








巴塞尔委员会在1988 年 12 月《防止罪犯使用银行系统洗钱的声明》中强调指出,防止洗钱的最重要的措施在于银行自身管理的完善。











A.中国人民银行开始行使反洗钱的职能B.中国人民银行开始行使直接检查监督权C.中国人民银行开始行使直接审批金融机构的职能D.中国人民银行将对银行业的监管职能划分出来,移交给银监会【答案】 C2、中国反洗钱监测分析中心由( )设立。

A.中国银行业监督管理委员会B.财政部C.中国人民银行D.国家外汇管理局【答案】 C3、以下不是《行政诉讼法》设立的目的是()A.防止和纠正违法的或者不当的具体行政行为B.保证人民法院正确、及时审理行政案件C.保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益D.维护和监督行政机关依法行使行政职权【答案】 A4、银行业是一个高度依赖负债经营的行业,声誉是银行的生命线,( )是银行业从业人员的立身之本。

A.守法合规B.专业胜任C.品行正直D.勤勉尽职【答案】 C5、GDP是指在一国的领土范围内,本国居民和外国居民在一定时期内所生产的、以()表示的产品和劳务总值。

A.世界价格B.公允价格C.市场价格D.成本价格【答案】 C6、监管谈话是指监管人员为了解银行业金融机构的经营状况、风险状况和发展趋势而与其()进行的谈话。

A.股东B.董事、高级管理人员C.普通工作人员D.客户【答案】 B7、存放中央银行款项,是指商业银行存放在中央银行的资金,即()A.存款准备金B.法定存款准备金C.超额准备金D.库存现金【答案】 A8、由银行签发,承诺自己在见票时无条件支付确定金额给收款人或者持票人的票据是( )。

A.商业承兑汇票B.银行承兑汇票C.支票D.银行本票【答案】 D9、在诉讼时效期间进行中,因发生法定事由,致使已经经过的时效期间统归无效,待时效中断的事由消除后,诉讼时效期间重新计算的制度是()。



洗钱与反洗钱:长期的较量闻雁20世纪80年代以来,洗钱犯罪(money laundering offences)日益猖獗,弥漫全球,触角无所不至,手段无所不用其极。










目前,各国确定洗钱的上游犯罪有三种情况:一是指所有上游犯罪,代表国家有澳大利亚、芬兰、意大利和英国等;二是指严重犯罪,即在一定有期徒刑年限以上的犯罪才视为洗钱的上游犯罪,如新西兰(有期徒刑5年以上)、奥地利(有期徒刑3年以上)和瑞士(有期徒刑1年以上);三是列举特定非法行为(Specified Unlawful Activity, SUA)确定洗钱的上游犯罪,如美国(约250种)、加拿大(45种)和希腊(20种)。


• 各国应向负责反洗钱工作的主 管部门提供充分的财力、人力 和技术资源。建立适当程序, 确保有关部门协调一致工作
• 确保决策者、金融中心、执法 部门和金融监管部门之间有效 的合作
• 法人和法律协议的透明度
–防止洗钱活动非法利用法人或法 律安排,获取受益人、控制权、 信托等充分信息
• 国际合作
–执行《维也纳公约》(联合国禁 止非法贩运麻醉药品和精神药物 公约)、《巴勒莫公约》(联合 国打击跨国有组织犯罪国际公 约)、《1999年联合国禁止资助 恐主义公约》


•(三)通ຫໍສະໝຸດ 转帐或者其他结算方式协助资金转移的;


• 《金融机构反洗钱规定》中的定义: 洗钱是指将毒品犯罪、黑社会性质 的组织犯罪、恐活动犯罪、走私犯 罪或者其他犯罪的违法所得及其产 生的收益,通过各种手段掩饰、隐 瞒其来源和性质,使其在形式上合 法化的行为。
• 洗钱的规模
–1997年联合国估计全球犯罪集团 的洗钱为4000亿美元,占当年国 际贸易总额的8%。
–2001年联合国公布的全球洗钱数 额为1至3万亿美元,在世界金融 中心每年的洗钱规模为3000-5000 亿美元。
–国际货币基金组织估计目前全球 范围每年洗钱的规模占世界GDP总 量的2%-5%,即1万到1万5千亿美 元。
• 巴塞尔委员会关于防止犯罪利用银行系统洗钱 的原则声明:
• 银行和其他金融机构可以在无意间被用做转移或者存储得自犯罪行为的资金的中介。 罪犯及其同伙利用银行系统付款和将资金从一个帐户转往另一个帐户,掩盖资金的来 源和受益的所有人,以及通过保管设施保存银行票据。这些行为一般称之为洗钱。



反洗钱考试:金融机构反洗钱知识点 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。

1、单项选择题 2004年5月,经国务院领导同意,反洗钱工作部际联席会议成员单位由原来的16家增至多少家?( )A.23 B.24 C.25 D.26 本题答案: 2、判断题 巴塞尔委员会的《关于防止利用银行系统洗钱的声明》针对保管箱业务专门提出了客户身份识别要求。

本题答案: 3、单项选择题 2006年6月28日,全国人大常委会对《刑法》第三百一十二条进行了修订,将该罪的行为模式由“窝藏、转移、收购或者代为销售”修改为( )A .窝藏、转移、收购或者以其他方法掩饰、隐瞒 B .窝藏、转移、收购、代为销售或者获取、占有、使用 C .以各种方法掩饰、隐瞒 D .窝藏、转移、收购、代为销售或者以其他方法掩饰、隐瞒 本题答案: 4、判断题 与客户签订期货经纪合同时,期货公司应核对客户有效身份证件,但当客户销姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------户时,期货公司无需再核对。





反洗钱考试:金融机构反洗钱考试卷及答案 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。

1、问答题 简述世界各国反洗钱监管的主要发展趋势。

本题答案: 2、单项选择题 办理指定交易,证券公司应当( )A.核对客户的有效身份证件或者其他身份证明文件。




本题答案: 3、单项选择题 委托第三方代为履行识别客户身份的,由谁承担未履行客户身份识别义务的责任?( )A.金融机构应当承担未履行客户身份识别义务的责任 B.第三方应当承担未履行客户身份识别义务的责任 C.金融机构和第三方共同承担未履行客户身份识别义务的责任 D.金融机构承担未履行客户身份识别义务的主要责任,第三方承担次要责任 本题答案: 4、问答题 简述客户身份识别的概念,及狭义客户身份识别和广义客户身份识别的含义。

本题答案:姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________--------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------5、判断题在发生洗钱案件时,金融机构的反洗钱内部控制制度往往成为行政机关和司法机关判断该金融机构和特定非金融机构有关工作人员是否承担相关法律责任的参考。





了解你的客户--反洗钱基础制度“了解你的客户”(Know You Customer,简称KYC,也称“尽职调查”、“合理审慎”)。











商业银行对信用卡申请客户、VIP高端客户采用的回访制度一方面是为客户提供良好、全方位的服务;另一方面亦是商业银行执行KYC 制度的体现。




通过 的 联 合 国禁 止 非 法贩 运 麻 醉 品和 精 神 药物 公 约 ) 简称 ) (
联 合 国 禁 毒 公 约 ) 2 0 年 l 月 1 和 00 1 51 过 的 《 合 国 打 击 3通 联 跨 国 有 组 织 犯 罪 公约 》 前 者 我 国 已于 l 8 。 9 9年 9月 41批 准 加 3 入 , 者 已 签署 了 公约 , 在 等待 全 国人 大 批准 。 联 合 国禁 后 正 《 毒 公 约 ) 主 要 内 容 有 : 确 了毒 品 洗 钱 的 含 义 、 求 各 缔 约 ) 的 明 要
国将 毒 品 洗 钱 行 为 确 定 为 刑 事 犯 罪 ; 确 规 定 了打 击 毒 品 洗 钱 明
心原 则 第 l 项 原 则指 出 : 行 监管 者 必须 确 定银 行具 有 完善 5 银 的政 策 、 法和 程 序 , 中包 括严 格 的 “ 做 其 了解 你 的客 户 ”的政
策 , 促 进 金融 部 门形 成较 高 的职 业 道德 和 专业 标 准 , 止银 以 防 行 有 意 或 无 意 地 被 犯 罪 分 子 利 用 。O 1 , 塞 尔 银 行 监 管 委 2O 年 巴 员 会 发 布 了 题 为 银 行 客 户 尽 职 调 查 的 咨 询 文 件 , 银 行 监 对 管 当 局 和 银 行 业 提 出 了更 加 具 体 的 对 客 户 尽 职 调 查 的 要 求 。
主 要 反 洗 钱 国 际 组 织
联 合 国 在 国 际 反 洗 钱 活 动 , 别是 反 毒 品 洗 钱 活 动 中 一 直 特 扮 演 着 先 驱 者 的 角 色 。 今 为 止 , 合 国 大 会 已 经 通 过 了 两 个 迄 联 与 反洗 钱 有关 的 公 约 , 各成 员国 签 署 , l8 年 l 月 l 供 即 98 2 9日







3. 在发生洗钱案件时,金融机构的反洗钱内部控制制度往往成为行政机关和司法机关判断该金融机构和特定非金融机构有关工作人员是否承担相关法律责任的参考。










答案或答题要点:V9. 《反洗钱法》的适用范围是国内金融机构和按照规定应当履行反洗钱义务的特定非金融机构。






中国反洗钱体系的构建策略一、关于“洗钱”的概念界定洗钱(money laundering)是指将各种违法所得及附带收益,通过各种手段隐瞒或掩饰起来,并使之在形式上合法化的行为和过程。















第一节 反洗钱国际合作概述
• 反洗钱国际合作的必要性 • 反洗钱国际合作的原则、形式和要求
金融行动特别工作组,全称是 “Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering”,简称“FATF”, 是由西方七国集团于1989年成立的专业 国际反洗钱组织。截止2007年6月,正 式成包括主要为美洲、欧洲和亚洲国际 金融中心的32个国家和地区和2个国际 组织-欧盟和海湾合作理事会。
பைடு நூலகம்基本合规
• 在反洗钱法律体系方面,《刑法》第191、312和349条规定的关系不清 晰,未能合理解释洗钱犯罪主体不包括上游犯罪人的法理基础,资助 恐怖活动犯罪规定的解释和适用不够具体,未能充分证明有关没收犯 罪所得及其收益法律制度的有效性,缺少针对涉恐资产的冻结措施的 明确法律规定等。
✓ 加勒比海金融行动特别工作组(CFATF)
✓ 亚太反洗钱小组(APG)
✓ 欧洲理事会反洗钱专家特别委员会 (Moneyval)
✓ 东南非反洗钱小组(ESAAMLG)
✓ 南美洲金融行动特别工作组(GAFISUD)
✓ 欧亚反洗钱及反恐融资小组(EAG)



巴塞尔银行监管委员会《关于防止犯罪分子利用银行系统洗钱的声明》(1998)Prevention of Criminal Use of the Banking System for the Purpose of Money-Laundering ( 1998)背景:巴塞尔银行监管委员会(以下简称委员会)的成员由西方10国集团(实际上是12个发达国家:比利时、加拿大、法国、德国、意大利、日本、荷兰、瑞典、瑞士、英国、美国和卢森堡)的中央银行和金融监管机构组成,于1975年成立。





Preamble[1]1. Banks and other financial institutions may be unwittingly[2] used as intermediaries for the transfer or deposit of funds derived from criminal activity. Criminals and their associates[3] use the financial system to make payments and transfers of funds from one account to another; to hide the source and beneficial ownership of money; and to provide storage for bank-notes through a safe deposit facility[4]. These activities are commonly referred to as money-laundering.2. Efforts undertaken hitherto[5] with the objective of preventing the banking system from being used in this way have largely been undertaken by judicial and regulatory agencies at national level. However, the increasing international dimension of organised criminal activity, notably in relation to the narcotics trade, has prompted[6] collaborative initiatives at the international level. One of the earliest such initiatives was undertaken by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe[7] in June 1980. In its report the Committee of Ministers concluded that "... the banking system can play a highly effective preventive role while the cooperation of the banks also assists in the repression[8] of such criminal acts by the judicial authorities and the police".In recent years the issue of how to prevent criminals laundering the proceeds of crime through the financial system has attracted increasing attention from legislative authorities, law enforcement agencies and banking supervisors in a number of countries.3. The various national banking supervisory authorities represented on the Basle Committee on Banking Regulations and Supervisory Practices[9] do not have the same roles and responsibilities in relation to the suppression of money-laundering. In some countries supervisors have a specific responsibility in this field; in others they may have no direct responsibility. This reflects the role of banking supervision, the primary function of which is to maintain the overall financial stability and soundness of banks rather than to ensure that individual transactions conducted by bank customers are legitimate. Nevertheless, despite the limits in some countries on their specific responsibility, all members of the Committee firmly believe that supervisors cannot be indifferent to the use made of banks by criminals.4. Public confidence in banks, and hence their stability, can be undermined by adverse publicity asa result of inadvertent[10] association by banks with criminals. In addition, banks may lay themselves open to direct losses from fraud, either through negligence in screening[11] undesirable customers or where the integrity of their own officers has been undermined through association with criminals. For these reasons the members of the Basle Committee consider that banking supervisors have a general role to encourage ethical standards of professional conduct among banks and other financial institutions.5. The Committee believes that one way to promote this objective, consistent with differences in national supervisory practice, is to obtain international agreement to a Statement of Principles[12] to which financial institutions should be expected to adhere.6. The attached Statement is a general statement of ethical principles which encourages banks’ management to put in place effective procedures to ensure that all persons conducting business with their institutions are properly identified; that transactions that do not appear legitimate are discouraged; and that cooperation with law enforcement agencies is achieved. The Statement is not a legal document and its implementation will depend on national practice and law. In particular, it should be noted that in some countries banks may be subject to additional more stringent[13] legal regulations in this field and the Statement is not intended to replace or diminish those requirements. Whatever the legal position in different countries, the Committee considers that the first and most important safeguard against money-laundering is the integrity of banks’ own managements and their vigilant[14] determination to prevent their institutions becoming associated with criminals or being used as a channel for money-laundering. The Statement is intended to reinforce those standards of conduct.7. The supervisory authorities represented on the Committee support the principles set out in the Statement. To the extent that these matters fall within the competence of supervisory authorities in different member countries, the authorities will recommend and encourage all banks to adopt policies and practices consistent with the Statement. With a view to its acceptance worldwide, the Committee would also commend the Statement to supervisory authorities in other countries.Statement of PrinciplesI. PurposeBanks and other financial institutions may unwittingly be used as intermediaries for the transfer or deposit of money derived from criminal activity. The intention behind such transactions is often to hide the beneficial ownership of funds. The use of the financial system in this way is of direct concern to police and other law enforcement agencies; it is also a matter of concern to banking supervisors and banks’ managements, since public confidence in banks may be undermined through their association with criminals.This Statement of Principles is intended to outline some basic policies and procedures that banks’ managements should ensure are in place within their institutions with a view to assisting in thesuppression of money-laundering through the banking system, national and international. The Statement thus sets out to reinforce existing best practices among banks and, specifically, to encourage vigilance against criminal use of the payments system, implementation by banks of effective preventive safeguards, and cooperation with law enforcement agencies.II. Customer identificationWith a view to ensuring that the financial system is not used as a channel for criminal funds, banks should make reasonable efforts to determine the true identity of all customers requesting the institution’s services. Particular care should be taken to identify the ownership of all accounts and those using safe-custody facilities[15]. All banks should institute effective procedures for obtaining identification from new customers. It should be an explicit policy that significant business transactions will not be conducted with customers who fail to provide evidence of their identity.III. Compliance with lawsBanks’ management should ensure that business is conducted in conformity with high ethical standards and that laws and regulations pertaining[16] to financial transactions are adhered to. As regards transactions executed on behalf of customers, it is accepted that banks may have no means of knowing whether the transaction stems from or forms part of criminal activity. Similarly, in an international context it may be difficult to ensure that cross-border transactions on behalf of customers are in compliance with the regulations of another country. Nevertheless, banks should not set out to offer services or provide active assistance in transactions which they have good reason to suppose are associated with money-laundering activities.IV. Cooperation with law enforcement authoritiesBanks should cooperate fully with national law enforcement authorities to the extent permitted by specific local regulations relating to customer confidentiality. Care should be taken to avoid providing support or assistance to customers seeking to deceive law enforcement agencies through the provision of altered, incomplete or misleading information. Where banks become aware of facts which lead to the reasonable presumption that money held on deposit derives from criminal activity or that transactions entered into are themselves criminal in purpose, appropriate measures, consistent with the law, should be taken, for example, to deny assistance, sever relations with the customer and close or freeze accounts.[17]V. Adherence to the StatementAll banks should formally adopt policies consistent with the principles set out in this Statement and should ensure that all members of their staff concerned, wherever located, are informed of the bank’s policy in this regard. Atte ntion should be given to staff training in matters covered by the Statement. To promote adherence to these principles, banks should implement specific procedures for customer identification and for retaining internal records of transactions. Arrangements forinternal audit may need to be extended in order to establish an effective means of testing for general compliance with the Statement.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1] preamble[pri:5Ambl] 前言,序文[2] unwittingly[Qn5witiNli] 不知情地,无意地[3] associate[E5sEuFieit] 同伙[4] safe deposit facility:保险箱业务[5] hitherto[7hiTE5tu:] 迄今为止[6] prompt[prCmpt] 促使[7] committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe:欧洲理事会部长委员会[8] repression[ri5preFEn] 抑制[9] basle Committee on Banking Regulations and Supervisory Practices:巴塞尔银行规则和监管事务委员会[10] inadvertent[7inEd5vE:tEnt] 无意的[11] screen[skri:n] 审查,筛选[12] Statement of Principles:原则声明[13] stringent[5strindVEnt] 迫切的,严格的[14] vigilant[5vidVilEnt] 警醒的,警惕的[15] safe-custody facilities:保管箱业务,银行提供给客户的除了存贷款以外的一种中间业务[16] pertaining[pE(:)5teiniN] 附属,属于,关于[17] Where banks become aware of facts ……close or freeze accounts:当银行得知可以从中推断存款资金可能源自犯罪或参与交易本身就是犯罪的事实时,它应根据法律的规定采取适当的措施,如拒绝协助、断绝与客户的关系和关闭或冻结账户。



反洗钱考试:经融系统反洗钱知识竞赛考考试题模拟考试 考试时间:120分钟 考试总分:100分遵守考场纪律,维护知识尊严,杜绝违纪行为,确保考试结果公正。

1、判断题 客户先前提交的身份证件或者身份证明文件已过有效期的,客户没有在合理期限内更新且没有提出合理理由的,金融机构应终止与客户的关系。

本题答案: 2、问答题 《关于洗钱问题的四十项建议》中“政界名流”含义是什么? 本题答案: 3、判断题 现场检查意见告知书,经本行行长或副行长批准后,送交被查单位。

本题答案: 4、单项选择题 对于未按照规定保存客户身份资料的金融机构,中国人民银行可以( )A.处二十万元以上五十万元以下罚款 B.责令限期改正 C.对直接负责的董事、高级管理人员和其他直接责任人员,处五万元以上十万元以下罚款 D.对直接负责的董事、高级管理人员和其他直接责任人员,处五万元以上二十万元以下罚款 本题答案:姓名:________________ 班级:________________ 学号:________________ --------------------密----------------------------------封 ----------------------------------------------线----------------------5、多项选择题洗钱的三个阶段包括()A.放置阶段B.处置阶段C.离析阶段D.分析阶段E.融合阶段本题答案:6、单项选择题在为客户进行一次性金融服务时,要求将()金额以上美元现钞兑换成人民币时,应识别客户身份,了解实际控制客户的自然人和交易的实际受益人,核对客户的有效身份证件或者其他身份证明文件,登记客户身份基本信息,并留存有效身份证件或者其他身份证明文件的复印件或影印件?A.一百美元B.一千美元。






2. Efforts undertaken hitherto[5] with the objective of preventing the banking system from being used in this way have largely been undertaken by judicial and regulatory agencies at national level. However, the increasing international dimension of organised criminal activity, notably in relation to the narcotics trade, has prompted[6] collaborative initiatives at the international level. One of the earliest such initiatives was undertaken by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe[7] in June 1980. In its report the Committee of Ministers concluded that "... the banking system can play a highly effective preventive role while the cooperation of the banks also assists in the repression[8] of such criminal acts by the judicial authorities and the police".In recent years the issue of how to prevent criminals laundering the proceeds of crime through the financial system has attracted increasing attention from legislative authorities, law enforcement agencies and banking supervisors in a number of countries.



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•银行经营管理•耐期反洗钱中客户身份识别的分析研究■中国农业银行审计局直属分局李春生刘灵芝张洋摘要:《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》修改工作已经启动,反洗钱工作已纳入国务院金融委议事日程,研究 反洗钱中客户身份识别非常重要。



关键词:反洗钱;银行机构;客户身份识别;问题;建议中图分类号:F832.33 文献标识码:A文章编号:10〇4-4817 (2〇20) 06-0〇45-〇5DOI:10.16678/ki.42-1864/f.2020.06.009随着《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》修改工作正 式启动,我国反洗钱工作纳入国务院金融委议事曰 程,监管对金融机构的反洗钱工作愈发重视。

同时,我国不断加大对反洗钱的违规处罚力度,今年的季 度处罚金额再创新高,单笔罚单最高金额不断刷 新。

对客户身份进行识别是反洗钱业务的基础,是 防范洗钱风险的首道屏障。

我们就此分析研宄了 美国、德国、英国的反洗钱客户身份识别制度建设 概况和目前我国银行机构客户身份识别工作存在 的问题及成因,并结合审计工作实践,谈一些建议。

_、美德英国KYC制度建设概况及我国监管处罚情况“金融机构应当按照规定建立客户身份识别 制度。

金融机构在与客户建立业务关系或者为客 户提供规定金额以上的现金汇款、现钞兑换、票 据兑付等一次性金融服务时,应当要求客户出示 真实有效的身份证件或者其他身份证明文件,进 行核对并登记。

”所以我们认为,客户身份识别的 概念应该有狭义概念和广义概念,狭义的“客户 身份识别”是指金融机构在与客户建立业务关系 时,根据法定的有效身份证件或者其他身份证明文件,确定客户真实身份的一种制度。

广义的“客 户身份识别”,又称“了解你的客户”(Know Your Customer,简称KYC),既是指完整有效的了解客 户身份信息,又是指核实客户职业情况、经营收 入、资金状况等,同时也包括客户等级划分、客 户相关交易及交易对象情况等。

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巴塞尔银行监管委员会《关于防止犯罪分子利用银行系统洗钱的声明》(1998)Prevention of Criminal Use of the Banking System For the Purpose of Money-Laundering ( 1998)背景:巴塞尔银行监管委员会(以下简称委员会)的成员由西方10国集团(实际上是12个发达国家:比利时、加拿大、法国、德国、意大利、日本、荷兰、瑞典、瑞士、英国、美国和卢森堡)的中央银行和金融监管机构组成,于1975年成立。





Preamble[1]1. Banks and other financial institutions may be unwittingly[2] used as intermediaries for the transfer or deposit of funds derived from criminal activity. Criminals and their associates[3] use the financial system to make payments and transfers of funds from one account to another; to hide the source and beneficial ownership of money; and to provide storage for bank-notes through a safe deposit facility[4]. These activities are commonly referred to as money-laundering.2. Efforts undertaken hitherto[5] with the objective of preventing the banking system from being used in this way have largely been undertaken by judicial and regulatory agencies at national level. However, the increasing international dimension of organised criminal activity,notably in relation to the narcotics trade, has prompted[6] collaborative initiatives at the international level. One of the earliest such initiatives was undertaken by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe[7] in June 1980. In its report the Committee of Ministers concluded that "... the banking system can play a highly effective preventive role while the cooperation of the banks also assists in the repression[8] of such criminal acts by the judicial authorities and the police".In recent years the issue of how to prevent criminals laundering the proceeds of crime through the financial system has attracted increasing attention from legislative authorities, law enforcement agencies and banking supervisors in a number of countries.3. The various national banking supervisory authorities represented on the Basle Committee on Banking Regulations and Supervisory Practices[9] do not have the same roles and responsibilities in relation to the suppression of money-laundering. In some countries supervisors have a specific responsibility in this field; in others they may have no direct responsibility. This reflects the role of banking supervision, the primary function of which is to maintain the overall financial stability and soundness of banks rather than to ensure that individual transactions conducted by bank customers are legitimate. Nevertheless, despite the limits in some countries on their specific responsibility, all members of the Committee firmly believe that supervisors cannot be indifferent to the use made of banks by criminals.4. Public confidence in banks, and hence their stability, can be undermined by adverse publicity as a result of inadvertent[10] association by banks with criminals. In addition, banks may lay themselves open to direct losses from fraud, either through negligence in screening[11] undesirable customers or where the integrity of their own officers has been undermined through association with criminals. For these reasons the members of the Basle Committee consider that banking supervisors have a general role to encourage ethical standards of professional conduct among banks and other financial institutions.5. The Committee believes that one way to promote this objective, consistent with differences in national supervisory practice, is to obtain international agreement to a Statement of Principles[12] to which financial institutions should be expected to adhere.6. The attached Statement is a general statement of ethical principles which encourages banks’ management to put in place effective procedures to ensure that all persons conducting business with their institutions are properly identified; that transactions that do not appear legitimate are discouraged; and that cooperation with law enforcement agencies is achieved. The Statement is not a legal document and its implementation will depend on national practice and law.In particular, it should be noted that in some countries banks may be subject to additional more stringent[13] legal regulations in this field and the Statement is not intended to replace or diminish those requirements. Whatever the legal position in different countries, the Committee considers that the first and most important safeguard against money-laundering is the integrity of banks’ own managements and their vigilant[14] determination to prevent their institutions becoming associated with criminals or being used as a channel for money-laundering. The Statement is intended to reinforce those standards of conduct.7. The supervisory authorities represented on the Committee support the principles set out in the Statement. To the extent that these matters fall within the competence of supervisory authorities in different member countries, the authorities will recommend and encourage all banks to adopt policies and practices consistent with the Statement. With a view to its acceptance worldwide, the Committee would also commend the Statement to supervisory authorities in other countries.Statement of PrinciplesI. PurposeBanks and other financial institutions may unwittingly be used as intermediaries for the transfer or deposit of money derived from criminal activity. The intention behind such transactions is often to hide the beneficial ownership of funds. The use of the financial system in this way is of direct concern to police and other law enforcement agencies; it is also a matter of concern to banking supervisors and banks’ managements, since public confidence in banks may be undermined through their association with criminals.This Statement of Principles is intended to outline some basic policies and pro cedures that banks’ managements should ensure are in place within their institutions with a view to assisting in the suppression of money-laundering through the banking system, national and international. The Statement thus sets out to reinforce existing best practices among banks and, specifically, to encourage vigilance against criminal use of the payments system, implementation by banks of effective preventive safeguards, and cooperation with law enforcement agencies.II. Customer identificationWith a view to ensuring that the financial system is not used as a channel for criminal funds, banks should make reasonable efforts to determine the true identity of all customers requesting the institution’s services. Particular care should be taken t o identify the ownership of all accounts and those using safe-custody facilities[15]. All banks should institute effective procedures for obtaining identification from new customers. It should be an explicit policy that significant business transactions will not be conducted with customers who fail to provide evidence of their identity.III. Compliance with lawsBanks’ management should ensure that business is conducted in conformity with high ethical standards and that laws and regulations pertaining[16] to financial transactions are adhered to. As regards transactions executed on behalf of customers, it is accepted that banks may have no means of knowing whether the transaction stems from or forms part of criminal activity. Similarly, in an international context it may be difficult to ensure that cross-border transactions on behalf of customers are in compliance with the regulations of another country. Nevertheless, banks should not set out to offer services or provide active assistance in transactions which they have good reason to suppose are associated with money-laundering activities.IV. Cooperation with law enforcement authoritiesBanks should cooperate fully with national law enforcement authorities to the extent permitted by specific local regulations relating to customer confidentiality. Care should be taken to avoid providing support or assistance to customers seeking to deceive law enforcement agencies through the provision of altered, incomplete or misleading information. Where banks become aware of facts which lead to the reasonable presumption that money held on deposit derives from criminal activity or that transactions entered into are themselves criminal in purpose, appropriate measures, consistent with the law, should be taken, for example, to deny assistance, sever relations with the customer and close or freeze accounts.[17]V. Adherence to the StatementAll banks should formally adopt policies consistent with the principles set out in this Statement and should ensure that all members of their staff concerned, wherever located, are informed of the bank’s policy in this regard. Attention should be given to staff training in matters covered by the Statement. To promote adherence to these principles, banks should implement specific procedures for customer identification and for retaining internal records of transactions. Arrangements for internal audit may need to be extended in order to establish an effective means of testing for general compliance with the Statement.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[1] preamble[pri:5Ambl] 前言,序文[2] unwittingly[Qn5witiNli] 不知情地,无意地[3] associate[E5sEuFieit] 同伙[4] safe deposit facility:保险箱业务[5] hitherto[7hiTE5tu:] 迄今为止[6] prompt[prCmpt] 促使[7] committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe:欧洲理事会部长委员会[8] repression[ri5preFEn] 抑制[9] basle Committee on Banking Regulations and Supervisory Practices:巴塞尔银行规则和监管事务委员会[10] inadvertent[7inEd5vE:tEnt] 无意的[11] screen[skri:n] 审查,筛选[12] Statement of Principles:原则声明[13] stringent[5strindVEnt] 迫切的,严格的[14] vigilant[5vidVilEnt] 警醒的,警惕的[15] safe-custody facilities:保管箱业务,银行提供给客户的除了存贷款以外的一种中间业务[16] pertaining[pE(:)5teiniN] 附属,属于,关于[17] Where banks become aware of facts ……close or freeze accounts:当银行得知可以从中推断存款资金可能源自犯罪或参与交易本身就是犯罪的事实时,它应根据法律的规定采取适当的措施,如拒绝协助、断绝与客户的关系和关闭或冻结账户。
