

Philips 7000系列3D面部识别智能锁说明书

Philips 7000系列3D面部识别智能锁说明书

Philips 7000 seriesFacial recognition smartlock3D face unlockUltrasonic sensing wake-upHidden fingerprint sensorWi-Fi connectionDDL702NAGBWEnjoy touchless unlock experienceWith 3D face unlockPhilips DDL702-8HWS brings you a new and convenient door opening experience byemploying the accurate and efficient 3D facial recognition technology, with its falseacceptance rate (FAR)=0.0001%*, that allows you to open the door by face sSmart life lock with excellence•The quicker way to unlock•With power-saving smart detection•Allow easy connection with built-in Wi-Fi moduleUpgraded smart chip enhances home security•Avoid technical lock-picking for more than 270 mins•Provide further security•Allow easy unlocking with one gripEasy life doesn't stop here•Eliminate the hassle of manually locking the door•The door will open when the hand is detectedHighlights3D facial recognitionPhilips DDL702-8HWS comes with a dual camera that simulates human eye imaging to obtain dynamic three-dimensional data of objects and creates 3D images of the user's face. It can effectively recognize not just people in pictures or videos but also people wearing makeup, which offers you the zero-operation unlocking experience.Ultrasonic sensing wake-upWhen a target approaches and stops in front of the lock, the equipped ultrasonic sensor module will quickly calculate the wavesreflected from the target. If it detects a human movement, facial recognition will start to work. Test data shows the powerconsumption of the ultrasonic sensor module is only 10% of the traditional infrared sensor module, which is highly energy-efficient and guarantees the long-lasting battery life of DDL702-8HWS.Wi-Fi connection A built-in Wi-Fi module allows easy access to the internet. You can check the smart lock access records and PIN code information via the Philips EasyKey App anywhere. Remote distribution of a temporary PIN code makes your home accessible to relatives and friends even if you are not at home.Hidden fingerprint sensor With a hidden design of the fingerprint sensor on the inside of the handle, Philips DDL702-8HWS could effectively protect the sensor from malicious destruction and extend its lifetime. Once you hold the handle, yourfingertip will naturally fall on the sensor. Upon a successful authentification, you can push the handle to unlock the door.Dual verificationIn the dual verification mode, you could open the door with any two verification methods (facial recognition, fingerprint, and PIN code), which provides double protection for home security.C-grade lock cylinderThe lock cylinder is the key component that controls the opening of the lock. The Philips DDL702-8HWS employs multiple anti-theft technologies with a unique design of pin tumbler and vane structure. As the time for avoiding technical lock-picking is more than 270 mins, plus the hidden lock cylinder design, the security level of the lock has been further enhanced.Indoor infrared sensor unlockWith a touch sensor and an infrared sensor on the handle, the door could be open much simpler. Once the hand touches the touch sensor and the infrared sensor detects the obstruction, the lock will open.Fully automatic mortisePhilips DDL702-8HWS utilizes fully automatic mortise. Without the need for any extra action, the deadbolt will spontaneously pop out after you close the door. If the door is not locked fitly, it will trigger an alert to remind you of the door lock status.Issue date 2023-11-29 Version: 1.0.1EAN: 69 71318 50302 3© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsDesign & Appearance•Color: Obsidian black•Handle: Push-pull handle•Fingerprint Sensor: SemiconductorAccess Solution•Fingerprint•Password/PIN Code•Mechanical Key•Face UnlockLock Capacity•Master PIN Code: 1•User PIN Code: Up to 20•One-time PIN Code: 1Power Specification•Time of Use: 6 months*•Maximum Batteries Capacity: 8 batteries •Emergency Power Supply: 5V power bankEasy Operation•Indicator: Door locks status prompt, Low batteryprompt, Mute status prompt, Outside forced lockprompt, System locking prompt•Voice Guide: Human voice guideSmart Lock Functions•Mortise: C grade lock cylinder•Locking Function: Indoor deadlock, System locking•Safety Function: Dual verification, Fake PIN code,Outside forced lock function•Alarm Function: Abnormal bolt alarmMode•Operationg Mode: Auto mode, Manual modeInstallation•Door Thickness: 38-60 mm, 60-90 mm, 90-120mm, Other range*•Door Opening Direction: Left inward opening, Leftoutward opening, Right inward opening, Rightoutward oepning•Door Type: Antitheft door, Copper door,Wooden door*May be less depending on the actual usage*The effect of the digital keypad showed in the photos of this productmay be inconsistent with the actual display effect. Please be subjectto the digital keypad displaying status under the actual usagescenarios.*Other door thickness range: If the thickness of the door is out of thementioned range, please contact our local dealers or consumer carecenter.。

飞利浦Interact Pro智能无线照明控制系统说明书

飞利浦Interact Pro智能无线照明控制系统说明书

Interact Pro智能无线照明控制系统IoT无线照明,快速便捷升级绿色健康办公20183目录100812 1604 06你的客户就是你的生意,二者皆需要转型照明在不需要的时候可以自动调暗或关闭,员工可以个性化设置照明环境,企业主对能耗状况、灯具运行一目了然。

InterAct Pro智能无线互联照明系统架构许多大公司已经开始利用智能互联照明技术,但为什么只有大公司可以分享智能互联照明带来的红利?有了Interact Pro 系统,中小企业现在也可以创建更好的工作环境来鼓舞员工,提升生产率。

作为照明方面的专家,有了Interact Pro ,服务商除了提供高质量的照明灯具外,更可以成为智能互联照明专家值得信赖的合作伙伴。

Interact Pro 助力客户实现智能互联照明的各种可能,可以简化工作,处理更多的项目,更快完成项目,有助于建立良好的合作关系。

安装公司管理软件业主管理软件最多可达200传感器业主端安装公司端Interact Pro 功能和特点无线安装,无所顾虑Interact Pro 设计为一个云端智能互联照明系统,系统只需通过移动终端的应用程序即可实现简单的安装步骤,十分简便。

Interact Pro 实现三大功能:照明控制自动化,员工个性化设置,以及远程诊断功能1.2. 3. 4. 5. 开箱安装 Interact Pro 网关和Interact Ready 照明设备下载 Interact Pro 应用程序用Interact Pro应用程序设置系统配置通过Interact Pro管理软件进行监控和管理无所顾虑的无线安装降低前期成本快速,直观,容易学习通过在线门户网站进行简易轻松的维护简单的调试步骤无线安装优势简单安装步骤Interact Pro appInteract Pro 如何帮助你?Interact Pro 对你的客户来说意味着什么?Interact Pro 主要价值• 快速安装,无需布线• 应用程序极易上手,系统安装简便• 一个具有专业眼光的可信赖的顾问Pro照明更优 员工更舒适数据分析,价值可视化首先,有了Interact Pro, 员工可以自己设置照明,员工可以轻松根据手头的工作调整照明。

智能控制 节能专家 飞利浦智能照明控制系统

智能控制 节能专家  飞利浦智能照明控制系统

智能控制 节能专家飞利浦照明控制解决方案目录356781212~2015171921~3321232527293033智能照明解决方案智能照明方案什么是照明控制?为什么需要照明控制?节约能源的高效照明控制策略LED控制概述调光如何选择照明控制产品什么是最简单的节能方案?什么是优化的能源控制方案?什么是网络集成控制?案例介绍申隧设计大厦Interface 太仓基地中石油天然气股份有限公司总部One Shelley 大街贝克街55号利物浦竞赛与会议中心(ACC Liverpool)中国区部分项目业绩智能照明方案我们知道,选择合适的照明方案对您至关重要。







为什么需要照明控制?节约能源,降低成本各种潜在的危险地球变暖,海岸线升高, 旱灾,飓风…环境变化已经显而易见照明耗电也影响环境办公室采用飞利浦节能照明解决方案,可以为员工打造舒适的工作环境,激发员工的动力和活力。


提高舒适度, 增加员工幸福感提高工作效率自动调节照明输出亮度自动提供适度照明创造特定的视觉效果实现不同灯光场景氛围改变空间的感觉保持建筑外观的最佳状态实 现早上 8:00 下午4:00傍晚6:00中午皮质醇LED控制概述固态照明,即通常所称的LED照明,除了作为工作岗位照明和产生色彩照明效果这两种已被广泛接受的用途外,还能作为通用的照明手段。



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飞利浦HD15高端智能彩色超声诊断系统 说明书

飞利浦HD15高端智能彩色超声诊断系统 说明书







成像技术• 微细灰阶聚焦• SonoCT• XRES• 组织谐波超宽液晶显示器以轨迹球为中心的用户界面及使用状态显示iSCAN智能优化设计USB接口DVD/CD-RW 驱动器可调节的控制面板和显示器(调整高低和旋转)探头接口万向旋转轮优异的图像质量和HD15的设计宗旨是为了让您的超声检查更加轻松便捷,同时为您提供高水平的图像信息,使您的诊断更加准确。






CDR 临床数据库
Product Usage
导管室IT解决 方案
பைடு நூலகம்
EP Lab
XperIM 导管室IT解决
x-ray images Implantation data
iGT, EP Cockpit
康复与随访 方案
IntelliSave anesthesia machine, Hybrid Labs, IntelliView monitoring, ICCA Anethesia
3D reconstruction Flow Analysis Images
Product Usage
Intracardiac data/ Waveforms Angiographic x-ray images Implantation
提高首次诊断精准率,从而 优选诊疗路径
评估并提高从诊断到治疗 环节的效率和互联反馈
采用实时引导,以提升 微创介入式治疗的精准 性和适用范围
选择性地引入 智能化移动设备
聚焦与慢性疾病相关 的健康医疗关护需求, 将消费者、患者及医 护人员连接在一起, 以提供整合的、互联 的健康医疗关护服务
我们与消费者、患者以及医护人员“近在咫尺”,因此我们能最大化地帮助他们 提升效率,并取得更好的健康医疗关护效果。

飞利浦1.5T磁共振(Achieva 1.5T SE)_推荐书

飞利浦1.5T磁共振(Achieva 1.5T SE)_推荐书

敬呈:医院飞利浦核磁共振产品介绍飞利浦医疗系统Philips Healthcare一:百年创新,携手中国影像做为全球最早的医疗设备生产商,飞利浦在医疗设备的研发和生产历史可以追溯到19世纪初。


而在磁共振领域,飞利浦公司因拥有Richard Ernst----核磁共振之父(核磁共振领域诺贝尔奖的获得者)而自豪,在1980年飞利浦就研发出全球领先的磁共振成像仪,同时在1998年,飞利浦又拿出壮士断腕的勇气,在全球率先停止对于低场磁共振的研发和生产,转而将所有的精力投入到高场超导磁共振的研发和生产,这也是为什么在今天的磁共振市场上,我们可以不断的看到飞利浦高场磁共振的新产品和层出不穷的新技术。










二、特点1. 多媒体功能飞利浦车机方案支持多种媒体格式的播放,包括音频和视频文件。



2. 导航系统飞利浦车机方案配备了高精度的导航系统,可以实时显示车辆位置和行驶路线。



3. 智能语音助手飞利浦车机方案内置智能语音助手,支持语音识别和语音控制功能。



4. 实时监控和车辆安全飞利浦车机方案配备了实时监控和车辆安全功能,可以通过连接车辆的传感器和摄像头,实时监测车辆的状态和周围环境。


5. 扩展性和兼容性飞利浦车机方案具有良好的扩展性和兼容性,可以与其他车载设备和智能手机进行连接。



三、优势1. 交互体验优秀飞利浦车机方案提供了直观友好的界面设计和简洁易用的操作方式。


2. 多功能功能全面飞利浦车机方案集成了多种功能,包括娱乐、导航、语音控制等,满足了驾驶者和乘客的多样化需求。




作为专业的医疗保健公司,飞利浦医疗IT解决方案致力于将深厚的临床经验积累与先进的IT技术相结合,与医疗机构共同协作,覆盖了从“预防-筛查-诊断-治疗监测-康复-健康管理”的不同阶段,优化工作流程、提升财务表现,并协助拯救患者生命!Part 1 区域及企业平台类临床数据仓库IntelliSpace ClinicalData Repository●企业级临床数据仓库通过建立临床数据仓库与临床数据集成平台,实现医院内不同部门之间的、异构信息系统间的临床交换、共享、互操作和统一管理。




区域医疗解决方案IntelliSpace Regional HealthInformation Network(RHIN)●区域医疗协同平台通过建立高效可靠的区域医疗信息交换平台以及标准化的区域临床数据仓库CDR,实现区域内统一医疗信息交换、共享和管理。





输入电压:100-240V AC
输出电压:5V DC
190mm x 120mm x 44mm
主控芯片:ARM Cortex-M3
扩展卡槽:SD card slot, SIM card slot, etc.
未来客户需求将更加多样化、个性化, 要求产品具备更高的性能和更优秀的 用户体验。
尽管飞利浦专用控制ck市场竞争激烈, 但随着技术的不断创新和市场需求的 不断变化,新的竞争者仍有机会脱颖 而出。
加大研发投入,推动技术不断创新,保持竞争优 势。
智能家居控制系统利用飞利浦专用控制ck,将家中的照明、空调、窗帘、安防 等设备连接在一起,通过手机APP或智能语音助手进行远程操控,实现一键控 制、定时开关、语音控制等功能,提高生活品质。
飞利浦专用控制ck支持多种功能,如语音搜索、智能推荐、多屏互 动等,满足用户多样化的需求。
软件运行流畅,响应速度快,确保用户在使用过程中获得良好的体 验。
飞利浦专用控制ck适用于家庭娱乐场 景,方便用户观看电影、电视剧、综 艺节目等。
在商业展示领域,该软件可以用于会 议、展览、广告等场合,提供高效的 信息展示和互动体验。





经计算,主干道路面平均照度为20.7勒克斯主干道采用飞利浦BRP330/ 60W LED路灯配置2*80W 太阳能电池板+ 150AH 蓄电池系统+ Gen-1 控制器.辅道采用飞利浦BRP330/ 30W LED路灯配置80W 太阳能电池板+ 85AH 蓄电池系统+ Gen-1 控制器使用飞利浦高效率的Solar LED灯具(灯具效率达到90lm/W) ,在满足道路照明标准的情况下,使灯具的功率显著降低,从而降低了太阳能电池板和蓄电池的大小。

太阳能电池板LED 路灯控制器蓄电池盒+ 蓄电池飞利浦提供:飞利浦为客户量身定制最优化太阳能路灯系统,节约整体系统成本,同时保证高质量道路照明效果。





优质路面照明•专业的路面照明设计,多年领先市场的照明经验主干道灯具BRP330/ 60W,辅道BRP330/ 30W灯具包括了LED模组芯片、透镜、驱动器、灯体、面板玻璃等所有附件LED芯片采用美国进口Lumileds芯片,光效≥135lm/W,灯具系统光效≥90lm/W色温4000K显色指数≥75使用寿命≥50000小时(光通维持率保持在70%的时候,厂家提供3年质保)特点:-飞利浦优异的散热技术,保证系统的长久稳定使用-灯壳为整体高压铸铝,坚固耐用-模块化设计,可方便地对LED模组和电器进行维护和升级-特制透镜及高反射贴膜,提供路灯专业精确配光及灯具效率-整灯防水防尘等级高达IP66外型尺寸:飞利浦太阳能蓄电池飞利浦将高质量胶体电池应用于太阳能路灯系统,进一步节约整体成本。

飞利浦 ARF3500D 智能空气电炸锅说明书

飞利浦 ARF3500D 智能空气电炸锅说明书

158********Temperature / Timer Display Air Fryer Exhaust Vent Start / Stop Touch Sensor Frying Basket Exhaust Vent Frying Basket Handle Frying Basket Frying RackSkewerTime Touch Sensor Accessories“+/-” Touch Sensor Temperature Touch Sensor 678910* Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.Model Voltage PowerFrying Basket Capacity Net WeightProduct Dimension (LxWxH)ARF3500D220 - 240V~ 50/60Hz 1300W 3.5 Litres 3.6kg265 x 330 x 300mm* Picture are for illustration purpose10. Do not touch the appliance’s surface during and after cooking. It will be very hot!11. Do not immerse the housing and power cord into water or other liquid.12. In event of fire, do not extinguish flames with water. Switch off power, smother flames with a damp cloth.13. This appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer.14. Do not move appliance with hot food inside.15. Do not fill Frying Basket with oil or other liquid.16. Do not place anything on top of appliance while in operation.17. Do not cover Exhaust Vent during cooking operations.1. Use only high quality sockets as poor connection of plug top to AC mains may damage the appliance or affect its operation.2. This appliance is for household use only. Commercial use will void warranty.3. DO NOT MODIFY this appliance.4. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.5. Do not leave the appliance unattended when in use.6. If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.7. Do not use this appliance in damp conditions or close to open fire.8. Always place this appliance on a flat and stable surface.9. Do not operate this appliance on carpets or table cloth as they may obstruct air flow to the exhaust.Read this Instruction Manual before using appliance.1. Clean the appliance after every use.2. The Frying Basket and the inside of the appliance consist of non-stick coating. Do not use metal kitchen utensils or abrasive cleaning materials to clean them, as this may damage the non-stick coating.3. Disconnect from mains and allow the appliance to cool down before cleaning. You can cool the appliance faster by removing the Frying Basket.4. Wipe the outside of the appliance with a moist cloth. Use mild detergent if necessary.5. Clean the Frying Basket with hot water, mild detergent and anon-abrasive sponge. You can use degreasing liquid to remove any remaining dirt.6. Tip: If dirt gets stuck to the Frying Basket, fill with hot water and mild detergent. Do not switch off the main supply on the wall socket immediately after cooking, fan will continue operate for 1 minute to cool down the appliance. 3 beep sound will be emitted after 1 minute and fan will shut off automatically.!Frying Tips ProblemThe Air Fryer is not working / will not turn on.The ingredients fried with the Air Fryer are not done.The ingredients are fried unevenly in the Air Fryer.The basket unable to slide into the appliance properly.There is white smoke coming out of the Air Fryer.Air Fryer is producing a significant amount of smoke.The appliance is not plugged in.The basket is too full.Certain ingredients need to beshaken halfway through.There are too many ingredientsin the basket.Greasy ingredients are beingprepared.High fat content foods, such assausage, tend to produce asignificant amount of smokewhen cooked at a hightemperature setting.The pan still contains greasyresidue from previous use.The basket is not placed in theAir Fryer correctly.The set temperature is too low.The cooking time is not set.The Air Fryer Basket is notcompletely pushed into place.Insert plug into the electricaloutlet.Put smaller batches of ingredientsin the basket to fry more evenly.Shake halfway through the cookingtime.Do not fill the basket above the MAXfill line.Frying greasy ingredients causes alarge amount of oil to leak into thebasket. This will produce smoke butdoes not affect the appliance orcooking of your food.This will not damage the air fryeror affect the final result of the food,but in order to avoid smoke, fry at alower temperature.Make sure the Air Fryer basket iscleaned properly after every use.Push the basket into the Air Fryeruntil you hear a click.Press “TEMP” and “+/-” to adjust toa higher temperature.Press “Time” and “+/-” to setdesired cook time. Press “Start” toturn on the Air Fryer.Use the Basket Handle to pushbasket securely into place.Possible Cause Solution1. Smaller amount of ingredients usually require only a slightly shorter preparation time than larger amount of ingredients.2. Shaking smaller ingredients halfway through the frying process optimises the end result and can help prevent uneven fries.3. Add some oil to fresh potatoes for a crispy result. Fry your ingredients in the airfryer within a few minutes after you have added the oil.4. Do not prepare extremely greasy ingredients such as sausages in the air fryer.5. Snacks that can be prepared in an oven can also be prepared in the air fryer.6. You can also use the air fryer to reheat ingredients.158********烤串叉678910ARF3500D220 - 240V~ 50/60Hz 1300W 3.5 公升3.6 公斤265 x 330 x 300毫米“+/-”轻触传感器“时间”轻触传感器“温度/时间” 显示器屏“开始/暂停”轻触传感器“温度” 轻触传感器电炸锅的出风口煎炸篮子的出风口煎炸篮子把手煎炸篮子煎炸架配件型号电压功率锅容量净重产品尺寸(长x宽x高)*以上规格如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。




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Register your product and get support at6815 series /TVsupport用户手册32PHT681543PFT6815内容1 获得支持 31.1 识别和注册电视31.2 电视帮助和用户手册31.3 客户服务/维修32 软件 42.1 更新软件42.2 软件版本42.3 自动软件更新43 快速指南 53.1 遥控器53.2 红外传感器63.3 操纵器 - 本地控制64 设置 74.1 阅读安全说明74.2 电视摆放74.3 打开电视75 连接 95.1 连接指南95.2 天线95.3 视频设备95.4 音频设备105.5 移动设备115.6 其他设备126 切换来源 146.1 来源列表146.2 重命名设备147 频道 157.1 关于频道和频道切换15 7.2 安装频道157.3 频道列表187.4 收藏频道197.5 文本/图文电视198 电视指南 218.1 您需要执行的操作218.2 使用电视指南219 录制和暂停电视 23 9.1 录制239.2 暂停电视2410 视频、照片和音乐 25 10.1 来自 USB 连接2510.2 来自电脑或 NAS25 10.3 照片2510.4 360° 照片2510.5 视频2610.6 音乐2711 打开电视设置菜单 28 11.1 主菜单概述2811.2 常见设置和所有设置2811.3 所有设置2812 无线和网络 3612.1 家庭网络3612.2 连接至网络3612.3 无线和网络设置3613 智能电视 3813.1 设置 Smart TV3813.2 Smart TV 开始页面3813.3 App Gallery3813.4 随选视频3814 Netflix 3915 Amazon Prime 视频 4016 YouTube 4117 环境 4217.1 使用终止4218 规格 4318.1 功率4318.2 接收4318.3 显示屏分辨率4318.4 支持的输入分辨率 - 视频4318.5 支持的输入分辨率 - 电脑4318.6 声音4318.7 多媒体4318.8 连接4419 故障检修 4519.1 使用提示4519.2 打开4519.3 遥控器4519.4 频道4519.5 图片4619.6 声音4619.7 HDMI4719.8 USB4719.9 Wi-Fi 和互联网4719.10 菜单显示错误语言4720 安全与保养 4820.1 安全4820.2 屏幕保养4921 使用条款 5022 版权 5122.1 HDMI5122.2 Dolby Audio5122.3 DTS-HD(斜体)5122.4 Wi-Fi Alliance5122.5 其他商标5123 开放源 5223.1 开源软件5223.2 开源许可证5224 关于第三方提供的服务和/或软件的免责声明 56索引 571获得支持1.1识别和注册电视识别电视 - 电视型号和序列号客户服务人员可能会要求您提供电视产品型号和序列号。



Philips 4000 seriesUltra Slim Smart LED TV with Digital Crystal Clear107cm (42")Full HD 1080p DVB-T/C42PFL4208HDiscover a step beyond viewingWith Smart Ultra Slim LED TVEasily connect to a world of online content with the Philips 4208 series Smart LED TV with integrated Wi-Fi. Enjoy extremely clear, vivid pictures from any source thanks to Digital Crystal Clear. Feel connected to entertainment.A world of online content at your fingertips •Skype™ for easy voice and video calls on your TV •Integrated Wi-Fi to connect easily to the world online •Smart TV—a world of online entertainment•Simply share photos, music and movies through DLNA Control how you share and record on the big screen •MyRemote app—control your TV with your phone or tablet Experience the next dimension in entertainment•Full HD LED TV—brilliant LED images with incredible contrast •200Hz Perfect Motion Rate (PMR) for clear motion sharpness •Digital Crystal Clear to enhance picture quality •Two USB slots for generous multimedia access•Three HDMI inputs and Easylink for integrated connectivity •Feel the power of 20W RMS and Incredible SurroundHighlightsSkype™ TV video calls*Add a new dimension to your calls and share experiences with the people that matter to you, wherever they are. With Skype™ on your TV, make voice and video calls from your living room. Just plug the optional Philips TV camera (PTA317) into your TV and enjoy excellent video and sound quality from the comfort of your couch.Integrated Wi-FiIntegrated Wi-Fi on your Philips Smart TV makes connecting to your home network quick and easy, allowing you to access a world of content or share wirelessly at home. Smart TV online appsExplore the boundaries that lie beyond traditional TV. Rent and stream movies, videos, games and more, directly onto your TV from online video stores. Watch catch-up TV from your favorite channels and enjoy a rich selection of online apps with Smart TV. Connect to family and friends with Skype™ or social networking. Or... just browse the Internet!SimplyShare TVShare photos, music, videos and movies through DLNA using your smartphone, tablet or computer and enjoy them on the big screen. Sharing made simple.Full HD LED TVPicture quality matters. Regular HDTVs deliver quality, but you expect the best. Imagine breathtakingly crisp detail paired with high brightness, incredible contrast, sharp motion definition, realistic colors and a true to life picture—as well as low power consumption. Well, look no further. Full HD LED delivers more detail than standard HDTVs. And more detail in the image means a more intenseviewing experience for you.200Hz PMRFor picture movement that looks precise,smooth and natural, Philips created PMR—ourstandard for measuring moving imagesharpness. Perfect Motion Rate is thecombined result of our unique videoprocessing, number of frames per second andrefresh rate of each frame, perfection indimming capabilities, and backlightingtechnology. A higher PMR number contributesto higher contrast and better motionclarity—which means a superior image for you.Digital Crystal ClearEnjoy extremely clear pictures from anysource. This package of picture innovationsdigitally adjusts and optimizes picture quality tooptimal contrast, color and sharpness levels.Two USB (photos, music, video)With Two USB Slots you can keep a hard discconnected for USB recording and Pause TV soyou’ll always have control of your personalprogramming. The convenient extra USB portmeans connecting a Skype™ camera oraccessing any jpeg photos, mp3 music or videofiles stored on your USB-storage devices willnever interfere with your recording.Three HDMI with EasylinkAvoid cable clutter with a single cable to carryboth picture and audio signals from yourdevices to your TV. HDMI uses uncompressedsignals, ensuring the highest quality fromsource to screen. Together with PhilipsEasylink, you’ll need only one remote controlto perform most operations on your TV, DVD,Blu-ray, set top box or home theatre system.20W RMS Incredible SurroundCreate a lifelike sound stage. Powerfulamplifiers and Incredible Surround let youexperience total surround sound with greaterdepth and width of sound to complement yourrich viewing experience.MyRemote*Control your TV and record on the go withouta remote control using one easy app.Transform your tablet or smart phone into auniversal remote with all the options of youroriginal remote plus extra features like textentry. The SimplyShare function beamscontent onto your TV. Stay up to date byrecording your favorite programs on-the-gousing MyRemote recording. Simply flip throughthe content on the TV Program Guide tochoose which shows to record and view later.A Smart TV deserves a truly smart app.Smart TVSmart TV-a world of online apps, videosto rent and catch-upExplore the boundaries that lie beyondtraditional TV. Rent and stream movies,videos, games and more, directly ontoyour TV from online video stores. Watchcatch-up TV from your favorite channelsand enjoy a rich selection of online appswith Smart TV. Connect to family andfriends with Skype™ or socialnetworking. Or... just browse theInternet!Issue date 2022-06-03 Version: 7.4.512 NC: 8670 000 98244 EAN: 87 12581 66941 6© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Display: LED Full HD•Diagonal screen size: 42 inch / 107 cm•Panel resolution: 1920x1080p•Aspect ratio: 16:9•Brightness: 350 cd/m²•Picture enhancement: Micro Dimming, 200Hz Perfect Motion Rate, Digital Crystal Clear Smart TV•Interactive TV: HbbTV*•SmartTV apps*: Catch-up TV, Netflix*, Online apps, Online Video stores, Open Internet browser, YouTube•Social TV: Facebook, Skype, Twitter•TV programe guide*: 8 day Electronic Program GuideUser Interaction•Wireless interaction: SimplyShare, Wi-fi Miracast Certified*, Wifi integrated, MultiRoom Client*, PC In Monitor•Program: Pause TV, USB Recording*•Ease of Installation: Auto detect Philips devices, Device connection wizard, Network installation wizard, Settings assistant wizard•Ease of Use: One-stop Home button, Onscreen Usermanual•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgrade wizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB, Online firmware upgrade•Screen Format Adjustments: Autofill, Autozoom, Movie expand 16:9, Super Zoom, Unscaled, Widescreen•Signal strength indication•Teletext: 1000 page Smart Text•My Remote App*: Control, MyRemote Recording, Simply Share, TV GuideSound•Output power (RMS): 20W•Sound Enhancement: Auto Volume Leveler, Clear Sound, Incredible SurroundConnectivity•Number of HDMI connections: 3•Number of component in (YPbPr): 1•Number of scarts(RGB/CVBS):1•Number of USBs: 2•Wireless connection: Integrated Wi-Fi 11n•Other connections: Antenna IEC75, CI+1.3certified, Common Interface Plus (CI+), Ethernet-LAN RJ-45, Headphone out, Digital audio out(coaxial)•HDMI features: Audio Return Channel•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): Remote control pass-through, System audio control, System standby,Plug & play add to Homescreen, Auto subtitle shift(Philips), Pixel Plus link (Philips), One touch playMultimedia Applications•Video Playback Formats: Containers: AVI, MKV,H264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4,WMV9/VC1•Music Playback Formats: AAC, MP3, WMA (v2 upto v9.2)•Picture Playback Formats: JPEGSupported Display Resolution•Computer inputs: up to 1920x1080 @ 60Hz•Video inputs: 24, 25, 30, 50, 60 Hz, up to1920x1080pTuner/Reception/Transmission•Digital TV: DVB-T/C•Video Playback: NTSC, PAL, SECAM•MPEG Support: MPEG2, MPEG4Power•Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V 50/60Hz•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C•Energy Label Class: A+•Eu Energy Label power: 48 W•Annual energy consumption: 70 kW·h•Standby power consumption: < 0.3 W•Power Saving Features: Auto switch-off timer, Ecomode, Picture mute (for radio)•Off mode power consumption: < 0.3Dimensions•Box dimensions(W x H x D):1060 x 680 x 133 mm•Set dimensions(W x H x D):977 x 589 x 42.9 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):977 x 629 x 240 mm•Product weight: 12.8 kg•Product weight (+stand): 16 kg•Compatible wall mount: 400 x 400mm•Weight incl. Packaging: 18.1 kgAccessories•Included accessories: Power cord, RemoteControl, 2 x AAA Batteries, Quick start guide,Legal and safety brochure, Warranty Leaflet, Tabletop stand*MyRemote app and related functionalities varies per TV model andcountry, as well as smart device model and OS. For more detail,please visit: /TV.*Compatibility depends on wifi miracast certification Android 4.2 orlater. For more details please refer to your device documentation.*EPG and actual visibility (up to 8 days) is country and operatordependent.*Energy consumption in kWh per year, based on the powerconsumption of the television operating 4 hours per day for 365days. The actual energy consumption will depend on how thetelevision is used.*The TV supports DVB reception for 'Free to air' broadcast. SpecificDVB operators may not be supported. An up to date list can befound in the FAQ section of the Philips support website. For someoperators Conditional Access and subscripction are required.Contact your operator for more information.*Philips TV camera (PTA317) is sold separately.*For smart TV app, visit /TV to discover the servicesoffering in your country*USB recording for digital channels only, recordings may be limited bybroadcast copy protection (CI+). Country and channel restrictionsmay apply.。

飞利浦 智能门锁Alpha-VP-5HW说明书

飞利浦 智能门锁Alpha-VP-5HW说明书

1000 seriesRemote visible two-way talk4-inch IPS screenRealtime's on Wi-Fi connectionAuto lockingDDL111BAFCW Wonderful life starts from AlphaWith remote visible two-way talkPhilips smart door lock Alpha-VP-5HW integrates the door viewer, doorbell, anddoor lock. It adopts a 2MP wide-angle camera and supports Wi-Fi networking,allowing you to view the doorway via the App and bringing a visible securityguard.Smart life "locked" with excellenceAlways know who’s at the doorMake real-time communication everywhereClearer view of the doorwayClearer images even at nightInstant pushed alert upon abnormal situationUpgraded smart chip enhances home securityMechanical rotation, one-key emergency egressTechnical lock-picking time exceeds 270 minsProtect real password from being peepingInstantly protect home security at all timesEasy life doesn't stop hereEliminate the hassle of manually lockingDoor's open when the hand is detectedSay goodby to the key-only eraHighlightsRealtime's on Wi-Fi connectionThe Philips Alpha-VP-5HW makes real-time online via the Wi-Fi connection. After binding the Philips EasyKey App, you can view the lock access history, remotely send temporary PIN codes, and view the real-time situation at the door by clicking the video button.Remote visible two-way talkWhen the visitor presses the doorbell, amessage will push to the mobile App instantly.You could start the two-way audio by tapping the message box to connect to the App. When the doorbell rings, the video lock willautomatically record the video, so you won't miss any visitor information even when you are not home.4-inch IPS screenThere is a 4-inch IPS display on the indoor escutcheon. You can click the button of thedisplay to view the visitors and the situation at the doorway. Re-clicking the button allows you to turn off the screen, which is convenient for the elderly and children. Additionally, you can adjust the brightness and sleep mode timeouts of the screen via the mobile APP.Wide-angle night vision cameraPhilips Alpha-VP-5HW equips with a 144°wide-angle camera and two low-power infrared fill lights. It has daytime mode and night vision mode. When the light is dim, the infrared fill light will automatically turn on,switch to night vision mode, and recognize the facial features within 1 meter from the lock end.PIR motion detectionAdopted with the PIR sensor, when someone moves around the front door within 3 meters*,the AI humanoid detection algorithm will identify abnormal dynamics by instantlycapturing a photo or recording a video. Then it will simultaneously push a message to the APP through the encrypted cloud server, which allows you to fully manage the dynamics at the doorway and avoid security risks.Emergency unlock rotary knobThe inside escutcheon of the door lock equips a rotary knob. If an emergency leads to the malfunction of the smart door lock, it does not affect the opening of the door lock, and one-key emergency egress could ensure the safety of users.C-grade lock cylinderThe lock cylinder is the key component that controls the opening of the lock. Adoptedmultiple anti-theft technologies with a unique design of pin tumbler and vane structure,Alpha-VP-5HW's C-grade lock cylinder makes the technical lock-picking time exceeds 270mins*, thus enhanced security is assured.20-digit hidden PIN codeFeatured with the 20-digit hidden PIN code technology, Philips Alpha-VP-5HW allows you to enter any random number combination for verification and unlock the door as long as there is a consecutive input of the validpassword. This feature can effectively prevent peeping and safeguard the real password.Multiple alertingFeatured multiple alerts such as anti-dismantling, system locking, and low battery level, and abnormal bolt, Philips Alpha-VP-5HW instantly safeguards the family andreminds you of the lock status, making you feel assured and secure.SpecificationsAccess SolutionCard/Key TagFingerprintMechanical KeyPassword/PIN CodeDesign & AppearanceColor: Obsidian black, Red copper Fingerprint Sensor: Semiconductor Handle: Push-pull handleEasy OperationIndicator: Low battery prompt, Mute status prompt, System locking promptVoice Guide: Human voice guide InstallationDoor Opening Direction: Left inward opening,Left outward opening, Right inward opening,Right outward oepningDoor Thickness: 38-60 mm, 60-90 mm, 90-120 mm, Other range*Door Type: Antitheft door, Copper door,Wooden doorLock CapacityCard/Key Tag: Up to 100Master PIN Code: 1User PIN Code: Up to 10ModeSystem Setup Mode: Dual verification mode,Normal modeSmart Lock FunctionsAlarm Function: Abnormal bolt alarm, Anti-dismantle alarmLocking Function: System lockingMortise: C grade lock cylinderSafety Function: Dual verification, Fake PINcode* Data source: lock cylinder test report.* 3 meters: the maximum PIR motion detection distanceis 3 meters, which can be set to 1 meter, 2 meters and 3meters via the mobile App.* The effect of the digital keypad showed in the photosof this product may be inconsistent with the actualdisplay effect. Please be subject to the digital keypaddisplaying status under the actual usage scenarios.* Other door thickness range: If the thickness of the dooris out of the mentioned range, please contact our localdealers or consumer care center.© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2022‑05‑13 Version: 1.0.112 NC: 8670 001 81313 EAN: 69 71318 50346 7。

飞利浦(Philips)智能门锁(PHILIPS SMART LOCK)说明书

飞利浦(Philips)智能门锁(PHILIPS SMART LOCK)说明书

目录1 重要信息 022 安装您的智能锁 035 如何使用智能锁 166 其他功能 197 提示灯光的含义与使用 208 故障排除 224 如何设置您的智能锁 10安全警告旧产品和电池的处理产品清单安装立体装配图安装前须知安装步骤防猫眼功能恢复出厂设置一键静音功能门锁状态提示灯低电量提示灯静音状态提示灯系统锁定提示灯报警功能的种类与报警方式如何使用紧急电源如何更换电池-设置前须知-修改管理密码-用户设置-用户删除-系统设置-扩展功能-系统查询-关于本机查询开启室外开锁-密码开门-指纹开门(选配)-卡片开门(选配)室内开锁-执手开门上锁-室外上锁-室内上锁室内反锁机械钥匙开启3 了解您的智能锁 09外面板内面板1 重要信息安全◆在使用智能锁前,请阅读并理解所有说明。









汇报人: 日期:
• 品牌一:霍尼韦尔 • 品牌二:西门子 • 品牌三:飞利浦 • 品牌四:海尔 • 品牌五:施耐德
• 品牌六:安朗杰安防技术公司 • 品牌七:江森自控 • 品牌八:艾默生 • 品牌九:研祥智能 • 品牌十:中科博微
• 霍尼韦尔是一家美国跨国公司,成立于1885年,是世界领先的 航空航天、自动化控制系统、特种材料和智能建筑系统供应商 。
• 艾默生提供一系列创新的智能建筑产品,包括楼宇自动化控制器、传感 器、执行器、通讯设备和系统软件等。这些产品广泛应用于商业建筑、 数据中心、工业设施和住宅等领域。艾默生的解决方案旨在帮助客户提 高运营效率,降低能源消耗,优化工作和生活环境。
• 艾默生在智能建筑领域拥有丰富的行业经验和卓越的业绩。其解决方案被广泛应用于全球各地的知名建筑物和 设施,如美国帝国大厦、巴西奥运场馆和上海环球金融中心等。艾默生凭借其领先的技术和卓越的服务,赢得 了客户的广泛认可和好评。
• 海尔的智能建筑产品广泛应用于酒店、写字楼、商场等公共 建筑以及居民住宅等。其中,在酒店行业,海尔的智能建筑 产品能够提供包括智能客房、智能宴会厅等在内的整体解决 方案,提高酒店的智能化水平和服务质量。在写字楼和商场 行业,海尔的智能建筑产品能够提供智能照明、智能安防等 解决方案,提高建筑的安全性和节能性。在居民住宅方面, 海尔的智能建筑产品能够提供包括智能家居、智能环境监测 等在内的解决方案,提高居民的生活质量和居住舒适度。
• 飞利浦的智能建筑解决方案广泛应用于商业、办公、住宅、 交通等多个领域。其中,一些知名项目包括上海中心大厦、 广州塔等。飞利浦在智能建筑领域拥有丰富的经验和优秀的 技术实力,为全球客户提供了可靠的解决方案和服务。
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在照明行业中,飞利浦照明系列产品的独特优势是什么?A:作为世界照明行业的领导者,近年,飞利浦陆续完成了对Lumileds、TIR System、Color Kinetics、Ilti Luce、PLI、Genlyte等公司的收购。






同时借助LEDGINE技术, EssentialLine LED道路照明产品还能提供光效高达85lm/W的持续性高显色照明,令路人和驾驶人员悦目舒适;在配合中国道路的不同要求方面,它有四种配光模式及多种瓦数可供选择,以适应不同宽度的道路,并能在多种道路应用中提供安全舒适的视觉体验;在维护系数上,该系列所采用的LED模块化设计使其可方便地在安装现场进行模块升级,极大地减少了维护替换所需要的时间的费用;长寿是理想道路照明的基本要求,Essentialline采用了散热管理技术,散热更快、可靠性更高,从而使系统的使用寿命达到了50,000小时。





飞利浦Ledino系列与传统白炽灯比较,节能效果达到80%,拥有让人体视觉最舒适的颜色,囊括壁灯吸顶灯、天花灯、装饰灯等各品种;飞利浦Imageo Candle能模拟真实火焰律动,双面磨砂玻璃的材质透出烛火的朦胧诗意,绝无明火的安全隐患,且长时间使用也不发烫,安全可靠。



飞利浦Living colors采用LED先进科技,它拥有1600万种光色,触感式遥控装置,轻松调节色调和亮度,满足你的细腻情思和多变心情,贴合各种室内装饰风格,营造时尚个性的家居氛围。




以AmbiScene 为纽带,飞利浦将与中国市场尤其是亟待更新换代的商业照明市场创造更大的对话空间。




办公照明:飞利浦正在中国推动“Green Building”绿色建筑理念的实现,为人们带来舒适、节能、智能化的办公照明解决方案。





其次,还包括飞利浦建筑照明灯具Dynaflood LED系列,它是是一款与众不同的反光灯具,强调用色彩来突出建筑结构。






















