时。
(4) 现在分词:主要用于进行时态,或语法规定的其他情况。
(5) 过去分词:主要用于完成时态,或语法规定的其他情况。
动词过去式和过去分词,大多数是动词原形+ ed 构成,这是规则动词。
如:weep→wept, sleep→slept, sweep→swept现在分词一律由动词原形加-ing构成,规则如下表:为了学习的方便,人们把时间分为四个阶段:“现在、过去、将来、过去将来”。
以do 为例,列表如下:般、进行、完成、完成进行)。
比如在“They are doing their exercises.”这个句子中,动词由原形do 变成are doing 的形态,说明这个事情是发生在现在、并处于正在进行的状态当中,所以叫现在进行时;在“They have done their exercises.”这句中,动词由原形do 变成have done的形态,说明这个事情是发生在现在、并处于完成的状态,所以叫现在完成时;在“They always do their exercises.”中,动词用原形do 的形态,说明这个事情是发生在现在、并且是一般情况下永远如此,所以叫一般现在时。

徐绽老师的考研英语辅导课堂笔记哦-很经典!徐绽英语课堂笔记:阅读理解技巧总结Part A. 阅读题解题技巧——该部分共4篇短文20道题(40’)一、解题思想三步走1、通篇细读,把握全文中心以及各段核心概念;2、仔细审题干,确定题目类型,返回原文定位,再次阅读文章;3、分析选项,对比原文信息,得出正确答案。
二、十大解题思路1、细节事实题标志:when what which who where how等。
3、例证题标志:题干中出现case example/examplify illustration/illustrate demonstration/demonstrate。

阅读 (1)阅读文章三步走 (1)十大解题思路 (2)五大微观阅读技巧 (4)八大宏观阅读技巧 (5)正确答案的特征 (5)错误答案的特征 (6)做题时的注意点 (6)四大金刚法则 (6)新题型 (7)一,七选五填空式阅读 (7)二,排序题 (7)三,概括大意题 (7)完形填空 (7)翻译 (7)作文 (8)一,结构 (8)二,内容 (8)三,语言: (10)阅读阅读文章三步走①,通篇细读,把握全文中心,各段核心内容【每个段落的首尾句,每篇文章首段】。
三,主旨大意题1,标志:best title / main idea / main problem / conclusion / mainly discuss / purpose / mainly deal with / the author intends to / a digest of2,关键:利用宏观阅读技巧做主旨大意题,不管主旨题出现在什么位置考察,都作为最后一道题做3,方法:①串线法:通过文章首段中心句和其余段落的第一句话,把其含义作为一个整体;②逆向思维快速作文法:在两个选项难以分辨时,可以分别以其为作文题目,在写作中快速构思这两个题目的写作提纲,若做构思的提纲与原文内容大致相同的为正确答案,否则为干扰选项;③做主旨题时要小心有些文章的首段仅仅是引言段,不是文章的中心;④主旨大意题错误选项的特征是:a,局部信息即选项内容小于文章内容;b,范围过宽即选项内容大于文章内容。

09年完形填空fruit flyn.果蝇(幼虫在植物组织中的孵化)bulbD.J.[bʌlb]n.1 球茎2 电灯泡brightD.J.[brait]adj.1 光亮的, 闪光的, 发光的2 鲜艳的, 鲜亮的3 生气勃勃的, 愉快的; 幸福的4 聪明的, 伶俐的5 前途光明的, 有希望的high-priced['hai'praist]adj.高价的昂贵的upkeepD.J.['ʌp,ki:p]n.1 保养;维修;维持2 保养费,维修费fuelD.J.[fjuəl]n.燃料, 燃烧剂vt.1 给…加燃料, 给…加油2 激起vi. 补充燃料instinctD.J.['instiŋkt]n.本能; 天性; 直觉plentyD.J.['plenti]n.充裕, 大量, 富庶adv.1 相当地, 充分地2 十分; 非常speciesD.J.['spi:ʃi:z]n.1 物种, 种2 种类; 类型adaptiveD.J.[ə'dæptiv]adj.适应的wistfulD.J.['wɪstfəl]adj.惆怅的;渴望的;思念的;怀旧的adv.惆怅地;渴望地n.惆怅;渴望;思念glanceD.J.[ɡlɑ:ns]vi.1 一瞥, 扫视; 略视2 闪耀, 闪光n.1 一瞥, 瞥视2 闪光3 滑过, 掠过implicitlyD.J.[ɪm'plɪsɪtlɪ]adv.1 含蓄地;暗示地2 无疑问地;无保留地;绝对地operantD.J.['ɔpər nt]n.发生作用的人或物,工作的人或物adj.动作的conditioningD.J.[kən'diʃəniŋ]n.条件作用;训练;健身训练patienceD.J.['peiʃəns]n.1 耐性, 忍耐力, 耐心2 坚忍, 坚持, 毅力faithfulnessn.忠诚,正确,诚实inconclusiveD.J.[,ɪnkən'klu:sɪv]adj.非决定性的,无结果的adv.非决定性地,无结果地n.非决定性,无结果threatenD.J.['θretən]vt.&vi.1 恐吓, 威胁2 预示(某事)vi.似将发生stabler厩主,棚主dimmerD.J.['dimə]n.调光器tendencyD.J.['tendənsi]n.倾向, 趋势inclinationD.J.[,ɪnklə'neɪʃən]n.1 爱好, 癖好, 意向2 倾向, 趋向, 趋势3 倾斜, 弯腰, 曲身, 点头4 斜坡, 斜面priorityD.J.[prai'ɔriti]n.1 优先权, 重点2 优先考虑的事insist on坚持; 强调sum up1 是…的总和〔数〕; 合计2 总结, 概括3 向陪审团概述案情incredibleD.J.[in'kredəbl]adj.1 不能相信的, 不可信的2 〈非正〉难以置信的, 不可思议的, 惊人的spontaneousD.J.[spɔn'teiniəs]adj.1 自发的, 无意识的2 自然的, 天真率直的inevitableD.J.[in'evitəbl]adj.1 不可避免的, 必然发生的2 〈非正〉总会发生的, 照例必有的, 惯常的gradualD.J.['ɡrædjuəl]adj.渐渐的, 逐步的indefiniteD.J.[in'definit]adj.1 无限期的2 不明确的, 含糊的featureD.J.['fi:tʃə]n.1 特征, 特色2 面貌, 相貌3 特写, 专题节目4 (电影的)正片, 故事片features容貌deliverD.J.[di'livə]vt.&vi.递送, 交付vt.1 发言2 助产3 发动, 提出in contrast相比之下contrastD.J.['kɔntræst]n.1 对比, 对照2 差异, 差别3 对照物, 明显的对比物vt.&vi.对比, 对照forinstance例如, 比如instanceD.J.['instəns]n.例子, 实例moderateD.J.['mɔdərit]adj.1 中等的, 适度的, 不很大的2 温和的; 有节制的3 中庸的, 稳健的, 不走极端的vt.&vi.(使)减轻[缓和]; 节制determineD.J.[di'tə:min]vt.&vi.(使)下决心, (使)做出决定vt.1 确定, 测定2 限定; 制定; 支配fundamentalD.J.[,fʌndə'mentəl]adj.基本的; 重要的, 必要的n.基本原则, 基本法则comprehensiveD.J.[,kɔmpri'hensiv]adj.广泛的, 综合的equivalentD.J.[i'kwivələnt]adj.相等的, 相当的hostileD.J.['hɔstail]adj.1 怀有敌意的, 不友善的2 敌人的, 敌方的09年阅读1formationD.J.[fɔ:'meiʃən]n.1 形成, 构成2 形成物3 编队, 排列mindlessD.J.['maɪndlɪs]adj.1 没有思维能力的,愚笨的,无知的2 不注意的,不顾…的n.没有思维能力,愚笨,无知;不注意autopilotD.J.['ɔ:təpailət]n.自动驾驶仪unconsciousD.J.[ʌn'kɔnʃəs]adj.1 失去知觉的2 不知道的, 未察觉的3 无意识地做出或说出的n.<心>潜意识routineD.J.[ru:'ti:n]n.例行公事, 惯例, 惯常的程序adj.例行的; 常规的unreflectingD.J.['ʌnri'flektiŋ]adj.不反射的,不反省的,无思虑的,浅薄的herdD.J.[hə:d]n.1 兽群, 牧群2 人群, 群众vt.&vi.群集, 纠结vt.放牧implicationD.J.[,ɪmpli'keiʃən]n.1 卷入, 牵连2 含义, 暗示, 暗指paradoxical[,pærə'dɔksikl]adj.1 事与愿违的; 出乎意料的; 怪诞的2 自相矛盾的contextD.J.['kɔntekst]n.1 背景, 环境2 上下文, 语境creativityD.J.[,kri:eɪ'tɪvətɪ]n.创造性,创造力;创作能力innovationD.J.[,ɪnəu'veiʃən]n.1 改革, 革新, 创新2 新观念, 新方法, 新发明parallelD.J.['pærəlel]adj.1 (指至少两条线)平行的2 类似的; 相对应的n.1 平行线[面]2 极相似的人[事物]3 类似(点), 相似(之处)4 比较5 纬线, 纬圈vt.与…平行; 与…相当pathD.J.[pɑ:θ]n.1 小路, 小径2 路线, 途径, 路径, 轨迹creatureD.J.['kri:tʃə]n.1 生物, 动物2 人inherently[in'hiərəntli]adv.天性地,固有地rutD.J.[rʌt]n.1 车辙; 犁沟2 常规, 老规矩vt.在(某物上)形成车辙procedureD.J.[prə'si:dʒə]n.1 程序, 步骤2 手续deliberatelyD.J.[dɪ'lɪbərɪtlɪ]adv.1 慎重地;谨慎地2 故意地,蓄意地3 从容不迫地,不慌不忙地bypassD.J.['baipɑ:s]vt.1 绕过, 避开2 不顾n.旁道fascinationD.J.[,fæsə'neɪʃən]n.1 魅力;有魅力的东西2 迷恋,陶醉primaryD.J.['praiməri]adj.1 首要的; 主要的; 基本的2 最初的; 初级的analytically[,ænə'litikəli]adv.分析地,分析法地procedureD.J.[prə'si:dʒə]n.1 程序, 步骤2 手续relationalD.J.[ri'leiʃənəl]adj.亲属的,相关的,有关的collaborative[kə'læbəreitiv]adj.合作的,协作的,协力完成的innovativeD.J.['inəuveitiv]adj.1 新发明的, 新引进的; 革新的;有改革精神的2 乐于引进新观念的capacityD.J.[kə'pæsiti]n.1 容量, 容积2 才能, 能力3 身份, 职位emphasisD.J.['emfəsis]n.强调, 重点standardized ['stændə,daizd]adj.标准的,定型的inherently[in'hiərəntli]adv.天性地,固有地perpetuate D.J.[pə'petʃu:,eɪt]vt.使永存;使人记住不忘commonness ['kɔmənnəs]n.普通,平凡,共性mechanical D.J.[mi'kænikəl] K.K.[mɪ'kænɪkəl]adj.1 机械的, 力学的2 机械似的; 呆板的formationD.J.[fɔ:'meiʃən]n.1 形成, 构成2 形成物3 编队, 排列regulateD.J.['reɡjuleit]vt.1 控制, 管理2 调整; 调节traceD.J.[treis]vt.1 追踪; 追溯2 发现; 找到3 描绘; 标出vt.&vi.缓慢而困难地书写n.1 踪迹; 痕迹; 形迹2 极微的量decisiveD.J.[di'saisiv]adj.1 决定性的2 坚定的, 果断的fantasticD.J.[fæn'tæstik]adj.1 荒诞的, 奇异的, 古怪的2 极大的, 异乎寻常的3 极好的, 极出色的, 了不起的curiosityD.J.[,kjuəri'ɔsiti]n.1 好奇心, 爱打听的癖性2 奇人, 奇物, 珍品standardized['stændə,daizd]adj.标准的,定型的emphasizeD.J.['emfəsaiz]vt.强调; 加强语气; 重读inherentD.J.[in'hiərənt]adj.固有的; 内在的。