unit 6 雅思阅读详细版.ppt




《剑桥雅思6》阅读讲解-第四套PPT剑桥六阅读讲解A类第四套北京环球雅思学校祁连⼭详细内容参看《名师讲剑六,奇招破雅思》(机械⼯业出版社出版)学习⽹站:/doc/8510569427.htmli Not all doctors are persuadedii Choosing the best offersiii Who is responsible for the increase in promotionsiv Fighting the drug companiesv An example of what doctors expect from drug companiesvi Gifts include financial incentivesvii Research shows that promotion worksviii The high costs of researchix The positive side of drugs promotionx Who really pays for doctors’ free gifts8 Sales representatives like Kim Schaefer work to a very limited budget.9 Kim Schaefer’s marketing technique may be open to criticism on moral grounds.10 The information provided by drug companies is of little use to doctors.11 Evidence of drug promotion is clearly visible in the healthcare environment.12 The drug companies may give free drug samples to patients without doctors’ prescriptions.13It is legitimate for drug companies to make money.正数第⼀⾏“But on any given day, what Schaefer can offer is typical for today’s drugs rep-a car trunk full of promotional gifts and gadgets, a budget that could buy lunches and dinner for a small country, hundreds of free drug samples and the freedom to give a physician $200 to prescribe her new product to the next six patients who fit the drug’s profile ”,对应第⼋题。

unit6 reading 课件

unit6 reading 课件

Read through carefully, then find out Peter, Tony and Laura’s ideas about the food that they prefer.
Peter’s: I only eat food that tastes good!
I love to eat meat that’s well cooked.
other things
Try to “speak” English
To show you are thinking: er , Hm ,um, well To show your agreement: yeah,yes To show you are surprised: really?
at is healthy.
I stay away from sugar. I never eat meat.
Match the statements with each person.
Peter Laura Tony
1. This person spoke last.
2. This person says tasty food is bad for you.
3. This person eats a balanced diet.
4. This person is a strict vegetarian.
5. This person doesn’t mind eating burnt food.
Maybe the food itself is not bad for you, but too much of it is not good.

Unit6 Reading(new)ppt

Unit6  Reading(new)ppt
Unit 6 I’m going to study computer science.
Section B ( 2a-3c )
His resolution is about physical health
Her resolution is to
improve the relationship with her family
paragraph 1
To question the idea of making resolutions
paragraph 2
To give the meaning of resolution
paragraph 3
To discuss the different kinds of resolutions
coming year. This helps them to remember their resolutions.
Others tell their family and friends about their wish and plans.
make promises 作出承诺
他作出承诺他能够按时完成作业。 He makes promises that he can finish homework on time.
___ ___ ___ ___
Do you know what a resolution is? It’s a kind of promise. Most
of the time, we make promises to other people. (“Mom, I promise
I’m going to tidy my room when I get back from school.”) However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions, and the most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. A start of a year is often a time for making resolutions. When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives. Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the



此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
Pay attention to the “words in bold” • p 47, part 9.
Words practice on p45-46
Enjoy the classical ads.
To me, the past black and white, but the future is always color.
A Kodak Moment
让我们做的更好 科技以人为本
Feel the new space 感受新境界
Just do it 只管去做
Start ahead
The relentless pursuit of perfection
Come to where the flavor is—
Marlboro country.
Intelligence everywhere
The choice of a new generation
Take time to indulge
• Homework: • Write a short passage of ad’ effects on buying.
• objective: • based on facts • subjective: • based on opinions & feelings
The words: O or S
• statement claim data



剑桥六阅读讲解A 类第二套北京环球雅思学校祁连山详细内容参看《名师讲剑六,奇招破雅思》(机械工业出版社出版)学习网站:•i Avoiding an overcrowded centre•ii A successful exercise in people power•iii The benefits of working together in cities•iv Higher incomes need not mean more cars•v Economic arguments fail to persuade•vi The impact of telecommunications on population distribution•vii Increases in traveling time•viii Responding to arguments against public transport• 6 The ISTP study examined public and private systems in every city of the world.•7 Efficient cities can improve the quality of life for their inhabitants.•8 An inner-city tram network is dangerous for car drivers.•9 In Melbourne, people prefer to live in the outer suburbs.•10 Cities with high levels of bicycle usage can be efficient even when public transport is only averagelygood.•11 Perth •12 Auckland •13 Portland• A successfully uses a light rail transport system in hilly environment• B successful public transport system despite cold winters• C profitably moved from road to light rail transport system• D hilly and inappropriate for rail transport system• E heavily dependent on cars despite widespread poverty• F inefficient due to a limited public transport system•正数第二行“(ISTP) has demonstrated that public transport is more efficient than cars. The studycompared the proportion of wealth poured into transport by thirty-seven cities around the world ”,对应第六题。



be familiar with be aware of pilot be based on
俘虏;捕获 被捕入狱 对待;待遇 将(某人)处死 目光接触
capture be thrown into a jail treatment execute make eye contact
• 时刻;顷刻,刹那 instant
Task 1.Analyze para. 3-5 Task 2.Analyze para. 6 Task 3.Analyze para. 7-8 Task 4.analyze para. 9-11 Task 5.Retell the story in Chinese Task 6.Retell the story in English (very short and simple) Task 7.Do you think that smiling can help improve human relationships? Give us some examples, or you can tell a story. Task 8. Do you think the jailer did the right thing by releasing his prisoner secretly? Would you have done the same if you had been the jailer? Why/why not? Task 9. Deal with the exercises
my sincere gratitude to you. 5. German/Germany
April 12, L2O01G1O
Dear Mr. Smith,

新航道雅思 剑桥6阅读题目讲解

新航道雅思 剑桥6阅读题目讲解

剑桥雅思6阅读试题重点讲解TEST ONEReading Passage 1 Australia’s Sporting Success平行的顺序:1-7题单独看8 (C段) 9, 10 (D段) 11 (F段) 12 (E段) 13 (F段)颜老师重点点评:1.1-7题都比较好定位2.第6题里的funded对应A段里的underpin和finance3.第3题主要是通过看它和B段后半部分的对应,这里可能会误选C4.第8题要把camera看成前面所说的SWAN的一部分,所以为澳洲独有Reading Passage 2 Delivering the Goods平行的顺序:14-17单独看18(A段) 19(B段) 20(C段) 21(D段) 22(E段)23(从全文来看) 24(E段) 25(G段) 26(I段)颜老师重点点评:1.14-17题都比较好定位2.第22题NG的判断来源是E段3.23-26题要通过篇章中关键词在原文里的定位,如24题component和25题bulk cargo;4.26题定位在I段,这里可以采取排除法,fares没有tariff概括全面Reading Passage 3 Climate Change and the Inuit平行的顺序:27-32单独看33(C段L3) 34 35(C段L5) 36(C段倒数L2) 37(D段L2) 38(D段L4)39(D段L5) 40(D段倒数L2)颜老师重点点评:1.27-32题都比较好定位,干扰项也比较简单2.33-40题也要把握篇章里已经给出的信息的提示3.33题impossible对应原文out of the question4.40题因为后面讲的是expensive, 所以这里应该定位到原文里的$7,000,用importedTEST TWOReading Passage 1 Advantages of Public Transport平行的顺序:1-5 (单独平行,有明显提示)6 7(第1段) 11 8(第2段) 9 (第3段) 10 (第5段) 12 (第6段)13 (第A段)颜老师重点点评:该文1-5平行得非常清楚,6-10题出现得也非常集中,要善于把握; 11-13题原文分隔较远,但是地名定位非常明确;1.第3题干扰项可能为VIII,但是相比IV明确提到incomes的问题则逊色;2.第8题选择NG是老技巧概念(tram network)重现而关系(dangerous)不重现;3.11-13题配对干扰项很弱,答案较唯一,但注意11题里讲Perth拥有minimaltransport是说其不好Reading Passage 2 Greying Population Stays in the Pink平行的顺序:14(第1段) 15 (第2段) 16(第3段) 17 18(第4段) 19(第5段) 20(第6段) 21 22(第7段)23(第8段) 24(第9段) 25(第10段) 26(第11段)颜老师重点点评:该文实在算是大礼!!!平行不需要,定位也很明显,期望你在此文抢分!1.第17题可能会选C,但严格根据原文还是M-medicine更符合Reading Passage 3 Numeration平行的顺序:32 27 (第2段) 33 28 34 (第3段) 35 36 29 37(第4段) 38 30 (第5段) 39 31(第6段) 40 31(第7段)颜老师重点点评:该篇27-31题可以算是第2-7段的概括,而32-40都是细节题;虽然该篇题材有些深奥,但是总体上每题定位都很明确,27-31的干扰项也很弱;1.第27题对应第2段倒数第4行,尤其是题目里的necessary对应原文的paramount (very important之意);2.第28题对应第3段倒数第1-3行,hand signal对应第4行的gestures;3.第29题对应第4段最后,尤其是civil role是witness in court的意译;4.第30题对应第5段全段到最后to arithmetic;5.第31题可以和第39题的解答互相提醒;6.36和40题的NG答案都符合概念重现而关系不重现;TEST THREEReading Passage 1平行的顺序:1-5 (单独平行,有明显提示)6 7 10 (C段) 11(D段) 8(E段) 12(H段) 9 (I段)13 (全文)颜老师重点点评:该文1-5平行得非常清楚,所有题目的定位也非常明确;4.第4题干扰项可能为F段,但是相比E段明确提及cultures则逊色;5.第7题注意原文只是说某人的观点,所以为NG;6.第8题选择NG是考察E段的整体含义,并无biased之义;7.第10题可以和第6题互相促进Reading Passage 2 Motivating Employees under Adverse Conditions平行的顺序:14-18 (单独平行)19(THE CHALLENGE第1段) 20 21 (KEY POINT ONE) 22 25 (KEY POINT TWO) 23(KEY POINT THREE) 24(KEY POINT FIVE) 26 27(KEY POINT SIX)颜老师重点点评:把握小标题!该文关于人力资源管理,术语简单但是关系复杂,一定要把题目里的名词定位准确,而14-18及25-27题里的干扰项作用都很弱;2.第16,17,18题都谈到了reward的问题,FOUR的主题句在第2句(personalize对应选项里的match),FIVE和SIX的都在第1句(contingent对应选项里的link;transparent对应选项里的fair);3.第21题题目里的teamwork和原文里的independent矛盾,故选N;4.第23题属于概念重现但是关系不重现,故选NG;5.第25题的定位在POINT TWO而不是ONE,这里主要抓原文里的internallymotivated和B选项里的external对应;Reading Passage 3 The Search for the Anti-aging Pill平行的顺序:28 29(第1段) 30 31 (第2段) 32 (第3段)34 36 33 35 (第6段) 37 (第5段)38 39 40(第8段)颜老师重点点评:该篇平行上没有任何难度,像做听力一样,所以虽然题材深奥,但也算是题目送出的大礼了,特别是38-40题,定位准确后解决起来则没有任何难度;7.第31题选择NG有通过第30和32题‘两边夹’的意味;8.第35题的答案对应的是第6段倒数第4行的however, 所以选择neither; TEST FOURReading Passage 1 Doctoring Sales平行的顺序:1-7 (单独平行,有明显提示)8(B段) 9 (C段) 10(D段) 11(E段) 12(F段) 13(G段)颜老师重点点评:该文平行的压力几乎没有,希望你珍惜,1-7题备选项都写得概括,有些存在干扰项,可以先试验性地解答8.第1题干扰项可能为ii,但是这里明显是在举例;9.第3题主要是通过该段最后一句得出10.第12题选择NG是考察drug samples的概念重现,关系不重现;Reading Passage 2 Do literate women make better mothers?平行的顺序:14-18 (Summary单独平行) 15(第1段) 17 18(第2段) 14(第3段) 16(第4段)19(第4段) 20(第5段) 21 23(第5,6段) 22 24(第6段) 26(第8段) 27(第9段)颜老师重点点评:该文平行开始有一定难度,但是在看到第5段起一定要能把14-18题限定在前4段,而这里干扰项都不算难;而25-26的平行还是比较明显的;另20-24集中在第6段,一定要能看清楚实验的不同对象,这些不同对象的特征,以及实验前后不同对象的变化;6.第14题对应第3段里的adults;7.第15和18题都可以猜,maternal指母亲方面的;8.第17题的定位可以借鉴题目里给出的attitude to children;9.第19题对应第4段,原文只是提到总数3,00, 所以局部1,000属于NG;10.第23题里的woman是84,虽然进步了但还是比5段里提到的80高,所以选N;11.第24题对应第6段最后一句,这里只有比较,所以表示程度的severely属于NG;malnutrition是mal(不好的,坏的)作前缀Reading Passage 3平行的顺序:27-30 (单独平行) 40 (单独平行)31 (A段) 32 (B段) 33 (C段) 34 (D段)35 (E1段1行) 36(E1段2行) 37 (E2段2行) 38 (E3段2行) 39 (E4段2行)颜老师重点点评:该篇平行上没有任何难度,像做听力一样,F段不需要看,而且题材也不深奥,干扰项也不太难,真算是题目送出的大礼了!!!9.第27-30题没有任何干扰项影响!!10.第31题可能对A段最后一个生词有疑惑,但是还是要判断出B选项最明显;recalcitrant这里和difficult同义;11.第33题C选项对应C段第一句话里的knowledge和help;12.第35题定位时候注意题目里produce对应原文develop;13.第36题定位时候注意题目里detailed对应原文explicit;14.第37题定位时候注意题目前面的through以及后面的useful;15.第38题定位时候注意题目后面的trained对应原文里的training;16.第39题定位时候注意题目里的recognize对应原文distinguish, 分辨;17.第40题选出来不难,这里前半部分crisis management对应A-D段,prevention对应E;G TEST ONE15-21注意可以多次使用选项16. 可能会误选A,但是注意A说的是学生来自不同的国家,而不是学校本身在这些国家有分校17. 对应every second yearReading Passage The Water Crisis平行的顺序:28-34单独平行35(A段第2行) 36(A段倒数第3行) 37(C段第2行) 38(E段第1行)39(F段第2行) 40(G段倒数第2行)颜老师重点点评:该文平行没有任何难度,尤其是摘要方面,十分分散,定位好第35题后即非常流畅,一定要加以利用;同时标题选择干扰项也不算多;12.第28题,A段全文没有明显主题句,主要这里要把握demand;13.第30题, C段主题句是第一句,这选项里some指的就是国家;14.第35题要注意把握全部摘要定位的开始,所以rising dramatically对应原文的upward trend,该题本身定位可以考虑people和increasingly对应原文citizens 和more;15.第36题题干里的global对应原文里的world;16.第37题题干里的recycling对应原文里的recycling;17.第38题定位比较遥远,主要是题干后面的used water对应原文里的used water;18.第39题题干里的environmental对应原文里的environment;19.第40题可能会误写agricultural yield, 但是题干里后面说的是suffered by manycountries, 所以要注意搭配,应该从原文后面找,故写water deficit, 这里主要是题干里的worsen和原文里的add to对应.G TEST TWO5. hotel对应G选项里的hospitality, 这里说的permanent实际上主要是为了和J选项里的casual区分12. 答案为T,因为学生们在半小时之上就可以了,题干里的45分钟属于半小时之上;15. 选项里的prioritize是个很好的词,是priority的动词形式,即:使…优先;这里选项是section B内容的最好概括;25. acknowledge, 承认;对应H段里的plagiarize为剽窃之意Reading Passage PTEROSAURS平行的顺序:28-34单独平行36 37(D段) 39(E段) 35(G段) 40(H段) 38(I段)颜老师重点点评:该文平行没有任何难度,35-40题的定位和解答都非常容易,问题主要在28-34的倒标题选择上,需要把握速读( 尤其是C, F,G段),暂时的放弃和试验性的解答;20.第29题题干的意思是“被确认实际称为ptersaur的该种生物的鉴定”,这里creature和pterosaur之间省略了that/which;D段主要说的就是petersaur的命名过程,所以符合答案;21.第30题的干扰项可能是C段,但是F段更加明显地突出了conflicting theories的意思,比如第1句里的disagreement和中部的the competing argument; C段虽然也有controversy的说法,但是C段其实只说明了1种,即现在的观点,起的是和B段contrast的作用,所以C段不存在conflicting的问题;22.第34题的干扰项也可能是C,但是这里G段拥有更concrete的evidence, 而C段说的还主要是believe的情况;。


• public service advertising
• 公益广告
• creative/ original advertising
• 创意广告
the ads: objective or subjective
a. This coffee is the best—your friends will love you. b. This cat food will make your cat purr with delight. c. This all-wheel drive car will let you get 10kms for
The writer’s main idea is:
A. Puffery is part of advertising and is usually not harmful.
B. Puffery is a recent concern C. Puffery doesn’t occur very frequently. D. Puffery is an American problem
Para F 6. Definition of PufferPyara A 7. Puffery that is AcceptabPleara D
___ Some people argue against puffery because buyers might believe everything in advertising. T
A Kodak Moment
让我们做的更好 科技以人为本
Feel the new space 感受新境界

最新版雅思精品课件完美版Focus - U6

最新版雅思精品课件完美版Focus - U6
BEFORE YOU START WRITING: 1. Analyze the question, highlight key points, read it again and make sure you understand everything. 2. What is your general response, the first thing that comes to your mind? (yes, of course? not at all? leaning towards yes/no? depending on different factors?) 3. Think how you can PROVE it (personal experience, somebody’s opinion, a research you remember reading about) 4. Make a PARAGRAPH PLAN
Vocabulary describing people
Writing Task 2 (argumentative writing)
Speaking Part 2 (descriptive + explanatory) (based on personal experiences)
• The topic: person, place, event, etc. IN YOUR LIFE
• You may ask the examiner to explain some of the words in the topic



AUSTRALIA'S SPORTING SUCCESSA They play hard, they play often, and they play to win. Australian sports teams win more than their fair share of titles, demolishing rivals with seeming ease. How do they do it? A big part of the secret is an extensive and expensive network of sporting academies underpinned by science and medicine. At the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), hundreds of youngsters and pros live and train under the eyes of coaches. Another body, the Australian Sports Commission (ASC), finances programmes of excellence in a total of 96 sports for thousands of sportsmen and women. Both provide intensive coaching, training facilities and nutritional advice.B Inside the academies, science takes centre stage. The AIS employs more than 100 sports scientists and doctors, and collaborates with scores of others in universities and research centres. AIS scientists work across a number of sports, applying skills learned in one - such as building muscle strength in golfers - to others, such as swimming and squash. They are backed up by technicians who design instruments to collect data from athletes. They all focus on one aim: winning. ‘We can't waste our time looking at ethereal scientific questions that don't help the coach work with an athlete and improve performance,' says Peter Fricker, chief of science at AIS.C A lot of their work comes down to measurement - everything from the exact angle of a swimmer’s dive to the second-by-second power output of a cyclist. This data is used to wring improvements out of athletes. The focus is on individuals, tweaking performances to squeeze an extra hundredth of a second here, an extra millimetre there. No gain is too slight to bother with. It’s the tiny, gradual improvements that add up to world-beating results. To demonstrate how the system works, Bruce Mason at AIS shows off the prototype of a 3D analysis tool for studying swimmers. A wire-frame model of a champion swimmer slices through the water, her arms moving in slow motion. Looking side-on, Mason measures the distance between strokes. From above, he analyses how her spine swivels. When fully developed, this system will enable him to build a biomechanical pro coaches to use to help budding swimmers. Mason's contribution to sport also includes the development of the SW AN (SWimming ANalysis)system now used in Australian national competitions. It collects images from digital cameras running at 50 frames a second and breaks down each part of a swimmer's performance into factors that can be analysed individually - stroke length, stroke frequency, average duration of each stroke, velocity, start, lap and finish times, and so on. At the end of each race, SW AN spits out data on each swimmerD ‘Take a look,' says Mason, pulling out a sheet of data. He points out the data on the swimmers in second and third place, which shows that the one who finished third actually swam faster. So why did he finish 35 hundredths of a second down? ‘His turn times were 44 hundredths of a second behind the other guy,' says Mason. ‘I f he can improve on his turns, he can do much better’ This is the kind of accuracy that AIS scientists' research is bringing to a range of sports.With the Cooperative Research Centre for Micro Technology in Melbourne, they are developing unobtrusive sensors that will be embedded in an athlete's clothes or running shoes to monitor heart rate, sweating, heat production or any other factor that might have an impact on an athlete's ability to run. There's more to it than simply measuring performance. Fricker gives the example of athletes who may be down with coughs and colds 11 or 12 times a year. After years of experimentation, AlS and the University of Newcastle in New South Wales developed a test that measures how much of the immune-system protein immunoglobulin A is present in athletes' saliva. If IgA levels suddenly fall below a certain level, training is eased or dropped altogether. Soon, IgAlevels start rising again, and the danger passes. Since the tests were introduced, AIS athletes in all sports have been remarkably successful at staying healthy.E Using data is a complex business. Well before a championship, sports scientists and coaches start to prepare the athlete by developing a ‘competition model', based on what they expect will be the winnin g times. ‘You design the model to make that time,' says Mason. ‘A start of this much, each free-swimming period has to be this fast, with a certain stroke frequency and stroke length, with turns done in these times.' All the training is then geared towards making the athlete hit those targets, both overall and for each segment of the race. Techniques like these have transformed Australia into arguably the world's most successful sporting nation.F Of course, there's nothing to stop other countries copying-and many have tried. Some years ago, the AIS unveiled coolant-lined jackets for endurance athletes. At the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, these sliced as much as two per cent off cyclists' and rowers' times. Now everyone uses them. The same has happened to the ‘altitude tent', developed by AIS to replicate the effect of altitude training at sea level. But Australia's success story is about more than easily copied technological fixes, and up to now no nation has replicated its all-encompassing system.Questions 1-7Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs, A-F.Which paragraph contains the following information?Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.NB You may use any letter more than once.1 a reference to the exchange of expertise between different sports2 an explanation of how visual imaging is employed in investigations3 a reason for narrowing the scope of research activity4 how some AIS ideas have been reproduced5 how obstacles to optimum achievement can be investigated6 an overview of the funded support of athletes7 how performance requirements are calculated before an eventQuestions 8-11Classify the following techniques according to whether the writer states theyA are currently exclusively used by AustraliansB will be used in the future by AustraliansC are currently used by both Australians and their rivalsWrite the correct letter, A, B or C, in boxes 8-11 on your answer sheet.8 cameras9 sensors10 protein tests11 altitude tentsQuestions 12 and 13Answer the questions below.Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 12 and 13 on your answer sheet.12 What is produced to help an athlete plan their performance in an event?13 By how much did some cyclists' performance improve at the 1996 Olympic Games?篇章结构体裁说明文主题澳大利亚的体育成就结构A段:澳大利亚体育成绩斐然 B段:科技是第一生产力C段:精确测量和数据分析 D段:精确测量和数据分析的实例E段:数据的实际应用 F段:不可复制的成功必背词汇A段fair adj.合理的pro n.职业运动员demolish v.击败;破坏,毁坏 under the eye of 在……的注意下rival n.竞争者,对手 body n.团体,机构seeming adj.表面上的(通常事实并非如此) finance v.给……提供经费ease n.不费力,轻松 excellence n.优秀,卓越extensive adj.广泛的,涉及面广的 intensive adj.强化的underpin v.以……为稳固基础 nutritional adj.营养的B段centre stage 中心地位 squash n.壁球collaborate v.合作 instrument n.仪器,器械golfer n.打高尔夫球的人 ethereal adj.飘渺的,引申为不切实际的C段come down to(sth.)可归结为 wire-frame adj.线框的second-by-second 每秒的 slice v.划开;切开output n.输出 slow motion 慢动作wring…out of原义为扭,榨取,此处引申为从……中(经过努力)获得 side-on 从侧面stroke n.划动,划水tweak v.扭,用力拉 spine n.脊柱world-beating adj.举世瞩目的 swivel v.旋转prototype n.原型 biomechanical adj.生物力(学)的profile n.原义为轮廓、外形,此处意为模型 velocity n.速度,速率lap n.一圈budding adj.发展中的 spit out 原义是吐出,此处引申为显示出、分析出frame n.帧,画面D段turn time 转身时间 immunoglobulin n.免疫球蛋白unobtrusive adj.不显眼的,不醒目的 present adj.存在的sensor n.传感器 saliva n.唾液embed v.使插入;使嵌入 ease v.减轻,减弱sweat v.出汗,发汗 remarkably adv.显著地,引人注目地;非常地experimentation n.实验,试验immune-system 免疫系统的E段complex adj.复杂的 transform v.转换,转变,改变championship n.冠军赛 arguably adv.可论证地(可辩论地),有理由说地gear v.调整,(使)适合segment n.部分F段unveil v.展示(新产品);揭开 altitude tent 高原帐篷coolant-lined 流线型散热 replicate v.复制endurance n.耐力;忍耐力 encompass v.包含或包括某事物slice v.减少,降低难句解析1. A lot of their work comes down to measurement—everything from the exact angle of a swimmer's dive to the second-by-second power output of a cyclist.参考译文:许多工作都涉及具体测量,测量内容包括从游泳运动员潜水的精确角度到自行车运动员每秒功率输出的所有数据。


together and help each other as part of a team team spirit e. a route that is followed for a special purpose trail
Task 2:
Today we are going to read an article about Oxfam Trailwalker. Read it quickly and answer the questions:
8.What will the money be used for?
The money will be used to help poor people and to support development projects.
Listen to the tape of Paragraph 5 carefully then answer the following questions.
Paragraph 2,
Paragraph 4, Paragraph 1, Paragraph 5, Paragraph 3
Task 7:
Lily has heard that Ben is going to join Oxfam Trailwalker. She is asking Ben some questions about the event over the phone. Help him answer her question.(Part C2 on P97)
2. All the people can join in it. F
3. There are four people in each group in

unit 6

unit 6

Audie Murphy – Actor and War Hero. With only a grade school education, Audie, like many young men of his generation, he was anxious to defend his country. During his three years of combat he earned 33 medals and awards. After the war, Audie Murphy took part in some movies and ended up having a successful career in movies and television.
Fathers & Sons: the Bonding Process
Father and Son: The Bond is a photo album of more than fifty fathers and sons who reveal in their writings, and through Bill Hanson's poignant photography, the unique bond of fatherhood. They are firemen, athletes, professors, artists, and doctors. They share stories of discovery and growing pains.
replaced by “Parents & Children”? Why or why not? ➢Who do you love better, your father or your mother?
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Para F Definition of Puffery Para A Puffery that is Acceptable Para D
___ Some people argue against puffery because buyers might believe everything in advertising. T
Pay attention to the “words in bold” • p 47, part 9.
Words practice on p45-46
Enjoy the classical ads.
To me, the past black and white, but the future is always color.
• objective: • based on facts • subjective: • based on opinions & feelings
The words: O or S
• statement claim data
• assertion boast
Puffery in Advertisement
every litre of fuel. d. We design the best house in the world. e. Sign up this credit card now, and get a 10%
discount on bank fees. f. Bubbles! Kids’ favourite soft drink…
Matching Headings to Paragraphs
History of Puffery Para C Checks on Deceptive Advertising Para E Examples of Companies Guilty of Deceptive Advertising Reasons for Monitoring of Puffery in Advertising Para B Summary of Role of Puffery in Advertising
Unit 6
• public service advertising
• 公益广告
• creative/ original advertising
• 创意广告
• puffery:
a flattering commendation, esp. for promotional purpose (鼓吹)
The writer’s main idea is:
A. Puffery is part of advertising and is usually not harmful.
B. Puffery is a recent concern C. Puffery doesn’t occur very frequently. D. Puffery is an American problem
Do they use puffery?
the ads: objective or subjective
a. This coffee is the best—your friends will love you. b. This cat food will make your cat purr with delight. c. This all-wheel drive car will let you get 10kms for
___ A court case is a way of determining whether
advertising is deceptive or not.
___ Puffery dates from the days of television
___ Caveat emptor means that the seller has a responsibility for any problems with the item sold.
Good to the last drop.
A diamond lasts forever
Obey your thirst
Mosquito Bye Bye Bye
Time is what you make of it
A Kodak Moment
让我们做的更好 科技以人为本
Feel the new space 感受新境界
Just do it 只管去做
Start ahead
The relentless pursuit of perfection
不e flavor is—
Marlboro country.
Intelligence everywhere
The choice of a new generation
Take time to indulge
• Homework: • Write a short passage of ad’ effects on buying.
___ “The world’s best coffee” is an example of puffery.
___ “ The world’s safest chainsaw” is an example of puffery. F
___ People should carefully check prices before they buy goods. NG