
目前运行的主要线路有:Bakerloo Line、Central Line、Circle Line、District Line、Northern Line、Victoria Line、Piccadilly Line、Jubilee Line、Hammermith - City Line以及Metropolitan Line。
地铁行驶方向是分开的,Westbound、Eastbound、Southbound、Northbound 分别表示向西、东、南、北方向,乘坐时一定要看清楚自己要去的站点位于哪个方向。
按地区分可分为一个区价(One Zone)、二个区价(Two Zones)、三个区价……六个区价(Six Zones);按时间分可分为一次使用票、一日使用票、周末使用票、一周使用票、一个月使票及年票;按年龄分可分为大人票、儿童(5-15岁)票;五岁以下搭乘地铁、公交车免票;另外还有个人票、家庭票(Family Travelcards)、和团体票(Group Day Tickets)。
如购置周票和月票需要事先到地铁站或火车站填写一张表格,留下姓名和地址,交上一张照片,便可得到一张Photo Card。
遇到检票时要将周、月票和Photo Card一起出示。

地铁的运行速度一般在35km/h, 最高运行 速度80km/h。
Do you know how often the subway runs? 你知道地铁多长时间一趟? About 3-5 minutes. 大约3-5分钟。
What manners should we pay attention to when we take the subway?
Wind your manners.
Don’t go in and grab a seat before the passengers get off.
伦敦拥有最大的地铁,它有270个站,它被 称为地下伦敦,它很古老,大约有150年历 史。
stations 车 站 underground 地 下
London 伦 敦 biggest 最大的
What other words don’t you know,please tell me!
currantly six subway lines.
Do you know how fast the subway run?
你知道地eed of the subway train is 35 kilometers per hour .
不要在乘客还没有下车时,就进去 抢座位。
Don’t bother others by using mobile phone. 玩手机不要影响到别人。 Don’t stand in the doorway. 不要堵在门口。

世界最早的伦敦地铁柴适【摘要】1990年是伦敦第一条地铁线-CityandSouthLondon线通车100周年.盛大的庆祝活动丰富多彩:在伦敦交通博物馆举办展览会;在Morden车库停放着一列完全按照1923年式样的车辆,开展周末欢庆活动;迎接来自27个国家的来宾,举行招待会.全世界的来宾来到英国参加这次盛会,因为这不仅仅是伦敦的庆典,而且是英国的庆典.1890年11月4日,当时的威尔士王储,后来成为英王爱德华七世,出席了第一条地铁线的通车典礼.该线从City到伦敦南部的Stockwell,长5.6km,标志着城市地铁的发展在世界上从这里开始.【期刊名称】《交通与港航》【年(卷),期】2016(000)003【总页数】3页(P64-66)【关键词】伦敦地铁;世界;庆祝活动;城市地铁;地铁线;展览会;博物馆;威尔士【作者】柴适【作者单位】【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U231.21990年是伦敦第一条地铁线——City and South London线通车100周年。
该线从City到伦敦南部的Stockwell,长5.6 km,标志着城市地铁的发展在世界上从这里开始。
City and South London线的建造,使用了一系列的新技术,有的还在试验阶段。

题。伦 敦市组织了交通 委员会征集方案 ,律师查尔斯·皮尔逊提出了修 建“伦敦中央火 车
承包 商提出的要在伦 敦修建一条地下 道路的设想:他 们认为人和车完 全可以在地下通 行。
伦敦地铁在英文中别称The Tube(管子)
伦敦地铁 简史 藉
交汇来往尤斯顿 睛
• 西伦敦线(West London line) - 卡普咸交汇来往威

地铁介绍英语作文The subway, also known as the underground or metro, is an essential part of urban transportation in many cities around the world. It provides a fast, efficient, and often environmentally friendly way to move around a city. Here's a brief introduction to the subway system.History and OriginThe concept of an underground railway system dates back tothe 19th century. The first subway system was opened inLondon in 1863, known as the Metropolitan Railway. Since then, subway systems have expanded globally, with notable examples including the New York City Subway, the Tokyo Metro, and the Paris Métro.Function and BenefitsSubways serve as a vital link for commuters, connecting residential areas to business districts, shopping centers,and tourist attractions. They are known for their punctuality and ability to handle large volumes of passengers, makingthem ideal for reducing traffic congestion and pollution.InfrastructureA typical subway system consists of a network of tunnels, stations, and tracks. Stations are strategically placed to serve major population centers and points of interest. The infrastructure also includes control centers, power supply systems, and maintenance facilities.OperationSubways are usually operated by government agencies or private companies. They run on electric power, which is supplied through overhead lines or third rails. Trains are automated or manned by drivers, and they operate on fixed schedules with frequent intervals during peak hours.Safety and SecuritySafety is a paramount concern in subway systems. They are equipped with various safety features such as emergency brakes, fire suppression systems, and surveillance cameras. Additionally, security personnel and automated announcements guide passengers on safety protocols.Economic ImpactThe development of a subway system can significantly boost a city's economy by improving accessibility, reducing travel time, and promoting business growth. It also creates jobs in construction, operation, and maintenance.Cultural SignificanceIn many cities, subways have become more than just a mode of transport; they are cultural icons. Artwork, architecture, and historical significance are often incorporated into subway stations, making them attractions in their own right.Environmental ImpactSubways are considered a green mode of transport as they reduce the number of vehicles on the road, thereby lowering carbon emissions. They also promote a shift towards publictransportation, which is beneficial for the environment.In conclusion, the subway system is a marvel of modern engineering and a testament to human ingenuity. It plays a crucial role in the daily life of millions, shaping the way we live, work, and interact within urban environments.。

世界地铁特色英语作文English Answer:The world's subway systems offer a fascinating glimpse into the diversity and ingenuity of human engineering. From the bustling urban centers of Asia to the historic metropolises of Europe, subways have become an integralpart of modern life, shaping the way we live, work, and explore our cities.London Underground: Known affectionately as the "Tube," the London Underground is the oldest and one of the most extensive subway systems in the world. Established in 1863, it now boasts 11 lines and over 270 stations, serving millions of passengers daily. The Tube is renowned for its distinctive red double-decker trains and its iconic station roundels designed by Edward Johnston.New York City Subway: The New York City Subway is the largest and most complex subway system in the United States,with 472 stations and 27 lines. Known for its 24/7 operation, it carries over 6 million passengers each weekday. The subway is a lifeline for New Yorkers, connecting every corner of the city and serving as a hub for commuters, tourists, and street performers alike.Tokyo Metro: The Tokyo Metro is a marvel of modern engineering. It consists of 13 lines and 294 stations, serving the sprawling metropolis of Tokyo. The system is known for its efficiency, punctuality, and cleanliness. Passengers can navigate the subway with ease thanks to its clear signage and multilingual announcements.Paris Métro: The Paris Métro is a symbol of thecity's elegance and charm. With 14 lines and 303 stations, it has been operational since 1900 and remains a popular mode of transportation for Parisians and visitors alike. The Métro is characterized by its Art Nouveau entrances and stations adorned with ornate tiles and mosaics.Moscow Metro: The Moscow Metro is renowned for its opulent and elaborate architecture. With 12 lines and 238stations, it is the second largest subway system in Europe. The stations are adorned with marble, chandeliers, and mosaic artwork, making the Moscow Metro an underground palace.Berlin U-Bahn: The Berlin U-Bahn is a modern and efficient subway system consisting of 10 lines and 173 stations. It serves the bustling German capital and is known for its sleek and functional design. The U-Bahn is an integral part of Berlin's public transportation network, connecting major landmarks and neighborhoods with ease.Seoul Subway: The Seoul Subway is the most comprehensive subway system in South Korea, with 23 lines and 397 stations. It serves the metropolitan area of Seoul and is known for its advanced technology and convenience. The subway is equipped with automated fare collection systems and real-time train information displays.Beijing Subway: The Beijing Subway is the secondlargest subway system in China, with 23 lines and 345 stations. It serves the rapidly growing metropolis ofBeijing and is an essential mode of transportation for commuters. The subway is modern and efficient, with features such as self-service ticket vending machines and automated announcements.Shanghai Metro: The Shanghai Metro is the longest subway system in the world, with 18 lines and 436 stations. It serves the vibrant city of Shanghai and is known for its cutting-edge technology. The metro incorporates smart features such as mobile ticketing and facial recognition systems for quick and convenient travel.Mexico City Metro: The Mexico City Metro is a vast and complex subway system consisting of 12 lines and 195 stations. It serves the bustling Mexican capital and is the second largest subway system in Latin America. The metro is characterized by its vibrant and colorful stations, which often feature murals and artwork.Chinese Answer:世界地铁特色英语作文。

中外著名地铁介绍英语作文London Underground, also known as the Tube, is one of the oldest and most famous metro systems in the world. It's a sprawling network of trains that crisscross beneath the bustling streets of London, connecting the city and its suburbs.The New York City Subway is a vital part of the city's transportation system, with hundreds of miles of track and thousands of trains running every day. It's a fast and efficient way to get around the city, and it's an iconic part of New York City's identity.The Tokyo Metro is a marvel of modern engineering, with sleek, high-speed trains that whisk passengers across the city in a matter of minutes. It's clean, efficient, and incredibly punctual, making it one of the most reliable metro systems in the world.The Paris Metro is a cultural icon, with itsdistinctive Art Nouveau entrances and charming, vintage-style carriages. It's a charming and convenient way to explore the City of Light, and it's an essential part of the Parisian experience.The Moscow Metro is a stunning showcase of Soviet-era architecture, with grand, palatial stations adorned with intricate mosaics, chandeliers, and marble columns. It's a historic and visually stunning way to travel around the Russian capital.The Shanghai Metro is a shining example of modern urban planning, with state-of-the-art trains and sleek,futuristic stations. It's a clean, efficient, and high-tech way to navigate the bustling metropolis of Shanghai.The Berlin U-Bahn is a vital part of the city's transportation system, with its distinctive yellow trains and iconic station designs. It's a fast and reliable way to get around the German capital, and it's an essential part of the Berlin experience.。

码头区轻轨 电车
伦敦市 轨道交通
地上铁 电车连线
中间的横杠上标有“GENERAL(总)”。1908年,由于其应用于站名和站台时较易辨认,该标志被 伦敦地铁采用。标志中间的文字很快被改成“UNDERGROUND (地铁)” 作为企业形象标识。
2004年1月伦敦交通局建议设立“伦敦区域铁路 管理局”(London Regional Rail Authority), 并赋予伦敦交通局管理大伦敦地区铁路网络的权力 。咨询期完结后,当局宣布将银连铁路的一部分专 营权转交伦敦交通局。
2006年2月20日,英国交通部宣布,伦敦交通局 将会接管原本由银连铁路管理的铁路路线。当时这 条路线暂名为北伦敦铁路,并邀请潜在营办商,为 营运该路线招标。
• 东伦敦线(East London line)-高贝利及艾斯灵 顿来往水晶宫或西克洛顿
• 福音橡至柏京线(Gospel Oak to Barking Line)
• 北伦敦线(North London line)- 里奇蒙来往斯特 拉特福
• 沃特福德直流电铁线(Watford DC line) - 屈福特 交汇来往尤斯顿
现在伦敦地铁每个站台都显示该标志,中间的文字均是车站的站名。 随着该标志被应用于伦敦的交通工具,包括地铁和巴士,伦敦交通局决定将该标志搭配不同的用 色应用于其它的交通工具,包括计程车、有轨电车等。很快该标志称为伦敦城市的标志之一。
(英语:London Underground)
伦敦地铁 简史
1829年以前,伦敦完全没有任何供大众使用的交通工具。 从1800年到1831年间,伦敦人口从不足100万上升到175万,交通拥堵成了伦敦的一大 难题。伦敦市组织了交通委员会征集方案,律师查尔斯·皮尔逊提出了修建“伦敦中央火 车站”的设想,他认为只要火车通到城市中心就可以从根本上解决交通拥堵的问题。而一 群承包商提出的要在伦敦修建一条地下道路的设想:他们认为人和车完全可以在地下通行 。这两个想法结合了起来形成了我们今天所熟悉的地铁的概念。 1862年中,4.8公里长,7个停靠站的地下铁道基本完工了。蒸汽车头开进了地下,大 约40名官员乘坐在没有顶棚的木制车厢里对地铁进行了第一次巡游。 1863年1月10日,世界上第一条地铁——伦敦地铁运行。 尝到地铁甜头的伦敦人就开 始考虑修建第二条地铁了。同一年,工程师约翰·福勒(JOHN FOWLER)提出伦敦地铁建设 应该从直线向环线发展。四年以后,环线地铁(CIRCLE LINE)投入建设,1884年完工。 随后,地下挖掘技术日臻成熟,继大都会线和环线的建设与开通,伦敦纵横交错的地 铁网终于开始形成。 1898年,连接城市南部与金融城的地铁:滑铁卢与城市线(WATERLOO & CITY? LINE)开通。 1900年,横贯整个伦敦的中央线(CENTRAL LINE)也完成了。这条地铁 1948年计划的纵贯伦敦的地铁C线,也就是今天的维多利亚线(VICTORIA LINE)拖到 1959年才真正开工,1962年完成了第一段,直到1971年才修完最后一段。 1949年计划的朱必利线(JUBILEE LINE)及其延长线完工更晚。从设计到完成花了30 年,1979年才对外开放。
伦敦地铁旧图(3张) 在地铁还没出现之前的1829年,伦敦诞生出公共马车,行驶路线固定,距离很短,每个 乘客收费1先令,显然不是普通民众可以轻易搭乘的。
伦敦地铁 伦敦地铁的快速发展创造了不少就业机会,每段轨道,每个月台,每个出入口,都需要人工来打 理。地铁里的多数员工,属于工时长、工资低、工作环境差而且工作不稳定的工作类型。从1950年起,伦敦地铁 接纳了许多来自非洲、加勒比地区和亚洲的各个种族的员工。1956年,伦敦地铁甚至开始直接到位于西印度群岛 的巴巴多斯招收员工。1966年,他们的招工地扩展到了牙买加和特立尼达(TRINIDAD)。在伦敦地铁海外招工 的刺激下,一波又一波的黑皮肤的年轻人来到伦敦就职。
伦敦地铁最早采用了深埋的圆形隧道。1880年起,利用圆形盾构并辅以压缩空气,修建了长约5.23公里的 一段线路,于1890年12月18日通车,并改用电力机车牵引,成为世界上最早使用电力机车牵引的地下铁道。圆 形隧道的内径为3.10~3.20米,外径为3.32~3.43米,采用铸铁管片衬砌。
(Waterloo) 英国南面及西南面的交通枢纽。 换乘:北线,贝克鲁线,朱必利线和滑铁卢及城市线。
运营线路 运营车站
客流量 员工
伦敦地铁线路在19年代建造初就被设计为整齐划一的美学形态,并在后续的升级八车厢工程中得到保留。车 站墙壁一般用白色瓷砖覆盖,因为20世纪初的车站灯光亮度较低,使用白色瓷砖可以最大程度的反射光线。墙壁 上有商家广告,用上色的方砖外框包裹,外框上刻有伦敦的标志。站名通常以绿底白字的形式书写于站名牌上, 但原来建造的些许车站则直接将站名书以蓝底白字写于在墙砖上。

介绍地铁英文作文Title: Exploring the Underground: An Introduction to the Subway System。
The subway, also known as the underground or metro, is a crucial component of urban transportation in many cities around the world. With its intricate network of tunnels, trains, and stations, the subway provides a convenient and efficient way for people to travel within cities. In this essay, we will explore the subway system, its history, advantages, challenges, and its impact on urban life.History of the Subway。
The concept of the subway dates back to the 19th century, with the first underground railway opening in London in 1863. Since then, subway systems have been developed in major cities worldwide, including New York, Paris, Tokyo, and Beijing. Initially powered by steam locomotives, modern subways rely on electricity to operate.Advantages of the Subway。

英文作文介绍伦敦地铁1. The London Underground, also known as the Tube, is one of the oldest and busiest metro systems in the world.It covers 11 lines and over 250 miles of track, connecting the city's most famous landmarks and neighborhoods.2. Riding the Tube can be a crowded and noisy experience, especially during rush hour. But it's also a great way to people-watch and get a glimpse of London's diverse population.3. The Tube stations are known for their unique design and architecture, with some dating back to the Victorian era. Each station has its own character and history, adding to the charm of the underground network.4. One of the best things about the Tube is its convenience and efficiency. Trains run frequently, and you can easily transfer between lines to reach your destination. It's a fast and reliable way to get around the city.5. While the Tube can be overwhelming for first-time visitors, it's worth taking the time to explore and discover all that it has to offer. From the iconic roundel logo to the distinctive map design, the London Underground is a symbol of the city itself.。

• 为单拱形砖砌结构。当时是以蒸汽机车牵 引列车。1890年又建成一条地下铁道,长 5.2千米,隧道为圆形,内径3.10~3.20米, 铸铁管片衬砌。
• 用电力机车牵引列车,为世界上第一条电 气化地铁。现在英国伦敦地铁列车通过第 三轨供直流电,电压为600伏。
• 列车运行速度约32千米/小时,最大时速达 96千米。伦敦地铁于1971年开始在维多利 亚线区应用遥控和计算机技术操纵列车。
The London Underground
• 它是世界上第一条地下铁道。总长超过400 千米。 • It is the world's first underground railway. The total length of over 400 km
• 1856年开始修建,1863年1月10日正式投 入运营。它长约7.6千米,隧道横断面高 5.18米、宽8.69米, • Construction began in 1856, formally put into operation in January 10, 1863. It is about 7.6 kilometers long, tunnel cross section 5.18 meters high, 8.69 meters wide,
• 它是世界上第一条地下铁道。总长超过400千米。 1856年开始修建,1863年1月10日正式投入运营。 它长约7.6千米,隧道横断面高5.18米、宽8.69米, 为单拱形砖砌结构。当时是以蒸汽机车牵引列车。 1890年又建成一条地下铁道,长5.2千米,隧道为 圆形,内径3.10~3.20米,铸铁管片衬砌。用电 力机车牵引列车,为世界上第一条电气化地铁。 现在英国伦敦地铁列车通过第三轨供直流电,电 压为600伏。列车运行速度约32千米
地下铁的另一个世界 英语学习

精选导读1. 伦敦地铁(London Underground)是英国伦敦的城市轨道交通系统,于1863年1月10日通车。
伦敦地铁在英文中别称为The Tube(管子),其来源于车辆在像管道一样的圆形隧道内行驶;2. 伦敦地铁的红色环状标志早年被称作“牛眼”(Bull's-eye)或“枪靶”(Target)。
随后,标志中间的文字很快被改为"UNDERGROUND"(即“地铁”)作为早期的企业形象标识;3. 如今,伦敦地铁的每个站台都显示有该标志,中间的文字均为车站站名。
(本篇课程首发于2016年11月16日)思考题1. 为何莫斯科的地铁站会建得如此富丽堂皇?伦敦地铁站有什么样的艺术特色?很多城市都用地下交通系统来展现自己的个性,你觉得你所在的城市地铁站有什么特色?2. 请用visual identity 造句,表达标示对一个品牌或城市形象的重要性。
例句:Designs on visual identity system and its nightscape lighting in city have great influence on whole city image.英文原文Tunnel Vision: Art Underground①From the blue-mosaiced artistry of Toledo station in Naples to the opulence of Moscow's Kievskaya, cities use their subterranean transport systems as a way to express themselves.②It all started with the oldest subway in the world, London's.③The man responsible for its Underground's now-iconic visual identity, formulated in the 1910s-30s, was Frank Pick, a visionary who enlisted sculptors including Henry Moore and commissioned posters from Man Ray.④He oversaw the building of beautiful art-deco stations like Piccadilly Circus, where a new artwork was recently installed in his honour.⑤In the style of London stations, his name has been written in New Johnston typeface ina roundel, together with some of his writing.⑥His commitment to using stations and tunnels to showcase art has been taken to the extreme by Stockholm, whose 110km metro system is said to be the world's longest art gallery.⑦Pick would doubtless have approved of this underground movement.生词好句opulence: n. 富裕;富丽堂皇subterranean: adj. 地下的now-iconic: adj. 标志性的visual identity: 标识visionary: n. 有远见的人enlist: vt. 招募commission: vt. 委托in one's honor: 纪念某人typeface: n. 字体take to the extreme: 发挥到极致approve of: 赞同"One's destination is never a place, but always a new way of seeing things."Henry Miller。

英文作文介绍伦敦地铁英文:The London Underground, also known as the Tube, is a rapid transit system serving Greater London and some parts of the adjacent counties of Buckinghamshire, Essex, and Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom. It is one of the oldest and busiest underground railway networks in the world, with 11 lines and 270 stations.I use the Tube almost every day to get around London. It's a convenient and reliable way to travel, and it's also a great way to see the city. Each line has its own unique characteristics and history, and some stations are even considered landmarks in their own right.For example, the Piccadilly Line runs from Heathrow Airport to the West End, passing through some of London's most iconic neighborhoods like Knightsbridge and Covent Garden. The station at Leicester Square is famous for itsconnection to the West End theater district, while King's Cross St. Pancras is known for its connection to the Harry Potter series.One of the things I appreciate most about the Tube is its efficiency. The trains run frequently and on time, and there are always staff members available to help with any questions or concerns. The Tube also offers a range of ticket options, from single fares to weekly and monthly passes, making it easy to find a plan that works for your budget and travel needs.Overall, the London Underground is an essential part of life in the city, and I couldn't imagine getting around without it.中文:伦敦地铁,也被称为“Tube”,是英国大伦敦地区及其周边某些县市的快速交通系统。

地铁车辆大多数为自动门,但要注意,有的 是需要客人自己按按钮的,按钮上标有"Push to Open"的字样。每个地铁线都有报站,但是 需要注意的是,每列地铁都是自动报站,而 且都是即将进站报下一站,就比如即将进入 贝克街的时候才会播报:“The next station is Baker Street...”。而且报本站的方式不像内地 一样,而是开门后播报:“This is Baker Street...”。另外请自己提醒自己:“Mind The Gap”,好像新车不用自己提醒...
敦地铁为自动检票,旅 游卡也一样通行。但是 ,请不要忘记取出已放 入检票机的车票或旅游 卡。取票口位于检票机 栏杆之前,不在此取出 票,栏杆就不会放开。
伦敦地铁的站台上只有该站站名, 在通道及电动扶梯(有些站还有电 梯间)附近都有路线图,可以按颜 色找到自己要乘坐的路线,并顺此 线的指示乘车。路线图分为 "Eastbound"(向东方面)、 "Westbound "(向西方面)、"South bound"(向南方面)、 "Northbound"(向北方面)等,在此 弄清自己要去的站在哪一方面,然 后再走。因为同一月台来的车有时 会有不同,下一站也可能会有不同 ,所以还要注意来的车子是不是你 所要搭乘的
伦敦地铁车站的数目已超过273 个,站间距离平均为1.5公里。 深埋车站大多数为侧式站台, 设置于一个大直径的圆形隧道 中。到1981年为止,70个深埋 车站安装有273部自动扶梯,26 个车站安装有70部直升电梯。
贝克街车站(Baker Street)是5 条地铁线路的换乘站。在这里 有一个招贴画大小的铜制铭牌 ,上面写着:“此站台系1863 年世界第一条地铁的一部分, 特此证明。”一般来说,伦敦 地铁站台两侧都是广告,不过 贝克街站有所不同,每个站台 座椅上方都留有宣传海报的空 间。这些海报生动地描绘了 1863年这个站台刚刚启用时的 情景,堪称伦敦地铁历史的博 物馆。
伦敦地铁 中英文对照

伦敦地铁中英文对照The London UndergroundThe London Underground, also known as the Tube, is one of the most iconic and efficient public transportation systems in the world. It is the oldest and largest subway network, with a history dating back to the 19th century. The London Underground has become an integral part of the city's infrastructure, connecting various neighborhoods and facilitating the movement of millions of people daily.The origins of the London Underground can be traced back to the 1860s when the first underground railway line, the Metropolitan Railway, was constructed. This line, which connected Paddington to Farringdon, was a groundbreaking achievement, as it allowed people to travel through the heart of the city without the need for horse-drawn carriages or surface-level congestion. Over the following decades, the network expanded rapidly, with new lines and stations being added to cater to the growing population and the increasing demand for efficient transportation.One of the key features of the London Underground is its extensivecoverage. The network consists of 11 main lines, each with its own unique color-coded identity, which collectively span over 402 kilometers (250 miles) and serve 270 stations. This expansive reach allows Londoners and visitors alike to access virtually any part of the city with relative ease. The system's efficiency is further enhanced by the use of a comprehensive ticketing system, which includes options such as the iconic Oyster card, contactless payments, and various pass options to cater to the diverse needs of commuters and travelers.The design and architecture of the London Underground stations are also noteworthy. Many of the stations feature distinctive styles, ranging from the grand and ornate to the more utilitarian and modern. The iconic tile patterns, vaulted ceilings, and intricate signage have become a defining feature of the Tube, contributing to its unique character and sense of place. The stations themselves have also evolved over time, with some undergoing extensive renovations and upgrades to improve accessibility, passenger flow, and overall user experience.One of the most remarkable aspects of the London Underground is its ability to adapt and evolve with the changing needs of the city. As London has grown and developed, the Tube has kept pace, with new lines and stations being added to meet the increasing demand for public transportation. The system has also undergone technologicaladvancements, such as the implementation of automated train control systems, Wi-Fi connectivity, and real-time passenger information displays, all of which have enhanced the overall user experience.Despite the challenges posed by an aging infrastructure and the need for continuous maintenance and upgrades, the London Underground remains a vital component of the city's transportation network. It is a testament to the ingenuity and foresight of its designers and engineers, who have worked tirelessly to ensure that the Tube continues to serve the needs of Londoners and visitors alike.In conclusion, the London Underground is more than just a mode of transportation; it is a cultural icon that has become synonymous with the city itself. Its history, design, and ongoing evolution are a testament to the resilience and adaptability of London's public transportation system. As the city continues to grow and evolve, the Tube will undoubtedly remain a vital part of its infrastructure, connecting people, neighborhoods, and the very essence of what makes London such a vibrant and dynamic metropolis.。

简单的介绍就是伦敦地铁一共贯穿 伦敦6个区(6 zones),可以理解成北 京的环,地铁价格的高低也是以区而定 的,跨的区越多,越贵。Oyster card 是伦敦人必备的一张交通卡,经常乘坐 地铁的人当然就是买包月或者周票最划 算。
伦敦地铁分高峰期(Peak time: 6:30–9:30,16:00-19:00)和非高 峰期,如果在非高峰期买One Day Travel Card就省钱多了。具体价格在 这里不好介绍,因为伦敦分区,地铁票都是按照从哪区到哪去买的,比如 1区only,1-2区,1-3区以此类推直到1-9区,如果不包括1区的话,那就 是2-3区,2-4区等等等(往往包括一区的地铁票是最贵的)。每年伦敦交 通费都会上调,单程票价可以到官网查询。
最大的建议就是大家一定要记住英 文站名和地铁线如何说,不要寄中文译 音,因为那样没用,到时候地铁广播站 名的时候,您还是听不懂,比如说 Waterloo Station,中文是滑铁卢站。
伦敦地铁俗称Tube, 也就是管道的意思,为什 么叫做管道呢?大家可以 明显的发现,隧道本身是 以圆形去设计的,很像水 管,因而得名。发展至今, 伦敦地铁的每日载客量平 均高达267万人。
18岁以上全职学生在网上都可以搞定,和普 通交通卡不同的是,这个学 生的Oyster card上面会有你 的照片和过期日期,申请之 后需交一个20镑的申请费。
Mind the gap
这个声音其实是Oswald Laurence 的声音,至于你为什么还能听到其实是 有个很温暖的故事的:因为Oswald Laurence于2001年去世了,她的妻子每 次听到地铁站的「Mind the gap」会有 很暖心的感觉,但是2012年突然地铁站 将这段声音换了,首先换成了另外的人 的 Mind the gap,其次换成了Please mind the gap between the train and the platform,他的妻子就请求伦敦地 铁回复使用她丈夫的声音。人们为了纪 念他,同时安慰他的妻子,在2013年于 恢复使用那个经典的「Mind the gap」。

伦敦地铁英文作文London Underground, also known as the Tube, is aniconic symbol of London's transportation system. With its extensive network of lines spanning across the city, it serves millions of passengers daily, connecting variousparts of the capital and beyond. In this essay, we will delve into the history, significance, and operational aspects of the London Underground.The London Underground has a rich history dating backto the 19th century when the first underground railway line, the Metropolitan Railway, opened in 1863. Designed to alleviate traffic congestion in the city and provide afaster mode of transportation, it quickly became popular among Londoners. Over the years, the network expanded, with new lines and stations being added to accommodate the growing demand.One of the most remarkable features of the London Underground is its iconic design. The distinctive roundelsymbol, comprising a red circle crossed by a horizontal blue bar, is instantly recognizable and serves as a symbol of the city. The stations themselves are often architectural marvels, ranging from the grandeur of Westminster to the modernity of Canary Wharf.The London Underground plays a crucial role in the daily lives of Londoners, providing a convenient and efficient means of transportation. Whether it's commuting to work, visiting tourist attractions, or simply exploring the city, the Tube offers a fast and reliable way to get around. Its extensive network ensures that almost every part of London is easily accessible by public transport.In addition to its role in transportation, the London Underground also holds cultural significance. It has been featured in numerous films, television shows, and works of literature, further cementing its status as an iconic London landmark. For many, riding the Tube is not just a means of getting from point A to point B but an experience that embodies the spirit of the city itself.Operationally, the London Underground is a marvel of engineering and logistics. With over 400 kilometers of track and 270 stations, it requires careful planning and coordination to keep the system running smoothly. Thetrains themselves are a testament to modern technology, with automated systems ensuring safe and efficient operation.Despite its many strengths, the London Underground is not without its challenges. Overcrowding during peak hours, maintenance issues, and occasional disruptions can test the patience of even the most seasoned commuters. However, efforts are continually being made to improve the system, with upgrades and expansions planned for the future.In conclusion, the London Underground is more than just a transportation network; it is a symbol of London's rich history, culture, and identity. From its humble beginnings in the 19th century to its status as one of the world's most extensive metro systems, the Tube continues to play a vital role in shaping the city and the lives of its inhabitants. As London evolves and grows, so too will itsiconic underground railway, ensuring that it remains an integral part of the fabric of the city for generations to come.。

伦敦地铁(Underground Railway)世界上第一条城市轨道交通是英国伦敦于1863年1月10日建成投运,全长仅6km,动力采用蒸汽机车,设备、技术和管理基本上都是参照当时的英国铁路管理模式。
由于地铁车辆穿行在像管道一样的地下圆形隧道里,英国人又将地铁昵称为“管子”(The Tube),流传至今。
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• 用电力机车牵引列车,为世界上第一条电 气化地铁。现在英国伦敦地铁列车通过第 三轨供直流电,电压为600伏。
• 列车运行速度约32千米/小时,最大时速达 96千米。伦敦地铁于1971年开始在维多利 亚线区应用遥控和计算机技术操纵列车。
The London Underground
• 它是世界上第一条地下铁道。总长超过400 千米。 • It is the world's first underground railway. The total length of over 400 km
• 1856年开始修建,1863年1月10日正式投 入运营。它长约7.6千米,隧道横断面高 5.18米、宽8.69米, • Construction began in 1856, formally put into operation in January 10, 1863. It is about 7.6 kilometers long, tunnel cross section 5.18 meters high, 8.69 meters wide,
• 它是世界上第一条地下铁道。总长超过400千米。 1856年开始修建,1863年1月10日正式投入运营。 它长约7.6千米,隧道横断面高5.18米、宽8.69米, 为单拱形砖砌结构。当时是以蒸汽机车牵引列车。 1890年又建成一条地下铁道,长5.2千米,隧道为 圆形,内径3.10~3.20米,铸铁管片衬砌。用电 力机车牵引列车,为世界上第一条电气化地铁。 现在英国伦敦地铁列车通过第三轨供直流电,电 压为600伏。列车运行速度约32千米/小时,最大 时速达96千米。伦敦地铁于1971年开始在维多利 亚线区应用遥控和计算机技术操纵列车。