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Chapter 3 Advertising Planning

3.1 Advertising Strategy

1. Questions:

1. What is the advertising strategy?

The way how the advertising objective is to be attained

An integration of the elements of the creative mix

2. What elements does the marketing mix include?

4Ps: product, price, place, promotion

Promotional mix:personal selling, advertising, public relations, sales promotion

3. What is the advertising creative mix?

Advertising message ( copy, art, production), target audience, the product concept, the communication media

4. Who are the target audience?

End-users, persons influencing the purchasing decision

5. What is the media strategy?

It refers to the determination of the best advertising media or media mix.

6. What is the strategy for the product concept?

A product values mix, bundle of value presented to the target audience by the ad.

7. How to classify the involvement degree?

Rational involvement, emotional involvement;

high involvement, low involvement

3.2 Advertising Strategy


1. What should be considered in the determination of the advertising objective?

The strategic objective of the company development, the company’s marketing objective

2. What is the advertising pyramid?

Bottom: awareness




Up: action

Common expressions(英译汉):

Advertising strategy 广告战略

Repurchase 再购

Marketing mix 营销组合

Promotional mix 促销组合

Creative mix 创意组合

Prioritization 划分优先顺序

Involvement degree 参与度

Rational involvement 理智参与

Emotional involvement 感情参与

Advertising message 广告创作

Bundle of value 价值包

4Ps: product, price, place, promotion

Bottom- up marketing 自下而上的营销

Benefit segmentation 利益细分

Consumer decision-making process 消费者决策过程Co-op advertising 合作广告

Current customer 现实消费者

Decline stage 产品的衰退期

Direct distribution 直销

Distribution channel 分销渠道

Exclusive distribution 独家分销

Franchising 特许专卖

Growth stage 产品的成长期

Hidden difference 隐性差异

Perceptible difference 显性差异

Individual brand 单一品牌

Intensive distribution 密集分销

Introductory phase 产品的引入期

Maturity stage 产品的成熟期

Personal selling 人际传播

Evoked set 参考组


1. All advertisers face a perennial challenge: how to present their products, services and ideas effectively through the media to buyers.


2. Advertisers must first develop customers’perception of the product itself (awareness, attitude, interest) and then a belief in the product’s ability to satisfy the customers’ perceived want or need.


3. The essence of resonance strategy is to link the product or service with one or more of universal experiences.


4. The better the advertising, the more people will try the product once. And the more who try an unsatisfactory product, the more who will reject it – and tell their friends.

